#it's late and I've had a long day so this isn't as organized as I would hope
ernmark · 24 days
As an extension of your post about epithets, I'm wondering if you can help me pin down what it is about the use of phrases like "those eyes" or "that mouth" that have started to just drive me bonkers when I read some fanfic. At times I come across it and it feels completely natural, and other times it feels like a somewhat lazy shorthand for expressing a character's admiration. Thank you!
I can't speak with certainty, because this isn't a problem that's come up enough in my own fandoms for me to really analyze it in context, but I'll give it my best guess.
Phrases like "those eyes" and "that mouth" work most effectively for me when they're a reference back to a previous description. Maybe those eyes are really exceptional. For instance, Sir Damien in The Penumbra Podcast goes on at length about Lord Arum's violet eyes to the point that "those violet eyes..." are already a recurring motif inside the work, so the fics that use the phrase are all calling back to that.
Sometimes, though, you'll get writers refer to features that don't make any sense in the situation. I've seen lots of complaints brought up about prose describing a character's "plush lips" and "fine ass" when the actor portraying that character very decidedly has neither of those things-- often completely ignoring the qualities that the character actually does have in favor of the generic "sexy" ones.
Often, "that [body part]" carries a very strong sexual connotation, particularly about what the POV character would very much like to be doing to "that mouth/those thighs/those arms/that neck/whatever". They tend to work best in my opinion when the point-of-view character has very specific fantasies/memories that are described, or at least implied, on the page. But sometimes you'll get that phrasing from a character where it doesn't make sense for them to be thinking of the other person in those terms. Maybe they're sexually inexperienced in a way where specific fantasies seem out of character, or their preferences within the narration veer very sharply in one direction but the designated body part implies otherwise (for example, the writer's gone on at length about them exclusively liking to bottom but describing the other person as if their intention is to top them-- not out of irony or subtext, but because that's a generic "attractive feature").
I think it also ought to be said that which features are emphasized, and the adjectives used to emphasize them, work best when they're deliberately chosen to build a specific effect-- is the other person's vibe elegant, or brutal, or delicate, or whatever? Picking qualities and features that reinforce that vibe can be super evocative and feel much more personal than sticking to the standards. In a recent fandom I'm in, one character is singled out as being exceptionally strong in the canon, and specifically noteworthy to the character that he's frequently shipped with. Consequently, a lot is done with his love interest thirsting over the breadth and power of the character's shoulders. Shoulders weren't sexy before, but they sure as hell are now.
TL;DR: if I had to guess at what makes that phrase fall flat, it would be a lack of specificity to the actual character, or an inconsistency with the way the people in the scene are characterized.
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I admire your patience with those readers who need you to spoon feed them the story. Everything is in the comics but they still manage to go pass it. I can't help but feel a bit sad for them? Do they not understand what they read? Are they not attentive when reading it? I'm legitimately concerned because I function so differently I can't fathom this. If you like a story, isn't it normal to make your best to grasp it's essence and reflect on it? I know I project a lot about this, everyone works and registers things differentely of course but sometimes it's very frustrating to see people consume any media and just completely miss all the important messages in it, or even just fail to get the scenario sometimes, and it feels like it's very common now... Idk I just wanted maybe to have your perspective on this? Sorry for the long post (Been here for a few years now and your a true inspiration to me. All my luv to you! ❤️)
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You know, I'm gonna be honest. I used to stress out about this... a LOT.
As a story-brained person, this is definitely something that comes naturally to me, and perhaps to you, and to many other people who are wired similarly. To us, following the path of a story in an analytic, highly detail-motivated manner and unwrapping the themes can be as exciting as lifting up a rock to see the bugs underneath. It's an exciting mental activity that's stimulating and feels effortless.
And yes, as an author who spends literally 60% of my day thinking about this comic and how to draw it, panel it, script it, make it better (I script and panel in my head constantly)........ I have trouble realizing/dealing with the fact that some people are just here to CASUALLY enjoy the story that I am lowkey obsessed with.
But I've come to realize that... that's NORMAL! And healthy.
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People have different attention spans for different things.
People have varied ways to read a story and engage with it.
People have unique interests.
People don't have the same amounts of energy to devote to reading!
Maybe someone missed a detail I lovingly and painstakingly put into the dialogue because they're reading the update late at night after a long shift at work. And maybe someone scrolled past the dialogue completely and just got the gist from looking at the art, because they're in a hurry to get to practice at their favorite sportsball.
And maybe someone just had a really bad day with a really bad encounter, and they're reading the update in a terrible mood and instead of seeing MY grey-morality narrative, they're focusing on all the negative points and misread the vibes because of their own biases that stem from places of hurt.
The thing is, I have to be okay with that as an author, because I will NEVER be able to get into my audience's heads and read this comic 'correctly' for my own sake.
They will always have a slightly different interpretation of things, and they will always misunderstand details and miss clues. And sometimes, they will be wrong about the way they read a character's motivations... and sometimes maybe they won't be! That's just a part of communication. That's a part of telling a story.
An imperfect delivery, and an imperfect reception should, in my opinion, be a natural and accepted part of storytelling. We're human, and we all have a different lived experience, and we will ALL have different takes on a comic, even if it's so close that we THINK we are both getting the exact same thing. That small human interpretation variation is a home-made touch that makes it feel more organic.
In short.... Not all light particles make it here from the sun, but damn the result is stunning anyway.
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quickgirl · 6 months
The Astrology of Fame: Jupiter and Pluto's Link to Superstardom
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Jupiter expands and Pluto intensifies. When these two connect in the natal chart, something magical happens.
Note: Not everyone with a Jupiter/Pluto link is going to explode in popularity and become household names echoed around the world for decades to come. Not every star has the Jupiter/Pluto link, either. However, this is a theme I've (and others) have noticed more often than not in the charts of people who have had their breakthrough.
In the many charts I've seen, almost every single celebrity had an aspect to their Jupiter/Pluto midpoint OR Jupiter and Pluto connected through a different midpoint instead (i.e Jupiter conjunct Moon/Pluto midpoint). It seems to be a far more accurate and reoccurring marker than just a natal aspect between the two planets (though that shouldn't be ignored, either).
I believe long-time astrologer, Basil Fearrington, was the first to notice the link between wealth and the Jupiter/Pluto midpoint. Even though midpoints only tend to count when activated through a hard aspect (conjunction, square, and opposition), Basil surmised that the Jupiter/Pluto midpoint is so potent that even soft aspects should be considered.
The late and wonderful Marga, creator of Dutch astrology website "Astromarkt", took it a step further and said that the Jupiter/Pluto midpoint didn't even need to be activated. The two planets conjoining at all in any midpoint combination (or through natal aspects) was enough to generate immense potential for power and fame.
Soft aspects are not generally considered in midpoint astrology. The reasoning for that is because sextiles and trines require little to no effort. The owner of them may or may not ever put those talents to use, and thus the potential of certain aspects and midpoints may never get recognized. But I think that's underselling it a bit. We do use them, we're just not privy to honing them in the way we would a hard aspect.
Humans have a penchant for believing that suffering equals greater reward, therefore we're far more likely to try and understand then tame a Mars sq. Pluto and let the Venus trine Jupiter do its own thing in the background virtually untouched. Sometimes semi-squares and sesquiquadrates are taken into consideration in midpoint astrology, but their influence is weak. If they can get their day in the limelight, I'm also giving some to the sextile and trine. They obviously have a purpose or else the aspect wouldn't even exist.
Now if you'd like to check for this theme yourself, use Astro.com. The drop-down menu for "Chart drawing style" has two different midpoint options. Ebertin chart allows for a wider orb of up to 2°, but only shows major hard aspects. Keller has a much smaller orb, but also shows soft aspects and parallels/contra-parallels. I use both.
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With the clerical info out of the way, let's gain more insight into the Jupiter/Pluto energy itself. Astrologer John Sandbach describes it as such:
A tremendous desire to learn and to grow, and to acquire power, be it of the more intangible, mental sort, or worldly in nature. Driving, unstoppable enthusiasm. A relentless urge toward excess. The ability to transform how things are organized. To have big ideas and far-reaching aims. Going to great extremes. The persistent urge to do whatever is needed to overcome problems. Grandiosity. Religious fanaticism.
Jupiter/Pluto promises a larger than life persona with strong intellect and passions to stitch it all together. Think not of just musicians, models, and actors, but of cult leaders, gourmands, CEO's, luxury jewelry salespeople, and even fine art collectors who amass the rarest of paintings. There is a salient and recognizable power and privilege. Clearly fame isn't the only highlight here.
But if you are fixated on fame, what kind are we even talking about? 15-second TikTok fame? One-hit wonders and Meghan Trainor's of the world who have a shelf life of 2 years then respawn 10 years later because of a viral tweet? Absolutely not. These are the stars you never forget who cannot be compared to others. Rather, others are compared to them. They set the standard and are known everywhere, even outside of their home country. They amass wealth, power, respect, and create a legacy.
May the examples below speak for themselves.
Very well-known celebrities with aspects to their Jupiter/Pluto midpoint:
Ariana Grande (Saturn trine)
Zayn Malik (ASC trine)
Jeon Jungkook (Sun trine)
Selena Gomez (Mercury sextile; Saturn trine; Neptune square)
Conan O'Brien (Saturn trine)
Tom Cruise (Saturn trine; Node sextile)
Marilyn Monroe (MC conjunct)
George Clooney (Mercury opposite; Uranus square)
Brad Pitt (MC square)
Leonardo DiCaprio (ASC contra-parallel)
Beyoncé (Saturn & Mercury contra-parallel)
Cristiano Ronaldo (Uranus conjunct)
Naomi Campbell (Moon sextile)
Taylor Swift (Neptune trine)
Barack Obama (ASC square)
Very well-known celebrities with an active midpoint that contains Jupiter and Pluto together:
Rihanna (Jupiter square Moon/Pluto)
Meryl Streep (Pluto trine Moon/Jupiter)
Kurt Cobain (Pluto sextile Moon/Jupiter)
Al Pacino (Pluto square Sun/Jupiter; Pluto square Jupiter/Saturn)
Zendaya (Pluto parallel Moon/Jupiter)
Angelina Jolie (Jupiter opposite Uranus/Pluto; Pluto contra-parallel Jupiter/ASC; Pluto parallel Jupiter/S.Node)
Stephen Colbert (Jupiter square Venus/Pluto; Jupiter square Pluto/Node; Pluto parallel Venus/Jupiter)
Timothée Chalamet (Jupiter conjunct Mercury/Pluto)
Joaquin Phoenix (Jupiter trine Neptune/Pluto)
Nicole Kidman (Jupiter parallel Mercury/Pluto)
Robert De Niro (Jupiter conjunct Pluto/Node)
Kim Kardashian (Jupiter parallel Moon/Pluto)
Priyanka Chopra (Pluto conjunct Jupiter/Saturn; Pluto parallel Mercury/Jupiter)
Margot Robbie (Jupiter sextile Pluto/ASC; Pluto trine Sun/Jupiter; Pluto trine Mercury/Jupiter)
Drake (Jupiter trine Venus/Pluto; Pluto sextile Sun/Jupiter)
From all of the midpoint combinations, Moon/Jupiter/Pluto was the most prevalent. For this post I personally combed through the midpoints of about 45 celebrities total with 30 making the cut here. The other ~15 did not have an active Jupiter/Pluto midpoint nor an active midpoint combination with them. What they did have was a natal aspect between the two planets in their chart, or Jupiter and Pluto both made an aspect to either their Sun, Moon, ASC, or MC within 7°.
If I had to speculate on short-term fame aka "fast rise, even faster fall", I'd wager those kinds of viral sensations have a transit hitting their Jupiter/Pluto midpoint instead, and the lack of natal support can only push it so far. This is something I have to do more research on.
All done! Thank you for reading. This is my first real astrology post. I'm not sure if I'll ever write more as I prefer to lurk, but who knows. Ciao🌷
Sources: (1), (2), (3), (4) + astrotheme.com for providing the birth details
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flowerandblood · 7 months
The Prince and The Fox (7)
[ modern! • Aemond x friend! • female ]
[ warnings: kissing, fluff, swearing ]
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[ description: After the events of her childhood, despite her best efforts, her neighbor and the younger brother of her friend Helaena, Aemond, does not want to know her. This state lasts until a house party organized by his older brother, Aegon, during which an incident occurs that will change their relationship forever. Slow burn, angst, toxic ex-Alys, rough Aemond. This is several anon requests combined into one fic. ]
WARNING: The main plot between the characters takes place in high school. Yes, in high school. The belief that teenagers wait with an intimacy when they are in love in high school is ridiculous to me. Aemond and the character here are the same age. Don't ask me how old they are, in my country you are of the age of consent in your first year of high school and an adult in the last year of high school, so if it is more convenient for you, think about it that way and decide for yourself. In this story, I am not following the trail that they are magically friends right away, but how they become friends and what that even means. I'm writing this fic to give the perspective of young, lost people, not adult women who want to see exactly themselves in everything they read. If that's all you expect, this isn't the fic for you.
I don't want whining about this in my comments or asks. I will delete these and block you. You have been warned.
Aemond + Evans Series Moodboard
This is my first story that has its own playlist, but yes! Get in the mood! Story Music Playlist. Song used in this chapter: Rammstein - Du Hast
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Next chapters: Masterlist
From the day he called her there was a change in him that surprised her. He would come up to her at breaks of his own accord, stand and talk to her, telling her about his day, what he was reading and playing. After what he wrote to her, Alys never spoke to him again and he told her that he felt like a huge stone had fallen off his back.
They often wrote after school, complaining about homework or tests, no longer having the energy to study, tired and discouraged. They usually wrote for hours about nothing, sending each other memes or screenshots of articles they had just read, however, she enjoyed it very much and, most importantly, he enjoyed it too.
They always sat together on the bus listening alternately to his and her playlist. He let her lay her head on his shoulder, himself resting his cheek against her hair.
She knew she was in love with him, had known it for a long time, but she felt that everything was as it should be.
That they were coming closer together in slow, small steps.
He surprised her one day when they were standing at the bus stop. She already knew him enough to feel that he wanted to say something, but as usual he had trouble getting it out. He looked down at his trainers, his hands slipped into the pockets on the front of his black hoodie, his lips tightened.
After a moment, he grunted, not looking at her, she had a feeling his skin was rosier than usual, as if he was hot even though it was cool and unpleasant around them.
"I've been thinking a lot lately." He began, licking his lower lip as if he was carefully analysing the next sentence he wanted to say.
"I…em-well." He paused, as if he had lost the thought. She glanced at him with sympathy seeing how difficult this was for him.
"I figured if you wanted to, I don't know, hold my hand sometimes, or do some other dating shit, I wouldn't mind." He choked out quickly at last, embarrassed, his nostrils moving in an anxious breath, he wasn't looking at her.
She blinked, feeling herself blush, a hot sensation spread throughout her body, a pleasant tickle in her belly. She pressed her lips together, lowering her gaze, embarrassed.
Was he just telling her that he was ready to take things a step further?
That he wanted something more than friendship?
"Okay." She said softly, not knowing what else to add, as stunned by it all as he was, it seemed to her that she had never felt anything like it before in her life.
As usual they sat on the bus together, but this time she had the feeling that he had specially pressed himself tighter against her with his arm, his knee touching hers.
She was hot with emotion so she had to pull her jacket off, and as she returned to her previous position, she placed her hand gently on his.
He looked at her surprised and swallowed loudly, his cheek immediately pressed against her hair as she laid her head on his shoulder, his pleasant scent filling her lungs.
She felt him intertwine their fingers, his Adam's apple waved as he swallowed hard again, his thumb stroking her skin gently in a gesture of such immense tenderness that she felt emotional.
She didn't dare hold his hand as they walked down the shool corridor, she was afraid of malicious comments towards him from others, she knew he only dreamed of sitting in his shadow and never coming out of it.
However, he would sit next to her on the floor during breaks, listening to music with her on his headphones, he made her really like Rammstein, they often listened to her favourite song 'Du Hast'. He would sometimes send her great recordings of their concerts, which she watched with blazing eyes in bed in her bedroom.
What pleased Helaena most about their closeness was that she could spend time with both of them at the same time without fear of conflict.
They often played online games together on the PlayStation, something she hadn't done much before but had become addicted to because of them, also joining in remotely with them via her laptop when she couldn't see them.
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She wrote him back quickly without a second thought, knowing that tomorrow was Saturday and she could sit up late with them.
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She told her parents where she was going, grabbed a few things to change into thinking that if she stayed up late she would spend the night in Helaena's bed and ran across the street, knocking on their door.
She heard Vhagar's loud, excited barking and then someone's footsteps, Aemond opened it for her and invited her in.
"Hi!" She shouted loudly into the ether looking around for Helaena, she saw him give her a surprised glance, following her into the depths of their living room.
"No…we are alone. Helaena and Aegon have gone off somewhere, my parents are away until Monday." He said looking at her uncertainly, as if he felt he might have inadvertently deceived or confused her in some way.
She blinked, tightening her lips, feeling butterflies in her stomach.
They would be alone.
Like a couple.
"…if you don't want to, then..."
"− no, it's fine. What are we going to play?" She asked pulling her backpack off her back and placing it next to the couch.
They spread out comfortably on the large sofa next to each other with the pads in their hands, browsing through the various online games, unsure of what to play. They usually played as a group of three so they didn't want to continue through the levels Helaena was helping them with.
"How about this?" He asked lowly, opening a preview of a game in which the characters were warriors flying on dragons, fighting in sky battles against other players who were also online. The gameplay was for up to two players.
"Oh, yes, I've always wanted to play this!" She exclaimed excitedly, sliding slightly down in her seat, and he hummed under his breath, starting up the game, waiting for it to load.
They were able to choose their gender, outfits and equipment with great detail and also the appearance of their dragon, so it took them the first hour.
"A bow? Don't you prefer a crossbow?" He asked with some kind of disappointment looking at her choice.
"I want a bow." She burbled undaunted, moving on to her heroine's hair colour and what kind of hairstyle she wanted.
They decided they'd start with training to learn how to control their big sky beasts at all, and it turned out not to be easy to pilot them so that they flew where they wanted, didn't hit each other, and at the same time shoot at their opponent.
"Shit. This is a game for kids aged 12 and up. It shouldn't be that fucking hard." He muttered, clicking the buttons of his pad loudly, as soon as he shot his dragon flew off a bit to the side and the arrow didn't reach his opponent. She sighed loudly at his words.
"We are poor players. I don't know if there is any point in humiliating ourselves by fighting experienced twelve-year-olds who will destroy us after a few seconds." She said amused to watch them both get tired, she heard him chuckle lowly and felt her cheeks blush.
"Yeah. We can check out the exploring cities mode. There are whole maps here. Then the gameplay is about flying to specific points and completing missions." He murmured, quickly clicking something on his pad, switching them from training mode to travel mode.
"Oh, great! I love it!" She said happily, pleased with how nice and detailed the graphics were, their dragons flying side by side and circling over a large, golden city reminiscent of some medieval kingdom.
They played like this for a while, commenting only briefly on what they were doing and the dialogue between the other characters, occasionally getting into fights with someone, but without the control of the dragons it was much easier and they both got caught up in the story. She was surprised and blinked when she suddenly saw him press pause.
She glanced at him questioningly, thinking he had to go to the bathroom or wanted to get himself something to drink, but he just looked at her and slid a little lower on the couch so that their faces were at a similar height.
She could feel the heat in her lower abdomen and her heart beating fast, she felt her cheeks burning, she couldn't hold back a slight embarrassed smile. He hummed under his breath, the corner of his mouth curving upwards involuntarily.
"Wanna kiss?" He asked, and she felt a wave of heat surge through her body, she clenched her thighs together, feeling a pleasant pulsing and tickling between them, she felt like her lungs were filled to the brim.
She nodded her head.
He smiled and reached his hand up to her cheek, his warm, soft, wet lips clinging to hers in a sticky, loud, tender kiss. He pulled away from her for a moment to look at her, and then they embraced and kissed again and again, her hand slipping into his hair, soft and smelling pleasantly of masculine shower gel, she thought with her heart beating hard that he had taken a bath before she came.
She heard him murmur as she felt him reciprocate his kisses, once in a while sucking his lower lip between hers, his hand tightened on the nape of her neck and hugged her tighter, their warm bodies touching.
His hands roamed her cheeks, her hair, her neck and her back and although she felt desire in that touch, it didn't make her uncomfortable, it wasn't intrusive.
She didn't want him to stop.
She felt something begin to happen to her as they both began to breathe loudly, their kisses faster, deeper, more intimate, more greedy, accompanied by the embarrassingly loud sound of their saliva, their fingers pressed painfully tight on their bodies.
"− so pretty −" He breathed out into her mouth and she trembled all over hearing it, feeling as if a pleasant wave of heat had passed through her body, the inside of her core between her thighs pulsed hard, for some reason she felt that she was terribly wet.
"− mhm −" She mumbled only, deepening the kiss thinking only of making sure he didn't stop, that she wanted this, that she wanted him.
That she wanted him to touch her.
He paused for a moment, panting loudly, his nose pressed against her cheek as he felt her take the arm he was embracing her with in her hand and slide it lower, grabbing his wrist.
"− did I do something wrong? −" He whispered in a trembling voice and drew in the air loudly, surprised when she took his hand in hers and gently placed it on her breast covered only by the material of her Tshirt.
"− fuck −" He muttered in shock, involuntarily his fingers tightened tentatively on her soft flesh, she could feel his accelerated breath on her face, that he was looking at what he was doing, where his hand was. "− so soft −"
She felt his words between her thighs, sighing quietly, unable to believe how pleasant it was, how warm and large his hand felt, his touch gentle, full of curiosity, respect and uncertainty.
He kissed her again, still keeping his hand on her breast, kneading it gently, sighing in delight as she struggled to catch her breath, moaning quietly when she felt the tip of his tongue gently brush her upper lip.
"− fuck − mmm −" He hummed quietly, thrusting greedily into her lips, panting loudly along with her, her hand pressed his fingers firmly against her breast forcing him to squeeze her harder and he groaned low right down her throat, her free hand roaming through his hair, his tongue invading deep inside her mouth.
They pulled away from each other, terrified and moved back quickly hearing the sound of a lock being turned and someone's laughter, Aegon talking loudly on the phone.
"She pisses me off, she's always jealous, I don't even get a moment's peace. No, I'm not going back there, I'm already home. Hi little nerds!" He threw them a greeting as he ran up the stairs to the first floor in a few sure strides, and after a moment she heard the sound of his room door closing.
They both swallowed loudly, trying to calm their breathing. She pressed her lips together not believing what had happened, afraid to look at him, not knowing what she should do now. She felt a terrible tension and a throbbing that she didn't know much of what to do about, and she was ashamed to ask him about it, so she just grunted quietly, looking down at her hands.
"Em….so. Shall we keep playing?" He asked in a low, slightly hoarse voice, and she nodded quickly.
They played for a few more hours without saying much, but they sat closer together, their thighs and shoulders touching, she could feel his body with her every move.
Neither of them pulled away, quite the contrary, sometimes when she was waiting for him to move she would lay her head on his shoulder, as she often did on the bus, watching him play and hearing him swallow loudly each time, trying to concentrate on what he was doing.
At some point she felt herself start to fall asleep, it was late but she didn't want to go home. It felt silly to be left without Helaena for the night though and she was afraid that Aegon would tease both him and her later.
That's why she simply laid back in with her face pressed into his neck inhaling his pleasant scent and allowed herself to close her eyes, just for a moment.
"− hey − Foxy − are you asleep? −" She heard him whisper, his warm hand gently stroking her thigh.
"− mmm −" She murmured softly, embracing his arm with her hands, cuddling into him like he was a teddy bear, he was pleasantly warm and smelled of himself, just the way she liked it, it felt good and comfortable. She felt him kiss her cheek a few times.
"Sleep. I'll cover you with a blanket later." He whispered, launching some other game on the pad, apparently a single-player one.
She felt him take his arm from her grasp only to embrace her and hug her close, and she snuggled eagerly into his chest, laying herself comfortably, his cheek resting against the top of her head, all she could hear was the quiet clicking of his pad and the sounds of the game which he had turned down so that she could sleep in peace.
After a while she fell into a deep sleep, squirming in his embrace. Then she felt a sudden emptiness and muttered under her breath discontentedly, searching for him with her hand in the darkness.
She felt someone's lips kissed her hair and stroked her cheek, she smelled his scent, his warm body laid behind her back and embraced her, covering them thoroughly with a warm blanket.
She placed her hands on his intertwining their fingers, his face snuggled into the hollow of her neck, she heard him sigh quietly as if relieved.
She fell asleep.
Aemond Taglist:
(bold means I couldn't tag you)
@its-actually-minicika @notnormalthings-blog @nikstrange @zenka69 @bellaisasleep @k-y-r-a-1 @g-cf2020 @melsunshine @opheliaas-stuff @chainsawsangel @iiamthehybrid @tinykryptonitewerewolf @namoreno @malfoytargaryen @qyburnsghost @aemondsdelight @persephonerinyes @fan-goddess @sweethoneyblossom1 @watercolorskyy @randomdragonfires @apollonshootafar @padfooteyes
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daceydeath · 1 year
A Work Proposal (Part 11)
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Pairing: Lee Know x Reader x Seungmin Word Count: 4.6K Genre: Smut 🔞 Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, threesome, unprotected sex (don't be a moron), sir kink, fingering, oral sex (m receiving), anal sex, pet names, choking,
You had been working with Stray Kids for a while now and after a long day at work turns into a very unexpected but intriguing proposal. Will this change your world or end your career?
The kids had been thrilled when the boys finally left you to rest in the early hours of the morning, after another round or two with them, you figured when they got back to the dorms they would have told them that you had decided to stay not only with the team in general but them. In truth you knew you wouldn't have been able to walk away from them easily, you were too attached, but if you had been forced to you would have tried your best to make everything continue to work smoothly for them until they wanted you to leave or it all became a distant memory. You woke late to the sound of your phone ringing which made you snap out of your post coital slumber faster than you would have liked, eyes widening at the time on your clock.
"Morning baby" Chan's happy voice filled your room as you placed him on speaker so you could get dressed quickly.
"Chan" you breathed knowing he would laugh at you for being late and standing in your wardrobe trying to figure out what to wear.
"I've organized a day off for you so stop panicking and get back into bed" he giggled like a school boy making you smile.
"I can't just not turn up Chan" you sighed rolling your eyes at the sweet sound of his laughter.
"I know so instead of rushing I am going to ask that you accompany Minho and Seungmin to their radio interview today" he explained softly making you aware that the others were probably listening in since you could hear muffled talking and the occasional thump.
"Of course I can do that" you smiled sitting on your bed and looking at your rumpled sheets that would need to be stripped off and changed.
"Thank you baby, the guys will get you in and hour then" his voice was getting slightly lost in the whoops and noise coming from the others.
"I'm guessing that you have spoken to Felix and Hyunjin then" you pinched the bridge of your nose at how excited they all sounded.
"Yes and thank you baby, really thank you for giving us another chance" he almost whispered his voice tightening slightly.
"It isn't another chance Chan because I never ended the agreement" you sighed deciding that you should definitely shower first, then dress, then change the sheets "I decided to forgive you since you obviously didn't mean it to hurt me".
"Forgive all of us?" Han blurted before you heard what sounded like a hand clapping over his mouth making you giggle.
"Yes Han, I forgive you and Changbin too" you couldn't help the feeling of warmth that spread through you at the sound of their relieved sighs. "But I need to go get ready now or I won't be when Minho and Seungmin get here".
Showering and dressing in a simple shirt and sweater combo meant that you didn't need to worry about being uncomfortable while you say in cars and green room chairs for most of the day, which was something your normal blazer look didn't accommodate as well. You used your extra time as well as you could changing out your sheets to be washed, cleaning up the kitchen and even styling you hair a little so that you would look nice when the boys picked you up. When your phone beeped to let you know they were downstairs you quickly grabbed your purse and made your way down to the waiting van.
"Don't you look delicious" Minho whistled softly making your face heat up.
'Couldn't agree more" Seungmin smirked as you slipped into the seat across from him.
"Behave, were in public" you muttered as you opened your tablet interface to double check everything that was needed for the day.
"But what about when we aren't in public doll?" Seungmin asked his voice lower than normal.
"Then I might not say no sir" you teased back not wanting to look up and see the look you knew he was giving you.
"I forgot about your control thing" Minho chuckled watching you bite your lip "I thought our little kitten might fight that but it looks like she does not".
"Oh she is so well behaved aren't you doll" Seungmin purred as you tried not to press your thighs together "Maybe we could show hyung how good you are?" he whispered teasingly making you swallow hard and Minho laugh properly. Taking a deep breath to control your now very interested body and distracted mind you fell back into your professional mode.
"Were heading to KBS correct" you cleared your throat subtly.
"We are kitten" Minho smiled watching you switch back into work mode.
"I've got this scheduled for 4 hours correct? What schedule do you have after that because I haven't received an update as to what your afternoon looks like" You clarified looking between the two of them for any sort of update.
"I figured we can eat afterwards" Seungmin added "I don't have anything else scheduled after though, what about you hyung?"
"Nope I have nothing so lunch later then maybe we swing back to the dorm to rest? Kitten surly will need a little more attention by then" Minho smirked making the heat rise up your neck again.
"Cheeky shits" you mumbled clicking through the calendars for each of the members and realizing that they did both have the afternoon off while Felix and IN were filming something later in the day and the others were either writing or producing.
Arriving at the station you were ushered inside and into the waiting area that was dedicated to the two of them. You set yourself up at one of the empty tables while they left to get snacks and greet the other guests and presenters. An iced latte was placed down beside you startling you slightly as one of the assistant producers introduced herself quietly.
"Good Morning, I am Yejun and I will be looking after all the needs you might have today" she bowed politely "Kim Seungmin asked me to deliver this to you to help with your work".
"Thank you and it is a pleasure to meet you Yejin. I will be sure to let you know if any of our team needs anything" you returned her gesture smiling softly as you noticed her look you up and down quickly before she departed making you slightly annoyed but you shrugged it off going back to work and waiting for your boys to return.
"Good you got your coffee" Seungmin grinned as he plopped down on the sofa across the room from you.
"I did thank you" you smiled back sipping at the iced coffee.
"Don't give him too much credit he only made that girl get if for you after she flirted with him" Minho chuckled "She was all doe eyed and almost swooning until he shut her down and asked her to get a coffee for his pretty noona manager".
"Seungmin!" you coughed trying not to laugh.
"What? isn't it better to shut her down than give her any sort of false hope that I would ever be interested" Seungmin defended himself shrugging.
"You are so savage" you faux scolded him making Minho laugh properly enjoying the joking around while they waited for the show to begin.
The show had been scheduled for four hours but that was to accommodate all the preparing, greeting, show run throughs, artist requirements, endorsement recordings etc, by the time Minho and Seungmin were on air the actual interview and games lasted only 50 minutes. You had been able to get quite a bit a work done in that time leaving you able to comfortable supervise the interview in case questions came up that needed to be refused. The whole time you watched you could feel eyes on you which was a factor you dealt with in this job fans were always curious about the staff around the artists and you always tried to make a good impression, so it was a little odd that once the interview was over and you returned to the artist and staff waiting areas the feeling of being observed followed you.
"Don't look now but it appears we aren't the only ones who want to ruin your today kitten" Minho murmured to you looking back at the guy who was looking as though he wished to approach you.
"I don't like that idea at all" Seungmin glowered at the guy as Minho placed his hand so low on your back he was also cupping your arse.
"You are imagining things" you sighed softly rolling your eyes stepping ahead of Minho as he ushered you into the room. "Besides I have to watch women throw themselves at you all the time".
"Still don't want someone who isn't us near you" Seungmin pouted slightly. There was a small knock on the door and it opened slightly to an well dressed man who immediately sought you out between the two boys despite their obvious distain of him.
"Could I perhaps leave my card with you for any future promotions?" He smiled overenthusiastically "I would be happy to help arrange future promotions directly with you".
"Thank you" you nodded politely "I think we have a contact within KBS that we already deal with but I may be mistaken".
"Perhaps we could discuss some future arrangments over drinks?" he continued looking at you hopefully.
"Forgive me but I don't think my boyfriend would approve of that" replied trying to come off as modest as possible.
"You have a boyfriend? pity call me if that changes" he smirked leaving the room as quickly as he arrived.
"You can stop glaring holes in the door now" you giggled looking at Minho then Seungmin.
"A boyfriend huh?" Seungmin questioned raising his eyebrows at you teasingly.
"I could hardly say my 8 fuck buddies don't always like to share amongst themselves let alone anyone else" you rolled your eyes dramatically.
"I mean there is no lie in that" Minho purred pulling you against him to kiss you possessively his hand gripping your hip almost painfully as he slid his tongue between your lips making you gasp against him only encouraging him to deepen the kiss further until you began to feel a little dizzy and Seungmin cleared his throat.
"I mean as much as I enjoy seeing you get needy, maybe you would rather take this to the dorm? What do you think doll?" Seungmin smirked knowingly.
"Yes sir" my breathed eyes already a little hazy with lust making Seungmin almost groan, as he reached out to grab the nape of your neck and drag you to him to claim your mouth just as Minho had.
Collecting your things, and yourself, you made your way back through KBS to the entrance so you could leave, stepping out a minute or two before them always gave fans and photographers a better view of the boys and you had adapted to this ducking out to prevent any mishaps of their way to the van. They followed slowly waving and bowing politely before climbing into the van behind you and instantly changing back to the handsy boys who wanted to get you home fast. Minho slid into the seat beside you his hands instantly on you, one between your thighs teasingly running his thumb down the seam of your jeans and the other on the nape of your neck so he could turn you to face him when he wanted you too.
"I have an idea doll, if hyung is wanting to play along of course" Seungmin smiled seductively at you and you shivered slightly under his gaze.
"Oh she liked that" Minho licking his perfect lips and grinned devilishly at you.
"I thought perhaps you want to show how good a girl you can be for Minho? Show him how much you like being a good little girl for us" Seungmin whispered while you nodded eyes wide.
"Words please doll" Seungmin looked at you pointedly "you only get what you want using words".
"I would like that sir" you whispered.
"Good girl" Seungmin purred "Same rules as before is there anything that you don't want us to do with you? There are so many things we could try today".
"The same as before sir, I don't want you to hit me, spit on me or hurt me" you whispered again hoping the driver couldn't hear anything that was being discussed.
"Alright then doll, I will ask as we go and if you want it to stop what do you say?" Seungmin smiled happy you were willing to play.
"Red sir" you whimpered as Minho's fingers now pressed against your clothed core making you squirm slightly and him grin.
The remainder of the trip to the dorms took about three days in your already lust clouded brain, Minho teasing you slowly and Seungmin looking at you those molten chocolate eyes you were getting needier by the minute. So when you finally found inside the entrance of the dorm it took only a moment more before Seungmin had you roughly shoved against the wall claiming your mouth in a firery kiss that made your head spin as his hands held you firmly to the wall.
"My room now doll, strip off and wait on your knees in the middle of the bed" Seugmin ordered huskily making you swallow hard.
"Yes sir" you replied and made your way to his room as instructed pulling your top over your head as you went.
"How are we doing this hyung? Do you want to watch or participate?" Seungmin turned to look at Minho.
You knelt on Seungmin's bed completely bare with your hands folded in your lap as you waited for him to enter the room. The wetness between your thighs cooling in the air of the room was a stark contrast to how hot your body felt, the anticipation rising in you as you heard footsteps outside the bedroom door.
"Such a good girl" Seungmin purred stepping into the room "I was telling hyung how good you are".
"Thank you sir" you preened a spark shooting towards your center, loving the praise he gave you.
"Take a seat hyung and let see how good she can be" Seungmin's tone was still cheeky as he walked over to his desk and sat in his chair gesturing for Minho to sit on his bed while you looked between the two of them as patiently as you could.
"Kitten, are you alright with this?" Minho asked looking at you seriously, after everything that had just happened he didn't want to cross anymore of your lines.
"Yes..." you paused for a moment looking at Seungmin.
"You can cal him what ever you like doll" he nodded giving you permission making you grin.
"Yes Minho I want this" you looked back to him heatedly wetting your lips with the tip of your tongue.
"Good girl" Seungmin purred "Now you're going to do exactly as your told aren't you?".
"Yes sir, I promise sir" you whimpered slightly itching to be allowed to touch Minho.
"Go make him nice and hard then doll" he purred again leaning back in his chair watching as you stood up and moved to straddle Minho's thighs, those perfect thighs that distracted you every time he danced. As soon as you were seated Minho's hands were on you one cupping your face and pulling you in to desperately connect his lips to yours and the other sliding down your side to grab a hand full of your arse pushing you against him. You opened your lips allowing his tongue entrance to your mouth as you gently rolled your hips against him your soft moans being swallowed with the intensity of the kiss. You could feel his cock hardening in his jeans below you as you pressed your wet core against him your slick leaving a wet trail on his fly.
"Good girl being so needy" Seungmin groaned watching you try your hardest not to get yourself off on Minho's clothed crotch. "but I think you can you better" he tutted.
"I want to be good sir" you panted, disconnecting your lips from Minho's and moving to kneel between his legs you carefully undid his jeans and after his allowing you to slide them down to his knees you began palming him through his boxers "Can I taste Minho please sir" you pleaded eyes wide as you looked to Seungmin.
"Of course doll, such a sweet girl for asking" he smiled wickedly at you. You wasted no time freeing Minho from his boxers and licking a stripe along the underside of his dick making him take a sharp breath "Slow down doll, you are meant to be showing him how good you are not how desperate you are" he chuckled darkly.
Pausing you slowly let your tongue circle the head of his dick enjoying the taste of the small bead of precum that decorated it before slowly taking him into your mouth and suckling it. You could tell from the way his thighs tensed he was already enjoying the warmth of your mouth so to help give him even more you brought one hand to fondle his balls while you took his whole length into your mouth and throat enjoying the deep loud groan the fell from his lips making you squeeze your thigh together in hopes of some friction.
"Fuck me kitten you are so good at sucking dick" he mumbled his hand winding into your hair pulling slightly on your roots.
"Be a good girl and play with your clit while you please hyung doll" Seungmin directed his voice starting to deepen with need. You hummed in response causing another delicious moan to fall from those perfect lips as you slowly began to circle your own clit with your fingers gasping around Minho's cock as the first jolts of pleasure began to course through you, you took your time bobbing up and down his length, tongue swirling around his shaft when you agonizingly slowly pulled him from your mouth with a lewd wet pop.
"I think he might be hard enough now doll, be a good girl and help him get undressed" Seungmin ordered his voice getting huskier with each order he gave you. Biting your lip you stood pulling Minho's jeans and boxers completely off his legs before helping him slide the t-shirt he was wearing over his head "Now on your hands and knees facing me doll".
"Yes sir" you almost whimpered knowing that it wouldn't be too much longer until you got some relief that you so desperately needed, you could feel your arousal beginning to slick your thighs at this point. Minho wasted no time kneeling behind you and carefully pushing his length into you and you both moaned in tandem.
"Kitten, shit your so tight" Minho mumbled wrapping his arm around your shoulders to pull you up against his chest for the first few thrusts his teeth grazing the side of you neck debating whether to make you or not.
"Please Minho" you gasped as he slammed into you his hips slapping against your skin harshly your head falling against his shoulder.
"I'm going to fuck you until you can't walk kitten" he mumbled making you mewl lewdly Minho's other hand sliding down to the front of your body to press against your clit.
"Careful Minho hyung" Seungmin warned seriously one eyebrow raised "don't want to exhaust her yet".
"Back on your knees kitten" he purred letting you fall forward softly against the bed, your arms giving way so you were now leaning on your elbows as Minho continued to fuck you only slowing down a little and thrusting in you much deeper making you see stars with every movement of his cock against your needy walls.
"You look so pretty getting fucked by Minho, so fucking pretty" Seungmin growled his hand moved from the arm of the chair to start palming himself through his jeans making you whimper as you watched him "don't worry my good girl I'm going to make you mine soon enough".
"Fuck she liked that" Minho groaned feeling you clench around him.
"Put your thumb in her arse hyung, I need her prepped for me" Seungmin grunted standing and discarding his jeans and shirt. "Doll color?' he asked kneeling to hold your chin as Minho slid his fingers through your folds to collect your slick.
"Green" you gasped Minho's thumb slowly circling your tight ring of muscle "But slow please". Minho's thrust turned slow and deep as he cautiously continued both prepping you and pleasuring you.
"Remember if it's ever too much use the safe word and we both stop, no questions asked" Suengmin cooed throwing a bottle of lube near Minho and taking your face in his hands to kiss you passionately, between his lips and Minho's cock you were too distracted to even worry that you might want them to stop. Pulling his lips from yours Seungmin guided his cock to your mouth which you opened instantly allowing him to slowly push himself between your kiss swollen lips his groan mixing with Minho's as you again clenched around him.
"Kitten you will make me cum if you keep that up" He hissed making Seungmin chuckle guiding himself deeper into your throat as you hummed around him.
"Good girl, make him cum" he growled carefully fucking your throat as you concentrated on how good they both felt inside you as Minho slipped another lubed finger into you stretching you slowly and giving you time to adjust before he started opening you further, making you groan around Seugmin's length.
"Your right she is a very good girl" Minho grinned as you tightened around him again, slipping his fingers from your arse he picked him pace up hitting the spot inside you that made you start moaning and whining around Seungmin, making him pull himself from your mouth to watch you come undone under Minho's ministrations, Minho had slipped the hand that had been holding you in place around your stomach to pinch your clit softly making your eyes roll back in your head..
"Minho, please, please right there" you cried as your orgasm tore through you making you call his name like a prayer as you felt him stiffen inside you and moan pornographically his warm seed filling you as he continued to shallowly thrust into you to prolong your high.
"Such a good girl, my best girl" Minho whispered to you softly pulling himself from you as you felt his cum dribble out of you and onto your thigh.
"Can I continue you doll?" Seungmin asked gently his fingers running through your hair.
"Green sir" you smiled up at him still on your knees and elbows, he grinned in response gesturing for you to turn and face Minho as he picked up the bottle of lube and squeezed some onto his fingers. You were a little nervous and you knew that they would never dream of hurting you so as Seungmin slid two fingers back inside you and moved to begin lapping as your clit.
"Sir" you cried softly still sensitive from Minho but he was gently pushing you through that and into the beginning of another pleasurable build up.
"Look you kitten you're so beautiful when you get you pussy eaten" Minho groaned as you saw him hardening again "can't wait to fill you again, you want that?".
"Yes Minho want that" you gasped as Seungmin pushed a third finger into you the initial ache now becoming a more pleasurable sensation.
"You like what Seungmin is doing to you kitten? Does it feel good having him inside you there?"
"Yes Minho, yes" you stuttered feeling your next orgasm growing in your belly.
"Good girl, now I'm going to fuck you there" Seungmin growled huskily as he removed his fingers to lube his length thoroughly, making you swallow hard and your eyes widen slightly.
"Aww kitten are you nervous? Never had a cock as big as Seungmin's in that pretty little arse before? Minho teased moving from where he was leaning against the headboard palming himself slowly.
"Never done this before" you whisper feeling Seungmin slow his movements and watching Minho's eyes widen despite his groan.
"Doll, why didn't you say anything? Seungmin asked incredibly gently caressing your back with one hand as you assumed he was looking at Minho to judge you expression.
"You didn't ask and I said green sir" you whined pushing back on him slightly not really wanting your pleasure to dissipate.
"Our prefect sweet girl" Seungmin cooed adorlingly moving his hands to each of your hips "You absolutely sure?" you could feel the dominance slipping from Seungmin as he worried more about your comfort than the experience of the game.
"Yes sir" you whimpered as he began slowly pushing the head of his cock against your hole.
"Not sir, not this time, just you, just Minho, just me" he whispered against the skin of your back as he peppered your skin with kisses,
"You are far too good to us kitten" Minho groaned again leaning forward to press his lips against yours, trying to keep you relaxed and wanting while Seungmin sunk himself inside you. They could both feel you tensing slightly your body reacting to the new and strange sensation but you let them guide you through it. You let Minho slip his tongue between your lips sliding against yours pouring how grateful he was for this into you.
"Fuck you are so tight doll, you feel like heaven" Seungmin moaned deeply as he slowly and shallowly began thrusting, his grip on your hips tightening as you began to carefully push your self back onto his cock. Letting go of your right hip he slid his fingers around your leg to continue massaging you clit causing a delicate moan to fall from your lips into Minho's mouth.
"Minho, I want you in my mouth" you mewled as your orgasm started building again breaking the kiss to look at him.
"Not this time kitten, I'll have you again later I promise" he mumbled against your lips as he kissed you again one of his hands teasing your nipples to help you along.
"Fuck" Seungmin growled again his thrusts speeding up as his need to chase his own high started to over take him "God you are perfect doll, so perfect" his fingers on your clit speeding up to match his hips.
"Seungmin" you cried loudly as your orgasm cascaded over you as he thrust harder into a few more times before spilling himself inside you. Minho took over from Seungmin his fingers now softly circling your clit to prolong your pleasure while the other slipped himself from you.
"You are a goddess" Minho groaned pulling you from your knees to lay between the two of them holding you tightly to his chest until Seungmin pulled a blanket over the three of you.
"You are incredible doll" Seungmin whispered kissing your shoulder blade.
"I'm sorry I didn't call you sir" you mumbled softly.
"You will never have to apologize after you so willingly let me have your first time" Seungmin smiled against your skin moving back as you rolled to face him, Minho instantly moving to spoon you.
"But that's what you like" you pouted slightly.
"No doll, I like you, only you" he admitted softly his lips finding yours for a soft sweet kiss "Now rest and we can play again later".
a/n: Ok I am usure if this is actually any good but you are getting it anyway because I like it 🤣 as always any likes, comments or reblogs are incredible. You guys make my hole day every time one of you reads the filth from my imagination xx
Taglist (open): @christopher-bangnaldoskzz, @symptoms-of-moonlight, @septicrebel, @ayoitschannie, @krishastumblernow, @tangerminie, @elizalabs3, @armystay89, @septemberkisses, @stay-bi, @seolarflare, @damnyouficc, @eastleighsblog, @wohaku, @bakedlilgoonie, @roamingpolar, @tara-skyhold, @spacegirlstuff, @queenmea604, @fawnpeaks,
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gh0ulvi · 2 years
What will be the obey me characters reaction to you wearing their jacket?
this ended up taking WAY longer than expected because i made up lore for this scenario for some reason 😭 so sorry about that but i hope waiting was worth it!!
> audience: gender neutral
> format: headcanon/drabble
> characters: the brothers
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lucifer had been extremely busy the past couple weeks. he hadn't been able to spend any time with you, even at night when he came home he would go straight to his desk and continue working. some nights he even had impromptu sleepovers at diavolo's castle when work became too stressful and important for either of them to focus on anything else.
on nights like those, you would sit at his desk for a long time. tidying things that were already clean or organized, refilling the coffee station you made him for christmas one year, and sometimes you would just sit in his chair. it still smelled like him because of how often he's stationed there. his scent was permanent, it made you feel like he was there and not in some business meeting or late night conference with lord knows who.
while you're laying in his chair, you feel something soft tickle your cheek, when you look up, low and behold: his suit jacket is draped on the back of the chair just as it was when he came home the night before. he must've been in such a rush this morning that he forgot to put it on, which isn't like him at all. no matter how busy he is or how stressed he never forgets things like that— especially something that's usually on his person every single day.
you bring the fabric up to your nose and smell cherries and demonus. which is funny, because he doesn't drink very often. but the smell suits him. you don't even realize you're walking to his bed until you feel the plush sheets and soft pillows surrounding you.
when lucifer gets home in the early hours of the morning, he sees you curled up with his jacket to your nose as you hold yourself, trying to keep warm from the chilling breeze that wafts in through the large window next to his bed. his heart swells with pride, but he curses himself for leaving you like this for so long, he wonders how many nights you've spent in his room waiting for him to come home just to fall asleep and still wake up to an empty bed.
he slips into pajamas and takes the jacket from your grip, replacing it with his own body, you wrapping your hands around his waist as he lays on his back with you curled up to his side. "oh honey, i'm sorry i've been away..."
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mammon's greed works in mysterious ways. he's a genius when it comes to scheming and scamming. even when it backfires on him, sometimes he comes up with the craziest ideas if it means he gets as much money as possible. but, he's also greedy when it comes to you. he's a massive tsundere so he'll never admit it, but he doesn't want anyone else to have you. if he could he would make it so that nobody else could look at you.
but he's not an asshole, he wants you to be extremely happy in your relationship so that he might not need to go that extreme. his love knows no bounds but his money doesn't either when it comes to you.
anything you want, he will give you. receiving gifts from mammon seems like a daily occurrence for you. he absolutely adores buying you clothes because even if you aren't there to pick them out, he's never missed when it came to a piece of clothing looking stunning on you.
mammon obviously loves spoiling you, but sometimes you think no other clothing is better than a tshirt from your boyfriends wardrobe.
he was out at a modeling shoot the entire day, taking pictures at different locations in different outfits, and you missed him. you slipped on a baggy tee from his dresser. it was just a plain gray shirt but it was super soft. you noticed his jacket folded in the same drawer where you found the tshirt, picked it up, and smelled it. it smelled just like him, with a hint of some floral scented detergent. you slipped it on nonchalantly, and headed towards the kitchen.
while making dinner, beel had accompanied you to eat the rest of whatever was in the fridge, but soon left because the rest of the brothers and yourself had already eaten, you were just making dinner for mammon, he's had a long day.
not long after beel stepped out, you felt a pair of hands around your waist and a sloppy kiss press against your shoulder.
"how was your day?"
"mm..." he said, burying his face into your shoulder, "tiring. we had to move to a different location twice because it starting rai- is this my jacket?"
both of you kind of froze, mammon out of disbelief and you out of literally forgetting you were wearing your boyfriends jacket.
"maybe." heat rushed to your cheeks, and you could feel mammon's face have the same reaction. he didn't say anything, but you felt his lips twitch up into a smile against your skin.
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leviathan is a massive introvert, but not when he's with you. whatever's on his mind, he'll say it if it's just you and him.
even though he's open with you, that doesn't mean he doesn't get flustered easily.
levi had left the house before you even woke up. he mentioned the day before that he was going to camp outside all day just to get first grabs on tickets for a concert that he wanted to see. he would've loved for you to come, but exams had just ended and quite frankly, you were exhausted. he agreed that you needed the sleep and that he would go alone.
it's around 4 pm when you start getting really, really bored. so, you decide to look through his room. you assumed he wouldn't mind considering he's always ripping his room apart to show you things, there's few corners of his room that you haven't seen.
it's actually pretty funny, because one corner of his room is dedicated to broken down akuzon boxes. he can't throw them away or else lucifer will see that he blew money on yet another figurine or game.
ignoring that corner, you walk over to some drawers. there isn't much inside but a couple scattered papers with passwords on them and some trinkets. you look through a couple other things in his room, some cabinets and old boxes that contain collectibles that have lost their worth, under his "bed" which presents some manga and questionable but predictable magazines, and finally over to his dresser.
while searching through the drawers, you find some old cosplays that he's never showed you, and a jacket that he doesn't wear often, but you wish he did. it was a dark brown jacket and the inside was fuzzy and white. it looked amazing on him.
you slipped it on and looked at yourself in the mirror. it was massive on you, considering levi's height.
in that moment, you heard his bedroom door click and he stepped inside, waving the covert tickets around. he didn't even get halfway through the doorframe when he saw you wearing his jacket. he stopped in his tracks, mouth agape, face red. you heard the door creak as he slowly backed out of his room and closed it. "don't scare me like that!!! i won't come back in until you take it off!! oh no— did i see some books on my tub?? never mind— just take it off!!"
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satan has perfect style. dark academia. which suits him perfectly of course. old libraries, flower fields, baggy brown pants and a loose collared tee with a brown suit jacket on top.
he was out feeding the stray cats while you were in his room. you were shuffling through a couple piles of books when you see that he had left his coat on the rack, and it was awfully chilly outside.
the jacket was one that was really long, it extended past his knees when he wore it and it had a big collar, and big flat buttons on one side with elastic loops on the corresponding side.
you had planned to take it out to him, but you knew he was probably fine anyways, a little cold can't hurt a demon. plus, he'd most likely shove you back inside because "humans are too fragile to bear winters in the devildom."
you decided against it, even though you already had it in your hands. you thought again, and then looked out the window while caressing the soft fabric that lined the coat.
he was crouched down, feeding some breeds of cats that could clearly withstand the cold because they were all longhair, and bulky. you could see at least ten of them, all rubbing up against his legs and hands.
you slipped on the jacket, a hat, and a pair of boots. making your way down the stairs of the house of lamentation and out the back door.
as you open the door, he doesn't turn to see you, but he says hello, and of course tells you "you should go back inside, it's cold."
"i think i'm okay." you say as you walk over and crouch next to him, bringing your knees to your chest and resting your chin on them. he caressed the head of the cat that he's feeding, and more come up to you as well.
as you're scratching the chin of a grey cat, satan puts an arm around your shoulders and brings you closer to him.
it was only now until he looked at you, and saw you wearing the coat. his face blushing immediately and leaning his head on your shoulder. "did you steal my coat?"
you couldn't tell if the red dusting his cheeks was from the cold or not, but you decided it wasn't.
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asmodeus loves going to clubs and bars with you. and you'd think— or maybe i'm just being presumptuous— that he may lose himself in the people and the music, flirting with other succubi and demons, getting too drunk because everyone and their mother decides to buy him a drink.
but no, he doesn't. he's there with you the entire time and never leaves your side. if he gets lost in the alcohol and music it's always with you.
one night, you had gone to a new club with him. it was pretty big, easy to get lost in. your arms were linked together at all times.
you both walked up to the bar, ordered some drinks, and chatted for a bit. ignoring the small crowd of people that seemed to form near you two. some were trying to discreetly take pictures, some were whispering to themselves.
it was of course because of your partner. the public got used to seeing you and asmodeus together, but of course people still swooned no matter who was accompanying him. the avatar of lust attracts many, of course.
you had gotten used to it over time, asmodeus used to see you get anxious and take off whatever coat he was wearing, and let you put it over your head. you would count down from three in unison, and run as fast as you could. anywhere you ended up was usually near where you would stay the night due to the plethora of asmo's connections, if not already near the house of lamentation.
"wanna get out of here?" you gave him the same look you used to back then, but with a hint of playfulness to it. he smirks and starts shrugging off his coat.
"wherever you want to go, dear", he says as the coat gets placed lightly on your shoulders. no need to pull it up, everyone already knows you.
"3.....2......1...... go!" you whisper together, asmodeus is holding your hand and for the first time, you're guiding him. though guide isn't quite the correct term. this district of the devildom was entirely new to you, but you didn't care.
the second you were able to pull him through the front door of the club, you ran. down the street, across it, you two almost cause an accident but you keep running, you use your free hand to keep the jacket snugly around you.
you finally stop to catch your breath in an alleyway between some stores and apartments. "holy shit" you say, panting and gasping.
as you both catch your breath and asmodeus gains a sense of where you two wound up, he takes out his phone and starts typing, a couple seconds later you hear a ding and he looks up at you. "ready to head to our hotel? i found an open room at an inn nearby."
"yes please." you say in faux desperation.
asmodeus swings an arm around your shoulder and shimmies fhe jacket back up around your shoulders. you're looking forward as you two walk, but he still looks at you, adoration in his eyes and a little adrenaline still running through his veins.
"you look cute in that, keep it."
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beelzebub and you often have movie nights in him and belphies room. usually belphie falls asleep not even halfway through the movie, but sometimes he'll stay up with you if he decides to join.
one thing beel really cherishes is the alone time you two have together. it's not often that you get to spend time alone with him, especially because you're usually being pulled into some situation that his siblings always need your help with.
today had been a really, really long day. you had a bunch of tests at school, people were being extra rude, and you had been pulled into countless antics. luckily, tonight was your scheduled movie night with beel.
as much as you loved his company, you hoped belphie wouldn't join in with you guys tonight. you just wanted beel to yourself.
as you walk home from school, a text from beel pops up on your phone.
"i'm at hell's kitchen. i was going to walk home with you but i was hungry. sorry."
you sighed with a smile. typical, you can't blame him. he doesn't know you've had a bad day, and he doesn't always need to walk you home.
you approach the side door of the house of lamentation. it's the closest entrance to your room, and you wanted to avoid bumping into anyone.
you open the door and head straight to beel and belphie's room. usually, belphegor is curled up in the corner of his bed sleeping, but his mattress is vacant. your phone vibrates again.
"i'm sleeping in the attic. relax with beel tonight."
you could almost cry, belphie knew you had a rough day, he was in a lot of your classes and essentially saw you on the verge of tears multiple times that day, as well as sitting in the background of all the brother's antics.
you send a thank you message and put your bag on the floor next to the dresser, heading to the bathroom to take a shower.
due to the hot shower, you're even more tired than before. your legs feel like they're going to collapse beneath you and your eyes can barely stay open. walking out of the bathroom, you head over to the twins' dresser and grab the first things you can find that aren't a long sleeve or long pants.
not long after you slip on a tshirt and shorts, you find yourself laying in beel's bed waiting for him to come home. you feel yourself dozing off while a random tv channel plays some cheesy romance series in the background.
before you can drift into sleep, you hear the door open and beel walks inside. he throws his bag on the floor and immediately flops on the bed, half on top of you.
"you smell like gigadeath burgers." you mumble into his hair, you get a chuckle in response.
"you smell like me." he says, gliding a hand along your torso. you can feel him grinning against you.
you hadn't even realized you slipped on his favorite shirt that he wears every chance he gets, so it smells like him permanently, now with a mix of you.
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belphegor loves stargazing with you. usually he falls asleep, but you both enjoy the time you spend watching the stars while he's awake.
something you've yet to do is bring food though, like a picnic. which is exactly what you're planning on doing tonight, except he doesn't know.
on the nights you have stargazing planned, belphie tends to sleep through his classes more than usual during the day, and promptly go to sleep as soon as he gets home from RAD.
he wants to have more energy so he's able to stay up with you later. but he'll never tell you that.
you take the chance to go out to the store so you can buy some food for tonight while he's asleep. with a demon of your choice accompanying you of course, the brothers lose their minds if you even think about going out in the devildom alone.
you check the weather app on your DDD, it's going to be a warm summer evening. "warm" being somewhere around 80° in the devildom. once it gets dark out for a while, the temperature drops drastically, it's like the desert.
now that you know the temperature, you know exactly what kinds of snacks to get. at the store you pick up some cans of fizzy drinks, chips, fruit, a sushi platter, and some pastries.
you prepare the basket when you get home, packing up the food and drinks, as well as piling up a blanket or two.
when the time comes, belphie is waiting for you outside the house of lamentation. you got to choose the spot this time, so you decided on a secluded area in the woods nearby with a perfect opening to view the stars.
"give me a second, i have to grab something!" you say, going on your way to get ahold of the basket. when you come back, you have belphie hold the blankets and he see's the picnic basket but doesn't say anything about it.
when you two get to the location, you set up everything. "you" as in literally just you. belphie is a couple feet away, facing a tree. you decided you wanted everything to be a surprise even though he saw the basket.
"surprise!" he turns around and see's the setup you've completed. a smile appears on his face and he giggles.
"what's all this for?"
"i just wanted to do something different."
after snacking and picking out the constellations, you lay down next to him. "i feel like i should give you something in return."
"no need i promise, i'm just glad you're here."
he ignores you and sits up, you do the same as you watch him shrug the hoodie off of himself.
"i never take this off— i always thought it would look better on you anyways." he tells you as the hoodie is placed on your shoulders, he smiles and lays back down, taking you with him.
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bluecollarmcandtf · 11 months
The Cop I Own part 2
Officer De Luca settled nicely into the role I gave him. Every night after work, he quietly slips through the back and stands patiently at my side until I address him. I always have the guy begin the night by scrubbing the dishes I've tossed in the sink during the day.
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It's always nice to see the sink empty again, once he's toweled them off and carefully put them away. He knows where they go better than I do at this point. The cop has been routinely cleaning and organizing my kitchen for me.
"So how was ur day, De Luca?" I call as he scrubs stale food from my plate.
"It was actually pretty long, sir," he sighed, "I was on traffic duty today. It always kills my feet to stand for so long."
I come up behind and give his full rear a smack. He frowns but knows he's supposed to accept it when I touch him.
"Well, I like seeing you on your feet," I sing in his ear, "You aren't trying to say you want to relax, are you?"
"Of course not, sir," he replies tersely, splashing the dish into the soapy water.
"Good. Go ahead and take the trash out when your done."
"Yes, sir."
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I watched while my policeman carried the trash to the curb, nodding a polite hello to my neighbor across the street. Officer De Luca had caught stares from just about everybody in our edition.
Suddenly having a cop around piqued everyone's interest. I caught a few of them staring in confusion as he did all the housework while I watched from the porch. I imagine they think we are just a strange gay couple. They probably assume I nag at my partner to do the chores the minute he gets home. I guess their assumptions aren't that far off.
Ultimately, they only gossip about our arrangement. I'm sure they honestly appreciate the presence of having my policeman around. He's kind of like the ultimate guard dog.
"Alright, De Luca," I say as he gets back in the house, "Go ahead and clean the house from top to bottom. I'm calling it a night."
I watched him get started with the windows.
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This was at least the third time he'd wiped them down this week. I've never lived in a house with such routine cleaning, but I've come to expect certain things from him the second I wake up. If my shower doesn't have that lingering smell of cleaning chemicals or the floor isn't shining with polish, officer De Luca has to redo it before reporting in at the police station.
He'd already been an hour late once before when he forgot to have my clothes ironed and laid out for the day.
It kind of takes him a long time at night to get all these things done. I have no idea how late he stays up, but he always downs a few cups of coffee before hopping in his cruiser.
I don't feel guilty about the long hours. I made him sell his house a couple weeks ago and invited him to sleep in my basement. I'd only allowed him to keep the necessities when he moved in. He carried all his weight sets down and hung his uniforms in the storage closet.
I had him sell the clothes he didn't need for work. I like seeing my cop in uniform, so that's the only thing he really wears anymore.
Laying in my bed, I can here the distant hum of a vacuum, lulling me to sleep. I already couldn't wait for him to gently wake me up with breakfast in bed...
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jazeswhbhaven · 2 months
It saddens me to say lovelies...that the future of this account...is that of a concerning fate....
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...it's the first of the month....
This account for one isn't going anywhere btw. Had to make a little jokey joke because april fools day y'know.
I do have some updates though since I always give them for each month. 💖
First, I've finally made it to 500 follows??? Thank you all for being amazing and showing up and showing out for the love on all my drabbles, request answers, just anything. Especially my brain rot. A couple of things I'd like to address for this blog as it grows is the following:
-this is a judgement free zone within reason. i have my boundaries and strong opinions that may pop up, my intention isn't to be 'hoiler than thow' or wave fingers (i mean i'm playing a demon sex game hello?) but at the same time, there's some stuff that just ain't it and i will bring it up if i feel the need to to establish my limits.
-i am only one admin with audhd and a fucked up sleep schedule. so i may be late to the hype, right on it, or it's two days later and i'm catching up. that's just how it is
But I welcome you, and if you're new...enjoy your stay, it's wild here.
NOW onto my requests/inbox
If you've checked my pinned there's been updates. As of today, any request sent from now until the end of the month will not be answered until May in the order received. Any requests you see posted during April are old ones I hadn't gotten to. I'm working this month on how to organize requests, and make sure I stick to my waiting times as per stated or throw them out. I like working on requests, it gives me something to do. However I really wanted to focus on creating my own content for the blog, that's what I started this entire thing for (if any of you remember my old now shadowbanned blog) that was the base of it. Which segways into this next bit. I am dangerously shifting into burn out mode....
The thing about being nuerodivergent and on medications for different illnesses, and while trying to build a healthier lifestyle, I am constantly battling wanting to keep up with my writing peers on posting fics, answering requests, being a part of a fandom again.
But ngl the numbers are killing me. I get anxious about getting a huge following and then coming up short cause I know how it gets. Hard criticism, parasocial relationships, hate follows, that shit haunts me. So when I try to answer ya'lls request quickly I sit here at my computer numb and brain full of fog because I simply can't think of how to answer. That's been happening a lot. And truthfully April is never a good month for me. I just want to coast this month...be minimally busy as possible and just not think much. To rememdy that, this is why I have decided to take an entire month off taking any new requests. A reset. Trying to find that balance. I need it before I crack.
Andddd now for some light hearted stuff.
It's my birthday month!
idk if I'll be doing a special thing on this blog during that time, but if I do, you'll know~ Beel's birthday is on the 4th btw so that's really cool we share the same month ^^ Got him on the quiz, both of us have adhd, and now the same birthday month. He just wants me to surround myself around him huh? i don't mind that tho. that's my boo.
To end this long ass post, stay awesome, stay lovely, and enjoy my brain rot and stupid reacts 😘
-your lovely admin, ♥( ˆ⌣ ˆԅ)
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voguescapes · 1 year
m. wheeler | see you tomorrow, mike
pairings. mike wheeler x fem!reader
about. it seems like mike isn't interested in you, making you blame it on your appearance so you ask lucas if he thinks you're pretty. mike overhears a part of the conversation, making him misunderstand everything.
warnings. not edited so don't mind the little errors, a little cursing, mike being a dumbass, kind of mutual pining, angst (not really), eleven doesn't exist in this (sorry), and no particular season mentioned, lmk if i missed anything!
a/n. i read something a couple days ago on tumblr and i literally cannot find it anywhere but if you know what i'm talking about, this fic is entirely based on that. also, i have to make a stranger things masterlist but i'm too lazy!
word count. 1.6k
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you, and lucas were gathered at your house, waiting for the rest of the party to get there. you all were going to be at your house this time because mike's basement was getting a small renovation.
you both sat in an uncomfortable silence, not being used to being alone with each other. "i heard there's going to be a big storm coming soon." lucas pointed out.
you nodded your head, continuing the subject about the weather. but the weather wasn't the only thing on your mind, you wanted to ask lucas about mike.
since you moved to hawkins, you were unable to stop thinking about the freckled face boy. you've known him for years now, but you were still unable to understand his mind. mike was reserved and quiet while lucas is unfiltered and loyal, lucky for him, max and him had similar personalities.
mike didn't seem that was interested in you in the slightest bit, and it made you wonder if your physical differences were unappealing to him. was your hair too long, too short, too thin? were your eyes too wide or too large? or was it the color of them.
"lucas, do you think i'm pretty?" you asked out of the blue, completely shocking lucas with the question.
you quickly restated your question, not wanting him to get the wrong idea, " i'm not asking if you find me attractive, i mean do you think that other people can find me attractive."
his face quickly softened, "and why would other people finding you attractive matter?" he genuinely asked.
you mentally facepalmed yourself. "i just want to know if i'm at least equally pretty as the other girls' you boys like."
"then yes, i think you're very attractive, (y/n)." he replied. but his reassurance just wasn't enough, it just made you more confused. what made you attractive to lucas that wasn't attractive to mike?
you looked over at him and smiled, "not as pretty as max, though?"
he let out a sigh, "i've never seen a girl so beautiful." he admitted.
and you just sat there. wishing someone would talk about you like that. wishing someone would look at you the way that lucas looks at max. wishing someone would create a giant radio just so he can talk to you from miles away like dusin with suzie.
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mike had just made into your house, walking over to your living room where you and lucas were sat. "yes, i think you're very attractive, (y/n)." he had heard lucas admit.
the entire party was supposed to be meeting at your house, but lucas' confession was more than enough to make the dark brown-haired boy turn back around and exit the house.
mike thoughts are all over the place, not being able to organize them. he couldn't be upset about lucas liking (y/n) because he never brought up his feelings for (y/n) to anyone.
but what about max? everyone noticed max and lucas growing closer to each other. how could lucas lead her on and then move on to (y/n)?
maybe (y/n) wasn't the girl everyone perceived her to be after all.
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after a while, the rest of the party had flooded in, all except mike. they didn't think too much of it, stating that he probably had to clean up or something.
they all sat in your living room, watching a continuous amount of horror films and throwing popcorn at each other.
after a while, it all started getting late and it was still a school night. before lucas left, he went up to (y/n) with a question in mind. "hey, (y/n)," he said as he walked over to you.
you hummed in response. "when you asked me if you were attractive, you said that you wanted to know if you were pretty like other girl us 'boys' like."
you nodded your head, not seeing what he was trying to get at. "were you talking about a specific boy"
blush quickly spread across your face. "you were talking about mike, weren't you?" you only shrugged, "yeah, but it doesn't seem like he's interested in me, which is fine." you stated whispering the last part.
"don't worry, (y/n). mikes just weird, he needs some time to open up."
you weren't so sure if you agreed with you thanked him and waved him goodbye as he rode away on his bicycle.
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the next day at school was weird to say the least. it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that mike was keeping a safe distance between you and the rest of the party.
while the rest of the party didn't seem to care about his behavior, you were absolutely livid. you were distracted the entire day, not being able to figure out why he was ignoring you all.
"i think we should go over to mikes house today." you randomly blurted out as you and the party ate lunch. "he didn't invite us over though." max stated matter of factually.
you rolled your eyes at her response, "that's not the point. he's ignoring us for no apparent fucking reason at all!"
"mike's just being his usual bitchy self, he'll be running back to us when he finds out that were literally his only friends." dustin brushed it off, finishing his lunch.
for the rest of the day, you tried to keep your mind of mike, yet it was almost impossible.
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the last bell of the day had just rung. you were quickly stuffing your notebooks into your backpack, then rushing out of the classroom.
you went to unchain your bike, seeing that the rest of the party had already unchained theirs. just as you were getting done, mike walked out of the building. you looked over at mike, seeing him rolling his eyes at you.
you scoffed, completely shocked by his action, "the hell is wrong with you?"
he glared at you, still continuing to ignore you.. "mike, can we please talk?" you asked.
he cocked his head to the side. "what's wrong?"
"there isn't anything wrong, just wanted to tell you something while i have the courage to."
he shook his head. "(y/n), i already know."
you looked up at him in surprise, "you do?"
how does he know? did lucas tell him? no, he wouldn't do that! lucas is my friend.
"yes. and (y/n), i have to say... i thought you were better than that."
you were truly shocked by his response, how could your crush on him make you less of a person? "mike. i-i'm sorry?"
"i thought that you and max were friends! how could you do that to her," he turned around to lucas, "how could you do that to max?" his teeth were gritted, and his ears were starting to turn a cherry red.
"mike, what are you... what are you talking about? me and lucas, we didn't do anything to max!" you were now overly confused, so was the rest of the party.
he walked closer to you, making you step back more. "yesterday, i overheard you and lucas talking, i heard him telling you how attractive you were. how could you do that to max?"
his statement caught you off guard, "that's bullshit! you of all people should know that i would never do that to anyone, especially not max." you got on your bike and rode away, not taking a glance back once as you rode off.
lucas walked over to mike and pushed him. "you're so stupid, man."
max and the party had an extended amount of questions about the entire situation, but quickly understood what happened when lucas explained it all.
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after confronting (y/n), mike was left confused and somewhat guilty. at dinner, his family notice how quiet he was. "mike, are your friends coming over tomorrow? i got some dvds from family video, wouldn't want them to go to waste." karen said, chewing away at her steak.
he just shrugged his mom off, continuing on to his thoughts.
"you of all people should know that i would never do that to anyone."
a little while later the party ended coming to his house, except for you, of course. lucas explained to him how everything was a misunderstanding and (y/n) just needed reassurance. reassurance because mike made you feel like you weren't pretty.
he felt so stupid. why couldn't he have just told you that he liked you?
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mike went up to his room and grabbed his walkie talkie, switching to the right channel to talk to (y/n).
"(y/n)? (y/n), you there?" he asked softly.
you lay awake on your bed staring at the ceiling. once you heard your walkie talkie going off, you picked it up and extended the antenna. "(y/n) here." you responded.
mike took a deep breath before continuing to talk. "hey... i just wanted to say that i'm... i'm really sorry. i shouldn't have jumped to conclusions and i- i should've asked you what happened," he was quickly cut off from his rambling by you.
"mike, it's fine, you were just being a good friend to max, i get that. it would have been better for you to ask what happened, but it's fine, thanks for apologizing."
mike smiled, glad that she wasn't angry at him. "i uhm... i heard you had a crush on me." your face heated up instantly, "yeah, i guess you can say that."
"well, my mom brought some dvds from family video, would you maybe... possible want to come over and watch some movies at my house tomorrow?" mike asked hopefully. you smiled even harder than before, biting your lip. "that would maybe possibly sound good. see you tomorrow!"
"yeah, see you tomorrow mike!" lucas snickered into the walkie talkie, laughter being audibly heard in the background. mike groaned loudly, throwing his handheld transceiver across his room.
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deconstructthesoup · 5 months
Fantasy High Adventure Time AU
And I am back at it again with the self-indulgent nonsense...
Okay, so, yeah, this started with my post where I noticed the stark similarities between Marceline and Fig. Which, of course, sent my ADHD brain spiraling, and I decided to actually COMMIT to this.
Also, fair warning, this isn't gonna be neat and organized like my others, this is just gonna be *wall of incoherent text*. If I could draw, this would be entertaining, but, uh... YEP!
*clears throat*
So... Fabian and Kristen are the only two humans living in Ooo, and while they both arrived on its shores in different circumstances, the two of them were both taken in by a goblin family who'd left the goblin kingdom and taken up residence in one of the destroyed cities. Eventually, the two set off on their own, along with their adoptive brother Riz, to pursue a life of adventure and heroism just outside of the Candy Kingdom.
All of them have pretty different motives for going into the hero business, though it mostly comes back to just wanting to stick with each other. Fabian's in it for the adrenaline rushes and the glory, Riz is in it for the detective skills and putting bad guys away, and Kristen's just in it to help others out. Riz is, of course, the braincell amongst the three of them, and he's usually there on the sidelines rubbing the bridge of his nose while his siblings are getting themselves tangled in romantic subplots.
The three of them mostly answer to Adaine, aka Princess Buttercream---a girl who was mutated into a candy person after nearly dying in the aftermath of the Great Mushroom War, and has since built herself a kingdom dedicated to peace, learning, science, magic, and sweets. She's incredibly intelligent (and, unlike Bonnie, actually has a lot of interest in magic) and a very capable ruler, but she does occasionally get herself into scrapes---so, it's a good thing she's got three intrepid heroes watching her back.
Not too far away from where Fabian, Kristen, and Riz live is the Thistlespring residence, where their friend Gorgug lives---a shy half-giant who has a passion for tinkering and dreams of adventuring, but is held back by his fear of his giant fury taking him over. The heroes still visit him constantly and encourage him to try as best as he can, eventually giving him the confidence he needs to start making his own path---and to finally ask out the girl he likes.
Another close friend of the heroes is Figeroth the Demon Queen, a devil-may-care rock star with powers that come straight from the Nightosphere. She, too, remembers what life was like before the Great Mushroom War, but she doesn't really think back on it as much as she maybe should. Fig and Adaine are best friends, and have been since they met in the wastelands of the ruined planet... though their relationship's been a little bit strained as of late, mostly due to Fig's long-ago breakup with the former princess of the Fire Kingdom and the current librarian of Wizard City. Adaine's been trying to get them back together, and while Fig and Ayda are talking again... there's still a while to go.
The Candy Kingdom is constantly under attack by the Ice Queen, who at the start of the story just appears to be a wicked witch who plans on imprisoning Adaine and taking over Ooo... a witch that, unfortunately, Fabian has a bit of a thing for. But after some digging, Fabian, Kristen, and Riz find out that the Ice Queen is actually Adaine's older sister Aelwyn, who's been driven mad by a crown that their father had uncovered in the days of the Mushroom War. Aelwyn has forgotten almost everything---including her best friend and girlfriend, Sam Nightingale---but she still dimly remembers her connection to Adaine, even if Adaine was too young to fully remember her. (Oh, yeah, also, Aelwyn's, like, twelve years older than her in this.)
This is all I really have so far, though I've got a couple other snippets---Ragh also starts out as an antagonist but grows into a solid ally and Fabian's love interest, Tracker and Jawbone are part of a group of werewolves who are descended from some of the original humans, Ostentasia is an LSP equivalent---but, yeah, this is all I can get out right now.
...I gotta go to bed.
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chaotic-archaeologist · 11 months
hi! i'm not sure how exactly to word what i'm asking so i'll just explain what i've been thinking about lately. i'm currently in grad school for archaeology and ive just always had so much interest in classical history and i'd really love to do some excavation work in italy one day, but at the same time i'm feeling a sense of guilt because i come from a country where archaeology has only recently started picking up and there is still so much history that is yet to be uncovered and studied and talked about, especially when it comes to our pre-colonial period! i feel like i have a moral obligation to stay here and help in finding out everything i can about my own country's history, and of course i do genuinely want to do that, but i also feel that guilt because i know that it's not where i see myself devoting my career to and because i know it wouldn't make me as happy if i settled. i reaaaaaally really want to excavate elsewhere but i feel like that just makes me another scientist who doesn't love their country enough and would rather hop over to study history's most famous colonisers (i know that that's really not the case but sometimes it feels like it to me and then i start questioning myself...)
Okay, here's the thing: it's okay to be a little bit selfish. Your life is yours, and that's also true for your research.
For a long time I was split between becoming a Jewish studies scholar and a Civil War scholar. I was getting a lot of pressure from my community to go the Jewish studies route, which is understandable. Spoiler alert: that's not the path I took.
I chose to study the Civil War because that's where my passion is, and I think I can make a more meaningful contribution to society in the long term by choosing to focus on an interest I can sustain. And... I didn't feel like I had a lot of original ideas that I could contribute to Jewish studies because it wasn't what I spent my time thinking about.
This applies to a lot of other things, particularly activism. An activist who has burned themselves out to the extent where they can't organize anymore isn't doing anyone (or themself) any good. What you want matters. It's okay if those wants don't always align 100% with what other people want from you.
Another thing: X cultural concept doesn't always have to be applied to a limited range of subjects. I bring a very different mindset to studying the Civil War because I come from a unique background. You can bring a fresh viewpoint to Classics because you've had very different experiences than many other Classics scholars. And really, isn't promoting Jewish/anti-colonial scholarship outside of those disciplines furthering their cause?
Finally, it doesn't have to be either/or! Three years after deciding to become a Civil War scholar, I applied to be a TA for a Judaic Studies class. I'm really excited to help a bunch of students learn about Jewish history and culture, and part of that excitement exists because I'm not forcing myself to do it all the time. Who says that you can't go on a dig in Italy and then come home and help your country recover its pre-colonial heritage?
Do both. By all means, apply to go on a dig overseas! Take a class in the Classics department just for your enjoyment. At the same time, stay involved with your culture and its archaeology. Follow the opportunities that feel right to you. You deserve to be happy.
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gerardpilled · 10 months
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Kat of the band Scowl posted this after they’ve been accused of basically being industry plants and I thought it was interesting.
I am sick of hearing the phrase "Industry plant" every single time Scowl experiences success.
Our friends bands- bands commonly full of men, will sign brand deals, have a song in a commercial, get a co-sign from massively successful musicians, etc... yet I never read whisperings of whether or not they deserve those successes, whether or not they are valid enough, GOOD enough, or worked hard enough to be deserving of that success. Is our success never valid enough for you? Why is this competition created between us and our community, specifically femme-bodied individuals?
A competition I never participated in, a patriarchal competition I challenge by questioning my thoughts, actions, and insecurities every single day.
The message I receive is that I am not granted independent success as a woman. Am I never grateful enough? Hard working enough? Confident enough?
I'm grateful to be a part of a community we have ALWAYS contributed to lifting. By the way it isn't that hard to do... If you believe in yourself and your friends you've done half the work! If you believe in your scene, walk through that door, buy that t-shirt, and maybe even gather up the confidence to make a new friend or dance along to your favorite song you are CONTRIBUTING to something bigger than yourself.
Starting a band was the best decision I ever made, it saved my life in many ways and it helped me find confidence in myself that I never believed I formerly had.
I am happily part of a scene filled with beautiful, intelligent, unique and inspiring people. A scene that could have never blossomed without every single individual.
Is it so hard to believe that a woman-led band can be a hardworking and organic success?
Is it so challenging to grasp a womans success that you have to create a fantasy that the music industry had a hand it?
An extremely male dominated music industry by the way...
That being said:
My life and my bandmate's lives would be SO MUCH EASIER if we had industry backing! I garnered the little confidence I had, not without the emotional support of my friends and my scene, in May 2019 to play Scowl's first show. My life has changed so much since that day, but it would've never been possible without my friends in the bay area/santa cruz hardcore scene.
The women/femme/trans individuals who I've embraced all around the world that have always had my back and saw me for my genuine self.
Those individuals will always come first to me.
Scowl has worked tirelessly to be in the position we are in. We have practiced late into the night, day after day. We have relentlessly toured. Last year I had bronchitis for months on tour, l've blown my voice out a handful of times, we have experienced exhaustive physical injury, blah blah and only dropped ONE SHOW due to those circumstances the past two years. Not even counting the depression, anxiety, grief and other general human sufferings experienced thousands of miles away from home. Slept on countless floors, gone hungry for a little too long, been in the negatives on my bank statements, etc. Is that punk enough for you? We do this because we LOVE IT. Because it makes us happier than anything else. I have the privilege to play music for a living! Of course l'm gonna chase my dreams!
The most valuable lesson I learned from hardcore is that if you have something to say, scream it into a microphone.
I would be nowhere without the countless BIPOC/trans/femmel gender nonconforming individuals that l've shared the stage with and have had meaningful conversations & relationships with.
I'm so grateful to music for giving me the opportunity to form those connections.
You have all collectively inspired me to never ever give up!
Whether we talk all the time or have had a short swift encounter, you know who you are and I LOVE YOU!
You remind me that l'm never alone.
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girlgeniusevents · 1 year
Girl Genius Event Week - 2023
Dates: May 21st-27th
There are three prompts every day, organized as "Character Group :: Trope :: AU"
Each is an option for the day. They can be combined, or done separately.
May 21 - Parent Generation :: Body Swap :: Soulmate AU May 22 - Main Trio :: Kidnapping Fic :: Modern/Near-Modern AU May 23 - Jagerkin :: Arranged Marriage :: Crossovers May 24 - Fighting Girls Tea and Cake Society :: Costume or Fancy Dress :: Role/Age/Generation Swap May 25 - Muses :: Kid Fic :: Human-Animal Hybrid AU May 26 - Foreign Rulers :: Cake (Cheese, Beef, or Literal) :: Genre AU May 27 - OCs and Commoners of Europa :: Time Travel :: Villain AU
How does this work?
I provide a set of prompts for each day of the event week. You can choose one or more prompts, and then you base a fanwork on that prompt. If you want to combine prompts, or make multiple pieces to contrast prompts, then you can do so.
How do I post?
Post your work or a link to your work (for fics hosted on AO3) on tumblr, and tag it #girl genius event week. You will also tag @girlgeniusevents​ in the body of the post. I will then reblog it to share with the other participants.
Do not post before the day of the prompt. Late posts are accepted. If I do not reblog your post within 36 hours, contact me.
Are there any limitations?
Please do not submit nsfw if you are a minor. Please provide warnings for fics with sensitive content, and tag appropriately. Please do not bash ships or characters.
Am I supposed to interpret the prompts any specific way?
Nope! So long as it’s Girl Genius and relates to the prompt somehow, feel free to go wild.
I don’t understand what this particular prompt is supposed to mean.
I had to shorten a few to make them snappy, so here's some clarification!
Parent Generation: Bill, Lucrezia, and Klaus's generation. Includes Barry, Aaronev, etc.
Near-Modern AU: a recent history AU (e.g. an eighties AU) that is lacking in canon fantasy elements... or a modern AU with non-canon fantastical elements, like an urban fantasy. (Or you can just stick with a real world modern AU! There's plenty of interesting work to be done there, too.)
Fighting Girls Tea and Cake Society: the canon nickname for Zeetha, Violetta, and Bang as a trio
Kid Fic: Could be a flashback to when they were kids. Could be de-aging. Could be about their children, a few years into the future. Go nuts.
Foreign Rulers: Albia, Voltaire, Zantabraxus, and so on. If they aren't inside Wulfenbach territory, they count.
Genre AU: Doing a genre fiction story about canon. GG covers plenty of genres in a mix, but a Genre AU would be dedicated to one specific genre that isn't GG's main. For instance, if you wanted to do a film noir AU, you could do a standard film noir setting with GG characters, or you could do something more like the Ivo Sharktooth comic.
Cheesecake/Beefcake: Cheesecake is pin-up style sexy ladies. Beefcake is pin-up style sexy dudes. Phil draws a lot of these, so the prompts are in honor of that. If you aren’t in the mood to draw or write something relating to sexy people, then we also have the option of literal cake.
OCs and Commoners of Europa: Originally, this was just the Circus, but I've expanded it to cover more. Show us your Original Characters, or just write about someone who's living their life outside the plot.
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liminalmemories21 · 1 month
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks to @cha-melodius for the tag!
How many works do you have on ao3?
What's your total ao3 word count?
491,391 (but I'm going to tick over to over 500,000 on Saturday or Sunday - spoilers!)
What fandoms do you write for?
911: Lonestar, and I dabble in the idea of 911 (OG)
Top five fics by kudos:
Long Story Short (series)
A home isn't always the house we live in
It came without ribbons! It came without tags! It came without packages, boxes, or bags!
Always Wear Your Invisible Crown
When the sun came up you were looking at me
Do you respond to comments?
I try to.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
None of them? I am really not here for the angst.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All of them?
I don't know, maybe a toss up between It came without ribbons! It came without tags! It came without packages, boxes, or bags! and Once Upon a Bus
Do you get hate on fics?
So far I've gotten lucky, and I haven't really. I appreciate it.
Do you write smut?
More so lately than at the beginning.
Craziest crossover:
Not strictly speaking a crossover, but knave-verse is an unhinged White Collar AU.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not so far.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not one that's been posted. I've co-written with a IRL friend, but we've never really actually finished anything.
All time favorite ship?
Do not make me pick a favorite child. I've been around fandom too long to pick one, or even five (or ten).
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
There's the kid-fic that I want to finish, but cannot find the right hook.
What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue. Apparently (mysteriously) heist plots. Emotional descriptives.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Any scene that involves more than two people. Maybe I can manage three people at the outside. More than that and I lose track of the choreography, and I keep forgetting which people have arrived and which have left.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
If it's appropriate - like Carlos (and his family) think in/speak Spanish, so having them use that make sense. That being said, I do not speak Spanish, so finding colloquialisms and making them feel organic can be hard.
First fandom you wrote in?
Published? Lonestar
Unpublished? There's an unholy Smallville story that will never see the light of day. And, a Merlin fic that I co-wrote and falls apart about halfway through.
Favorite fic you've written?
Stealing Nina's idea and doing one in each of my main fandoms I've written in because it's hard to pick (even then this was rough).
Oh, don't make me pick. Okay. I love Knave2, I think it's the best thing I've written. But, I love some of the early fic I wrote that are less plot based and more almost character studies, like stitched with it's color and through sames of am through haves of give
hmm, tagging @freneticfloetry, @bonheur-cafe, @paperstorm and @heartstringsduet
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chickpea0 · 2 months
Going to be real for a sec, just thinking outloud because I know this is a safe place and I need to get thoughts out. Veeerry long! Not a vent just a brain dump. do not bother reading this unless youre really reallyyy into biographies lol this is literally 1,915 words
I'm stuck inbetween minds at the moment. I keep asking myself if regression, or dreaming, isn't really for me. I found agere and petre when I was very young, about 14; it piqued my interest because I'm a very curious person, interested in different lifestyles and ways to explore the self but I also think that because I was just coming out of childhood even though I thought my childhood had ended years before. I was just growing out of being a tween and at that stage in life, it's really startling going from childhood to seemingly adulthood overnight and it's quite natural and common for people to want to cling onto things when everything is being shaken up like that.
Intamacy with people, vulnerability and emotional closeness is always somethign I've struggled with and felt like it was just out of reach so the idea of allowing myself to be back at a stage where I was raw, authentic and less closed up was really really appealing. Plus, the idea of people understanding that and guiding me and just being around me would mean they *really* like me and they're not just there because they have to be, even though I've never had a caregiver though I have had like 2 online friendships where I could be baby around them which felt quite good but I never quite felt satisfied. probably because it was online and neither laster over 3 months. I'm practically always masking and the idea of being weird (I mean this without negative connotation) and expressive really sounded amazing. I have also always always always wanted to be apart of a community but I just never have. No clubs or hobbies that made me feel welcome growing up, no proper friend groups that made made me feel at home, I think I've been in a lot of fandom/online community spaces just because I wanted to feel apart of something though because I was never able to contribute it just felt like a one-way mirror.
So!! I find a lovely community like this! With a focus on mental health, togetherness, working through things and taking time to appriciate things, it's great! I love you guys! I can even make moodboards and little posts and I have a cg blog and a slightly bigger blog where I help boost creators on here. I have mutuals!!!!! People follow me!!! We talk on tags and comments!!! I feel like I have insider knowledge and experience because I've had a lot of oppertuinty to reflect on life and mental health and even on regression itself. But thing is I do not regress often at all. When I do it's for split seconds. When I'm really sleepy, when I'm allowing myself to be vulnerable, if I'm having a weird spacey day. I'm not sure if it's more dissociation or a sudden wave of emotion or what. I think I'm just generally an immature person some times. I haven't grown up yet, I'm only an adolescent. It's not something I want to force because forcing things like this, especially if it is dissociation, can be pretty bad for your brain. Age dreaming is a different thing though.
For me I'm between a rock and a hardplace. I do not feel like I regress organically enough to be on here nearly as much as I am. I'm so tense that I feel like I can't relax or open up enough to enjoy even age dreaming. Brainfog, sure! But it's not regression. I also do not want to edge too far and go into maladaptive nostalgia terratory. I feel, lately, like I kind of need to say goodbye and thank you to my childhood but it's over now and that doesn't have to be a bad thing. I think there's such a focus- everywhere online not just here- on "how good" the old days were. People making heart wrenching nostalgia edits with slowed minecraft music and ambient noise just to rake in veiws and to pull at your own heartstrings. It's natural to seek solace and yearn for something that was so familiar and safe especially at a time where not only is daily life changing for the individual but also for society at large. But rose tinted glasses are not accurate and can be dangerous. Nostalgia should be something that makes you feel light and refreshed. When you hear a song that you haven't heard in years and go 'oh! I remeber! I remember what my brain was like back then' and smile and move on. Maybe taking inspiration from it.
I feel like my nervous system is so fried that making any progess is really draining and proper healthy coping mechanisms never seem to stick. I also feel very isolated, having no irl friends at the moment and not having any purpose like education, work, volonteering, passions, whatever. These are all things I have experienced for well over a decade which is... obviously a very large chunk of my life so far. So I really do need something to fill my life with, a familer space with familiar ideals and stuff. You guys are great. You have such refreshing takes and it just feels so calm and kind here. At the end of the day despite feeling a bit repetative at this point for me, I do enjoy looking at life through this lense. This place has not changed much at all since I started my blog in 2021. It's honestly one of the most consistant things in my day to day life! God. even the streets are changing but it's nice to know I can log on here if I need some reliability.
And thing is, I don't know if it's related to my ASD or my trauma or lack of experience in the world or none of those but I just feel a few steps behind my peers. They are all acting on their life plans or getting out and being social or enjoying new relationships. And I'm perfectly fine taking things at my own pace and growing in my own way but I just don't fit in really. I genuinely feel like I'll hit my stride in my mid twenties or older. Not because I'll have more qualifications or be high up in a career, I just feel like that is when I'll really start knowing and feeling like myself. That's the age when people generally start to figure things out. Basically, I like it here because I feel like I'm in a more similar life state. my focus is on getting through the day and making my own steps. I'm fine as long as I'm growing even if I'm burnt out lmao. Healing for over a decade drains you and I feel like my mental capacity is so small at the moment because of it. Like. I can't pick up a book or a new hobby or a job whatever because ALL of my bodily, mental, spiritual, emotional energies are going into mending and stuff. I feel like a 29 year old preschooler lol. 5 o'clock shadow and a sippy cup. haha. I like it here because it's like easy mode. it's like a holiday for your brain.
I'm honestly not sure what the point I started off with was. I have sooo many thoughts swirling in my head. At the end of the day I feel so burnt out and like I said, with such a small bandwidth that I feel like even regressing or dreaming or even just thinking about it is too much. Like. I used to cope and regulate by imagining scenarios in my head, like fanfics in my brain when I needed a little comfort but now I just can't! I can't imagine myself with a dream job or in a fantasy world or kissing someone cute, I just don't have it in me. It's not like I'm super low or anything, I'm actually generally pretty stable at the moment. I think what I want right now is to not feel alone. I don't want a relationship per se, not sure if it'd be fair to start something with someone but having a nice social circle would be a big relief. I can't remember ever really... having that. I guess I'm esoteric, with a full plate. I had a nice group of friends in college for about 2 years but thats dead now, we got on each others nerves at the end. But it was nice while it lasted. Imaging having a caregiver or being one is one of the only ways I can barely scratch that itch of wanting to rely on someone. Like. It's so deep at the moment, wanting comfort and all that, that "normal" soloutions to that just don't hit hard enough. Like I could imagine having a really nice friend group but irl I would need to be in a healthy friendship for quite a while before it started fulfilling that need, so imagining someone coddling me like I am a child, like I am something to be cherished, not just valued but cherished, that hits harder. thats nicer to think about. also also also co regulation + company is something i really desire.
I feel like I am so entwined with this community, more than anything else these days. It's sort of got a grip on me. and i dont know how i feel about that. none of you guys know me. i have mutuals, nice mutuals and people who are in my notes but none of you actually know me. i think maybe this place is more of a fantasy than a reality for me. and that tells me i need to distance myself but what else do i have?
I've tried taking a break before, you might remember, it only ended up being a few months but it was nice to come back.
right thats basically it. I assume if you've made it this far, seeing as I'm not even writing to anyone I'm just emptying my brain, I assume you're a very curious person. Someone who likes to feel involved. Like meeee. If anyone has any advice or sage wisdom or anything you want to say at all, please go ahead. This post is basically a bunch of thoughts with little resolve. This isn't really something I want to bring up with my therapist because onneee, I'm embarrassed, twwwooo she has most likely no idea of what age regression this, in this context. like. the age regression they talk about in regard to mental and psychological contexts, its pretty different to all this. anyway. i have other things in therapy to talk about lol maybe one day ill bring up that i feel like a small child in certain situations but let her lead that conversation. ah so.
yeah like. yeah. hi. if this resonates, im glad you found that. yeah. yeahhh i dont know. i have a lot of stuff going on. nothing in my life is straight forward. hence the... want to simplify things. I'm really tired now, wow!
to conclude, I'm a baby not necessarily a regessor. I'm running on fumes. i have a weird relationship with agere and im very hot and cold about it. goo goo ga ga but also i want to be respected and seen as a capable adult. i need a hobby. i need to rest but blehhhhh.
Here's a puppy as a treat for reading it all
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mcflymemes · 1 year
LYRICS FROM THE LONELIEST TIME *  assorted lines from the album by carly rae jepsen
i've been trying heart to open up.
tell me what you got on your mind.
i wish i never knew this kind of love.
i might sleep with you tonight.
i was looking for you on the beach.
it's not easy.
i've had more of those bad dreams.
you feel safe in sorrow.
someone send me flowers.
do you think about star signs?
am i being sensitive?
we could try to introduce ourselves.
i'm trying to keep away from you.
later, we'll be together.
our lips have no secrets.
press my back against the door.
god, i miss your hands over my body.
i wake up alone.
just one word from you and i run out of reasons.
i think we got there all too soon.
i want to be brave enough for everything.
does it kill you that you're thinking of me?
i wanna get closer.
you made me vulnerable.
just say this isn't happening.
ice can't melt how hot we felt.
go find yourself or whatever.
i get all my confidence from you.
i'm so satisfied.
you didn't even notice.
can't believe i've been gone so long.
it's too late for that flight.
i hope it treats you better than i could do.
you were never just miserable.
what do you want this time?
this love has no limits.
i believe there's a true connection.
last chance.
i drove miles away to finally feel alone.
it's hard here in paradise.
i didn't feel so good.
you're looking right through me.
i try not to go there.
i know you're tired.
when i lost someone, it hit me rough.
i'm coming over tonight.
i know that you hate that i still test your love.
i need that look in your eyes.
tell me that we'll meet up someday.
how can this be life?
i'm trying not to fuck this up.
we spilled that coffee cup on my couch a thousand times.
i was always invisible.
i just need to borrow ten thousand dollars.
am i keeping you up at night?
i can feel the sun on you.
i'm that annoying type.
you made it impossible to stay.
do you talk to me when you're talking to yourself?
it's fine to only know the things i know.
i'm probably gonna never call you.
could we move it to the bedroom?
you can ask me if i'm busy tonight.
the desert lights could lead the way back home.
i used to switch it off, ignore the pain.
i thought it was cute.
i won't bring that mess to you when you're with me.
let me kiss all of these tears coming down.
i want to be brave enough to show you.
you look powerful just standing tall in front of me.
hold me in your humble grace.
i wanna be honest with you.
consequences are difficult to face.
now i smile at strangers.
could you give me peace of mind?
i'm probably gonna harvest your organs.
it's easy this time.
i hope he never leaves me.
i'm getting nowhere.
i'm probably gonna hurt your feelings.
i'll believe in you every night.
just tell me you need me side by side.
i used to soldier through my hardest days.
i wanna do a bad thing twice.
here it comes.
where are you tonight?
i was by your side.
i don't remember you.
i can see the future.
i'm in the moment, living undercover.
california dreaming's never what it seems.
give me paradise.
if you could just put my feet back on the ground.
i'll never let you be.
later, we'll meet at your place.
do you remember a conversation with our heads against the pillow?
i fought for your attention.
your face is calming me down.
are you thinking of me when you're with somebody else?
say it like you mean it.
i shouldn't be here.
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