#kihyun headcanon
pillowxtalk · 2 months
★★ (Kihyun)
Send me a ★ for an IC fact or send me a ☆ for an OOC fact.
★ - Kihyun is good at games.
★ - He likes soju, beer and a mixture of both.
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nakakitty · 2 years
oieee, vc escreve com o monsta né? vi que pediu sugestão de headcannon e eu tenho mta vontade de ler algo sobre como eles seriam como melhores amigos. se for tudo okay, vc pode fazer? 🤩
Desculpa a demora, flor! Espero que goste ❤
Monsta X como melhores amigos (bônus com Wonho)
Minhyuk: Melhor amigo cuja relação é baseada no seguinte: Ele te dá um conselho, você não segue, ele fica putinho e sempre limpa suas cagadas. Mas o mesmo acontece com você, porque ele tá sempre fazendo tudo com a cabeça quente, e quando ele se mete em briga porque é esquentadinho, você que resolve as tretas. Se conheceram no ensino fundamental porque uns garotos vieram brigar com você do nada e ele achou super injusto, ficou putinho. "Tá vendo, garota? Eu te falei que não era bom você ficar com cara comprometido, mas você não me ouve." "Cala a boca, eu não sabia que ele namorava. E você que ia bater nele porque ele não tinha me contado!"
Jooheon: Melhor amigo baladeiro, sabe onde tem rolê qualquer dia, e acredite, os rolês são sempre inequecíveis, um melhor que o outro, mas ao mesmo tempo, vocês sempre se metem em enrascadas. Quando levou ele pro Brasil, ele entrou num bailão na Zona Sul do Rio de Janeiro e foi parar em São Paulo porque se meteu com mina de traficante. Se conheceram numa festinha de aniversário de um amiguinho que vocês tinham em comum quando crianças. Você não conhecia muita gente além do anfitrião então ele quis socializar com você, e daí pra frente é pro resto da vida. "CORRE, CORRE, CORRE, MINHA FILHA!" "O QUE VOCÊ FEZ, JOOHONEY?" "TAQUEI UMA PEDRA NA JANELA DA VIZINHA"
Shownu: O melhor amigo que é seu melhor amigo, melhor amigo da sua mãe e que mais age como seu irmão/pai e muita gente já perguntou se vocês namoram porque passam muito tempo juntos e sua mãe já conhece ele. Ele tá sempre cuidando de você, assim como o Minhyuk, ele te dá conselhos e quando você não segue, ele não fica puto, mas dependendo do resultado ele diz um 'eu te avisei' ou te abraça falando que é pra não acontecer esse tipo de coisa que você deve seguir os conselhos dele. Se conheceram porque ele, como uma criança gentil, pediu para ajudar sua mãe já que ela carregava algumas sacolas um pouco pesadas e ela achou isso super fofo e já quis que se conhecessem. "Ô meu bebê, abre a boquinha porque lá vai o aviãozinho~" "Shownu, qual é, eu já sou adulta" "O bebê não quer o aviãozinho? :(" "Tá..."
Kihyun: Melhor amigo estiloso, tão estiloso que tu olha pra ele e se sente desarrumada, mesmo estando mais arrumada que ele. O bichinho tá sempre tendo o coração partido pelas mina, então quando você chama ele pra uma festa, tem que cuidar ou ele apaixona na primeira garota que ver. Se conheceram no jardim de infância, ele deu uma florzinha pra você e você aceitou porque achou fofo e desde então não se desgrudaram mais (há quem diga que ele tenha uma quedinha por você) "Eu sou tão ruim assim, _____?" "Não, ela que é babaca" "Eu sou bom o suficiente pra você? 🥺"
Hyungwon: Melhor amigo que vai às compras com você, tem sempre uma fofoca na ponta da língua, e vocês são o sinônimo de carne e unha, até moram juntos. Hyungwon é aquele amigo que a QUALQUER MOMENTO, pode chegar mandando uma mensagem do tipo: "Bisha, nem te conto, tá sabendo do rolê da Jéssica? Menina, o buraco é mais fundo vius, tô indo aí pra te contar." "Hyungwon, você não tá trabalhando?" "E por acaso tem hora pra fofoca?" Se conheceram no ensino médio, você achava que ele te odiava porque olhava pra você debochando, mas era só impressão porque ele olha assim pra todo mundo.
Changkyun: O Changkyun é o melhor amigo gostoso que você olha e pensa Meu Deus, meu senhor, me ajuda. O jeito que se conheceram foi engraçado: Ele se interessou por você no ensino médio, ficou investindo e você fugia mais do que diabo foge da cruz, até que saíram pela primeira vez. Ele sempre te achou atraente, mas no primeiro encontro que tiveram, viu o quão amigável você é e acabou se tornando seu melhor amigo. Vocês tem essa amizade com benefícios desde então, e consideram dar um passo a mais, mas tem medo de estragar a amizade. "Sou bonito, sou gostoso, jogo bola e danço" "Changkyun, você não joga bola, não que eu saiba." "Mas eu sou bonito, sou gostoso e danço"
Wonho: Wonho tem aquela personalidade Golden Retriever boy né? aiai, juro pra vocês, ser melhor amiga dele deve ser tudo de bom, assim como os outros, mas o Wonho é tão fofo, tão calmo, deve ser um bebêzão, melhor amigo do tipo que você manda uma mensagem numa sexta a noite perguntando se ele tem companhia, e mesmo se ele tiver, ele vai direto pra sua casa, faz um jantar pra você e vocês passam a noite juntos vendo Barbie (sim, eu me imagino assim) "A gente pode assistir Monster High também?" "Tá bom, você escolhe" "E pode ligar a luz? Tenho um pouquinho de medo do escuro" Vocês eram vizinhos e um dia ele caiu da bicicletinha dele e machucou o joelho, e você ajudou ele. Ele te viu como uma proteção e um porto seguro, e agora são melhores amigos.
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tinytinyblogs · 9 months
Changkyun As Your Boyfriend
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(n.) A person who 90% of the time annoy you, and 10% of the time makes you forget the 90%
Monsta x masterlist here
When you and Changkyun get a couple tattoo, he will love to touch it and take cute pictures of the two of you together. He will even set your couple photos as his lockscreen, and he will smile widely every time he opens his phone. He will be so proud of your couple tattoo, and he will love to show it off to everyone. He will tell everyone how much he loves you, and he will always be grateful for the special bond that you share. Your couple tattoo will be a constant reminder of your love for each other, and it will bring you closer together. It will be a symbol of your commitment to each other, and it will be a source of happiness for both of you.
He will set his photos as your lockscreen without you knowing it. and once you open your phone and you will see his face smiling back at you. You will be surprised and touched by his gesture, and you will know that he loves you very much. He will do this because he wants to be the first thing you see when you wake up and the last thing you see before you go to sleep. He wants you to think of him every time you use your phone. When you see his face on your lockscreen, you will feel loved and appreciated. You will know that he is thinking of you, and you will feel closer to him.
He loves to send you cute texts, asking you about your day and telling you how much he misses you. He will often start his texts with "How was your day, baby?" or "I miss you so much." He will also tell you to take care of yourself and to eat and rest. He knows that you are busy, but he wants to make sure that you are taking care of yourself. He wants you to be happy and healthy, and he will always be there for you. His texts are always full of love and affection. He will often use pet names like "baby" or "honey" to show how much he cares about you. He will also send you pictures or videos of himself to make you smile.
He will prepare a date with you, making sure that he doesn't mess up. Even though you've been together for more than a year, he will still be nervous. He will want to make this date perfect for you, and he will want to show you how much he loves you. He will start by planning the perfect location. He will want to take you somewhere that is special to both of you, or somewhere that he knows you will love. He will also plan the perfect activities, making sure that you will have a fun and memorable time. On the day of the date, he will be so nervous that he might even be shaking. But he will take a deep breath and remind himself that he loves you and that you will love the date. During the date, he will tell you how much he loves you and how lucky he feels to be with you. He will also let you hear a song that he created for you. The song will be a beautiful expression of his love, and it will make you feel so special. By the end of the date, you will know how deep his feelings are for you. You will also know that he is the one for you.
He will give you sudden hugs everywhere when he feels like he wants to. This man will be so soft only for you. Sometimes, he will hug you from behind when you are cooking in the kitchen. Other times, he will hug you from the front when you are sitting on the couch watching a movie. He might even hug you from the side when you are walking down the street. No matter where he hugs you, you will feel his love and affection. He will hold you tightly and squeeze you gently. He will whisper sweet nothings in your ear and tell you how much he loves you. You will melt in his arms every time he hugs you. You will feel so safe and secure, and you will know that you are loved. Changkyun is a soft-hearted man, but he is only soft for you. He is strong and protective with everyone else, but he is gentle and loving with you. He knows that you are his soft spot, and he cherishes you more than anything in the world. If you are lucky enough to have Changkyun in your life, cherish him. He is a rare gem, and he will love you unconditionally.
Every time he sees you, he greets you with his lovely smile and says, "Miss me?" He knows that his smile makes you blush, and he loves to see your face turn red as a tomato. Changkyun's smile is one of the things that you love most about him. It's so genuine and heartwarming, and it always makes you feel happy. He is a truly kind and loving person, and you are so lucky to have him in your life.
This man is smart, you will wonder how he can be so smart. He reads you like he reads a book. He understands you and all your problems really well. You don't need to hide anything from him, he'll know right away when you're not in good condition. He can tell when you're feeling down, even if you try to hide it. He can see the changes in your body language, and he can hear the changes in your tone of voice. He knows you better than you know yourself, and he always knows how to make you feel better. He is always there for you, no matter what. He will listen to you when you need to talk, and he will offer you his advice. He will never judge you, and he will always be there to support you. You are so lucky to have him in your life. He is a true friend, a loving partner, and a wise advisor. You can always count on him, and he will always be there for you.
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spacequokka · 1 year
Monsta X Kinks & Turn-Ons
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@iibonniee​ Hide ya brain cells. I’m back with another kinky shit post that’ll likely end up with Monbebes throwing me in a closet.
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Hyunwoo || Venus: Gemini, Mars: Taurus || Turn On: Control
Mr. Traditional. Likes fun and variety with witty conversation. He’s a sensual guy, but it takes a lot to get him going. Try harder, baby. He can be romantically impulsive. Likes to please and tease at his own place. Just give him the reins, you know you want to.
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Minhyuk || Venus: Libra, Mars: Scorpio || Turn On: Foreplay
Mr. Idealistic. He’s willing to make your relationship by conceding and adjust his life to accommodate you. Loves to share everything with you, but don’t take advantage of it! Treats you exactly how he wants to be treated. Has a taste for mature partners. He’s a hopeless romantic who loves a challenge and finds it difficult to share his partners. Not saying he’s against it. Just might struggle to watch you. He’s attracted to “taboos” and wild fantasies, so share yours with him. Pretty sure he’s down to try it. He’s got stamina for days and enjoys submissive partners.
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Kihyun || Venus: Scorpio, Mars: Sagittarius || Kink: Shibari Bondage
Our resident kink master. He’s intense as fuck. That prince charming grin is a trap. “Isn’t afraid of getting his mind dirty.” Excuse me, wtf. Penny for his thoughts. Never gives up. “Strong sexual powers.” So he’s what, the Harry Potter of sex? I have several questions. He’s blunt and eager, amorous and sensual. We knew that tho. He tends to focus on his partner with laser precision and you know what requires that much attention to detail? Shibari. It’s its own art form and I can see him being a HUGE fan of it. He can get possessive to the point of jealousy if you don’t prove your loyalty to him. All the dom vibes. Fight me. Though he’s not incapable of giving you control once he feels secure enough in your relationship. Good luck.
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Hyungwon || Venus: Capricorn, Mars: Capricorn || Turn On: Someone willing to ride
The Pillow Prince. He’s a realist and will be “upfront” with you. He’ll try to win you over by showing you he has self-control (it’s a trap) and likely bait you into doing most of the work. He’s a romantic looking for a soulmate, and when he thinks he’s found The One, you’ll see him exerting more of his precious energy. Shy but willing to commit. Wants to show you off in a quiet way. And the sex? Keep it nasty if you can.
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Jooheon || Venus: Scorpio, Mars: Leo || Kink: Praise (Receiving)
No one is shocked by this. Has a strong need for a partnership. 🥺 Someone cuff him. Like Kiki, he gets possessive and makes it his mission to ruin you. Get you addicted to him through pleasure and commitment, body and soul. Sign me tf up. Wants to explore every inch of you, inside and out, but will guard his secrets until he feels he can trust you with them. Another guy prone to jealousy but it's because he’s so devoted to you and he’ll fight dirty to win your heart. Borderline nympho as he’s easily turned on (no fr, tell him he did a good job) and will give it to you anywhere (like, say the backseat of his car). Honey acts with his heart and goes all in.
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Changkyun || Venus: Pisces, Mars: Aquarius || Turn On: The Art of Seduction
Our Lone Wolf favors instant gratification except when it comes to choosing a partner, even if it's just for one night. He’s straightforward (ofc), dreamy and soft-hearted. Can be sweetly playful when he starts to fall for you. He does have a Captain Save-a-Hoe complex so you gotta make sure he’s attracted to you and not your situation. Expect lots of tender moments and romance. Extra points if you’re older. Likes surprising you with his open-mindedness. Don’t just give in; make him work for it. He’ll delight you with his wit and determination and turn you out in bed.
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Hoseok || Venus: Aries, Mars: Cancer || Kink: Breeding, Switch
Mr. Thirst Trap. This shameless flirt has a childish charm, and he uses it like a weapon. You will not survive. He loves to tease and is looking for an energetic partner to keep up with his stamina. Requires plenty of stimulation and likes to lead and please you. Just trust him. Reacts spontaneously and intensely to the Object of Obsessive Horniness and will make it known. Though he doesn’t want kids, he still gets a kick out of the thrill and possessiveness of stuffing you with cum. 
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taexual · 2 years
monsta x / fake dating
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warning: bullet points because it’s the only thing stopping me from writing 7 full-length fics. these are still long, though. lower-case intended.
requested by @sweeticeream​​.
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↣ shownu
frankly, you probably didn’t know hyunwoo well enough to ask him this, but he was the only guy friend you had (even if you only knew him for a little less than 4 months)
when you brought the idea of fake-dating up to him, he was very ?? about it
why don’t you just date someone (him) for real?
you regretted bringing this up as soon as you saw the confusion in his eyes
so you went into a whole frenzy, trying to justify your decision to fake-date, all so you wouldn’t come off as crazy as you felt
and after you started to explain it more, he got far too lost in the passion in your eyes, so he just said yes
sure, he’ll pretend to be your date to this family event in exchange for good food and great company
which meant home-made dishes and an endless stream of grandmothers, exclaiming “who’s this handsome young man?!” whenever he walked into the room with you
it was a nice ego boost and he got to hold your hand the whole night, which was nice, too (because you had soft skin, that’s all, no other reason whatsoever)
you weren’t worried about what would happen once the night ended because your family only got together once every decade
but by a stroke of disaster, four of your cousins (some of them twice removed; you’d never even seen them before tonight) announced they were getting married later this year
and, of course, they hoped you and hyunwoo would come to the wedding
the two of you smiled and nodded and acted in love
but as soon as the night ended, you told hyunwoo he didn’t have to come to any other event with you
there was only so much food you could bribe him with before you started to feel awful for dragging him here
but hyunwoo gave you a look and replied, completely seriously, “i don’t know what you’re talking about, i had a nice time tonight. your family’s great.”
that definitely made you feel less terrible when you asked him, “so you wouldn’t mind going to one of those weddings with me as my fake-boyfriend?”
you laughed as you said it, trying to make it seem more like a joke than a serious suggestion, so he wouldn’t feel bad about having to turn you down
but hyunwoo didn’t feel bad in the slightest when he said, “oh, no. i would mind.”
so, that was that, then
“oh, well, it’s okay. i told you, you don’t have to go with me—”
“i want to go with you as your actual boyfriend.”
yeah, fuck it. he may not have been able to look at you as he said it, but he didn’t really see a point to fake-date you when really dating you seemed like a much better alternative
↣ wonho
it was supposed to be mutually beneficial for you both
a classic let’s-pretend-to-date-to-make-our-exes-jealous plot
and then somewhere along the way, hoseok kind of forgot that this was supposed to be all pretend?
he’d keep on holding your hand even when it was just you two in the room
or he’d still kiss your cheek when he stood up from the couch to grab something, even though there was no one to prove a point to
and okay, at first, you didn’t realize there was anything wrong with that
but then you ran into your ex without hoseok around, and he asked, “so where’s your boyfriend?”
and you didn’t even care about the envy in his voice as you told him about how much hoseok had been working lately and how you hadn’t gotten to see him a lot
and there it was
the realization that you really cared more about spending time with hoseok than about making your ex jealous
god, it was so awkward bringing this up to hoseok, though
“so, hey, do you think it worked?” you asked him that same night once your conversation (sort of) turned to your exes
he wasn’t following, “what do you mean?”
cringing now, you tried to make this sound less childish, “well, you know. getting a reaction out of—”
“oh, that.”
honestly, for a minute there, you worried hoseok was about to say that it had worked and that he was back together with his ex now
but then he just chuckled nervously and admitted, “honestly, i’ve kind of forgotten all about that.”
oh, well okay, but what does that mean????
your heart feels like it’s about to leap out of your chest as you wait for him to say something else
something that would, hopefully, make the state of your relationship a little more clear
but then hoseok just went, “so, how do you feel about ordering pizza tonight? my fridge is empty,” and that was it
so, yeah, idk, i guess you’re dating for real now? 🤷🏻‍♀️
↣ minhyuk
honestly, this was supposed to be just a joke
everyone always kept teasing you about how you spent so much time together, “it was time you started to date”
so minhyuk finally just shrugged, took your hand in his, and declared, “we already are”
it was mostly meant to make your friends uncomfortable
like, okay, they couldn’t stop teasing you about how close you were? then you’ll show them just how much closer you could be
but although your friends did squirm, and their teasing did turn into complaining within a few days of this
you felt like you were the one who felt the weirdest
because, fine, when it came down to it, maybe you did have a little crush on minhyuk
it was barely there, though!
you never even thought of it as a serious crush, you just found him attractive is all
but then he was suddenly glued to your side, always touching, always smiling and glancing over at you
and yeah, it’s definitely a crush now
and thing is, this doesn’t feel fake!
minhyuk went out of his way with the pda, all to make your friends cringe
but did he really have to call and text you every night before going to sleep just to say goodnight and wish you sweet dreams??
did he really have to remember every little thing that you’ve ever told him, even if you couldn’t remember saying it??
alright, to be fair, minhyuk realized he didn’t need to do those things, he was just taking full advantage of his position as your fake-boyfriend
and your friends’ teasing had not been baseless; clearly, there was something there between you and him
so, somewhere along the way, the fake dating seamlessly morphed into serious dating
your friends hadn’t even realized that “he’s my boyfriend” used to be a joke, but now you were no longer kidding
except, at times, when minhyuk was using his boyfriend status as an excuse to drag you to a yet another dreadfully boring event with him
he’d always use the boyfriend card
“how can you say no to me, Your Boyfriend™??”
and you’d always remind him, “well, technically, you never asked me out on a date, so i don’t know where you’re getting this from”
he’d give you a look and a sarcastic laugh
but he wasn’t too wounded by this because he was too busy wondering if you’d still say the same thing when he eventually used the “since i’m your boyfriend” technique to ask you to spend the rest of your life with him
↣ kihyun
okay, now, you weren’t supposed to start fake-dating
you just happened to be standing next to each other at a party when the guy who was relentlessly hitting on you the entire night, walked by and did a double-take
he stopped in front of you two, scratched his chin thoughtfully, and then said, very accusingly, “you should have told me you didn’t want to go on a date with me because you already had a boyfriend”
(really, you didn’t want to go on a date with him because he was a disgusting pig, but whatever gets him through the night)
and kihyun – who’s, really, more of a friend-of-a-friend than a boyfriend to you – was already opening his mouth to refute this
until you grabbed his hand and whispered a hushed, “why don’t we let him believe that?”
and you obviously didn’t mean that as a prank
kihyun could tell from the look in your eyes that you needed this guy to finally get lost, you weren’t just joking around
so he cleared his throat, got his hand out from your grip and placed it around your shoulders, bringing you closer
and then he stuck his chin out at the guy, “yeah, she has a boyfriend.”
partially cringing, you glared at the guy one more time – not that it did much; he was immune to all deadly looks – and he finally shrugged and walked away
you thanked kihyun, apologized, stammered awkwardly for another minute, and walked away, hoping to simmer in mortification somewhere else
preferably at a place where this cute boy, who just pretended to be your boyfriend, couldn’t see you
but, not even fifteen minutes later, your friends were collectively hitting you on your shoulders and back, all yelling over each other
you hunched over and took a few precautionary steps forwards to escape their assault, before giving them a bewildered look
“what the hell happened????”
finally, one of your friends gave you an explanation: “how dare you bring your boyfriend to the party and not introduce us?”
you were still staring at your friends with wide eyes, and you were genuinely starting to worry about the contents of their cocktails because they knew you didn’t have a boyfriend
“people just overheard you reject some asshole because you were here with your boyfriend,” another friend said. “they saw you hugging.”
oh. well
“he wasn’t—i was just—”
but you caught sight of the same asshole out of the corner of your eye, and, suddenly, you weren’t so sure if it was a good idea to admit to lying
“yeah,” you ended up saying, a defeated sigh following shortly after. “he’s my boyfriend. i’ll introduce you later.”
“why don’t you do it now?” a voice asked, nearly making you jump out of your skin
kihyun – the king of showing up at the right place, at the right time – was smiling as he stood next to you
your friends, of course, proceeded to pounce on you (that’s how they show love)
and it took you another half an hour to get kihyun alone to ask him why, in the name of god, would he carry on pretending to be your boyfriend?
and he’s been so composed the whole night, but suddenly he’s an awkward mess
“i don’t know,” he admitted, “maybe that’s the only way i knew how to ask you out on a real date.”
you both knew that there were many easier ways to do that, but you had to admit two things
one, you kind of have no choice but to say yes now, since everyone already thinks you’re dating
and two, the butterflies in your stomach have been rioting ever since kihyun introduced himself as your boyfriend that first time, so it would be good for your health to go on a real date with him. you know, to stop all the fluttering and the shaking of your heart
↣ hyungwon
hyungwon got you into the fake-dating mess by accident
he’d been trying to impress his new manager because he felt like he really deserved a promotion
but no matter what he did, the guy seemed to hate him
and then one time during lunch, hyungwon happened to start a conversation about music, and he discovered that the manager was into the same indie band as he was
he milked the hell out of this, mentioning every obscure song he could remember, and he could almost see the points he was gaining with the manager
he even ended up being called up to his office at the end of the day
“this will sound weird, but are you seeing anyone right now?” the manager asked
hyungwon genuinely thought he gave off the wrong impression and even glanced at the sexual harassment awareness posters on the wall of the office
but then the manager explained, “i have four tickets to the band’s concert this friday. we could go on a double-date.”
and, because this was his promotion on the line, hyungwon stammered, “uh… yes, i am seeing someone… a concert sounds great.”
cut to you getting a panicked phone call from hyungwon several hours later, demanding that you cancel your plans for friday night and pretend to be his girlfriend to impress his manager
eh, you like the band anyway, and hyungwon was a good friend, even if you never really saw him romantically, so why not
but, like in any classic rom-com, after spending the night exaggerating hyungwon’s positive qualities (in a subtle way, of course), you came to realize that, huh, maybe you did see him as a romantic interest? kind of? a little bit?
it was just nice how he kept holding you all throughout the concert, so he wouldn’t lose you in the crowd of people
and it was nice how he walked you home and checked on you even after his manager and his girlfriend had left the two of you alone
and it was also nice—alright, fine, you had a proper crush on hyungwon now
you assumed he’d done most of those things that night because he wanted to leave a positive impression on his manager
but then hyungwon got that promotion (the concert played a part in that for sure), and he invited you to celebrate at his house
and you showed up, thinking it was going to be a party for all of his friends, but it was just him, a bottle of wine, and two glasses
so you got worried that maybe you showed up too early, but hyungwon shook his head, “no, you’re right on time. wine?”
“uh… shouldn’t we wait for everyone else?”
“there’s no one else,” he said, his hands shaking as he unscrewed the cork. “it’s just you.”
oh, okay, then
now your heart was shaking and what-not, that’s great
“i wanted to thank you,” he said after he finally managed to pour wine into your glasses and onto the counter. “if it weren’t for you, i wouldn’t have gotten this promotion.”
“that’s not true, you’re a great employee and you deserve this.”
hyungwon appreciated you saying that, but he looked down and deflected, “you know, this promotion had been something that i was looking forward to for the past few months. until the night we went to that concert.”
you waited for him to continue, but his mouth was too dry, so he took a big gulp of his wine before he even finished the toast
(was this even a toast? oh god, he couldn’t understand what he was doing)
“t-that night,” he tried to continue, “i realized that i’m looking forward to seeing you again more than i’m looking forward to getting promoted. i was absolutely ready to go on a dozen more double-dates with you before i got that promotion.”
“i thought we’d have to do that, too, to be honest,” you interjected with a chuckle, alleviating the atmosphere slightly
“yeah?” hyungwon was glad to hear that. “i’m really, kind of, sad that we didn’t have to do that.”
quietly (because you didn’t dare to start drinking your wine yet, so you lacked the courage), you admitted, “me too.”
oh now he was positively vibrating and he had to set his glass of wine down as he braced himself
“why don’t we go on an actual date? no promotions to look forward to this time, just each other’s company.”
he looked like he was going to combust in three, two—
but you saved him by replying right away, “yeah. i’d like that.”
↣ jooheon
you and jooheon both wanted some peace and quiet when you went out with your friends, who all knew that the two of you were single, and kept setting you up with various people in the bar
so you suggested telling your friends that you both had already found relationships
“they’ll never believe it unless they see our partners,” jooheon pointed out
“okay,” you nodded, admitting the mistake. it only took you a second to come up with a better plan, though, “then how about we tell them we’re dating each other?”
he watched you for a minute, his eyebrows furrowed
“that is the dumbest thing i’ve ever heard,” he said then. “let’s do it.”
dumb or not, it worked
finally, you were able to relax, unwind, and get wasted on a friday night without being introduced to a new stranger every two drinks
it was a dream come true
and it worked like an excuse in other settings as well!
you don’t feel like attending another company dinner? “sorry, my boyfriend’s taking me out tonight, it’s our anniversary.”
jooheon hates his pretentious neighbour, so he needs an excuse to say no to his party? “sorry, got plans with my girlfriend this weekend.”
funnily enough, no one ever called either of you out on your bullshit
your co-workers had seen jooheon pick you up from work countless times
and all of jooheon’s neighbours knew you were the only person left who still had a spare key to his apartment (after a very unfortunate incident involving minhyuk, the notebook for jooheon’s lyrics, and a forgotten candle “for ambiance”, when jooheon was out of town)
nor you, nor jooheon had enough time for a serious relationship, and your fake-relationship never interfered with casual dating (since it all tended to end after one date)
so it was all fun and games
until your friends started asking, “so when are you going to propose?” and you realized this had been going on for a long time
jooheon, who was so used to his role as your fake-boyfriend, didn’t even skip a beat as he said, “when the time is right”
but the question rang in both of your heads for the rest of the night
when your taxi stopped outside of jooheon’s house at the end of the night, you got out with him because he was usually the type of drunk who could fall asleep in an elevator if left unsupervised
so, to save him the embarrassment – and also, to save you a trip back and forth between your houses – you tended to sleep in his guest room on friday nights
“you know what would be funny?” you asked him as the two of you took the elevator to his floor, “if we told our friends that we weren’t actually dating this whole time.”
jooheon chuckled, seemingly agreeing that this really would be funny
“you know what would be even funnier?” he responded, his speech still slurred from the alcohol. “if we actually started to date.”
you laughed, nodding, because that really would be even funnier
but then once jooheon was in bed and you prepared to head to the guest room, he suddenly grabbed your hand, stopping you
“so what time should i pick you up next week?” he asked
he never picked you up for anything, so you were understandably confused, “for what?”
“for our date,” he explained.
“oh, to pull the prank of the year?” you asked, chuckling. “first, we pretended to date, and then we actually started to date. but, actually, it’s all one big—”
“no,” jooheon disagreed, his eyes drooping, but his grip on your hand remaining firm. “this won’t be a prank. it’ll be a date. for real, this time.”
↣ i.m
he needed to get his family off his back (in the kindest way possible, of course)
there were only so many “it’s time for you to get married, why don’t i arrange a blind date for you?” a person could take
and you’d been his best friend for years, so hey, can you lend your friend a hand? you won’t even have to do anything
or so he said
you agreed because, according to changkyun, he’d just tell his family that you were his girlfriend, and you wouldn’t actually have to go to any dinners, or any parties whatsoever
how utterly and completely dumb this was!!!!!!
you run in the same circles, of course you were going to run into his family in town
their congratulatory hugs weren’t even the worst part (but it was still awkward, and you made a mental note to strangle kyun later)
the worst part was the “i knew you two kids would get together eventually!” comments
you felt like you were disappointing his family because you weren’t actually dating, and that felt a lot like disappointing your real family
it was crushing
you’d had such a good relationship with changkyun’s whole family, they were your second home
and now you were lying to them
so you didn’t think you were exaggerating when you sent changkyun a gentle “prepare to die” message once you managed to escape his relatives
he had a solution, though (at least, he thought he did)
“okay, so how’s this, then – we date for real?”
he’d been your best friend for so long, you struggled to think of him as anything else
but it was also a defence mechanism in a way? you used to have the biggest crush on changkyun when you first became friends, so you needed to find a way to suppress these feelings
“changkyun,” you began seriously, “do you really think dating you would traumatize me less than my fear of disappointing your family?”
he watched you for a minute, the insult buffering, and then sent a pillow flying right at your head
“i’m saying i want you to go out with me, dumbass.”
you tried to duck, but still got swatted on the back of your head with the pillow as you asked, “why?”
he laughed humourlessly (and nervously) and then rolled his eyes, “gee, i don’t know, maybe because i don’t want you to feel bad about lying to my family, you sensitive wuss. or maybe because i genuinely have feelings for you, i don’t know.”
you were about to toss the pillow back at him, but then stopped
swallowing hard, you asked, “so which is it?”
“i can’t even breathe right now, which do you think it is?”
you were the one rolling your eyes this time, “can’t you just say it like a normal person, you asshole?”
“it’s already obvious, dimwit.”
“are you seriously only insulting me because you can’t tell me you like me? that’s lame, even for a nerd like you.”
he was groaning in exasperation at this point, “what else do you want me to do? you’re the most oblivious person i’ve ever met. and i don’t like you, you big idiot. i’m pretty sure i’m in love with you.”
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mlist | inbox
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catkyunie · 9 months
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Shownu would be a  very soft lover, focusing on pleasuring his partner before he pleasures himself. Very much into mutual masturbation. Prefers positions where he can see his lover’s face because blissed-out eyes turn him on (his favorite being missionary). Will ask consistently if his partner is okay and if the speed/force is to their liking (both because he’s legitimately concerned and because he loves hearing you breathless while reassuring him). He is naturally dominant but enjoys being told how good he feels. Lowkey has a praise kink. He will ensure his lover climaxes at least three times (preferably by his fingers, mouth, and penetration). He is not necessarily loud but will hold you tightly to him and grunt in your ear when he’s close to climax. And when I say hold you tightly, I mean full-blown, pressing his body as tightly to yours as he can. Man wants to be in your skin and bones when he empties into you. Absolutely a Pleasure Dom.
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Another one of the boys that derive his pleasure from your own, but he absolutely loves to watch. you. squirm. One of his favorite ways to do so? Using those handcuffs to keep your hands bound, straddling your thighs, and placing a Hitachi to your center. Instructing you to be a good girl for him, to take it and endure, and if you do? You’ll be rewarded. But…only after edging you. Orgasm denial is a big thing for him. He could keep you bound for hours without finding release, but when he allows you to, he ensures you see stars. Very switchy. Even though he loves tormenting you, he also enjoys being made into a pleasure martyr. Has a Mommy Kink. Will take a thigh job/hand job over a blow job any day of the week simply because he wants to hear you talk him through it. Will also tease you in public just to see your cheeks flush and thighs press together.
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First and foremost, Kihyun is talking you through it. He loves positions where he can watch how he slots with you, not just for the imagery but so that he can tell you how well you take him and how much you deserve to feel good. And don’t ever make the mistake of talking down on yourself in his presence because that man will worship you from head to toe until you are reminded how much of a goddess you truly are. Definitely, the member that could get you off repeatedly and be satisfied without needing to receive pleasure in return. He also enjoys mutual masturbation, but sometimes he just sits back and watches how you pleasure yourself. So he can instruct, see how your body responds to said instruction, and then go feral for being so obedient and a cooperative listener. Subtly romantic as well. Pinkie holding when standing close together. Stolen little kisses at the shell of your ear. Loves to go shopping with you to help you pick out outfits (and because he loves it when you stroke his ego and tell him how good something looks on him). Would also softly sing for you during aftercare. Prefers to be called Sir.
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A very lazy lover (but not in a bad way)! He is the one that will lay you down and take his time with foreplay—spending countless minutes stimulating all of your erogenous zones. Slowly, painfully so, making his way down your body. And then when he’s at the crease of your thighs? He’s nipping at your hips and inner thighs. But, when he finally does settle between your legs, he’ll nuzzle himself in as comfortably as he can and feast. Long, slow licks, flattening his tongue down your crease before flicking his tongue where he knows it’ll affect you most. He loves being ridden. Getting to lay back and simply watch you work does just as much to him as being buried in your body. Prefers gyrations and grinding over bouncing. Hands constantly stroking your thighs and skin, and (if he’s feeling particularly spicy) he’ll slip a few fingers into your mouth or curl them around your throat. Loves cock-warming (and has a breeding kink). Once he finishes, he just wants to snuggle and keep himself inside of you, feeling you wrapped around him in every possible way.
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He is the absolute most fun in the bedroom (not necessarily in a kinky way). Nine times out of ten, there are just as many giggles as moans and grunts. He would 100% be one of those that lead into foreplay with little kisses in the places where he knows it tickles so that he can hear you laugh. Probably the most vanilla out of the group. Would tell you over and over again how beautiful and cute you are. But there’s a duality to Jooheon. He is jealous. Subtly so. He will not pout. He will say a word. But, when those bright, sparkling eyes drop low and dark, you feel it in your very bones and know that he intends to mark you at the first opportunity. Hickies in places that only the two of you know about or can see (inner thighs, hips, ribs, breasts). Also loves barely pressing his lips to yours so he can feel like he’s tasting your moans and his name on your breath.
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He is probably the most switchy of the group and, despite the exterior, is bottom leaning. That’s not to say Changkyun can’t dominate you in the bedroom. He can, he will, and he will do it well. He loves the initial gasp of air as his hand clutches your throat, the quick inhale of breath and whimper at his teeth in your thigh, your shoulder. While on the subject of teeth, this man is a biter. Not only for marking. Hearing you, the way you bend and melt for him, he wants to feel your pulse against his tongue, between his teeth. But he also bites when overstimulated. He’s a particular fan of hand jobs, having you stroke him while he whimpers into your neck and encourage him. And he'll bite down hard when he’s close to climax. He’s been known to leave bruises in the shape of his mouth. If it wasn’t obvious, I.M. has quite the oral fixation. Particularly when it comes to putting his mouth on your slit. It’s his favorite way to make you cum. Feeling you buck up and ride his tongue, squeeze his head between your thighs. It sets his blood on fire. But not nearly as much as your taste. He’s greedy and is known to feast on you on just a whim just to get that fix. Very much a man who enjoys getting drunk on your pussy. And when it comes to you taking control? Changkyun loves to watch you kneeling before him. If you close your eyes or avert your gaze while he’s in your mouth, he’ll stroke your cheek and whimper, beg even, to have your eyes on his so you can watch and see what you do to him, how he comes apart for you. He enjoys giving over control to you just as much as he enjoys claiming you as his own. Probably the one group member that would agree to let you peg him.
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A sunshine baby that loves making you see stars. He starts with slow strokes because he adores how you respond to him. He loves to make you whimper and practically beg. He will tell you as much. And as soon as you do? That’s when the deeper, more intricate strokes come. He also gets off on watching you watch yourself in the mirror. Especially when he’s hitting it from the back, one hand on your ass, the other at your jaw to make you watch the faces you make, the faces he makes when he’s buried in you. He’s also acutely aware of his size and how much you enjoy it, so he’ll use the same mirror to sit you in his lap and have you ride him so you can see the scratches you leave down his back. Same sentiment for the times when he pats his lap invitingly, hiking up the leg of his shorts and having you ride his thigh into oblivion, your hand stroking him through his clothes as he encourages you, ‘That’s it, my love. just like that.’ He will also purposefully find ways to subtly show off his body so you can get a peep. Pulling up his shorts to squat, rubbing his tummy or chest beneath his shirt so it rides up. He loves the way you ogle him and appreciate the work he’s put into himself.
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lost-inthedream · 3 months
Thoughts on Monsta X + Wonho
Part I - Their couple item with their partner Requested
Pairing: Monsta X vs gn reader
Genre: fluff
length: super short (messy headcanons format)
Bonus song rec: Dope Lovers, by DPR IAN
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I see something classic for shownu, so you would wear matching rings, preferably silver ones. Maybe chain or spinner-designed. Also, he constantly kisses the back of your hand and he loves to see the ring hugging your finger.
Okay, he is not a typical person. I don't think he would ever consider people around to know you and he have a special item. That's why you actually sleep wearing matching pajamas. Maybe they are pink or any other pastel color of your choice, they also feel so smooth against your skin.
You guys often match colors! That's not about a pinned item. You go to parties wearing the same color palette and this is just so nice to look. That accentuates how good you all look together.
Bracelets! Very fine and expensive bracelets, Hyungwon wants them to last forever. That fact tells a lot about him. You know he is very serious when he says you all have a compromise. It's so easy to trust him, he never breaks a promise and your bracelets have charms that attract one another T-T
Collars. First, he made a collar with your name and you went crazy with that, like, he made it so obvious to everyone. Boy is a sucker for you, he is all in, babe. Do I need to say that you surprised him with his name on an accessory as well??
This is controversial, I know, but if you are really important to him he will get a tattoo that represents the magic you have brought to his life. I don't really think he believes in being forever with someone, he does not mind if you all break up someday. He is okay with the mark you have left all the same.
I do believe you have many couple items. Simply because he buys things for you and they are too cute that he wants to have his own copy too. I would say accessories, squeeze bottles, sneakers, tees.
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dxndjxrin · 2 years
Monsta X headcanon: how they’d eat you out
Hello y’all! I don’t really post writing on tumblr but I thought hey! Why not! This idea was inspired by my dear @subbysoob’s BTS one. So go check theirs out!! Find me @sagebrush on AO3 to check out my other works if you liked this one <3
Ateez version
Nct 127 version
SVT, performance unit version
NSFW under the cut. 18+ only!
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Shownu: definitely more as foreplay for actual sex. If he’s eating you out it’s because he can and wants to take his time with you. Hyunwoo in general is just so attentive. He knows all your nonverbal cues that will steer him in the right direction of how you want it. It’s sensual, it’s loving, it’s giving. Also his plush ass lips Jesus Christ
Wonho: uses his strength because of course he does. He’s fully got you pinned down, you can barely writhe under his tongue because he’s got an iron grip on your hips. Attentive like Shownu though, sensual with a beautiful touch of tease. If you sit on his face, it’s less sitting and more he’s holding up your entire weight because your legs gave out.
Minhyuk: Mf a nasty freak. Probably likes you to sit on his face just to suffocate in you, be surrounded in you. Will dirty talk the shit out of you. It’s MESSy and loud and crazy but goddamn is it good. Definitely enjoys it himself as well.
Kihyun: mean mean MEAN but in the direction of overstimulation. He will go ham and just keep going and keep going. Those lungs can hold his breath for a long time while he’s burying his face in between your legs. Loves the absolute power trip of seeing you so fucked out, legs shaking in his hold. God tier aftercare tho, like a switch being flipped
Hyungwon: the only way this mf eating ur pussy is if ur sitting on his face. Lil pillow prince ass likes to lounge while making you fall apart. He also kinda likes being able to show off his hard work in the gym when he has to hold you up.
Jooheon: embodiment of that “u need head?”Audio. Will offer it at ANY time ANY way you want it. I’d say out of all of the members he derives the most pleasure from directly eating you out. There’s just something so…perfect about the way you taste and the sounds he can get to come out of you that drives him insane.
Changkyun: mean but in the opposite direction than kihyun. Instead of overstim, this man WILL edge you till you cry. He loves seeing how desperate you can get for him, how you beg, how you trust him enough to put your own pleasure in his complete control. Is also mouthy; the dirty talk just keeps coming. Doesn’t necessarily derive pleasure from directly eating you out, but the power/trust stuff that goes with it.
Divider by @cafekitsune
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astroyongie · 5 months
Kihyun First Time With S/O
Note: Kihyun's surprise
The first time with him happens without a plan
Although you guys had already spoken of the want to do it
and it wouldn't happen until you both are comfortable with each other
but In some cases, it could also happen very early
depending on how your relationship with Kihyun started it's also possible you guys were one nightstands before getting serious
Kihyun Probably tries to plan something ahead
Because he wants things to be perfect
but honestly, it will still happen without you guys expecting it
The first time with Kihyun will happen out of the blue
During a moment where you both are playing and fooling around
it would start with light teasing and touching
perhaps some cuddles and some kisses
And when you notice, things have already escalated 
and coming back would be too awkward
Kihyun just goes with the flow and won’t be too worried about the rest 
His first time with his S/O can either be very good or lack spice
It would depend on his mood 
Kihyun can be very demanding but at the same time he doesn’t have any expectations 
He just wants to do it and try new things
So really things just happen. 
Expect Kihyun to be very passionate tho
Also if it’s your first time in the business he will probably be more on the soft side and not show you much
If it’s not he might be a little more comfortable to explore
But overall it is not bad
And the first time can be fun with him
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justsomekpopstuff · 1 month
monsta x as d&d characters
NOTE: Remember, these are just my opinion and how I would classify them in D&D. You can have your own perspective, just don't be a hater about it. I also know that my D&D knowledge isn't perfect. Don't judge me.
Shoutout to @vesvosmozhno who encouraged and awaited this post! You are awesome, and thank you for all your support!
current masterlist | fic recs
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Shownu: Half-Orc Barbarian
Shownu was born and raised into a communal clan of half-orcs, living in isolation from the rest of the world. While he did have parents, he really was raised by the entire group, with each member teaching him every skill they could. As he grew, he eventually became a proficient blacksmith, becoming the official apprentice for the clan. Everything was peaceful - until it wasn't. One day, the village was attacked by a group of raiders who had a particular hatred for half-orcs, wanting them to suffer. The raiders were destroying everything in their path, taking anyone and anything they could get their hands on. Shownu, who happened to be finishing his shift at the blacksmith's, ran out to the commotion, newly forged and sharpened axes in his hands. After witnessing the terror for himself, Shownu's rage became too much to handle. Despite his typically peaceful nature, he blazed through the raiders, as if the axes were made to be in his hands. When the raiders realized there was no stopping him, they ran, never to be seen again. While the village stood silent, marveling in Shownu's show of strength and fury, all he could care about was going back and fixing the damage to the shop, as well as what he was going to eat for lunch. That day, without him knowing, his people deemed him the town protector, knowing that his love for his village and his might would protect them from any danger - even with his peaceful demeanor.
Wonho: Human Druid
Wonho doesn’t have any memory of where he really came from. All he knew was that as a small child, he wandered into the feywild and was adopted by the people there. They showed him all sorts of magic, but quickly learned that he loved animal magic the most. As he grew, they focused more on teaching him the lessons of animal magic, and Wonho quickly became a druid prodigy. Befitting for his gentle temperament, the feywild people bestowed upon him the power to transform into a small lop-eared rabbit, with a nature as gentle as himself. After bestowing this gift upon him, the feywild people gave Wonho a mission: go into the human world, and show the power of love and kindness to those who are most in need of it. Each village he approached, he approached with kindness and curiosity, which was off putting to most of the locals. However, those who saw his genuineness and appreciation for learning welcomed him. Wonho quickly learned he had a soft spot for the orphanages of the villages, seeing how much in-need the young children were of love and kindness. Wonho became a regular presence, often showing up in his rabbit form to greet the children as they played. He rarely showed his human form to them until one night, when he was caught sneaking in extra food rations by the head of the orphanage. The head of the orphanage watched as Wonho got so spooked by his presence that he accidentally shifted into his rabbit form, exposing himself as a druid - and the one that was giving comfort to the children. The orphanage owner, instead of kicking Wonho out, allowed Wonho to stay and work at the orphanage as a caretaker for the children. Needless to say, the children were incredibly overjoyed at his presence, both animal and human. Wonho knew from then on, his mission would always be complete.
Minhyuk: Tiefling Rogue
From the time he was born, Minhyuk knew that he was meant to be a showman. As a small child he would regularly pretend to be different characters, creating new stories of people and things from far-off lands. However, because of his appearance and infernal nature, his theatricality was often seen as a threat by the other children. Being a tiefling was seen as a curse. Despite those who tried to make him feel ashamed for who he was, Minhyuk never gave up on his dream. However, as much as he put on a brave face, he could never deny that the words of the ignorant cut him to his core. One day, it became all too much. He saw the horrible paintings on his home, depicting him as nothing more than an awful monster, a creature never to be respected. That night, he packed his things and ran, never to return to his hometown again. Every village he wandered into, he found the outcasts, the odd-ones-out, and the rejected. To each of them, he gave kindness and respect, and shared his dream of creating a show where no one would have to be ashamed of who they were. Eventually, he had a whole group of followers, and their dream began to take shape. Every talent, magic, look, and style were welcome in Minhyuk’s show. He would make sure they were all introduced with respect and lauded with praise. Anyone who dared try to ridicule his fellow performers would quickly be met with Minhyuk’s legendary infernal wrath. While his show was still met with the usual group of detractors and protestors, Minhyuk knew that he was doing what he was meant to. His dream of showmanship, and showing the world what those who are rejected are capable of, all came together. No matter what, he never let the hatred get to him anymore.
Kihyun: Half-Siren Bard
Kihyun was born on a boat to a sea-faring family, but ships are not friendly places to small children. There was a massive storm that tossed him overboard, and because of his age, he began to drown. That was, until he felt two arms scoop him up and the air returned to his lungs. He would learn that he was saved by a siren queen who had taken pity on him and bestowed him with some of the powers of the sirens. Kihyun was raised with the pod, never really questioning why he was the only one without a tail, scales, or gills. To him, they were the only family he actually knew. He grew up singing, his voice becoming a unique and alluring power that benefited him greatly; and, because of his mostly human origins, he would learn that he is the only “siren” that could walk between sea and land. When Kihyun reached adulthood, he decided to leave the pod and venture onto land full time, promising his mother the siren queen to never forget his true self. He wandered onto the shores and began his new life, humming his way through local villages. Because of the alluring tone of his singing, he quickly drew crowds. Local taverns tripped over each other to try and get him to perform, and Kihyun found himself obliging all of them, bouncing to a different one each night. However, this quickly became too much for Kihyun. He decided to become an apprentice at a local bakery, where his skill with baked goods nearly outshone his talents for music. Every now and again, the owner of the bakery would open the door to the shop to let the locals hear Kihyun’s humming as he worked. One day, an elderly member of the village came into the bakery, and Kihyun recognized them as the owner of one of the oldest, smallest taverns in the village. Kihyun felt it was fate as the tavern owner lamented over how few patrons came through their doors. Kihyun volunteered to help, scheduling a performance for that night at the old tavern that brought in nearly the entire village. Seeing the smile on the tavern owner’s face as he sang brought so much joy to Kihyun’s heart that he announced to the village that this would be the only tavern he would perform in. From then on, Kihyun was a baker’s assistant by day, and a tavern singer by night. He finally felt whole both of his worlds finally at peace with each other.
Hyungwon: Human Ranger
From his earliest memories, the only human person that Hyungwon ever knew was his grandfather. Living in the middle of nowhere, on the outskirts of society, Hyungwon was raised to trust and respect the land around him, and was taught how to survive in the harshest of conditions. Despite his disdain for exerting extreme amounts of energy, Hyungwon became a skilled survivalist. Eventually, his grandfather passed away, and Hyungwon was driven to live out in the wild on his own. Because he didn’t really have anyone else, Hyungwon found himself connecting more with the wild, especially with the animals. This led to him discovering his ability to summon an animal companion to keep him company. This animal companion, or companions, became a hoard of rats he accumulated while on the road, with their leader, whom Hyungwon named Ratrick. Every now and again, whenever he realized that he was running low on supplies that he couldn’t make or find himself, Hyungwon (having a small existential crisis) forced himself to wander into local villages to restock. He would use Ratrick and his hoard rats to gather what they could before he had to step in and do it himself. Anything he could do to avoid people, he’d do it. The only person who ever made the effort to become friends with Hyungwon and give him one small connection to society was Shownu. The only reason that this happened was because Shownu almost killed Hyungwon by accident after he found Hyungwon sneaking large amounts of snacks out of the community pantry. Shownu saw that despite Hyungwon's incredible reflexes and skill, that all Hyungwon really wanted was to be. Just be. So, Shownu gave Hyungwon the supplies he needed and told Hyungwon that if he ever wanted a place to return to, that he would always have one in Shownu's village. That one connection was all Hyungwon needed in the world - that and Ratrick.
Jooheon: Human Sorcerer
Even though he would deny it, the village where he was born called Jooheon a miracle. For many generations, the village had been plagued by a militant occupation of power and money-hungry warlords. These warlords would regularly steal children as young as infants to raise them to be pieces of their military machine. Jooheon’s family did everything they could to keep his birth a secret, but his presence was felt all the way to the Feywild. The Fae decided to bless Jooheon with magic abilities - a jack-of-all-trades magic that would help him on his quest to freedom. Despite his blessing, Jooheon grew up hidden and isolated. His parents told him stories passed down from those before them of how the village used to be free until the warmongers had taken over. Every story fueled Jooheon to want to take action, and so he grew his magic to one day bring that liberation to his village. As an adult, with his Fae blessing fully charged, he made his presence known with explosions, taking out many of the warmonger’s bases. Cultivating all of his power, he blew through the warmonger’s encampments. By the time dawn began to break, not a single leader was left. The village was finally free - but, what now? Jooheon spent days in the village, ensuring everyone that he was force of good, and working with the other villagers to liberate all of the lost children that had been stolen from them. As more weeks passed, Jooheon began to feel more like there was something more left for him to do. As the village got back on its feet, free of their militant oppressors, Jooheon felt more and more useless, and his family could sense it. And so, they knew to let him go. They knew, with his Fae blessing, he would become a powerful freedom fighter that would bring liberation to countless people - just as he was born to do.
Chankgyun: Half-Elf Bard
Changkyun was born into a family of bardic singers, beloved by the humans and elvish. Everyone born into the family was blessed with a beautiful voice, and joined in the family choir once they came of age. That was, until Changkyun came along. When he became old enough to start his training to join the family, they learned something quite jarring - Changkyun couldn’t sing at all. No matter what they tried, he just could not sing to their standards; and so, they gave up on him. Every time they would travel to a new town to perform, Chankgyun’s family would sit him in the very back of the tavern while they performed. One night when he was a tween, and they saw him scribbling away on some paper. When they snatched the paper away from him, they saw that this whole time he had been writing lyrics -lyrics for him to perform. At first they laughed, reminding Changkyun that he was tone-deaf, but then he opened his mouth and began to rap the lyrics to perfection. His musicality, despite not singing, rendered his family speechless, as they never realized that talent could look different than what they expected. And so, Changkyun’s family gave him permission to join the family choir - an offer that he quickly refused. Chankgyun knew he was meant for more, and the fact that it took them until now to realize it never sat well for him. He walked off into the night, lyrics and a small drum in tow. On Chankgyun’s travels, he grew his skills of rhythm and rap. His unique musical stylings (and sporadic d*ck jokes) enthralled every village and town he came across. Despite being more shy and quiet when not performing, his stage persona was goofy, flirtatious, and a little bit of a menace. Every now and again, when he would have to interact with fans on the road, he’d break out the persona - an act that would regularly get him into trouble. There was an incident where he accidentally got engaged to a half-orc that he sweet-talked…he doesn’t like to talk about it. But, with every adventure and every song, he felt more and more free. He was no longer the “tone-deaf outcast”, but a creative spirit in his own right - one that he was meant to be all along. His talents helped him connect to so many on the outskirts, including Minhyuk, Jooheon and the others. Changkyun knew from then on that he would never be tossed aside again.
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pillowxtalk · 4 months
Sweets meme 1 to 10 for: CosmosX boys
🍥🍥🍰🍨the SWEETS headcanon meme!🍨🍰🍥🍥
1. what’s my character’s favourite dessert?
Kihyun: Ice cream Joon: Mochi Maru: Ice cream and pocky
2. is my character a ‘sweet tooth?’ how bad is it?
Kihyun: He has a sweet tooth and I think it's not too bad. Joon: I wouldn't say he has a sweet tooth. Maru: He has a sweet tooth and it's pretty bad.
3. what’s my character’s favourite sweets flavour? ( ie strawberry, chocolate, lime, orange etc. )
Kihyun: Chocolate Joon: Peach Maru: Sakura and watermelon
4. do they have dessert after dinner every night, or is it for special occasions?
Kihyun: He has dessert whenever he feels like it and if he isn't on a diet. Joon: He has dessert if the others have dessert too. Maru: He has dessert every chance he gets.
5. does my character bake? how good are they? how often do they do it?
Kihyun: He bakes Christmas cookies and they are good. Joon: He is actually good at baking and he bakes the birthday cakes for his members. Maru: He didn't try baking so far but he would be willing to do it.
6. does my character prefer handmade or store-bought desserts?
Kihyun: Handmade Joon: Handmade Maru: Handmae
7. what dessert does my character have for their birthday?
Kihyun: Muffins Joon: Mochi Maru: Ice cream
8. chocolate or vanilla? why or why not?
Kihyun: Chocolate because he likes it. Joon: Vanilla because he likes the smell. Maru: Both.
9. white, dark, or milk chocolate? why or why not?
Kihyun: Milk chocolate because he wants it sweet. Joon: White chocolate because of the vanilla. Maru: Milk chocolate because he wants it sweet.
10. chocolate and vanilla, chocolate and peanut butter, chocolate and caramel or chocolate and mint? why or why not?
Kihyun: Chocolate and vanilla Joon: Chocolate and vanilla Maru: Chocolate and vanilla
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tinytinyblogs · 10 months
Shownu As Your Boyfriend
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(n.) A person who 90% of the time annoy you, and 10% of the time makes you forget the 90%
Monsta x masterlist here
Son Hyunwoo is a man who will definitely give you his adorable smile every day. You make him happy all the time, and he is grateful to have you in his life. You are very lucky to have him as your boyfriend! Son Hyunwoo is a kind, caring, and loving person. He is always there for you, and he always makes you feel special. He is the type of boyfriend who would do anything for you, and he would never take you for granted. You make Hyunwoo happy because you are always there for him, too. You listen to him when he needs to talk, and you always make him feel loved. You are his best friend, his lover, and his soulmate.
Son Hyunwoo is the type of boyfriend who loves to give you bear hugs. He will do it anytime he wants, but especially when you're feeling sad. He will pull you close and tell you everything will be fine. His bear hugs are warm and comforting, and they always make you feel better. He knows how to make you feel safe and loved, and he always knows how to make you smile.
The type of boyfriend who loves to give you a back hug in the morning. He will sneak up on you while you are cooking breakfast, and he will wrap his arms around you. He will be sleepy and cuddly, and he will cling to you like a koala. You will feel his warm breath on your neck, and you will hear his sleepy murmurs. He will tell you how much he loves you, and he will tell you how lucky he is to have you. You will feel his love and his warmth, and you will know that you are the luckiest girl in the world.
This man is a bit shy about public displays of affection (PDA), so he will only hold your hand in public. But when you are alone, he will cling to you like a koala. He will put his arm around you, rest his head on your shoulder, and whisper sweet nothings in your ear. He will want to be close to you at all times, and he will make you feel loved and cherished. He will follow you around the house, just so he can be near you. He will sit next to you on the couch, even if there is plenty of other space. He will always want to cuddle, even if it's hot outside. He will never get tired of holding your hand or kissing you. He may be shy about PDA, but he is definitely not shy about his feelings for you. He will show you how much he loves you in every way he can, even if it's just by being close to you. If you can handle his clinginess, then you will have found a man who will love you unconditionally. He will be your best friend, your lover, and your soulmate. He will be the one who makes you feel loved and cherished, no matter what.
He enjoys the idea of you accompanying him while he works out. He finds it motivating to have you there, and he loves seeing the look of admiration on your face when he's lifting weights or running on the treadmill. He also knows that you enjoy seeing how attractive he is when he's working out, and he likes the feeling of being desired by you.
If he wants your attention and you are too busy to give it to him, he will do whatever it takes to get it. He might dance in front of you, sit very close to you, or even pull you into a hug. He won't give up until he has your full attention. He might start by dancing in front of you, hoping to catch your eye. If that doesn't work, he might sit very close to you, invading your personal space. If you still ignore him, he might even pull you into a hug, forcefully demanding your attention. He won't give up until he has you completely focused on him.
He loves to eat, so he'll take you on food adventures all over town. He'll research all the best places to eat, from hole-in-the-wall joints to Michelin-starred restaurants. He'll want to try everything, from the most exotic dishes to the simplest comfort foods. He'll want you to try everything too, so you can experience all the different flavors that the city has to offer. He'll be your personal food tour guide, showing you all the hidden gems that you never would have found on your own. He'll know all the best places to get dumplings, sushi, pizza, tacos, and everything in between. He'll be your biggest fan, cheering you on as you try new foods and expanding your culinary horizons. He'll also be the perfect partner in crime for late-night food runs. When you're craving something sweet or salty, he'll be there to satisfy your cravings. He'll never judge you for your food choices, and he'll always be up for trying something new. With him by your side, you'll never have a bad meal again. You'll discover new foods that you love, and you'll create memories that will last a lifetime.
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blu-joons · 2 years
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Whilst he didn’t like to pay too much attention to you, Kihyun would almost certainly at least glance at you every now and then when the two of you were in the same room but not stood side by side with one another.
Sometimes the two of you could bicker all day long if you were left to your own devices, other days the two of you wouldn’t bicker if it was the last thing that you could do in the world. It very much depended on how you both were feeling if the two of you bickered or not, usually if you were in a childish mood or not.
It was no overstatement for you to describe Kihyun as a bit of a rock for you whenever you needed comforting. He always managed to make you feel like the most important thing in the world when you needed comforting, it didn’t matter how busy Kihyun was too, he’d never let it get in the way of being there for you.
The two of you knew each other incredibly well, you knew exactly when something could potentially start a disagreement between you both, and unless one of you was feeling particularly petty, you’d stop yourselves from saying it. For the two of you to start a disagreement with one another, you’d know that something else must be going on, making sure that the other was alright and not stressed by anything.
It took a little bit of time for the two of you to get to know each other, but once that initial awkwardness had passed between the two of you, you got on like a house on fire. You found yourselves feeling as if you’d been friends for years, when you had only known each other for a few months, relying on each other more than you ever imagined that you would end up relying on one individual.
Kihyun’s family were huge fans of yours, seeing how kind you were to Kihyun was enough for them to know that they adored you. His mum especially took you under her wing, seeing the twinkle in her son’s eye whenever he talked about his best friend let her know just how special you were, with her giving you the biggest hug every single time you saw her, and asking you how you were as soon as you sat down too.
Most of the time the two of you tried to do as little as possible when you hung out, your focus was usually just on catching up with one another. You’d usually find that it was almost time for the two of you to say goodbye by the time that you caught each other up on everything anyway to make any other plans.
The two of you had a habit of forgetting about other plans that you had because you’d pencilled stuff in with each other. Kihyun often missed rehearsals or meetings at work because he forgot about them, accidentally double booking himself, but choosing you every single time and not thinking about work.
Most of your inside jokes were because one of you had ended up saying the wrong thing and confusing your words, leaving the other in stitches. Kihyun’s favourite one was when he took you to a fancy restaurant once and you completely mispronounced the dish that you wanted, leaving the waiter perplexed.
There was only ever one instance when Kihyun would get jealous of the fact that you had other friends, and that would be when he was away from home and on the road. He was mainly jealous because your other friends got to spend time with you whilst he was stuck thousands of miles away from you and only able to speak to you on the phone if you were lucky enough for your time zones to align together.
Kihyun got a kick out of seeing you excited, he loved seeing you pumped up and ready to give something a go. He was beyond fond of your smile and loved watching you when you were proud of yourself, it didn’t happen too often, but when it did, he was there as your hype man to boost your mood too.
He loved being with you, Kihyun just felt happy when he was able to spend time with you. He never failed to appreciate having you as a best friend, no matter what it was that the two of you were doing. Whether you were messing around with each other, or whether you were helping the other out when they were having a bit of a rough time, the time that he spent with you was always valued by Kihyun.
The two of you first met when you were hosting an event that Kihyun and the rest of the boys were working at just after they debuted. You took them under your wing and showed them the ropes which Kihyun especially appreciated, deciding to ask for your number after the end of the event for the future.
Nothing made him smile more than just being him, and you definitely gave him the space to be able to do that. Sometimes all he needed was a moment of crazy to forget about things, which was time that he had with you.
Kihyun was obsessed with your attitude and tried to follow you a lot. He was inspired by how positive you were and how you always looked for the good which was a motto that he tried his best to live by too.
The times when the two of you got to work together were always Kihyun’s favourite times. You still hosted a few things that the boys worked on after your first meeting, and seeing you host, and him perform meant that you both got to cheer for each other which was Kihyun’s favourite thing for you to do together.
Both of you were pretty confident that you knew each other like the backs of your hands, and so if something didn’t seem right, you’d ask the other how they were, and usually be correct in guessing something was up.
One of the things that you did that you knew always annoyed Kihyun was when you stole things out of his wardrobe. He’d lost count of how many times he opened up his wardrobe only to find what he wanted missing, knowing exactly who had helped themselves to whatever it was without even having to think.
He loved having you supporting him, Kihyun tried to have you at as many things as possible as it always made him feel better knowing that you were there. When he knew that you were working at an event that he was going to be at, Kihyun couldn’t help but get excited knowing that his best friend would be there too.
Whenever the boys went on the road, Kihyun always wanted to know what days you had off when he was away so that he could try and arrange for him to come to at least a couple of cities and see him perform.
The two of you had the kind of friendship that others were quite envious of, they wished they could be as close to someone as you to were.
When he had some time off, Kihyun would often stop by your place and see how you were getting on. If you were working, then he’d sit nice and quietly and wait to talk to you once you were done with everything.
He tried his best to always offer you the most helpful advice, Kihyun only ever wanted to support you and try and help you out.
At times the two of you were affectionate, other times you were. It very much depended on the time and the place for the two of you as to whether you hugged each other and were physical with one another.
You were his rock, Kihyun relied on you more than you ever realised he did.
The two of you tended to meet earlier in the day as you knew your meetings could last for a long time, so you’d try and end things at a reasonable time so that the two of you could both get home safely.
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bangtanstax · 11 months
a re-introduction
a while back, i dedicated some of my time to writing head cannons, one-shots, some longer stories and fake texts. everything was going well until life happened and i fell off the app. most recently, i realized that i actually missed running a tumblr and decided to give it a go again. 
i hope y’all enjoy it
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yakuly · 1 year
★彡[ᴍᴏɴꜱᴛᴀ x]彡★
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mirisss · 2 years
Monsta X Masterlist
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Sohn Hyunwoo / Shownu
Lee Minhyuk / Minhyuk
Yoo Kihyun / Kihyun
Chae Hyungwon / Hyungwon
The Love of My Life - Hyungwon x afab reader
Lee Jooheon / Joohoney
Im Changkyun / I.M
Disclaimer: I do not write for Wonho, simply because I did not know Monsta X when he was a member and for me it is easier to see them as the group they are now rather than the group they were. So there are no hard feelings or hate towards him, it’s just the way I prefer to do things when writing. 
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