#jungian theory
sasukes-tomathoes · 2 years
Basic Cognitive Functions Guide
As an MBTI enthusiast, I like making little guides and notes to help me visualize and process information, so here ya go!
Two Attitudes
Extroverted (E): Functions oriented towards the real world—views things as is without personal alignment and filtering. "Breadth."
Introverted (I): Functions oriented towards the subject's world—views things through personal alignment and filtering. "Depth."
Two Categories
Judging Function (Jx): Reason—a cause, explanation, or justification for an action or event—used to judge and decide.
Extraverted Judging (Je): Reasoning based on external effects. Looks at what should be.
Introverted Judging (Ji): Reasoning based on internal alignment. Looks at personalized principles.
Perceiving Function (Px): Processes used in gathering or filtering information.
Extraverted Perceiving (Pe): Perceiving based on external exploration. Unfiltered gathering of information.
Introverted Perceiving (Pi): Perceiving based on internal narrowing down. Filtering information. 
Four Aspects
*Inter/personal ("emotional"): Human-based matters. *Impersonal ("logical"): Nonhuman-based matters.
Feeling Functions (Fx): Judgment metrics oriented towards people and inter/personal matters. Emotional reasoning.
Thinking Functions (Tx): Judgment metrics oriented towards things and impersonal matters. Logical reasoning.
Intuition Functions (Nx): Perceiving processes oriented towards intangible information. Abstract perception.
Sensing Functions (Sx): Perceiving processes oriented towards tangible information. Concrete perception.
Eight Cognitive Functions (putting it all together)
*Judging Functions:
Extraverted Feeling (Fe): Reasoning based on external inter/personal effects—emotional consequences. "What should be valued."
Extraverted Thinking (Te): Reasoning based on external impersonal effects—logical consequences. "What should work."
Introverted Feeling (Fi): Reasoning based on internal inter/personal alignment—emotional particularities. "What feels right to me."
Introverted Thinking (Ti): Reasoning based on internal impersonal alignment—logical particularities. "What makes sense to me."
*Perceiving Functions
Extraverted Sensing (Se): Perceiving based on external concrete exploration—unfiltered gathering of tangible information. "What is."
Extraverted Intuition (Ne): Perceiving based on external abstract exploration—unfiltered gathering of intangible information. "What if."
Introverted Sensing (Si): Perceiving based on internal concrete narrowing down—filtering tangible information. "What has been."
Introverted Intuition (Ni): Perceiving based on internal abstract narrowing down—filtering intangible information. "What will be."
I made this based on my understanding of Psychological Types by Carl Jung. Click here if you'd like to view the guide in a different format and see the direct quotes i used from Jung's book.
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fimsilvante · 1 year
"The evil side of my nature, to which I had now transferred the stamping efficacy, was less robust and less developed than the good which I had just deposed. Again, in the course of my life, which had been, after all, nine-tenths a life of effort, virtue and control, it had been much less exercised and much less exhausted. And hence, as I think, it came about that Edward Hyde was so much smaller, slighter, and younger than Henry Jekyll. [...] I was conscious of no repugnance, rather of a leap of welcome. This, too, was myself. It seemed natural and human. [...] This, as I take it, was because all human beings, as we meet them, are commingled out of good and evil [...]"
─ the strange case of dr. jekyll and mr. hyde by robert louis stevenson (1886, c. 10, p. 42)
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inthegardenpraying · 2 months
-Profile xoxxoxo post in #passion:
I only know 10% of who you truly are and then I fill in the rest. It’s that 90% that I long for, the version of you that I have created in my mind because I am not able to get to know you in reality. I long for someone that does not exist. I long for the idea, potential, and fantasy of what could be.
My response to her post:
"If you put the woman that you are attracted to on a pedestal, what your really attracted to is your unconscious idealization of women... and men see their unconscious idealization of women in someone they are attracted to, especially if the attraction is pronounced and immediate, right… that's a projection psychoanalytically speaking... and then they confuse the woman with that idealization, which is very difficult to bear for the woman because she's not really there, that's the first problem... and second, she's going to get herself in trouble and not know it because now and then she's going to do something that violates that ideal projection and be called to account for it even though she doesn't know what rules she's breaking... plus, the guy won't be able to listen to her or appreciate anything about her that's not perfect or in accordance with that ideal… So, that means she can't really talk to him… right, she can't reveal anything that's untoward."
"…There's a loss in that too... like the loss is this is a loss of maturity is that... you know, if you are in love with your ideal, then you have the ideal… like you have the princess. The price you pay is you don't get the woman." -PhD Clinical Psychologist, Jordan Bernt Peterson
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inkmoose · 1 month
So you know how in Jungian dream analysis, dreaming of a tidal wave symbolizes repressed emotions?
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Interesting dream, Sora. You’re not uhhhhhh repressing any emotions specifically regarding Riku, are you?
Are you?????????????????????????
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cauldronlakefiles · 4 months
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what if Scratch was the friends we made along the way
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redpusea · 3 months
Mother is back <3 @lesbianmindflayer-deactivated20
As always I love your analysis <3 I have been so well nourished
Okay critique time:
@ 8:33 - there is a mention that Henry’s influence makes the Hive Mind evil (see previous posts about this I swear one day I’ll do a proper catalogue) BUT essentially (spoilers for the play & skip this paragraph if you don’t want to be spoiled I’m sure they’ll release a version for Netflix v soon) after Henries family moved to Hawkins, he was taken to the upside down (just like Will) and when he came back was a little possessed (just like Will) although the difference being that Henry was never purged of the Mind Flayer like Will was… This leads to the conclusion that the Mind Flayer and Hive Mind is what is evil. That is just the facts and now to some of my own theory around this. The Mind Flayer/Hive Mind is just the culmination of the shadow of the town/world, it is the psychic realm of those who cast away their emotions shadow in order to continue living in the main world. When this shadow acts from ignorance seeks to destroy whatever is causing harm rather than understanding who, what, why, when, how etc. it sees the world as evil i.e. colonisation, homophobia etc. Possibly we will see a resolution where there Hive Mind is not cast away into the psychic realm but seeks the spiritual growth of itself and community… this is a little rough around the edges and could use some work but that’s the gist of it.
@12:10 - I really think inversion (colour inversion in this sense but also inversion in tarot is like a warning (I’m not too well versed in tarot if anyone can help me out here<3)) and shadows (in the unconscious/Jungian sense) have a really big part in this show and wouldn’t be surprised if we have missed so many hints by not looking through this lense too <3 great find!
@15:00 - also looks like it could potentially be a drawing of a ghost busters cast member by the way it kind of looks like a proton pack - throw back to season 2 :) crazy together
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thenokistation · 1 year
How the Archie Cast Lives On in IDW Sonic (Mini Essay)
Archie Sonic happened and we all just have to live with it.
While the series ran for nearly 300 mainline issues, this was only because it spun out of Sonic's earliest days. Long before he had a more concrete world and cast.
I go into it more here, but Archie Sonic's cast of Freedom Fighters has had their identities and purposes lost as the canonical cast expanded and the roles of these Freedom Fighters were overlapped by more interesting characters. Despite the reboot giving the chance to reinvent the Archie cast, these problems still largely remained.
However, that isn't to say that there wasn't some good to be gleaned from these characters. And the team behind the IDW Sonic series has recognized this by using these bits and pieces to invent new characters from the ground up and show the true potential of these characters if they were invented in the modern day.
This is how some of the Archie cast lives on and is improved through the IDW cast.
Whisper the Wolf
Whisper has been hurt. She is obviously traumatized and deals with the mental wounds inflicted on her by Eggman everyday. She lost the people closest to her and is terrified of the people she has now grown close to.
This is much in the same way that Bunnie Rabbot was half-roboticized by Eggman. Some of her most memorable stories in the original Archie run have her dealing with her roboticization. Her fear that it will fully take it over, that it will kill her and possibly harm her friends.
Both of these characters use part of the trauma inflicted on them to fight. Bunnie with her mechanical parts while Whisper uses a modified Wispon with aid of her former team's wisps.
However, these characters aren't the same. Whisper is so much her own character that these bits of inspiration easily slip through the cracks.
Bunnie is a joyous character, despite everything. Hell, she survives the reboot with her marriage intact because the joy it brings her is so intrigal to her character. Whisper, though, is still sore. She usually works alone, lashes out when her trauma is triggered, and nearly actually murders Eggman.
As a bonus, Whisper's wisp weaponry seems to be taking a few notes from Eclipse the Darkling. Eclipse raised dark, corrupted wisps and used them to fight much in the same way Whisper now fosters her former team's wisps. This could be the rare time in an action series a character is a light reflection of an established one instead of the other way around.
Surge the Tenrac
This is absolutely the most blatent of the bunch with its inspiration, but the parallels can be a bit harder to nail down.
Sure, S(co)urge is a green-furred rival to Sonic who is dead-set to best him and essentially take his role in the world, but is that really where the similarities end?
Scourge is just Evil Sonic. Same moves, same speed, etc. Before he turned green, he was literally just called Evil Sonic.
Surge is more complicated. She and Kitsunami don't know their past. They feel abandoned by the world. They've been cybernetically enhanced and have the undying desire to best Sonic instilled in them.
But between them, there is still that lust for power. Scourge's motivation may be fairly Joker-esc while Surge literally cannot stop herself, but both still want to essentially end their respective worlds.
Jewel the Beetle and Lanolin the Sheep
It may be a bit odd to put these characters together, but there is a good reason for it. Why? Because we need to talk about Sally Acorn.
Sally has always been a strange character that never really worked. While the Freedom Fighters did need a leader, she usually just became someone keeping Sonic on a leash while also being his love interest despite the two never seeing eye-to-eye.
The problem is, she never really evolved from that. As the franchise grew, a powerless leader-type grew more and more worthless. So she mainly fell into the role of bringing drama to the plot. Will Sally die during the Endgame arc? Can Sally rebel against her own father now that he has returned? Is she a good enough leader? Is it Wednesday and she has to break up with Sonic again?
Even worse is the identity crisis of Sally's character. A question asked and never really answered is if she belongs in the field or leading the free world. An attempt at stirring drama from this is still being raged about by Sally's fans and mocked by just about everyone else. Even the IDW comics made an intrinsic promise to not go anywhere near the character drama Sally lived in.
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(For the record, this entire issue is basically a long conversation between Sonic and Amy about the same dilemma that caused The Slap™)
The reboot tries to solve this by having her simply be the commander of the flying airship the Freedom Fighters worked from, but it still led to her being mostly pointless. At best, Sally was inoffensive and boring while at worst she caused drama that is still being debated to this day.
So when it came time for IDW to replace her, many thought Amy would fall into this role. She was head of the Restoration and naturally fit into the role.
However, Amy may love the world, but she's no leader. Like Sonic, she values freedom. Enter Jewel the Beetle.
Jewel ran a jewelry store and then got promoted to basically running the free world. She has no combat abilities but isn't supposed to be in combat situations to begin with. Jewel is an improvement on Sally's confidence issues and her role as a more political leader. She organizes the Restoration and the defense groups much in the way Sally was the political face of the Freedom Fighters when dealing with the Acorn Kingdom.
Lanolin, meanwhile, is a newcomer and very much an improvement on Sally in the field. Instead of being powerless or a basic melee-brawler like in the reboot, Lanolin focuses on defense and more specialized situations thanks to her Magenta (Music Note) Wisp. While she also exhibits some confidence issues, she is given more focus on the flaws that Archie left mostly ignored.
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While she's only just been introduced, the IDW team acknowledging these faults is already giving her far more potential than Sally ever reached in nearly 300 comics.
Even better, both of these characters have actual motivations and histories. While Sally's motivation is mostly just a vague 'I was the princess so I guess I'm a leader now', Jewel just genuinely wants to help in a way she can while Lanolin was inspired by Sonic to help others and eventually found herself as a combatant.
Archie Sonic was mired with a long history that only allowed one chance for change: the reboot. However, too much change and the fans would be mad. Too little, it would feel like a wasted opportunity. Unfortunately Archie Sonic took the route of doing too little. However, the IDW team took the removal of the Archie cast as a chance to do more with them and they succeeded.
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phlve · 10 months
IN(F) — Introverted Intuition supported by Feeling
Continues to work instead of seeking treatment for failing health. Sometimes has phobias. Likes to go out, to dance, knows how to tell a stor. Experiences hypochondriac neuroses, claustrophobia. Before an important event experiences strong emotions, may lose appetite. he Is blind to his own hunger. He ponders what is the point of something, the meaning, symbolical nature. "What will this do for me?", he worries about what he can do to affect others, what are people thinking about, how society, the collective, perceives him, how his friends feel about him. He often smiles, has a cheerful nature, but it is usually fake, not so sincere. Neurotic, obsessive pedantic and egoist yet soft, friendly and welcoming. Expressive, he likes to maintain a comfortable emotional ambient, he focuses on making human relationships and Keeping everyone united. A hopeless romantic, prone to stalking crushes and compulsive overthinking They fall in love, they aren't loving, they are within limerence. "Teen love" - this is a good name for it. He idealizes everything, he doesn't has clear opinions, his beliefs are dictated by the collective: he either believes or gets skeptical about love, because he usually understands love only in a specific sense - the standard sense. When he thinks about emotions, he thinks about pop. mainstream. generalized emotions. Humanity for a long time idealized and represented love as romantic or erotic; so this type suffers from this: he easily believes in doing anything in the name of love, he would do anything for his loved ones, if he ever falls in love with someone, of course. Avoids showing his true feelings, he could be crying in one moment, and then in the other, he enters in a group, a collective, and he adapts to it, he stops crying and starts smiling, "acting". Very inclined to escapism, hallucinations, delusions and religion, ideology, existentialism and politics. He often relies on external sources, academics, he doesn't know how to explain things, so he needs to talk about his sources, he shows what people think, out of fear of being wrong. Anxious about being humiliated, he has a weak selt-esteem. The romantic dreamer likes to lay on a sofa with a book, or go to the countryside to spend time amidst nature. Many manifestations are inclined to cosplay, they like to live alternatives - finds ways to avoid boredom, uses old things and people in a new way and bringing the positive future into the present and past, staying light and hopeful in spite of anxieties. Struggles with videogames and orders: he is verv trial-and-error. He mav be cold. withdrawn. asocial. timid and extremely introverted; a gloomy figure with low confidence.
He hides his insecurities. runs into situations of trust and marriage. Intense connections. Fantasizes about people, delusional imagination of being accepted, praised. They find difficulty to express what they want, often times they do not realize what they wish in life; they ask people "how do you create interest?" because they lack actual desires and passions. Individualistic in some manner. Creates music, laments his own existence, prone to atheism, agnosticism. Diligent but unfocused, non-disciplined, often loses concentration, but he is always doing something - it could even be living in his dreams. He compares himself with other people, tends to be jealous, envious, yandere. Inclination towards mysticism and superstition, beliefs in prophetic dreams and omens. He is a person who is emotionally labile and uninhibited, does not control his own emotions, some manifestations of the type make fun of people and are sarcastic. Some versions, instead of comforting people with the warmth of his soul, begins to manipulate other people and act capricious and touchy. "Everything is wrong" and "things didn't turn out to be as desired". Many times expresses a desire to be hugged, to be protected and helped, he is weak and thinks of himself as someone "not prepared", he worries and worries. Some people of this type spend their time alone, don't have many friends (may not even have friends. He likes to dive himself in meditation. It is important to understand everything. Therefore, if you ask him about the difficult things sometimes, you can hear the answer that he understands them (only a very peculiar). It is important that everyone knew him as well. If understanding is impossible, that human self-esteem drops, so it does not like to admit that something is not understood. It is important to praise the consistency, likes to boast that he was up to something thought of himself. Often he loves to refer to some everyday stories, because nobody will not even think to check their authenticity, in general likes to refer to someone as a way to protect their reasoning. He is a person prone more to reflection than action. "If I understand correctly, then I am a good person". The fear of turning out to be incompetent greatly narrows down the areas in which the person dares to demonstrate or apply their knowledge. This type wants to solve his problems by collecting objective data. It is necessary to consult the experts, to obtain the data and results of studies, to receive objectively reliable new information. "Any unpleasant sensation or experience it's best to endure and wait over, than to seek how to improve one's state or move to another place that offers better conditions."
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kaftan · 11 months
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Please appreciate the funniest meme I’ve ever made. This is the fuguetaivan thesis.
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Intro to the Character Class System
Welcome to the Character Classification System! This is a personality system used to categorize patterns of behavior within characters across all forms of media. This system is broken down into six colors, which each character will possess three of. These colors are Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Indigo.
The Character Classification system proposes the belief that the differences in the values that a character prioritizes leads to diverging perspectives and subsequent behavioral patterns. In other words, the things we care about are determined by the people we are and the way we interact with others. These being: Nature, Experience, Direction, Structure, Sentiment, and Connection. Everyone wants all six, but it is the priority of importance in the eyes of the character that determines their class.
There are twenty classes in total. These are:
The Vagabond
The Warrior
The Sage
The Artist
The Tactician
The Warden
The Inventor
The Captain
The Dancer
The Merchant
The Athlete
The Judge
The Bard
The Knight
The Courier
The Jester
The Maestro
The Scholar
The Priest
The Lover
When presented with a situation, the character will most likely respond in accordance with their relevant colors. This response varies between the colors present of each individual classification, but presents itself as a natural baseline that a character will tend to rely on.
Now the real question: how is this helpful? Beyond identifying patterns of behavior in pre-existing characters, this system can be used as a template for new storytellers to create balanced and internally consistent characters from. 
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schizoidvision · 7 months
Schizoid Dynamics: Correlations between Libidinal and Anti-Libidinal Egos and Other Psychological Theories
The schizoid personality can be better comprehended by delving into the psychological intricacies of schizoid dynamics, particularly via the conceptualization of the libidinal and anti-libidinal egos. In exploring this, it is of value to discern how this conceptualization correlates with other prevalent psychological theories on personality development and psychopathology. By shedding light on these correlations, we can derive a more nuanced comprehension of the schizoid personality, linking it to broader psychological perspectives and establishing a dialogue between different theoretical frameworks.
Schizoid Dynamics:
In the schizoid personality, the libidinal ego focuses primarily on forming relationships with their inner being/ internal self, rather than people in the external world. This is because the anti-libidinal ego serves as a regulator, constraining the external drives of the libidinal ego, and directing libidinal energy towards thoughts and ideas. In early infancy, this process served to help the individual to feel safe from threats associated with the external physical world. Over time, however, the anti-libidinal ego, turns from being a protector to becoming a stringent gatekeeper that confines the true self, preventing it from emotionally connecting with the external world even when fears of the external environment have passed. Thus, the schizoid individual is often more strongly attached to internal mental representations rather than to external physical object relations.
Correlation with Freudian Theory:
Freudian theory posits that personality development is governed by the interactions between the id, ego, and superego. The anti-libidinal ego in schizoid dynamics can be likened to Freud’s concept of the superego, which acts as a moral compass and inhibits the urges of the id. The struggle between the libidinal and anti-libidinal ego in schizoid personalities can be seen as a reflection of the conflict between the id and the superego in Freudian theory, with the libidinal ego seeking gratification and the anti-libidinal ego enforcing restraint.
Relation to Object Relations Theory:
Object Relations Theory, notably expounded by Melanie Klein, posits that early interactions with primary caregivers significantly impact personality development. In schizoid dynamics, the inability of the libidinal ego to form relations with external objects (people) may relate to disruptions or deficiencies in early object relations, leading to a reliance on internal mental representations.
Attachment Theory and Schizoid Dynamics:
Attachment Theory, developed by John Bowlby, emphasizes the importance of early attachments in shaping personality and psychopathology. Schizoid individuals often display avoidant attachment styles, wherein the anti-libidinal ego plays a pivotal role by preventing the formation of attachments, rendering the individual self-sufficient but isolated, aligning with the emphasis on internal over external relationships in schizoid dynamics.
Jungian Perspective:
From a Jungian perspective, the libidinal and anti-libidinal egos can be viewed as archetypal polarities within the psyche. The libidinal ego might represent the archetype of the Self, seeking unity and wholeness, while the anti-libidinal ego may embody the Shadow, harboring the repressed and denied aspects of the personality. The schizoid dynamic between these two entities may reflect the individuation process’s inherent tensions and conflicts, where reconciliation and integration are sought.
The conceptualization of libidinal and anti-libidinal egos in schizoid dynamics significantly correlates with various psychological theories. By understanding these correlations, we gain deeper insights into the schizoid personality, allowing for more comprehensive and empathetic approaches in psychological practice and research. The parallels between different theories emphasize the multifaceted nature of human personality and psychopathology, illuminating the interconnectedness of various psychological constructs. This was just a brief overview, however, the exploration of schizoid dynamics within the context of broader psychological frameworks fosters an integrative understanding, bridging gaps between different theoretical perspectives and enriching our comprehension of the human psyche.
For individuals with a schizoid personality, understanding these correlations can provide a frame of reference and a language to articulate their experiences and inner dynamics. By relating schizoid dynamics to other psychological theories, we create a dialogue that integrates the schizoid experience into broader psychological discourse, contributing to increased awareness, acceptance, and de-stigmatization of schizoid personality. The integration of insights from different theories can also facilitate therapeutic approaches that are more attuned to the unique needs and experiences of schizoid individuals, promoting healing and self-understanding.
Video From My Youtube Channel: Object Relations Theory Made Simple
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dykenav · 1 year
thinking abt writing an in-depth analysis about hennessy and the lace again
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fimsilvante · 1 year
"[...] It was thus rather the exacting nature of my aspiration, than any particular degradation in my faults, that made me what I was, and, with even a deeper trench than in the majority of men, severed in me those provinces of good and ill which divide and compound man's dual nature. In this case, I was driven to reflect deeply and inveterately on that hard law of life which lies at the root of religion, and is one of the most plentiful springs of distress. Though so profound a double-dealer, I was in no sense a hypocrite; both sides of me were in dead earnest; I was no more myself when I laid aside restraint and plunged in shame, than when I laboured, in the eye of day, at the furtherance of knowledge or the relief of sorrow and suffering. [...] I saw that, of the two natures that contended in the field of my consciousness, even if I could rightly be said to be either, it was only because I was radically both. [...]"
─ the strange case of dr. jekyll and mr. hyde by robert louis stevenson (1886, c. 10, p. 40)
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spiritofwhitefire · 2 years
There is a deep gulf between what a man is and what he represents. Between what he is as an individual and what he is as a collective being.
Carl Jung, Psychological Types (1921)
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moonlodgemystic · 2 years
Thank You Spirit: How I Healed my Fear of Something Greater
Thank You Spirit: How I Healed my Fear of Something Greater
I wanted to talk about gratitude today and the impact it has had on my spiritual practice. There are many established benefits of practicing gratitude for mental health, which is why I started my gratitude practice. One thing I wasn’t expecting to receive from my practice was an increased willingness to engage in acts of spiritual devotion – something I’ve felt reluctant and even phobic towards…
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dubiousdisco · 2 years
still not over how in blood plus they had to change the pov for the second half of the anime just so we could think kai had a chance with saya
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