#jas. hook
I found where like 90% of Captain Hook's cabin ended up.
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booksteaandtoomuchtv · 7 months
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For whatever reason the better quality of them is acting like a video and I don't feel like fighting Tumblr any more.
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aunt-ninny · 6 months
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I can't with them.
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captjameshookthoughts · 6 months
Me again.
What are your thoughts on Hook finding out it's the 21st century outside of Neverland? I assume he'd be shocked, and maybe a bit dismayed that the world he knew is essentially gone.
Maybe him finding out via looting a ship that wrecked into Neverland, and seeing some of the modern technology on the ship, such as radar and plumbing? And then stumbling upon the Captain's log.
Time passes, Hook knows this, it passes in Neverland- although things there seldom change. It's all too easy for him to pretend that things elsewhere have changed as little as Neverland.
He's come across things more modern than he before- books, pistols, tools, nothing too jarring. Nothing too much more modern than he is. A hundred years ahead maybe.
Modern technology, though? The first time he sees it he thinks it's some kind of evil, some kind of witchcraft he wants nothing to do with. After a few deep breaths he takes a closer look. He doesn't quite understand how to use it, all buttons and bright screens, but eventually within it he finds untold amounts of knowledge. Fascinating, and horrifying.
More than he even thought possible has changed. His home is gone, his bloodline disappeared, he is forgotten. That infinitesimally small shard of hope he had of one day returning home is snuffed out for good.
His whole outlook has changed, Neverland is all there is for him now, nothing better, no escape. He feels smaller than he ever has before. In his own time, Hook was a wildly intelligent man, yet his high level of education feels like it wouldn't even match the common knowledge of modern people. His skills, once so sought after, are no longer so impressive. So much has changed and he hasn't changed with them.
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gaypirate420 · 2 years
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I have created another image to feed up my obsession.
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katiebelleart · 1 year
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“i find captain hook to be a man of feeling.” // please do not repost!!
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zeldamacgregor · 12 days
For the fic writer's ask: 4, 27, 31, 33, 28, and 40, any or all! (Am I trying to get to mention Star Mile? Yes. Yes, I am.)
lmaooooo nice! Thanks very much for the asks!
4. Post a screenshot of one of your favorite comments. Well it's gotta be this one, which started off one of our back and forth interactions that eventually grew to this friendship!
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27. Which fic do you think is your most adventurous? Hmmmm... like as in the story itself or the taking on of the project? In either case, you guessed it, Star Mile is both an adventure genre (in part) and has been an adventure to write and bring back recently.
31. Which fic would you like to see made into a movie? Hard not to say Star Mile again here lmao if for no reason other than it would be more Jason Isaacs as Hook!
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33. Which of your fic titles is your favorite? You're not gonna believe this, Scully... lol Star Mile again. I think because it is a favorite song of mine but also because it's just a lovely pairing of words and fits the story. That fic is deeply personal for me and, in many ways, so is that title.
28. Which fic is closest to your heart? See above lmao. Star Mile was the first long fic I ever took on and published, and it is about my first ever favorite character (Hook) and some subjects that matter dearly to me.
40. Pick one of your fics and share a quote to go with it. (not a quote from the fic, but an outside quote that goes with it) Here's the description of Captain Hook from the book, which filled my wee head up with all kinds of sparkles as a little girl and still does when I just read it now. 🥰
"In person he was cadaverous and blackavized, and his hair was dressed in long curls, which at a little distance looked like black candles, and gave a singularly threatening expression to his handsome countenance. His eyes were of the blue of the forget-me-not, and of a profound melancholy, save when he was plunging his hook into you, at which time two red spots appeared in them and lit them up horribly. In manner, something of the grand seigneur still clung to him, so that he even ripped you up with an air, and I have been told that he was araconteur of repute. He was never more sinister than when he was most polite, which is probably the truest test of breeding; and the elegance of his diction, even when he was swearing, no less than the distinction of his demeanour, showed him one of a different cast from his crew." -Peter Pan, J.M. Barrie
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intheorchards · 1 year
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Trying to force myself into not hating what the mouse have done to my boy and it’s like I *do* like the very horrid vibes he has going and the fact he is a little older looking. I’m still not a fan of the whole naval officer uniform look and I will never draw that because it is awful...but I must try not to be too negative RIP
Commissions Open
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Oh, the Cleverness of Me!
Peter was bored. The Lost Boys were boring now, and Ernest was no fun, so he knew he would have to make his own... or find it. And as fun as all of Neverland was, there was nothing more exciting or fun as the pirates... So the Jolly Roger it was!
She was never hard to spot from the sky, especially when the sun was shining bright with Peter's cheery and excited mood, and the same was true today as he soared high above Neverland, looking... looking...
Aha! And there, at the helm, was the dread captain himself
He gave a happy laugh and turned in the air, doing a flip just for the fun of it (as there was no one to show off for), before soaring down to the ship to land silently in the rigging right above the helm. He gave a quiet laugh, thinking about calling out to the man, but that wouldn't do. Instead, he crowed as loud as he could, hand cupped around his mouth, all while watching him from above.
Peter Pan had come to play.
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megane-tapir · 1 year
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POV: You walk into the Captain's cabin while he's winding down fro the night
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thegirlivealwaysbeen · 2 months
you got me on griff she is amazing
omg yay!! i love her so much her music is so good (also her collab with maisie is perfection <3)
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lesbiantahani · 11 months
watching deadloch!!!! ive been so saturated w american media recently that this is so refreshing for me <3
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booksteaandtoomuchtv · 4 months
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captjameshookthoughts · 4 months
More on James as a husband, what if he had a child with his spouse?
Would he want to be a father?
He never really thought that being a father would ever be a possibility for him, in fact he's certain he would make a terrible parent- doomed to repeat his own father's mistakes.
Sometimes, just sometimes, his mind wanders off to a quaint fantasy. A quiet pocket of land to tend with a home he's built himself. In that scene he sees a pair of small figures running around, he can hear them laugh, he feels the texture of the familiar curls on his own head. Every time he drifts off to that place, to that contentment, the simplicity, he finds it harder to walk away from.
Of course to make that happen he'd have to leave piracy, find a way to escape Neverland for good. It's daunting and when he asks for opinions on the right course of action, no one can tell him with any certainty what would be best. Eventually he takes the risk anyway. It terrifies him more than anything ever did.
He is a good father, no children could ever be more loved than his.
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gaypirate420 · 2 years
Rings // James Hook.
Captain James Hook x gn!reader.
Fluffy stuff, idk how to do the summary for this one.
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"I like your fingers, James." You burbled out while the captain was smooking, the captain looked at you, his cheeks pink.
"In which— connotation am I supposed to take that um— compliment, darling?" He asked the smoke going in your direction, you smiled and looked at him.
"Hm, I won't tell you, dear." You teased with a smirk, you stood up and grabbed a box, the captain leaves his cigars on the ashtray.
"I always liked how rings look on you." You commented and sat on his lap, the box rested on your legs.
"Why don't you use them anymore? I stole them for you." You said offended, he just shrugged slightly, you opened the box and grabbed his hand with gentleness.
"Hmmmm, I think red suits you, Jimmy" You mumbled, you grabbed the ring and place it in one of his fingers.
His forget-me-not eyes stared at you with intensity, profound love and admiration.
You grabbed another ring and place it gently on his finger, your thumb brushed his hand.
You grabbed another one and repeated your action.
"This one is my favorite." You said softly, you meet eyes with him and smiled.
"This one— I stole it from a pirate ship, I thought of you when I saw it."You confessed, the captain smiled softly.
"This one, hm, hey! This is mine, you pirate." You teased, the captain chuckled.
"Oh darling." He breathes softly, you looked at him, he smiled and kissed you on the forehead.
"Hmmm, I like this one, gold." You remarked and looked at his hand, full with rings matching his elegant attire, you grabbed his hand and kissed his knuckles.
His hand cupped your cheek, now cold from the rings, you melted immediately.
"You're going to be the dead of me." James whispered softly before pressing another tender kiss.
A/N: here Hook! Finally!.
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hinter-dem-spiegel · 11 months
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