#ive changed a lot and maybe the creators also changed a bit
Im not gonna lie, i miss hermitcraft....
i know it hasnt gone anywhere, but i have
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sixthwater · 5 months
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Back with another yearly review! This time it's just seeing how the beginning of your year went vs where you are now. This is mainly for those who aren't sure if they've made any progress, or to see what lessons you've learned. Maybe to check what the theme of this year was? Either way, it's difficult to see where your tracks begin and end when you're the one walking the path, right?
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Left → Right / Pile 1 → Pile 4)
Decks Used: Archetype Cards, Animal Spirits, Rider Waite, Sacred Creators Oracle, Fairies Oracle Deck
Disclaimer | Pinned | Tip Jar | Paid Readings
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Pile One
Beginning of Year
Cards: Virgin, Zebra, IV of Swords Rx, Shift, Sacred Treasure
Very straight-forward! In the beginning of the year there was a lot of external energy present; you had a new beginning or you were very open to a lot of new experiences. I’m not getting a change in mindset because this feels more action oriented, but it’s like being very excited and rejuvenated to try new things and get back into a groove after a period of rest. Before this you might have been questioning a path or why you were doing certain things, because some cards are asking you to keep reminders of your goals or your inner child with you if you start to doubt yourself again. Also Virgin speaks to someone who keeps their innocence with them regardless of what happens, as well as a new beginning. Overall, I see you being very excited and somewhat giddy about the new opportunities around you and I keep hearing ‘getting back into it’, so a return to the external world basically! For some it could’ve been an external block but I also sense just trying out new activities and experiences (food, cultures, friends, etc).
End of Year
Cards: Queen Rx, Fox, VIII of Cups Rx, Spark of Hustle, Divine Hustle
I figured something like this would happen. I wanted to pull up a playlist of a group I can’t fully listen to on spotify, and their discography is going backwards in this video. This is what your energy feels like somewhat. I also want to note that your first pile was very earthy and there were a lot of blue-greens, meanwhile this pile is red-yellow, but feels stiff and cold. Right now it feels like that energetic and passionate energy has turned into a survivalist one. It reminds me of an earth mindset where money and finances are the driving point — which in these times I’m not too surprised. Instead of passion being a driving force, it’s about what can keep you stable and what gets people interested instead of what you enjoy doing. There’s still external activity, but it’s like clocking in/out of a job. This can also extend a bit to relationships. For some, molding parts of your personality so they enjoy your company. The other group needs to reach out and spend time with loved ones and also listen to their advice/opinion if you vent to them about your stress regarding the first portion of this reading. A piece of you is testing out things, understanding they don’t work, and trying something else out but you’re not actually processing the lesson. It’s just go go go. You need to take care of yourself as much as you can and get back in touch with things like spa days. There’s a difference between reaching deadlines and pumping out content; so which one are you doing? Come to that understanding and make sure you rest your body appropriately. Also someone needs to hear this because it keeps popping up: you are not using all the skills that you have, but are still holding onto the possibility that it’ll work out. If you work at it, there’s a higher chance it’ll work out, but simply dabbling in it won’t give you the results you’re seeking. Don’t obsess over the results if it is a hobby (they should make you happy), but if you want it to work out, you have to try harder.
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Pile Two
Beginning of Year
Cards: Priest Rx (Light Attributes), Unicorn, VIII of Pentacles, Divine Masculine, Joke’s on You
You are new here or you discovered a new system. I also Never take the empty cards from the Archetype deck but it wanted to come out, so I don’t believe you did anything I’m about to explain with ill intent. It could lean to just friendships for some but it’s definitely spiritual for most of you.
There’s a feeling of superiority here. Equating it to material goods, let’s say someone got into an AP class or has a higher degree. A few percentage of them will subconsciously have a tendency to exhibit some classism (ex; this person didn’t go to college therefore they aren’t as smart as me). So specifically, it can feel like the usual case of finding this new world and realizing that some people just ‘don’t get it’. So there can be some cases of trying to explain/share this newly found knowledge but being a bit intense, or distancing from old connections in favor of those who are closer to these subjects. I see someone taking in a lot of these topics and wanting to find out as much as they can immediately which is why it feels like something is new here, because that’s usually what happens. However there’s a misleading energy so it’s like...so I wanted to have TMG on in the background for whatever reason before I pulled cards and I understand why now. Some songs are poking fun at people; usually from the pov of someone who’s a disaster talking shit about other people (ex; deadbeat, no flex, clout, etc) and that’s immediately what clicked in my mind. So it generally feels like the energy of someone at a podium shouting about the good word but they barely know it themselves? That’s the general energy I have here. As I said, for some it could be about relationships and a betrayal of some sort, possibly regarding that, but that was a flicker of a message — it’s not that strong.
End of Year
Cards: Angel, Hummingbird, Ace of Pentacles Rx, Living Poetry, Gold at the end of the rainbow
Oh this is cute! I knew it’d go this way but this is more adorable than I expected haha.There is some control on the previous energy from before. You’re still expressing yourself and communicating with others, but it’s more organized? It’s when people come to you instead of you going to them, or you post stuff online. Perhaps you have a separate account to help mitigate those urges to express all the ideas in your head! So you can still share how you feel, but it’s not gaining the previous reaction mentioned before. As I said, there was never ill intent and you do want to legitimately help people. It feels like you found solace in whatever practice it was and you just want others to be able to feel the same, thus you’re trying to find the best way to do so. The Gold card mentions that you should stay focused, as you will soon reach your goal. I don’t believe it’s monetary. I’d be shocked if you weren’t new because you have the same progress that most of us have haha. When you start off, you want to express these feelings to people, you make a lot of connections and you just say them, and sometimes people just find it annoying if it’s the wrong crowd. Eventually you will find a good balance, and usually you want to start off doing it for free and to help people because it makes you happy! That’s what I’m seeing here. There’s a sweet energy coming from this section and I can see you trying to reject people’s offers to pay you for something. I’d be a bit surprised if you weren’t active in the community somewhere (whether that’s in a discord server or actively posting).
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Pile Three
Beginning of Year
Cards: Victim, Beaver, King of Cups Rx, Fearless Expression, Time to tinker
Shadow work. Definitely going through negative traits you have, and confronting any past demons that have been holding you back. Enforcing boundaries, standing up for yourself, and doing your best to try and put yourself first. I don’t see you closing yourself off or becoming more cold, but it’s more like wanting a better life. You have a future that you want, and you know the steps you need to take in order to achieve it. It’s like the order of the cards; The Star comes after The Tower — that’s what I feel like happened to you but more like internally/emotionally before you started enforcing it. There’s a possibility that a few of you might be going to therapy considering some sort of expression is here, but for a majority of you it’s just placing boundaries down for what you will and will not accept into your lives.
End of Year
Cards: Hermit, Beaver, Knight of Pentacles Rx, Bliss, Sacred Treasure
Special Note: Hermit wanted to come out from the tarot but it flipped back in
Veerrryy slowed down. Focusing on yourself, your loved ones, and what’s important to you. Self-care is super prominent here. There’s a pinch of health issues for someone (you being the care-taker?) but that’s a very specific message. The point however is that you’ve basically gone into the woods to do some rebuilding from the ground up. To find your inner child, see what’s upset them and make them happy again. You want to feel peace purely from within, and you’re trying to create healthier habits around your spiritual practice or your mindset. I can see meditation, however there is also a big piece of re-framing how you see yourself and talk to yourself. Instead of negative talk it’s being more patient and reaffirming your positive qualities. I feel very calm and it’s a beautiful energy here, so if you feel like you’re not making progress don’t be fooled, you are. There’s a lot of realigning with yourself until you can head back into the over-stimulation of what society can bring. I think it’s important to note that I wanted to watch a supernatural ghost hunting youtube channel while doing this, and they have a halloween special which is heavily edited and has clips of ‘high activity’ — I can see this connected to doing shadow work when you think about it. If the caretaker message resonated with you, I can see that this time to focus on others might make you rethink your path or what you want in life (usually seeing someone run into health issues can make you think about your own life). Ah...I think also with the current transits going on (Saturn), you might be wondering what you’re even doing here. That can explain why your energy feels so intense. Please be patient with yourself, things like this are a lifelong journey. There is a chance you could get things wrong, because it’s more rare to get things right the first time around. Take time to understand what you want to do, what gives you happiness, and go for it. Just recently Andre 3000 said that a friend had told him that it’d be over if he released ‘Hey Ya’, and that most of his friends don’t like his music. He makes things that he likes and you should follow that same mindset. Yes, outside feedback is helpful but not if it imprisons you.
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Pile Four
Beginning of Year
Cards: Addict, Owl, The Moon, You are light, Showing up
Interesting...in the beginning of the year there was a lot of reflective energy going on. It’s a bit difficult to explain, but it’s similar to how sometimes we can attract those that show us what we need to work on within ourselves? You were that person for others for some time. It might have been that you were outgrowing a few people in your life as well and that’s how this is showing up. It isn’t coming off as doing work on yourself, it’s more like you’re telling others about things they need to work on for themselves. Maybe some of you are tarot readers/astrologers lol. I don’t think many remarkable things happened for the first quarter of this year for you (at least not for it to show up), but you showed up for others. As I said, people probably sought you out for advice, or you subconsciously were highlighting a lot of people’s insecurities. This can sometimes make people act out, so I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a little animosity during this time due to this.
End of Year
Cards: Destroyer, Panther, The Lovers Rx, Fierce Serenity, Wayward Paths
Ah, the relationships probably started gaining traction during the middle of the year? Your energy still seems peaceful? Usually with these cards it seems a bit thrown off or frustrated but I’m getting the image of someone dusting or cleaning. You’re just simply sorting out what should or should not be in your life. The main theme is relationships, but I think it causes you to sometimes think about jobs, hobbies — what your energy is going towards. Is it worth your attention and love. You give off fixed sign energy. You have an idea of what you don’t want in your life. I don’t think you’re set on what you allow in, but once people/things cross boundaries then they have to go. You have a set of standards and right now you’re doing a spring cleaning of sorts. As I said, I don’t see it as being aggressive — I don’t see any door slamming. It’s just like...distancing? Or prioritizing different people and things that give you more happiness. I think in the beginning there was a bit of confusion or you were giving some extra chances but you realized it was throwing you off kilter which you didn’t appreciate. You’ll be entering a ‘new’ stage of your life come next spring? At the latest.
Ahaaaa, looking back at both of these piles, there was a high chance you were pulling in a lot of relationships to teach you lessons. Let’s say you had 3 friends back to back and they had varying ways of abusing your kindness. That was happening until you realized something needed to change and that’s where you are now. That’s where the subtly and slight animosity was coming from.
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leolingo · 6 months
(long post about purgatory and meta and rp)
sigh one thing ive been thinking is that it feels a bit unfair to see so many people complaining or doomposting over how purgatory affects the overarching qsmp rp story or how it ~interrupted arcs~ or is ~disturbing current storylines~ or ~narratively unsatisfying~ like. Sure. its a bit abrupt and most players were caught off guard because lore-wise it stems from the federation which means none of them were told about anything beforehand
but... its only been three days. maybe we could have a little faith? like idk ill be soooooo out there rn and say that maybe the admins did this now for a reason. maybe itll make sense later on. we already see lore repercussions with elquackity and his motives and all the nods to the eggs.
theres fair criticism to be made (when done respectfully) if youre mainly here for the roleplay but i feel like we sometimes need to remind ourselves that the qsmp storytelling is a VERY ambitious project. lmao. imagine being the writing team and trying to wrangle 20+ characters with distinct points of view and journeys on an ever-changing story because of the very nature of live rp. its practically IMPOSSIBLE to tie up every loose end neatly and at this point i dont think we should expect that. keeping up momentum with all plotlines must also be pretty hard, cc's schedules and outside factors like server programming and building and mod tweaking and all those meta elements considered and so on and so on
i DO also want the story to move forward and be cohesive and make sense in a satisfactory way. like i really do!!!!!!! but i try to understand that thats not ALL the qsmp is about. from the start quackity said the server wouldn't be exclusive to the rp aspect. it sure is that way right now, but thats because most of the active members are VERY passionate about roleplaying. thats a good thing! they have fun and its fun to watch and the experience is mostly good for everyone because it corresponds to their expectations to an extent
the thing about purgatory is that i feel like its a lot more meta than most people doomposting realize. it ties into the story, sure, but to me it feels like the sudden switch in environment and vibes and stakes isnt actually catered to the rp and thats FINE. like thats not what it exists for and thats fineeeeeee
pac for one has said he appreciates the event for the change of pace, though its very hard (lol), because regular qsmp was starting to feel a bit stale to him and he was kind of running out of things to do. THATS A GREAT THING! managing player engagement like that is awesome and sometimes necessary. YES, purgatory caters to a very different playstyle than what we're used to -- and thats one of its strenghts.
a lot of hispanic creators have also felt this!!!! roier, rivers and carre most prominently have been VERY excited about this event because its similar in format to a lot of spanish speaking events like mc extremo and such. a lot of these players are also not particularly interested in rp-ing and had not been logging on very often prior to purgatory.
even roleplay regulars like tubbo, fit and bbh have shown interest in purgatory for the competitive nature of the setting!!! thats cool too!!!! something different, new possibilities to play around with. thats what the events should be about. kudos to the admins and dev teams for attempting it in such a big scale. their effort shows and all the mechanics weve seen are really fucking cool
i love the roleplay!!!!!! its one of my favorite parts of the qsmp!!!!!! but its not ALL there is and it shouldnt be! non rp-oriented creators are also part of the project and deserve to have a little fun too -- not to mention a big chunk of the hispanic fan community that has blown up twitter with support bc what we have rn is similar to events they already love!!!!!!! im glad to see so many of them get excited again!!!!!!
at the end of the day, qsmp is a LONG long term project, and purgatory ends in two weeks. by the time its over, we can all choose to engage with it as we wish. it can be a big filler episode in your mind, if you want. it can be just for fun..... otherwise, if its not fun, your regularly scheduled qsmp will be back soon anyway :3 its fine to not like it, its fine to have something negative to say about it if properly tagged and not like. crazy entitled or blown out of proportion for what this situation is.
i just hope we can all manage our online experiences accordingly and avoid making things less enjoyable for each other. this is supposed to be fun
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crushedsweets · 1 month
(30 asks..)
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the reason i added it to my AU was a nod towards Ann being popularly (?) shipped with Tim way back in the day! her reasoning is prob just some 'i like my men with muscles and beards' or something LMFAOOOOOOO
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I APPRECIATE YOU!! youre so sweet and im glad it helps !
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only english!
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in my au, i could possibly see her in a long denim skirt... and there was that one alpite drawing of her in the miniskirt... looked really cute LOL
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please release me from my prison.
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let the man dance. . . must he stand perfectly still. . . ?
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i think her smile is sooo perfect. shes perfect.
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LOL AS USUAL, toby clocky nina EJ and kate. my fave is between toby and nina
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THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR LEAVING SUCH A SWEET MESSAGE!!! it makes me so happy when you guys enjoy the stuff im putting out, especially since im enjoying creating it! i have a lot more free time now since two of my accelerated classes ended, so im just always thinking about.. them... LOL ty again also ur english is perfect!
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i didnt care for it just cuz i loved the OG so much, but i totally understand why the creator did it - being berated and bullied and harassed for years at such a young age over a fun little character you made . . . i would want to "fix it" as well. but i think ninas original concept was scary in its own right! i think copy cat killers and true crime fanatics are haunting and OG nina reflected that!!!
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HE'S GOT LAZARI thats his ..half daughter half sister figure. LOL. maybe dina too ive been thinking abt that a lot... omfg and lulu...
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?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?? CHAT.
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i have! i read a bit about it and whatnot in 2023, but i didnt get fully into it! im too stuck in my own world ... RIP
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ive drawn him once before! i really didnt like it . LOLLLLLLL i deleted it like a couple days after posting ... ill think about doing it again!
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ive been meaning to draw her with them all up her right arm+both hands+back and peaking up her neck, but i keep forgetting!!!! i only seem to remember with jane , but thats cuz its like ... very fundamental to her design LOL
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yea but it wasnt my thing... very cool concept, but the humor and pacing wasnt my taste!
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i have actually!! way back in like 2020, one of my friends made me HAHA but i kept falling asleep during it . . .
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CRISPY IS CRAZY LOL but yeah. i love her too. LOL
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release him...
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HAHA YEAH I CHANGED IT A WHILE BACK..and now im debating changing it again... omg
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thank you anon!! youre a sweetheart
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yonpote · 3 months
another thing is like... under capitalism, business success and wealth begin to alienate you from others who don't have that. and that alienation can feed into greed, like why not keep investing and making business deals and buying expensive stuff? and no one around is really going to call you out because they are either capitalist hacks or maybe people who once struggled who now rely on you.
so like, I don't inherently expect much from creators like dnp who come into money. even though they probably have more financial freedom than many other creators because of all the tours, books, games, etc (because they are good at business!)
so like, as their fans who ultimately are their consumers, I think it's good to call them out, especially because they have shown before that they have good intentions.
am I expecting much from them? no. wealth can be corrupting and speaking out comes with risk to business/career interests. but they have a special relationship with their audience, as we're mostly all fellow queer and neurodivergent people with similar interests. so we can provide feedback and be the ones to try to ground them and be like "hey that wasn't cool please do better." stopping engagement with them and their content entirely doesn't really do anything to help, unless they did something they needed to absolutely be deplatformed for. stopping engagement is a valid personal choice, but when I see stuff that begins to resemble like 'they aren't being activists right now time for everyone to unstan' I'm like... if that makes you feel better, fine, but I would rather parasocially / affectionately be like "hey I expect more from you!" in a way that is constructive. which is something I would want to do with my friends, but the difference is, if my friends didn't change or try to then I probably would distance myself from them. Whereas Dan and Phil are entertainers we don't now irl, we have a different relationship with them. but compared to many other creators, they really do tend to be more sensitive to their audience (which has helped their success).
but so this time the (mostly leftist) phannies calling them out actually got them to do a fundraiser so that's cool! even if it's because of the backlash like, that's what the point of backlash is! we should want people to change behavior. not to just abstractly punish them, for something they could be unlikely to do without pressure. though hopefully it will lead to less instances of having to pressure them.
idk this brings up interesting stuff about parasocial relationships, the transactions between creators and their audience, and capitalism. so of course I had to rant about it for a sec lol.
thats completely true! thank u for the rant lol but yeah i dont want to come across as being like, NEVER EXPECT ANYTHING FROM YOUR FAV CREATORS it was more like, with dnp specifically we know where their heart is i guess so it can be unnecessary to call for whatever. BUT you're absolutely right in that they probably wouldn't have done a charity stream were it not for pressure from fans. and maybe this is ME being parasocial but i'd like to think that this isn't for damage control or performativism (i mean it is a LITTLE cuz any publicity is a little bit abt looking good) but rather like, putting their money where their mouth is basically! and showing to their core audience like hey we care about this thing too and we fully hear you.
i was thinking about this General concept wrt dnp because i think there have been other moments where dnp were called out about something or criticized for like their more offensive humor and they stopped doing that and educated themselves which is better than most creators who put up fakeass apology videos. ive seen a lot of ppl say they want dan to talk about and apologize for his racist and sexist humor (and honestly only asking dan but not bringing up that phil also had his share of racist jokes) but it's like. at this point what further could he say? he's not a 21 year old shit head anymore (and yeah good for you for being a socially aware 21 y/o in 2024 but that offensive humor literally was just the culture of that time period) and they both have SHOWN that they have grown and even talked about it in like the pinof react video where they talked about "yeah we bullied kristen stewart a lot cuz it was just popular to make fun of her and justin bieber and that really sucks that we did that" like they have changed and shown change! they do not need to make a grand apology statement cuz like if you wanna talk performativism then lets talk about the fakeness of basically every apology video on the internet????
sorry thats unrelated to what u were talking abt but it just made me start thinking BUT YEAH THANK YOU FOR YOUR HOT TAKES!!!!
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nonbinarydeity · 1 year
HI!! i love your blog sm--like, it's AMAZING. you and remcycl333 really revolutionized LOA for me--and i really like that you and i are similar (neurodivergent, spiritual, nonbinary, etc)!! i have a couple burning questions and i think you could really help me understand myself better. FTR ive had a lot of successes with the LOA but now im working on some more stuff (career, body, etc). that i think i have some reluctance about.
me and the bestie (my subconscious) can talk to each other. what's confusing me lately, though, is that when i have these inner convos i seem to always show up as the "old" me. for example, my desired voice (#transmasc moment) is much lower but my current voice sounds higher... even though i KNOW i have a new voice, i still naturally "appear" with my old body and talk in my mind with that higher voice. i can't tell if this is my subconscious trying to tell me that i should persist until i naturally talk with a lower voice in my 4-D, or maybe i'm just so used to being "old" me that it's just a habit for now (e.g., seeing yourself mentally as a kid even though you're chronologically 35)?? like, if i'm in the state of the wish fulfilled shouldn't i naturally know that i have (in my mind) what i wanted already?
** if i visualize, i can hear my new voice UNTIL the scene ends but as soon as that's done, i'm back to thinking with my old voice until i 'remember' or remind myself that i have a new one...... it doesn't help that i have to hear my old voice all the time when i talk to my family. i think i do a good job of dismissing the 3-D though, it doesn't really sadden me.
2. i have so many desires i literally cannot keep track. i keep adding more every day bc i always find more stuff that i want and while that's great, i cannot for the life of me figure out what is the best way to manifest all of them at once. throwing everything under the umbrella of "(i am in the state of having)/i have my perfect life" seems like a good idea, but if i start to think of something else on top of it does it matter if i switch to ONLY affirming for that?? i feel like i'm in the kitchen cooking something on all four burners and i worry if i take my attention off of one "dish" it'll burn (disappear). like, they're all cooking at the same time so they'll all finish eventually... i don't want to get exhausted by being like "omg i just thought of having better mental health" -> manifesting that + "omg i just thought of getting rid of my joint pain" -> "omg i think i should manifest not having limiting beliefs" -> manifesting that and then so on and so on...
AGAIN THAKN YOU SO MUCH i owe you my life 😭
Okay, this is so sweet frr 💕 ty so much for the ask!!
Okay, so from what I can tell, you're having a problem with your inner Self at the moment. You can imagine having what you want, but as soon as you stop imagining purposefully, you revert back to the old, is that right? So for me, there's a couple things you could do!
Ask your subconscious mind what to do about it/ if it can help you! This may seem obvious, but it's there to help, so it really can be the best solution!!
Let go of the old story in your mind. Your mind is your ultimate dwelling place, it's where you are the creator! If you don't want to sound like your old voice in your mind, you don't have to! Sit for a moment and imagine your desired voice, and when you finish, remind yourself that that is YOUR voice, that is the voice that you have. It can take a little bit of reminding to get your mind on the same page as you, but the more you practice the easier it will get!! You're just in a transition phase on your mind right now, just keep imagining having it and feeling fulfilled by it. Also, don't put weight on it if you do slip back, just let it go freely and switch back, with no judgement or guilt. That voice has no power over you, you have the power 💕
As for having way too many desires, I know how you feel 😭😭 The biggest advice I can give for this is: change your dwelling state of being! When you imagine having what you want, you can imagine as many things as you want - either at the same time or one after the other. You have no limits in your imagination!
Your subconscious mind already knows each desire you have, so the only reason you're imagining is to feel the fulfillment of having it, not to get it. When you start feeling fulfilled naturally, and as you continue to fulfill each desire in your mind, you will start to notice all of your desires coming to you effortlessly!
You are in control of your Self, and as you imagine having what you want more, the idea of having it and the state of fulfillment that comes with it will become more natural! Remember that you already have your desires in the 4D, your subconscious gave it to you already! All you're doing is getting into and maintaining a state of fulfillment because it feels good, which will get you your desires by proxy 💕
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lustale · 8 months
Oh hey, I absolutely did NOT expect to noticed so quickly but hiii!! Wanna say that popping back into the UTMV fandom has been a bit rough, there's a lot of uhhh questionable users around.. So it made me really happy to see someone else who was also planning to do their own rewrite of Underlust!! I still need to read through your backlog of stuff, but I can firmly say that Sans' buckles are PEAK design. Only critique is maybe more buckles??? (jest)
Thank you for your work though, super duper cool to see you around. ^ ^
Oh, i noticed you INSTANTLY!!! (Also, its really nice seeing someone agree they dont enjoy Lust being seen as woman/girly because of who he is. Its the one rule i really have with Sans right now LMAO) But I have lots(like 5 but still xD) of Underlust accounts following me, they are so fun to see!! Ive talked directly to only one other, but you both have very unique and enjoyable content/art! I love the spikes you added to your S ans too btw??? Its so cute! And yea, dude.. I totally understand. Ive seen so many unique new users, some have.. Haha, really silly stuff going on! xD I try to ignore the weird apples and keep a open mind but sometimes i really just. Question......... Though, i will admit seeing "my era" of Undertale fans blossom (Like my Sister!) has been SO lovely!!! Specially seeing so many new artists who were in the fandom around my time grow and become the new 'big UTMV artist torch holders' have been so nice! I love the fact Undertale's Multi-Verse has had so many fresh, new, enjoyable creators to replace all of the weirdos who made the UTMV almost a gross cess-pool of fontcest and other nasty shit :// And thank you!!! God, i might make that a alt outfit... I think the buckles were the only thing next to the belt/longer coat and height change were the only things?? Since Sans' original design is still so ICONIC!!! I couldnt help myself with the buckles xDD But, thank YOU for supporting me!!!! Creators like you who enjoy/support me make me smile!!!! :} Its also why i still feel so, so confident in my attempt with Lusttale! Although im 100% aware Lusttale wont ever be *the* Underlust, its still a AU i love and seeing people welcome it as the new Underlust has also grown my confidence (Still, so sorry if i sound arrogant. I really dont mean to have the "chosen one" attitude and despite the owner making content i really dont agree with i dont want to disrespect, i just right now really feel more comfortable and 'in my zone' to continue Lusttale as a replacement for Underlust)
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im gonna preface this with saying i wasnt on tumblr as much post civil war so idk the extent how bad things got though i saw some and im aware that's where alot of the drama is from but im kinda confused about the hate towards the stucky fans?
From what i can tell the ship was and hugely popular and still is to a degree though not to the same extent as before. Im sure with a fandom that massive you'd get alot of assholes in it just cuz sheer numbers. But its also so massive it also seems less cohesive and less likely to feel like a community like. Anytime ive been in part or smaller fandoms its felt more community like.
Because so few people make the content you get to like know alot of them by name maybe even reached out to quite a few commented on their posts encouraging them and because it was a smaller fandom they note you individually commenting more maybe reach out to you that kinda thing.
You probably even like similar subtropes and characterization because its a small fandom there will be less variety to that sorta thing. If you dont it will be less fun you might drop the fandom.
So then when one of you is a dick you feel a bit more reponsibilty to talk to them about it. Because you are more tight knit it will reflect more poorly on the fandom when a few of you are dicks that havent been kicked out if they not stopping their dick behavior.
So i will side eye smaller fandoms for not kicking out the dick.
But bigger fandom this isnt the case. They get all this fancontent regardless and those content creators get a shit ton more comments. They less likely to notice individuals commenting and the audience less likely to keep track of them. Sure maybe you reach out to certain individuals you like maybe even get close but it's more individuals. Within the big fandoms theres more variety too kinda sub fandoms like for say very popular ships there are people who prefer x characterization or relationship dynamic and not y so if they do get involved in a community it for the x sub community in the fandom. And they arent really involved in the y sub community within the same fandom they dont really communicate much at all you dont see or straight up avoid the other content.
And stucky is like large enough fandom or i remember being large enough in the past that that it would be kinda meaningless to give them an indentity as a whole. You might as well be salty at all MCU fans
I mean its much more variety than Stucky fans but the same idea its a large and diverse enough group of people that i cant really imagine an identity for them all so the salt towards Stucky fans seems odd. Unless you hate the ship in general and dont like seeing it. In which case its popularity would be irritating because it was less avoidable i get that.
The first sentence is the reason you’re not sure why: you weren’t here during CACW.
You couldn’t block enough people. They genuinely thought that Sharon and Steve kissing was there to stop Marvel from making Steve and Bucky a canon ship — something that must be emphasized was never hinted at by a single cast or crew member, they always called those two “like brothers”, especially their actors and the directors — and that Steve and Bucky were queerbaiting (no, they weren’t). Pre-Endgame, they were coming after Sharon fans all the time, we saw people run off of tumblr because of it, and they teamed up with Steve and Peggy fans up until Endgame. That changed when Steve went back in time to be with Peggy because before, she was assumed to have always been his past. From what I’ve heard, they stopped worrying about Sharon and turned on Steve and Peggy shippers, but we still got a lot of shit from them around 2019.
It didn’t help when it was implied that Sharon would flirt with Sam and/or Bucky in FatWS, because that could still stop Steve and Bucky from getting together (despite that ship having nary a plank of wood to drift on from Marvel), and then they came out of the woodworks again to shit on Sharon. It really is just misogyny disguised as wanting representation ~60% of the time.
And their vocal hate has lead to shitty writing decisions for her character in the MCU during 2021 (FatWS, What If?) that many people didn’t like, whereas bitter shippers were saying it was “proof she’d always been evil”/they “always knew”.
And it wasn’t just towards Sharon and Peggy, they really didn’t care for Sam either, and sometimes even Nat. Tony neither, but the racism towards Sam, like they kept throwing the “like brothers” argument about Steve and Sam, and in polls they’d leave him out a lot, and it was only done with Sam.
Whether or not things changed now, I don’t know. I do know I still have to block users. A vocal minority of a majority is still very vocal.
TL;DR a lot of fingers in their ears screaming “la la la” at the top of their lungs to make it seem as Marvel didn’t tell them “no” a hundred times about their ship and that it was all Sharon’s fault for existing.
~Mod R
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dyketubbo · 2 years
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^me when i am listening and i want to hear your thoughts
ok so basically i think assigning a gender binary to original nonhumans is very weird. like if youre making a character based off an already existing species with sexual dimorphism sure!! obviously im not going to side-eye like. furry comics where the clear intent is to just have humanoid animals especially when the animal also has a vague sex binary like humans do (i say vague because, well, exceptions exist very often)
but when it comes to say.. endermen. or making an alien species. or even just an original species thats not just like. a bird combined with something or whatever. i think its very boring to just give them a male/female binary anyways. and i know theres still nonbinary characters in stories like this, but i mean like.. if youre making characters that arent supposed to be human, why emulate humanity? i could understand maybe if they were made to mimic humanity, or if theyre a minority in their vague sex binary, but ive seen many stories and art etc etc where the standard is clearly. male and female binary and the occasional nonbinary character
but. nature isnt really like that. sure in many species because of how sexual reproduction works theres the sex that carries and the sex that inseminates but theres also animals whose sex changes, or you could be creative and base the species off plants, or just make them able to both carry and inseminate, or even just explore asexual reproduction
and its only even more pushed with, well, exploring queer narratives with nonhumans. this isnt to say i dont enjoy them, i definitely do, but i feel like theres much more exciting ways to explore queer narratives with nonhumans that. isnt just like, oh they have Our gender system, or oh theyre just like us but different terms, or oh they Dont have gender but then they find out about Human genders and experiment!! i do have a slight bias with that last one though because i do think its one of the least explored in actual potential just that. in most cases its a little boring. give some spice to how robots would explore the gender binary rather than just giving them the appearance of a male or female and having them be vaguely clueless about gender. explore how humans would force the gender binary on them instead of just giving each a blank state explore how humans will inevitably force our gender system onto nonhuman creatures
and in fact, that last bit is Why i think i never connect easily to like.. say, endermen but they have a gender binary even though ingame you literally cannot tell the difference between any of them. its really just. humans will often assume gender even onto species that just would not experience gender like us. even trans creators will often do this, and i get it, like. the easiest way to tell the reader what gender a character is is by giving them human gender traits, like top surgery for a character belonging to a species that. doesnt have tits. or tits on a transfem character, uh. again, on a character belonging to a species that wouldnt have tits (yes this is vaguely about binary trans cranboo/oranboo depictions not to say i dont like those headcanons but it does make me tilt my head a little to like. think about the implications of endermen having binary sexes. why would they)
but.. i dont know. as a nonbinary person who connects a lot to nonhuman narratives i guess its disheartening. it also feels like, i dont want to say white centered or like a western ideal, because that would be inaccurate and i dont want anyone to imply that those could be driving reasons, but. it can sometimes feel like a passing over of the complex gender systems in various human cultures as well
i dunno. nature is very very varied in gender/sex presentation and not even just in animals. why limit your nonhuman species to how human sexes and genders work (and how sexuality works, even). get creative. at the very least if youre going to have gender markers dont make it be the tits humans are like the only species that works like that. come on
which is basically to say why are we giving endermen fucking tits i dont think they even have nipples they might not even be mammals at all i understand projection and all and wanting to show off trans experiences even but like cant we be creative. wouldnt that be nice and fun
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multi-lefaiye · 2 years
ive been rotating what little i know about Alekto Cudaas in my mind since yesterday and would please like to hear More (no pressure tho)
thank you,,,, you are in luck because Alekto is the character in CUDAAS that i rotate around in my mind the most and at the highest velocity!! 9/10 times when i'm thinking about this story, i'm probably just thinking about Alekto in some way asdjfk;l
ok idk how long this gets,,, i'm so sorry nico u may have unleashed a Monster. so i'll type this up and if i need to i will put it under a cut <3
CW: implied/referenced physical abuse and discussion of romance!
anyway so! Alekto! my beloved!!!! they originally were, like. very much a background character i made to round out the world a bit, but then i thought more about the three character traits i gave them and went "wait there's actually something interesting here." so now they're one of the main POV characters. <3
okay i'm not quite sure how much i wanna ramble because this is still in pretty early development, but i'll share some Alekto Facts™ and elaborate on some things from the powerpoint.
so Alekto is a very gentle character for the most part. they've seen a LOT of violence and cruelty in their time, and they've had a lot of it directed at themself (even from other guardians in their original flock). so as a result they're loathe to show that same cruelty to anyone else, and they won't engage in violence unless absolutely necessary.
that doesn't mean they can't kick the shit out of someone if needed, though! Alekto is very small but very physically strong, and they've learned to use their magic (which is more defensive) to fight if they need.
'cause that's a thing i haven't really talked about much!!!! guardians each have some magic, and usually it differs from guardian to guardian and is highly specialized. wildlings have magic, too, but theirs isn't as specialized and not always unique to each wildling.
Alekto's magic specifically is that they can create shields out of pure energy, essentially little forcefields. and though that is a defensive power they've gotten creative and figured out how to use it in a fight to their advantage.
for example, like... i have this scene in mind with Alekto and Narkissos sparring, and their magic is meant to complement each other's (Narkissos can do essentially the same thing they can, but he makes blades instead of shields), which means they're uniquely able to counter each other in a way most can't. also Alekto is strong enough that they can just. pick Narkissos up and fucking throw her, despite her being a solid foot taller.
okay physical stuff aside, one thing i really like about Alekto is that they are deeply fascinated with life and the act of creation. to most guardians, creation is something reserved for the gods, so Alekto's love for art could, in a way, be considered an insult to their creator. and i think that could partly be why they like it--not because they view themself as a god or because they view the gods as inferior, but because they just love to create and breathe life into things in a metaphorical sense.
Alekto paints, draws, sculpts, weaves... they just love to make things!!! it's their favorite thing to do and it helps them relax and be happy more than anything else does. they don't usually share a lot of their creations, but they just like makin' em.
i have this idea of like... either as an AU or maybe something later in the series, but Alekto would love being an art teacher. just something to think about <3
okay this is a little long but uhhh the last thing i will talk a little about is Alekto's relationship with Hekate!!! because that's kinda what spurred this into an actual story.
SO yeah i'm not being subtle at all but Hekate and Alekto's relationship eventually becomes romantic as the story continues!!! but the romance isn't the reason why it's so important to me: it's important because it's the catalyst for both of them to change dramatically as people, and also because i just feel so Soft™ for them,,,,
Alekto and Hekate's relationship is defined primarily by acts of service and helping each other. it starts really small, but soon it becomes a huge theme with them. Alekto feels like their purpose in life is to be useful to others and help them, and they have a lot of issues letting others help them with anything or showing any kind of vulnerability, because in their old flock that would result in them being punished harshly. but then Hekate comes along, and over time he becomes the first person they open up to and show vulnerability around.
a lot of Alekto's character arc, aside from realizing how fucked up the system they exist in is and wanting to change it for the better, centers around them learning to be vulnerable and allow others to help them.
i do really want to write this one scene i've had in mind for a while that's just... Alekto saves Hekate, and as they're healing him he asks them teasingly, "When will it be my turn to help you?" and they don't have an answer for that </3 but it's a really important moment and a bit of a turning point,,,,
okay thank you sorry for how long this is, i just love Alekto with my whole heart <3
to wrap things up. here is a meme that sums up where i think Alekto's character arc is going after book one.
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[Image Description: A screenshot of a question and answer from Yahoo Answers (?). The question reads: "Are you tired of being nice?" and the follow-up reads: "Don't you just want to go ape shitt" End ID.]
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ill eventually make a proper, pretty intro-post
but hello, hi, i am Kaiden-Shenandoah Knapp
also, yes, Kaiden-Shenandoah is my first name. the hyphen is optional, but you still have to type/say the whole thing. no, you may not call me "Kaiden". yes, i am aware it is a mouthful lol
(probably gonna change my surname is "Knapping" in a few years. i wanna distance myself from some shitty family while making the Indigeneity in my surname more apparent. dont be surprised when that happens. im just putting it off bc i got a lot on my plate rn lol)
(also if you knew me as "Kayleen", hi, hello, i no longer go by that childhood nickname. it is retired, wave goodbye, better to have loved and lost and all that)
this is my messily mindless "welcome to my head" blog, we do things very casually here. im making it my new Main (as of 24 March 2024). my professional/art blog is @kaidenshenandoahknapp
but the real point of this post is: i am not a bot lol
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and also, stuff is on a queue (until i do a mass-reblog binge but, typically, i am on queue)
everything in my queue is now 2 post per 24 hours (as of: 20 April 2024)
ive been on tumblr before, but since this is a new Main, im just going through my favorite content-creation blogs i know and mass-queueing loads of the op's projects. (if you are one of those said blogs and find this 4 new notes a day from me annoying, please let me know; and i will just spam them all to Post Now so i can get out of your hair asap) i'm also just not good at regularly keeping up with creators' new stuff week-by-week, so instead i generally mass-queue because i assume mass-reblogging is a bit more overwhelming, idk, maybe im just overthinking lol
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tags guide: (mostly for me, ngl lol i need reminders of what i tag what when i do my mass-queues)
#me - me posting something
#relatable - "omg that is so me" at someone else's post
#aesthetic - me just really liking the vibes, which sometimes just also happens to be pretty to look at lmao
#canines wolves and werewolves i love - i know what i am about. ill probably have more "niche My Special Interest tags" as i find posts that fit them
#other people's art - any individual person, not counting final version of studio work (like ill tag "Lilo and Stitch"'s exploratory concept art with this, sure, but i wont tag stills of the "Lilo and Stitch" film)
↳ #animal art
↳ #background art
↳ #oc art - is all "my original character in a canon piece" kind of ocs, not the "my original character in my original story" type
↳ there are also specifically listed artists here and there if they have influenced me/my style in the past or recently (such as but not limited to: #rvsa). almost all of them are indies with social media (aka: no Van Gogh, no Hayao Miyazaki. if they have their own fandom, i tag said fandom and not the specific artist, usually. it depends. there are some gray areas)
#brushes - the (digital) brushes people i like use
#art tips
#writing tips - is about actually doing the practice
#on writing - is the philsophy about the practice
#[insert fandom here]
#[insert fandom here] analysis
(here are the tags i chose for some fandoms that had multiple possible tags)
● #studio ghibli, #[insert studio ghibli title here] (i tag both the movie itself and studio. because sometimes i want something from the original movie, so i go into those tags; and i also go to the studio to look at overarching things since the studio has such a strong overall aesthetic/visual brand)
● #[insert disney title] (here, i do tag the specific movies and i dont just use the studio. because im usually looking for specific things this one disney movie has)
● #moomin (as opposed to "moominvalley", "tales of moominvalley", or the like)
● #my hero academia (so many different options for one work)
● #trigun (so many different branching creations from one source lmao im just gonna lump them together)
● #into the spiderverse (i dont use "across the spiderverse" for simplicity's sake, and i don't use the hyphen/space between "spider(-)verse" also for simplicity. its easier for me to be consistent if i just go "nah, its all one word")
● #marvel comics (i do not tag the mcu specifically)
● #dc comics, #batman (i tag both. but i dont tag any other dc comics property. i just know im esp obsessed with the batfam enough that, sure, they should get their own tag)
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queenofnohr · 2 years
ive only seen some of your ocs names mentioned in tags so how about 2 for all of them? to get a feel for them. and since you’ve been posting about soap, maybe 6? or is it illegal to know what you’ve got cooking
aaaaaaaaaaaaaa okay okay. It's not illegal, don’t worry, buuuuuuuuuuuut.......... I don’t wanna speak on them just in case I change my mind >~<
as for #2 - I'll answer for all the Ajax shards, but lmk if you wanted the Asha/Moros shards and I'll harass Asha's player for that info haha!!! :D
2. What do strangers notice about them first?
Aias - Hmmmmmmmmmmmm. If he has his shirt off, definitely his tits. Not even in a sexual way, necessarily, they're just so. Big. It's hard not to notice, yaknow? If he has his shirt on, though...... probably the way his horns/scales are that pure pure white since they're almost glowing, almost like they were carved from bits of the moon.
Ajax - So I hc that hair is probably important for Ancients, and probably the first thing people look at? Since clothing is standardized and masks usually cover the face. It seems Ancients have lots of freedom when it comes to hair! Since that's kind of an all-encompassing answer, I'll tell you what people usually assume when seeing his hair. I've never drawn him before and he's impossible to make in xiv's character creator, but his hair is verrrrryyyyyyy long and verrrrrry red with a sorta orangey-gold gradient at the ends. I think people would assume right away that he's kinda pompous and showboat-y, and they'd be right (at least about the latter)
Cessair - Definitely how big he is. He's a hume, but he's basketball player height (actually a little taller than most even then at 6'10") and very stocky. People usually think he must have some Galdjent blood in him or that they wouldn't be surprised if he was a werewolf or something LOL
Arvelle - His face. He's easily the prettiest of the Ajax shards. Yes, I'm including Miserere Mei in that. But honestly, he's just sorta...... stupidly pretty. And people notice that first LMAOOOOO
Doloroso - Honestly his huge fuckoff Edward Scissorhands claws should probably be first, but I really think it's his constantly weeping black void mud. This is simply based on the fact that I feel like most people might not even comprehend that the claws are a part of him, but they'd definitely notice the muddy tears running down the deathly pallor of his face 😭😭😭
Miserere Mei - This is tough actually LOL. From the front, probably his eyes. They're yellow with a red limbal ring and he has the meanest fucking look in his eyes. From the back it's definitely his tail. I haven't fully settled on a design yet, but it's going to resemble a centipede or isopod or somesuch....... complete with legs that scuttle out of his control :)
Bija - The tattoos on his face, definitely, and his gold gold eyes that match said tattoos.
Hyacinthe - Well, she paints her face in the blood she remembers splattering on her face both when her village was slaughtered and when she was the one doing the slaughtering for revenge, so....... probably that LOL.
Kouyou - This one is also hard because as a kitsune, Kouyou is a shapeshifter....... I suppose, hmmmmm. His fox-like grin. And soon after his big fangsies. There's something about him where you'd wanna keep your eyes on his mouth, I think. As if you could catch his lies by watching it.
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10 Best Pokemon Unbound Cheats Of
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥 You can even get a few cool things by doing so. Forgot password? Account Name. Password Forgot password? Keep me signed in. Community members will not see the footer advertisement. Seen December 31st, Yo, I need some help, I'm trying to enter the great desert and the game black screens. Same thing happens when I enter the day care. Respond Ignore User Report. Age Originally Posted by ski bum [ Original Post ]. Seen 2 Weeks Ago. Any word on if the gen 8 sprites will be added to the data? Even if Skeli doesn't want to rework the routes, allowing us to trade from Radical Red or BFD would be a decent alternative. Seen March 14th, Hey I completed this hack and I absolutely loved it. The map is gorgeous and the city and town design is also pretty good. I just felt it could be little more darker than it is now. You could throw in some blood Instead of burning during character deaths. Also the story was pretty simple and there is a slight drag in it. Please consider this constructive criticism. Overall, its a pretty good game and I haven't found a single bug or glitch in my entire play through. Very few hacks achieve this. Thank you for giving us Unbound! Is there really no way to gain access to the Pokemon Stunky until late game if you don't have the right rng to get him as an egg early game? Cause I really want one but dont know where to look to access one. Is there any way to obtain stunky other than the egg in Bellin town? Please help! Seen January 29th, I can only get the Battle tower demo to play and the full game comes up as a patch. Originally Posted by Mrlvlup [ Original Post ]. Seen January 2nd, Anyone know if there is a Cinder Volcano raid den? Riddhwimaan Mukherjee. Seen October 9th, Originally Posted by alexthegreat [ Original Post ]. Really enjoying the hack so far, just wanted to pop in to report a bug! Currently in Antisis City, just completed the socks mission and was heading back through a pipe when I realised I could just shortcut back with an escape rope. I did, just to find my sprite is now permanently stuck in the crawling sprite animations. Returning to the pipe instead replaces the spriteset with another character's one - spoilering in case Spoiler :. Seen March 12th, I want to battle the creator of the game and the other guys inside the house at Dahara city but they act like we already battled and they say comeback tommorow but i havent even battle with them. Does anyone know what to do to battle them? I have won the league And after saving mother from the tuins of void is there anything else to do postgame that includes battles. Seen June 13th, I think that gym 2's forced stealth section is badly designed. It's hard to make practically pixel perfect inputs to get into the 1 tile crevices if you're using auto-run and no, I don't think turning it off is going to be helpful. This game looks promising, so maybe I'll use a walk-through-walls code, but I shouldn't have to use a code to get past an unfair and required part of the game. Seen October 6th, Downloaded Unbound yesterday and was having a lot of fun with the game, then I got stuck. Theres 2 trainers on route 5 that are protecting an item. I made it past without battling them, but when leaving they initiated a battle with me and now theyre blocking the exit. Ive tried a noclip cheat, Ive tried exiting and reentering, Ive tried completely closing and reopening my emulator but they wont move. Need help. Dr Dovel. Seen March 22nd, Any info on when next update is? Have very much enjoyed this and still am, keep up the great work! Seen November 27th, Having a bit of trouble with the Treasure Hunter mission, does anyone know where item 2 is? I have found the other 10 items but keep missing this last one. Thanks for the help! The shiny rate have been changed? Because, I catch a shiny zubat in the first cave of the game. Now it is a beautiful crobat at level 70 and I love him. Seen November 12th, Originally Posted by d [ Original Post ]. Oh, then I guess I'm not finishing this then. Any game that makes you savestate scum is a hard pass in my book. Guess I'll watch a Let's Play. Thanks for the heads up. Seen January 5th, Originally Posted by Dieppa3 [ Original Post ].
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northern-passage · 3 years
hello i hope you are having a good day/night was wanting to ask if you did write any other games before this one or did you publish stories or something,,, i am trying to work on an IF but this is my first time and i do write but i have never published anything i also usually get bored fast and just yeah your story is so so good and you put a lot of effort and work into it just wondering if you have any tips or advice like the thought of publishing something is terrifying and i don’t know if i can do it i just don’t have faith in myself
i have not published anything before this!!!
i worked as an editor in college for our creative writing club/group and do technically have credit for that as we did publish an anthology together but i never submitted anything myself to be published, i just helped behind the scenes.
ive always done a bit of writing here and there for myself, and have had story ideas brewing in my mind but nothing i’ve ever gone out and finished or anything. kinda just writing for myself before this. technically i’ve always been much more of a reader than a writer.....
and like. i worked on the tnp prologue for...hmm.....maybe a month before i published it on the forums? part of that was simply mental illness x LOL i got fixated and it wasn’t healthy and i also already had a lot of the story beforehand because it was going to be a dnd campaign... but that’s not the point. i wrote the prologue and was kinda just sitting with it before biting the bullet and posting it. and i didnt really read a lot of interactive fiction before this last summer. i just happened to follow an artist that was into it and that was how i got introduced to everything and realized it was something i could just do!!! and that it would be a cool way to share a story and get feedback
i published my demo in august and like...whew if u read the first version of the prologue u get a veteran’s discount. it wasn’t BAD but it needed a lot of work. it sucks getting criticisms and that’s definitely...a big thing to get over in the beginning. the mortifying ordeal of sharing ur writing. but it’s helped me A Lot and tnp is only as good as it is because i decided to share it and subject myself to the mortifying ordeal lmao
also getting bored is something that happens! it just does. all creatives get bored with their work sometimes or just move on but it doesnt make u any less of a writer or artist or anything. there’s that one tiktok by ghosthoney....taking a break even if it’s for years doesnt take away from the fact that you’re a creator.
my biggest tips are just. first things first you just gotta go for it. just start writing, even if you don’t publish it. don’t feel like you NEED to publish stuff, especially if you’re not ready, and never feel like you need to ‘rush’ or anything. you have all the time in the world to write at ur own pace. and while i can’t promise u that one day you’ll wake up and just be like “i’m ready” a la spongebob...there will definitely come a day where u just make that jump. that’s what i did
second is try not to compare urself to others too much, especially when it comes to like...numbers? so like word counts, followers, updates, etc. like everyone writes at their own pace and some ppl are fast as hell whereas others take a lot longer and it’s just something that is personal. don’t compare the attention someone else might get to what you get - some ppl just have more vocal audiences than others and it doesnt mean ur any less appreciated. also being on the internet be sure to set ur own boundaries, what ur comfortable with, etc. 
and again...publishing stuff does take courage and you gotta be ready for feedback. some of it will be genuinely helpful...some of it will not. and especially with IF, people might try and pressure you to make things a certain way. that was one thing i wasn’t really expecting? and sometimes as i said suggestions are actually helpful, because you really can’t think of everything on your own and another set of eyes helps round out choices, but there are also some that want things to go in a completely different direction and you got to make sure it’s actually something YOU want, something that fits the story, and not just something you’re doing to please readers.
the tone and setting of tnp and the fact that i have a bit of a more defined mc makes some of the suggestions i get just....not good LOL and you just got be ready to filter that kind of feedback
and with writing to publish, keep in mind that people’s tastes are unpredictable. you can almost never guess how people will react or what they will like, and something not being immediately popular doesn't mean it's bad or you should change the way you're writing, though you will want to keep ur audience in mind. and as for your audience, you may not attract the people you expect, and there’s really no way to control that - but again setting your own boundaries is most important, first and foremost.
posting stuff publicly is really just a wild card. there’s no one universal experience - it’s unpredictable, it’s scary, it’s hard, but it can also be really really rewarding
i also will say i got lucky that about a month and half? maybe? after i published my demo i joined an authors server that has been a HUGE help. i could totally hit u with that if you’re interested!! having a group of authors to talk to that “get it” is very nice. definitely try to interact with and follow other authors you like - in my experience they almost are always down to answer questions and offer help :-)
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clockworkreapers · 3 years
what are your tips for making good fantrolls, ive been stuck on it for a while
I am so sorry I left this one in the box for a while, I've been very distracted but I hope this can help.
Note neither I or anyone else should be the say all end all for characters, especially OCs because they are yours you should be able to have the freedom to do what you want. I also wont touch on things like clothing or visual designs because those while they can make a character look cool they arent what make a good character. Just like people someone’s looks dont relate to how interesting, nice, or relatable they are. However these are things that work for me. “Good” is up to interpretation but what I can tell you is what makes a solid and understandable or relatable character. 
One thing that really helps with any type of character are cornerstones!(they can also be called core themes but it just means the same thing) I know I have said this before but cornerstones are extremely helpful when making a character. They can help with design the most but can also give you lil hints at personalities. Think of it like an oak tree seed. You plant the seed and it grows, it has different branches that go off from its core but it's all part of the same tree. Cornerstones can be anything and with a bit of research you have pretty much everything you need, not to mention it will go super fast. Example: Troll based on Aconitum. 
This plant is commonly known as wolf's-bane, give them a wolf lusus and wolf ear horns. (or you could use any of the other nicknames)
The flower is purple,make them a purple blood.
Gender identity: presents as female due to the other nicknames “women's bane” or “queen of poisons”
Aconitum comes from the Greek ἀκόνιτον, which may derive from the Greek akon for dart or javelin, there's your weapon. 
Name? Easy could be any of these if you wanna do 6 letters: firmum, flavum, or pascoi. Each are part of the species of Aconitum.
That took maybe 10 minutes looking through wikipedia. So this is like a really easy way to make a character who has a solid theme. So you see how helpful cornerstones are especially with trolls since they are usually based on themes! (also yes anyone can use the example)
Personalities are always big ones. Character personalities will also change overtime but characters who are really enjoyed by people are ones who are understandable and relatable. You can even pull off god mode characters if you have the personality and reasons to match up with your character.
Questioning: Usually the more you ask questions about a character like “Does that match them?” you will slowly start to see a personality form. The best characters are ones you don't actually control and you know you have one where they kind of start telling you things about them. Instead of you commanding like “He/she/they do this” it changes to a question “Would He/she/they do this?” and the character will give you an answer. This also allows a character to sort of grow into their own so they're not just copies of their creator’s personality and whims. 
Realism: Now realism doesn't mean “non fiction” in this sense, what it means is that a character acts in realistic ways to their environments and stimulus. You sort of need to think about what they would do in situations that would arise in their environment and how they would react based on what you know about them. Things like RP or putting characters in different AU’s helps a lot with this but you can also do it with just coming up with a random prompt and sticking them in it. With realism you also need to know what your characters' limits are, what they can and can't do or what they would and wouldn't do. Trust me giving characters limits to their power isn't bad, it actually makes them more relatable, just like us there's always someone better than us but there's also always someone worse off. Reasons: Every character has their reasons, even super powerful characters have to have reasons to be understood. They can have logical reasons or emotional reasons, it always depends on the character but a mix of both is the best one. 
I hope this helps! Also please remember this is just what I have found works for me, everyone will have their own way to create and each way is just as valid! If anyone wants to add on what works for them go for it!
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vintagesimstress · 4 years
IV. The most useful meshing tools in Blender
(Previous: IIIb. Method II: The sneaky way)
Only in my own, very subjective opinion, of course. I bet many other creators would disagree with me on this selection, but those are the tools I use almost every time when I mesh something new.
This part is going to look a bit different that the previous ones: it won't be a step-by-step guide, but rather a short explanation of different options (some of which I already partially covered) and their possible usefulness, so that you could just implement whichever you want in your own projects.
1. Snap to symmetry
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You can find this option in that dropdown (dropup?) menu hidden under the 'Mesh' button, in the bottom bar. It does just what it says on the tin: if a vertex on the left side on your mesh has it's exact equivalent on the right side (so, let's say, vertex A has x = 20, and vertex B has x = -20, and y and z are the same), Blender will recognise them as mirrored.
Make sure to use this option only on parts which really are symetrical! Otherwise you might end up with some of your vertices being symmetrised and others not, and then it'll all become a hot mess. So, in case of our dress, you shouldn't use it on the skirt, but it's perfectly safe to use it on the upper body parts, which are, by default, completely symmetrical – even if Blender doesn't necessarily know it yet. Of course, that applies only if you used the same top as me – I can't speak for others!
2. X mirror
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A follow-up to the whole symmetrising process. You can find that option in the toolbar on the left (T), in the 'Options' tab. Just tick it. And now select any vertex of your symmetrised top and move it wildly around. You'll notice that the same happens on the other side of the mesh as well.
3. Proportional editing
I know, I know, we've already used it so many times...! But proportional editing is pure magic and I think it deserves another mention. Depending on the falloff type, you can use it to quickly create a variety of different shapes. Just as a reminder: you turn it on by pressing either O (for all vertices) or alt+O (only for connected vertices) and then select the falloff type in that bottom bar. By default it's set to 'Smooth', which is probably the most universal option. You can make a bigger or smaller area affected by your edits by moving the mouse scroll – by default it's set to VERY big, so probably your whole mesh will be moving. Don't panic and just scroll until you see a white circle – that's exactly the 'affected area'.
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Why mention it now? Because combined with the 2 previous tools it's a perfect way to make those 1890s puffs! Let's take a look at it, shall we?
Practical Application Corner
I think by now I can admit it: the dress I'm trying to make here with you is this 1897 wedding dress:
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As you can see, the dress has some shoulder-puffs: moderate in volume and rather roundish, so they shouldn't be hard to make. I already symmetrised the mesh, turned on the x mirror and proportional editing. I'll just change the falloff type to 'Sphere' and I'm ready to go.
Now I'll simply select a vertex on one of the shoulders and move it up. It's probably the best to do it while looking at the mesh from the front (num 1) - that'll make it easier to see what's going on.
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Doesn't look bad, but I'm aware that the puff is still very 2D. You can see it very well if you switch to top view (num 7). To solve this problem, I'll select two vertices this time, one on the front of the puff and another on the back, and scale them – still with all the same options. Much better!
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If you want to, you can spend some more time fine tuning your puff. Depending on how much you enlarged it, you might also want to select both puffs, turn triangles into quads (alt+j), then subdivide it smooth (W, select from the dropdown menu) and change to tris again (ctrl+t). However, it might be quite difficult to just 'select your puff' now, so maybe wait with it till the next part, where I'll talk about uv maps...? That'd make stuff a lot easier.
4. Dissolving
That's a very simple and very useful tool, which lets you just dissolve – but not delete – vertices, edges or faces. What it means practically is that if you use it instead of deleting, you won't get a hole in your mesh. Lets say you subdivided your puffs, triangulated them again and discovered some weird lines here and there...
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When you switch to edit mode, you immediately see that it's because some of your new vertices aren't proprely connected. At the same time you see that if you let Blender do it automatically, you'll be left with very unpleasant, narrow triangles. It'd be better to get rid of those diagonal lines which I marked in red.
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And how do you do it? Very simply: select them and either press x (or delete) and select 'dissolve edges' from the dropdown menu, or – while in edge select mode - simply press ctrl+x.
And how do you change them into sensible triangles? Well, you either triangulate them automatically (ctrl+t), hoping that Blender will be reasonable... Or you can use another simple yet super useful tool.
5. Knife
You activate it by pressing k. It's just what it sounds like: a tool which lets you cut your mesh in any way you want. You can use it to manually cut proper triangles (which I'm going to do right now), but also for a variety of other things. Cool feature: it gently snaps to existing vertices, so if you want to connect vertex A and vertex B, you can do it without much struggle. Press enter when you're done.
But why would you want to use it for anything else than correcting triangles? Why would you cut some random shapes in your mesh? Well, because then you could use another cool tool.
6. Extruding
The principle is very simple. You select any vertices, edges or faces you want and then press e – and suddenly new vertices, edges or faces appear. You can freely move them around, or – which is almost always a better idea – right after that 'e' you can press s to scale them, or x/y/z, to limit the movement to only one axis. You used it while making the skirt and way earlier, when you were meshing a cup. But extruding isn't limited only to this; it's also a perfect way to make 3D collars, belts, cuffs, trims, random deco – almost anything, actually.
7. Flip direction
An interesting peculiarity of Blender meshes – no idea how other software deals with it – is that meshes have only one side. In other words, if you extrude something from your main mesh – let's say, I don't know... Wings? - they will be visible from side A, but if you look from the opposite side, it'll be as if they weren't there at all. Perfectly invisible. That's why in case of such parts you have to duplicate them and then flip direction of that copy, to get the texture on both sides.
Select the part you want to duplicate. Chances are the texture is not even all on one side; in such case press ctrl+n or open the left bar (T) and, in the Shading/UV tab, choose 'Recalculate'. Now press shift+d to duplicate, press enter immediately, and from the same tab select 'Flip Direction'. Your mesh should be double-sided now.
Practical Application Corner
I want to make that weirdly shaped deco piece my dress is supposed to have on the front. I dissolved some edges and recut them, to get a pretty smooth curve, and now I'm going to extrude it. Whoops, I almost forgot to turn off the X mirror!
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So I press e and, immediately afterwards, y, to extrude that part to the front.
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As expected, the extruded part became a mess. I'll switch to face select, select all the faces and then hit 'Recalculate'.
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And here comes the surprise: I won't duplicate it and flip direction immediately. First I'd like to adjust it, so that it sits perfectly; some subdividing, some proportional editing, moving vertices around to get a natural, smooth look. Creating the other side is usually the very last thing I do, just before taking in-game screenshots and posting my CC. Single vertices are easier to deal with, and every piece requires tons of corrections and small adjustments, long after you first think it's already done.
In any case, in some distant future, when I'm sure that this... Frill? What even is this? ...works properly, I'll select those faces again, press shift+d, enter, and then flip direction. Let's just see how it'd look now...
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The frill is double-sided. Victory!
8. Knife project
My absolute favourite tool ever, which I use in almost every second mesh. Similar to knife, but way more sophisticated. It lets you project a shape of one object on another one, cutting it into the mesh. Let me explain...
So, let's say your dress is supposed to have a round collar. You could dissolve some edges, make new ones and move already existing vertices, hoping to get that perfect, round shape – but for reasons which we'll discuss next time (uv-1) I would advise against it. So what's the alternative?
Go into object mode and create a new circle (shift+a). Move it around, rotate it, scale it etc. - do whatever you have to to position it exactly in the place where you want your mesh to be cut. Watch out: your viewpoint matters! Knife project is cool, but a bit dumb and will just cut through the first layer it sees on its way. From my experience, it's the best to make two cuts: one exactly from the front, the other from the back. So press num 1 and put the circle (which you can also make into a half-circle btw, that might be easier) in the right place. Let's say we want it here...
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Now, go back to object mode. Click the cut called 'Circle' and then, while holding shift, your mesh: s4studio_mesh_1. Go to edit mode. You'll see that you're back to your base mesh, but the red half-circle is still floating in the air right before it.
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Open that sidebar on the left (T), go to the 'Tools' tab and click 'Knife Project'. Now, before you do anything, go to back view (ctrl+ num 1) and click 'Knife Project' again. Hide the circle by closing that little eye on the right (or just right-click it and choose ‘delete’, if you’re sure you won’t need it anymore) and admire your newly cut collar.
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What about all the new vertices? There's so many of them, how to clean them? Again talking from my own experience: merging (alt+m) is safe only in case of vertices which are located very close to each other. Also, if you merge after using knife, always merge at center. However, the rule of the thumb is: it's always better to dissolve and cut new edges than move the existing vertices. Uv-1 can be nasty and trust me, you don't want to deal with it more than necessary. Be extra careful if you're merging or moving anything in the breast area! In there every tiniest mistake is immediately visible.
9. Edge split modifier
The last point on the list is not really a tool, but a modifier. Maybe you remember how Blender Guru was using something called 'Subdivision Surface Modifier' in his tutorial? The one we're going to use can be found in exactly the same place. Go to the little wrench on the right, click 'Add Modifier' and select 'Edge Split' from that menu.
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Untick the 'Edge Angle' option, leaving only 'Sharp Edges' selected.
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Why would you want your edges to be split in the first place? Because Blender by default smoothes any edges in your mesh. Normally it's a very welcome feature, but sometimes can be annoying. For example, if you 'close' your dress at the bottom – select the lowest row of vertices, extrude and scale them and then merge at center – the bottom edge of your dress will get slightly curved, creating an ugly, dark line:
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There are two ways to fix it: either you select that lowest line, press ctrl+e and click 'Edge Split'... Or you choose, from the same list, 'Mark Sharp' and leave the actual splitting to the modifier. The immediate visual result will be the same; however, by only marking edges as sharp you don't actually split them yet, which makes it way easier in case of any future corrections. You don't have to remember to select each vertex twice, as they're not doubled. You can select all and remove doubles, and your edges still will stay marked as sharp. It's super useful and I wish I knew of its existence earlier – it would have saved me SO much work!
Just as a side note: obviously, those closing lines of skirts or sleeves aren't the only places you might want to mark as sharp. The same goes for anything that's layered, so e.g. edges between a shirt and a jacket, edges around a necktie, around a belt etc. If you're not sure what you should mark and what not, just take a close look at your mesh in solid shading. Any weird shadows visible? Mark the edges. The problem should disappear.
And you know what's the best? Even when you apply the modifier – e.g. because you want to be able to quickly select only a certain, separated part of your mesh (with L) – the edges still stay marked as sharp! So you can just do your corrections, select all and remove doubles, and then add the Edge split modifier again. It's so quick and simple.
By the way, you don't even have to click apply for the modifier to work. Even if it's left unapplied, S4S will still recognise it and import your mesh with all the sharp edges being split. Magic!
*** *** ***
I'm sorry it got so long, but I think I really managed to cover every important aspect of meshing. You know all my secrets now :P. Unfortunately, meshing is only a small part of CC making, so there are still many things we'll have to discuss – but hopefully it's somehow comforting to you that at least that part is over. I hope I helped you feel more confident in Blender and saved you some meshing struggles! I know for a fact that not knowing the majority of those things was the reason why meshing my first dress took me two months ;].
Let me know if anything isn't clear and stay tuned! We'll finally talk about uv maps next time.
(Next: V. Adding missing body parts / Frankenmeshing / Finishing touches)
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