#it's really just a hinata harem isn't it
bluestarjay · 13 days
After being on Tumblr for I think nearly a year, and making a fuck ton of posts and gaining mild popularity on certain posts and gaining a whopping 21 followers, I've never made a Hinata Harem post. So yall are finally lucky enough to hear my takes on it ❤️❤️❤️
So first of all, I kinda love the hinata harem thing bc it's actually so funny, but strangely, in a way, it's realistic. Not very well written most of the time, but realistic as a concept.
Bc like he gets along with basically the entire cast, and he sometimes compliments characters who are not used to being complimented, and that character may blush of embarrassment, and then the fandom takes that as shipping material, like with Goshihina. And it makes sense! Imagine you're rarely complimented, and you strive for validation from your peers, especially upperclassmen, and then suddenly, the cutest boy you've ever seen compliments you like you're the only person on the planet. And so then you purposely try as hard as you possibly can to make said boy continue to compliment you. Take this, then multiply it by 100, because I think that's how the harem trope, in Hinata's case, works.
This isn't meant to be in the way that he can be shipped with every single character because truly, he can't. Shipping Hinata with 3rd years, in a typical high school setting, is, at least imo (and not bc of the age gap itself), weird bc of the maturity difference. You shouldn't date a senior as a freshman bc you're on two separate maturity levels. And regarding all of the many 3rd years (tendou, daichi, suga, bokuto, etc), it's really the same exact thing just platonically. Bokuto is literally Hinata's older brother!! He adopted him as a student *and* sibling, bc he felt the same things everybody does, just in a *different* way.
The hinata harem, to me, is the display of hinata's character in reference to every other character, yk? To me, these select few people are actually in love with him, and these people have a "crush," which is more so a platonic feeling, and these people find a true, deep *friendship* with him, one that they've probably never experienced before, and therefore may look like a crush or love to an outside viewer. And, in these different relationships between hinata and other characters, they all love him. They all feel a loving connection with him, like how people would think in a harem, but it's not quite so because all of the people who love hinata love him in different ways.
Now, with how this harem is portrayed in fanfiction actually scares me bc half the people there are much older and mature than him (gen question why do ppl ship him with 3rd years /in high school/, like, I love Brazil Oihina sooooo much but hs Oihina is 😧😧😧) , and tbh it just gets out of control.
And alot of times I see Hinata reciprocate?? With multiple people?? Which is fine to an extent, imo like I love poly ships, I've seen a lot of really cute ones and some more interesting ones, and it's totally normal to have a crush on a few people at once but istg some people make him a goddamn player,,,
I recently read a harem-ish fic, which was much more similar to how I personally find it to be like, it was essentially people having a crush on hinata, or realizing it, and it was cute, but at the same time, Hinata asked one of them on a date, cuddled with like two other guys (which, normalize cuddling platonically but in the context of the fic it wasn't suuuuper platonic but wasn't suuuuuper romantic either iykwim), and the part of that that kinda icked me was just that he was getting on with so many people at once (the fic took place in the span of like a week, and there were like 5 people i think??). And a lot of other fics that are post time skip are just Hinata hooking up with the entire cast at some point???
Idk tbh but I do really like fics where everybody LOVES hinata, but only a few people are IN love with him. Just the balance of like ~5 people having a crush on him, half of the rest of them have adopted him in one way or another, and the other half have just found their new bff.
Btw I think that second to last paragraph is worded a bit poorly I just don't really know else to describe the fic so sorry if it offends anyone I'm free to edit it n if anyone wants more ship related stuff I got you (ALSO GIVE ME GOOD "HAREM" FIC RECS AS LONG AS THEYRE SFW AND COMPLETED!!) 💪💪💪
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tamelee · 6 months
Hiiii 🥰 If yin HAD to choose some couples for the Next Gen which one would you choose? Personally I think Shikatema was a okay, but I don’t have any ideas for the others
Hi!~💕 Oh uhm-
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No one really, I'd be happy to eradicate it all.
Obviously Naruto and Sasuke should've figured their shit out. Both internally and externally and then say; take it or leave it' to the entire village and system. You either going to get two gay-men leading the village and a new system because their bond was the entire answer against war or nothing at all and then just... die ig while Naruto sleeps his years away and Sasuke is stuck in a damn tree 🤷🏻‍♀️ 
Otherwise.... (aka, 'Boruto' meetings be like;) Shitpost (don't take me seriously);
Naruto and Gaara although it probably won't last long. Naruto'd probably settle for some black-haired girl and make her cut her hair so it reminds him of Sasuke if he squints really hard and doesn't think about it and covers his ears, oh wait-
Charasuke and Dark Naruto, fem version. Menma and Zetsu. Since non of it is Canon anyway, Sasuke and his pet lizard from the filler story. They seemed to have an 'okay' connection, yeah? Well, ShikaTema is fine, it's understandable and predicted. I don't even know who Kiba, Shino, Lee or Choji are with lmao. I can look it up, but... I really don't even remember :') I think one of them is with the Kumo girl, right? Sai and Kumo girl would've been better though. They can argue about loyalty and stuff. Wouldn't she kinda think it was hot how he stopped her fist from plunging into Naruto's 'refusing to talk about Sasuke's face?' That's the extend of their development, but it's 'Boruto', the bar is low here. Or.. if we ignore the homophobia for a second, Sai and Gaara. I mean whatever. Size matters obviously to Sai and Gaara had huge bde before his questionable haircut (no I don't think him becoming Kazekage made him weak) and I also don't think Gaara's lack of expressive emotion currently would be too overwhelming for someone that doesn't understand them much. Not a lot of energy in that relationship though but Gaara is very beautiful to draw let's be honest but the lack of eyebrow does make it challenging. Or Sai and Deidara. A bit difficult because one isn't there, but still, just throwing it out there. Or even Kankuro would be good. Gosh, Sai has so many options... and then he ended up with someone he thought was ugly ;-; (Ino is very beautiful though so he's wrong, but still.) Idk, I think Kiba should've married a cat-girl or the blonde one from Kumo. Lee should be with someone that appreciates effort especially now that his effort is proven absolutely worthless -.- and is seen as a loser again which destroyed the poor guy. Well, I wouldn't have minded Tenten, but... GaaLee 👌👀? Aren't they both single fathers? Or? Idk. Maybe Sai Gaara and Lee together, why not. Throw the Shi guy from Kumo in there also, he kinda looks like blonde Sai. Even Naruto thought he was handsome as he used him for inspiration for his sexy reversed harem Jutsu.  Actually, Tenten and Kotetsu would've been a good surprise. It makes no sense Canon-wise and I don't think it even works age-wise, but I approve otherwise and they're both weaponized. I rhyme and reason. Ino and Suigetsu. Okay, hear me out. He can water all her plants. That's all, that's it. Sakura and Kankuro? I mean, by 'Boruto's low standards, they could've made it work and they'd even have history. And fine, even Sasori could've been interesting a little. Or that girl from the Sound from the beginning. Or the guy. Or Kimimaro. Or Kabuto. We're not too difficult here, pick one, but I guess some are dead though. Everyone but Sasuke ffs. Obviously Neji should've lived. Well I'm okay with Tenten or even Lee, but it doesn't make too much sense to me. Actually, let's ship him with Haku for no other reason than them looking good together. Or Neji and Juugo, maybe Juugo'd be able to set the bird free iykwim. I'd say Hinata and her beloved 'Oro-chan'. (Yes she called him that in some novel.) Both creepy as hell. Except one of them is somewhat likable and it ain't Hinata. But age-wise that doesn't work. Or, maybe someone can make her a Mecha Naruto, that's a bit more appropriate. Not much, but still. I'm sure she has the money and I don't think she really minds because she knows Naruto as much as she'd know a robot version of him. I see no difference there. OR, Kankuro's puppet. That way she can always walk next to the one she 'loves' as it follows her anyway with some basic puppet training and have the sentimental wood around for comfort when she reminisces about the time she thought Naruto wasn't gay. No need to be shy either as it doesn't say much. Then Naruto can visit tree-Sasuke in peace without a creepy face glancing up at him from behind it only to be ignored anyway. 
Or maybe a lousy Daimyo because we can't have any less than a Hero or royalty for the princess, of course. CHOJI ACTUALLY should've married the daughter from the ramen stand. Idk her age though.. Or the owner of the BBQ restaurant? If he didn't already. Or, it would've been good if there was a younger version of Tsunade, I think they'd get along. Akamaru and one of Kakashi's dogs- sorry, Ninken. I think Pakkun is too old maybe. Idk what he's into. Maybe Punpun? Am I missing anyone? Oh lmao, Shino ;-; He would've been good with Fu, Jinchuriki of the 7-tails, the flying bug thing. Guess that's not possible either, but we can't have them single and focussing on the world either so... we gotta create imaginary filler babies somehow. Karin with that other guy who emphasized with her during her confession-thing. I mean, what other reason do you need. That's true love right there.  Kakashi and Shizune? Kakashi and Iruka? Kakashi and Gai? Kakashi and Genma? Kakashi and Obit- oh no. Kakashi and secret-ANBU waifu? Kakashi and actress of the movie adaptation of his ero-novel? Kakashi living his best aro life?
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I mean, we could always create a card game if you will and match whatever comes up first. There'd be no difference really.
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sneezemonster15 · 1 year
I find it so funny when people try to dissuade people from shipping same sex pairing by using the "We need more representation of close and intimate male friendship. People need to stop making everything gay" excuse. But the reality is that the friendship who is truly under representated is male/female friendship. Ask anybody if 2 guys can be friend? Of course! Ask if 2 girls can be friend? Obviously! Now ask if a a guy and a girl can be friend? "Well, hum ... not really ... the guy probably want to fuck the girl if she is pretty ... the friendship isnt real." Clearly society lacks representation of healthy male/female friendship. Tv shows, anime etc ... give the MC a whole harem of girls (girls who are supposed to be just friends and he thinks of as only friends at the beginning) pining for him or love the trope of the good guy friend who is waiting for the girl to stop dating assholes and finally notice him. Which also lead to the gay best friend trope bc its the only guy who can be the girl's friend.
Representing male/female friendship not only help against heteronormativity but also misoginy. The idea that women arent fun to be around and are boring perpetuate the thought that women are just good at being fucked, at being wifed etc, and not fun enough to just have a good time doing friends stuff ... So men end up thinking they can only return romantic or lustful feelings toward women.
All that to say that those people clearly do not care about friendships representation. They are just annoyed that people prefer same sex pairings to the holy straight pairings. And "feminist" women who cheer because their queens finally got to get the dicks they wanted are advocating for the wrong thing. Celebrating their faves girls being used as sequel factories or for disney happy ever after the heteronormative and misogynist society craves so much, isnt the big flex they think it is.
Well said anon.
Yes, I agree there is a dearth of healthy and realistic m/f friendships in media and they are surely underrepresented. Lately, more creators are portraying m/f friendships in their films/series etc. But yeah, it's such a stereotypical thing to reduce m/f relationships to romantic or lewd isn't it?
I liked how the character of Amy in Gone Girl talked about the Cool Girl trope. How men wanna see women they wanna hang out with in a certain way and outwardly, it seems this is a fun girl, with a free, liberal and casual devil may care attitude yet still have their personalities revolving around the desires and fetishes of men. I also liked how again, the character of Amy in a film called Chasing Amy portrayed a similar issue, even though the film has its own problems. How men see lesbian women and even though their sexual interests don't intersect, men nevertheless feel righteous about constructing sexual fetishes around it, objectifying lesbians because women, by the simple grace of being women, simply cannot do without men, that their whole existence is nullified if men aren't in it.
A male/female relationship which is platonic and based on equal terms can do so much to give some resolution to this issue.
As for the 'feminist' fans in this fandom, it is interesting to see how Sakura or Hinata stans think cheering their faves is a holy act of feminism while understanding nothing about feminism and female representation in media. It has created such a toxic environment in this fandom, and I am sure others. To a huge extent, I blame the industry because the target group of this genre is so impressionable, it's so easy to misinterpret things, especially with how these women are written. While I get why Kishi did it with these two female characters, given they would be paired up with his two main (and clearly gay, living in a homophobic world) characters for the sake of the sequel and that he writes other female characters much better than theirs, it still is very problematic. Because they were never condemned in the actual story. They were never called out. Never made to face consequences for their actions. And this, THIS, makes their fans so insistent about the apparent goodness of them, while sweeping the rest under the carpet. While it doesn't take a genius to spot their faults, it certainly takes a certain level of understanding of narrative, visual language, themes and understanding of the world.
I can talk about narrative subversion till my lungs give out but unless one shows an inclination to learn how narratives are built, they would keep sticking to their token understanding of concepts such as representation and feminism. Which is such a sad phenomenon. It is almost hurtful how so many fans are so willingly tone deaf and blind, all because of some shallow relationship they wish they had. It's amazing to me how well fortified their delusions are. How strong their willingness to be courted by a hot popular boy. How fine they are with having their fave character revolve around some guy for the most superficial of reasons. This is what their understanding of feminism amounts to. All this nonsense for some cheap self insert.
Even Sasuke stans who are anti SNS. They prefer thinking of Sasuke as some cool, badass, revolutionary man archetype who sleeps around and struts with his massive dick out. And this is how they facilitate their Sasuke*fem reader smut. These Guevara extremists who think homosexuality only exists in western societies, who also consider themselves uber feminists, who think Sasuke casually slept with Karin (because why wouldn't he? He is a man and he has a dick and a willing girl is around, it all makes sense lol), are fine with self inserting into a female character, as long as the badass revolutionary would casually fuck her and then throw her away or let her die without a second thought after his demands have been met. Because yay, feminism. Like irony goes to anti SNS and SS/NH to die a horrible death.
Hinata stans would get triggered at SNS posts or anti NH posts and share the same four Spanish panels of photographs of Naruto with his family because that's their understanding of a happy family. Orchestrated studio pictures. Because gay men living in a het marriage have never been clicked. Because gay men in het marriages don't exist. That's their extent of understanding a relationship. A family picture. It is certainly not a flex.
Just look at how SS apply all sorts of mental gymnastics to justify Sasuke staying away from his family for 12 freaking years. Like you can certainly feel bad for SS stans who even after Gaiden, had the courage to ship this ship. The levels of desperation. And to what ends? What is even their payback? Where is their reward? Kishi certainly isn't giving them any.
You know sometimes I feel shipping is a strong word for what I feel for the story. Because Naruto is just a love story about two boys. If I want them to be together, is it shipping? Shipping is such a fandom term. If that's what the story has led me to, to hope for the two main characters to have a resolution that the entire narrative has painstakingly led me to, is it really shipping? I am just an ordinary reader/audience who wants a good ending to this story. The way the creator wrote it. All I did was to follow what he wanted me to see. Is it then shipping or just a natural conclusion to the story? To want them to be with each other?
As for those fans who say 'we need more representation of men being friends, stop making everything gay' are so fucking silly. Like damn, don't we have enough representation of platonic male bonding? There are entire tropes based on that dynamic. Cop buddies, bro code, band of brothers, big brother mentor, bromantic foil, bros before hoes, brother from another mother and this goes on and on and on. I can count like forty films and twenty books off the top of my head that use these male bonding tropes. Just say you are a homophobic piece of shit. Why circumvent facts? Like we live in a patriarchal, heteronormative world and suddenly stories about men being friends are in jeopardy. Like c'mon, cut the utter bullshit. Lol.
There are only a handful of sane voices in fandoms. Because the rest of them leave and I totally understand why. Hehe. But while you are here, do what you can and then get out. This shit is not good for anyone long term.
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phlebaswrites · 2 years
So I tried to find a wip I don’t know about already in your ask game!! Hopefully I’m guessing right with Arabian nights au!
I am so sorry - I completely missed this in my inbox!
Here's your reply and I'm so sorry it's late!
This story is based upon the official art for the Naruto and Boruto online pop up event in 2021 as well as this associated piece of fanart.
When I first read the story of 1001 Arabian Nights, I’ve always wondered about the Queen before Scheherazade, the one who was demonised as unfaithful and said to be the cause of all the trouble in the kingdom .
The thing is that, in the version of 1001 Arabian Nights that I read as a child (it was way too old for me, really) the queen was banished because she's pregnant with a child that isn't the king's.
She's unfaithful and it's proven.
And then, of course, the king decides that he'll kill all of his brides before they can sleep with anyone but him which is insane.
But I always wondered, what if the queen doesn't get pregnant? What if her lover is a lady?
Ladies in the harem were often intimate friends.
Why not? Would the king even think that it was a threat?
The idea for this story grew out of those childhood and teenage musings.
Hinata is the queen, in an arranged married to Naruto, but he doesn't love her.
She can't figure it out.
They have kids, things should be great, but he only spends time with her out of duty. He's always busy with ruling the kingdom, and she's left with the children.
Her only solace is her handmaiden, Sakura.
She's too dignified to say anything, but her unhappiness is palpable.
Sakura tells her stories of the kingdom, all the parts of the world that Hinata can never see. Sakura is her eyes and ears into the world. Until, one day, Hinata sighs that she wishes she could see more than the walls of the queen's rooms and Sakura says that she can.
She sneaks Hinata into the baths, and Hinata is super nervous. "We shouldn't be here!"
But she's pulled up short when she see Naruto in the bath… with Sasuke.
Sakura, gently: You always wondered why he didn't love you. Well, this is why.
Hinata: He loves his guard captain?
Sakura, embracing Hinata: I'm sorry.
And then Hinata, deciding that if Naruto can take his happiness where he wants it, so can she.
And she kisses Sakura.
Then there would be a scene in which Naruto would show up unexpectedly and be confronted with Sakura making love to Hinata.
Hinata doesn't even notice him, but Sakura just stares at him challengingly.
"Your wife, but my lover."
He backs away quietly. And then Naruto and Hinata might come to a very quiet agreement and settle into a platonic marriage.
They have two kids, they don't need more, and Boruto and Himiwari just think that it's normal.
Until Himiwari, when her marriage is arranged, finds out that her mother and her aunt wield more power than she knows.
I was thinking that Himiwari might end up being trained to fight and end up being a wandering story teller.
Her mother and aunt didn't take that freedom for themselves, but they'll make it happen for her.
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mytragedyperson · 2 years
OK I'm gonna talk about haikyuu harems, mainly the karasuno first years. I haven't figured out yamaguchi or yachi yet but I'll say what I do have. Also these are all just my opinions, you don't have to agree but please don't hate on me. At the end of the day these are fictional characters.
First of all, by graduation, they all simp for each other and are in each other's harems. I dont wanna repeat this every time so this can stay here
Let's start with hinata, I feel like it's fair to say karasuno, nekoma and fukurodani definitely simp for him. Also MSBY black jackals do as well. I dont really think aoba johsai or shiratorizawa would simp for him that much and idk enough about hoshiumi to judge that.
Kageyama I think suga would simp for. I also think the youth Japan training people would simp for him. So would hoshiumi and ushijima. Also maybe akaashi. Finally, oikawa, iwaizumi, kindaichi and kunimi would simp for him but only when they're older and have resolved their issues with each other and are more mature people.
Tsukishima definitely has kuroo and bokuto sipping for him. I also think akaashi and kenma would simp for him but less obviously. Also ushijima, tendou and shirabu would simp for him. I also feel like suna and maybe osamu would.
Yamaguchi I'm less sure about but one person who I feel like would simp for him but isn't obvious is asahi. Idk why I think this but I do. Also I've read a few good fics that mentioned terushima x yamaguchi, which seems interesting. Idrk anyone else but I might update this if I think of mine.
Also yachi is also harder I feel like she'd have something with kiyoko, but kiyoko doesn't simp, yachis the simp.
OK I think that's all. If you'd like to respectfully discuss ships I welcome it. There are very few ships I actively, wholeheartedly disagree with and they're all either incest or have uncomfortable age gaps so I feel like it's valid. Also any good haikyuu rare pair or honestly any ships are welcomed
Also I don't mind fics where hinata dates one of the youth Japan training camp people, but I don't like when people just don't acknowledge kageyama's friendship with them, like add them to Hinata's harem and have them be toxic to kageyama. Like they may love hinata but kageyama's their friend too. This is one point I'm firm on, mainly because I feel like hinata has so many positive interactions with people outside of his team (because he's the main character and new and these interactions help him learn), but kageyama has very few and most of them are short interactions, and like this is his moment, his training camp arc, and I feel like with how many people love hinata and barely acknowledge kageyama, kageyama deserves to have a few friends of his own, but even in canon, kageyama can't even have these people as his friends. Most people he's friends with are friends with both of them, so in my AU of this anime the youth Japan training people, ushijima and, honestly, low-key, most of inarizaki are closer to kageyama than they are hinata. Idc if you ship atsuhina or sakuhina, they are kageyama's friends and they're loyal to him. He often talks to them about their experiences being prodigies or judged as such. And, I'm gonna say it, if hinata and kageyama had a serious fight or something, unless it was something like cheating where kageyama is clearly in the wrong (which would never happen, kageyama would be the last person to cheat) , they'd side with kageyama, and even in a situation where he was in the wrong, unless he was abusive or something similar, they'd stick by him and be loyal to him.
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madara-fate · 2 years
So I was scrolling through Twitter (honestly i shouldn't be wasting my time on there), and came across a post about how Hinata is the most loyal partner, and that it was for the best that Naruto didn't end up with Sakura as she wasn't even faithful to Sasuke.
For evidence they referenced manga panels of her "flirting with Naruto" (asking him how she looked in the beginning of shippuden, offering to feed him when his hand was injured, hugging him) and accepting his offer to go on a date provided that he paid.
I think the post was utterly ridiculous, because Sakura and Sasuke weren't in a relationship at that point, so she couldn't "cheat on him/be faithful to him" in the first place. Heck they weren't even comrades.
Secondly most of NS moments in the initial part of shippuden were red herrings. Later it was reiterated multiple times that the one she loved was Sasuke and there was never any explicit moment that suggested that she had any romantic feelings for Naruto.
They said that Sakura's love language is "care and affection" and how she did the same things for Naruto in shippuden that she did for Sasuke.
But a person showing kindness to someone else does not mean that they have romantic feelings for them. She was caring towards Rock Lee as well in part 1 but that in no way implies that she held romantic feelings for him.
Also sakura has always been the person to speak her feelings out loud, and not just show them through subtle actions.
I wonder what you think about what they wrote and how you interpret Sakura going on a date with Naruto and asking him whether she looked more womanly.
I personally think whatever happened between characters before they got in an official relationship with their SO is irrelevant. Every character is loyal to their respective partner. It is a bit funny how the authors try to insert a third character in SS's relationship though, like that infidelity angle in Gaiden and Gigi in Sasuke Retsuden lol.
Also, this is offtopic, but have you seen Spy x Family? Only 3 episodes have aired so far but i love it. Anya is very cute and i really like the interactions between Loid and Yor. I also watched a couple episodes of Rising of the shield hero and it's great too, i expected it to be like all other generic harem isekais but it exceeded my expectations.
Regarding the Sakura being "unfaithful" to Sasuke bullshit.
She never flirted with Naruto, asking how you look, isn't flirting.
Offering to feed someone who has a busted hand, isn't flirting.
Hugging someone, isn't flirting. It's like they think that people can't hug both their romantic partners and their close friends.
She had absolutely no romantic incentives whatsoever behind being willing to go on a "date" if Naruto paid, she just wanted to drop the subject because it was exasperating.
The whole "love language" point is among the more stupid ones. Care and affection isn't even an actual love language, as that applies to all of them. What is a love language, are words of affirmation, and as you rightfully highlighted, Sakura has always been one to wear her heart on her sleeve and verbablise her feelings. Did Sakura ever confess her love to Naruto (and mean it)? Nope. But she did for Sasuke, twice.
Despite the fact that they weren't in a relationship, these people are claiming that Sakura was unfaithful because her feelings apparently wavered, but they didn't. Her heart, always belonged to Sasuke.
Regarding Spy x Family and The Rising of the Shield Hero.
I love Spy x Family, still by far my No.1 new show this season. They're all so quirky, and that makes for some very, very entertaining family dynamics.
I guess you're referring to the first season of Shield Hero then? Yes, it's among my favourite Isekai shows. From what I've heard from light novel readers, the second season is currently adapting a poorly received arc so it's been a little slow so far, but they said it gets a lot better afterwards, so I'm looking forward to that.
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sasubaeuchithot · 2 years
For Kizuna Hikari you said you wanted to keep them as IC as possible (which you were able to do!) so I was wondering how you view Naruto's sexuality and how you think he views his sexuality? Are you able to bridge it with his manga version?
Moments from the manga that could be relavent to his sexuality:
- when he impersonates Sasuke, Sakura's confessing her desperation for Sasuke/how she'd do anything for him and Naruto thinks he finally understands why he likes her (3)
- when he compliments Sakura's appearance he says she has a charming large forehead (3)
- thinks Haku is cuter than Sakura (21)
- tells Jiraiya that when he peeps it's mischief/a prank, but for Jiraiya it's considered criminal behaviour (91) he is seen peeping in the chapter prior
- calls Hinata weird, plain and gloomy, but says that he likes people like her (98)
- when Sakura asks about her looks after the time skip he says she hasn't changed at all (245)
- when Sakura says that Sai resembles Sasuke he gets defensive and says Sasuke's way cooler (285)
- in the bathhouse scene he's blushing, looking uncomfortable, the only one with his knees to his chest (286) then he seems like he's going to try peeping on Sakura
- his weird reaction when Kakashi said he's starting to like him, Kakashi has to clarify that it didn't come out right (330)
- doesn't really think about Hinata's confession or offer a response
- unrelated but the only woman he outright calls beautiful is his mother XD (498)
- he hits Konohamaru for doing Sasuke on Sai sexy jutsu (347), but in the war he admits that he practised the reverse harem jutsu more than rasengan (682)
- when Kurama brings up the fact that the only person he kissed was Sasuke he starts gagging/barfing, oddly it's the only time he has a nosebleed (572)
I'm so sorry for the long ask, I'm just really curious about your thought process when writing Naruto and your opinion of the manga. Are there any other canon moments you've taken into account? I'm also sorry for giving you a list, I wanted to be clear with what I was referring to in terms of his manga characterisation.
it's been years since I read the manga (though I own the first 40-50 volumes lol) so I'll admit that I'm not a good source for manga specific things, however I do know of all of these instances you mention
I have always viewed Naruto as bi/pan!!! I've always seen him as the kind of person who has the ability to develope a crush on nearly everyone he meets, perfectly juxtaposed against Sasuke, who is very ace/aro in my mind and who can love basically just Naruto and Naruto alone, because Naruto is his deepest bond. naruto sees the good in people and admires them for it immensely, so i feel like he would easily form crushes (some more platonic than others). he craves love and attention from nearly everyone he meets. i dont discredit his attraction to girls. him saying Sakura looked the same after the time skip was just him being honest, but I don't think it meant he didn't view her as pretty or that he had stopped crushing on her- just that she looked the same. though I do think that he did vie for her attention because he was jealous of other people openly desiring Sasuke lol. but regardless, I don't deny that Naruto had a crush on her altogether. I think that it morphed into familial love, but it did have some base to it. he thought haku was prettier than Sakura, but he did think haku was a girl. and Sasuke himself has feminine features, so I'm sure he's a fan of other feminine looking people as well.
Naruto just has such disaster bisexual energy to me lol. he gets more flustered around guys than girls because he hasn't fully recognized what his feelings for them means because he isn't someone who actively self-reflects on why he feels the way he does. being gay doesnt appear to be very common in konoha, so i imagine there is some internalized homophobia he's dealing with that makes it all even worse. him remembering that Sasuke was his first kiss was a huge flood of emotions that he didn't know how to deal with, so he reacted the way his society would expect him to. but he uh. also got a nosebleed from it so clearly the memory was actually far from grossing him out lol
he feels the strongest for Sasuke, so he was rightfully sour towards someone replacing him on team 7. but let it be known:
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he clearly also found sai attractive lol
so, disaster bi Naruto with internalized homophobia who crushes on everyone but deeply loves Sasuke romantically and sexually. good shit
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myreygn · 2 years
Haikyuu for the ask game!!
And maybe Atsumu for the character asks?
Also, possibly, mayhaps, SakuAtsu for the ship asks???
yess haikyuu my beloved, thanks for asking <3
¸¸♬·¯·♩¸¸♪·¯·♫¸¸ fandom ¸¸♫·¯·♪¸¸♩·¯·♬¸¸
favorite character: hands down kuroo but i don't think that's a surprise lmao
least favorite character: the inarizaki cheersquad, like- why would you boo your own team?! that's like the biggest jerk move ever as an audience member! (that being said i don't particularly dislike any characters, i just like some of them less than others ^^)
5 favorite ships (canon or fanon): bokuroo (it gives me LIFE), yamayachi (cuteness overload), matsuiwa (went from matsuhana and oiiwa to matsuhanaiwaoi and now we're here lol), sunaosa (i just. wow.) and matsukuro (yoyoyo welcome to rare pair hell lmao)
character i find most attractive: saeko because it's saeko and hello everyone i'm a lesbian
character i would marry: tanaka but also like. basically all of my faves.
character i would be best friends with: BOKUTO THIS IS NOT OPEN FOR DEBATE
a random thought: kuroo and oikawa should've met during high school. it's not a hot take because everyone agrees but i'm repeating it anyways because it's the truth.
an unpopular opinion: kiyoko and yachi are better as friends or in some sister-like relationship than in a romantic relationship (both is cool don't get me wrong but i prefer the first one)
my canon otp: kiyoko and tanaka have always been endgame for me imma say it
my non-canon otp: bokuroo bokuroo bokuroo-
most badass character: nishinoya is just on a whole other level let's be real
pairing i am not a fan of: basically any paring with ushijima and tsukishima, idk i just don't really see them in that field. also kuroken and i'm still a little conflicted about bokuaka because the fandom kinda ruined it for me
favorite friendship: nekoma third years and karasuno first years
character i most identify with: kuroo kinnie here :D
character i wish i could be: i wouldn't want to actually be him but i wish i could be a little more like hinata regarding determination and passion
¸¸♬·¯·♩¸¸♪·¯·♫¸¸ character ¸¸♫·¯·♪¸¸♩·¯·♬¸¸
how i feel about this character: i didn't think i'd like him but i actually do a lot - he's not one of my faves, but he's compelling and funny and overall an amazing addition to hinata's harem lmao
any/all the people i ship romantically with this character: not many, actually it might just he sakusa if i think about it... maybe hinata a little?
my favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: osamu i just adore their sibling dynamic, also his friensship with aran is very wholesome <3
my unpopular opinion about this character: idk if it's unpopular but the way he silences the audience before his serve really loses its effect after the second time for me
one thing i wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: a fight with hoshiumi at the allstar training camp would've been hilarious
favorite friendships for this character: aran and msby in general
my crossover ship for them: @ardenthesleepy you got me hooked with atsumu x monoma from bnha lmao
¸¸♬·¯·♩¸¸♪·¯·♫¸¸ ship ¸¸♫·¯·♪¸¸♩·¯·♬¸¸
when i started shipping them: not long ago, maybe a month or so? i don't really ship them super hard tbh but i still like them
my thoughts: a lot of potential for angst, i like that, but also really wholesome h/c and slowburn. in general just a very entertaining dynamic
what makes me happy about them: idk probably their bickering lol
what makes me sad about them: i've had an angsty thought about them a while ago and it still haunts me; atsumu feeling like sakusa isn't entirely comfortable touching him and getting this idea that it's because he's dirty or disgusting and subconsciously developing some sort of washing compulsion which makes sakusa feel bad about himself and his phobias...
things done in fanfic that annoys me: i haven't read much fic for them but once i've seen atsumu not respecting sakusa's boundaries whatsoever and it was like supposed to be cute in the end so that was creepy
things i look for in fanfic: consensual👏physical👏interaction👏
who i'd be comfortable them ending up with if not each other: atsumu with hinata, sakusa honestly no idea
my happily ever after for them: retired, married, a daughter, in love until their final days, the usual <3
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sunarintoes · 4 years
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Synopsis: Yn Ln is an environmentalist - Miyagi University’s very own campus ‘Green Thumb.’ One day Hinata Shōyō who happens to be a close friend of Yn, invites them to come to one of his races. The only problem is that this race of his, is illegal. Read the journey of Yn who has been sucked into the world of illegal street racing with the one goal: to create an eco-friendly race car.
WC: 1.1K
Ford Mustang
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Simple but strong. That is the only way to describe Ushijima. One could compare him to that of an eagle - victorious, fast and strong however there is a hidden delicacy that is easy to miss. It is that of a swan - elegance, devotion and calmness. It is obvious he’s good enough to be a professional so why isn’t he? What has made him stay in an underground racing team?  Oikawa is an amazing racer and seeing him smash out a victory you would expect him to do the same during this race. But you were wrong, so wrong. He was in second place but still half a lap behind Ushijima and from your seat up in the bleachers you could feel his determination fall through; it was the last lap and even you knew Oikawa could not win. It is not like you want him to win either, you just pity him and his efforts for not being good enough, or so you tell yourself.
Not even a minute later and Ushijima has crossed the finish line. You start counting, 1… 2… 3.... 4… 5… 6… 7… seven seconds until Oikawa pushes past the finish line as well. You feel your heart clench but you don’t know why. You assume it is because of your disliking towards the brunet and his faux bravado. Your body stiffens in its place, ‘faux bravado?’ you mumble to yourself. Your mind enters a whirlpool of thoughts: where did I get the idea that he’s faking it? Why do I even care? We don't get along and that's that, no reason to try and understand him. 
Sugawara takes notice of your stressed figure, ‘are you okay?’ His voice shocks you at first but quickly brings you back to reality, ‘you know it’s okay that Hinata didn't win… he's used to it. Of course he'll be annoyed but he'll use this as a learning step and improve from it.’
You sigh in relief, at least he didn't know what you were thinking. You let out a breathy ‘yeah,’ before focusing your eyes back on the track. Everyone is finished and out of their vehicles congratulating one another and you notice that Ushijima is quite tall and handsome. You whistle, ‘I can't decide who’s luckier, him or his significant other… maybe they are both lucky?’
Sugawara raises an eyebrow, ‘who are you talking about?’
‘Ushijima obviously- like I mean the man has skills, height, looks and not to mention a fucking Ford Mustang.’ 
Sugawara laughs in reply, ‘I think he’s the luckier one… after all he’s dating my lovely younger sister- who is amazing, might I add.’
‘No way! Isn't he a hot shot or something? I would have totally thought he would have had a harem of girls!’
Sugawara continues to laugh, ‘he still does, he’s just always ignored them! He didn't get along with my sister at first either! I can't remember exactly how they met but I know they got off on the wrong foot. Kinda like you, an Oikawa but without the unnecessary rudeness.’
You grimace and look to the side, ‘can I tell you something?’
‘Hm? Of course!’
‘I… I don’t think Oikawa is as bad as what he portrays himself as. I think he's just misunderstood. I'm not sure why but just before I came here, I was behind the venue with Hajime looking at the sunset before Oikawa came and got him. In the few seconds we had made eye contact he scrunched up his face as if he were repulsed by me but before he looked at me his face… it had an unreadable expression.’
Sugawara lets out a sigh, ‘Yn, you haven't been around that long and you barely know Oikawa. You shouldn't go around assuming things like that - no matter how truthful they may be, because at the end of the day it's none of your business. I doubt Oikawa would appreciate someone like you trying to meddle with his life or dissect his emotions… no offense of course, I just mean that the two of you clearly don't get along. So how about you take a seat back and not jump into any conclusions, yeah?’
You look down to your feet and feel your stomach twist. Sugawara is right, you wouldn't be doing anything good if you got yourself involved in his life and there was no need for it any way. ‘Yeah I guess.’
You feel a hand on your shoulder and look to see him offering a small smile, ‘enough of the long face, they’re about to announce the details of the street race.’
‘And now! The moment you've all been waiting for! Tonight’s draw will be hosted by your one and only Big Sis Saeko! And the racing track will be drawn by the one and only winner!... Ushiiiiwakaaaa!’ the crowd screams wildly.
‘Wow I never thought people would get so hyped up over a raffle thing.’
‘Yeah you get used to the crazy antics of the spectators… can't say the same for the drivers!’ laughs sugawara. 
You give him a scrunched smile, ‘yeah I agree.’
Saeko brings out a box and places four different coloured balls inside, ‘okay! Ushiwaka are you ready to decide the fate of all racers here?’ Although it was a question, it definitely sounded more like an overly energetic statement. 
As Ushijima reaches into the box the crowd goes silent - anticipating the result. Everyone lets out a breath they unknowingly held as Ushijima brings his arm up and presents the ball - 'aaaand there we have it! We’re going to track three!! I'll see you all there on the multiple spectator spots next week!’ The crowd starts to cheer once again. 
‘Hey Suga, where are we gonna watch the race?’
‘Hmm? Oh yeah we’re watching it from the club room.’ You look at him and wait for him to expand his answer; however you doubt he gets the message as he continues to smile blanky at you.
‘Why and how are we going to watch it from the club room?’
‘Tsukishima’s a really good IT person, he hacks into the camera’s and we’ll watch the live show from the safety of the club.’
You let your jaw drop open; ‘now that! That is illegal!’
‘No, not if we don't get caught!’
You let out an exasperated sigh, and side-eye him, ‘you know, you're not as tame as you look.’ Sugawara chuckles at that.
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Taglist: @cutepet09 @dadchi-oya
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its-naruto-universe · 7 years
5)What many Hinata fans (not all but really many) do, just because of their love they don't want to accept character with all her flaws they want to make her great in EVERYTHING and often use preferences and fanon not facts and canon. And more. If you try to google I hate Hinata one of the first variants will be "I hate Hinata fans". It perfectly explains why this fandom is so fucked up. I hope what I wrote was understandable because English isn't my native language.
Unfortunatly this aspect was also used in the naruhina pair.
Rather than making naruto growing out of his crush for sakura, sp made him the same as a harem protagonist who can’t distinguish love.
Rather than having hinata slowly growing closer to him like every fucking coupe, they just cut every bond naruto had and glued hinata there.
Same with the disgusting fillers about their childhood.
It is always about hinata, hinata, hinata, hinata.
Same with the anime finale: make hinata happy, hinata this, hinata that. Bitch please the one without family was naruto and now apparently all konoha knows and cares about her.
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