#katara interrupts their makeout session
stitch1830 · 3 years
Joy keeps yelling at me to update this story, so here I am. Updating.
Here is the original plus add ons, and Here is where you can read it on ao3 (eventually, still uploading chapters lmao). This is a long chapter, my apologies.
First Date
“All right, ready to go?”
Toph muttered and grumbled obscenities under her breath in the passenger seat, and Aang just chuckled as he started the car up and drove off to their first date destination.
After sitting in silence for a few minutes, Toph finally spoke. “Where are we going?”
“A special breakfast awaits us.”
“You sure you’re not just gonna kidnap and kill me, Twinkles?”
“I mean, let’s see where the day takes us, don’t you think?”
Despite her sleep-deprived state, Toph couldn’t help but laugh. Aang seemed to have that effect on her.
When they arrived at their destination, Aang quickly hopped out of the car to meet Toph outside her door because he was giddy with excitement. Toph raised an eyebrow at her potential kidnapper. “You’re awfully excited for some breakfast food.”
“What, are you telling me that you’re not a fan of,” he paused for dramatic effect, “breakfast food??”
“I am, but unless I’ve stayed up all night, I’d rather not get up at seven to eat,” she groaned.
“Not to worry, date buddy,” Aang began as he wrapped an arm around Toph’s shoulder. “This food will not only wake up your taste buds, but it will fill you with all the love and happiness you’ll need to continue on with the day!”
Toph sighed, “You really are a morning person, aren’t ya.”
“Oh, yeah. If that wasn’t clear earlier, I am most definitely a morning person.”
Aang continued to grin like a 3rd grade schoolboy and led Toph inside the establishment.
When they settled in their seats, Toph leaned across the table and asked, “Alright Twinkletoes, how are their eggs and bacon here?”
Aang hummed, “Eggs are good, can’t say I know what the bacon is like. I’m a vegetarian.”
Toph’s mouth was agape. “What?”
The man chuckled. “Is that a problem?”
“I mean I’m on a date with a fuckin’ plant eater!” She practically yelled at him, but her tone was facetious and the smile that played across her lips told Aang that she only pretended to care.
“Don’t worry about food though, Toph. I’ve got it all planned out.”
And he did. At the crack of dawn, Aang called the restaurant owner to relay his brilliant breakfast sampler idea.
He also made a few other calls, but those date activities were for later.
An amused but skeptical look graced Toph’s face, and it didn’t leave until the food was presented in front of them.
“Okay,” Aang began to explain. “We’ve got lots of options to sample in front of us, all meat free sad to say for you, but all food items are absolutely delicious and have the owner’s honor on them.”
Toph laughed. “What does that even mean, Twinkletoes?”
“Uh, just that he vouches for the food!”
She let out a sigh. “All right. What should I try first?”
And so they sampled everything on the table, smelling and tasting every item with precision and order. Aang somehow planned out every bite to be better than the last, culminating to the pièce de résistance: Belgian waffles.
Now, that wasn’t to say that the other food was subpar. Far from it. But as far as Toph was concerned, the owner of the establishment knew his way around Belgian waffles and it was the absolute best breakfast food she ever had.
As Toph leaned back in her chair, stuffed, she wondered what else could be on the ‘date list,’ considering they just spent almost 2 hours over indulging themselves with breakfast food. Not to mention the pair had spent the entire day yesterday talking to one another. There wasn’t much else to talk about, and Toph was worried they might lose their momentum for the remainder of the date.
She was wrong.
Their second stop on the date was a music museum. One that carried a collection of songs and instruments from around the world.
“Okay, date spot number two, let’s go!”
“And what’s the plan here?”
“We are gonna be traveling all over the world, Toph!” he exclaimed. “And we’re gonna do it in style.”
All of a sudden, a popular trumpet melody and lick blared around the entire museum (empty museum. Apparently it was closed to all except Toph and Aang).
Because of the oh so mushy and romantic gesture, Toph had to scoff at the song selection. “'Come Fly With Me' by Frank Sinatra?” she teased. “What are you, 80, Twinkletoes?”
“Hey! I’ll have you know that this is a classic and it was my foster father’s favorite song!” he defended. “And, it is the perfect song for this, because we are going to fly.”
“Well, not really, but use your imagination will, you?”
So she did.
They walked around the museum, listening to different types of music around the world. Aang made her pay special attention to the different rhythms of the world, and they went back and forth listening attentively for special sounds in the songs. The museum curator, Chong, apparently gave Aang a list of facts and interesting tidbits about the music as well. It certainly added to the experience, even if Aang was just reading what was on the cards. And while they ‘travelled’ to different parts of the building, Aang put on his cheesy Sinatra song and even skipped around the museum to the beat of it.
It was absolutely ridiculous hearing him dance around the museum, but also absolutely endearing.
When they completed their trip around the world, Toph and Aang drove twenty minutes off campus to a small vineyard. Toph raised a skeptical eyebrow toward her date, then asked, “What’s all this about, Twinkletoes?”
She could practically feel his grin from where she stood. “We’ll find out soon! Come on, I think you’ll really like this one.”
“Well if we’re at a vineyard, you’re damn right I’m gonna like it.”
Aang clicked his tongue at her. “Not like that, Toph. Just wait.” He grabbed her hand and led her into the building. Aang led her through the building and suddenly stopped the two of them. His hand squeezed hers, motioning her to reach out in front of her. What Toph found was something that felt like a large, metal tub. She wrinkled her eyebrows and turned the corners of her lips down. “What is this?”
“It’s a tub filled with grapes. We’re gonna crush them.”
“Crush them?” she questioned. “Like, with a grape stomper—”
“—With our feet!”
The woman maintained her skeptical look. “Don’t they have machines for this?”
“Yes, but stomping grapes with your feet gives the winery more control on the seed separating process. They can control the amount of tannins—”
“—Okay too many fancy words, Twinkles.” Toph playfully put a hand up to stop his ramblings and smiled at him. “What are we waiting for? Let’s stomp some grapes!”
So they did.
They stomped, smashed, and crushed grapes with their bare feet as Toph and Aang held onto each other for support. The grapes poked and tickled at their feet, but it was such a fun experience. Toph even challenged Aang to goof around and jump in the vat of grapes to crush them. A silly dare that ended in near failure (Aang almost landed in the crushed grapes and juice on his ass), but all was well and no clothes were stained during the dare. Toph even promised she wouldn’t hold it over his head… Well, not for long at least.
Once they finished their stomping session, they cleaned off their feet and ventured into the restaurant part of the winery for dinner. This time, Aang promised Toph that she could choose her own meal, and she was adamant on getting a plate that served some sort of meat.
“You deprived me of meat all day, Twinkletoes,” she began. “If this was an all-you-can-eat buffet, my plate would be stacked this high with meat.” Her hand went above her head for her meat tower reference, and Aang laughed at the visual aid.
“Hey, you have to admit, those waffles were good though!”
Toph smiled genuinely. “They were.”
They spent the next five minutes going over the menu and choosing their respective meals and drinks.
“Hey, do we get to taste the grapes we just stomped?” she teased. “Hmm,” Aang jokingly pondered. “Maybe in a couple years, but we can buy a bottle right now to remember the experience,” he offered.
“Make it two.”
Dinner was a delight, and so was the company. It seemed that conversation topics were in abundance for the couple, and the only time they were silent was when they ate their meals (which were delicious). Then, it was time to go home.
As they were driving back to Toph’s apartment, Toph’s mind simply wandered back to all the activities and things they accomplished in the last few hours. It was a sensory overload kind of date. Every activity focused on a different sense, and Toph loved every second of it. So much thought and care went into this day, and she only gave the man 6 hours at most to prepare it all. Needless to say, Toph was impressed with Aang.
When the night came to a close and they were preparing to say their goodbyes at Toph’s door, it was only fitting a bit of banter was thrown around.
“Thanks for not kidnapping me.” She grinned.
“I was close near the middle when we went to Peru, but by the time we were in Acapulco Bay, I decided against it.”
“Hey, at least I didn’t nearly stain my entire outfit by taking a swim in freshly squeezed grapes!”
“I take no blame for that you egged me on! And I didn’t fall in, so it’s not as funny.”
“Still, the thought is funny enough.”
Aang chuckled and smiled at Toph. “I suppose.”
A comfortable silence fell between them, and now was the time for sincerity. For the first time in a long time, Toph didn’t want the day to end. She didn’t want the date to end. Toph broke the silence and began by saying, “Aang.”
Aang looked at her. Even though she only made up a nickname for him yesterday, it was weird for her to use his actual name. He stopped talking and looked at her. “This was…” Toph paused to form the right words, and a great big smile grew across her face. “This was the most amazing day ever. Thank you.”
“I’m so glad you liked it, Toph. It was the best day ever for me, too,” he grinned.
“How did you even reserve some of these activities? I mean, the stomping grape shit? C’mon.”
Aang shrugged. “I’ve volunteered at a lot of places around campus. I guess you can say I’ve got the connections.”
“Wow, who would’ve thought being a good samaritan would pay off?”
“Pretty sure Jesus did, Toph,” he teased.
And for that, he received a good punch to the arm.
“Whatever, Twinkles,” she jabbed. “But if that was the first date, can’t imagine what the second date will be like. High expectations, my fancy dancer.”
“Oh, so there will be a second date?”
It was Toph’s turn to shrug. “Well, you said there was more to me, and there seems to be more to you that I would like to find out.”
Aang couldn’t help but smile at Toph. Goodness, she was something else.
“Date number two can be arranged,” he began. “Although it sounds like maybe this is your date to manage.”
“Absolutely not, I already challenged you to outdo yourself,” she smirked.
Aang playfully groaned. “Fine! But… There is one last thing we have to do before date night is considered over.”
Toph raised a skeptical eyebrow at her date. “What else could you possibly have planned for—”
Her sentence was interrupted by his lips. It was just a light peck on her lips, and when he pulled away, Toph immediately dragged him back to her to kiss him. This time, it was longer and harder, and she pulled him just a little too hard, because they stumbled into the apartment door. But they didn’t break apart for a second. The most exhilarating first date culminated into the best first—er—makeout session?
Their little stumble into the door must’ve been interpreted as a knock, though, because suddenly Katara opened the door and the couple nearly fell into her arms.
“What the fuck?! You guys!” Katara exclaimed. She was rather surprised by the scene in front of her, but not completely taken aback. She playfully chastised her friend and yelled, “Quit defiling my roommate, Aang!”
Aang turned beet red, but Toph just cackled at the inconvenience. She straightened herself and called back to Aang as Katara pulled her into their place. “Night night, Twinkles! Bring your A game next week, will ya?”
The door was shut in his face before he could reply.
But Aang was pretty sure he floated back to his car. He was on cloud nine after that kiss, after the most perfect day.
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geekinator · 2 years
if you're taking prompts, can i ask for bumizumi (bumi ii x izumi) babysitting young tenzin and lin?
I want to thank you for asking me this prompt because I had so much fun! Hope you like this little bit of fluff 😄
“Behave yourselves,” said Katara, pointing at Tenzin and Lin.
“We will,” said Tenzin.
Aang was looking at his eldest, however. “All of you.”
Bumi leaned over to Izumi, who was standing next to him, and said, “I feel like I should be offended by that, but oddly, I’m not.”
“Of course not,” she replied, smirking at him.
The adults all turned and walked down the steps of the temple, dressed in their finery. There was a gala that they were all attending, and Bumi and Izumi were left to babysit the two younger ones. Kya was away at the South Pole with Sokka, so Bumi was spared having to watch all three of them. These two were enough trouble.
As soon as the adults were out of earshot, Bumi turned to them and jabbed a finger in their direction. “Listen, you two. No shenanigans this time. I mean it. Just go somewhere quietly, and read a book or something. No bending, and no noise! Got it?”
“Paranoid much, Bumi?” said Lin. “You really should talk to someone about that. It’s not healthy.”
“Just get lost, twerps.”
They both turned and walked toward Tenzin’s room. “Yeah, well, you don’t have to live with him,” Tenzin said in response to something Lin said.
“I heard that!” he shouted back.
Izumi grabbed Bumi’s hand and pulled him away. “Just come on.”
Bumi allowed himself to be led into the gardens, into a secluded spot where a bench sat under a tree. It had been ages since he and Izumi had had time to themselves, and he was looking forward to it. Apparently she was, too, because as soon as they sat down, she grabbed his shirt and pulled him in, wasting no time in reacquainting their lips. He reached his hand up around her neck, enjoying the softness of her skin.
He was enjoying their makeout session immensely until he remembered Lin and Tenzin. He had expected to be interrupted by now, and he was suddenly suspicious. He pulled away from her and frowned.
“Those little shits are up to something, I just know it!”
Izumi sent a controlled breath of fire in his face and he jumped up off the bench.
“What was that for?”
“For being an idiot. They aren’t planning anything. They’re probably just off somewhere being nerdy together.”
“You don’t understand, ‘Zumi! The last three times I’ve babysat those two, I’ve either ended up under a pile of rocks or wedged in a hole because they rigged up some kind of trap that I didn’t even set off until days later! And then when I try to tell Mom and Dad it’s them, they don’t believe me. But I’m telling you, when those two get together, their combined powers of monkey business are out of control!”
Izumi watched him give this very passionate speech, complete with emphatic hand motions, without moving an inch. “Will it make you feel better if we go and check on them?”
“And then can we get back to this?”
“All right, come on.” She stood and they set off together. “I will prove to you that they are the most boring children ever and are not up to anything.”
“You’re my favorite person, have I told you that?”
“You’re my favorite idiot, have I told you that?”
“I think that’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me.”
Izumi just smiled, giving him the side eye. Bumi was suddenly regretting his paranoia and wanted to get this over with so they could get back to the garden.
When they reached Tenzin’s room, they found them sitting back to back, each reading their own book silently.
“See?” Izumi held out her hand, emphasizing the fact that they were quietly sitting on the floor. “They’re just reading.”
Bumi walked in and narrowed his eyes at them. They looked up at him innocently, which only made his suspicions grow. “We’ll see about that.”
He took their books and inspected them, then handed them back. He inspected Tenzin’s room, then told Izumi to stay and not let them out of her sight while he inspected his own room, his parent’s room, the garden, and every spot that he knew of that they liked to play at. He even checked the bathrooms. He returned, fuming.
“Tell me what you did right now, or I’m throwing you off the cliff!” he shouted.
“Bumi!” shouted Aang in reply.
The adults had returned, and there couldn’t be a more intimidating line of gazes than Katara, Aang, Toph, and Zuko. Bumi, however, was unphased.
“They’re up to something! I’m telling you! You have to believe me!”
Aang looked over at his youngest. “Tenzin, did you do something to Bumi?”
“Nope.” Tenzin gazed back, unflinching.
“Lin?” asked Toph.
“Of course not, Mom.” Lin folded her arms in protest.
They all turned their attention back to Bumi, who was turning red. Izumi had come to stand next to him, looking concerned. She put a hand on his shoulder, and he jumped.
“Bumi, you really need to calm down,” she said.
“Just take him and make out with him,” said Toph.
Izumi blushed. “How do you know I want to make out with him?”
“Do you really want me to answer that?”
“No.” She grabbed Bumi’s hand and pulled him away, shushing him as he tried to protest.
“So what did you guys do tonight?” asked Katara, mildly suspicious.
“We just read our books,” said Tenzin.
The adults all looked at each other, clearly not convinced. There was definitely something up, but they couldn’t figure out what exactly.
“Did you deliberately do nothing to drive Bumi crazy?” Toph asked finally.
Tenzin’s face finally broke its stoic expression as he tried not to grin. “Yeah.”
“You’ve been spending too much time with your Uncle Sokka,” Katara said.
“Come on, Chief,” said Toph, sighing. “Let’s go. Say goodbye to your partner in crime.”
Aang was flying them back on Appa, so he followed them as they left. Tenzin closed the door to his room, and Katara walked to stand with Zuko.
“This is what I get for being so fruitful. I’m going to bed.”
Zuko nodded. “How did Toph know that Izumi wanted to make out with Bumi?” he asked.
“Do you really want me to answer that?”
He considered. “No.”
Katara smiled sleepily. “I didn’t think so. Good night.” She set off down the corridor toward her own room.
Zuko turned to find Tenzin poking his head out from his door.
“Don’t worry, Uncle Zuko. I have a few tricks up my sleeve if you need them.”
“I’ll get back to you on that.” Zuko turned and walked down the corridor toward the guest quarters.
Tenzin closed his door and smiled to himself. Another successful night.
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