#it's too hot outside to catch bugs so take this instead
parabolamp3 · 10 months
all of the dream 💭 how does it mean 🧐 when the weather ☀️ is glad 😀 there is nothing ❌ to be sad 😓 crickets 🦗 and moths 🦋 sweeping the net when we out in the field 🌾 on the planet of the earth 🌎 life it never die 💀 beetles 🪲 are my favorite bug bees 🐝 im wanting more tell the world stop 🛑 the war
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title: dancing in the rain
author: sciencebecameouraddiction
fandom: hazbin hotel
rating: PG
genre: slight, baby angst/ major fluff
pairing: Alastor x Reader
summary: all hell had was acid rain, and all you wanted was the rainstorms you knew on earth.
Rain hardly ever was an occurrence in Hell. And when it was, it was acid rain. You sighed, looking out the window and watched the green acid pouring down on everything, missing desperately the rain storms that you had on earth. Being the youngest at the hotel, you remembered more clearly the burn of the sun on your skin, the cool breeze on a fall day and even the mix of the humidity in the air that felt like it would choke you but the reprieve as a rainstorm came and fell from the heavens.
“What has you so melancholy, my dear?” A voice asked behind you, shockingly quiet all things considered, toning down the announcer quality in his voice.
“Hey Alastor, just thinking is all.” You replied and smiled at him, not wanting to explain that the acid rain made you sad.
“Now, whatever it is that you’re thinking about is casting a dark shadow over your usually lovely face. So, tell me, what’s wrong? What kind of hotelier might I be if I didn’t ensure that all the patrons here were happy?” He said, the announcer tone coming back into his voice, which made you wince. Knowing that meant he knew you were lying so he was going to put on a show if you were. You sigh.
“It’s the rain.” You explain.
“The what now?” He asks, all effects gone from his voice except shock and a bit of confusion.
“The rain. I miss the rain. Not this rain. The rain on earth. The smell of the earth after a good rain storm, the way that especially in the summer when it was so hot, the rain was a cool reprieve. It always felt like…” You trailed off.
“Forgiveness?” Alastor finished, looking outside the hotel now too. You blink and look up at him.
“Yes. Are you sure you don’t read minds?” You chuckle, resting your head on your hand. You suddenly feel his microphone tap your head. You look up at him as holds his arm out to you.
“Come with me.” He says, not giving you time to feel confused. As when you take his arm you shadow travel with him to the other side of the hotel appearing at the door of his room.
“This is your room.” You say, confused now.
“Ever observant. A skill many would kill for I’m sure.” He smiles at you, but the sarcasm is evident as he holds open the door for you and you step into his room.
“Just a certified Sherlock Holmes.” You roll your eyes, taking his sarcasm.
“I never had the chance to read those books.” He mused for a moment, as he shut his door and walked around you heading to the forest area. You stayed near the door.
“I have the collection if you’d like to borrow it and read them.” You explain. “They are annotated though, so you’ll have to put up with my notes.” You explain.
“That would be lovely, dear.” Alastor says stepping on the grass and you watch as he takes off his coat and hangs it on a coat rack that appeared suddenly. He turns to you. “Aren’t you coming?”
“I-I guess?” You say, more like a question. You jog over to him and start walking next to him. “Are you killing me in your forest because I complained about acid rain?”
“Oh, no. Not you at least.” Alastor chuckles. “I want to show you something.” You look up at him skeptically.
“Hey Alastor, can you take smaller steps?” You ask having to jog to keep up with him. He looks down and hums seeing how you were almost running next to him.
“Good to know that if I had to catch you I could do so without breaking a sweat.” He says, as he walks slower and taking smaller steps, allowing you to actually walk, instead of run.
“Har har.” You say deadpanned and roll your eyes. You walk into a clearing that has a cabin in the middle. The whole forest felt like it was shrouded in the twilight of fall when lightening bugs gently floated around and the sky was a perpetual shade of blue, purple and pink. You finally looked up and around, seeing the trees, the bugs, the animals, the sky. Tears formed in your eyes. “Alastor, this is beautiful. It looks just like-“ You stop, your throat constricting as emotion overtakes you. You feel Alastor’s clawed hand rest on your shoulder.
“Just like earth?” He finishes, speaking softer than you had ever heard. You nod and look at him, watching him take everything in and then looking down at you.
“Come, let me show you something else.” He says, walking away and heading to the cabin. You walk in and suddenly feel at home. The decor is a little dated and you feel transported to the 1920’s, but it’s all homey. There’s a kitchen, a living room, a lounge and a hall way leading to what you assumed to be a bed room. You walk through the living room, taking it in but trying not to pry at the photos Alastor had in frames along the mantel of the fire place, you see at the back door there is almost like a deck, with a more modern porch swing.
“The porch swing is a nice addition.” You mention, smiling a bit at the modern accessory in what felt like a time capsule.
Alastor chuckles as he sets his microphone down and rolls up the sleeves of his shirt. He joins you next to the window. “You haven’t seen the best part.” He murmurs, unusually quiet and reserved. You don’t mention the change in demeanor though, wanting to savor the quiet and this almost more authentic view of the Radio Demon.
“What’s the best-“ You stop when you hear it. The start of a pitter patter of rain on the roof, that builds and when you look outside, it’s raining. “Is that?” You blink a few times.
“It is. Safe for you to touch as well. You won’t get hurt.” He smiles a genuine looking smile as he goes over to the record player and starts playing music. Your hand touches the door, feeling the coolness of the water slide down the glass pane. You can’t stop yourself as Alastor fiddles with the record player, you open the door, quickly closing it so no rain would get in the cabin and rush outside off the deck. Twirling in the grass as the rain poured down soaking you.
“What are you doing?” Alastor yelled from the door, watching you like you had gone mad.
“Dancing in the rain!” You yelled back, a smile feeling permanent on your face.
“You’ll catch a cold, get back inside!” He says, looking up at the sky and then back at you.
“No! Come join me! It’s amazing! This is exactly what I remember.” You say holding you hand out to Alastor. His smile looks more like a grimace as he takes you in looking like a wet dog. He looks back inside and waves his hand at something and you see towels appear and the record player is louder so you can hear it outside. He takes off his shoes and socks and places them neatly at the door but far enough away that when you come in, water or mud won’t get on them.
He walks out getting drenched almost immediately as you run up to him and grab his hand and pull him on the grass. You take both his hands and start trying to spin around in a circle with him, as you see his eyebrow raise. You stop and look at him, a little disappointed when he doesn’t spin with you and you start to let go of his hand, until his hand tightens and pulls you to him.
“We can dance in the rain, but we will be actually be dancing.” He says as he proceeds to guide you through a dance that was popular when Alastor was alive, morphing into an odd mash up of a swing dance and you dancing like you were at a rave. You both settled down and were now just slow dancing as the song had turned a bit slower. You watched as Alastor’s eyes were closed as his face angled up to the sky. You made a spit second decision, and rested your head on his chest, really it was like the start of his abdomen but it was as tall as you could reach. You didn’t see his head snap down to you and watch as you seemingly relaxed in his arms, drunk off the warmth he gave and the cool from the rain still coming down. His hand moved up, and grabbed your chin, encouraging you to look at him. As you did, you saw his eyes widen and his cheeks turn bright red.
“What’s wrong?” You ask quietly.
“I’ve never… done anything like this before.” He says quietly, and it breaks the fogginess you felt before.
“You don’t have to be scared. It’s just me.” You say, as if it’s the most simple thing in the world.
“Just you? Darling, just you is enough to have me go to war.” Alastor murmurs and then his eyes widen again, shocked. You realize that he is just blurting things out and there is no filter. You smile.
“Well, I’m honored that the Radio Demon would want to be in my corner.” You say as your hand reaches up to touch his cheek, stopping just a few centimeters away, allowing him to close the gap if he wanted to. He leans into your touch shaking his head.
“Not the Radio Demon, dear. Just Alastor.” He says, looking at you with a vulnerability you had never seen before. Your eyes widen and you smile.
“Even better.”
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ethereal-pie · 7 months
bullfrog head cannons
I have seen no fics of this beautiful French man so I have done it myself
just a ramble of my thoughts in bullet point form
he is an american bullfrog, he not only looks like one but also there are tons in France
He enjoys warmth and gets grumpy if he is too cold
I feel like he doesn’t touch you all that much but adores cuddling 
If given the opportunity he will burry himself in pillows and blankets ( bonus if they are weighted) especially during winter cuz of his hibernation instinct
He will insist you join him and promise it’s very comfortable 
He isn’t slimy like his real world counterpart but his skin feels very moisturized 
He gets cold super easy and shove himself under your shirt or jacket to soak up your natural body heat 
You also don’t have to worry about it being too hot to cuddle as he is cool to the touch 
He will insist you let him put his cold ass hands on your bare back to warm them up , he will pout if you don’t let him 
Letting him do this will more then likely result in him having his head under your shirt and his face pressed into your back and his hands on your upper stomach 
He usually avoids conventional touch based pda, the most normal pda you’ll get out of under normal circumstances is a peck on the cheek 
Instead the way he shows touch based pda is by sitting on your shoulders
Although if he is super cold he won’t care all that much
 And  Unless your in a situation where being partners with him would put you in danger, he will be  fairly vocaly affectionate
He will call you his beloved and other pet names 
As well as praise, flirt and compliment you
Some of His pet names  involve your name 
He seems like a darling, my dear, love type of person
He will jokingly call you stupid ones as well 
He has a lot of running jokes with you and will tease and joke around with you all the time, he just likes laughing with you in general 
Some of your jokes might take a second to land with him in the beginning but as your relationship continues he will pick up almost immediately 
He tries really hard to be cool cuz he wants to make friends but everyone being stuck on him being a frog annoys him a lil 
He will complain about this to you at least once 
He is trying to be cool and Poetic!
When he is mad he will begin to speak in a mix of French and English but he doesn’t really yell at all, he does talk faster tho 
He will bath for hours but doesn’t like to shower 
He cannot use certain soaps or he will get sick because he will absorb the chemicals through his skin 
He likes the look of bubble baths but if he sits in them he gets sick cuz of the soap In the water 
Given his accent I assume he speaks French but I think he can speak multiple European language, due to his job 
He is very adverse to the idea of eating bugs, he isn’t scared of them but if someone offers him a bug he will be grossed out.
He is the kind of person to not only catch and release bugs he finds inside but he will have little convos with them too
You’ll hear in the other room “hello there my miniature friend.’’ And as he takes them outside “ I’m very sorry but you cannot stay here.” 
His approach to flying bugs is far different, he will take NO PRISONERS
He is very efficient with a fly swatter and knows all the concoctions to lure and kill flys fruit or other wise 
He avoids using his hands cuz of the bug guts 
If you are afraid of bugs he will find it amusing but he won’t tease or torment you, he will just chuckle at how ridiculous you look up on the counter while he captures the invader.
He is very polite and kind to everyone he interacts with unless they have done something to warrant other wise 
He will use French sayings in English  instead of the English one because he is convinced that “ they are far superior” 
Pins and needles are now ants, it’s raining ropes not animals, forget apples and trees, dogs don’t make cats.
If you use the English versions he will argue the French version is better 
“ bolt of lightning explans the felling of it, love at first sight is so bland.’’
Please convert he will find it unendingly adorable every time 
He does get cuteness aggression and will randomly shove his face into your chest and aggressively nuzzle into you whist squeezing you and violently kicking his legs and making a happy humming 
He will be embarrassed the first few times he does this 
He will get cuteness aggression from your cuteness aggression 
If you bite him he will be very confused but won’t care all that much so long as you aren’t hurting him
You will probably be taller then him and honestly he likes it that way because when you hug him he feels like momentarily  he is a totally encased by you 
You can carry him but only certain ways
No toddler hold, with one arm and him on your hip 
Piggy backs, shoulder sitting and standing are encouraged 
You can only sling him over your shoulder in emergency’s 
Same with under your arm 
He doesn’t like princess carry’s cuz he can’t hold on to much and he wants to touch with  max surface area
Carrying him by his armpits away from you has the same problem, he will struggle 
He does enjoy if you hug carry him with both arms, either his face in on your chest or resting on your shoulder 
I have made a helpful diagram ( I can draw but it’s just stick me cuz I’m lazy)
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He will randomly start monologueing if given the opportunity 
He will tell you about being an assassin but only if you ask 
I think he is more likely to be with Someone who has prior experience with fighting
He feels nauseous after producing bubbles 
He will lean on or try to be touching you while he recovers 
You cannot truly surprise him, he will know something is up the moment you even begin to plan 
He knows because you act slightly different 
And hiding  or sneaking something past him is also impossible 
He has to actively try to avoid finding out what your doing 
You’ve snuck something into the garage, I guess he isn’t going In There for a while 
Hiding something behind your back, he isn’t even gonna face your direction while you hide it 
You cannot sneak up on him either 
When you try he will scare you by suddenly turning around and grabbing you 
On the other hand he has  scared and surprised you accidentally many times 
hope you enjoy and this inspires more fic to be written of bullfrog
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sohnric · 4 months
pairing: eric sohn x fem! reader
genre: fluff, situationship to lovers ?? poor eric is a little confused, but he is very much in love.
word count: 1.7k
warnings: the reader is titled as "girlfriend", misunderstanding/miscommunication
a/n: this is a late valentine's day fic because it wouldn't appear in the tags on wednesday and i had to wait to get home to fix it >:( !! thank you @/from-izzy and beloved @/csenke (as always) for beta reading o:)
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When the front door to your apartment opens up in front of his eyes to reveal you staring at him in surprise, Eric can’t help but feel a little confused at your expression. You’re wearing a mini dress– one of the black ones that hug your figure just in the right places– makeup adorning your face and making your gaze twice as much magnetizing to the boy through the layer of eyeliner tight-lining your eyes. He suddenly feels a little silly for coming up to your apartment in a casual outfit– as far as he was concerned, neither of you made reservations to go out, though.
“What are you doing here?” you ask, making Eric twice as confused. Still, you let him inside your place, stepping aside from the doorway and watching as he trails after you like a lost puppy, a pouty look playing with his features.
“Well… it’s Valentine’s Day,” he says, as if the reason wasn’t already clear enough before. Scratching the back of his head, he offers you the flowers he’s been holding in one hand, watching as you take them with big eyes that only soften when you bring them up to your nose and breathe in the scent of your favourites. “I thought we were staying in today…?” he asks, pointing at your outfit that’s very obviously meant for going out.
“Oh,” you look at him, tone of voice almost a little ironically surprised as you walk towards your kitchen and take out a vase, pouring water in it and placing the bouquet inside. Eric was too busy with practice to get you any reservations outside, and although he was sure he could sneak you in somewhere in a mediocre restaurant, he was thinking you two could just hang out at your place instead. He liked the idea of cuddling with you in bed much better if he’s being honest. “I’m getting ready to go out, though.”
The sentence catches Eric off guard. He watches as you walk back over to your bathroom and plug in your hair straightener, sectioning your hair into thirds so you can work on your hairdo more efficiently. The boy follows you in, staring at your expression through the mirror. “Why…?”
“Well… You never asked me to be your Valentine, Eric,” you shrug as if the reasoning was the most obvious thing in the world.
The boy instinctively furrows his brows at you, the argument making him a little taken aback. Sure, he never asked– but the only reason was that he thought he didn’t have to. “I assumed that was a given,” he hums, watching as you touch the hair straightener to see if it’s hot enough to use on your hair, “besides, you could’ve asked me to be your Valentine too! This is the 21st century, men don’t have to do everything…”
Your expression morphs into frustration– a clear sign that the fact that Eric didn’t ask you to be his Valentine has been bugging you for quite some time now and he hasn’t noticed until now. It makes the boy feel a little bad. Had he known it was important to you, he would’ve asked you, no big deal. The thing is… he really didn’t think he had to ask in the first place.
“Why did you assume it was a given?” you ask, scoffing. 
Eric watches as you run the hair straightener over strands of your hair, yet the usual concentration on your face when you do so leaves your expression and is replaced with a look of irritation. Your eyebrows are furrowed and there’s a wrinkle in between them, rendering the boy speechless. “Because… we are dating…?” he says, eyes staring into yours through the bathroom mirror.
A snicker leaves your throat at his argument. “Correction– we went on a few dates.”
Now, this has Eric Sohn even more speechless than before. He didn’t think there was much difference between dating and going on dates, but now he realises that your mind is perhaps even more complicated than he thought it was before. “So… we aren’t dating?”
The question leaves his mouth before he has a chance to stop it. His mind is swirling around with all the dates you two have been to. It’s been two months since the two of you started dating– well, what he assumed was dating– and never once has he doubted that this is what you two were doing. He took you to the arcade and let you win on a few of the machines. He took you to the amusement park and bought you all the cotton candy your heart desired. You two took photo booth pictures and he keeps the strip in his wallet. He told you he loved you when you went on a late-night walk a few weeks after your first date, and since then, every day at least once. Hell, he even brought you over to his dorms and didn’t dismiss his friends when they started calling you his girlfriend after you left.
Because in his mind, that’s what you were. His girlfriend. Because you two were dating. You did all the things people in relationships do– you hold hands, you kiss, you sleep over at each other’s houses– you are intimate… 
Are you two not dating?
“You’ve never asked me to be your girlfriend either,” you shrug, combing your hair before you move to straighten another piece, making the boy fall into a momentary silence.
Has he not? Well, if he really thinks about it, that’s true. He hasn’t asked you to be his girlfriend, because after the shift you two made from being friends to going on dates and being rich in PDA, he thought his intentions were obvious. Somehow, in his lovesick mind, the moment he asked you out on a date was the moment you two started dating– and when you say it like this, it makes perfect, logical sense, doesn’t it? 
Obviously, now that he thinks about it, it doesn’t. “Well, I just assumed… is this not exclusive?” he asks, his heart suddenly dropping into his stomach.
“Well, you never asked for that either,” you shrug.
“So that means you are seeing other people?” Eric clarifies, chewing on the inside of his cheek. Never in his life did he need a response to his question to be negative as much as in this moment.
Your eyes meet his in the mirror, something behind your gaze shifting when you notice his distressed expression. Eric recognizes just how anxious he looks in your bathroom mirror, and before you give him a chance to crumble, he hears you chuckle. “I am not. Are you?”
“Well, up until this moment, I thought we were in a serious, committed relationship, so no, Y/N. I am not seeing other people,” he says, an airy laugh escaping his throat.
Staring at each other’s expression in the mirror, Eric watches as you sigh and put the hair straightener down on the sink, turning your body towards his. His eyes go wide as you stare at him with your warm orbs, fondness and tenderness now mirroring your gaze– a big contrast to the stern look you greeted him with upon opening your front door. 
To Eric, the progression of your relationship was natural. He took it as it came, admiring the shift from being friends to something more, and never once questioned the direction it was heading. He loved you– of course, he always thought of you as his. To Eric, the love you two share for each other has always been habitual. 
He never asked you to be his, because in his mind, he was already yours. It was as obvious as that. No second guessing– he was always sure of what you two had.
“You’ve been telling people that I am your girlfriend?” you ask, voice quiet, tender, yet almost amused– pleased.
“Well, was I wrong?” he hums, locking his eyes with you directly now, laughing.
“We never had the talk.”
“I didn’t think it was necessary,” he says.
Watching you roll your eyes, the misunderstanding now vanishing into thin air– he leans in and presses a kiss to your red lips. When you pull away from him, a soft giggle resonates in the four walls of your bathroom, a finger pointing to his lips. “That looks good on you,” you hum as the boy looks at his reflection in the mirror.
Red lipstick is smeared all over his lips, a messy imprint of your affection. He finds himself smiling at his reflection, a lovesick look warming up his gaze when he looks back at you. “Does it?”
“Yeah,” you hum as you stand on your tippy toes and press another peck to his face– now reaching for his left cheek instead. Eric’s arms come to hold your sides, helping you balance as you press wet kisses all over his face, wherever you can reach. He feels you glaze his other cheekbone, the tip of his nose, his chin, the very middle of his forehead. Two kisses placed on his temples, a hearty giggle escaping your throat when you peck his jaw and the side of his face, only pulling away to admire your masterpiece.
“Just so we are clear,” Eric clears his throat, finally verbalizing the thoughts he’s been keeping to himself– the thoughts he assumed were clear as day and didn’t have to be said out loud or clarified, “will you be my Valentine, then? Or my girlfriend? Both, actually?” he asks, heart leaping out of his chest when you laugh at him and thread your fingers through the hair on his nape.
“Well, I kinda assumed those two go hand in hand, Eric,” you hum to him like a secret, and he can’t help but roll his eyes at your punctuality.
“Is that a yes, then?”
“Let me think about it–” you joke before you burst into a screechy laughter, having Eric’s hands prop below your knees and hoisting you up onto the bathroom sink. 
The boy leaves another kiss on your lips before he pulls away and admires your face from up close. Eric Sohn likes pretty things and your face is so far his most favourite. And when he catches his reflection in the mirror– his face full of lipstick kiss stains and a dumb, lovesick look in his eyes– he’s almost happy for all of the confusion. 
See, as the hopeless romantic he is, although he hates to admit that he hasn’t been dating you for the past two months like he thought he has been, he doesn’t really hate the idea of your anniversary being on Valentine’s day: the holiday of love.
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ollypopwrites · 17 days
if you're still taking requests, can you write a fic where Gale has a cold and the others have to take care of him and cook instead 🥺
Anon I've been working on this for so long! My actual partner got very sick and then we had a move and then a weekend wedding getaway -- it's been hectic. But I've got about 3k words of Gale being doted on for you.
A Wizard in Need
Pairings: Mostly gen but also Bloodweave
Rating: M (language mostly)
CW: chronic illness, common colds, self-worth issues, slight body-horror imagery.
Read on Ao3
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His whole body shook with the sudden heat, limbs beginning to jerk and shift, and hot liquid pouring out of his mouth, his nose, his eyes — damn, even his ears. Their time has run out, he realized, as his insides churned and changed, the pain unbearable as his bones broke beneath the skin. Soon he would be no more than another thrall, moving to the whims of some Elder Brain and without his own to think for himself. 
But the hunger of the orb swelled beyond anything else he could comprehend. The transformation could not even offer a reprieve. His last dreadful act as his own person is the orbs' imminent final stand – a deafening roar numbed his body to the pain and everything went white. 
Gale shot up suddenly in his bedroll, a strangled cry becoming a hacking cough, as he gasped for breath. His camp clothes were soaked with sweat, he felt them sticking  to his too warm body.  His hands felt at his face, the familiar scratch of his beard, his nose and lips were all present — no tentacles. Gale shuddered in relief, catching his breath. 
But Gods, he still felt terrible. Feverish, his mind in a haze and his head feeling as if it were stuffed full of cotton. 
There was a rustle at the flap of his tent and he saw the slight glow of red eyes. The rest of Astarion’s face was  backlit by the fire outside, hiding most of it in shadow. Gale felt too unsteady to be sure but he thought the perfect lines of his companion’s face were creased in concern before he schooled them back to his usual half-lidded stare. 
“Thought the tadpole might have finally had its way,” he said quietly. 
“For a moment there, I did as well,” Gale breathed a sigh. 
“It’s the orb, isn’t it?”
Gale rubbed at his chest. It ached, surely, as it always did. But the hunger clawing beneath his skin was more of a background feeling rather than whatever this was. 
“No, not this time,” he replied. “It’s-“  he sneezed abruptly, several times in a row, and afterward his entire head throbbed.
“Oh, darling,” Astarion seemed half-amused. “I believe you have a  common cold.”
“That’s — “ 
Preposterous, and above all else annoying. They had tadpoles in their heads threatening to change them every day, a cult on their heels, he had an orb of netherese magic stuffed in his chest and now he had a trifling bug which made him feel like his entire head was about to burst. 
“Inconvenient.” Gale finished lamely. 
“Will you survive?” Astarion asked sarcastically. 
Too ill to even pretend to be jovial, Gale rolled his eyes and started getting out of his bedroll. “I just need some tea and a quick wash up.” 
When he tried to stand, however, the world began to spin. With a quickness that did nothing to help his dizziness, Astarion leapt forward into the tent, keeping him from falling sideways. He helped Gale down, seemed to hesitate with his hand out and then pressed it on the wizard’s sweaty forehead. His hand was shockingly and soothingly cool. Gale couldn’t help but sigh at the feeling. 
“You’re scorching.” Astarion noted. 
“I question the validity of your knowledge on the matter,” Gale sniffled. “You’re freezing.”
“Vampire,” Astarion gestured to himself as if he had forgotten. “But I know a flush when I see one, and yours is decidedly not one of debauchery.”
There was a clever remark somewhere he could retort with, just on the edge of flirting, but all Gale could think of was crawling back to his bedroll. He grabbed his waterskin, taking heavy pulls to soothe the scratching in his throat. After which he found no energy to do much else.
“Rest,” he muttered. “I need rest.” 
Astarion said nothing as Gale flopped back into his bedroll. He should tell him to bugger off, Astarion was on watch after all, but he didn’t send him away. The vampire sat still, unnaturally so as he always did, before grabbing his waterskin and walking out of the tent. 
Gale shifted between consciousness, exhaustion taking over but a fit of coughing or sneezing kept him from fully submitting. He felt more than heard Astarion come back, placing his waterskin by his hand again and a cool wet cloth pressed against his forehead. It could have been the fever and the ever changing state of his wakefulness but Gale was certain Astarion kept taking the cloth and cooling it between his hands before placing it back on his forehead. 
As if he had shifted through time itself, Gale woke up what felt like moments later. Except there were birds singing outside his tent rather than the tune of crickets. Sunlight didn’t quite pierce the cloth of his tent but it lit it up from the outside, and he could hear everyone moving around camp. 
He still felt dreadful. Blindly reaching for his water he found it full, and drank as much as he could before slumping back. For a while he tried to use his considerable willpower to sit up, get dressed and greet the next day of horrors which awaited them. But he simply did not want to. 
Just as he was about to force himself up, just outside his tent he heard, “Gale? Are you awake?” From Shadowheart. 
“Yes,” he croaked. 
“May I come in?”
There was the slightest frown as she peered in first. “Astarion says you have the plague.”
Gale didn’t even have the energy to roll his eyes. 
“How are you feeling?”
“Just a fever,” he tried to assure her. “A bit of rest and it’ll pass, I’m sure.
“Sk’va it’s the transformation,” Lae’zel hissed just outside. “We should give the wizard an honorable death before it takes hold.”
Gale wanted to remind her that an honorable death would mean a decidedly unhonorable explosion which would wipe out their entire camp and beyond, but Wyll spoke up before he could.
“It’s a cold, Lae’zel,” Wyll said. “Nothing some hearty broth and rest can’t fix.”
Everyone seemed to be standing just outside of his tent. Out of view but definitely not out of hearing range. 
“If he is cold we have extra blankets,” Lae’zel said firmly. “Why do we waste our time with broth?”
“No,” Karlach said, “a cold, mate. A bug.”
“Then smash the bug.” 
“It’s not a real bug,” Wyll explained. “It’s a turn of phrase. Gale’s ill, with a common and mostly harmless sickness.”
Sometimes Gale wondered if Lae’zel’s ignorance to Faerunian turns of phrase was merely a bit she was fully committed to. He couldn’t help but breathe out a small laugh but that triggered a coughing fit that stole his breath and shredded his throat.
Shadowheart gently pushed him down with a hand on his shoulder. “I’m more a battle healer, less a medicine woman,” she frowned. “Are you hungry? Wyll’s starting a bone broth but we have porridge.”
“Porridge sounds lovely,” Gale attempted a smile. 
“I’m on it!” Karlach yelled and he heard the heavy stomps of her boots trail off. 
“Halsin went to find some herbs for a tea he thinks may help,” Shadowheart told him. 
That was rather kind of Halsin to go out of his way. Gale thought for a moment he should try to make an attempt to tough it out. They did have very important things to do, after all. But as he woke with the ever present pain of the orb on top of feeling so dreadfully, he was not sure he could stand on his own two feet for long. Typical. Washed up, burdensome old man that he was: he would be the one to get ill on the road. He wasted valuable magical items, was  a constant threat of blowing them off the face of Faerûn and was now too sickly to move. 
He offered what he hoped was a convincing smile. “When Halsin returns, have him leave the herbs with the supplies, I’ll fetch myself a cup later.”
Shadowheart raised an eyebrow. “If you’re sure.”
“Quite sure.” 
“Astarion filled your waterskin, drink it,” she said blandly, then disappeared from the tent. 
“We’ll leave you to rest,” Wyll said through the cloth. “Shout if you need anything.”
It was quiet for a bit, the unintelligible murmur of everyone about camp and the birdsong outside would have been comforting if he didn’t feel so dreadful. He closed his eyes, and focused on his breath, trying to ignore the fact that his nose was too stopped. Heavy thumping footsteps and a flood of warmth in the tent alerted him to Karlach before she even said anything. 
“Delivery!” She boomed. “I warmed it up for you. One benefit of being a walking inferno.” She clanked on the metal in her chest. 
“Thank you, Karlach,” he said. 
“Of course, bomb buddies gotta stick together,” she gave a toothy grin. 
“Karlach let him rest,” Shadowheart called. 
“Oops, sorry,” she smiled sheepishly. “Shout if you need anything, yeah?”
Gale nodded. Bomb buddies. He wished he had her exuberance in the face of certain death. After she was gone, he willed himself to eat and had a mind to try and get up to wash his plate, but politeness would have to wait in the face of the dizziness he felt. He drank down some of the water and laid back, trying to breathe again. His chest ached. His fingers rubbed around the mark of the orb, not doing much to aid in the pain but now a habit more than anything. 
It was quiet, almost peaceful. Until suddenly his body wrought out a coughing fit so powerful he thought he may vomit. Suddenly the orb throbbed, his entire body seemed to vibrate and then — he woke up again. Still coughing. A cold, firm hand pulled him to sit, shocking him slightly at the unannounced presence. 
“Easy,” Astarion said simply. “Breathe.”
Gale closed his eyes, catching his breath. He still felt horrible. Astarion placed his waterskin in his hand, helping him lift it to his lips and drink some down. It was a heavenly sensation, the cool liquid soothing his throat and slaking the dry raw feeling from the cough. 
The day had changed into evening, not quite late enough to engulf his tent in darkness but enough that his gaze had to adjust to the low light. 
“Halsin made tea,” Astarion commented. “I’ll have Karlach warm it up for you. Wyll’s broth for you should be done soon, took me ages to find something big enough to boil down.”
Gale shook his head. “We need to make for the mountain pass,” he said, his voice sounding foreign to his own self. Raspy and nasal. “You all should have sent a scouting party, not wasted time playing nurse.”
“Now is that any way to thank us?” Astarion simpered dramatically. “Lae’zel and Karlach found a path to the crèche, once you're done lazing about we will all head there to see if her little device works. When it inevitably fails, we will head to the Underdark at Halsin’s behest.” He tilted his head, not unlike a curious cat, Gale noted. “We can’t do that without our resident wizard, now can we? Who else will I bother on the road?”
“There’s plenty of people to bother in camp, if you must.”
“They’re not as fun as you.”
Gale was grateful for the fever. It could easily be the reason he suddenly felt his cheeks heat up if Astarion noticed. Without saying anything, Astarion held out the water again. Gale peered past him as he took a drink to a mirror he had in the corner of the camp. It was strange to see Astarion in front of him and not in the reflection. If Gale didn’t know better he’d think him a hallucination, a result of the illness that made Gale’s own reflection have the sunken in look he saw. 
“You should clear off,” Gale muttered. “The last thing we need is for illness to spread through the camp.”
“I haven’t been ill in nearly 200 years, Gale.” Astarion waved him off. “But if you want me to leave, I won’t stay where I’m not wanted.”
Gale didn’t want him to leave, but he was on his way out anyway. Not much later he returned with a piping hot cup of tea. It was not a pleasurable mixture, slightly sour and earthy, the only reprieve from the flavor was the sweetness of honey in the aftertaste. He was not going to doubt Halsin’s knowledge, nor did he want to appear ungrateful. 
Astarion never left. Halsin came in, broad body taking up so much room in his tent he couldn’t even see Astarion behind him. He offered him more tea, some kind words and another cold cloth before leaving. Thankfully Astarion didn’t seem to want to chat, he simply thumbed through a book and lounged on some pillows. Every so often he would cool the wet cloth for Gale, or run to fetch some more water.
Wyll came in with broth and some bread. Gale found it in himself to sit up long enough to eat and let the others check in on him. The Blade of the Frontiers made quite a decent bone broth; he’d said the cook at the Ravenguard estate had taught him the recipe after many days spent sick in his youth. Lae’zel had grabbed his face and inspected it, as if looking for some errant tentacle that had escaped everyone’s notice. She gave one of her low growling hums out and told him he needed to rest, as if he had been trying to sprint the length of the lake the entire day. The healers had offered teas and potions to help him sleep.
Karlach had shyly offered her beloved bear Clive to sit with him since she couldn’t without burning his tent down. It was sweet, and childlike of her to do so, but he appreciated it more than he would have imagined. It seemed no one had realized just how much he was weighing them down. Perhaps they just didn’t want to mention it.
His chest ached. 
“Do you need a magic item?”
“You’re rubbing the mark.” 
Gale immediately stopped, having started the pointless effort to soothe the pain without thinking. “No, I’m alright.”
“Don’t be stoic,” Astsrion said. “It doesn’t suit you.”
“What does suit me, in your esteemed opinion, Astsrion?” Gale couldn’t keep the slight lilt of sarcasm out of his tone despite himself. 
“An unfevered flush, I’d imagine,” Astsrion replied immediately. “Does it hurt terribly?”
“It always does,” Gale replied, his raspy voice tired and defeated.
“Drink your tea,” Astarion simply said. “Halsin says it’ll help you sleep. Probably tastes like dirt, though. I don’t envy you.”
Gale took a sip, shuddering at the flavor. “It is…earthy,” he conceded. “But the effort is appreciated.”
Astarion’s lips twitched into a smile. 
“Astarion,” Gale began cautiously, “why are you still here?”
Astarion looked at him for a long moment, eyes rounding out as he seemed to think. “Someone has to make sure you’re still breathing.”
“It’s a cold,” Gale said, “I’m not at risk of falling over dead just yet.”
“With those grey hairs you can't be too sure.”
“Oh,” Gale breathed out a soft laugh, “you certainly know how to keep me humble, don’t you? And while I’m ill? Your bedside manner could use some practice.”
“Well, it’s a good thing I’m here, isn’t it?” Astarion smirked. 
“Happy to assist,” Gale replied. “Word of advice, don’t mention dying to your ailing patient, it doesn’t inspire much comfort.”
It was quiet for a bit as Gale drank the tea down as quickly as he could. It was not a pleasant taste, and he wanted to be done with it as soon as possible. He gently stretched after setting the cup aside, his back stiff from laying all day and shoulders wound up from tensing them in his sleep. Gods, he wanted to bathe and sleep but he felt the energy draining from him. Halsin’s concoction was working quickly to lure him into a gentle sleep. 
“Say what you will about the flavor,” Gale yawned, blinking blearily. “Halsin’s skills as an apothecary are quite impressive.”
“I’ll pass your compliments along.”
“Without embezzling, if you please.”
Another quiet moment as Gale laid back, ready to let sleep wash over him. He was used to Astarion’s presence now, not sure what the real point of it was, but it kept the worst of the anxious thoughts at bay. And it was a comfort, Gale tried not to linger too long on that, but it was nice to have him there. 
“Everyone offered to care for you, you know,” Astarion said without preamble. “No one complained. Except me, of course, but I’d rather bring mine directly.”
Gale frowned at the ceiling of his tent, unsure what brought that comment on.
“Burdensome is debatable, darling, I’m hardly one to cast judgment about dietary needs,” Astarion tried to hide behind a casual tone, “but washed up is a bit harsh,”
“The tadpoles.” Gale winced in realization.
“Little blighters,” Astarion agreed. “We’re in this together, Gale. Whether we like it or not. We’d all take the bleeding heart kindness you’d offer any of us without blinking,” he tilted his head a bit, “it’s only right that you accept ours.”
That seemed like flawed logic; Gale was, with few exceptions, the most volatile besides Karlach. Even having him with them was expensive and dangerous. But his thoughts could not linger too long on it, as Halsin’s tea had his mind slipping towards blissful rest. The last thing he felt was the gentle coolness of a hand on his forehead, and the soft whisper of Astarion’s voice. 
“Sleep tight, darling. We’ve got you.”
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Thank you for reading!
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shuxiii · 1 year
Jealousy isnt my groove
Hanni pham x reader
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One thing about loving Hanni was the amount of times she attempted to bug you and bother you every second, but all of her antics would always fail. You could say you weren't easily fazed or outspoken, and Hanni adored challenges, especially if they involved you.
First she'd wear all your favorite clothes, from your shirts to your hoodies. One thing she didn't take from you were your checkered blue pyjamas; those trousers were your absolute favourite, so she did the obvious.
"Hey yn dont you think i look cute in your clothes?" She cheekily smiled back at you, twirling a little.
You who seemingly paused completely, the once bread on your hand fslling off to your lap.
Hanni nibbled the inside of her cheeks, thinking she'd finally gotten a reaction from you, but you murmured something that instead of a proud smile made her ears hot.
"You do look good in my clothes, wear them more" you smiled back at her before picking up the bread and focusing back at your work.
She was stunned; she was certain this would work, yet there was not a single irritated look on your face.
Oh, but she's not done yet; if she can get hyein to behave for a whole day, she can elicit a reaction from your normally calm demeanour.
Second, jealousy. One thing she hasn't seen you do was be possessive or slightly be jelly around people who talk to her. But she couldn't make someone hit on her on the spot in front of you, but one day it did happen out of the blue.
"Hey, yn should we get this sweets for hyein?" Hanni asked, gazing at the pasteries.
You hummed in agreement, holding the bags of cupcakes and muffins.
Suddenly Hanni felt a tap on her shoulder, she looked back, to see a tall, decently good looking guy (or maybe because she was 5'4) tower of her.
The guy nervously gazing back at her, who seemed to be flustered at her precences.
"U-Um hi, I was wondering if I could get your number? Youre really my type" he stuttered, avoiding Hanni's gaze.
Hanni gazed back at you, looking for any reaction. You had your hand covering your mouth, as if shock. Hanni mentally celebrated thinking you were jealous to see others hit on her.
But then, Hanni heard your faint meladious giggle, she glance back at you seeing you holding back a laugh. Hanni was befuddled at your reaction, why were you laughing?
You then patted the dude, catching his attention.
"I'm sorry buddy but this pretty lady here, is already taken"
The guy then prupofusely bowed an apology shortly leaving you guys.
"I was suppose to be the one to tell him that" Hanni crossed her arms against her chest, her cheeks puff out of frustration.
You held her hands. "Well you were too busy looking at me, I know I'm pretty nini but dont lose your focus" you pulled her out the bakery, leaving Hanni with flush cheeks.
They say all actions come with consequences, and that sure hit like a truck to Hanni.
Hanni forgot her phone, so she texted you through Minji's phone filled with guilty asking you to bring it to her, you agreed having nothing to do that day.
It has been 30 minutes exact since she texted you, your house wasn't too far from the building she was worried what was taking you too long.
She heard faint giggles outside their practice room, she decided to check it out, as she opens the door she looked at the corner of her eye a few block away was you talking to one of the members of le serrafim, sakura.
It seemed like she got you all busy to even bother to notice her few blocks away from you, both of you giggling at something Sakura said all mushy looking, if someone else saw this, they would have thought you and sakura were dating.
She didn't like it one bit, Hanni sarcastically smirked and if this were a cartoon you would have already seen smoke coming out her ears.
She started walking to your direction, you were so dead later. Her footsteps gwtting faster and heavier, catching your attention, you look for the sound to see Hanni gazing back at you with a different light.
"Hanni, sorry I took so long traffic got me" you went beside her, closing the gap between you too.
Hanni ignored your reasons, you could have sworn you heard her scoff, were you caught in the traffic or too busy talking to someone else.
"Oh and I met sakura unnie here, I accidentally bumped into her" you explained, still Hanni avoided your eyes.
"Yep, she seemed lost I decided to help her, and surprisingly enough she was looking for you" Sakura said, feeling the thickening tension between you too.
"Are you guys close?" Sakura asked.
"Yes, unnie she's my girlfriend" Hanni spoke, bold move there. You coughed a little choked up at the sudden blunt behavior Hanni was acting.
"Oh, so she's the one you kept talking about" sakura giggled, slightly had an idea what was happening.
Shs left shortly bidding you guys goodbye since she had to rehearse more. That left both of you two alone in the hallway.
Hanni took her phone out of your hands, turning her back on you quickly tried leaving to back inside the practice room, but you were too quick than her.
"Oh nini i forgot I brought you some food here for you and the others" you stopped her, handing out the plastic bag.
"Okay" she dryly replied.
You noticed quickly the sudden change of her behavior.
"Are you okay?" You hesitantly asked.
"Are you sure?" You asked again.
"Yeah, why don't you go back and talk to sakura unnie or something" she looked back at you with a glare before puffing her cheeks out crossing her arms against her chest, she took the plastic bag before muttering a forced thank you as she tried to attempt to walk away.
But you hugged her tightly not letting her go out of your grip, she tried squimring out your hold.
"Yah! Let me go" she shrieked.
"Are you jealous hanni pham?" You giggled.
"Are you insane yn?" She sarcastically asked back.
"Well then you'll have to miss practice because I'm not letting you out my hold" you hugged her more tightly, making it more harder for her.
She started making grumpy noises "GERH FINE YES IM JEALOUS WHAT ABOUT IT"
There was silence for a few seconds before you started bursting out of laughter, loosening the grip on her. She was able to get out of your grip but you still kept laughing as tears started to form in the corner of your eyes.
Seeing you filled with so much emotions bursting out, made Hanni's heart skip a beat.
"Whats so funny?" She asked.
"You" you calmed down now smiling ear to ear at Hanni.
"Hanni, you do know you're the only one I ever want. Theres noone else like you, others may be pretty but their face doesn't transform into sunlight when they talk about music"
Hanni's heart felt like it was about to explode into bits, you moved a little closer to her. "I fell in love with you, when I first discovered that I could turn your cheeks pink with just one word. Then i fell in love with you"
You closed the gap a little more, so close that your lips are almsot brushing at each other, just a few inch away until,
"Yah enough I'm leaving, gerh youre so annoying yn" she grumbled, pushing you away soflty turning her back at you walking away.
"I love you too Hanni pham!" You yelled, making her glare back at you.
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i’ve had your perv eddie/camboy steve on the brain all day 🫠 thinking about how eddie said he wasn’t very good looking, so i’m imagining steve’s surprise when the virgin creep is?? hot, actually?? and telling eddie that he has a very cute and rideable face
link to pt. 1 of camboy!steve/perv!eddie
first of all, thank you so much for putting these thoughts in my brain 💛 i'm so glad you enjoyed the first part of the au !! :)
second of all, yes. YES. eddie is fucking hot. undeniably so. it's a fact. like we all know this, but he doesn't really realize it yet, himself. he's insecure, awkward, and has next to no experience with anything romantic/sexual.
everything he's learned about sex, he's learned from watching porn, flipping through dirty magazines, and scrolling down to the depths of reddit forums.
everything he's learned about dating/flirting, he's learned from cheesy movies, late-night wikihow searches (i.e. how to get a boy to like you back? or how to kiss with tongue?), and observing from the sidelines when gareth tries to pick up chicks at 'the hideout'.
he's always been a weirdo, an outcast, a nerd. the kid in class that parent's warned their kids to stay away from. he never got invited to birthday parties, asked out to school dances, or heard through the grapevine that some boy or girl thought he was 'cute.'
quite the opposite.
boys made fun of him for having long hair, playing d&d, and doing drama.
girls sprinted in the opposite direction of him for cracking untimely jokes, walking on cafeteria tables, and saving bugs instead of squashing them.
so, eddie, now in his mid-twenties and long since graduated from high-school, doesn't exactly have much reason to think of himself as anything special to look at.
meanwhile, steve harrington has this whole community of people telling him how sexy he is. there isn't a singular inch of his body that hasn't been complimented a million times by strangers on the internet. he knows he's attractive. he knows he's hot. people in real life tell him so, too. they gravitate towards him at the club, kiss his neck and call him 'gorgeous,' ask him for his number when he wakes up hungover and in search of a decent breakfast sandwich.
but he's so fucking bored.
no one takes the time to get to know him past the highlighted hair, pouty lips, and belly ring.
no one asks him about his hobbies or interests outside of swallowing a ten-inch dildo down without gagging.
none of his fans care much about his taste in music, what movies he watches, or the deep-rooted wounds of his past.
so when they do finally meet--face to face over video chat--steve is blown away, because eddie's asking him all about himself (after he gets over the initial shock, of course). he's like a little kid at disneyland who just met mickey mouse for the first time.
he wants to know steve's favorite color, if he likes rollercoasters, what toppings he orders on his pizza.
it's not the deepest conversation, but it's a start and steve finds himself laughing, enjoying, and dreading what will happen once their call is over.
steve also catches onto eddie's insecurities pretty quickly.
when talking about himself, eddie makes constant self-deprecating comments. he's shy, hides behind his dark shadow of curls, and blushes bright red whenever steve says something complimentary.
time is running out. steve has to start his scheduled livestream soon and eddie is so adorable it hurts.
before he can think twice, the words are falling out of his mouth and he's licking over his glossed lips to seal their fate.
'you're so hot. i wanna ride your face until you can't breathe,' he says with a choked little moan....
and that's all i'm saying for now, bc pt. 2 of the full fic is on it's way and i don't want to spoil anything more before then, but this message gave me some great ideas for how i might want it to go so thank you anon !! loved responding to this one 🤗🧡
taglist (if you'd like to be added/removed at any time feel free to dm me or comment to let me know <3): @estrellami-1 @disastardly @ilovecupcakesandtea @the-redthread @asbealthgn @bestofbucky @vampireinthesun @carlyv @shrimply-a-menace @lordrrascal @jjoesjonas @anxiouseds @malachitedevil @gay-little-bitch @jhrc666 @pinkdaisies1998 @perseus-notjackson @eiddets @corroded-coffin-groupie @three-possums-playing-human @plutoshelm @stevesbipanic @arkenstoned @indiearr @they-reap-what-we-sow @gleek4twd @bunnyweasley23 @livingoutload @a-little-unsteddie
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kakusu-shipping · 2 years
Like an open book
It is 4:30am, my Air Conditioning unit sounds like a washing machine on full power, and it is simply impossible to sleep, so let’s write a Nook X Reader, hm?
Tom Nook X Island Rep/GN!Reader
In which you eat dirt
“I see you...innocently running in a great field...” 
“They respond right away this time...”
Another quiet day was slowly winding to a close outside Resident Services windows as Tom Nook relaxed back into his chair, stretching his paws over the desk.
Across from him, his peppy assistant Isabelle was taking the down time to catch up on some novel one of the residents had recommended to her. Just watching her expressions, Nook had picked up the plot considerably. It was a romance, never too steamy and hardly sweet, somewhere near the middle the main hunk had betrayed the story’s maiden in some major way, and now, three chapters to the end, he way dying.
Tom was never sure if he was just remarkable at reading faces, or if young Isabelle was just too easy to read. He’d wondered if he was once that expressive, wearing a story on his face and he walked naively through life.
Looking back, it was probably fine that he had, and would have been better if he’d continued to do so.
Movement outside the front window pulled Nook from memory lane; The Island Rep was whizzing through the main plaza, a to-go coffee from Brooster’s in one hand, a gift from one resident to another in the other.
Now that was youth, Tom thought to himself, acting to stretch as he stood and made way to get closer to the window. The rep had practically built this island with their own two hands, and now spent their time running from one corner to the next, filling the museum with every bug, fish, fossil, and painting they could get their hands on.
They were quiet the feat, weren’t they? So vibrant, goal oriented, and caring to the other residents. They didn’t complain about the ludicrous amount of work assigned to them. If Nook were a younger man, he might have helped share that burden more evenly, spent less time in the tent and more time in the grass pulling weeds, planting flowers, and picking fruit.
Tom was once again snapped from past regrets by swift movement out the window. Still hot coffee spilled across the brick of the square, seeping into a gift wrapped apology gift that would probably have to be returned to the sender.
The Island Rep lay face down in the center of the square, still and flat. No one else was around to see them trip and catch the ground with their face, only Nook, who stood frozen at the window.
“Mr. Nook? What happened?” Isabelle half closed her book and looked up, sensing the sudden stillness.
Tom didn’t answer, instead rushing as fast as his old but not quiet middle aged old joints were willing to let him go. Isabelle, who’d at most seen Nook pretend race walk after his boys, was reasonably startled by his hurry, and quickly followed him.
Outside, the Rep had finally recovered enough to start pushing themselves up on their hands. Tom stood by to offer assistance, a quiet “Are you okay?” on his lips, though overly concerned thoughts of bruised ribs and knocked out teeth ran through his head at mach speed. They didn’t have a doctor on the island, why didn’t they have a doctor on the island?
The Island Rep pushed themselves to their feet, smiling and waving off Nook, “I’m fine, I’m fine” They said, which was simply not true, as it normally isn’t when one catches themselves on rough stone chin first.
Tom was rather surprised Isabelle hadn’t shrieked loud enough to alarm the entire island.
The Rep’s chin was gashed, bleeding down on their shirt. The cut matched their smile, wide and red and prominently centered in the face. It was the kind of wound that’d probably need stitches, not something one should just walk away with.
Which they almost did, mind you.
The Rep laughed off their fall and thanked Nook for checking on them all while picking up the trashed to-go coffee cup and delivery. If the adrenaline from the fall had worn off, they sure didn’t show it, as they continued on about having to bring the gift back to it’s sender, the clothing inside completely ruined with coffee.
“m-Mayor...” Isabelle looked as though she might faint, which was a fair reaction to have to such a mess on their peaceful town, “Y-You-r.. Your ch-chin...”
The Rep, or as Isabelle may address them as a left over from their previous town together, The Mayor, began to reach up to their chin, a question on their face. Tom stepped in quicker than expected, pressing his personal pocket hankie to the wound instead. The Island Rep flinched at the pressure.
So they can feel pain. That’s a good sign, probably.
“Hold this here.” Tom Nook spoke in a tone that held no room for argument, as his rep did as they were told, pressing the cloth into their chin with enough force to stop the bleeding.
“Isabelle,” Nook addressed, the younger jumping to attention, finally taking her eyes off their mayor, “Can you handle resident services alone for a bit? I’m going to take the rep to the HHP island, they have a hospital there.”
The words of protest started on the rep’s lips, and were stopped dead in their tracks by a look from Tom. They swallowed, and looked anywhere by at Nook, shifting the cloth on their chin.
“O-Oh. Y-Yes I will be fine!” Isabelle stood to attention and saluted, eyes shut firmly in a fit of determination.
Tom nodded and placed a paw on his rep’s shoulder, turning them to the airport, “I’m counting on you. And please return this if you have a moment.” He spoke, handing Isabelle the ruined present the Rep had been delivering.
Isabelle nodded, taking the coffee soaked gift, “I’ve got it! Have a safe flight!” She waved, beaming with confidence at being left alone in Resident Service.
Nook never took his paw off The Island Representative’s, his representive, your shoulder as he spoke to Orville about booking a flight. The flightless bird having much the same reaction as Isabelle to the gash in your chin, which you’d shown him unprompted by uncovering Nook’s kerchief just enough when Orville caught your eye.
On the plane his paw was on your knee, then thigh, into your hand. The whole time his leg bounced as he stared out the window. You wondered what kind of crazy nerves were rattling in that fuzzy head of his. What loops was he taking himself through scared for you, the island, poor Isabelle and Orville. What would Lottie say, he must be asking himself.
Perhaps he was planning to have the pavement in the plaza evened out, shaved down, or even pay to have it full repaved more flat. No more loose, uneven bricks, smooth clean concrete. But that wouldn’t look very pretty would it? And it would take time, and bells, and inconvenience those who needed Resident Services at all hours.
You leaned ever so slightly onto Nook, holding his paw between your fingers, watching him mentally go over every possible option to make sure a disaster like this never happens again, that everyone involved was properly compensated, and that you, oh so important you, recovered comfortably so you could be back on your feet, sprinting from here to there however you pleased as soon as possible.
“I see you...innocently running in a great field...” Katrina’s fortune from this morning played in your head as you closed your eyes, “I see a lost seagull sailor in need of help...” She’d said. You didn’t quiet understand at the time. Luck in Friendship, Misfortune in Health.
With Tom Nook’s paw finally relaxing in your hand, the flight calming the Tanuki’s anxieties, you supposed now it made a bit more sense.
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jungle-angel · 11 months
Even More Summer Prompts
Guys I’m really itching for some writing prompts/scenarios/blurbs or anything really. I’m dying to write alot but I feel like I’m stuck in a rut, writing the same thing over and over again. Send in requests, come talk, literally anything!!! (lol). Taking requests for Top Gun Maverick, Outer Range, Bad Times At The El Royale, Salem’s Lot, Catch 22 (Hulu) and Press Play. 
1. “It’s too hot to sleep, you wanna go to Wal Mart instead?” 
2. “Shit, the air conditioner broke again” 
3. “Wanna go skinny dipping?” 
4. Watching a thunderstorm roll in on the front porch
5. Inspecting for ticks
6. “You look like you need a cool bath” 
7. Lemonade or iced tea on the front porch
8. Laying in the hammock and feeling the warm sun on theirs and their s.o’s faces
9. Helping their s.o to recover from a sunburn
10. “I’ve got sand in places I’ve never even heard of” 
11. Collecting seashells and driftwood at the beach
12. Fourth of July fireworks
13. Swimming at the lake or the beach
14. “I ate so much at the cookout, I think I’m gonna explode” 
15. Summer at the rodeo
16. Hawaiian shirts
17. Who’s the grill-master? 
18. Summer garden
19. Waking up on a summer morning
20. “You wanna hang out? It’s nice and cool in here” 
21. Summer bonfires
22. Drive-in movie night 
23. Summer fishing trip
24. Ice cream for dinner (sorry I’m craving this really bad)
25. What’s on their summer playlist
26. “We don’t have enough beer.....wanna run?” 
27. Canoe trip
28. Hanging the freshly washed clothes on the clothesline 
29. Their s.o being all sweaty and getting a bath outside
30. What’s on their summer playlist?
31. Sex in the field of wildflowers (Smut)
32. Summer picnic by the lake
33. Making a flower or shell crown for their s.o
34. Pick your own corn from the cornfield
35. Summer farmers’ market
36. Heat wave
37. “Oh God, this rope swing is so old” 
38. “This is the biggest slip n slide I’ve ever seen” 
39. Baseball games
40. Day at the amusement park
41. “How do these smores come out so perfect?” 
42. Stargazing with their s.o
43. Swimming near and under a waterfall
44. Chasing down the ice cream truck
45. Summer camping trip
46. Seeing a rainbow after a thunderstorm
47. Summer road trip
48. Homemade bug repellent
49. Cooking outside during a heatwave
50. Making sure that their s.o is drinking enough water on a hot day
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dohmalore · 1 year
3, 8, 16, 19, 35, 36, 40 for the pokémon asks (your sideblog's ask box doesn't seem to be open)
(Oh damn my bad. I didnt know you had to manually open the ask box dudbudbudbudvrjdv)(also didnt see this until just now,,,)
3 what's one pokémon you would really like to have as a partner?
Definitely a Lurantis...she is so big and pink and her raptorial forelimbs are so poggers...
8 what's one pokémon you like that people wouldn't expect?
I don't know how to answer this. I like a lot of pokemon that I think most people don't care for but I don't think anyone who knows me personally is surprised by the kinds of mons I like. I love bugs and weird little lizard guys!! And even pokemon I would never want to own I still like a lot!!
Like I really don't care for eevee. But I will still absolutely pet every single one I see in public.
Idk maybe Alolan Muk? I love those guys(COLORS!! TEETH!!!) but ppl might be surprised about it because I love smooching pokemon more than anything but they are not smoochable at all :(
16 what habit does one of your pokémon have that's unusual for its species?
My magmar is very sociable for a magmar. They're such a reclusive species that people don't think they're native to hoenn! They just don't show up on the free-catching routes very often! I'm pretty sure she only wandered down the mountain because of a minor eruption/lava flow.
And she was kinda runty as a magby so it was easy to ride the flow down but she had no way of getting back up. I'm told she started a minor forest fire(trying to stave off hypothermia) and thats how she ended up at the rescue in the first place.
19 what thing did/does your pokémon have the hardest time learning?
That my food is MINE. I don't share off my plate! No matter how cutely they stare at me the entire time I'm eating! It's not my fault you swallowed all your fish sticks whole in 2.4 seconds! Eat your salad!
Also been trying to teach magmar how to use a game controller for years. She has thumbs and isnt dumb. She knows how to use the oven. I just think she isn't into gaming 😔
Treecko has thumbs but he is also dumb as hell(i'm told he'll be smarter when he evolves, sceptile is like right on the cusp of dragon typing). He tries to eat the cursor on my computer. I have to keep the bathroom door shut because he will try to fight his reflection and/or drink out of the toilet if he gets in there.
But also he's a domestic treecko so he's been bred specifically for battling and he's really good at battle cues! I'm not much of a battler(I'll do friendly matches with kids, or against rowdy mons on our hikes) but I might get more into it just because he likes it so much.
35 how do you like to spend time with your pokémon?
We just chill mostly. If it's not too hot out I will take them hiking out in the woods/go to the shops with them.
36 name something about your partner pokémon that makes you really proud of them!
Always proud of them when they poop in the litter box/outside instead of leaving me stink surprises in the middle of the floor for me to step on in the dark.
40 what kind of pokémon (can be but doesn't have to be type!) are your favorite? why do you like them so much?
I like weird little lizard guys. And big lizard guys. They are so cute. I love the big ole eyes and the scales and their little hands & claws & teef & the way they stare at stuff & hunt & eat & ❤😍💞💞💖💕😍❤. Cute creatures!!! And also generally very clean and residue/odor free which I value a lot as an autistic person.
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nikoadari · 2 years
I Think I’m Dating a Fae, Chapter 6
March 19
Dear Diary,
Well, the kids weren’t good yesterday. Ramon had a tantrum about the food – he isn’t used to onigiri (Sol says that means “rice balls”) and wanted nuggets instead – and Yasmine was an absolute tornado all. Day. Long.
She just wouldn’t sit still. Eye contact? Nonexistent. She was all over the place, even when we tried to make donuts and cider for a nice dessert. She was excited for that, but she just wouldn’t focus.
I was already frazzled after the awful morning we’d had, and I was about to have a breakdown, but Sol took Yasmine outside and had her chop some more wood for a whole hour. She was able to focus on that, which gave me time to give Ramon a bath which helped calm him down, and then make myself some tea which calmed me down.
We spent the rest of the day outside. Sol has a nice garden in this L-shape around his house, and it always growing something. He apparently has a gardner who comes up here to tend the garden every day, but since we’re all here it’s our job now.
I thought it was hot and sweaty work, but it was kind of fun in a way. Sol showed us all how to weed everything without pulling out the roots of his flowers (that’s most of what he was growing) and how to water the plants without drowning them. The kids really enjoyed it, especially Yasmine. She loves bugs and playing in the dirt.
The only tears came from Ramon when he touched a worm. He screamed bloody murder which made Sol scream which made Yamine and I scream, and…wow. After he found out it was just a worm that scared Ramon, Sol stood up, walked to a big tree with an enormous hole in it, and just sat down in front of it.
Alone time, great.
I told Ramon it was okay and let the poor thing watch the worm for a while, and after seeing it wasn’t that scary he lost interest and wanted “Baba” to come back. God, he’s just so cute. I gave Sol about ten minutes before going to ask him to come back, and he was muttering again!
I’d figured that I had just dreamed it all up that first night we got here, about him muttering to himself in the dark like some sort of creep. It wasn’t dark now, but he was still talking to himself in the corner alone!
So I asked what was up and he turned and said, “Nothing!” like Ramon does when he’s in trouble! I didn’t press because he said he could come back and thanked me for taking care of the kids while he took some time for himself.
Sol is normally so considerate. I’m not used to him just walking away like that out of nowhere. Something must really be bothering him, but at the time I just let it go. The kids were bored and wanted to learn more about the pretty flowers and the bugs and everything; I figured we would have time to talk about it later.
It took a long time to do all the gardening since none of us knew what we were doing and Sol was too busy correcting us to actually do much of the work himself, and by the time we were finished it was getting dark.
The kids hadn’t behaved themselves, so instead of swimming or catching fish, we used all the wood Yasmine chopped before to make a fire in the backyard pit (is it really a backyard when you live in a forest, Sol? Is it? The answer is “no.” I can’t believe this man tried to tell me it counted because the back door was facing this way).
I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. I had to spray everyone down so we didn’t get eaten alive by mosquitos, and the fire was smoky but still warm.
We brought out the cider and donuts and heated them over the fire in these cute griddle and kettle duo. It was delicious. Mulled apple cider with cinnamon might be my new favorite drink.
Maybe I should make a recipe book. Sol’s always teaching the kids and I new recipes whenever he visits, but I always forget to write them down. Now’s probably a good time to start; I’ll get a little booklet from the market when we go. But back to last night.
The stars were beautiful. There are so many out here that we hardly even need lights to see. I never knew we could see all these without a telescope. You can’t see all these beautiful things from the city, and I’d spent my entire life there. I’m glad the kids were able to see this.
After we finished our little snack, Sol brought out this long bamboo flute and started playing songs. He’s gotten so much better at it over the last year! He must have bought a new, more professional-looking one while he progressed because I had never seen this particular flute before.
It had little pink and blue flowers painted down it, and was longer than the beginner flute. It made a much deeper tone than any flute I’d ever heard before. It was low and clear, but not sharp. Ramon and Yasmine were pretending their hands were snakes and dancing to it that way, the goofballs.
Sol was playing slow songs at first. No idea what the songs were called, but they made me imagine water. A slow, steady stream that never ended, flowing wherever it pleased. I kept my eyes on the stars for the most part. It was easier to get lost in the music while staring at them.
But then, on the fourth or fifth song, Sol suddenly picked up the pace. The kids were dancing around the fire in no time. I had to join in. The music was so bouncy it was like my feet just began moving on their own. The kids and I were whirling in circles, and the music carried us along, on and on and on until the children finally collapsed, laughing, in an exhausted pile.
I kept dancing.
Sol started to play something kind of slow, kind of fast…somewhere in the middle to keep me on my toes. I remembered dancing with all my siblings and cousins as a child at weddings and family reunions. I hadn’t danced like that in years.
But, you know what, I felt so good I could barely think of why I would want to stop myself from dancing like that again! I went old school. The kids started clapping to with the music – we have got to teach them how to keep a beat – and I danced as best I could to it.
I have to say, I’m rather impressed with myself. You should have seen my moves. I still got it!
After a few more songs we were all warm and full with donuts and cider, and sleepy from the day’s events. Sol and I put the kids to bed, and when he turned to me, I could see that he was very much in the mood. Well, can’t say I wasn’t, either.
It was an absolutely wonderful night. I’m hoping today will be just as good and bring us all closer together. I asked Sol to teach the kids how to swim this morning. “New day, new chances,” my dad always said.
When we got to the river, Sol asked how well I could swim. I’m pretty sure he thought I couldn’t swim at all since he’s never seen I been living in the city my whole life, but joke’s on him! I’m so good at it that one of my first jobs was to be a lifeguard at a public swimming pool! I’ve saved six kids, two adults who absolutely should have known better, and a dog from certain watery death.
Okay, maybe I’m a bit too proud of that, but I never realized just how much Sol could really do before this trip. I knew he’s a man of many talents, yes, but wow. He told me ages ago that he’s had more opportunities to learn; more time, more money, more education, plus a family that liked to read and learn, etc.
“A simple accident of birth,” he’d called it. “And a not so accidental consequence of capitalism with a dash of plutocracy.”
Which is true, but even though I know that it makes me feel a bit like I’m less than him. My mind will start spiraling, questioning why he’s even with me when I don’t deserve him and everything I know isn’t true but I still feel from time to time.
But this time was different.
He was impressed at my lifeguard stories and my skill. It was a different experience than usual, swimming in the river. The sun was out and it made the water shine like diamonds, but it didn’t hurt my eyes like the glare of the cement did. Sol picked a really calm stretch of the river for us to swim in so no one would get swept away by the current, so there was barely any sound at all, too.
And all of that was really nice, but my favorite part was that chlorine wasn’t stinging my nose. I always hated that stuff. Sol didn’t want to put a swimming cap on before he went in since “the water’s clean,” which, sure…not like animals do their business here, no ma’am.
His definition of “clean” and mine are clearly different.
I asked him to put my spare one on so that I wouldn’t have to listen to Ramon’s whining. He’s always hated swim caps, and if he saw his father not wearing one but still had to himself, World War 3 would have broken out in a heartbeat.
I caught Sol looking into the water like he was searching for something. He looked suspicious, almost angry. I asked if he was worried about more poisonous fish but he said it would be fine and that they don’t like calm water. I didn’t know that fish had preferences like that.
Once we actually got into the water, it was fun teaching the kids how to swim. We stayed in the shallow parts, of course, just splashing about and letting the kids tread water. They’re tiny naturals! By the time we go home, they’ll be swimming pros!
Sol was more relaxed, too, playing with the kids and timing how long we could all hold our breath underwater. I love seeing them all like this. Ugh, but of course Sol had to hit me with the cheesy romance out of nowhere.
We were having a splashing contest before he just kinda stopped and began staring at me. He looked sad. When I asked what was wrong, he sidled up next to me and pulled me close, and he just kept looking at me.
He said, “I wanted to show you my world. There’s so much more to it. I’m sorry that you can only see this tiny piece.”
I missed the carefree fun we were having a second ago so I just grinned and told him to take us on more vacations, then. I won’t mind. Everyone who made me feel like a gold-digger for taking a vacation can stuff it.
He grinned, then, but stayed quiet. It was like he was taking every single thing about me in, and when he had seen it all he turned my body towards his, and kissed me.
I thought I could hear someone laughing at us. It must have been the kids since it sounded close, but I was distracted; the kiss was just too wonderful. He was so tender and gentle, and passionate and needy, and he held me so close to him that I thought we might have to stay like that forever.
I had to push away when I needed air. I was holding him and staring up at his face. His eyes were all soft and brown and beautiful, just like the rest of him, but for a moment, I swear to God, I don’t think it’s just the sun’s reflection that turned his eyes gold.
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alphareleasemedia · 6 days
Daily Drabbles for 5/26/24 - 5/31/24
5/26/24 Donna sat on the edge of her bed and yawned. She stared at herself in the mirror instead of combing out her wet hair. She had the comb in her hand, she was just taking a minute before getting started. Donna yawned again. She glanced at the bright blue sky mocking her outside her window. It was a crime for it to be this light this early. The sun was cruel in the summer. Luring her into staying up late by staying up late itself. Only to rise again just a few hours later. When was she supposed to sleep?
5/27/24 The tide was coming in. Cold hard waves crashed against the rocky shore. The moon was nearly full, but obscured behind wispy clouds gliding across the sky. Every now and again a gap would open up and the moonlight would stream down over the sea, only to slip back into darkness as the wind blew in more cloud cover. There was a weight in the air. The promise of a storm pressing down. As wind and wave rolled in from the sea so too did something else. Something hiding behind the black horizon, and coming in fast toward the land.
5/28/24 A bead of sweat slid down the side of Hera's face and dripped off her chin. She wiped her forehead with her arm, catching more sweat before it could run into her eyes. It wasn't that hot out and when Hera paused the breeze was delightfully refreshing. The only problem was that when Hera paused, she was swarmed with mosquitos. She could hear them buzzing around her head as she powered up the hill as fast as she could without breaking into a run. She had been hoping for a pleasant stroll through the woods. She should've worn bug spray.
5/29/24 This was a critical moment. Every choice Sue had made had led her to it. All she had to do was see it through and victory would be hers. Across the table from her Pilot sat enigmatically silent. He made no reaction to the oscillating movement of Sue's hand as she debated her options. Whether he was worried or not, Sue had no idea. That was the problem with playing games with Pilot, he was impossible to read. Sue dropped a red tile into a slot. Without missing a beat, Pilot dropped a black one making four in a row.
5/30/24 Dennis kept to the left wall as he navigated the dark cavern. He wanted to make sure that he didn't miss a single thing before he advanced on to the next chamber and what would most likely be his big showdown with the great dragon Shadowbreath. So far he'd already found two secret rooms, hundreds of gold coins, several potions, and a fancy hat. Dennis was particularly excited about the hat. It was a very rare item. He would of course be sure to wear it into his battle with the dragon. After all, it gave him plus seven defense.
5/31/24 Taylor's backhand hit connected squarely with the tennis ball and rocketed it back over the net. Kelci threw herself across the court but drew up short, the ball bouncing right past the tip of her racket as Kelci fell to the ground. A roar of cheers rose up from the crowd and Taylor took the moment to catch her breath. She could hear Jordan cheering louder than all the others. Taylor glanced up at the stands where Jordan and his friend were sitting next to Bethany. It was nice having them all there at her matches to cheer for her.
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Alright! Let’s try another one of these! A freshwater pokemon and the second stage of the Poliwag family, Centrolene volubilis, Poliwhirl!
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Poliwhirl is a second stage Pokemon endemic to the Kanto Region. It evolves from Poliwag. Poliwhirl is the mature form of Poliwag, as evolution from its infant form, Poliwag, occurs from aging. Poliwhirl’s diet consists mostly of smaller aquatic pokemon and bug type pokemon. Smaller Butterfree, Nincada, Cutiefly, are all it’s primary prey. Poliwhirl are, in of themselves, the adult form of Poliwag, but they can still evolve further, into Politoed or Poliwrath. As such, Poliwhirl itself can still lay eggs and be the leader of a pod of Poliwag. Poliwrath aren’t exactly small pokemon, so it’s decently easy to spot them in freshwater lakes and pools in nature, as they are typically half-submerged with only their nose and eyes exposed. This is because Poliwrath keeps an external temperature to survive, as it could face health problems if it becomes too hot. It’s still able to live on land though, due to it’s unique temperature regulation system: it’s thick, cold sweat that it secretes constantly when outside of water.
Poliwhirl is bipedal, and uses its feet to swim similar to humans. It has two large, mitten-like hands. While it may appear to be similar to human hands, they do not have fingers, instead having a hand-shaped mass of muscle. While the spiral on Poliwhirl’s stomach is commonly mistaken for its mouth, it’s actually its intestines! An interesting trait in the Poliwag family is that, in order to swim faster and filter-feed easier, they’ve developed thin, almost translucent stomachs. Because of this, you can see the outline of their spiral-patterned intestines. If you look at them in the sun, you can see their intestines more clearly. Their actual mouth is very small, located right above their intestines. Poliwhirl also uses its spiral intestines to distract and hypnotize its prey. This is especially helpful for catching and eating quick and easily startled bug types.
Poliwhirl’s natural predators are few and far between in their natural habitat of freshwater lakes and rivers. The Totodile family, but especially Croconaw and Feraligatr, are typically its only predator inside its natural habitat. However, if a Poliwhirl tends to find itself outside of water, it’s at risk from Pokemon such as Fearow and Pidgeot. The Poliwag family typically avoids other water types, though it’s not as though they’re entirely unfriendly. Typically they only get territorial with other pokemon of similar taxonomic relation (the Tympole family, Froakie family, Croagunk family, etc.) However, it’s safe to cohabitate a Poliwhirl with almost any other water type. I’ve never had experience myself with keeping a Poliwhirl with bug type Pokemon, but I’d imagine a Poliwhirl would have to be conditioned and trained to not eat or attack bug types, as they consist of most of their diet.
Keeping and caring for a Poliwhirl is all about preparing a chill environment. Poliwhirl’s internal temperature is 18°C (64°F), and while it keeps itself cool with it’s mucus-like sweat, it’s not an ideal way to take care of a Poliwhirl. It’s best to buy a freshwater tank large enough to house your Poliwhirl, or to prepare an area of cooled mud that Poliwhirl can submerge itself in or bathe in. For a less expensive alternative, keeping a Poliwhirl in a small pool when not active, living near freshwater, or just keeping spray bottles of water on hand to maintain temperature are all options.
My personal partner pokemon is a Wartortle, and while they are very different types of Pokemon, they’re both freshwater pokemon, so they need some superficially similar types of care. I’m quite fond of the Poliwag family, though I have to say Poliwhirl is a personal favorite of mine! I’ll save discussion of the community structure of the Poliwag family for an eventual breakdown of Politoed, but it’s needless to say that Poliwag is a very capable and interesting Pokemon that makes a valuable addition to anyone’s team.
- Cherry
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ask-the-clergy-bc · 2 years
What would the papas do if they found their s/o unconscious? Maybe they overworked themselves and are sick or something.
(Went ahead and tacked on some Minor Trigger Warnings for passing out, getting hurt, medical stuff, just getting sick, and extreme stress! )
Papas Finding Their S/O Unconscious
Papa Nihil: When you said you felt like you were going to pass out, Nihil honestly thought you were joking at first. You both have a sense of humor and flair for the dramatic. Imagine his surprise when he ends up CATCHING you before you hit the ground, or worse, your head! When he noticed your face was sweaty and burning it hit him that you probably weren't joking. Nihil feels guilty and a bit stupid for not taking you seriously. He does everything to make it up to you when you are awake. For now he just bothers all of the infirmary ghouls, asking tons of questions and hovering and just getting in the way.
Papa I: Papa sometimes wished you would give your body time to rest. As much as he admires your ambition and hard work, you tend to neglect yourself. One day he noticed you were virtually dead on your feet- you had stayed up all night to work. papa wasn't having any of it, and told you to go sleep. But you were often stubborn when you had your mind set on a project, and instead snuck off to keep working. It ended up with you collapsing on your work space, sending your pens and books to the ground. Papa heard the rattle and crash of your things and couldn't run fast enough to check on you. Luckily, you didn't get hurt. But you were promptly tucked in and banned from work until you felt better. It was a pain for you, but you weren't about to defy Papa...
Papa II: You REALLY thought you didn't need to drink water when it was this hot outside. You were FINE! You had iced coffee, you had some food... who really needs water anyway? Nothing like a hot day and a stuffy office to prove you wrong! So what you were breathing faster and your heart was pounding? Obviously from all the coffee! And the confusion you felt as you worked? Lack of sleep. The lack of AC didn't bother you, it'd be fixed. You were sure! Then you woke up back in your room with an IV drip, a head ache, and the towering dark figure of your skull faced lover. Truthfully, you are far more stubborn than he is. But nothing could have saved you from the hour long bitching you got for not taking care of yourself!!
Papa III: You didn't want to admit that you had been overwhelmed lately. You and Papa had a LOT of events to plan back to back, many business trips to take, and so so SO much paper work. The time you finally got to go to your room and spend time with Papa felt like an unblessing. You were a bit disappointed finding out that you still had to try on your new formal wear before you could just go to bed. Papa left you too it as he finished up work in his office in the other room. You're not sure what caused you to hit the ground. It might have been that you forgot to each dinner (again), that you barely had any sleep, or even the tight collar of the garment that needed to be altered... but you next realize you are on the ground with a worried Papa holding you. He's more panicked about it than you are, and scowls when you laugh weakly insisting you are fine. It's not until you have a doctor by your bed that he's convinced you are going to live. Papa dramatically whines at you how you scared him!! On the bright side, he forces you to have a couple of days off.
Papa IV/Cardinal Copia: This is exactly how you almost give this man a heart attack! Copia came home to find you in the middle of the floor, face down in the plush carpet. Everything in his arms was immediately dropped as he hollered and ran to your side! Pulling you up to hear you moan was such a relief for him! But the way you looked ghastly and sweaty was not... It turns out you had come down with a nasty bug and were trying to fight through it. Trying to go about your day despite feeling dizzy and on the verge of passing out. Copia ends up feeling bad because had he known, he would have made sure you were in bed. But he was so busy he left before he got to tell you to have a good day. But he's happy you're alive. You might get a good scolding out of it, despite him pulling the same stunts before! At least you get the newest Papa fussing over making sure you are taken care of!
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cobrakaisb · 3 years
5 times robby fell in love with you + 1 time he actually said it
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requested: no
a/n: hey besties it’s been a hot minute! i promise that part two of modern day romeo and juliet is in the works but here is a little robby imagine because i have been in my robby feels lately. :)
summary: read the title besties :) you and robby are already dating in this imagine. 
word count: 1832
one: wheel training
“i don’t know about this mr. larusso,” you mumble as you take your sweatshirt off to climb into the pond. robby was already in there, shivering from the coolness of the water. “you’ll be fine y/n,” mr. larusso says encouragingly. you nod, slowly entering the shallow pond with robby’s help. together the two of you approach the wheel in the middle, each of you on your respective sides. “okay now climb on,” mr. larusso instructs, and you look nervously at robby, who just nods. together the two of you climb onto the wheel.
after countless tries and many failed attempts the two of you were able to perform the technique semi-decently. “we did it!” you shout as you come up from the water. robby and mr. larusso laugh at your excitement. you splash some water up in the air, laughing as the droplets hit your skin on the way down. robby looks at you adoringly, a smile on his face. “alright you two, that’s enough for today. i’ll see you tomorrow,” mr. larusso says, smiling at the two of you as he walks towards the house. 
once he’s inside the house, robby wades through the water to you. “we did it robby!” you cheer, throwing your arms around his shoulders, a proud smile on your face. “yes we did baby,” he answers, resting his forehead against yours. “just imagine us doing that in a fight! we’d be unstoppable!” you exclaim and robby just nods his head. he wasn’t really paying attention to what you were saying, instead he was thinking about how happy you made him and how contagious your smile was.    
two: during the mall fight
“get behind me,” you instruct demetri, pushing the tall boy behind you, while sam took care of the others. “back off,” sam tells hawk, and you nod your head, getting into your fighting stance. hawk scoffs at the three of you. “i don’t want to have to hit a girl,” he says, looking between you and sam. now it was your turn to scoff. “funny how you think you’d even stand a chance against us,” you say confidently. now robby was beside you, the three of you covering demetri.
“five against four. more like three and a half,” hawk remarks, nodding towards his friends, signaling the start of the fight. you were fighting off two boys in the back while robby was fighting off two of them in the front. sam was taking care of some boy towards the middle of the group, while demetri just stood in the center, not fighting anyone. slowly, one by one, you and your friends had taken down the cobra kais, well all of them except for hawk. 
you look over your shoulder to see hawk charging towards you robby, who was cornered up against a table. you knew that robby could handle himself, but a wave of protectiveness washed over you. the next thing you know, hawk was lying on the floor of the food court while you stood in front of robby. everyone ohed at the sight of hawk lying on the ground, but you didn’t pay them any mind. you turn to face robby, grabbing his face in your hands. “are you alright?” you ask, looking over him worriedly. robby chuckled at you, pulling you into a tight hug. “i’m fine baby, thank you,” he answers with nothing but admiration in his voice as he kisses your forehead.  
three: he catches you singing
robby jogs up the stairs to your room. today the two of you were taking a break from karate and planning on watching a movie together. robby knocks on the door, but there was no answer. he cracks the door open and sees you jumping around your room. you were wearing one of his shirts and a pair of shorts, your hair brush in your hand, as you belted out the lyrics to teenage dirtbag. “oh yeah! dirtbag!” you sing along with zayn malik. robby smiles as he watches you sing and dance around the room. 
now you were standing in front of your mirror, pointing to yourself as you sang, completely engrossed in the song. at one point you tilt your head back, really getting into it. robby continues to watch you sing the song, a loving smile on his face the entire time. he only makes himself known when he claps his hands once the song ends. you freeze, turning towards the door where your boyfriend is clapping. a blush immediately coats your cheeks, as you throw your hairbrush on your bed. 
“i didn’t take you as a singer y/n,” robby points out, stepping into your room. your blush turns an even deeper shade of red as you look away from his hazel eyes. robby closes the distance between the two of you, placing a loving kiss on your lips. “i thought it was cute,” robby confesses once you seperate. “especially since you’re wearing my shirt,” he continues, a giggle escaping your mouth. “stop being cheesy,” you say, pushing him away from you. “but you love it,” he remarks, sitting down on your bed. you roll your eyes, “i guess.”    
four: your date at the roller rink
it was 80s night at the roller rink, and you and robby were long overdue for a date night. you and robby decided to go as people from the outsiders. robby as a soc and you as a greaser. “an enemies to lovers typa beat,” you explain, fixing his jacket. robby just nods along, too busy admiring you in your ripped jeans and leather jacket. 
“i’ll go get the skates. wait here,” robby says, kissing your cheek as he walks towards the rental counter. shortly after, robby comes back with two pairs of skates. “thanks robby,” you say, placing a chaste kiss on his lips as he sits down on the bench next to you. “okay ready?” robby asks, and you nod, grabbing his hand as the two of you head over to the roller rink. 
together you skate leisurely around the rink. laughing and singing along to the 80s songs that the dj is playing. while the two of you are skating hand in hand when the song i would die 4 u by prince comes on. “oh my gosh! i love this song!” you cheer, excitement all over your face. robby chuckled at your words, “i know. i may have put in a request with the dj.” you smile so big when robby said that. “you’re the best robby,” you say, and robby could tell that your words were genuine. robby just smiled at you, listening to you sing along with prince.       
five: midnight baking session
you couldn’t sleep. it was 12:00 at night, and you could not fall asleep. robby on the other hand, was fast asleep. well you thought he was fast asleep when you left your room to go to the kitchen. it turns out that robby wasn’t asleep because he was now standing in the kitchen, watching as you grabbed different ingredients. “what are you doing y/n? it’s twelve am,” robby asks, a tired yawn escaping him. “i couldn’t sleep so i decided to make some brownies. want to help?” you ask him, and you're practically begging him with your eyes to say yes. “why not,” robby mumbles, joining you. 
“yes! okay so can you go get the medium saucepan? it’s in that cabinet over there,” you instruct, pointing towards the cabinet. robby nods tiredly and gets you the pan, wrapping his arms around your waist once he brings it to you. “tired?” you ask him, measuring out the flour. “just a bit,” robby replies, resting his head on your shoulder, kissing your neck. you giggle, moving your head away from him. “stop that tickles,” you say, looking at the snoop dogg cookbook. 
about forty minutes later, you and robby are sitting on the couch watching friends and eating brownie sundaes. “these brownies are so good,” robby says, basically moaning at the taste. “yeah babe? do you like them?” you ask, cuddled up to his side. robby nods vigorously. “they are so good. you better make these more often,” he says, looking at you. “i will,” you promise and robby nods gratefully. the two of you continue to watch the show and eat your ice cream.
“hey i’m done. do you want me to put your bowl in the sink?” robby asks, sitting up from his spot on the couch. “yes please,” you respond, handing him the empty bowl. robby takes it from you, but not before placing a kiss on your cheek. “what was that for?” you ask, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “you had some chocolate there, and maybe i just wanted to kiss you,” robby replies and a huge smile encompasses your face. 
it was now three am and george lopez was playing. you were asleep on robby’s chest, while he was watching the show. “i love you robby,” you mumble tiredly, cuddling into his chest more. robby tenses at your words, but he smiles and places a kiss on your forehead, quietly repeating the phrase back to you.    
one: when you visit him in jail
you sat down at the table, waiting for robby to come out. you were fidgeting with the tupperware of brownies you brought for him. even though you had come to visit robby multiple times, you always got nervous waiting for him. the door opened and teenage boys were walking into the room. your eyes immediately searching for robby. he saw you right away, and walked over to your table.
“hi robby,” you say quietly once he sits down. robby gives you a small smile, “hi baby.” it was quiet for a minute, but you quickly broke the silence by shoving the tupperware container towards him. “i made you brownies. the snoop dogg ones because they’re your favorite,” you explain and robby smiles widely at you, grabbing your hand that was resting on the table. 
“thanks. i’ll eat them as soon as i can,” he says truthfully. “are you okay? they haven’t been bugging you have they?” you ask him quietly, looking over his face for any bruises or cuts. robby chuckles at how worried you are. “i’m fine y/n, i promise. you don’t need to worry about me,” robby says and you roll your eyes at him. “i worry because i care and because i love you,” you answer, casually slipping that three word phrase in there. robby sits there in shock for a minute before an even bigger smile takes over his face. “i love you too y/n,” he says, squeezing your hand. a smile as big as robby’s takes over your face too. 
“so what’s been going on?” robby asks and you immediately jump into a ramble about the newest book that you’ve been reading. meanwhile, robby just smiles, proud of himself for finally telling you how he feels. 
taglist: @iwantahockeyhimbo @estupidteen​ @funprincess101​ @mrfeenyisswag   
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forever-rogue · 3 years
hi! if you’re accepting requests from prompt list #2, does angst to fluff count lol. 5 from angst, 49 from fluff lists! with reader thinking din loves someone else 🥺 i like mando x omera but.. reader who perhaps doesnt have the skills omera has and sees how din looks at her… THE ANGST 😌🤌
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AN | Me, writing some Din? It’s been a hot minute, but here we are. I miss him 🥺
Warnings | None
Pairing | Din x Fem!Reader
Masterlist | Din, Main
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
A small sigh, a wistful little thing, escaped your lips as you studied the gently lapping water of the lake. It was calm here, a peaceful, tranquil place that served as a welcome refuge after all that you'd been through in the last few years. Sometimes it seemed almost too good to be true. The distant sounds of laughter met your ears as children ran around and played, carefree as could be. Sometimes you wished you were that young again; innocent to life’s darker sides. Unfortunately that wasn’t a possibility, but for now you’d take the peace and stillness you could get.
Pulling off your boots and socks, you quickly tossed them to the side. The water was warm as you relaxed and leaned back, closing your eyes and soaking up the warmth of the summer sun. It wasn’t until you heard the familiar voice that your eyes slowly snapped back opened. Your heart constricted slightly as you spotted Din nearby speaking to Omera. He seemed so happy, in a much better mood than you’d seen in a long time. It was all her, and you remained invisible. Which, when it came to most things wasn’t too bad, but sometimes you wished he would see you.
“Is somebody jealous?” you hadn’t even heard the bounty hunter walk over; you supposed that’s one of the many reasons he was the best in the galaxy. Boba offered a small grimace before sitting down next to you. You shrugged him off staring back into the water. You were not about to get into anything with Boba; that man was insufferable and usually right.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you brushed him off, trying desperately not to look back at Din. Instead, you focused on the water and watched the tiny fish whiz through the water; a few of them brushed by your feet, sending a ticklish shiver up your spine, “I’m just...enjoying the calm afternoon sun and soaking up as much peace before we inevitably leave again.”
“That’s how this all works,” Boba sighed as you nodded in agreement, “you knew that from the day you became my apprentice.”
“I know,” you whispered, “but I hoped at one point I could...walk away and have a normal life. Like this.”
“Normal is all relative,” he had a point as you huffed lightly and stood up, brushing off your pants and reaching for your boots, “but if this is what you want, what you truly want, you know you’re welcome to leave whenever. I would not hold you back from the life you wanted.”
“I know, Boba,” you put your hand on his shoulder and gave it a light squeeze, “the problem is that I don’t really know what I want...I think I know but...it’s more than that.”
“Of course,” he agreed, casting a quick glance at the object of your affections before turning back to you, “I’m sure you’ll figure it out.”
“Either way, it will work out, just as it always does,” you swallowed the lump that had welled up in your throat, “Boba, why are you doing this?”
“I just want to make sure you’re happy - that you know that you have choices in what you’re doing,” he said like it was no big deal, but to you it meant so much. This hardened, sometimes gruff man really did have a heart of gold underneath it all, “should you want to part ways, I would understand. Should you want to stay, I’d be more than happy to have you with me. I don’t know what the future holds for myself, Fennec, or Djarin, but you know it will not always be easy. But sometimes you have to decide what’s most important.”
“Yes,” you answered softly, “thank you, Boba.”
He remained silent as you laced up your boots before padding away, back towards the village. You knew you had a lot to think about and if you wanted things to change at all, you’d have to figure out something. You cast a glance over your shoulder and you were almost positive that you’d spotted Din looking in your direction. But it was all a trick of the mind; it had to be. Why would he spare you more than a passing thought anyways?
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It was late by the time he found you; much later than any reasonable person should have been outside, but you couldn’t sleep. There was too much on your mind to silence, and if you managed to, it was short-lived and another thought came to replace the previous one. Eventually you’d given up and wandered out of the small hut home that had been acting as your own home for the last couple of months. You knew the area was safe and wanted to enjoy the temperate night air before it turned to a crisp fall breeze, or worse - you’d be gone.
Small bugs chirped happily along with the soft songs of nightbirds as you walked around the sleeping village; you weren’t scared here, you felt safe and at home. But as you rounded a corner, a gloved hand reached out and grabbed your wrist. A small yelp of surprise left your lips as you pulled into a wall of cool metal - beskar.
“Shhh,” Din placed a finger to his lips as you relaxed when you realized it was him, “you’ll wake everyone up. It’s just me.”
“Dank Farrik!” you hissed at him, “how was I supposed to know that? You could have been a murderer!”
“Well….you should be in bed sleeping.”
“So should you!” your arms crossed over your chest as you stared him down, and eventually he huffed in defeat, realizing you were right. He couldn’t sleep either, plagued by the choices he knew that he had to make sooner rather than later. He hadn’t expected you to be out as well, “what are you doing anyway?”
“Couldn’t sleep,” he admitted, scratching the back of his neck nervously, a flash of...something in his dark eyes, “I thought that some fresh air would clear my head.”
“Same here,” you admitted reluctantly, leaving the two of you in an awkward silence. You wished you had enough bravery (or perhaps even stupidity) in your body to just say something to him then and there. At least it would be out of the way; but you weren’t feeling anything but nervous butterflies fluttering in your tummy, “I...umm...I guess I’ll get back. Try and sleep.”
“Hey-” he reached for your arm gently before you could get too far away. You turned around and raised an eyebrow as he opened and closed his mouth a few times, “d-did I do something wrong?”
“What? What are you talking about?” the question caught you off guard, but judging by the look on his face, you could sense that this was something he had been thinking for some time.
“You’ve been different lately...it almost feels like you’re avoiding me.”
“Oh DIn, you’re being ridiculous,” and yet the accusation was very true.
“You’re fine around Boba, Fennec...everyone else. But every time I’m around it feels like you can’t wait to get away,” you should have known that he would have noticed sooner or later. The man was more observant than you’d cared to admit, “if I did something, please tell me.”
“You can’t be serious, Djarin. There’s nothing wrong…”
“Then why have you been avoiding me?”
“I haven’t been doing anything. You’ve got too much free time and your mind is running wild.”
“Tell me it’s not true then.”
“Tell me.”
“The problem is that you’re in love with someone else,” the words were out of your mouth before you even contemplated them. You were mortified and in some ways you were relieved. At least it was all out in the open now and you were able to let the chips land where they may.
“Oh,” was his only response as his head tilted to the side and he looked at you in confusion, “what?”
“I...kriff,” you sighed, “I shouldn’t have said that. Sorry - forget I said anything.”
“Who am I in love with?”
“What do you mean?” tears welled up in your eyes at his response; almost like a cruel joke, “you know, everyone knows! Omera; and why wouldn’t you be? She’s wonderful - kind, smart, beautiful … everything. Part of me wants to dislike her, but I can’t because she’s such a good person but it kills me a little bit to know that you love her and you’ll never even think twice about me. I know that’s super selfish but it’s the way I feel; and judging from how this is going I think I’m making the right decision by leaving. By myself.”
Din said nothing as a few tears rolled down your cheeks. You laughed bitterly at yourself before realizing that this might have been the best decision after all. You couldn’t stay after this.
It wasn’t long before Din came to his senses and ran after you, calling your name and catching up with a few easy strides. You came to a reluctant stop as you sniffled and waited for him to say something, despite the fact that you weren’t sure you wanted to hear whatever he had to say.
“I-I-I’m not in love with Omera,” he insisted as it became your turn to look at him in bewilderment, “I’m in love with you.”
“I’ve been talking to her about you,” he confessed, “about how to do...this sort of thing. But then you started avoiding me and I wondered if maybe I’d read the signs wrong and you didn’t like me at all. At least not in that way.”
“I don’t….what?” you heard his words but weren’t able to fully comprehend them. This had to be some sort of weird fever dream. Din sighed - his trademark sigh - before ripping off his gloves and gently putting his hands on the sides of your face. He was hesitant at first, to see if you would stop him. But you didn’t...instead you relished in his touch, the feel of his bare skin on yours sending electric shivers throughout your whole body.
After a few moments of quietly studying your features, he leaned in and slowly pressed his lips against yours. It wasn’t a proper kiss by any means, hardly more than a ghost of one, but it felt...strangely wonderful. You looked at him in disbelief as he pulled back; was this really the same man that you’d met all that time ago that wouldn’t even tell anyone his name or let them see his face?
“Can we go inside?” he whispered softly, “can we talk?”
“Yeah,” you agreed gently. He reached for your hand but before he could take it in his, you stopped him and pressed another sweet, barely there kiss to his lips. A tinge of pink colored his cheeks as you beamed at him, “now we can go.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Pedro Character Taglist (strikethrough means I couldn’t tag you - please check your settings. Strikethroughs will get removed if not taggable)
@qhbr2013 @greeneyedblondie44 @dodgerandevans @cannedsoupsucks @april-showers-and-flowers @klaine-92 @softboiipascal @rpcvliz @im-an-adult-ish @dobbyjen @thevoiceinyourheadx @niki-xie @jediknight122 @xxlovingfandomsxx @mrpascals @startrekkingaroundasgard @welcometothepedroverse @ilikemymendarkandfictional @actual-spawn-of-satan @wanderlust69 @lazybeeches @beskarboobs @someday-when-you-leave-me @leaiorganas @salome-c @rosiefridayrogersunday @madslorian @artsymaddie @haildoodles @windfallss @spookispunk @nikkixostan @edencherries @stillshelbs @djarinbarnes @alyispunk @ayamenimthiriel @gallowsjoker @its–fandom–darling @star017 @amneris21 @empress-palpat1ne @cable-kenobi @gooddaykate @princeofdorne @natthebattygeologist @riddikulus-obsessions @sleep-tight1 @mamacitapascal @14mcmd1122 @leaiorganas @hoodedbirdie @kenzieam @dobbyjen @jedi-mando @milkxxkookies @lazybeeches @general-latino @jediknight122 @cosmoschick @recklessworry @jaime1110 @thorins-queen-of-erebor @thatnerdwriter @bestintheparsec @pascalisthepunkest @kristeng42 @rosie-posie08
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