#jack vessalius ph
saraminwglasses · 1 month
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Loved drawing his hair
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thegracefulwillow · 5 months
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Ah, that's the great puzzle! – Alice in Wonderland, Chapter II
Hi @the-mad-owl I was your secret santa this year! Thanks for the alice in wonderland prompt, I absolutely loved playing with this idea :D
Thank you @i-prefer-the-term-antihero for the organization again this year!!
To make a long post even longer, here's the first three panels in close up & with no text :)
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ozwuv · 1 year
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vessalis · 4 months
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a sketch I might finish
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kokidere · 1 year
hand in unlovable hand
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thegirlking · 6 months
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dravencroft · 18 days
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You know me more than I care to admit.
Jack Vessalius and Oswald/Glen Baskerville from Pandora Hearts.
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keykidpilipili · 5 months
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Stacy's Mom/Past incarnation /Unsundered has got it going on!
This has been in my files and I forgot to post it whoopsie. [ID: Venn diagram with four circles. The top left one is Emet-Selch’s from final fantasy XIV. His non overlapping section has the captions Empires How to build and then topple them, real popular on twitter, greasy old man and but come let us cast aside title and pretense and reveal our true faces to to one another I am hades he who shall awaken our brethren from their dark slumber in all caps. The bottom left is Pearl from Steven Universe, her non shared section has the captions canon lesbian, made of light, alien and good gal. The bottom right circle is Jack from Pandora Hearts, his non shared section has the captions borrowed powers, weak af when not playing 4d chess, twist antagonist, does not care for the protag. The top right one is Salem from RWBY, her solo section has the captions probably not the end antagonist of the show, outsmarted two god and ‘why couldn’t you break up like normal people? Why did you have to get everyone involved?’. Emet and Pearl’s shared section has the captions Survived apocalypse with 2 coworkers, tech user, can fuse, owns phone, giant person in all caps, excolonialist, underestimates humans and can clone themselves. Pearl and Jack’s shared section has the captions Liar, worked hard on their presentation, song writers, first love on a sky-high pedestal, teal. Emet and Salem’s shared section has the captions had kids, red and black, darkness, fucked up moon, sorcerer/sorceress of eld, hate light-based deity, my kind of human is better than yours, why do you(my ex) keep coming back. Salem and Jack’s shared section has the captions used to be human, not allowed to die, traumatized children, fairy tale symbolisms, blonds, reason for main character’s mom disappearing/dying, wants to end the world and themselves with it. Salem, Pearl and Emet’s shared section has the captions wont die when killed and old AF. The Emet-Salem-Jack section has antagonists while the Pearl-Jack-Emet one has theater. The Salem-Pearl-Jack section has the text writers. The section shared by all four has the text Dated/had a thing for the protag’s dead parent/ancestor/past incarnation. END ID]
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jemkha · 11 months
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When Oz has control of Jack’s body
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briebysabs · 3 months
A living corpse…
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retracexcviii · 11 months
I really hate you.
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Hello thereee.
This is a redraw I made of one of my favourite panels of Pandora Hearts (just look at Jack) since long ago I colored it.
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thegracefulwillow · 7 months
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Pandora Hearts Month day 20: Pocketwatch
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monisalado · 1 year
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Happy Belated Birthday Lacie
(and an Early Birthday for Jack Vessalius)
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burton-adib · 9 days
A wee lil update on PH customs
Basically, I've been ridiculously busy and have only had time to mutilate and frankenstein the figurines together, BUT very soon, I will have 2 weeks off work, and I can get back into making Pandora Hearts customs
Here are the characters that will be getting transformed into Jun Mochizuki's victims 🐇
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Plus- Lacie, Charlotte, Alyss, Ada, Oscar, and Cheshire! So, very many characters and many more on the way....
I just can't wait to get back into making customs. I have spent way too long away from my workshop and can not wait to get stuck in. I thank you all for your patience and hope you will enjoy the upcoming customs - PH/others in the near future 🙏 ☺️
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fivekrystalpetals · 1 year
Glen, Children of Misfortune, Juries and the Baskervilles
[When I say Glen, I am referring all Glens- past and present: Levi, Oswald, Gil and Leo. Hella lot of lore is here that I wanna write about ;-; so I might divide this into different posts let's see. Also fair warning: I might criticize Oswald's actions-past and present- a bit, since I love looking at characters from an unbiased pov. Also, maybe some characters' past actions in order to point to their character development so that too.]
[ Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 ]
4] Oswald and Lacie
Truth be told, Oswald has always been “passive”. He doesn’t know what he really wants. He had already been training to become the next Glen (ref: Part 1) and it was drilled into his mind that he was to cast Lacie into the Abyss right from the beginning. He doesn’t question this rule.
Not even when Lacie hints that the purpose of the existence of a Child of Ill-Omen might not be what it is said to be (Retrace 101):
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And his answer to this theory of hers is:
You are not crazy. If that’s the answer you came to, it is doubtlessly the truth for you.
That’s… that’s not the right response to it!!!
“The truth for you,” he says, basically responding: “Oh if what you say makes you happy, then so be it. But the truth is different.” (No! It is not!)
Why won’t he grasp at straws to save her if he loved her and cared about her? Why won’t he even try to research the possible truth of her words? Why won’t he at least make an attempt to stop the needless execution of his dear sister? Lacie has grown up beside him; what great ‘threat’ did she cause to the condition of the Abyss in all those years she was alive? But he doesn’t dare question any of it; he simply, quietly, “passively” goes ahead with what was asked of him.
[Whereas, in Retrace 91/92, it’s proven Lacie had been right all along. Nothing like Child of “Ill-Omen” exists and all of those lies had been set down as “rules” for the Juries’ selfish purposes.]
Again, I’d also, well not exactly excuse him, but, as Oz and Break say, there is always the chance that he couldn’t have known the truth about the Child of Ill-Omen. Not until after Lacie had died and perhaps, during his short stint as Glen, he must have come to realize that the Jury had more to do with this affair than met the eye, the reason why he brought along Vincent to the final Gate in the last Arc.
Okay, but this aside, his response to her every word is always so... resigned?
See, Retrace 72:
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Why does Lacie have to be the one to do this? She is the sinner here, your prisoner due to be executed in five days; why would you ask something like this of her? If Oswald truly wanted Lacie to survive, he should have been the one to tell Jack everything and ask him to take her away with him if he can't protect her anymore. But he keeps quiet.
(He does regret this, in Retrace 101.)
I chose being the head of Baskervilles over being Lacie's older brother. And yet I did not drive Jack away, even after I realized how twisted he had become.
He is ruthless in some places, soft in some. Like if he was ruthless to Lacie, he'd have been the same to Jack as well. The reason he was not, because that was the only way he could be soft on himself and lessen his own guilt.
Continuing from there, (Retrace 73), Lacie is the one to apologize for being "too harsh on him" and then goes on to tell how she has never regretted being born with red eyes or living in this world. "I love this world," she says.
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Okay, this is a panel of so many contradictions, you know. Oswald says Lacie is strong, but she disagrees and says she is "ten times more cynical than other people."
Both of them are wrong.
Lacie was neither strong nor cynical. She was scared. Yes, scared. Terrified. Lacie was terrified of dying, of being cast into the Abyss, so terrified that she woke herself up from nightmares of their first day at the Baskerville estate, of learning her fate from the Jury and Glen...
....just mere days before her execution: (Retrace 67/68)
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I am going off a tangent to do a quick character analysis of Lacie (I will do a longer one later, but just this one aspect of her characterization) that both Oswald and Jack had the wrong impression of Lacie. Oswald assumed her to be so strong that she could shoulder the burden of loneliness and death all by herself. He assumed she didn't want to live any longer, that she had already seen so much and experienced all that the world has to offer that she no longer had any more worldly desires. In short, he saw her as some sort of motherly saint.
As for Jack, she is his Dream Girl to put it simply. At the most depressing and most vulnerable point of his life, when he chanced to meet such a vibrant girl like Lacie, he latched onto her for his life, absorbed every word she uttered, learnt the song she sang once on a whim and sang nothing but that for the next eight years. The casual advice she gave him as a turbulent, rebellious and frivolous teenager... okay, but, let's be real here. Lacie was simply spouting whatever came to her mouth atm in the name of 'advice'. She was passing time till her brother apologized to her and she'd be brought back home. She most probably didn't think Jack, being one of a kind, would accept her words so literally that he obeys them verbatim, even if he was disgusted by what he was forcing himself to do. He put her on a sky high pedestal that he was scared to even touch her lest she loses her "magic" in his mind. That's also the reason why he never questions her lie (her lie about the Succession Ceremony) because he was scared whatever image he had of her might shatter if he pressed on. (Yeah, I gotta write a longer post about Jack's and Lacie's relationship, bc it's one of the most fucked-up yet tragic, most hollow yet sincere relationships if ever there was one)
I guess, of all people, as sad as it is, only Levi got to see her at her most vulnerable? (Retrace 68):
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Neither Oswald nor Jack have seen her like this—a scared girl, full of loneliness and regrets of not being able to live longer. And yet, when Levi casually mentions about her death in another five days, she grins as if she's looking forward to it. Which, in reality, is just a mask to cover her terror.
Why I am saying this is—as context for Oswald's line "I shall be lonely if you disappear" and her midnight walk later to the tree where the three of them used to hang out. Lacie says big things like I love this world, I love the Abyss, even when Levi asked her to assist his 'experiment', her only query was if the Abyss won't be lonely anymore,,, but she doesn't let her own loneliness or regrets to surface. She bottles up all of it. Why? Because she has to be strong for Oswald and pretend like she is taking all of this in stride to lessen his guilt.
Whereas Oswald does not ask her if she is alright. If she is lonely. If she is scared of being cast into the Abyss. If she wants to run away.
(In fact, if you see the hug, it's Lacie who is hugging Oswald in a comforting, motherly hug as if he's in greater need of comfort than her, because, of course, she must be completely, totally at terms with her Fate, right?)
In that regard, I am sure Jack would definitely have inquired after her if only he didn't place her on an otherworldly pedestal and realized things might go wrong with his Dream Girl too. Moreover and most importantly, Jack was kept in dark about most things connected to the Baskervilles and he had also promised not to dig too much if he was only allowed to meet Lacie. So I won't blame him for not pressing when she lied. He must have assumed it's Something Baskerville Ritual, not that it'd be something that'd directly affect his Lacie.
But Oswald is her big brother. Oswald knows everything about the Baskervilles. He is going to become the next Glen. Yet... he does nothing, asks nothing. Almost like Oswald had long given her up for dead. Like he can't do anything for her anymore whereas she is still alive and chatting right there with him.
He is always thinking of the days after she'd be gone, and never ever gives any thought to their present.
Remember Rufus Barma's words from Retrace 86 and I must agree:
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You speak as if you've already given up.
Exactly. As I said in Part 1 of this long essay, Oswald was the full-fledged Glen when he cast Lacie into the Abyss. With the title of Glen, even if he simply brushes aside the rules and sets new ones for his reign, who could possibly question him? He had five black-winged chains of the Abyss in his possession. The Juries might protest,, but if Lacie is there, they can't do anything. They are scared of the Child of Misfortune.
Even Leo points this out correctly:
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He is always waiting for someone with a stronger will to come help him out of problems he needs to solve on his own.
In his penultimate appearance, he finally, finally, takes a decision and drops his sword. He decides to not kill his sister a second time. And, immediately, people who have always cared for him (if only he ever gave them a chance) gather around him to assure him that he had done well, done enough.
Well, tl;dr, what I am trying to say is that Oswald should have stuck firmly to his decision whatever it was. If he had cast Lacie into the Abyss, then he should have dealt with the consequences appropriately. If he had stopped her execution, then he should have been strong enough to face off the Juries. Whatever his decision, he should have been thorough with it instead of being half-hearted, passive and resigned about everything.
Ending this loooong essay (;_;) on a funny yet interesting note (this omake from Vol. 19) which presents the kind of Oswald I actually wanted to see. The premise might be absurd but he, for once, drops his air of resignation and faces off the Glen himself for his sister, going to the extent of dropping formality and addressing him by his name lol
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[ Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 ]
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fokron · 3 months
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this panel is so agonizing it keeps me up at night I'll be completely yonest.
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