#it's just not that fucking easy guys. stay in your lanes
solpng · 7 months
btw since i've had my surgery i've had multiple ppl at the dentists office keep saying "don't smoke!! don't smoke!! girl you better not smoke, don't do it etcetc" like.. idk if they understand what an addiction is
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magicaii · 13 days
Need a spinneraki non-villain au where both of them are shut in losers. Like, shuichi is a college drop out who’s been a NEET for the past two years and has convinced himself that he will never fit into society so why even bothering trying and doesn’t even care enough to outside anymore and tomura never made it to college at all and just lives off of his rich dad’s (afo) income as he does nothing but stay home to game and browse the internet all day cause he’s addicted to league of legends and he’s a closet scaly.
so imagine tomura and shuichi meeting cause they ended up in the same game because tenko misclicked and chose the wrong tier, and because he’s a bit of a toxic gamer, when he notices shuichi’s character choice he turns on vc just to say, “seriously? fucking zilean in the jungle? you’re never gonna make it out of iron asshole” and he only said it be to be dick and ruin some guy’s day, but he actually ends up advising the guy to choose a better character because he’s weirdly innocent and clueless for a league of legends player and it completely takes tomura aback. he finds out the guy is a complete newbie, which kinda explains it.
and during the game, spinner (his online name) keeps asking him questions since he’s apparently just decided that tomura has signed up to be his guide. and tomura kinda just goes along with it, and they’re the only two talking in vc anyway, although he’s far from nice about it. (think: what the fuck? USE YOUR SKILL or SUPPORT ME IN TOP LANE IDIOT)
so after the game tomura is about to move on with his day but then spinner sends him a friend request and he’s like ??? why does this weirdo think I’d wanna be his friend. but the request comes with a message and it says “haha thx for the help today? I’m kinda new at this… wld appreciate some more guidance n stuff… hope I can be as good as u someday lolz” and now tomura is half convinced this guy is just a fucking troll or something, cause there’s just no way. but what the fuck else is he doing anyway? so they exchange discords to chat.
spinner is strange. sometimes spinner will say things like “why is everyone so nasty in this game :((” and tomura will be genuinely confused because?? everyone knows league of legends is a toxic cesspool?? one day he finally asks what spinner’s deal is and why he started playing, and spinner goes “well tbh I was looking for friends”. tomura just deadpans that he’s definitely looking for them in the wrong place. spinners like, “I thought it would be easy to talk to people since there’s a voice chat but turns out people just use it to yell at each other and get into arguments. why would anyone do that lol, crazy” tomura just pauses cause he doesn’t really know, either. he’s been getting into arguments with random people in voice chat for years, it’s practically become a routine at this point, but he never stopped to think about it much. it’s pretty much become his only source of social interaction apart from his dad. with a pit in his stomach, he just replies “maybe they’re lonely.”
sometimes weird background sounds will come out of tomura’s mic, and spinner, after a while, finally asks, “so I’ve been wondering for a while. sometimes it sounds like someone is being murdered in your basement, what is that” and tomura’s like “oh don’t mind that lmao, it’s just my dad. he’s an investment banker or some shit and he gets fucking tilted at the stock market. idk I mostly tune it out now” and spinner just goes really quiet and says “umm. ok!”
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Demisexual!Jake Seresin x Reader headcanons
Saw this post where people were being little piss babies that Jake Seresin can't possibly be aspec. So *cracks knuckles* since people can't seem to stay in their own fucking lane, I'm gonna be That Bitch and write some aggressively positive demisexual headcanons for our favorite flyboy.
(Tagging my aspec!Jake partner in crime: @gonnabreakhisheart)
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Jake is an outrageous flirt. But he doesn't mean 99% of the things that come out of his mouth. He's just blowing smoke and hot air, talking smack.
When someone flirts back, he cranks it up to 110%. But when it comes time to follow through, oh hell no, Jake aborts so fast and hightails it out of there.
Despite what other people accuse him of, Jake has had only two one night stands, and no one ever believes him when he says that so he stopped trying to convince them.
The first time, he was young and reckless, running on the adrenaline high of getting into flight school. His classmates pressured him into it, too, insisting that he was a man now and he needed to prove himself.
It was not a good night and the girl left him in the morning without saying anything, which made him feel like shit.
The second time, Jake had watched one of his pilot buddies die in flight training and it messed him up really bad. He had no one to lean on because he'd learned not to show emotion in the military.
So he ended up at a bar, trying to drown his feelings, and somehow found himself deep in conversation with this woman. She'd lost her boyfriend in a car accident a year ago so she understood what it was like to deal with grief.
They spent most of the night talking and finding comfort in each other.
But they both agreed to part ways in the morning. They still text occasionally and check in on each other now and then.
Jake's reputation as a playboy is purely hearsay and mostly fueled by the jealousy and insecurity of other men. But he gave up trying to deny the rumors a long time ago. His protests seemed to only dig his grave deeper.
So in true Hangman fashion, Jake uses his reputation as a shield. Only the people who will truly stick around for the long haul get a glimpse underneath his armor.
Jake actually takes FOREVER before he decides that he likes you. Being a pilot demands a lot of his time which he knows can be very taxing on a relationship and he's upfront about that right from the start.
He's had a lot of people come and go in his life, and he's careful about getting emotionally invested too early.
You and Jake were friends for years, and he was fiercely protective of you.
Trying to get a guy's number at a bar? GOOD LUCK Jake is gonna be hovering at your shoulder, poking his nose into your business and making sure your potential date knew that you had a curfew, home by 10pm. Or else.
You relentlessly dropped hints that HE could ask you out, which you'd been hoping might happen for...an embarrassingly long time. But he never got the hint.
So YOU finally ask him out, which he tries to laugh off with a joke because you can't possibly be serious. Until he realizes you're not kidding and he finds that it's surprisingly easy to say yes to you.
At the beginning of the relationship, Jake doesn't know what to do with himself. He's on the verge of bolting because this is too good to be true.
About the six month mark, Jake settles down and he starts looking at you in a new light. You fell asleep on his couch, comfortable and safe in his presence while watching television and something in his heart tugs.
In the morning, when he sees you in the kitchen with your messy bedhead as you poured yourself some cereal, wearing the oversized pajamas you'd borrowed from him last night...oh my god, that's the hot button. That's when Jake realizes he found something truly special and he's going to fight for it.
He gets a dog tag engraved with your name and wears it all the time alongside his military dog tags.
He has a picture of you in the cockpit of his airplane. Before every flight, he kisses his fingertips and touches the picture as a good luck charm so he makes sure that he comes home to you.
Honestly, instead of sex, Jake prefers weird 3am chats with you where he can make you laugh until you're gasping for breath.
Jake loves taking a bath with you, especially when you slip into the tub behind him and wash his hair. The first time you did it, he thought he'd died and gone to heaven. No one had ever done that for him before.
He has zero ability to stay mad with you after a fight. He leaves to cool off and then comes back with this kicked puppy-dog look on his face. He takes your hand, kisses your knuckles.
"I hate fighting with you, baby," he whispers.
"Well, if you would just admit I'm right, we wouldn't have to fight."
He can tell you're teasing and you end up hugging each other really hard for several long minutes because you both know just how lucky you are and you don't want a stupid fight to come between you.
Sexy headcanons below the cut (18+ only)
Jake actually doesn't like quickies. They're never satisfying and they're always over too fast.
Cuddlefucking drives him batshit crazy. There's something about how time seems to slow down with the lazy touches, sleep-warm skin, the kisses that feel more like a dream than a reality.
He's actually very worried about hurting you. He's heard some terrible stories from guys in the military who clearly don't like their girlfriends, and he would never dream of treating you like that.
So if you want something more intense, Jake will require an in-depth conversation with clear guidelines and a lot of reassurance that this is what you want.
For that reason, Jake is very uncomfortable with hate sex. It doesn't make any sense to him. He doesn't hate you and he doesn't want to bring that vibe into your relationship.
Jake really looks forward to aftercare. He takes note of everything you liked for future reference.
He loves to absolutely worship your body. Massaging that kink out of your shoulder. Stroking the washcloth over your chest and back in the shower. Propping your leg in his lap as he rubs lotion into your skin.
Jake doesn't care how much shit people give him for saying it but he LOVES missionary. He wants to look you in the eyes. He wants to guide your leg around his hips. It's a classic for a reason.
One time, the two of you decided to get adventurous and try a new position. It was complicated as hell and you fumbled around so much that you ended up collapsed together, Jake's face beet red from laughing so hard.
You didn't actually have sex that night. But you fell asleep in each other's arms without a stitch of clothing between you, and then you had leftover pizza for breakfast, which felt just as good.
Jake is a MONSTER when it comes to non-sexual intimacy. He soaks up every drop like a dying man in the desert.
Sitting on the couch watching tv? He's going to tuck his head into your lap and coax your fingers into his hair.
Brushing your teeth? He'll slide his arms around you from behind and nuzzle into your neck.
Out to dinner with his buddies? He has a hand resting on your thigh.
When you're walking side by side, if you don't hold his hand, Jake will take your hand and tuck it into the crook of his elbow. Every single time. And he gives you this look like, this is your spot, don't you know that by now???
When it's cold, he wraps his hand around yours and tucks it into his coat pocket to keep you both warm.
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ptsdangeldust · 5 months
honestly i think alastor is the best canon aroace character i've seen in media so far. like yeah canonically aro and/or ace characters have been around and certainly implied acespec characters have always been a thing. but he's the one i really look at and i'm like this guy is the acest aroest motherfucker in all of hell and it is so central to his character and i love him so much. and it's not just like "... and this character is aroace by the way" or it doesn't come up or it's easy to say "well they're like acespec obviously but not clear cut 100% everything-repulsed aroace" but no alastor is like you are NOT fucking me i am NOT dating you. not unless it's funny. but even then i'm not into it for that i just want to see you flail around thinking i give a shit when i don't.
guy who gets to intimidate people for tearing off a tiny piece of his coat. guy who gets to repeatedly turn down sexual advances. guy who loves fucking with some guy who clearly wants him so fucking bad when it's never going to happen. i've said before but he also is like way more physically affectionate in the pilot vs the actual show as far as i personally noticed and it goes a long way. like it's so clear that this is not something he's down for in any way. get the fuck away from me. stay in your goddamn lane or i'll kill you. that energy LOL
but at the same time he's not remotely emotionless. yes, he has a constant cheshire grin, but you can tell when he's annoyed or angry or observant or sarcastic or actually happy. he does seem very very in control of his outward emotions and appearance, so even if he had a reason to be sad, i doubt he'd ever show it. and that's really important to me. he is aroace, but he's also his own person. being aroace is clearly a big part of him. and he's also loudly aroace in the goddamn 1000 fuck words a second horny as fuck edgy demon show. it's great. i love him.
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monstersinthecosmos · 7 months
THANK YOU for your "kink in TVC" Ted talk because while I'm finally working my way through the series for the first time, I spent most of my tween years scouring the internet for TVA excerpts because Armand is my special boy. And I was SO BUMMED to see people saying that TVA is a bad read and that it comes off really rapey. And when I read the whipping scene I was just like. That's not what's happening here! This is a pretty tame bdsm scene all things considered! Like it's so cathartic to be able to go 'im Not Crazy, these people are just from a different planet' lol
gjdlgasd i am so happy to hear this, you don't even know!!! IF I CAN MAKE EVEN ONE PERSON FEEL HAPPIER AND SAFER I AM SO HAPPY LOL.
(post in question in case you missed it lol)
I will never tell someone not to be uncomfortable or grossed out by the sex content in TVA because it's SUCH a personal topic, but I also think this is an exercise that young fans have to practice in that "my discomfort is not a moral" and "my personal experience is not everyone else's experience" and "shipping isn't activism" and I think fandom would be a lot more safe and fun if everyone could respect each other's reads/lenses/lived experiences/etc. As easy as it is for us to say "this topic can be very triggering and it is very personal to some people" I think we need to also say "some people find comfort in it and it's also very personal" and even "some people feel neutral towards it because it's fiction and their comfort or disgust is not a moral spectrum for you to judge"
There's also, of course, at the end of the day, "I find this disgusting and triggering AND I LIKE IT" and all of these feelings are allowed because fiction makes up fake spaces to explore our feelings safely where no one is getting hurt and no one is morally incorrect for enjoying the book. I always feel the need to mention this option too because like who the fuck cares haha, I'm not interested in defending TVA and making excuses why it's okay to like it--you're allowed to like it ! Period! Even if you read it as noncon! Some people like reading noncon! They're allowed!
Basically mind ur own fuckin business lmao god damn guys.
And yknow as much as I urge younger/more conservative fans to behave themselves, I also urge those of us who are not bothered to ignore them to the best of our ability. I think these folks need space to grow, and if they grow that's great!, and if they decide they'd like to remain conservative that's fine too, I'm not particularly interested in interacting with that type of rhetoric anyway so I'll stay in my lane.
Anyway I think a lot of the fandom worried that an influx of fans would bring some of this attitude into the conversation because it's a trend with younger fandom folks and newer fandoms and it really sucks that this happened! But I think there's a still a very passionate group of people who aren't judgmental cunts lol and it's still possible to find your people and vibe!!!!
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hopelessrromantix · 1 year
Oh my god. Yet another teenaged afab asshole with internalized misogyny. Look, don’t worry about people interacting with your ‘writing’ (insert all the eye rolls). You may think you’re some huge talent that needs to swat hoards of unworthy readers away, but somehow I doubt that’s the case. I’ve never heard of you until I came across your unhinged tirade in a tag I follow. I suspect I’m not missing much. Also? You don’t get to speak for mlm because you’ve been identifying as a gay man for 5 minutes.
Good luck being angry at everything! Hope 2023 provides you with much fodder for outrage. You seem to live off it.
Hi! Allow me to introduce myself!
My (online) name is Roman, I'm a 19 year old transitioning gay man who has identified as such for 6+ years now. I am a writing major and screenwriter who also writes numerous essays on feminism in media and epidemic of women, POC, and LGBTQ+ people being mistreated and misrepresented! I've had several such essays reviewed as well as won numerous awards for my writing and live performances!
Now that we've gotten that out of the way, I'm no huge talent. Never in my life will i pretend to be more than a guy with like five friends on the internet just posting shit I wanna write. If you haven't heard of me, it probably means you were staying in your lane until now!
I, as someone who's been in several MLM relationships, feel disgusted and fetishized by women consuming sexual MLM content. Honestly, with how angry y'all get at men fetishizing women I would've thought you'd had more brain cells.
As someone who is fueled by rage, I'm sure better people than you will provide plenty of fodder. I'll die on this hill and looking like an asshole doing it just to protect my five gay friends on the internet. And I'll gladly post stuff like this so everyone can see just why I hate women interacting w my stuff.
I tag stuff as masc exclusive, you so weren't meant to find it. I put this in general tags because some people clearly don't get the message. Btw, I've gotten mostly dms about men agreeing. Keyword: MEN. Go ahead, ask any MLM writers. You've got the 'related blog' section right? Link a MLM masc writer this and watch how hard they laugh at you.
Since you clearly don't like my material it should be really easy to stay the fuck away! In fact, either you were already doing it or you're a fem person trying to feel whole again once we call you out for being a fucking fetishizing pervert. Your call.
I know it may be hard to believe, but fem aligned people don't own all of tumblr! Some shit isn't for you and I don't care that you, for some deluded reason, believe I'm misogynistic.
ill have a great time fueling the fires of my rages with idiots like you
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harrywavycurly · 2 years
Hi Sarah so this is more so for my own personal enjoyment but also I know you’re a One Direction girlie so can I ask for some conversations between Eddie or Joe and you about them?🥹🥺💕💕
Hiiii babes!! It’s like you just knew I was just walking down One Direction memory lane😭 so for comedic purposes I went with Eddie so naturally just act like this is modern times😂 enjoy this babes and just know this kinda hurt because I miss them😩💖
*Eddie loves how deeply you love a British/Irish “boyband” even if he has no clue who is who*
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“Wait so they used to have another member? Did he get kicked out?” “Kicked out? No he left.” “Was it the long haired one?” “That’s Harry. No the one who left is Zayn. You like his stuff remember?” “Uhhh so who’s the blonde one then?” “That’s Niall he’s the Irish one. It’s easy to remember the only Irish one is also the only blonde one.” “It’s not natural though right? His hair?” “Eddie…” “Right. That’s not important.”
“Damn they played football stadiums?” “Yeah they’re a massive band Eddie not just Metallica and Ozzy can fill stadiums.” “I never doubted their success sweetheart just kind of shocked. They don’t even play instruments.” “Niall plays the guitar.” “What do the rest do?” “What do you mean?” “If Niall is the guitarist then what do the other dudes do? Just dance around?” “Why are you saying it like that? Like singing and entertaining the crowd isn’t good enough? They have to play instruments as well?” “Uh…I just thought they were a band? So like one of them played the drums and the other the bass or some shit that’s all.” “They aren’t that type of band Edward.” “Don’t get upset sweetheart I’m sorry.”
“That’s Harry.��� “Damn he is inked up.” “He got a tattoo on live television once. I thought it was going to be Niall but then again everyone knew Harry wouldn’t have let Niall do it since he’s afraid of needles and doesn’t have any tattoos.” “A tattoo on live television? Not gonna lie that’s kinda badass.” “He is actually a giant dork but yeah you can think he’s badass if you want.” “Wait he’s the one that has that song about watermelon right? Thats the same guy?” “Yes that’s Harry Styles.” “No fucking way is that the same guy.” “It is. I swear, he just cut his hair.” “I don’t believe you.” “Eddie look at his tattoos they are the same because he’s the same person. Harry from One Direction is Harry Styles.” “Holy shit.”
“Baby I love you with every fiber of my soul but can we please put something else on.” “No it’s One Direction’s Birthday.” “Their what?” “It’s the day they debuted as a band. It’s their birthday so we have to listen to their music all day it’s the rules.” “Can we at least put on that one album I like? The one with the song about staying up late?” “Made in the A.M? No that’s the last album Eddie we have to listen to it in order.” “Jesus how many did they make?” “There’s five albums in total.” “And what number album is this?” “Two, it’s Take Me Home.” “God it’s gonna be a long day.”
“So they got formed on a like competition show?” “Yes they got put together as a group because they weren’t doing too well individually.” “So who got picked first?” “What?” “Who like got picked for the group first? Isn’t that the one that normally is the front man?” “Uh well if you really must know it was Niall.” “The blonde one? Really?” “Does that shock you?” “No no he’s talented as hell I was just assuming it was like Harry or something.” “Nope it was good ole Niall James Horan.” “Good for him.”
“Who’s your favorite?” “What did you just ask me?” “I mean there were five of them so who did you like the most?” “You can’t ask me that.” “Why?” “That’s like picking a favorite child Eddie I can’t answer that.” “It was Harry right? You liked the long hair didn’t you?” “No…” “Liam?” “What? No.” “Oh it was Niall wasn’t it baby?” “Eddie…” “Oh yeah it was Niall.” “You’re so annoying.” “Is it the accent? The hair? The fact he plays guitar?” “I love them all.” “Whatever you say baby. Whatever you say.”
“Baby? Why are you crying?” “I fucking miss them.” “Miss who sweetheart?” “The boys.” “The boys?….oh princess why do you do this to yourself? You know watching old videos of them makes you sad.” “Because I miss seeing them together and I miss their jokes.” “Come here, it’s going to be okay. You’ll get to see them again.” “You think so? I don’t know anymore.” “Of course. I mean if anything it’ll be a nice money grab if they do a little reunion tour or something.” “Eddie…” “Sorry sorry. But yeah they might get together again. They looked like they had fun in the band.” “I just miss them.” “I know you do baby. It’s going to be okay. We get to see uh Neil? Is that his name? We get to see him next year on that one show you watch about singers.” “It’s Niall…” “damn I always fuck that up.” “Will you cuddle and watch funny One Direction moments videos with me for a little while?” “Sure baby but only for a bit then I’m cutting you off.”
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
What’s your opinion on people who post in other fandom tags when they’re using the premise of the media as an AU? Like for example, “First Kill but Jori” and they post in both the Victorious fandom tag and the First Kill fandom tag despite it being completely AU and none of the characters from First Kill actually appear. It’s just these two characters from Fandom 1 replacing the characters and reenacting the plot from Fandom 2. Personally I think it’s just a ruse to get more people to click their work, which is pretty shitty. If I’m in the second fandom, why the fuck would I want to see these characters I don’t know, from a fandom I don’t care about, in the space where they don’t belong? That’s like going into a grocery store to sell your homemade cookies. I’m sure they’re great and you put some level of work into it, but there’s a time and a place and this is not the place, my guy.
I’m in a musical fandom and this happens way too often and I’m beyond sick of seeing them. Authors who write BNHA or FNAF or whatever be like “uwu musical au uwu!!! Char 1 is Musical Char G, char 2 is musical char K...” etc. and it’s like. I came here to this musical fandom specifically to read about these musical characters. These characters I don’t care about from these other fandoms may as well be OCs. Get the fuck out. It’s gotten to the point where this fandom may as well not be it’s own thing anymore, it’s just an extension of not even its own movie, but everything else.
And the worst part is I can’t even filter it out. People tag their fics with both the musical AND the movie all the time, and that counts as a crossover and I’d be missing out on the lion’s share of actual content. While also annoying, I don’t mind this as much since it’s within the same franchise, though it’s pretty easy to tell people are writing more for one than the other.
I know AO3 has really spoiled us in terms of tags and filters but I honestly don’t think it’s too much to ask for people to stay in their own lane and not put unrelated fandoms in unless it’s a real actual honest-to-god crossover where there’s some legit level of interaction from all parties tagged (also fuck those multifandom oneshot “BOOKS”. Fuck you wattpad weirdos who are obviously trying to game the system and just cluttering every single tag your little brain can think of and then just abandoning your giant wall of 100 tags and only 1738 words in 3 whole chapters because you’re overwhelmed and now it’s everyone else’s problem to deal with. If you tagged properly in the first place the volunteers who have to see the report would probably have more time on their hands and the wait time to handle these reports would be less. Fuck you for wasting everyone’s time). If you can’t trust people to find your fic, then you probably need to improve your skills and not rely on cheap tricks to get views, just saying. I would love to be able to exclude crossovers and just have it be easy, and not have to go into filters and exclude This fandom, and that fandom, and that one and that one and that one and that one and OH THAT one too, and this other one and that one and... just kill me already Jesus Christ
This behavior is anathema.
If you're writing a fusion, use the additional tags, not the fandom field!
I have ranted about this many times, often with regards to His Dark Materials (one of the fandoms hardest hit by this bullshit). Anyone who does this is rude as fuck and deserves to be told off for mistagging.
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yuujispinkhair · 2 years
u r 22 years old and @ ur grown age is writing smut about yuuji? don’t put “minors don’t interact” on ur posts when ur literally writing about one. it’s so easy to just swap his name with someone else, maybe toji or gojo? but no u have to write about a character who is canonically a minor. and yes it IS in fact that deep because there should b boundaries with this stuff idgaf if he’s “just a drawing” it’s straight up creepy and rly shows where ur morals r. act ur fucking age and stop writing smut about characters who are minors.
Lmaooo anon. To even suggest that I should just swap the names 😂 And why should I write about characters I am not really interested in? I write about my faves, otherwise I wouldn’t write fanfic at all… because the name says it: FANfic… stories about someone I am a FAN of.
The Yuuji I write about is an adult. What do you not understand about that?
Also, I can write anything I want. And I am not forcing anyone to read it. So I recommend that you stay in your lane and stop harassing me and other writers. Just ignore the content you don’t agree with. Trust me, life will be much easier. Don’t like, don’t read. It’s really that easy!
Stop acting like some fandom police or whatever you guys think you are. It’s ridiculous and annoying and YOU are the ones who ruin fandoms and basically every fun thing that exists. You are only happy when you find something pRoBLemAtiC 😂
I swear if I wrote a Gojo fic you would still find something that goes against your morals or whatever. So just shut up and ignore the content you aren’t able to deal with.
Fandom is actually a real luxury because most fanfic writers put content warnings before their fics. Do you have that in real books or shows or movies??? No, you don’t. I really wonder how you are able to consume content at all. And how do you even cope with real life??
What I always find funny about this whole "omggg they are minors in canon aaaahh" is that JJK is literally set in a fantasy world... so apparently, you can imagine that there are things like curses and sorcerers, etc., but you can't imagine an adult version of a character??? Lmaooo. What will you do if Gege decides to make a time jump and let Yuuji become a dad?? Will you go after Gege then because omggg nooooo Yuuji is a minor!! Please, this is stupid.
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bigskydreaming · 2 years
Bruce Wayne upon Henry Cavill returning to the DCU as Superman: 
“Oh, I see somebody decided to go and STEAL MY ENTIRE CHARACTERIZATION on his summer vacation. Nice. Boy scout, my ass. Well, don’t forget where you are now. You’re not in Kansas anymore. OR Middle-Earth. Oh, I’m sorry, I meant “the Continent” (look, all fantasy lands are the same, everyone knows that. Its called the United States of Narnia? Read a map?) Whatever. Just don’t go around thinking you’ll be bringing any of THAT role into this one. Stay in your lane, Kent. I do the brooding around here, and I DON’T share well with others. Ask literally any of my children. I even compete with each of them for their siblings’ time and attention, lmao like why would I share my stuff with you? I’ve never even adopted you, like even a little bit, helloooooo. 
Oh, and btw, I still have my anti-Superman armored suit down in the Batcave. Its filed in the Aisle of All My Mistakes, Obsessively Archived For Posterity and Also Memorialized In A Super-Healthy And Not At All Concerning Way That Has Nothing to Do With Routine Self-Flagellation Because Reasons, no matter what Dick has told you. He’s a habitual liar, picked it up from me. I’m very proud. In addition to my anti-Superman suit I also have a lifetime membership to the Can and Will Repeat My Worst Mistakes Like Clockwork and Learn Nothing From Them Ever Club, so despite how disastrously everything went the last time I got my ass beat by you even WITH ‘prep time,’ no matter what the reddit Rumbles thread started by my sockpuppet account claims - y’know, back when I was manipulated into seeing you as Satan by a supervillain who looked at my ego and paranoia and said well this looks so easy even I almost feel bad about weaponizing it for Evil? - well, Poor Life Choices is the longest committed relationship I’ve ever had in my life and I’m WAY too invested to back down on that front now. I’d just look flaky. 
So in conclusion to this impromptu Powerpoint presentation that I just happened to have handy despite zero advance indicators I might need it and suggests either that I probably SHOULD be tested for the meta-gene or else that I really AM an extra-dimensional Batgod and everybody should be wildly concerned about that, the point is I’m ready to willfully disregard ALL of the aforementioned self-awareness and life lessons that didn’t stick, 100% prepared to throw down all over again if I see even a hint of that lip curling in a derisive half-smirk that suggests ‘I am cursed to share this planet with incompetent dumbasses.’ Just because my legal department still hasn’t figured out how to trademark a Mood even when its mine and I basically invented it, I’m pretty sure, well, that doesn’t mean I’m gonna just stand idly by and let you STEAL IT when plagiarism is a felony that carries a five year sentence. Minimum. Probably. Idk. Look, in this particular universe I mounted machine guns on my car instead of ridiculous physics-defying grappling hooks. I lost sight of Proportionate Responses literal decades ago. This is not new information. Let’s move on.
 Wait, what? No there’s nothing to read into the fact that I make a habit of watching your lips. You’re an alien. I’m a detective. I’m documenting how the topography of your face shifts in response to each and every emotion-incited twitch, all so I can plausibly pull off my ‘I can see into a man’s very soul by deciphering his micro-expressions’ bullshit with you too. Its literally for Science? I’ll write a book on it someday. Maybe. And if I do there will obviously be zero subtext about why I detail Kryptonian musculature in vastly more explicit detail than I do the mechanics of heat vision, duh, like lmao you sound so unhinged right now, literally what even is your deal.”
Bruce, walking away muttering: Who the fuck does this guy even think he is? And just going around adopting random orphans he trains to fight bad guys and save the world? That’s MY move. Everyone knows that! Respect my brand and go get your own, asshole. Jeez.
* this is a joke post that is not in any way meant to speak to OP’s actual interpretation of any Bruce Wayne that matters, just a random expansion on DCU movie Bruce Wayne who I disavow for being the Ultimate Bad Take of that universe on account of what the actual fuck am I supposed to do with a Batman who has his car gun down random henchmen in the name of literally nobody even knows at this point. Like, hello? Now what are he and Jason supposed to fight about and be forever tragically estranged because of? You guys gotta THINK about this stuff before you just go around throwing hundred million dollar budgets at the first pitch to go “here’s how a Superman and Batman fight to the death can still win, actually.” No, but seriously. For real. I just really hate Batfleck’s characterization. Like, with the fiery passion of a hundred thousand suns all competing in the official Universe’s Hottest Supernova competition. And as you can see, I am super reasonable and rational about this and am definitely probably likely to change my mind about it if exposed to just the right counter-argument that I have just never considered or been approached with before. And ‘tis not even an objection to his casting, the aesthetics, not the DC movie universe as a whole. Nay. Nay I say, with much over the top ridiculousness to blunt the edge of any inclination one might have to treat this post seriously because Somebody On The Internet Is Being Wrong persists as a problem that occasionally besets us all. No? That’s literally just me projecting and my experiences are not actually universal? Huh. Weird. Not sure I like that. ANYWAY, to return to the afore-mentioned NAY I SAY(s)....my grudge match is against Batfleck’s characterization and Batfleck’s characterization only. Consider this my love letter to how absurd I find it, rather than an invitation to The Discourse as even my substantial history of arguing molehills into Mount Everests isn’t up to the task of expanding on a thesis that is basically just “I just think it sucks and I hate it, bye.”
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jjkeverlast · 2 years
13, 19, 34, 37!
ahh thank u nixie for sending some in!!! <3333 [answers are under the cut cause they're super long lmfao]
13. What is a subject matter that is incredibly difficult for you write about? What is easy?
i always test myself or push myself somewhere unfamiliar, to at least learn and try. but i personally find action HARD. even though i am writing three fics who fit in the genre. it's definitely a work in progress and i grow more and more fond of it as time goes!!
for me, personally i LOVE to write comedy and it just comes to me easily hehe. although not everything i write is funny but i just can't NOT include comedy in my fics :')))
19. Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going?
oh god, okay this is me going hard on exposing myself... but all right. i got into the fan fiction world at 13!! and since then i started writing... i've written for logan paul let's not talk about that also, the jersey boys (a group of guys on tiktok that were hyped UP) but none of my stories blew even the slightest!! and then the dolan twins on tumblr before i just started to drift to some other things... but then i got into bts and realized there was a huge writing community on tumblr, so i set myself back in and i'm so so happy i did!! i just can't believe so many people read my stories now! it amazes me the fuck out, like i'm stunned just thinking about it!!!
for now i'm staying in the bts lane!! <333 and i'm never ever leaving wuhuuu.
34. Thoughts on the Oxford comma, Go:
i mean... i use it a lot! so i'm quite fond of it :))) i find it practical for my writing and some specific sentences. although i do try and vary my sentences from short and long! just so it doesn't get too overwhelming to read <333
37. If you were to be remembered only by the words you’ve put on the page, what would future historians think of you?
oh god... probably that i'm a thirsty ass for bts which i am but.. yeah most likely that!!! i do hope my plots also make it in the cut... but the smut definitely has me first lmfao (never saw that day coming...)
thank you for asking these lovely <333 this also gave me a good idea of how i am as a writer mwah! <3
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badheart · 4 months
this was nothing he wanted to talk about, but his brother gave him no option upon prying further. a sigh escaped him. "well... i deserted after getting in trouble in the military & you should know how that goes." he'd not only be fined or imprisoned because of it, but the harm that he caused onto his comrade during that time would be added to his sentence.
an awkward smile was displayed in his direction. however, this one did not last very long when he dared to insinuate he had done far worse than what really happened. "what? no, nothing like that! we just... didn't end in the best of terms & she got her friend's husband involved." who was ultimately the one who caused all of this... & yet, he was also the reason that he found her in her apartment, barely grasping for life. his head shook. "i'm not here for money or a lawyer. i just want to figure out what to do with these hands." he repeated & stood up as his brother progressively got more enraged. coco was gently placed down, so she wouldn't get in the way. "easy there... i'm not dragging you into this. how was i supposed to know her friend was involved with some yakuza?"
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"... well..." He had nothing to say in the matter, considering he had happily avoided it, via being born here and not there. Even if he was sure, that he surely would have managed it, just like everyone else, but crawling through the mud was just not for him. Then again, it sounded like Ji-eun had once again fucked up, and was most likely in the wrong. "What did you do?" Just a bit, he kind of wished that the other did not fuck up for once but someone else was at fault, because the amount of bad luck was not helping his mood. Ji-eun turned more and more into a horrible addition to their family, so he really would not mind hearing something mildly positive or accepting for once, even if he got in trouble for it.
"Sounds like assault, or why would she request another guy's help?" Raising an eyebrow at his half-brother. Even if he would like to believe him, he really should listen to himself and how he did not put it in any better light, and considering the outcome, well... "This looks more and more like something, you could have perfectly avoided, if you had just stayed in your lane," Seung-jae concluded rather bitterly and looked down at the other's gloved hands. "You really need someone, who keeps you on a short leash." And his boss was not one of them as it looked like, considering the damage. His gaze went back up, his eyes turning into small slits for a moment, as he never liked how the other towered over him. Even surpassing their father.
His eyes widened in shock, before in a fit of rage, his fist met the other's face, hissing at the impact. "You stupid idiot even get the yakuza involved now?! No women in the world is worth that kind of hassle, how fucking stupid are you? You only bring problems into this family!" he yelled. "Do I even want to know who this woman is?!" By god, it better be a nobody. "I've tried to deal with your stupid ass, but you are far from worth the trouble. Piss off finally!"
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oceanic27 · 6 months
It’s amazing how you can show so much grace to someone when they hurt you, yet they still continue to do it.
You turned your back on me.
I turned back around when your friend died.
I was there to hold you, console you.
You said you wanted to give it a month, so we could figure ourselves out.
You said not to touch another.
You said not to focus on each other.
I knew that really just meant I needed to figure myself out. That I need to be disciplined.
So I did that. I got better. But did you?
As we slowly began turning back around, still allowing for ourselves to see each other. We called, we texted, we connected.
You continued to cast blame, while I tried to reason.
You said I get defensive.
Which yeah I do.
But I get that way because you refuse to see the flaws in you.
An early issue
That I ignored out of love for the lore.
You see it’s hard to change for someone who refuses to change. Someone who thinks her shit don’t stank. Someone who can’t trust that what I say ain’t a game.
I never played.
But you did. Ever since you leveraged seeing your ex, to get me to confess, that this is more than the sex,
when it really was just me lonely.
But back to the story…
Right when we were about to be back to back, eyes gazed towards the opposite direction, but our peripheral stayed in tact.
You turned around and kicked me in the balls.
Leaving your location on as you got fucked by a sergeant.
An easy target.
Cause I know you, you won’t sleep with anywho, but someone you know yes you do.
You told me about those men drooling over your boobs, back when I first dated you.
And they way you pushed your friend to go p on the wagon again, after her relationship end, I know you needed that to feel confident.
A “savage”
But really you were in a baby carriage
waiting for a man to feed you validation.
Something I know you need because of the way you seek it from me.
That night I called and the next day you were appalled, when I dropped your things off while u flew back home.
I called you out later that day and you proceeded to lie. You yelled at me. Called me abusive said I was a bad guy. Told me I treated you like shit? Sayin all the stuff you know ain’t true?
You were just trying to justify your actions by making me the bad person in your head.
And I took it cause I was sad and genuinely wanted to talk things out.
But the next day I told you those actions were vindictive.
You proceeded yell and put it onto to me again.
I gave in this time
And let you know.
But karma came around, and gave you a flat tire on the road.
I yelled
You take zero accountability for what you’ve done wrong
You are insecure and spread hate in an effort to deal with them.
You don’t know how to tell yourself the truth.
But of course this was turned around on me.
Bombarded with claims to make me feel insane, you and your vain sense of entitlement.
Lack of responsibility.
You said we shouldn’t talk as if I was the one ruining whatever we had left.
But no.
You ruined it.
And you knew it.
But you needed to hold the power.
Because to you, that’s what this whole relationship is and was.
A power game.
And you thought I played in the same lane.
But the thing is I never did.
Even from the beginning.
I was just myself.
A genuine smile offering help.
A man just happy to be loved. A man believing you could be the one.
No tests.
No games.
Just me believing in a girl.
But that was my problem.
I didn’t leave when I saw the red flags.
I didn’t get out when there was doubt.
When you got mad at your friend for inviting her friend that once was my “friend”. Crying like a baby at the party’s end when she wasn’t even there?
I stayed in it for way too long.
Even when u showed me the colors that burned brightest at the end.
Even when we met up again, you kept on your facade.
A face that could take no blame.
But the thing about that face baby, is that I saw through it.
I saw how you lied about the tik tok searches the day before, only to admit them after.
I saw how you lied about trust and disgust.
I saw that same face when you lied about sleeping with someone.
You don’t hide your lies very well darling.
I just choose not to burst your bubble.
Because when we sat on that stoop and I treated you with kindness, you still chose to treat me with blindness.
Anger and resentment.
And though I still feel those feelings from time to time, I chose peace in my mind.
And to still be kind.
Because yeah, I’m the bigger person.
You showed me who you were that day.
Someone who couldn’t just say “hey, it was a good run” “hey we had fun”
Instead you were rude, dismissive, and did your best to make me feel bad.
And that’s sad…
Plain and simple.
You were lucky to have a man like me.
Someone who put their pride aside, more than you saw with your eye, so your heart could reside and get cozy. My glasses got rosy, these feelings felt holy but that was exactly the issue.
I never established boundaries.
Instead left myself for dead. Allowing you to call me stupid and over fed, telling me about how I was with my friends?
These things you said that I kept shut for you, despite it being obvious why your friends don’t like you?
Your ignorance when you said something too?
Your family’s obvious perception of you?
I kept that to myself because I didn’t want to tear you down but instead I let you stand on me so you can reach for the crown
And though I’ll admit to getting dialed up, too red and hot to give a fuck. I said some things in the heat of the moment, but girl I own it and I apologized like an adult.
Sometimes justify, but still take fault.
You never did that and you know that’s the truth.
Everybody saw the way you were too.
People around me were worried about abuse.
Cause once we broke up, more than two were telling me the things you said were simply not cool. A fein for reaction, being mean as an action, you took so much out on me, so you could get traction.
You wanted me to suffer for your feelings.
They wanted to say something but felt they couldn’t.
Felt I wouldn’t
I get it.
Because they were right.
The truth was out of sight, due to hope I could see your light, knowing damn well it wasn’t bright.
I treated you too well baby.
I lost myself in you.
I let you convince me I was the problem and that I was the one hurting you.
That’s not true.
You were the one who couldn’t admit her faults and realize we got to work together.
Because working together means both of us have to be vulnerable.
And I was sitting at my cousins table willing to do that
while you weren’t.
You weren’t able to see how getting of your meds affected us.
You weren’t able to see how your jealousies would get to me and make me feel I couldn’t be trusted.
Despite showing you my loyalty.
It’s funny cause if you were to read this, you would have a moment of reflection and acceptance that I might be right.
But the moment after you would start a fight.
Cause truth hurts and you wanna make sure someone else feels the hurt you feel. But baby I don’t feel em.
Cause I’ve had my fight and let them hit twice but the third time I avoided the blow.
Then I hit low, and fought back, just to call a truce.
And hug that hurt. And embrace it.
See you would rather be the victim and use our story as a reason for another man to want to treat you better.
Like you did to me and the list of flaws of your ex. That you eventually used against me when I wasn’t my best.
And though he still hits you up, I don’t. You left your location on for him when you were with me, trying to hurt the way you did to me.
And though he didn’t say anything, he did get mad when you wanted your things. You left him on a string and he saw what was happening, but he chose to “not care”.
I chose to do the opposite.
Because I cared for you
And I refuse to hide from your disrespect.
I wasted my time with you.
Letting you try to fit me into a box.
Letting you try to turn me inside out.
Letting you only truly care about yourself
Because I was there for you.
Pretty much everyday.
But the moment my focus went astray, you chastised me for not being okay.
You never asked if I was alright or if I was sad, instead you got mad that my mood wasn’t glad or rad or whatever other dumb fuckin word.
You expected my empathy but didn’t want to give it back.
I couldn’t do that.
Which is why I battled you that last year of our relationship.
I finally developed boundaries and you couldn’t respect them.
So sit there and think about this.
Think about how well I treated you.
How awesome I was.
How there is no one else with a heart like mine who did his best to love you deeper with time.
One day, you’ll look back and realize what you lost.
But you’ll keep that thought close to your chest.
Because admitting it would have a cost.
And your pride is too great for you to be wrong.
I feel bad for you because you’ll always be the miserable, anxiety-ridden, narcissistic, angry person I fell in love with.
And I’ll be someone you didn’t fall in love with.
Someone better.
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domi-scu · 1 year
Emerald Pool fail
Let’s just say that going to sleep at 1-2am and waking up at 7am finally caught up with me and I was pooped out.
The coffee at this hotel still sucked this morning- very happy it’s our last day because I have no idea what happened. We had to go to a café around the corner where, although the coffee was good, it was likely the slowest coffee of my life. We wanted to start driving kinda early so we don’t have to go in the worst heat but, once again, that didn’t happen. I am becoming convinced we’re simply destined to suffer the sun around midday every single day.
I have known that to rent a motorbike here, they want you to either pay a ridiculous deposit (£100 while the actually rental for a day is £5) or keep your passport. Good thing I have two passports so if things were to go to shit, I could really live without my Czech one which I haven’t used once since I got it over a year ago. We first tried the rental right next to our hotel. There is so many of them that we wanted something that would be easy to remember.
Except the guy didn’t just take my passport instead of the deposit, he went through it looking for the stamp from when we entered the country. Obviously, since I gave him my spare one, it wasn’t there. His boss told us they need to see passport with the stamp which was in our room. No problem, I’m happy to bring it down for you to look and then leave you the one without stamp. Ohhhh man, they didn’t like that. They very obviously wanted something that people need back so that in case something happens, they can ask for whatever the hell they want. No ma’am. So we’re like cool, we’ll leave you to it and go get a bike somewhere else. Literally about 100m (if that) further up the street.
The women there were a lot more chill, chatting with immigration police while we got our bike and they barely even looked at my passport so no stamp was not an issue and the important one could stay in the safe in our room.
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We kinda knew we made a mistake the moment we left. The heat was absolutely ridiculous and it got even worse once we got on a motorway. Or the road resembling one without the rules of an actual motorway. Since I couldn’t really put my phone anywhere for navigation, we had to occasionally stop to make sure we’re going the right way. We weren’t of course. And doing a U-turn on a 4 lane, motorway-like road on something you’re driving first time in about 6 years… Not all that fun!
After taking 30min to drive much less than we’d like, we stopped for petrol, a break and to contemplate our options. Alex’s feet were burning more than ever and the whole right side of my body felt like it was on fire. Considering that we still had an hour drive ahead of us (if we don’t take the wrong turn again, that is), we figured there is no point in being miserable and that we don’t want to see the Emerald Pool that badly. And we ended up driving down to some random beach which was really just a mini port for people going to other island. We got attacked by a bunch of baby spiders when having a cold drink and turned back to Ao Nang.
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I gotta say, the woman looked pretty surprised to see us back so quickly but since we have a half day of travel ahead of us tomorrow, we changed our plans to chilling by the pool. I am really surprised just how much we’re struggling with the sun and the heat. UK really fucked with our tolerance for this kind of weather. The only solution I see is to start going on holiday a lot more often so we get used to it. Could be worse.
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Funnily enough, because we were being lazy, we decided to suck it up and order food and cocktails from the hotel restaurant. We haven’t done this yet because we expected it to be a lot more expensive than anything else. Turns out it was actually cheaper than most other places and they brought it all the way to the pool for us! It was also probably the best Pad Thai I’ve had on this trip. Surprise!
As the day went on and the pool got busier, I started to get too tired from all the noises around us and had to go into the quiet of our room where I didn’t have to deal with anyone for a little while. We also needed to start packing so Alex joined me soon after- his burns started to peel so probably a good idea.
After sundown, we went for a quick meal. I’m pretty sure that by the end of this trip, I will be made entirely out of mango sticky rice because I’ve been eating way too much of it. But it’s so good!
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horrorwhore1997 · 2 years
Bo Sinclair who has a gf with substance abuse: No TW
Before you became a permanent resident of Ambrose and dating Bo after he held you against your will, you had a problem, which is how you got yourself messed up with the Sinclair family. You were a heroin addict. Since the age of 16 it has always haunted you. That’s how it was so easy for Bo to take you, you were alone in your car at night just gave yourself “a shot” and were doped out. Bo found your stash and tools and kept them hidden away from you. Being tied to the chair in the basement is where you spent your withdrawals. Time has passed and you adapted the housewife life. Bo would let you go into town with him for supplies and you spotted a sketchy looking guy in the ally way of the store handing another guy something. Bingo! You told Bo that you would stay in the truck while he went in the store. After he was out of sight you got out and walked up to the guy. “Hey, you got boy?” You asked. The guy smiled and said “How much you need?” “A gram for now. Don’t have much cash.” “Well since your a new customer I’ll throw in a little extra for ya.” “Sweet.” You gave him the money (that you stole from Bo’s wallet, you’ve been planning this) The guy gave you his number in case of the need of a hook up and you were on your way. Just in time because as soon as you got in the truck, Bo walked out of the store. “Baby can you start the truck up for me?” He asked handing you the keys. You nodded and started it up as he loaded the stuff in the bed. He hopped in and and left the store. Passing the dope dealer who threw a “call me” sign. Bo turned and looked at you all funny. “What was that about?” He asked. “What was what?” “That guy we just passed. Looked like he was tryna say call me. Any idea?” He asked mouth in a straight line. “No, never seen him before in my life.” Bo then smiled and placed his hand on your thigh. The ride home felt like forever. All you could think about was getting that rush. When you arrived home, you and Bo unloaded the bags and went into the house. After everything was put away, you told Bo that you wanted to go for a walk and smoke a couple cigarettes. He handed you a pack out of the carton and kissed you goodbye. You were glad that he let you wonder around Ambrose. Not that you could get into any trouble and he knew you wouldn’t escape. You tired that before and you never did it again when he caught you. You walked down to the bowling alley. Nobody ever came in there and the wax figures were covered in layers of dust. You sat down by lane 3 and reached down in the return system and pulled out the baggie with your spoon and needle. You took your belt off your jeans and ripped open the bag of dope and placed a bit on the spoon and began to cook it up. You took the syringe and sucked up the dope. You wrapped your belt around your arm to find your best vein. After a minute you inject the syringe into your body. You haven’t used in months and the feeling was phenomenal. You were on cloud fucking nine slumped over. You then picked up your supplies and tucked it in your bra and went back to the house. You didn’t want Bo to get suspicious. You could barley walk straight. Luckily he wasn’t outside, so you went threw the front door and there he was on the couch. “You we’r gone a while baby girl, we’r ya go?” You closed the door and tried your best to act normal as possible. “Just around, must of lost track of time. Was in my own thoughts.” “Not planning on escaping on me again are ya darlin?” Bo asked eyes turning cold on you. “No of corse not, why would I ever want to leave you.” Bo smiled “Glad you said that, now why don’t you go upstairs and show me how much you love me.” As he was getting up. He walked over to you and pulled you to his chest. He noticed a crinkle noise coming from your shirt. Bo pulled away and stared at you with a confused look. You tired to back away but he grabbed you and shoved his hand down your shirt pulling out your supplies. He held it up in your face with disgust. “The fuck is this Y/N?” He screamed. “YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME! DO I HAVE TO TIE YOU DOWN AGAIN? Part 2 soon
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slafkovskys · 3 years
Angst 7 with jack hughes, possibly some brother angst
7. “do you think about them when you look at me?”
you’d known jack for a while, so it was easy for you to tell when things were off. to say that it was the first day that he was acting cold towards you, would be a lie. in fact, it had been going on for the better part of the summer ever since he had come home from new jersey. instead of grabbing onto your hand when you had held it out, he had brushed past you easily and started walking alongside jim, leaving you to walk with quinn. you cross your arms over your chest and quinn nudges your side with his elbow, “look at us, the alumni are back.”
you swallow the lump in your throat, tearing your gaze away from the back of jack’s head to glance at his older brother, “i think to be alumni, you have to graduate, and that only applies to one of us.”
“oh, that’s how it’s gonna be,” he laughs, throwing his arm over your shoulder and you giggle as you shove him away. the noise draws jack’s attention and he turns his head, face falling as he spots the two of you. he sends the both of you a glare before turning his head around. quinn makes a noise, “what was that for?”
“he’s been acting like that ever since we got to your parent’s house. has he-,” you lower your voice because you now knew that he was listening to you, “has he said anything to you? like, at any point this summer?”
“this has been going on all summer?”
you shrug your shoulders, “only when we-”
“‘when we’ what, y/n?” he raises his eyebrows as he shoves his hands in his pockets. you were getting closer to your cars now and you were about to be separated from quinn, but it all started to make sense. he chuckles, “so you’re just gonna leave me hanging?”
“it’s when we’re around you, quinn. he only acts like this – gets cold and acts like someone pissed in his cereal – when you’re there,” you look at quinn and he freezes. you can see jack’s car when the lights flash as he unlocks and you stop alongside quinn, “is he- did you- you said that he was okay with it. he told me that he was okay with it.”
that was the thing with you and jack, jack wasn’t the first hughes that you had been involved with. you were a couple of years older than your boyfriend, meaning you and quinn were the same age. you had met quinn in high school during his time with the ntdp. it wasn’t until college where you started messing around with each other. it fizzled out after a couple of months, but you and quinn decided to stay friends.
you had met jack through quinn, obviously, and from the moment that you met him his crush on you was obvious. he was quinn’s little brother though, and that was a boundary that you didn’t want to cross.
well, until jack invited you to the draft. he was thrilled when you pulled on his jersey for a picture (just as you had done for quinn the year before) and to this day his lock screen was a picture of you, new jersey devils hat perched atop your head and a big smile on your face. it wasn’t until just before new years during his first season that you finally agreed to go out with him and here you were, almost two years later, about to move out to new jersey with him for the season.
with the way that he had been acting, however, you were starting to second guess your decision.
“he knows the truth. i told him a million times that it doesn’t bother me and that the feelings i had for you are gone. we’re friends, y/n,” he insists and you nod. you hear someone clear their throat and you both look at jack, who’s suddenly a few feet from you.
“are you going back with quinn and my dad?” jack’s question is directed towards you, but he’s staring holes through his brother.
“if that’s gonna be how you speak to her, yeah she is,” quinn steps up and your hand wraps around his elbow, a move that jack takes notice of. “y/n-”
“it’s fine, q, see you at skeeps, yeah?”
quinn pulls you close, which really doesn’t help the situation, and his mouth hovers over your ear, “if he says anything to you or if you need me, text me. my dad and i will set him straight.”
he presses his lips to the side of your head, shoves his brother as he passes him, and gets into the passenger seat of their dad’s car. you and jack stare at each other for a moment before he holds out his hand. you give him the same treatment that he had given you, pushing past him to get into the car.
you stare out of the window as he gets in the driver’s seat, starting the car and pulling out of his spot. he gets behind his dad and with the post-game traffic, you knew it was likely you would be here for a while. “what is wrong with you jack?”
he scoffs, “there’s nothing wrong-”
“please don’t lie to me. i’m about to pick up and move my whole life to jersey for you in two weeks and if that’s-” your voice cracks as tears threaten to spill out of your eyes, “if that’s gonna be a mistake, i want to know now.”
“why would it be a mistake?”
“because of you, jack,” you lean your head back against the headrest and look at him. his hand rests on the steering wheel and his jaw is tight, “you’re not the same guy that you were a few months ago. you’re so, so cold towards me. like, we sleep in the same bed every night, but i have never felt further away from you.”
his breath hitches.
“can you please just tell me what’s going on? because if it’s about me and quinn-”
“do you think about him when you look at me?” his words make you tense up. he doesn’t look at you as he inches forward out of the parking lot, flicking on his blinker to go in the direction of his parents’ house. “when you look at me do you wish that i was quinn?”
“jack,” your voice shakes, “whatever happened between me and quinn is over. it’s in the past. you said that when we got together you were fine that we had history, but that you didn’t care.”
“he looks at you, y/n. he looks at you the way that i look at you. anyone can see that he still has feelings for you. the way that you acted around him at the game earlier-”
“how did i act, jack? because my boyfriend was ignoring me and i didn’t want to mope around the whole night? is that why you’re upset?”
“i’m upset because i’ll never be quinn,” his words form a pit in your stomach, but his next sentence makes your whole world crumble, “is that why you’re with me? because you couldn’t have quinn, you settled for his little brother.”
“jack, oh my god, i didn’t settle,” you reach out to grab onto his arm, but once again, he pulls it away, “me and quinn, we weren’t anything serious, ever. we’re better off as friends and that was a mutual decision. to this day, we still feel that way.
“i was with him tonight because you were acting like you wanted nothing to do with me and it was obvious. everyone fucking noticed, jack. do you know how embarrassing it was to get looks of pity because i was being shooed away by my boyfriend?”
“you were embarrassed?” he spits, “my girlfriend was all over my brother. even niko noticed.”
“you’re not even listening to me!” you let out an exasperated sigh and the two of you fall into silence. it stays like that for a minute before you break it, “take me home.”
“that’s where we’re going,” he scoffs.
“no, i don’t want to go to your parents’ house. i want to go to my house, alone.”
his eyes flick to you and he shakes his head before changing lanes, “whatever.”
ten of the most painstakingly quiet minutes of your life pass before he pulls into the guest spot of your apartment. your hand wraps around the door handle and you pause, turning to look at him for the final time, “i love you jack, so much, but if this is going to keep coming back up and being an issue, i think that it’s best that we don’t see each other anymore.”
“so, what does that mean?” he keeps his eyes glued to the building in front of him, hand covering his mouth, “we aren’t together anymore?”
“i think we both have some things that we need to figure out before we have that conversation,” you slide out of the car and plant your feet on the ground, closing the door.
you make it up onto the sidewalk before he calls out your name softly. you turn to look at him and you can see his watery eyes, “i love you.”
“let me know when you get home, please. you know that i worry,” you send him a nod before turning and making your way up the stairs to your apartment. he waits until you get inside before pulling away from your complex. you watch his tail lights as they disappear into the night and you wonder,
what did i just do?
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