horrorwhore1997 · 11 months
This is a different chapter from my series of the girl who left Chicago and ended up in Ambrose…
I’m searching for my daughter y/n, she is 19 years old is 5’2 and weighs 115lbs. She has long dark hair, piercings on ears, nose, lip, belly button, tongue and eyebrow. And tattoos she has one on her side that say “RIP FRANK AND CARL” I’ve been searching for her for over a year now and the last place she was seen was breaking into a house in our neighborhood. We live on the South Side of Chicago. My daughter hasn’t had the easiest life, first off she grew up in poverty and her father is a known serial killer. I didn’t know who he was until he was caught after I found out I was 3 months pregnant. I thought that my daughters father was my boyfriend at the time whom I cheated on. I was left a single mom with a baby who’s father was a monster. I resulted into drug and alcohol problems and if that wasn’t bad enough my father was a addict as well. Our family is dysfunctional. Anyways I fear that she ran away to meet up with a guy. She left a note how she needed to leave and find a new life. I was devastated, her phone was off so I had no way to contact her. She left her lap top so I looked through her browser history and saw she was in a chat room with a guy. They talked about her childhood and the death of my brother, her uncle Carl who was killed by her “father”. He invited her to come and stay with him in Louisiana. He said he lived in a small quiet town and she could stay with him and be his house wife. She never responded after that message, but I had a feeling that’s where she was headed. A couple weeks ago my bother Lip, got a phone call from her phone. She told him that she had a boyfriend and was in fact in Louisiana. My brother wasn’t able to get a ton of information but he got enough. He could tell by how she spoke that something was wrong. We admittedly flew to Louisiana in search of her but there was no trace of her. The state police conducted a search but came up empty handed. I’m writing this in my motel room with my brother sleeping in the bed beside me. I don’t know what decided me to do this (perhaps it was my father and Carl) but I went onto the dark web. My daughter and I went on there a few times and saw some disturbing things, but nothing was near disturbing as what I saw on this one guys site. There was a serious of videos of a tall man with dark hair and usually wore a mechanic suit or was naked. There was a girl too.. about the same age, height, had a tattoo with hands that were praying along with names on her side. I couldn’t make out the names but it’s on the ball of my daughters tat. The girl is either in a oversized t shirt or naked. All the videos took place in what seemed to be a bedroom. The man talked in a southern accent and would say vulgar things to the girl. He finally said her name as he violated her. My eyes filled with tears and I started sobbing, but I couldn’t stop watching. In some of the videos she seemed scared, but in others she looked like she was having fun. She was smoking, snorting blow, drinking, and fucking the Southern guy. In some videos he would shoot her up with some substance and have his way with her. What really creeped me out was that he told her that she was his and she could never leave, if she tried he would not only kill her, but himself too. He also said how he wanted to give her his baby. I shut my computer and reached for my daughter’s lap top to see if the guy she was talking to was the man in the videos. But it wasn’t, the man was blonde and had a beard. He reminded me of Layne Staley. This was obviously a set up and he had tricked my daughter into coming to Louisiana. I can’t stop sobbing… please who ever you are, please bring me my daughter.
This is all fake just an fyi
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horrorwhore1997 · 1 year
It’s been a hot minute since I wrote anything lol. Had an idea about something I could write that could incorporate the house of wax characters. I will advise a trigger warning on this because this is disturbing, and it’s also a part of my real life story. Bo and his girl are addicts and have kids, they don’t live in Ambrose anymore, but in a shitty trailer park. He beats her, she beats him, he does a lot of horrible things to her……… Bo reminds me of a certain someone that I used to know and from what I’ve seen from the movie and what the fics that I’ve read, he fits the profile. Hate to say it but Bo is like hot and cold. Has that great charm that shows strangers and others that he’s a sweet southern gentleman, but behind closed doors he’s a monster. I can see Bo being drunk and beating his girlfriend or just because he felt like it. I mean hello, the dude is psychotic. Anyways I feel as this would be the best way I could explain my emotions. This would be based on true events. Not everything is going to be exact, I’m just not ready for that yet.
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horrorwhore1997 · 2 years
Bo walking in after a successful “hunt” looking to see what his wife made for dinner.
*sees crockpot*
“What the fuck! NOOOOOOOOO 😭😭😭😭😭😭
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horrorwhore1997 · 2 years
I’m a say it. Bo Sinclair does booger sugar 😉
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horrorwhore1997 · 2 years
Bo Sinclair who has a gf with substance abuse: No TW
Before you became a permanent resident of Ambrose and dating Bo after he held you against your will, you had a problem, which is how you got yourself messed up with the Sinclair family. You were a heroin addict. Since the age of 16 it has always haunted you. That’s how it was so easy for Bo to take you, you were alone in your car at night just gave yourself “a shot” and were doped out. Bo found your stash and tools and kept them hidden away from you. Being tied to the chair in the basement is where you spent your withdrawals. Time has passed and you adapted the housewife life. Bo would let you go into town with him for supplies and you spotted a sketchy looking guy in the ally way of the store handing another guy something. Bingo! You told Bo that you would stay in the truck while he went in the store. After he was out of sight you got out and walked up to the guy. “Hey, you got boy?” You asked. The guy smiled and said “How much you need?” “A gram for now. Don’t have much cash.” “Well since your a new customer I’ll throw in a little extra for ya.” “Sweet.” You gave him the money (that you stole from Bo’s wallet, you’ve been planning this) The guy gave you his number in case of the need of a hook up and you were on your way. Just in time because as soon as you got in the truck, Bo walked out of the store. “Baby can you start the truck up for me?” He asked handing you the keys. You nodded and started it up as he loaded the stuff in the bed. He hopped in and and left the store. Passing the dope dealer who threw a “call me” sign. Bo turned and looked at you all funny. “What was that about?” He asked. “What was what?” “That guy we just passed. Looked like he was tryna say call me. Any idea?” He asked mouth in a straight line. “No, never seen him before in my life.” Bo then smiled and placed his hand on your thigh. The ride home felt like forever. All you could think about was getting that rush. When you arrived home, you and Bo unloaded the bags and went into the house. After everything was put away, you told Bo that you wanted to go for a walk and smoke a couple cigarettes. He handed you a pack out of the carton and kissed you goodbye. You were glad that he let you wonder around Ambrose. Not that you could get into any trouble and he knew you wouldn’t escape. You tired that before and you never did it again when he caught you. You walked down to the bowling alley. Nobody ever came in there and the wax figures were covered in layers of dust. You sat down by lane 3 and reached down in the return system and pulled out the baggie with your spoon and needle. You took your belt off your jeans and ripped open the bag of dope and placed a bit on the spoon and began to cook it up. You took the syringe and sucked up the dope. You wrapped your belt around your arm to find your best vein. After a minute you inject the syringe into your body. You haven’t used in months and the feeling was phenomenal. You were on cloud fucking nine slumped over. You then picked up your supplies and tucked it in your bra and went back to the house. You didn’t want Bo to get suspicious. You could barley walk straight. Luckily he wasn’t outside, so you went threw the front door and there he was on the couch. “You we’r gone a while baby girl, we’r ya go?” You closed the door and tried your best to act normal as possible. “Just around, must of lost track of time. Was in my own thoughts.” “Not planning on escaping on me again are ya darlin?” Bo asked eyes turning cold on you. “No of corse not, why would I ever want to leave you.” Bo smiled “Glad you said that, now why don’t you go upstairs and show me how much you love me.” As he was getting up. He walked over to you and pulled you to his chest. He noticed a crinkle noise coming from your shirt. Bo pulled away and stared at you with a confused look. You tired to back away but he grabbed you and shoved his hand down your shirt pulling out your supplies. He held it up in your face with disgust. “The fuck is this Y/N?” He screamed. “YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME! DO I HAVE TO TIE YOU DOWN AGAIN? Part 2 soon
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horrorwhore1997 · 2 years
Bo Sinclair with a girlfriend struggling with drug abuse
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Understands a bit, he drinks a lot of cope with his childhood trauma, but what you do is unbelievable
Will get angry and be hurt. Doesn’t he make you feel good? Isn’t his love enough to make you happy?
Betrayed a little bit. He doesn’t have much money and when his cash starts disappearing from his wallet it breaks his heart
Livid when you stole his mother’s necklace to pay for your habit
Will tie you down to the bed, but will remain by your side during your withdrawals
Will shush you when you scream out in pain from the drugs
Won’t let you out of his sight until he’s certain that you are sober
Will help you when you have the urge to use again
He usually fucks the urge out of you, but it helps
He loves you so much and doesn’t want you to end up overdosing
If he looses you, he’ll completely break.
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horrorwhore1997 · 2 years
Part 4
A few months passed by and you adjusted to your new life in Ambrose. It was probably the Stockholm Syndrome like your mom developed with your sperm donor but what were you gonna do. Being fucked up was in your family’s genes. Everyday you grew closer to Bo. Even know he threatened to kill you, beat you, controlled you, and forced himself for you to be in a relationship with him. He was still incredibly sexy and would listen to everything you had to say. You grew close to his brothers too. Lester mostly. He was like your best friend. Bo gets super jealous but you tell him that Lester is just a friend and he reminds you of your deceased papa. And for Vincent, you always politely wave to him but you two never sat down and had a deep conversation like you did with Bo and Lester. But you both never had a problem. Other than when you stabbed him in the leg. But that’s the past and now here you are dating the oldest Sinclair brother, living a new life. Did you miss your family? Sure. Bo still hasn’t given you your phone back. You knew your cell service was still active. Either your Uncle Lip or Uncle Ian was still paying the bill in hope that you’ll call. You would think about your mom. If she was still the same old druggie or maybe she got her shit together and was doing good. Last you knew was she had a trailer and was on welfare. You thought about your Aunt Debbie and little your cousin. You thought about your Uncle Liam and how he would be graduating high school soon. You wanted to call and just let Lip know that you were okay. Bo would probably say no but it was worth a shot. “No.” He said sternly. “Please Bo come on! I just want to call my Uncle Lip and let him know I’m okay!” You said. “I said no Y/N how do I know your not tryna trick me and planning yer escape? Huh?” Bo yelled. You stared at him and crossed your arms. “Why are you so scared of me trying to escape. I know what the alternative is so trust me I ain’t gonna do shit. We’ve been together for 6 months now. You said I could have my privileges back when I earned my trust. Please let me have my phone. I miss all my music and pictures on it as well.” “Maybe another 6 months I’ll think about it.” Bo said as he started to walk away. “You can watch me on it and have my passcode if it makes you feel any better. Please just let me call Lip. Please I’m begging you. He’s probably started drinking again and he’s worked so hard to get clean. Please Bo.” You looked at him with sad eyes. Bo huffed and walked away. Well that was over. You walked outside and sat on the front porch and smoked a cigarette. The front door opened and Bo sat down beside you and handed you your phone. “Think it still works?” He asked taking your cigarette out your mouth. “Probably, one of them might be paying the bill to keep it active.” You turned it on and once it lit up your heart started racing. Your phone loaded up and a whole bunch of notifications popped up. From everyone. Missed calls and text messages. You went to your contacts and called Lip. The phone twice before it picked up. “Y/N?” Lip’s voice said all choked up. “Uncle Lip, yeah it’s me.” You cried. “WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?! JESUS CHRIST WE’VE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOUR ASS HALF A YEAR! WHERE ARE YOU?” He yelled. “I’m fine, I’m in Louisiana.” You said. “Louisiana? The fuck you doing down there? How’d the hell you even get there?” “Stole a car. And well the car has an issue and I met a very nice mechanic here in Louisiana. I’ve been staying with him and well I gotta boyfriend.” You said smirking over at Bo. “Y/N Marie Gallagher. What the fuck? Only you! Are you okay. Are you safe. This asshole good to ya?” Lip asked. “Yes very much so. I’m very happy. It’s peaceful here. It’s always sunny and warm. I’m safe Uncle Lip.” You said. “Why didn’t you call us?” Lip asked. “Just needed time to think. Trust me I wanted to but I just needed to find peace within myself. You know that Uncle Carls death still haunts me and everything with my mom. How is she by the way? Still smoking meth?” PART 5 SOON
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horrorwhore1997 · 2 years
Slashers response to you being pregnant
Micheal Myers: Deuces ✌🏻
Hell nah
This man cannot handle a baby
Will make you get an abortion
If you refuse he’ll leave
Good luck getting child support baby girl
Jason Voorhees: What?
Confused asf
But will be so happy
His momma is really happy too
Bo Sinclair: Oh yeah 😉
Planned on it
Wants to tie you down, so having a baby is perfect
He’s possessive
Would be a good father
Probably have 3 kids twin boys and then a girl
Very protective father
Vincent Sinclair: I what?
He did what to you
Really nervous
Afraid the baby will be scared of him
Will love you both to death
Lester Sinclair: Omg really!
All he’s ever wanted
Will brag to everyone how he’s gonna be a daddy
Bo will get annoyed
Will protect both with his entire life
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horrorwhore1997 · 2 years
Sorry I haven’t been active lately, ya know life. I’ll be dropping part 4 soon. Just be patient 😘
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horrorwhore1997 · 2 years
*Lester sitting the back seat of the truck with Bo and Vincent
Lester: Can we get McDonald’s?!
Bo: No we got food at home.
Lester: Please!!!!
Bo: You got McDonald’s money?
Lester: No.
Bo: Then no, like I said we got food at home.
*Lester kicks the back of Bo’s seat and crosses his arms pouting
*Bo looks at him threw the rear view mirror
Bo: Boy kick my seat again and I’ll pull this truck over and whoop your ass!!!!!
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horrorwhore1997 · 2 years
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Part 3
You hated yourself for giving in but you couldn’t help on how hot he was. He was very different from other guys. He wasn’t a hood boy, he was a “Southern Gentleman” You walked back to the house with him. You both stepped in and walked to the kitchen. He grabbed the first aid kick. “Since you stabbed me, ya need to patch me up darlin. Damn you got me good.” Bo said “Yeah sorry about that. But what can I say, I know how to fight.” You laughed “Yeah you do, who taught you that?” Bo asked. “My Uncle Carl and Uncle Ian. My Uncle Ian was in ROTC and my Uncle Carl used to live the street life. Also growing up in the hood, you learn self defense quick.” You said while dabbing the cloth of alcohol on his wound. “That’s so huh?” He said. “Yeah, what can I say, my life was insane.” You giggled. “I see that. I looked through your little scrap book of yours. Your family really is something else. Your mom let you do coke as a child? I thought my parents were fucked up.” You blankly stare at him. “No, she didn’t let me do coke as a kid. She was fucked up one night and her youngest brother, my Uncle who I’m older than, got into it and almost died. But she’s done crazier shit than that. My papa was a real character. Before I was born, he was partying with my great great Aunt Ginger and she died and buried her in the backyard of our house. He was still cashing her Social Security checks. Then the Feds had suspicion, and we had to steal this poor old lady who had alzheimers from a nursing home to impersonate Aunt Ginger.`` “Holy shit, I guess y’all are a bunch of wild ones.” Bo said. “Well we’re Gallagher’s. That’s all I gotta say.” “Can I ask about your father?” Bo said. “What do you wanna know?” You respond. “Anything you want to tell me.” “Well he killed his sister when he was 6 years old and was sent to an institution. He broke out 15 years later and went on a killing spree then found my mother and they had me. And when she escaped him, he was caught and sent back until he broke out again when I was 14 and murdered my Uncle Carl. Now he is in prison on death row. So between him being a psychotic murder and my crazy family I’m kind of fucked. I don’t trust anyone and my coping mechanism is getting intoxicated. I will bury myself in a bottle of booze or a bag of dope before I tell you my feelings.” Bo just looked at you and you could see the pain in his eyes. He pulled you in on his lap and held you. “I’m so sorry Y/N I had no idea. And I’m sorry for how I treated you. I guess that when I saw you, you were so beautiful. I had to have you and I thought the only way I could do that was to break you, but you're tough as nails. And I don’t want to let you go.” Bo said as he stroked your cheek. “Well maybe you should be more specific. But it is what it is. You're not going to let me go are you Bo?” You asked, tears pouring down your face. Bo shook his head. “I can’t. I need you. And you need me. Your whole life you’ve always had to take care of yourself. Now I think it’s time that someone takes care of you. And I’m gonna take such good care of you.” You didn’t know how to respond. It was obvious that there was no getting out of here. He just made that clear. But what the hell did you have to lose? Could be worse. He could be ugly. You were just gonna have to accept that this was your new life. Maybe it wouldn’t be that bad. At least you didn’t have to worry about walking to the store and getting robbed on the way there. Who knew? Maybe you would learn to like it and learn to love Bo, like he said earlier.
“Okay then fine, but I want access to my things. I want my own clothes and want to dress how I want and I want my phone, my bud, coke and my guns.” You said. “You can have some of your things. I’ll give you all your clothes and let you wear what you want. You can smoke your weed or whatever but only with me around. Your phone and guns are an absolute no,
for now. Either way you're not leaving so just take what I’m offering. I am trying to be fair with you but if you fight me I can make your life a living hell. You know that, you’ve seen that.” Bo said. You just looked at him all pissed off. “Be mad all you want darlin. You’ll get all your privileges back. When I know that you won’t run from me. I can’t risk it.” You huffed and got off his lap and went up the stairs and slammed the door of the room. This wasn’t fair. Why the hell did you get yourself into something that you were definitely never getting out of.
Bo opened the door of the room and handed you your backpack with all your clothes. You opened it making sure everything was there. It was except for your scrap book. “Can I have my book back?” You asked. Bo nodded and walked out of the room and came back with it handing it to you. “Why do you keep a scrapbook full of your family's mugshots anyways?” Bo asked. “Some people have family photos, we have mugshots. Plain and simple as that.” You flipped through the pages and stared at the one of you and your Uncle Carl. It was a selfie type, taken days before he died. You had a blunt in your mouth and he was throwing up a gang sign. The tears rolled down your cheek. “You really miss him don’t ya darlin?” You shut your eyes and nodded tears pouring down your face. “He was my best friend. My brother almost. Him and I had an age gap but we always did everything together. If I wanted to go somewhere with him, he always took me and always looked out for me. He was the only person I truly gave a shit about. I’d do anything just to have him back.” Bo sat on the edge of the bed next to you and pulled you into arms against his chest. “I know it’s hard, baby girl. Losing someone you love. I lost my parents. They were abusive and all but they were still my folks and I still loved them, I guess.” You looked up at him watching as he stroked your hair. “Your parents are dead?” You asked as he nodded. “Yeah my mama got a sist in her brain and basically lost her mind. And my father, well he shot himself.” “That’s bullshit.” You said. Bo glared at you “Don’t believe me?” “Nope, your mom may have gotten sick but it didn’t kill her. You did and your father. Shot them both didn’t ya?” You said, smirking up at him. Bo sat up looking right into your eyes. “What makes you think that darlin?” “I can read people very well. But it’s okay. Can’t be the worst thing you have done right?” You said. Bo just smiled at you. “Think it’s time for bed baby girl.”
You got up and rummaged through your bag of clothes. You grabbed a tank top and a pair of pj pants and went into the bathroom to change. You weren’t letting him watch again. After you were done you walked back into the room. You knew he was checking out your tits and ass. Pig, but you still crawled into the bed next to him. All he was wearing was a pair of boxers. You sit next to him putting the blanket over your lap. Bo turns to you, “How about we have that blunt together from earlier?” Waving it in your face. You grabbed it and he handed you a lighter. You lit that shit up and all your problems disappeared. Well, not really. You were in bed with a guy that kidnapped you but at least you weren’t dead. Even if he did, you’d be high and at least be reunited with your Uncle Carl, Papa, Grandma and Great Grammy Gallagher.
Part 4 soon. This is probably gonna be a long series sooooo hope it’s getting interesting.
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horrorwhore1997 · 2 years
Part 2
Again, no trigger warning.
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Bo carried you up the stairs and into the bathroom. He sat you down on the toilet and turned on the shower head warming the water up. He took off your shirt that was all wet and had blood on it. He went for your bra but stopped when he saw your tattoo on your side. It was a pair of hands praying with a rosary weaved through them and two ribbons off the side with two names on them. They said Frank and Carl. He looked at it and softly touched it with his fingers. “I like your ink baby girl.” He said. You didn’t speak. You just kept your eyes on the dirty tile bathroom floor. “Hey!” He yelled, grabbing your jaw. “You fucking look at me when I’m talking to you!” You looked him dead in the eye with tears pouring down your face. “That’s better. What’s wrong, the big tough hood girl is finally coming to her senses and submitting to me.” Bo said wiping away your non stop cries. You still didn’t speak, just kept looking at him. He laughed to himself and continued to undress you. Slowly touching your body making you shiver down your spine. He lifts you up from the toilet seat and leads you to the shower. You step in and almost collapse to the tub. The heat of the shower beating down on your bruised body felt good. Bo tipped your head up making his eyes meet his. “Clean yourself up whore.” And pulled the shower curtain back. You hoped that he’d leave but you could feel him in the room. You knew that he wasn’t going to be leaving you alone. You washed your hair and cleaned yourself up. Then a hand appeared and threw the curtain shutting the water up. Bo pulled the curtain back with a towel in his hand throwing it to you. You dried your hair then wrapped the towel around your badly beaten body, waiting for further instructions. He helped you out the tub. He then walked to a room that assumed was his. He handed you clothes that seemed to be his. An oversized t-shirt and a pair of boxers. “Can I have my clothes?” You softy asked. He turned to you with a scowl. “You fucking kidding me? I let you shower and are giving you my clothes to wear and you want to act ungrateful! No. No you can’t have your own clothes. As a matter of fact from now on I will be choosing what you wear day and night. And if you don’t like it then you know what the other alternative is!” You nodded and held the clothes to your chest. “What cha waitin for? Put em on!” It was obvious that you were going to be undressing with him there. You unwrapped the towel and slowly put the shirt over your body and then the boxers. He was smirking, flicking his tongue against his teeth.
You led you to his bed pulling back the covers. You crawled in then, laying down. He pulled the covers back over you, leaned over and kissed your head. He undressed himself and put on a clean pair of boxers and got into the bed with you. He turned to you and stroked your cheek. Bo grinned “Get some sleep baby girl, you have a lot of work to do tomorrow.” He rolled over and pulled you close to his side. He was very strong so there was no way you were getting out of his hold. You closed your eyes and for the first time in your life all you wanted was your mom. You thought that your neighborhood was dangerous but it was like Candyland compared to what you have endured tonight. You were stuck here. And the only way you were getting out was by him killing you.
Morning had come. The sunlight peeked through the windows of the shared bedroom you were in. You looked over and saw that Bo was gone. Nows your chance to get the hell out of here. You ran towards the door only to be stopped with Bo standing there with a pink sundress and your hair brush in his hand. You never owned a dress since you were in the 2nd grade so you guessed it must have belonged to some poor girl who suffered Vincent's fate. “Good morning baby girl. Put this on and come stairs and don’t think about trying to escape cause I’ll fucking kill you.” Bo said very sternly. You nodded and took the shirt and boxers off and slipped the dress over your body. It was very relieving. It pushed your breasts up and was tight around your waist and was very short. You brushed your long H/C and followed him down the stairs. You put your arms around your chest but when Bo turned around we slapped your arm causing you to drop them. You could smell coffee and eggs in the kitchen. Bo pulled out a chair queuing you to sit down. You did and he pushed the chair in. “Now this is what’s gonna happen. I expect 3 meals a day for me and my brothers. And when I say meals I mean you cook me a damn meatloaf for supper not no boxed macaroni and cheese shit. You are to do the laundry, put it away and clean the house. And most importantly, take care of me. When I come home from a long day of hard work you are to be decent and have a cold beer waitin for me. And as long as you do what I tell ya and I mean whatever I tell ya. There won’t be any issues. You're good to me, I'll be good to you. You’ll soon see that I’m not all that bad and you’ll learn to love me. Now I have to go to work. Clean this place up. I’ll be back for lunch and don’t even think about running. Cause we’re always watching!”
You watched him walk on the door and heard the truck leave. You got up from your seat and went to the sink to do the dishes. They were piled up and there was molded food on some of them. You thought you were gonna be sick right there. You turned on the fossett grabbed the sponge putting the dish detergent on it and started cleaning. You then dried and put them away. You cleaned the table and got to scrubbing the floor. You looked up at the clock and saw that it was almost lunch time. You went to the fridge to see what you could make for the three assholes. Not very much. You went to the cupboard and saw a jar of peanut butter and a half loaf of bread. You made the sandwiches just in time before you head the front door open. Lester had walked in. He still smelled like dead shit. “Hey Y/N! What’s for lunch?” He said kindly. “Peanut Butter sandwiches, there isn’t much here. You might want to head to the store.” “That’s okay, I’ll let Bo know I gotta take mine to go though.” Lester said. “That's fine, mind taking Bo and Vincent’s too? I have so much work to do.” You asked softly. “Not at all!” You handed him the sandwiches and he left. Not even 5 minutes later you heard Bo’s truck pull in. He stormed through the door cursing your name. You jumped and faced him. He came at you pinning you to the wall and screamed in your face “DID YOU NOT FUCKING HEAR ME LOUD AND CLEAR THIS MORING?! WHAT THE FUCK DID I SAY ABOUT COOKING ME REAL MEALS NOT THIS SHIT! YOU WANNA MAKE ME MAD YOU WANT ME TO HURT YOU?! FUCKING ANSWER ME!” You looked up at him. “There wasn’t anything to really cook Bo, I’m sorry but you might need to go to the store.” Bo slapped you in the face knocking you down to the ground. “DONT TELL ME WHAT TO FUCKING DO! NOW CLEAN YOURSELF UP! GUESS I HAVE TO GO TO THE STORE AND GET YOUR UNGRATEFUL ASS GROCERIES. ALL THAT I DO FOR YOU AND WHAT DO I GET? FUCKING PEANUT BUTTER ON STALE BREAD. STUPID SLUT. WHAT ARE YOU STILL DOING LAYING ON THE GROUND GET UP WHORE!” He pulled you up by your hair causing you to yelp. He bashed your head against the wall and walked out the door. You looked up to the ceiling and sobbed out “Uncle Carl! Please help me! Please Papa! Please get me out of here! God please help!” You wiped your tears and continued to the laundry room. At this point why doesn’t Bo just kill you. At least you’d be free.
It was dark out. Bo still didn’t return and there was nothing left to cook. Only beer in the fridge and a jar of mayonnaise. You just cleaned the living room. Dusting and vacuuming the floor. The front door flew open and a silhouette of Bo appeared on the wall. You turned around seeing him with a bunch of grocery bags. He turned to you. “The fuck you doing just standing there start putting them away so I can get the rest!” You ran over and unbagged the groceries. Then you thought to yourself. Is this the shit my mom had to deal with? Is what she went through with my “father”? It fucked her up badly. And there is no doubt that this guy would fuck me and even get me pregnant and have some fucked up family. One thing she always taught me was to never bow down to anyone. You stood up with a glass bottle in your hands. Bo looked at you. “Fuck you doing just standing there slut. Fix me some goddamn dinner!” He yelled. You threw the glass bottle at his head. “FUCK YOU I AINT DOING SHIT! I AINT BOWING DOWN TO YOU OR ANYONE! SO WHY DONT YOU SUCK A DICK YOU FUCKING FAGGOT!” Bo flew across the room slamming you against the wall. “FUCK YOU SAY WHORE? YOU DONT EVER TALK TO ME LIKE THAT CAUSE ILL FUCKING KILL YOU!” He let you fall down to the ground and walked over to the fridge getting a beer. You stood up and stared him down. “I aint doing shit. If your gonna kill me then fucking kill me. Come on ya pussy! Come on you fucking fagot. Let’s go!” He ran towards you as you started to throw plates at his head. “FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU!” You screamed. You ran out the front door sprinting out of this freak show of a town. Only to be met by Vincent. He had his knives coming at you. You kicked him in the balls and grabbed the knife he dropped and stabbed him in the leg. Running away with the other one in your hand. You were almost to where the road was washed out for the second time only for Bo to grab you by the waist this time. You head butted him and turned around to face them holding out the knife. Bo just smiled. “Do it bitch! You don’t have it in you. You think your such a bad ass mother fucker but your nothing but a dirty little slut. Now get back into the house and fucking obey me!” He said. “No I’m not doing shit! Only way your bringing me back to that shit hole is in a fucking body bag you pussy boy!” “Suit yourself whore!” He ran at you and you stabbed him in the shoulder leaving the knife deep in there.
“Ah you fucking cunt!” Bo yelled. Then he started to laugh, pulling the knife from his shoulder. “Maybe you do have it in you baby girl. Maybe I was wrong about you.” He walked up to you grabbing you kissing you rough on the mouth. You couldn’t help but join in. “What the fuck is wrong with me? I was trying to kill this guy now I’m making out with him? I mean he is kind of hot but this is so wrong. I’m not going to be like my mother!” You thought to yourself. But you both continued starting to get hot and heavy. Then you broke the kiss and Bo smiled at you and whispered “You wanna go back to the house now darlin’?” You wanted to beat the shit outta yourself for saying yes.
Part 3 soon
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11 notes · View notes
horrorwhore1997 · 2 years
My first post. Please no hate :)
No trigger warning! Enter at your own risk!!!!!
Summary: You run away from your home in the South Side of Chicago and end up in Ambrose and shit hits the fan.
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You just couldn’t take it anymore. You couldn’t take the pain and neglect anymore. Your life has always been a game and you never won one round. You lived in Chicago on the South Side as long as you could remember. You lived “part time” with your meth head mother but only because she got food stamps and cash assistance for you. Most of the time you lived with your Aunts and Uncles in one big house. Your papa used to live there too but he died when you were 13 and were left in the care of your mother. You knew deep down she hated you. You were a mistake to her, a burden. Wasn’t like your existence was a happy creation. Your mother got blasted one night on Halloween and somehow got mixed up with a psychotic killer and had you. She returned back home after 2 and a half years of missing when she came to her senses that her life with the man who was unfortunately your father wasn’t normal. After she returned home she was in and out of the picture. Your papa and her siblings mainly raised you. The oldest brother was pretty much your father because your papa was either working out at the bar down the street. He was an okay man. He loved his family, he really did but he liked to have a good time as he put it. You are told that he was way worse before your mother disappeared. When that happened he had no choice but to get a job and support the rest of the 5 kids he had. Your mom was the oldest and took care of them all but when she returned she was nothing but a piece of shit. She basically blamed her drug addiction on you.
You didn’t have the best upbringing. I mean you lived in the hood. Drugs, guns, gangs and violence surrounded you. You were no stranger to it. It was what you saw growing up. You liked to party, doing various drugs. Pot, coke and painkillers were your favorites. You got into a lot of fights in school. Despite you being 5’2 and weighing no more than 120 pounds you never lost a fight…… yet. You ran from the cops jumped over gates and you could run faster than a mother fucker. You got that from your mother. But what really hit the fan is when your father broke out of the insinuation he was in on Halloween and murdered your favorite Uncle. He was the second youngest and he taught you everything you know about the street life. You’ll never forget that night.
You were 14 at the time. You were at your family’s house but only you two were home. You were both sitting on the couch listening to rap music and smoking a blunt laughing away and enjoying a pizza. Then he heard a noise up the stairs. He went to go check it out, he didn’t say anything to you because he didn’t want to sketch you out. He walked up the stairs but saw nothing. Just an open window in your room that he closed. As he turned around he faced a man with a pale mask and a blue jumpsuit holding a knife. He took a deep breath and screamed out your name. “Y/N RUN RUN! GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!” You jumped from the couch and ran towards the stairs only to hear your uncle fall down them and had a stab wound to his chest. You helped him up and tried to get out the back door by the kitchen but the man stood there. You knew exactly who it was. “What the fuck do you want!” You screamed! “Please leave me alone, I’m you daughter for fucks sake! Please don’t kill us!” Your uncle pulled out a glock 22 out of the front of his waist and shot at him. You dropped to the floor as your uncle stood and aimed at him again only for your sperm donor to grab him by the throat and lift him against the wall. You just stood there still and watched you couldn’t move, you couldn’t scream, hell you couldn’t even breathe. You just watched as your uncle clawed at your “fathers” arms and gagged for air until his face fell to a blank face and his body stopped moving and his eyes darkened.
You were on your knees, tears covered your face as you sobbed out his name. Your “father” walked over to you, lifted you up on your feet and grabbed hold of your throat trying to choke you out. You screamed and cried and called out for help. You knew it was helpless until you heard a gunshot, and your body flew across the kitchen. You looked up and saw the second oldest brother of your mother's siblings with a gun. Your “father” stood by the open back door of the kitchen as your other uncle fired six rounds into his chest. He backed up towards the door until he fell off the edge and onto the ground. You sat there, leaning against the table, sobbing. He ran over to the back door only to discover that your “father” was gone. “Mother fucker! Son of a bitch! Dammit! What the fucking fuck! I shot him six times!” You looked up only to see your uncle's lifeless body hung up on the wall with a knife in his chest. Everything was a blur after that.
You blamed yourself. You could have saved him but you didn’t. You stood there like a little bitch. You mourned his death every single day for the next four years. You were in your room looking up at a photo of you two, just days before his murder. You were 18 now and just out of high school, picking it up and looking up into the distance grabbing his gold necklace with the cross on it that was around your neck. “I’m out of here. I’m leaving this place. I’m getting the fuck out of the hood and finding a new life. I know you will be there with me Uncle Carl. I know that you, papa and grandma will be looking out for me.” You packed your bags of clothes, and your personal items that meant a lot to you such as a scrapbook of your family members mug shots and other family photos, some cash that you managed to hide and blunt wraps. You walked down the stairs, nobody was home, you placed a note on the coffee table in the living room and walked out the front door.
You walked down the street and a couple blocks to the house that you planned on robbing. Did you feel guilty? Nah a racist and homophobic man and his family lived there. You knew the house was packed with weapons, drugs and the possibility of cash. You watched from across the street as you saw the main man leave the house. You jogged across the street to the back of the house. Peeking through the windows making sure that the place was clear. When it was, you kicked in the back door. You ran through the house and opened a cabinet to see a bunch of guns. An AK-47, Glock 26, Mac 10, and Giuseppe. You threw them in a duffel bag along with some amo. You ran over and flipped over the couch to find the drugs. A pound of coke and an ounce of marijuana. Now you just need some cash. You looked around the house and saw a coffee can. You ran over and opened it and discovered a wad of cash. You were putting it in your pocket when you heard the front door locks start to open. You flew out of the kitchen and out the back door and crept around the house. When the coast was clear you ran down the street in search of a car you could Jack. Bingo! You saw a nice Dodge Charger. Probably belonged to one of the rich assholes that we’re trying to move everyone out of the neighborhood. Dumbass left his window open. You unlocked the door, jumped in and started to hot wire it. When it started you put it in drive and took off. “Peace out South Side!” You said flipping the city off!
The drive was a few days but felt like forever you were now in Louisiana. You didn’t have a plan on where you were going. Just went along the road. It was dark out and the road was dark and sketchy. You were blasting some music. Lighting a blunt and flying down the road. You were approaching an old blue dually ahead of you that was driving so slow. You flew past it. But little did you know that the shit was about to hit the fan. You kept driving and in your rearview mirror you saw the truck's headlights. They flashed them at you. You sped up and they followed your speed. You stepped on the gas and then slammed on the breaks. The truck slammed on their breaks and swerved and did a 360 in the road. “Punk ass bitch!” You screamed out the window flipping them off. You looked over and saw the truck turn around in the opposite direction as you. “Pussy.” You said to yourself laughing. It was getting late and you were exhausted. You pulled into a nearby campsite. You got out of the car to stretch your legs and in the trees you saw the truck that you had an Incident with pull in. You immediately grabbed the Glock 26 out of your car and hid it against your thigh. The driver never got out of the car but their headlights shined brightly on you. “Hey asshole, how about you turn your lights off and face me you mother fucka.” You yelled. They did nothing, just sat in their truck with their arm hanging out the window. “Dickhead, if you don’t turn off your lights I’ll do it for ya!” Still nothing. You grabbed the glock and shot his left headlight, knocking it out. “Want some you pussy ass bitch!” The driver of the dually put their truck in reverse and pulled away. You laughed to yourself and hopped back in the car, locking the door and putting the driver seat down and closing your eyes for the night.
Morning had came, you knew you had to keep going. You got out to pee but noticed that the tire was slashed. “Son of a bitch.” You yelled kicking the fender. You had no choice but to grab your shit and start walking. You walked about 2 miles down the road until you heard a truck roll up behind you. It stopped and the driver got out. “Hey there lil lady. Ya need some help?” He was dirty and smelled like dead shit but seemed friendly. “Yeah someone slashed my fucking tire of my car and I’m in the middle of nowhere.” You said. “There's a station up in Ambrose, guy named Bo could help ya. Could give ya a ride.” He said. “Sure that sounds great, thank you.” Names Y/N” you said as you held out your hand. The man smiled and held out his hand “Nice to meet ya Y/N, names Lester.” You threw your backpack in the bed of the truck but kept the duffel bag with you. You drove down the dusty road to the mechanic shop. “Mind if I smoke in here?” You said holding out a blunt. “Not at all if ya share.” He said. “Of course” you said as you lit it, taking a hit off it. You passed it to him. “So what’s a pretty lil thing like ya doing all the way out here? You look awfully young to be here all alone. Could be dangerous.” You laughed, “Buddy, I’m from the South Side of Chicago. Dangerous is my middle name. And I’m 18 if you really wanna know.” He passed the blunt back to you. “Chicago huh? So you're a city girl.” Lester said. “Hell no I’m a hood girl. If you seen the shit I’ve seen, nothing phases you.” You said hitting the blunt. “Why are you all the way out here?” You slumped down in the seat, “Ran away from home. Can’t take it anymore. My mama is a methhead and my daddy is a murder.” Lester looked at you with eyes popping out his head. “Your daddy is a killer?” “Yeah he murdered my Uncle Carl in front of me on Halloween night when I was 14. Don’t really wanna talk about it anymore than that really.” Lester looked at you with sadness in his eyes. “I’m real sorry little lady, that is a lot for a kid like you.” “Yeah no shit.” You said. The ride was pretty much silent from then till you got to the station. “Well we’re here lil lady.” Lester said parking the truck. You hopped out and grabbed your backpack from the truck bed. “I appreciate it”, you said. “Here have one on me.” Handing him a dub of weed and $20. “Thank you so much, little lady,” Lester said. “No thank you.” You smiled and walked in the shop. Lester drove off
“Hello? Anyone here?” You said. Then a tall but handsome man came up from what seemed to be some type of basement stairs. He was tall, wearing blue pants and a button up shirt with a trucker cap on his head. “Hi there darlin names Beauregard well Bo for short. he said. “How can I help ya pretty girl.” You laughed, “Y/N and I sure hope so, some asshole slashed my tire and I’m stuck in the middle of nowhere” “Sorry to hear that lil darlin, pretty thing like you shouldn’t be out here all alone.” You sigh, “Yeah but shit happens. I’d really appreciate it if you could help me out.” “I would be happy to but my truck is a bit busted and that’s the only way I can get yer car. Should be done by this evening.” “Shit there a motel or something that I could stay at?” You ask. Bo shakes his head, “Afraid not, small town you know.” “Is there anywhere else that is nearby?” You ask again, kind of annoyed. “Not anywhere within walking distance, tell ya what, my house ain’t too far from my shop you can stay with me if ya like.” He said. “Oh I wouldn’t want to be a bother, I’ll just figure something out.” “No you won’t, you're staying with me. I’m not letting a young little thing like ya self to wonder all alone. Wouldn’t be safe. How old are you anyways?” Bo said in a pretty stern tone “I’m 18 will be 19 in a few months. And that’s kind of you, guess I don’t have much of a choice.” You said starting to feel a bit off. But you were a tough girl, you could handle anything really. “Nope ya don’t, we’ll come on in the shop baby girl. I have some lunch if you’d like a bite to eat.” Bo said with a smile. “Sure that’d be nice, thank you so much.” The both of you walked in. You set your bags by the counter in the shop. He handed you a plate with a PB&J sandwich on it. “Ain’t much but it beats starving.” “Thank you, your awfully kind Bo. Hey mind if I smoke in here?” You asked. “Not at all, I could use one if ya don’t mind.” “Sure no problem.” You said and you started to roll out a blunt and his brow turned. “I thought you meant a cigarette not bud.” He said. “We’ll I got those too, I smoke both.” And do other things. You laughed. “I’ll take the cigarette, but I’d love to smoke that blunt with you after supper later tonight if you don’t mind.” Bo said, smirking. “Whatever you wanna do man.” Handing him a cigarette. You decided to take a break from the weed and lit up a cigarette yourself.
You looked out the window and saw a big building that read “House Of Wax” Bo turned around to see what you were looking at. “Yeah, the House of Wax is pretty cool. You ever been to one?” “Only houses I’ve been to were trap houses.” You said. “Trap houses? What are those?” Bo asked. “Dope houses, drug houses. Lots of them from my neighborhood.” You said. “Where you from anyways?” Bo asked. “Chicago.” “Ah, a city girl. I see.” You laughed. “Not really more like a hood girl. I’m from the South Side. Filled with drugs, gangs and bunch of other shit.” “What are you doing all the way out here in the county then?” He asked. “It’s a long story but to make it short I ran away.” You said. “What you running from baby girl, and how ya manage to find ya self out here.” “You sure ask a lot of questions,” You said. “Just making conversation. It gets kind of lonely here.” Bo said. “Yeah I can tell this place is like a ghost town. Well basically my mom got really fucked up one night on Halloween and got her self in a mess with a psychotic mass murder and disappeared for 2 and a half years and returned home with me. And she fell into hard drugs and was in and out of my life. My papa and my Uncle Lip and all her other siblings pretty much raised me. And then when I was 14 the man who unfortunately is my father broke out the institution he was years after my mothers escape and found me on Halloween night and murdered my Uncle Carl in front of me and then tired to kill me. Luckily my Uncle Ian showed up and shot him six times but he got away.” Bo’s face froze, “How did he kill your Uncle Carl?” “With a really big sharp kitchen knife.” You said with pain in your voice. “It was really hard, I just lost my papa a year prior and my mom was in jail at the time. For the past 4 years I blamed myself everyday because I didn’t do anything. That’s why I ran away.” “It wasn’t your fault, baby girl. Don’t blame yourself for that. But running away from your problems won’t solve nuthin.” Bo said as he placed his hand on your shoulder. That’s when you noticed his scars on his wrists. “Yeah but my life was extremely crazy, you have no idea. I could write a series about it. Some of the craziest shit you have ever heard. Besides, I needed a change. Needed to get out of the ghetto. Not much there.” “Not much here either.” Bo said. “Yeah I guess so.”
You and Bo continued to have a long conversation and you vented to him about your home life and he listened. He seemed to give a shit and was really sweet and quite the southern charm. Nothing like the boys in your neighborhood. You didn’t even realize that it had gotten dark out. “Shit I’ve been running my mouth that I kept you from your work.” “That’s okay, it was nice to have some company for a change. Well it’s dark out so why don’t we go up to the house. I’ll fix up some supper.” Bo said as he got up from his seat. You got up as well, grabbed your stuff and followed him up to the door. He held it for you as you walked out and he followed and locked up his shop. You walked up the hill to his house. It was pretty big and gothic looking but seemed to be nice. You noticed a big looking truck in the driveway. It seemed familiar but you ignored it. He went up to the front door, opening it for you, stepped inside and turned around. “You coming in baby girl?” He asked. Something didn’t feel right. There was something about that truck. It looked too familiar and something about this town you were in. Sure you were used to the city but something didn’t sit right. You looked at the front of it trying not to make it obvious to see that the left headlight was out. You looked at Bo who was still holding the door open waiting for you to come inside. You stepped off the porch. “Ya know what, um I appreciate your offer but I’ve been too much trouble. I’ll just find a motel to stay at. I appreciate everything but I’ll just be on my way.” You said backing up away from the house. Bo slowly started walking towards you. “You're no trouble baby girl, and I already told you, there ain’t nothing for miles. It’s dark out and I’m sure you're tired. So just get yer fine little ass in the house and we won’t have any problems.” He said with a smirk. “Fuck no and I know that your the asshole who followed me last night.” You screamed. “Oh yeah well I know your the little bitch that shot my fuckin headlight. Yer gonna have to compensate me for that baby girl.” He laughed. “So why don’t you get yer ass in the fuckin house, if not ya won’t like what’s coming to ya.” “How about you go fuck yourself and fuck ya mama in her asshole till it bleeds you retarded redneck inbread pussy piece of shit!” You screamed and you ran down the hill. He ran after you. He was fast but you were faster. You ran around the old town. You looked behind you but he was gone. You heard music coming from the church and saw a few cars parked outside. You ran in and yelled “Help some asshole is tryna!” Then you noticed that the humans that were in there weren’t moving. You looked around and touched one of their faces. Wax. “Oh shit!” You ran out the church only to be met by Bo. He tried to grab you but missed. You booked it towards what looked to be an old mill.
You ran in and saw a shit ton of cars. Then finally it all made sense. This asshole picked people off the road and turns them into some kind of wax freak show. You heard the door open and Bo spotted you and bolted after you. You jumped up on top of the cars jumping from on to another. There was a tall fence that led out of Bos reach. You jumped up and hopped it and jumped down. Bo ran up to it, looked pissed as hell as he growled and shook the gate. You flipped him off with both fingers and ran. You ran till you were in the woods. He thought you’d lost him till you saw a truck with one headlight heading straight for ya. He stopped and you stood there smiling. He gunned the gas and you jumped up, grabbed a hold of a tree branch and jumped up on the roof of the truck and tucked and rolled the bed running towards the spot where the road was washed out when you arrived earlier. Bo was hot on your tail. He was even more angry that his truck was stuck in the mud. You ran until you ran into someone else. “Woah woah there lil lady what’s wrong?” You looked up and saw that it was Lester. The one who gave you a ride earlier. “Lester, oh thank God! You have to help me. That guy Bo he’s!” You were interrupted by a voice that said “Little brother get that bitch!” You turned around to see Bo and before you knew it Lester grabbed you by the waist and picked you up. You were kicking and screaming, demanding that he let you go. “Won’t do you any good baby girl ain’t nobody gonna hear you, I’ll scream with you!” “Ahhh help, he's gonna kill me!” Bo yelled mockingly. Lester handed you off to Bo. Not before Lester pulling out your Glock 26 that was tucked in your jeans under your hip. He held it up. “Oh so this is the gun you used?” Lester tossed it to Bo and he caught it. “Shut the fuck up bitch!” Bo screamed. You continued screaming. Bo shoved you in Lester’s truck. “Will you just shut the fuck up!” Bo screamed as he pistol whipped you, knocking you out cold.
He laid you across his lap in the truck as Lester hopped in driving to the house. “Lester, you have no idea how fiesty this little bitch is!” Bo said. “Don’t ya like them feisty Bo?” Lester asked. “Yeah but never had one like this, must be that hood girl shit she was talking about. Thinking about keeping this one around. Tell Vincent to grab his truck and yank me out the mud. Bitch pulled some Jackie Chan shit and got me stuck.”
Your eyes fluttered open. You looked up and saw a vivid image of a kitchen. You looked around and saw Lester sitting down from you talking, Bo leaning against the sink and a man with long dark hair walking in. You looked down and saw that your wrists were tied to the kitchen chair. You let out a huge scream. Bo ran over to you, putting your gun to your head. “Didn’t I tell ya to shut the fuck up. One more noise and I’ll blow ya brains out! Understand baby girl?” You nodded. “Now let me ask you a few questions. First, what is a little tiny thang like you doing with such weapons? Guns are dangerous ya know. And what’s with the drugs and wad of cash? And I see that yer car had no key. Shit was hot wired. Need to explain yourself young lady. Shit ain’t looking good for you right now.” You looked at him with fear in your eyes and looked down to the ground as you quietly spoke. “Robbed some old fuck in my neighborhood back in Chicago. I stole the guns, drugs and the cash. The car I jacked. And why the fuck am I explaining myself when you guys are a bunch of sick fucks who kill people and turn them into wax! You're really giving me shit for stealing? Please, you all can go suck a dick!” A sharp slap to your face that left Bo’s handprint. “Listen to me young lady, you are in my house. At my table, don’t ever speak to me or my brothers like that!” He yelled. “Now you have two choices here. See I like you. I like your feistiness. You sure now how to put up a fight andl your sexy as fuck. So either you can live and become my little house wifey or become a wax freak. Your choice.” Bo said as he stroked your hair. “Fuck you! I ain’t doing shit! You wanna kill me then kill me! I am not serving you!” You screamed. Bo smirked “Ya heard that Vincent, get er!” The masked man with the long hair who’s name was now Vincent untied you and carried you down to his work room, while Bo followed. When you got down there you saw his workshop. It was a complete horror show. He strapped you to this chair and walked away. Bo walked over to you and grabbed your face. “Last chance baby girl. Be my little house wifey or this” You choked on your own words “What do I have to do?” You cried. Bo smiled and whispered in your ear. “You’ll see, and don’t worry baby. You’ll learn to love me.” As he kisses your forehead. He unstrapped you from Vincent’s death chair and carried you up the stair
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43 notes · View notes
horrorwhore1997 · 2 years
No trigger warning! Enter at your own risk!!!!!
Summary: You run away from your home in the South Side of Chicago and end up in Ambrose and shit hits the fan.
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You just couldn’t take it anymore. You couldn’t take the pain and neglect anymore. Your life has always been a game and you never won one round. You lived in Chicago on the South Side as long as you could remember. You lived “part time” with your meth head mother but only because she got food stamps and cash assistance for you. Most of the time you lived with your Aunts and Uncles in one big house. Your papa used to live there too but he died when you were 13 and were left in the care of your mother. You knew deep down she hated you. You were a mistake to her, a burden. Wasn’t like your existence was a happy creation. Your mother got blasted one night on Halloween and somehow got mixed up with a psychotic killer and had you. She returned back home after 2 and a half years of missing when she came to her senses that her life with the man who was unfortunately your father wasn’t normal. After she returned home she was in and out of the picture. Your papa and her siblings mainly raised you. The oldest brother was pretty much your father because your papa was either working out at the bar down the street. He was an okay man. He loved his family, he really did but he liked to have a good time as he put it. You are told that he was way worse before your mother disappeared. When that happened he had no choice but to get a job and support the rest of the 5 kids he had. Your mom was the oldest and took care of them all but when she returned she was nothing but a piece of shit. She basically blamed her drug addiction on you.
You didn’t have the best upbringing. I mean you lived in the hood. Drugs, guns, gangs and violence surrounded you. You were no stranger to it. It was what you saw growing up. You liked to party, doing various drugs. Pot, coke and painkillers were your favorites. You got into a lot of fights in school. Despite you being 5’2 and weighing no more than 120 pounds you never lost a fight…… yet. You ran from the cops jumped over gates and you could run faster than a mother fucker. You got that from your mother. But what really hit the fan is when your father broke out of the insinuation he was in on Halloween and murdered your favorite Uncle. He was the second youngest and he taught you everything you know about the street life. You’ll never forget that night.
You were 14 at the time. You were at your family’s house but only you two were home. You were both sitting on the couch listening to rap music and smoking a blunt laughing away and enjoying a pizza. Then he heard a noise up the stairs. He went to go check it out, he didn’t say anything to you because he didn’t want to sketch you out. He walked up the stairs but saw nothing. Just an open window in your room that he closed. As he turned around he faced a man with a pale mask and a blue jumpsuit holding a knife. He took a deep breath and screamed out your name. “Y/N RUN RUN! GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!” You jumped from the couch and ran towards the stairs only to hear your uncle fall down them and had a stab wound to his chest. You helped him up and tried to get out the back door by the kitchen but the man stood there. You knew exactly who it was. “What the fuck do you want!” You screamed! “Please leave me alone, I’m you daughter for fucks sake! Please don’t kill us!” Your uncle pulled out a glock 22 out of the front of his waist and shot at him. You dropped to the floor as your uncle stood and aimed at him again only for your sperm donor to grab him by the throat and lift him against the wall. You just stood there still and watched you couldn’t move, you couldn’t scream, hell you couldn’t even breathe. You just watched as your uncle clawed at your “fathers” arms and gagged for air until his face fell to a blank face and his body stopped moving and his eyes darkened.
You were on your knees, tears covered your face as you sobbed out his name. Your “father” walked over to you, lifted you up on your feet and grabbed hold of your throat trying to choke you out. You screamed and cried and called out for help. You knew it was helpless until you heard a gunshot, and your body flew across the kitchen. You looked up and saw the second oldest brother of your mother's siblings with a gun. Your “father” stood by the open back door of the kitchen as your other uncle fired six rounds into his chest. He backed up towards the door until he fell off the edge and onto the ground. You sat there, leaning against the table, sobbing. He ran over to the back door only to discover that your “father” was gone. “Mother fucker! Son of a bitch! Dammit! What the fucking fuck! I shot him six times!” You looked up only to see your uncle's lifeless body hung up on the wall with a knife in his chest. Everything was a blur after that.
You blamed yourself. You could have saved him but you didn’t. You stood there like a little bitch. You mourned his death every single day for the next four years. You were in your room looking up at a photo of you two, just days before his murder. You were 18 now and just out of high school, picking it up and looking up into the distance grabbing his gold necklace with the cross on it that was around your neck. “I’m out of here. I’m leaving this place. I’m getting the fuck out of the hood and finding a new life. I know you will be there with me Uncle Carl. I know that you, papa and grandma will be looking out for me.” You packed your bags of clothes, and your personal items that meant a lot to you such as a scrapbook of your family members mug shots and other family photos, some cash that you managed to hide and blunt wraps. You walked down the stairs, nobody was home, you placed a note on the coffee table in the living room and walked out the front door.
You walked down the street and a couple blocks to the house that you planned on robbing. Did you feel guilty? Nah a racist and homophobic man and his family lived there. You knew the house was packed with weapons, drugs and the possibility of cash. You watched from across the street as you saw the main man leave the house. You jogged across the street to the back of the house. Peeking through the windows making sure that the place was clear. When it was, you kicked in the back door. You ran through the house and opened a cabinet to see a bunch of guns. An AK-47, Glock 26, Mac 10, and Giuseppe. You threw them in a duffel bag along with some amo. You ran over and flipped over the couch to find the drugs. A pound of coke and an ounce of marijuana. Now you just need some cash. You looked around the house and saw a coffee can. You ran over and opened it and discovered a wad of cash. You were putting it in your pocket when you heard the front door locks start to open. You flew out of the kitchen and out the back door and crept around the house. When the coast was clear you ran down the street in search of a car you could Jack. Bingo! You saw a nice Dodge Charger. Probably belonged to one of the rich assholes that we’re trying to move everyone out of the neighborhood. Dumbass left his window open. You unlocked the door, jumped in and started to hot wire it. When it started you put it in drive and took off. “Peace out South Side!” You said flipping the city off!
The drive was a few days but felt like forever you were now in Louisiana. You didn’t have a plan on where you were going. Just went along the road. It was dark out and the road was dark and sketchy. You were blasting some music. Lighting a blunt and flying down the road. You were approaching an old blue dually ahead of you that was driving so slow. You flew past it. But little did you know that the shit was about to hit the fan. You kept driving and in your rearview mirror you saw the truck's headlights. They flashed them at you. You sped up and they followed your speed. You stepped on the gas and then slammed on the breaks. The truck slammed on their breaks and swerved and did a 360 in the road. “Punk ass bitch!” You screamed out the window flipping them off. You looked over and saw the truck turn around in the opposite direction as you. “Pussy.” You said to yourself laughing. It was getting late and you were exhausted. You pulled into a nearby campsite. You got out of the car to stretch your legs and in the trees you saw the truck that you had an Incident with pull in. You immediately grabbed the Glock 26 out of your car and hid it against your thigh. The driver never got out of the car but their headlights shined brightly on you. “Hey asshole, how about you turn your lights off and face me you mother fucka.” You yelled. They did nothing, just sat in their truck with their arm hanging out the window. “Dickhead, if you don’t turn off your lights I’ll do it for ya!” Still nothing. You grabbed the glock and shot his left headlight, knocking it out. “Want some you pussy ass bitch!” The driver of the dually put their truck in reverse and pulled away. You laughed to yourself and hopped back in the car, locking the door and putting the driver seat down and closing your eyes for the night.
Morning had came, you knew you had to keep going. You got out to pee but noticed that the tire was slashed. “Son of a bitch.” You yelled kicking the fender. You had no choice but to grab your shit and start walking. You walked about 2 miles down the road until you heard a truck roll up behind you. It stopped and the driver got out. “Hey there lil lady. Ya need some help?” He was dirty and smelled like dead shit but seemed friendly. “Yeah someone slashed my fucking tire of my car and I’m in the middle of nowhere.” You said. “There's a station up in Ambrose, guy named Bo could help ya. Could give ya a ride.” He said. “Sure that sounds great, thank you.” Names Y/N” you said as you held out your hand. The man smiled and held out his hand “Nice to meet ya Y/N, names Lester.” You threw your backpack in the bed of the truck but kept the duffel bag with you. You drove down the dusty road to the mechanic shop. “Mind if I smoke in here?” You said holding out a blunt. “Not at all if ya share.” He said. “Of course” you said as you lit it, taking a hit off it. You passed it to him. “So what’s a pretty lil thing like ya doing all the way out here? You look awfully young to be here all alone. Could be dangerous.” You laughed, “Buddy, I’m from the South Side of Chicago. Dangerous is my middle name. And I’m 18 if you really wanna know.” He passed the blunt back to you. “Chicago huh? So you're a city girl.” Lester said. “Hell no I’m a hood girl. If you seen the shit I’ve seen, nothing phases you.” You said hitting the blunt. “Why are you all the way out here?” You slumped down in the seat, “Ran away from home. Can’t take it anymore. My mama is a methhead and my daddy is a murder.” Lester looked at you with eyes popping out his head. “Your daddy is a killer?” “Yeah he murdered my Uncle Carl in front of me on Halloween night when I was 14. Don’t really wanna talk about it anymore than that really.” Lester looked at you with sadness in his eyes. “I’m real sorry little lady, that is a lot for a kid like you.” “Yeah no shit.” You said. The ride was pretty much silent from then till you got to the station. “Well we’re here lil lady.” Lester said parking the truck. You hopped out and grabbed your backpack from the truck bed. “I appreciate it”, you said. “Here have one on me.” Handing him a dub of weed and $20. “Thank you so much, little lady,” Lester said. “No thank you.” You smiled and walked in the shop. Lester drove off
“Hello? Anyone here?” You said. Then a tall but handsome man came up from what seemed to be some type of basement stairs. He was tall, wearing blue pants and a button up shirt with a trucker cap on his head. “Hi there darlin names Beauregard well Bo for short. he said. “How can I help ya pretty girl.” You laughed, “Y/N and I sure hope so, some asshole slashed my tire and I’m stuck in the middle of nowhere” “Sorry to hear that lil darlin, pretty thing like you shouldn’t be out here all alone.” You sigh, “Yeah but shit happens. I’d really appreciate it if you could help me out.” “I would be happy to but my truck is a bit busted and that’s the only way I can get yer car. Should be done by this evening.” “Shit there a motel or something that I could stay at?” You ask. Bo shakes his head, “Afraid not, small town you know.” “Is there anywhere else that is nearby?” You ask again, kind of annoyed. “Not anywhere within walking distance, tell ya what, my house ain’t too far from my shop you can stay with me if ya like.” He said. “Oh I wouldn’t want to be a bother, I’ll just figure something out.” “No you won’t, you're staying with me. I’m not letting a young little thing like ya self to wonder all alone. Wouldn’t be safe. How old are you anyways?” Bo said in a pretty stern tone “I’m 18 will be 19 in a few months. And that’s kind of you, guess I don’t have much of a choice.” You said starting to feel a bit off. But you were a tough girl, you could handle anything really. “Nope ya don’t, we’ll come on in the shop baby girl. I have some lunch if you’d like a bite to eat.” Bo said with a smile. “Sure that’d be nice, thank you so much.” The both of you walked in. You set your bags by the counter in the shop. He handed you a plate with a PB&J sandwich on it. “Ain’t much but it beats starving.” “Thank you, your awfully kind Bo. Hey mind if I smoke in here?” You asked. “Not at all, I could use one if ya don’t mind.” “Sure no problem.” You said and you started to roll out a blunt and his brow turned. “I thought you meant a cigarette not bud.” He said. “We’ll I got those too, I smoke both.” And do other things. You laughed. “I’ll take the cigarette, but I’d love to smoke that blunt with you after supper later tonight if you don’t mind.” Bo said, smirking. “Whatever you wanna do man.” Handing him a cigarette. You decided to take a break from the weed and lit up a cigarette yourself.
You looked out the window and saw a big building that read “House Of Wax” Bo turned around to see what you were looking at. “Yeah, the House of Wax is pretty cool. You ever been to one?” “Only houses I’ve been to were trap houses.” You said. “Trap houses? What are those?” Bo asked. “Dope houses, drug houses. Lots of them from my neighborhood.” You said. “Where you from anyways?” Bo asked. “Chicago.” “Ah, a city girl. I see.” You laughed. “Not really more like a hood girl. I’m from the South Side. Filled with drugs, gangs and bunch of other shit.” “What are you doing all the way out here in the county then?” He asked. “It’s a long story but to make it short I ran away.” You said. “What you running from baby girl, and how ya manage to find ya self out here.” “You sure ask a lot of questions,” You said. “Just making conversation. It gets kind of lonely here.” Bo said. “Yeah I can tell this place is like a ghost town. Well basically my mom got really fucked up one night on Halloween and got her self in a mess with a psychotic mass murder and disappeared for 2 and a half years and returned home with me. And she fell into hard drugs and was in and out of my life. My papa and my Uncle Lip and all her other siblings pretty much raised me. And then when I was 14 the man who unfortunately is my father broke out the institution he was years after my mothers escape and found me on Halloween night and murdered my Uncle Carl in front of me and then tired to kill me. Luckily my Uncle Ian showed up and shot him six times but he got away.” Bo’s face froze, “How did he kill your Uncle Carl?” “With a really big sharp kitchen knife.” You said with pain in your voice. “It was really hard, I just lost my papa a year prior and my mom was in jail at the time. For the past 4 years I blamed myself everyday because I didn’t do anything. That’s why I ran away.” “It wasn’t your fault, baby girl. Don’t blame yourself for that. But running away from your problems won’t solve nuthin.” Bo said as he placed his hand on your shoulder. That’s when you noticed his scars on his wrists. “Yeah but my life was extremely crazy, you have no idea. I could write a series about it. Some of the craziest shit you have ever heard. Besides, I needed a change. Needed to get out of the ghetto. Not much there.” “Not much here either.” Bo said. “Yeah I guess so.”
You and Bo continued to have a long conversation and you vented to him about your home life and he listened. He seemed to give a shit and was really sweet and quite the southern charm. Nothing like the boys in your neighborhood. You didn’t even realize that it had gotten dark out. “Shit I’ve been running my mouth that I kept you from your work.” “That’s okay, it was nice to have some company for a change. Well it’s dark out so why don’t we go up to the house. I’ll fix up some supper.” Bo said as he got up from his seat. You got up as well, grabbed your stuff and followed him up to the door. He held it for you as you walked out and he followed and locked up his shop. You walked up the hill to his house. It was pretty big and gothic looking but seemed to be nice. You noticed a big looking truck in the driveway. It seemed familiar but you ignored it. He went up to the front door, opening it for you, stepped inside and turned around. “You coming in baby girl?” He asked. Something didn’t feel right. There was something about that truck. It looked too familiar and something about this town you were in. Sure you were used to the city but something didn’t sit right. You looked at the front of it trying not to make it obvious to see that the left headlight was out. You looked at Bo who was still holding the door open waiting for you to come inside. You stepped off the porch. “Ya know what, um I appreciate your offer but I’ve been too much trouble. I’ll just find a motel to stay at. I appreciate everything but I’ll just be on my way.” You said backing up away from the house. Bo slowly started walking towards you. “You're no trouble baby girl, and I already told you, there ain’t nothing for miles. It’s dark out and I’m sure you're tired. So just get yer fine little ass in the house and we won’t have any problems.” He said with a smirk. “Fuck no and I know that your the asshole who followed me last night.” You screamed. “Oh yeah well I know your the little bitch that shot my fuckin headlight. Yer gonna have to compensate me for that baby girl.” He laughed. “So why don’t you get yer ass in the fuckin house, if not ya won’t like what’s coming to ya.” “How about you go fuck yourself and fuck ya mama in her asshole till it bleeds you retarded redneck inbread pussy piece of shit!” You screamed and you ran down the hill. He ran after you. He was fast but you were faster. You ran around the old town. You looked behind you but he was gone. You heard music coming from the church and saw a few cars parked outside. You ran in and yelled “Help some asshole is tryna!” Then you noticed that the humans that were in there weren’t moving. You looked around and touched one of their faces. Wax. “Oh shit!” You ran out the church only to be met by Bo. He tried to grab you but missed. You booked it towards what looked to be an old mill.
You ran in and saw a shit ton of cars. Then finally it all made sense. This asshole picked people off the road and turns them into some kind of wax freak show. You heard the door open and Bo spotted you and bolted after you. You jumped up on top of the cars jumping from on to another. There was a tall fence that led out of Bos reach. You jumped up and hopped it and jumped down. Bo ran up to it, looked pissed as hell as he growled and shook the gate. You flipped him off with both fingers and ran. You ran till you were in the woods. He thought you’d lost him till you saw a truck with one headlight heading straight for ya. He stopped and you stood there smiling. He gunned the gas and you jumped up, grabbed a hold of a tree branch and jumped up on the roof of the truck and tucked and rolled the bed running towards the spot where the road was washed out when you arrived earlier. Bo was hot on your tail. He was even more angry that his truck was stuck in the mud. You ran until you ran into someone else. “Woah woah there lil lady what’s wrong?” You looked up and saw that it was Lester. The one who gave you a ride earlier. “Lester, oh thank God! You have to help me. That guy Bo he’s!” You were interrupted by a voice that said “Little brother get that bitch!” You turned around to see Bo and before you knew it Lester grabbed you by the waist and picked you up. You were kicking and screaming, demanding that he let you go. “Won’t do you any good baby girl ain’t nobody gonna hear you, I’ll scream with you!” “Ahhh help, he's gonna kill me!” Bo yelled mockingly. Lester handed you off to Bo. Not before Lester pulling out your Glock 26 that was tucked in your jeans under your hip. He held it up. “Oh so this is the gun you used?” Lester tossed it to Bo and he caught it. “Shut the fuck up bitch!” Bo screamed. You continued screaming. Bo shoved you in Lester’s truck. “Will you just shut the fuck up!” Bo screamed as he pistol whipped you, knocking you out cold.
He laid you across his lap in the truck as Lester hopped in driving to the house. “Lester, you have no idea how fiesty this little bitch is!” Bo said. “Don’t ya like them feisty Bo?” Lester asked. “Yeah but never had one like this, must be that hood girl shit she was talking about. Thinking about keeping this one around. Tell Vincent to grab his truck and yank me out the mud. Bitch pulled some Jackie Chan shit and got me stuck.”
Your eyes fluttered open. You looked up and saw a vivid image of a kitchen. You looked around and saw Lester sitting down from you talking, Bo leaning against the sink and a man with long dark hair walking in. You looked down and saw that your wrists were tied to the kitchen chair. You let out a huge scream. Bo ran over to you, putting your gun to your head. “Didn’t I tell ya to shut the fuck up. One more noise and I’ll blow ya brains out! Understand baby girl?” You nodded. “Now let me ask you a few questions. First, what is a little tiny thang like you doing with such weapons? Guns are dangerous ya know. And what’s with the drugs and wad of cash? And I see that yer car had no key. Shit was hot wired. Need to explain yourself young lady. Shit ain’t looking good for you right now.” You looked at him with fear in your eyes and looked down to the ground as you quietly spoke. “Robbed some old fuck in my neighborhood back in Chicago. I stole the guns, drugs and the cash. The car I jacked. And why the fuck am I explaining myself when you guys are a bunch of sick fucks who kill people and turn them into wax! You're really giving me shit for stealing? Please, you all can go suck a dick!” A sharp slap to your face that left Bo’s handprint. “Listen to me young lady, you are in my house. At my table, don’t ever speak to me or my brothers like that!” He yelled. “Now you have two choices here. See I like you. I like your feistiness. You sure now how to put up a fight andl your sexy as fuck. So either you can live and become my little house wifey or become a wax freak. Your choice.” Bo said as he stroked your hair. “Fuck you! I ain’t doing shit! You wanna kill me then kill me! I am not serving you!” You screamed. Bo smirked “Ya heard that Vincent, get er!” The masked man with the long hair who’s name was now Vincent untied you and carried you down to his work room, while Bo followed. When you got down there you saw his workshop. It was a complete horror show. He strapped you to this chair and walked away. Bo walked over to you and grabbed your face. “Last chance baby girl. Be my little house wifey or this” You choked on your own words “What do I have to do?” You cried. Bo smiled and whispered in your ear. “You’ll see, and don’t worry baby. You’ll learn to love me.” As he kisses your forehead. He unstrapped you from Vincent’s death chair and carried you up the stair
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horrorwhore1997 · 2 years
I’m also new to this and kind of nervous, so please no hate. Don’t like it please just respectfully move along.
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horrorwhore1997 · 2 years
Gonna be dropping my first fanfic soon. Just want to let everyone know that there is no trigger warning so please enter and read at your own risk. I’ll writing mainly for slasher content.
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