#jib10 cockles panel
cooloddball · 2 years
for daisy anon
let me start by saying that I will forever analyse jib10 until the day i crack the code because this panel was the messiest these two have ever been (and we all know they are messy af). let it also be known that everytime i watch it, i cringe so hard i have to stop and then a few months later i go back and repeat the entire process. it’s like some sort of madness but that’s what cockles has done to us all.
PS. I'll be using two videos to analyze it since some angles are not visible in one video.
on to the closing ceremony ↓
the panel is over and what in the gay hell (as one of my followers would ask) is this moment? guys stop, no please don’t.
the entire cast present walks out with briana buckmaster beelining for jensen as usual. okay this is not a snide comment, they are actually besties and she’s often hanging around jensen during jib (re: jib8,jib9, jib10, sns) and that photo they took ladies in red giving off bi4bi energy. anyway I digress. now, as briana is hugging jensen misha seems like he’s lost and doesn’t know what to do with his hands until rob comes along and they hug (rob is so adorable i just want to squish is cheeks) the funniest thing about this situation is that no one goes to hug jared or anything. It’s rather odd don’t you think? 
anyway, back to cockles.  jensen looks over at robisha? giving each other some love and i think he just wants his man's attention again because he goes over to the fireworks thingy or whatever it’s called is throwing sparks and jensen with his whole chest and his cute little bowlegs stands in front of it to show off? I love this man but half the time i don’t know what he’s doing but he looks adorable doing it so i enjoy it. after his shennanigans, jensen turns to see if his husband is looking at him being goofy and all but at this point misha is busy talking with rob, rob’s hand is on misha’s shoulder and man is jensen not amused. this was so funny like dude chill, he’s just having a wee chat with rob, you know rob your straight (?)friend rob. dude is looking at them for a whole three seconds (yes i counted) like it’s getting creepy and both misha and rob are oblivious just chatting away. I was afraid he might go there and ask rob to back off but thank jack he didn’t because that stare was intense. I wish i could get a video taken from the other angle because i'd like to see what his face was doing.  it’s heartbreaking and funny and adorable all at the same time because jensen you are a grown ass man and a father of three and yes we understand you were extremely needy that particular day but let misha catch up with his friend for just a sec, jfc.
so jensen decides nope, nope that’s enough i can’t not have my man look at me so i’ll show him who he needs to be looking at. let me do something crazy so he starts walking off the stage and misha looks back at jared and says something. so as misha and jared chat away and try to figure out what is going on with the green eyed grasshopper, jensen goes ahead and sits on someone’s lap, yes, he sits on a fan in the audience. okay if that happened to me i’d probably d word because it’s jensen ross ackles sitting on my lap. I know he smells amazing and is sexy af i’d probably be stuck there like a koala and i wouldn’t let him go but i digress.
while jared is uncomfortably smiling wondering wtf is going on, misha is hiding his face in shame like nope sweetheart what are you doing? that’s not cool you know you can’t just be out there sitting on fan girls’ laps please stop. even jared is rubbing his forehead probably wondering wtf is wrong with his friend.
jensen starts to scream into the mic while looking at his colleagues on the stage and as he does that. misha moves from where he was standing right in front of jensen and goes down the stage to talk to daniela.
meanwhile jared is still rubbing his head like what is happening? everyone else is laughing but jared is surprised that misha has left he seems confused???  And so am i because wtf jensen? misha? can you two just be normal like for once? you are 40+ year oldmen acting like teenagers with a crush like tf? okay i love to see it but also it’s so cringey i can’t keep up. jensen looks over at misha and daniela and when he sees that misha is going back on stage, he gets off the fan too but misha goes to stand at the very end of the line next to jason manns. it looks like jensen is beelining for misha but i think he decides against it since he's the mc and he has to stand in the middle of the room. at this moment i would like us to take a moment of silence for jensen for having to keep it together while working very closely with misha for all those years. i mean if he’s behaving like this in public in front of thousands of fans what was he like on set? i know i’m needy when it comes to relationships but i feel like he’s needier. let’s take another moment of silence for misha for having to deal with a needy/bratty jensen ross ackles for over a decade.
idk what jared is telling rob but rob is laughing while looking at jensen who is walking towards them on stage. it’s all good between rob and jensen. of course no one can stay mad at rob for over a minute he’s too damn adorable. NB: I don’t think jensen was mad at rob for talking to misha i just think he was feeling abandoned by his man so he got a little desperate and did what he did as described above.
there’s a flying unicorn (steve is that you?) and surprse jensen kicks it as usual *eye roll* what did unicorns ever do to him?
he is finally done with his shenanigans and starts the closing ceremony. now what stands out here is the way he introduces people. so he starts with rich who is the second person to his right, then after he goes ahead to introduce jason manns who is at the far end of the line next to misha. i mean he leaves out rob who is closest to him and adam fergus who is standing between rich and jason. now what's more interesting is his pitch of voice when he introduces them that makes it sus. anyway…the way misha is looking at jensen here is just so...heart eyes. he has an ear to ear grin and he’s just looking at jensen so adorably like c’mon jensen just said jason manns and that was enough to make misha happy. like am i missing something or? so when jason is called, he playfully hides behind misha and misha just looks at jensen and jensen looks at him and it’ so funny because this is so funny to me.
the way jensen and misha look at each other here…it’s just s funny because like guys you just had a whole hour of shennanigans together tf? and it goes on for 3 seconds as well like ??? in retrospect, jensen could’ve been looking at jason but since he was so close to misha i’ll just assume it’s misha because misha was also looking at him.
the way he announces misha’s name like sir are you okay? do you need to be that loud? dlso did he just moan? i heard a mmh...ahh somewhere in there but maybe it’s just me. the way he’s looking at misha guys i want to hide this is so…i can’t look. jensen hasn’t taken his eyes off him for 5 seconds now like can someone help him? they are looking at each other i’m crying because i am feeling so many things all at once.
it’s funny how even though he announces adam fergus the same way he announced misha, he barely looks at him. like i know they are friends but it’s just the difference between how he looks at misha and the way he looks at adam. i gagged.
so he goes ahead and introduces everyone else and he barely looks at them which is a glaring omission considering how he was behaving earlier when it came to misha. he doesn’t even look at jared. i don’t think i have enough expletives for the feelings i have rn because i’m reeling. jensen is intentionally looking away from jared while misha and jason are busy talking about jensen and whatever is happening at that moment probably something like “he looks done” and jason agrees because they laugh.
jensen also doesn’t look at briana once. also what’s even funnier he looks so done like he’s rolling his eyes? Idk what’s up with that but… he goes on to introduce everyone else without even a glance.
now it’s finally his turn to be introduced and what happens next is so surreal i had to watch it in slow motion. so jared who is right behind jensen reaches out as if reach for jensen’s hand? which is awkward because jensen is standing like a statue his hands holding the mic in a defensive way like he doesn’t want to be touched. even when jared introduces him he has to push him like he’s a boulder stone being rolled down  a hill. i thought i'm dramatic but jensen is on another level because wtf is he doing? is he that done with the whole situation or jared for his bs earlier in the panel that he doesn’t want to even be near him? i could be wrong but it’s just a glaring difference between how he was with jason, rob, rich, and misha and how he’s acting with jared. nothing to see here just the jivorce simmering like a volcano under the jibcon floorboards. idk what i’m saying so i’ll just walk away now.
look at that grin on misha’s face. aww :) you can ‘t hide love can you? he’s so happy to see jensen like that’s his man and even if he was  bratting the whole panel he just loves him so much. what’s even more adorable is that after jensen blows a kiss to the fans he turns to look at misha and they look at each other. in a room of people all i see is you. i’m not crying you are. literally i’m crying because they are so adorkable i can’t cope bobo do you have any other advise to deal with beautiful gay situations please?
but i’m about to spoil that sweet moment because as he's looking at his blue-eyed cutie patootie jared is in the back spanking his ass like can you not sir? jensen doesn’t even react to that because he’s still looking at misha and walking in reverse back to his position. i think he didn’t want to have to see jared’s face. jk but no seriously that’s what happened. jared still can’t read the room because he’s now tapping jensen’s shoulder. jensen still isn’t paying him  any mind. This is get too painful and embarrassing to watch, like jared stop, you are embarrassing yourself. oh god now he’s touching both jensen and briana. jensen has to bend so jared lets go of him like how embarrassing is that? jared's whole body is turned towards jensen but jensen is facing towards daniela paying him no mind like why is he still doing this to himself? It’s too cringe to watch.
so finally jensen puts his arm around jared’s neck since they are both hugging daniela but he still hasn’t looked at him once. 
so daniela says that there will be another jib and you know what jensen does?he fucking looks over at misha . he even raises his  eyebrows like ‘do you hear that babe? we will always have rome.’ but misha’s not looking at him so the momentpasses. adam fergus is laughing in the background and jensen is just waiting for his babe to acknowledge him but misha is minding his own business. he looks at misha for 6 seconds . from here to here. wow.
intermission -> i have  seen posts about this moment that mentioned that jensen was glaring at adam for talking to misha and that’s why he was looking that way but that’s not the case because when adam and misha were chatting away, jensen didn’t see it because he was busy hugging daniela so that’s not what happened. he was looked over at misha after daniela mentioned that they should have another jib. but i could be wrong so… moving on.
finally jensen spares jared a glance but it only lasts a second. adam makes a joke, jared and jensen thank daniela. It’s over.
after the closing ceremony jensen takes misha to the loading dock, pins him to the wall, kisses the hell out of him and takes that gay ass selfie before he leaves for dubai/australia.
okay okay i have an idea as to why jensen said he would’ve loved to have slept in while staring longingly at misha, why he was bratty during the panel and why they took that selfie it’s nothing big it’s just that maybe the previous night they didn’t get to spend enough time together for obvious reasons and they had to wake up early and spend the entire day at the con centre and hence he was being so bratty because he wanted all of misha’s attention because he knew he wouldn’t see him again in like a month or so. but again, i'm just speculating.
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sunglassesmish · 2 years
oh to be straddled by misha collins and be called a sexy bitch. jensen you have no idea how lucky you are
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the-rollerchloster · 1 year
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Feel free to berate me for this cursed this or that decision in tags and replies… justification of your answer also welcome, I’m genuinely curious.
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whengeorgiawentblue · 2 years
The thing with Daniela started because she changed cockles panel last minute to j2m, cockles fans were mad about that because that is the only cockles panel they get and j2 have 2 panels at every creation con,they express that disappointment and the fact that it was last minute and some people bought 🎟 specifically because of cockles panels. Her reaction to that was something rude doesn't cover it
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I think these 3 anons are about the same issue, but I'm not sure because I googled "daniela chiusa jib9 drama" and I got this:
Her facebook statement about the j2m panel
And another one critizising "shipping wars"
But in the last one she's not ranting over just destiel shippers, it's actually about any extreme side of the fandom (including wincest/J2) and the shipping wars. In fact, several destiel/cockles shippers agree with her in this post.
So I'm still not sure if she's really so anti-destiel (I know she isn't pro-destiel, but that doesn't mean she's also an anti).
She even defended Misha (ok, I know that's the bare minimum of respect and common sense...)
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And the thing about the j2m panel, apparently some fans stirred shit on the internet about it, but it seems most of people (at least the ones in the con) were ok with it? I don't know if that j2m panel was planned from the start or it was a cockles panel and then jared crashed it (as he did in jib10)
Anyway, whether Daniela was right or wrong... I'm happy that one year later she had to witness straddlegate with her own eyes, and now jared betrays her not going to the first jibcon since the pandemic.
Ugh, I have another question... is this person kelios?
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cockelores · 7 months
jib10 cockles panel is soo peak weirdo jensen, like WHAT was going on with him there. favorite panel to rewatch forever
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destielette · 3 years
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I find this photo extremely beautiful and I thought I should give it its colors back.
©️ X
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angeltiddies · 4 years
is it just me or did jibcon 2019 not give us the same cockles energy as all the years before
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i have......
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no idea....
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what you’re saying.......
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so yeah, you sexy bitch, i hope you like that. 
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jib10 was a gift 
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please recognize it as such
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burningred92 · 4 years
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“𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝑰 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒏’𝒕 𝒕𝒐𝒍𝒅 𝒚𝒆𝒕 𝒕𝒐𝒅𝒂𝒚? 𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝑰 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖!”
𝑱𝒆𝒏𝒔𝒆𝒏 𝑨𝒄𝒌𝒍𝒆𝒔(𝑱𝒊𝒃11 2019)
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pray4jensen · 5 years
finally watched the jib10 cockles panel and death would be gr8 right now because here is a summary of all the gross things they did:
• the incredibly soft smile that crosses misha’s face as soon as jensen’s voice echoes from backstage
• misha asks jensen if he needs a pair of dry pants while jensen answers, “i’m not wearing any pants”,,,,,,,coolcoolcoolcool,,,
• misha’s nose wrinkles immediately after that because he can’t stop grinning while fond memories of stripper!nesnej cross his mind
• misha confirms that they have a no-pants tradition
• the ridiculously fond smiles that they both have when they first lay eyes on each other onstage
• they hug because why not
• jensen: “you know what i haven’t told you today?”
misha: “i don’t think i wanna know—”
jensen *pressing his hand to misha’s shoulder*: “—that...that i love you”
• misha’s soft face when he hears that
• my distress at discovering that even many years later, jensen is still a failure at positioning himself when misha’s leaning in for a hug:
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• the lil’ squeeze to jensen’s back that misha gives to show his appreciation, and wow, they hugged twice in the span of thirty seconds,,,,,
• just,,,jensen’s voice,,,,,,,when he says, “what’s up, dude?” and then his alarm at realizing that he’s “sitting on the wrong side” because apparently, jensen and misha have,,,,sides,,,,,,
• after misha tells jensen to stay where he is, jensen says to misha: “alright, driver, what are we listening to?”
• misha tells him that they’re listening to a song about rainbows,,,,(very subtle), and jensen tells him that it was a good thing that misha’s mic cut off the last little bit of what he just said
• they giggle and whisper to each other and when jensen lifts his mic, misha covers it because they evidently have a lot of secrets
• misha lays his head on jensen’s shoulder and jensen’s knee jerk reaction is to lean in, too
• suddenly, they remember they’re onstage (3:28)
• misha says four words and jensen already has laughter tears in his eyes,,,,weak
• jensen out of the blue: “i always have so much fun with you”
• someone screams that they love misha and jensen nods automatically, and then jensen says, “thank you, misha’s mom”
• misha tells a story about teaching puns to his kids and jensen mysteriously already knows what misha’s going to say next
• jensen giggles while he tells the audience what misha’s shirt size is, and for some unknown reason, clutches the back of misha’s neck the whole time after which it becomes a back rub
• misha: “i’m wearing jared’s shirt right now”
jensen: *splutters and is unable to speak*
• jensen needs no convincing when misha hands him a shot and they drink “apple juice” and jensen is giggling a lot
• i start to wonder how many times jensen is going to caress misha’s arm during this panel because he’s doing it again
• misha *laying his hand on jensen’s thigh for a second*: “sorry, i was fondling you.”
me: *has war flashbacks to the last jibcon where jensen refused to let go out misha’s leg for an eternity*
• misha mentions jared fondling him under the table. immediately for unrelated reasons, jensen bites his lip
• jensen starts weeping because misha calls jared a gorilla and that is incredibly funny to him. misha looks concerned because nobody is laughing as hard as jensen.
• when the show ends, jensen will miss jared pinching misha’s inner thighs
• jensen grabs the back of misha’s neck again and stares fondly at misha. misha loses focus and says, “um”
• jensen teases misha about his height and then his age
• misha mentions shooting purgatory with jensen
• misha recalls being terrified of filming a scene with jared because jared is on top of him, something that jensen apparently watched even though he isn’t in the episode
• jensen lies back on the ground and misha straddles him and calls him “a sexy bitch.” suddenly, within two seconds, jared is there. the jibcon staff have no time to lose.
• in short, they’re disasters, and i’m afraid to watch the j2m panel
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lolaused2run · 5 years
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Source (x)
(fyi: reversed direction)
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cooloddball · 7 months
A cockles panel at a creation con after begging for all these years. I’m pumped. J*r*f fans are not happy, they are campaigning for Jensen to do solos.
it’s 2023 and people are still on a cockles hate train? couldn’t be me. yay to the cockles panel it’s been a minute since I watched one. jib10 left me gagged i haven’t recovered 3 years later.
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sunglassesmish · 2 years
Re: your tags, i wanna know which new thoughts you have after rewatching jib10 👀
okay so this is gonna end up being pretty long and drawn out and probably going off topic so sorry for that.
in this video, at 4:25 after jensen tried to switch seats with misha because they were ‘sitting on the wrong sides’ but then sat back down as misha says ‘let’s switch things up.’ after replying ‘alright driver what are we listening to,’ jensen looks at him with one of the fondest looks ever for 7 seconds straight. honestly i thought damn i have to look away because it was so intense for no reason. he actually does this multiple times in this panel and all the time in panels tbh like boy get a grip!! actually don’t. i love it.
at 5:04 when the fans are laughing at something the two had said, misha goes to ask him something but when jensen doesn’t hear him he pushes jensen’s microphone away to whisper in his ear. now i couldn’t make out what misha originally said but after this jensen says ‘no!’ and misha says ‘yeah, you did’ to which jensen replies ‘i teased…’ with this look on his face.
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now this is just after jensen takes 3 minutes getting on stage because he’s ‘in the bathroom’, and after daniela and misha make a few jokes about him having an ‘accident and ‘needing disinfectant’ jensen from backstage says ‘do you need help?’ and misha replies ‘do you need a pair of dry pants?’
and jensen replies in a flirty voice ‘i’m not wearing any pants…’ now what in the hell is that supposed to mean!! what were you doing back there and why would it be a sexual/flirty thing to have an accident in the bathroom… idk that sounds like something else happened ;)
im sure you’re aware of the moment where misha touches jensen’s knee for about half a second but removes it quickly saying ‘sorry that was a little fondle-y’ in this panel, but at 6:25 he and jensen both touch each other’s knees like that but a lot more ‘fondle-y’ than that. misha hits his knee multiple times in a row and jensen touches his leg back and gets up to move. then like ten seconds after says the infamous ‘i always have fun with you.’ adorable.
at 25:25 (why are all these things happening at 25 seconds in) jensen takes out that hanky? im not sure what it’s called really, from his pocket and makes a show of airing it out in front of him until he puts it in his back pocket and gestures to it and shrugs. and of course misha looks down directly at it when he gestures to it. and it’s hanging over his ass.
i know there have been posts by @chaosmisha about the hanky code in this panel and some other significant moments so i would go to their profile and look them up because those moments are kinda insane (in a good way)
there is of course the straddling which i have probably thought about once a day everyday since i found out about it because it’s just crazy. as misha was telling the story of j*red and his scene where that blooper took place originally, jensen denied knowing what he was talking about until misha got up to set the scene to which they began to re-enact it with jensen being the one on the ground, and misha straddling him, when in the gag reel misha was the one on the ground. interesting….
also i found another angle where the ***** that jensen got in response to that straddle whilst he’s sitting down awkwardly is uh… visible, so i’ll just link it here. the moment is around the 14:00 mark.
oh and plus, in this other video, at around 3:00 someone says ‘we love you misha!’ and jensen’s reply is ‘thanks misha’s mom!’ but jensen just stares at him like this for 10 seconds straight:
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he doesn’t even react when someone says ‘we love you too jensen!’ which is all kinds of adorable.
at 40:00 in the first video i linked, jensen gets hit with the squirt gun multiple times, then turns his back to the audience and walks back to his chair. misha immediately moves to him and touches his arm and says something to him, whilst im assuming jensen is annoyed but getting his bearings. misha was obviously going to comfort him. we couldn’t see jensen’s face but considering the fact he did not seem very at ease for most of this panel i would say he wasn’t very happy with getting pelted with the water gun. so it’s nice that misha was concerned and went to comfort him.
although as soon as misha goes to walk away, j*red says ‘i’m just saying but the only one who didn’t flinch is misha’ and then jensen and misha stare at each other like this. alright then.
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annddd this moment is stuck in my brain. it just won’t leave. what is happening here. the look on his face… oh my god if someone looked at me like that i would melt into a puddle on the spot. idk how misha survived. and the fact that misha was like jensen?? but he still kept staring. yeah that got to me.
now to the end of the panel, misha is at the end of the line whilst jensen is in the middle of all the cast, but they both spend this time looking at each other as he introduces all the cast members with these looks on their faces. this takes a good 20-30 seconds.
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and if you look at misha’s face on the big screen behind it’s just all smiley and proud. lovesick fool.
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also, at 45:54 rob looks to misha and then looks back at jensen whilst they are having this staring contest and rubs the back of his neck. i’m not saying he knows something, but he knows something.
honourable mentions go to jensen and misha just holding on to each other shoulders way too many times in a 1 hour video to be normal, the look of adoration and fondness every minute from jensen and the d/s dynamics that are kinda peppered in this panel. and when jensen put that giant unicorn with a paper saying ‘jensen’s property’ over misha’s chair.
make with all this what you will. i hope i gave you something different to think about. i’ve never done one of these analysis posts before, so thanks for reading this far!!
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naruhearts · 5 years
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(Credit: vivaldi4love and tinmachine69)
Jensen always stands so close to him. He has no chill 🤦🏾‍♀️ @dimples-of-discontent
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mishamishayepmisha · 5 years
Same, my Russian friend, same.
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regardingjenmish · 2 years
I'm having a weak moment. I believe cockles is real...saw the jib10 post and it was cool to see how much these two middle aged men can't contain themselves around each other. But it has been so fucking long since we have had them interact with each other just the two of them for more than 5 minutes, that I don't know.... What if they're not together anymore. What if they're just good friends now? Even worse what if they've never been more than friends with occasional hook ups? Because there's no way these two weren't fucking!
Which reminds me of a scene in the boys season 2 where homelander and stormfront are on the tv giving an interview and butcher just turns to kimiko and says, very definitively, "they're fucking!" I was like yeah!!! Exactly! That's how we KNOW Misha and Jensen fuck!
But anyway I'm weak...please give me good cockles moments if you're free. Or maybe some reassurance would be nice.
I feel like to judge any “famous” relationship and/or friendship based on how much the two people involved in it interact in front of fans is probably not the best idea. Because the truth is they are very private and the few loud moments we got from them are mostly from panels where they almost forgot where they are and ofc after many drinks of…juice. Usually they try to be extremely subtle (they fail horribly but they still try). And don’t get me wrong it does suck that we haven’t yet had a jenmish panel or something else that involves them but that doesn’t mean that they broke up (especially bc technically we have seen them break up and that was just unpleasant for everyone, so we’d definitely know if something happened). And if I’m being fully honest it would take A LOT to convince me that those two were never a thing. They’ve said and done too many things that prove otherwise 😌 However I will provide you with some links to some cute cockles (btw these won’t be in any order at all, I’m simply going off of what my brain thinks of)
First of here’s an old ask I answered with bunch of links to cute panels and some interviews. I obviously also cannot post this without linking thee hour long video (also there’s a new hour long video that is amazing). Now to start off here’s the post where Misha had trouble answering the question if he ever kissed Jensen. Also the denver con where they had a tiny reunion on stage! And also confirmed that they saw each other day prior. One of thee most important videos ever taken where they’re talking about fan art. Also the video from last years livestream where Jensen said ‘Okay, babe.’ Short but sweet and it had the whole fandom going insane. The interview where Jensen decided to interview Misha for some reason…This adorable video from their livestream. This video that screams couple to me (I’m sorry but I would never just take someones gum). The video for YANA when it was a leap year. The straddlegate (I’m just gonna put the video of it here even tho you mentioned it but the whole thing is a lot!). The Valentine’s Day Card!!!!!! And to end this I’m just gonna add this short video of Misha on his birthday that i find adorable especially since it’s just the make up ladies and then there’s Jensen looking at him all cute!
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theyarebothgunshot · 3 years
Now knowing Jensen and Mish lived together, its making me reevaluate their interactions together and THEY MAKE SO MUCH SENSE now. They maintain this “we are friends” facade but it only really works 85% of the time, cuz Jensen’s poker face sucks when he’s around Misha. Misha’s a lot better at maintaining the facade but he slips, too.
Jib10 is fascinating to me, cuz it has Jensen telling Misha he loves him in a public setting, and he’s DEAD SERIOUS when he does this. If I recall correctly, a fan had made Jensen aware that speculation was he hates Mish and it, understandably, appalled him.
When he comes onstage for the Jib10 Cockles panel, he goes to hug Misha and he controls the hug by putting his full arm around him, my guess so he can control it so Mish can’t pull away too soon. When they pull apart he says, “Hey, you know what I haven’t told you today?” Of course, Misha being Misha is already in business Play-Pretend mode (“I don’t know if I wanna know”) but Jensen interrupts him, looks him STRAIGHT IN THE EYE and says, “That I love you.” Then they go in for another hug. Jensen’s hand is flat on Misha’s back, pressing him close and Jensen’s eyes close.
Then you see MiSHA’S FACE on the screen and he gets so emotional, and he’s trying not to well up. He’s touched that Jensen, ever the professional, would break convention and say this out loud. It just....proves that when it comes to the people he holds close to his heart, Jensen Ross Ackles DOESN’T GIVE A FUCK, especially when lies are being told about them.
He wanted to show the haters that HE LOVES Misha Collins and he did. And that’s beautiful.
VERY beautiful!!!!!!
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