#just said goodbye to duarte
appalachy · 4 months
Last night in portugal
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adarafaelbarba · 1 year
Officer Down
Pairing: Mike Duarte x Reader (reader’s pov)
Fandom: Law and Order SVU (season 24)
Trigger warnings: Character death (not how he died though. Cause that’s too brutal for this).
An: This has plagued my mind since we lost him, and I need to get it out of my system asap! Please read with caution though! 🫣❤️ We’ll miss you Captain Duarte 🥺💔❤️
Based on this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jkvjx9CCdRo
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Red and blue lights cover 213 W 30th St like a train Miles of cars, full of people with nothing to say
Your hands fidgeted as you sat next to Liv in the back of the black SUV, an old habit that you’d picked back up from being on the job. Even more so now with the current situation.
“You ready, y/n?” She asked, her voice muffled by all the thoughts flashing through your mind. The last moments you’d had with him. “y/n?”
Looking up at your Captain, eyes filled with tears, you bit back a sob, “I don’t want to say goodbye to him, cause that means moving on.”
She let out a soft sigh at that, hugging you, telling you you’d always have him with you.
He’d found it endearing, watching you get nervous, had called it cute, his face lighting up in a smile when you blushed. You’d missed that smile, the way his dimples showed, his head falling back when he laughed. His laugh…You’d miss that too.
The sun's out, you'd think that it's just another November day Oh and I can't help but be mad, knowing I'll leave and you're gonna stay
Stopping outside the church, you and Liv got out, followed by Grace and Joe. Sonny, Terry, Fin and Amanda following close behind. Once on the sidewalk you fixed your uniform, flattening out the creases.
The entire area was filled with officer, all clad in uniform, and all there to take part in the funeral.
When they spotted you, they all got up in attention, Chief McGrath barking out orders, all of them presenting arms. It was almost as if you were the one they were honoring, that you’d been the one to die. And in a sense you had, if only a small part of you when Mike died
They called me on a cell phone Telling me there's an officer down And we prayed for a miracle, but you didn't come back around Oh, I've kissed you goodbye a thousand times But never like I'm doing right now
Oh, with twenty-one shots going up for the officer down
Never in your life did you think you’d be here. Least of all alive, in place of a spouse, ready to take farewell with their serving spouse. The engagement ring burning on your fingers as you walked past them all, a reminder of what could’ve been. Your squad following close behind should anything happen.
Tears threaten to spill again, but you do your best to hold them back, lifting your head bravely.
When you get to the end of the line, McGrath stands there, stoic as always. You stop in front of him, offering your hand, “Thank you, Tommy, for this, all of this. Miguel would’ve hated all this for him.” A tear laugh escaped your lips, followed by a strangled sob.
“I’m just happy we could honor him, y/n.”
You shared a quick handshake, then you pulled him in for a hug, needing to be anchored before tears spilled again, not that you were really succeeding in holding them back.
I begged you to throw out that t-shirt that I sleep in now And badge number 0477 is all over town And people keep asking if there's anything they can do But no one can give me back you
“If there’s ever anything, y/n, anything at all, don’t hesitate to ask.” He sounded sincere, and you knew he was, but what you really wanted couldn’t be given. So you simply nodded, thanking him before you walked up the rest of the steps to the church.
They called me on a cell phone Telling me there's an officer down And we prayed for a miracle, but you didn't come back around Oh, I've kissed you goodbye a thousand times But never like I'm doing right now Oh, with twenty-one shots going up for the officer down
The service was beautiful. Some of his guys said a few words. Grace spoke. And then you did, through tears, taking one last goodbye with the man you loved.
Once you’d finished speaking, you walked down the few steps to the casket, leaning down to press your forehead on it, the hand that had your wedding ring on, while also holding his dog tag and wedding ring on a chain, pressed against the casket too.
I held ya tight when they told me it's time to let go And I know that somehow you knew that you weren't alone
Someone’s hand rested on your shoulder, telling you it was time. But you didn’t let go, tears flowing freely now, not caring who saw. “Come back to me Miguel.” You whispered, begging him.
“y/n, it’s time.” Liv said softly, her hand rubbing your shoulder.
They called me and told me It's my officer down And I talked to you and begged you, but you didn't come back around
“Please, Miguel—please come back to me, I can’t do this without you.” You begged, clutching anything you could hold onto, whispering into the void to please give you back your one true love.
Oh, I kissed you goodbye a thousand times But never like I'm doing right now
You finally pressed your lips to the casket, “te amo, mi vida.” The silence that had previously been in the room broke as you let out a sob, at last allowing yourself to cry over him.
Oh, with twenty-one shots going up I wish you had more time with us 'Cause thirty-three years ain't enough for the officer down
@plaidbooks @storiesofsvu2-0 @cycat4077 @thatesqcrush @alwaysachorusgirl @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @bisexual-dreamer02 @misscharlielulu @xoxabs88xox @muchadoaboutcj @beatrice-san @meetmeatyourworst @thats-jaywalking @cursedashes @mysoulisasunflower @crazy4chickennuggets @imaginelover88 @beccabarba @itsjustmyfantasyroom @detective-giggles 
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bullet-prooflove · 1 year
Say Goodbye - Terry Bruno x Mike Duarte x Reader
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Tagging: @annetje @ammirabilis @xoxabs88xox @littleone65 @mysoulisasunflower @the-hinky-panda @mariamariquinha
The sky was clear and the bright sun was shining down on you as you lay flat on your back, clad in a white vest top and denim shorts, Mike's aviator shades pulled down over your eyes. It was your last day in New York before you were loaned out to the LAPD and you were determined to spend it exactly the way you wanted. Your packing was almost done, you had used your dufflebag and Mike had graciously loaned you his hold all. You were taking your clothes and a few personal effects, everything else was being left here at home in the apartment you shared with Mike and Terry.
You loved the two of them more than anything in the world but there was still a part of yourself that was selfish, this opportunity training with the LAPD was something that you couldn’t turn down.
A large shadow fell over you, blocking out the sun like a hulking cloud. You didn't need to open your eyes to know that it was Terry standing over you. The grass beside you shuffled as you propped yourself up on your elbows as he sat down beside you.
"You‘re leaving tomorrow." Terry stated, tipping his head back towards the sun.
"Yes." You responded.
You had talked about this and Terry had made it entirely clear that he supported your decision although he agreed with Mike’s concerns.
Your personal safety was their priority. You were smart and resourceful, and they knew that you were capable of taking care of yourself.  Each of them had kissed the scars that were etched into your flesh, they had spent last night memorising every inch of you until both men were sure that you knew exactly how they felt. Terry knew how you had gotten them and why Mike guarded you so closely. The idea of losing you terrified the other man and Terry couldn't say he blamed him. He knew what it was like to have your heart and soul ripped right out of your chest and he wouldn't let his over go through the same trauma as he had.
Yet this was what you wanted, and Terry had to admit that he respected Mike for taking a step back after everything you’d been through, even if he’d had to sooth the waters a bit. There was excitement in your eyes when you talked about going to L.A. Terry could tell that you were eager to strike out on your own, he couldn’t fault you for wanting to challenge yourself.
"I’m gonna miss you." Terry said finally into the comfortable silence that stretched between the two of you.
"I'll miss you too." You told him, your fingers covering his.
"Mike wanted you to have something." Terry said, fumbling with his jacket pocket for a second. “He just can’t say goodbye, I think it hurts him too much.”
You got it, after everything you’d been through the separation was tough for Mike. He didn’t understand why you’d want to be away from the two of them, not when you were happy and settled. Terry knew, Terry always knew, he was the more intuitive one of the three of you. He understood why you had to try something new.
He pulled out a sheathed small black ceramic blade out of his pocket before handing it to you.
“He said to keep it on you at all times.” Terry informed you. “He knows the trouble you get yourself into.”
You smiled, your finger brushing over the sleek knife before setting it on the grass beside you. You shared a knowing look with Terry. This was Mike’s way of saying goodbye for now, of helping you to protect yourself, of watching out for you when he couldn’t physically be there.
Although that this was your decision to leave for a little while it didn't make things easier.  Letting you go was hard for Mike, you were frightened that he would become reckless in your absence, that the time apart would distract him.
"Look after him for me." You requested in a quiet voice. "I know what he's like, all the trouble he gets himself into. Make sure he doesn't get himself caught up in anything he can't get out of."
"So basically, keep doing what I'm doing." Terry said with a humorous lilt as he nudged you with his shoulder.
"I don't know why I even asked." You told him as your head came to rest upon his shoulder. “You love him as much as I do.”
"Make sure you check in." Terry advised, his lips brushing over your hairline. “Otherwise our Captain is gonna be on the first plane over there, ready to bring you back.”
Love Mike, Terry & Reader? Get added to the tag list!
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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beeirifulmer · 3 years
Lost of Two Sisters Pt. 2
A few wanted Cardan's POV, so..here it is!! It isn't my favorite but I tried <3
@fantasyfox10123 @xticklemeemox (tagged)
Taryn walked through the doors in a panicked rush, her hand clutching her chest as she stared in horror at the floor. Her face twisted and she started to panic more. I turned and watched her try to keep herself steady.
"Taryn? Taryn what happened?" I walked to hold the girls' shoulders. "Where's Vivienne and Jude?" My question became a more panicked one as I noticed my wife was no where to be seen. My heart quickened more as I noticed only Taryn came back.
Grima Mog stepped into the room, I repeating his question before Taryn broke. Her eyes released tears as she sobbed and fell into my arms. Holding her, I looked down then back up at Grima Mog, where it hit me.
"No..do not tell me," I started, and Taryn hid her face into my abdomen as she nodded.
"I lost them, both of them. He killed them both, Cardan. I'm so sorry," she sobbed, "I'm so sorry," she whispered and hiccuped.
My heart sank, it couldn't be. Jude was dead.
"Who's he." I demanded, my tone coming out colder than expected. "Taryn." I forced the girl to stand up straight, needing an answer before I grabbed my sword and left. My body wanted to do the same thing Taryn was doing, but I wouldn't until I was alone and he was dead.
Looking at Taryn, she reminded me too much of Jude. Her face, her eyes, the only difference in this moment was, Jude's body was awaiting beside Vivienne, ready for a proper burial.
I let go to Taryn before I could do more. Turning my back to her. "Who." I repeated again. Taryn tried to speak, and I couldn't look at her, I couldn't stand the sight of my wife knowing she was dead.
"M-Mad-" she hyperventilated on her words, my head whipping around.
"Your own father?" I questioned. How could their own father kill them? He protected them with his life, saught out to kill anyone who touched them. I remembered the first time anyone ever got caught by Madoc: a fae was messing with the twins, swinging back and forth, using glitter, tugging at the girls' dresses. It went on for quite some time, Taryn would shed a few tears and Jude would slap him, to which the faerie would lift up her dress.
Madoc eventually found out, and nobody saw the fae again. Nobody cared, who would? He touched a Duarte, both of them. Anyone who had the balls to do so, had the balls to prepare for death.
"It's my fault. I should have let him save her, I should have let him take her back to camp." The alive twin looked at me, eyes bloodshot. I can imagine her pain right now, killing her asshole of a husband - to which she thought I didn't know - and both her sisters dead after her foster father and step-mother abandoned her. She had no one. I had no one. We both just lost someone who we leaned our life's purpose on. "Please don't hurt me."
The plead almost hurt me that she'd think I'd do such a thing, but a year ago I would have. A year ago I would have called her a crybaby and shoved her off me, say I was glad Jude was gone. But now I just want to break down just like she was, scream and cry my anger out.
"Why would I hurt you, Taryn." My voice was soft, afraid a voice break would expose my pain.
"I let the Queen die," she answered and my heart twisted tightly remembering how important that mortal was to me. "I didn't even know you two were married." She sniffled then laughed a little, "my sister wanted to be a knight and she became the first mortal queen of elfhame."
"Grima Mog, take her to the guest chambers, and have the servants put their bodies in caskets. They both deserve a proper goodbye." Those instructions were all I said before I left the building and headed to Madoc's camp.
When I got there, Oriana was laying a comforting hand on Madoc's shoulder. Madoc was slumped over and I noticed two guards were dead and thrown beside a tree, forgotten.
"Madoc.." Oriana's soft voice brought my head back to them. Madoc looked up, eyes bloodshot as they looked at me ready for defense. "Prince Cardan hear him out-"
"High King Cardan." I corrected her with a cold tone. Madoc stood almost immediately, drawing his sword. My eyes swelled with tears as I saw the blood on the end, Jude's blood. "You killed my wife."
Madoc stopped moving, eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "Who?"
"Jude Duarte. Meaning, you killed my sister-in-law." Scowling, I drew my sword. "Nobody touches my wife and lives."
"When were you and Jude married?" Oriana asked, staying her distance in fear of herself being killed. "How long?" She seemed curious, but I could tell she was in shock of the dead sisters.
"Freshly married when I exiled her." I answered the woman's question, "why did you do it?" I looked down at Madoc's sword, eyes glued to the blood. Madoc said nothing. My emotions started to overcome my careless filter. "Why?!"
"I didn't mean to, and my guards killed Vivienne. Not me." Madoc explained, but I was far too in it to care. I swung my sword, aiming right for Madoc. The second I felt my sword pierce Madoc, a sharp pain ran through my body and Oriana gasped.
Looking down, Madoc's sword was deep inside of me, and mine in Madoc. We both froze, looking at one another. My sword went through the heart, his went through my stomach.
"Madoc!" Oriana cried as we both fell to our knees. I winced at the sting, but I knew Madoc was fighting for his life, spitting blood.
"This.." I began, straining my words out, "this is your punishment. May you rest peacefully within the land, but may you always remember what you ruined." My last words came out as a cough as his grip dropped and he fell to the ground.
I ripped out the sword and dug my hand into the soil of the ground, the dampness seeping to my fingers, and pressed it against my wound to help heal it until I get to safety.
"You- you!" Oriana tried to spew hatred words, yet none came out. She just shedded tears and looked down. I said nothing, I couldn't. I just made my way to my chambers and hid from the guards and Taryn. Once my back hit the now closed door, I inhaled and laid my head back.
Tears streamed down my face now as I finally broke. A scream erupted from my throat, scratching the inside of it but I never cared. The screams didn't stop until I collapsed to the floor and sobbed into my knees. My stomach bled and stung, but I screamed to the sky for Jude.
I've finally lost everything. My father, my brothers and sisters, my mother, my beautiful wife. My beautiful, darling Jude. My dearest punishment. My everything. She was gone.
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Hello my lovelies!!
Ok let me just start by saying- 600 followers?! Are you kidding?? Thank you all SO much! I can’t even begin to describe how grateful I am to have every single one of you interested enough in my blog to be following me! Thank you thank you thank you!!!🥰🥰
Now I’m gonna repay you by breaking your hearts!
This is my first try at anything super angsty, so if your gonna yell at me afterwards please feel free to do so in the comments or in my ask box or even just reblogging and cursing me in the tags🤣 please let me know what you think!
TW: Major character death, mentions of vomiting and allusions to body mutilation- nothing graphic just vaguely indicated but whatever you are comfortable with is up to you! If any of what I warned makes you uncomfortable please don’t read! Your mental health is more important than a work of fiction!
Update: I’m sorry- I posted this and for some reason the tag list wasn’t working but it should be now! If your username has changed please let me know so I can tag you properly down below!❤️
Summary: Someone important dies. Cardan deals with it. Grab your tissues❤️
Final Resting Place
“I’m…I’m so sorry.” The folk are not in the habit of apologizing, much less for something that is so common. It matters not, Cardan has ceased listening, has heard nothing after The Bomb uttered those damning words.
Jude is dead.
He recalls, distantly, a time when Nicasia drug him halfway to her underwater kingdom, wishing to show him its beauty and splendor. He recalls how helpless he felt, how he could breathe but it wasn’t right. How he was silenced and the pressure from the water was crushing his chest so painfully it didn’t matter if he could breathe or not.
This feels near exactly like that.
“Your Highness?” Someone is asking a question he doesn’t hear. He doesn’t even ask them to repeat themselves. All he can do is state,
“She is to be brought back here. Burned on the pyres.” A Queen’s funeral. The only funerals the folk bothered to observe.
Someone, The Roach, likely, grunts in disapproval, “She… we…are not able to bring the body back. It was…”
Cardan isn’t sure what part of that statement makes his stomach churn the worst, the fact that they just referred to his wife, their queen as a body, or the fact that there apparently isn’t too much of her body to bring back.
He tries not to think, not to guess at what death was so brutal that she doesn’t even have a body left.
And that really is it, isn’t it? She, his fierce, vibrant, deadly queen, who always looked over her shoulder, is- was always so cautious, secretly ruling over a land that was designed to kill her, the mighty Jude Duarte, slayer of the folk-
Killed by something mortal.
In the mortal lands.
Where he sent her.
It was almost laughable, Cardan did laugh. Hysteria bubbling up in his chest like bile, which it might have been because suddenly the churning in his stomach was no longer violent but imminent and he’s throwing himself into the bathing chamber.
He doesn’t hear the court of shadows, her court of shadows, retreating as he retches into the chamber pot.
Time has lost all meaning.
It’s been days, weeks, months. The days pass in a blur, marked only by those who knew what she meant to him coming to give their condolences. Like it could lessen the pain of her being gone. Lessen the pain that came with the knowledge that this was his fault.
It was so ironic it hurt. Had he not exiled her to the mortal lands for her protection, she would have still been alive, ruling where she belonged, right by his side.
And now, she would never get to rule her kingdom openly. She would never share his throne, his crown, his name, his bed again.
She was gone before he got to have her.
And it was his own damn fault.
He refused to hold any audience with Taryn. It wasn’t fair, her twin was dead and she was parading around wearing her face. He knew that should he take one look at her, he would break beyond recognition.
The only thing keeping him alive on the throne being Jude’s memory, how she would have wanted, commanded him to keep ruling, even if she wasn’t there to do it with him.
He did allow an audience with Viviane, once. She had all but demanded it and would hardly take no for an answer. She arrived, eyes puffy and bloodshot, looking as terrible as he felt which didn’t seem fair either.
He wanted to be alone in his pain, for it to be all his own, because no one could understand, could relate to how he felt for her. Why should they share in his grief? The newest plate of armor he has cast over his heart?
She wasted no time on condolences, which in itself was strangely comforting. She got straight to the point, “You missed the funeral.”
“A mortal tradition.” His voice was hoarse with disuse. Had he gone so long without speaking to anyone? That didn’t seem possible.
“Dammit Cardan! She would have wanted you there.” Her anger was refreshing, a nice change of pace compared to the complete emptiness that was left behind in the shape of a mortal footprint upon his heart.
He almost wants to disagree, but that would make no sense. The folk can’t lie, not even half-fae.
When he doesn’t respond, Vivi crosses her arms, “Will you at least come visit her? Say your goodbyes? You have to say yes, we both know you need it.”
And painful as it was, she was right. The one thing that hurt worse than Jude being dead, knowing that it was because of him, was that he didn’t get to say goodbye. That all his letters to her went unanswered. That she died without knowing how much he needed her. How much he missed her and all she was to him. How much he…
Swallowing past the lump in his throat, he silently rises and follows Vivi to his queen’s final resting place.
The mortal world is bright and loud and reeks of iron and is so alive it feels audacious. How dare anyone else continue living when someone from this place, someone so important, so above them was forced to forfeit that right?
The plot of land where she- what’s left of her- is laid to rest is small. The headstone sits, new and clean, next to two more that are dulled with age.
Justin and Eva Duarte.
Madoc had somehow procured graves for the two mortals he slaughtered, and now their youngest daughter lay beside them.
They are standing there for ten minutes before Vivi speaks, “You know, when someone visits the grave of someone they love, they usually look at it.” Her voice is monotone as she stares at the slab of stone sitting at the head of a patch of newly sprouted grass.
He’s not sure he can. If he looks, if he sees there is in fact a final stop, a final holding place for this restless mortal, then he will know it is real. That this wasn’t all some elaborate trick or punishment of her own making to get back at him for her banishment.
Foolish as it is, that was a dark hope buried deep inside him. That she was really still there, biding her time, waiting until he was just ruined enough to waltz back into his life to teach him a well deserved lesson. Perhaps on gratitude, on not taking things for granted.
It would be such a Jude thing to do.
A hand rests on his shoulder and he nearly flinches away, “I’ll give you a minute.”
Her footsteps recede, utterly fae and silent. So unlike the ones he desperately wishes to hear a final time.
It takes him maybe two minutes more for his eyes to finally find the headstone. He is shocked to find he can barely read what is inscribed upon it through tears that have filled his eyes.
Jude Duarte-Greenbriar
Beloved sister and wife
His tears come in earnest, then. How had he never known she took his name as well? Had cared enough to do so? Or was this something her sisters did to spite him? He pressed his lips together in an attempt to stifle any sobs trying to break free.
Cautiously, so cautious she would be proud, he runs his fingers over the inscription of her name- their name. When he knows his voice will be steady, he speaks.
“Well, wife.” He presses his eyes closed as a fresh wave of tears pushes at his senses, “I doubt either of us saw it coming to this.” Gently, he tugs something out of the satchel he brought with him.
“It was yours. For you to wear upon your return. For when you came home.” He couldn’t stop his voice from breaking as he carefully laid the crown down at the foot of the headstone, glamoured so mortals would see it as a pile of painted rocks.
“I guess in a way, I got what you thought I wanted. For you to…” He can’t even bring himself to say it. He had never wanted this. When in palace lessons, he thought that dreams plagued with her scent, her voice, her touch had been the most horrid nightmares. He was wrong, this was far worse than any dream he had of her angry face, her soft hair. This was a nightmare terrifying enough to cripple the strongest of men.
“Well. I guess it doesn’t matter now. It doesn’t matter that I wish I could take back what I said about you in our childhood. That you would return to the earth, worm food.” He shudders, recalling that he had said those things while imagining that they would have followed a long life. One filled with her aging slowly due to living in Elfhame. Secret imaginings he only allowed himself in the darkest hours of the night- ones where he was by her side and they wreaked havoc together for the rest of their long, full lives. His next words are whispered, “I never imagined it would happen so soon.”
His hand returns to the headstone, gripping the cool rock tightly.
There is nothing left to say aside from one final message. Nothing left to do other than leave this place and continue on in his immortality, letting her fade into the backs of everyone’s memory as the Last Mortal Queen.
Taking a final shaky breath, Cardan utters the truth he had spent nearly his whole life repressing, trying to lie his way around. The words he now so desperately wishes he had said to her before he cast her out of their home in hopes of preventing this very thing from happening.
With one final look upon the place his wife, his queen is forever to rest upon, he whispers,
“I love you.”
Years and years and years later, young children of the gentry sit in their history lessons amongst their mortal classmates, and learn of the beautiful, treacherous life that was led by the Last Mortal Queen, Jude Duarte-Greenbriar
And that is that! Did I make you cry? Do you want to throw crumpled tissues at my head? Let me know!❤️ (I left out details of Jude’s death on purpose, it’s up to your imagination to come up with what happened to her, sorry for pain😬)
Tag list:
As always, please let me know through the comments or my inbox or any other way you are comfortable with and let me know if you wish to be added to my list so you can be alerted to my future works!
@maleckanejnessienjurdansolangelo @woodsbeyond1 @cardan-greenbriar-tcp @thewickedkings @aneurwin @snusbandxknifewife @jurdanhell @andromeddea @dressedindustandshadows @thesirenwashere @b00kworm @hizqueen4life @unidentifiedblackthorn @iminsanenotobsessed @df3ndyr @brittneyal @aelin-queen-of-terrasen @thefolkofthefic @yafandomsdotnet @fuzzypineapples-blog @nahthanks @charrise @thefolkofthefic @theviolettulip @embersfromink @kittkatandbooboo
Till next time, loves!🥰
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theburntromantic · 3 years
Ships as lyrics from Made in the A.M. by One Direction
Fang Runin x Yin Nezha
(The Poppy War)
Unforgettable together, held the whole world in our hands
Unexplainable, a love that only we could understand
I know there's nothing I can do to change it, but is there something that can be negotiated?
My heart's already breaking, baby, go on, twist the knife
(Love You Goodbye)
Benedict Montagov x Marshall Seo
(These Violent Delights)
Feels like this could be forever tonight
Break these clocks, forget about time
There could be a World War 3 going on outside
You and me were raised in the same part of town
Got these scars on the same ground
Remember how we used to kick around just wasting time?
Zoya Nazyalensky x Nikolai Lantsov
(King of Scars)
I said "you're on fire, babe"
Then down came the lightning on me
Love can be frightening for sure
All I know at the end of the day
Is you want what you want and you say what you say
And you follow your heart even though it'll break sometimes
(End of the Day)
Nina Zenik x Matthias Helvar
(Six of Crows)
Goodbyes are bittersweet
But it's not the end, I'll see your face again
And you will find me, in places that we've never been
For reasons we don't understand, Walking in the wind
I know we'll be alright, child, just close your eyes and see
I'll be by your side, any time you're needing me
(Walking in the Wind)
Pippa Fitz-Amobi x Ravi Singh
(A Good Girl's Guide to Murder)
All my life, you stood by me
When no one else was ever behind me
All these lights, they can't blind me
With your love, nobody can drag me down
(Drag Me Down)
Laila x Séverin Montagnet-Alarie
(The Gilded Wolves)
Point of no return and now it's just too late to turn around
I try to forgive you but I struggle 'cause I don't know how
We built it up so high and now I'm falling
It's a long way down, it's a long way down from here
(Long Way Down)
Jude Duarte x Cardan Greenbriar
(The Cruel Prince)
When you go and I'm alone
You live in my imagination
The summertime and butterflies
All belong to your creation
I love you, it's all I do, I love you
Hanne Brum x Nina Zenik
(King of Scars)
In the middle of the night when the wolves come out
Headed straight for your heart like a bullet in the dark
One by one, I gotta take them down
We can run and hide, ain't going down without a fight
Katniss Everdeen x Peeta Mellark
(The Hunger Games)
And it's alright
Calling out for somebody to hold tonight
When you're lost, I'll find a way, and I'll be your light
You will never feel like you're alone
I'll make this feel like home
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clockworkgraystairs · 4 years
Letting Go
Rating: M
Warnings: Major character death. Angst. Mentions of sex. Angst. Accidents. Did I mention angst?
Cardan thought he and his family were meant to live happily ever after.
He was wrong.
Extra comments: I’m sorry. Please don’t hate me.
Extra comments 2: If you’re masochist as me and wish to read this listening to some music, I’ll leave my spotify playlist “Don’t touch me, I’m angsty”
Thank you to the incredible @sweetlyvillainous for holding my hand while I cried because of this, for betaing later and for giving the extra boost to the angst. YES YOU DID, AND YOU’RE AS GUILTY AS ME. I love u. 
Masterlist   •   AO3
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As dawn went on, Cardan looked through the window with hooded eyes. It snowed outside. How typical, he thought. 
Not long ago he would’ve been excited about it. The perspective of spending the day building snow castles and angels. Never a snowman, since his daughter had always claimed that was too cliché. He would mock her for it and build tiny figures around her castle. ‘The invasion of the fae snowmen’ he’d called it, despite the insistence of his wife about that being pure nonsense. 
He laid on his bed, staring at nothing in particular. From that position he would normally be able to look at her, snoring softly in the opposite pillow. That used to be his favorite moment of the day. Few minutes that he could spend watching how she slept, calm and unbothered. At least until he couldn’t help it anymore and woke her up, trailing her neck with soft and playful kisses.  
Cold sheets coiled around him now. A reminder of the empty space next to him that haunted Cardan at the beginning and end of each day. Screaming into the silence she’s gone.  
The morning it happened, Ivy wanted pancakes an old store sold a couple of blocks away. Cardan was reluctant to get up. All groggy because he and Jude had spent the night before rolling on the sheets, barely moaning in each other’s mouths trying not to wake their 7 year old. He didn’t want to get up. But his daughter was as stubborn as his wife. So Jude gave him a long sweet kiss and told him to go back to sleep while she fetched breakfast. 
He did. 
He shouldn’t have.
He should’ve gone with her. He should’ve gone instead. Or better yet, he should’ve convinced her to stay and make the bloody pancakes himself. Anything.
Anything except letting Jude go out alone. She was supposed to be back in a matter of minutes, but she didn’t. And he didn’t notice it because he fell asleep again. 
He missed the first phone call. And the second. 
It wasn’t until a tiny hand woke him up and handed him the cellphone. Frowning with dizziness at Jude’s two missed calls he was about to dial back when it rang again. 
“Hey babe, sorry. What’s up?” He mumbled, ruffling Ivy’s hair.
The voice that answered was not Jude’s, instantly startling him awake.
“Yes, he’s speaking.” Loud voices and sirens muffled the voice, making it hard to hear. “I’m- I’m sorry I’m not understanding, where is my wife? Give her the phone so I can speak to her plea-”
He didn’t record the moment when he put on the first clothes he found, nor calling his old college friends that lived two doors away to come and watch little Ivy. 
He didn’t watch for the red lights or cared if he’d parked the right way in the hospital’s parking lot. The world seemed to spiral around him, an unending parade of walls, doors, people in white or blue suits. Voices filled him with details but he could only partially hear them. Something about a kid crossing the street unsupervised and Jude running after him. His heartbeat roared in his ears.
“We’re glad we could reach you Mr. Greenbriar. It’s always better when the patient doesn’t have to go through it alone.”
“Through it? What are you-”
“I’m really sorry. The internal damage is too much...” 
The doctor’s voice faded away as they entered the room. Fighting to bite back a sob he approached the resting figure on the bed. She looked like his wife, but something was deeply wrong. Her face was awfully pale and her lips dry and bruised. Wires rested along her body. The monitor connected to them matched the aching slowness in her breathing. There was no trace of the playful Jude that teased him mercilessly day after day, stealing kisses from his mouth and knowing he’d let her do whatever she wanted to him. 
He found himself still standing centimeters away from her, paralyzed. 
The doctor leaned to touch her shoulder and whispered something to her ear. Her eyelids fluttered a moment before opening, not with the fierceness they carried everyday but tired, wandering. 
Pulling out of his frozen state he reached for her hand, covered in bandages and stroke it softly. “Jude.” 
Her eyes found him and a weak smile curved her lips. “You made it.” She said with a raspy voice. He kneeled, fully taking her hand in his. The door knob clicked as they were left alone. 
“Of course I did.” He choked out, trying to match her smile. It felt as if a thin string was keeping him together. “I’m here to take you home.”
Jude looked at him the way she did every time he promised to bring the stars down for her. She squeezed his hand with a nonexistent force that physically hurt in his chest. “You were always a terrible liar.”
Cardan opened his mouth to joke back but wasn’t able to make more than a suffocated sound. That’s when the first tear rolled down his cheek. He squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, opening them as he felt her thumb wiping away the wetness under them. “It’s ok.” 
The string snapped. 
“No, it’s not Jude, gods I’m- I’m...” He sobbed, incapable of stopping himself anymore. “I’m so sorry, it was all my fault. If I’d gone with you, If I’d…”
“Hey, no. It’s ok.” She cooed, holding him as he buried his face in her neck apologizing over and over. “Cardan, this was not your fault. Please.” 
He let her hold him as his body trembled with broken weeps. Cardan shut his eyes close, hoping he would open them and be back home. Not here. Not in this nightmare. They had so much to do, so much to live. He was meant to be with her through everything. He was meant to protect her. And he had neglected everything for five more sleeping minutes instead. If Ivy hadn’t woken him up…  If he’d missed another phone call… 
If he’d answered the first damn time he might have had more time. There was an ache in his chest making it harder to breathe, to think. 
They laid together for several minutes, hearing nothing more than their breathings and the beeping machine.  
“Stay, my love.” He begged, the knot in his throat making it harder to speak. “Fight. I can’t do it without you, I’m not strong enough. I need you, we need you… Ivy...”
Something wet landed on his cheek. Only then he realized she’d started crying too. “You’ll take care of her. You can, you’re the strongest man I’ve ever known.”
He felt her breathing falter and he backed up a little, afraid he’d harm her but Jude didn’t let him go. “I love you. I always have, even when you used to make my life a living hell all those years ago. I love you and our daughter so much.” She said. Cardan sobbed again. Don’t, he wanted to answer, don’t say goodbye. Not yet. “And know that even when you can’t see me, I will be with you always.” 
“I know,” He whispered back, now wiping her tears away and leaning to kiss her. “I love you, Jude Duarte. You are the best gift life could give me. You saw the best in me when nobody else could and for that and everything else, I’ll be eternally grateful. I’ll... watch out for Ivy, and she will know her mom is a hero, I promise.”
She breathed a laugh and asked him to hold her again. He did, he clung to her as tightly as he could without hurting her, breathing ‘I love you’ on her hair until her hand lost strength around him. 
Until the monitor gave out one long final beep and took his heart with it. 
He’d kept his vow. He’d continued with his life, dedicating every second of it to take care of their little girl. To make sure she was happy and wasn’t that affected from her mother’s passing. 
Ivy was strong, and most of the time more mature than her age suggested. She tried to carry on as well. Even if sometimes Cardan caught her staring longingly at that spot on the living room where Jude used to sit and read his old books. 
But even now, months later, it was hard for him to get up from bed sometimes. To wake up from a bad dream only to realize it was real, he was alone. Jude wasn’t coming back.
Some nights nightmares got worse, not because his mind created new scenarios. Quite the opposite, it revived his worst memory.
Hands touched his shoulders, probably seeking to comfort him. But he barely felt them. He barely heard the nurses enter the room after Jude’s pulse stopped. 
He was aware of the uncontrollable way his chest shook between sobs. Pleading her to stay, to open her eyes just one minute more. 
Of how he clutched her hand as if it would squeeze life back into her. He felt the softness of her hair as he caressed it, clinging to her the moment the doctors tried to pull him away. The nurse started to remove the wires.
He dreamed of his throat tearing apart as he roared them to let go of his wife. Later begging to allow him to hug her for a moment more. Just a second. Just a lifetime. Please. 
Just a moment.
Cardan always woke between gasps those nights. Sometimes leading him to stay awake until morning, afraid to fall asleep again. 
It was on days like that that he closed his eyes and let time rewind. 
He returned to the year before, to the mornings when they decided who prepared breakfast with rock, paper, scissors games. 
To years before that, when still half asleep he reached for her and curled his arms around Jude’s swollen belly. Barely weeks away from welcoming their baby.
To the day when he’d held his girlfriend in his arms and waited for her to open her eyes to finally ask her to marry him. 
He knew he shouldn’t. In fact he was sure Jude would beat his ass for doing it. But sometimes he just wanted to feel her close only for a couple of minutes more. Some days he refused to accept she was not there anymore. 
A loud crash startled him, bringing Cardan back from his daydreaming. He sat up to look at the clock and frowned. It was still early for Ivy to be awake. 
He got up and walked to the kitchen, only to find the floor covered in white flour and his daughter on the opposite side with the face of someone that just got caught with a hand in the jar of cookies. 
“Ivy, what are you doing?” He asked. Gods, there was a mess. His mental energy didn’t want to deal with it at the moment.
“I...” She darted her gaze to the right, the same thing Jude did whenever Cardan found her doing something she wasn’t supposed to. 
He crossed the space, to crouch next to her and started picking things up with an exasperated sigh. 
She let out a breath in defeat and murmured. “I was trying to make the muffins.”
“The muffins?” 
“The muffins mom cooked for us every Christmas.” Ivy said as if he’d missed the most obvious thing. 
Fuck. He looked at the calendar hanging on the wall behind him. December 24th. Fuck, fuck. How had he overlooked the date? They’d received an invitation to celebrate Christmas with their friends and another one from Jude’s family. He had intended to answer back. 
“Oh honey…you needn’t.” Cardan turned back to her and took her little hand between his.
“I know. But I wanted to cheer you up.” Ivy’s voice was low. “You’re sad all the time, dad… I thought... maybe mommy’s muffins would help.”
A pang of guilt stung in his chest. Fuck, he tried so hard to keep his emotions at bay around her. Washing his face with frozen water hoping it would take away the redness around his eyes. He swallowed the lump in his throat and opened his mouth but no words came out so he just pulled his child into a tight hug. 
“I’m so sorry, I-”
“Don’t be,” She interrupted him, clinging to his neck. “I miss her too.”
Blinking back the tears, he pulled back to cup her cheeks. “There is nothing that cheers me up more than you, sweetie. You know that right?”
Ivy’s chocolate eyes shimmered as she nodded. 
Cardan took a deep breath and pulled her up so she was sitting on top of the counter. “Now, you know I suck at cooking those infamous muffins,” He grimaced. Ivy chuckled and bit her lip, totally not denying his statement. “So how about if instead of those, I prepare you my ultra special pancakes?”
Her gaze widened. “With whipped cream and fruit??”
He nodded. The excited squeal of his daughter warmed his heart in that unique way only she could achieve. 
With Ivy’s help, the pancakes were made in little time. Even if all she did was jump around  the kitchen singing Christmas carols. 
Just as he was about to serve the table, she stopped him. “Dad, can we go eat breakfast with mommy?”
Cardan paused, not sure if he’d listened correctly. “With mommy?”
“Yeah, you know, like those days when we went out on picnics.” She said. Excitement floored from every single one of her pores. “She loved Christmas, I’m sure she’ll be glad to see us too!”
He wanted to say no, not knowing if he would make it. It’s too soon, the words hug there in the tip of his tongue. But looking at Ivy and her puppy eyes, he couldn’t. 
Covered in scarves and warm coats they arrived at the cemetery. It was a beautiful place, if he was honest. Tall trees and some flowers grew along, giving it the appearance of a valley despite the cold weather. It looked so peaceful. Even if snow covered some parts of it.
Cardan carried a bag filled with the food and a blanket to use as tablecloth. Ivy played with the snow as they walked, and gasped at the sight of her mother’s tombstone. Letting go of Cardan’s hand, she ran towards it. A big smile shining on her face. 
He stopped meters away from it, unsure of his decision. His heart hammered on his chest and he could see the steam formed by his shaky breathing. 
Ivy turned and motioned him to come closer. 
As he approached, he heard the cheerful chatter of his daughter, making him frown. 
“...so I tried to be as quiet as possible, but then the flour fell!” She laughed and darted her gaze to him again. “That’s why daddy caught me, right dad?”
Cardan hesitated. “Uh, yeah… that’s when I found you covered in powder.”
He peered at the marble figure, intentionally avoiding the picture under the letters forming her name. 
After setting the food they ate. Ivy barely chewed her food between words, since she was deeply invested in whatever conversation she was having with her mother. Cardan just listened. She spoke about her school, her exams with almost perfect grades. About aunt Liliver announcing she and uncle Van were expecting a baby, a thing Ivy wasn’t so sure to like since that would probably remove her from ‘the favorite’ position. She talked about the blanket forts Cardan taught her to build and the new books he’d read to her. Occasionally, she would laugh as if she’d listened to something incredibly funny. 
They built a snow castle with the few snow that was gathered around, at least before Ivy accidentally threw a snowball to his chest. The snowball war that unleashed after had them growling and squealing for several minutes. It ended up with both of them lying down on the blanket, tired and giggling. 
He sat up to ruffle her hair and sighed. “It’s time to go, little one.” 
Ivy whined. “So soon?”
“We can return some other day…” That lit her face back up. “But your aunt Lil invited us to a party today. Do you want to go?”
She yelped. “With Christmas gifts?”
“Yeah.” Cardan winked. 
Once everything was back in the bag Cardan started walking, but a tug on his sleeve stopped him. 
“Aren’t you going to say goodbye to mommy?” 
He didn’t answer. 
“C’mon dad, go. I’ll wait for you over there.” She signaled a big space where rocks made an odd figure. That said, she was gone.
Haltingly, Cardan turned back to face the tombstone. 
Air seemed to have flown out of his lungs. What was he supposed to say? He looked down and shuffled his foot in the snow. His grip tightened around the bag’s handle. 
He used to spend the nights thinking of all the things he would’ve liked to say to her. But as it was, all of them apparently had vanished into the air. Should he say he loved her? That everything was okay?
“I hate you.” Was what came out. Cardan scoffed and swallowed. That was definitely not what he was thinking. “That is a lie. But I guess you already know it, don’t you?” 
“Sometimes I wish I could hate you though... Maybe it would make it easier. Because sure as hell it’s not.” His voice was hoarse. “I’m trying. I promised you I would but… I miss you all the fucking time, Jude. I can’t go to bed at night without thinking you’re not there by my side anymore.”
He paused and rubbed his eyes. Cardan flashed quick glances to Ivy, trying to find the strength. But once he faced Jude’s picture again, the pressure on his chest was nearly unbearable.
“Everyday something happens that I would like to tell you. When Ivy or any of our friends do something I find hilarious I turn to make sure you saw it too just to find an empty space and I… I hate it.”
“I hate not being able to hug you, I hate not feeling your hands playing with my hair in the morning. I hate not being able to tell you everyday how much I still love you. I hate that Ivy notices how much I struggle with it. I hate not being as strong as you were.”
He spilled the words so fast they were probably intelligible, but he didn’t care anymore.
“Ivy… she’s an amazing little girl, you know? Everyday she does something new that is clever, or brave… and she reminds me so much of you.” A sob broke through him. He turned to look at her, auburn curls bouncing everywhere. Taking a steadying breath he brought back his gaze to the tomb.
“I just hope she’s not as good with  lies or I will be totally screwed.” He let out a low chuckle. “You should be proud of her.”
Before he could say something else something warm spread down his shoulders to his arms and chest. If he was drunk he would say it resembled the feeling of a hug. The pressure on his chest slowly disappeared as tears rolled down his cheeks. 
Not knowing exactly how or why, a weight on his shoulders he hadn’t realized he had, was gone from a moment to another.
“I love you, Jude Duarte.” He breathed. “You will have my heart always, and when this life ends I’ll find you again to give it to you once more.”
Giving a final look to the picture he’d been avoiding since they arrived, he gave a weak smile, wiped the tears away and turned to go find his daughter. 
“Goodbye, my sweet villain.”
A Christmas party with his family (because that’s how he considered his friends), awaited. He found Ivy marching on top of the rocks, claiming it was a conquered fae castle and she, the new Queen. He chuckled and motioned her to return. 
As they walked back to the car, she grabbed his hand and gave him a knowing look. Even when you can’t see me, I will be with you always.
The next morning when he opened his eyes the empty spot was still there. But for the first time in months, he welcomed the memories of his Jude with a longing smile. 
Tags: @sweetlyvillainous @slightlyrebelliouswriter23 @aesthetics-11 @thesirenwashere @jurdanhell @demydreamer-otaku-and-book-lover @nightbringer @b00kworm @mysweetvillain @jurdannet @thefolkofthefic @yafandomsdotnet @vanessa172003 @booksandothersecrets  @thewickedkings​ @ireallyshouldsleeprn @fuzzypineapples (tumblr couldn’t find your profile to tag you hun sorry! ☹️ )
If you wish to be tagged/untagged (or if I forgot to tag you like an utter idot) please let me know!
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wylanvnneck · 3 years
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This 2 part fic was written for the Secret Snusband Gift Giveaway hosted by @jurdannet​ and @jurdannetrevels​ for my lovely Knife Wife @lilacs-with-lavender​.
Rating: T for Tyrannosaurus
Summary: Inspired by an episode of my favourite Cop TV show, ‘Castle’, in which a bet takes place with pretty high stakes, although the plotline has been tweaked to fit this fandom. My Knife Wife said she loved the Enemies to Lovers trope so that’s what I’ve (tried to) write here and I hope you enjoy the story of Homicide Detectives Jude Duarte and Cardan Greenbriar and their mutual enmity.
Warnings: Not so graphic descriptions of murder and mention of drugs. (Really not sure what I need to tag, so please let me know if I’ve missed something.)
Posted as a Gift on AO3 | Part 2 | Masterlist
Part 1
“Victim’s name is Taryn Santorini, a metal sculptor by trade, she was found by her doorman fifteen minutes before we traced the address in Chloe’s hand back to her.” 
Detective Jude Duarte looks down at the motionless face of a scared looking brunette, a crimson splatter painting the tiled floor around her lifeless body. The room around her is a mess, clothes scattered everywhere, bed ruffled and unmade and metal figurines placed haphazardly throughout the little apartment.
“Lil, talk to me, what are we looking at?”
Before the white-blonde haired medical examiner crouched on the floor by the body can answer, a smooth dark voice that Jude so detests cuts through the air behind her.
“Why, Duarte, I’d say that the fact that Tara What’s-her-name was shot and killed is rather obvious.” The despicable excuse of a detective steps forward, a smug grin pasted to his face. Cardan Greenbriar, entitled little rich boy, over-confident bastard and sadly, her partner.
Patience, Jude reminds herself, patience was a virtue. 
“I meant, as I’m sure Lil knows, with what model was she killed and when?”
Liliver shoots her an amused sympathetic look before turning her gaze back to the victim.
“Looks to be a gun with a 45 caliber, same as the one used to kill Chloe Tatterfell. I’d say Taryn here has been dead for about 12 hours so pretty close to Chloe’s time of death, maybe just a half hour or so afterwards.”
“So chances are it’s the same killer.” Cardan interjects, the smug smile a little less vibrant now. 
“Yep. I’ll have to get her back to the morgue so  I can do a full inspection, see if I can find anything helpful.”
Jude steps back from the crime scene to give her some space, almost bumping in to the officer taking pictures of the area for later use. 
“Thanks, Lil.”
“Just doing my job, sweetie.”
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“This doesn’t make any sense,” Jude clips a glossy picture of their latest victim onto the precinct’s murder board. “Garrett and Van questioned practically all known associates of both Chloe and Taryn and none of them could recognise the other victim. There’s no obvious connection between the two and yet, for some reason they were both killed on the same day, by the same person.”
“And with the same gun.” Cardan is leaning back in his chair, his posture insouciant and his curly black hair falling lazily over his forehead. Surely that was a violation of precinct dress codes? Not that he’d care either way, rule breaker that he was. God knew it was only because of his daddy’s clout that he’d even graduated from the academy in the first place, whilst people like Jude had to work hard and save every penny and fight to get anywhere in the field of Law Enforcement.
“Ok, I’m going to head to the morgue whilst Van and Gare check through the victim’s phones and financials, see if Lil has anything for us.”
“I suppose, being the dutiful partner that I am, I should come with you?” Cardan’s drawl is as irritating as usual and Jude can hardly wait to get out of the proximity of his stupid raven locks and smoldering eyes.
“Please, you’d be doing us both a favour if you didn’t.”
“Aw, come now Jude you know you’d miss me.” He lets out a dramatic sigh as he half heartedly stands from his chair to join her as she speeds by towards the exit and she just barely resists the urge to throttle him.
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Lil bustles around her examining room as she adjusts the fluorescent lamps shining down on both the victim’s bodies’. 
“So, apart from the type of bullets that killed them, the only similarity that I could find between the two victims is the fact that they both have tattoos.”
Jude raises a brow. “Everyone has tattoos.”
From across the autopsy table Cardan’s eyes gleam as he smirks. 
“Oh really? You got some ink on you, Duarte?” 
His tone is disbelieving and Jude can’t resist messing with him a little.
She pastes an obviously fake flirtatious smile on her face and drawls in a sugar sweet voice, “Guess you’d have to find that out on your own, Greenbriar.” 
She bites at her lip for good measure and thinks once more of how bad she would be at flirting in earnest. Lil certainly couldn’t keep the laughter out of her gray eyes. Cardan, however, has a strange look on his face, one that Jude can’t quite decipher, but she’s pretty sure she’s just one-upped him and she can’t deny the slight sense of triumph that the thought gives her.
 She turns her attention back to the victims. “You were saying, Lil?” 
“I’m saying that these tattoos seem to have been done by the same artist. Look,” she pulls back the white cloth covering the body of Chloe Tatterfell, gently pushing a strand of brown hair off of her shoulder to reveal the cartoonish character of a rose, inked in with dark black ink.
She then turns to Taryn’s body to reveal a similarly styled tattoo of a mermaid on her wrist. Just as she’s pulling back the cover Jude’s back pocket vibrates and the sound of her plain ringtone travels through the air. Quickly she swipes upwards to answer the call and it’s Garrett.
“Yo, so we looked through the victims’ phone records and found a connection. Both Chloe and Taryn made a phone call on the day that they were killed to the same number, belonging to a Locke McCutchins, he’s got priors including robberies and domestic assault.”
By the time he’s finished speaking she’s already waved a quick goodbye to Lil and turned to walk out the door, not bothering to check if her partner was behind her.
“Alright, text me his address, let’s go pick him up.”
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“Locke McCutchins, open up, it’s the NYPD!” Garrett bangs on the door and the force is so strong that the wood vibrates as Jude clutches her pistol in her hand, body flat against the wall of Locke’s apartment with Cardan right beside her.
There’s no answer and the door is broken down as she, Cardan, Garrett and Van file into the room in a practiced motion that’s as familiar to her as breathing.
Right in front of them, sprawled across his couch, lies the dead body of Locke McCutchin, his tawny eyes still open and gazing unseeingly up at his ceiling, a dried red patch visible on his shirt.
Garret drops to the floor beside the couch, his sandy hair falling over his face as he leans over to check Locke’s pulse whilst the rest of them look on after having taken note that the apartment was clear.
“Body’s cold, he’s been dead for hours, entry wound looks to be about the same size as the other victims.”
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Jude scrunches her eyebrows as she stands in front of the murderboard for the second time that day.
“So, Chloe Tatterfell, Taryn Santorini and Locke McCuchins were all killed within the span of 24 hours, all with the same gun, presumably by the same killer and yet so far the only connections we’ve found are Taryn’s address that was found written on Chloe’s hand, the phone call from both women to Locke and the similar tattoos on both Chloe and Taryn, but not on Locke.”
“Hmm.” Cardan seems to materialise out of nowhere, carrying a paper cup of what smells like freshly brewed coffee. Jude was convinced that he took his coffee with added alcohol but she had yet to prove it.
“What’s with the glare?” he asks.
“It automatically deploys itself when you're around.”
He scoffs. Twirls his coffee around. Takes a long, slurping sip.
“Hey, Duarte? Don’t get me wrong, I mean, the feeling is mutual, but what exactly is it that makes you despise me so much? I’d like to know so I can make sure to keep doing it.” 
Jude barely deliberates over her answer before she responds. 
“Being an overly cocky, obnoxious jerk who has only managed to get this far thanks to his Daddy’s fat purse will definitely be the best way to make me hate you, trust me.”
He grins but there’s no humour in the curve of his sensual lips, his eyes are cold metal.
“You think that the only reason I’m a detective is because of my father?”
“Yup.” She makes sure to add plenty of emphasis to that one word.
Cardan opens his mouth as if to speak, stops, presses his lips together so hard that they turn pale before the colour returns to them when a slow smile spreads across his face, this time full of humour, but the decidedly darker kind.
“Let’s make a bet. If you can figure out what the connection between our three victims is before I do, I’ll go right up to Captain Madoc myself and request a change of partners so you can be rid of my ‘overly cocky, obnoxious’ self. Deal?” 
He was extending a challenge and Jude was never one to back down from those. Besides, the chance to be rid of him with no cost to herself or her reputation was too good to pass up on. Still, there had to be a catch, with Cardan, there was always a catch.
“And on the complete off-chance that you figure it out first? What happens then?”
“If I figure it out first...you have to come with me as my date to this party that my dad’s having in a couple days.”
Those last few words come out in a rush and Jude has to take a moment to decipher their meaning. Followed by another moment to wonder if she’d somehow completely misunderstood what he’d said.
“You want me to what?”
“Be my date to a party. Honestly Duarte, do you have any idea how many women would jump at this opportunity?” His tone is disgustingly nonchalant. 
“I-” she struggles to find the words. “Take one of them then! Don’t you have a girlfriend, Nicasia or something like that? Blue hair and eyes? High pitched voice? Talks a lot about how much she gets seasick?”
“You know, for someone who’s only met Nicasia once you do remember quite a bit about her.” His steady gaze on her is intense.
For some incorrigible reason Jude has to resist the urge to flush.
“I’m a detective. It’s my job to study people.”
“Right. Sadly, Nicasia and I are no longer together, if we ever were. I got bored. Hence, why I need a date.”
“I’m sure you could just take one of your scores of female admirers, you don’t need me.”
“Is that jealousy that I detect in your voice?”
“Look, the point is, I can’t be bothered having to deal with yet another simpering female who thinks that one night on my arm means a promise to a life-long relationship complete with marriage, a fancy mansion and exactly 2.5 kids. All I want is a companion for one night so I don’t get hounded by my mother for not having a girlfriend by which she can procure some grandchildren.”
“Oh so now you want me to be your fake girlfriend?”
He rolls his eyes up at the ceiling and she fights the urge to slap him. 
“It’s just for one night! Besides, I thought me winning was barely even a possibility to you.”
She makes a noise at the back of her throat. “It is.”
“Then I don’t see what the problem is. Do we have a deal, or not?” He holds out his hand, sculpted eyebrows raised in confrontation.
She doesn’t really think he has much of a chance of figuring it out before her, but he had admittedly also proven adept at figuring certain things out in previous cases so there was definitely no certainty that he wouldn’t win, for all her bravado. Yet, her competitive nature couldn’t bear the thought of surrendering, so she pushes her unease aside and grips his hand in a firm shake. 
There’s an awkward moment when he takes a little too long to release her hand from his grip. Once he finally does, the rather pointy tips of his ears reddening, they both turn back to the murder board and the view of their murder time line and crime scene pictures, furiously trying to connect the dots in their heads.
A random thought intrudes in her brain.
"Wait, what if Garrett and Van figure it out before we do?”
As one, she and Cardan both turn towards the opposite side of the office where the two officers in question sat in front of their computers.
Van was typing in data on his computer, eyes glazing over and the tuft of black hair atop his head trembling whilst Garrett, or, The Ghost - as he was sometimes called thanks to his tendency to take months before answering non-work related messages - stood eating glazed donuts with one hand and speaking to someone on the phone held in the other. Jude loved the both of them but she had to admit that they didn’t exactly paint the most inspiring picture. 
Once again she and Cardan are in sync when they promptly turn back towards the murderboard and proclaim, “Nah.”
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Van’s excitement is clearly written on his face when he walks straight up to Jude’s desk the moment she arrives at the precinct the next morning, slamming down a manila folder with the NYPD crest printed on it onto her neatly arranged table top.
Immediately she reaches out to open it, desperate for a break in the case that would not only put a three time killer behind bars but also ensure that she herelf wouldn’t commit murder if she lost the bet and had to pretend to be Cardan’s girlfriend for a night. The thought makes her want to shudder.
“So, I was looking into all of our victim’s financials and I noticed an anomaly. Two weeks ago on the 7th they each deposited 95 hundred dollars into their savings accounts, but we’ve got no way of tracing the money back because the amount is under the IRS’s investigative limit” Van takes a quick pause before continuing, “but that’s not all, both Taryn and Chloe have credit card charges for small amounts at a tattoo place called Fair Folk Inks down in Queens.”
“Great, that’d be the place where they both got tattoos, I’ll go down there and ask the owner a couple questions, thanks Van.” She puts the sheaf of financial accounts back into the folder and takes a quick swig of her usual morning coffee, black, no sugar before preparing to head out once more.  
“Going somewhere, partner?” 
She’d bumped straight into Cardan when stepping into the elevator and she lets out a small groan of frustration as she steps back from his sturdy form. He looks annoyingly chipper, usual cocky smile in place and laughter in his tone as he looks down at her slightly shorter self. His cologne is strong and emanates the scent of the woods and sunlight in the small elevator. The woods and sunlight? Clearly foregoing the rest of her morning coffee hadn’t been a good idea.
She’d thought she could make it out of the building before he finally arrived, necessitating in having to take him along as well, but clearly fate had other ideas. 
“Tattoo parlour. Queens,” she grits out.
“Let’s go then,” his tone is sickly sweet.
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“Hi there, you guys lookin’ to get inked?” asks the pink haired girl behind the counter in fishnet tights and a tank top, looking up from where she is perched on a stool behind the counter when she hears them enter.
The parlour itself is shiny and white, the smooth metal counter and two spaced out black leather tattoo chairs complete with wheeled stools are the only pieces of furniture in the small space. Mounted on the walls are designs, each of them evoking a sense of fantasy. A pixie there, a selkie here, an ornate dragon, all staring right back at Jude as she takes in their surroundings. She takes note of the fact that the pictures staring back at her were very reminiscent of Chloe and Taryn’s tattoos, solidifying her suspicion that this was where they had got them done.
Before she has time to explain the reason for their visit, Cardan pipes up.
“You know, I’ve been thinking of getting one of a slithering snake, maybe across my back? I believe it would add to my already abundant sex appea-”
“Actually,” Jude cuts him off with her most scathing glare, to which he irritatingly responds with a grin. “We’re here on official business, NYPD, we need to speak with the owner of this establishment.” She holds up the badge that she’s just extracted from her plain black wallet as she speaks.
“That would be Vivi, hang tight a sec I’ll go get her.” With a sway of her hips Heather trounces off behind a curtained section at the back of the parlour. 
Unable to stand still for even a few moments, her partner has already wandered over to the corner of the room, pointing at a pinned up design, ““That goblin over there reminds me of Van.”
She ignores him. 
“Oh come on Duarte, you have to admit, there’s a definite resemblance.”
She spares the quickest of glances at the design and it’s true, there’s a striking similarity, but she isn’t about to give him the satisfaction of agreeing so she simply makes a non-committal grunt of recognition.
“Tell me, are you always this tightly wound or is it just for the majority of your day?”
“Excuse me?” Her eyebrows have inadvertently traveled upwards on her face and she can’t believe he has the audacity to say what he just did, although really, she shouldn’t be so surprised.
“Come on Duarte, we’ve been partners for quite a while now and I don’t think I’ve ever even seen you laugh.” He’s standing a few feet away from her, his expression serious, not backing down.
“It’s called being professional.” She can feel the muscles working in her face as she hisses out the words through gritted teeth, blood pounding furiously. 
“Ahem.” She whirls around to find a tall bronze haired woman with striking cat-like eyes that were currently meeting her gaze wearing a lazy look of amusement.  
“Heather said there were some policemen who wanted to ask me some questions?”
Jude cannot believe that she had just gotten so sidetracked by her insolent partner that she’d forgotten why she was currently standing in the middle of a Tattoo parlour in Queens, clutching a set of regular sized close ups of three now dead people. She tamps down the irritation at her own actions as she thrusts out the photos in front of the woman facing her, Vivi, the pink haired girl had said.
“Yes, ma’am, do you recognize these people?”
She watches intently as Vivi carefully peruses the pictures before answering, “I know the two girls, Taryn and Chloe, we’re friends, I’ve even tattooed the both of them. I’m not really sure who he is.”
“Are you sure you don’t know him? Look carefully.” Cardan is all business now, stepping up to Vivi.
“I’m sure.” Vivi’s tone is almost defiant, daring him to question her again.
“You said that you were friends with the girls, how close were you?” 
“They came into the tattoo parlour at the same time about a month ago and we started up a conversation, we exchanged numbers and would meet up for a drink from time to time.” 
“Did they ever meet up with just each other?”
“Not that I’m aware of.”
“Can you think of any reason as to why they’d both be killed by the same person?”
“They’re...they’re dead?”
Jude had intentionally asked the question in a way that would require a reaction and she wasn’t sure that she was entirely convinced by the shocked undertone of Vivi’s voice.
 “I’m afraid so, ma’am.”
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“She’s hiding something.” Once again Jude is back in front of the murderboard, furiously capping and uncapping a whiteboard marker as her mind whirls. She’s full of nervous energy, on the brink of a precipice and she wants nothing more than to be able to push herself off of it.
“Agreed.” Cardan is pacing the floor between her and the murder board and his posture indicates that he’s just as worked up as she is.
“But what I can’t understand is why she would kill two of her acquaintances plus a random vending machine operator, I mean, there’s no clear motive.” She’s barely conscious of the slight pain that tingles as she worries at her bottom lip.
Cardan halts in front of the board, takes a hard look at the scrawled timeline on it before once more resuming his brisk walk.
 “And what the hell is the connection between these three victims? They lived in opposite neighbourhoods, worked in completely different areas and fields, never seemed to have been in the same place at the same time and yet somehow they were killed by the same hand. Also, where did all that money come from?” 
His phone chooses precisely that moment to start ringing and the sound of ‘Horns’ by Bryce Fox cuts through the tension. 
“It’s Liliver,” he mouths as he swipes upwards to answer and puts the medical examiner on speaker phone.
“You got something for us Lil?’
“You bet I do. I had scraps from the victims’ clothings tested to try and find a common link. What I found were traces of bleach, acetone, sodium chloride and ammonia.”
“Drugs. They were making drugs. That would explain all the money.” Jude is burning and luminescent with victory, until Lili’s next words cut her down.
“It’s not drugs.”
“How can you tell?”
“Because of what isn’t there. If your vics were making drugs, there’d need to be a couple more ingredients. That being said, they were definitely up to something.”
She lets out a sigh of defeat. “Thanks, Lil.”
Cardan hangs up before bringing his fingers up to his temples, massaging the sides of his head as he burns a hole into the board in front of him.
Jude bites back a scream. “This is like the start of a bad joke, a teacher, a sculptor and a vending machine operator walk into a tattoo parlour…”
He scoffs, “Yeah, except we don’t really have a punchline.”
“Other than ‘they made a bunch of money and got themselves killed.’”
There’s a lull in the air and the frustration is palpable. There was so much more than just their bet at stake here, there was the need for justice for these three victims, who regardless of their crimes likely didn’t deserve what had befallen them. Besides, there was no way that they could let a ruthless killer roam the streets freely.
Suddenly, Cardan whirls around to face her, once again bringing his pacing to an abrupt stop, with a speed to rival that of the animal that was his tattoo inspiration.
“Made a bunch of money,” he repeats. 
He sounds like he’s just jumped off of the precipice. She, on the other hand, remained firmly mounted to the ground. 
“A sculptor who works with metal, a chemist and a vending machine operator...I know what they were up to.”
Slowly, the light starts to dawn on her and her pulse speeds up. Yes, she thinks.
“Think about it, when counterfeiting money, what’s the biggest problem you face? Finding the paper,” he continues.
“And a vending machine operator would have an endless supply of one dollar billls!”
“Exactly, then the chemist would come in, using the chemicals that were found on the vic’s bodies to white wash those bills.”
“And then the sculptor would be able to fashion a set of metal plates with which to type in fake serial numbers’ so they can get larger denominations of money…”
“Right! So, plates, paper, there’s just one missing ingredient.”
Beaming smiles break out on both their faces when, in unison they reach the same conclusion. 
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The 12th Precinct’s interrogation room had contained many suspects from the time it was built. Some were innocent and some were guilty, but there was no doubt in both Jude and Cardan’s minds that the feline woman currently seated across from them with her legs up on the table was one hundred percent guilty. 
“So you think you’ve figured it all out, huh?” Vivi’s drawl is deceptively flippant.
“I think so.” Jude answers calmly. “For instance, we’ve figured out that you were involved in and likely the mastermind behind a counterfeiting operation that raked in a substantial amount of money. You provided the last ingredient needed, the ink from your tattoo parlour stocks that was used to print on the bills.”
Cardan leans forward. “We’ve also surmised that you killed your partners in said operation; Taryn Santorini and Chloe Tatterfell, both of whom you met through your tattoo parlour, just like you said.”
“And our third victim, Locke McCutchins? Yeah, we know he was your cousin, once removed on your mother’s side wasn’t it? A distant enough relationship for you to not be flagged when checking his family, but close enough for you to enlist him in your scheme so you had access to vending machine bills.” Jude continues, she and Cardan having perfected the art of interrogating together ages ago, their tactics working smoothly together alongside each other. 
Vivienne sneers. “So what? You have no proof.”
“On the contrary, ma’am, we do. You neglected to hide the metal plates that you got Taryn to make for you in a place that wasn’t under a loose floorboard of your room, easily found with the aid of a search warrant.” Cardan smiles.
“You also tripped up when you stored your used gun with matching ballistics to the weapon that killed our victims in the same place as the plates.” Cardan’s smile is copied on Jude’s face.
Vivi’s skin pales and her cat’s eyes narrow into slits as she bangs the table, hard, before slouching back in the metal chair, the fight leaving her.
“Well, I suppose the jig is up, as they say,” she drawls.
Satisfied, Jude stands up and gathers the notepad and pen that she’d left on the desk and then bends over the interrogation table to meet Vivi’s gaze.
“What I can’t understand, though, is why? Why would you kill them if you’d already paid them?”
The Accused smirks. “It was all that idiot Lockes’s fault. He’d gotten himself into debt with some mob shark and needed more dough to bail his sorry self out. I wasn’t about to give it, he had his cut and that was all. But then, he threatened to go to the cops and tell them about what we did. Couldn’t let that happen, so I figured I’d kill ‘em all of. Just to be safe.”
The casual way in which she speaks of her deeds chills Jude to the bone. Wordlessly, she turns her back on yet another cold hearted murderer and exits the room with Cardan right behind her.
They come to a stop in front of the now empty murderboard, its surface shiny and white, devoid of words, but not for long. There was always a murder happening somewhere or the other, Jude had been a detective long enough to know that.
“So, now that Vivienne Insmire, tattoo artist, mastermind and ink supplier of counterfeiting operations and killer of ‘friends’ and distant male cousins is safely behind bars, I think you and I have a certain matter to settle, Duarte.”
She’d been trying hard to avoid this moment all day, pushing back thoughts of her close defeat and what its consequences would be. It seemed like now, she'd run out of time. She gulps.
“I suppose-” she almost can’t bring herself to say the words, “I suppose you won our bet, then.”
“Yup.” He’s not even trying to hide his gloating, “and you know what that means.”
The noise she emits is one that is resigned. She knows what’s coming.
“I’ll pick you up at eight tomorrow.”
“Or I could just take a ca-”
“Don’t be late, Duarte,” he calls over his shoulder as he leisurely strolls towards the precinct exit, slinging his leather jacket over his shoulder.
If you’ve made it all the way down here, congrats! Here’s a link for part 2.
Tagging the lovely people on my short but treasured TFOTA taglist; @cupcakesandkittens​ (who helped immensely during the writing of this fic and who suggested adding in the interrogation scene❤) and my very own talented Secret Snusband, @aelinfeyreeleven945tbln​
Please let me know if you’d like to be added to or taken off of my taglist💕
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booklovingturtle · 4 years
Would you perhaps help write a Jurdan pregancy hcs?? If that’s not your forte, I understand. I just love fluffy Jurdan.
I don’t usually do pregnancy hcs but I love Jurdan fluff and I’ll write anything for a request! This actually turned into a rather long fic bc I ended up really enjoying it which means thank you to whoever suggested it!
Jude stumbled from bed, pushing the covers off of her slick body. She felt as if her life had been slowly drained from her for the third day in a row. Her feet tripped over themselves and she made it to the bathing chamber just in time to lose her dinner from the day before. Jude felt her stomach contract violently. She felt dizzy from having stood and ran so quickly and was clutching the rim of the waste bin. The door, which she had been too disoriented to shut all the way, pushed opened. The High Queen heard her husband’s footsteps enter her bathing chamber.
“What…the hell…,” Jude groaned into the circle of her arms. She felt a gentle hand rub circles down the length of her spine.
“Jude dear,” Cardan’s voice was gentle as he tried to pull her chestnut hair back for her. His concern was palpable in the way he hovered over her. “I think we should call a healer. This is the third night in a row you’ve jumped out of bed like this.”
Jude tried to relax the chills that racked her muscles. Judging by the two nights before, her body aches would calm down after a few minutes. Cardan pulled her against the heat of his body. Her back was pressed against his chest and he took her hands in his.
“I’ve been poisoned.” Jude reasoned.
Cardan’s laugh vibrated through her. “Or maybe it’s a cold. I hear humans get them quite frequently during the turn of the seasons.”
Jude shook her head. “I have an incredible immune system, Cardan. I’m offended that you would accuse me of not being able to handle a common cold.”
His tail tickled her ankles as it curled around the exposed skin. “I would never call you weak,” his words were light but the tension in his body told Jude he wasn’t in a joking mood. “I just don’t think it’s poison and if you say it’s not a cold then you must be seriously ill.”
Jude released a heavy breath. Her brain had finally woken up enough to filter through all the poisons that could be eating at her health without her realizing. She didn’t have a fever or cough so she doubted it was a cold. Jude’s breath caught in her throat as she realized what else it could be. The High Queen took a mental tally of her last cycle. Tatterfell had discovered a new tonic that would lighten the burden of her cycles. There was no way to be sure if her late period was thanks to the Faerie tonic or…
“Cardan,” her voice cracked.
“Yes?” He kissed her temple.
“Can you call for Taryn? She caught a cold like this a few months ago. I want to know if her symptoms matched mine,” the lie came out easily. Guilt ate at her.
It had been years since Jude had lied to her husband. They had worked so hard to turn their complicated relationship into one that thrived on love and trust. It was hard in the beginning but after ten years of being married to Cardan, Jude could trust that when he spoke, it was never laced with deceit. Just as he could trust that she’d never use her mortal ability to trick him ever again.
This lie, however, felt different. If her worries were correct then she’d come clean soon enough. If she was wrong then there was no need to confuse Cardan with the possibility of something that may not even be real.
Cardan agreed to call for Taryn and Jude took that time to clean herself up a bit. Once she felt presentable, she made her way back to bed. The High King also rang for a healer, not wanting to risk anything worsening.
The minutes slowly passed as Jude waited for her sister. Cardan continued to run his hands through her hair as they waited. He was a silent, steady presence behind her. A loud knock burst through their room and he called for the servant to enter. Behind the nymph trailed a concerned looking Taryn and a bored court healer.
Cardan excused himself from the room as Jude talked to her sister. Taryn’s eyes widened as her twin described her symptoms.
“Jude!” She exclaimed in joy.
“Quiet down, Taryn! I don’t want anyone to get suspicious before it’s confirmed.” She glared at her sister. The High Queen turned her eyes to the healer. “What do you think?”
The healer’s sharp eyes ran down the length of her body. “Have you experienced any unusual weight gain?”
Jude couldn’t answer with certainty. She was a warrior before she was a monarch. Her body had fluctuated in weight after numerous changes in diet, training, and not to mention torture. She had noticed her armor fitting a little tighter in areas it hadn’t usually bothered her.
“Yes, I think so.”
The healer motioned for her to lay down. She spoke quiet words in an ancient language. Jude shivered as the Fae placed a withered hand on her stomach. The words whispered of life and seemed to echo in the large bedroom. The healer’s eyes closed for a second as she waited to hear the response.
“It’s true, Your Majesty. You are with child.”
Jude’s limbs froze. Taryn squealed through her hands. The healer stood unmoving.
“I-I’m pregnant?” she looked down at her stomach in disbelief.
The healer nodded. “You and your sister are twins.”
Jude’s eyes jumped to the Faerie again. “Yes. Why?”
The healer gestured again but this time to tell the Queen to sit up. “It’s still too early to tell but there is a chance that you could carry more than one.”
A shocked laugh escaped Jude as she stared at her sister. She looked back at the healer and thanked her for her service. The creature nodded a goodbye. Taryn bobbed up and down, looking with undiluted happiness at her twin.
“Jude! Congratulations! Vivi’s going to be so jealous when she finds out that I got to be here.”
“Taryn, what the hell am I going to do? I don’t know how to be a mom. I can’t-I don’t…” Jude words cut off and her face flushed with tears she hadn’t realized were building.
Taryn looked surprised by Jude reaction. To her credit, she didn’t hesitate to take a seat on the edge of the bed. “Jude. Listen to me. You are High Queen of Elfhame. You’ve been kidnapped, poisoned, stabbed, beaten, and tortured. You’ve stood against enemies older than most human civilizations. You are Jude Duarte. You will handle this like you’ve handled every other situation that has been thrown at you…or well, like every other situation that you’ve blindly out yourself in!”
Jude shook her head. “I’ve stabbed my way through most of those situations. I can’t exactly stab an infant, Taryn.”
Her sister scoffed. “Believe me, Jude, if I could make it through my pregnancy and learn the ropes of motherhood given everything that was happening around us, you can as well.”
Jude chewed over the thought, realizing Taryn was right. When Taryn’s first child was born, she was recently-widowed and Elfhame’s monarchy was still new to the land. Right now they were in a time of peace with no imminent threat to the kingdom. Plus Jude had her sister’s previous experience to learn from. And Cardan.
“Cardan!” Jude started. “I have to tell him.”
Taryn jumped from the bed. “Oh! You have to let me know how he reacts!”
Jude wiped a stray tear from her cheek and nodded. “Thank you, Taryn.”
Her sister gave her a sweet smile. “I hope he faints,” she giggled and turned to leave.
Not two seconds later, Cardan strode into the room. He took one look at Jude’s pale face and stopped in his tracks.
“What is it?” He sounded anxious.
Jude stood, meeting him halfway in the room. The High King intertwined his fingers with his wife’s. He leaned forward so that his brow met hers. She took a deep breath and steeled herself to say the words.
“Cardan…I’m pregnant.”
He jerked back, but kept his hands in hers. “You’re-you’re what?”
“I’m pregnant,” She repeated the words, not fully believing them even as they left her mouth.
His dark eyes were wide as he stared down at her. “You’re carrying our child,” wonder filled his voice. “I’m going to be a father?”
“There’s no guarentee that you’re the father but-” she broke off with a wicked smile.
Cardan laughed, a silver shine glittering in his eyes. His smile was blindingly bright as he said, “I’m going to be a father!”
Jude nodded, once again surprised by the tears that welled in her own eyes. “You’re happy about the news?”
Her husband gave her a look of disbelief. “Jude, I’m more than happy.”
“But we never talked about children. Never made plans.”
“That’s because I was afraid. Some Faeries go decades without reproducing and we’ve always been aware of the fact that won’t have decades to wait. It felt selfish to ask you to spend all that time working towards a family that we wouldn’t have gotten. I didn’t want to disappoint you.” 
Jude ran a finger along his sharp jawline. “You could never disappoint me, Cardan. I love you. Child or no child. We would have found a way to make our own family if that’s what we wanted.”
The High King didn’t bother to wipe the tears of joy from his cheeks. He grabbed Jude’s waist and ran a hand across the front of her stomach. “This is going to be most beautiful child Elfhame as ever seen. How could it not be? With me as it’s father.”
The Queen used her thumbs to brush away Cardan’s tears. “That’s assuming you’re the father.”
His laugh filled the room. Cardan’s smiling lips met hers. Jude melted into a kiss that left her soul singing. His fingers tickled the curves of her waist. Jude pressed herself hard against him, wanting to feel every part of him. Cardan held himself back.
“Careful, I don’t want to squish our little bean.”
Jude rolled her eyes. “We’re not going to squish it, Cardan.”
He shook his head. “I’m not willing to risk it.” Instead, the High King kneeled at Jude’s feet and placed a protective hand over her stomach. “I love you very much, my little bean.”
“Cardan!” Jude groaned. “Stop calling it that.”
He looked up at her through innocent eyes that were framed with beautiful lashes. “Little Bean,” he said thoughtfully. “I like it.” He looked back at her stomach and pulled up her shirt. Cardan kissed right above her naval. “I’m going to do everything in my power to protect you, Little Bean.”
Jude’s chest tightened at the fierceness in his voice. She ran a hand through his unkempt curls.
“I didn’t have a family who fought for me. But I will fight for you. Every day of my life, Little Bean.”
A lump formed in Jude’s throat and she had to push back yet another wave of tears. Apparently, this pregnancy was going to turn her into a crier. She was not excited for that.
“I’m sure Little Bean can hear you,” the gentleness in Jude’s tone was new to her. “You’re going to be a great father, Cardan.” She could already see the wave of fears that were dancing around her husband’s head.
He didn’t meet her gaze so Jude knelt down to look him in the eyes. “This Little Bean is going to be loved and protected in all the ways we weren’t. We’re going to make sure of it.” She pulled her husband into a tight embrace. “I love you.”
“I love you,” he repeated. He let himself hold his wife tightly for a few lingering moments.
“But I love Little Bean more now so please stop trying to squish it.”
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courtofjurdan · 4 years
One Chance part 10
Jurdan College AU - Previous chapter
*I hope you enjoy!!!*
Jude didn’t know what to think. She was having a kid….. with Cardan Greenbriar. This can’t be true. There had to be a mistake somewhere. Maybe there is another Jude Duarte in the hospital. Most likely not but could be. 
All while Jude was in thought, Cardan just stared at her and waited for her to talk, but when he realized she was almost in a shock-like state, he squeezed her hand and ever so gently said, “Jude?” 
Jude looked up at him with tears brimming her eyes. Her breathing started to come in heavy pants as she said, “Cardan… I...I..” 
He shushed her. “Jude it’s okay. It’s okay.” Her breathing was still heavy so he placed her hand on his chest. “Breathe, Jude. You can do anything. You’ve proven that much.” Cardan wanted to ask who the father was. He doesn’t know if Jude has been with anyone. He was going to ask but he thought it was best to wait. 
He remembers the party he had when He woke up to Jude in his bed the next morning, and he was naked. He asked if they did anything rather than kiss but she didn’t know. Little did she know, when Cardan changed the sheets of his bed, he found a little bit of blood on them. So he might have done more than kiss. 
When her breathing slowed down, and she was quiet, Cardan said, “How about you just take it easy and rest as best as you can and I’ll call your family and friends, okay?”
Jude nodded then said, “Don’t tell them. Please.”  He didn’t have to ask what it was she didn’t want told, he knew. 
“I won’t, Jude, I promise. I’ll be right back after I call, that is if you want me to?” 
Jude nodded.
Cardan went out into the hallway to call Taryn and Jude’s court of friends. He felt like he was walking on a fine line right now. He was surprised she didn’t blow up at him, but then he might not be the father if she isn’t mad at him. Or it’s just she’s still in shock. 
“Hey Taryn, you're not busy are you?” 
“Umm, no. Is this Cardan? Why are you calling from my sister's phone?” 
“Well, we got in a car accident and we were on a motorcycle when a car ran a red light and hit us. Jude is okay. She got banged up pretty bad, has a serious concussion but nothing that won’t go away on it’s own. They are keeping her for observation to just make sure everything is okay.”
“You let my sister ride on a motorcycle!” Taryn was yelling at him through the phone that he had to pull it back from his face.
“Well she was actually driving it. But I can’t change the past. Trust me, I regret it.” 
Taryn breathed a sigh. “Okay well, I’ll be there in a little bit. Text me floor and room number.” 
“Will do.” 
“And Cardan?” 
“Thanks for staying with her.”
“No problem.”
And at that they hung up the phone. He then called Liliver from Jude’s phone. And let me tell you, she was even angrier than Taryn. 
“Liliver I know, it was a mistake.” 
“Yeah it was. Use your freaking head. My gosh. Well, me and the boys will be there soon. Don’t do anything else that’s stupid.” 
Liliver didn’t give him a pleasant goodbye like Taryn though. 
Cardan felt ashamed. Ashamed that he let her drive it. Even more ashamed that she got hurt from doing it. People were mad at him. He was mad at himself. The guilt was crushing him inside. Why do I have to be such an idiot, he thought. 
He quietly walked back in and found her asleep. She looks so peaceful. So relax. He couldn’t help himself when there was a piece of hair in her face, he had to move it. And then he dropped a kiss on her forehead for good measure. 
Maybe he was showing her all this attention because he felt bad. Or maybe he has feelings he doesn’t want to admit. He’s never felt so pulled to someone before. 
Not too long after she fell asleep, Taryn, Liliver, Van, and Garret came into the room. Cardan was sitting in the chair beside her bed. He put a finger to his lips to tell them to talk quieter. 
Cardan could see some of their eyes widen at the state of Jude. She had bruises on the side of her face, on her arms, had small and large cuts all over, had her head bandaged from the big cut on the back of her head. And then Cardan was full of cuts and bruises also. 
Garret spoke to Cardan first, “How is she doing?” 
“Doing good. The doctor told her to get lots of rest so she’s been sleeping for about three hours.” 
Garret nodded then said, “How are you? You looked pretty banged up also.”
Cardan was surprised they cared about his well-being. He hasn’t even really looked at himself yet, he’s been too caught up with Jude. 
“I’m fine. Just sore.” 
“I hope you get to feeling better.”
“Thank you.” 
Garret and Taryn's relationship must be going well. Taryn walked in on Garret’s arm. If Jude was awake she would be proud.
At this moment, Cardan realized he was very hungry. It’s been awhile since he’s eaten anything. 
Cardan says to Garret, “I’ll be back shortly. I’m going to the cafeteria. Can I get you anything?” 
“No I’m good but thank you. And don’t worry we’ll watch her.” 
Cardan gave a slight nod in response. 
He walked down to the cafeteria and found that not many people were there. So he found a pizza bar and grabbed him a couple slices of cheese pizza, and then he went to sit at a table. 
The pizza was as good as cafeteria pizza could get. But he was hungry so he didn’t care if it tasted like cardboard, he would have still eaten it. 
When Cardan was done he threw his stuff away and walked back to the room. He opened the door and saw Jude sitting up. He gave her a smile and she waved at him. Cardan went and sat back in the chair beside her bed. 
Jude and her sister and friends were just carrying on conversation while Cardan stayed silent. After about an hour of talking and laughing, Jude started to yawn again which had them wanting to leave so she could rest more.
After they left, he looked at her and said, “Can I get you anything?” 
“I - nevermind. No I’m good.” 
Cardan brows knitted together as he took her hand and said, “Jude tell me and I’ll go get it.” 
“No you're probably sore and I don’t want to make you because if you know I want it then you’ll do it.” 
“Jude I’m not that sore. I can walk fine. What is it? “
Cardan was pretty sore, but Jude didn’t have to know that.
“I’m really hungry and this hospital food isn’t hitting the spot. But there is a McDonald’s right beside the hospital.” 
Cardan said with a smile on his face, “What would you like me to get you?” 
Jude gave a smile in return, “I want a ten piece chicken nugget,  medium fry, and a large sweet tea.”
“Yes ma’am. I will go get it. If you need anything else, please call me.” 
Jude nodded her head, and Cardan was off to McDonald’s. He got her food and went back. When he walked in she was sitting up, playing on her phone. 
When she saw the bag of food, she said, “YESSS!!” 
Cardan just shook his head and said with a smile, “Are you really that hungry?” 
Jude gave him a stare that said really. “I am eating for two just in case you forgot.” 
Oh yeah, Cardan thought. “That’s right.” 
Cardan took a seat in the chair beside her bed and drank the drink he got for himself.
She said, looking down at her food, “Well I guess a congratulations is in order for you too. You are the baby’s father, you know.”
Cardan was wide eyed and surprised. He thought he could be but he wasn’t sure. 
When he didn’t speak she continued, “I lied to you that day. I was sore but I didn’t want to admit it. I understand if you don’t want anything to do with the baby-”
Cardan interrupted her, “No, no, I want to be part of its life. I want to help in any way I can. Wow this is not how I expected this to ever happen, but I am happy. So I assume you are keeping the baby?” 
Jude took a bite of her chicken nugget, “Yeah I think I will. I just think of my mom and how excited she would be and it makes me just want to be the mom she was.” 
Cardan was skeptical to ask but he decided to any way, “Jude, did you really not know you were pregnant?”
Her eyes were wide, but she spoke anyway, “No I didn’t know. I look back now and it makes a lot of sense. I was late but I never noticed with…. all the other stress. And I have been having morning sickness a lot. And I have just started having a bigger appetite. So yeah, it makes sense why I was feeling like I did.”
“Oh okay. The day I came and you weren’t feeling good, do you think it was morning sickness?”
“Yeah it probably was.”
Cardan stands up and gives Jude a gentle hug, saying, “Thank you for letting me be a part of the baby’s life. It means a lot.” 
Jude just smiled at him. He sat back down in the chair and turned the tv on. Him and Jude watched tv until Cardan fell asleep in the chair. 
“Hey Cardan.” Jude spoke softly.
When he didn’t answer she spoke a bit louder, “Cardan.” 
“Yeah, are you okay?”
Jude giggled at his disheveled self. “Yeah I’m okay. You can go home and sleep. That chair doesn’t look comfortable.”
“Oh, well, I was going to stay with you but if you want me to leave, I will.”
Jude was surprised, “You were going to stay?”
“Yeah, I don’t want you here alone.”
“Oh okay. You can stay. I just thought you would be more comfortable at home.”
“I’ll be good. Sleep well, Jude. Goodnight.” 
Nurses were coming in all night long to make sure everything was okay. It kept waking both of them up. Until about 8 o’clock, Cardan decided to get up for good. He looked over at Jude who was just starting to open her eyes. 
“Hey, Good morning. Cardan said softly. 
“Hi.” Jude said with a small, tired smile. 
“How are you feeling?” 
“I’m just sore. Probably like you.” 
Cardan nodded his head and gave a smile. 
About ten minutes later someone came in with breakfast for Jude and then a nurse came in telling Jude she had to have a CT scan of her head to make sure the bleeding didn’t become worse. 
Cardan went to get breakfast at the cafeteria while Jude was having her scan. He went back to the room and waited on her to come back. She has to take extra precautions in a scan because of the baby. 
When Jude came back, an OB-GYN doctor came to talk to her about the baby. 
“Hello I’m Dr. Tatterfell. I’m going to be your ob-gyn doctor. I will monitor your baby. I looked over the ultrasound from yesterday and the baby looked good. Nothing was wrong. The heartbeat sounded great. There is only one thing I’m worried about. Your weight. You are far too underweight to be 9 weeks pregnant. Is there a reason you're underweight?” 
Jude looked hesitant to speak, but Cardan grabbed her hand and gave it a slight squeeze, “I just went through something quite stressful and eating just wasn’t my top priority. I have gained some of my weight back but not quite all.” 
Dr. Tatterfell looked at her with understanding, and said, “Okay well really try to eat more. Even if you don’t feel like it. I don’t want any nutrition issues down the road. Do you know who the father is?” 
“Yes. He’s the Dad.” Jude said, gesturing to Cardan.
“Okay, well I would like to see you at 12 weeks and I expect for you to have gained some weight. I will have a nurse come in to set an appointment up. Congratulations to both of you.” 
It was Cardan who said, “Thank you.” And he nodded his head towards her. 
After she left Cardan turned to Jude, “Well I’m glad everything looks good. But Jude really try to do what she tells you. I want both of you to stay healthy.”
“I will, Cardan. I will.” 
Soon enough a nurse came in and made an appointment and she said that the CT scan looked better so she said that she may go home. But she had to go home under the supervision of someone. To make sure she’s safe.  
Cardan was happy that Jude didn’t explode in anger about the baby. That’s what he thought she would do once the doctor left the room but she was in too much shock. It’s not that she didn’t want to have children, she just didn’t think she would have one this young, 19 years old. But she was still in too much shock to even convey her future. She’s in too much shock to even have some sort of emotion for this.
Next Chapter
I hoped you guys liked this. This was not how this was suppose to turn out at all, but I think I like it better than what I originally planned. It was suppose to be angsty but I couldn’t put it in my heart to make it very angsty because I really like fluff but I hope you enjoyed it. Feel free to give me prompts on what you would like to see happen. 
Tag list: 
@newwifeyy  @aelin-queen-of-terrasen  @afexiss  @roseygirl25  @mi-mavencalories  @spideygirlstuff  @deargreenbriar  @b00kworm  @thequeenofeveything  @munchycow  @aesthetics-11  @booksrmee @akaloto  @hauntedfreakdeputyhero​  @hurema
Let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the tag list. 
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writlit19 · 4 years
Pitch Fanfiction: “The Pact”
I wrote this more like an epsiode. This is taken place after 2 months after Ginny’s Injury. After epsiode 1x10. 
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It was 6 am and Ginny was already up. It's hard to sleep given what today is. She hopped into a shower. She then threw on her bra, pair of leggings, a tank, and sweatshirt. She pulled her hair through her baseball cap and placed her headphones on. Baker left her hotel room for the stadium before most people got up. The clubhouse was quiet. It reminded her of when she first started at the Padres. 
Ginny began with a warmup and stretched when Mike came in with two coffees. 
“Please, hurt yourself before you even get back on the mound”, Mike teased. “Aww. Miss me already?”, Ginny teased back. She got up and went to grab a coffee when Mike slid it away. “What makes you think this for you? This for the doc, you need all the help you can”, he said. “Very funny. I really wouldn’t want to pitch if a mocha was the deciding factor”. All fun and games faded from Baker’s smile as when she remembered. Mike saw it, the fear.
 “What if I’m not better? What if I can’t pitch?”, Ginny panicked. She put her hands on her forehead trying to focus her reality. “Look at me, Baker”, Mike said. Ginny turned around and got ready for a speech. “I’ve seen injuries and the worst thing you can do is doubt yourself. You made it through surgery, you made it through recovery, you can make it through this, but only if you keep your eye on the ball”, Mike explained. “You and you’re freaking speeches”, Ginny said. They shared a laugh and then hugged. “Seriously when those old kneecaps give out you should take up motivational speaking. “I’m sorry who is getting a physical test today”, Mike said. They shook hands and began to prep. Today Baker was being tested to see if she’s physically fit to pitch in the next game, the wildcard game. 
The doctor came in along with Al and Oscar for the physical. There was running and weights and all the things the puts pitching together. Oscar ran out of nail to biteby the time they were ready to pitch. Mike set up at the backboard. He and Ginny looked eyes. She breathed according to his glare. It’s the same glare he gave her when Ginny had to go into surgery. The glare said, “Don’t worry”. 
Ever since Ginny’s injury, Mike has been there. Probably for the first time in his life he was there for someone fully. Mike and Rachel didn’t end well. After their one night stand, Rachel went back to her fiance. She told him that it was a flunk, and that she was searching for something familiar, not forever. Usually Mike would find himself in a bender of booze and attention, but nothing seemed to matter when his friend was hurt. 
Ginny stared down the line of the bullpen. She focused on the call sign. She started with a combo of fastballs. It was impressive enough when her fastball topped out in the high 80s, but with rehab and refined technique, Baker has reached the 90s. Fastballs weren’t the problem. When Mike called for her screwball, Ginny swallowed. She remembered the pain from her fingertips through her shoulder from that day. She remembered how Blip and Mike had to help her walk off the field because it was too painful. She remembered the one less inning that could have made history. Her chest started to tighten and her throat became sore. So she closed her eyes. Ginny held onto the ball. She felt in the stitches and the curves. She focused her two fingers and held on. As she opened her eyes heard clapping in the background. She saw her teammates cheering on, even the new rookies she hasn’t met. Ginny flared her nostrils and looked at Mike. She gave him a nod and went into a wind up……. One, two, three. She threw 5 strikes before the doctor called it. She had one more private physical before final word. Ginny bid her teammates goodbye for a bit. The doctor and Ginny went to the physical therapy room to finish up. 
“Okay everything is looking good. I’m just going to examine your shoulders and back. Just tell me if you feel any pain”, said the doctor. Ginny lied on her stomach as the doctor worked her muscles. “Seems you have a lot of support”, said the doctor. “Um yeah”, said Ginny. “It’s a key to recovery especially considering”. “Considering what?”, Ginny asked. “Most of my patients, even the athletes don’t have the recovery time you do. Not to mention a very starting date”, the doctor said. “I don’t feel any pain”, Ginny said to appease the doctor. “That’s good. Could you sit up? Lift your arms in front of your hands”. Ginny did that and the doctor scratched down some notes. “Any tingling in the fingertips?” “No. I feel good”. 
“I know you’re scared, but we want you to be better. Do you have support outside of work?”, she asked. “What do you mean?”, Ginny asked. “Here you have PT, managers, and teammates. But outside do you have family, friends?” That was a loaded question. Her mom and brother stood by her through the surgery. Evelyn and Blip practically adopted her and Mike…..well. She knows she has people, but sometimes when she goes home to her hotel, she can’t help but feel like a burden. 
“Yeah I have friends. I have support”, Ginny said. “Your pain response is good. Your arm looks good and you have a good support system”, the doctor began. Ginny’s face lit up as the doctor began to speak. “And because your scans showed repair. I’m clearing you to pitch with a required physical after your first game. You still had a rushed recovery time so we will revisit after the game”, said the doctor. Ginny was already a glowing star because she was pitching in the wild card game. She went to the clubhouse where they all were waiting. As she entered the room, everyone had their eyes on her. She was quiet for a second. “What are you all looking at? We have a game to win”. 
* * * 
Ginny was staying with Evelyn and the kids. Blip was hanging out with the guys after watching the kids all week. After Evelyn lost the restaurant, Blip and Evelyn decided that they needed to be each other in their marriage. Evelyn had started going back to school and Blip started being home. Actually Ginny helped watch the kids as they went to couples therapy. Even Mike helped out. 
“I’m just saying I know that your minors gutter years were bad, but I would trade it all for never seeing a reference page again”, Evelyn said. “But are you happy with going back? With no having another kid”, Ginny asked. “I am. It’s the most me I’ve felt in awhile. I don’t regret being there for Blip, but I regret not being there for me. Can't just keep living away your pride because there will be none left when you need it”. 
“Yeah I feel that sometimes”. Ginny played with her popcorn while Evelyn nestled with her wine. Evelyn looked at Ginny waiting for more explanation. “Before the injury, it just felt like I had to be Ginny Baker for everyone. For every little girl that wanted to play professional sports. I think being injured helps reset more than my arm. I feel like I can breath”, Ginny explained. “Speaking of resetting. Have you spoken to Amelia?” Ginny rolled her eyes at Evelyn’s prying. “You don’t even like her!”, Ginny said. “Hey, she kept from getting into a con deal. Does it have boundary issues? Yes. Was she good at her job? Notice how the press didn’t watch you during surgery. Amelia scared them off from across the country, I’m just saying”, Evelyn explained. “I didn’t know that”. Amelia left San Diego after her and Ginny fought. She returned back east to New York. She hasn’t taken any clients since, not that she hasn’t had beggars.  
“Maybe it’s time to bury the hatchet”. Ginny did owe a lot to Amelia and things have changed. “I’ll think about it”, Ginny said. The doorbell rang. “Pizza!” Ginny got up and went to the door to pay for the pizza. She opened the door and there was a camera flash coming at her face. A photographer tried getting inside. Ginny closed the door and locked it. “Okay I’ll call her later”, said Ginny.  
* * * 
Today is the day. Today the Padres have the chance to make history by making it into the World Series. Everyone was in the clubhouse by sunrise. Oscar probably never left the stadium. Not only being in a wildcard game, but it also being at home puts the pressure on. Ginny was pitching in the bullpen when Duartve came in to catch. “Welcome back, mami”, he said while gearing up. “Good to be back”, Ginny said. “Let’s see what you can do”. Duarte setup for the pitch. Ginny went into the windup and let out the pitch. “Wow. Looks like someone found a fastball”, he said. “Really?” “No. But it’s better”. Ginny sarcastically laughed the very back hand compliment as she finished her warmup. “Are you catching today?”, Ginny asked. “Relax. Wouldn’t want to break but the Bawson dream team”. “Bawson? Did you come with that all by yourself?” Ginny asked. “It’s what all the blogs are calling your guys”. “Oh, great”. Ginny and Duarte go back to the clubhouse. Ginny went and checked her phone in her dressing room. Amelia had texted her back: 
I’ll be in town tomorrow for business. We can grab lunch.
Ginny put her phone away and focused on what’s at hand. She pulled off her hat and her hair tie. She used her finger to combs through her sweaty curls. She twisted her hair into a ponytail and put it through her hand. Ginny left her dressing room and entered into hyping in the clubhouse. She greeted Blip who was chugging gatorade number five. “Be careful you’re exploding out there”, Ginny said. Blip squirt the bottle towards her as Mike joined the conversation. “Ok so where is the speech?”, said Ginny. “Believe it or not I don’t always have something to say. I’m new to this as you are a rookie”, Mike snapped. “Man, chill”, said Blip patting her friend on the back. Mike was more than worried. This probably his last chance to make it into the world series. He felt as if his entire career was flashing before his eyes. Mike got up and knocked the hair behind him. He stormed out of the clubhouse holding the attention of the room. “What’s up with him?”, Blip asked Ginny. “Nerves?”, Ginny suggested. “Uh Ginny. Sorry to break it to you, but you're the nerves wreck of the Padres. That’s something more”, Blip said. Ginny rolled her eyes and such as a comment, but accepted the truth behind it. Ginny went after Mike because his behavior was definitely not normal. She found him in a PT room with his head resting on a wall. “Mike, are you okay?”, Ginny asked in a concerned voice. Mike turned from the wall and faced Ginny. “Just needed a minute”. Mike whipped her face and put his hate back on. “Come on. Something’s bothering you”. Mike exhaled while avoiding eye contact. “It’s nothing,'' Mike said, avoiding himself. “If it’s nothing then tell me”, Ginny said. She didn't let Mike leave with whatever was going on. “This is it for me”, Mike said. Ginny looked at him, listening. “This probably my last chance to get a ring for the Padres. What if I have nothing to show for it? I mean I’ve already failed once”, Mike said. Ginny had this familiar feeling on the day of her first start. “That pit in your stomach where it feels all your hard work and potential seem to drain into, that’s everything else. That’s everyone else telling what this is to you when you need to be doing for yourself too. A great man told me that. Same one who’s led the Padres the closest it’s been to the World Series in a decade”, Ginny said. Mike smiled at Ginny’s speech. “Trying to make me feel old, rookie”, Mike joked. “Shut up and get moving. We have a game to win”. They hugged and went off to the game 
* * * 
The Padres and Memphis Redbird were tied in the 11th inning. Ginny was starting her 3 innings with no hits on her. SHoulder feeling good, but her stomach turned as the hitter came up to the plate. She had thrown multiple screwballs. She didn’t know what to do next. If buffing was the way to go or not, but she knew this was it. Mike called timeout and walked up to the mound. Al joined him. “You need to throw the fastball”, Mike said. “What?”, both Ginny and Al said. “This hitter will throw your screwgie, but you’ve haven’t used a fastball yet”. Ginny held her mit up to hide the extreme worry on her face. “You have to trust me”, Mike pleaded. Al nodded in agreement. Ginny, though hesitant, nodded to. She took the ball as Mike went back to setup. Ginny took in air as she went into a windup. She gripped the ball while looking at Mike. With every feeling in her arm, she threw the ball…… 
She didn’t hear anything. She couldn’t understand beyond the loud roar of the packed stadium. The moment when her team surrounded her, she knew. It was a 95, btw. 
* * * 
Celebration was an understatement. It started with an entire club being rented out, a certain musical guest, and a stolen disco ball. Most of the night is probably a flip book on social media and the morning news. At some point, it was utterly stupid to stay out. Mike and Ginny had tossed Blip into a cab and notified Evelyn of the incoming comatose package. “Are you gonna grab a cab?”, Mike asked. “I’m just gonna walk. The hotel is not far”, Ginny said. “You really need to get an apartment”, Mike said. “I like living near the stadium plus you never know when you’ll get traded”, Ginny said in her slightly tipsed state. “I think you’re safe for now. Come on, I’ll walk you home”. 
The walk home definitely seemed a lot more fun when tipsy and winner. Ginny invited Mike up for a drink after they got to the hotel. They got to Ginny’s room. She dropped her jacket on the chair and went to grab drinks. “Water”, Mike said. “Got it”. Mike has been at Ginny’s place before, but something felt different. Maybe because they were alone, maybe because it was reaching the early morning hours, or maybe it was the way he noticed her fall onto her shoulder when she took out her hair tie. She handed him a bottle of water. “That call you made about the fastball, genius. I sure as hell didn’t think it would work, but you did”, Ginny said. Her drunkenness was definitely a factor in her sharing and the beer in her hand wasn’t helping. “It’s my job”, he said without any ego attached. “Hey I want to ask you a question. Before the game you said, you already failed once. What did you mean?”, Ginny asked. “It’s nothing really”, Mike deflected again. “Then tell me”. He took a large sip of his water as if it was liquid courage. He wouldn’t look at Ginny. He couldn’t look at her and lied. She took a sit on the couch next to him making it harder for him to deflect. Then he looked at her. “Your arm. That game. Before your injury, Al and Oscar asked if I should shut you down and I said know. Somehow Blip knew. He knew you’d push yourself too far, but I encouraged it”, Mike admitted. Ginny put the bottle down on the table, probably showing she was serious. “There was nothing you could do”, Ginny said. “But I”- “There was nothing you did”, Ginny interrupted. She looked Mike in the eyes to emphasize her point. “Look, I may be a rookie, but I’m not a kid. Even if you needed to shut me down I would have found a way to pitch. It was my choice, not your fault”, Ginny explained. There was something different about being there. Ginny leaned towards Mike and they kissed. Starting with a peck, it got deeper. Mike held onto Ginny’s waist as she pushed his jacket off. They fell back onto the couch. At first they laughed and continued making out. A second passed when something felt different to Mike. He slowly pulled away from Ginny. She seemed concerned and then uncomfortable. “Sorry”, he said sitting up. “Um. It’s fine I get it”, Ginny said scurrying to get up. She felt her embarrassment flush in her stomach with disgust for both herself and Mike, but mostly what just happened. “Ginny, wait”. 
“There’s nothing to wait for”, Ginny said standing up from the couch. “Would just listen to me for a second?”, Mike snapped. Ginny stood still and looked at him. “I don’t know what that was, but I know that wasn’t insignificant”, Mike began. Ginny crossed her arms while feeling a little naked from what nearly happened. “That didn’t feel casual and right now, that can’t happen”, Mike said with fear in his eyes. “What are you talking about?”, GInny said. “You’ve always been bigger than the game and right now, we are bigger than just us. I’ve been working for the chance at the World Series for forever and so have the Padres. I don’t want to ruin those chances or our relationship”, Mike explained. Ginny understood where he was coming from. Their pairing in public or private would present challenges, but the familiar of a guy trying to protect her didn’t sit well. “I get that and I want to win. It’s literally what my life has been, but living for someone or something else without thinking of yourself isn’t a way to live”, Ginny said. “Okay, you really need to stop with”.
“I thought you loved hearing your words”, Ginny teased. Mike laughed. Ginny sat down on the table across from Mike. “How about this? We got out, we won, and if we find ourselves in this position again. We let go?”, Ginny said. Mike looked at Ginny and nodded. He knew something was different and he knew as he hugged Ginny goodbye. It was different because it meant something, but felt different from when he met his ex-wife. They let go of each other and stood up. “I should go”. Mike grabbed his jacket and Ginny walked him towards the door. For a second they held hands, but let go as Mike opened the door. As he opened the door, Amelia stood in the hallway.
Tell me if you guys want me to continue this storyline. Let me know what you think about int comments. 
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adarafaelbarba · 1 year
Mike Duarte x reader
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It had been a rough couple of days at the station. Mike hadn’t been able to come home and had instead slept in his office.
But after the run in with the gang he was investigating, where he was inches away from being killed, he was definitely taking some time off.
He called his ex wife while driving over, asking if he could please see the kids. “I’m not sure Miguel—“
“Please Fran, I need to see them. I’ve—I almost didn’t make it home tonight—I need to see them, please.”
“Oh my god—what happened?!” She could barely hide the fear in her voice.”
“Someone trying to use a machete too—it’s not important. Can I please have them tonight? We can bring them home in the morning.”
He thought of you, cooking dinner in your shared apartment, waiting for him to come home finally, like he had promised via text earlier.
“Yeah. I’ll get them ready. You’re picking them up right?”
He agreed and said he was already on his way. 
Once he got there Marisol and August ran into his open arms, hugging him tightly. And he in return hugged them just as tightly. “Oh how I’ve missed you both.” He hummed, picking them up.
“I packed for a few days so they can stay with you. Let me know if anything changes.”
“Thank you Fran, honestly.”
She smiled at him and nodded.
After a few goodbyes, Mike helped the kids into their seats and they drove back home.
He had called you on the way home to tell you what was gonna happen. So when he parked you were already waiting at the door for them. 
“Mama!!” The kids called in unison, running to you.
“Hey bubbas!” Kneeling as they came running you picked them both up, hugging them and kissing their foreheads.
You took one look at Mike’s ragged features and told him to go lay down while you finished dinner.
“No. You need rest, darling. You’re not looking too hot.”
He let out a low sigh, walking up the steps to kiss you, and then went past to go inside.
“Just leave their stuff at the door, I’ll take it darling.”
Just as dinner was about to be served, Mike came back out of your room, rubbing sleep out of his eyes.
“How are you feeling darling?”
He picked up August and carried him to the table to put him in his chair. Then he got Marisol, putting her next to her brother.
You placed the plates down, kissing the top of the kids’ heads, then gave Mike a soft kiss, murmuring “I love you” against his lips.
As you all sat there eating, you couldn’t help but study him. Mike had been pretty lax in his explanation of what had happened. But you got t the gist of it. During an altercation he had been separated from the others, and then attacked.
He caught you looking at him and gave you a soft smile, «I’m alright amor.»
 But he had almost not been. And the thought would haunt you.
Making up your mind about talking to him when the kids had gone to bed, you went back to eating your food.
As soon as the kids were out, Mike wrapped his arms around you, hugging you tightly.
«Talk to me darling. I need to know what happened.»
«I can’t—not yet. Please, let’s just go to bed.» He sounded exhausted.
Tears slipped down your face, but you couldn’t fight him. It was his tale to tell, in his own time.
«Yeah, let’s get some sleep.»
He dipped his head to kiss you, your tears and his mixing together.
The last thing you said to each other was a soft «I love you.»
Tagging: @thatesqcrush @storiesofsvu @plaidbooks @beccabarba @itsjustmyfantasyroom @detective-giggles @appletreesinwinter @misscharlielulu @cycat4077 @alwaysachorusgirl @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @bisexual-dreamer02 @xoxabs88xox @beatrice-san @meetmeatyourworst @bullet-prooflove 
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lmao can i still say cardan for the “give me a character”
yes of course and you're honestly my fav for doing so :')🖤💫
how i feel about him:
i *deep breath*,,,,,,,, fucking can't even describe to you the sea of love i hold for Cardan Greenbriar. it is cavernous. it is chasmic. it is yawning. do i dare go so far as say my love for him is deeper than the mariana trench? yes. yes i do dare.
he is soft. he is feminine. he is bottom. he is bean. jude is his wife. he deserves the world. we must protec.
all the people i ship romantically with him:
that's it. that's the whole list. end of story goodbye the end.
my brOTP for him:
dorian fUCKING havilliard from tog. i think those two would get on swimmingly.
also vivi duarte!!!! they are definitely on the same level of morally grey chaos.
my unpopular opinion about this character:
this probably isn't an unpopular opinion, i just haven't seen it said a lot but..... cardan is 100% bi.
one thing i wish would happen/had happened with him in canon:
god i want so much for this bean but one thing i really wanted was a conversation between cardan and jude about balekin! just like,,,,, how he was abusive to cardan all those years and how cardan feels about it and how jude saw him hit cardan that one time and how he made jude kiss him in the undersea and just. yeah. closure.
give me a character and i'll break their ass down!
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beeirifulmer · 2 years
Ooh can you do a fanfic where post TWK jude is in exile but happily married to a mortal man and cardan decides to pick her up and history repeats itself
Mrs. Unmarried Woman
//Warning: This contains all book spoilers.
I lowkey hate this so much, it is not my best work and I apologize. But here's why: I was writing then I got an extremely good idea, but it's inspired off of this request but it's not what you requested. So I'm posting this (the one you requested), and the idea I had. I didn't wanna change your request and not to what you asked otherwise I would have felt bad. But again, this is not the greatest, but it was in my box for a while and I wanted to write it for you.
Jude was still in exile, but it was two years later, and she was happily married to another man. They moved in together, and she discarded all her fears of Cardan Greenbriar ever finding out, in fact, she never said his name again.
“Jude?” The girl perked her head up as she smiled hearing the sound of her husband.
“I’m in the office, Garret!” She chuckled to herself as she continued typing on her laptop. Over time, Jude accepted that this was her life now. No need to worry and pretend like she belonged with the folk. Jude would be wrong if she said she didn’t miss her old life though, running around in dresses with her sisters, dancing under the stars.
“Good morning, sweet Jude. And how did you sleep?” Garret smiled as he took a seat beside Jude. Garret had no clue about Jude’s past life, Taryn and Vivienne kept their mouths shut, not that Taryn ever came. After Taryn gave birth, she never came to the mortal world, Jude tried to ignore it, but she worried there was more to it than her twin not visiting. Garret knew nothing of Cardan, nor her scars, nor her true story.
Jude explained how she slept, smiling softly as Garret laid her leg on his lap and rubbed her calf. Garret always listened, always kept an eye on Jude, always cared for her, and he was especially careful when they first got sexual, even though he was slightly wondering how a 20-year-old was a virgin. Jude loved him, but there was always that small problem. She l-
“I think I’m gonna go on my morning run,” Jude smiled at her husband, kissing his cheek goodbye as she left no room for him to say anything.
On her run, she tried to even her breathing as that small problem ran through her brain. It always did this, she’d think of it and it would flood her brain over and over as she almost felt guilty. She told herself it wasn’t true, that she just missed the memories, but dammit he was the flame and she was a moth.
Jude stopped in the woods, hands-on her knees as she leaned against a tree. She tried convincing herself it was just her brain tricking her. It wasn’t true.
“Hello Jude,” Jude stood up straight, thinking she was officially going crazy. “Thought you could get rid of me?” The voice traveled through her body, and she knew exactly who it was.
“Glad to see you back.
Sitting in a cafe Cardan took a sip of his coffee, Jude watched his every move with precision. “You’ve been here before, many times. That or you are just that good at adjusting in this world.”
“I’ve been watching you for quite some time, Jude Duarte. And you’re coming home with me.” The ending part made Jude choke on her tea.
“The hell I am, Cardan.”
“You don’t have a choice.”
“You exiled me, you don’t get to make my life decisions anymore!” Jude raised her voice but Cardan sent a glare that could kill from miles away. Jude noticed history was repeating itself, they were fighting yet again like they always.
“You’re coming, that’s final.”
“I’m married, you know.”
“Yeah, to me.” The last part made Jude’s spine chill at the way he said it. She was cornered, and he was right. She was happy with Garret, but this was the small problem: She was still in love with Cardan.
“Fine.” Jude agreed, looking down. “I’ll tell Garret-”
“Already done, sweetheart.” Cardan gave her a wicked smirk, and Jude’s face fell.
“What did you do?”
“I glamoured him. He has no idea who you are anymore. Now you have no choice but to come with me.” Garret would never remember her again, and a part of Jude felt heartbroken. The one mortal that cared for her, treated her well, and now he had no clue who she was.
“Let’s go, then..”
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riot-in-reverie · 4 years
Also I just made my first ever collaborative fanfiction. Its with
@cardan-greenbriar-tcp who also posted it. You should definitely check them out. Their very nice and they also post neat stuff!
The air is crisp and cool- something unexpected during some of the hottest summer days I have ever fucking endured. Vivi is being extra annoying on the phone, chewing her gum extra loud. I ball my fist up to keep from diving for her face. Taryn’s walking ahead of us, holding Oak’s hands.
I’m supposed to be dropping off Oak to school with Taryn, but Vivi insisted on coming. She said she had some “business with Heather” anyways. I didn’t want to ask any more questions- she usually ditched class just to drop Heather to school. She’s missed enough days though, so it didn’t even matter anymore.
“Hold my backpack, will you?” I groan, slinking the sack over my shoulder.
I trained with Oak last night. I tried to get him to do some pushups, but he got bored and tried to see if I could do 100 in five minutes. I did.
“You’re the one going to school. Carry it yourself” she said, teasing me. “C’mon Vi” I stretched out her name and groaned.
“Fine.” She took my backpack in her hand. I straightened my back and tried to massage my muscles as we walked. I can see Oak’s school in front of us. I can hear the laughter of children getting louder. I miss being young. Whatever.
“Make sure you stay out of trouble” Taryn says, booping his nose. Oak sticks out his tongue. “You little-” I pretend like I’m going to lunge for him, and this sends him sprinting to the sandpit. Innocent jerk. I love him though. Now it’s just the three of us. Vivi, Taryn and I.
We walk close to each other- I stride alone the edge of the sidewalk, Vivi on the other and Taryn sandwiched between us.
“So, what’s the plan afterschool? Who’s turn is it for groceries?” Taryn asks. Gosh, such a busybody.
“Jude’s” Vivi replies cooly.
I shake my head. I’m lying though- it is my turn.
“Fuck no, I’m not getting groceries today. I’ve got got fencing practice.” I didn’t lie about that. Fencing was the only sport at Elfhame High that I actually enjoy. Something I’m good at, besides my usual classes. Fae are no smarter than I am academically. They sure can play around with their words though. I argue with Vivi more, just for the hell of it. Soon enough, we’ve arrived to the pit of hell itsself.
Elfhame high.
It’s packed, as usual, with fae of all sorts lounging or hurrying. Laughter arose in almost every corner. Some were making out- disgusting- and others crying. It was a literal fucking mess. Too bad I stuck out like a sore thumb. I wave Taryn goodbye and head to the third floor to grab my textbooks. They were so heavy for no goddamn reason. And I had no magic to use to carry them around.As I look around at all the chaos, I feel a weight being lifted from my shoulders. My backpack is gone, and standing beside me holding my backpack was none other than Locke.
Pretty bastard.
I didn’t mind Locke. I mean, he’s pretty nice and pretty handsome. Sometimes he reminded me of a fox, his hair the deep russet color of a foxe’s fur. His eyes too- prowling, resembling a fox’s eyes. And not to mention his wit.
Taryn, however, stayed but didn’t say anything. As usual. I looked up at him.
“Backpack. Now.” I say by way of greeting. He chuckles and drops it into my hands.
“And here i thought i’d be a gentleman and carry it for you.” He teases, smiling.
"I shouldn’t have to remind you that I am a strong, independent woman, thank you" I spit.
Then Taryn thinks it’s a good idea to bring up how I was complaining about my backpack earlier, but I quickly jab her with an elbow to the side. I catch Locke wink at me and he waves saying he will look for me later.
I hope he doesn’t find me.
I leave Taryn a little later before heading to my first class- Elfhame history. I try not to show it, but it is by far the most interesting class offered at Elfhame. It’s rich with politics, murder, deep discussions. Although the other students couldn’t care less, I find it so much fun. Plus, the professor is pretty fucking amazing.
I step inside briskly. I’m glad I wore a light sweater- even the classroom is cold.
“Hey professor Aethion” I say, throwing hand guns signs at him. He smiles.
“Jude. My favorite student. Take a seat. I hope your classmates arrive soon- they’re always lounging around the halls until the last second. I might have to try enchanting the doorknobs or something.”
I let out a laugh before walking down the large classroom to find a seat. Anywhere was fine, but I preferred the back. Why? Because it was simply the best. I get to see everyone, what everyone’s doing, the whole board.... Wait.
There’s someone sitting in my usual seat. I stop for a second before storming up there, ready to confront the asshole who decided to sit in my favorite seat. No, I’m not a baby for crying out loud- it’s just...
Cardan. Cardan goddamned Greenbriar.His tall frame was leaning against my desk, his long fingers carelessly scrolling on what was obviously a very expensive phone. He’s wearing a dress shirt that he wore in a way so it revealed quite a fair bit of his chest, paired with some low waisted ripped jeans that were a faded black.
I took a small step hoping that maybe he would just focus on his phone and I could move past. But as soon as I moved he looked up and towards me. He put his hands on his hips and smirked at me.
“Well if it isn’t Jude Duarte '' He says lightly. Too lightly.
I sighed and turned towards him
“Cardan '' I say back. I made the mistake of looking up at his pretty face. God, I hated that face. The sharp cheekbones that always seemed that they were dusted with gold. His iridescent midnight hair that stopped just before his shoulders, and his eyes. His goddamn eyes. His beautiful coal black eyes with gold lining. I felt my face heat up and I turned away.
He chuckled.
“Something wrong?” He probes. I shake my head a little too quickly.
“Then why are you standing in front of me?” He adds.
“You’re in my seat” I reply cooly.
“I don’t recall us having assigned seats” He says calmly.
“We don’t but…” My voice trails off.
“Well then I guess you're gonna have to find a different seat cause..” He put his feet up on the desk “this ones taken”
God, I wanted to punch him. I wanted to break his perfect nose, to hear it crack under my knuckles but instead i just took a deep breath and sat down next to him I had managed to go through the lesson without having to talk to the bastard but of course as I was packing up he had to open his mouth.
“You know what? I don't even know why they allow mortals in the school. I mean what's the point? We fae are so much better than them at...everything” He says a bit too loud for a group of kids to could hear him.
I scowled and shoved the rest of my stuff into my backpack and stormed out the classroom door.
I can’t stand him. I loathe him.
Not to bad for a first chapter done over tumblr with two people who know nothing about about eachother and have no fan fiction experience. But seriously this was a lot of fun and I hope you guys enjoyed it.
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highqueenjude · 5 years
can you write a cardan confession? a lot of angsttt
After a year, I finally answered this. Sorry for the wait, nonnie. I changed it up a little bit from what you probably intended but I hope you enjoy :)
Also: THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for 500 followers! It’s actually pretty insane that many people enjoy what I post put up with me, so a HUGE thank you for that.
read on ao3
~set after TWK~
It has been three months since Cardan banished Jude Duarte, his wife and the High Queen of Faerie, from her own kingdom and into the mortal world. He hates himself for the way her eyes had found his the second after he announced her fate, tortured and betrayed. He hates how her lips had trembled and that he was the one to cause it.
It hurt, seeing her brought low.
It hurt even more because, in order to protect her, he had to laugh with all the others when she declared that she was the Queen of Faerie. He had never wanted to cause her pain, but it had been necessary. If he had not denied being her husband, there would have been an immediate target on her back.
And if something happened to Jude because of his love, then he would not be able to live with himself.
So he keeps her away and instead keeps his enemies closer. Nicasia, as the Undersea's ambassador, is always near him. It is necessary, and oh how he loathes it. He needs to have something of value to Orlagh in his possession, or she will unleash her war upon the land. He must keep the sea in line for the sake of his people.
Still, his patience wears thin with Nicasia. It is beyond difficult not to bring Jude back. Fate tests him every day, and today is no different. He feels as if he might burst. As if he might fall apart if he doesn't hold Jude and tell her that she is the most important person in his entire world.
Cardan glances at Nicasia with disgust. She is practically laying on top of him, her hand twirling his hair. She is talking, but he cannot find it in himself to listen. Her other hand comes to rest on his chest, right above his heart, and he has had enough. He stands abruptly and she topples onto the floor of the dais.
"Leave me," he commands, not bothering to see her pout as she departs, stiff and aggravated.
Cardan smoothes out his clothes and goes down and into the Court of Shadows. Once he arrives, he does not announce himself right away. No, he has found that he rather enjoys just . . . watching. Watching the Court scurry about, plotting and preparing and keeping a thousand secrets close to their chests. He gazes around at the faces that have become as familiar as the back of his leg—or however way the mortal phrase is said to go.
The Ghost is long gone, to a place he knows not. A few of the court is missing, either by death or the desire to seek work elsewhere. It turns out that betrayals leave scars that some wish to bear alone.
Cardan knew all about that, therefore he did not stop those who wished to leave. Now, there is only a handful left to do his bidding, not that he has much use for them anyway. They were more Jude's underlings than his.
They don't question him when he alerts them to his intended departure, but the Bomb approaches him after and asks if his little adventure is in any way relating to Jude. He cannot lie, and the fidgeting of his mouth gives him away all too easily. He will have to work on that.
"Ah," she says with a knowing smile, "I see. Do not worry, my king. Give the Queen my regards." She bows to hide her grin.
Cardan swallows at the mention of the alias but doubts that the Bomb knows exactly how much truth she speaks.
"Thank you," he says. "If anyone resolves to visit the king, tell them that I will be back around the setting of the moon, if not earlier. I do not plan to stay longer than that."
With this, he withdraws from the Court of Shadows to find himself transportation.
. . .
It does not take long to get from the palace to Vivienne's apartment by way of a Ragwort steed. She had given him the location to send his letters to, in the time before he had exiled Jude, and he had memorized the path to get there.
It is a small place, one he cannot image Jude living in happily. He stops at what appears to be an entrance and knocks tentatively at the door. It takes a few moments, but it eventually opens, and he is greeted with—
Nothing. Until he moves his eyes down to find Oak's curious eyes staring up at him.
"Hello," Oak says, but the word comes out in a jumbled rush.
"Why are you here?" asks Oak with a child's bluntness.
"To see Jude. May I come in?"
Then a voice—Vivi's, he thinks—calls from further inside the apartment. "Oak?"
Oak turns back to Cardan and fidgets. "I don't think that Jude wants to see you right now."
Oh. The admission stings him, though it shouldn't. Jude has every right to be furious with him, with her husband who banished her from her own kingdom.
"Oak?" Vivi again. She comes into his view and sucks in a deep breath when she sees her king. "Oh."
"Hello, Vivienne," Cardan replies smoothly, hiding the insistent pain in his chest. A part of him had wished it were Jude that had met him in the doorway instead. Okay, that was a half-truth—all of him wished that Jude was here, and the two of them were alone.
Her voice turns cold. "You shouldn't be here, your highness."
"I need to see her."
"Unfortunately for you, she's not here at the moment."
"Then where can I find her?"
Vivi doesn't answer him and turns to Oak instead. "How about you go pick out a movie for us to watch, yeah?"
Oak nods slowly and rushes out of sight. Vivi steps outside the apartment and closes the door partially, so as not to let the sounds of their conversation carry inside.
"You should know that you hurt my sister and that she hates you for it. I will not stand to see her like that again. So no, Cardan, I will not give you her location. Take my denial of your wish and sulk if you like, but that will not change it."
"You do not know the depths of my regret. What I did, I did in order to protect her. I should not even be here now, for I am risking her safety, but I must speak with her," he implores.
"I don't think that you quite understand. She doesn't want to see you."
"I know. I would not want to see me, either, but this must be done," his voice is powerful, commanding.
Vivi contemplates for a moment, her gaze directed at the puddles forming from the drizzle of rain.
"You sound like a king," she admits at last.
A corner of his mouth lifts up in imitation of a smile.
After quiet deliberation, Vivi speaks. "I'll tell you where she is, so long as you promise me that you will not hurt her again."
"It is not my intention, and it never was."
She gives him a look, to which he sighs in exasperation. "I promise I will not hurt Jude again. Now may I see her?"
Vivi nods, as satisfied as she can be. "Jude is at the mall, a few miles away. I can't take you, but I'll draw you a map."
He watches her retreat into the apartment, and return a minute later with a scrap of green paper. She hands it to him without ceremony. The top of the note sticks to his hand as he looks it over, confused at all of the lines and names for roads.
"Thank you," he says, genuine.
"Bye, Cardan."
"Goodbye, Vivi."
She closes the door, and he takes his leave, following the path to the mortal mall and Jude.
. . .
Mortals are weird, he decides. They walk hunched over as if they were born deformed, and they do not seem to have many clothes that fit them; some wear pants that are two sizes too small, while others don baggy shirts two sizes too big. How they manage to walk and perform mundane tasks is a wonder to him.
Cardan tries very hard to avoid them, of course. But then there are other mortals, and they walk in clans, it seems. In these groups, there are both male and female teenagers that wear the tightest garments he has ever seen. It looks horribly uncomfortable.
He wanders for a while, searching for Jude. There are many brunettes, many fierce looking-girls, but too many are not his.
Cardan walks farther along and passes the food court. A laugh rings out, and he would have passed by without a glance had it not sounded familiar. He turns and there, standing among a small group of people, Jude stands. Her back is turned, but he would know her anywhere.
His heart is in his throat, and he shifts on his feet awkwardly, debating whether or not he should just go up to her or walk away. Cardan never thought himself a coward, but at the moment he feels like one. He feels like running, he feels like taking Jude with him. Because she is there with two other people—a dark-skinned boy and a stout girl, both around Jude's age. Something pulls at his heart, strengthens his resolve to steal his wife away.
Cardan has not been jealous many times in his life, but he knows that he does not like the feeling. So that is why, without any further contemplation, he promptly strides up beside Jude and slips his hand into hers.
In less than a second, before he even has time to blink, his arm is being twisted in a way it should not. He bites his cheek in discomfort, but just as quickly as it happened, the strain on his arm is released and the pain stops.
"Cardan?" Jude is incredulous. Her eyes are wide and she looks both awed and furious. Her companions have taken a step back, surprised. Either at how Jude reacted to him holding her hand or that she knew him, he could not say. It did not matter, anyway. Jude was there.
"Jude," he breathes. It sounds reverent even to his own ears.
Her hands tighten into fists, but she does not respond, only turns to her flabbergasted friends and says through gritted teeth, "If you will excuse us for a moment?" It is not a question. Even if it was, Jude would not wait for their approval. She grabs Cardan by the arm and pulls him along, gripping his arm too tight for comfort.  
Jude does not look back at her friends, not as they exit the mall or walk across the expansive parking lot. They do not speak, but Cardan continuously glances at her. She does not turn her head, though he knows that she notices him staring.
Once they make it onto the grass of a nearby park, Jude whirls to him and pushes him against a thick tree trunk, a knife to his throat. He does not question why she always seems to have at least eight knives with her at all times, not anymore. He does not question the laugh that bubbles up in his throat, either.
Her eyes are murderous. "What," she seethes. "Are you," she presses the flat of the blade harder against his throat. "Doing here?"
He wants to say so many things. He wants to tell her how he has missed her, how it is hard without her. Come back, he wants to beg. He knows it is still not safe—will never be safe—for her in Elfame. Many want him dead, and if any of them knew that Jude was his wife, then they would be after her, too. Stay away, he needs to say but doesn't.
"I needed to see you," he confesses instead.
"And I needed you," she retorts, but her voice breaks at the end. It comes out in a rush, surprises them both.
"I am sorry, Jude."
She grits her teeth and glances to the sky before returning her gaze to his. "Sorry is not enough."
He knows. They both do, in a way. It will never be enough, he does not think. Not while she does not understand why he had to send her away.
"It is not safe for you in Faerie right now," he says, searching her eyes, for what, he doesn't know. Maybe just to look because he can. Maybe to drink her in while she allows his presence.
"Faerie was never safe for me. Why is now any different?" she bites out, teeth bared. He can tell she is holding back a barrage of emotion, all of which are slowly tearing at her.
"Right now is different. There are those who wish to kill me, and—" he holds up a hand and she closes her mouth—"I do not wish for you to be a target because of me."
"Why do you even care? You did not care about my heart then, why do you care about it now?" Jude is crying, and her hand with the knife lowers.
Cardan swallows. "Because I am selfish."
Jude scoffs, tears still trailing down her cheeks. Cardan moves his hand, slowly, not wanting to frighten her into retreating. He wipes her tears away slowly. She watches him, blinking rapidly.
"Do you know how hard it was for me?" her voice comes out in a whisper. "Do you know what it is like to take odd jobs just to get a taste of Faerie again?"
Cardan had made sure to keep Jude on his radar at all times. He knew when she would take jobs and what they entailed. And he tells her just that.
"I know about your jobs, Jude." He watches her, hears her breath hitch in her throat. "I know about every job, from first to last. I know when you took them, what you did." He pauses, looks down. Grits his teeth because this is hard for him, this blatant show of emotion. "I made sure you returned to your apartment safely each time. It was the least of what I could do."
This is the least of what we can do. The words sweep them into a memory that feels like a lifetime ago. By the riverbank, Cardan watching as she shivers in her soaked clothes, clawing her way out of the water. The moment they share together, then, does not feel all that different from drowning.
"Thank you."
He thinks that she means for her words to come out in a snarl, but they are a whisper, a breath on the wind and barely heard.
He nods. A beat passes, two. Cardan says the condemning words, the words he will curse himself over and over and over again for. He says them because he is a selfish creature. Because he is a lonely creature.
"Come back with me."
Jude's face shutters, as if a shockwave is rolling through her. "Do not deny me again."
He never denied her, they both know this. But he did not claim her either, not when she needed it most.
"I promise not to deny you ever again." He is making a lot of promises lately.
Jude smiles, and for the first time in many long months, Cardan feels his heart gallop, feels his chest swell inside the carcass he had resided in while Jude had been gone. He feels whole.
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