#just for like. actual murder factor yk
ethtyn · 1 year
who's on your traffic smp wishlist outside of people who've currently played in at least one season
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bthump · 6 months
I think I can see some sort of twisted story logic to the Eclipse rape.
Miura has said before he wanted to make a story about anger, and got Guts. He wanted to trace backwards why he was angry, and came up with the Golden Age arc, but I think he ran into a roadblock with how he wrote the characters.
Guts, as he was written at the time, couldn’t really get angry at Griffith for the sacrifice because there was still some plausible deniability that Guts would have clung on to. He would have just kept saying “no, that’s bullshit, Griffith would never do this, I know him, he would never want this” while everyone died around him.
Casca getting raped, as disgusting as it is to say, is what moved their relationship along to the murderous, rage filled mess it is now. It proved without a doubt that Griffith did want this, he approves of it, and seemingly doesn’t care anymore. It paves the way for the Guts of the Black Swordsman arc and the Guts of the rest of the series.
Still, just cause I understand Miura’s possible internal logic doesn’t mean I approve. Just felt so tasteless.
Yeah I pretty much agree with this I think. The impression I always got from the first two arcs is that early on Miura intended for Guts' rage to stem from Griffith betraying him and sacrificing him, hence the focus on ghosts taunting him about belonging to them, the parallels between being 'given' to malevolent spirits as a sacrifice and Gambino selling him to Donovan, Guts screaming about having to fight an army of the dead thanks to Femto, etc.
Then after the Golden Age Miura reevaluated and decided that that wasn't enough to make Guts vow revenge against Griffith anymore, so he threw a rape scene on top of everything.
Idk if that's actually what his thought process was, I'm sure there are many factors that went into the Eclipse rape including plain old edginess and, frankly, maybe even fanservice/potentially just adhering to the vibe of the magazine it's published in.
But yeah, that's how it comes across to me lol. Though idk if I'd say it's plausible deniability - before the rape Guts does seem to accept that Griffith sacrificed him. He's just sad and wistful about it rather than violently angry:
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So yeah I feel like it's more that Guts can't fully blame Griffith for it, because he blames himself for leaving Griffith first, and because yk, he loves Griffith.
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bluarlequinno · 3 months
FNAF MOVIE OPINION (after like 5 months Ik)
I'm back on my FNAF bullshit, but I always come back to FNAF eventually (pun intended or maybe not, take it as you want)
I know a lot of the fandom liked the movie, but honestly I hate to lie to myself and pretend like the movie was any good, look it's FNAF, I didn't expect it to be good, because it's really hard to adapt something so bizarre and mostly build off of collective delusional and derangement creative mashups, BUT, I still felt that it could have done so much better and I wanna talk about some of my opinions, of course as always it's an opinion and it tends to be subjective so yk, don't take it as an attack if you as a FNAF fan liked the movie
I kinda came around as to why I hated how they handled the animatronics in the movie lately, yeah they were great like visually wise, but how they handled them narratively and within the horror factor was... Extremely disappointing in my opinion, and now I kinda see why, at least in my humble perspective.
I think, a big part of why they give up such uncanny unsettling eerie vibes in the FNAF games (at least the ogs) it's because of the fact WE NEVER SEE THEM MOVE, we are just told and vaguely hinted at the idea that they might be alive, that things have happened, and they have done something, news, past events, etc, with out that it falls flat, in the games, we are left totally clueless unsure if they are or not moving, or if we are the ones going delusional, if the murders are related, the knowledge that corpses are inside or at least the suspicion of, etc.
The movie on the other hand, is too bright in my opinion, colors feel off, like it doesn't give that, dirty, inhuman, unclean, old and clearly malnourished pizzeria, it doesn't make you feel like you are gonna be sick just by being near those greasy old dirty and dry blood stained and who knows what else animatronics, it also shows us the animatronics actually move like some sort of cyborg, changing essentially where the terror of FNAF even comes from, the whole point is that you didn't actually see them move until they are up on your face jumpscaring you, it's kinda the point, and if you do see them move, it's barely crumps of like subtle hand movements or eye twitching or smt that is not that cyborg..y, like the point is that the kids are in those suits and therefore are trying to move them how they can, so when in the movie you actually see them move on the brightness of day in bright color and daytime it feels ... Just really fucking lame and boring, they just feel like your typical scary robots.
The scary factor wasn't them being murder robots, it was that those childlike machines had weird smells and where strangely uncanny and barely moved but somehow managed to make you feel like there was something there, that in the end there were corpses (who mind you were mentioned in the movie but like never seen and kinda forgotten about??? Like hello?)
So if they do make a second movie PLEASE have a clever use of color, ambient building, and DON'T SHOW THEM MOVING, let the protagonist (or player) question their sanity, are they really alive? Or are we just being paranoid, focus more on the smell the robots have, the stains, the texture, the weird unsettling feeling, make the pizzeria darker, dirtier, grayer, older (or well depends a lot on the plot and pizzeria and timeline they will handle).
I have a lot more of criticism on the movie, but I felt this needed to be said because the animatronics are the most essential characteristic of well FNAF, and in my opinion how they were handled was really bad, they didn't scare a bit, they made me feel so much like embarrassment I swear, it felt like a YouTube sketch, which has way more effort honestly.
I think another error was not treating the characters like animatronics, I understand not sticking into the original designs would maybe dislike most fans, but honestly? If it were up to me I would have stylized original like in real life 80s animatronics to have the designs of chica, Bonnie, foxy and Freddy yk? Because they are treating them more like robots than animatronics and like NO, the point is that they are animatronics, stop trying to lean into cyborg sci-fi future FNAF if you're adapting og fnaf lean into the terror of uncanny, guts and blood smelling rotten dirty old machines of a what was supposed to be a normal family pizzeria.
Believe me, playing with smell can really really make things scary, the animatronics shouldn't seem alive or emotionally conscious, they in our perspective animalistic creatures with no mind, that may not be moving at all, but somehow you feel they are following you with their eyes (even if in the case of golden Freddy they have none) make them seem more malnourished, maybe there is broken wiring that let's us see a lot of dry brown stains that give off a dirty rotten smell, they always seem greasy and smell like pizza, greasy and extremely rotten pizza.
Also the fact the souls of the kids appear is cliche and dumb, like we never meet them, the robots are not the kid souls anymore, they are the animalistic revenge desire of their souls, they are no longer human, it would have made the terror and the tension work better if the souls weren't so at your face like kids idk how to word this, but dehumanize their designs, LEAN INTO THE UNCANNY, god i know that making an indie horror game that is more of the collective than of the creator into a somewhat mainstream "Hollywood eske" movie would turn out so shitty, because it lost all the passion and beauty of uncertainty, the not knowing, the significant art and interpretations, they couldn't even give us the characters we love, they just showed us some weird reboot of mike and crying child and whoever abby is supposed to be. Why is Vanessa there I'm so serious, ok this is totally personal, but I hate that they just replace original characters just no.
Imma be honest I don't have the patience right now to word every single thing I think the movie got wrong, but at this point what FNAF is and why we as a fandom love it so much, it's because of the content we as a community create, we make FNAF enjoyable, and idgaf, but scott is not the reason i love fnaf, and it will never be, like that man wants to do a horror story but treats it childishly and cant decide if he wants his audience to be children (for some reason) or +16 and older so it turns out wanky, childish and even dumbs down the audience, how can you have thia sorry still be aimed at children, but feature extreme acts of violence against children like tf, there is canon child abuse, there is gore and child murder, there is so many things that are not for children, but are handled like so badly that it comes off as if a child wrote it, and of course dumbs it down to the point we get to where we are now with the current FNAF, child aimed fully, Scott can't even decide his own lore and the fandom does half the work or all the work
Anyways point is, let the author ruin his own work and give the people creative freedom
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zhongrin · 8 months
ー and that's a wrap!!!
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note: this is a thank-you post and i’ll be posting an ‘explanation’ post after this, just give me some time to compile all the information <3
so. obviously i just have to do this because man. that was a whole ride hahahah thank you so so so so so SO MUCH to people who participated actively in the ebg???? i am????? not worthy??????? lsjdkfjskldf
special mentions to: (ps. please check them out; these are all wonderful, talented writers. be sure to read their rules first, though!!!)
@kurikurikurisu / @risustravelogue thank you for putting up with my insanity throughout this event…. and for being the first to bring in their hubby to sneak around the teahouse! lol smart move!! i’m guessing you’ll bring your other hubby next time for the fun of it and i am. looking forward to it already hahahah also that morse code → vigenere cipher will haunt my nightmares now thanks- /silly
@crystalflygeo you precious precious gem. i am still wheezing at that meme you sent me. here’s to hoping the next time crys visits the teahouse it doesn’t smell like sea salt and frost anymore heh ;)) also fontaine tea time double date when? <3
@floraldresvi thank you for being the source of romance this ebg lol tartarin is a sinking ship so everyone better hop in to covivi!! all jokes aside, i love writing your interactions with coviello so much (and based on the comments everyone else seems to enjoy it too hahahah) i 🚢!!!!!
@silentmoths MOTH!!! YOUR WINGS 😭 will drinking tea make it grow back??? i offer the finest silk for you to munch on after this hsdlfjskdf anyway, be it the last ebg or this one, i love seeing the little moth flying about in the teahouse hehe <3
@ainescribe / @lychniis i hate (read: love) you. why did you have to bring back the nightmarish cipher into this smh /j anyway…. another event to be recorded in the record keeper’s books, eh? i hope you enjoyed this ebg too <3
@queen-belial you madlad /pos. the way you write ousldjflshdjflksd i feel a little bad i can only respond with small snippets because man. those are. yummy yummy meals you were dishing out there!!! capitano is coming for childe’s ass atp that ginger better watch out lmaoooo
@abyssmal-skies tysm for granting me the opportunities to up the creepy factor lol i’m glad you managed to piece together what happened!! looking forward if you ever decide on joining an ebg next time :3
@the-travelling-witch HOLLYYYYYY. thank you for letting me 'borrow' your husband and allowing me to make him a little... uhh... #deranged lol. honestly you’re one of the reasons why i went “ok so…. only my blog needs to simp for childe. i don’t…. time to make someone else ‘run’ the blog…. >:)” because for lord’s sake i am very much not attracted to him and i just. can’t. do. it. #chilly4ever #chillyno1
@leftdestiny-posts / @intothegenshinworld that letter almost took me out ngl i am. i am still crying and sobbing over it hsldfjskldjflksdf PLEASE. also shiro protection squad &lt;;3 *silently wipes bloodied hand on a tea towel*
@kopidense / @ask-court-genshin heyyyy fellow murder accomplice (for legal reasons, disclaimer: this does not involve any real human bodies whatsoever) 🙌🏻 thanks for dropping by!! also pls tell your two friends i said hi winkwink #truezhonglimainsstickstogether /silly
@navxry actually yk what no. no thanks for you, you gremlin /silly but thanks for the trauma i guess- /j
@i23kazu YING!!! thank you so so so so much for hosting this ebg! it has been super fun and i (and i’m sure everyone else thinks the same) really appreciate your effort in putting things together!!
and of course all of the other people who sent in asks, be in anon or non-anon, be it a silly ask or a sabotage attempt or a rp attempt — please know that i really really really appreciate each and every single one of you!!!
your participation means a lot and it’s the literal driving force behind my passion in constantly drawing and writing stuff whenever i have time these past 7 days. i haven’t written or drawn any content whatsoever in weeks. do you see the power you hold over us writers by sending in fics & silly stuff now?? i hope you do.
also, even if you didn’t participate at all, i appreciate you for still sticking with me despite having to deal with my silliness for past week 😌
sending you all my kithes /p and hugs and a cup of your preferred tea! <3
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housewife-hannibal · 11 months
Been looking at Hannibal’s interior (as one does) and I literally cannot figure out what this man’s favorite color is?? Now I’m spiralling though because is it normal to not have a FAVORITE color? Like you own most things in said color? Or is this what truly, definitely, once and for all proves that Hannibal Lecter is a psychopath. It’s because he doesn’t have a favorite color. Or am I the psychopath in this situation? I want any and everything to be my favorite color (green).
His house is so many mixes of reds, blues, browns, even some oranges and greens. Also his overall interior aesthetic is really odd. Not in a bad way though, at least in my opinion. I’ve seen some call it ugly, but that’s besides the point. He has a lot of very vintage-y feel, almost grandmacore furniture. But the decor (wall hangings, lamps, etc) feel very rustic? I think would be the word? He literally has a table with deer hooves for legs I’m pretty sure. Or maybe that was a dream. ANYWAY. Very all over the place aesthetic, it’s driving me mad.
I don’t know. Maybe I’ve come to the conclusion that I shouldn’t be this curious as to what Hannibal’s favorite color is. But now it’s killing me from the inside out.
I am under the assumption that his favorite color is blue. Almost his entire bedroom is blue, the trim(?) in many of the rooms is the same blue, as well as the wallls in his dining room, and lastly a lot of his smaller decorations like throw pillows and such are blue.
Also, I’m Pretty Sure a majority of his suits are blue. The only thing that deters me is his most iconic suit (in my opinion) is red. It’s the one that both Bryan Fuller and Mads have a replica of. And yk, corny horror character obviously loves red because it’s the color of blood! But I doubt that’s an actual factor. Maybe Hannibal just wore red on his murderous days because he didn’t want to get his beloved blue suits covered in blood.
This post was longer than intended..
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krikeymate · 1 year
After the end of VI the core four must’ve spent a WHILE in the hospital. I feel like being in the hospital would be really difficult especially for Tara after the ghostface attack. I feel like Tara’s fear would be even worse in the hospital in 6 because after 5 she could think of ghostface as gone and in the past but in 6 tara now knows that ghostface can return and I can imagine her taking longer to heal her wounds because she’s so paranoid in the hospital and cannot rest. I also feel like Gale would help the core four out and find them somewhere to stay after 6, somewhere where their friends weren’t brutally murdered yk.
That Galaxy brain thought is so sexy of you.
Tara totally has a fear of hospitals now.
I feel like Sam & Tara didn't actually spend a lot of time in the hospital post-6. Sam had the cut to her right arm and the stab to the front of that shoulder. Tara had the bullet graze to her left arm, stab in the back of her left shoulder, and stab in the abdomen. The only wound there that felt like it was deep was Tara's abdomen wound, the other stabs could be considered quick and shallow.
Tara's abdomen wound definitely requires surgery, exploratory at the least, if not to repair any damage inside. The shot of them walking off is nice and all, but we'll just assume they were walking towards a free ambulance.
I think Tara spends a single day in the hospital, Sam by her side the entire time. They try to make her leave at the end of visiting hours, but it stresses Tara into a panic attack so bad they have to sedate her. Given the special circumstances, they decide to let her stay. Not that they had a choice, Sam was not leaving after watching the nurses hold down her little sister - scrambling to remove the tube in her arm and escape the bed - as Tara begged her not to let them: don't let them, Sam please, please, don't, I don't want to fall asleep Sam please, please don't let them, Sammy please don't leave me.
Standing there and letting them do that was the hardest thing she's ever done. When Tara demands that Sam sign her out of the hospital in the morning (against medical advice, they want to keep her in for observation), she doesn't argue. Tara would just do it herself if she doesn't. Sam spends the entire time waiting for Tara to bring it up, terrified to face Tara's anger. Or worse, her betrayed face. But she doesn't. Tara just curls up against her in the back of the taxi, clutching her hand.
I think Sam would be hesitant to accept any help from Gale. Gale's help always comes with a price, she knows that, she's seen it. Gale convinces her to let her help her find a new apartment, a smaller one still close enough to the campus. Sam allows Gale to haggle the rental price down to a much more affordable rate and hesitantly allows Gale to sign as a guarantor. Gale hands her a cheque, a worthy sum given she is the star of her latest book. Sam nearly rips it up in her hands, but Gale knows her weakness: if you won't accept it for yourself, accept it for your sister. She's got her there.
Chad, Gale and Kirby definitely spend a while in the hospital, and Mindy probably should still be in hospital but she clearly had checked herself out. I honestly don't know if I vibe the Core 4 actually living together post-6. I feel like Mindy should have been living with the sisters in the first place and it's weird that she wasn't. Which means there was 'other factors' which put Chad and Mindy (presumedly) into dorms. Those factors would still be there post-6.
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bonesandthebees · 7 months
finally put together my thoughts about last glass chapter, idk how comprehensible it all is but I dont have the words to praise it how it deserves
the use of the pythia in the ch27 is super interesting to me
there are moments where I wonder if he doesnt have a bit of a hard time letting go of the pythia title, its all he had for a big part of his life after all, it was what have him purpose in life
and the problem wasnt inheritly in the title or the role, it was in the rules and how he was treated, he deserved to be respected as a person even when he was the pythia
that cechovs syringe was really cool, at first it was scary bc the priests intentions were definitely to use it on wilbur and I really like how it went from a fear factor to our saving grace AND created wilburs whole dilemma about taking tommy away from his goddess but saving him
by having the priest have it at first and wilbur taking it it felt really smoothly incorporated into the story instead of wilbur just finding it somewhere or something
I hate how they blame wilburs change on the deathlings, the fact that he turned against clara, the tattoo choice, everything
even now its like they cant give credit for any decisions, for having a mind of his own and just cant imagine being a person without being the pythia
or even that hes someone while having the role of the pythia
and it just hurts to see so much
thats why schlatts change in attitude mustve hurt so much
clara failed wilbur and the other pythias that came before him so bad
like I understand that all those rules are man-made, but it feels like she should protect them when she uses them for her visions yk
is the curse real? like do you personally work with it as real? or is that something left up for interpretation (or will we learn next chapter maybe)? bc tommy was cursed and he did die but at the same time coming to the palace was dangerous in nature and the actual killing was enacted as jacks revenge and that has been going on way longer than tommy was cursed, everyone cursed was kinda set up for their death beforehand they even got cursed in a way
whether it is real or not it was yet another thing that built up to the moment of Wilbur deciding to save tommy and played a big role in it bc it was thanks to the curse that wilbur knew that tommy doesnt want to die and has been praying to krisitin bc of it and it looked like shes ignoring him and all this helped wilbur decide to save him
and I think he wouldnt have saved tommy without knowing all this. it goes against the deathlings' religion (at least i think? it was murder so im not sure sure but I think it was wrong on jacks side but on tommys side I dont think it matters how he died but taking him away from death is wrong) and tommy actually worshiped kristin of his own choice and wilbur knows that and he also knows what its like not to be respected
now ofc I cant be sure what wilbur wouldve done bc that crimeboys bond is STRONG and also in the heat of the moment, accounting it was murder and all, but still
oh my god
writing this I realised that you could say THE CURSE SAVED TOMMYS LIFE this is insane I am obsessed, I think this look on it makes it all really beautiful, storytelling wise
very interested in how theyll handle the fact that jack tried to kill tommy bc honestly this situation was very different from when tommy did it, it was PLANNED
glass!jack and glass!niki you are so interesting to me I am rotating you in my brain constantly, their path of thinking has captured me
I hope that schlatts confession about his opinion on the visions helps wilbur make his peace a bit, bc while it doesnt excuse how schlatt treated wilbur, it explains it and also shows that it wasnt wilburs fault that he was failing his role as the pythia when schlatt didnt listen bc he was basically set up to fail from the start
and yes wilbur is parting with his role as the pythia but this might still help him recover, bc at least he wasnt so bad at his one job all these year
and if it doesnt help at least we got schlatt calling wilbur pretty boy, obsessed
I love how in reaction to what schlatt says wilbur feels the pythia dying in the palace and leaving it behind
what a banger chapter, so much happened and it was all so interesting
all that happened and mainly the stuff around tommys dying just showa so perfectly what this story has been telling us this whole time, what the main theme is basically, and that is that in the end you when it matters the only one you can rely on is yourself, not some god and the scene with wilbur saving tommy and kristin not being there really pushes this on you so well I love it sm
rn im just putting all my hope on phil and the deathlings to save wilbur from being forced to be the pythia again
also probably very hypothetical question but im thinking about if wilbur got the option to kinda peacefully step out of his role of the pythia by getting a vision about the next one if he would do it or wouldnt bc he would refuse to bring that fate onto someone else
aaaa thank you, yes I really enjoyed playing around with using the pythia vs wilbur in this chapter. it's hard because I wanted the chapter to be mostly wilbur, but there were key moments where I knew he was going to slip back into the pythia mindset, mostly when he's talking to the priest and later to schlatt. it's not necessarily he's having a hard time letting go of the title, it's that he's spent so much of his life in this mindset that he's not a person, that he's supposed to be wholly devoted to this goddess that he keeps slipping in and out of that mental space.
I'm glad the syringe felt smoothly incorporated!! I was worried it would feel like too much of a "this is a surprise tool that will help us later" bit and while it definitely still was, I wanted it to be tied into what was going on and the worldbuilding and everything
I mean, wilbur has spent the last decade acting as a completely dedicated pythia. then he's gone for a little over half a year and suddenly he's gotten a tattoo and severed his ties to clara and is working with the deathlings? from the priests perspective you can kind of see how it's a bit difficult to believe he got there on his own. especially when they think of becoming the pythia as the highest honor anyone can attain, and how the dehumanizing aspects are meant to be more revered and honorable than anything else
oooo that's an interesting question about the curse. this is going to sound like a cop out answer but I swear it's not, I genuinely haven't decided if the curse is real or not. in a way I think of it like schrodinger's curse. it's both real and not real at the same time. all of the deaths can be explained away by circumstance, but that doesn't mean that the curse didn't cause them. I set it up so that it was completely up to interpretation. I hope that makes sense?
hmm that's an interesting take actually! I definitely think it was a combination of things that led to wilbur deciding to save tommy's life, but the ultimate deciding factor was simply that crimeboys have an unhealthy bond. wilbur will pull tommy back from death even if he's in the arms of his goddess, because he needs tommy by his side. tommy will fight to keep wilbur to himself and get jealous when he starts to heal and connect with other people. the two of them hurt each other because of how much they love each other. that was kind of the core of that whole thing, although I really like what you pointed out with the whole curse saving tommy's life in a way
glass!rocketduo are so interesting babygirls your logic is so screwed up <3
yeah, wilbur was set up to fail from the start. and it does help him find some kind of peace with it! it wasn't his fault, he wasn't a failure. schlatt was never going to listen to him for reasons outside his control.
yessss you get it, one of the primary themes is about relying on yourself and other people before relying on goddesses that might or might not choose to help you. the deities in glass are so far above humanity they can choose what they want to help with and when, and humanity is only left to try and understand why the goddesses do what they do but they'll never really be able to.
hmm that's also an interesting question... personally I think wilbur wouldn't pass on the teachings, but even then the priests would just do it for him so it wouldn't change much. I still think he would choose not to participate though.
thank you so much for the kind words i'm so glad you enjoyed!!!
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dez-wade · 10 months
Omg okay so you know how Forever asked for mod ideas to add on twitter? Well I can't stop thinking about the one I recommended bc it'd be such a fun server event.
The one I recommended was a double life mod. Which is basically like, two random PLAYERS (not eggs >:( !!!) are matched up and they are "soulmates". Soulmates share all dmg between the two of them which means if one of them dies, the other does as well.
I was thinking its an optional event obviously but theres some sort of prize for the last soulmate pair left standing. Maybe something like being able to ask the federation for ANYTHING (except obvious things like creative mode or leave the island) and its implied u can ask for egg lives too but idk if that'd ACTUALLY be a prize or just bait.
Essentially the participants are trying to make it to the end and be the last pair standing so they can get the prize which could include alliances, desperately trying to protect each other nd making it to the end bc they have the same wish OR betrayals bc they dont :D
I think it'd be a nice incentive for players to interact and be active since I think how active you are will have to be a factor or else a pair can just join the event and never login until everyone else dies lol.
I'm thinking, just like the actual double life series, each pair has like 2 or 3 lives until they're out of the event? I also think it'd create interesting dynamics.
Like how funny would it be if tazercraft participated but they werent paired up since its random, so their soulmates just have to accept that they have to work as a 4 person alliance? Would any soulmates rather go solo then stick around their soulmate? Would there be drama about soulmates going and doing dangerous things alone, risking if not actually accidentally costing them one of their lives?
Idek I just think it'd be fun. Idk who I'd hope Forever is paired w bc it'd be fun no matter what, but I do think he'd absolutely gear up his soulmate and give them everything he can so they can survive since if theyre BOTH downed, they will be completely reliant on the kindness of other players/participants to see if they'll be revived or lose a life which. Isn't ideal. I actually think he'd set up a statis room and want a code for if one of them is in danger and needs a tp yk
Tysm if u read this all, you are my fave Forever blog bc u Understand my cubito which is why u unfortunately got the brunt of this ramble 🙏🙏🙏
Ooh I actually like this idea! Actually I have been excited for Tazercraft's Murder Mystery because one of the roles is "Lovers", and if your partner die you die. So I really want to see the random matchups we could get.
In a way, it'd be like your government assigned partner all over again like it was with the eggs, but this time the French and the Brazilians can participate since they've always been just a big polycule. So it'd be nice for a short event where you can get some good but not game-breaking rewards.
I agree that Forever would become very protective of his partner and instantly set up an enderpearls stasis chamber like he does with his family, but I'd love to see how insufferable he'd get too if he got someone like Philza lol.
Anyways I really like this idea mainly because I'd love to see the unexpected duos that would come from it even if temporarily. I really hope the admins think of some type of event like this, but if not we can get something close to it with Tazercraft's Murder Mystery at least!
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titleleaf · 9 months
What are the Bad Hannigram Takes you're encountering? I watched the show but never got too involved in the fandom so I am fascinated
Oh god I'm so sorry, I have no idea how coherent any of this will be if you haven't dipped into the fandom and even for my part I've been mainly watching and reading from afar but hereeeee... are my thoughts. Disclaimer that YMMV, let people have fun, etc., but I am a gigantic hater.
[fandom negativity and a leetle canon-related negativity behind the cut: if for whatever reason you don't want to hear me bitching about people being Wrong On The Internet About A TV Show keep scrolling, mute me, block me, whatever]
Character-specific tunnel vision where Hannibal is the center of the universe -- not just in the sense that he's, yk, the title character of the show and the most memorable character created by Thomas Harris but in the sense that all characters are evaluated by how much they support or obstruct Hannibal's God-given right to do whatever he wants to anybody ever. And my God, it is so, so boring.
Nothing is ever Hannibal's fault, either. Delicate use of the exonerative passive voice — oh it's so sad, Will was framed, Beverly was murdered, Abigail was killed, but by whom? Hard to say! Especially funny when people whip this out regarding shit even Hannibal plainly regrets, like framing Will and then not having Will to hang out with. In general downplaying Hannibal's agency is such a weird move with a character who takes so much pleasure in doing what he wants. "To what extent are people a product of their external influences and life traumas, to what extent is Hannibal capable of not killing" is a whole other conversation but it's just a very odd reading of the character and the show as a text.
Nothing is ever Hannibal's fault, because it's actually the fault of... [scans crowd] that woman over there! Weird misogyny, often overlapping with the above (bc boy howdy, the list of women who Hannibal kills, maims, tortures, or otherwise fucks over is not short — Abigail, Alana, Bella, Beverly, Bedelia, Miriam, Margot, Georgia… I guess Freddie makes it out okay?) but sometimes seemingly just because, or to exonerate Hannibal of all blame for his own actions toward Will, as if this is the kind of show where it’s vitally important our blorbos be morally pure. Like… I’m sorry but I don’t think this is the show for you if that’s the case. People are really weird about Alana, people are really really weird about Bedelia, people are turbo weird about Molly... I'm sure there are people out there being weird about Chiyoh but I haven't encountered them yet, and I feel like there's some uhhhh other factors in play there too.
Baffling ship war stuff even once the canon's long since finished airing. I'm a big multishipper for this fandom so the weird competitive approach where Will and Hannibal's love must be the only real love (or even the only real erotic desire) they've either ever experienced ever is really off-putting. Showrunner Word of God here regarding Will's sexual orientation is in itself a take that annoys me, as a humorless bisexual man, but this is more commonly expressed via weird not-joking "jokes" about how the only reason Hannibal would ever have sex with a woman would be as an elaborate ruse (and how she'd deserve it for being stupid enough to believe he'd be into women) or how Hannibal's a better wife to Will than Molly ever could be. Dude... relax... your pairing has a literal love theme like a 1990s erotic thriller, why are you this insecure. People will do this with characters who don't even appear in the show! Now why is Clarice in it???? I need people to just be normal.
Nice polite sweet tea-sippin' Southern boy Will, and his equally annoying twin brother, Will with an inexplicable and phonetically-rendered Southern accent. 50% me being an extremely sensitive buzzkill about how the text presents Will's childhood and how the romanticized vision of the American South people draw on is superficial and rooted in white supremacist nostalgia, 50% me being a person who can hear Hugh Dancy speak dialogue in a television show and recognize basic American regional accents.
General... accrued fanon, I guess? All the tropes and memes and fandom in-jokes and fandom characterizations that build on one another to the point where their relationship to the show as a text (or to the novels, for that matter) is pretty damn tenuous.
In general, and while I know where this is coming from as a lover of dark stories/horror media/dark and destructive love stories who’s gotten flak for all of that: people getting so defensive about shipping something ~*~*~*problematique~*~* that they take other people talking about the things that textually make their dynamic fucked up (even if they’re talking about those things as something they like or something they enjoy exploring with the canon) as an attack or a sign somebody's Interrogating The Text From The Wrong Perspective. I think the show itself has some narrative weaknesses that lend themselves to this kind of fandom circlejerk but please... please Lord... I just want to write about a really weird guy getting his dick stepped on whilst classical music plays and having the time of his life, why is everyone doing this to me
On the much more benign end of things, “Will is totally normal average everyman while Hannibal is weird and pretentious and fruity” bc it just makes them sitcom parents. Show!Will is a weird fucking guy in his own right! They're both weird! And they're in love!
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aardvaark · 2 years
omitb s2 e7 spoilers ->
okay so the coney island security badge is really confusing me cause i feel like i’m missing something but rn i still think it could be detective kreps - we know he had previous problems in his career, and i guess that if a cop took time off, security guard work is the sort of thing they’d do in the interim. it’s kinda related yk? something like that. i just think it’s still sorta pointing towards kreps.
we saw the guy’s figure enough that we know a lot of characters it can’t be and we know kreps could look just like that (glitter guy seems to be male, slim, tall, etc). so my theory is still that it’s kreps who was possibly never even pretending to be detective williams (the texter said stuff about being on the police force, not that they actually were specifically detective williams) and who may have not even understood why mabel stabbed him or why he got glitter bombed. i also don’t think he’s the killer.
i feel like we didn’t get all that much new information about the murders in this episode so i still don’t really have a great working theory on who the killer is. i want to know how bunny’s mother and the painting factors into all this, and charles’ father.
we mostly got a lot of information about mabel. it seems like she has problems with dissociation and trauma, i understand how it feels when your brain just won’t let you remember something and you can’t tell if it’s protecting you or making everything worse. somehow she sorta magically just got some of the memories back which was a little odd but she still doesn’t seem to remember the glitter guy train attack, so we still don’t know about that. maybe she will recover that memory later.
and that ending…. uh oh lucy. when there’s a blackout in a horror or murder mystery movie, someone almost always dies. hopefully it won’t be lucy but the fact she’s In The Dark means she’s in trouble at least.
i think another resident might die or no one will but we’ll be panicking while waiting for the blackout to pass. weirdly enough, i watched this episode during a blackout. maybe i should watch my own back…
tl;dr for my suspicions: kreps is glitter guy but not the killer, someone in the building will die during the blackout, the painting will play some sort of part so we will have to find the real one or at least more info abt the forgery in the next episode
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progeniterror · 4 months
i cannot remember if i've said this on here or just in talking to people or my head but lemme give some Nikki Lore™
basically she comes from an abusive household and when she met billy she was couch surfing and working at the local vhs rental. she did kinda see the red flags with him and eventually learned about the charges against him but she kept hanging out with him and getting closer. basically it was a combo of sympathy, he's Very Charming, good personality meshing and the fact that he does actually make her feel safe.
there's definitely for her a sense in security in knowing he can be violent. both like, it's just something she knows and understands and also that he can point it at other people and protect her. like when he got it out of her that her parents are abusive he was livid AT THEM and became even more protective and possessive of her which she found comforting. and like they were 19-20 when they met so that's also a factor.
basically she's not really under any delusion that even he DIDN'T do the woodsboro murders (which she can't confirm or deny yk) he's totally got the vibes of being CAPABLE of it. but she's able to be okay with that because they have a connection over similar struggles and matching passions. she knows better to push him and unleash that pile of skeletons. she's also willing to stick by him through WAY more than really makes sense but 1. she's not stupid she know that'd go badly for her if she tried to leave or expose him and 2. he's her guy!!! she loves him!!!!! she kinda knew what she was getting and she's not gotta punk out. she made this bed and she's gonna keep lying in it.
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analyzing sadism and violence in bsd
this will contain bsd manga spoilers
let's face it; jouno threatening the living hell out of everything on sight is kinda attractive. same thing with dazai and fyodor's murdering spree, and who knows how many people swoon over chuuya being aggressive and gogol tormenting atsushi. because i know i did.
it's funny, right? but it's just fiction so let's call it hot, shall we?
sadism is generally seen in media as an underlying personality trait, in the sense that it's on par with courage, kindness, being stoic and bubbly and such. it's just something that you accept because you assume it's part of the person and it's totally fine to be sadistic. this is where one distinguishes sadistic impulses from sadistic tendencies.
that's why i'm going to be making an analysis that no one asked for of bsd characters and their relationship with sadism and violence.
warning: all the warnings that come with psychoanalyses yk, terrible grammar, not edited, really really fkking long i'm sorry this got out of hand it's over 10k words-
to start, here's the definition from Britannica:
"Sadism, psychosexual disorder in which sexual urges are gratified by the infliction of pain on another person. [...] Sadism is often linked to masochism (q.v.), in which sexual arousal results from receiving pain, and many individuals respond in either role. The sadist, however, often seeks a victim who is not a masochist, as some of the sexual excitement derives from the victim’s unwillingness. The level and extent of sadistic violence may vary considerably, from infliction of mild pain in otherwise harmless love play to extreme brutality, sometimes leading to serious injury or death. [...] Sadism may be a factor in some violent crimes, particularly rape and murder. The term sadism is occasionally used outside the sexual context, to describe individuals who are purposely cruel or who seem to derive pleasure from humiliating and dominating others in social situations. In this context, some milder forms of sadism are relatively more acceptable, such as the use of humiliating sarcasm as a conversational tool."
to break all of that down simply, i'm going to be using a bunch of characters.
(note: it makes mention often of sadism in the sexual pretense, however, it usually bottoms out into "receives pleasure from hurting others". whether this pleasure is sexual in nature or compensating for an emotional desire for feeling, it is still considered sadism.)
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Akutagawa Ryūnosuke
let's start with the man, the myth, the depressed emo
the spineless sadist with undertones of anxiety.
a spineless sadist is defined as following: "They are typically deeply insecure and act like cowards. In anticipation of real danger, they project their hostile fantasies and strike first, hoping thereby to forestall their antagonist and ask questions later. They use aggressive hostility to send the message to others that they aren’t intimidated or fearful, so that they can control their inner feelings and display the exact opposite of how they actually feel. They seek out scapegoats to gang up on, which allows them to assault the exact things that exist within themselves that they want to deny."
if this isn't akutagawa, then i don't know what is.
let's roll back to the beginning of the information we have on him from the very start to understand why power is so important to him.
when he was a child, he lived with about 8 other children as orphans with gin by his side. at some point, these kids heard about information regarding a port mafia shipment, and eventually were killed by the aforementioned, leaving only gin and akutagawa to survive. he went back to get revenge for them, eventually meeting dazai who had murdered all of the port mafia men who killed the children, then offered for the grieving and rage-blind aku to become his subordinate. the wiki describes it best like this:
"In a fit of rage and grief, Akutagawa joined Port Mafia, overcome by a foreign sense of respect he felt towards Dazai."
the reason i love this sentence so much is that it sums up a lot of major points regarding his relationship with dazai; overcome by a foreign sense of respect.
an embodiment of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend", his initial reaction when he found dazai must've been something of a shock.
in my interpretation of their relationship, what I would say is that akutagawa has a lingering sense of weakness that he can't shake, not because he isn't strong but because he wasn't born strong. he must look back often on any of his defeats and curse himself over and over again until he reaches the brink of worthlessness in his own mind.
many people say that he's been abused by dazai. yes, but yes. but also no.
akutagawa is a strong individual in a society of strong individuals. in the very beginning of bungou stray dogs, he was mentioned as a warning to atsushi by kunikida. "whatever you do, don't run into this man. and if you do meet him, run for your life," or something along these lines.
i found this interesting since everybody acknowledges his strength, except dazai.
why, might you ask, does dazai not acknowledge him?
part of this is going to be discussed in the dazai section, but it's mostly because akutagawa is no longer looking for something that's attainable.
think of it like a man climbing a mountain; akutagawa has been escalating for his entire life. his scars from his earlier falls still remain tethered onto his body and mind, and he can't get them out of his sight, but he must keep moving up. he must. he can't see any direction but up.
only, he's going up an impossibly steep hill, posing an insurmountable amount of resistance which ultimately lead him to be spending a lot of energy just to stop himself from slipping downwards.
dazai is standing at the top; he sees that the odds are stacked up against akutagawa, but decides not to tell him. in fact, he actually throws a bunch of objects in his general direction as a means to make akutagawa's trek upwards even harder. yes, it would help infinitely if he told aku about his situation, or gave words of reassurance, but either way, it still doesn't help him get to the top that he desires so much.
meaningless analogy? maybe. i feel like we've all climbed a hill or tree at some point in our lives, just for fun. it's fun when you don't fear returning to the base; for akutagawa, this is a pain worse than death.
back to violence though.
imagine you're climbing upwards with all your strength, putting in a ridiculous amount of energy and never resting for a moment, despite having life and the person you respect most working against you.
then this furry fucking pulls up and climbs the neighboring mountain, which has a much more suitable terrain and he's equipped with the latest gear and tech, and your mentor is head over heels for him.
akutagawa and atsushi's relationship isn't something i would personally call "romantic" to all you shin-soukouku shippers, but ship what you will, idc.
all that i know for sure is that akutagawa must feel terrible constantly comparing himself to him, which is why he won't hesitate to to physically injure or challenge him.
he's lashing out because he feels inferior.
he's lashing out because he's projecting his own terror onto others and wants to vanquish them.
he's lashing out because he's trying to seem intimidating, ruthless and his own ideal of perfection.
there's a very good chance that akutagawa feels great while landing blows on atsushi, or any enemy in general, really. but afterwards? nothing. he goes back to feeling inferior and treating his strength like it's not enough, treating himself like he's not enough.
similarly, he displays physical violence when interacting with kyouka, his own apprentice. he frequently acknowledges her ability's strength (not in helping others, but in hurting people). which is terrible given that, once again, he is projecting his own relationship with dazai. just because he wants dazai to call him strong, he decides to do the same. whether this is because he wants to be a better mentor or because he sees himself in kyouka (or both), it's a matter of perspective. the important thing to take away is that he overcompensates for flaws that aren't even his, which is a reason that i believe that he doesn't particularly enjoy hurting anybody after he's realized what he's done. he just likes the feeling of power it gives him temporarily.
he also treats her the same way he would treat his past self. if baby aku and present aku (not the vampire one tho, the alive one) met, he would likely treat himself the same way he treats kyouka; harshly and trying to ingrain this ideology of weakness of heart being equivalent to weakness of mind being equal to being unfit to live. spineless sadists often do this; hide their weaknesses by acting in an opposing way to their true nature.
also, there have been numerous signs that akutagawa doesn't want to be a sadist, deep down, even if he shows he is. he's terrified of appearing weak to others, even if he likely truly wants to be vulnerable with someone, anyone, even himself.
especially himself.
if we were to correlate this with all of his displays of violence, it makes sense. he is the violent individual who is violent to make up for the softness of his heart, which he sees as a flaw.
my favourite part of bsd is the fact that they're linked to real people, so of course i'm going to drag the real akutagawa into this.
he died of an overdose.
dazai kinnie? no. towards the end of his life, akutagawa began suffering from visual hallucinations and anxiety over the fear that he had inherited his mother's mental disorder (his mother was a very important figure in both his life and his writing. in the latter, most women were seen as "dominant" and "threatening", while men were the victims, which makes me think he was likely a victim of toxic masculinity and societal tendencies that required him to be strong.)
his last works were mostly autobiographic in nature, so i recommend reading Tenkibo and Daidōji Shinsuke no hansei for a better look into the man behind the character.
to sum this all up, akutagawa's violence was like a drug, something he'd use over and over again, even if it made him feel like shit afterwards and he knew that he didn't truly desire it.
what he desired was just a pat on the back and "you're amazing, aku" from somebody, anybody at all.
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Gogol Nikolai
"the longer and more carefully we look at a funny story, the sadder it becomes."
if this quote from irl gogol doesn't describe him perfectly, then idk what would.
the machiavellianist with undertones of factitious tendencies
it took me everything in my being not to make this post 99% about gogol because i find his character to be the most relatable and beautiful of all the bsd characters so far.
maybe it's because humans find beauty in the broken things.
gogol's character is mostly based on his desire for freedom, which i think many people misinterpret in so many ways.
but let's rewind.
what is machiavellianism and factitious tendencies?
"in the field of personality psychology, machiavellianism is a personality trait centered on manipulativeness, callousness, and indifference to morality."
to put it simply, it's rather similar to psychopathy. however, there's a fundamental difference on many levels. they are both part of the dark triad (along with narcissism) and refer to a branch of psychology that is morally inept, those who are most at risk of committing crimes, regardless of whether they feel remorse or not afterwards.
whereas psychopathy says that "violence is power", don't know how to deal with others' emotions given that they themselves can't feel much and don't feel the difference between right and wrong; machiavellianism says "violence is necessary", are emotionally calculated and know the difference between right and wrong, but fail to acknowledge it.
so, clearly gogol is machiavellianist, right?
he is living in a lie that he fabricated for himself, which is where the factitious tendencies come from. factitious disorder in and of itself is a serious mental disorder in which someone deceives others by appearing sick, by purposely getting sick or by self-injury.
very little is known about this mental illness due to the amount of deceit regarding it, but most agree that lying about your physical and mental health is done to receive sympathy.
based on my knowledge, i believe that they most likely lie in order to gain acceptance from themselves, whether sympathy from others is a medium in order to achieve it or not.
now, why would gogol want acceptance from himself? he's hot af and could rip this 🅱ussy in half any day of the week 😍😍😍
sorry. back to being serious. (that isn't to say i wasn't serious when i said HE COULD RIP THIS-)
gogol seeks freedom, this is the most evident thing that has been mentioned explicitly in the manga and is canon.
but freedom... from what?
here's an excerpt from his conversation with atsushi:
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In another scene, he explains the following: "Yet, Dos-kun was different. He said, 'Splendid. In opposition to god, you are fighting to lose sight of yourself'. It moved me deeply. He was looking into my essence. Dos-kun was the one person in my life who understood. My intimate friend. That's what I thought. And then I realized..."
first off, all of this is kinda gay bro.
second, i love what fyodor said. "you are fighting to lose sight of yourself".
remember the factitious undertones to the sadism? yeah, that's it.
gogol feels things. he feels guilt when he murders and hurts others, he feels empathy enough to decide to let his victims die in a somewhat sparing way (meaning he let them believe he was insane. somehow, believing that you're being killed by another human being rather than a monster who is out of their mind brings peace to us. humans are such odd creatures.) in short, he feels things. he is not a psychopath. he is not entirely machiavellianist, even if his actions say he is.
back to the initial question. what does gogol desire freedom from?
he wants to be free from his emotions.
one theory i've seen somewhere, which i agree wholeheartedly with, is that he said he wanted to kill fyodor because fyodor represents his empathy, in a way. this is someone who understands him, who he considers his "close friend".
whether you ship or not, there's an undeniable connection between the two characters. it's sort of like when you drop out of school to join a gang; wouldn't it be better to start fresh? to remove all the remnants of the old days?
now, all that's left is to cut off him off from existence.
one question i have that i can't answer in a rhetorically intelligent way is why the fuck would he want to take away his humanity?
if someone sees their humanity as a restraint, something that keeps them from flying off with their own wings, don't you think it would be safe to assume that there must be something so terrible that scares them off, like birds flying off a tree branch as soon as they are shaken or they hear a loud noise, like a gunshot or a scream?
gogol likely desires to have control over his emotions. since emotions are uncontrollable things, he decides that he'd much rather be rid of them.
these restraints, these limitations to his freedom, so to speak, are just further proof that he's trying to convince himself of something. he's taking "fake it 'til you make it" to the extreme.
he wants to be able to murder people without having a mask on. he wants to be unburdened by empathy and sadness. he wants to live a life in which he isn't truly living.
this draws a beautiful parallel between him and dazai, but i'll get into this later on.
for gogol, violence is an escape. he feels great thinking about it, he feels great hurting others, and he feels great afterwards.
at least, he wants to feel that way.
(which is contradictory; does he want to feel nothing, or does he want to feel no empathy? in my opinion, he wants a little bit of both)
he's a clown, really. he makes us laugh and presents playfulness while tormenting atsushi. however, he isn't just a joker; he's a person behind his mask too. this is why i started by saying that he's a sad story hidden behind a funny one. once you truly get to know him, you realize that there's an emptiness in his soul. a dead soul.
for this reason, gogol suffers a lot, in my opinion. more so than the majority of bsd characters, which is already a lot. he has a hollow heart that craves to be whole, which in turn craves to be unbreakable, causing him to display a hollow heart. he's layers upon layers of lies to the point where he can't tell if he genuinely enjoys violence or not.
as someone who struggles with a similar loss of truth on a daily basis, I can tell you that it's more terrorizing than feeling pain flat out, it's like a shadow creeping out of your closet. if you knew for a fact that it was nothing, you could sleep soundly or tell yourself that it isn't real. if you knew that it was a person, you could react adequately; but what would you do if you don't know what it is? you can't sleep but can't lay awake, constantly second-guessing yourself until you've gone totally mad. for gogol, this "shadow" is a representation of his emotions, and he can't be at peace so long as he can't tell what's going on. no wonder he'd want it - whether good or bad - gone, for good. he'd finally be free to be at peace with himself and the world.
now, linking it to the real gogol.
Nikolai Gogol's greatest and most renowned work was Dead Souls (funny, isn't it? what he has and/or what he desires most is a dead soul) in which the main character ran around buying dead people in legal terms in order to get money out of it. he was a con man, that Chichikov, a faint resemblance to the bsd version.
Funnier still was that the book has no ending.
He burnt it.
A priest (some people argue that he had fallen in love with said priest and that he was undoubtedly gay) told him that his second volume was sinful and that he should destroy it.
If I had to relate this to the character, i would say it shows two things about gogol;
he still has a moral compass, a sense of what is right and what is wrong; he will listen to others and by listen, i mean truly listen to what they're saying, and then take in consideration their words. (personally, i'd've wished he told the priest to go fuck himself and walked away so that i could read the end >:( )
second, he isn't attached to his work. after spending sleepless nights, days upon weeks upon months writing a book, would you throw it out as easily as that? i don't think i would. does this mean he valued that priest's opinion a lot? or did he maybe desire to display his detachment to reality, that he was perfectly capable of discarding the item and moving on with his life? to convince himself that he was capable of doing as he willed, not as his emotions willed?
i guess we'll never truly know.
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Fyodor Dostoyevsky
the mass murderer and terrorist. i wonder how he made it onto my list.
the enforcing sadist with undertones of narcissism and psychopathy
god i love talking about fyodor.
he's often reduced, just like his fanon bff gogol, to a shadow of himself. "stinky anemic rat with a god complex".
can't say i don't love the slander as well, but he's so much more than that.
when gifted with superhuman abilities, most people wouldn't say "ew this is gross, god wouldn't allow this so it's time to go murder everyone and sabotage society".
however, he's not like other girls ⛓🥀🖤👨‍🎤
fyodor is not a full on psychopath, people.
get this in your heads before i make an entire post dedicated solely to explain why he's not a psychopath.
first of all, psychopathy is a SPECTRUM. we all have a little psychopathy in us, and it's not particularly a terrible thing. fyodor may rank highly on this spectrum, but he is predominantly lenient towards narcissism
psychopaths care little about their own prosperity and have trouble sticking to long-term relationships and plans, which partially explains his inability to take care of himself. but idk fyodor, i don't think you created your plan to wipe out all ability users in the world overnight. his lack of self-care could very well be the product of something else, a lack of energy from his anemia or a disregard for his own health in the face of his goal.
this doesn't mean he doesn't fit a lot of the criteria; he lacks empathy for others, is emotionally calculated and doesn't burst out in rage or sadness.
...which ends up being countered as well. if he were a true psychopath, he'd be a lot less surprised in the end of season 3 when he got caught; instead, he'd've shrugged and been like "oh". he equally would probably not derive pleasure from something small like classical music and playing the cello.
he also leans towards narcissism; he believes he is the only one destined to do this. i see him as being emotionally equivalent to the main character of Notes From Underground; he has this blatant belief that he's better than others and knows that he thinks he's better than others.
from this reason, i've been going back and forth between "he's a psychopath", "no he isn't", "yes he is", "what if he was a narcissist?", "SHUT UP I'M DEBATING WHETHER HE'S A PSYCHOPATH OR NOT! "
it's the same tale in his relationship with violence and sadism; he doesn't feel empathy for his victims. i doubt he thought about bby karma a single time since killing him. he lives in the grey area between "i don't care, period," and "i am the only one who is allowed to kill them because i'm the chosen one so it's okay if i don't care."
the enforcing sadist is another term i've thrown into there. enforcing sadists tend to be people with other authoritative functions who feel they should be the ones controlling and punishing people who have broken rules, regulations or laws, which immediately signals narcissism.
i find fyodor's religious view important as well, actually. you might've overlooked it, as has most of the fandom, but he often says "sin" and mentions god when discussing his virtues and motives.
you'd think a religious man would be just a TAD bit less murderous.
fyodor believes his violence is justified, though, which dehumanizes the victim for him.
he sees the crime, he inflicts the punishment.
everything he does is for god, or his beliefs, so why wouldn't he enjoy it?
in current society, religion is being given less and less importance. back in the time and location of irl fyodor, however, it must've been big, explaining why he mentions it.
he is actually the only one who mentions his devotion to god frequently out of all the bsd characters.
why, why? that is the question, why the devotion?
some people stick to religion because of culture; others because they were forced to by their family; a select few because of instances of inexplicable moments occurring in their lives that drive them to seek answers in the skies; not to forget the majority that stick to it because they believe.
fyodor believes. boil it down to "communism" if you will, but he likely believes in the equality of all men. or maybe, he just sees power as untrustworthy in the hands of "mere mortals" (i agree, and so do tons of past philosophers. even socrates criticized democracy because it gave power to idiots and educated people alike, which is why i think fyodor might believe this as well)
unpopular opinion: fyodor is incapable of genuine happiness.
i believe he might experience brief schadenfreude (enjoyment obtained from the troubles of others), but accomplishing things just go through his head.
everything goes according to plan, and then he makes another plan.
it's a way of surviving, but not of living.
he has a deep character that is dumbed down to a genius, but where's the beauty in being a genius?
geniuses lack this fundamental connection to other people because they're often considered beneath them. this is the same with dazai, who can't emotionally connect because he knows he won't be understood, which in turn makes him belittle their value.
so, does fyodor fit the bill for a sadist? does he enjoy hurting others?
i don't particularly think so.
he just hurts others because he "has to", and doesn't feel much during, before or after it. perhaps to say he doesn't feel much is going too far; i'm sure watching others squeal and squirm under his grip inflates his sense of self-worth and self-importance, but very limitedly.
a particular point i'd like to make was when fyodor "removed feeling from Ivan's brain". sir, how the fuck did you do that. part of his ability? perhaps. in that case, it's very plausible he used it on himself.
now, onto irl Fyodor.
he was a philosopher on top of writer, and is no stranger to death. if i recall correctly, his wife and children died during his lifetime (he remarried though, partially to get out of his financial debt), and was arrested in 1849 for belonging to a literary group that discussed banned books critical of Tsarist Russia, he was sentenced to death but the sentence was commuted at the last moment. he spent four years in a Siberian prison camp, followed by six years of compulsory military service in exile. yikes. that's bound to expose you to a nasty part of humanity, which was evident in his writing and books.
The House of the Dead has a lot of information on this. In the first few chapters especially, MC discusses how terrible it is to be in isolation and how it can drive a man mad. if you want to read a dostoy book, check out Crime and Punishment, but if you're going for a closer look at his life, that is the book to read.
so, prone to violence? no, not necessarily. but he's been around it and has seen what it does to people, all the terrible things that exist. (read his books btw they're so nicely written, dark but there's trickling beauty in his darkness)
tl;dr: he's a stinky anemic rat with a god complex
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Teruko Ōkura
child with anger issues.
jkjk i love her she's so pretty like pls step on me
the explosive sadist with severe mood swings, potential borderline personality disorder (?)
the question mark next to bpd was very much intentional.
now, it's pretty obvious why i included this, given her apparent mood swings. she goes from threatening everyone in the vicinity to sucking up to fukuchi in a split second.
(very small side note: i believe her attitude towards fukuchi needs more attention. why would she be so obedient towards him in contrast with every single person she meets? i have a small theory that she might have some kind of a past with him that mirrors yosano's with mori, that she was recruited for her ability/talent by fukuchi and it actually went well. eerily so. @ asagiri, gimme answers ho 👹)
back to her violent nature.
an explosive sadist is described as "those who are prone to losing control, known for being unpredictably violent. this manifests through tantrums, fearsome attacks on others, especially family members, and uncontrollable rage."
there's a but.
1) let's not kid ourselves, she's a queen and she deserves praise. when you put aside her personality and attitude, she clearly has some strong ideals under that terrorizing expression. what needs to be emphasized is that she doesn't hide her ideals under her sadism, like nikolai, nor does she use this mask to protect her true thoughts, like dazai.
her sadism is directly linked to her belief in the goodness of society.
it's really amazing how well this was displayed in the manga, and frankly i'd like to see more of it, but she had a moment, right before kicking the shit out of sigma, where she was being genuine in her explanation of the hunting dogs and her belief.
"Without order, people 'built for violence' would end up standing above the population. A world like that would be garbage. Therefore, if the Hunting Dogs exercise the strongest power as society's servants… We are searing the flames of order into our own selves."
she explains that she and the hunting dogs go through monthly surgeries to maintain their superhuman bodies.
why is she explaining this?
to make it perfectly clear how strong she is
part of her sadism comes from a domineering sense of superiority that she displays frequently. she is allowed to threaten jouno and get away with it because she is strong and could very easily kill any of them, or damn well torture them out of their minds with a flick of the pinky.
most strong bsd characters either don't think they are strong (akutagawa), overestimate their strength (fitzgerald, sigma) or are perfectly content letting their actions prove their strength to others (most of them, such as dazai, fyodor, mori, chuuya).
what makes teruko different is that she constantly reminds everyone of her wrath.
if you're so pissed all the time, just kill someone? wouldn't that be easier than constantly threatening everyone around?
clearly, it's not all bark and no bite. she does bite, and she bites rather hard. no, the reason she threatens everyone is because she has a faint trace of superiority that she enjoys.
sadists typically enjoy being in control. for teruko, she likes to see other people cower before her, once they've gotten over the initial shock of her age/personality. afterwards, she makes it painstakingly clear that she could kill them at any moment; that's what she loves the most about violence. yes, she may enjoy it during the moment, or perhaps afterwards looking back, but she loves the foreplay of the violence, if you will. she likes riling them up and asserting dominance over this person before physically destroying them.
i believe this is the reason she explained herself as a hunting dog to sigma. she didn't have to give her mini speech, but she does anyways. she shows him that he's severely overestimating himself, that the "desperation" he regards as his biggest strength is in fact just a daily part of life out in the real world.
after gouging out her ear to avoid his attack in chapter 76, this is what happens:
Sigma: "Do you see, hunting dog? This is it! Everything I've attained here, the strength of my feelings!"
Teruko: "...'The strength of my feelings', you said? Then, I'll ask... Why do you feel? When the one carrying that strength of feeling is you alone?
(yet another side note: i won't be analyzing sigma, but i would like to insert a small remark here. contrary to fanon sigma where he's baby and anxious all the time and we should protecc, he's actually so much more violent in canon. he tried to get innocent civilians to fight against the hunting dogs, a very dangerous unit, basically jeopardizing their lives just to save himself and his casino. he pulled teruko down with him in order to save the casion, basically trying to kill her (he did try to straight up kill her multiple times tho). desperation and anxiety makes people a lot more violent than we give them credit for, so no, sigma is NOT baby. more like a temperamental toddler that could very well ruin your life.)
this brings us to our second point:
2) she believes her violence is motivated. notice how she singled out Sigma because of the fact that he operates alone?
evidently she takes great pride in her cause with the hunting dogs, despite all of the sacrifices she's made to reach her current level, i.e. physical endurance and alterations.
so, the satisfaction from violence, for her, stems from the feeling of accomplishment and duty, not the actual pain. when she explodes and threatens people, it's more likely a side effect of living in the kind of dangerous environment that the hunting dogs operate in (if i were a child battling with some of the strongest adults in the world, i'd make sure i make my mark, too. in a competitive world like this one, you have to fight for your spot and maintain it, which is also a reason she gave that speech to Sigma, she's known desperation too and finds it insulting that he believes he can reach her strength with that alone).
here i'm supposed to talk about irl Teruko but it's criminal how little information there is about her.
if someone finds something, let me know please!
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Mori Ōgai
his description should include child abuser.
the tyrannical sadist with undertones of psychopathy.
before i start, i need to clarify a very important detail.
i don't endorse mori's actions, he is a pedophile and that is disgusting. however, his entire personality isn't just that, and for that reason i'm going to be analyzing him objectively. if mentions of pedophilia trigger you, skip this section because i will be mentioning it often.
out of all the bsd cast, he's the most likely to be a psychopath.
i'd absolutely love to see more Mori content. not where he's traumatizing children though, more like his backstory.
the abuse that affected dazai, akutagawa and kyouka, as well as most port mafia members and yosano all started with him. he's ground 0, yet there isn't a reason for his behavior.
since we can't see the past, let's work with what we have
mori is greatly detached from emotions, both his own and others'
he's ruthless. he treats death like a game. he hasn't shown any specific scenes in which he demonstrated raw emotion, which is where my conclusion that he ranks very highly on the psychopathic spectrum stems from.
his calmness is eerie. in his first appearance, he was trapped in Anne's Room and did not once panic. he remained calm when he discovered tachihara was a double agent, when akutagawa failed in capturing atsushi he said that "effort is what matters, results come second".
which is crazy, when you think about it. after all, he'd killed and manipulated such a large amount of people, yet he doesn't take failure of his subordinates to heart? why could that be?
he doesn't have a heart.
I don't often like decreeing that, since there's usually a story behind the heartlessness, and eventually some kind of soul under all those layers of trauma, but plain as day, Mori sees violence as nothing more than violence.
it hurts people. when hurting people is advantageous for him, he hurts them. when hurting people is not advantageous for him, he doesn't hurt them.
it's simple; the epitome of reasoning and logic without emotions clouding your judgement.
he prefers manipulating children because they're simply easier to control than adults whose ideals and personalities have, for the most part, already matured.
he is a tyrannical sadist, where forcing his victims to cower and submit gives him satisfaction. but he's not even that sadistic; sadism is, as i said before, deriving pleasure from other people's pain. Mori's pleasure is indirect; he doesn't necessarily like inflicting the pain (nor does he dislike it), he likes seeing the aftermath.
The aftermath being; brainwashed people and children who do everything he says; getting held in either high respect or high fear (sometimes a mix of both) by those around him; achieving his goals, as he did for yosano's arc where he forced her to heal soldiers and eventually mentally broke her, and being able to get the port mafia to thrive.
Another thing i want to mention when it comes to his tendency towards violence is that he rarely implements it directly himself, likely because this is logically the least advantageous of many options. he prefers, such as in the case where he leaked naomi and haruno's hideout to the guild. he didn't even have to fight anybody, and lessened the port mafia's workload by having the ADA and guild fight each other.
and in the end all he had to do was say the right words to the right person in order to ruin everybody else's lives.
the few times where his implication is direct is, unfortunately, when dealing with children. as seen with elise, his literal ability who conforms to what he wants her to be (meaning that he makes her bratty because it legit gives him sexual satisfaction what the actual fuck-) aka a bratty child who rebels against his orders.
just like dazai and yosano
in yosano's case, he did in fact break her, but this was in a different environment than dazai. they were in war. his goal was to demonstrate how useful ability users are to warfare, and she just happened to be a slightly bratty, naive girl who had a strong ability and no sense of what awaited her. he quite literally picked her up from the bakery or wtv where she worked and said "you have to heal all these dying people, who will be sent into battle and then come back to be healed once again". she was set up for failure, and i'm certain mori was aware of this. but did he care much? partially, for he doesn't like failure, but mori doesn't dread failure too much. if it happens, he moves on, just as how he came back for her after a while when she'd gotten taken in custody and said "get in loser we're going shopping" and invited her into the port mafia. she would've, had fukuzawa not came in and intervened, which makes her in a way somewhat lucky.
for dazai, this is a bit more complicated. he is very similar to mori in his actions and thinking, but is emotionally a fundamentally different person. mori knew that they were similar, and that's what scared him the most; fyodor had a similar approach, saying that dazai was the only person whose mind he "couldn't read", aka that he was unstable and unpredictable, which is what essentially caused controlling him becoming very difficult for mori, especially as someone who has trouble understanding emotions. he prompted oda to go take down mimic by leaking the information about the orphans, knowing fully well that oda would likely die. what he didn't expect was that dazai would react to his death by defecting, not delving further into the darkness. mori knew that dazai's intellect could very well one day be his undoing, and for that reason paid him special attention. however, it's still very difficult to deal with dazai, for reasons i'll get to later on.
i think his attraction towards children stems from a pleasure in seeing them raw. adults and older individuals are usually more self-conscious, constantly trying to prove to themselves and others that they're strong. mori knows how to deal with them because their emotions, their thoughts, their actions are so painfully predictable and easy to manipulate.
children, on the other hand, are much more brash and often think themselves the center of the universe. they have character, they have more unpredictable emotions, and when they get emotional, they get mf emotional. he sees this as both a challenge and a convenience; they're easy to manipulate, much more desirable to change the essence of a person when they're young, yet they still provide that futile bit of resistance, a characteristic shown often in the young girls which he preys on (yosano, elise)
however, he isn't 100% psychopathic.
he has goals. he respects certain people (natsume soseki). he is still capable of somewhat understanding other people's emotions.
therefore, mori's relationship with violence is complex, but down to the basics? he thinks it is power and uses it when needed, not excessively or anything though. he's a remarkable man, that i have to admit, and gets shit done, at the expense of everyone else around him's mental stability.
now, onto his irl.
his relationship with elise is, obviously, a demonstration of Mori's relationship with his daughter, Mari, who was also an author. he died when she was only 19, but afterwards she wrote extensively about her relationship with her father. Starting with her 1961 novella, A Lovers' Forest, she wrote tragic stories about love affairs between older men and boys in their late teens which influenced the creation of the Yaoi genre, stories about male-male relationships, written by women for women.
that last bit had little relevance lmao i just wanted to share that with someone.
he had to suffer through the war, which might be the reason why the bsd character is so prone to strategic intellect, but he was in fact also very talented, being an army surgeon, translator, multilingual and a writer. i respect the irl counterpart for his hard work, but clearly he had a questionable relationship with his daughter so NVM-
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Jouno Saigiku
the literal canon sadist.
the presumed psychopath who is in fact just your everyday sadist.
i won't be spending too long on jouno because his psyche isn't actually as complex as one can believe.
he's the product of his upbringing; sort of the same way as when, as a kid, you slowly learn over time certain things. for example, if you want candy, you have to ask an adult nicely for it, say please and thank you, and that you have to be polite about it, if you cry and throw a tantrum you won't get the candy.
jouno was trained to figure out that if he wants candy, he can just take it.
it is mentioned that, before becoming a hunting dog, he used to be a criminal executive, which is where his belief in doing wrong stems from. as he explained it himself,
"I just want to hurt people in the name of the law, corner them, and hear the sound of their destruction. […] I am a public evil. No matter how many criminals I torment, society will only give me praise and success for it."
this is 1) proof that his sadism stems not from a lack of emotions or a desire for certain emotions, but it's simply the way he was brought up. if a strong individual finds out they can take everything they want by force, who's to tell them that they can't? 2) he doesn't gain particular satisfaction from hurting others, he's simply indifferent to it. it's what he knows how to do.
for example, when interrogating the civilians, he didn't hesitate to showcase his strength and, most importantly, how unregulated it is. he could beat them up or kill them if he wanted to, the only reason he didn't was that tecchou was there.
i don't believe that he sees anything inherently wrong in his behavior; he knows his actions are wrong morally, but they're praised in society, so does that truly make them wrong? nevertheless, he still has a moral compass, as was demonstrated when he declined fukuchi's offer to join the decay of angels.
so, a bad boy? not really. jouno was just bred to value ruthless actions and keeps it as his modus operandi due to habit. he's a good man, though, and I would very much trust him with my life.
for his irl counterpart, once again there isn't much info on him.
from what i know, he was a gesaku writer, which is a school of Japanese literature that is basically playful, mocking, joking, silly, or frivolous, all alluding to his personality. like i said; nothing exceptional about his sadism. it's just fun and games, and it's harmless. in this case, i would classify it as sadistic tendencies rather than sadistic impulses.
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Dazai Osamu
the one and only suicidal maniac
(whose relationship with death is rather intriguing, but i'll get to that later)
the machiavellianist who just wants to feel something.
first of all i need people to STOP saying they kin dazai as if it's their only personality trait. i'm going to repeat this a thousand times because i physically cannot keep reiterating this to everyone who claims to be a dazai kinnie
he is more complex than simply being suicidal
in fact, i would go so far as to say that he isn't truly suicidal. but i'll leave that for last, because isn't death the epitome of violence?
there's also a significant difference between the three "phases" of dazai, if you will; dazai before he met chuuya, dazai before odasaku's death, dazai after odasaku's death
as you can notice, the three segments of his life are not revolving around an important event, but around people.
that is the first sign that dazai has empathy and emotions, thus is not a psychopath.
similarly to gogol, he is a machiavellianist: (recap for those who don't remember, machiavelleniasm says "violence is necessary", are emotionally calculated and know the difference between right and wrong, but fail to acknowledge it.)
where he and gogol differ is their desire for emotions.
dazai wants to feel something. gogol wants to feel nothing.
dazai welcomes pain. gogol wants to be rid of it.
dazai is fighting against his past to become a better person. gogol is fighting against his past to become a worse person.
now, for that last segment, dazai isn't necessarily trying to become a better person, per se; and gogol isn't trying to become worse. the former is simply attempting to embrace his emotions more often, while the latter is trying everything in his power to get rid of his.
now, how does this play into his relationship with violence?
notice how the machiavellianist says "violence is necessary"? that's a key point; dazai doesn't feel good about his violence. pre-chuuya, he obviously felt nothing about hurting others, nothing with a hint of catharsis. as shown in the gif above, he's shooting that man over and over again, even if it's not necessary, which is where the slight catharsis comes into play.
however, it doesn't truly let his emotions out. it's a bit like self-hypnosis, you get into a groove and cannot stop because there's something trance-like in the way that he keeps shooting, over and over again. it's something he has control over. it's something that is simple. it's something that doesn't require emotional strain.
dark era dazai, on the other hand, doesn't have that erraticism of his younger counterpart. if you will, his relationship with violence matured; he doesn't use it excessively.
it is during this phase of his life that he most resembles mori.
after odasaku's death, everything changes (a large amount of analyses about why this is have been written. I recommend going to check those out because I won't be talking about why his view of the world changed, but what impact it had on his sadistic tendencies).
dazai no longer sees violence as the only way.
but it's still an option.
something that can be pointed out as a factor of how much importance he attributes violence is how often he puts on his mask of being a goofy, laid back individual.
you see it around 15 when he teases chuuya; yes, he's broken. yes, he commits a lot of murder. but he doesn't hurt the children. he doesn't have this cloud of darkness that follows him everywhere he goes, unlike dark era dazai, for whom silly moments are much less frequent. then, there's ada dazai, who is simply always in the mood to annoy kunikida.
it's a pretty accurate rep of how sadistic he is because dazai is unable to feign happiness.
(a quick reminder that happiness and light-heartedness are two distinct things.)
dazai can act carefree, but he cannot act genuinely alright. there's a subtle difference between the two, and for that reason they've been mistaken for each other on many occasions.
when dazai is light-hearted, he somewhat enjoys the violence, meaning that he doesn't mind it. it's simply a part of his day and doesn't affect him.
when dazai is happy, he avoids violence. he will get someone else to do the dirty work, and even then he'll chose the most pacifistic solution.
unlike some of the other characters, dazai's emotions does not rely on his violence, but his violence relies on his emotions.
to put it in another way, how much pain he's willing to inflict is based on his mood, which is the opposite of, for example, akutagawa who attacks in order to repress his fear and feel better about himself (sadly, it doesn't work).
onto akutagawa, who was the victim of his abuse.
aku felt respect for dazai's machiavellanism. he looked up to this man who was (or at least appeared) indifferent towards violence and said, "i want to be like that".
in turn, dazai saw aku as a sort of toy to play with.
it's a power that he wanted over his own emotions, but was unable to get. so, he decided to mimic his desire but over someone else's emotions.
it's a basic sadomasochistic tendency; to project yourself into another person and take control by hurting them.
he dissociates from the world, and views it all as if he himself is no longer a human, and then takes a certain pleasure of tormenting this other person as if he were tormenting himself. it is for that reason that he is violent when light-hearted; light hearted is a façade, a mask he puts on in order to hide the fact that he feels empty.
dazai's emotions are a beautifully complex thing and it just breaks my heart when i tell people about him and they say "oh yeah, that's the guy that's suicidal right??"
if he truly wanted death, he works in a pretty dangerous field and could go out. he has no family holding him back and with the mindset he has, he might believe that all his friends don't care about the real him, just the "dazai show" he puts on. so really, nothing is stopping him.
that's where his boredom comes into play; while in Meursault, he told fyodor that at first it was fun, but now he was getting bored and they should start to think about getting out.
this also applies to his mood swings, and hence his violence.
dazai gets more sadistic when things become dull.
or, inversely, when he himself begins to fall into a mind melding routine. you see, dazai hates the idea of letting his feelings settle among the dust. instead of, as many millennials might opt to do, curl up into a ball and act lethargic and listless in your day to day activities, thus worsening your mental state by doing nothing to stop its decline, dazai actually decides to shake it up. it keeps him alive and allows him to continue to teeter on the thin tightrope he created for himself out of fleeting moments of energy, hovering over a vast expanse of a field of death and despair to which he nearly succumbed several times.
i won't be drawing the comparison between dazai in the anime and irl dazai because there's so much to unpack and he's an emotionally complex character. so, go read No Longer Human and tell me yourself what you think!!
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Fukuchi Ōchi
literally everyone hates his guts. enforcing sadist as well as spineless sadist all mixed up into one cocktail of major dickhead.
woah woah, let's slow down there, did i just classify him as the same type of sadist as.. aku??
give me a second. I'm getting there, sheesh 🙄
i'm going to be putting personal hatred for the man asides, because I think a lot of people immediately label him "dickhead" and forget to understand him first, just as with Mori.
Fukuchi is a war hero. he went to the same academy as fukuzawa and things were great... until he enlisted in the Great War. he saw and was forced by the government to torture women, children, men and all other genders and eventually couldn't take it all, began harboring a hatred for the government for creating this disgusting war.
it was all he ever knew, war. he came to believe he was "born on the battlefield".
here's an extract from the bsd wiki to show what kind of change happened afterwards:
Despite these facts, 12 years ago, he was invited to the opening of the Armed Detective Agency where he drunk himself silly, caused a ruckus, and urinated all over the newly made Agency doorplate which Ranpo saw and was disgusted by. Despite the shameful actions, Fukuzawa interpreted them to be a sign of grief and wailing that he had found his life's purpose one step ahead of him and that he was lonely because of that fact. It was on this day that Fukuzawa told Ranpo that he trusted Fukuchi more than anyone in the world, which reinforced Ranpo's trust in him based solely on blind faith alone, while Fukuzawa was completely oblivious to his friend's hatred and bitterness towards him.
after that, he created the hunting dogs and amped up his battle, fighting all kinds of huge threats and eventually becoming Kamui from the Decay of the Angels.
i don't blame him.
if you look at it from an objective point of view, Fukuchi is, just as Fukuzawa suggested, a grief-stricken man. he saw death, experienced it, caused it; death was all he'd ever known.
there are two ways to react to that, to crave light dearly but still enclose yourself in the darkness, as Kyouka did.
or, you can rebel against it all.
tachihara rebelled against his family, nikolai rebelled against his emotions, akutagawa rebelled against his fears. fukuchi is the same, only he rebelled against the goddamn world, and that isn't an exaggeration.
circling back to violence, fukuchi isn't a particularly violent individual. i wouldn't say he loves it, nor hates it. he himself is a erratic person in terms of hygiene and shame, doing borderline disgusting things such as throwing up from drinking too much, farting, flat out saying that he's still young because his ass cheeks are still fucking peachy.
these are all coping methods
when you start to belittle the value of life of others, your own seems to be less important as well, in certain senses. his pride, his image, they all don't matter in the end; he's still a tool of murder.
now, for someone who is so against war, he seems just a little too eager to start one.
he's been praised all his life for his skill and ability, his ego must be huge at this point. with all this power, why wouldn't he think that he's the only one fit enough to fix the world? the book is a very powerful thing, and he believes himself in charge of it, and thus the entire globe.
he clearly doesn't spend too much time dealing with his doa subordinates (fyodor is about to fight to the death and gogol who orchestrated this is literally waving his hand in the air and asking sigma to get him popcorn). this is a sign that Fukuchi sees them more as tools, and he doesn't even need them all that much.
he's a hypocrite. an enforcing sadist who believes he's the only one who is allowed to kill thousands in order to bring world peace, yet he hates war. a spineless sadist who is lashing out at the universe because, as Fukuzawa pointed out, he's lonely.
The guy is really just lonely.
It's the saddest of all the bungou stray dog characters' stories, in my opinion. Not because it's tragic, or because it speaks to my heart, but because he'll never have a happy ending, nor will he have a happy middle.
He's a sad old man who keeps digging himself deeper in his troubles with the very same violence he hates, and I think he knows it; but he's too deep in, now, to see the sunlight.
and for what is he digging this hole? why does no one tell him that he's not mining for gold, but digging his own grave?
And when he dies eventually, ruler of the world or not?
No one at his funeral would truly know him.
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bonus: Tetchō Suehiro
the loml.
the pacifistic soldier who, despite his job, still desires to protect those with a good heart.
I find that tecchou needs to be given more screen time in order to better appreciate and understand his character because I personally believe that there's a fundamentality of strength of beliefs needed in order to achieve the diligence that he exhibits.
first and foremost, we have no information on his backstory, which really makes me mad.
when fukuchi went through war, he decided to dominate the world and kill thousands. when jouno was in a crime organization, he came out believing that violence gets praised in this society. when tachihara suffered the loss of his older brother and constant belittlement from his family, he became extremely erratic and chaotic.
then there's this gorgeous fucker.
i'm certain he's witnessed plenty of death, some of which might've been his fault, due to his line of work. yet he is firm with jouno when it comes to protecting innocents?
i frikkin love him.
but there's something i'm missing.
let's take kunikida as an example. he sticks by his ideals with an almost comedic grip, never ceasing to believe in doing good, even if it costs him his life.
the reason? partially because he's failed before in saving people. (unpopular opinion; kunikida deserves more unconditional love. the guy has a heart of gold, whereas his bratty and murderous partner with a tainted soul gets all the love.)
now, is that the case with tecchou? what could possibly have made him despise violence and cherish good people so much?
i don't have an answer for that and i'm currently writing a 10k word essay to asagiri to demand an explanation/hj
now, my first instinct was to think that it had something to do with his weird habits and tics, especially with food and concentration.
i quickly discovered that i was a clown, not that this was new information.
The name Tetchō means 'Iron Stomach'.
haha, very funny, asagiri.
what i do value the most out of tecchou's character is how simple he is. he fights for what is right, takes down what is wrong, and is efficient. he trains to get stronger, he eats the food, he watches the ants, there's nothing more complex to him, which is where the beauty of his personality stems from.
on top of this, his soldier-like personality is just a clever allusion to irl tecchou's samurai lineage.
perhaps sometimes there truly is nothing to analyze. for this reason, i'm not going to be complicating the character.
he has a wonderful design and i hope to see more from him, perhaps an outburst of emotion (since he's been rather emotionless ever since he was introduced. not like dazai or fyodor, but like he's got nothing going on in his mind and he really just doesn't give a single shit about it) once he discovers that fukuchi was a fraud.
----------------------------------------------------------------------- there are, of course, many more i did not mention, and i could go on and on forever about each individual, but these are the biggest names that have enough information about them up until now and as good of a summary that i can provide. i would've loved to include agatha as well, but she hasn't appeared nearly enough, and verlaine, but i haven't done enough research on SB. would yall want a part 2 with any specific characters??
a quick reminder that all of this is purely my own interpretation of the characters. feel free to discuss this further or point out any mistakes i may have made, i love to hear other people's opinions!! also, this has been done for leisure; i am not a psychologist and cannot diagnose any of these characters with anything.
bungou stray dogs is perhaps the anime that spends the most time talking about the characters' mental state in a somewhat realistic way, and for this reason, i've grown to love the fandom so much that i pulled this unedited rambling out of own ass to try to contribute to yall 😩💗 ly, stay safe and have a nice day :)
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hamartia-grander · 2 years
HI LOTUS thanks for always being so suportive ily hope you're having a nice day <3
thoughts on the first to eps of obi-wan ? 👀👀
HI SISSI I LOVE YOU!!! I am actually having a very nice day, thank you. I hope you're well <333
Obi Wan Kenobi spoilers ahead!!
Ohymyiddoduddu oh my GOD. I love this show. I LOVE this show. I was not prepared to be so invested in it as I am now. I finished the eps and was vibrating with excitement.
First and foremost. I'm in love with Reva. She's so cool and badass and I love her voice so much??? She has such a nice voice. And I really really hope she gets a redemption arc, because 1. She freaking deserves to be loved and cared for, and 2. [Jedi: Fallen Order spoilers] we almost had a great Inquisitor redemption arc with Trilla but then she was killed off for shock factor. I'm still so pissed about that. She deserved better, and so does Reva.
There's lots of little things I love too. The fact that Obi Wan got Luke that toy ship. That Obi Wan gets a little snack for his Eopie every day. That Owen didn't sell him out. That Bail Organa reassured Leia and knocked out every one who tries to say that adopted kids aren't legitimate. That baby Luke escapes responsibility at every chance to pretend he's flying a ship. That baby Leia absolutely murdered her cousin in a verbal throw down, like full on K.O., total devastation, I was dying.
Baby Leia oh my God. Finally she gets the spotlight. And her dynamic with Obi Wan was so cute and lovely and heartbreaking at the same time. When he said no to the gloves and then .2 seconds later bought her the gloves, I was dying laughing. This man. And how she literally is both of her parents like. Big cry. I love her so much.
I always liked Obi Wan as a character, he was never like my top 5 but I definitely liked him. With this show I feel like we're getting more parts of him I've always seen, but not enough of yk? And I really appreciate it. We get to see his caution and wariness as a hunted jedi on the run, but we also get to see his kindness, how perceptive he is, his connection with other living beings, and how even though he keeps going, everything is weighing down on him and he knows it. It's refreshing to see this side of him, both the revered former jedi and the weary man still so full of love despite everything he's been through. I love him sm.
I also loved all the parallels in this of Obi Wan to Rey. Idk if it was intentional, for any reason, or if its just star wars' natural "poetry" as they say, but they were pretty blatant parallels that I loved. Obi Wan making his instant bread and sitting and eating it outside his living space just like Rey did in TFA, Obi Wan burying his lightsabers in the sand like Rey did in TROS. And then of course, Obi Wan having his repetitive, structured life - a life he lived for others - interrupted by a greater calling outside of what he's grown used to that he's hesitant to pursue at first but once he does, he does so with full passion and commitment, similar to Rey's story. It almost makes me wish they'd had Rey be related to him somehow, even though I know that wouldn't really make any sense lmao. It's just nice to see the similarities. And I also love Rey Skywalker very much.
I think it's very impactful that the moment Obi Wan opens himself up to the force after 10 years of hiding, he finds Anakin. Obviously he closed himself off from the force so as to not be easily traced, but I like to think a part of that was also that he didn't want to reach out in the force and not find Anakin. I recently started reading the Ahsoka novel by E. K. Johnston and Ahsoka was in a similar situation. She hid from the force because she felt vulnerable, and afraid they'd find her, but also she said she dreaded reaching out in the force and feeling everyone she loved, gone. (cause she thought Anakin and Obi Wan were both dead.) So to see Obi Wan's hesitant belief, and the fact that he immediately finds Anakin, makes me think maybe he dreaded that too, maybe he was scared of not feeling anyone he cared for, because that meant they were really gone. And his love for Anakin, as a brother, mentor, father figure, and teacher, just transcended all obstacles, and even though he saw Anakin fall to the darkside, he still loves him, he will always love him, and he's both relieved that Anakin survived and terrified of what he's become. It's so fucking heartbreaking and I love it.
The only thing I'm kinda iffy about is the Grand Inquisitor? He can't actually be dead, because we see him in Rebels, which is about 4 years after Kenobi right? Idk the exact time but it's definitely after. So there's gotta be some way they like save his life or something. But with how they ended it I almost fear they're going to retcon his rebels presence or something. I really hope they don't do that and I won't assume until I see it, but it would be upsetting. I'm expecting there to be some deus ex machina of sorts and we find out he's actually still very much alive in the next ep. Fingers crossed fhdjsjss.
But yes I so loved the first two episodes and I'm SO excited for more. How did you feel about the show?
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dear-kumari · 3 years
Why don't we talk abt the double standards that exists in any? This chap jaeha tells hiury that he can't see violence against a defenceless woman no matter the circumstances while 2 chap ago he threatened the same woman of life just for trying to slap yona and let's not forget how they're absolutely fine to danger the mortal innocent ppl just to save(?) their immortal pal. Ofc I don't stand for hiurys violence but logically he's doing this to keep the most imp secret safe. But yk both situations aren't framed equally in terms of morality
Hi anon!  fwiw, I haven’t actually read the chapter yet; I’m waiting for the fan scanlation rn, since ET Scans have made it abundantly clear that they aren’t reliable translators (ofc I can’t completely avoid them because ppl post their stuff in the tags, but whatever).  So, just assume anything I say about it here is my impression based on quick translations and summaries I’ve seen on Twitter.
I do agree that there’s a double standard in the framing of CC vs. HHB, and that the tournament chapters vs. ch. 201/204 really drive home that double standard.  As far as Jaeha’s actions, I guess I’ll push back a little on his behalf and say that he didn’t threaten Meinyan with violence in ch. 202, his best bro Kija did.  We do have an instance of him threatening a defenseless woman’s life, though, and that was during the tournament!  He also threatened her baby. :)  But, ya know, it’s totally okay because he only trying to provoke Geuntae into cutting him down — which, given the circumstances, could’ve led to even worse consequences, like riots and political unrest breaking out because the Earth Tribe general killed the sacred green dragon — so yeah, no negative framing or callouts necessary for him there.  Lovable scamp, that Jaeha.  Even the guy whose wife and child he just threatened can’t stay mad at him!
Forgive me for going on a tangent here, but yeah, the whole tournament fiasco was some bs.  The in-universe justification that Jaeha and Kija were “carefully aiming” the rocks so people wouldn’t get “seriously” hurt was also bs.  Rapa almost got his face crushed in by one, and Hak had to catch a man-sized one and deflect others while in the middle of a crowd.  People were also scrambling over each other in a panic to get out of the lower seats, so someone could’ve been hurt or killed there as well.  Also, how the hell would they know that no one had been seriously injured?  A projectile’s kinda out of your hands once you fling it, plus they both immediately passed out and had to get medical attention.  Jaeha had no way of confirming that people hadn’t gotten hurt or killed; we can only assume he was right because no one’s brought it up since.  Yayyy, I love when nothing matters
And like I’ve mentioned before, I don’t think they even needed to have “real” consequences for their actions during the tournament.  What they needed was for literally anyone outside of their insular found family circle to be like “hey, that was stupid and immoral and you should feel bad.”  Suwon and Keishuk have to deal with Yona’s righteous callouts in ch. 201/204 after making stupid reckless decisions, so where’s the righteous callout for the dragons’ stupid reckless decisions?  Why is it okay for one group of people to go this far to protect their own but not okay when another group does basically the same thing?  idk why this has to be said, but throwing deadly projectiles at crowds of innocent civilians isn't morally superior to siccing Hyuri on someone.
(Also re: Hyuri himself, I don’t think his morality or decision-making factors into this at all, so Jaeha’s words towards him kinda just feel unnecessary.  The man has no agency, he’s just a big scary plot device.  I love him and his wacky goofy murder antics, but it’s true.)
When the dragons go too far to keep their totally capable bros “safe” and ignore any alternatives, they get cheers and a knowing smirk from Hak and some flaccid “stop being so reckless” scolding from their bros.  When the coup bois go too far to keep king and country safe and ignore any alternatives, they get smacked with callouts and villainous framing up the wazoo.  More importantly, they only ever make decisions like this in service of getting characters from point A to point B and making Yona look good.  There’s been a lot of debate about whether Suwon’s decision in the latest chapter was logical or not, but idk if it even matters.  As long as this series feels the need to make hot passionate love to the protagonists’ self-righteousness at every turn, it will never mature into the good, nuanced coming-of-age story it thinks it is.
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mifhortunach · 3 years
hall🎃ween k🔪lls!; deffo spoilers going forward:
im just writing all of this out properly bc I dont like leaving more negative stuff in gif-makers’ tags, ykwim?
this is. god its a fuckn weird movie - but not even like in a particularly memorable or likeable way. its weird just in terms of the choices made when it was being made. 
ill admit fairly up-top that I didnt see the 2018 1st in the trilogy one of these - so I was coming into this with only a vague osmosis’d knowledge of that, as well as this* review as an idea of what was up. So.. I wasn’t necessarily coming in with super high hopes, and the middle part of a trilogy is always yk. a weird one, kinda saggy lol.
more than anything else I guess, I dont understand where the part of this im meant to enjoy, is? Personally, if we’re assuming this is a slasher, I like to read those as the kills only working on some pretty basic conditions - the Ultimate one being that you ~the audience~ has to enjoy them, or be scared by them, have some sort of reaction at least! and imo, where that reaction can be built is through the victims either dying luridly/gorily, ‘having it coming’(TM)**, or having enough to them that the audience can identify/empathise. this has none of that at all. the kills like, sure theyre pretty horrible! but its so cold and early 00s nu-metal-esque that they did nothing for me personally. boy are they gory! but its all quick cuts, and jump-ins for emphasis or trying to milk the ‘aw this shits legit’ factor. like, its just violence for the sake of violence and its not that fun and its not that interesting. 
There’s a scene when Myers exits the house fire, and he’s faced this big gang of firefighters, and he readies his weird double-ended stolen fire-axe, and goes to town on them. Like splatters their skulls open, leaving some looking like anyone from alien who got acid spat onto them. Its just like all.. so nu-metal, early 00s blue & red cold lighting. As a better example, it seems to be trying to set the thing up as like, ‘ANYONE could get killed here!’ - Mr. Myers is a fully equal-opportunity killer let it be known- he tears his way through these firefighters, then ends up in the house of some old couple and kills them, and so on and so on. As soon as a character appears on screen you’re measuring the time until they get killed off coldly and uninterestingly. There’s no tension to it.    
I know the previous film got a lot of praise & stuff for the themes that it was working with; esp the way that trauma effects family units. As far as I can tell thats not carried forward too well in this one?? The themes are THERE I guess, but never in action imo, only in dialogue. There’s a brief glance at the way that a tragedy can effect a community, and how mob justice can lead to hyperbole (”Evil Dies Tonight!”) and off the rails behaviour; as well as that Michael will ‘always return’ as long as there’s people to be scared of him. To be frank, I dont actually recall enough of it at this point to get into any more detail. /obvs/ I know that people aren't coming to these for the riveting and deeply meaningful dialogue, but sometimes it’d be nice to see an effort pretend to be made.   
This has all been super negative, so let me kinda ‘wrap up’ on stuff I liked about it. I thought the set-up of,, he’s Always on a quest to return ‘home’, to like, re-inhabit a specific moment in space/time; there’s something that I do find compelling on some level to that, like, a constant act of trying to return home. Tied up with that is that I did like the stuff with the window, idk if its actually worth much, but I thought the ‘who ever looks through that window sees what he sees and is doomed for it’ thing worked, idk! The Two Johns were also a highlight! Even if more of the ‘equal opportunity movie monster/murderer’, and ‘as soon as you see a character u start the stopwatch for their death’, but!! I thought they were honestly well played and well brought to life! I thought their scenes were charming, got across a lot of character p efficiently, and - biggest compliment here - was actually a bit bummed about them dying despite knowing they were definitely going to for the previous 45-ish min.    
Ah otherwise, idk, it moves pretty fast, like... its not incompetently made, just made without much heart or respect for the audience. But who knows! my friend who I went with, who also hadn’t seen the previous movie, said that she liked it so much that she wished she had been bothered enough to watch the trailer beforehand - so it must be doing something for some people! 
Thanks for reading, sorry that this is so much
*reviews worth reading! articulate if scathing! ** think any particularly obnoxious set of 80s teens, or ig, the cast of Roth’s cabin fever, lol 
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A♥️ J♥️ 4♦️ 9♦️ 2♠️ Q♠️
Don’t Think It Don’t Say It-
A♥️ - Who was the first person your muse ever fell in love with?
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90s kids remember Ronnie. OAISKDFJG
Ronnie was the first person Molly actually saw herself getting married and starting a family with!! And then a couple years later he gets murdered and a few months after that you found out in the middle of your grief oh yeah he was actually sent to win your trust and KILL YOU or kidnap you to get an edge on your family. :') And the descent began. KAJSD
It took YEARS after that until Molly felt safe enough to try and open herself back up to people ... And then you know more shitty boyfriends and even ended up killing one because he hit her really bad and she got mad and it's just. MOLLY HAS BAD LUCK WITH MEN. </3
J♥️ - Who does your muse consider their best friend?
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By default? Angel Dust.
Molly practically raised that boy and they're super close and tell each other almost everything else.
But tbh Molly doesn't believe in 'one best friend' she considers a lot of people her best friends like Hellsa, Holli, Cherri ... More I jst can't really think of right now BUT her by default and first ever bestie is Angie. <3
4♦️ - Is your muse more of the patient or instant gratification type?
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Depends. The bitch does fucking heroin and ecstasy so like- DKFJKDJ
Molly is a patient person though! She can play a fucking long con ... If her Overlord verse is anything to go by- AKSDJF
9♦️ - How much money does your muse spend on average?
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PLLLLBT... She spends. A LOT. Usually.
Nowadays she's trying to be a BIT more aware of her spending - but when it comes to other people she'll spend whatever she has in her wallet for them ...
Also this factors in her being a sugar baby to like four of five people. How much of HER money she spends? On average a week probably... 400-500 bucks? Give or take?
She mostly spends it on food and drugs so. KASJD
2♠️ - How often does your muse wish to be left alone?
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Not very often. AKSDJF
The only times she wants to be left alone is when she is having one of her drug crashes or just a really bad depressional episode. She doesn't like people seeing her going through the crashes and withdrawals ... Even if she'd LIKE someone to be there with her for the comfort, she doesn't want people to see her like that. She has an image of a happy bright bubbly spider!! She doesn't want that tainted and she also just is like. Ashamed whenever she can't uphold that.
Q♠️ - Does your muse manipulate others easily or are they easily manipulated?
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Molly is easily manipulated a lot. Sometimes she's AWARE of it and she KNOWS she is, but ... She just goes along with it because she's! Desperate. And is like: fine. Whatever.
I think a lot of how Ara's Alastor hurts her A LOT and whenever she's upset or mad he just gives her a muffin basket and a little card like :) JUST LIKE in Mad Love episode of BTAS when Joker pushes Harley out the window and in the hospital she gets a rose from Joker and she's like :) he loves me.
Same with Molly and their Alastor.
Like I said though there's instances Molly knows she's being used and manipulated but she's like: well it's fine if I'm self aware right? Haha. ... :') Just like whenever she lets herself being used for sexual shit and whatever yk.
Molly is a sad sad woman.
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