#june 25th 1967
javelinbk · 7 months
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Mal Evans provides the tea ahead of the All You Need Is Love Our World broadcast, 25th June 1967
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jupiitersreturn · 8 months
Marriage Represented By Annual Profections.
I have studied the Annual Profections of the women in some of Hollywood's Most Popular Marriages, in order to find significant patterns between their charts from the years they got married. Here are four.
Victoria Beckham - Married July 4th 1999.
Blake Lively - Married September 2012.
Nicole Kidman - Married June 25th 2006.
Joanne Woodward - January 29th 1958.
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Annual Profections:
I have a running theory that you may get married during;
The Profection Year of your 7th House Ruler
The Profection Year of the House that has the most activity in your chart.
(For Example; a 2nd House stellium could get married in their 2nd House Profection Year.)
You could get married when the Ruler of the Profection Year House in which you get married is in the house of your 7th House Ruler or is being ruled by the ruler of your 7th House. (That probably doesnt make sense)
Here's an example; You are a Sagittarius Rising with your 7th House in Gemini but you got married during your 4th House Profection Year. Why? Your 4th House Ruler could be in your 3rd or 6th House which are originally Ruled by your 7th House ruler Mercury. OR, your 4th House could be in Gemini or Virgo which are ruled by Mercury.
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Here are a few more examples;
Victoria Beckham - Born April 17, 1974 in Harlow, England.
Natally, Victoria has her Ascendant in Cancer, putting her 7th House in Capricorn.
For Example; Victoria's 7th House Ruler is Saturn. We know that Saturn is the Ruler of the 10th House. Therefore we can conclude that Victoria could get married or engaged at any of the ages associated with the 10th according to the Annual Profection Wheel.
These ages are;
10th House - 21, 33, 45, 57, 69, 81, 93
Now. Victoria Beckham married David Beckham when she was 25 years old. This age is not in the 10th House Profection Year because Victoria got married during her 2nd House Profection Year. The Ruler of her 2nd House is in the 10th House, originally ruled by Saturn, her 7th House Ruler.
Because of this, we should look at the 2nd House Profection Year ages as well.
Those ages are; 13, 25, 37, 49, 61, 73, 85.
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Blake Lively - Born August 25th, 1987 in Los Angeles, California.
Natally, Blake has her Ascendant in Leo, putting her 7th House in Aquarius.
Her 7th House Ruler is Uranus (Traditionally Saturn). We know that Uranus is the Ruler of the 11th House and that Saturn is the Ruler of the 10th House. Therefore we can conclude that Blake could get married or engaged at any of the ages associated with the 10th and 11th House according to the Annual Profection Wheel.
These ages are;
11th House - 22, 34, 46, 58, 70, 82, 94
10th House - 21, 33, 45, 57, 69, 81, 93
Blake Lively married Ryan Reynolds when she was 25 years old. She also got married during her 2nd House Profection Year like Victoria Beckham. Why? The 2nd House has the most activity in Blake's chart as it contains all of her inner planets.
Because of this, we should look at the 2nd House Profection Year ages as well.
Those ages are; 13, 25, 37, 49, 61, 73, 85.
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Nicole Kidman - Born June 20th, 1967 in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Natally, Nicole has her Ascendant in Scorpio, putting her 7th House in Taurus.
Her 7th House Ruler is Venus. We know that Venus is the Ruler of both the 2nd and 7th House. Therefore we can conclude that Nicole could get married or engaged at any of the ages associated with the 2nd and 7th House according to the Annual Profection Wheel.
These ages are;
2nd House - 13, 25, 37, 49, 61, 73, 85.
7th House - 18, 30, 42, 54, 66, 78, 90.
(Nicole Kidman was married twice. Her first marriage was to Tom Cruise from 1990 - 2001, and her second marriage was to Keith Urban in 2006 - now. I will be focusing on her first marriage as it is the first time this commitment was made)
Nicole Kidman married Tim Cruise when she was 23 years old. She got married during her 12th House Profection Year. Her 12th House is in Libra, Ruled by Venus which is the natural ruler of her 7th House.
Because of this, we should look at the 12th House Profection Year ages as well.
Those ages are: 23, 35, 47, 59, 71, 83, 95.
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Joanne Woodward - Born February 27th, 1930 in Thomasville, Georgia.
Natally, Joanne has her Ascendant in Capricorn, putting her 7th House in Cancer.
Her 7th House Ruler is Cancer. We know that The Moon is the Ruler of the 4th House. Therefore we can conclude that Joanne could get married or engaged at any of the ages associated with the 4th House according to the Annual Profection Wheel.
These ages are; 15, 27, 39, 51, 63, 75, 87
Joanne Woodward married Paul Newman when she was 27 years old.
Let me know how this theory works for you! I plan on making one for Solar Return Charts as well!
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cars-cause-why-not · 7 months
Cars characters' birthdays (Human AU)
Some characters share birthdates with their actors, but not the year for obvious reasons. Also, I've de-aged a lot of characters, particularly Doc, cause I don't want anyone dying in my AU just yet. As a result, Doc raced in the early 60s rather than the 50s.
I also might change some of these later depending on how my AU timeline goes.
Lightning: July 27th, 1984
Doc: January 26th, 1940
Sally: June 13th, 1982
Mater: January 12th, 1971 (kept the date but changed the year for obvious reasons)
Fillmore: May 28th, 1948 (combo of George Carlin & Lloyd Sherr’s birthdays)
Sarge: July 4th, 1949
Ramone: August 13th, 1958
Flo: January 25th, 1957 (only instance I use the actor’s birth year as well as date)
Luigi: March 10th, 1965
Guido: September 18th, 1967
Lizzie: February 14th, 1925
Red: October 30th, 1975
Sheriff: November 14th, 1944
Mack: May 14th, 1972
Strip: July 2nd, 1946
Lynda: April 23rd, 1947
Chick: February 12th, 1953
Cruz: January 6th, 1991
Cal: June 2nd, 1983
Bobby: December 10th, 1984
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lighthouseas · 2 years
oh btw here are my headcanons for stranger things character birthdays (some are canon, some are based on the wiki, and some i completely made up) i tried matching them with the timeline as best as i possibly could.
mike: april 7th, 1971 (canon)
will: march 22nd, 1971 (canon...i think...haha birthdaygate)
el: june 21st, 1971 (all we know is she was born june 1971, i’m pretty sure that’s canon)
lucas: january 10th, 1971
max: february 5th, 1971 
dustin: may 29th, 1971 (canon)
steve: april 29th, 1967 (sort of canon, his wiki says he was born april 29th 1966-1967 but due to when the events of the show take place + his age during them, he’d be born in 1967)
jonathan: september 25th, 1967 (he was born fall 1967, so this matches up with the timeline)
nancy: november 16th, 1967
robin: march 10th, 1968 (canon)
erica: january 11th, 1975 (her and lucas’s birthdays are close together. it’s canon to me)
joyce: january 18th, 1942
hopper: october 27th, 1941
murray: december 30th, 1942
eddie: august 7th, 1966
holly: march 1st, 1980
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pennielane · 2 years
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GLOBAL BEATLES DAY JUNE 25TH Global Beatles Day (also known as World Beatles Day) is an annual holiday occurring June 25th each year that honours and celebrates the ideals of the Beatles. The date, June 25th, was chosen to commemorate the date that the Beatles participated in the BBC programme Our World in 1967, performing "All You Need Is Love" broadcast to an international audience. The holiday was created and first celebrated in 2009 by Beatles fan Faith Cohen, who calls it "a thank you or love letter to The Beatles."
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popculturelib · 11 months
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This week, we are featuring four publications that covered LGBT/queer news in the 1970s.
The Advocate is the oldest active LGBT magazine, and was originally founded in 1967, two years before the Stonewall Riots. This issue - vol. 4 no. 11, July 22-August 4, 1970 - was printed in the aftermath of Stonewall's one year anniversary and features articles about marches across the country. Transcriptions of the articles are below the read more.
The Browne Popular Culture Library (BPCL), founded in 1969, is the most comprehensive archive of its kind in the United States.  Our focus and mission is to acquire and preserve research materials on American Popular Culture (post 1876) for curricular and research use. Visit our website at https://www.bgsu.edu/library/pcl.html.
“13 Hours of Hell: Advocate writer arrested in bar, says cops beat him” by Darby Summers
(Darby Summers is the pseudonym used by a regular contributor to the ADVOCATE who reviews plays and other theatrical events for this newspaper.)
My story is so incredible that, even though it has happened to me, I can scarcely believe it myself. However, I assure you, every word of it is true. It is a story so shocking and disgusting that I tremble with nausea as I look back upon it.
My body is still racked with pain and my throat is so raw and on fire that it is difficult to swallow.
It is amazing that this should happen almost before the ink was dry on the newsprint of the issue of the ADVOCATE in which I reviewed the plight of four prisoners at the hands of sadistic guards in The Cage.
It all began at 1:30 on the morning of June 25th at a straight bar, Christine’s, 2028 West 7th St. in Los Angeles. A straight friend of mine, Chuck, invited me to have a nightcap with him. Normally I don’t drink because a past bout with hepatitis makes any drinking unwise. However, to be sociable, I will take an occasional drink now and then.
I was dressed in a sharp, ‘different-looking’ pair of slacks I had just bought at Jean’s West on La Cienega. I also had on a denim jacket that was custom designed for my by Phyllis Says of Beverly Hills. There is nothing quite like it, but then, there is nothing in our laws that states we all have to dress alike.
The bartender had just handed me a screwdriver, and I was about to take my first sip when I was struck on the shoulder by a heavy object. I turned to see two police officers confronting me.
“Let’s see your identification,” they barked.
Now I have lived long enough
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“New York City has largest turnout, longest gay march”
by Nancy Tucker
NEW YORK CITY – Some two to three thousand homosexuals, from cities around the East Coast gathered here on June 28th and marched from Greenwich Village to Central Park to demonstrate for “Gay Pride” and “Gay Power.”
The New York Daily News and a local radio station, WINS, carried even higher estimates of the number in the parade. The New said 10,000, WINS, 20,000.
It was called “the most important event in gay history” by the Christopher Street Liberation Day Committee and was planned and supported by a coalition of eastern homophile organizations.
Marchers traveled to New York from Boston, Philadelphia, New Haven, Washington, and as far away as Alabama and New Mexico to commemorate the first anniversary of a spontaneous demonstration by Gays which took place on June 27, 1969 following a raid on the Stonewall Inn by New York City police.
At that time patrons of the bar, located at 53 Christopher Street in Greenwich Village, were put out into the street as police took action against the bar’s management. Groups of Gays gathered and barricaded the police into the bar and then began a series of protest gatherings within the neighborhood. These led eventually to the formation of the Gay Liberation Front and the Gay Activist’s Alliance during the Fall and Winter.
The three-mile march took place in perfect 75° weather, be-
Continued on Page 5
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“1200 parade in Hollywood; crowds line boulevard”
The gay community in Los Angeles made its contribution to Americana on June 28.
Over 1000 homosexuals and their friends staged, not just a protest march, but a full-blown parade down world-famous Hollywood Boulevard.
Flags and banners floated in the chill sunlight of late afternoon; a bright red sound truck blared martial music; drummers strutted; a horse pranced; clowns cavorted; “vice copes” chased screaming “fairies” with paper wings; the Metropolitan Community Church sand “Onward Christian Soldiers”; a bronzed and muscular male model flaunted a 7 ½-foot live python.
On and on it went, interspersed with over 30 open cars carrying ADVOCATE Groovy Guy contestants, the Grand Duchess of San Francisco, homophile leaders, and anyone else who wanted to be seen, and five floats, one of which depicted a huge jar of Vaseline, another a homosexual “nailed” to a cross.
Christopher Street West, they called it.
Sensation-sated Hollywood had never seen anything like it. Probably the world had never seen anything like it since the gay days of Ancient Greece.
Crowds lined both sides of the boulevard up to 10 deep along the half-mile-plus parade route and spilled down the side streets and into the marshalling area at McCadden Place and down Ivar Street where the parade was supposed to disperse.
As the last united rounded the corner at Hollywood and Ivar, people began to stream blocks after them, following the three blocks south to Sunset Boulevard, where other crowds struck out on the sidewalks to watch. Although the marchers on foot had dispersed at Selma, the cars and floats remained mostly together and identifiable as a procession in the heavy traffic of Sunset nearly back to Highland Avenue, a block west of McCadden.
15,000 to 20,000
Laconic police estimates put the number of participants in the parade at anywhere from 400 to 1500, depending on which police source you took, and the number of spectators at 4000 to 5000.
More realistic estimates put the number of spectators at 15,000 to 20,000. Parade officials, using a mechanical counter, obtained a total of 1169 participants.
The turnout appeared to catch the Los Angeles Police Department largely unprepared. Although the police had opposed the parade on the grounds that hostile spectators might turn it into a riot, they had blocked off only one side of the boulevard, as specified in the permit, and permitted traffic to proceed on the other side.
As a result, cars were trapped in the rush of spectators who surged into the street all along the parade route, despite the efforts of a few squad car units and motorcycle-mounted patrolmen to force them back to the sidewalks. Shortly after the parade started, they gave up and began diverting all traffic except the paraders off the boulevard.
No Violence
There was no violence of any kind, and police would acknowledge only three arrests, those of MCC Pastor Troy Perry, Daughters of Bilitis Los Angeles Chapter President Carole Shephard, and Kelly Weiser of HELP, who were hustled away as they began
Continued on Page 6
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texasthrillbilly · 11 months
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From the Red Skelton show April 25th 1967. June Lockhart and Vincent Price doing a skit spoofing her show, Lost in Space. Bob May, of course, played the robot.
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jordanianroyals · 1 month
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17 April 2024: King Abdullah II and Bahrain King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa held talks in Aqaba, stressing the need to maintain Arab coordination to bolster solidarity and joint action.
His Majesty and King Hamad noted the importance of the upcoming Arab Summit, which will be held in Bahrain, in light of current regional conditions.
His Majesty commended Bahrain’s ongoing efforts to organise the summit, during the meeting attended by Crown Prince Hussein and Sheikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Bahraini monarch’s representative for humanitarian work and youth affairs.
The meeting also covered the strong ties between the two countries and peoples, with His Majesty and the Bahraini monarch expressing pride in the deep-rooted bilateral relations and keenness to enhance cooperation and achieve economic integration.
King Hamad congratulated His Majesty on the 25th anniversary of assuming his constitutional powers, commending development and stability in Jordan, under His Majesty’s leadership.
His Majesty also congratulated the Bahraini monarch on the 25th anniversary of his accession to the throne, commending his efforts in enhancing progress, development, and prosperity in Bahrain.   Discussions covered regional developments, with King Hamad commending Jordan’s active efforts towards regional peace, and its support for Arab and Islamic causes, foremost of which is the Palestinian issue.   Talks also touched on the dangerous situation in Gaza, with the two leaders stressing the urgent need for the international community, especially the UN Security Council, to implement ceasefire resolutions in Gaza.   The two leaders reaffirmed the need to protect civilians, deliver humanitarian aid though all possible methods, and avoid further escalation, voicing rejection of all action that could expand the war or the Israeli ground offensive on Rafah, or displace the Palestinians.   His Majesty and King Hamad stressed the importance of de-escalation in the Middle East and reaching just, peaceful, comprehensive, and sustainable solutions to regional conflicts, and coordinating efforts to counter terrorism.   The two leaders called for preserving the historical and legal status quo in Jerusalem, and stopping Israeli violations against holy sites in the city.   King Hamad stressed the importance of the Hashemite Custodianship of Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem.   In addition, the two leaders warned of Israeli settler violence against Palestinians in the West Bank, denouncing the establishment of settlements in the occupied Palestinian Territories, which violates international law.   Their Majesties called for unifying Arab and international efforts towards just and lasting peace in the region, and supporting Palestinians’ right to self-determination, as well as the establishment of their independent state on the 4 June 1967 lines with East Jerusalem as its capital, on the basis of the two-state solution, and in line with relevant UN resolutions.   Prime Minister Bisher Khasawneh, Director of the Office of His Majesty Jafar Hassan, General Intelligence Department Director Maj. Gen. Ahmad Husni, and the accompanying Bahraini delegation of senior officials attended the meeting.   His Majesty and Crown Prince Al Hussein had received King Hamad upon arrival at the King Hussein International Airport in Aqaba, and later bade him farewell upon departure.
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kwebtv · 11 months
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Nicolas Dwynn Coster (December 3, 1933 – June 26, 2023) Film and television actor most known for his work in daytime drama and as a character actor with his role on series Santa Barbara and on nighttime television series, such as Wonder Woman, Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, T. J. Hooker, and Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Coster appeared in the NBC soap opera Young Doctor Malone. He created the role of Professor Paul Britton on The Secret Storm, a role he played in 1964 and from 1967 to 1968. He played John Eldridge in the primetime serialized drama Our Private World and on As the World Turns. His first appearance on television was an episode of The U.S. Steel Hour in 1959. Coster appeared more than 80 times on 36 television shows, notably in the role of David Warner, the father of character Blair Warner, on the sitcom The Facts of Life.
Coster created the role of Robert Delaney on Somerset in March 1970 and later moved to Another World playing the same character. He played gangster-turned-informant Anthony Makana on One Life to Live, but left that series to create the role of Lionel Lockridge on Santa Barbara. He played kidnapper Steve Andrews on the ABC soap opera All My Children and returned to Another World for its 25th anniversary in 1989. He returned to his role on Santa Barbara in 1990 until the show was canceled in January 1993. He appeared on As the World Turns from 1993–1995. (Wikipedia)
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cyberaxolotl · 1 year
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The Snaktooth Island Disappearances: Chapter 1
Warnings: Major character death, horror, non-explicit death, references to s^lf harm
AO3 Alternative
“The following documents are classified.
This is [&/:$):?/?/&@] writing for [\£?%], reporting on the recent tragedy and semi-mass disappearance of several grumpuses. An expedition was hosted years ago to Snaktooth Island, a small land off of the coast of North Mayflowers, which seems to have been part of a small archipelago. A team of twelve grumpuses lead by Elizabert Megafig left in June of 1967, and journalist “Scarla Echoyear” from GNN was sent in August of 1968 to interview Megafig and learn more about the island and the expedition team. The journalist was scheduled to return from the island 13 months after they had left; it is now December of 1970 and nobody has heard word from Echoyear nor of the expedition team. Workers were sent to Snaktooth Island to perform a welfare check on Echoyear and return them to the mainland, only to find that not only have they disappeared, but every member of the expedition team has. Detectives and investigators are currently taking routine trips to the island to investigate the mysterious disappearances of all thirteen grumpuses.
Those who disappeared include Scarla Echoyear, Elizabert Megafig herself, her wife Eggabell Batternugget, Filbo Fiddlepie, Shellsy Woolbag, Cromdo Face, Beffica Winklesnoot, married couple Wambus Troubleham and Triffany Lottablog, Gramble Gigglefunny, popstar Wiggle Wigglebottom, Chandlo Funkbun, Snorpington Fizzlebean, and Floofalie Fizzlebean. We are sure that their last whereabouts were on Snaktooth Island, as no boats of any kind have docked here carrying any of the team, and everyone attending the expedition is recorded as having left the mainland three years ago.
Investigators are struggling to find evidence, however, they have found what seems to be a diary of some kind. It is signed as being written by Beffica Winklesnoot, and the handwriting matches her records. The diary has been analyzed by investigators and a selected timeframe of passages has now been passed to me for documentation. All of the following is directly transcribed from the diary unless marked otherwise.”
September 25th 1970
I usually don’t write in my diary this late, or this early I guess, but something grumping strange just happened. I heard someone walking around outside my hut, and when I went to see it, it was just Gramble sleepwalking :o/ I thought it’d be more fun to wake him up than let him walk around doing nothing, but he screamed in my face the second he was up cuz I scared him so hard. I was bugging him while he went back to the barn, and then we saw it; I don’t even know how to describe it!! There was a THING there, it looked like a grumpus, but it wasn’t! It was MADE of bugsnax, more than anyone who was snakified or anything. When we saw it, we both just froze, until it fell apart and ran away- then I shrieked. Woke the whole town up. When we explained it, they didn’t rlly believe me, but they did believe him. Double standards :o(
Scarla couldn’t even figure out what it was after they looked around. Whatever it was, I didn’t like it; I’m not scared of the dark, but I feel uneasy just looking out my window now. Dunno if I can go back to bed after that, not even sure I feel okay turning off my lantern!!
“We are unsure if this entry is linked to future highlighted ones, however we’ve documented it just for security.”
October 15th 1970
Floofty came back to Snaxburg last night, can’t say I’m upset ;o) just means another snarky grump is back for me to mess with. So long as they don’t cut me open in my sleep for it
Scarla’s been a REALLY good bestie~ they’re helping me snakify my arms all green today, we’re gonna get Chandlo’s secrets outta Snorpy soon! Whatever his baggage is, it has to be REALLY juicy for it to be hidden so well
I'm hoping Scarla gets back with those snax soon. i dunno why, but i think i've been feeling more tired than normal- i'm ALWAYS sleepy at sunset, whenever it’s dark, but i feel like i'm getting more tired earlier. Is it getting darker earlier? I can't tell, but it’s getting colder anyway, so I might just be feeling like hibernating lol~
October 16th 1970
Trying to get Chandlo’s secrets out of Snorpy TOTALLY failed :o( never been more disappointed than this!! I thought I’d get some good JUICY dirt and I got nothing!
Buuuut, even if I failed with Chandlo, I heard Floofty and Triffany talking about something in the research tent. Not sure what, but I heard the words “dark” and “winter” a lot, so i guess they’re talking about all that. then they saw me, oops ;o3
Eggabell came back today. I’m surprised, I didn’t think she’d come back, and even then without Lizbert. I gotta wonder how she’s doing.
October 17th 1970
Okay, something is REALLY up now.
Most of Snaxburg has the same schedule, we wake up when the sun rises, go to bed once it goes down. I think I just naturally don’t get up unless the sun is blazing in my face nowadays, so imagine my surprise when I woke up and it was almost noon! and the sun was barely up!
I asked everyone at the center of town about it and they had done it too. Floofty said it’s because it’s becoming winter, it’s gonna be darker earlier and brighter less, but by this much? I don’t buy it. Gramble’s trying to train a bugsnak like a rooster so that we wake up at the right time, but waking up when it’s dark doesn’t sound like something I wanna do. It’s cold anyway~ so if that means waking up right before noon, so be it
Chandlo and Snorpy are walking around town putting up lantern posts. Not lit yet, and I'm hoping they’re pretty dim, I don’t need a lantern right outside my door all night long.
The sun set today at, like, six pm. Hell if I know what’s going on, but if it’s just winter, I can see myself doing a lot of sleeping.
October 18th 1970
The same thing happened today, the sun didn’t rise until noon. Dunno what’s happening around here :o/ Snaktooth Island is a pretty weird place, but I’ve been here three years, and I NEVER saw this before. Not last winter, at least. Filbo helped Snorpy and Chandlo put oil in all of the lanterns, so we don’t have to stay inside when it’s dark anymore. It’s better than only having a five hour day.
I noticed something today. I looked into the distance, at the rest of the island, and it’s all dark too. Usually I can see the volcano glowing and burning, but I can’t see anything out there when the sun isn't up. And when the sun is down, it’s weird that there aren’t any stars.
Safe to say it’s pretty obvious that nobody in town knows what’s going on. Gramble brought all of his snax into the barn and I barely see him come out when it’s dark, and Snorpy seems hellbent on not leaving the mill at all if the sun isn’t up.
Filbo’s still getting up at the usual time to start the fire, and I realized that he didn’t stop it at all, even when the sun was up. I bet he’s scared of the dark~
“The following passages are written in noticeably messier cursive.”
October 19th 1970
The sun didn’t come up today.
I woke up to Scarla shaking me awake, and I wondered why they were waking me up when it was still dark, but then they showed me their watch- it was the middle of the afternoon.
Everyone in town gathered for a meeting around the fire, which was HUGE. I think Filbo and Chandlo stocked it up higher today, because that thing burned brighter than any of the lanterns.
When we realized what was going on, everyone turned to Triffany, Floofty, and Snorpy. If anyone was going to know what was going on, it was them, wasn’t it? They’re supposed to be the smart ones.
We all ignored Snorpy when he went on a fit about the Grumpinati, figuring the other two would have a better idea, but they DIDN’T. I’ve never seen Floofty more defeated than when they didn’t have an explanation.
I don’t grumping like it at all. The fire was warm, but when I walked away from it to go back home, it was cold. REALLY cold, like freezer cold. It went away when I got back to the lanterns, but I feel like it comes back whenever I look into the darkness too.
I’m not scared of the dark, I never have been. But something’s wrong today.
October 20th 1970
Still no sun. I woke up and saw the fire blazing outside, and I was surprised when I wanted to join everyone and sit around it. Filbo, Wambus, Eggabell, and Chandlo were all around the fire, and when I was awake enough, I joined them.
They were talking about how to give everyone enough light in their huts over the days. The lanterns are hung up all around town, and a few are hanging in the tent, but most of us don’t rlly have more than candles in our huts. I’ve got fairy lights, and the end of my pen glows~
But I’m pretty sure my fairy lights are giving out. Without electricity here, they’re powered by other light hitting them, and there isn’t much of that anymore. And it’s not like the dinky little glow of my pen is gonna do anything.
It had to have been noon when Filbo called everyone to the fire to ask who needed new lanterns or candles. I took a lantern, don’t need an open flame in my hut, but I heard some of the others talking while they were given out. Gramble said something about how the barn was giving him chills now, like it was too big for him, and the darkest corners were huge. Eggabell agreed with him, she said the darkness felt cold, and she couldn’t bear to look at the corners of her and Lizbert’s hut. I didn’t think anyone else felt it.
Floofty and Triffany were talking too. I think they’re trying to figure out what’s causing this, stuff about winter, and prolonged eclipses, or something to do with the bugsnax. But I think whatever’s happening is bigger than the bugsnax, it has to be, doesn’t it? The bugsnax can’t make an entire island black out like this.
Everyone agreed at the end that, even if the dark is scary, it isn’t dangerous. I might not like it, but it’s not like the darkness itself can kill me. Filbo asked if Shelda wanted to stay inside someone’s hut instead of out in her gazebo in case she felt unsafe, but she didn’t want to. Everyone is just staying in their own huts, alone or with their housemate.
October 21st 1970
Another day of darkness. Everyone gathered around the fire today instead of staying in their huts, and it seemed like today was the day Filbo decided to try to keep our spirits high. He kept talking about how he’s sure the sun will come back up again, and we just gotta wait, but I think he knew half of us didn’t buy it. I don’t know what to believe, tbh.
Triffany said that she’s going to start trying to do some research, cuz Floofty gave her some new books for her study. I don’t even know what she COULD research about this, but I'm not rlly a science grump, so I guess I wouldn’t know anything at all.
Gramble said that the bugsnax have been restless today, ever since last night, he said the ones outside have been banging on the door. Didn’t find it amusing when I offered to eat them ;o)
We realized today that we weren’t sure how we’d get bugsnax now if Gramble didn’t give any up. We thought Scarla could go out of town and catch bugsnax nearby, but Filbo didn’t want them to do that, and neither did Eggabell. What else are we gonna do, though? I’m not gonna go out in the dark to steal from Gramble, there’s no lights over the pen. I don’t want them to go out either, but if Scarla doesn’t bring us snax, who will?
I don’t know what decision they came to. Today was a lot of nothing, just half-assed decision making.
October 22nd 1970
We gathered around the fire again today. I think most of us think it’s better than being alone in dark huts, except Snorpy and Gramble, but they’ve always been exceptions.
Apparently Scarla decided to go out and get snax today. No matter what direction I look, I can’t see their lantern anywhere in the distance. I asked everyone why they thought we couldn’t see them, and everyone had a different answer. Triffany and Floofty said the darkness is also part fog, Filbo said they’re up in the mountains, and Wiggle said we’d never be able to see their light from so far away. I guess I believe the scientists the most~
It was an excruciatingly BORING day today. I spent a lot of it listening to everyone else talk on and on about whatever, I almost fell asleep by the fire a couple times, and I probably would’ve if Cromdo’s voice didn’t make me jump every time. I don’t think any of us even know what the time is anytime anymore, we just go to the fire when we wake up, and leave when we’re tired.
“The following page had a page ripped out before it. Searching the writer’s hut, we found several torn pages crumpled under the bed, including the one that fit.”
i had a nightmare that felt too real it was like the sky was falling and the fog was rolling over the stars
i was alone, so alone not even in my hut but on cold stone it felt like scorched gorge but it was so cold i was scared i was so scared
there was nothing but a candle there with me and it felt like nothing the darkness consumed everything that wasn’t the flame it was all i saw and when i looked away something called to me and told me to come to it
it wanted me to leave the light and be part of the darkness
i don’t want to be cold
October 23rd 1970
I was the first one at the fire after Filbo lit it today. He looked surprised when I was the first one to come up behind him, and I actually think I scared him. When it was just the two of us, I felt… Awkward. Maybe it was because it was Filbo, and he expected me to insult him, but I couldn’t today. I didn’t try to talk to him at all, and he didn’t try to either. When Wambus and Triffany got there, he was all over the conversation. When everyone arrived, we all had a question.
Scarla wasn’t back today. It had to have been about 24 hours since they left, and they weren’t back. Filbo was sure they were getting as many snax as possible, so that they could get food for everyone, but can’t they only carry so many? Everyone figured they’d get back soon, if they can get set on fire and not care about it, they can survive this.
Gramble came to the fire today looking more traumatized than usual. None of us got an answer out of him around the fire, but I could tell Wiggle was going to get it out of him given how much he trusts her. They walked off to talk to each other by the barn, and I was just lucky enough to be the one closest to them.
His snax turned to mush. All of them. Every snak, in every enclosure, turned to mush and disappeared.
Does that mean every snak on the island is gone now? Is Scarla out for nothing?
I didn’t tell the others, but it’s been worrying me since I heard it. I don’t want to eat sauce until this is over.
October 24th 1970
Scarla still didn’t come back today.
Wambus is giving out rations of sauce, but it’s hard to make sure everyone gets their preference when most of us like sweet stuff. Though, it was pretty entertaining to watch Triffany drink straight hot sauce without a change of face.
I feel like the lanterns and the fire are starting to give off less light or something. It used to envelop the entire heart of town, but now, it barely escapes all of the seats, and the lanterns don’t really make a path anymore. It’s a lot scarier to go from my hut and back now, I can’t stand being in the dark for even a few seconds.
I kinda wanna ask to hutmate up with someone, but do I really want to? It’d probably be for the best, but then again, who’d wanna room with me lol. I didn’t really listen to todays conversation, I think I got super stuck in my own head
I hope Scarla is back with snax soon.
October 25th
There was no fire today.
I dunno if Filbo forgot to start it, or if he didn’t want to, but there wasn’t a gathering around the fire today. I think everyone stayed in their huts all day today. As far as I can see, their lanterns are all on. I see the little lights in their huts. Or, at least Wiggle, Eggabell, Triffany and Wambus, and Gramble are all at home. I can only see half of town from my window, but hey, it means they’re still out there.
If Scarla came back today, I hope they weren’t disappointed by the fire being out. I hope they’re waiting for it to come on, or they’re going to come by our huts and give us food, or smth. I don’t know.
October 26th 1970
forgot year yesterday, L beffy
There still wasn’t a fire today, and tbh, I’m kinda worried about it??? Filbo isn’t rlly the kinda guy to miss this out two days in a row. One if he’s super tired, but two? Nah. I wish I could see his hut from here and know if his lights are still on.
It’s also… kinda lonely out here. I didn’t think I’d feel it so fast, but after so long of seeing everyone by the fire, I think my brain has gone funny. I’m tempted to ask Wiggle if I can bunk by her until the fire goes back on, I can see her pacing around her hut, but I rlly don’t think she’d welcome me.
I gotta feel bad for Shelda about this. She doesn’t even have walls, can’t imagine her feeling safe about all this. Or warm.
I’m not really warm either, even if I am inside. My bed feels cold, my lantern is cold, it’s all really cold. I don’t like it. It’s been a long time since someone has hugged or held me, but well, what can I do about it?
October 27th 1970
Is this just one big halloween prank from the world to us? The fire wasn’t on again today, I don’t think Filbo is okay and I’m grumping scared. Everyone else’s lights are still on, and sometimes, I see Eggabell pass by the window. She looks just as scared as me, and if she looks out, she only looks worse. I feel weird looking out the window too. Even seeing the light of the other huts isn’t enough, the darkness just… it’s scary.
Sometimes I end up hitting my desk with my pen, and the light on it goes out for a little bit. It doesn’t take more than another tap for it to turn back on, but still, it’s scary to see it go out. I don’t know WHY it scares me to see it go out, when I’ve got the lantern, but it does. It doesn’t make me feel any better knowing my fairy lights went out ages ago, and I didn’t even notice.
October 28th 1970
I managed to talk to someone today. I saw Wiggle standing by her doorway, looking out, and I wondered if I could talk to her from across the street. Wasn’t easy, but we did it.
Put simply, we’re both grumping terrified. She was worried because she can’t see Gramble’s barn from her hut, but I can still see the light, and it felt kinda nice to see her feel better when I told her he was okay. We talked about what we thought this was, and she said something about bugsnax covering up the entire sky. I really don’t think so, but she’s got a few loose screws, so I wasn’t gonna stress myself out being mean right now.
I asked her if she thought it’d be safer if more of us were in the same place, and she was one step ahead of me. Said she’d been planning to take her lantern and run for the barn to stay with Gramble, but every time she’s about to go, she can’t get herself to. I guess I get it, it doesn’t seem safe to try and run across town like that. I wanted to ask if I could join her, but I dunno if she’d be very happy with that. I dunno if I would be either.
“The following is another ripped out page that fit into this spot between the other pages.”
i can’t do this i can’t do this i can’t do this i want my sister i want my father i want anyone who still loves me to hold me it’s too cold it’s too dark
the lights have all gone out all i see is black even with my eyes open it feels like something is staring back
i want to rip out my eyes i want to claw apart my flesh i don’t want to be cold i don’t want to be cold i don't want to be cold
i would give anything to be home and have dad telling jessany and i a story i would give anything just to be warm and happy
“Research has yielded that the mentioned “Jessany” is Beffica’s older sister, who has lived in New Grump City for all of her life with the two’s father, Olivier Winkleberry. We have not yet told either member of her family about Beffica’s disappearance and presumed death.”
October 29th 1970
I’m with Wiggle now. I had only been awake for a few minutes when I heard someone screaming, but it wasn’t even screaming- it was a yelp, and then silence. I caught a glimpse of light in town when I looked out, but it was gone in a second. It was one of the boys, one with a deeper voice, but I don’t know who. Wambus and Triffany’s light has still been on since it happened, so it wasn’t him either. Whoever it was, I didn’t wanna be next.
Wiggle had heard it too, and when she called out to me first, I knew I had to ask if we could stick together. She was so desperate that she didn’t care that it was me, she held her lantern out and told me to come to her.
I’ve got my diary obvs, and my lantern and pen. But something weird happened while I was crossing the street.
First of all, I felt SUPER cold the moment I was out of my hut. I would’ve frozen if I wasn’t rushing to get to Wiggle’s hut next, but I swear if I was out there a second longer, I would’ve gotten hypothermia or something.
And my pen is really struggling to stay on now. A few hits on the desk, and it only lights up for a few minutes. It’s like going through the dark broke it or something.
Neither of us want to sleep at the same time after hearing that scream this morning, so we decided we’ll sleep in shifts. She’s asleep rn, but she’s about to wake up, and it’ll be my turn.
I want this to be over soon.
“We are unsure of the validity of the timeline anymore, given the irregular sleeping shifts mentioned on the previous page. However, it is all we have to go off of currently.”
“The following page is covered in wet stains and has a very large ink splatter at the bottom.”
October 30th 1970
Wiggle has been basically hysterical for the little bit we’re awake at the same time for. She’s not doing anything crazy, but she’s talking to herself, and I'm pretty sure she’s crying based on how much mascara is leaking down her eyes. I'm scared too, I can’t deny being grumping terrified, but for some reason I can’t cry. I’ve never been able to take big stuff like this, I guess I don’t think it’s real, but it’s super real to her. I feel bad, I think. But with two lanterns and double the light now, I feel more secure at least. I'm hoping it lasts long.
“The following passage was written in messier handwriting and less refined, sometimes incorrect cursive, as well as on the same page as the previous passage.”
what the fuck what the fuck what the FUCK i looked away and she was fucking GONE where the fuck is she
she was sleeping just a second ago where did she go what did she do
did she go to get gramble?? why???
she took her lantern with her i don’t feel safe i don’t feel okay
my pen is still struggling to stay on and i don’t know where she keeps the fuel for her lanterns
why am i all alone again why why why why WHY WHY DON’T FUCKING DO THIS TO ME DON’T DO THIS
“The handwriting returns to normal for the rest of the page.”
im okay im okay I’m Okay
She’s going to come back. She’ll be back, and she’ll have Gramble, and then there will be three of us. and it’ll all be okay
I’m so tired. I’m so cold. But it’ll be okay soon. I just need to rest and she’ll be back in the morning
“The following is the last torn out page that we could find, and it fits here. Unlike previous pages, this one is in an entirely different handwriting. After being compared to records, it is most likely Wiggle Wigglebottom herself that wrote this.”
the final song i ever sing will be my aria into the dark unknown
may light find everyone as the shining stars disappear
may this foul force have mercy on them all
“The rest of the page is full of nonsensical black scribbles.”
october 31
she’s not back it’s not okay i’m not okay i can’t do this i can’t survive this
the darkness is calling me to it. it’s taking everything around me into it too. wiggle’s lantern is gone, mine went out while i was asleep
all i have left is my pen
and it’s too cold to keep my paw moving
i’m sorry for being a terrible friend
i’m sorry for being a horrible daughter
i’m sorry for being a mean little sister
dad, jess i love you two so much
hold me one last time please
“This was the final page in the diary, and no other pages seemed to have been torn out or removed. We cannot determine the fate of Beffica Winklesnoot yet, however the pages imply insanity to have consumed her by some means.
Investigators have decided that most information inside this diary is not to be considered during the investigation and to instead all be marked down as insanity unless evidence can be found to support it. They will continue searching for evidence around Snaktooth Island in an attempt to determine what happened.
This is [&/:$):?/?/&@] signing off.”
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ludmilachaibemachado · 3 months
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On the 25th of June, 1967, The Beatles recorded 'All you need is love' live to over 200 million people worldwide♥️🎸♥️
Via @thebeatlesfanpage_ on Instagram💐
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occult-roommates · 7 months
I did write all of the characters birthday on their profile, but it's been a while and I haven't made a profile for everyone so here's a list in chronological order of those who I gave a canon birthday.
Giuseppe Paradisi: September 3rd 1898
Gwenaelle "Gwenn" Lorgnez: August 9th 1904
Tamara Schumacher: July 7th 1971
Yamuna Chintal: December 12th 1971
Raphael "Ralf" Montag: August 1st 1973
Charlie Yi: February 5th 1984
Kino Gurafee: September 22nd 1993
Peneloppe "Paisley" Cox: October 18th 1993
Lilah Silvercloud: February 21st 1994
Antoinette "Toni" Crosdale: June 9th 1994
Audrey Newberry: October 26th 1995
Dawud Sahan: March 21st 1996
Rudder "Rudi" Marron: January 14th 1997
Marisa Magallanes: March 11th 1997
Matteo Rossini: November 25th 1997
Daniele Rossini: June 7th 1998
June Crosdale: November 27th 1998
Akvamareen "Akva" Singh: May 18th 1999
Athena Ramdeen: August 24th 1999
Adem Zaoui: January 9th 2001
Saraswati "Sara" Cox: November 1st 2019
Joseph Gurafee-Silvercloud: April 15th 2021
Bonus: It's been said in a chapter that Ulrikke, Rudi's younger sister, shares a birthday with Tamara. She was also turning 18 that years in 2021, meaning she was born in 2003. Daniele also said the Tenerife airport disaster was on his mother 10th birthday. This plane crash happened on March 27th 1977, therefore we can deduce his mom was born on March 27th 1967. I don't really have a specific birthday for the other character's relatives though some of them have at least an age that has been mentionned in canon. Like Akva said her parents had her at 20 for example. This is because I am a freak and I need my timeline to be super specific and on point even though nobody cares except me.
Dawud is also the only one to have celebrated his birthday in a chapter, twice in fact. This is a clever reference to him being the main character of the story.
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messervixen · 2 years
For no particular reason whatsoever, I’ve made a list of every full moon that Remus ever transformed in. It follows my head canon of Remus being bitten in December of 1964.
0. Saturday December 19th 1964
1. Sunday January 17th 1965
2. Tuesday February 16th 1965
3. Wednesday March 17th 1965
4. Thursday April 15th 1965
5. Saturday May 15th 1965
6. Monday June 14th 1965
7. Tuesday July 13th 1965
8. Thursday August 12th 1965
9. Friday September 10th 1965
10. Sunday October 10th 1965
11. Tuesday November 9th 1965
12. Wednesday December 8th 1965
13. Friday January 7th 1966
14. Saturday February 5th 1966
15. Monday March 7th 1966
16. Tuesday April 5th 1966
17. Wednesday May 4th 1966
18. Friday June 3rd 1966
19. Saturday July 2nd 1966
20. Monday August 1st 1966
21. Wednesday August 31st 1966
22. Thursday September 29th 1966
23. Saturday October 29th 1966
24. Monday November 28th 1966
25. Tuesday December 27th 1966
26. Thursday January 26th 1967
27. Friday February 24th 1967
28. Sunday March 26th 1967
29. Monday April 24th 1967
30. Tuesday May 23rd 1967
31. Thursday June 22nd 1967
32. Friday July 21st 1967
33. Sunday August 20th 1967
34. Monday September 18th 1967
35. Wednesday October 18th 1967
36. Friday November 17th 1967
37. Saturday December 16th 1967
38. Monday January 15th 1968
39. Wednesday February 14th 1968
40. Thursday March 14th 1968
41. Saturday April 13th 1968
42. Sunday May 12th 1968
43. Monday June 10th 1968
44. Wednesday July 10th 1968
45. Thursday August 8th 1968
46. Friday September 6th 1968
47. Sunday October 6th 1968
48. Tuesday November 5th 1968
49. Wednesday December 4th 1968
50. Friday January 3rd 1969
51. Sunday February 2nd 1969
52. Tuesday March 4th 1969
53. Wednesday April 2nd 1969
54. Friday May 2nd 1969
55. Saturday May 31st 1969
56. Sunday June 29th 1969
57. Tuesday July 29th 1969
58. Wednesday August 27th 1969
59. Thursday September 25th 1969
60. Saturday October 25th 1969
61. Sunday November 23rd 1969
62. Tuesday December 23rd 1969
63. Thursday January 22nd 1970
64. Saturday February 21st 1970
65. Monday March 23rd 1970
66. Tuesday April 21st 1970
67. Thursday May 21st 1970
68. Friday June 19th 1970
69. Saturday July 18th 1970
70. Monday August 17th 1970
71. Tuesday September 15th 1970
72. Wednesday October 14th 1970
73. Friday November 13th 1970
74. Saturday December 12th 1970
75. Monday January 11th 1971
76. Wednesday February 10th 1971
77. Friday March 12th 1971
78. Saturday April 10th 1971
79. Monday May 10th 1971
80. Wednesday June 9th 1971
81. Thursday July 8th 1971
82. Friday August 6th 1971
83. Sunday September 5th 1971
94. Monday October 4th 1971
85. Tuesday November 2nd 1971
86. Thursday December 2nd 1971
87. Friday December 31st 1971
88. Sunday January 30th 1972
89. Tuesday February 29th 1972
90. Wednesday March 29th 1972
91. Friday April 28th 1972
92. Sunday May 28th 1972
93. Monday June 26th 1972
94. Wednesday July 26th 1972
95. Thursday August 24th 1972
96. Saturday September 23rd 1972
97. Sunday October 22nd 1972
98. Monday November 20th 1972
99. Wednesday December 20th 1972
100. Thursday January 18th 1973
101. Saturday February 17th 1973
102. Sunday March 18th 1973
103. Tuesday April 17th 1973
104. Thursday May 17th 1973
105. Friday June 15th 1973
106. Sunday July 15th 1973
107. Tuesday August 14th 1973
108. Wednesday September 12th 1973
109. Friday October 12th 1973
110. Saturday November 10th 1973
111. Monday December 10th 1973
112. Tuesday January 8th 1974
113. Wednesday February 6th 1974
114. Friday March 8th 1974
115. Saturday April 6th 1974
116. Monday May 6th 1974
117. Tuesday June 4th 1974
118. Thursday July 4th 1974
119. Saturday August 3rd 1974
120. Sunday September 1st 1974
121. Tuesday October 1st 1974
122. Thursday October 31st 1974
123. Friday November 29th 1974
124. Sunday December 29th 1974
125. Monday January 27th 1975
126. Wednesday February 26th 1975
127. Thursday March 27th 1975
128. Friday April 25th 1975
129. Sunday May 25th 1975
130. Monday June 23rd 1975
131. Wednesday July 23rd 1975
132. Thursday August 21st 1975
133. Saturday September 20th 1975
134. Monday October 20th 1975
135. Tuesday November 18th 1975
136. Thursday December 18th 1975
137. Saturday January 17th 1976
138. Sunday February 15th 1976
139. Tuesday March 16th 1976
140. Wednesday April 14th 1976
141. Thursday May 13th 1976
142. Saturday June 12th 1976
143. Sunday July 11th 1976
144. Monday August 9th 1976
145. Wednesday September 8th 1976
146. Friday October 8th 1976
147. Saturday November 6th 1976
148. Monday December 6th 1976
149. Wednesday January 5th 1977
150. Friday February 4th 1977
151. Saturday March 5th 1977
152. Monday April 4th 1977
153. Tuesday May 3rd 1977
154. Wednesday June 1st 1977
155. Friday July 1st 1977
156. Saturday July 30th 1977
157. Sunday August 28th 1977
158. Tuesday September 27th 1977
159. Wednesday October 26th 1977
160. Friday November 25th 1977
161. Sunday December 25th 1977
162. Tuesday January 24th 1978
163. Thursday February 23rd 1978
164. Friday March 24th 1978
165. Sunday April 23rd 1978
166. Monday May 22nd 1978
167. Tuesday June 20th 1978
168. Thursday July 20th 1978
169. Friday August 18th 1978
170. Saturday September 16th 1978
171. Monday October 16th 1978
172. Tuesday November 14th 1978
173. Thursday December 14th 1978
174. Saturday January 13th 1979
175. Monday February 12th 1979
176. Tuesday March 13th 1979
177. Thursday April 12th 1979
178. Saturday May 12th 1979
179. Sunday June 10th 1979
180. Monday July 9th 1979
181. Wednesday August 8th 1979
182. Thursday September 6th 1979
183. Friday October 5th 1979
184. Sunday November 4th 1979
185. Monday December 3rd 1979
186. Wednesday January 2nd 1980
187. Friday February 1st 1980
188. Saturday March 1st 1980
189. Monday March 31st 1980
190. Wednesday April 30th 1980
191. Thursday May 29th 1980
192. Saturday June 28th 1980
193. Sunday July 27th 1980
194. Tuesday August 26th 1980
195. Wednesday September 24th 1980
196. Thursday October 23rd 1980
197. Saturday November 22nd 1980
198. Sunday December 21st 1980
199. Tuesday January 20th 1981
200. Wednesday February 18th 1981
201. Friday March 20th 1981
202. Sunday April 19th 1981
203. Tuesday May 19th 1981
204. Wednesday June 17th 1981
205. Friday July 17th 1981
206. Saturday August 15th 1981
207. Monday September 14th 1981
208. Tuesday October 13th 1981
209. Wednesday November 11th 1981
210. Friday December 11th 1981
211. Saturday January 9th 1982
212. Monday February 8th 1982
213. Tuesday March 9th 1982
214. Thursday April 8th 1982
215. Saturday May 8th 1982
216. Sunday June 6th 1982
217. Tuesday July 6th 1982
218. Wednesday August 4th 1982
219. Friday September 3rd 1982
220. Sunday October 3rd 1982
221. Wednesday November 1st 1982
222. Wednesday December 1st 1982
223. Thursday December 30th 1982
224. Friday January 28th 1983
225. Sunday February 27th 1983
226. Monday March 28th 1983
227. Wednesday April 27th 1983
228. Thursday May 26th 1983
229. Saturday June 25th 1983
230. Sunday July 24th 1983
231. Tuesday August 23rd 1983
232. Thursday September 22nd 1983
233. Friday October 21st 1983
234. Sunday November 20th 1983
235. Tuesday December 20th 1983
236. Wednesday January 18th 1984
237. Friday February 17th 1984
238. Saturday March 17th 1984
239. Sunday April 15th 1984
240. Tuesday May 15th 1984
241. Wednesday June 13th 1984
242. Friday July 13th 1984
243. Saturday August 11th 1984
244. Monday September 10th 1984
245. Tuesday October 9th 1984
246. Thursday November 8th 1984
247. Saturday December 8th 1984
248. Monday January 7th 1985
249. Tuesday February 5th 1985
250. Thursday March 7th 1985
251. Friday April 5th 1985
252. Saturday May 4th 1985
253. Monday June 3rd 1985
254. Tuesday July 2nd 1985
255. Wednesday July 31st 1985
256. Friday August 30th 1985
257. Sunday September 29th 1985
258. Monday October 28th 1985
259. Wednesday November 27th 1985
260. Friday December 27th 1985
261. Sunday January 26th 1986
262. Monday February 24th 1986
263. Wednesday March 26th 1986
264. Thursday April 24th 1986
265. Friday May 23rd 1986
266. Sunday June 22nd 1986
267. Monday July 21st 1986
268. Tuesday August 19th 1986
269. Thursday September 18th 1986
270. Friday October 17th 1986
271. Sunday November 16th 1986
272. Tuesday December 16th 1986
273. Thursday January 15th 1987
274. Friday February 13th 1987
275. Sunday March 15th 1987
276. Tuesday April 14th 1987
277. Wednesday May 13th 1987
278. Thursday June 11th 1987
279. Saturday July 11th 1987
280. Sunday August 9th 1987
281. Monday September 7th 1987
282. Wednesday October 7th 1987
283. Thursday November 5th 1987
284. Saturday December 5th 1987
285. Monday January 4th 1988
286. Tuesday February 2nd 1988
287. Thursday March 3rd 1988
288. Saturday April 2nd 1988
289. Sunday May 1st 1988
290. Tuesday May 31st 1988
291. Wednesday June 29th 1988
292. Friday July 29th 1988
293. Saturday August 27th 1988
294. Sunday September 25th 1988
295. Tuesday October 25th 1988
296. Wednesday November 23rd 1988
297. Friday December 23rd 1988
298. Saturday January 21st 1989
299. Monday February 20th 1989
300. Wednesday March 22nd 1989
301. Friday April 21st 1989
302. Saturday May 20th 1989
303. Monday June 19th 1989
304. Tuesday July 18th 1989
305. Thursday August 17th 1989
306. Friday September 15th 1989
307. Saturday October 14th 1989
308. Monday November 13th 1989
309. Tuesday December 12th 1989
310. Thursday January 11th 1990
311. Friday February 9th 1990
312. Sunday March 11th 1990
313. Tuesday April 10th 1990
314. Wednesday May 9th 1990
315. Friday June 8th 1990
316. Sunday July 8th 1990
317. Monday August 6th 1990
318. Wednesday September 5th 1990
319. Thursday October 4th 1990
320. Friday November 2nd 1990
321. Sunday December 2nd 1990
322. Monday December 31st 1990
323. Wednesday January 30th 1991
324. Thursday February 28th 1991
325. Saturday March 30th 1991
326. Sunday April 28th 1991
327. Tuesday May 28th 1991
328. Thursday June 27th 1991
329. Friday July 26th 1991
330. Sunday August 25th 1991
331. Monday September 23rd 1991
332. Wednesday October 23rd 1991
333. Thursday November 21st 1991
334. Saturday December 21st 1991
335. Sunday January 19th 1992
336. Tuesday February 18th 1992
337. Wednesday March 18th 1992
338. Friday April 17th 1992
339. Saturday May 16th 1992
340. Monday June 15th 1992
341. Tuesday July 14th 1992
342. Thursday August 13th 1992
343. Saturday September 12th 1992
344. Sunday October 11th 1992
345. Tuesday November 10th 1992
346. Wednesday December 9th 1992
347. Friday January 8th 1993
348. Saturday February 6th 1993
349. Monday March 8th 1993
350. Tuesday April 6th 1993
351. Thursday May 6th 1993
352. Friday June 4th 1993
353. Saturday July 3rd 1993
354. Monday August 2nd 1993
355. Wednesday September 1st 1993
356. Thursday September 30th 1993
357. Saturday October 30th 1993
358. Monday November 29th 1993
359. Tuesday December 28th 1993
360. Thursday January 27th 1994
361. Saturday February 26th 1994
362. Sunday March 27th 1994
363. Monday April 25th 1994
364. Wednesday May 25th 1994
365. Thursday June 23rd 1994
366. Friday July 22nd 1994
367. Sunday August 21st 1994
368. Monday September 19th 1994
369. Wednesday October 19th 1994
370. Friday November 18th 1994
371. Sunday December 18th 1994
372. Monday January 16th 1995
373. Wednesday February 15th 1995
374. Friday March 17th 1995
375. Saturday April 15th 1995
376. Sunday May 14th 1995
377. Tuesday June 13th 1995
378. Wednesday July 12th 1995
379. Thursday August 10th 1995
380. Saturday September 9th 1995
381. Sunday October 8th 1995
382. Tuesday November 7th 1995
383. Thursday December 7th 1995
384. Friday January 5th 1996
385. Sunday February 4th 1996
386. Tuesday March 5th 1996
387. Thursday April 4th 1996
388. Friday May 3rd 1996
389. Saturday June 1st 1996
390. Monday July 1st 1996
391. Tuesday July 30th 1996
392. Wednesday August 28th 1996
393. Friday September 27th 1996
394. Saturday October 26th 1996
395. Monday November 25th 1996
396. Tuesday December 24th 1996
397. Thursday January 23rd 1997
398. Saturday February 22nd 1997
399. Monday March 24th 1997
400. Tuesday April 22nd 1997
401. Thursday May 22nd 1997
402. Friday June 20th 1997
403. Sunday July 20th 1997
404. Monday August 18th 1997
405. Tuesday September 16th 1997
406. Thursday October 16th 1997
407. Friday November 14th 1997
408. Sunday December 14th 1997
409. Monday January 12th 1998
410. Wednesday February 11th 1998
411. Friday March 13th 1998
412. Saturday April 11th 1998
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thesynaxarium · 2 years
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Today we also celebrate the Holy Metropolitan Kallinikos of Edessa. Saint Kallinikos was an ascetic Bishop, who, according to the witnesses, had a venerable repose. The new Venerable Kallinikos was born in Sitaralona, Agrinio in 1918, to a poor family. He graduated from the Theological School of Athens, and was ordained a deacon and a priest by his brother according to the flesh, Metropolitan Konstantinos of Didymoteichos, Orestiados and Soufliou, in 1957. He served as a secretary and Preacher of the Metropolis of Aitolias and Akarnanias during the hierarchy of Metropolitan Theokletos.    On June 25th, 1967, he was ordained Metropolitan of Edessa in the Holy Church of St. Dionysios, the Patron Saint of Athens, succeeding Metropolitan Dionysios of Edessa. His consecration was served by Metropolitan Dionysios of Trikkes and Stagon, together with Metropolitans Meletios of Kythera, Konstantinos of Didymoteichos, Synesios of Kassandreias, and Theokletos of Aitolias and Akarnanias. A few days before his election, the eparchy of Almopias, according to the decision of the Hierarchy of the Church of Greece, was detached from the Metropolis of Florina, and attached to the Metropolis of Edessa. He was a man of almsgiving, prayer, meekness, and had many pastoral activities in his metropolis. He was also very careful with his ordinations, and he had within him love and the fear of God. His spiritual children are many. He left a good and virtuous memory through his monastic life, and example for clergy and laity to imitate. May he intercede for us always + Source: http://full-of-grace-and-truth.blogspot.com/2020/06/metropolitan-kallinikos-of-edessa.html?m=1 (at Agrínion, Greece) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg-NwUlv_ZN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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brn1029 · 2 years
On this date….here’s what went down in music.
August 26th
2007 - The Rolling Stones
After two years, The Rolling Stones played the final show on their A Bigger Bang World Tour at the O2 Arena in London, England. The longest and biggest tour of their career, it became the highest grossing in rock history ($560 million).
2005 - Quarry Men
A plaque was unveiled by fellow Quarrymen John Duff Lowe and Colin Hantonat at the site where the band which was to become The Beatles made their first recordings. John Lennon, Paul McCartney and George Harrison recorded a version of Buddy Holly's 'That'll Be The Day' and a Lennon-Harrison song, 'In Spite Of All The Danger' as The Quarrymen at the Percy Philips studio in Liverpool in 1958.
2005 - Ray Charles
A post office near the Los Angeles studio where Ray Charles recorded much of his music was renamed after the R&B legend. A federal bill was signed by US President George Bush to rename the post office. Charles, died in June 2004 at the age of 74, suffering from acute liver disease.
2005 - Green Day
Green Day were named best band on the planet at the 12th annual Kerrang! rock awards, they also won best live act. Welsh metal group Funeral For a Friend won best British band, while New Jersey's My Chemical Romance picked up best album and best video. Iron Maiden were inducted into the Kerrang! Hall of Fame and Marilyn Manson took the Icon Award. Best single went to Foo Fighters 'Best of You' while Trivium were named best international newcomers. Nine Inch Nails frontman Trent Reznor was named classic songwriter while Killing Joke were given a lifetime achievement accolade.
2004 - David Myers
US Cinematographer David Myers died after suffering a stroke. He worked of various music films including Woodstock, Elvis On Tour, The Last Waltz, the Grateful Dead Movie, Mad Dogs & Englishmen and Cracked Actor: A Film About David Bowie.
2004 - Laura Branigan
Singer Laura Branigan died of a brain aneurysm. She had had a 1982 US No.2 & UK No.6 single with ‘Gloria’ and a 1984 US No.4 & UK No.5 with ‘Self Control’. She had also played Janis Joplin in the US musical Love, Janis.
2003 - Jimi Hendrix
Rolling Stone Magazine named Jimi Hendrix as the greatest guitarist in Rock history. Eric Clapton, Jimmy Page, Keith Richards, Chuck Berry Stevie Ray Vaughan and Ry Cooder also made the top 10 list.
2000 - Allen Woody
Allen Woody former bass player with The Allman Brothers Band and co-founder of Gov't Mule was found dead in New York aged 44.
1993 - The Beatles
A double sided acetate of The Beatles performing live at The Cavern Club in Liverpool sold for £16,500 at Christies, London, a world record price for a recording.
1987 - Sonny Bono
Sonny Bono, who once said that he never voted until he was 53, announced that he was running for mayor of Palm Springs, California. He won the election in 1988 and went on to win a seat in Congress in 1996.
1981 - Paul Anka
Ottawa City Council named 'Paul Anka Day' to celebrate his 25th anniversary in show-business. The council also named a street in Ottawa 'Paul Anka Drive' in his honour. The Canadian singer songwriter had written over 900 songs including the classic 'My Way'.
1978 - Frankie Valli
Frankie Valli went to No.1 on the US singles chart with the Barry Gibb song 'Grease'. It went on to sell over 2 million in the States (a No. 3 hit in the UK).
1970 - Eric Clapton
Recording with Eric Clapton for what would become the double album Layla and Other Assorted Love Songs, producer Tom Dowd took Clapton and his band to an Allman Brothers concert where Clapton, already a fan of the guitarist, first heard Duane Allman play in person. After Clapton invited the whole band back to the studio that night, he and Allman formed an instant bond that provided the catalyst for the Layla album. Over ten days Allman contributed to most of the tracks on the album.
1967 - The Beatles
The Beatles held a press conference at University College in Bangor, North Wales with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. The Beatles announced that they had become disciples of the guru and that they renounced the use of drugs. The four had become members of the Maharishi's 'Spiritual Regeneration Movement', which obligated them to donate one week's earnings each month to the organization.
1967 - Small Faces
Small Faces, Move, The Gass, Tomorrow, Denny Laine, Jeff Beck, Eric Burdon and Marmalade all appeared on the first day of the 3-day non-stop happening 'Festival of the Flower Children' at Woburn Abbey, England. Plus DJ's John Peel and Tommy Vance, day tickets cost £1.
1965 - Sonny & Cher
Sonny & Cher were at No.1 on the UK singles chart with 'I Got You Babe', the duo's only UK No.1. Sonny Bono was inspired to write the song to capitalize on the popularity of the term "babe," as heard in Bob Dylan's 'It Ain't Me Babe'.
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greensparty · 2 years
This Month in History - June
Another month with loads of landmark anniversaries: 
June 2, 1967: Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band released
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In June 1967, The Beatles’ magnum opus was released. Here is my piece I wrote in 2017. Happy 55th Sgt. Pepper!
June 8, 1992: Angel Dust released
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In June 1992, Faith No More’s criminally underrated album was released. Here is my piece I wrote in 2017. Happy 30th Angel Dust!
June 11, 1982: E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial opens
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In June 1982, one of Steve Spielberg’s all-time greatest works was released. Here is my piece I wrote in 2017. Happy 40th E.T.!
June 15, 2007: Icky Thump released
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In June 2007, the final album from The White Stripes was released. Here is my piece I wrote in 2017. Happy 15 Icky Thump!
June 16, 1972: Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars released
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In June 1972, David Bowie’s magnum opus was released. Here is my piece I wrote in 2017. Happy 50th ZSATSFM!
June 16, 2017: Melodrama released
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In June 2017, Lorde’s second and greatest work to date was released. Following the success of her massive 2013 single “Royals”  that she made when she was just 17, the bar was high for the sophomore album. It is pop, art rock and electronic all rolled into one, but it’s really her voice that makes this album. I included this album on my Best Albums of the 2010s list. Happy 5 Melodrama!
June 17, 1987: Pleased to Meet Me released
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In June 1987, The Replacements’ greatest album was released. Here is my piece I wrote in 2017. Happy 35th PTMM!
June 18, 2012: The Idler Wheel... released
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In June 2012, Fiona Apple’s 4th album was released. It has been seven years since the release of Apple’s excellent album Extraordinary Machine, so hopes were high. This album is more than just an album you listen to, it is something you experience. I named this my #8 Album of the 2010s. Happy 10 The Idler Wheel...!
June 19, 1992: Batman Returns opens
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In June 1992, Tim Burton’s second Batman movie was released. Here is my piece I wrote in 2017. Happy 30th BR!
June 21, 2002: Minority Report opens
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In June 2002, Spielberg’s adaptation of Philip K. Dick was released. Here is my piece I wrote in 2017. Happy 20th MR!
June 23, 2017: The Big Sick opens
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In June 2017, one of the smartest comedies about relationships in a long time was released. Co-writer / star Kumail Nanjiani, director Michael Showalter and producer Judd Apatow were a meeting of the cinematic minds in this story of an interracial relationship that gets complicated when his grad student girlfriend goes into a coma. This was laugh-out-loud funny one minute / verge of tears the next, but with a real heart to it. I named it my #1 Movie of 2017. Happy 5 TBS!
June 25, 1982: Blade Runner opens
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In June 1982, another classic Philip K. Dick adaptation was released. Here is my piece I wrote in 2017. Happy 40th BR!
June 26, 1987: Full Metal Jacket opens
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In June 1987, Stanley Kubrick’s war epic was released. Here is my piece I wrote in 2017. Happy 35th FMJ!
June 27, 1997: Face/Off opens
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In June 1997, John Woo’s greatest American film was released. Here is my piece I wrote in 2017. Happy 25th F/O!
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