#ive kinda improved as of recent
iychodon · 1 year
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rainofthetwilight · 8 months
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have been seeing this going around so i decided to make my own!!
(just a disclaimer i havent rewatched some of the seasons in a while so i did this according to what i remember)
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juniperberrypipebomb · 2 months
Decided to log into twitter (hell) and outside of everything going to shit as always i found this piece of shit as my banner
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I dont even remember when i made this but i do remember that i did and i remember how i made it
I saw a picture on twitter w some kind of caption and decided that i could make it look like a banner
i tried to add the fire flaming text that i saw on some reposted to twitter tumblr posts where someome makes a grammatical error and someone corrects them in a form of flaming (sometimes animated) text (never change guys, gals and all of you magnificent pals lol) but at the time i didnt know the website that you all used so i tried to improvise and google
I remember half way thru the making of this text being so upset that it looked like shit but after taking a break for 20 minutes i said "fuck it, it is way funnier this way" and i kinda glad that back then i decided to "fuck it we ball" it
It looks disgusting and i love it
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toxooz · 5 months
do you have firealpaca se? it's on sale right now, should i get it for myself?
ooph i just use the free version of fire alpaca i didn't even register that there was a version that costs money😭 but iiim not quite sure I don't really hear about fire alpaca being The good art program that has a lot of useful features so I'd be careful and investigate other options i think idk maybe im on the wrong side of the road and there's hella fire alpaca praise but pffft all I'm saying is surely there's better art programs out there if you were to spend money on one 🤔
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tipytap · 3 months
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i love you nature! i love you creeks! i love you little feild mice! i love you coyotes! i love you deer! i love you snakes and frogs and fish! i love you bugs! i love you bones! i love you sunsets! i love you sunrises! i love you grasses and trees and flowers!! i love you mushrooms and moss and worms!! i love you dirt!! i love you mud!! i love you sticks!!! i love you rocks!!! i love you i love you i love you!!!!!!
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littleaipom · 1 year
i think i'm gonna post a fanfic for the first time. It's a short Sonaze-centric story. (the premise is very much a "throw those guys into a situation" type thing. Blaze loses her voice before a big important event and Sonic winds up acting as a conversation intermediate, repeating back her barely-audible whispers so everyone else can hear)
is it anything amazing? no.
is it made in the spirit of fun? yes.
do i enjoy what i wrote?? Yes!
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nomaishuttle · 7 months
im like Rly weird abt ppl seeing my body move like. if im in a public place and im not walking Perfectly ordinarily or standjng still i sm scared. if i have to bend down to get something from my bag im scared. drop something and have to pick it up Scared. woops i need to run grab something rq Shitting my pants. its dire
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rabble-dabble · 1 year
So, regarding your latest piece.
AAAAHHHHHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! I'M GLAD YOU LIKED IT!!! (and apparently so did other people too!!)
it's a redraw from last year's lyricstuck- but to be honest, i did the redraw literally last year. as in it was only a month after the first one that i decided to put in ACTUAL effort and redraw the fuckin thing. it worked out pretty well i think because it looks SOOOO much better than the original!
it took me a couple of days (because i put in actual effort lmao) but i was working on it for HOURS, just for like days straight because it was the only time i had to do it, so i knew i needed to finish it. i also fixed up mistakes i put in the first time - spelling mistakes, spacing, just little touches that needed fixed or coloured i didn't do originally. i think i struggled the most with the villian panel - i'm a bit insecure with how clearly you can see my (to me) childish drawings because i don't know how to work without lineart that well. i just blurred it last year but blurring it for the second one ruined the vibe i was going for so i kinda just grit my teeth and posted it knowing it wasn't my best, but hey, at least i tried!!
overall, i'm glad it turned out so great. it also highlights how much effort i've put into my artwork, and how it's paid off, plus how much more i still need to improve. i think i need to improve my backgrounds more, and learn how to not only draw things that AREN'T people, but without lineart as well.
thanks for the ask i was literally smiling when i got it <3
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digirainebow · 2 years
OH my editing has gotten so much better since i started editing those tgaa snippets. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
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boydykedevo · 4 months
genuinely can never tell whether The Depression is better or worse. I'm scouring for clues to determine what's going on w my brain. building a fucking conspiracy wall.
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sanchoyo · 2 years
ok the tmm spam is DONE for the night probably . only because I am very sleepy but tomorrow. maybe more. again if u dont follow me for tmm either blacklist tmm or unfollow bc More Is Coming. I cannot be normal about it. (altho in novemeber ill be on a lot less bc nanowrimo focus. would not be surprised if tmm references leak into my novel tho...maybe ill name a background character after a tmm character or smth haha)
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ikyw-t · 2 years
been playing the piano again the past couple weeks and have been learning how to play "the very first night" according to the actual sheet music instead of just playing the vocal line and chords on the left hand without even using a metronome and boy. it's honestly embarrassing how long it's taking me to get this song at like 100% accuracy and it's not even hard. ive been playing piano for like 10 years now and im truly not even good bc ive have not been practicing "smarter" (instead of harder) at alllllllllll... and this kinda applies to my guitar skills too just on a lesser level. i mean obviously it's better late than never but damn if i don't feel ridiculously silly and kinda stupid about it
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matiqore · 5 months
Please write something for Pina!!! Maybe reader is busy with work and pina is frustrated she won’t go do fun stuff with her
baby come on. | clàudia pina
clàudia pina x reader fluff (670 words)
summary: clàudia is frustrated that you arent spending time with her while you are busy with work.
Note: this was a request! Sorry its kinda short, still cute tho (i think) and i hope u like itt ❤️
you chewed on the end of your pen. one hand in your hair and the other harshly gripping the plastic. you stared at your laptop screen, reading through the never-ending notes you had taken earlier of your last match. in the book below you, you wrote new plays, techniques or formations that could be used in the next barca game. specifically you wrote, in full detail, about all the areas you could improve on.
you stretched backwards in your chair before turning around to glance at your apartment door, which was now being opened. hearing clàudias voice you relaxed and looked back to your screen.
"im home, cariñooo!!"
"hey." you replied flatly, now focused on scribbling words into your notebook. clàudia's lips pressed together in dissapointment. you had been on your own ass about studying games recently and left no time for you to relax, not even with her! your girlfriend!!
"baby, you're still studying? i thought you were done with this game yesterday?" she asked, putting her bag down and walking towards you to wrap her arms around your neck.
you yawned, resting your head back onto her shoulder.
"yea i thought i was, but theres some stuff i missed."
"okay cariño, pero..." you hummed in response and she kissed your cheek a few times before sitting down in the chair next to you. she took the front leg of your chair and span you around to face her, then placing her hand on your thigh, a glimmer of hope and excitement in her eyes.
"mapi invited us out today, for drinks! i reallllyyy want you to come baby. we haven't been out together in so long." you bit your cheek at her words, trying to remember the last time you went out with her, but you couldn't. you hesitated to speak, rubbing your head with guilt. "i know, clàu. im sorry, i just really want the next game to be perfect." you didn't look at her, feeling her frustrated eyes on you as you finished your sentence. she removed her hand from your thigh and stood up, letting out a long, exhasperated sigh.
she looked at you "i understand." and started walking towards your bedroom, "clàu im sor-" you were interrupted, clàudia shutting the bedroom door behind her. your head dropped to the floor, feeling guilt build up inside of you after hearing her voice clearly saddened. you heard the shower turn on and spun your chair back to your computer, continuing to write your notes.
when clàudia came out of the shower, basic shirt and boxers on and a towel wrapped around her neck, you were still working. you looked up and offered a smile which she returned in a bored manner. the guilt was really eating you up now, so you started to pack away your things, noticing clàudia glance at you from the kitchen as she filled a glass of water. you put your stuff away and started to walk up to her, but she picked up her phone and faced her back towards you. what a baby. you grabbed her waist from behind and perched your head on her shoulder.
"clàu?" you said, no response.
"babyy please." again no response.
an idea entered your mind, and your hands went up her shirt to trace her abs. you teasingly started to kiss her neck, and when you felt her smile you brought your hands together around her.
you spoke again, "im sorry that i haven't been spending time with you baby. ive been busy with this shit, i just want things to be perfect." she didn't respond, but put her phone down to continue listening.
"let's go out today, amor. i'm done with this studying, i realized how much i missed being with you." you said, taking your arms out of her shirt and turning her body to face you. she beamed at you with her smile, asking "really!?" and draping her arms around your neck to kiss you when you nodded yes.
when she pulled away she spoke again, "finally, cariño. i've missed you too."
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queenofcoquette · 10 months
how i started to feel pretty
hey loves! i’ve struggled with feeling insecure over my looks, but recently i’ve made changes that have helped me be less insecure. little improvements with my lifestyle and mindset have already made a big difference. first i’m going to talk about my insecurities, then what i did and then general tips.
my insecurities:
hyperpigmentation. i have bad undereye bags due to genetics that landed my family to call all of our eyes “raccoon eyes.” then redness above my eyelids, then darkness above my upper lip no matter how much i shaved. 
facial asymmetry. we all have it, but i felt so bad anytime i took a selfie and i couldn’t bear to take any photos of myself. 
body dysmorphia. this one is weird. i don’t view my body the way others do, and honestly the way i view it changes all the time.
changes i’ve made:
first i started doing things that didn’t help. they were temporary solutions that did nothing. i used concealer and powder for the hyperpigmentation- but it looked cakey and a little ashy-kinda cuz i wasn’t using a color corrector. for my body i did these “abs in 2 weeks!” challenges during covid, and was restrictive, which is the worst thing you can do for yourself.
for my skin:
i started using the glycolic acid serum by the ordinary. this stuff is life changing! i’ve been going makeup free on my skin lately and my skin tone has gotten so much more even. plus it’s affordable and it’s a giant bottle.
for my face:
i started doing face massages for muscle tension
i also realized that my facial asymmetry is 1) normal (we all have it to a certain extent and 2) it’s probably not as bad as i think it is. 
for my body:
i’ve started to focus more on health than appearances, because that my view of my body is distorted. i don’t see it like other people do, so i need to prioritize my health. i started eating MORE- more foods that are healthy, more fruits and vegtables. instead of restricing i allowed myself to have more.
i developed a pilates plan that focused on building strength, and incorporated a little bit of weights. now that i play sports i’ve put an emphasis on strength which has actually helped me get more toned.
journaling. i began to write down about my feelings- the way i view other people vs. the way i view myself. it made me realize how social media gave me an unrealistic image, and how i wasn’t viewing myself the way i really am.
what are you insecure about? the first step is just writing down your biggest insecurities- aka why don’t you feel beautiful? what made you feel this way? no one is born feeling ugly- we’re all taught to feel this way, whether it’s comments that have been made to us or others.
find people with similar stories. this helped me in the past, watching videos about people who had the same insecurities as me, it opened my eyes to how harshly i treat myself. 
get to the root of it. for my skin i realized that covering up my hyperpigmentation with makeup wouldn’t solve the problem, so i put an emphasis on incorporating things into my skincare routine that could solve the problem, without makeup!
think in the long-term. think about what’s healthy for you, and the most natural way of doing so. for example, when it came to my body i had to think about what’s healthy for me overall, not a quick fix. quick fixes aren’t attainable!
prioritize mental and physical health. i think we should all embrace our natural beauty by focusing on our skincare and the health of our hair. additionally, mental health is equally important, especially when it comes to body image.
positive thinking. a lot of times we tend to vocalize our negative thoughts, ive heard ppl make horrible comments about their bodies and things like that. first of all, stop saying those things out loud- you’re only reaffirming them in your head, and furthering the bad feeling. when you get horrible thoughts about yourself, try to stop them and replace them with good ones. even if you don’t believe it at first, you soon will.
it sometimes takes a while for beautiful people to realize how gorgeous they are. i had friends who i thought were some of the prettiest girls in the world, but they didn’t even realize it. i bet there’s so many people in your life who look at you and see the beauty in you that you don’t see in yourself. just stay healthy and keep positive thoughts, and i hope in time you’ll see your inner and outer beauty.
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rrrainbo · 3 months
late nite vent 🚬
UUUUH hi, has it really been a year (It has)
I was avoiding everything for a reason but I didn't mean to vanish like that. people who tried to check if I was okay/alive, sorry for worrying you
I got hit by multiple tragedies and other life ruining shit. It's still ongoing, it just kept getting worse. every time I begin to semi recover or heal from one thing, a new even worse thing happens..... the repeating, futile pattern really messed me up.
I always had this problem (habit? coping mechanism? idk) where I isolate when stressed. so Ive been avoiding hobbies, relationships, everything. it's gotten really bad and destructive. the rot is taking over T_T
I want to get better. recently I'm making myself engage with things slightly more again, pick back up my hobbies, even trying to make myself draw and hang out again....even tho admittedly things seem kinda meaningless and pointless right now.
anyway, long way of saying I may be around again but in a weird on/off rusty kinda way. maybe things will improve in time.
anyone who read this I hope your life has been going better than mine lmao. see you soon, with any luck.
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Surprise! I am going to rant about my own redesign and art! I think this is me mentally preparing for the helluva boss episode next week and praying to god it’s actually good. I’ve also been nursing a bit of a hangover today so forgive me if my wording is a bit more jumbled than usual
Im a big fan of my Angel Dust redesign, but in the general aspect of my art, a lot of my poses are a bit flat. That can be from either posing issues on my end, trouble with facial features, or just some secret third thing, but I think so far Ive been enjoying drawing much more cartoonishly as of recent. That vox canon & headcanon drawing was super super fun to do even though it was supposed to be vivzies style, but I used to have a style with more sharp angles and pointy curves that I honestly kind of miss, I also miss playing with cartoonish proportions!!
My art style may end up changing eventually, but my main pieces will stay in my usual style and my more doodle-y ones will probably be in a more cartoony style like the ones above. While theyre definitely closer to canon and meant to be inspired as such, the difference is that I can draw diverse body types in said artstyle! I also cant lie, Angel’s chest fluff is one of my absolute favourite things to draw and it’s so easy in this style…
About my redesigns though! This is mostly about Angel, but I’m gonna slap this here from DMs with a friend: “Im so pleased with this genuinely im so happy he has his little pedipalps, theyre technically also still his fangs but now he can move them and stuff and :33 typically for male spiders the pedipalps are a reproductive organ but that isnt the case for angel or many other arachnid or insect sinners id say so I think personally most of them have developed pedipalps for primarily other reasons like fangs in Angels case or maybe something similar to cat whiskers for other people”
In my original angel dust redesigns I just couldn’t find a way to draw his fangs in a way that made me happy because I want to keeo the same energy in his face as the original. Big clunky fangs that stick out just didn’t work for him and while they made him look like a spider, he lost that sort of angel-ness that I need when drawing him so I instead looks to the pedipalp aspect of spiders to move them off of his mouth and more onto his cheeks. It’s a very small change but it improved the design in my eyes significantly and just really made me a lot happier. I wont be updating his redesign post as of right now and maybe never will, but if I do yknow why now!
I just really really like drawing this guy a bit rubbery, hes supposed to be fluffy so like he should move kinda soft in a way? I dunno how to explain it rn, its 2 AM at the time of writing this so im gonna lay the hell down now!
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