#keegan x logan walker
autistic-cowboy · 9 months
Hey! I was wondering if anyone is interested in doing a Keegan x Logan with me? I'd be Logan preferably. I have a small plot and starter ready if anyone is interested. Just comment on here or pm me.
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yooo-lets-go · 4 months
Happy Valentine’s Day ♥️
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To everybody except Hesh, I guess
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alkern · 2 months
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my bebe girl oc with ghosts boys
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burstinn · 7 months
as a male!Reader, I feel very represented in your works,
could you write a male!Reader that’s really tall? Like, humongous? In hight, and body? (In the military as well)
I always see male!Readers that are so small and tiny and baby.
like, no. You get me? Just saying. Thanks!
Male! Reader with the height and body of a goddamn Monster.
Note: some mentions on top reader but I like to keep it ambiguous. So you can read it as a switch! Reader. This is a quick drabble of some Hcs
People shown: Ghost, Soap, Gaz, Price, Keegan, Graves, Nikto, König, Horangi, Logan Walker,Roach, Makarov, Krueger
-Reader is 6'5.
-Basically built like the Russian terminator guy
- Got shocked when he first saw you, wanted to seem more intimidating than you.
-So he puffed out his chest and glared at you.. Bro wants to challenge you nahh 😭😭🙏🙏
-You would fold him tho ngl (in the ring and in bed fr fr)
-when he got comfortable with you kinda jealous his title of the big, tall intimidating man got taken away.
-When you sparred with Ghost it was a tough fight but you managed to get Ghost in a chokehold wrapping one of your tough bulging sexy ass arms around Ghost's neck.
-Never knew he wanted to be man handled so bad it was Hot he had to excuse himself and run off because he got hard.
-Starts imaging if your cock is just as big.. Spoiler alert.. It is..
-Looks at you then Ghost mind blown that there was someone more humongous than Ghost
-Teased Ghost for awhile
-Drools over your pecs..
-He totally dreams of being crushed by you..
Or being crushed between Ghost and you.. Or both..
-Asks if he could feel your guns (Your arms..)
-Keeps glancing at your cock. Even though it's clothed.. I mean look at you.. Your manhood is basically too tight for your pants he can literally see your outline.
-Soap asked if he could measure your Length.. So he could see how far it could go inside of him YK?! YOU UNDERSTAND.
-More interested than having dirty thoughts.
-Keeps asking how you got that big
-Wants to be just as strong as you
-Cutie patootie (T_T)
-Basically hangs around you to see how you work
-Even follows you so he could watch you train and spar
-Asks about your diet and if how your body looks is genetic
-inspired by you. Like a child (😭😭WHALUAAHHAH GAZZ)
-Beneficial for him I mean he gets to have another soldier that's just as intimidating as Ghost.. Maybe even more.
-Is like a proud father
-Talks to everyone about you and how bla bla bla
-Trains with you
-He'd show you tricks and tips on how he trains and you show him tips and tricks on how you train
-Probably has a picture of you at his desk.. Beside the other pictures of his other not biological family. Aka. The whole 141..basically has a pic of everyone they all family up in 'ere
-Heh.. Yknow.. Pictures..
-In the showers in lockers makes sure he's there near so he can see you in all your glory
-Probably had wet dreams about you
-Also makes sure he's there when your training. It's not like he's obvious everyone there is fuckin watching you
-What's that? You wearing a compression shirt? 🤨🤨 nuh uh in the sex chamber you go 👉
-Touching, touching, touching EVERYTHING
-What the fuck
-Silent panicking
-Jealous very jealous
-Compares himself to you, would train harder just so he can look like you (bb nooo 😭😭)
-Would watch also how you train your body so he could copy it
-You caught him once training in the middle of the night.. And he's using your technique on how you use the punching bags.. He's just getting some stuff wrong..
-When he notices you he got.. Slightly embarrassed and angry.. Panicked inside when you came closer asking him if he was using your technique in training
-You trained him properly on how you do it.
-so like now.. You train him in the middle of the night..
-same as price shows you off but more in an annoying way
-Hes boasting
-Would face you off against his strongest shadows no diff you still win.. Yuuuhhh
-Subtle touching like hand on shoulder, arm, head whatever.
-Relieved that he has someone that looks like him.. Albeit slightly shorter.. Still!
-Got nervous meeting you first.. Forced himself to act tough to impress you I mean he is a colonel
-Makes sure to be in missions with you. Wants to see you in your most serious and intimidating
-Got intimidated himself once he saw how you act on field
-Tries to be on your good side the whole time
-One day he was watching you and just started thinking about YOU KNOWWW!!
-Blasphemous! He got red and cried to Horangi about it
-You know about this guy
-He's silly
-He'd read fanfics thinking it's him and you
-he'd make fanfics too, about you and him maybe adds König
-Shows it to König all proud and shit as if König isn't looking at him with absolute horror in his face when he reads what Horangi wants to do with you or you with him.
-He's delusional
-Slapped your ass and blamed it on someone else that's near him. It was König.
-Is it as veiny as your arms? A man can only dream.
-gives you a soda can and tells you to crush it in your arms.. Better yet in between your legs.
-Would then tell you like "good now do my head"
-PlEASE let him be between your thighs
-Rolled his eyes when he saw you
-Avoids you like the plague
-Why doesn't he like you? No idea. He a big pussy bitch is what. He sad you get more dick n pussy than him.
-Complained about you to Hesh
-He may not like you. He can't lie tho. You are good at your job so like he can't do anything about that
-Sex Chamber. Now.
-Quiet around you..
-Looks up at you like a damn bug. It's cute. He likes it when he looks up at you
-He'd jump on you and crawls around like a cockroach
-haha funi jok
-Would use your shoulder as a seat.
-If you do pushups he'd be on top of your back
-Audible gulp sound (haha he's drinking your seme-)
-Curses in German
-Dreaming about HAHAHAHAAHAH
-If he's fingering his gun to clean it he just.. Thinks..
-If he sees YOU finger your gun to clean it.. That's it he's done.
-He's dragging you somewhere
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milomossy · 3 months
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Apr 2023
Military man yaoy
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vithoma · 6 months
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Cod ghosts stuff
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all-purpose-dish-soap · 3 months
it IS funny to me that we collectively decided keegan is THE meanest, most fuckable, most viscera-soaked dirt-caked bitch in cod ghosts. and while i do agree, keegs is absolutely not the main character of his own game (it's hesh, with silent player character logan and keegan's boss merrick as secondary protags) and even fucking tvtopes roasts keegan's ass for having zero ascertainable personality:
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keegan exists because the devs realized they couldn't show the first-person player character assassinating people from the shadows, but they could still serve us some good fucking food by handing a knife and night vision goggles to the scrunkliest freak on the recon team.
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graysnetwork · 1 year
Hiii, love Keegan. Can I request a Keegan hc? One where he’s over the top in love, completely adores and worships his wife and just spoils her rotten? I’m a firm believer this man would give constant princess treatment.
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This man loves you to the fullest
He’s seen as a cold-hearted soldier, that can kill anybody in a heartbeat but behind closed door he’s the biggest softie for you
(Like In my previous hc) You met his team and they were worried something was wrong with him because of how he acted with you
He’s like putty for you
He does everything you want
Want him to wash the dishes, done! Take out the trash, it’s done. You want to cuddle with him, he’s already waiting for you!
He firmly believes that your an angel sent from heaven
He doesn’t think he deserves you, so you have to tell him why and how much you love him
He thinks you a goddess, too beautiful to belong on this earth, and he’s scared people will try to take you away from him.
It’s the complete opposite though, he’s a big guy with ice cold eyes, nobody would even dare to look at you the wrong way
you also get passenger princess treatment
sometimes when you two are on rode trips and you need to stretch you put your feet on the dashboard, he'll just stare at you for a second and then turn his attention back to the rode.
he opens the car door for you
he opens all doors for you
ties your shoes
he brings you roses, every. single. date.
(He likes to take you on dates)
so you have roses in almost every room of your house, room, kitchen, living room, everywhere
he cooks for you a lot, he's an amazing cooker so he likes to take the role as chef in the house
and don't even get me started with a wife that's pregnant😵‍💫
hes even sweeter
And he’s soooo overprotective
he takes care of you so well
he gets you everything your craving, even if its the middle of the night
he's very patient with you because he knows your a little more emotional then you usually are
he likes to rub your stomach
and he helps you put on lotion and shave
he'd do anything for you
(he also asked for leave for the first two weeks of your pregnancy)
(and when you were due)
his team also found out so they visited you with gifts
(Hesh and Logan were fighting about who would be the godfather)
it ended up being Merrick or Ajax
the team was so excited and they were so impatient because they wanted to visit you two in the hospital ☹️
He thinks your too good for this earth
And your the reason he’s in the military, so that you two can live together in peace
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wjehfshs · 10 months
Keegan, Hesh, and Logan X reader who’s very light (picking you up)
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I’m making this bc I feel super insecure about being underweight and not being able to put any weight on so I made some fluff to make myself feel better
You two were playing around
Play fighting for a bit
He went to pick you up and yes he is strong but he was expecting to at least have to put in some work
So when he picks you up and you’re light asf he’s surprised
Doesn’t say anything but now he’s silently told himself to carry you around regularly since you’re so easy to pick up
You were just standing in the hallway, thinking something over when Hesh snuck up behind you and picked you up
He was also expecting to have to put in work to pick up a whole human being
But when he was able to just pick you up like that. He went from 😄 to 😦
Literally that was his face
Shocked to say the least
“Dude wtf you’re so light” he doesn’t mean to be rude with that comment so if you get upset about it he’ll immediately apologise
You couldn’t reach something that was super high up
Logan couldn’t reach it either so you asked him to lift you up so you could grab it
As he did he kinda stumbled a bit because he had put in a lot of force, expecting you to be heavier
“Logan I swear if you drop me” you snapped playfully at him, but also trying to regain your own balance
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faust-the-enjoyer · 2 months
Big Eared Logan
Keegan: *groans* yeah, right there.
R/N: want some more?
Keegan: fuck...yeah, please.
Logan: *overhearing the two from outside the room and walking in* you two having fun without m-...
R/N: *scratching the fuck out of Keegan's back*...want me to scratch your back too?
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yooo-lets-go · 6 months
I beg of you, I need more of your COD Ghosts content!! I love your art so much. (And I’d love to see your take on what you think Logan looks like)
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Keegan did, in fact, fuck his brother 😔
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krypticcafe · 2 months
if I see another person mistake Keegan P. Russ as a Modern Warfare timeline character I swear I'm going to lose it PUT SOME RESPECT ON COD: GHOSTS NAME!! AND REALIZE THAT THE WALKER BROTHERS AND KICK ARE RIGHT!!! THERE!!!
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burstinn · 6 months
You accidentally sit on their face, And they actually enjoy it
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Warnings and Notes:
All of these aren't serious hcs, I was high again and wanted to make this
I made this for funny
Slight nsfw
Gn reader, target audience is male
Haha face sitting
People mentioned:
Riptide (Tide), Soap, Gaz, Ghost, König, Makarov, Keegan, Horangi, Price, Krueger, Roach, Logan, Graves
You are tired, after agrueling training from a grouchy superior who had a bad day so he had to take it out on you and your comrades. You needed to sit down, badly. Your legs are about ready to give up.
Once you reach the common room, fucking finally. You pull out your phone to find something to watch, while you make your way to the sofa.
And you sit down, Before you felt something poking you, something.. Wrong. You immediately look down realizing you.. YOU SAY ON SOMEONE'S FACE
- He immediately sits up looking at you, well if his mask was off he would be confused at fuck
- "Sorry for huh??"
- Seems like you say on him while he slept
- "... ", "nothin"
- Weird, but okay.. He tells you go off while he layed back down to continue his eye rest
- Thank fucking god, Thank the holy stars he didn't catch you sittin on him
- BUT.. The holy stars didn't feel like saving you right now. Because apparently a rookie caught you accidentally sitting on Tide and told him after he woke up.. That fuckin snitch
- Now you have to face the embarrassment of Riptide confronting you about it the next day.
- Tide sounds upset as well while confronting you, how humiliating
- Well the thing that you don't know is. The thing is, he angry cause HE DIDN'T GET TO FEEL TO ASS ON HIS FACE. HE DIDN'T GET TO FEEL A PLUMP ASS SITTIN DOWN ON HIS FAAACE
- and by God would he find a way to let you sit on him.
- Yknow.. You know how I write this man..
- He saw you walk in, distracted by your phone.. Obviously making your way to the couch while he sitting down.
- Then he got the bright idea.. To yknow.. Lay his head down to just... Idk stretch.. Totally
- He had the pleasure as well to watch your ass slowly sit down on his face, well for a few seconds anyway. Then you immediately get off his face. Sad life fr
- "huh? What's up why'd you get off?" "Your ass is nice to look at btw"
- " you saw me about to sit down on you and you didn't say anything?!"
- "A man gotta do to experience something new man.."
- You would hit him. But you would also get in trouble for that.
- he would joke the shit about it as well. He would tease the fuck outta you for the rest of the month for this.
- Bro won't even hide to shamefully ask you if you wanna sit on his face again ( in a joking way)
- (He's actually serious)
- He was about to shut his eyes when he suddenly saw an outline of an ass about to sit on him.
- His eyes suddenly opened and he tried to get up but nah.. Too late bro you gotta feel the full plumpy moons first
- When you got up his eyes were wide and his face was red.
- "no.. It's okay.."
- he got off and left. Leaving you in your shame
- He had to leave to compose himself.. He found something new about himself and he isn't sure how to react
- His eyes were closed.. Then he felled something soft on his face.
- Then a scream oh my god I'm sorry
- Oh.. Shit...
- He sits up, realizing you sat on his face.. He doesn't say anything.
- His face is fucking red under the mask. Your ass suddenly looked twice as big as before. Don't know how that works but go with it fr.
- He got hard, you noticed.
- "dude.. Sir..?.. Are you.."
- He just looks at you. He has that look in his eyes
- Cmon, yknow what you gotta do.. YOU KNOW
- He wasn't expecting ass in his face, he thought he wouldn't enjoy something like face sitting but hey.. It's actually.. Nice?
- He doesn't say anything when you suddenly sit up embarrassingly trying too apologize
- He just nodded..
- He wanted you to sit on his face again so fucking badly..
- So badly he would lay down on literally anything sittable while you were in the room
- It was so fucking obvious it was almost funny
- You had to confront him about it. And he just.. Confessed, yeah, he wanted you to sit ok his face
- .... Cmon bro.. Be a man and sit on the guys face, Make his wish come trueeee
- " sit back down"
- "excuse me? Sir.. No-"
- you better sit the fuck back down on his face
- He will literally pull a gun on you and force you to sit back down on his face
- No fucking lie he literally took a fucking huge sniff
- You know because you fucking heard that comically loud sniff
- You had to cut your apology short to look at that dude in disbelief
- "Did you just fucking sniff my ass?!"
- Bro will literally look at you with a goofy ahh face and just look at you.. Not saying anything, not even a fuckin nod
- "you gonna sit back down on me or..?"
- He made you sit back down on his face
- He will literally squeeze your ass, then pull your legs and make you sit back down on his face
- Don't even try to fight. His hands are fucking locked down on your thighs to keep you stuck on his face
- He made you sit down on his face for so long, you were literally concerned if he was breathing
- if you ask him if he's alive, he would just squeeze your leg to show you. Yeah, he's good
- if you look behind you, He's hard.
- would smile and assure you it's okay.
- Pats your back, for more assurance. But he literally wants to Pat your ass
- Bro would imagine what it would be if you sat on his face
- Naked. Yes, if you sat on his face naked.
- If you did his beard would tickle you.. Which was what he wanted fr
- He would say something like in a very angry and demanding tone
- "Why'd you get off?"
- "huh?"
- "Sit.Back.down"
- You did
- Yo.. He feelin something he never felt before. Haha lie he just found a new kink he would actually enjoy
- He would literally follow you around and tug your shirt and point at your ass then his face
- If you would say no, He would leave and come back a few minutes later and do the same thing
- He would do it until you say yes..
- He's very happy. He's a very happy bug
- Would scream at you
- because you made him discover something about himself
- He's angry because of that
- He would force you to run 15 laps because of that.
- Then when you suddenly tired, sweating yo legs shaking from how tired you are
- He would silently and gently ask you ( he would toss you over his shoulder and walk you off to his room and make you sit on him)
- He won't explain why he did that. He just wanted to
- Would look at you like 🤨
- Then be like 😐😒😏
- stands up and slaps your ass
- and asks you to sit on his face
Everyone mentioned
- You will face fuck them
- Do not fight me on this, they will make you face fuck them
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howtotwirlaknife22 · 1 month
Ghost boys w/ a chubby s/o:
A/N: to the anon who wanted fluff and cuddling, this is fluff but it is also nsfw so I will eventually make a pure fluff cuddle piece!
Warnings: ❗️NSFW BELOW THE CUT❗️
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My man don’t discriminate.
“They’re called love handles for a reason babe!”
He’s the sweetest, he will praise you up and down and will kiss you all over.
God forbid you ever talk down on yourself, this man is ready to defend you from yourself with his entire being.
He loveessss to cuddle with you, he loves the warmth you give off and he loves to wrap his arms around your waist and squeeze your belly gently.
He has the softest touches, and he would literally break jaws if anyone ever spoke negatively about your body.
Best bf™️
His favorite place to finish during the nasty is on your belly, and he’ll rub it around afterwards with his cock.
He’s similar to his brother, he loves the warmth you give off and he loves to give you little squeezes as he walks by you in the kitchen.
Again, he loves to cuddle with you.
He’ll lay in between your legs and wrap his arms around your torso, kissing and nuzzling into your neck.
He’s the master of making you feel self confident, he’s your #1 hype man.
He lives for gripping your thighs as he has your legs wrapped around his waist as he fucks you.
Loved and worshiped is an understatement.
This man loves your curves, and he particularly loves the way you look in form fitting clothing.
He WILL slap your ass while you’re doing any activity.
Yoga? Cooking? Bending over to pick something up? All free game for him.
If you’re ever insecure about the way you look he’ll grab you by your hips and pull you against him, whispering in your ear about how gorgeous you look and tilting your chin up so you can look at yourself In the mirror as he whispers praises to you.
This man will hold you against the wall as he fucks you, shushing your cries every time you whine about being too heavy for him.
Kick loves your curves, he thinks you look like a goddess.
No, like a literal goddess. He thinks you look like a renaissance oil painting.
Kick is very good at photography, and when you mentioned how you had never had any photos taken because you felt too insecure for it, he jumped at the opportunity.
He took gorgeous photos for you, and some ventured into some…suggestive, territory.
He made sure you knew you were gorgeous and held you close to him as he kept one arm wrapped around your waist and the other on the back of your head.
He loves to sit up against a wall as you ride him, both hands gripping your waist as you bounce on his cock with your tits in his face (tits man all the way).
This man is a chubby chaser through and through.
He has a few stretch marks of his own since he’s a big and tall dude, so he knows how you might feel about your own and he does his best to make you feel loved.
He loves to kiss you everywhere and loves to make you sit on his lap.
“But what if I crush y-“ “shut up.”
He’s actually a very good cook, and he always gently encourages you to eat when you’re feeling guilty about your weight because he wants to make sure you aren’t neglecting your body’s needs.
He will fuck you while you’re both laying on your sides, slowly pumping in and out as he growls in your ear.
You always worry your larger hips was what prevented you from doing that position, but it turns out you were just with the wrong men.
“Can’t ride without the right equipment sweetheart..”
Taglist: @blacktacmopsi @keegansshark @forsworned @milkteaarttime
Hope ya’ll enjoyed :) inbox is open!
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milomossy · 3 months
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Dec 2023
Save him
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luboy7rt · 3 months
How I Think Team GHOSTS Characters Might Hug (GN- Headcanons)
(Please remember, these are only my headcanons of how I think these characters would hug) (Mostly platonic, can be seen as romantic)
Elias Walker 
- Elias has a dad hug, his arms would tightly wrap around your sides and he would lean back so you could put all your weight onto him.
- Safest man to hug, he wouldn't judge if you cling onto him or half-ass the hug.
- Elias's hugs are firm, and he would gently rub the back of your head, back, or neck during a hug.
- One of his forearms would be on your back while his other arm is firmly hooked under your shoulder so his hand could rest on the back of it.
- Elias would gently squeeze when hugging you, like he would to his two sons, he would hug your head gently and if you are close he would kiss the top of your head.
- He would gently knead between your shoulder blades as he would ask about your day, and if you wanted silence? That would be just fine with Elias.
- If you express you want the hug to be a certain way, he would be willing to hug you how you want to be hugged. 
- Elias is quite warm and wouldn't mind sharing the warmth
- He would chuckle if you ask for a hug and open his arms for you.
- He's an amazing comfort person, always willing to listen and give good advice, and he would hug you while doing it, offering physical comfort and soft words.
David ‘Hesh’ Walker 
- Hesh's hugs are quite firm, and tight, quite like his father. Hesh has gotten used to the way Elias has treated him through his whole life and has subconsciously adapted to have Elias’s traits. 
- Hesh would rub your back as you both hug, like a weighted blanket he would practically squeeze you very tightly.
- If You two don't know each other well, he would give a firm side hug, it wouldn't be awkward but it wouldn't be that comfortable either, he would be polite about it though.
- Hesh would wrap his arms around your waist or shoulders, and pull you close to his side or chest and hug you tightly, patting the back of your head or shoulders a handful of times.
- Hesh would squeeze you a few times before letting go of the hug.
- Hesh would accidentally dig his chin into your head or shoulder, trying to find the perfect spot to half bury his face into it.
- He is also quite warm like his father, willing to share it if you ask, he would tease you but would give in and give you a side hug and pull you into his side.
- He would tell a few jokes during the hug, just to hear your laughter, will snort or snicker at all his own jokes.
Logan Walker 
- Logan is a bit of an awkward hugger, he isn't the best at it, but tries to mimic the way Hesh hugs people. 
- Logan's hugs are quite tight, gently rubbing the back of your head or neck gently as he closes his eyes to simply relax into the hug.
-  If you don't know each other well, you will get an awkward side hug, he would shuffle his feet a bit to avoid stepping on yours as he leaned in for a split second before letting go and patting your shoulder.
- Logan would let out a quiet sigh of content if you both have a close relationship, he would rest his jaw on the top of your head or shoulder as he would simply relax for the first time in a long time.
- Logan tends to mimic the way Hesh hugs people, over the years Logan had only really hugged Hesh and Elias, so he picked up the way they both hug.
- Logan's hold is tight and protective, his hold makes people feel quite safe, and he might accidentally squeeze too hard.
- He isn't the type of guy to make the first move, he would wait until you go up to him, if you hug him first, he wouldn't fight it, he would simply return the hug.
- Logan would gently pick at your sleeve, rubbing the fabric between his fingers.
- He likes to hug you from behind, especially when you don't notice him at first, he'd dig his chin into your shoulder and chuckle quietly if he scares you.
- Unlike his father and brother, he is actually quite cold, he usually has to lean into Hesh's side for warmth whenever he got to cold. If you are warm, the hugs will be fine, but if you are cold? You both are practically shivering together in a hug.
Keegan Russ 
- Keegan gives a decent firm hug, he wouldn't give them out often, but he would hold the back of your neck and hold you close so your head would be buried into his shoulder or resting on top of it.
- He wouldn't utter a word during the hug, he just pulls in close for a quick bit then pulls away.
- He would hide his face into the top of your head or bury his face into the side of your neck during the hug.
- If you don't know each other well, he sets a bit annoyed with hugs, will push you away.
- He would also hug you from behind if he just wants a hug. Where he would rest his elbows on the top of your shoulders and hold his own wrist and boredly stand there. If you question him, no you don't, he would flick your forehead and walk off and not give you an answer.
- Always quick hugs, he doesn't hug anyone for long.
- Semi-Aggressive shoulder pats once the hug is over, then he would just walk off like nothing even happened.
- He isn't cold or hot, he has a good warm temperature, he's practically perfect to hug.
- He is a bear hugger, tight hugs, he wouldn't give you much of a choice on the hug.
- Merrick expresses his emotions through physical touch, he isn't one to speak his mind on something he likes.
- He pats you alot. Shoulder pats, head pats, backpats.
- If you aren't that close, he would give you a side hug, patting your shoulder as he would give a quick hug before walking off.
- If you are close, his hugs suddenly get tighter and closer, gently holding the back of your head or your back to allow himself to embrace you close.
- His feet would be planted on either side of yours as held you, letting out a sigh of content.
- After missions he would go in for a handshake then pull you into a hug then pull away after a bit.. and just walk off to go take a sleep.
- He is to hot, his temperature is abnormally hot, you will be sweating if you hug him to long.
- Kick would wrap his arms around your torso, or rest his hands on your hips as he would mutter out a few incoherent tried words as he would lean his cheek to rest on top of your head or shoulder.. he would hold your hand while hugging you.
- Kick would grab your hand and put It behind your own back so he could leave his hand on your back but also be able to hold your hand.
- His gloved thumb would gently rub over your knuckles as he would try to relax into the hug.
- A good hugger, as he would slump a bit of his weight onto you
- He would pat your hand before letting go.
- He is quite cold, and if he ever removes his gloves, he would startle you with how cold he is, he would appreciate if you warmed him up.
Riley (yes, the dog) 
- Good boy, would lay by your feet when You are sat around him or would stand between your feet looking out for any threat.
- If You allow it, he would jump on you for a hug, he would bark and huff for pets when not working.
- He usually is right by Hesh's side on missions but when back at HQ, Riley will run around the base looking for you so you two could cuddle or maybe he's using you for free pets and attention, who knows.
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