moviesandfood · 2 years
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yasmine828 · 1 year
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kebabchi · 2 years
Hyderabadi Dum Chicken Biryani - Basmati rice and chicken marinated with robust Hyderabadi flavours, sealed and slow cooked Order online & enjoy Ready to Eat food from Kebabchi.
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thekebabfactory · 2 years
Order Delicious Kebabs - The Kebab Factory
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Order a delicious, quality kebab meal from The Kebab Factory.  
Order online!
135 Blockhouse Bay Rd, Avondale
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arfatardi · 8 months
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Putaran yang berulang
Bagi sebagian orang kehidupan merupakan tempat berkreasi, banyak bertabur peluang dan kemungkinan, berkerlip menawarkan keindahan. Namun bagi sebagian yang lain kehidupan merupakan ruang rutinitas yang berulang dan membosankan.
Fenomena sekarang bahwa life freedom yang bermakna terbebas dari rutinitas harian dan memiliki warna baru setiap hari untuk dinikmati merupakan hal yang banyak diimpikan orang, terutama di kawala muda. Namun sayang, seringkali seseorang yang merasa terkekang dengan rutinitas harian ataupun pekanan yang sebenarnya ia ingin lari darinya dan meninggalkan semua itu di belakang sehingga tak pernah tertoleh lagi tak kunjung terealisasi. Entah karena takut dengan ketidakpastian, atau karena belum sanggup mendengarkan kritikan orang. Sehingga hari-harinya terselimuti awan mendung kegelisahan yang menurunkan hujan kesedihan.
Namun dalam kehidupan ini benarkah seseorang bisa terlepas sepenuhnya dari rutinitas, dan benarkah memiliki keterikatan dengan sebuah rutinitas harian yang harus dijalankan dan senantiasa terulang merupakan cara hidup yang patut untuk dihindari?
Senikmat dan seindah apapun kehidupan jika dijalankan dengan ritme yang sama maka suatu waktu pasti mendatangkan kejenuhan. Pemandangan terindah jika terus dipandang akan menaruh kesan 'biasa' di benak suatu waktu nanti. Hal tersebut merupakan sebuah watak yang telah ditanamkan dalam diri manusia, tidak pernah puas, selayaknya ketamakan akan harta. Sebagaimana yang dijelaskan oleh baginda Nabi ﷺ:
لَوْ كانَ لاِبْنِ آدَمَ وادِيانِ مِن مالٍ لابْتَغَى وادِيًا ثالِثًا، ولا يَمْلأُ جَوْفَ ابْنِ آدَمَ إلَّا التُّرابُ، ويَتُوبُ اللَّهُ علَى مَن تابَ.
“Seandainya seseorang memiliki dua lembah harta maka ia pasti menginginkan lembah ketiga, dan tidak ada yang dapat memenuhi perut anak Adam melainkan tanah (kematian)”. (HR. Imam Muslim No. 1048).
Kemudian kita dapati bahwa konsekuensi sebagai umat muslim dalam rangka meraih keridhaan Allah ﷻ sebuah jiwa harus mau tunduk terhadap kewajiban-kewajiban yang telah Ia gariskan, di antaranya berupa amalan harian yang senantiasa harus dilaksanakan, pada waktu dan dengan cara yang telah ditentukan; seperti halnya shalat lima waktu. Sebagaimana yang difirmankan:
إِنَّ ٱلصَّلَوٰةَ كَانَتْ عَلَى ٱلْمُؤْمِنِينَ كِتَٰبًا مَّوْقُوتًا
"Sesungguhnya shalat itu adalah fardhu yang ditentukan waktunya atas orang-orang yang beriman”. (Qs. An-Nisa: 103).
Sehingga kita dapati agama yang mulia ini melatih jiwa seseorang untuk bertahan di atas sebuah rutinitas baik yang ia yakini dapat membawa kebahagiaan dunia dan akhiratnya. Secara implisit bahwa jiwa yang telah tahan dalam alur dan rutinitas baik merupakan jiwa yang telah sampai pada level yang lebih tinggi. Senada dengan hal tersebut Nabi ﷺ bersabda:
أَحَبُّ الْأَعْمَالِ إِلَى اللَّهِ تَعَالَى أَدْوَمُهَا وَإِنْ قَلَّ
“Amalan yang paling dicintai oleh Allah adalah yang paling konsisten meskipun sedikit”. (HR. Imam Bukhori no 6464 dan Imam Muslim no 783 ).
Imam Nawawi rahimahullah mengatakan, “Maksudnya mampu untuk konsisten dalam melakasanakan tanpa terbebani. Di dalamnya ada dalil anjuran untuk menjaga dalam beribadah, menjauhi berlebih-lebihan. Hadits tidak khusus dalam shalat, bahkan ia umum mencakup semua amalan kebaikan”. (Syarah Nawawi ‘ala Muslim, [6/ 70-71]).
Kalau kita menilik kepada dunia barat, jauh-jauh hari mereka telah mengakui bahwa pengulangan terhadap prioritas yang tepat merupakan tangga utama menuju kesuksesan dunia, sebagaimana yang di jelaskan oleh Charles Duhigg dalam bukunya The Power of Habit dan Gary Keller beserta Jay Papasan dalam buku mereka The One Thing.
Sehingga pada akhirnya sebuah rutinitas baik merupakan bekal seseorang untuk mendapat kemuliaan dunia dan akhirat. Hanya kesadaran yang perlu senantiasa untuk diarahkan kepada sisi positif sehingga dapat kembali melihat nilai baik dari rutinitas tersebut. Tanpa harus merubah haluan yang telah diarungi selama ini hanya disebabkan oleh rasa jenuh atau termakan kata-kata kebebasan.
(Arfat Ardi S)
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themaxbeard · 1 year
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My take on Suya Kebebs. Birds Eye chili and lime with chicken thighs, jasmine rice, and chili peas and corn and homemade pickled onion out of the book Between Harlem and Heaven.
ps the chili does not play.
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howhow326 · 1 year
What if I made a TKC/Riordanverse self insert? Haha jk... Unless:
Name: Timothy Howard
Meaning: It's my first name and my middle name switched, stop asking questions decade old oc template!
Ethnicity: African-American
Age: 16
DOB: June 28
Height: 5'7
Weight: 127 pounds
BMI: idk
Zodiac: Cancer
Birthplace: Maryland, USA
Current residence: 21st Nome
Good Traits: Curious, Clever, Patient
Bad Traits: Secretive, Stubborn
Habits: Staring off into space
Hobbies/Pastimes: Reading, Video Games
Fears: Spiders
Dreams: become a scientist
Goals: master magic!
Favorite Color: Dark Blue
Favorite Food: anything sweet
Favorite Scent: Wut? Umm, flowers???
Favorite Song: He dosen't have one
Mother: His mom
Relationship: Positive
Father: His dad
Relationship: Positive
Siblings?: 3 of them
Relationship: Positive
Closest Friends: oof
Boy/Girlfriend?: Carter Kane- jk! Unless
Build: Scrawny, but has strong legs
Hair color: Black
Hairy type: Coily
Hair style: Side Fade
Eye color: Dark Hazel
Primary magic: Animal Charming (Primates, Owls)
Secondary Magic: Divine Words
Magical item/s: Staff and Wand, everything else in the Magician starter kit
Following the path of… Thoth
Blood of the Pharaohs?: Kandake (don't bother me with how it's not 100% historicly accurate, I'm trying to be special)
Godling? - no lol
Avatar? - no lol
General magical capabilities: Timothy is really good at the magic he specializes in and really bad at the magic he dosen't. While he prefers to charm the two animal types listed above, he can work with pretty much anything that's not a spider. He's also an expect at transformation and transmutation, and turning his staff into a bleeding-heart baboon is his battle go to move.
■■ Timothy knows the Divine Words "Ha-di" (destroy), "Maw" (water), and "Se-kebeb" (make cold) by heart and uses them whenever he can't Animal Charm himself out of a problem. Although he isn't particularly good at reading Hieroglyphs.
■■■Outside of those two specialities, Timothy can also use water and wind magic, but he's so bad at it that it's like the dollar store version of elemental magic. He can't do anything else lol.
Crazy story really - the day Timothy found the Djed amulet in his locker was the same day some Greek monster snuck into the school to eat some random halfblood.
Before he got to said unnamed halfblood, the monster noticed Timothy could see his true form and attacked him thinking he was prey. A satyr plant at the school saved him, and spirited him away to Camp halfblood without an explanation.
The whole time Timothy was there, everyone and there grandma kept saying "yep, your definitely a child of Athena" and Timothy kept pushing back because his favorite greek god was Poseidon and he took the rivalry thing seriously.
Eventually Mr. D takes a look at him and goes, "i think you might be in the wrong place" and sent him over to Brooklyn. Hilarious right!
Anyway, Timothy spends his time being Felix's found family big brother and having a platonic crush on Carter. Whatever that means.
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lasse-brenn · 2 years
This Currugated Metal Fence only consists of cardboard, corrugated cardboard, kebeb skewers, woodglue and sand. I show You how I build it on my YouTube Channel: https://youtu.be/KB8lnaVpSrQ
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yolkcheeks · 7 months
brain dump
Fill pill case
Request refills as appropriate
Comsume breakfast time food
Itemize this week’s readings for mm & icc
Fwd edr email per signs
👀 degreewerks. If appropriate, send tickler email
Set alarm for get ready for meeting
Drink water
Calendar catfood pickup
Check running tally on club hours
Reply whatsapp thread ⬇️
Ping about apples timing, tell preferred ⬆️
Draw waffles and rhubarb (who is now a deer? Maybe?)
Figure out how many pages of accordion will be necessary for this whole first chunk
Consume a lunchtime food
Drink water
Put any number of hanging things away
Make any progress on cats’ area vibes
Put any number of folding things away
Other things which would be grateful to go home include: markers. Pads. Paperwork. Pens. Hardware tackle box. Tote bag hell.
Check out nami
Draw any October prompt thing
Finish the handle job ⬆️
Make ground dinner
Wreath? Ingredients? Special trip this week??
Pester editorial for copy
⬆️ Share with club email shall we ⬆️
Shop storage
Computer specs
Shop your closet? Thursday?
Look at insurance/hosp site for bone men
👀 ref. acupunctuation
Other PACT and LCM events
Belated anniversary thing?! oh dear.
Hand tingly again outer half of left almost like a glove that’s too tight
How is pressure into painful release/stretching into the pain causing the belching? Why do some things clunk and done while others click click click click and never quite feel settled? What can I do to treat the underlying issues? What specifically are they- show me a diagram of the goo please. Is this a forever thing? Is being without pain one of those Molly Grue things for me at this point?
Shopping list: blank book, vest, slacks, shorts, swim, Jose Carioca,
Is there like a brace or a cream I could be using at night?
New boots (lacing/zipping), yogurts, easy in face veggies, kebeb stuff, a Vermont folksy basket to put the crushing weight on my chest into for easily accessible attractive storage
Look into accommodations
Make one thing louder
VT puppet? Kidpix 3?
Making cat costumes and cat pallamquins…
Pokemans? Patience & fortitude? Editorial…
Day trip to tarrytown with the corpse bride
The year is almost over and with it you will be tumbling into the next semester and that is a lot it is a lot there are big feelings like what do you have to show for yourself and you’ve wasted away your summers again and like maybe you could lighten the fuck up
You have a few things going on physically that are kicking your ass and even if you refuse to show it outwardly you have to allow yourself that knowledge
You have to try to be at least as kind to yourself as you would be to an acquaintance you find mildly annoying. You are legitimately harder on yourself than you are on people you know you dislike. Don’t you dare take this as a new shame fixation either. Just be honest with yourself about how you treat people and accept that if your friends can be nice to you you can be nice yto you. It doesn’t have to be valid or mood or so same friend it can just be sincere in a quiet and come t free way.
Decorative gourds and you: a wishlist
Hot cocoa
The numbness is concerning. So much is concerning.
What if green mouse Mew was in TMM Choux Choux 💋?
Also that’s my just for me new fan series idea I’m rotating. It’s a pun between
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Choux pastry
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Chuu like kiss
Also chuuchuu like the noise a mouse makes
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Nezu speaking!
And, if I’m really awful, as in
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Because she’s green ain’t she?
I like matcha or pear, which I’ve seen. Maybe plantain if I fold her into an American Mew Mew. Or maybe it’s a multinational team. I’m kinda not that interested in the how for this one I just want it sorted so I can get tithe good shit of Mousemew, Waffle the chicken, and rhubarb to be on a team. Maybe Ringo is there too, tho that messes up the color balance. Idk. It’s frothy is the point.
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1vqio2q-es-stuff-blog · 9 months
Szukasz przytulnego mieszkania w samym centrum miasta? Na sprzedaż kawalerka o powierzchni 24,2 m2 w ścisłym centrum Otwocka. Bezpośrednio od właściciela – brak prowizji. LOKALIZACJA Budynek położony jest przy ulicy Hożej - w centrum Otwocka - bezpośrednio przy Rondzie Raczkowskiego oraz ulicy Karczewskiej, ok. 10 min pieszo od kolejki PKP. W najbliższej okolicy budynku znajdziesz: liczne sklepy spożywcze, odzieżowe, sklepy z gospodarstwem domowym, punkty usługowe, m.in.: Piekarnia Cukiernia Gromulski, sklep mięsny, delikatesy Adria, Kebeb King, bar orientalny, grill bar, sushi bar & restauracja, odzież używana Dunka, Piekarnia Wanda, kwiaciarnia, punkt xero, kosmetyka, fryzjer i wiele innych, szkoła podstawowa, żłobek oraz przedszkole. W niedalekiej odległości znajdziesz: szpital Powiatowe Centrum Zdrowia, Park miejski, dobrze znany punkt analiz lekarskich M. Cieloch na ul. Karczewskiej. Mieszkanie jest idealne zarówno dla singla, jak i pary. INFORMACJE O MIESZKANIU - składa się z dużego pokoju, otwartej kuchni, łazienki, przedpokoju oraz dużego balkonu - 3/3 piętro, bez windy - jest po generalnym remoncie, zakończonym w 2023 r. – zaprojektowane na nowo, aby spełnić wymagania nowych domowników - zostało wykończone w nowoczesnym stylu, w bardzo przytulnym klimacie - w kuchni: nowa zabudowa, nowe sprzęty (lodówka, zmywarka, płyta indukcyjna, okap); w łazience: nowe meble, nowa kabina prysznicowa, nowa armatura; w przedpokoju pojemna szafa wykonana na wymiar przez doświadczonego stolarza - na balkonie jest wystarczająco miejsca zarówno na zaaranżowanie strefy wypoczynkowej, jak również rozłożenie suszarki do ubrań, czy przechowanie roweru - bez wątpienia plusem mieszkania jest widok z okien, z których można podziwiać piękno zieleni drzew - ogrzewanie miejskie, woda podgrzewana nowoczesnym energooszczędnym bojlerem - mieszkanie jest okablowane w sieć LAN, w bloku jest kilku dostawców szybkiego internetu, w tym światłowód - piwnica ok. 2,5 m2 przynależy do mieszkania - zabezpieczone domofonem - zadbana klatka schodowa, regularnie sprzątana i wietrzona - osiedle spokojne, wokół bloku dużo zieleni - bezpłatny parking pod blokiem przeznaczony dla jego mieszkańców, - świadectwo charakterystyki energetycznej - gotowe do zamieszkania! STAN PRAWNY Mieszkanie stanowi odrębną własność z księgą wieczystą. FINANSE - cena mieszkania: 325.000 PLN - czynsz (Wspólnota Mieszkaniowa): ok. 400 PLN plus prąd - w cenie mieszkania pozostają: nowa zabudowa kuchenna, nowe sprzęty AGD: lodówka, zmywarka, płyta indukcyjna, okap, armatura łazienkowa: kabina prysznicowa, dwie szafki wiszące, zestaw szafka z umywalką, elektryczny podgrzewacz wody, karnisz, zasłony, szafa wnękowa w zabudowie w przedpokoju, pełne oświetlenie sufitowe - pozostałe wyposażenie widoczne na zdjęciach jest możliwe do wykupu Zachęcam do obejrzenia mieszkania na żywo. Marta, tel. 604-671-051 * Informacja dla pośredników – zapraszamy do kontaktu tylko i wyłącznie z konkretnym klientem. Nie zgadzam się na publikację ogłoszenia na żadnych publicznych portalach.
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jamesepp · 10 months
Hello mga ka #FoodieG FamBam and Friendships...
Gumala na naman ako for another food trip sa R.Papa Manila/Caloocan City para to share my experience and support local businesses tulad ng @Keba
So iyon nga dahil nag crave ako sa Kebab with Biryani Rice and Pita Bread dinayo ko talaga ang store nila mga ka FoodieG...
Ang masasabi ko the place is very minimalist and small. Small lang daw because they focus on sa online orders and take out po.
Featured Meal nila ay
🐮 Beef Kebab with Biryani Rice, with Jasmine Rice, with Pita Bread and Kebab Rolls.
🐔 Chicken Kebab with Biryani Rice, with Jasmine Rice, with Pita Bread, Chicken Shish Taouk, and Kebab Rolls.
🐷 Pork Kebab with Biryani Rice, with Jasmine Rice, with Pita Bread, and Kebab Rolls.
They also serve sides like Fresh Salad, Pita Breads, and home made Curry Sauce.
So what I ordered are the following
🌯 Beef Kebab Biryani ⭐️
🌯 Pork Kebeb Rolls ⭐️
🌯 Chicken Shish Taouk
🌯 Salad
🌯 Curry Sauce ⭐️
🌯 Additional Pita Bread ⭐️
For me, the kebab meals nila ay very delectable from chicken, pork, and beef. Solid ang lasa at masasabi ko na tunay na masarap. They offered a range of alternatives to satisfy every palate.
The salads were crisp and fresh, and the sauces were thick and creamy and sakto ang spiciness.
The combination of flavours and textures was flawless and perfectly cooked.
So without leaving the country, it seemed like I had travelled to India.
So FoodieG TRY muna ang Kebab Nation if you want a delicious brunch, lunch, meryenda, or dinner. You'll enjoy it and very affordable pa.
📍 LOCATION 0053 (5) C. Namie st. Brgy 36, Grace Park west, Caloocan City
🚗 Waze & Google Maps: Kebab Nation R. Papa
📱HOW TO ORDER, you can call them at 09205497452, 09156564248, or simply DM Kebab Nation.
Aileenlfoodadventures #KebabNationPh #kebablovers #kebablicious #Aileenlfoodadventures #AileenLFoodieEventBuddies
#foodblogger #supportlocalbusinessPh #FoodielicousCravingsPH #Foodieliciouscravings #kaontanaimas #HindiLangFoodAngMasarapAKOdin
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kebabchi · 2 years
Hyderabadi Vegetarian Biryani - Basmati rice and Vegetables marinated in freshly ground spices sealed and slow-cooked Order online & enjoy Ready to Eat food from Kebabchi.
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trashb4tz · 1 year
missing my local kebeb
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mrbennkebab · 2 years
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Kerjaan bang Benn kalau dagangan pagi agak sepi sering berkreasi buat dimakan sendiri Kebeb, daging kebab, siomay + bumbu kacang n tanda jadi kebab siomay (di Perum Puri Harmoni 1) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgU13MbvgRk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cafeveloute · 3 years
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Moroccan Chicken Skewer #skewers #kebap #kebeb #kebablovers #kebabfrozen #chickenrecipes #chick #chickenwings #chickensofinstagram #chickensofinstagram #chc #chickenrecipes #kebabs #moraccan #moraccesorios (at Café Velouté) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIIgfpMBrxq/?igshid=1u9vt3gixt7le
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gulyas069 · 3 years
apropos, zeit für eins däner kebeb zu essen
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