#jaredleto joker fanfic
thejokersenigma · 7 years
Joker x Reader - Strictly Business Part 3
Hi guys, thanks for your patience on my writing!
Here's the next part  hope you enjoy!
As always, thank you for all the feedback I get and the really sweet messages people send me - you all keep me going so THANK YOU SOO MUCH!!! :D
As usual, if anyone wants to be tagged in any of my work let me know (and let me know which particular works you want to be tagged in - including if you want to be tagged in any new/future fics I might write)
And also, any requests - send them through, the more specific the better, but i'll take vague ones too! :D
Once the police had given the room the all clear and we were free to resume our activities, I left. I wasn’t in the mood to be around these people anymore - after the only person’s company I had wanted was gone – and he’d been a psychopathic killer. So I headed straight home, leaving Mathew to continue his schmoozing by himself – he wouldn’t miss me anyway.
Once back at my flat, I made sure to lock the door behind me before I circled my flat, checking all the windows were down and securely latched – I wasn’t taking any chances. I doubted the Joker would choose to hit anywhere else tonight with the police now on high alerts for any sign of his whereabouts, but I couldn’t be too safe – I had tricked the man after all - even if I had then given him an escape route – and wasn’t sure how he would take it.
Once I was sure I had done what I could to make myself secure, I flicked the TV on as I headed towards the kitchen, grabbing the open bottle of wine from the fridge that I had started the night before. The news channel played behind me on the screen as I poured myself a glass of wine, the current story reporting on the restoration project underway at city hall.
The report finished, and the presenter now turned to the new big story – the live coverage of the tonight’s events. “At least 12 men have been arrested tonight at the St. George’s hotel -” I perked up instantly, grabbing my glass and turning to lean on the counter that separated the kitchen from the living room area. “- after the police were tipped off by an anonymous caller about a possible hit planned on the two-hundred-year-old building. It was believed the men were working for the Arkham Asylum escapee and well-known crime lord known as Joker – their targets being the leaders and CEOs of many of Gotham’s multi-billion-dollar companies that were gathered in one of the large ballrooms for hire in the hotel.
“The criminals’ leader - the Joker - was unfortunately not apprehended at the event - reports from eye witness suggest the criminal clown had been residing in the ballroom chosen for the attack and escaped via the fire escape before police could arrive on the scene. The mentally unstable criminal was last seen making a getaway across the rooftops of the neighbouring buildings. Helicopters are believed to now be sweeping Gotham and police urge anyone with evidence or sightings if the villain to come forward, however extreme caution is urge and it is strongly encouraged to by no means confront the criminal. Detective De-“
I turned off the TV, not wanting to hear what that police had to say about it – doubting it would be much more than their usual promise to capture the criminals still at large which continued to terrorize the streets of Gotham – which of course they rarely fulfilled.
I was oddly relieved the Joker hadn’t been apprehended – though I had highly doubted that he would be, thanks to the exit route I had provided – the police not yet having time to organise themselves to cover the fire exit on the top floor. The Joker had obviously caught onto the idea I had and made sure to quickly stray from the stairs that led down to the street, instead remaining amongst the rooftops and disappearing into the night before air support had managed to arrive.
I down the rest of my wine glass quickly, dropping it into the sink for later and heading to bed. I remembered to grab a blanket out of the cupboard in the bedroom, tossing it onto the back of the sofa for Mathew when he finally got home.
It wasn’t that we couldn’t sleep in the same bed together – Mathew just rarely left the office before ten or eleven and events like tonight could leave him out till the early hours. When he did finally return to the flat, he had a habit of sitting down with a drink continuing to look through the papers he had brought back from the office until he fell asleep at his desk or on the sofa.
In an attempt to play the role of a supportive wife, I had tried to stay up with him a few times, but I had no wish to spend any more hours staring at numbers on a sheet of paper – getting enough of that during work. I couldn’t even talk to Mathew – he had no focus for anything his work and no conversation was possible that didn’t involve the recent profits or increased taxes and - even then -  he tended to be talking to himself.
The last few times I had tried to stay up with I wound up sat in the armchair next to him twiddling my thumb or reading till I dropped my book from exhaustion. It was a pointless exercise – Mathew didn’t care if I was there or not.
I had soon learnt I couldn’t change him and just made do with going to bed alone,  it wasn’t like I was a pathetic girl that needed her man next to her each night – hell I’d lived on my own for a long time, most of it in a far worst apartment, in a far worse neighbourhood.
And it wasn’t like I needed him for anything else – I had never found the man that attractive really and apart from our wedding night and whenever he felt like it – not that often – we really didn’t sleep together much either.
I had soon learnt that living with Mathew was like living with any other roommate. And that was kind of how I view our marriage. We were friends and roommates. Rarely lovers, never in love.
It wasn’t too bad, it suited us both fine.
Mathew wasn’t usually home when I went to bed - and he was usually gone before I woke up - so now I just left a blanket and a pillow on the sofa and left him to it. I wasn’t sure if he appreciated the gesture or not - having never heard a word from him about it. I wouldn’t have been surprised if he thought these items materialised of their own accord for him.
I sighed loudly as I threw his pillow across the room so it hit the couch – landing awkwardly on the cushion so it balanced dangerously on the edge, close to falling off - before I headed back into the bedroom, closing the door firmly behind me.
 I woke the next morning to find the usual – a clearly slept-on sofa, the blanket thrown carelessly back and the pillow at some point knocked the floor. What never ceased to amaze me was how the sofa could be in such a mess, yet his suit was also neatly hung on the bathroom door across the room. I rolled my eyes when I spotted the jacket on its hanger, ignoring it as I tidied up the rest of the mess – he could put that away.
My usual morning routine went with a hitch, only finally hitting the first problem of the day when I headed down to my car which was parked in the underground carpark below my building.
My car wouldn’t start.
I frowned at it as I tried over and over again to start the engine, the car coughing and producing a feeble growl before it died once more.
“Errrr!” I growled at the steering wheel, clenching my teeth, “Come on!” I cried at it, smacking the edge of it. I glanced down at my watch – shit. I didn’t have time to get someone to come fix it right now - I hadn’t factored a broken down car into my morning and if I didn’t get on the road right now I’d be late my meeting at 9.
I smacked the wheel one more time, angrily grumbling at the useless contraption before I got out and headed onto the street above – I’d catch a cab and phone the repairman once I got to work to arrange for them to come by that evening to sort my car out.
I managed to hail a cab quite quickly and I slid into the back seat, calling the address to the driver, my attention already focused on my work phone where I had just refreshed my inbox and already had more emails than I could possibly read in a day. The taxi moved off as I settled into the well-worn seats, starting the huge job of responding to each message that truly needed my input.
I got so engrossed in a series of emails about a possible glitch in our systems, that I didn’t notice the journey or the scenery of Gotham that flew past us. It was only as I finally signed off on an email trying to clear things up, that I realised I felt as though I’d been in this car a lot longer than usual. I frowned to myself - maybe just answering the email had felt like forever. I glanced at the clock on my phone - I was late for my meeting.
“Shit.” I mumbled to myself. It was odd though, I didn’t remember us being stuck in that much traffic for me to be this late. I looked out my window try to figure out how much longer we would be.
That was even odder – hadn’t that been Gotham General we’d just past? It couldn’t be. The hospital was nearly on the other side of town to the INK building.
I kept my gaze out of the window as a few non-descript buildings flashed past. No, I had been right because there was the East-side bridge – I knew those larger, gothic pillars anywhere.
Shit. Maybe I’d said the wrong address in my rush? But where else would I have said? Maybe the driver had just heard me wrong?
“Um, excuse me?” I asked, leaning forward and peering across at the driver, his face hidden by his peculiar old fedora-like hat. “I think you must have the wrong address.” I said, trying to remain polite - though I was worrying about how I was going to save this meeting now I was already over 15 minutes late.
The car suddenly swerved across 2 lanes of traffic, and I was forced to grip the head rest of the empty chair in front of me to stop myself from flying.
“Change of plan doll face!” Came an all too familiar voice from the driver’s seat. “We’re going for a drive!” He exclaimed, and I could hear the grin in his voice.
I immediately jerked backwards and he let out a loud cackle, taking a hand off the wheel to remove the odd hat and reveal his vibrant green hair, ruffled and messy from the confinement. He looked up at the rear-mirror and met my eyes, his own shining in humour at the shock that must have been on my face. He ran a hand through his hair, smoothing it back into place, though a few strands resisted and fell across his face. I could feel my heart pounding at the surprise and I tried to push myself as inconspicuously as possibly into the opposite corner of the car - I didn’t want him to know that I was terrified of being caught unawares with him in such an enclosed space – especially after I had managed to make a fool of him last night.
“You look like you’ve see a ghost, kitten,” He told me with mock worry, “Or maybe a clown!” He suggested, beaming widely at me through the mirror. I tried to regain my composure, remaining silent, but fixing him hard, unimpressed stare.
“Where are you taking me?” I asked firmly, not letting him get to me.
Joker rolled his eyes at me, dropping his smile, his gaze becoming hard and almost deadly as he suddenly slammed on the brakes, causing me to fly forward into the chair in front. Just as suddenly he then swerved to the left - throwing me to the opposite side of the car – and rapidly accelerated, undertaking a lorry before swinging back into the original lane once more.
He glanced back at the mirror, his grin back in place and so wide it almost made him look in pain, “Come on, doll �� it’s a joke – laugh a little!” He beamed at me. I didn’t laugh though, just kept up my hard stare, refusing to be intimidated by his driving and refusing to look away even if his blue eyes weren’t holding mine in their iron grasp.
“You know I could just call the police, right?” I asked, waving my phone at him that was still in my hand.
“I don’t know if you’ve noticed, kitten,” He began before violently jerking the wheel to the right, then almost instantly jerking it back again – only just missing the car on our right - “I’m not exactly trying to hide!” He cried manically, swinging the car smoothly into the left lane and slamming his foot onto the accelerator, causing the engine to roar before we then shot forward.
Though I felt myself grip the car seat beneath me, I couldn’t help the thrill that ran through me – the wanton disregard for traffic laws and the reckless speed was exciting and quite an adrenaline rush – something I hadn’t experienced in years.
The Joker didn’t let up on the gas and we continued to speed down the streets, the Joker appearing to barely be in control of the car, yet still managing to avoid every car in the rush hour traffic – though some quite narrowly. I wasn’t sure how many car accidents we created in our wake as we flew down the road, but the adrenaline coursing through me was making it hard not to grin and a small voice in the back of my mind kept daring the Joker to go faster - almost intrigued at the thought of a collision - be it us or someone else.
Suddenly a red stop light appeared at the cross junction ahead of us and I watched in a mixture of fear and excitement as we barrelled down the main road to where traffic to the left and right were already flooding through, the Joker not letting up on our speed. I couldn’t see us stopping in time now if the Joker didn’t brake soon and I wanted to close my eyes but I couldn’t - too transfixed on the cars in front that were rushing up to meet us. Suddenly I was flung forward once more into the passenger seat in front of me as Joker slammed the brake on hard. I clung to the chair in front of me as we skidded to a halt exactly on the white line – only a few inches from the rest of the rushing traffic.
I didn’t realise I had been holding my breath but I let it go now in a short exhale as I unwrapped my fingers from where I had dug them into the passenger seat in front of me, my heart pounding erratically at the near-death experience.
“Besides, doll.” The Joker perked up from the front seat, looking completely unfazed at what had just happened. “I have a rag and a bottle of chloroform up here if you’re not willing to be my friend.” He grinned, wide and cheesy at me as though he hadn’t just threatened to knock me out. I was still recovering from the close call and didn’t say anything, just stared back at him warily as to whether he had been joking or not – I suspected not.
The light turned green in front of us and Joker hit the gas again causing the tires to screech and squeal underneath us before we accelerated viciously out into the junction. Joker swung the car to the right, causing the tail to flick out dangerously into the lane next to us and at least one car had to swerve to avoid us. I prayed the car could hold up the hell Joker was putting it through and the wheels not suddenly decide to burst under the fierce demands.
I settled back against my seat as we barrelled down a relatively open piece of road, the car falling into silence. I tried not to enjoy the freedom of the racing down the streets – knowing it was clearly illegal and wrong – instead trying to focus on a way out of this situation.
I had accepted there was nothing I could say or do to the Joker to get him to let me go and I watched the flats and offices blur past my window, my fingers anxiously fiddling with my phone that still sat in my hand as I tried to think. I looked down at the black screen and suddenly had a small piece of a plan. I place my phone down on the seat next to me so it was hidden between the car door and my leg, hopefully out of sight thanks to the shield of my thigh.
I glanced back up at the Joker to check he wasn’t watching, but his eyes were still on the road as we continued to break the speed limit, the ride much smoother now he felt he’d scared me enough with his erratic driving.
Content, I turned my attention back to window next to me, resuming my absent stare, typing out a message to my husband out of the corner of my eye – glad that I’d sent so many messages from my phone that I could basically type a whole paragraph with my eyes shut.
It wasn’t much when I had finished, but at least it was something – maybe at least someone would find my body after all of this, I thought in mocking cheer. At least it conveyed my situation as well I could for now. I hit the send button and returned my entire concentration back onto the streets outside where the usual rainy weather of the city had once again begun, large drops of water spotting the almost-dry pavement.
Suddenly the Joker let out a low growl of annoyance and I turned my attention back to him as he rolled his neck, his jaw clenched. I could feel my heart already pounding, he suddenly looked dangerous, completely different from the joking man he’d been a moment ago.
Suddenly he violently swung the car off the road and I grabbed at my seat to avoiding being thrown around again. The car jerked as we mounted the pavement and I tried to make out where we were going but all I could see was the side of a building rushing towards us. I braced for the impact I knew I couldn’t survive, hiding my face this time. When I didn’t feel anything, I snapped my head back up only to see the rest of the road disappearing behind us as the tires screeched in protest and we cornered sharply into an alleyway.
Once the car was safely concealed between the two protective brick walls the Joker snapped the clutch in place and was out the door before I could register we had even stopped.
My mind quickly caught onto what was happening as Joker made his way round to the door closest to me. I snapped my seatbelt off and shuffled across the back seat, positioning myself as best I could. As soon as I heard the lock mechanism click I kicked out as hard as I could against the door. I felt it connect with the Joker and cause him to stumble backwards slightly. I made the most of the small moment I had and scrambled out of the car, immediately making an attempt to run out of the alley and back onto the main street where there was a slim chance I might find help or at least shelter.
I didn’t make it more than a few strides however, before I felt a hand catch hold of the back of my jacket, fingers entangling in my long hair that fanned out behind in the wind. He yanked me easily backwards, my feet slipping on the wet pavement underfoot, and shoved me backwards till I was pinned up against one of the walls of the alley by his body, on of this hands at my throat.
I struggled against his hold but I soon had to concede that he was too strong for me to do anything but tire myself out and the more I struggled the tighter his grip on my throat got, making it hard to breathe.
“You didn’t want to be my friend, doll, hmm?” He asked, his voice gravelly and his breathing harsh through his open mouth, “Or did you, hmm? But your morals are just too strong?” He grinned manically down at me, his eyes alight with understanding and I felt like he already knew me better than I did.
“Do what you want!” I snarled at him, “Now people know what’s happened to me and you can’t change that!”
His grip on my throat tightened even more and I squirmed again rubbing my back raw on the rough brick behind me as I tried in in vain to free my arms from where they were pinned under his body.
“Oh, I don’t want to change that, kitten.” He told with a slight airy chuckle as though I was a fool. “People need to know you’re gone, doll…” He breathed down at me, “…for the plan to work.” He grinned, his metal teeth clear and evident against his red lips inches from my face.
“You should know, doll – it is your plan after all.” He said, dipping his head to look up at me through his eye lashes, his invisible eyebrows raised - as though he was shocked I hadn’t caught on yet.
That’s when it clicked with me – he was kidnapping me to complete the plan I had suggested to him the night before. Shit. Why did I say anything to him yesterday? Why couldn’t I just keep my mouth shut? Everyone planned the little criminal things they’d do if they could – why had I shared mine? What was it about the man in front of me that made so reckless and giddy?
“Now, all I need for you to do is breathe….” The Joker growled at me lowly, bringing a rag up to my face in his free hand. I tried one last ditch attempt to get away but I knew it was hopeless before I had even started and, when the cloth finally enveloped my mouth and nose, I resigned myself to my fate and inhaled deeply, drowsiness soon overcoming me.
 tags: @carouselcurls @aqswdefrgthzjukilop @toxic-ink @6fish6 @theartistdetective @white-chocolate-mocha-fan @blondieinthecity @cybergingersalad @viraldragonrider 
(Again - let me know if you don't want to be tagged in this series - I just used my Deadly Voice tags because I figure its a similar genre!)
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hey you guys! i’m catching up on some stories and of course adding new chapters today so comment below / message me what stories you’d like to see continued. Also REQUESTS ARE OPEN! send me an imagine / one shot you’d like me to write and I will definitely get it done for you! I’m excited to have requests open again because I miss you guys and all your epic and even dirty ideas lmao!
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gottalovetheletos · 6 years
Gottalovetheletos. Updated Masterlist. 18/03/18.
Sorry I haven’t updated since the beginning of the year. But didn’t think I had written that much. 
🙈I’m genuinely concerned about the amount of smut in my stories. Sorry🙈
💖💖💖💖💖 💖💖💖💖💖 💖💖💖💖💖 💖💖💖💖💖 💖
Jared Imagines:
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Sex after date night -Jared Imagine - SMUT - NSFW.
Surprising Jared on tour - Jared Imagine - SMUT - NSFW
Attempt at Jared fluff - Jared Imagine
I just need some kinky sex… - Jared Imagine - SMUT - NSFW
Missing my girls - Jared Imagine
I like a submissive girl - Jared Imagine
I shouldn’t be in love with you - Jared Imagine
Rayon’s moving in - Jared Imagine
Shannon Imagines:  
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Meeting - Shannon Imagine.
Threatens you but makes up for it - Shannon Imagine - SMUT  - NSFW
Wanna make one? - Shannon Imagine -SMUT - NSFW
Friends with extra benefits  Shannon Imagine - SMUT - NSFW
Shannon proposal - Shannon Imagine
Shannon, a family man - Shannon Imagine
Shannon, a family man - part 2 - Shannon Imagine
I will always love you - Shannon Imagine
Change your ticket - Shannon Imagine
The Bahamas - Shannon Imagine - A smidge of SMUT
Just friends - Shannon Imagine
A Valentines treat - Shannon Imagine - SMUT - NSFW
Joker Imagines:
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Long lost father to twins - Joker Imagine
Hmm, falling for the maid. This could be interesting. - SMUT - NSFW
Fuck you - Joker Imagine
        Shannon Series - A camping trip to remember: COMPLETED
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A camping trip to remember - Shannon Imagine
A camping trip to remember - part 2 - Shannon Imagine - SMUT - NSFW
A camping trip to remember - part 3- Final part -SMUT - NSFW
        Jared Series - Love without shame
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - SMUT - NSFW
Chapter 3 - SMUT - NSFW
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 - SMUT - NSFW
Chapter 6 - SMUT - NSFW
Chapter 7 - SMUT - NSFW
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 - SMUT - NSFW
Chapter 10 - SMUT - NSFW
       Shannon series - Butterflies
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - SMUT - NSFW
Chapter 3 - A smidge of SMUT
Chapter 4 - SMUT - NSFW
Chapter 5 - SMUT - NSFW
Chapter 6 - SMUT - NSFW
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 - SMUT - NSFW
Chapter 10
      Jared and Shannon Imagine - Bright Lights, Big City.
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 (Christmas special) - SMUT - NSFW
Chapter 8 - SMUT - NSFW
Chapter 9 - SMUT - NSFW
Chapter 10
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ninjolleo · 7 years
Joker in Belle Reve
This is extremely random but I was doing an RP a long time ago where Harley was pregnant and she and J got captured by Amanda Waller. 
This is basically a one shot that I may continue of Jokers point of view in Belle Reve when he is first captured
Feedback would be lovely and if you'd like me to write more, let me know. Enjoy!  (Ignore spelling mistakes and such)
The green haired man sat In the corner of the cell; straight jacket tight around his body. The cell was dark and dirty. Padded wall to ceiling and even the door-other than a small flap that could be removed for food to be placed inside the cell- in a dingy, spongy material. The light provided by a single fluorescent bulb at the middle of the ten-foot ceiling, covered by reinforced plastic to ensure he wouldn't be able to break it.
That was kind of them; making the room mirror how they felt about the man. He could appreciate the gesture....
His head hung low, Green strands of hair falling in his face, seemingly a duller colour than the usual vibrant emerald. His eyes were closed; the blue turned to a dull grey and the deranged look was slightly replaced by one spacey And almost... Lost.
The chemicals entered the room through hidden vents, the gas leaving the metal with a small hiss. The only other sound was his slow breathing; animalistic low growls leaving him every time he exhaled.
Arkham asylum was one thing. However, this was on another level. The familiar cloth straight jacket was replaced by one entirely made of leather strong enough so he wouldn't be able to break it. The cell was completely 'safe'; the only possible source of causing pain- the glass of the light bulb- was ten feet above the ground covered in two inches of plastic. He was forced to sit and do nothing and if he caused problems he would get chained to the floor.
On top of that, there was the gas being pumped in in order to make him calm, which it seemed to be doing as well as messing with his mind and thoughts.
He was a trapped animal, being drugged in order to maintain safety.
How pathetic the people were to do that to him.
How long had he been in there? He wasn't sure. Thoughts falling out of his mind like leaves off a tree on a windy day. He'd gotten better; adapted almost. The more he focused, the more he kept his thoughts, hence his position generally remained at the back corner with his eyes closed and slow breaths leaving his red lips.
Did he sleep? Did he eat? Not really. On occasions he'd drift off but not well or for long, and maybe take a small bite of the 'food'; just enough of both to keep his body ticking. This place wasn't where he was going to die.
The sound of heavy boot steps followed by the clacking of heels echoed in the hallway, approaching the Joker's cell. The man didn't move. If one was to just look at him at first glance, they could assume he was dead; slumped against the padded walls like a rag doll.
The steel door opened with a loud creak on its hinges, and that was the sound that caused the clown's eyes to open; his head remained down however. He could see behind the strands of hair in his face, two pairs large guard boots and some nude heels.
The guards approached him. He still did not move. They pulled him to his feet. He stayed still. They chained his ankles to the ground. Nothing other than slight swaying as if he was being blown by a breeze. The concentration was needed to keep his mind clear. This was his first interaction with the infamous Amanda Waller, so it must have been important. And if he wanted to play? He couldn't jumble over his words.
"Joker." The woman spoke, voice confident and steady, yet naturally stern,  Clearly indicating she had nothing to fear. "Do you know who I am?"
He contemplated if speaking was the best thing to do. Yes. It would be. "Amanda Waller..." His head raised slightly so he could look at her more, a silver grin tugging at his lips," How lovely to finally meet you..." His voice was falsely over kind, her name leaving his lips laced in venom.
The woman seemed unphased by the man, and she continued as if he hadn't said anything. "You are now part of my facility," she stated. "You are under my control. If I ask you to do something, you do it. Understand?"
"Is everyone else as lucky as I am? Getting to speak to you face to face...?" He asked, his voice sounding slightly tired due to the most likely increase in chemicals in the room just in case. He wasn't working for her. There was no point. He would be out at some point soon anyway.
"You can make this difficult for yourself, or you can answer me when I ask you questions," the woman responded, and her response made the joker laugh ever so slightly.
"no humour..." He said in a low voice and shake of his head before he spoke some more. "Amanda Waller... I'm not your slave..." He said, "nor will I ever be..." His eyes flicked up to her and a grin was on his red lips, "but the offer means /so/ much to me." And a laugh left him.
The guards held the bottom of their guns as if they were going to hit the man with them, but the woman raised her hand for them to stop. She looked fed up. She was done being reasonable with this man, there was no use. She stepped close to the green haired psychopath. Very close and the guards acted as though they would pull her away but she once again gave them a silent indication to stay put. "You will learn I'm not someone to joke with," she said, looking at the man who had leant down slightly to be at her height. "Harley and your child certainly did."
The grin immediately fell from his face and his jaw clenched.
"What did you do?" He growled at her.
A small smile tugged at the woman's painted lips, "so that is how I can get your attention." She said and stepped away from him slightly. "Do you really think I'd let you and that girl reproduce?" She asked as she looked to him as if it was the most repulsive idea in the world.
He stayed quiet but he shifted slightly from foot to foot, getting obviously antsy and angry; like a lion about to be given its dinner.
"Harley disrespected me," she continued. "When she was working for me, she escaped, thanks to you." She said and pointed at him, as if saying 'this is all your fault, not mine.' "I was originally thinking I'd kill her-" another growl left him, but she ignored it, "but then I decided wouldn't it be better to have her suffer? You enjoy making people suffer, don't you?" She asked him, putting on the obvious persona that they could relate on this one thing. "So I got rid of the baby." She said casually.
His body shook, breathing quick and ragged with absolute fury.
"Ripped it out of her, despite her many objections...." The woman said, obviously enjoying seeing the man become so riled up. She knew she was safe.
As if he could read her thoughts, his body went still and he stood up straighter once again, expression blank. "I can't wait to take a knife to that smug smile," he said calmly as his head tilted slightly.
The said smug smile faded, "you're taking this out on me, when you know it's your fault." She said simply. "I'm done with him," she instructed the guards and began walking out while the large men shoved the joker to the ground and unchained his ankles.
"I will speak to you again when I need you," Amanda said as she left, and the guards closed and locked the door behind them all, leaving him in the dimly lit room alone once again.
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psychoticharls-blog · 7 years
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Happy Birthday Daddy 😈😘🎉❤️ • I have a special fanfic planned for the occasion so look out for that at some point today 👀 • Give credit if you'd like to repost , thanks 💜 • #suicidesquad #joker #harleyquinn #jaredleto #margotrobbie #jaredletojoker #margotrobbieharleyquinn #gothamcity #arkhamasylum #like4like #follow4follow #jokerleto #jokersexualfamily #jokersdickoutforjhen #margotrobbie #jaredletojoker #margotrobbieharleyquinn #gothamcity #arkhamasylum #merchandise #collector #dccollectibles #dccomics #vinylfigures
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thejokersenigma · 7 years
Joker x Reader - Deadly Voice Part 16
Hi Everyone - sorry this has taken longer than usual I’ve been trying to write it for a while and it started to become too long so I’ve split it into two chapters instead (and they are still really long!)
I apologise if this whole fanfic isn’t making much sense - I’m struggling to see the bigger picture and am sort of making this up as I go along! In future fanfics I will attempt to stay a bit more focused and have a better plan!
(Also sorry I apologise for something on every chapter I post - I have this constant need to justify the ‘not great’ parts of my writing! Damn self-confidence!)
Anyway - hope you enjoy!
I woke up when I attempted to turn over onto my left and instead gasped in agony at the pain in my right shoulder. After taking a deep breath I slowly lowered myself so I was led back down, clenching my jaw against the burning in my shoulder.
I blew my breath between my clenched teeth, feeling how the pain seemed to mainly concentrate on a piece of tight skin on my shoulder. I took short rapid breaths and it seemed to dull the sting slightly. I tried to open my eyes, but dried tears kept my lids sealed and I rubbed at them - choosing to only use my left hand when I found I could barely lift my right arm without more shooting pain. Then I finally opened my eyes and the world swam before me briefly before focusing on the morning light that filled the room.
I didn’t bother to take in my surroundings - my eyes immediately shot to my shoulder. I was in a tank top so I could see clearly that it was completely wrapped in bandages and a thick pad was on the front portion. There was a dark patch under the pad where my blood had pooled and I let out a wobbly breath as I took in the situation. How bad was it? Oh my God! What if I couldn’t use my arm?! Am I going to be basically one-handed for the rest of my life? I was panicking but I couldn’t test out my arm because it hurt too much to even attempt to lift it. However, I could still clench my hand into a fist – though the tension down my arm made me hiss in pain.
I looked around in the hopes of finding a doctor or nurse to talk to and then I noticed - I wasn’t in the same room as before. Someone had moved me; my bed was now in a private room all to myself. On my left was a door with a window panel through which I could see nothing but a rectangle of orange-walled corridor. Next to the door was a bunch of hospital machinery and spare heart monitors -ready to be hooked up to the next patient – and, directly in front of me, the wall was lined with laminated wooden storage cupboards, probably housing a variety of equipment and drugs, and shelves that held folders and more vases containing plastic flowers like my last room.
My eyes continued to travel around the room until they landed on a chair that sat in the right hand corner of the room next to a wide window. I jumped when I noticed him – causing me to gasp at the stab of pain in my shoulder. The Joker. He was propped up in the meagrely padded wooden hospital chair wearing smart black trousers and a deep red shirt that hung open to expose his chest. His eyes were closed, his head hung back and partially rested on his vibrant purple coat that was draped over the back of the chair. He was asleep. Thank god. I clutched my chest with my left hand in relief. My heart was still beating 10 to the dozen and this was clear thanks to my heart monitor that was beeping out of control. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself, but I was still very well aware of the Joker’s presence only a few feet away.
The beating eventually returned close to a regular rhythm but the sight of him had thrown my mind back into the memories of last night. At the time I hadn’t really been aware he was in the room – not until just before I had passed out when I remember seeing flashes of familiar shades of red and green that could only be him. Even then I was certain he had messed with my mind so I didn’t completely trust what I saw. I really needed to stop having these adventurous evenings – it was exhausting me both mentally and physically and I was now incredibly bruised as well.
But the Joker had saved me. That I couldn’t deny. But why had he saved me? What did he have to gain – why would he bother? Why had the man in black said my death would be revenge? What would killing me have accomplished?
As much as I wanted to leave this room as soon as possible now I knew who I was sharing it with, I also knew I needed to talk to the Joker and get some answers. For the past few weeks I had so many questions and no way of getting answers unless I confronted the Joker head on – no funny business - though that was unlikely when dealing with the clown, but I had to try.
I wasn’t going to be the fool to wake him up though.
At the same time I wasn’t going to sit here forever waiting – I needed to get out of this bed - I needed water for my throat and a bathroom – who knows how long I’d been out. The act of getting out of bed was going to kill me though - but there was no other option. I pushed myself up using only my left arm, grimacing against the burning in my shoulder no matter how much I tried to keep my right side still.
I swung my legs out over the bed, surprised to find myself in a pair of grey jogging bottoms. I detached myself from wires and pulled my IV drip out carefully - cringing at the movement in my arm and the tweak as the needle left my skin. I let it fall so that it swung down beside the bed. I cradled my right arm against my body and stood up, feeling a bit shaky on my legs. My heart monitor was going crazy with the lack of pulse so I quickly pushed a load of buttons until it shut up – glancing quickly behind me to check I hadn’t woken the Joker up.
Happy I hadn’t, I waited till I felt steady enough on my legs before I head towards the door – each step was stiff from my lack of movement for who knows how long. I grabbed the door handle with my right hand, the arm still cradled to my chest with my left. I twisted it – trying to only move my wrist - and pulled the door toward me, nearly unbalancing myself in the process. I slipped through the door silently and looked up and down the corridor
“[Y/N]?!” I turned toward the voice to see Frost straighten up from leaning against the wall to the left of my door.
“Hi Frost.” I greeted weakly.
“It’s good to see you awake! But should you be out of bed? Does the Joker know?” he questioned quickly.
“He’s asleep in the chair.” I answered. “Why is he here?”
“He hasn’t left your side the whole time you’ve been out.” He stated. I stood in silence processing this. Why?! It so frustrating that I didn’t understand his actions in the slightest. Most people you could predict, but the Joker was definitely not one of them.
“Frost what on Earth has been happening?” I asked hoping I would at least get a straight answer from him.
Frost didn’t answer straight away and seemed to be contemplating what to tell me. “Please Frost,” I whined, “I just want some answers!”
He sighed, “Well, after you passed out at the club the other night, boss put me onto to working out what had happened. We found a man who had been tailing you and CCTV showed him buying you a drink before the meeting.” He paused as he watched me take in the information. I nodded to show I understood. “We believe it was drugged and so caused you to pass out. After you were placed in hospital we tracked him and found he was planning another attack - presumably because his last hadn’t worked.
Boss left immediately after that without me. When I finally caught up and got to your room you were passed out and collapsed in a corner, with boss bent over you with shirt pressed to your bullet wound.” He explained gesturing to my bandaged shoulder as I tried to hide my surprise at this information.
“How long have I been out?” I questioned quietly.
“4 days.” He said gently.
“And he never left?”
“Never. When I arrived we moved you back onto your bed. When the doctors wanted to move you to a new room he nearly killed them all. Then, later - when they wanted to remove the bullet and stitch you up in the operating theatre - they asked him to leave the room and he ended up shooting a few until they decided it was wisest to just let him sit in the corner.” Frost chuckled quietly to himself whilst I just stared at the hideous orange wall in front of me in shock.
Frost noticed my silence and lack of response and his smirk dropped to a look of stern concern, “[Y/N] I strongly suggest you get back into bed and rest – especially before the Joker finds you have gone.”
“Sorry Frost,” I apologised quickly pulling myself out of my stupor, “I came looking for a restroom and a drink.” I explained knowing he was looking out for me - and himself - against the Joker’s temper.
Frost grabbed a passing nurse and explained the situation. She looked a bit shocked at the circumstances – knowing fully well who Frost was and making the connection with me - but she gathered herself quickly when she saw my condition and led me down the hall to the nearest toilets. She dropped me off at the door, promising to get me some water before she left, carrying on down the corridor.
I got a little lost on the way back down the maze of corridors but I soon figured out the general direction when I heard the unmistakable sound of a gunshot and the subsequent screaming that echoed through the hallways. The Joker was awake. I felt sorry for Frost – he had tried to stop me and really didn’t deserve the anger that was now probably raining down on him. I would have run back to help him if every movement didn’t send searing pain up my arm.
As I turned the last corner I saw the Joker threatening Frost and some unlucky doctor who must have been passing by at the wrong time. “Hey! Leave them alone!” I called out bravely and walked as quickly as possible up to them.
Joker spun around aiming his gun at me. I could see his pale muscles flex with his movements and I gulped not realising I had stopped breathing. I thought I saw his eyes lightened slightly when he saw me, but it could have been a trick of the light because his then eyes flickered down to my arm cradled against my stomach and his gaze darkened. “Doll.” He growled before grabbing my good arm and hauling me back into my hospital room and throwing me roughly in the direction of the bed before crossing the room so he stood at the foot of the bedstead. I hissed in pain as I landed on my bad arm on the mattress and I felt tears swell in my eyes.
I blinked them away as the joker paced back and forth at the foot of the bed, his shirt flapping against his sides when he spun. I pulled myself up with my good arm, keeping my bad arm tucked up close to me, so I sat cross legged in the middle of the sheets and watched his movement. I let my bad arm rest limply in my lap and I could feel the hole in my shoulder throbbed like a second heart beat.
I could hear him growling lowly to himself as he paced, his eyes hidden under his dark brows. He wasn’t paying me any attention – it was almost as if I wasn’t in the room.
Suddenly he raked his hands through his hair and seized handfuls of the vibrant green strands, “SHUT UP!” he screamed at himself and I visibly flinched at the sudden outburst. He must have noticed my movement because he abruptly dropped his hands and spun to face me. His hair was now dishevelled, some strands fell over his face and his eyes were bright with craziness.
I could feel the fear coursing through me at the sudden show of his insanity and I couldn’t stand the intense gaze on my face any longer so I dropped my head to look at my hands on my lap. Wrong. He lunged at me from across the room to grab my chin, yanking me forward and pulling my head up violently. “Look at me doll.” His breath skimmed over my nose and I brought my gaze to meet his icy eyes, knowing better than to disobey him – especially when he was this close to me. “Better.” He purred releasing my chin and stroking my cheek with the back of his fingers and moving his hand towards my hair. This is ridiculous – I didn’t t know where I stood with this man! I pulled back abruptly leaving his hand outstretched in mid-air.
“No. Stop with bloody mood swings!” I snapped. He snarled again, curling his upper lip up to reveal his silver caps.
“You are pushing you’re luck today aren’t you doll?” he rumbled lowly retracting his arm slowly and then slinked around my bed in a predatory fashion. He then jumped onto the bed lithely in front of me, playfully copying my position and sitting cross legged in front of me. I used my good arm to shift myself backwards away from his close proximity so that I was sat on pillow of the bed, my back pressed tightly against the plastic headboard. “Aww, don’t run away baby.” He pouted mockingly. I glared at him and he responded with an sickly sweet grin, “I’ll be good – cross my heart.” He promised making a cross like gesture on his chest. I continued to eye him cautiously. “Don’t believe me doll? I’m hurt!” he teased. I remained silent and guarded – wary for his next change of mood where I could suddenly find myself thrown across the room.
He let out an exasperated sigh at my poor cooperation with his teasing. “Ok. How about we play a little game?” he questioned with a wide Cheshire-cat-like grin. I raised a silent eyebrow at him in question. He was up to something.
“You have questions.” He presumed. I nodded. “And so do I” My eyes narrowed at this – here we go. “The rules are simple! You ask a question, I’ll answer it, if - and only if - you answer one of mine.” He explained. “So,” He said, folding his hands on his lap and his face becoming serious as though I was one of his many business partners, “Wanna play kitten?”
I tried to think this through - didn’t they say not to make a deal with the devil? But I wanted answers and this was as good a way as any to get them. Sure he got to ask me one too but I didn’t really have that much to hide – he could probably find out whatever he wanted to anyway and, heck, he probably already had. I had nothing to lose.
I nodded briefly. “Fine.” His lips slid up into a sly grin and I suddenly felt like I made a terrible mistake. Gone was his mocking and jokes. The devil had arrived.
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thejokersenigma · 7 years
Deadly Voice Part 14
This one is quite short compared to most of my previous parts but I wasn’t really sure what I was doing with it and was kind of making it up as I went along.
It’s not great and I sort of improvised the whole chapter and wasn’t sure where it was going. I am also quite sleep deprived but wanted to get it done so i can move onto a part that I know a bit more about what is going to happen.
I also apologise for it being a bit cheesy and cliche - thats just what I get like at 2am sometimes!
Thank you again for reading anyway! Let me know if you want anything I do to change, have any requests or just if you like/hate it! Enjoy!
I felt a shiver run down my spine at his words in my ear. Frost stood in the doorway with his hands folded neatly in front of him. His gaze was fixed over my shoulder and I saw his head incline in a nod before he stepped back and closed with a click.
I saw the door ahead as my goal and I attempted to pull my arm away from the cool grip, but instead the grasp on it tightened and I felt myself spun around violently so I faced him. I threw my arms out in reaction to prevent myself toppling over and my hands caught on his chest, steadying myself.
Then, before I could collect myself, his lips were pressed firmly against mine. They a welcome coolness compared to my flustered skin and the shock of it made my hands instinctively tensed against his jacket, gripping the silver lapels and causing his black shirt to bunch and crinkle underneath.
The kiss was assertive and demanding, soon overwhelming my mind and senses until I was reciprocating the kiss. It felt like a battle between us, each trying to outdo the other in the strength and force of our kiss.
He eventually pulled away so his face was inches away from me. He eyes were dark under his brow and his pupils were dilated. His mouth open slightly as he watched my reaction, his ragged breathing blew against my swollen upper lip and I could feel myself gulping at the air, my heart rate racing.
“I’ve been wondering what that would feel like for a while now baby.” He purred lowly against my ear.
I blinked rapidly to bring myself out of my lust clouded mind. What did I just do?! His grin widened with my look of bewilderment and his eyes had a hunger to them which brought me abruptly brought to reality. I needed to stop this.
“Can I leave now?” I squeaked out, my voice cracking with nerves. He snarled a grin at me began to circle around me, his metal teeth bared as he surveyed me.
“Ah baby, you not enjoying my company?” he mocked, but his eyes were still dark – daring me to push him and face the consequences.
“I never have.” I retorted with the little bravery I could find, trying to keep composed under his intense stare. My head followed his movements and he prowled around me and I noticed his gun holster beneath his jacket with his signature purple gun held in place.
He stopped his in front of me, his eyes not leaving my face. He then lunged at me without warning, gripping either side of my face with his hands, and bringing me back within a few inches of his. His icy blue glare was unrelenting and held my eyes but I was hyperaware of the entire length of his body so close to mine, as if it gave off a radiation that heated my body.
“Forgive me if I don’t believe you doll.” He purred, and my eyes dropped to the movement of his lips, millimetres from my own. I had to seriously resist the urge to lean forward to close the gap and feel the passion I had been enveloped in moments before.
What was I thinking? This man was clearly driving me insane. My mind was hazy and drunk on his close proximity and my common sense had seemed to have vanished and I had no control over my body.
I took a deep breath to calm myself, clear my mind and bring some control back to my muscles but I immediately regretted it. His scent filled my lungs and only clouded my mind further. It was intoxicating and inebriating. I was drunk in the rich scent of tobacco and gunpowder mixed with a strong masculine cologne. I closed my eyes to try to restrain my behaviour and I heard him chuckle lowly in front of me.
“You’re drunk on my very presence.” He breathed in my ear and I swallowed thickly. Something about the kiss had snapped something in me. How could I have these feelings for this maniac? This killer. The man that had driven me from my club.
That did it. The haze over my mind shattered and my eyes ripped open. I somehow found the use of my limbs and I shoved into him, taking him by surprise and propelling him into Penguins desk causing him to knock over a pen pot and scatter a few documents into the air so they drifted serenely to the floor.
I looked in shock at the result of my actions before I quickly backed away till I collided with the office door, my eyes not leaving the Joker. Without moving my gaze I reached behind me with one hand to twist the old brass door handle. It resisted my turns. I whirled around grabbing at the handle with both hands and attempting to twist and jiggle the metal as if somehow, out of pure will, I could get it to open. I let out a whimper when I realised how hopeless it was – Frost has locked the door.
Giving up I turned back around to face my consequences. The joker had righted himself and the devil was in his eyes as bared his teeth and moved cat-like towards me, his hand on his gun holster.
“You make it very hard to be nice doll.” He growled lowly, his tone dripping with menace. I pressed my back up against the door, practically on my tiptoes to try to get as far away from his as physically possible. He moved slowly eyeing me, calculating like a predator with its prey.
Murder was in his eyes as, with one swift motion, pulled out his gun and lunged at me, pinning me to the door with his body so I couldn’t move and shoving his pistol up into the chin. “Care to tell me what that little stunt was for kitten?” he rumbled dangerously, glaring at me.
Fear must have overwhelmed me because I broke down. Tears began to run rivers down my cheeks and sobs racked my body choking myself of air.
“If it hadn’t been for my little promise to Pengie you’d be dead by now doll.” He sneered, wrapping one hand around my already tight throat so my air supply was nearly completely cut off. I could no longer make a noise, but it didn’t stop the tears falling down my face.
He noticed this and his grip tightened and he placed more pressure up into my chin with the gun as though, if he could apply enough force, he could shut off my tears. I silently gasped for air and my hands hopelessly clawed and pulled at his hand around my throat, ignoring the gun. Soon I began to feel light headed and I gave up trying to breath. My muscles were weakening and I could barely do more than weakly paw at his grip. Without warning my legs gave way beneath me and I collapsed towards the floor until I felt hands grab at my shoulders.
He held me up with both hands like a doll as I tried to gulp for oxygen. My throat stung and I could already feel the bruises forming from his fingers. “I feel like you’re holding something back from me kitten – don’t.” He growled warningly and I tried to restrain my tears and swallow my sobs but the motion caused my throat to throb like a bitch. Why could I still not breathe?
“M-my cl-club.” I choked out with the limited air I could get through my sobs and swollen trachea.
“There it is again. Your club.” He stated, “Why is it suddenly your club?” He questioned to himself, his tone relatively calm for him, though I knew his threats could return without warning.
I had assumed he had been talking to himself but when I didn’t say anything he shook my shoulders like I was a rag doll, causing my head become more distorted and my feeble muscles to wobble.
“Answer me!” he growled. I looked at him confused – what was the question again? My head must still be affected by the lack of oxygen and fear. No thought would remain in my head. I heard his words but I couldn’t recall them to answer.
When I still didn’t answer he slammed me backwards causing my head to connect with the sharply with the office door making a sickening crack. The pain was excruciating and it pierced through my skull, blacking out my mind and causing me to gasp out in agony.
“I strongly suggest you start talking now doll.” He advised lowly his voice laced with untold threats. I whimpered pitifully, barely hearing his words or threats, as the ache spread along the back of my head and my head lolled from side to side as I tried to dissipate the pain anyway I could.
I continued to pant for air that didn’t exist and the throbbing of my skull had spread to my forehead. I scrunched my eyes closed against the radiating discomfort and found my head was now too heavy to keep upright so I let it hang down so my chin rested on my chest. It seemed to ease the pain slightly, but certainly didn’t help with my breathing.
I could feel a heavy cloud of exhaustion overcome me but it was even late in the evening. What was going on?
“Answer me doll!” The Joker demanded at my fading form. He grip on my shoulders loosened slightly and I felt myself drop as my legs gave way and even my feet wouldn’t stay, causing me to go over on my ankles.
Luckily the Joker’s reactions were quick and he caught me before I fell into a heap. “[Y/N]?!” Did I hear a hint of concern in his voice – had he finally caught on that something wasn’t right?
My eyelids were flickering as I put all my energy into keeping them open. I couldn’t see him clearly anymore - just fuzzy flashes of green and silver behind my eyelashes.
“[Y/N]?! Stay awake!” he growled at me but my eyelids were too heavy now. I could feel him shaking me again, trying to get me to stay upright and awake, but his motions felt miles away and, though I felt the shakes, it no longer felt like it was my body.
The air was running out. I kept inhaling but I might as well have been in a vacuum, nothing seemed to enter my lungs. There was no relief. It was like I was drowning, except if I was at least I would have some relief in my lungs – this felt like there was nothing to inhale.
I tried one last time to gulp and, with the emptiness weighing on both my lungs and heart, I was gone.
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who’s glad Jared Leto doesn’t have a tumblr anymore? Me. You can’t see my fiction
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Chapter 1: Dangerous Territory Chapter 2: Confrontation Chapter 3: Party
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Teaser Chapter 1: Camp Chapter 2: Boundaries Chapter 3: 21 Questions  Chapter 4: Grip Chapter 5: Charm Chapter 6: Deception Chapter 7: Luna Chapter 8: Farewell Chapter 9: Epilogue
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Is there anyone out there who writes
Jared Leto
Leto Joker
Fanfiction that wouldn’t mind me reading and getting attached to? Also, is there anyone out there who writes on wattpad who wants to be friends and read each other’s work and all that jazz? So many of you read my things, but I also want to be friends with you too….so…like….come at me haha! SEND ME AN ASK. LET’S TALK
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Alright, you guys so this is a roll call. Lately, I haven’t interacted with you as much as i’ve wanted to and I haven’t heard from you =[  I just want to make sure you guys are seeing what you want to see as far as this page goes. What more do you want to see; gif imagines, fanfics, imagine requests, images of Jared? 
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   What happens when pieces of Mistah J’s past come back to haunt him in the form of a past lover and a family he forgot existed. What’s worse; the fact that you’re beginning to remember them or that they’ve completely forgotten you?
                          Past Life ; A Leto Joker Requested One Shot. adorned by miss calamiity.
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the next chapter of past life should be posted tonight after I get through with my birthday celebrations. in the mean time, send in some requests. 
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first of all you guys, I checked my wattpad and I noticed I have certificates for my stories!! Leto Joker Imagines / Fics, I have number 3, 5, and 7 more rated/voted/and read. I love you guys so much. Remember requests are open!
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just penelope’s attempt to learn photoshop, please don’t mind the crappy graphic skills. currently, the inbox is open for reviews, feedbacks, questions about chapters & stories, questions for penelope and overall jared talk. feel free to request a continual of a story or imagine, new requests may be submitted but it may take me a while to get to them. 
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