akkoeln · 9 months
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August 18 & 19, Krzeczów - Alerta Alerta Festival
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akkoeln · 1 year
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"Work less, to live more"
Seen in Paris during the May 1 demonstration
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akkoeln · 1 year
your fat activism posts should include people who are not healthy at their current weight or have an eating disorder where they eat too much btw
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akkoeln · 1 year
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Think about this quote like all the time and how it really undermines so much shit in capitalism
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akkoeln · 1 year
Look, this is probably going to end up as an unpopular post, because God knows the level of brainrot capitalism and fast consumption caused in people's brains, but I'd rather not get TV shows for a while if it means writers get their rights defended and recognized.
Entertainment can't come at the cost of fair pay, healthy work environment and ethical practices.
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akkoeln · 1 year
i gotta say i agree that exposing children to algorithmic content feeds is going to make them grow up with one billion new kinds of mental illnesses and it's a serious societal problem that urgently needs addressing but it makes me v. v. v. uneasy when i see posts going around that identify this issue and come to the conclusion 'this is why it's important for parents to know what their kid is doing online' and uh girls there are a lot of kids out there who would be dead if their parents knew what they were doing online
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akkoeln · 1 year
I will pretty much instantly distrust a fellow leftist if they paint the enemy as being ugly (’all terfs have bad hair’, ‘all far-right bros are fat people with neck beards’, etc). It shows me they haven’t done some of the most basic work of un-linking appearance from character, which leaves them open to a vast array of bigoted tropes, from fatphobia, ableism and classism to homophobia, transphobia antisemitism and racism, because who we see as ‘attractive’ or looking ‘wholesome’ and who we assume to look ‘untrustworthy’ or villainous’  has been coded by all these things.
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akkoeln · 1 year
Shoplifters who spoke to Novara Media said the cost of living crisis had pushed them to steal more of life’s essentials. “A couple of times I’ve been on the verge of crying when I go to buy Sainsbury’s Basics apple and blackcurrant squash and realise the price has doubled in the past three months,” said John.
Lara, a culture worker from London, has started shoplifting groceries more frequently; she said it has become more socially acceptable in her circles. “I know that other people do it, and I’ve seen how other people do it, and that really helped,” she said. Previously, she avoided stealing because her upbringing and wider moralism had convinced her it was “a shameful thing” to do.
“Before, I would have described stealing as this really anti-Islamic thing to do,” she said. Shoplifting is also especially frowned-upon by “parents who come from a working-class or lower middle-class background,” she said, because of how classist ‘scrounger’ stereotypes “trickle down to how we surveil and shame each other.”
Nowadays however, Lara sees shoplifting as “one of the few guerrilla tactics we have available to us.”
Alan, a construction worker from London, who, like John and Anna, has been shoplifting around half his groceries in recent months, has “no moral qualms” about stealing from supermarkets. “I just think that the stuff in the world is ours, all of ours,” he said, “and that we’ve invented a really stupid system for the distribution of resources which doesn’t treat them as ours, and treats them as things that can be used for capitalists to make profit.”
He wouldn’t steal things if it meant that “someone’s labour went unrewarded”, he said, but all shoplifting affects is “the profits of shareholders” he said. “[I have] no concerns about that at all.”
While, for many, shoplifting feels like a form of resistance to untenable living conditions, no one who spoke to Novara Media was sure how to build solidarity between shoplifters. Alan shoplifts food for rough sleepers, but wishes there were more organised approaches to shoplifting – like the mass stealing and redistribution of food that occurred in Greece following the 2008 financial crisis.
Lara believes shoplifting could be “revolutionary” if it could be “more of an organised operation” that involved “getting workers on side”.
“I think it would be really radical if there would be a widespread recognition and acceptance of stealing as a necessary mechanism for resistance,” she says. “If you can’t afford the things that you have to buy, then the logic should be that you just take them.”
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akkoeln · 1 year
“Across the U.S., it’s extremely rare for any child welfare agencies to require disabilities training for social workers…Parents with disabilities are often judged by a system that doesn’t understand how to assess their capacity as caregivers,“ 
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akkoeln · 1 year
I could be charged for a crime in the future for this post, but I don't give a fuck.
Trans people need to start stockpiling HRT
Seriously. Stockpile it. You can buy estrogen and spironolactone and progesterone online. Testosterone is a scheduled drug in the US, but you can buy it online, too. I don't care if it's illegal. I don't care if it's sketchy. I don't care if it makes cis people uncomfortable that we're hoarding hormones and transitioning behind closed doors. Checkout the r/diyhrt subreddit for links, details, risks, support, etc.
We are under attack.
Missouri AG just passed down an emergency rule Requiring conversion therapy for trans people, instituting a mandatory 18 months of therapy before hormones or puberty blockers can be prescribed, Requiring the distribution of misinformation and lies to trans people about the "dangers" of the "experimental treatment," Requiring screen for social media addiction and "social contagion" regarding gender and transness (a theory that has been thoroughly debunked), Requiring that "preexisting mental health conditions" be "fully identified and treated" before transition (including neurodiversity like ADHD, Autism, BPD, etc.) States the support trans people are greatly outnumbered by states that want to see us dead. We are in stage 7 of the ten stages of genocide, and the heavy hand of the State is going to crush us, and liberal "allies" aren't enough.
So, stockpile.
Order online. Order illegally. Stash. Distribute in your community.
Gather your friends, neighbors, accomplices. Gather supplies, intel, weapons, tools. Arm yourselves. Seriously, arm yourselves. And if you can't get a firearm, or don't want one for whatever reason, find your niche. Counterintel, propaganda, distro. Cause when they come for you, your HRT, your clothes and care, you don't want to be alone.
Electoralism will not save us. Voting will not save us. Courts will not save us.
Our Only hope is organization and solidarity.
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akkoeln · 1 year
well ain’t this some fuckshit
Just heard about the mess that YA author Maggie Tokuda-Hall has been dealing with. tl;dr, Her publisher offered her the chance to be part of an initiative that would’ve put her work in a lot more stores and libraries. It’s an initiative specifically aimed at amplifying Asian voices… but only if she removed the word “racism” from her author’s note. On a book about the Japanese internment.
I am very glad she rejected this offer, and I 100% agree with her that this is pure cowardice. I’m appalled at Scholastic – or any other publisher who’s doing this but whose authors can’t take the risk of speaking out. This is the kind of crap that marginalized writers have to deal with all the time – and it is also how fascism takes root:  “just business” decisions that perpetuate injustice, systematic erasure of targeted groups from their own damn stories, institutions choosing to do what’s easy over what’s right.
(I have been very fortunate to never have a publisher do this to me. Plenty of disrespectful bs from institutions and individuals within the industry, but never from the people who signed my checks. I’m also somewhat insulated from the book ban bullshit because my work is genre and isn’t aimed at kids – though that’s coming, of course. Fascists don’t stop until they are stopped.)
Anyway. Pop over to Maggie’s blog to read the full story – or better yet hop on a retail site and buy her books. It’s up to readers now to support marginalized authors, since it’s clear nobody else will.
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akkoeln · 1 year
Bulldozer in Weelaunee Destroyed during WOA
During the, “Week of Action,” a bulldozer-like machine with a subsequent drilling apparatus was completely decommissioned before it could continue to destroy more of the Welaunee forest on the South Black Hall plot.
The proposed huge-ass soundstage adjacent to proposed Cop City will also never be built!
We are advocates of actions that actually STOP WORK, & work gets STOPPED by directly confronting WORK, our enemies, & earth destroying machines.
Let it be remembered that though other gatherings & gardens are also good, these types of activities are only made possible by actions that DISABLE OUR ENEMIES from being able to work & gain territory.
The only good machine is a machine on fire, & we will not let our comrade Tortuguita’s death be in vain, nor will we allow counterrevolutionary discourse & behavior to permeate the movement or exploit Tort’s murder.
Blessed be the barricades & Blessed is the Flame!
Act like the cops and their lackeys are trying to kill us because they are.
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akkoeln · 1 year
You are not immune to ads. Ads are not becoming ineffective due to oversaturation or savvy young people or whatever. Billions of dollars are poured into market research and analytics every year, corporations would know if ads were a waste of money way way before a tiktok comment section and stop spending money on them
By believing yourself to be "too smart" to be affected by advertising you're only making yourself far less mindful of and more susceptible to it. The ads you're exposed to poison your mind - be aware of that so you can combat it, and try to be exposed to as few as possible
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akkoeln · 1 year
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April 14, 2023 - Protesters against the French pension reforms set fire to a police station in Rennes. [video]
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akkoeln · 1 year
When I was twenty I was almost shot by a police officer because of my mental illness. I was peeling bark off a tree on public property to calm my anxiety.
Two officers pulled up very quietly in a squad car while I had my back turned. They did not announce their arrival. When I noticed them approaching me by the sound of their footsteps, I was frightened and reached for my phone to record them. They thought I was going for a weapon and one reached for his pistol. I put my hands up.
They illegally detained me and took my ID to run a background check. The one who had started to draw his gun on me asked me if I’d had any thoughts of hurting myself or others.
My background check came up clean. They released me and told me I wasn’t doing anything illegal. I went to my car and bawled my eyes out, thinking about how I’d almost died for the crime of “weird behavior.”
Don’t give these pigs a registry of the mentally ill. They’re already trying to kill us for no good reason.
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akkoeln · 1 year
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Post-Fire Sale!
A year and a half ago, a catastrophic fire destroyed our mailorder space. Some goods survived this fire, however, including several boxes of books and journals that had been returned by stores and distributors or that were too damaged to be sold as brand new. Ironically, the damage that they had sustained protected them, as we didn’t bother to keep them on hand for mailorder.
To clear space for more books, posters, stickers, and zines, we’re offering these less-than-perfect books and (long out of print) journals at fire sale prices, without the scent of flames attached.
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akkoeln · 1 year
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Another new zine on our site!
How to Survive a Felony Trial
This zine is for anyone facing the threat of prison time as a result of participating in the struggle for a socially and ecologically sustainable future, and for anyone who might face that threat at some point in the future.
Please print these out and distribute them.
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