#ive got a couple that im just. thinking about constantly
sibylsleaves · 10 hours
wait people dont want buddie to be insane and codependent 😭 honey once you taste someone’s blood or restart their heart with your hands what else can you do 😔 (i could put so many examples here thats how crazy they are. and i eat it up!!!! i want more insane injuries in season 8 so i can watch them go crazy its catnip to me)
and like the thing is is YEAH they are insane in dramatic, life-or-death ways but they are ALSO insane in small, everyday ways. They are insane in "everyone else can't fucking stand you when you're in Clipboard Mode but I think it's cute" and "you got tired of all of our friends trying to constantly check on you and coddle you and you came to ME the one place you feel at peace and can actually open up about your feelings about your near-death experience" and "i already teamed up with a mean reporter to find the hidden treasure but the second you turned your big brown cow eyes on me i folded like a piece of tissue paper and invited you along" and "my son cant stand to look at me and i think ive just burned my entire life down and all i need right now is for you to be here" and "you seem excited about this bachelor party idea and even though the groom himself doesn't seem to want it I think we should dress up in a themed couples costume together" and "i was struggling to find childcare and you stepped up and solved that problem for me without me even needing to ask and also ive only known you for like a month at this point" and "i know i've spent the last week being a huge dick to you because i am insane but im going to go inside this ambulance with you and help remove a live grenade from a man's leg and afterward ill promise to have your back and let you have mine forever & ever"
i could go on
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saprophetic · 1 year
a new tattoo could fix me
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rosecreates · 5 months
Raven and Astarion are basically just "Charlatan to Charlatan communication" without either realizing it because neither of them are very open about their pasts at first and in the scenario where Astarion enacts his simple plan on Raven he has no idea he is breaking Rule 0: Don't try to con another conman (or conwoman in this case).
Raven knows exactly what he's doing but she just doesn't tell him she knows until later because the game is fun.
Both of them thought this would stay a game but then they both catch feelings lmao. Absolute losers (affectionate).
#{oc ramblings}#{oc: raven}#ive been thinking more about raven with astarion because like i have major astarion brainrot ofc but like#they're real similar in several ways and i initially thought that would be their downfall as a couple but like whilst it still could be#they both are very capable of immense character development that can have it not end badly#raven already has all kinds of seeds for becoming better and i can imagine astarion would like...not intentionally push her toward that but#see he would encourage her to continue being her chaotic neutral self but i dont think he'd stay silent when he realizes shes being abused#like she keeps her past close to her chest and constantly is like 'oh drow society is just like this its fine' but everyone around her def-#is like '...you know that doesnt mean its ok you got treated the way you were treated right???'#raven wasnt sexually abused like astarion. but she did have to claw her way from the bottom to where she is. she knows extremely well she-#got lucky. and shes continued getting lucky. she's had several attempts on her life and she knows her fate is in her adoptive mom's hands#her adoptive mom could throw her out at any time. kill her even. she acts arrogant and full of herself but she knows the fragile-#foundation she stands on as part of house mizzrym. she already has dealt with lots of judgement from others. jealousy from others#her position is unstable and its also why shes real desperate to cling onto it because if she fucks up she's screwed no matter how talented#she may be. and that sort of thing isnt good for her. the constant worry about losing everything she has if she screws up.#she worked her butt off and still works her butt off to stay where she is but it can all not matter if her adoptive mother decides she's-#not worth shit anymore. even if she's killed countless of her adoptive siblings. even if she passed a test of lolth.#though she's also probably looking for a more stable position in drow society which i think her companion quest will feature her-#being offered the chance for a more stable position. im not sure what position. i originally considered the chosen of lolth but eh#maybe lolth tasked her with murdering her adoptive mother (akordia is her name) to overtake her position?#akordia possibly being the like right-hand woman of the current matron mother (her sister). i dunno.#god i wish drow lore was more centralized NBJFGNKBGF#maybe i'll rewrite the position that raven is in again to make it where she just serves house mizzrym#just. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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rudescape · 6 months
hell o
just gonna vent in the tags real quick
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clownsuu · 1 year
Frank and Home anon here, since i wanted to expand on my idea from the other blog. ive been having brainrot with these two since those doodles of Home kicking Franks ass in chess. i feel like the ship works??? weirdly well??? like, Home obv has some cryptid stress stuff going on in your blog lore, and i love the idea of him being the goofy one while Frank, the guy who watches butterflies and goes bird watching, is the grumpier one among the two. Home prob has some old ass board games on his dusty shelves that he got at some garage sale but didnt have anyone to play with, and Frank seems like the person to listen to podcasts about the history of said ancient ass board games. he doesnt even know how to play, but he can scope it out on Homes shelves to give him the lore of Chinese Checkers. i think they would both like a bunch of calming activities to bond over. they seem like the couple to have a garden in their backyard and wake up every morning to see if the tomatoes are blooming yet (Frank grumbles at having to constantly pull out the weeds but is secretly hype to taste something homemade). also, you can NOT tell me Home isnt a drama queen lover. youre telling me this guy is a silent house that just listens to conversations all day long, and DOESNT like hearing about tea? him and Frank would watch reality tv shows. Frank complains about how fake and stupid everyone is. when theres a betrayal in the friend group, he acts like that was HIS best friend shooting him in the back. Home just listens with a hand covering his mouth, somehow in shock that the girlies are, once again, talking behind each others backs (it gets him every time). this ask is getting pretty long so im going to plug my brain here. in conclusion: teehee
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Ngl I really like how slow and cheesily romantic these twos would be- it’s just two old nerds (one mentally one physically) basically living a very domesticated life similar to one of a old married couple. Very gentle relationship with a bunch of goofy passion and OVERBEARINGLY tender moments. Plus, the bonus factor that Wally absolutely despises Frank for now becoming his around same aged step father-
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wlwinry · 2 months
could i know more of your thistlecaster thoughts/any hc’s??
YES sorry ive become insufferable about them im gonna list off everything off the top of my head
classic example of fell first/fell harder. after the breakup w zelda gorgug sorta gradually spirals into being in love w fabian but he's very much like "im not gonna put my crush on him, i'll tell him at some point but i don't wanna mess things up" and he's very...not casual but not constantly freaking out about it. meanwhile fabian gets hit by the metaphorical "in love with gorgug" bus and proceeds to be so uncool about it to the point where everyone BUT gorgug notices his crush. it's the "leans against a vending machine and breaks it" scene w mazey but 10x worse
they spar A Lot, because they're the two main melee fighters/the ones who don't rely heavily on spellcasting in combat, which means they work together on the field A Lot. as such they're very good at reading each other's body language
PDA couple alert. not to trackerbees levels there is no 69ing on the battlefield but fabian is constantly holding gorgug's hand or leaning against his side and gorgug is constantly hugging fabian from behind or resting his chin on his head. fabian is touch-starved (hallariel isn't exactly the cuddling type and bill's physical affection tends to come in random bone-cracking bursts) and just sort of melts into gorgug
he also melts into gorgug bc gorgug is very earnest and sweet and fabian "expressing genuine vulnerability is dangerous" does not know how to process this other than by becoming a ball of deeply enamored mush
you've never seen someone give as many gifts as fabian does. even if it's just smth like a coffee or tea when they meet up before classes bc fabian knows that he needs the extra energy. there's big gifts too, like the giant workshop and lab he converts one of the multiple training rooms in seacaster manor into for gorgug to artifice (state of the art, ofc), but also things like a special holster for drumsticks, pillows enchanted to maximize restful sleep, etc.
gorgug retaliates by making fabian Many Things. often accessories. several with tin flowers on them (he also makes the engagement and wedding rings, when it eventually comes to that. and it does. to me.)
fabian gets a little emotional whenever he's offered another flower
fabian is also big on terms of endearment and pet names but "darling" is very specifically never one of them. gorgug's favorite of the bunch is "flower"
gorgug loves watching fabian dance. fabian also loves watching gorgug artifice. there tends to be an admiring onlooker in their various workspaces
the hangman fully offered to throw itself into a ditch so gorgug would come fix it again if that would help fabian flirt w gorgug. fabian refused. the hangman kept asking and was only effectively stopped when reminded that gorgug owns the hangvan
speaking of the hangvan. good makeout spot.
idk i just think they're so in love and they match up so well i think about them always. fabian also goes to so many cig figs concerts with big ol glittery signs covered in hearts and gorgug is always flustered when he sees him in the crowd, much to fig's delight. when gorgug mentions wanting to write fabian a song she is immediately on board and insists he has to do it
fig needs to know details immediately and gorgug is. so bashful about giving them. meanwhile fabian WANTS to gush and riz is like ily im so happy for you i dont need to know all the details. this does eventually mean fig bugs fabian for details and fabian eagerly gives them
unlike his mother fabian knows loving someone with a human lifespan when you're going to live well beyond one means you have to treasure every single moment with them. so he does. and gorgug knows he will love him no matter what plane he's on, living or dead
i have more this is just. what i've got off the top of my head rn. thanks for letting me be completely insufferable
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
I found one of your sagau posts about language and got me thinking xD
Reader who knows a lot of languages which gets people confused. Are they speaking in their godly language? Are they really that mad that they switched to another language? Why are they smirking like that--- (Aether/Lumine who understood everything trying so hard not to laugh at people's reactions)
Why did I imagine that after a flowery speech Reader delivers a response so blunt the vine boom sfx can be heard---
Reader trying out flowery speech and failing, while the rest of the people in the background are either A.) Trying to convince you that its alright to talk simply (oh now you turn the tables--) or B.) Some of them fainting in devotion/cuteness because their god looks at them so eagerly for feedback
I heard somewhere that Mondstadt is based on Germany and another post about Snezhnaya (bruh whats the spelling 🤣💀) based on Russia, so I thought that while they speak english they also throw in a couple words of their respective language (or in some drunk cases, full out native language). Cue reader just.... 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♀️
Bilingual reader who uses full advantage of their knowledge into making puns and jokes to Cyno----
DUDE ive thought abt just making it where Aether/Lumine are the only ones who understand English/ur language and like, while u can (or maybe cant for shenanigans) speak Teyvatian (ew theres gotta be a better word for that?) Theres NOTHING as amazing as the bilingual experience of pranking bitches
Eula gives like a whole poetry book of a speech to you guys to be more responsible abt gliding in the city (its cute <3 shes actually very concerned bc you know you would do sm that would worry her, i mean i know im just flinging myself off of every surface all the time, esp in Mondstadt im not using no stairs💀)
And you just... turn to Aether/Lumine and say smth in English and they bust out laughing
(Or worse, u two are giggling like little shits✨️)
Dont feel too bad Eula, they do this to everyone
(Paimon's constantly on ya'lls case abt it)
Like u didnt even say anything rude (probably), as u explained to Eula, but its like this all the time, sm ppl even find themsleves jealous of this bond you two have got, tho whether they are jealous of Aether/Lumine or you is still still hard to tell,,)
Thats deadass like how i imagine half the time it would be like talking to ppl, esp if ur critizing smth that person was doing lmao (like roasting them)
Its even funnier if like, u didnt hear the vine boom so to speak, like u got ur back to the rest of the characters/npcs while ur talking to this one person and u dont even know u just said smth that's got like one person crying laughing
(KAEYA, aether/lumine, hu tao, KAVEH, Venti, childe, Yae Miko, SCARAMOUCHE/WANDERER, beidou, off the top of my head)
Another one is just standing there in shock, when will they unfreeze? Only time can tell
(Zhongli, jean, eula, keqing, ayaka, ganyu, kuki shinobu, once again off the top of my head theres so many characters at this point in genshin help)
They're just like,, processing still, theyre probably overthinking everything u say bc to them you give so little information 💀 i can see the like transparent images of their thinking faces floating around them now LMAO
(Alhaitham, zhongli again rip, DILUC, kaeya's also laughing at him not just you his stomach hurts help him, Ei, XIAO, ALBEDO, Ayato but he'd also be muffling a laugh, Kazuha maybe i can also see him just giggling n shit, Kokomi, CYNO, Tighnari but also he'll react like its the funniest joke ever while he's trying to actually think abt it, so he just ends up standing there, thinking outloud, then cracking up over and over again lol)
Oh Cyno u sweet summer child, as soon as u started making puns it was over for him, no one can stop you, even if Tighnari can't understand ur language rn he can definitely just sense there's bad jokes being made, esp if Cyno gets it and his lip like, twitches upward or even worse, he chuckles.
(Tighnari's totally getting onto him for corrupting you)
What a cute image, just some of them reassuring us and some of them thinking its cute for trying, and we look around the room when we try for feedback i know i would 😭😭
If i actually got close tho they better give me a headpat or smth
Anyway THANK YOU for the ask!! (subliminalmessingpspspspspscometomeaskscomepspsps)
That was a BEAUTIFUL✨️ thing to read, got my heart doin backflips and shit 😳😊🥰
God this is so long im so sorry everyone
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starfxkr · 15 days
i may have sent this in an ask before but i dont really remind lmao so ima put put some food for thought for some discussion times🙇🏾‍♀️~
kitty punches jj’s dick when its soft for the lols and to see how fast she can make him hard by doing so
ik ive mentioned how much i love ur lookbooks<3 and visuals and im thinking about what each girl wears to midsummers
i feel like pup is the worst on her period like she’s her cute and chill but she can literally turn into the devil spawn bc her cramps are trying to kill him
lamb x rafe…. lord dont let a man like this into my life ( please do ) , ive been thinkign about when theyre first intimate with eo and even though rafe doesnt care that shes inexperienced now that shes in his clutches but she just wants to be perfect for him as this man is her god now and practices for him when he’s out doing business
hehe i think thats all for now 🤍
.~ 🍮
jj being into getting his dick punched is sooonjsfnvjndfnvjdi BUT REAL because she quickly finds out it doesnt take him long to get hard. at all. and she's low-key so disgusted by him they just stare at each other for a while.
and midsummers is a great question bc the scenario truly has to match up for some of them!!
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kitten's goin like this she's "undercover" so to speak
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lambs going like this very understated but she looks gorg
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pup is goin with one of these, she surprisingly has a couple kook friends so she just got invited and went bc she figured why not.
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bunny low-key hates midsummers and always has so she goes like this and just gets drunk.
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foxy is more likely to be catering/waitressing but if she does go its simple like this
pup is a nightmare and does a full 180 because she's really a chill girl but her cramps make her a fuckin demon. john b has to duck and dodge her wrath the whole time.
lamb x rafe....a biblically demented pairing because she's just so...simple. and rafe prefers that. but she's constantly doing everything to please him because he's very cruel to her really. he knows he likes her as she is but she cant know that lest she gets complacent so it's a constant need in her mind to be better for him. he giveth and he taketh away constantly
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cherryo · 2 years
Hey I got a request! Can you do a Raph *ROTTMNT* x reader that goes from Fluff to smut? That’s all I know weird request but I’m bored :p
please and thank you!
hi sweetheart!!! you’re my first ever requestor, so i wanted to make sure it was the best <33 im sorry it took so long, i have two jobs and was pretty busy this week but i worked on it any chance i got!!! this is also my very first smut ive written! 
genre: fluff to smut 
pairing: Rise! Raph x reader
word count: 2,363 !!reader has fem genitalia but they/them pronouns are used and chest was used as a ambigous term!!
warnings: cursing, explicit themes, it’s post movie but no spoilers or mentions of canon movie edits, its simply so Raph is over 18 (it’s about 3 years after, so both reader and Raph are 20! considering Raph is 17 in the movie :)) no big kinks other than size kinks as i didnt want to push too hard and make anyone uncomfortable :)) its sorta proof-read but not entirely but i hope you enjoy!!
Boredom had its grip on you, forcing you to lay on your couch in the apartment you shared with your best friend April. You kept thinking about things to do, nothing seemed appealing right now and you had tried to sleep, multiple times.
 Praying to someone hoping you’d be cured of your boredom, you heard your phone go off. Leaning over the couch to grab it, it had fallen off earlier and you were too lazy to grab it when it originally fell.
 Checking your notifications you saw that Raph had texted you, wondering if you had wanted to have a Jupiter Jim movie marathon. Moving quickly to unlock your phone and text him back saying that he was your savior and that you’d love to come watch Jupiter Jim with him. Jumping up from your position on the couch, throwing on whatever you deemed comfortable enough for movie watching. You had just made it down the ladder when you were met face to face with the savior himself, Raph. you smiled at him and he returned with the cutest smile you’ve ever seen, he went to open his mouth to say something then promptly closed it again, his face going red.
“Yes, Raph?” you prompted him, giving him another tiny smile. you were still holding onto the ladder, waiting patiently for him to get what he wanted out. You always waited for him, sometimes all he needed was a minute and you understood that.
“Uhm,,,,,did you perhaps want me to carry ya? To the lair that is, if you don't want to I understand. You don't have to say yes if ya don’t wanna,,,,,” he stumbled and paused every few words, he was so cute when he was flustered. 
“Sure Raph, I would love to be carried to the lair,” you giggled, it wasn't a rare occurrence that he was flustered by you. Knowing him for three years and dating for 6 months didn't do too much, he was still as nervous and a little awkward when it came to couple-y things. You knew he just needed time to be able to get used to the cutesy things he wanted to do, and he was definitely worth the wait.
Smiling brightly at your agreeance to being carried, he picked you up in one fell swoop. Impressed by the fact that he could carry you on one arm, you gave him a forehead kiss.
“Woooow you're such a strong man, Raph! I love my big strong buff boyfriend,” teasing him slightly, making him go even redder, if that was even possible.
“Thank you, Darlin,” he mumbled, still very flustered at the whole situation. Finally making it to the lair, he set you down as gently as he could. He always worried he would end up forgetting how strong he was and that you’d somehow end up hurt from his hands. 
Even though you constantly reassured him that there's no way he could hurt you unless he seriously wanted to, you’ve seen him petting the small stray cats, he’s nothing but a gentle giant.
“Mikey’s in the kitchen if you want to go an’ say hi,” he said while looking at you, snapping you out of your dream state. He looked at you concerned after you did not respond immediately “hello?” waving his giant hand in front of your face, finally coming back to the real world you simply nodded to his comment about saying hi to Mikey. 
 When you guys got to the kitchen, seeing Mikey by the stove cooking some kind of soup. Walking over to him you noticed, he had made you guys some pizza bites and mozzarella sticks. “Hi Mikey!!” you yelled right into his ear just to spook him, laughing over his girlish scream. He turned and started laughing with you when he realized who it was, he dragged you into a giant hug lifting you off the ground with ease.
“Okay Mikey, you can put them down now” Raph let out a big huff, you caught his eyes noticing how dark they had gotten.
 “Awww is poor, tough, Raph jealous of his baby brother hugging his partner?” somehow, Leo had walked into the kitchen unnoticed. Quite unlike Leo to be making quiet entrances, but the way he was teasing Raph only made Raph more upset.
“Hush Leo, he probably is just ready for the movie marathon and I'm keeping us from watching it,” you snickered, you knew what was going through Raph's mind but you had already teased the poor man enough. Raph had come over to grab your arm and the food, grumbling about something you couldn't hear. You snickered slightly, knowing Raph doesn't usually get grumbly at his brothers must mean that he really needs you. Grabbing his bicep gently, pulling his attention back on you, you gave him a soft smile indicating it was okay. His face softened, smiling sheepishly he realized he was being childish wanting you to not be happy around his brothers.
“Im sorry, i’m just ready to lay in my bed and watch movies with you,,,,,” he trailed off, nodding his head in the direction of his room.
“It’s okay Raph, if anything i found your reaction funny” you reassured him, he sighed with relief while opening the door to his room to let you in. 
you scurried in and jumped on his bed, making his sheets and pillows float up for a second. He just laughed at you, putting the snacks and drinks up, following suit and jumping on the bed next to you. You scream-laughed at him, worried you were going to get squashed but happy he was relaxed again.
You guys had already watched three movies out of the Jupiter Jim series, every now and again on a scene you both had deemed ‘boring’ to have a make out session (Raph had reminded you in between kisses that no part of the Jupiter Jim movies were boring). Raph being Raph, he was incredibly gentle with you, he kissed you like you were glass. No matter how many times in the past you had stated you wanted him to stop and just let go when you guys were being intimate, he never did, he was so worried about hurting you.
It started with the light kisses turning into the heavy makeout with petting and caressing, Raph had you trapped between his body and his bed. One of his hands held you around the waist to keep you close while the other was roaming around your body, deciding to rest it in your hair. The whole time he was whispering sweet-nothings into your ear saying just how beautiful you were under him, and how you tasted so sweet.
“Do you uhm,,,,” Raph took in a breath, breaking the kiss “do you want to stay like this or go further?”
You grew red at what he was implying, but did you really want to go further? Yes, yes you did, you know anything with Raph will be amazing. Including sex.
“Yes Raph, i want to go further,” you brought him back into another heated kiss, him gasping slightly at you being a bit dominant. He got back into the groove of things after a second of being shocked, he tugged slightly at your shirt, indicating that he wanted it off. You pulled back to look him in the face, his eyes asking the question.
Nodding a silent yes to his question, Raph leaned back so you could sit up properly. As you were taking it off you heard a strained noise, as soon as you got it off Raph pushed you back. He started by kissing your neck and sucking hickey by hickey, slowly making his way down to your chest. He kissed your chest gently at first and only started getting more aggressive and more aggressive in his kisses, leaving little love bites here and there littered on your soft skin.
He stopped his attack on your chest to put his forehead, he sighed shakily not knowing what other to do than to look you in the eyes. He kept opening and closing his mouth, wanting to say something but not knowing how to. You gave him a look that said go on, he looked away and finally spoke.
“Darling, if i keep goin i don't know if i can hold myself back” he wants to go absolutely feral for you, but he knows he can't, he knows he’s big and he knows it would hurt so bad for you.  He wants so badly to just fuck you into the bed, to hear you be able to make no other noises than moans and whimpers. 
“I wanna make you feel so good, darling” he whimpered, he could feel your whole body heating up with the way he was talking to you. “Please Raph, i don't care if you don't hold yourself back, if anything i want you to go for it,” gasping at the way he violently started back up his attacks on your chest mid sentence, slowly making his way down to your center leaving more hickies and love bites in his wake. You seemingly made his resolve break with just that sentence.
He ripped both your pants and underwear down at the same time, showing he was more than ready. Gasping at the cool air, you moaned at the action. Raph had made his way between your legs, licking and sucking on your inner thighs, gently holding you legs up so they wouldn't be resting on his spiky shell. 
"You sound so pretty darlin’" he said while looking up at you from between your legs, you blushed not used to your Raph being so flirtatious. 
He slowly made his way to your center, giving kisses and love bites to your inner thighs as he went up, as soon as he got to his destination he started sucking on your button. 
"Oh fuuuu-" you got caught off as a moan bubbled up, Raph had inserted one of his thick fingers inside of you, twisting and hooking. 
"Please Raph, I need you" you begged, grabbing onto one his hands that held your legs up. You needed his cock, you needed him. You didn't know how much longer you could go on with just his teasing.
“Sorry dear, but i have to stretch you out first and make sure you’re all ready to take me, Im not taking the chance of hurting you more than it already will,” he had stopped his ministrations, he looked sternly at you silently telling you he was not budging on this.
He made you cum multiple times, telling you how good you were being for him and he couldnt wait to fuck you. Finally, he decided you were ready to take him, he made his way up to be face to face with you. He hovered over you, realizing just how tiny you were compared to him. Hell, he covered you with space on both sides of his shoulders. God. he didn't know why that made him harder but it did, he grabbed his cock and started slowly guiding it into you. 
He watched your face for any pain, as soon as it twisted up he stopped and went to pull back out only to be stopped by your hand grabbing his bicep.
“Please keep going, please Raphi can take it,” you begged, looking at him in what he can only describe as pleasure and a twinge of pain. He felt really bad about hurtin you, but god was this feeling so fucking addictive, the way your cunt was suckin him in. the way you begged him to just fuck you anyways despite the pain, forgetting just how big he was he thrusted into you fully. However with how big he was and how small you were, he wasn't able to fully sheath into you, that made him want to just fuck you even harder. 
“Please move,,, raph” moaning his name, the second you asked he start thrustin, he didnt need to be told twice. Finding a rhythm that was good for him, he was dead set on making you feel good first and foremost. He reached down between the two of you to rub circles on your clit, making you moan the loudest you have all night. He could've cum right then and there just from hearing your moans, he started thrusting harder and faster.
“Oh shit, I'm close raph!” you started meeting your hips to his thrusts, your legs were starting to shake. You were so close and you wanted to cum with him, you could tell he was close. His hips and thrusts faltering, he started moaning your name like crazy, telling you how good you were and how good you felt. He was close, his thrusts getting sloppy and sloppier by the second, he wanted to cum inside you so bad but opted to pull out. He made sure you came before he pulled out, the way you shook pushed him over the edge, quickly pulling out and cumming all over your  stomach and thighs. 
Both of you were breathing heavily and flushed, skin hot to the touch and slick with sweat. You smiled at him, reaching up to caress his face, mask discarded sometime during this moment. He looked at you with so much love, he leaned down to kiss your forehead and nose before sitting up. “I'm going to go grab a towel and water, i'll be right back,” you knew he wouldn't be gone for long, and you were right within five minutes he was back with a towel, water and snacks, along with some fresh clothes.
“Yknow, instead of just drying ya off we could just take a shower,” turning to look at you with a certain glint in his eye telling you, you were not going to sleep anytime soon. You jumped up and raced him to the bathroom, squealing and giggling as he ran after you.
God, this turtle was going to be the death of you, but man you can't help but love him and be excited for the future ahead of you.
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So Im currently in a complicated situation.
I (19f) am studying abroad in europe for the summer. Ive been here for over a month and struggled to make connections with my peers here because im socially awkard and struggle to talk to people. Most of the time I've done things alone and have had no issues.
A little into summer, my mom asked me about my twin sister coming to visit and us going to a couple of different cities. I agreed because I figured she would never actually bother to travel to europe herself and I wanted her to have the opportunity.
The thing about me and my twin is that we do not get along and have not for years, I moved away for college and haven't had to interact with her for extended periods of time for over a year. So, I guess I forgot just how bad it is to be around her. She's rude, has not stopped making small jabs at me, and has complained about everything we've done.
It came to a head this weekend, she arrived on thursday, I've been constantly stressed because I can't relax around her. She kept on playing things outloud while I was trying to sleep at 2 am, which although seems small was just the tipping point of everything i had bottled up over the past couple days. Which caused me to have a small meltdown. She then told me after we got into the fight the whole reason she came was for me so that I could travel, because my mom hadn't wanted me to travel alone and I hadn't made any friends in my program.
I never asked her to do this and would've traveled by myself to where I wanted to go whether or not my mom approved. The morning after the fight we had to catch a train and it was taking way to long for a uber to come get us so I said we should take the subway. She refused, I told her I wasn't going to miss the train and left her alone in a unfamiliar city to take the subway to the station. She made it to the station luckly, I found out that she has no intention of taking any form of public transportation the whole time she is here and instead is going to spend hundreds of dollars on uber.
Over the time shes been here its become clear that she flat out has no interest in being here. She doesnt care about the monuments, the food, or doing literally anything. Maybe occasionally taking pictures of herself or fashion but even then the interest is limited. She also genuinely seems to know nothing about Europe, or what she was signing up to do.
Im frustrated because she is ruining what may be my only chance to explore europe. My mom has tried to mediate but its clear that she doesn't want to be here and that I don't want her here. We havent stopped fighting and im exhausted, im still in school and have difficult classes.
My mom is partically pissed at me for leaving her alone in the city but I told her I would do it again. I think that she should just fly home and I should do the rest of the trip alone. My mom has always been overprotective and one of the city's we are planning on going to has been having issues but I still think I should be fine by myself.
AITA For wanting my sister to leave despite her coming for me, for leaving her alone in an unfamiliar city, and planning to do it again?
What are these acronyms?
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corvidares · 5 months
okay, so i just finished re-reading Any Way the Wind Blows and this feels so blatant as to be smacking me in the face: simon is disabled.
now, the reason why that makes itself even clearer in this book than in wayward son (where he, of course, also has the wings + tail) is because simon is once again in the world of mages - despite doing his best to leave it behind. compared to wayward son, where hes basically and literally in the wild west. where theres magical beings everywhere, where simon practically fits in because he is one.
but ill get back to that.
ive seen a lot of really interesting points about what simon's wings represent and mean, and i'm not disagreeing with those. but in a very literal sense, they are a disability.
think about it like this: the world of mages (and Normals) is not built for humanoids who have giant webbed wings and a tail. simon constantly struggles with controlling these limbs, and their size makes it ten times harder. spaces are too small, furniture and objects are broken when he spreads them, and many a shirt or jacket are ruined.
he struggles to find a good way to deal with this - spell them away? wear them out by cutting holes in things? fold them extremely painfully into his shirt? even though this last one is treated like a solution for a little while, its far from ideal. who is simon doing this for? himself, or everyone around him? yes, of course Normals cant see them. and yeah, hes expressed discomfort about baz and penny spelling them hidden. but thats not the point. even with this botch job of a way to "wear" his wings, which succeeds at hiding them from Normals, simon still states a couple times that he knows people stare at him and his seeming hunchback. i mean, thats blatant.
(he eventually, with shepard's help, realizes a good way to work around this - zippers or buckles on shirtbacks - which very much feels like an aha! disability aid moment)
im not saying disability is based in how people look at you, or it only being a societal thing. (as in, when he wasnt in the world of mages, he wasnt suddenly 'not disabled at all') disability is a huge spectrum. but those things absolutely can be a part of the disabled experience.
but all of that doesnt even get to my main point: simon has no magic anymore. and in the world of mages, thats a huge deal. magic is like living and breathing, especially for baz and penny. its not something they question or have to worry about not being able to call upon. hell, even before simon lost his magic he was disabled, just to a different extent.
before awtwb, we dont hear much about mages whose magic is weak. but they come to the forefront now - which just solidifies that solid magical ability = able bodiedness.
smith is promising a miracle cure. a cure. think of it like bullshit orgs such as aut!sm spe@ks, wanting to "cure" autism - he wants to cure people. (and hes just as full of shit) why? because weak magic is seen as a disease, a problem, even subhuman.
take daphne, baz's stepmom. her quality of life is fine, great. her weaker magic doesnt seem to put her at a disadvantage. she manages her disability well. but in comparison to the norm, to what is expected of the average mage, shes got nothing. less than nothing. she feels shame over what she cant do.
smith's case becomes even more blatant when we see, at the end of awtwb, that he wants to essentially cull weak magicians. that they're holding back society. that theyre better off as powerless as Normals - who are blatantly seen as subhuman - than as weak mages. much like how ableist rhetoric puts forward that disability is a fate worse than death.
which brings us back to simon. he insists hes a Normal, now or always has been. baz insists hes the most powerful magician to exist. both of them are wrong.
and right. and right and wrong.
simon is some third thing - not a mage, not a Normal. akin to how disability is its own minority aside from race or ethnicity he has a foot in each world, and he always has. but now he cant achieve blending into either.
this is why the increasing presence and humanization of other magical beings beside mages is so important (thank you shephard!) how mages tend to seem magical beings is very ableist. theyre subhuman, theyre not to be trusted, theyre freaks, theyre dirty, etc. except oops, how can you keep thinking that penny, when this very nice one works at a cafe and helped you translate shephard's engagement terms?
even baz and the events of wayward son play into this - yeah, some vampires are horrible people. but plenty, like baz, are just people. with a range of experiences and morals and ways of living life. (take nicodemus) (i could make a point about how simon's stalwart acceptance of baz's vampirism helps baz comes to terms with it and how this is also super disability coded, but thats another essay)
in the beginning of awtwb, he decides to go to the extreme opposite of his chosen one powered life - to live as a Normal, and the second step (after cutting himself off from baz and penny) is getting his wings removed.
except he cant do it. and even having his wings touched is horribly uncomfortable. now, this partly has to do with how much theyre sensual parts of his body - same as his tail. but its also, separately, very intimate. theyre treated very clinically, like a fascinating specimen to pore over. im not trying to give niamh shit here, just saying what i saw.
but theyre part of him. people with disabilities often deal with being stared at and poked and prodded by the medical field (if theyre not ignored or waved off. maybe both.). even every day folks feel the right to touch disabled folks, or their mobility aids.
for a lot of people, mobility aids are a part of them - its like a stranger touching your face and thinking theyre doing you a favor. when instead theyre being weird as fuck.
simon's status as previous chosen one even plays into this sort of thing - people see him more as a figurehead, for what he can and cant do (including his wings!) than a person. hes a tragedy, hes a hero. hes inspirational, hes to be pitied. sound familiar?
the end of awtwb doesnt spell out whether simon ends up deciding to keep his wings (frustratingly). but they spell out that he would absolutely would, in my opinion.
simon increasingly treats them as a natural extension of his body. think of the scene where he flies about the watford goats. how he expresses his feelings with his wings and tail. and of course, how he learns to let baz loves each and every part of him: including his dragon limbs.
baz loves him, and loves them, not in a fetishistic way, but because its simon, and he loves everything simon is. not just what he represents or can or cant do.
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so2uv · 5 months
@ so2uv's sappy time.
end of the year. ive survived and that's scary but you know what? it'll be fine. we'll all be fine and im promising that; whether it be this year, the next, or far in the future, we'll be ok :)) it's stupid how this platform, one that my friends teased me for using, left such an impact on me as a person.
AKA. MY END OF YEAR MUTUAL APPRECIATION POST. (warning: these got long and sort emotional for me to write. well, as emotional as i can get fjkdhgkjfd. sorry if my coherence gets lost later on. forgive me if you weren't mentioned specifically for something; i have more mutuals that expected. it's genuinely surprising.)
if you weren't mentioned specifically, there's still a note for you at the bottom. sorry for making you scroll for long to find it :'DD
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𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @tiredsleep . . . the mutual who has stuck through it all. oh tired. tired, tired, tired. i think im a little stupid for how happy i get when you like a post or send an ask or keyboard smash in my reblogs. a lot of what i said in my long ask to you a while back is what im trying to convey now. the way we met wasn't through much special; i followed you and eventually you followed back. it was slow going in the ways we interacted but the nicest things take time and im so glad we're the way we are now. we're strangers, two little guys on the internet, and i think it's beautiful how we have this. you're an amazing writer, an all around amazing creator of the worlds you build and the characters you create. i don't think you realized how envious i used to be of you; you made it seem like it was easy enough for you to connect with others, your writing was something id never achieve with mine, it was flat out jealousy. it was my fault we were distant to begin with. i soon figured out that praise was correct: you are among the most wonderful people ive had the pleasure of knowing and talking to you, even if it's just through a screen. there's so much more for me to say that i constantly struggle to put into the correct words to get the point across. just know that you have great things out there for you. have a great new year, tired. we'll make it. im so proud of you.
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @aelatus . . . the last standing mutual of all my og (close) mutuals. hello atlas! im not sure if you'll ever see this on tumblr since i know you don't log on much but you've been my mutual through three blog changes now; was there for my xstar-kidx era and kozmiixs stage. we've been through shit together, had banter about grammarly together, lost certain mutuals together, have changed blogs, changed themes, switched fandoms, fell out of love with fandoms. it's been a wild couple of years, huh? im so thankful we've met and got close in the ways that we did and that we're able to call each others close. your birthday is soon so in the case that i forget to say this on discord: happy birthday, the xiao to my albedo. live a life of freedom and joy, my love /p.
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @izukxnnie . . . hara :((( i don't think you'll ever come to read this message but that's alright; maybe it's for the better kdfgh. i know i sent you that long winded ask on your blog already but i miss talking and interacting with you, even with all my awkwardness. im still so regretful of that one time i sent a request to join your world but then you were busy and i didn't read your messages until later that day as in hours later bc i was at school and idk if i ever responded to them in the end. maybe i'll send you a message on discord later. maybe i won't bc i'll be too sentimental. i really hope you're doing more than well, that you're happy doing what you do.
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @ay-asterisms . . . the mutual who introduced me to so many others. i really have you to thank for what i have now, ay. truly. you brought me deeper into the hq fandom and introduced me to jennie, atlas, and others. we don't talk much but i'll say what ive mentioned before, you remind me so much of the sun. but not as the bringer of life and the ball we see every morning; a sun in the sense that you're a star closer to earth but still a star, still out there where there are multiple. the difference is that you just happen to bring a warmth that others can't provide for ones nearby.
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @cryo-locket / @lo-cinno . . . you. im not even sure how we became mutuals, and my memory is pretty good. we just spawned in each other's zones one day and went yeah, alright. honestly, ive never said this to anyone, but you were one of the reasons i decided to focus more heavily on chinese. our interactions reminded me of why i wanted to relearn the language for myself: for the social connections. i genuinely love talking to you and always find myself laughing at our conversations. mainly because our timezone dif is so odd so it's always late in the evening when im on. your ebg was so fun and with all the pain it brought / hj, im so happy to have been part of it. thank you for putting up with my 2 am rambles and crack, hope you found laugh or two with them.
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @pr3tty-jennie . . . you intimidated me when we first met. i still remember it actually: you had that kamninari theme and the most recent post on your blog was about how you couldn't remember the word for chandelier in english but knew it in french. you've been through so much, endured so much, and i respect you so much. always have, always will. your life story and the past don't define who you show as a person and im so amazed by that part of you. have a good day, good week, good rest of your life pretty girl :DD
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @june-again . . . it's crazy, you know? crazy how far we've both drifted off from the original fandom that brought us together? but that's character development. speaking of that, ive gotten the absolute pleasure of seeing you grow as a person and go through the motions of life. it's always chill talking to you, jokes come easy hah! you're an amazing musician, june. amazing person, amazing at writing, amazing at music; you're outstanding so in the words of Freddy fazbear from security break, way to go superstar! i knew you could do it and i know you still can.
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @junjiie . . . the seungmin to my minho, the other half of 2min, the self proclaimed jeno to my renjun (have yet to be a dreamzen my b :(() and the no. 1 solieber. i was serious when i said you're the reason my other blog exists; you've been the biggest hype person when it came down to me going out of my comfort zone and writing. i was so nervous going up to talk to you at first kjfdhgkj but now, you're just another silly guy in my phone screen :DD thank you for sending all your updates about life and putting up with mine even though they never get answered- seungmin to not only my minho, but hyunjin too, let's keep being #Silly, yeah?? it's already the actual new years day when you're receiving this so i hope the year is off to a good start.
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @sohyuki . . . MINT im hoarding the ask that you sent me on christmas day. im always so happy when you've shown up on dash and while im sad about how you've let tumblr mainly behind, i know it's for the better since well, interactions have been shit and probably will never get back up to the standard we held them to, even with all the effort put in. you are such an amazing all around person and like i said in my christmas note to you, keep writing. hoard it, feed into it, you have something wonderful going on with it.
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @kamiyatos . . . user kamiyatos!!! lee!!! HELLO!!! it's always such a pleasure to talk to you and i hope you know that i keep your ramble about malleus' character and your plot idea for him in the back of my mind constantly, even though that ask has been lost to my actions of deactivation on my old blog. you're the biggest ayato fan i know who supports my works about him vocally AND you understand my vision on his personality... it's truly touching, y'know? thank you for being there, even when we don't talk as much as we should. i hope this year has been kind on you and the next one is even kinder.
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @yinyinggie . . . yingyingyingyingerkjshkjfdg ok this may come as a shock, or maybe you already knew and were just playing along, but we used to be mutuals before the summer of last year. secret identity revealed ig?? eh im sure if you dig far enough into my dark past™️ you'll find smth about it so im not going to say anything about it :P but! one thing has stayed the same for sure: you are so easy and so fun to talk to and make conversation with. you know that ramble i left on the astro twerk form about feedback for the server? yeah. im 100% truthful. you've made something so inclusive and positive, have done to much to get tumblr active, please know that your efforts aren't wasted. im sure they feel like it at times but i appreciate it so much. and im sure others have the same sentiment.
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @mhiieee . . . MHIEEEEEEEE MY SCARA FAN !!!! i love and adore your works so much and not to mention your characterization of scaramouche is top tier. ive got a lot to learn from you, mhie; i don't think you realize how much there is to admire when it comes to you as a person. you find such meaning and connection in the words and the world, the sincerity that comes with it,,,,, it makes me want to sob and roll around while also simultaneously wanting to take your brain apart neuron by neuron and psychoanalyze you. not in the freudian way though. ive had the greatest honor of being able to interact with you on not just one, but two!!! servers!!! i think it's a little silly how much i smile when you reply to smth dumb ive said on disc. have a great new year :))
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @ryuryuryuyurboat . . . RYUUUUUU literally the most stunning person to walk the planet ever like. hello??? our first interactions came from that ebg funny enough. does a little ★🪽 anon ring a bell? i only ever got around to sending you one sabo during that time but i hope you did enjoy what i came up with on the spot, i never was very good when it came down to kaeya's character. you are so intelligent and such an amazing individual, please always remember that.
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @snobwaffles / @2nobwaffles . . . SNOB SNOB SNOB i always think of the pokemon when your name comes up. in my head, you will always be snom, the bug-ice type pokemon <33 IT'S SO FUN TALKING TO YOU and we haven't been mutuals for long either. im always thinking of the advice you left me when it came down to my rant about an irls party and there's something about the way you're able to appreciate and take note and find beauty int he smallest of things that get brought up. i wish you the complete best that 2024 has to off you. keep calm and snob on :DD
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @itaerae & @mins-fins . . . im putting the two of you together because well, i met you both at the same time through the server. while i can't consider it and, ive never really had such an inviting time in a server, much less a network, as ive had in zumblr. really, it's you two that i owe thanks to. our silly little convos are so fun and im forever thankful that ive found people to talk to on a server for once.
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @https-furina . . . the best server mother fr!!! omg it's so nice talking to you :((( i love the warmth of your words and how your emotions shine through text. it feels like i can practically envision the fond eyeball or the warm smile that you may or may not have on your face when messaging. i’ve had such a great time in the network and your pet names fjfbdjdbjdb have a great 2024 heh :DD
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @lethwal & @astrinityy . . . i don't think you guys realize how fun it was when we were all "debating" and accusing me of being a furry. honestly, i haven't had to stifle laughter like that in the middle of the night as hard as i did for a small while. not too long but long enough. it was a breath of fresh air and it was genuinely amazing to just be able to put the present on the back burner and play around like that. even though it was kind of late for me when that was happening- ignore that. it's always late for me when im online atp. i hope we can get past those baseless accusations you have both placed on me tehe. have a happy new years, you two. ALSO YIXIN!! GA-MING PROTECTION SQUAD RISEEEEE
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @/zumblr . . . there's so many of you and i can't find the proper words to express the welcome i felt when added to the server. it was nerve wracking, ive never really gotten around to talking to that many people or being that open on the internet before. it's funny how one summer can bring you out of your shell a little, eh? and all bc of some guys on screen lmao. thank you for the support and im happy to have met such wonderful people. thank you, again. @urielphix I AM. DETERMINED TO READ ADAD JUST YOU WAIT
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @ everyone else, all my mutuals as of now and past, who weren't mentioned or mutuals who want to read something again . . . hello!! im sorry to disappoint by not adding you properly and for not giving a personalized thanks; it wasn't anything against it you at all. reason 1) i probably forgot as um. goldfish brain or 2) we just became mutuals pretty recently and haven't had the chance to really talk much / have been sort of long term but haven't talked much.
either way though, thanks for sticking around! im not the most. literate person. sometimes LMAO and im far from being a proud person of skill when it comes to the right words to say to people but im always happy when people find something worth it in my silly words. i hope we get to interact more in the future, as long as you can put up with my inconsistent (to say the least) replies and brain boggling posts that come from the depths of the midnight zone, that is. get ready for the ride that is this. clusterfuck of a blog place. LMAO,,,, if you haven't already scrolled through my stuff. if you have then um ready for more??? fkdjhgkjlghf
if you've made it to the end, thank you. and why?? im not that interesting or cool as everyone makes me out to be. if you had told 2019 me on tumblr that 4 years later, id be posting my works for everyone to see and also be proud of my own poetry, i would have laughed and called you absolutely insane. some of you have sat through me going through different gender and pronoun crises on dash back in 2020, and some of you ive only met this month.
whatever our situation is, i wish all the best for everyone . i’ll support you guys until the end of the earth and then some. have the happiest of happy new years, may your futures always be brighter than you say they are, and i’ll see you later 💛
sincerely — sol / jun
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intermundia · 4 months
i have complicated feelings with the clone wars series. on the one part i like most of it and i think it's a pretty good way of expanding on most characters and get to know them. however, ive never liked anakin's arc of descent into the dark side. i feel like it was made too obvious (yes, im thinking about the mortis vision into the future). i also didn't like that he got violent with padme, since to me (1)
(2) the chokehold in mustafar is an important milestone, the first time he lets the dark side override his love for padmé. it's a big moment, the first time he lays hands on her, the first time she is no longer the most important thing. it does some good things, such as the deception arc ("what else has the council been hiding from me" yadda yadda), to show that anakin's disappointment and mistrust in the council is not a thing that appears in a single day, and it also shows all the different (3) ways in which palpatine has a hold on anakin and influences him, that's fine. but i didn't quite like how they turned something that was more of a "you're taking slow steps towards this direction and you're blind to it, you can't see it, and no one around you is seeing it or helping you with it either" into a "there have been multiple clues of what you'll become such as A LITERAL VADER MASK IN A VISION and you've ignored them i guess". also (4) i dont like the satine thing with obiwan, what do you MEAN you would have left the order for her you barely KNOW HER obi wan and you are the BEST JEDI EVER get outta here. never liked that. i liked her just fine, and loved their banter, just not that part of their relationship. sorry to burden you with this i send you way too many asks and tag you in too many things anyway i love you have a good day you're my favourite ao3 writer byee
yeahhhhh you've articulated a couple of my least favorite parts about TCW haha especially the clovis arc, since i agree anakin's violence was not domestic until he fell to the dark side. it was the last, most extreme, most clear evidence that vader had totally wiped away anakin and anakin's priorities, yk? satine is also so badly treated by the narrative, she could have been done so much better.
in general i just like the early seasons of the show better, like s1-4, but my frustrations with filoni are well known lmao and i think things were better when lucas was more heavily involved. he had a strong shaping influence early on and the result was a fun kids-action-adventure-genre tv with my fav star wars characters. he doesn't constantly frame the jedi order as narrative antagonists, lets put it that way haha
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lains-reality · 9 months
i think im finally (starting to at least) get nondualism. i think i just understood it intellectually before? i have been feeling very stuck and scared that i was just repeating the same cycle i did when i practiced loa. i felt like i was switching between knowing i wasnt the ego to getting attached again and not understanding i wasnt that. today i remembered seeing someone say that you can see that you are not the ego by either observing or self-inquiry. i found self-inquiry annoying and like it never got me far and observation felt impossible since i believed the ego to be me, so i thought more on self-inquiry just for the hell of it.
i thought about the body first. it exists. where? the world. the world just is, i said. well there are other things in the world, why do i take myself for this? because i observe the world through it? because it doesnt go out of my awareness? but it does. just like everything else, i am not always conscious of my body. as far as i know, everything only exists in my awareness. i dont know of it elsewhere. even things i know i dont know exist because i am Aware i dont know of them. i am aware and so the thing exists not the other way around( not really before either cuz everything is now) but im always with my mind am i not? nd tells me i am not but even when i dream its still the mind influencing the dream. this point is where i usually got stuck before but i continued. i asked myself, when has the mind disappeared from my awareness? i thought about meditation. when you meditate, you may notice a thought or a feeling, but you allow it and are indifferent to it, then it disappears. eventually you arent having any thoughts, and you are likely not aware of the body. also made me think of the void state which i havent experienced but everyone ive seen describe their experience described what i did. everything was gone but their awareness. its called the void state for a reason, theres NOTHING.
so anyway it made me realize that i really dont know that anything else exists but me. yknow truly realize it lol. everything fades from my awareness on a day to day basis but i am still there. i just felt like sharing esp since it could help someone who is struggling. ive sent you a couple asks before and youve been very helpful so thank you
thank you for this!
also about always being with your mind - in your sleep there's no mind!
and with thoughts dissolving - they do that already. when you think a thought, it dissolves when a new one is made. thoughts are constantly passing through and soon they'll slow down. :)
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valleyfae · 2 years
thinking about him. boyfriend's older brother who is a rockstar? forced breeding and lots of finger sucking and he LOVES humiliating. forced ball worship. spanks you with his drumsticks. bending you over any surface and humping you like a freak. he is very vocal very loud and into hair pulling both ways. love u x
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also im loving the blog name
Thank you bub :( love you and am sending you many hugs
Oh gosh… rockstar!Bucky has me in a choke hold 24/7!!!!! Shy and quiet but secretly reads dark mafia pure smut books and fantasizes about getting aggressively gang-banged reader
I wasn’t planning for this to be a 1.1k word very slutty blurb-ish rant. What am I kidding, you can send me ‘dad’ and I’d flip out (I didn’t even re-read my sentences)
Feeling pressured to get into a relationship because all of your friends are in one. It’s not that you are 100% opposed to finding a hookup or even an exclusive relationship, but according to your friends, you “never spoke” and “shut down every single person who made a move or flirted in the slightest.”
Spring exams are over, and holiday around the corner, so you don’t have any convincing excuses to not go out with your friends.
Giving up, you hook up with the most annoying, vanilla, mundane personality of a tree stump, fratboy douche bag. You pray it doesn’t turn into something serious. Still, you don’t have the guts to decline when he invites you to his house for break, mainly because a couple of his friends will be staying over as well. He, as usual, gaslights you until you’re hiding in one of the bathrooms in his house, vigorously texting your best friend that you want to leave while your shitty boyfriend, who constantly cheats on you, and his friends get drunk downstairs.
He can’t stand his older brother. Partially because he is forty times more attractive than he is and also his thriving career as a drummer. As a teenager, he would make fun of his brother for how he dresses, listening to Deftones, Sonic Youth, and even fucking Nirvana, and mostly because he plays the drums and started a band with three of his friends. But now, he just shuts his mouth when around Bucky.
Walking downstairs, you think about walking out without collecting any of your things or saying a word.
“Come on, let’s just go. You said you wanted to go. It doesn’t matter if your brother’s playing there. He’s not going to be staying at your house anyways.”
Standing in the crowd, you’ve been left in a while your “boyfriend” and his friends do God knows what.
Yes, the other band members are hot, and there’s no doubt you’d let them use you like a worthless sex doll, but the tattoos, his shirt around his neck that exposes his perfect body, every single thing about him.
After their final song, you don’t move, just stand there, staring at Ben? Bucky? Brody? You can’t even remember his name, so infatuated by the perfectly sculpted man or maybe because your boyfriend who’s making out with a random girl refuses to talk about him.
“You doing okay there?” Bucky chuckles, bending down a bit to snap you out of your dreamy state. “Y/n, right? It’s Bucky, (I’m not putting a name because I can) ‘s older brother.”
Fuck this I’m not trying in the slightest anymore and will rant and puke words elkjskska…
He brings you backstage to the private room he used to get ready. You’re hesitant but can’t resist. You sit on the couch awkwardly watching him as he wipes, then throws his sweaty black wife-beater on the table and lights a pre-roll. Bucky offers you his joint and smugly chuckles when you stumble to respond. “We got an innocent little one, now do we, bunny.” He starts conversation, but you can only respond with a nod and the occasional flustered hum. His eyes drop as you squirm in your seat and adjust your dress. “Not so innocent, huh? Flustered and humping the air like a needy slut” Bucky grins, gripping your thigh and slowly inching his hand past the hem of your dress…
Now for the said kinks >_<
Pulling up your dress and forcing your legs open, sliding his thick fingers through your folds, mocking you and collecting your wetness with his fingers. Rubbing your clit torturously slow, his pressure so light, but he can still feel the throbbing and heat radiating from your cunt, he brings his other hand to your face, fingers digging into your skin, and he forces your jaw to drop. Drool accumulates in your mouth; Bucky shoves his slick-covered digits down your throat. “Aw, you gonna be my dumb little whore? Want me to fuck you so bad, don’t you, bunny?” he slaps your face, nonchalantly gets up, and relights his joint. He sits not too far away from you on the couch. His thighs spread because MANSPREAD BUCKY I WANT TO SUCK YOUR COCK. His bulge is prominent, straining his black pants as he inhales the smoke. You wait for him to speak, just breathing heavily and rubbing your thighs together. Finally, he makes you strip and curses under his breath, palming himself over his jeans.
DONT LOOK AT ME RIGHT NOW IM HAVING A MOMENT… “Grab that pillow for me. Go on.” Bucky chuckles when you go and hand the pillow to him. “Always so clueless, huh? Haven’t been used before, is that right?” You respond with an embarrassed nod. “Well, then I know my needy little bunny will do just fine,” Bucky instructs you to sit back down on the couch but tells you to place the decorative pillow directly under you. “Don’t act dumb. Hump that pillow like you do after faking your orgasm. Hump that pillow like you do while thinking about getting fucked into oblivion, getting slapped and thrown around, go on.”
Hair pulling
Bucky is a sadist but has a little masochism in him as well. He gets so turned from your crying, tugging his hair from overstimulation as he slams into your cervix. The intoxicating pain from your nails digging into his skin or bitting his shoulder ensures him that he’s achieving his goal; to make you insane in the best way.
As much as he loves hearing your helpless whimper as you pull on his hair, he, even more, loves to clutch your hair as he roughly fucks your throat. Tears, makeup, and spit painted all over your face as he slams you down his cock with the grip on your hair.
What a perfect segue into ball worship and the good old faithful spit kink and maybe some rimming
Everything is messy. Spit, cum, tears, maybe even special water from his special water gun
He loves the spit that drips down your chest when you give him head. He loves the spit so much that he can’t contain himself and has to spit on your face and call you a “stupid little slut” and a “worthless messy whore”
What pushes Bucks over the edge is when you suck on his balls, innocently looking up at him as he holds your face down against him.
“Have you ever eaten ass before, bunny?”
Thrusting his hips and rocking against your face. He just can’t help but cum all over his chest and make you lick it up after tongue fucking his ass and sucking on his balls.
I could go on forever… breeding, spanking, voyeurism/exhibitionism, threesomes/foursomes, etc
Another I love you because I can <3 take care and don’t be mean to yourself you are the sweetest little angel ever <33
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actually-a-fish · 2 months
The Mitchells vs. The Machines
Hello! I like watching movies. Ideas get stuck in my head while watching them and i need them out of my brain. This is my 4/9/24 viewing of The Mitchells vs. The Machines. I like cartoons :)
This will have spoilers
Without further ado... my thoughts chronologicall
The main VA is Abbie Jacobson (aka Princess Tiabeanie Mariabeanie de la Rochambeau Grunkwitz)
this family reminds me so much of mine minus depression and a commitment to a cult :)
girl its probably a good thing you weren't at the tech reveal. be nice to the siris, alexas and echos in your life...
i kinda wanna watch that robot movie with Will Smith and hot robots now
running away from your crush and saying you hate them is so real
"what are these? robutts?"
I like that the new genre of villian is a tech bro and AI
I dont like this bit about wifi, we are dependent on it yeah but people can adapt pretty well. Well some I guess.
why do dads always suggest eating the family pet?
i cannot express how autistic this family is. its constant, not demeaning or the butt of a joke. just a family being a family. I have flappy hands about it.
aww dads do love to teach their kids to drive stick shift
i do like Eric and Barbara
the robots are shooting the humans into space, that's their plan and honestly i've been saying we should shoot garbage into space for a while now so im glad somone is finally doing it
there are cute edits done by katie through the whole movie and they deserve a shout out
I knew touch screen fridges were a bad idea
"your whole lives i wanted to save you from disater and this is the moment ive been waiting for" - Rick (and also my father)
This is good family bonding, but no tears yet.
unfortunately i think the family bonding was to good. The dad left a sentimental object in katies bags and now im convinced hes gonna sacrifice himself to save the rest of the family.
now im crying. :) if you watched i bet you could guess which part.
oof crying again! a Twofer!
This movie may be healing my childhood trauma. I miss my parents. They were just doing their best
thank you game grumps for introducing me to the song "Walk the Dinosaur" by Was (not was)
An accurate compilation of watching my coworkers and professors use computers
uh oh they got little brother, Linda is gonna rip out someone's heart
damn i need to see my family so i can remember why i hate them bc this is to sweet for me
How long of a break between the entire world being abducted by robots and everyone going back to work was? Do you think this was like their pandemic
"My name is Monchi, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair"
THEYRE BASED ON A REAL FAMILY (and the whole family has "im easily overstimulated" hair cuts, its so relatable)
It's cheesy. full of stuff you know is meant for kids and that corporate made them do. but I really liked it. I know the whole bit is that the family is weird. I don't really like that they used the word weird instead of autistic but i can kinda understand why they had to do it. i found myself relating the characters constantly. The way they run away when things get overwhelming, communicate through their interests, stim when they have big feelings (they all have their own, and most of them have a couple they do) and the way the situation their in affects them. It is not perfect representation but it did a good enough job for me.
If you read all the way through thank you! If you have any formatting tips please lmk!
Also I feel the silly need to add, this is all my opinion, and my opinion is not fact! It's okay if we don't agree and if you're nice, I would love to hear about it :)
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