#jas stuff
just-a-stupid-jas · 5 months
Some drawings I made for Discord pals
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Just post one of that "Clothing meme" or something on a discord server lol
Cotton by @leshy-of-the-old-faith
This is the clothing template!
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anon-skeleton · 10 months
Collin: Hola
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(como cuando se te viene una mensada a la cabeza y la haces sin pensar)
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(No se XD)
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sussy-boy · 10 months
Algún día subirás algo a esta cuenta?
Lo estoy haciendo ahora no?
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oc-factoids · 2 years
Guess who's finally done with finals 🤠
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snuffysbox · 10 months
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just another tuesday in Pelican Town 🐔
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itsyveinthesky · 4 months
Ich hasse diese Böllerei so. Ich verstehe den Sinn dahinter einfach nicht, vor allem dieses Vor-und Nachböllern… wenn es wenigsten nur am 31ten um Mitternacht wäre…
Die Stadt ist dreckig, der Feinstaub gefährlich, die Tiere leiden. Es ist einfach zum kotzen.
Können wir nicht ein paar schöne offizielle Feuerwerke machen wo sich jeder dran erfreuen kann und gut ist.
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yubriamakesart · 27 days
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I started up Stardew Valley again and got the distinct feeling that I wouldn't get out of it without making fanart this time.
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lalalaugenbrot · 8 months
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just-a-stupid-jas · 2 months
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After a few days of work, I brought some COTL x Undertale Adoptables :D
At the moment I will only use Ko-fi for payments!
If you wan't or can't buy I would really appreciate it if you reblog ^^!
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anon-skeleton · 1 year
Horror film subgenre
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Es hijo de Killer (de @/Rahafwabs ) y Horror (de @/horrortalecomic )
-Tiene 13 años
-Mide 1,52M
-Grisexual biromantico
-Es un chico un tanto sádico, definitivamente le parecerá divertido que te pase algo malo
-El forma parte del culto dirigido por Pasty (LVUP Cult)
-Suele involucrar a su hermano Thriller en sus "bromas", usualmente a base de chantaje
He is the son of Killer (by @/Rahafwabas ) and Horror (by @/horrortalecomic )
He's 13 years old
He's 1,52M tall
Graysexual biromantic
-He is a somewhat sadistic boy, he will definitely find it funny that something bad happens to you
-He is part of the cult led by Pasty (LVUP Cult)
-He usually involves his brother Thriller in his "jokes", usually based on blackmail
Aaaa, chao
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sussy-boy · 1 year
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Oh, the red guy turned purple... Don't know worry, it's the atmosphere 👍
I was inspired by this color palette from the blog @color-palettes
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Sacred and Terrible Air: Ibex translation updated to v4.0
(crossposting from reddit)
When Group Ibex's translation went live last June, we called it version 1.0 after several months of covertly sharing an ever-updating work in progress. The updates... have not stopped. These new versions have since fixed a few whoopsies, edited stuff for flow and clarity, brought some more names in line with Disco Elysium's spelling, kept certain translation choices consistent and, of course, added footnotes. What is an ibex if not a dozen footnotes with horns on top.
As always, you can catch the latest version over here: https://old.reddit.com/r/DiscoElysium/comments/13e4tle/sacred_and_terrible_air_püha_ja_õudne_lõhn_full/
Abridged errata:
the big mistake is that Maj's age in chapter 1 was accidentally changed from 5 to 4 at an early editing stage. Our sincere apologies. It is now 5 as it should be, and as is listed later on in the book
and in chapter 2, at one point it's not jumpsuit girl who turns to speak to Khan, but rather von Fersen
the place you are most likely to get shot behind is now consistently a waste disposal facility
Yet more spellings brought in line with Disco Elysium include everyone's favourite polar settlement Yelinka and cool guy Baron von Kikkenberg
As per the inside cover lists, the nominative form of Viderundil is in fact Viderunt, not Viderund
ever wondered about those pesky diamat glasses? There is now a comprehensive footnote for that
you may have noticed that Khan is singing a Beatles song, but did you catch that lyrics by famous punk Estonian band Vennaskond were in Tereesz's mind as he thought of Frantiček the Brave? Checked the full context of that suruese rock? There's footnotes for that too
Finnish slang? Soviet Estonian expressions? Foot. notes.
Cheers, Group Ibex
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beardedhandstoadshark · 4 months
Hey. Fun fact.
Germany is replaying the beginning of the Third Reich now.
The Too-German-Didn’t-Read is that main guys of the right-extremist party that is currently on a major rise, AfD, met with actual neo-nazis discussing plans to deport millions of people, those being anyone whose families came here after WW2 + anyone helping immigrants and refugees, to a fucking "Model State in North Africa“ specifically conscripted for the sole purpose of keeping them there.
And a good chunk of the other politicians plus the main law council itself that could do anything against it is saying it can’t ban them because the AfD isn’t proven to be acting in incitement enough.
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sergeantjessi · 6 months
Texte über Goethe/Schiller zu lesen, bevor sie sich verstanden, ist immer wieder so witzig. Ja, ja, JoWo, noch ärgerst du dich darüber, dass Schiller in deiner Nachbarschaft wohnt. Aber geb dem noch ein paar Jahre und ihr redet davon, Kinder zu zeugen und nach Schillers Tod wirst du, was du für seinen Schädel hältst, auf ein Samtkissen betten.
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bookandpencil · 3 months
Darf ich mal kurz anmerken, dass es mit euch, den Spatort-Menschen, schon fast egal ist, wie gut oder schlecht die neue Folge war? Es macht einfach riesen Spaß darüber zu diskutieren, alles bis ins kleinste Detail zu analysieren und interpretieren, eure Gifs und Memes zu sehen und kollektiv den Verstand zu verlieren.
Musste ich mal eben loswerden <3
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