#jib10 closing ceremony
cooloddball · 2 years
for daisy anon
let me start by saying that I will forever analyse jib10 until the day i crack the code because this panel was the messiest these two have ever been (and we all know they are messy af). let it also be known that everytime i watch it, i cringe so hard i have to stop and then a few months later i go back and repeat the entire process. it’s like some sort of madness but that’s what cockles has done to us all.
PS. I'll be using two videos to analyze it since some angles are not visible in one video.
on to the closing ceremony ↓
the panel is over and what in the gay hell (as one of my followers would ask) is this moment? guys stop, no please don’t.
the entire cast present walks out with briana buckmaster beelining for jensen as usual. okay this is not a snide comment, they are actually besties and she’s often hanging around jensen during jib (re: jib8,jib9, jib10, sns) and that photo they took ladies in red giving off bi4bi energy. anyway I digress. now, as briana is hugging jensen misha seems like he’s lost and doesn’t know what to do with his hands until rob comes along and they hug (rob is so adorable i just want to squish is cheeks) the funniest thing about this situation is that no one goes to hug jared or anything. It’s rather odd don’t you think? 
anyway, back to cockles.  jensen looks over at robisha? giving each other some love and i think he just wants his man's attention again because he goes over to the fireworks thingy or whatever it’s called is throwing sparks and jensen with his whole chest and his cute little bowlegs stands in front of it to show off? I love this man but half the time i don’t know what he’s doing but he looks adorable doing it so i enjoy it. after his shennanigans, jensen turns to see if his husband is looking at him being goofy and all but at this point misha is busy talking with rob, rob’s hand is on misha’s shoulder and man is jensen not amused. this was so funny like dude chill, he’s just having a wee chat with rob, you know rob your straight (?)friend rob. dude is looking at them for a whole three seconds (yes i counted) like it’s getting creepy and both misha and rob are oblivious just chatting away. I was afraid he might go there and ask rob to back off but thank jack he didn’t because that stare was intense. I wish i could get a video taken from the other angle because i'd like to see what his face was doing.  it’s heartbreaking and funny and adorable all at the same time because jensen you are a grown ass man and a father of three and yes we understand you were extremely needy that particular day but let misha catch up with his friend for just a sec, jfc.
so jensen decides nope, nope that’s enough i can’t not have my man look at me so i’ll show him who he needs to be looking at. let me do something crazy so he starts walking off the stage and misha looks back at jared and says something. so as misha and jared chat away and try to figure out what is going on with the green eyed grasshopper, jensen goes ahead and sits on someone’s lap, yes, he sits on a fan in the audience. okay if that happened to me i’d probably d word because it’s jensen ross ackles sitting on my lap. I know he smells amazing and is sexy af i’d probably be stuck there like a koala and i wouldn’t let him go but i digress.
while jared is uncomfortably smiling wondering wtf is going on, misha is hiding his face in shame like nope sweetheart what are you doing? that’s not cool you know you can’t just be out there sitting on fan girls’ laps please stop. even jared is rubbing his forehead probably wondering wtf is wrong with his friend.
jensen starts to scream into the mic while looking at his colleagues on the stage and as he does that. misha moves from where he was standing right in front of jensen and goes down the stage to talk to daniela.
meanwhile jared is still rubbing his head like what is happening? everyone else is laughing but jared is surprised that misha has left he seems confused???  And so am i because wtf jensen? misha? can you two just be normal like for once? you are 40+ year oldmen acting like teenagers with a crush like tf? okay i love to see it but also it’s so cringey i can’t keep up. jensen looks over at misha and daniela and when he sees that misha is going back on stage, he gets off the fan too but misha goes to stand at the very end of the line next to jason manns. it looks like jensen is beelining for misha but i think he decides against it since he's the mc and he has to stand in the middle of the room. at this moment i would like us to take a moment of silence for jensen for having to keep it together while working very closely with misha for all those years. i mean if he’s behaving like this in public in front of thousands of fans what was he like on set? i know i’m needy when it comes to relationships but i feel like he’s needier. let’s take another moment of silence for misha for having to deal with a needy/bratty jensen ross ackles for over a decade.
idk what jared is telling rob but rob is laughing while looking at jensen who is walking towards them on stage. it’s all good between rob and jensen. of course no one can stay mad at rob for over a minute he’s too damn adorable. NB: I don’t think jensen was mad at rob for talking to misha i just think he was feeling abandoned by his man so he got a little desperate and did what he did as described above.
there’s a flying unicorn (steve is that you?) and surprse jensen kicks it as usual *eye roll* what did unicorns ever do to him?
he is finally done with his shenanigans and starts the closing ceremony. now what stands out here is the way he introduces people. so he starts with rich who is the second person to his right, then after he goes ahead to introduce jason manns who is at the far end of the line next to misha. i mean he leaves out rob who is closest to him and adam fergus who is standing between rich and jason. now what's more interesting is his pitch of voice when he introduces them that makes it sus. anyway…the way misha is looking at jensen here is just so...heart eyes. he has an ear to ear grin and he’s just looking at jensen so adorably like c’mon jensen just said jason manns and that was enough to make misha happy. like am i missing something or? so when jason is called, he playfully hides behind misha and misha just looks at jensen and jensen looks at him and it’ so funny because this is so funny to me.
the way jensen and misha look at each other here…it’s just s funny because like guys you just had a whole hour of shennanigans together tf? and it goes on for 3 seconds as well like ??? in retrospect, jensen could’ve been looking at jason but since he was so close to misha i’ll just assume it’s misha because misha was also looking at him.
the way he announces misha’s name like sir are you okay? do you need to be that loud? dlso did he just moan? i heard a mmh...ahh somewhere in there but maybe it’s just me. the way he’s looking at misha guys i want to hide this is so…i can’t look. jensen hasn’t taken his eyes off him for 5 seconds now like can someone help him? they are looking at each other i’m crying because i am feeling so many things all at once.
it’s funny how even though he announces adam fergus the same way he announced misha, he barely looks at him. like i know they are friends but it’s just the difference between how he looks at misha and the way he looks at adam. i gagged.
so he goes ahead and introduces everyone else and he barely looks at them which is a glaring omission considering how he was behaving earlier when it came to misha. he doesn’t even look at jared. i don’t think i have enough expletives for the feelings i have rn because i’m reeling. jensen is intentionally looking away from jared while misha and jason are busy talking about jensen and whatever is happening at that moment probably something like “he looks done” and jason agrees because they laugh.
jensen also doesn’t look at briana once. also what’s even funnier he looks so done like he’s rolling his eyes? Idk what’s up with that but… he goes on to introduce everyone else without even a glance.
now it’s finally his turn to be introduced and what happens next is so surreal i had to watch it in slow motion. so jared who is right behind jensen reaches out as if reach for jensen’s hand? which is awkward because jensen is standing like a statue his hands holding the mic in a defensive way like he doesn’t want to be touched. even when jared introduces him he has to push him like he’s a boulder stone being rolled down  a hill. i thought i'm dramatic but jensen is on another level because wtf is he doing? is he that done with the whole situation or jared for his bs earlier in the panel that he doesn’t want to even be near him? i could be wrong but it’s just a glaring difference between how he was with jason, rob, rich, and misha and how he’s acting with jared. nothing to see here just the jivorce simmering like a volcano under the jibcon floorboards. idk what i’m saying so i’ll just walk away now.
look at that grin on misha’s face. aww :) you can ‘t hide love can you? he’s so happy to see jensen like that’s his man and even if he was  bratting the whole panel he just loves him so much. what’s even more adorable is that after jensen blows a kiss to the fans he turns to look at misha and they look at each other. in a room of people all i see is you. i’m not crying you are. literally i’m crying because they are so adorkable i can’t cope bobo do you have any other advise to deal with beautiful gay situations please?
but i’m about to spoil that sweet moment because as he's looking at his blue-eyed cutie patootie jared is in the back spanking his ass like can you not sir? jensen doesn’t even react to that because he’s still looking at misha and walking in reverse back to his position. i think he didn’t want to have to see jared’s face. jk but no seriously that’s what happened. jared still can’t read the room because he’s now tapping jensen’s shoulder. jensen still isn’t paying him  any mind. This is get too painful and embarrassing to watch, like jared stop, you are embarrassing yourself. oh god now he’s touching both jensen and briana. jensen has to bend so jared lets go of him like how embarrassing is that? jared's whole body is turned towards jensen but jensen is facing towards daniela paying him no mind like why is he still doing this to himself? It’s too cringe to watch.
so finally jensen puts his arm around jared’s neck since they are both hugging daniela but he still hasn’t looked at him once. 
so daniela says that there will be another jib and you know what jensen does?he fucking looks over at misha . he even raises his  eyebrows like ‘do you hear that babe? we will always have rome.’ but misha’s not looking at him so the momentpasses. adam fergus is laughing in the background and jensen is just waiting for his babe to acknowledge him but misha is minding his own business. he looks at misha for 6 seconds . from here to here. wow.
intermission -> i have  seen posts about this moment that mentioned that jensen was glaring at adam for talking to misha and that’s why he was looking that way but that’s not the case because when adam and misha were chatting away, jensen didn’t see it because he was busy hugging daniela so that’s not what happened. he was looked over at misha after daniela mentioned that they should have another jib. but i could be wrong so… moving on.
finally jensen spares jared a glance but it only lasts a second. adam makes a joke, jared and jensen thank daniela. It’s over.
after the closing ceremony jensen takes misha to the loading dock, pins him to the wall, kisses the hell out of him and takes that gay ass selfie before he leaves for dubai/australia.
okay okay i have an idea as to why jensen said he would’ve loved to have slept in while staring longingly at misha, why he was bratty during the panel and why they took that selfie it’s nothing big it’s just that maybe the previous night they didn’t get to spend enough time together for obvious reasons and they had to wake up early and spend the entire day at the con centre and hence he was being so bratty because he wanted all of misha’s attention because he knew he wouldn’t see him again in like a month or so. but again, i'm just speculating.
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naturalflowofthings · 3 years
Let me tell you a story…
It’s been a while since we’ve seen Jensen and Misha together so I, like everyone else, resort to old material as comfort. Especially because lately I’ve been getting this weird sad vibe from Misha, that I don’t want to think about. SO… back to the legendary Jib10, that so many stories have already been told about. But maybe this one has a new angle. This is how I see and imagine it. 
Being so close to Misha just before the panel, has set Jensen on a very affectionate mood. He is a bit intoxicated too but mostly just by Misha’s scent. He now wants to share this. Everyone important in his life has known for ages but he wants to show the whole universe that he loves Misha. This ray of sunlight, this mad genius, this force of nature that he never saw coming before he was already swept off his feet. Jensen decides to turn this panel into a lovefest. To shower Misha with adoration in front of everyone. This thought suddenly overwhelms him and he needs to take a moment to collect himself before joining Misha on the stage.
Everything starts off great. There is already a flirty atmosphere when Jensen steps on the stage. He’s smiling radiantly as he approaches Misha. And so is Misha. The first hug is just to say hi. Misha’s hand lingering and squeezing Jensen’s arm after the hug. Jensen then makes this “I want to tell the whole world I love you but I’ll hide it in humor just in case but also let my body language shout out that it’s really real” –thing. When they hug the second time, Misha’s hand squeezes gently Jensen’s back and then again his arm for a short moment. “Is he squeezing me to encourage me or to gently tell me not to go overboard?” It affects both ways: it’s lifting and grounding at the same time, just like Misha always is.
Jensen wants to create the flirty fun flow he always has with Misha but make it this time more real. He’s nervously excited about it and he doesn’t really know what to say or what to do. It looks like Misha starts to get a bit nervous too. Maybe that’s why he brings up Jared? First he mentions wearing Jared’s t-shirt and then Jared pinching his thigh. Jensen really doesn’t want to hear about Jared now. This is his and Misha’s arena now, their big top circle. He tries to turn it around. He laughs too hard and repeats himself. Finds an opportune moment to rub Misha’s back and gives Misha meaningful looks while saying highlighted sentences from otherwise utter nonsense. When Misha brings up the infamous straddle scene with Jared (really Misha, Jared again?), Jensen first tries to brush it off, but then sees a perfect opportunity to create something spectacular with Misha. He compliantly lies down on the floor to reenact the scene. Butterflies fluttering in his stomach. Misha chokes him and talks dirty to him while fans are capturing it all on pictures and videos! The moment is short but long enough to turn Jensen on. And then the perfect moment is over and Misha is offering his hand to yank Jensen up and back to reality.
Before Jensen has a chance to form his next thought, Jared happens. He arrives with a noisy entrance to steal all attention. Jensen is completely unable to laugh this one off. He of course loves his brother from another mother and enjoys panels with him and with the three of them together. But not now, not like this! While Jensen’s body is still dealing with the physical reaction to Misha on top of him, his mood is quickly spiraling from sky high into a dark and chaotic place between sulky and aggressive. Jared’s jokes and innuendos don’t help. Jensen and Misha were supposed be making all the allusive jokes by themselves. Jensen communicates his discomfort to Misha with intense looks. He can see from Misha’s eyes that if he could, he’d grip Jensen tight and fly them away. Jensen loses all the rest of his ability to speak with sensible sentences. The more he tries to take back the control the more it derails. The ass shake, the “hey I’m a top” -hanky waving, the Destiel meltdown and the “Jensen’s property”-unicorn show. It all just comes out wrong. He knows his anxious body language must be evident for all the master detective fans out there analyzing this panel for years to come. And then Misha’s warm hand on his shoulder makes everything so much better again. It is Misha’s eyes that Jensen finds himself drowning in when the panel comes to an end. And it ends too soon and not soon enough.
After the closing ceremony Jensen steals Misha for himself, tugging him unnecessarily roughly by the arm towards the back entrance, Misha letting him. Taking the selfie at the loading platform is Jensen doing what he wanted all along: showing the world that he and Misha are together. But this is not the soft happy Jensen showing gentle love as he originally planned. This is the worked up possessive Jensen pushing Misha against the wall. But nevertheless: “Look world, this is my man!” 
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green-blue-heller · 3 years
Hi. Thanks for introducing me to the lovely Cockles fandom. I'm loving it here. I believe JenMish are in a poly relationship but what baffles me is the possessiveness and jealousy Jensen has regarding Misha because I thought for a successful poly relationship you had to give up the possessive attitude. (Saw it in the video of Jib10 closing ceremony) what's your take on that?
Hi Anon!
I’m not sure if I should welcome you into the cockles dumpster or apologize for dragging you in. 😂
But... yes, I’d say that generally you do have to give up jealousy and possessiveness, if it’s an “open” relationship where they are free to persue relationships beyond each other and their wives. However, if they’ve decided that their only relationships are between the four of them, then I could see him being jealous at Misha’s flirty nature.
Though it’s also important to remember that even if they are open to other relationships, feelings are valid, and I’m sure they often have discussions on Jensen and his insecurities with Misha and other people, or his jealousy in general.
But there’s a lot of ways to have a relationship, and it would be up to all parties involved to come to an agreement of what’s expected/allowed when it comes to each other and other people. Communication is key and imparative though when trying to navigate multiple partners.
Hell, even with only one partner!
But JIB10 was also a different beast. Jensen’s attitude soured after Misha straddled him and Jared was sent out to break it up and be a chaperone.
So, I don’t think that one thing can be counted against him. Then again, he has a habit of getting jealous of Misha flirting, especially with Rob and Sebastian.
2019, and especially that JIB, seemed to be the year (and con) of cementing cockles as a relationship. So, if that was actually the case of them putting all that out there intentionally to tell the fandom without actually telling the fandom, I can also see where he could get upset about Misha flirting with other people (whether Misha was flirting or whether Jackles just perceived there to be flirting).
It could also be that Misha is more comfortable with his sexuality and doesn’t care what people know or think, while Jensen technically isn’t out. Which is kind of a hilarious thought when you view their interactions.
Because they definitely act like two idiots in love lol.
If you want to remain anonymous on here, you can always feel free to send me a DM to continue to discuss further or if you want to ask follow up questions (though you can send them to the blog too)!
Also, I want to say that I am not an expert on poly relationships lol. At all.
But Vicki, Misha’s wife did literally write the handbook. So anyone who is interested in reading up on the subject, should check out what she has to say! You can check it out here.
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destielsmixtape · 4 years
Jensen, during JibCon 10**, talked about how Mark Pedowitz CW ceo invites casts for new upcoming shows on the CW to have dinner with the supernatural cast (and crew?) in vancouver and tells the new casts, “Try to be like them. Try to make an enviroment that they make that’s like family.” something along those lines, but it just stuck with me. later on Jensen jokes about how you will never come across another set where the #1 on the call sheet (Jared) army crawls across the set to pinch another actor’s (Misha) inner thigh while he’s doing a scene. like. i was crying and laughing the whole time. because he is absolutely right. there is no other tv show of cast and crew like supernatural. its family. at a con in Birmingham*, i remember Jared saying to a fan who was asking a question, “Dont be nervous. You’re surrounded by family.” and she truly was. all of my love goes out to this show, cast and crew. forever and always.
**Look up 2019 Jib10 Sunday Jensen & Misha, J2M, closing ceremony on youtube.
*Look up 2018 Birmingham Jensen, Jared, Misha on youtube.
watch them.
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honey-bri-books · 5 years
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cooloddball · 2 years
LOVEE your jib 10 closing ceremony analysis. You are too funny. Can you do jib 10. Pleeease?
thanks. i don't think i'm funny but i'll take it. :)
so i haven't done a full jib10 analysis because cringe but... here are some of the things i have shared about it:
thee selfie (jib10 selfie)
key gay moments
mishalecki vs cockles jib10 panels
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cooloddball · 2 years
Sometimes my brain rewinds to that moment during the jib10 closing ceremony when Jensen went to sit on a fan so that he could watch Misha because he thought Misha had ignored him because he was talking to Rob when he was showing off when the fireworks came on.
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cooloddball · 3 years
I loved their interaction & also don't understand why people are so pessimistic. They were both glowing, flirtatious & grinning like big dorks. It's obvious they keep in touch & a lot of their questions were performative, but their actions/reactions weren't. I do think it was a bit awkward because M was trying to perform the welcoming ceremony duties & I think he was genuinely thrown off by J being early & J was thrown off because he thought it would be a Q&A & he wanted to talk more lol.
Sorry, I didn't see this. My notifications are a mess.
I think he wasn't really thrown off because I think Jensen might've texted Misha to let him know he was logging in or something like that. And me being really bad with timezones I can understand why Jensen would be confused about those. Someone also mentioned that if he had shown up at the time he was supposed to itvwouod've been around the time he calls his kids before dinner-
I agree with everything you are saying. I think maybe people are pessimistic because it's been two years since they saw them interact just the two of them.
The last meaningful interaction was jib10 which gave us straddlegate and that super gay selfie. Maybe people were looking forward to that.
Going into this gish reunion my expectations were low because I knew this was not jib. This was about Cockles but not cockles in their natural habitat like we are used to. Much like their US cons, it's not the same as their jib interactions or their up close and personal interactions.
But the good thing is that they were happy, flirty and we got an I love you, I miss you and babe. I'd call it a win.
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