#jeremiah heere
rhapsoddity · 1 year
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Part 51 of my Be More Perfect AU comic!
From part 46-50 are set 2 months (in Paradise :) ) before the current POV if yall have forgotten, a flashback to Jere finding out Rich’s feelings towards him
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the-twiggles · 5 months
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caus34concern · 2 months
fuck personality tests do you spell jeremy's nickname as jere or jer
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mono-socke · 8 months
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watch me continue drawing characters over random pics I find
here, original pic
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woah-uhuh-uhuh-uhuh · 8 months
hehehe the blue cardigan i bought on ebay just got here. time to secretly larp in public
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oldschool-analog · 5 months
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I love this picture of him he looks so stupid and perfect and I love him
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pjo au part 5
jeremiah heere, son of apollo
'cloud-like' light brown hair that glows in the sunlight
lots of freckles & very pale skin that almost glows
pale blue eyes like the sky
bow & arrows both contained in quiver which usually appears as a belt bag
arrows refill infinitely, bow transforms into a pen
light blue sweater shirt + ivory pants + converse 
star of david necklace
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rebuke-me · 9 months
also POV for the other ask game !
POV : something that’s already happened, retold from another character’s perspective
uhh i don't have anything published that i can think of for this but i'll do something from my piano prodigy au!! it. got a little long. whoops.
Jake was pretty damn sure that Jeremiah Heere hated him. Which was pretty fair, all things considered. What he didn't think was fair was the fact that the guy was fucking cheating.
Jake should've won the competition. He really should've. But he'd seen Jeremy's mother whispering something to the judges, and then Jeremy had fucking won. His head was clouded, and he didn't care what the other thought of him anymore.
He really didn't mean to shove the guy as hard as he did. But Jeremy was lighter than he’d expected him to be. He hoped that his head hitting the wall didn’t feel as bad as it sounded. Shit. His hands balled in the lapels of the other’s jacket, which felt a little threadbare underneath his fingers.
He could feel everything bubbling over, even though his hands shook like an earthquake, and he felt like punching the kid. He looked punchable. He really did. “The hell do you think you’re playing at?” He spat, pressing his fists closer to the other’s chest. Jeremy’s heart was pounding. 
The guy’s cheeks went red, and Jake could practically feel the heat radiating off of him. “What- are you talking about?” He gasped out, his breath cold and minty on Jake’s face. 
Jake searched Jeremy’s face. Something in his mind was catching on all the wrong details. Slicked back curls, but the evidence of something not quite perfect in the way his hair fell into his forehead, like no amount of gel could hold it back. The oddly arch look. God, he was so fucking smug. “You must have bribed the judges. That was my win, I deserved that win!” 
God, he felt like a leaf on a tree. If he didn’t get this out soon, he’d kick this kids ass and ruin his suit jacket, and get them both disqualified. 
“You- I didn’t do that, okay?” Jeremy’s voice grated on his nerves. For a kid who was so fucking good at piano, Jake wanted him to shut up. “Why the hell would I bribe the judges?” 
Jake had to almost laugh. Why wouldn’t he? He was so fixated on his fucking wins, the prize money, the way he only ever saw the dude smile when he won. And even then, it was a smug little half smile. “Because of course you would.” He couldn’t stop the anger from leaking into his voice. 
“Why would I?” The boy snapped, his blue eyes flashing. “I’m doing just fine with skill alone.” 
Oh, he didn’t. “Oh, right-” He started, sarcastic to the core, before his ears picked up footsteps near him. He pushed the other closer to the wall, leaning closer. He was taller than Jeremy, which he hadn’t really thought of until just then. The way the other looked up at him sent a weird sort of thrill through his mind, and he spat out the first thing he could think of. “You’re not better than me. I’ll show you.” 
Then he pushed Jeremy away, careful not to let the guy’s head hit the wall again, storming off. He ran his hand over his hair, wondering why the fuck he felt his own cheeks going red and his heart pounding. God. He needed to calm the fuck down. And stop thinking about that stupid ginger prodigy who was too good for everyone. 
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day 7 of @thetheatergremlin's boyf riends week
this is also late, but i went and saw Jesus Christ Superstar yesterday so no regrets.
youtuber/streamer au
Christine isn't blind, okay? Sure, she may not experience romantic attraction herself, but she's watched enough musicals to know when someone is in love. Especially if that someone is her best friend.
The best friend in question was her roommate Jeremy.
For the past six months (half a year!), Jeremy had been watching one thing, or person as a matter of fact, a gaming streamer on Twitch that went by the name, gaymer_extraordinaire.
Now even though Christine was obviously not an expert in romance, when your roommate and best friend of five years becomes more of a blushing and stuttering mess than usual whenever she brought up a certain streamer, it's pretty clear they have a crush.
Sadly, Christine never managed to interrogate Jeremy about this because for some reason, whenever Christine was home from one of her many clubs and activities, he conveniently wasn't in their apartment!
It had been an entire month of Jeremy evading her attempts by stumbling over himself into his room or outside their apartment and Christine had had enough!
And so, she was going to instead find this gaymer_extraordinaire and drag him all the way to Jeremy to get answers from her best friend.
Christine was making this plan as she was heading home from the 10-12 year old improv class she taught at the local rec center (they didn't have the most acting talent but boy were they passionate!).
She was taking the elevator up to the third floor, humming a little tune to herself, and just merrily strolling along!
And as she entered what did she see, but her roommate, Jeremiah Heere, socially awkward, disaster bisexual himself! Blushing and giggling, and almost about to kiss a tan guy, dark-haired guy, with a red hoodie and glasses across their kitchen counter!
"Jeremy!" She gasped, the two boys leaping apart, Jeremy tumbling to floor, "Give a girl a warning before you bring a man into our house!" She says in mock outrage. "No offense to you of course!" She says to the guy sitting in their kitchen, facing turning red.
The guy shakes himself from his stupor and walks over to Christine, awkwardly holding out a hand, "Uh, hi? My name's Michael,"
Christine's jaw dropped, she knew that voice!
"Oh my gosh! You're the streamer Jeremy is in love with?!" She shouted, "Oh wait, I should introduce myself. Hi! I'm Christine, Jeremy's roommate! Nice to meet you!" She said, taking Michael's hand and shaking it furiously. Turning to look down on Jeremy, who was still on the floor, "So this is why you've been avoiding me asking about you only watching his streams for the past six months?" She asked, grinning at Jeremy's blush. "Knew it!"
Jeremy managed to pull himself up from the floor, and gestured between Michael and Christine, "Michael, this is Christine, my best friend and roommate. Christine, this is my boyfriend Michael,"
Christine turned to Jeremy, practically quivering with excitement and curiosity, "Aww, you got a boyfriend! How long have you two been together?" Jeremy took a glance at her mile-wide grin that hid the barest traces of being a smirk and placed his head into his hands, groaning. Michael saw this and turned to Christine, "We've been friends for five months and dating for one,"
"That's adorable! But just so you know if I find out you've hurt Jeremy in any way I will make sure no one ever sees you again and use your skull as Yorick's in a high school production of Hamlet!" She threatened, smile still bright as the sun.
Michael looked slightly paler and nodded, "Yup! Understood!"
Christine nodded back and looked at Jeremy, "Oh no! I just forgot something at the rec center!" She said, not even trying to hide the fact that she was lying.
"I hate my life," He groaned.
Christine and Michael started cackling as she left the building, deciding to visit Jenna for a while.
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rhapsoddity · 2 years
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Part 45 of my Be More Perfect AU comic!
Join the discord!: https://discord.gg/2HShYBp
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Michael: staring deadpan into the camera with a microphone in hand And here, you can see the endangered Jeremiah heere in His natural habitat. Jeremy: falls down the stairs, spilling his cereal everywhere Michael : Natural selection is coming for this one
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I've said it once and I'll say it again: Jeremy is a clumsy ass bitch
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caus34concern · 9 months
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pathetic sopping wet cat who has lived all alone in a cardboard box. jeremiah heere-core
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musicaltrash · 9 months
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you have been visited by this soggy weed cat
opinion on them?
a soggy weed cat??
*puts eminem shirt on it*
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woah-uhuh-uhuh-uhuh · 8 months
also as far as im concerned these songs were literally written and performed by jeremiah heere. yeah for michael mell actually. btw. like just so you know
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💙 and 🥰 for the bmc ask game
💙 - Favorite Headcanon?
Non! Binary! Jeremiah! Heere!
🥰 - Favorite Change From the Original Production?
Loser Geek Whatever. It is so so so so so important to Jeremy's character development and also changed my life or something corny like that.
Be More Chill Ask Game!
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charleshaddonspurgeon · 10 months
Voor Iedere Dag | Ochtend Overdenking Een ander zei: Heere, ik zal U volgen, maar… (Lukas 9:61) Lees verder Mattheüs 19:16—30. Heere, ik zal U volgen, maar… Hoe opmerkelijk bewijst de Schrift dat de geestelijke kenmerken van de mensen nog steeds hetzelfde zijn als in de dagen van de Verlosser! Af en toe horen we verhalen dat er oude skeletten opgegraven worden die groter zijn dan de mensen van tegenwoordig. Sommigen geloven die verhalen, anderen niet, zij beweren dat de mensen altijd even groot geweest zijn. Hoe dan ook, er kan onder de oplettende mensen zeker niet gediscussieerd worden over de identiteit van de innerlijke natuur van de mens. Het Evangelie van Christus is een onveranderlijk Evangelie omdat het een geneesmiddel is voor een ziekte die niet veranderd. De bezwaren die tegen Christus gemaakt werden, in de dagen van Zijn vlees, zijn dezelfde bezwaren die we tegenwoordig tegen het Evangelie maken. De bediening van Christus heeft voor de dienaren van Christus in deze tijd dezelfde gevolgen als toen. Stil is de beloofde hoop die het hart van de prediker blij maakt. Ze worden door hetzelfde bederf aangetast en verschrompeld. Dit mooie uitzicht wordt door dezelfde schimmel aangetast en verschrompeld als in de dagen toen onze Heere hier persoonlijk op aarde diende. O, hoeveel honderden, ontelbare mensen zijn er van wie het geweten wakker geschud is, van wie het oordeel een beetje verlicht is, maar die toch twijfelen — ze leven en sterven onveranderd. Zoals Ruben, onstuimig als het water zijn ze niet de voortreffelijkste. Er zijn zoveel mensen die Christus willen volgen maar er staat iets in de weg. Ze willen zich bij Hem voegen maar er komt een moeilijkheid tussen. Ze willen het Koninkrijk van de hemel binnengaan, maar er ligt een leeuw op straat. Ze liggen op het bed van de luiaard, in plaats dat ze opstaan met kracht en inspanning om naar binnen te gaan door de smalle poort. Ter overdenking “Maar” is een mooi woord als het Gods genadige houding uitdrukt tegenover zondige mensen (Romeinen 5:8; Efeze 2:4). Maar het is een vreselijk woord als het de schandelijke houding uitdrukt van zondige mensen tegenover God (Jeremiah 6:16–17). Preek nr. 403, 4 augustus 1861
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