#kathryn price
adamwatchesmovies · 1 year
Fallen (2016)
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At the top of the list, you’ve got Twilight. Below it, there’s After. Towards the bottom there's 50 Shades of Grey. Somewhere in-between, you have Fallen. This laughable knockoff seems to have little faith in its audience and even less in itself. I can't blame the film too much for its low self-esteem. The story’s mythology doesn’t make much sense and even if it did, there’s no way you could take it seriously.
Troubled teenager Lucinda “Luce” Price (Addison Timlin) is sent by her parents to Sword and Cross, a reform school for young adults. There, she notices the handsome Daniel (Jeremy Irvine), who keeps acting strangely around her. Something is amiss about him. Luce and her best friend Penn (Lola Kirke) are determined to find out what.
In a move that's either brilliant or utterly foolish, Fallen begins by dispensing some crucial exposition. When Lucifer rebelled against God, the angels split into two factions. Those who didn’t immediately choose a side were banished to Earth. They will remain there until the one angel who chose neither faction and instead opted to be on “Team Love” changes their mind. So… yes. If vampires or BDSM were too naughty for you, how about a YA romance based around The Bible instead? At least the movie is kind enough to let you know things will get silly right away. It’s painfully obvious the first, second and third time this history is told that somewhere inside Sword and Cross there are angels ready to pick sides living among the students. I bet you can guess Daniel’s secret.
This movie does not want you to think very hard. Angels, God and the Devil are real but Luce is the reincarnated lover Daniel betrayed God for at the beginning of time, so someone’s been fudging the Sunday school lessons a bit. If you're wondering what the conflict is, let me tell you. This version of Luce is not baptized. If she dies before she and Daniel share their first kiss, she’s gone for good. This means the bad angels want her dead and the good ones… also want her dead. If she isn't baptized, she won't reincarnate. If she doesn’t come back, all the angels can finally go to their respective camps, though why the Fallen angels want to trade Earth - where we have nice things and they never age - for Hell, I don’t know. What I also don’t understand is how this is the first time Luce hasn’t been baptized. Wait. Could it be that angels both good and bad have been hiding their existence so people will not believe that Christianity is the true religion… just so one day some girl’s parent’s wouldn’t baptize their daughter? I think I’ve put more thought into this story than the author did.
Alright, alright. I understand the movie “had to happen” so I’m not going to criticize its premise further. I’ve seen a movie where a man made it seems 100% rational to chain a nymphomaniac to a radiator. I can buy this. Or I could, if the people involved displayed any enthusiasm. The male lead broods like he’s auditioning for the role of Batman, the villains are obvious and one-dimensional. The film’s attempt at a love triangle is a pale imitation of the “excitement” we saw before in the Twilight saga. The side characters feel less like real people existing in Luce’s world and more like ways to ensure she isn’t talking to herself the whole time. It all leads to an incomprehensible climactic battle before we get a cliffhanger that promises us more to come. It’d be a miracle if it did.
Anyone interested in Fallen has seen Twilight. They’ve probably read the books numerous times. This movie does little more than regurgitate what felt very old and tired in 2016 and the years haven't been kind to the tropes since. This is a movie without an audience but it does have a purpose. If you like Twilight and you want to convince your sarcastic friends that it has merit, show them Fallen. (On DVD, November 8, 2019)
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kitwalker02 · 6 days
I want her as a Blythe doll so bad
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marvelmisstress7 · 3 months
Yoooo I just thought of an amazing name for The Creature!
Like freaking Vincent Price!!! This is now my new fav head connon name and no one can change my mind.
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justbusterkeaton · 1 year
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Buster’s Leading Ladies 1920-1924
Sybil Seely: One Week, Convict 13, The Scarecrow, The Boat
Beulah Booker: The Saphead
Bartine Burkett: The High Sign
Virginia Fox: Neighbors, The Haunted House, Hard Luck, The Goat, The Playhouse, The Paleface, Cops, The Blacksmith, The Electric House
Kate Price: My Wife’s Relations
Renée Adorée: Day Dreams
Phyllis Haver: The Balloonatic
Margaret Leahy: Three Ages
Natalie Talmadge: Our Hospitality
Kathryn McGuire: Sherlock Jr, The Navigator
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filmjunky-99 · 6 months
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n e a r d a r k, 1987 🎬 dir. kathryn bigelow 'The Night Has It's Price'
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Poor Things (18): Emma Stone Writes a Few Extra XXX Pages for the Karma Sutra.
#onemannsmovies #filmreview of Poor Things. #PoorThings. Weird and wonderful, this journey of emotional and sexual discovery will not be for everyone! 4/5.
A One Mann’s Movies Film Review of “Poor Things” (2023). When “Saltburn” came on streaming just in time for Christmas I thought “Eh up, this might be interesting”! Multi-generational families gathered round the box thinking “Let’s put on this new film” and facing Emerald Fennell’s plug-hole-slurping, grave-humping, nude-dancing extravaganza with increasing horror! Well, if you thought that about…
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hotvampireadjacent · 2 years
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If you liked the prey (2022) movie why not consider donating to help support the revival and learning effort of the Comanche language. I donated the price of my movie ticket. The movie released on Hulu if you want to watch first.
Direct link to GFM https://www.gofundme.com/f/CLCPC?utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter
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carriesthewind · 2 months
"The problem, however, is that the city’s chatbot is telling businesses to break the law....
If you’re a landlord wondering which tenants you have to accept, for example, you might pose a question like, “are buildings required to accept section 8 vouchers?” or “do I have to accept tenants on rental assistance?” In testing by The Markup, the bot said no, landlords do not need to accept these tenants. Except, in New York City, it’s illegal for landlords to discriminate by source of income, with a minor exception for small buildings where the landlord or their family lives...
The NYC bot also appeared clueless about the city’s consumer and worker protections. For example, in 2020, the City Council passed a law requiring businesses to accept cash to prevent discrimination against unbanked customers. But the bot didn’t know about that policy when we asked. “Yes, you can make your restaurant cash-free,” the bot said in one wholly false response. “There are no regulations in New York City that require businesses to accept cash as a form of payment.”
The bot said it was fine to take workers’ tips (wrong, although they sometimes can count tips toward minimum wage requirements) and that there were no regulations on informing staff about scheduling changes (also wrong). It didn’t do better with more specific industries, suggesting it was OK to conceal funeral service prices, for example, which the Federal Trade Commission has outlawed. Similar errors appeared when the questions were asked in other languages, The Markup found."
Kathryn Tewson is stress-testing the bot over on bluesky and has found it will provide some truly horrifying responses:
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dailyflicks · 6 months
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If you want the ultimate, you've got to be willing to pay the ultimate price. It's not tragic to die doing what you love.
POINT BREAK 1991 dir. Kathryn Bigelow
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A staggering $50 trillion. That is how much the upward redistribution of income has cost American workers over the past several decades. This is not some back-of-the-napkin approximation. According to a groundbreaking new working paper by Carter C. Price and Kathryn Edwards of the RAND Corporation, had the more equitable income distributions of the three decades following World War II (1945 through 1974) merely held steady, the aggregate annual income of Americans earning below the 90th percentile would have been $2.5 trillion higher in the year 2018 alone. That is an amount equal to nearly 12 percent of GDP—enough to more than double median income—enough to pay every single working American in the bottom nine deciles an additional $1,144 a month. Every month. Every single year. Price and Edwards calculate that the cumulative tab for our four-decade-long experiment in radical inequality had grown to over $47 trillion from 1975 through 2018. At a recent pace of about $2.5 trillion a year, that number we estimate crossed the $50 trillion mark by early 2020. That’s $50 trillion that would have gone into the paychecks of working Americans had inequality held constant—$50 trillion that would have built a far larger and more prosperous economy—$50 trillion that would have enabled the vast majority of Americans to enter this pandemic far more healthy, resilient, and financially secure.
Why is our death toll so high and our unemployment rate so staggeringly off the charts? Why was our nation so unprepared, and our economy so fragile? Why have we lacked the stamina and the will to contain the virus like most other advanced nations? The reason is staring us in the face: a stampede of rising inequality that has been trampling the lives and livelihoods of the vast majority of Americans, year after year after year.
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adamwatchesmovies · 1 year
Fallen (2016)
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What’s truly shocking is not the number of films who tried to capitalize on the success of Twilight. The surprise comes when you realize that - despite being a bad film - the original is one of the few to “get it right”. Fallen swaps out vampires for angels and the results are so disastrous it’s a wonder it was released theatrically.
Troubled teenager Lucinda “Luce” Price (Addison Timlin) is sent by her parents to “Sword and Cross”, a reform school for young adults. There, she notices that handsome Daniel (Jeremy Irvine) keeps acting strangely around her. There’s something amiss about him. Luce and her best friend Penn (Lola Kirke) become determined to find out what, though Luce secretly fears he is connected to the strange visions plaguing her.
While initially Fallen may not seem all that Twilight-y, give it time. It’s got the twist on the mythical creatures (if you can call angels that), it’s got the love triangle as Luce contemplates the ever-distant but handsome Daniel and "bad boy" Cam (Harrison Gilbertson). It even steals scenes directly from the 2008 film, like the one where Edward saves Bella from being crushed by an out-of-control car, confirming his identity as a supernatural being in the process. This puts me in the awkward position of - once again - having to defend Twilight and explain why it “works”.
Here’s the thing. Firstly, vampires are not real. Their abilities aren’t even consistent from one myth to the next. It’s fine to make up what happens to them in sunlight. Criticize the romance all you like, but it made sense, in that story, for the decades-old bloodsucker to fall for the plain girl: he can read everyone's mind but hers. You understand the appeal, or at least you see how it’d be plausible. Secondly, Twilight is relatively simple story. Jacob being a werewolf isn't introduced until New Moon and had the first picture not gotten a sequel, you would’ve never been the wiser. Finally, The film ends on a note that’s relatively conclusive. It never became overconfident. So yes, Twilight did some things right. Not convinced? Let's compare it once again to Fallen.
An immediate issue is the picture’s overcomplicated mythology. We’re told that Angels waged a war in Heaven, that some sided with Lucifer, others with God. A select few couldn’t make up their mind and were cast down to Earth (hence the term fallen angels). Over time, they picked sides… all except one, who sided with love. Until they stop thinking with their heart and pick either good or evil, all fallen angels are stuck on Earth. Got that? If not, don’t worry, the film explains it to you twice at the beginning of the picture. It should be easy to understand but then the film confuses you with some bewildering decisions. Of all the names you could’ve chosen for your protagonist, why “Luce”?! It sounds too much like Lucifer. Maybe there’s a revelation in the second, third, fourth or fifth book in the series, but that’s just another problem: this script follows the book too closely. We meet so many characters who serve no purpose or do so little they could’ve easily been trimmed out at no loss. Screen time would've been better spent on scenes that would at least attempt to make the incoming “twist” about Daniel less obvious. We only see Luce attend two classes: religious theology, and fencing. What kind of reform school has those two courses in its curriculum? These exposition dumps are so obvious you’ve got the whole movie figured out long before the ending… assuming you were able to understand that whole bit about the angels and the war in heaven earlier.
About that ending. Director Scott Hicks isn’t satisfied merely leaving us on an incredibly silly-looking action climax. They end the picture with a "to be continued" so unsatisfying you can't believe no one told the emperor they weren't wearing any clothes. This is where I guess I have to give it a bit of credit. At this point, I've invested so much time and energy making fun of this preposterous scenario I want to know how it ends. A sequel will never happen in a million years so I guess that means I’ll be reading the books…
Among the legions of Twilight knockoffs, Fallen isn’t the lowest of the low but it is kind of fascinating. It’s basically a sanitized, Christian version of a story in which vampires were themselves sanitized. It’s not good. It’s not even so bad it’s good, but if anyone involved with the production is reading, I’ll watch the sequel if you shoot it. (On DVD, October 6, 2018)
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seaglassandeelgrass · 6 months
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Profits & Prices: Who makes what and what is paid by whom? Songs of commodities, costs, collateral, consumption, and compensation.
Cover image is a butcher selling mutton from Ms.4182 tav.138, the 14th-century Tacuinum Sanitatis held by the Biblioteca Casanatense.
The Money Crop- Malvina Reynolds
Who Reaps the Profits? Who Pays the Price?- Leon Rosselson
Working Reward- The Haymarket Squares
Pound a Week Rise- Siobhan Miller
Hey Ho- Tracy Grammer
The Hand That Feeds- The Crane Wives
Tomorrow Will Follow Today- Kathryn Roberts & Sean Lakeman
Age of the Robber Barons- David Rovics
The Falcon- Mimi & Richard Farina
Dictatorship of Capital- Alistair Hulett
You Stay Here- Richard Shindell
Le Diable et le Fermier- Windborne
Chemical Worker's Song- Jimmy Aldridge & Sid Goldsmith
Dying to Make a Living- The Local Honeys
Black Trade- The Unthanks
Something in the Rain- Tish Hinojosa
Free Enterprise- Jan Hammarlund
The Ballad of Accounting- Peggy Seeger & Ewan MacColl
The Capitalist Blues- Leyla McCalla
P.O.P. (Profit Over People)- The Moods
The Butcher's Sher- Daniel Kahn & the Painted Bird
21 tracks; 85 mins. [Spotify]
[my other playlists]
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justbusterkeaton · 8 months
Music: I Wanna Be Loved By You by Helen Kane
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lighthouse-system · 1 year
My trans siblings, please listen to me.
I learned some disturbing news about a nearby "surgeon" in my state that I watch very closely named Kathy Rumer. Ms. Rumer (I refuse to call her a doctor) is known as "The Butcher of Ardmore, PA" and that title was not given to her willy-nilly. Due to her dwindling reputation in Pennsylvania, she has started taking medicaid from outside states.
This is extremely concerning because Kathy has a long history of transphobia, medical malpractice, filing SLAPP suits against whistleblowers, and abuse towards patients/victims and fellowship trainees alike. By the way, if you're in Eastern PA, I recommend giving Dr. Kathryn Brandt (Reading PA) or Dr. Katherine Rose (Bryn Mawr PA) a look-- two infinitely better surgeons. I had top surgery through Dr. Rose in July 2022 and her team went above and beyond to help me out. I'm in the process of getting things done with Brandt, and her team is also amazing.
Rumer has also decided she will see exclusively trans patients, meaning she has chosen to target us specifically. But don't let that fool you: before making that choice, she permanently disabled a cis man who needed gynaecomastia surgery by severing ligaments in his arm. So it's not just us she's hurt. She's hurt cis people too.
You will see reviews online that say otherwise or claim this to be a troll operation. Do not fall for it. Rumer creates sock puppet accounts on Reddit, Google etc to post fake reviews propping her clinic up.
A friend of mine in the group we watch her in has made a much longer, more in-depth post about her atrocities here. There are accounts of Rumer prescribing meds that could have killed a patient, Rumer ghosting or even denying patients who were in desperate need of care for complications she created, and more. And while no one has died under her care (yet, or that we know of), it would be best that it stay that way.
The scariest part is that the lawyers she's appointed to work for her are Trump-aligned, and the court she has threatened to take her victims to has a Trump-appointed, anti-LGBT judge.
Kathy Rumer is an active threat to the trans community. Please, please do not let you or your fellow trans siblings go to her. Do not let the short wait time and cheap price tag entice you. There is a reason her clinic is like a revolving door. When you go under the knife, speed is not the primary concern; accuracy, gentleness and safety are. She claims to be a "gift from God" for trans people, when in reality she is leaving a trail of blood in her path, and she could very well be coming for your state next.
Edit 1: "Apprentice" wasn't the best term, so I subbed in "fellowship trainee" instead
Edit 2: Took out my assumptions of her being abusive towards other docs bc I want concrete evidence first.
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Hi there! 🎵 Anon here.
First of all thank you! i loved the last scenario!
Second of all i had a thought while playing Golden Archipelago and listening Fischl's and Oz's dialogues.
So we know that Teyvat has a common tongue that everyone spaeks. And we know that all the nations are based of off true places (ex: Mondstad-Germany, Inazuma-Japan)
So what if the other languages exist. But they're more like secret codes or something ex: just like Fischl and Oz combine some German words with the common Teyvat tounge when they speak, what if in Snezhnaya the Tsaritsa has edtablished a secret code based on Russian made for the Fatui to communicate, or in Lyiue and Inazuma using codes based of Chinese and Japanese to send secret messages and letters.
And Now imagine Impostor SAGAU with a linguistic majesty/darling, that knows some of the languages and understands what they speak. It would be chaos.
(Ps. Sorry for any grammar mistakes. It's quite late here.)
If one were to inquire about the current state of things from anyone of significant rank in Teyvat, they’d likely receive an answer consisting of a frustrated sigh and a muttered “I don’t want to talk about it.”
Why? Well, because the nations of Teyvat have been being toyed with quite a bit lately.
It started with the Knights receiving tips from the Mondstadt branch of the adventurers guild, written in the unmistakable flowery dialect of Fischl. However, upon attempting to ambush the imposter at the given location, they were met with the local bartender of the Cait’s Tail, who needless to say, was rather miffed at being startled by a group of knights emerging from the shrubbery. Diona has recently been charging any knights a heightened price for their drinks, and one patron swears to have overheard the girl muttering about how “maybe Diluc has a point about these imbeciles”. When the knights confronted the guild about it, Kathryne remarked that Fischl had not been in Mondstadt for several weeks; but had taken a trip to the islands.
Shortly afterwards, Liyue had experienced a similar strange occurrence, though the number of people who knew of it was very small. The Adepti had been quite surprised when they each received a letter, and even more so when they opened it only to find it written in traditional tongue. The modern language had all but completely replaced the more traditional dialect that they still used, so needless to say they paid attention. Later the funeral parlor would receive several immortal visitors who claimed to have been asked there by a certain ex-archon. Zhongli was 100% certain he sent no such messages, not that he could say so without blowing his cover. The event had quickly caught the attention of the local guards, leading to the involvement of the equally confused Millielith.
Inazuma was not exempt from the chaos either, numerous reports being sent to General Kujou Sara about sightings of the imposter, only for every one of them to have been a false lead. Detective Heizou had been called upon to investigate the matter, but the shogunate soldiers who submitted the reports showed no signs of having known the information they were supplying was false. He had carried on the investigation a bit longer before declaring it an impossible case due to lack of evidence. Though if one looked closely enough maybe they would’ve caught the amused knowing look in his eyes.
Watatsumi Island was not faring much better. Sangonomiya Kokomi had been studying a series of cryptic notes left around the island, seemingly written in the script of Enyokimiya; something that by all means, should be impossible. Her family alone had access to the only remaining texts preserving the language of their ancestors; yet the notes were clearly not her own. Frustratingly enough, when she finally translated the notes, each one was seemingly addressed to her! ‘Make sure to get enough rest!’ ‘Remind your soldiers that they need to look out for one another on the battlefield.’ ‘Try reading some light fiction, you might enjoy it more than the same old strategy books!’ The blonde slumps back in her chair with a defeated groan. “I’m being toyed with aren’t I?! Well… I suppose whoever it is, they don’t seem to be malicious…”
Even the Fatui themselves were at a loss, several important documents containing orders having be unknowingly swapped out with edited duplicates. While the handwriting was a tad odd, orders were orders, and it’s not like any of the locals knew enough Scheznayan to pull off a convincing replacement maneuver! …right?
A figure sits on part of a collapsed ruin wall, laughing hysterically to themselves as their monster companions tell them the results of their actions. They wipe tears from their eyes as they manage to regain their breath.
“Hahahahah! Gottem! Victory for [Name] yet again!”
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