#it2017 spoilers
ontheblock · 2 years
Hey! What fandoms are you currently in?? : ]
hey !! :) if this is about a request, you can always check my navigation <3 otherwise..
as a manga reader, i gotta say bnha. the whole dabi thing will NOT let me go lol. also star wars since i finally got to watch the kenobi series. (i keep wasting time with mid edits i sometimes post on tiktok LMAOO) got me thinking about writing for some sw characters but .. is there actually demand? idk. also.. rick and morty. don’t ask me why. it got me in a chokehold.
(and it, if only for patrick hehe)
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avidvampirehunter · 7 years
10 Very Important Facts About 2017's "It"
Pennywise: *dances threateningly towards children*
Pennywise: *is offended by being accused of living in a crack den*
Pennywise: *politely waves at children with a severed arm*
Pennywise: *noms on faces... and arms*
Pennywise: *has a drooling problem*
Pennywise: *is bad at baseball*
Pennywise: *spends a lot of time at the library*
Pennywise: *has bad hair days*
Pennywise: *enjoys slideshows WAY TOO MUCH*
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eddiekasp · 7 years
i just wanna bring up the fact that richie saw eddie in his encounter with pennywise in neibolt street thanks
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icespur · 3 years
Stephen King Made A Book Called IT Not The Losers Club
Aka, my pet peeve with the Loser Club fans side of IT.
I’m going to get lots of hate for this. This is a pet peeve of mine I guess you could call.
Now, I’m on the Pennywise side of the IT fandom. I’m not a clownlover but I have met people who are and I have no problem with them. I love Pennywise cause I’ve always had a fascination with villains ever since I was young. I found them much more interesting than the protagonists.
Point is, I’m on team Pennywise and I’m not that attached to the Losers.
Now there are IT fans that really love the Losers and connected to them a lot more. I get it, they are the protagonists and that’s probably what Mr King intended.
But what absolutely drives me crazy about the Loser fans is when they completely ignore Pennywise’s existence and importance to the story to make a happy ending for their beloved characters. Or make AUs where the Losers don’t die.
I get that some fans are really attached to the losers. But ignoring the villain and title character of the franchise you love so much is kinda disrespectful in my opinion. Even more so with ignoring that Stan and Eddie die in canon.
It’s sad that Stan died, it was a gruesome way to go. But that was the point! In the book Stan died cause he was so terrified of Pennywise that offing himself seemed like a better way to go than whatever gruesome way Pennywise might kill him. It shows how threatening and terrifying Pennywise is, the impact IT left on the Losers. So no, having fix it fics where Stan just broke his leg and is in the hospital so that’s why he couldn’t join them, or Stan is fine and well and living in Hawaii cause we can’t bare to comprehend the canon fate is really missing the point of the story.
Eddie dies too. In the book there’s this detail that both film versions cut out where Pennywise kills Eddie by tearing his arm off which is a parallel to Georgie. Eddie’s death wasn’t as necessary like Stan’s but it does add extra emotion. His death was supposed to make you feel sad and it did its job. Not everything can be perfect, it would be pretty boring and not as intense if no one died and there were no consequences. How fun do you think IT would be if it was just….a clown that just trapped kids in a floating state and the 7 hero children have to kill the evil and all the kids wake up perfectly fine? Or if Pennywise didn’t exist at all. Do you realize how much that would change?
This goes into my other gripe. STOP. IGNORING. PENNYWISE.
IT’s killed lots of kids, it’s the villain, it’s pure evil and IT killed your two pure boys Stan and Eddie but…….You do realize half the events in IT would not have happened if Pennywise didn’t exist, right? The losers most likely wouldn’t have even MET if it weren’t for Pennywise! That horrible event bonded them together. I saw someone on tumblr mention something similar to this and they said
“If Pennywise didn’t exist IT would just be the losers sitting around talking about how peaceful Derry is.”
Enjoy the Losers, make your analysis, make some fanfics, but stop ignoring canon. Stop pretending that two major characters didn’t die in canon, one for a very important story beat too! Stop ignoring the clown. You don’t have to want to ride on ITs inflatable balloon sausage like most of the penny fans, but give IT more credit. Half of the events that bonded your favorite characters and gave you your favorite moments wouldn’t have happened without IT existing.
Stephen King made a horror book called IT and Andy Muschietti adapted that into a movie called IT. NOT a movie and Book called the Losers Club.
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madsdrawsthings · 3 years
happy holidays, heres a reddie christmas sketch from me to you!
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201kl5-dead · 5 years
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oh my gOD
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areyareddieforit · 5 years
hold on,,
was the reason richie and eddie saw the person cut off at the waist a reference to eddie in it (2017) talking about the aids epidemic and how you had to amputate body parts and a symbol of the fact that their fear of being gay/coming out comes at a time where it could literally kill you in more ways than one?? like didn’t it come out of the closet which was another allusion to the internalized homophobia? or is it midnight and i’m confused
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ask-the-giant-clown · 5 years
Richie: *calls Pennywises house a crack house*
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Richie: *calls Pennywise a fuck face and sloppy bitch*
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The Losers: *literally bully him to death*
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carolily · 5 years
I want the deleted scene of IT(2019) that’s eddie’s death scene EXACTLY like it is in the book.
I’m talking “Richie you know I....”
And I’m talking the MOTHERFUCKING
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reddiemyreligion · 5 years
do you think there is a deleted scene about Richie and Eddie?
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quackitysearlobe · 5 years
Me waiting in a kids locker to ask for gum
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heknewellenough · 5 years
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Richie to Pennywise
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eddiekasp · 7 years
“so i have taken some time to digest my feelings on the new movie but before i dive into spoilers i loved almost all of it. there were definitely some things that disappointing me but overall i thought it was pretty fucking fantastic. 
if you wanna discuss message me!!! 
-to start from the beginning, the relationship between bill and georgie almost had me tearing up from the get go. so unbelievably sweet and genuine.
-the interaction between georgie and pennywise was AMAZING but i didnt really like the cgi on when georgie gets pulled into the sewer drain. it was maybe 2 seconds long i just thought it looked weird. also wished it was a bit more gory but thats just my personal taste. overall, incredible scene pennywise was amazing
-richie and eddie stole the show by far for me. they were as close to perfect as i think you’d get, followed by bill. i thought ben, mike, and stan were all great but needed more screen time. sophia played bev super well but honestly i dont like bev all that much and the movie just solidified that for me LOL
-with bev i think they tried way too hard to make her like “im not like the other girls!!!!!” and theres nothing in the world that annoys me more. but sophia was great
-like literally richie and eddie. they were SO FUCKING GOOD and absolutely hilarious. also they had several cute scenes together soooo :) (NOTHING MAJOR dont expect much but definitely some solid scenes and tiny moments)
-although i gotta say, lots of richie comforting eddie which was awesome. hugging, joking around, banter, and genuine concern for each other and comfort. like richie and eddie hugged at the end just the two of them, and richie rubbing eddies arm and hugging him when he got scared? pure
-also eddie bought richie ice cream. also pure. richie also thought he was seeing eddie when he first walked into the clown room
-god bill just felt so genuine and his pain was so... ow. like this poor kid is constantly on the verge of tears it made my heart hurt for him
-pennywise was absolutely fucking fantastic wowowow. funny but totally fucking terrifying, and the shit they did with the teeth on him was SO COOL and creepy af
-i thought henry was AMAZING as well so so so disturbing. i wish the other bullies got a bit more screentime though tbh they had no lines except for patrick having like 1
-small character but EDDIES MOM WAS PERFECT. wish we got to see richies home life :/// i was surprised we didnt since richie mentioned it but there was 0 i was sad about it
-i thought beverly’s encounter with the blood was SO FUCKING COOL AND GROSS. also her interactions with her dad were so sleezy and gross but also well done
-perhaps my favorite interaction was pennywise using georgie as a puppet. totally chilling and disturbing
-lots of dick jokes and jokes about fucking eddies mom from richie
-i teared up when stan was alone in the sewers and gets attacked and is crying saying they left him there alone
-i also teared up during the oath
-ben and bev kiss and its dumb and cheesy LOL SORRY i do like their relationship tho with their inside jokes
-bill and bev was fine but i just didnt really care about their romance story tbh hahahah
-SORELY dissapointed with the leper scene. one of my fav scenes in the book (and such an important thing for developing eddie’s character) but it totally fell short for me in the movie. oh well
-overall i thought it was pretty great. standouts for sure were eddie, richie, GEORGIE OMG, pennywise, and henry. although i dont think anyone at all did poorly everyone did pretty great
-def some flaws but overall i liked it a lot. i wanna watch it again and see if my opinion changed on anything though
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uris-stan · 5 years
the cgi that they used on the kids to make them look younger in the flashbacks was so.... terrifying
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Richie’s love after Eddie
It's difficult because, on one hand, Richie was only 40 when Eddie d-i-e-d and I don’t want him to be alone for the next 45 years but, on the other hand, I can’t imagine him falling for anyone other than Eddie after pining for him his whole life
So here’s what happens:
After a few years, Richie’s feeling better
He still keeps a photo of Eddie on him at all times, but he doesn’t cry for him every day like he had
He thinks about him often but it’s mostly fond moments and he’ll smile, remembering him
Let’s take our shirts off and kiss!
Sometimes he cries, but only at night, usually after a hard day, if he thought about a future with Eddie he’d never have
Start a family together
But now he’d never have that
The Losers start encouraging him to meet someone new
Richie’s not interested
He reluctantly goes on blind dates but he hates them
The people are nice enough, he’s just not interested and gives up
One night, after performing for a charity event raising money for orphanages, one of the orphans approach him
He’s about 9/10. Blonde hair and blue eyes. Cutest little thing
He says his name is Jimmy
Richie smiles. “Did you enjoy the show, kid?”
He expects this boy to beam, beg for an autograph and praise him
The second the kid opens his mouth, he realises he is wrong
This boy is talking 100 mph, using “shit” every other sentence
He tells Richie how he could “fix” his routine. What he needed to work on
Richie swears that, if he closed his eyes, he’d think that he was talking to Eddie in Derry back when they were kids
A woman overhears and apologises, trying to steer the boy away
But Richie laughs and insists on hearing the rest, saying he could use some honest feedback so she leaves him
After ten minutes, the kid has finished talking and goes to get something from his pocket
He pulls out a plastic inhaler - just like Eddie's
Richie’s frozen for a second
This must be one of those signs from the universe everyone talks about, he thinks
Because he realises that, just because Eddie’s not there, doesn’t mean he can’t have a family
He can still do that
Jimmy is Richie’s first adoption, then he adopts a baby girl whom he calls Maggie after his mother
Richie’s never lonely. He’s a proud father of Maggie Tozier and Jimmy Wilson-Tozier (Jimmy wanted to hyphenate)
Plus the proud Godfather to Sarah Hanscom, of course
And he had four great friends
In interviews, he’d always be asked, “isn’t it lonely to be alone?”
Richie would always say he wouldn’t know, he never was
Lonely or alone
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