#ive started rewatching it recently
rainofthetwilight · 7 months
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have been seeing this going around so i decided to make my own!!
(just a disclaimer i havent rewatched some of the seasons in a while so i did this according to what i remember)
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weregonnabecoolbeans · 3 months
Watching trainspotting is a wild ride as someone who is a huge star wars, ouat, and greys fan
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youngpettyqueen · 4 months
have you considered for a fic: julian being held in somebodys arms
anon I could kiss you because Julian being carried in somebody's arms is something that lives in my head rent free always and in fact there's been a scenario in my head for a hot minute and this is the perfect excuse to force myself to write it
Jadzia picks her way through some bushes, eyes on her tricorder as she continues her environmental scans. So far the planet appears to be very similar to Earth, with a comparable atmosphere, and even similar biomes. This forest they've beamed down to is very Earth-like, except that there are some much bigger trees, and several of the plants appear to be bioluminescent.
"Fascinating..." She murmurs to herself, pausing to read through the data. This atmosphere would definitely support the lives of several different humanoid species, if the Federation decided to place a colony here. Considering this planet appears uninhabited except for animals and other such creatures, she wouldn't be-
Footsteps crack somewhere nearby. Jadzia looks up. She can hear the faint murmur of voices, too far away to make out properly, but it's definitely voices. Curious, she starts to move in the direction of the conversation, focusing to try and hear what's being said.
"-arguing is-"
She only catches a few words, but it sounds heated. Now she's really curious. She keeps moving.
"-going to see!"
"Your point?"
That second voice- that's definitely Worf. She would recognize that aggravated tone anywhere. But that first voice-
"It's embarrassing!"
"Seriously, Commander, put me down!"
Is that...?
Jadzia comes around the trunk of one of the more massive trees, and stumbles upon a sight she's going to remember for a long, long time.
Worf and Julian both snap to look at her at the exact same time. Worf's expression doesn't change except for his eyes widening a touch, but Julian, who is sitting pretty in Worf's arms like a princess, turns bright red faster than she can blink.
Jadzia stops. Stares. Processes.
And then she grins.
"Boys," She greets, her tone saturated with amusement, "I hope I'm not interrupting anything."
"You're not," Julian says, very firmly, looking like he would rather be anywhere else than here, "Maybe you can talk some sense into him, Jadzia. Tell him I don't need to be carried like a bloody damsel in distress." He gives Worf a pointed look.
Worf ignores his look, and turns an exasperated one of his own to Jadzia. "Perhaps you could tell Doctor Bashir to stop being so stubborn, and accept help when it is offered." He suggests, which earns him an outraged look from Julian.
Jadzia bites her cheek to keep from laughing. "Hold it, gentlemen," She says, raising a hand to quiet them both, "You can't ask me to take sides when I don't have the full story. Julian," She looks at him, "What happened?"
Julian looks less than thrilled at the question. "Must I?" He asks in return.
Jadzia barely keeps her grin from growing because oh, that means this is going to be good. "You must." She smirks.
"Fine," Julian sighs, looking none-too-pleased about it, "I had a little... mishap, while I was exploring. Banged my knee up a bit. And Worf here decided the best course of action was to scoop me up-"
"Like a damsel in distress." Jadzia puts in, just to be cheeky.
Julian gives her a flat look. "...Like a damsel in distress," He mutters, "And carry me. Which, let me be clear, is entirely unnecessary, and I really wish he would put me down." He hisses the last bit at Worf, who just raises an unimpressed brow at him.
Jadzia nods, putting on her best act that this is all very serious. "I see," She looks to Worf, "Your side of the story, Commander?" She invites.
Worf continues giving Julian an annoyed look, before he turns his attention to Jadzia. "Gladly," He says, "I heard a commotion and followed it to the source, and found Doctor Bashir at the bottom of an incline. His leg is injured, so I thought it best to take the most efficient course of action, and carry him back to the runabout." He explains.
Jadzia cannot hide the amused smirk that forces itself to be known on her face as she looks back at Julian. "You fell down a hill." She doesn't need to ask- she knows.
Julian doesn't look at her. "I fell down a hill."
"And you could not walk," Worf interjects, glowering, "Hence why I am carrying you."
"I could've limped!" Julian exclaims, "A shoulder to lean on would've been fine! Would you please just put me down?" He asks.
"No," Worf replies, resolute, "I will not risk you aggravating your injury for the sake of pride."
"You're a bloody hypocrite." Julian accuses.
"I dunno, Julian," Jadzia re-enters the conversation, a sly grin on her face, "I think I'm with Worf on this one."
Julian gives her a look of complete and utter betrayal. "I thought we were friends." He says, like she's just stabbed him.
"Of course we're friends," Jadzia says, "That's exactly why I'm with Worf. You shouldn't be walking on that leg. Besides," She gives him a knowing look, "I know a thing or two about being in those arms, and who am I to deny you the experience?" She asks.
Julian looks like he wants to sink into the ground and never emerge. Worf gives her a warning look. "Jadzia..." He says, in that warning tone of his.
Unfortunately for him, all that tone ever does is egg her on. "What?" She asks, batting her lashes innocently, "I'm just saying. You two look awfully cozy." She teases.
"We are not!" Julian and Worf say in haunting unison, though Julian's is more of a squeak and Worf's is more of a growl.
Jadzia throws her hands up placatingly. "Hey, hey, like I said. I'm just saying. It doesn't have to mean anything if you don't want it to," She flashes them a mischievous grin, "But if it did, you know... I wouldn't be opposed to it." She winks playfully.
"Worf, I've decided I'm alright with being carried," Julian declares suddenly, now a truly impressive shade of red, "Please take me to the runabout and away from this." He implores him.
"For once, Doctor, we agree," Worf nods, "I, too, am done with this conversation." With that, he turns away from Jadzia and resumes walking.
Jadzia's grin is out in full force. "I like it when he carries me, too!" She calls after them.
"I don't like this!" Julian calls back.
Jadzia chuckles to herself. "Liar." She accuses, though not loud enough for either of them to hear her. She watches them disappear into the foliage, satisfied enough with her teasing that she doesn't pursue them. Left alone again, she resumes her scanning, the smile never leaving her face as she gets back to work.
She is never letting either of them live that down.
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blueblurseptember · 11 months
and if i say luo binghe and shen qingqiu / shen yuan are very miles morales and gwen stacey coded, then what?
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flythesail · 9 months
Lockwood & Co. really does have the best book to screen adaption I've ever seen. And the changes that were made not only improved upon the source material, but most importantly - felt true to it.
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p-i-t-s · 4 months
I finished rewatching knb yesterday but genuinely I don't remember watching the first season at all???? Or why I decided to rewatch it or anything. I have no memory of it which is kinda freakign me out 😰😰
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seiwas · 2 months
ask/share whatever you’d like!! something that’s happened to you lately (good or bad!), an ask for tips and tricks (advice if you want!), your new favourite anything! (recommendations too), a fic that’s left you feeling all typa ways, and anything else really!
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lovebiteshard · 7 months
okay ive gotta complain (more like talk about) smth in the tags you can ignore im just thinking
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everyone always seems to have this crazy story of how they got into object shows but i literally just got into them cuz my brother made me watch them with him
#half of my interests ive gotten into them becuz of him in one way or another..#but yeah he was really into bfdi back in like 2016/2017? i dont remember exactly#and i ended up enjoying it a lot#i remember one time i saw my sister watching ii2 and i though 'wow another shitty bfdi ripoff 🙄'#little did i know it was gonna overtake my brain for like four entire years#oh yeah i started watch ii becuz i walked in on my brother watching ii2 episode 6 and was like 'wait this is pretty good' and binged#all of season 2 afterwards. i didnt want to touch season 1 at all#specifically becuz i hated the animation style and audio quality. i had no idea abt its reputation among most other fans until much more#recently if im being honest? i did watch it like a fewmonths after i got really into ii though#i only remember this becuz i have vivid memories of quoting mephone4s constantly with my friends#(oh yeah i got pretty much all of my friends into object shows too. i was that kind of friend)#inquisitivewaltz.txt#but yeah i got back into object shows this march of this year after not caring abt them for like.. two years i think#(my timeline mgiht be a bit wonky im just going off of vague memory)#becuz i rewatched ii (i dont rememebr why) and i was like. ohhh okay i remember why i was so obsessed with this show#and i was mostly thinking abt that for a while.. rewatched season 2 episode 14 for the first time (only saw#it one time when it released lmao)#and caught up with season 3. started working on a full analysis of nickel throughout all seasons. i was pretty much#only into ii again but then i got super sick one day#and was in bed the whole time so i was like 'haha ill rewatch bfdi =)' and then it activated something in my brain (autism) and now#im back in object show hell(affectionate) B]#its so weird having techinically been in the community for a real long time. but also not??#(also i just realized ii wasnt an interest for four years it was like two or three. im a little stupid <//3)#like i started watching before bfb even released but i wasnt actively watching ANY object shows when anything post-split was releasing#(oh yeah i never finished that nickel analysis. i only got up to like kick the bucket before i lost all motivation to finish it and#the bfdi special interest kicked in. still hope i can actually finish it someday)#OKAY i think thats all ill say. i need to stop writing massive walls of text everytime i talk abt smthn <//3 /silly#long post#<- cuz of the tags
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ihatebnha · 2 years
Thinking about cowboy bebop and then subsequently, space bounty hunter Bakugou and Izuku 🌠
Ohhhhh asdjfkasdk... 
Do you think they work together? Are rivals who go after the same big tickets? Or maybe they're both? Rivals who are forced to work together for some reason? 
I always think... in bounty hunter!AUs and the like, how and where you'd meet them. Ofc you could be another bounty hunter or mechanic or... vigilante/runaway of some kind who they rescue + want on their team... OR MY FAVORITE, a waitress they think is cute... UGH... 
(This is reminding me of a dream I had about Kirishima once, one of my only bnha dreams... he was some kind of sci-fi drug/loot smuggler meant to... rescue me and then betray me for some reason. But maybe he's someone they run into, too😍) 
But anyway. They’re always working on their ship or the guns they use (shirtless), waiting for the next Big Shot episode, chasing down bad guys and cuties (you)...
And of course, in an AU like this... they’d have to have some kind of big goal, right? Not sure how to translate the number one hero thing over (this is where my bebop knowledge gets fuzzy), but maybe they want to capture the most bounties, or make enough money to retire and support their parents? 
I DON’T KNOW! But I’d love to hear what you were thinking or any thoughts others have too, because this is SEXY. 
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hearties-circus · 2 years
I think a very important thing to note about me is that I grew up on futurama I think that explains why I'm like this
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worldend · 2 years
fmab is like my favorite anime of all timebut for some reason i always forget how much i actually like it. i think i could genuinely write out the entire story right now if i wanted to
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leonnen · 2 years
anyway here are some old raph doodles i will sleep now gnight
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interclouds · 2 years
I feel like I can’t trust anyone’s opinions on what good anime is anymore
#maybe i never could who knows#maybe i dont even know what is good#i recently thought back to how much i liked flcl and how much i think it influenced me#or at least theoretically influenced me im working on it#but i did a rewatch and while the good parts i remembered were still good#there were issues for sure#i kept wanting to recommend it to my boyfriend but as i rewatched i kept feeling insecure like he wouldnt enjoy it#maybe thats kind of a bad example bc while flcl is as close to timeless as anime gets it does stills how its age a bit in small ways#the only anime ive watched recently that actually stood up to some scrutiny was mp100#but i gotta be honest i only like maybe half of mp100 and probably less#whats good about it is great but so much of it i just have no stomach for#maybe thats me being picky but idk i feel like a lot of people wouldnt enjoy those same aspects#we did a watch of brba recently and like no show is perfect 100% but brba was pretty incredible start to finish#and i think most people would pretty much agree regardless of tastes#should i be comparing some anime about a silly little guy to one of the most critically acclaimed tv shows ever? probably not#but idk i want to like anime so much bc theres so much about it that what i want#but i just keep running into not just disappointment but like actual shock at how it fails to meet expectations other people set up for me#anyway rant over i guess#probably gonna delete this? who cares what i think about anime lol#this is probably the vyvanse talking and my boyfriend isnt awake for me to bother him
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weirdosyringe · 2 years
the urge to draw american dad art.its flooding through my veins. i am MUTATING.
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be-good-to-bugs · 9 days
i FINALLY watched all of lucky star
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