#ketamine infusion
growing-home · 2 months
i spent nearly two decades of my life severely depressed and suicidal and for so long i believed wholeheartedly that it was my fault. i believed that the reason no medication or therapy had ever worked for my depression was because i wasn’t ACTUALLY depressed— i believed i was just lazy, bad, manipulative, and just using depression as an excuse for the inherent badness i thought was inside me. this was a story that was told to me and reinforced over and over again by treatment providers.
this past summer, i tried my 30th+ psychiatric medication, not expecting to see any results. the day i realized it was working was the day i realized that i was…planning my future???suddenly i no longer wanted to stay in bed all day and never go outside. i no longer wanted to isolate. i wanted to see people, talk to people! i started spending more time with friends and facetiming people and talking on the phone, things that i rarely did in the past. when i had been depressed, the only movies/tv shows i could focus on were super intense, fast paced, and scary or disturbing because that was the only way to hold my attention. after starting this medication, i started enjoying SITCOMS! i no longer felt like i was fighting to just get through every single day of my life.
there was such a clear and measurable difference in the quality of my life that i started to question why i believed that my depression had been my fault. it became very clear to me that a large part of my depression had been biological. i had not been lazy or bad. i had been sick. my brain was sick the same way other organs get sick sometimes. this brought up a lot of grief for me— grief for all the lost time that i’d spent trying to find something that worked, grief for how much pain i had been in for so long. but it also brought up sheer FURY at all of the therapists and psychiatrists who had treated me like i just wasn’t trying hard enough to get better.
i had been labeled treatment resistant, of course, and the only recommendations i had received after being given that label were TMS, Ketamine, and ECT. once i had tried all three with no success, i believed i was just a lost cause. i thought i was out of options. i was made to feel that way by so many treatment professionals. i was told that nothing was working because of my complex trauma and that once i healed from that then i would stop being depressed (as if it’s that easy to just fully recover from CPTSD!) i was told that i just needed to do more DBT, i just needed to live and breathe DBT skills and then i would get better, even though i’d done intensive DBT programs for years with no improvement to my depression. (yes, it helped me to change my behavior and quit self harm, but behavior change isn’t necessarily indicative of a change in mood. i could do all the right things all the time and still be in excruciating mental pain.)
i was told that i just wasn’t trying hard enough, or that i must have a personality disorder, or that i just needed to exercise more, or eat less, or eat MORE, or eat differently, or get a job, or get a dog, or do yoga, or acupuncture, or biofeedback, or find purpose in my life— psychiatrist after psychiatrist looked for something to blame everywhere but in the mirror. instead of admitting that they weren’t equipped to help me, they made me believe that it was MY fault i wasn’t getting better. and i believed them. for SO long, i believed them.
and now after finding a medication that works for me, i see everything so much more clearly. psychiatrists need to put their enormous egos aside and actually treat patients with treatment resistant depression instead of blaming us for suffering from a (partially at least) biological illness. if you’re a doctor and you know that a patients illness is outside of the scope of your abilities, either do more research and get more training to help them or refer them to someone who specializes in what they need. don’t keep them around letting them pay you thousands of dollars while you make them try the same thing over and over and over again and expect to get a different result. people act like things like ECT are a last resort option, and in doing so make people believe that if it doesn’t help then you’re out of options. but nobody ever tried me on tricyclics. nobody tried me on MAOIs. nobody told me about how some dopamine agonists like Pramipexole have had some success in treating treatment resident depression. instead i was made to feel like asking to not be suicidal daily was asking for too much. if you’re a clinician who thinks that’s asking for too much, you’re in the wrong profession. we can do better than that. we NEED to do better than that.
in my experience, out of every profession, doctors have some of the biggest egos i’ve ever seen. i say this as someone who is both mentally ill as well as physically disabled. many doctors HATE it when you do your own research. they HATE it when you have suggestions, or when you ask for what you need. it’s almost as if they feel threatened by it, like they need to believe that they are superior to their patients because of how much time and money and energy they put into going to med school— they need to believe they hate their hard work was worth it so they have a tendency to dismiss any ideas their patients might have. i don’t care how many years you’ve been in school. you do not get to tell your sick patients that it’s their fault they’re sick to justify your laziness and refusal to learn new things. put away your god complex and actually listen to your patients.
and the strangest part to me is that the longer you have been suicidal for, the less seriously they take it. the same way that the more chronically ill you are the less people believe you. it’s bizarre— when people see pain that is beyond what they can fathom, instead of feeling empathy, they tell you you must be faking it or that you must be looking for attention. i’ll never understand this. it’s as if they think that suicidality doesn’t need to be taken seriously unless the patient has successfully completed suicide. and i think it’s very clear how that logic is flawed. i was treated like i just wanted attention whenever i asked for help with my chronic suicidality and it made me terrified to ask for help with ANYTHING. i still constantly am afraid that if i’m too honest with clinicians then they’ll think i just want attention. attention isn’t a bad thing to want, all human beings need some degree of attention, but regardless that doesn’t negate the severity of a person’s suicidality. i wasn’t attention seeking by asking for help. i was STRONG. i was really fucking strong, far stronger than i should’ve had to be. i fought for my life every single day and i am lucky to still be here but it’s not luck that got me here. it’s ME that got me here.
i don’t want to make it sound like i speak for everyone who has suffered from TRD, because i don’t think that would be fair. i can’t tell you if there’s a med out there that’ll work for you. all i can tell you is that most psychiatrists prematurely tell chronically suicidal patients that there is nothing they can do to help them or that they’re out of medication options. if you’re a psychiatrist or doctor and you feel yourself getting defensive while reading this, i invite you to get curious about where that activation is coming from.
and if you are someone with treatment resident depression or chronic suicidality reading this, i am telling you now: your illness is not your fault. i don’t know if it’s going to get better or not, but i can promise you— it is not your fault and it never has been.
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wishful-seeker · 3 months
Um its actually so fucking wild im getting my life back??
I can play video games again???!! Its been 3 years of not being able to use a computer for more than 10 minutes. I can game with my bf again and we missed it so much 🥺
I can't even explain how big this is
And when there is pain sometimes i can actually IGNORE IT AND THINK ABOUT OTHER THINGS, WHAT??!!
I can sit outside now??!!
Going to the doctor or being in the car doesn't hurt??!
You mean to tell me there is a fucking ANSWER?
There is a SOLUTION?
Im legit healing what the hell, what is this sorcery, praise ketamine what the actual FUCK
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chambergambit · 14 days
I do ketamine infusion therapy for depression, and this playlist consists of tracks I listen to during my infusion sessions. Each track is under 4 minutes (longer than that and I get antsy for some reason), no overly dramatic or surprising sounds, with a variety of moods from bittersweet to uplifting, all from both classic and contemporary composers. Check it out, for infusions, studing, just relaxing, whatever. Hope you enjoy!
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nushamawellness · 19 days
Mental Health Treatment Centers in New York at Nushama
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Discover top-notch mental health treatment at Nushama in New York. Our center provides comprehensive care tailored to your needs, ensuring holistic support for your journey to wellness. With a team of experienced professionals, we offer personalized therapy, medication management, and innovative treatment modalities. At our platform, we prioritize your mental well-being, fostering a supportive environment for healing and growth. Take the first step towards a brighter future with our compassionate and effective mental health treatment centers in New York. Reach out today to embark on your path to recovery with us now!
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ketamineineurope · 4 months
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wepracticewellness · 6 months
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Combining TMS and Ketamine
We offer IV ketamine treatments in combination with TMS in Jacksonville FL to help patients overcome these challenging conditions.
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ameliawilson0245 · 7 months
Finding a Reputable Clinic for Ketamine Infusion in PTSD Treatment in Orange County
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Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a complex mental health condition that can have a significant impact on an individual's well-being. While traditional treatment methods for PTSD, such as therapy and medication, are effective for many, some individuals may find limited relief from these approaches. Ketamine infusion therapy has emerged as a promising alternative to PTSD treatment. However, it is crucial to find a reputable clinic that specializes in providing ketamine infusion therapy for PTSD. This article will guide you through the process of finding a reputable clinic for PTSD treatment in Orange County, focusing on the key factors to consider and the steps to take.
Treating PTSD with Ketamine Infusion Therapy
Ketamine infusion therapy involves administering a controlled dose of ketamine, an anesthetic medication, through intravenous infusion. Research has shown that ketamine can have rapid and significant antidepressant and anxiolytic effects, making it a potential treatment option for PTSD. When seeking a clinic for ketamine infusion therapy, it is important to look for one that specializes in providing treatment for PTSD specifically. This ensures that the clinic has the expertise and experience necessary to address the unique needs of individuals with PTSD.
Research and Referrals
The first step in finding a reputable clinic for PTSD treatment in Orange County is conducting thorough research. Start by searching online for clinics that offer ketamine infusion therapy for PTSD in your area. Look for clinics that have a dedicated focus on PTSD treatment and have experienced medical professionals on staff. Reading patient reviews and testimonials can also provide valuable insights into the clinic's reputation and the experiences of previous patients.
In addition to online research, seek referrals from trusted sources. Reach out to mental health professionals, such as therapists or psychiatrists, who specialize in PTSD treatment. They may be familiar with reputable clinics in Orange County that offer ketamine infusion therapy. Friends, family members, or support groups who have undergone ketamine infusion therapy for PTSD can also provide recommendations based on their personal experiences.
Evaluating Credentials and Expertise
When evaluating potential clinics for PTSD treatment, pay close attention to the credentials and expertise of the medical professionals involved. Look for clinics that have board-certified physicians who are experienced in administering ketamine infusion therapy for PTSD. These professionals should have a strong background in mental health and should be knowledgeable about the latest research and advancements in ketamine treatment.
Consider the clinic's affiliations and memberships as well. Reputable clinics often have affiliations with professional organizations and associations related to mental health and ketamine therapy. These affiliations demonstrate a commitment to upholding high standards of care and staying informed about best practices in the field.
Facility Standards and Safety
The safety and comfort of the clinic's facility are crucial factors to consider when seeking PTSD treatment. A reputable clinic should provide a clean, well-maintained, and comfortable environment for patients. The clinic should adhere to strict safety protocols and maintain proper equipment for administering ketamine infusion therapy.
Inquire about the clinic's protocols for patient monitoring during and after the infusion. A reputable clinic will have trained medical staff closely monitoring patients throughout the process to ensure their well-being and promptly address any potential side effects or complications.
Consultation and Personalized Treatment Plans
A reputable clinic for PTSD treatment will offer a comprehensive consultation process. During the consultation, medical professionals should take the time to understand your specific needs, medical history, and treatment goals. They should explain the treatment process, potential benefits, and any associated risks or side effects. The clinic should provide personalized treatment plans tailored to each individual's unique circumstances, ensuring that the treatment addresses their specific PTSD symptoms and concerns.
Finding a reputable clinic for ketamine infusion therapy in PTSD treatment is crucial for maximizing the potential benefits and ensuring your safety and well-being. By conducting thorough research, seeking referrals, evaluating credentials, considering facility standards and safety, and exploring personalized treatment plans, you can make an informed decision when selecting a clinic in Orange County. Remember to consult with medical professionals and trusted sources to guide you in finding a clinic that specializes in PTSD treatment and has a strong reputation for providing high-quality care. With the right clinic, ketamine infusion therapy can be a valuable tool in your journey toward healing from PTSD.
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fusion360 · 11 months
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What is the success rate in treating depression with Ketamine?
Ketamine infusion therapy has emerged as a promising treatment option for depression, offering new hope for individuals seeking relief from this debilitating mental health condition. AXXIS Wellness, a leading provider of holistic health treatments in Salt Lake City, Utah, recognizes the potential of Ketamine infusions in improving mental well-being.
This article will explore the success rate of Ketamine infusions in treating depression, drawing upon credible sources to provide insights into the efficacy of this innovative therapy.
Understanding the Success Rate
Depression is a condition that impacts a significant global population, and it is complex and multifaceted. Conventional antidepressant medication can take weeks or even months to improve substantially. This prompts many people to seek alternative treatment options.
Ketamine has emerged as a potential game-changer in the treatment of depression because of its distinctive pharmacological properties.
Clinical Studies and Efficacy
Numerous clinical studies have consistently shown promising results, with significant percentages of participants experiencing a reduction in depressive symptoms:
According to a 2017 publication in JAMA Psychiatry, a single dose of Ketamine demonstrated an immediate and strong antidepressant impact, significantly alleviating depressive symptoms within hours of administration. Additionally, a 2019 review article in the American Journal of Psychiatry stated that Ketamine exhibited promising outcomes in diminishing suicidal thoughts and enhancing overall mood.
A landmark study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry in 2018 examined the efficacy of Ketamine in treating treatment-resistant depression. The study involved 68 participants and reported a response rate of approximately 70%, with a notable reduction in depressive symptoms within 24 hours of the first infusion. Additionally, the study found that nearly one-third of the participants achieved complete remission from depression during the trial period.
Role of AXXIS Wellness in Ketamine Infusion Therapy
As a leading provider of Ketamine infusion therapy, AXXIS Wellness understands the significance of offering this innovative treatment option to individuals struggling with depression. They employ a comprehensive approach, combining expert medical supervision, personalized treatment plans, precise dosage, and monitoring to optimize the effectiveness of Ketamine infusions.
AXXIS Wellness, a trusted provider of Ketamine infusion therapy in Salt Lake City, Utah, offers personalized treatment plans and expert medical supervision to ensure the safety and efficacy of each individual's journey toward improved mental well-being.
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wishful-seeker · 1 month
Tw death talk
It's quite a realization when you realize if you were an animal or pet you would be put down because your medical treatment is too fucked to put an animal through.
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2busy4life · 1 year
Today I want to share my experience with ketamine infusion against my depression. The day before yesterday I got my first infusion after years again. And I swear don't try this at home. I had 2 nurses and a doc with me and really I don't know what would've happened if I didn't had them. The doc told me I had extreme mood swinging between kill me and maniac laughing 2 times in a minute.
It felt like I felt out of the universe sometimes, and even if I would die because I had to cough 2 times in those 40 minutes. It is definitely not a great experience! But I need the ketamine, because I have tried every class of antidepressants in the past 10 years. I had over 50 different psyopharma. Nothing worked. And now I get ketamine 2 times a week. And I have to say I'm afraid of them, but today (1 day after 1st infusion), I feel so much better. I mean, I don't have the urge to smash cups and cut my neck or even selfharm. Today, it was acactable to sad/crying. A huge step forwards. I really get my hope back that I already lost as a kid. On Monday I get my next infusion and maybe I record it. Because the switches are insane but my memories on that last one are rare. I want to see me going through this from a normal kind of view. Sometimes I felt like I'm part of exorcism. The time sounds short but of it once kicks in after seconds there is no return. Just crazy and I don't understand why people use ketamine "just for fun" or alone. It's so dangerous. Not even the overdose, the downs are heavily that you really could hurt/kill yourself in those phases.
See you on Monday, have a nice weekend and stay safe.
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carloswilson0 · 1 year
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Ketamine has been shown to be extremely effective and safe for patients with depression and treatment resistant depression (those who fail to get relief from two or more antidepressants). Ketamine is highly effective at rapidly (within 2-8 hours) reducing depressive symptoms. Traditional antidepressants often take weeks to months to work. Many traditional antidepressants have side effects including reduced libido, weight gain, GI upset, mood disturbances, and unfortunately require daily use for months to years.
visit: https://renewketamineinfusion.com
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kuhnsnrlohse · 2 years
where order Ketamine On the web in 2022
Buy Ketamine Online
If you've ever wanted to buy Ketamine Online, you may not know where to look. Ketamine is a white powder or liquid that is often sold in capsule or pill form. This drug has no taste or odor, and can be taken orally or even added to smokable materials. Shop Online is also used for seizures and is often prescribed to epilepsy patients. This means that each patient will have a different purpose.
Dissociative anaesthetic
Dissociative anaesthetic, also called ecstasy or ecstasy is a psychoactive medication that causes users to feel disassociated from their bodies. The drug can cause a condition known as the "K-hole", where users experience intense hallucinations, paralysis, and other paranormal effects. Although ecstasy may be used to induce euphoria, it can have dangerous consequences.
Although its effects are not well understood, ketamine could be used as an analgesic and an adjuvant to opioids. Ketamine may cause a decrease in opioid tolerance. Therefore, it is important to exercise caution when using this substance. Many authors recommend starting ketamine in small doses to minimize opioid tolerance. There are many studies that show ketamine's positive effects. Continue reading to learn more about the benefits of ketamine.
As a sedative, Ketamine is used mostly by anesthesiologists and anesthesia nurses. It is also used for dental and pain specialist procedures. Its main functions include analgesia, anesthesia, and pain relief. Ketamine is a safe and effective sedative. It has been used for hundreds upon years to help patients fall asleep and avoid drowsiness.
Seizure drug
Incontinence drug
The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) has developed guidelines for managing urinary incontinence in men and women. However, they do not specifically refer to ketamine and bladder symptoms. Inconsistent voiding, pain during urination, and increased bladder sensation are all symptoms of ketamine use. Nevertheless, they are comparable to other symptoms of incontinence.
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sehestedxyofranklin · 2 years
How get Ketamine on internet in 2022
Buy Ketamine Online
You may not know where to find Ketamine online if you have ever wanted to purchase it. Ketamine is a white liquid or powder that is often sold as a capsule or pill. It is a white powder or liquid that has no taste or smell. It can be taken orally as well as added to smokable material. It is also a commonly used drug for seizures and is often prescribed for epilepsy, which means it has different purposes for each patient.
Dissociative anaesthetic
Dissociative anaesthetic, also called ecstasy or ecstasy is a psychoactive medication that causes users to feel disassociated from their bodies. The drug causes a state known as the 'K-hole' in which users experience intense hallucinations and become paralyzed. Although ecstasy may be used to induce euphoria, it can have dangerous consequences.
Although its effects on the nervous system are not fully understood, ketamine as an analgesic may prove to be an effective adjuvant to opioids. This substance may reduce opioid tolerance, so caution should be used when using ketamine. Many authors recommend starting ketamine in small doses to minimize opioid tolerance. However, there are several studies demonstrating ketamine's benefits. Read on to learn more about ketamine's potential benefits.
Ketamine Canada
As a sedative, Ketamine is used mostly by anesthesiologists and anesthesia nurses. It is also used for dental and pain specialist procedures. It is used primarily for analgesia or anesthesia. Ketamine is an excellent choice if you're looking for a safe and effective sedative. It has been used for hundreds years to aid patients in deep sleep and avoid drowsiness.
Seizure drug
Patients with seizures cannot be transported by ALS ambulances. They are also expensive and difficult to administer. One case showed that ketamine could be used to induce seizure control, without affecting cerebral blood flow and pressure. Ketamine used to be a restricted substance, but it has been embraced by many other medical professionals over the past two decades. However, it remains to be determined if it is safe for patients.
Incontinence drug
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bruhnzjsjacobsen · 2 years
where get Ketamine on internet in 2022
Buy Ketamine Online
Ketamine can be purchased online by many people. Ketamine is a white powder or liquid that is often sold in capsule or pill form. It is a white powder or liquid that has no taste or smell. It can be taken orally as well as added to smokable material. It is also a commonly used drug for seizures and is often prescribed for epilepsy, which means it has different purposes for each patient.
Dissociative anaesthetic
Dissociative anaesthetic (also known as ecstasy) is a psychoactive drug that makes users feel disconnected from their bodies. The drug causes a state known as the 'K-hole' in which users experience intense hallucinations and become paralyzed. Although ecstasy can be used to induce euphoria in some people, it can also have dangerous side effects.
Although its effects on the nervous systems are not fully understood, ketamine may be an effective adjuvant for opioids. This substance may reduce opioid tolerance, so caution should be used when using ketamine. Many authors recommend that ketamine be taken in small amounts to reduce opioid tolerance. There are many studies that show ketamine's positive effects. Read on to learn more about ketamine's potential benefits.
Ketamine is a sedative that is mostly used by anesthesiologists or anesthesia nurses. It can also be used in pain specialist and dental procedures. Its main uses include analgesia and anesthesia. Ketamine is an excellent choice if you're looking for a safe and effective sedative. It has been used for hundreds years to aid patients in deep sleep and avoid drowsiness.
Seizure drug
Incontinence drug
Guidelines for managing urinary problems in men and women have been developed by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. These guidelines do not specifically address bladder symptoms or ketamine. Ketamine use is characterized by incontinence, urination pain, and increased bladder sensation. These symptoms are similar to incontinence symptoms.
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greengay · 3 months
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