#keto craft beer
drrexdexter · 1 year
Low Carb Beer Guide UK
Beer lovers who are watching their carbohydrate intake have reason to rejoice! Low carb beer is gaining popularity as a lighter and healthier alternative to traditional beers. In this article, we will explore the world of low carb beer, its benefits, and everything you need to know about making the right choice.
See our full Dr Dexter keto tips site here for a full keto diet guide, tips and recipes.
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Introduction to Low Carb Beer
Whether you're on a low-carb diet, managing your blood sugar levels, or simply looking for a lighter beer option, low carb beer can be a great choice. With fewer carbohydrates and calories compared to regular beers, it allows you to enjoy a refreshing drink while being mindful of your health goals.
What is Low Carb Beer?
Low carb beer is a type of beer that is brewed to have a reduced carbohydrate content. Brewers achieve this by using special brewing techniques or substituting traditional grains with low-carb alternatives. The result is a beer that is lower in carbohydrates but still retains its distinct flavour and characteristics.
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The Benefits of Low Carb Beer
Low carb beer in the UK offers several benefits that make it an attractive choice for many beer enthusiasts. Firstly, it allows you to indulge in your favourite beverage without worrying about the excess carbs. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals following low-carb or keto diets.
Moreover, low carb beer is often lower in calories compared to regular beer, which can be advantageous for those looking to maintain or lose weight. Additionally, it may have a lower alcohol content, making it a more suitable option for those who prefer a milder buzz.
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Understanding Carbohydrates and Beer
To fully appreciate low carb beer, it's essential to understand carbohydrates and their role in beer production. Carbohydrates in beer primarily come from the malted barley used during the brewing process. These carbs are consumed by yeast during fermentation, leading to the formation of alcohol and carbon dioxide.
Popular Brands of Low Carb Beer
In recent years, many breweries have recognized the demand for low carb beer and introduced their own offerings. Some popular brands include Brand A, Brand B, and Brand C. These brands have gained a loyal following due to their commitment to quality, flavour, and low carbohydrate content.
Here are some popular brands of low carb beer in the UK along with a brief description:
BrewDog Punk AF:
 BrewDog is known for its craft beers, and Punk AF is their low carb, alcohol-free option. It offers a bold and hoppy flavour profile, making it a great choice for those seeking a refreshing and full-bodied experience without the carbs.
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Adnams Ghost Ship Alcohol-Free:
Adnams Ghost Ship Alcohol-Free is a low carb beer that maintains the distinct flavour of the original Ghost Ship ale. With its citrusy and malty notes, this alcohol-free option provides a satisfying taste without compromising on taste or carb content.
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Skinny Brands Lager:
Skinny Brands Lager is a popular choice for those watching their carb intake. It is a crisp and refreshing lager with a lighter body, making it a go-to option for low carb beer enthusiasts.
Thornbridge Big Easy:
 Thornbridge Big Easy is a low carb pale ale that offers a balanced blend of hops and citrus flavours. It provides a smooth and enjoyable drinking experience while keeping the carb content in check.
Guinness Open Gate Pure Brew:
 Guinness Open Gate Pure Brew is a non-alcoholic, low carb version of the iconic Irish stout. It retains the rich and creamy characteristics of Guinness while minimizing the carbohydrate content, making it a great choice for stout lovers.
Pistonhead Flat Tire:
 Pistonhead Flat Tire is a low carb lager with a distinctively smooth taste. It features a crisp and clean flavour profile, making it an excellent option for those looking for a lighter beer without sacrificing flavour.
Peroni Libera 0.0%:
Peroni Libera 0.0% is a non-alcoholic beer that captures the essence of the classic Italian lager. With its delicate balance of bitter and citrus notes, it offers a low carb alternative for beer enthusiasts who enjoy the refreshing taste of Peroni.
Heineken 0.0:
 Heineken 0.0 is a popular choice for those seeking a low carb, non-alcoholic beer. It boasts the same iconic flavour of Heineken but with significantly reduced carbohydrate content, allowing you to enjoy the crisp and refreshing taste without the guilt.
Brooklyn Special Effects:
Brooklyn Special Effects is a flavourful non-alcoholic beer with reduced carbs. It features a blend of hops and malt, creating a complex taste profile that satisfies beer lovers while keeping the carbohydrate count low.
Innis & Gunn Innis & None:
 Innis & Gunn Innis & None is a zero-alcohol, low carb beer that provides a unique and refreshing drinking experience. With its hints of oak and malt, it offers a flavoursome alternative for those looking to reduce their carb intake without compromising on taste.
Becks Blue Alcohol-Free:
 Becks Blue Alcohol-Free is a well-known low carb beer that delivers the familiar crisp and clean taste of Beck's. With minimal carbohydrates, it offers a lighter option for those seeking a refreshing beer without the alcohol content.
Sharp's Doom Bar Zero:
Sharp's Doom Bar Zero is a non-alcoholic, low carb version of the popular Doom Bar amber ale. It provides a malty and slightly sweet flavour profile while being low in carbs, making it an appealing choice for ale enthusiasts.
Estrella Galicia 0.0:
 Estrella Galicia 0.0 is a non-alcoholic beer that captures the essence of the original Estrella Galicia Lager. With its balanced taste and reduced carbohydrate content, it offers a satisfying option for those seeking a low carb beer.
San Miguel 0.0:
San Miguel 0.0 is a non-alcoholic, low carb beer that preserves the distinctive taste of the original San Miguel Lager. It provides a light and refreshing experience with reduced carbohydrates, making it suitable for those watching their carb intake.
St Peter's Without:
St Peter's Without is a low carb, alcohol-free beer that combines traditional brewing methods with modern techniques. It offers a full-bodied flavour profile with hints of malt and hop, ensuring a satisfying drinking experience without the carbs.
Budweiser Zero:
Budweiser Zero is a non-alcoholic beer with reduced carbohydrates that still captures the classic Budweiser taste. It offers a smooth and crisp profile, allowing you to enjoy the flavour of Budweiser while keeping your carb intake in check.
These brands provide a wide range of low carb beer options, each with its own unique flavour profile. Whether you prefer a hoppy ale, a crisp lager, or a rich stout, you can find a delicious low carb option to enjoy while keeping an eye on your carbohydrate intake.
How to Choose the Right Low Carb Beer
When selecting a low carb beer, it's important to consider your personal preferences and health goals. Start by checking the nutritional information provided on the label or brewery's website. Look for beers with lower carbohydrate and calorie counts while still offering the taste and characteristics you enjoy.
Low Carb Beer and Weight Loss
For individuals aiming to shed extra pounds, low carb beer can be a helpful tool. By reducing the carbohydrate and calorie intake from beer, you can create a calorie deficit and potentially support weight loss efforts. However, it's crucial to keep moderation in mind and consider the overall balance of your diet.
Low Carb Beer and Diabetes
People with diabetes often need to monitor their carbohydrate intake to manage their blood sugar levels effectively. Low carb beer can be a suitable choice for individuals with diabetes, as it provides a beer option with fewer carbohydrates that are less likely to cause blood sugar spikes.
Low Carb Beer and Blood Sugar Levels
Even for individuals without diabetes, managing blood sugar levels is essential for overall health. Low carb beer can help maintain stable blood sugar levels since it contains fewer carbohydrates. However, it's still important to consume alcohol in moderation and be aware of any individual reactions.
Low Carb Beer and Taste
One common misconception about low carb beer is that it compromises on taste. However, many breweries have invested in creating flavourful low carb options that can rival traditional beers. With a wide range of styles and flavours available, there's likely a low carb beer that suits your taste preferences.
Low Carb Beer and Hangovers
Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to unpleasant hangovers, regardless of the beer's carbohydrate content. While low carb beer may be gentler on the body due to its lower alcohol content, responsible drinking practices and moderation are still crucial to minimize the risk of hangovers.
Low Carb Beer and Alcohol Content
Low carb beer often has a lower alcohol content compared to regular beer. This can be advantageous for individuals who prefer a milder buzz or those who want to limit their alcohol intake. However, it's important to note that alcohol content can vary among different brands and styles of low carb beer.
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Drinking Low Carb Beer Responsibly
When enjoying low carb beer, responsible consumption is key. Set personal limits, be mindful of your alcohol intake, and always prioritize your health and well-being. Additionally, consider alternatives such as non-alcoholic or alcohol-free beer if you prefer to avoid alcohol entirely.
Is Low Carb Beer for Everyone?
While low carb beer can be a great option for many individuals, it may not be suitable for everyone. It's important to consider your specific health needs, dietary restrictions, and personal preferences. If you have any concerns or health conditions, it's best to consult with a healthcare professional before making changes to your beer consumption.
Conclusion On Low Carb Beer
Low carb beer offers a lighter and healthier alternative for beer lovers who want to watch their carbohydrate intake or make mindful choices about their alcohol consumption. With a variety of flavours and brands available, finding a low carb beer that suits your taste preferences is easier than ever. Remember to enjoy low carb beer responsibly and make choices that align with your health goals.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Can low carb beer help with weight loss?
 Low carb beer can support weight loss efforts by reducing overall carbohydrate and calorie intake from beer. However, moderation and overall dietary balance are still important for successful weight management.
Is low carb beer suitable for people with diabetes?
Yes, low carb beer can be a suitable choice for individuals with diabetes due to its lower carbohydrate content. However, it's important to monitor blood sugar levels and consume alcohol in moderation.
Does low carb beer compromise on taste?
No, many breweries have focused on creating flavourful low carb beer options that can rival traditional beers. With various styles and flavours available, you can find low carb beer that suits your taste preferences.
Does low carb beer cause fewer hangovers?
While low carb beer may be gentler on the body due to its lower alcohol content, excessive consumption can still lead to hangovers. Responsible drinking practices and moderation are essential to minimize the risk of hangovers.
Can everyone drink low carb beer?
While low carb beer can be enjoyed by many, it's important to consider individual health needs, dietary restrictions, and personal preferences. If you have any concerns or health conditions, consult with a healthcare professional before making changes to your beer consumption.
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sempervirens117 · 2 years
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Meet Up Events https://www.meetup.com/neoverse/events/287275364 Join the Guardians of the NeoVerse for a DIY Epicurean Keto picnic with craft beer or local wine at the Windy Hill Open Space Preserve picnic area on Skyline Boulevard overlooking Silicon Valley. We will record short videos and nominate Guardians to help disseminate news about the NeoVerse and it’s plans to save humanity from approaching Armageddon due to advancing climate change and ongoing political and economic instability. Don’t get left behind! Play a key role in shaping NeoReality now, before all the top roles are occupied by others. RSVP to Bradley at 408-908-0908. (at Windy Hill Open Space Preserve) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgLIGGDp8lT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bioethicists · 3 years
sure, your son kayyden is only six and already deeply and disturbingly angry at everything (probably because your husband david michael comes home from his position at the tea party law firm at 8pm every night, screams at the children, drinks 3 craft beers and crashes on the $3,000 couch you just steam cleaned that morning) and you haven't had a meaningful conversation with someone that isn't your mother since you were 17 and you have a sneaking suspicion that the multi level marketing scheme you joined last june isn't actually a real job and honestly, you don't actually even LIKE the keto paleo raw vegan coconut cake you made for bryline's 2nd birthday and you've been binge eating snickers bars in the whole foods parking lot at 1pm while the kids are at the christian homeschool cooperative, but that's probably because you haven't written in your gratitude journal in a few days and last week you skipped hot yoga to drive your sister to get secret abortion in canada, so you pin a new picture of a smiling, skinny white woman onto your vision board and practice smiling just like her in the mirror and then leave the (newly rennovated) bathroom to go double check that the gummy vitamins you bought at natural supplements deluxe don't contain any food coloring because ultimately doing anything else would require you to fundamentally question whether there is any happiness or justice to be found in your white supremacist capitalist fantasy of motherhood and building your misery on the backs of the poor is still easier than committing to a better world.
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dochotties · 5 years
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New Sauces from Syracha’Cuse!
BREAKING NEWS: We've just added some delicious new sauces from Syracha'Cuse. You've got to try these handcrafted sauces from Syracuse, NY.
Ommegang Abbey Ale: Smoked jalapeños, smoked onion, and a dose of craft ale. Sugar free, so it’s not only delish, but keto friendly!
Maple Ghost: Ghost peppers, New York maple syrup, and garlic scapes make this an awesome, and spicy complement to your favorite dish!
1911 Honeycrisp Habanero: Habanero and craft hard cider make this a barbeque favorite. No sugar, so it’s great for a keto diet.
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darkwizardtheorist · 3 years
I’m not especially religious, but bless craft beers.  I don’t care who does the blessing.  And it’s a shame I’m not much of a drinker anymore, but this “DNR” definitely scratches the periodic itch.
I’d also do some seriously sketchy stuff for a keto lime popsicle, but that’s probably just the beer talking.  Probably.
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losingitinjersey · 5 years
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When I think of The Pachelbel Canon I think of this song, not this song.  So when I sat down to do my yoga this morning it was quite a different vibe than expected.  Definitely works for the Halloween season though!
Favorite breakfast was had then a couple lunch time selfies including one taken during the 10 minutes I get to relax in bed before getting up and back to the office.  
At work today I played out the real life rendition of “If You Give A Mouse A Cookie” as my boss gave me a bunch of papers to file and I ended up gutting and purging both my file cabinets and reorganizing everything.  I also cleared off all my shelves and standing files then wiped everything down.  Ended up with three bins of trash by the end of it.  Definitely wasn’t necessary but it feels good and I had the time to make it happen.  
Dinner was leftover chicken thighs, roasted broccoli (which I’m obsessed with and never make enough of even though I used two giant bunches) and herb pearl couscous.  
Kevin’s birthday is tomorrow so I promised I’d make him his favorite keto cheesecake. Also picked up some mix & match craft beers (not keto) and some moonshine cherries (not keto) to gift him.   Sadly, he starts working night rotations tomorrow so we won’t get to go out for his bday until maybe Sunday so I wanted to do something to make him feel special.  
Although, hitting up the grocery store after work then proceeding to make dinner followed by cheesecake making and cooking the strawberry topping I was so over standing by the end of it all.  I’m not used to my feet and back aching and it’s crazy how soothing just sitting down is.  I feel weak and lame not being able to simply stand for long periods at a time but I get that my body is handling a lot right now.  This whole growing a human thing is weird.  
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craftramsay · 4 years
Orange - Do you see any similarities between you and your muse?
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Oh, absolutely. I’ve been playing a version of Craft for a long time so it’s hard not to put parts of myself into him. The most obvious is age, he’s approximately the same age as I am... which is mostly due to the fact in the past I’ve played characters older and younger than I was, and something just didn’t ring true in the way they viewed life. The younger characters were too jaded, the older seemed a bit too inexperienced. It’s a convenience thing to help with the character’s world view.
There are some things I do completely differently with Craft too. For example, I’ve been doing Keto for almost a year now, which means I’ve -MOSTLY- cut out sugar and carbs. Mostly. Before, I loved beer. I’d try any new beer I could get my hands on. I also loved pastries and donuts and bread. I TRY my damnedest to avoid them in life, but I’ve kept them as some of Craft’s vices.
That all said, the overlap between real ME and the character Craft are (hopefully) rather minimal.
Thanks for the ask @spotofmummery !
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hawthornsword · 4 years
PSA for drinking alcohol on the Keto diet:
So my brother acquired a wee spawn last year and, as many people do, decided it was time to get healthy, so as to stick around to witness the life of said spawn without kickin it halfway through from heart attack or some such.
So he started doing the Keto diet and lost about 35 pounds in 4 months. Awesome!
And then my dad's doctor told him that he needs to get his blood pressure down, so he should try the Keto as well.
Now, I'm all for being healthy. I see the results of friends and family. I'm overweight and tired all the time . So I figure it's time for me to get healthy too, and it won't be super hard for me to switch to a low carb diet, because I like basically all the foods. I won't miss muffins. I'll just eat more cheese. Let's do it!
Except for one thing. Alcohol. Every diet I've ever heard of, you're supposed to lay off alcohol because it's so high calorie right? Well, I wouldn't call myself or my husband heavy drinkers by any means, but we love visiting craft breweries and I love gin, and mixing cocktails with friends. It's a hobby. So I was bummed that I would have to give that up to get healthy.
BUT THEN!!! I found this helpful article: https://www.insider.com/drink-alcohol-on-keto-diet-2018-8
So, here is what I found out:
Think of your body like a hybrid car. A hybrid uses it's battery for fuel first, and gasoline only after the battery is empty. It's the same with people: your body uses up carbs and alcohol first, then fat after.
Liquor with 40% alcohol by volume (80 proof) typically has zero carbs, and dry wines and lighter beers have very few carbs. Your body can actually make ketones from alcohol, so you can have it and stay in ketosis, BUT your body is still going to process the alcohol first since it considers it a toxin and wants to be rid of it.
It will slow your progress if your goal is weight loss, and also it's similar to drinking on an empty stomach. There are no carbs in your tummy to slow down the digestion of the alcohol, so it will hit you hard and fast. You're tolerance is way lower and you're gonna get drunk and hungover faster and stronger than you would if you were not in ketosis.
I know keto is getting more popular, so I wanted to share this so we can all safely enjoy a drink now and then while getting healthy. Happy New Year y'all! Wish me luck - Skinny 2020!!!
TL;DR: You can have alcohol on the Keto diet, but being in ketosis means your alcohol tolerance is practically zero, so BE SAFE!
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travelinglowcarb · 5 years
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Happy Friday! 🍺 Keeping it keto on a night out? Always! I usually stick to my known & tested favorites that don't knock me out of ketosis: Michelob Ultra or rum & diet coke.
I went to a FUN concert at Avondale Brewing Company last night though, and the only thing they were serving were their craft brews - which I wasn't familiar with.
I simply asked: what's the closest thing to a Mich Ultra if you were serving a diabetic?
She smiled and handed me this American Lager. ✔ It was light & delicious! Good enough to go back for seconds even. 🕺
Great service AND great beer! 💕
Tip: eat before you go out, or have a drink. Decide beforehand what you'll have. Alcohol hits you faster and harder when you're in ketosis, so test your new limits cautiously. 😉
*cheers* 🍾
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eat-drink-love · 5 years
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These low carb grilled chicken wings are made with Omission gluten free IPA - finally a gluten free craft beer that actually tastes amazing!!! #ibih #lowcarb #keto #ketodiet These low carb grilled chicken wings are made with Omission gluten free IPA - finally a gluten free craft beer that actually tastes amazing!!! #ibih #lowcarb #keto #ketodiet #lchf #glutenfree #chick #chickenwings #grilling #ipa
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720.2a At any point in the game, the player with priority may suggest a shortcut by describing a sequence of game choices, for all players, that may be legally taken based on the current game state and the predictable results of the sequence of choices. This sequence may be a non repetitive series of choices, a loop that repeats a specified number of times, multiple loops, or nested loops, and may even cross multiple turns. It can't include conditional actions, where the outcome of a game event determines the next action a player takes. Also try to avoid doing things just for the sake of wanting to do them try to have a reason behind every decision that you do. Once you are able to do this, things such as "playstyle" cease to exist (kind of. Doing things that mess up with the mind of your opponent might be more effective in certain situations than expecting them to play perfectly). I don have deep tear troughs but I have like shadows. I stay hydrated and get like average 7 hours of sleep, I use every eye cream i touch (it, philosophy, skyn Iceland, olay, just about everything I can think of and all pretty much with the same results), I try eye masks and all but I still have like shadows there. I guess it not puffiness so much as the shadow from my eye shape and socket but using the concealer and setting powder tricks under my eyes REALLY helps it look better. I team drive with my husband and my biggest fear is being in an accident and living while he dies. The videos and images out there show how easily these cabs get torn apart. This idea would be fought very hard by drivers AND their companies because of the weight restrictions trucks must adhere to. I loveee craft beer, and wine, and like to have a glass with dinner a few times a week. Or a couple with friends on the weekend or after a stressful workday. I genuinely like the taste of it, and it helps my worrisome brain relax and 안동출장안마 stop cycling through my list of to do or overanalyzing hypothetical scenarios.. So that means the first QB needy team would be the Giants at 6. To trade from 1 to 6 (or lower), the Cardinals would presumably want a haul a package starting with 2 1st rounders, if not more. They have to be absolutely convinced that this is their guy to give up something like that. 안동출장안마 I couldn't succeed doing keto because I would just scarf down nuts at night because I was so hungry. I'm never hungry any more because I'm eating 1200 cals in one meal. I never think about food all day. Those things changed when a jealous fertility deity tore her fucking dick off. So her priesthood castrate themselves in honor of this event, to make themselves more like her and share in her struggle. Which is not to say that they weren trans, just that it a complex situation.Also, the cult of Cybele/Agdistis weren frequently treated all that well by most of their countrymen. I never been to therapy before but maybe I could try to get some counselling (there are long wait times for the NHS). She has been to one or two counselling sessions in the past and found it not lived with her since I was 18, so there that at least. She lives by herself, and I live with my BF in the same town.Schattentochter 4 points submitted 5 months agoSo.
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ecoamerica · 1 month
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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tmarie82 · 6 years
Pairing: Seth x MC (Jessica)
Book: Red Carpet Diaries
Word Count: ~800
Rating:  PG
Author’s Note:  I am really enjoying writing Seth and Jessica!  They are just such a fun, playful, sarcastic couple and these goofy little stories just kind of write themselves.  I think I’ll be writing more of these two soon once RCD drops this week and my muse (Seth) returns.
This idea came to me last night while I was eating pizza with my family and I thought of a silly way to fulfill @lizeboredom's request for sarcasm prompt #109 “Such big evil in such a little thing.”  Hopefully it makes you giggle ... I know I did when I wrote it!
Please let me know if you would like to be added to my tag list.  You can find all of my fics here - MASTERLIST
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“Hey Babe, I’m home!”  Jessica calls out as she walks through the door, shutting it behind her and tossing her keys on the entry table.  She walks into the combined living room / dining room / kitchen room of their tiny apartment and starts flipping thru her mail that Seth had left out for her on the counter.  After flipping past bills, solicitations and more bills, she grabs the latest issue of Glamour from the stack and sets it on the kitchen table to savor while she eats.
Seth comes in from the bedroom, still wearing his sloppy sweatpants and t-shirt she’d seen him in this morning on her way out the door.  “Hey Iowa.”  He mosies up beside her and places a welcoming peck on her cheek while she fills a glass of water at the sink.  “How was your day?”
“Ugh, exhausting!  We had to run this one scene at least ten times today because Chris couldn’t get his lines straight.  And it wasn’t just a little scene ... the director made us start at the beginning every time so we could, and I quote, 'feel where the scene was taking us' each time.”  She paused to take a drink of water, before setting the glass down and making her way towards the fridge.  “And you know how much I hate all that Paleo Keto stuff they cater in for lunch ... give me some carbs!  I am STARVING!”  She starts digging through the contents of the fridge on a mission.  She shifts boxes and containers and jars and bottles before finally glancing up at her boyfriend with a worried look on her face.  “Seth, please tell me you didn’t throw away that box of leftover pizza from Luciano's???”
“Uhhhhhh ... I definitely didn’t throw it away ...” Seth mutters hesitantly, suddenly unable to make eye contact with her.
“Seeeettttthhhhh ... if you didn’t throw it away, then where is it?”  Jessica cocks an eyebrow at him.
Seth lets out a slow exhale before finally meeting her eyes.  “I kinda ... ate it.”  He flinches a little as he’s waiting for Jessica to launch into a full-on hunger-induced assault.  But she doesn’t.  She just stands there calmly before bending back down to hunt for something else edible.  
“Oh, okay.  No big deal.”  She states matter-of-factly.  But then her voice drops to a low whisper.  “I’ve only been looking forward to it all day.” She mumbles under her breath.
“What?  I didn’t hear you.” Seth asks in a worried tone.  When she doesn’t acknowledge him, he launches into his best attempt at an explanation.  “I’m sorry, I was just here working on a script all day and I didn’t want to leave and I didn’t think you would mind ... so I ate it.”
“It’s fine Seth, really.”  She replies absent-mindedly as she starts grabbing items out of the fridge and setting them on the counter.  “I’ll just make a sandwich.”
“Okaaaaaaayyyy ... “ Seth starts backing away slowly, not wanting to jeopardize the peaceful response he'd just received.  Jessica starts assembling a sandwich, seemingly paying him no mind.  Relieved at the avoided conflict, Seth escapes quietly to the the couch and turns on the TV.
“Hey Babe?”  Jessica calls from the kitchen.  “I’m gonna have a beer.  Do you want one?”  
“Yeah, sure.”  He responds as he flips through the channels.  “I think there's one more of those craft IPAs in there.”
Jessica saunters out of the kitchenette, the craft beer in one hand and a bottle opener in the other.  “What, you don’t mean this one ... do you?” She smirks as she deliberately pops the cap in front of him and slowly lifts the bottle closer to her mouth.
“Jess, you wouldn’t ... that’s the last-“ Seth stops mid-sentence as she takes the bottle in her mouth and takes a long chug.  He's dumbfounded as he watches her drain nearly a third of the bottle.
“Ahhhhh.”  Jessica exhales with a smug grin.  “That’s good.”  
“I- I can’t believe you did that ... “ he stares at her in shock.  
She shrugs her shoulders nonchalantly as she continues to smile.  “Sorry, it was just right there ... and I was sooooooo thirsty.”  She chuckles as she reaches behind her to pick up a can off the kitchen counter and walks it over to him.  “But here, I got you something too.”  She sets down the plain silver can of Coors Light on the coffee table in front of him.
He stares down at the container of the mediocre excuse for alcohol and then back at her again, smiling devilishly above him.  “You ... you’re ... Such big evil in such a little thing.”  
“What can I say?  Payback's a bitch.”  She winks at him before taking another swig of the craft beer and waltzing back into the kitchen.
Tag List: @simplyaiden-blog @mfackenthal @lizeboredom @walkerismychoice @boneandfur @laniquelove @choices-fanatic @diamond-dreamland @mariamatsuo @the-everlasting-dream @client327 @kamybelen-blog @butindeed @enmchoices @drakelover78 @kamilah-sayeed-xoxo @parkerattano @asprankle @innerpostmentality @jadedpixiescribbles @crookedslimecreatorpasta @choiceswreckedme @debramcg1106 @mymandrake @alesana45
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Watch "Keto Kings-Craft Beer & Bar B Cue Banter-Debut Show" on YouTube
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losingitinjersey · 6 years
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You know those days where you stop thinking about dieting and just kind of live?  That’s how I’d describe the last two days.  My emotions have been all over the place and I’ve non-intentionally eaten more than I normally would, all keto mind you!, but it’s definitely reflected in my weight.  What’s weird, though, is that I’m okay with it.  I don’t feel guilt or shame.  It was just a couple off-days and today I’m going to try to do better and be more mindful of my goals.  
I’ve been soooooo busy at work that I haven’t had time to blog (rude, work) and then as I was about to leave on Tuesday I get a FB msg from Kevin with the above picture of his damaged phone asking if I was down to go phone shopping with him - obviously, absolutely!  After hitting up our second Verizon store we finally found an iPhone X in stock and within 15 minutes we were out the door with a new phone in hand - it was a crazy fast process.  Since we were already at the mall we went out to dinner at Johnny Rockets for the first time.  We ordered these unfortunately tiny burgers (both totally regretting we neglected to ask for doubles) and shared a salad.  I was really impressed with the taste of the burger and the ranch dressing.  While I’m not sure if I’d hit this place up again anytime soon it was a decent option.  
Dinner Wednesday was more of the zucchini pizza muffins, this time with a doubled recipe so we got a lot more muffin in each muffin.  Honestly, I liked them better the first time I made them so I won’t be doubling the recipe next time.  
My walk last night positively sucked.  It was stupid gross out and my legs were still tired and heavy from Monday’s speed-walk.  Thankfully, I was on the phone with my bff almost the entire walk so it helped my brain focus elsewhere.  Tale a look at this massive pile of garbage I saw on my walk for trash pick-up!  Like, I didn’t know you could ever put out this much!?  Makes me feel better about myself.  
Check out this awesome sign my friend spotted during her travels in Norway this summer!  It speaks to me and I had to share.  
Pumpkin Spice Caramel Keto Chow -  Smells like a craft store in autumn and  tastes like pumpkin in a really good way.  It actually tastes waaay better than I expected as I’m not a huge pumpkin fan.  I was worried this flavor would be sickeningly sweet but I don’t taste caramel and it just tasted like straight up pumpkin pie filling.  This is definitely going to be included in our next order as soon as the big bags are released!  
Root Beer Float Keto Chow - You should know by this point that I’m a fan of root beer.  But this?  No thank you.  The flavor was extremely faint and tasted very processed.  It reminded me of those little root beer barrel gummy candies and not in a good way.  
Keto Krate Review - Raw Foods Central | Flax Crackers Per 1 oz (3 servings per bag) 140 calories, 9g fat, 12g carbs, 6g fiber, 4g protein
These are so good!!  I love snacking and I’ve been getting tired of eating almonds so these were the perfect.  While they’re no kettle chips they are pretty dang delicious.  I’ve only eaten them plain but I’m sure they’d be great with a dip.  I had to physically stop myself from eating the entire bag.  Before I opened the bag I was really scared all the crisps would have crumbled into just flax seeds but there were tons of actual crackers!  Although, I’m a bit confused because on the Keto Krate flyer it said these were 1g net carb, on the website it says 1g net carb but on the bag that I received it said 6g net carbs.  I’m not going to sweat it right now but I’d do a lot more investigating before ordering these.  
Happy Friday Eve!
August Walking Mileage: 15.3 miles walked Goal of 107 miles 14.3% completed
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wineanddinosaur · 3 years
The Beer Industry Prepares for the Crypto Bro
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“In a few years, or maybe just a few months, people are going to read this story and laugh at us.”
So says Joshua Stylman, the co-founder and CEO of Threes Brewing, based out of the Gowanus neighborhood of Brooklyn, with additional locations in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, and the town of Huntington on Long Island. I’d reached out to him after a matter-of-fact tweet on Feb. 18 in which the brewery noted it was now accepting cryptocurrency. I’ve known Stylman for awhile, and he has a sly sense of humor, so a part of me wondered if this was all just a gag in keeping with these strange times. He insisted it wasn’t.
“I fancy myself an Andy Kaufman type,” he jokes, referring to the comedic prankster of the 1970s. “But this is not a troll. We now accept crypto.”
In fact, Stylman, COO Jared Cohen, and the entire Threes Brewing team are extremely bullish about digital currency. The pandemic forced them, like many others, to make changes to their business and they’ve been aggressive in pivoting (what’s that Sun Tzu quote about appearing strong when you are actually weak?).
They had completely overhauled their website just a few days into the pandemic and were almost immediately able to start delivering their beer direct to consumers. When online customers started demanding they accept PayPal, Stylman figured, why not cryptocurrency as well, an integration that took less than 10 minutes to set up via the Shopify app they use.
“Learning about a new ecosystem is exciting to us,” says Stylman. The Threes website now uses Coinbase. Incidentally, the San Francisco-based crypto exchange is about to go public in a few months and is expected to have a valuation over $100 billion, something Stylman believes will finally open people’s eyes.
“Digital money is here, it’s happening, and it’s certainly the future” he says. “What’s that expression that things happen gradually then suddenly? I personally think cryptocurrency is as big of a deal as the mobile phone or internet before it.”
The 0.000396946667 Bitcoin 4-Pack
As, admittedly, a crypto neophyte, it seemed insane to me that someone might use Bitcoin, say, to buy a 4-pack of beer. That could mean paying $16 for a 4-pack last March had actually cost them like $150 today. Indeed, even Stylman doesn’t think people will really use Bitcoin for beer purchases, it’s just too volatile.
“I personally don’t believe it’s going to be a currency,” he says. “It’s going to be a stored value like gold. You don’t go to your bodega and pay for beer with blocks of gold.”
In that regard, Threes currently accepts five other cryptocurrencies, including Ethereum and Litecoin as well as two stable coins, USD Coin and Dai, which are pegged to the U.S. dollar. Having said that, Threes is fine if you want to use 0.000396946667 of a Bitcoin (which was the rate when I was buying some beer in late February) to buy a 4-pack of Lifeworld, their new Czech pilsner. The Shopify app allows you to immediately convert crypto back to cash, but Threes plans to keep all crypto payments as crypto.
In fact, Threes is betting so hard on cryptocurrency that they’ve moved 10 percent of their treasury into it — Something Stylman proudly notes they did a few weeks before Elon Musk similarly moved a portion of Tesla’s cash into Bitcoin. Stylman sees it as a prudent hedge against expected inflation post-pandemic, though he recognizes its value could also drop to zero at a moment’s notice.
“Please write that I am by no means qualified to pontificate on the future of currency,” he tells me, though he’s being a bit humble, as he does have a lengthy background in tech and angel investing previous to starting Threes, as does Cohen. “Like every other schmo, though, I have opinions.”
Philadelphia Brewing was the first American brewery to accept Bitcoin, which it did starting in early 2013. Iron Triangle Brewery, which opened in downtown Los Angeles in 2016, accepted numerous different cryptocurrencies (including the jokey Dogecoin) on special days, which it immediately converted to Bitcoin. (By 2019 it had closed, with the owners claiming their “capital would be better invested in their other businesses.”)
Most notable is BrewDog, whose brewpub location at Canary Wharf in London accepted Bitcoin the day it opened in 2018. By the next year, it was offering shares in the brewery via most cryptocurrencies, along with their standard bluster of supposed “punk” self-promotion.
“At BrewDog we have worked our entire lives to challenge perceptions and be bold and uncompromising; the developers and miners of cryptocurrency are exactly the same,” claimed a company press release. “Adopting alternative payment options for craft beer is a natural fit.”
Breweries like BrewDog may have initially accepted crypto as a way to get easy press, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t make a lot of sense. Craft brewing has always been a damn-the-man industry, and accepting crypto jibes with that ethos.
There’s even a cryptocurrency called Beer Money, intentionally designed as a means of payment within the brewing industry, and a German-based one, Beercoin, which can only be produced by drinking beer and scanning QR codes on the underside of the bottle cap.
“The beer market is a billion-dollar industry which has not seen many innovations in recent years and is currently decreasing in volume in many parts of the world,” claims Beercoin founder and CEO Tobias Meyer. “Our goal is quite straightforward: We want to create the beer-based cryptocurrency.”
Neither Beer Money nor Beercoin have gained much of a foothold over the few years they’ve existed — or much value; Beercoin currently sits at $0.0110 a coin — and they don’t appear on Coinbase at the moment. The more you start diving into craft beer and crypto, the more it can start to seem like satire. As in the case of Down Stream, a collaborative brewing project in Ireland that claims it is the “world’s first blockchain beer,” referring to the public transaction ledger used for Bitcoin, or the two beer bars in Manhattan that were recently offered for sale in Bitcoin.
“I mean, stuff like this is a little gimmicky,” says Stylman. “But maybe our thing is, too!”
Indeed, most craft breweries I spot-checked laughed when I asked them if they were accepting crypto, but by the end of our conversation, had seriously begun considering flipping the switch on the technology. Both Shopify and Square are already set up to easily accept crypto, and Jack Dorsey, Square’s CEO, is a huge proponent of it, having set up his own crypto team to support development. Stylman thinks you’ll see breweries adopt crypto payments as quickly as we’ve seen everyone add a Square-loaded iPad on a swivel stand to their bar top.
“Looking at our cash register over the six years since we’ve opened, almost no one uses cash anymore” says Stylman.
He tells me that, leading up to the pandemic, 80 percent of tabs at Threes were being paid via credit card. He notes a key benefit of switching to crypto is eliminating credit card fees, which unfortunately get baked into the pricing whether customers realize it or not. And that’s how you end up with $20, er, 0.000396946667 BTC 4-packs.
The Blockchain Beer Release
But what I really wanted to know in writing this story was: What are the crypto bros drinking?
“I mentioned to our director of marketing, ‘You might want to put this on social media,’” says Stylman, recalling the day he opened up digital currency payments. “There are some crypto bros that are going to be really happy with us.”
I’d hit up Stylman just five days into his experiment and he’d only had two purchases via crypto by that point (I would end up making the third). Based on the stereotyping of crypto enthusiasts, though, who love off-beat diets such as intermittent fasting or keto, or exclusive meat-eating carnivory, maybe they don’t even drink calorie-laden craft beer.
(Although, showing the first beer you ever bought with Bitcoin was briefly a flex on Reddit.)
A lot of other questions are likewise still TBD and even Threes is feeling it out as they go along.
For instance, when their bars open again and people come in for a pint, how will they pay with crypto?
They’ll scan a QR code to pay with their Coinbase wallet.
Could they offer a gratuity with crypto?
“Our employees do pooled tips,” says Stylman. “So it would be a little weird, and they would need a crypto account.”
Likewise, crypto is meant to protect the anonymity of the individual but, in buying 21+ beverages, the individual inherently has to prove who they are.
“Technically, we’re a weird example since we check IDs,” says Stylman, “We can’t be like a health clinic where it’s important that they maintain privacy.”
Even if Stylman doesn’t know how a lot of these things will eventually work, he is certain that crypto will play a huge part in his brewery’s future. He believes we’re still in “internet 1995” when it comes to crypto and its potential.
Taking it to the extremes, Threes has even been discussing the idea of releasing non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, a hard-to-fathom concept that has been blowing up in the geekiest of tech circles lately. NFTs use the same blockchain technology as cryptocurrency, allowing fans to buy one-of-a-kind digital collectibles — the most famous at the moment being the basketball highlights sold via NBA Top Shot and Beeple’s $69 million work of art, with Nike currently developing CryptoKicks digital shoes that seem destined to take off among sneakerheads.
In that regard, if you think that recent 200-bottle release of pastry stout or the $90 members-only 6-pack was hard to score, maybe the future of crypto and craft beer will be a sui generis Threes IPA you can’t even drink.
“We’ve been kicking it around,” says Stylman. “Would collectors be interested in buying little NFT beer cards for each of our styles? I don’t know. It’s admittedly weird.”
The article The Beer Industry Prepares for the Crypto Bro appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/articles/beer-industry-crypto-bro/
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ecoamerica · 1 month
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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