#it's funny because this is one of the cards where she very specifically doesn't have her hammer
duckduckgrem · 1 year
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Hammer time
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malikselfindulgence · 7 months
Content: reader is gender neutral, could be interpreted as either romantic or platonic
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Headcanons under the cut!
☆ tries his best to keep you actually focused on the task at hand- doesn't let you goof off, but will allow consistent breaks
☆ but alas, once you've asked him a single question he'll derail the conversation twenty times over until he's completely off-topic and explaining something not even in your curriculum
☆ not that you mind- it's nice seeing him get passionate over topics he's into
☆ he tends to get absorbed into whatever he's working on, so study dates are a good way to get him to eat and drink water regularly alongside you
☆ I headcanon him as autistic, so parallel play is one of his favorite things! Enjoys being in your company while you each do your own seperate thing
☆ gets very easily frustrated if you're studying something not in his field of expertise [think molecular biology, literature, world geography] and you ask for his help only for him to not understand the question
☆ now it's your turn to try and keep him focused instead of going on a long-winded rant about how he's very smart and knowledgeable and this book is actually stupid and also he's-
☆ you get a surprising amount of work done when you're with her!
☆ Mei's pretty good at balancing work and fun- she knows when to leave you be so you can focus on your studies, and when to strike up a conversation so you don't get too bored or stressed out
☆ she has a study date playlist specifically for the both of you that she updates frequently- she tries to keep her rock/metal songs out of it so it doesn't startle you and break your attention
☆ she's very horrible at explaining things- you ask her to help you with a question and although she understands the concept, she uses such convoluted metaphors and analogies that leave you more confused than before
☆ she likes holding your hand or sitting in your lap while you both work- just touching you in some way
☆ comes up with funny abbreviations for things you have to memorise
☆ gives you little pecks/kisses every once in a while, and near the end of your date when you're both burnt out, she'll give you a sleepy cuddle session while flipping through your flash cards
☆ oh boy
☆ where do I even start
☆ half of it is spent trying to wrangle MK into his desk, and the other half is spent trying to get him to open his books
☆ has a surprising amount of niche hyper-specific knowledge about various subjects, but if you ask him about the basics his mind'll blank
☆ tries his best to make the environment as comfortable for you as possible- utensils all set, cushions for your back, snacks and drinks on the table, reminders to stretch so your back doesn't hurt
☆ playing loud music tends to help him settle down and get some work done- you have to be holding his hand so he doesn't fidget around, though
☆ doodles on your notebooks/sticky-notes, usually small sketches of you or of himself giving you a thumbs up, flowers, hearts, little messages about how you're doing super well and you're super smart. It's really endearing and helps keep your morale up
☆ his attention span is very very low [I headcanon him as having ADHD], so he has to take multiple breaks in between. If you're still working while his mind is un-focused he'll braid your hair to keep his hands busy
☆ yeah, you're not getting anything done today
☆ Mei and Mk together are a force to be reckoned with- and Red Son only adds fuel to the fire
☆ Mei and Mk'll make stupid jokes, Red Son'll tell them to shut up so he can focus, they'll make fun of him, he'll reply with a defensive and louder insult, and the cycle repeats
☆ if you ask a question, everyone'll be fighting to try and take a look at your book and help
☆ cue ensuing argument that lasts well into 20 minutes because all of them have a different answer
☆ upon googling it, you tell them that they're all wrong, actually
☆ even though you end up not doing anything, it's still a lot of fun- they're moreso just normal hangouts with the false advertisement of being productive
☆ the only time you get any work done with them is if it's the night before finals and you have to cram- the stress radiating off of you keeps their mouths shut
[Reminder that requests are open!]
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One headcanon for pretty much every wordgirl villain
Amazing Rope Guy's birthday is April 1st
The reason BLHG has a.. big left hand is because he has the condition Hemihyperplasia (which from what i've seen causes a part of a person's body to be larger than the other. Pls correct me if this is wrong, i am not familiar with the condition)
Brent is multilingual (since Chuck is his half brother, Brent's father spoke spanish, which inspired Brent to learn more languages)
Captain Tangent binge watches pirate movies in his spare time (E.g: Peter Pan, Treasure Island, Pirates of the Caribbean, etc)
Chuck has a video game collection that he's very proud of. It's full of older, retro games, and he also owns all the consoles to go with them.
Glen owns a body pillow, im not specifying of who. That's up for interpretation.
You know how Dr Two Brains is based on the myth that mice like cheese? In reality, mice prefer grains and berries. I'd think it would be funny if in a situation where he was forced to exclusively eat berries and grains, it'd make him ill (similar to how cheese really affects mice).
Eileen's last name is 'Rucker,' which is a German last name meaning 'thief' or 'Greedy'
Maria and Eileen are the absolute bestest of friends, with Eileen treating Maria like a little pet.
Granny May used to do ballet when she was younger, which gave her some of the agility she now has.
I couldn't think of a headcanon for Guy Rich specifically, but his brother's name is Duke.
Hal and Granny May went to the same school when they were young. They do not like each other at all.
Invisi-bill is simultaneously the worst and the best at playing Hide and Seek. He can just go invisible to hide, but is usually way too fidgety to stay in one spot permanently.
Lady Redundant Woman is a heavy sleeper. She also snores really loudly
Leslie is actually a mixed martial artist, but generally prefers Karate
Miss Power is fully capable of blinking, but is also capable of licking her eyeballs just to freak people out. She thinks its funny
Mr Big is really fond of 80s music because it reminds him of his band
Ms Question didn't realize this immediately about her powers, but she can produce electricity. If you touch her bare skin, she can accidentally shock both you and her. She can also stick magnets to herself.
Nocan.... ok im gonna be completely honest, i can't think of anything for this guy.
Reason and Rhyme have a secret handshake. Rhyme is the one who made it, and Reason messes it up everytime they try to do it
Royal Dandy calls Dave dad :) (but in a british way so probably something stupid(/j) like papa)
Seymour is insanely good at poker. He's perfectly capable of playing any version of it, but he's also really good at cheating at it. He hides cards in his sleeve and in his shirt and then swaps them out for whatever hand he has.
While it's not obvious, the Butcher likes jewelry. He doesn't wear it much, but you'll always find a ring or two and earrings in his house. (Reginald x Butcher shippers, do with this as you will)
The Coach was actually a highly successful man before trying to trick the Whammer. Most people don't realize that he went to really prestigious schools when he was younger.
The Learnerer's real name is Alfred, in reference to his voice actor
The Whammer was an actual pro-wrestler at one point, but was forced to stop because 'whams' aren't a legal move in the wrestling world.
Timmy Tim-Bo is the Coach's nephew
Tobey will play little puzzle games when not building robots (Crossword, Sudoku, etc)
Victoria Best tries to sneak into the villain convention, but usually gets caught pretty quickly.
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the-raging-tempest · 10 days
🍪🍫🍕🍟 for lariel and zrise!!
Thank you Romeo!! Sorry this took me a minute. Also I do be doing the classic Dolly rambling. Hope I make sense. LMAO A heads up for general content warning for the last answer from Zrise.
🍪: What is something that's sentimental to you OC?
Lariel allows herself to be much more sentimental than Zrise. She's the type to horde letters, books, flowers, objects. Things she ties to memories. She's the one who I imagine keeps all the gifts she's received and writes heartfelt thank you cards. I think to think of specific objects I can think of three off the top of my head. The letter Eithon sent her saying he would attend her birthday party. The stuffed bear honey Zrise treasured as a child. A necklace given to her by Venan. It's cheap junk that broke at the clasp after she got it but she still keeps it. Lariel is a very objects oriented person. Not in greedy or materialistic sense. She just likes to have little emotional totems and remembrances. It's also why she likes to keep a journal.
Zrise is more sentimental than he really allows himself to be. He strikes me as the kind of person who gets rid of/loses most of his things. Because he believes he'd rather not remember. He'd rather not be attached to the past, and wants to live in the 'now'. That doesn't stop him from actually regretting getting rid of those things when the whim of nostalgia strikes him. He also just doesn't own a lot of personal items. Anything he collected in Galt he had to leave behind. He doesn't often stay at the estate in Nerosyan. So if you were to see his childhood bedroom it would be surprisingly not personal. If things are kept in their it's usually because of Lariel. That said. Tattoos are the one way I see him being sentimental. Some might see it as strange for a guy who sees his mortal form as something he's fighting. But his first tattoo was of the black swan with the dagger. Baby Zrise who was edgy but not as jaded and missed his sister. I believe Zrise has a third tattoo I have yet to share (because I haven't decided on it's appearance exactly.) I also always joke that if Zrise were to fall for someone he's the type to get a sappy sentimental tattoo and then worry it's cringe as he's about to show it.
🍫: Where does your OC go to think?
Lariel can think almost anywhere. Unless she's doing some soul searching, then I imagine she'd actually like to be alone but where she feels connected to he world in other ways. Like a were nature is flourishing, where she can see the sky. I imagine she's prone to wondering and walking as she thinks. (I also project onto her as I do this irl) She sometimes just bursts out random words. Like when she remembers something embarrassing or funny.
Zrise is often avoiding thinking. He doesn't often WANT to go and think. I imagine if he really is soul searching willingly… (rare) similar to Lariel he'd wander. Until he found a place secluded enough that he felt like no one could find him. I imagine he's locking himself away or just so far off everyone's lost sight of him. Something he used to do as a child. Go hide. But often he's thinking against his will. LMAO
🍕: How does an OC spend a lazy day?
Lazy days for Lariel is an interesting idea. She spent so much of her life locked away. If she wasn't studying or doing lessons she was doing 'leisure activities' that could be seen as productive. I think if she were to just 'be lazy' for a day. She'd eat sweets, read a romance novel, and take a nice bath.
My boy struggles with this kind of idea. He kind of needs something fun and distracting enough that he doesn't have to all his negative thoughts surface, but also something that isn't important enough that the 'obligation' part of his brain activates. So I see him more so needing a 'lazy day' still needing to be something where he goes out and does something he hasn't before, or has multiple activities. Like a party where there are games. He can be competitive, but not overly invested as too ruin the mood lmao
🍟: What does your OC admit to be their guilty pleasure? What actually is their guilty pleasure?
I love how this one is phrased. Because there's a huge difference between one's characters are willing to admit or not.
For Lariel, her easy to admit ones are things like, sweets, indulgent novels, basically what I said would be her 'lazy day' Hehe.
As for ACTUALLY guilty pleasure…. this is hard… I think a part of her that would never admit it is that she revels in a certain kind of person getting taken down a peg. She'd never admit it nor would she ever be the person who DOES it, but I can see her not putting up much of a fight when certain people start facing harsher consequences. She has a prideful streak. Which means she won't often 'stoop so low' but she is drawn to people who often WILL. Characters who will be rude where she will not. (Unless they just do it to be mean. She doesn't like that.)
For Zrise, the ones he admits and wears like armor are vices like, drinking, sex, and drugs. He doesn't mind advertising.
The middle point would be dangerous risky behavior verging into self-harm because he believes he must 'suffer' or 'repent'. He would not explain himself but he does act in a self-destructive nature often.
This kind he doesn't admit… Would be things like his deeper sense of sentimentality. Reading things that remind him of 'simpler times'. Holding fondness for things honesty and kindness. Things he enjoys that do not serve a greater purpose. The moments where he wears his heart on his sleeve. People watching, in the sense of just not wanting things from people and just watching them. But he thinks that's weird.
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rxttenfish · 3 months
putting this over here and not on my rp blog because i just feel more comfortable talking over here lately and because this isnt even BAD or me complaining, just saying a thing i noticed and being entertained, but i worry that people will think im being rude
theres like, this bingo card meme going around in my circles lately, where you make one for your muse, specifically of their "type" when it comes to romantic partners
so i make one for miranda, as you do, and i include a box on there that says "respects her sister", because. you know. a vital thing to miranda.
and its funny that all of the other muses who have marked that off are ones who neither i nor bellanda nor miranda would say COULD mark that off
namely because like. why is respecting bellanda so important?
because shes miranda's sister. and even more than that, she has been, for all of miranda's life, both her only friend and her caretaker. bellanda is one of those people that miranda trusts with literally EVERYTHING, and is wholly incapable of thinking bellanda can ever hurt her, let alone hurting bellanda in turn. bellanda's opinion is final to miranda, she is what matters above everyone else, and either her potential paramours accept that theyre always going to be playing second fiddle to bellanda or they leave miranda's life. so much of what miranda does is dependent on bellanda and she is basically everything miranda has.
which is important context, because the reason why not just any single person can mark off themselves as respecting bellanda, is because bellanda is going to be mean as hell to them. bellanda doesn't trust landfolk, very seldom trusts other merfolk, and is highly suspicious of ANYONE who tries to get too close to miranda. for very good reasons, sure, but also this means she is going to try to drive them away as much as she can without upsetting miranda. and like, miranda knows bellanda is doing this. she knows she will insult, berate, and even try to physically hurt people who bellanda perceives as a threat, and miranda knows why bellanda does this, and thus she will give bellanda a very loose leash. again, miranda takes bellanda's side in everything that matters, and her loyalty to her comes first before everyone else.
as you can imagine, this is not an ideal situation to be sandwiched between. you cant even really DO anything, because trying to do anything against bellanda immediately sours miranda's opinion of someone, and bellanda is never really going to do something she knows would be over the line for miranda. the only option is winning bellanda's favor, and thats a tall order when she already mistrusts and suspects them for a full list of potential manipulations and careless blunders that bellanda won't be sharing with them. shes tough, shes strict, and shes very set into what she knows to be true and whats allowed her and miranda to survive this long.
hell, it's why aaravi is one of the very VERY few people to do well with bellanda, because shes already used to people hating her and suspecting her. already knowing that out of the gate and knowing bellanda's type (from her own experiences with gruff older slayers), getting the reassurance from miranda that she actually is good and sweet and funny was enough for her.
but you see the problem still. you see why this is such a dealbreaker for so many muses. you see why its specifically phrased as RESPECTING bellanda, because if you dont fully understand why she has to do all of this and be this way, then you arent going to make it.
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2-kamikou-1 · 8 months
hi. I have thoughts on wxs symbolism.
So this doesn't come as much of a shock re: the recent event but I'm definitely not the first person to delve into word choice in project sekai, and hindsight is always 20/20 anyway. the entire thing revolves around the conclusion to the event that just came out so it's kind of a spoiler so I'll put it under a readmore.
so like. as we learned in this recent event, the kids are okay. like. they're not getting separated they decided to become a freelance group after all this impending threat and dread of disbandment.
anyway id like to bring the attention to nene and the singing things she has often been associated with. Two things, really; mermaids and canaries.
mermaid obviously comes from Nene's attachment to the little mermaid, which in itself is not dissimilar from wondershow's story- in the same ballpark as the theme of "wanting something that you can't have/can't keep" (and it's also originally a queer story but we don't talk about that) but also in that mermaids were derived from sirens, which are notoriously evil- singing beautifully about your greatest desires only to lure you to a watery grave. Of course the allegory here is visible- all of these kids joined this group because they had a goal and this group would help them attain it. It was in mermaid admiration when the looming threat of disbandment was first introduced- also the same event we learn about Nene's infatuation with the story and the start of her being compared to a mermaid. They're starting to recognize the siren's song for what it is, if you will- something that will lead to dismay, at some point. But why stop sailing? They have a goal to get to, after all.
The shift to canary metaphors is purposely made subtle, I think- you know until it isn't. The first time we see it is in Nene's 3★ card from the second half anniversary event, "to get closer to the canary", where she appears to be watching a video of Yuuka. It's a 3★ so its name isn't really broadcasted anywhere like the featured cards, but it's important to note, and i think they did that for some sense of subtlety.
It's specifically the word for canary used, no other songbird, so it clearly means something- canary in the coalmine is what's most often associated with canaries. When the canary drops it's bad and time to evacuate. In a way, if that card name is referencing yuuka, they're comparing yuuka to the canary in the coalmine- the one that alerted them about the fact they were going to have to split up someday. Then we got the event name "canary sings in a quagmire". Insert every quagmire toilet family guy joke here. Anyway a quagmire refers to a bog or any kind of surface similar to that that gives way under foot- but it's also just used metaphorically to mean a complex situation (a sticky situation, if you will. you know. like mud . like a bog. like a quagmire. im so funny.) The canary sings in the quagmire. The canary continues to sing in tbe awkward situation- do you see my vision here? The canary is still singing. It hasn't keeled over- they're going to be okay, they always were going to be, because it was never a siren singing in the middle of the ocean preparing them for what could very well have been one of the worst experiences of their lives, it was the canary that still sang at the hazardous quagmire near the water. They're going to struggle but they will pull through, because the canary will keep singing.
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mantisfriendd · 6 months
I have not looked at anything more spoilery then the YouTuber vlogs of the set, I'd like to stay blind to spoilers, so if I say a prediction that has been proven true or false by those types of things, please don't tell me.
first order of business is showing my FNAF movie bingo card that I made even before the first trailer dropped
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Other then that here is a more specific set of predictions, based on nothing but gut feelings and a frankly upsetting amount of knowledge of the funny bear game
I think it's pretty obvious at this point, with the information we have that Mike in this movie is not Mike Afton and that he's not related to William at all. I wouldn't be surprised if Blumhouse pulled some gymnastics to hide that fact but it seems unlikely at this juncture. I would be willing to go as far as to say that I don't think Mike Afton , or an equivalent exists in the film universe.I do think Mike has unseen motives for staying more then one night at the haunted pizza restaurant, more then just desperately needing a job that we see with the red slip on his door, and that the motive has something to do with William.
While the baby parallels have been noted by many people, I don't think she will become baby in this film, it might be foreshadowed but I can't imagine that they will show something graphic like that on screen, or even imply it, if she does get baby'd it will be in-between films or off screen. the many scenes we've seen of her with the animatronics we have seen imply that she will be able to befriend them, similar to both the games and books depiction of how the haunted robots work.
despite what many have been saying, I don't think Vanessa will be a twist villian, or if she is she will have a very quick turn back to the good side. We already have an unnamed female villian we have yet to see anything about, and we see Spring Bonnie choke Vanessa in the final trailer (presumably what lands her in the hospital) so unless William has a bad habit of killing his minions I think it unlikely. I think it's more likely that Vanessa was a relative of one of the missing childrens, which would explain her knowledge and interest in the hauntings and the details of the incident.
I don't think there will be a mention of either of these strange world mechanics that power the FNAF universe, but I think it is being considered. If the FNAF movie is lucky enough to get the trilogy Scott saw it as on his Reddit post, I think all of the information on how the haunting works will be saved for FNAF 3, where William will explain his reasons for doing what he does. But I do think that there will be hints (The Freddy Face slicing Saw trap being one) Basically I think that if you look in between the lines at the movie you could figure out Remnant, but it's not going to tell you outright till 3
I don't see a version of this movie where it ends that doesn't have William Afton getting spring locked in his suit, perhaps after that getting locked in the Safe Room to be uncovered for a potential FNAF 3 movie.
however, even though William has seemingly been delt with, the spirits are not at rest (because he's not really gone)
I think FNAF 2 (if it happens) will be a prequel just like the game, and it will be more or less a retelling of the game, with a greater emphasis on the Puppet
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lowpolyshadow · 7 months
okay here's my final horizons review that nobody asked for :) the short summary is an overall like 8/10 personally with high highs and low lows to average it all out there, but like . god those highs are high
speaking of i played on hard mode for the entire thing and did not change it a single time so this also influences my perception but like im a loser tryhard sweaty gamer so that probably just added to the positives for me ngl JGKLASDFJL;KS okay anyways
amy gameplay 8/10, tails gameplay 8/10, knuckles gameplay 6/10
i am SO FUCKING SERIOUS WHEN I SAY KNUCKLES WOULD BE LIKE 9/10 IF HE HAD FREE CLIMBING AND WASN'T LIMITED TO THE RED SPOTS like it makes sense in this scenario since he's literally free dlc and like the game wasn't really made with knuckles in mind therefore if he was given free range to climb and shit like SA2 it might be weird or just lead to things you super weren't intended to do etc. BUT like. im just saying. in a perfect world he would be able to climb on all surfaces and that would be more than enough for me to forgive his glide's super wide turns (i already forgive it because it makes sense it's just like. from a player feel perspective)
i can't forgive some of those awful camera angles though it's the same issue i have with sonic when he wall climbs, wall climbing just has bad camera angles that i greatly dislike u__u also i think i was most looking forward to playing as knuckles so i was just kinda disappointed he isn't more punchy i want PUNCHY
amy was super fun to play and would've been a 9 but i am in fact a hammer believer, i know they like at least bring it up in game why she doesn't hammer more but i AM a hammer enjoyer and i think if she had more swingy hammer movesets it would be like. chef's kiss i love her floatiness and tarot cards
tails is tails he's so broken LMAOOOO and the wrench attack shit is genuinely really good and so funny, his entire thing fits perfectly with the fact that he's like, not really a Fighter fighter guy and matches with previous tails gameplay .... but i do still want a homing attack for specifically objects not enemies or something. idk that'd be hard to handle sometimes but that's my single grievance i thought tails was really good he's so cute :)
in general i wish all 3 had more combat options but again. it's free dlc. in the future if they do like sonic adventure 3 or whatever then i'll be more harsh for not having more moves for them like sonic but this is free dlc
sonic gameplay 8.5/10
i'm crazy and i thought the towers were a lot of fun, my favorite WOULD'VE BEEN tower 2 except the pink squares not respawning is genuinely like girl what's wrong with you + tower 5 eked out being my favorite anyways in the end
my favorites in order were 5, 2, 4, 1, and 3 (3 was by far the easiest but also like . i am so not into the wall climbing camera JGKALSDJFKLASDJ and also i had the funny glitch where the boostpad clipped me out of the tower which like, funny but now i have to climb the tower again) i thought these were super fun platforming challenges with the only grievance being they're literally WAY more difficult than anything from base game and so the sudden jump is like actually insane expecting little timmy to play frontiers on like hard mode which is very easy, and then doing this
the combat trials were disappointing bc like. .. the first one had some difficulty to it and then the rest were snzzzz and then suddenly MASTER KING KOCO BABYYYYY but again im insane. and deranged. i thought a time/ring limit boss rush was sick as fuck and perfect parry is what i wished the actual base game parry was so like. yeah. but again the boss fights weren't Made for perfect parry so especially wyvern, figuring out was like harder than necessary since this is something they throw at you with no warning or prior practice in the base game or anything
i had fun though. i had gamer fun and joy. so like <- sick in the head i just felt the thrill of battle and violence and any time i figured out the parry timing/got consistent with it and i was like being the ultimate speedrun gamer it's like. YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also kellin quinn's vocals carried me because god the music never gets old dude that shit pumped me up (helps i only had to fight knight twice and the problem child was just wyvern lol)
AND THE FINAL BOSS .... supreme still lowkey is a very very very very mid boss. and the new THE END doesn't change it a Ton because like after you see the sickass cutscene and stuff, it becomes kind of a mid boss again but with really hype animations and all .... like it's not a hard fight. it's just ... jank .... the controls feel kinda wonky when you're trying to target the tube .... the camera is weird because it's so easy for sonic to not be visible from all the trees, so while parrying the meteors isn't hard it's just like ... why would you do this to me
final boss fight itself is like 7/10 carried by the visuals and setting, but then the end of the boss fight is like WHOOOOOOOOOOO FUCK YEAH FUCK YEAH FUCK YEAH LETS GOOOOO I FUCKING LOVE SONIC THE HEDGEHOG YYEAHHHHHH YEAHHHHHHHHHHH so like overall good dlc imo
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syrenart · 8 months
I have thoughts about sollux and potential moirails.
Don't get me wrong, I love LOVE Sollux and Aradia as matesprits but I think (living) aradia is just such a bro. She and sollux would go spelunking, on very Indiana Jones esque adventures except they'd just end up wrecking the place for fun and playing cards in the rubble, then having a little feelings jam, napping, and going home to play minecraft. Genuinely such an amazing friend that is completely capable of helping him r e l a x. Platonic cuddles always too of course. Aradia definitely gets him out more (much to his dismay) but he also doesn't mind, because he wants to do things with her!!!
Although less likely, sollux and kanaya (because of the shit that came up in pesterquest) would be a very funny moirail pair. Both of them are so sarcastic and blunt and yet i think they'd make each other laugh with oddly dry yet clever humor. Sollux probably wouldn't be a model for her sewing projects but I DO THINK HED BE VERY HONEST. "thii2 look2 liike 2hiit." Or "thii2 doe2nt make me want two vomiit 2o youre doiing 2omethiing riight ii gue22." To shenaniganry like "that ii2 2o not your color. (Is colorblind)" I think they would visit each other often, look at old pictures and talk for h o u r s about literally anything because they don't give af, they just genuinely enjoy each other's company. Kanaya may call about having issues with her computer just to get him over there to hang out. He knows.bsje knows he knows. He just doesn't mind making the trip to see her and go back and forth about how the computer definitely doesn't seem broken until inevitably they play card games over tea.
I think sollux and karkat work excellently either red or pale, but for the sake of this post, I'll talk about them pale-wise. It is established in the comic that even though karkat is a grump ass, he still cares about his friends so so much and even goes as far as asking if specifically he and sollux are still friends after a little spat. Which is ADORABLE but also like imagine that but "ARE WE STILL MOIRAILS?" and sollux, pinching the bridge of his nose, "ye2, kk, we are 2tiill moiiraiil2." I always think of karkat as a snuggle bug, so you know they'd be platonically snuggling whilst also having the BEST feelings jam, which I personally think sollux needs always. He is always in a bad mood and always needs to talk about something and there is no one better than the guy who sat backwards in a chair to LISTEN TO TEREZI!!!! HE GAVE HER HIS FULL ATTENTION AND JUSTIFIED HER FEELINGS ALL THE WAY AND HE WOULD DO THE SAME FOR HIM!!! Plus, they would do everything sollux enjoys because they have so much in common, they couldn't even leave the hive because of karkat's blood color. Theyd eat snacks, play video games, watch movies (karkat would even agree to a non rom-com for him, begrudgingly, but I think he would). And would end up spending d a y s with each other and not get tired of each other's company. Even in the dream bubbles where karkat would be able to walk around and go places, I think they'd choose one place and stay there aside from MAYBE raiding a convenience store for snacks.
I know karkat's is the longest, that doesn't mean anything, I'm just spewing thoughts as they happen.
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todayisafridaynight · 11 months
hey, i hope life's treating ya well this week! i finished y6 yesterday and came to share some thoughts if you don't mind :)
i think kiryu tried to project on his kids what he wanted kazama to be like as a father, but ultimately kazama'ed all of them, especially daigo. i found the ending of y6 very touching, but that's because i like daigo in all of his bland npc glory, and i agree with a lot of criticism of that ending being somewhat weird, especially when we had so little interaction with haruka, who just. you know. woke up from a coma. i wrote this already in my blog, but i'll repeat myself: that ending would've made much more sense if we had just more of daigo in general amd/or saw his transition from his y2 version to his version later in the series. like, we know haruka and kiryu are close, and we assume daigo and kiryu are close too, but i'd love to see more evidence of it in the actual text. that one substory in y0 clearly wasn't enough. i wish we could have more of haruka, MUCH more of haruka, too. the lack of her agency in y6 after y5 felt frustrating
i did enjoy the game, though. i really liked the callbacks to the previous games. as for side activities, it never seizes to amaze me how the eroge minigames are become just more and more unhinged. but all the missed storytelling opportunities, man
(it's also v funny that daigo's sr card code in clan creator is kiryusavemepleaz. i don't speak japanese and therefore haven't played rggo, but i know about a story where majima lets daigo win him on purpose or something? also the situations daigo's often put in (which are mostly near death experiences), him never getting any kind of resolve with ryuji as well... i think yokoyama kinda hates daigo lmao)
Heya! I sure love thoughts and I sure love talking about Daigo :]
On the note about 'Kazama'ing his kids, I'm going to be ugly and take a minute to interpret what that means if you don't mind.
When it comes to what Kazama did to his kids, he allowed Nishiki and Kiryu to join the yakuza despite knowing the dangers of it at their insistence. Ergo, we see Kazama prioritize the yakuza, telling Kiryu to leave the Dojima situation in Y1 alone. Moreover, despite Kazama lacking faith in Nishiki's abilities as a yakuza, he still expected him to be able to lead a family by himself while he took care of Yumi in hiding.
As for Kiryu and his kids, it was evident Kiryu wanted to be able to parent the kids at Morning Glory- to speculate, maybe as a way to atone of Kazama's messy paretning without outright admitting Kazama had faults. However, his bond with those in the yakuza inevitably kept him coming back, especially in regards to Daigo (who, of course, we find out he sees as a son. In this, it's a case of Kiryu still wanting to be a good parent, but the priorities aren't exactly there). In this (and I've discussed this in a post prior), Kiryu's attempting to spread himself thin when it comes to his family: he wants to help the Tojo, if not predominantly due to Daigo's presence there, but he also wants to father the orphans at Morning Glory. Unfortunately, since Kiryu can justify leaving the kids as Okinawa's a safer setting and he's admittedly at his best in a fight, he ends up leaving for Tokyo every time action's needed.
It's actually Kiryu's constant leaving that had me assume he was writing his letter to Haruka at first during Y6's ending, specifically when he was talking about how he lamented not spending more time with her. On the subject of Haruka, Y6 really did her disgustingly: as soon as she was of age, she becomes a mother and, on top of that, she gets hit by a car and is in a coma the majority of the game and doesn't even get to properly spend time with Kiryu before he vanishes. I genuinely wish and- foolishly- hope one day Haruka can actually get the respect she deserves after having been such an important, prominent, and interesting character throughout this franchise.
To talk about Daigo and Kiryu, the main subject of this ask I feel, I think RGG did as much as they could when it came to demonstrating Kiryu and Daigo's relationship. In Y5, it's revealed that Kiryu believes that people who become close to him suffer (and in this scene in particular, he's referring to Daigo after he gets shot on the roof)- how long he's had this mentality I couldn't definitively tell you, but I wouldn't be surprised if this has been a thought since everyone's deaths in Y1. Because of Kiryu's fear for others' well-being, it can be reasoned that Kiryu might have wanted to keep his distance from Daigo as much as he could lest something go wrong (but of course, he also feels responsible for protecting others, leading him to take action where he should probably leave things be). In Y4, we can see the buds of Kiryu regretting not being there for Daigo when he needed him most, outright apologizing to him for putting him in the position of chairman without any proper training or time. Considering all of this, Kiryu's letter to Daigo aligns with what we've seen: even if Kiryu wasn't able to be close to Daigo and properly guide him like he should have, he still confesses that Daigo was incredibly important to him and he regrets letting that fear stop their bond from deepening.
Daigo on the flip side, we become very aware that he values Kiryu immensely. To return to Y5, at the end of his taxi ride he tries to reassure Kiryu that he's able to carry himself without his help (i.e. 'I'm trying my best to walk this path' after Kiryu kicks him out of the car). Daigo's need for Kiryu's approval is also evident in RGGO: the story with Majima you're talking about is one of his character stories where he first becomes chairman. In this story, Daigo struggles to understand what Kiryu's intention was entrusting him to the Tojo Clan, but once he realizes it, this is his turning point to stop being the brute he was in Y2. To extend on RGGO shining light on Daigo's feelings for Kiryu, during his initial meeting with Mine in Mine's story, he lets Mine know he was so ardent in watching the Tojo at first so he could make 'the man' who put him in that position proud, and later during their bar conversation in another one of Mine's stories, he lets Mine know that while he doesn't consider Kiryu family at this point, he still considers him someone incredibly close to him (and as we see in Y6, Daigo will do a hard 180 on this and proudly call Kiryu his father). To jump back to Kiryu for a second, we can argue that Mine's whole 'what could Daigo see in a man like you' line could have contributed to Kiryu's want to distance himself from Daigo. Because what if Mine had a point: what WAS there to admire in Kiryu? What could Daigo POSSIBLY like about Kiryu, and would it not just be better if he wasn't in his life after- inadvertently- getting him put in a coma? To end this segment on a goofy note, Daigo's clan code being 'kiryuhelpmeplz' is super funny with the father/son lens: Daigo's gotta call his dad to help him out </3
EDIT: In regards to the RGGO story I mentioned here, I misremembered the exact quote and that drastically changes the scene and meaning I'm referencing, and significantly portrays the relationship between Daigo and Kiryu differently from what I've said. For the correct quote and sentiment, please refer to this ask here (x)
In all of this, it's reasonable that RGG couldn't expand on Kiryu and Daigo's relationship, but that's what makes Kiryu's letter so significant. We see from Kiryu and Daigo's sides individually that they saw each other as family, but neither of them were able to confront that fact directly for one reason or another (Kiryu, again, with is fear of hurting those he loves and his general inability to express his emotions perfectly. Daigo might have thought seeing Kiryu as his dad was inappropriate, especially after having had to believe he killed his actual dad). Kiryu lamenting the bond they could have had wouldn't have had the same merit if Kiryu and Daigo were actually able to bond more, but because they didn't and we see they still cherish each other, the impact's there.
My long ugly ramble aside, I'm glad you still enjoyed the game! I don't know if you have any more of the games left to play, but if you ever get around to them I hope you enjoy them!
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quaranmine · 3 months
Book Reviews with Quara
Since I keep talking about audiobooks, now I want to do a sort of mini book review of the books I've read since starting to "seriously" pick up reading again last year. Also I just like typing about things. I'm skipping Fire Season by Philip Connors and Last Chance to See by Douglas Adams because I've spoken about them already. Keep in mind I am not super-super critical of reading material; generally if I enjoyed it I'm giving 5 stars. If I disliked it though I get a lot more critical because then I want to start analyzing what didn't work for me. Now go forth and learn about what my reading taste is when I'm not reading/writing angsty mcyt fanfic!
Books I loved, aka 5 stars:
Cold Storage by David Koepp
This was the first book I checked out from Libby and it was a banger. I am still trying to replicate that high tbh. When I gave my mom access to my library card in Libby (her rural library has nothing and my city library has everything) I made her check it out too. The narration on the audiobook is fantastic. My mom raved about the narration and basically says she doesn't want to check anything out that wasn't as good--regularly her reviews to me are "good narrator, not as good as that Cold Storage book" lmao. You may know David Koepp as the guy who wrote the Jurassic Park screenplay. This is his first novel.
It's about a mutated fungus that is a sci-fi version of the very real Ophiocordyceps unilateralis, which is more commonly known as the zombie-ant fungus. In this book, a version of Cordyceps can infect all lifeforms, including humans, and has been locked away deep in a former US military vault that has since been sold and converted into an underground storage facility. The plot follows two unlikely protags who work in the storage facility, as well as the two retired military people who are the only ones to have seen the fungi in action, as they try to prevent it from being released into the world. It's funny, horrifying, and gory.
They are making a movie of this book. The release date is tentatively 2024, but I worry about it because I have heard so little news on it. They did do filming though. I have high hopes because they cast Joe Keery as a main character, which I think is perfect casting for the guy in question. I have low hopes because they cast Liam Neeson, a white man, as a character who was originally Hispanic and (as I just noticed while writing this) changed the character's name to be more white. Ugh. Who is Robert Quinn and what did you do with Roberto Diaz???????
Dark Matter by Blake Crouch
What if you got kidnapped and woke up in a parallel world where everybody knew who you were, but they think you're someone else? What if you're just a quantum physics professor, but this other version of you is a successful theoretical researcher? What if your wife never married you in this universe, and your son was never born? How do you get back home? This book is constantly pulling out interesting new questions, twists, and places to explore. Also I liked that while it does feature romance pretty prominently, it's about a guy who just really loves his wife of 15 years and wants to see her again. I just like it when men love their wives.
Also, a fair amount of Goodreads reviews poke fun at this author for having way too much fun hitting the enter key on his keyboard, but since I listened to the audiobook I never had to deal with any annoying formatting choices lol
I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy
I feel like we all know about this one already, tbh. If you don't, heavy tw for child abuse and eating disorders. Tread carefully. It's worth it though if you are confident you won't get triggered. If you haven't read it I recommend the audiobook specifically because Jennette narrates it herself and that gives the book so much extra. It was a 6 hour audiobook and I was gripped by it all day.
Wrong Place Wrong Time by Gillian McAllister
BACKWARDS TIMELOOP BABEYY!!! This one was great. It's about a Mom who witnesses her teenage son kill a man. Every day she wakes up in the past again until she can solve why this happened, the mystery leading up to it that entangles her family, and try to prevent it. First she ways up the day before, then two days, then three, then a two weeks, then a few months, then a few years--until her son hasn't even been born yet. I enjoyed it. Also a plus for British accent narrator (can you tell I'm American....)
A Rip Through Time by Kelley Armstrong
This one was fun. I checked it out because it was longish and I had to drive like 8 hrs roundtrip for a work trip, so I listened to this the entire way. It's about a (Canadian) woman named Mallory who was a police detective in the modern day, who gets attacked while out for a jog in Edinburgh, Scotland. The attacker strangles her and she goes unconscious. When she wakes up, however, she finds herself in someone else's body--in the Victorian era. She's now a 19 year old housemaid, and has to adapt as quickly as possible to avoid suspicion. She quickly finds out that she works for a man named Dr. Duncan Gray, who is a medical examiner. And there's a person who's been murdered in a very similar way to how Mallory herself was attacked. And she's quickly finding out that the person who's body she's in was not well-liked.
My favorite part about this one is the emphasis it has on early forensics in Victorian Scotland. Dr. Gray is a fantastic character and it is so interesting to see him doing his lil cutting-edge forensics research (which Mallory, being educated in modern times, wants desperately to help him with.) Also the narrator, while being Canadian, does Scottish accents for all the Scottish characters. I'm not the best person to ask as someone who isn't Scottish but I thought the accents sounded pretty good lol
Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone by Benjamin Stevenson
My mom recommended this one to me. It's also a lot of fun. The title is, mostly, accurate. Ernest Cunningham (protag) is a writer, who mostly creates how-to books for mystery novelists he sells on Amazon. No, he doesn't write mysteries, he just writes the how-to books. But he's very well-versed in the "rules" of how to write a classic mystery! He promises that, as the narrator of this story, he will always be an entirely reliable narrator. The book itself is obviously fiction but within the narrative of the book, it is being told like a nonfiction account of something that the main character is writing down. This book is sort of a bottle mystery--strange murders while everyone is snowed in at a ski resort during a family reunion, anyone? The main character is funny and breaks the fourth wall often. I am convinced that there is a separate audiobook specific version since the narration within the book references it being an audiobook. The main character will be like "so, you probably realize this isn't the real killer, since we still have 4 hours of the book left to listen to" lol. I almost want to check out a print copy of this to see if the text is different.
Starter Villain by John Scalzi
First one on the list that I didn't listen to as an audiobook. Honestly, I probably read this book in 4 hours flat. Three of those hours just dead-focused while on a plane (with the book's hold expiring as soon as I landed and took my phone off airplane mode.)
I don't really know how to explain this one. I don't think I understood what it was about until I actually got like 4 chapters in and then I couldn't stop. It's just off-the wall ridiculous. There are talking cats. There are dolphins that want to unionize. There is a volcano lair. There are explosions and assasination attempts. There is a reasonably bleakly accurate capitalist picture of what "villainy" means in our world. There is a poor main character in over his head as he learns he's inherited all this from an uncle he never saw. This book is like...satire comedy. Comedy and outlandish but you're also depressed about billionaires a little while reading it.
Books I thought were Okay (3-4 stars but actually I gave both these 4 stars I think)
The Poisoner's Ring by Kelley Armstrong
The second book to the book I mentioned above. Honestly, I remember very well what the first book was about (i typed the summary by memory) but I have trouble remembering specifics about this one. It's a bit too long as well, at 14 hours. I don't have anything bad to say about it, I just didn't enjoy it quite as much as the first one.
But honestly I do remember it was still a good time. I just really like Dr Gray as a character and the setting, early forensic science focus, etc. These books are also setting up to be an EXTREME slow burn romance between Gray and Mallory, which I don't mind. (Literally by book 2 the most we have is that she thinks he's attractive, so at this rate it will take us 3 more books to get anywhere lol.) I will be checking out the 3rd book when it is released this spring.
Someone Else's Shoes by Jojo Moines
Also a book that suffered from being too long. It's a 12 hour audiobook but I think that it could have been 8 or 9 hours and gotten the same point across. My mom recommended this to me. It's narrated by Daisy Ridley, who does a good job. I enjoyed it, but I also started to feel like I really wanted it to be done?
Also unsure how to describe this one. Slightly-contrived-but-cute plot about how a bag switch up in a gym connects two women's stories. One is a, frankly quite annoying, American woman who married rich but has now been completely cut off from her money (and even passport) by her ex-husband who's cheating on her with a younger woman. One is a British woman with low self-esteem and a bad job who is struggling to keep her family afloat while her husband suffers from severe depression. I think my favorite was a side character named Jasmine who brought light to every scene imo.
Books I disliked (2 stars but after writing this review I almost want to make it 1 star)
Aurora by David Koepp
David I really believed in you after Cold Storage. But imo, this book isn't it. It throws away every interesting part of its apocalypse-level plot to focus on the characters. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love a good character-focused plot, except I never connected with anyone in the book. I just kind of didn't enjoy any of them. This is a story that is supposed to be about a solar flare taking out all electricity and communications for most of the world. And it only covers like a few days after the disaster AND THEN TIME SKIPS LIKE 8 MONTHS UNTIL EVERYTHING IS HAPPILY SOLVED NEIGHBORHOOD UTOPIA STYLE. I'm sorry????? Assuming I can believe that this little suburban Illinois cul-de-sac has managed to set up subsistence farming in a few months and is living perfectly happily, why would you....not show me how that happened.....
Also the "everything fits together" character moment at the end felt unearned. I was like yeah, okay, I guess this slots together. But the author didn't earn that moment for me. Instead of connecting with the characters and the plot and getting invested I felt like I was just being....told that everything worked out?? Or told that this was an important moment instead of actually Feeling the moment? It's hard to explain but I was like ok great thanks let's all go home now.
Sigh. I just can't get over the whole "throwing away the most interesting part of your setting" part. Again. Why would you spend a significant time setting up the science and how much of a disaster the solar flare is and then not show any of the characters figuring out how to survive it long-term....?
Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt
This book has such a high rating. It's very popular right now. It took me like 12 weeks of waiting for my hold to come up, and that's with the library having 7 copies.
It is, supposedly, about a smart octopus named Marcellus who helps an elderly lady solve the mystery of her son's disappearance at sea when he was a teenager.
In practice, it is about one minute at a time of Marcellus (the best part of the book) and extended sections of characters that I don't care about at all. I assume all the pieces of the story were supposed to come together later, but I was just highly bored. I was so bored that I DNF'd at 25% when my hold was up. I do not care enough to wait weeks to check it out again. Based on the one star reviews I read, the characters I didn't like did not develop into better people later and remained similarly annoying. Now, I don't need characters to be good people of course. But I do expect to be interested in them. I still don't know how the son's disappearance factors in because I felt like I heard barely anything about the supposed main character woman.
I feel vindicated because my coworker also checked out the book and told me a few weeks ago that she was at 50% and there still wasn't anything happening in the plot. I will ask her tomorrow if she finished it or not and if it ever got better.
Write an entire book for Marcellus the octopus and I'll check it out...
Killers of a Certain Age by Deanna Raybourn
This book had so much potential. It's about a group of four women who were formerly assasins but are now retiring at 60. To celebrate retirement, they go on a cruise and then realize that they're the new targets for assasination, presumably because they know too much about the organization that used to employ them.
In execution....very meh. I actually had a Libby glitch on this one, where I think I missed about 1.5 hrs of narration total because the book skipped twice. I have no concept of which parts I missed. What I do know is that, the book was already so cobbled together before the first skip that I didn't realize I had missed anything until the end. Like sure, parts didn't make sense, but I was ready to accept that it was just Like That since the rest of the book was like that. After reading a bunch of reviews of this book I am convinced that there is NO way that all of its flaws can be explained by me missing a small part. After all, I did listen to 8.5 hours of it still.
The characters never felt their age to me. I felt like they either acted like they were 80 or 90, or like they were 20. It just seemed odd to me. The characters also felt very 2D, like the author wrote down three traits per person and called it good. There's a younger woman who appears to know the main character and conveniently helps the group, but I literally never figured out where their relationship originated or how they knew each other. Maybe I missed that too. By the end of the book I still didn't know who anyone was and couldn't remember which person was the main character. The plot jumped around to new locations constantly and often with little transition--this happened even on the parts where I definitely didn't get a skipping glitch. The main villain was a guy I literally had barely heard anything of til that point, although perhaps he came up in the 1.5 hrs I missed. They described the same painting in excruciating detail THREE separate times. It was...too feminist? Feminist in a contrived way where I have to be reminded every 5 minutes the characters are women? Like, I know, I am reading a story about women. Please don't mention it several times a chapter. There are ethical and moral considerations about their profession and chosen organization that never really get given the weight required. There was a love interest for the main character that I hadn't heard of once until he was introduced like an hour from the end--maybe I missed more about him in the parts I skipped? Unknown.
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whenthechickencry · 6 months
Umineko EP3. Replay Part 5
Well yeah Battler, you got it! How did the other Golden Witch get her powers then?
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lmfao owned.
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Man Virgilia and Ronove really spoil Battler with all the hints.
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Rosa and Eva speaking in code is pretty good, neither wants to leave the room without the other....
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The fact Rosa shakes a bottle in frustration in trying to find something that isn't there while being angry at Maria for being mad that something isn't where it should be is pretty ironic.
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Obviously this scene didn't literally happen and something closer to what actually happens is something like Eva telling Hideyoshi about the gold and her plans and etc while being disgusted by her own greed, while at the same time going deeper into it....
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Maria's random insistence at this to me seems like a sign that this is something Yasu and Maria had pre-planned. If there was a deadlock taking place, she would cry about her rose, similar to how she used the cards to break deadlocks in episode 1 and 2. Though I don't think it would work like they intended this time if Eva didn't like, fuck things up her own way.... I don't think Yasu would murder Rosa in front of Maria and I don't think she would like, shoot Maria either....
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Well.... obviously the truth is something in between here. Eva may not be enjoying tutoring Rosa at this moment, but she is surely having a fight with her about keeping the secret with her, and pushing her into the fence in frustration.... and then murdering her daughter to leave no witness. Granted, I don't think Eva would just go on a murder spree normally.... I think of it as something kind of like Meakashi Shion. The murders wouldn't have happened if the first accident didn't.
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I.... forgot Battler just tells her to kill herself omg.... this scene is kind of interesting. i am kind of interpreting it as what Yasu was scared Battler would think of her when she found out about her murder mystery plans... we know from episode 8 manga that he is all things considered pretty forgiving of it, in actuality. But I could see Yasu thinking this is how it would go down or even what went through his head at first before stopping himself and thinking of what led to it. Also Beato will get to get her wish of seeing what Battler cooks in episode 8!
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Of course she is exaggerating for her trick strategy, but I don't think this is too far from what she thought about herself, either, and it's not like she wasn't cruel with her pranks and stuff so it isn't entirely unwarranted, but...
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I imagine she probably did apologize to Maria something like here when she found her corpse and had to fix it up, too....
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Obviously, though, you are supposed to be very sus of Beato here lol. I mean she turotred Kanon like, a couple hours ago lol.
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It's really funny how it seems this specific act didn't really trick anyone lol - sorry Yasu I guess you kind of failed.
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There is a clear difference in my view in how the family acts towards the murder in this episode and the last one. In this one they more or less figured out both this and the first murder - compared to how in the first 2 episodes everyone was clueless. I think in universe you can justify this with there being more servant deaths and therefore less culprits to worry about and also you can theorize that Yasu assumed her plan would go without a hitch - something Tohya knew wasn't true.
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Eva's desperate to throw suspicion elsewhere lmfao.
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tldr people don't believe in magic anymore so to make them believe it you have to make very obtuse murders.
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It is kind of funny Hideyoshi doesn't realize what is going on even though it is decently obvious, lol. Also, Natsuhi is freaking out because their reasoning is stupid - and I mean it is if you take it at face value, maybe you should have thought about it Hideyoshi!
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"Until that question could be dealt with, the only answer was[...] magic" Is an interesting line. The answer to this sequence of events is obvious, Kyrie and Rudolf are luring out Hideyoshi.... so if this is framed as magic, it tells you how magic is used in other situations, and to go back to other magical scenes and see what you can take from them.
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I kind of wonder how Hideyoshi was able to kill both Rudolf and Kyrie, especially at such a disadvantage. I guess he didn't come unscathed, though, considering he died. So it could be as simple as a bullet missing. him or him attacking before Rudolf and Kyrie were ready.
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Uh huh, Kyrie... you can tell both this was written by someone with love for Kyrie and Rudolf and that they are someone who knows Kyrie might uh, have some issues.
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To be honest, I originally took this to mean Eva literally did show herself and caused the shootout where she was the one survivor when I first read it... I guess I was being too literal when I read this for the first time. It's more of a general representation on Eva's complicated feelings towards her family, the gold, etc coupled with her fucking up the board.
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Kyrie is more or less wrong about everything she says here, Rudolf was not in any remote way cornered, in fact if anything he was cornered *towards* dating Kyrie and he still picked Asumu. Kyrie was never anything more than Rudolf's side and they only ever got together officially because Asumu happened to die. To be honest I can't exactly blame rudolf for thinking Kyrie would kill him for revealing the truth.... he would in fact kind of deserve it.
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I kind of want to use this scene to springboard to talk about misogyny in Umineko in general - specifically the ones experienced by the mothers. This entire chapter is basically an essay on how Eva faces misogyny, Natsuhi was basically sold and used as a womb, Rosa was left by her husband and forced to deal with how society treats single mothers, Kyrie has shit with her family as well as Rudolf both depending on her while using her as a side piece and feeling emasculated by her, etc. really all the women in Umineko are greatly affected by misogyny. And since Umineko deals a lot with generational trauma and cycle of abuse that is also how misogyny is passed down in Umineko Eva yells at Natsuhi about how she is just a womb, tries to use the fact George is male and Jessica female to steal the headship from Jessica, and that's even before the awful way they treat Shannon. Natsuhi refuses to engage with her daughter as a full person with a variety of interesting and own personality and instead tries to mold her into a "proper" and "modest" woman. Rosa tells her own daughter she is the reason her father left and blames her for the people she is dating not wanting to deal with her. And finally, Kyrie throws endless shit to Asumu and basically has a headcanon about how Rudolf is blameless and Asumu was just a homewrecking whore who got in the way of her and Rudolf, when Rudolf is obviously the one at fault. I don't want to make it look like I am saying these are basically the same characters or anything like that, there is a lot of difference in motivations behind why they do this, in how they cope with it, etc, but I mostly discuss that in other posts so I don't want to go into that much details. I think Umineko overall deals with misogyny in a good way- it understands that misogyny isn't just a Big Bad Old Fashioned Man you have to defeat, and afterward misogyny is solved, it isn't something you can just defeat by just changing the way you think or whatever but a system built in favor of men that gets internalized by everyone, including women, and that those attitudes are internalized and passed to the next generation before they can so much as even talked. This is a little bit of a tangent but related to how all of the characters previously talked about are both victims and afterward abusers or otherwise people that harm others, I am happy that WTC works in general aren't shy of showing how abuse can be internalized in bad ways that cause harm to others while still holding sympathy and space for the victims. A lot of works are scared of this because if done wrong it can look like victim blaming or ignoring victims in favor of abusers, but I think works like this are really important for victims to understand that some imperfect behavior after being abused is normal and that they aren't irredeemable and can grow themselves if they ever fail and do bad things. holy shit I went on a huge tangent. I haven't played in like 2 days because I got the idea to write this 2 days ago and have been workshopping on my brain how to word it.
Anyways back on regularly scheduled Umineko, it is kind of funny how the first time humans really 'win' against magic it's not really presented in a positive light. They won because their vices were even worse than the vices of the stakes representing sloth and envy.
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Beatrice struggles about dancing around the fact she just wants Battler to acknowledge her for her own sake, lol.
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they have hinted like 10 times that the chiester sisters = gun in the last like 20 lines lmfao.
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They are dropping a bunch of hints towards what Beatrice actually wants here. The awkward conversation with EVA meant the same thing more or less too.
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This scene's interesting - I am sure Hideyoshi in actuality DID feel Eva was being changed by the gold into a crueler person but everything points towards him being pretty enabling overall. Also Hideyoshi hints towards magic and witchdom being about being unable to deal with the past. Also there is a line that says "The gun near rudolf killed Hideyoshi (paraphrasing) which is kind of interesting considering the manga says it was Kyrie instead.
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The fact Eva is freaking out this much about Hideyoshi going outside - even before she knew that Rudolf and Kyrie followed him is a hint that she was recruited, I think. After all, when talking with Rosa she said she thought the original murders were a prank, and she was the one that killed Rosa and Maria so.... why is she freaking out now?
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Ok yeah - she's using Yasu keywords like 'Golden witch" and witch in general on a nonfantasy scene. Definitely some hints towards that I think. i didn't catch that Eva was an accomplice in this episode until I read the manga, to be honest. Thought she'd just murdered people on her own. Definitely didn't trust Yasu at all though, didn't even tell her she found the gold.
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networksupported · 1 year
eyes emoji can you tell us something about 144?
actually everything is split into three categories. imagine it's all a string board bc that's how my thoughts are composed. yayye :)
so section one!! 144 themself :) consistently through every timeline, employee 144 is a 19-20 y/o. they use she/they pronouns and are in charge of constructing the powerpoints displayed in the meeting room. though actually given that windows movie maker is canon to the tsp universe i think she should get to use that too yk what i mean??
at least one side of her head is shaved, but she keeps her hair long, long enough to cover up that bit if her boss ever makes her
which he does frequently because apparently its not "professional" but like boo to that
also despite her name/title, she's very rarely actually...employed?? in the company??? you'll get me in a sec
in the og tsp universe as in The Game (which you just lost hah) i don't think she'd ever really appear?? like i think everything you'd learn about her would be through the powerpoints she left behind
one bc that's very underrated as a tsp character trope two because i want there to be a bit where the narrator just says something and the powerpoint flips to a slide that's like 'hey shut up' and the narrators like don't be silly stanley that can't be about me but the slides just keep getting more and more specific to stanley's situation I THINK IT WOULD BE FUNNY ALRIGHT
but also the last slide is just def like cut off midword at some point and you never find out what happened to her after that :)
she probably has a name in that universe but i don't think you'd ever find it out i think all you'd get is like a tagline about 'slides made by employee 144' on the title card and that's it
you also wouldn't get to know this but like i like to think she's like an intern at this point in time like she's not really getting paid for this but also it might look bad to get rid of her so they're just stuck with her ass
her boss: (head in his hands) why don't you just go uh. make some powerpoints. yeah that'll be very helpful thank you.
but in like her main verse
oh BOY her main verse where do i start
in that universe, essentially the stanley parable never happened?? the office is a Much bigger scarier corporation there that was much more involved in people's lives than just employing them
like that office contains hospitals and dorms and nurseries and laboratories and Everything
so because they have so much diction over peoples lives they have diction over their names which is why 144 is literally just named employee 144 in that universe
first name employee last name onefourfour
no that's a lie their names just 144 employee is like a title that doesn't actually quite dignify whether or not one is- well- employed
it's all very complicated
essentially employee just means you're a member of the corporation as a whole which of course a lot of the current generation (144 included) have been from birth
not that they're wandering around calling lil babies "employee" though. i think it's like 'ma'am' or 'sir' as a title like its just a mark of respect or adulthood
okay i'm getting off track here what was my point???
oh yeah the point is this means employee 427 exists BUTTT because he's not named stanley then well
there is no story about a man named stanley to be told so the stanley parable never really happens
so the office just keeps expanding and expanding and expanding and nothing disrupts it and nobody vanishes
actually nobody even so much as dies espilecially of old age :)
that just doesn't happen. its a very normal and sane thing and there's nothing behind that at all :)
so at this point in tjme 144 is beginning to bridge the gap between being taken care of as a child and put into actual Employment
she's old enough that she's being given certain jobs and work and stuff (hence the fact in this universe she's ALSO in charge of microsoft powerpoint presentations that important staple for every creepy organisation) but she's prone to acting out enough that they're hesitant to actually Give Her Important Work To Do
honestly she should be in a lot more trouble than she is but the big boss of the place (a man named zero) is willing to be lenient about a lot when it comes to her behaviour
it's not like any kind of hardcore acting out i mean
i don't even know if the whole mind control element works in the same way in this world but i feeeeel like even without it things would continue as they are doing right now
because i mean atp a lot of people there are at least third generation they've lived there they've grown up there it's their home
even if whatever residual or active mind control there was got removed i don't think they'd really notice or change their ways
so 144 isn't doing what she does in terms of fucking shit up because she's immune or knows the truth or anything she's just. yk how it be sometimes. sometimes you have to put penises in important work presentations. because why not.
i haven't quite formulated everything about this system but i think employee numbers might be like. rankings? so 0 is the highest and if you're at 999 boo everyone hates you 👎
my deepest apologies to anyone who has an oc who's #999 that was not directed at you i prommy
so anyway as it goes 144 is actually?? pretty high up the list? she's often treated with more/less (depending on the person) respect than the title deserves but i think nobody can really advocate for her to be moved any higher or any lower given she's terrible at working but zero likes her which cancels each other out somewhere in the middle
i think a similar things probably happening with the employee 432
bitches hate him but he's not TECHNICALLY doing anything wrong so
they can't move him down xP
"wait toby what happens to the number scale when babies are born" i don't know actually good question!!
i feel like you give birth to a baby and zeros like wonderful :) they shall be called 235 and the current 235 just goes 😬 because he knows this means he's probably gonna be taken out back and shot somewhere to make room for it /hj
not that zero would ever actually say he'd done that though
'isn't it wonderful we had the space of 235 free?' 'dude what happened to the last 235' 'i'm sure i have no idea what you mean :)'
man rip to 235 ive already created him and killed him off in like two minutes
he'll live forever in our hearts ❤️
so 432 is barely avoiding getting shot because he knows they need him for Experimentation And Shit (though it's probably not linked to mind control this time) and 999 is like. they're managing i think. barely.
i feel like they're definitely not the original 999 but if zero kept shooting them and replacing them then people might start to get suspicious so
they're alive for now!!
back when i said nobody died i mean i don't THINK that's actually true i think zero probably just pretends they're fine and alive and living in a special bit of the office just for people who are fine and alive
so really it would be more 'isn't it wonderful 235 decided to give up his position to our adorable little member of the next generation?' 'dude what was that gunshot i just heard' 'no more questions thank you :)'
we're getting off track again (i shake my fist at at zero) okay so back to the topic at hand!! 👍
the other point is i think that this probably means 144 has special benefits due to the person they're essentially replacing? like the original 144 was very close to zero so zeros kind of putting all this pressure on her replacement to like.
be worth having taken her out back and shot her yk???
like he only did it because he thought 144 was a very special baby (more on that at six) and he still harbours those feelings but he's getting HELLA desperate now
probably because it was a shit move dude
okay you know what it's six (it is 3:40 at the time i'm writing this) lemme tell you about 144s birth
i like to title this section 'fuck you all (not you guys though) i am allowed to spend my teenage years making mary sue ocs because if not now then when??? actually that previous statement was a lie i will now make them all the time i will be making them way into my sixties but my god shall i start now'
brief synopsis of the birth of 144: uhhh it didn't happen???
i mean presumably it did because there was a baby produced but like. there was no record or knowledge of it there was no person pregnant enough to have made a baby at the time a baby was found lying on the cold floor of a meeting room but by god was there a baby there nonetheless and by GOD was it wailing its lil heart out in that way babies do
so the poor employees who found this thing were like huh?? and they asked each other if they knew of anyone who's baby this could be and they didn't and they tried to work out how someone could very quietly give birth to a baby then keep it quiet all the time they were just leaving it and none of it made any sense
so they were like hey zero. know you're real busy rn. but quick question. there's uh there's a baby.
and zeros like what?? and they're like there's a baby. look. and they hold up the baby and sure enough it's still a baby
so now they're all as confused as each other but in the meantime there's a baby and it's still crying
me too lil buddy i feel ya
so employee 144 mark 1 is like okay well this is going nowhere lemme take this lil guy and she takes the baby and it quiets down in the way babies sometimes do
and immediately the office registers its first ever reset!!
which is. not that dramatic actually. everyone's shaken up they can feel everything Change but there's nothing cemented that anyone can pin down apart from the fact for .4 seconds Every Computer And Other Technological Device In The Building Crashes
like i'm talking flat out blackout everything just Goes albeit for a very short period of time
and then it all boots back up!!
and zeros like hm. very suspicious.
and 144 mark 1 subsection a is like hey what do you mean by that it was just a powercut or do you think i birthed the baby or whatever?
and zeros like no no!! don't be silly :)
and 144 mark 1 subsection a category i is like ah phew well i was worried there and zeros like actually i think you're the same person :)) and she's like. huh. okay well- wait huh????
and zeros like yeah i actually have this theory that every employee replacement is like the reincarnation of the employee whose number they're taking (i'm so sane btw) and then 144 mark 1 subsection a category i genus humanus has to sit down for a little bit because a) that's stupid as hell and b) she's damned if she's dying for a baby who's probably shat its nappy in this time simply because some computers crashed the moment she picked it up
and then she dies for a baby who had absolutely shat its nappy in this time simply because some computers crashed the moment she picked it up and that's the end of that which is good because i was running out of categorisation i could apply to her name.
i think that's the end of that, at least. right?
2k words you know what i shan't curse you with any more xP
there IS more i assure you!! but dear lord let me get this block out the way first
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emberkeelty · 7 months
Continued from this.
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The Earthshakers call the Fatebinder a follower of the Scarlet Chorus. At this point, she can't even argue.
Instead, she just keeps spiraling!
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Hey, remember how she went through all that trouble to spare your worthless life? Yeah, she really doesn't know why she bothered! You know what will definitely make her feel better? Killing things!
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How much time did any of this even buy her?
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Really? You're surprised she needs a drink?
Lantry was two-timing his guild on orders from Nerat for decades. No wonder he's always on so many drugs now, after that all blew up in his face.
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This isn't fun anymore.
TGEK's LP describes the Chorus route as being a story about the folly of thinking evil means can be used to achieve anything but evil ends. That's accurate enough for a one-liner summary, I think, but what I'm getting out of this is something a lot less... dualistic. After all, the rebel path still sees you using some evil means, albeit less than usual, and if you play your cards right there you can achieve ends that are, if not unambiguously good, at least pretty clearly better than the alternatives. For a time, anyway. But that's another point where I differ from TGEK, and that's a whole separate thesis.
More to the point... what exactly does it mean when I say that the Scarlet Chorus is evil? That sounds like a stupid question, I know. Their atrocities aren't hard to list, since they keep them on full display. Just on the face of it, they are obvious, almost generic Chaotic Evil. But that's exactly the trap! Compared to the Disfavored, they seem honest about what they are, and in a way, that can be freeing. "This is war. Try to enjoy it," as Verse says. Besides, many of their more obvious transgressive tendencies are things that a certain kind of person might find outright appealing.
But there's a deeper darkness that, as usual, traces all the way up to Kyros. There's a reason Nerat is a many-faced monster of flames and voices, and as with all Archons, the reason for his existence impacts everything he touches. When he says that he's loyal, not only does he mean it, but he means something very specific by it. Like Bleden Mark and unlike Tunon or Graven Ashe, he knows exactly what Kyros really is. Unlike Mark, he's fully committed anyway. Kyros doesn't stand for anything at all beyond her own power, so true loyalty doesn't mean following her laws or fighting for her glory, but rather being subsumed by her every whim. As below, so above. Nerat's own soul got eaten a long time ago.
Most everyone has something they hold sacred, something that it would shatter them to violate. Sure, the specific thing that broke Nerat was a violent betrayal of his blood family, but that's just flavor. Verse loved her Fury sisters and is a wreck about what she did to them. Fireweed was fiercely proud of her connection to the Beast tribes, and now she's gone and used it as a profane bargaining chip. The Chorus will get you where you live. Like Kyros herself--the truth of her that Nerat sees--it demands nothing less than complete self-annihilation.
In the end, Fireweed does more or less get what she wanted.
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And yet, it kind of feels like a farce. A bad parody.
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Really? That's the word you're going with?
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It... could be worse. Quite a lot worse. She did what she could, right? And who's to say there was ever a chance it could have been any better?
(There was. She missed it two years ago, back during the conquest, when she was pettily abusing her power as a Fatebinder to work out her grudge against the Disfavored. She murdered the Queen of Apex because the Chorus thought it would be funny and the Disfavored were against it. The transgressions that don't matter to you can still alienate you enough to bind you into committing the ones that do.)
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tolltale · 8 months
Band name, Persona, Manager, Besties, Wild card, 4 Sam?
THANK YOU FOR ASKING also it got distressingly long if u read it all you're a HERO
ask meme
Band name: How did they and the others come up with the band name? Has the name changed since it was founded?
"merry bones" comes from one of the first songs they wrote as a band about how happy performing together made them and how they could feel "in their bones" that's what they wanted to do forever. (didn't age well for one member specifically 😐) It was "happy bones" initially but they were unconvinced. the merry part came from an anecdote of the first (and last, until the band) experience sam had singing to an audience being christmas caroling in the neighbourhood at like 9yo, and the fact that she hated it enough she threw a tantrum and stormed off mid-performance once. so it was a little bit an inside joke for the band and another bit seven insisting she had to like. reclaim the bad first experience and associate it to something that made her happy instead dgdjdk. she thought it sounded dumb but the idea grew on her with time lol
Persona: How does their day-to-day personality compare to their on-stage persona?
mmhh on stage I would say she appears more confident and self assured, doing what she's best at and what makes her the happiest. more intense and out there too. off stage she's still very outgoing but not in an intense way. She's friendly in a way that usually puts people at ease rather than intimidate......most of the time. she's also very aware of the fact she's performing for an audience and has to present a certain way and "deliver an experience". it was a lot less like that when she was in a duet but now she feels the pressure of being the solo singer and having most of the attention. then again Sam performs off stage too lol she tries to charm and be funny and is overly aware of the way she presents herself and the kind of image she wants to project. There are few people who get to see her with her guards completely down
Manager: Do they get along with Orion? What do they think of him as their band manager?
not only does sam like orion a lot she's also immensely incredibly grateful to him and she takes every chance to say the band wouldn't be where they are without him and she means it 100%. they met when she was aimless and the only reasons why she was still trying so hard to find success with the band were not letting down her friends and because losing seven would have been meaningless if she quit. And seeing someone believe in the band and their music strongly enough to drop literally everything was like a wake-up call. because she also chose the band and music over everything else she just had to remember why. She also appreciates that he often can offer a logical point of view. when she is feeling doubtful about their music/performance (ALBEIT RARELY) she goes to him because she doesn't want the others to know. to the band she's like "okay this one is the album that gets us a Grammy I KNOW IT" and to Orion she's like . "okay should I drop everything and become like. An accountant instead. BE HONEST"
also like recognises like and when they met they were both romantically still going through it so Sam definitely had a Recognition Through the Other moment. "That guy needs help. Yes I'm sure . No I'm not telling you why." they have mutual soft spots for each other bc i say so <3
Besties: What’s their friendship with Rowan like? What are some things only he knows about them?
it's a very two peas in a pod kind of deal. they're both warm friendly people and like to joke around and are difficult to anger. they also both share the sense of humor of a 12 years old. I think he's the one she's the most physically affectionate with out of everyone in the band. He's the only one who knows the full extent of how she felt about The Vote and what doubts THAT stirred >:( Like is she only valued for her voice??? if their fans preferred seven would she have gotten kicked to the curb instead?? fun stuff like that. She's 98% over it right now . On a good day. On a bad day I'll say 68% ☠️
Wild card: Tell us something about your MC! Feel free to really just roll us over with an emotional steamroller and crush the souls out of our bodies, if you’d like. (You’re also welcome to choose one of the other questions to answer!)
the whole tattoo ordeal with seven did not stop her liking of matching tattoos At All. She is nothing if not someone who repeats a mistake fifteen times dhdkdm she's constantly pitching ideas for like. A band tattoo they should all get or they should all draw something and she gets it all tattooed or Rowan can design something etc etc. sometimes her friends think it's because she wants a GOOD matching tattoo to redeem the first bad one but she genuinely doesn't regret it it's like. What if the relationship has soured or things go wrong it doesn't MATTER because there was a point in which they believed in it so much they were willing to permanently ink it on their skin. And that's never becoming untrue. It's real and that's what matters <3 That said her face still scrunches up like she bit into a lemon whenever she sees photos/videos of herself with the tattoo on full display. Hashtag no regrets
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tarotnoob · 2 years
BTS tarot reading: energy check (all members) August 2022
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RM: Page of pentacles, knight of pentacles; page of swords, 4 of Wands back of deck
So, certainly hard at work on something, probably something new. It would definitely indicate that he's working on writing new music, which should be obvious but with a page of swords, I think of writing and learning and messages. Knight of pentacles is somebody that's being very diligent and very focused on the work that they are doing. I would say it's a work in progress though, because behind the four of Wands, there's a ten of swords in reverse, so it makes me feel like something isn't quite finished. It doesn't have to literally be the project that he is working on now but just other things for him in general in a bigger scheme might be not fully receiving whatever closure he might need for it. But I think it's a bigger scope of an ending as in, a purpose of work over a long period of time, hasn't been concluded for him
With the page of swords, you know this is a person who is very curious about learning, curious about things in the sense that they have questions in their mind that they like to satisfy. But yeah I get the sense of somebody who's very engineer-minded. I know he's obviously very creative, but I've always thought he kind of has the brain of an engineer. Which explains sometimes why he doesn't have a lot of common sense as engineer tend to operate that way
But, what's interesting about the images on the pentacles cards is that for one, they are both dressed up in formal attire, they also seem to be a bit obsessed or concentrated on the coin that they are holding. So I would say non-stop working on this physical project. Working on a tape or whatever is going on. It is a new project though because we have two pages, pages are also about messages so working on something that conveys a message. So we can totally tell he's working on music
But, what you can also look at is that each card kind of represents travel. We have somebody on a bike, we have somebody that is in the sky. It looks like she's sitting on the end of a wrench but she's up in the sky so it makes me think of planes and the guy is sitting on a suitcase. So, there is travel involved for him. We've already seen it on his Instagram so I'm just saying. It might be that through this traveling or his process for being inspired often involves some type of travel or going around on a bike.
I almost wonder if there's a relationship as well. There wouldn't be a lot of time for one, but with this four of Wands and then how cute this page of swords is, I'm kind of like, I wonder if this is his energy or somebody else's. They would be sort of young and cute and tomboyish. It could be a friend.
I don't really feel like this is his energy beyond the writing and being a curious person. The formal attire is interesting, I would guess that in the near future, he or BTS have some type of event that they will go to where they have to dress up in suits. It's got this feel of being very sophisticated and formal. And of course it may involve travel to get there but it could be anywhere in Korea outside of Seoul or outside of the country as well but it does seem to indicate that travel is involved.
It's interesting that the wrench or I think it's a wrench... why is shesitting on a wrench she reminds me of gadget, the mouse from rescue rangers, she reminds me of that but I guess she kind of reminds me of other characters from cowboy Bebop or even I don't know It probably says in the guide book specifically what card this is like I guess I should read that and maybe it will clarify something
Lol okay so what it says is oh of course winry from FMA. See that's funny because I do get those vibes but I don't see that as him even though I said he's kind of like an engineer but anyway so it says engineers or mechanics appear in FMA izumi Curtis and winry, Bulma in dragon Ball, mei in My hero academy, Franky in One piece
Oh and it says The page of swords analog and anime is the engineer or mechanic archetype. These characters are experienced, curious, and confident in their skills. In many anime, their creations and inquiries are pivotal to the success of the main characters in overcoming obstacles and beating the big bads. There are times when obstacles can make it seem like there's no way out, but then the mechanics steps in and offers a solution no one had known was a possibility. Well usually not the main characters, they're essential to protagonist success.
So on the one hand I wonder if this is a person that helps him right or inspires him and some way, but on the other hand, this could be some type of mental state right now that or a conception he has where he doesn't envision himself as the main character and just sees him more as supporting character to BTS or I don't really know. It would depend on what image he has of himself and where he sees he fits within BTS and after BTS and what he's doing now. I don't think it's that deep, but it could be a very general humility thing that he has where he recognizes his place as a supporting character within the music industry or BTS specifically
I don't think he has any problem with that. This is very positive, satisfied energy. He just likes to make music and that's what he likes to do. And then I can tell that he has other interests but those interests would definitely involve travel and getting out and biking. But I think also these suits represent how sophisticated his talents are and he himself is. But we know he's very cultured, so I get that Yes he is working and he is creative, but this is a person who has a very sophisticated creative palette. His work would be very intellectual and intricate, like obviously referencing historical or classic literature. That's what I'm getting like not only is he hard working and currently working on projects, but his taste and his level of thinking is based on curiosity as well as a very sophisticated way of creating art
I don't really know what else you would like to know but not, very hard working. There is a bit of maturity missing I would say. He's only in his mid-20s, so he's not that old. That's right around the age for a knight. So, I might say something like you know, he still has a lot of things to learn and he is still quite young and maybe even immature or sheltered in some ways
I would also say he probably has multiple projects that he's working on because it's like one card is offering a pentacle and the other one is offering it and it's like they both are kind of showing the other card what they have. So I would expect that he's working on multiple individual musical projects right now and probably collaborations as well.
There may be some level of uncertainty here. I feel like the knight is kind of uncertain with what she's offering and then the other guy almost looks kind of bored with what he's looking at, so it's like maybe he's dissatisfied with something or you know is trying to work something out probably.
I also get from these cards that let's say someone has a song or a corporate entity has a song, they go we don't really like this as is can you figure this out and tweak this and come back with something. He's probably working on projects like this doing a lot of production work right now where people are giving him songs and then he improves them. And I feel like the page of pentacles when I think that, is a corporate person which is weird because the page is younger than the knight but to me I see him as the knight in this situation. So someone is like here is this bland thing and here you go do something with it and RM is like okay how about this
And there is that sense that even though both characters have these formal suits on sort of while he has a suit and she has you know this nice dressy outfit but with sexy boots, so it also makes me think there could be this internal debate he's having versus like doing something a bit more wild versus doing the same old same old status quo. It could be an issue of doing work that a corporate place would want versus doing the work that he wants to do, the type of music he wants to do but he might feel under pressure or regulated in some way by some corporate entity.
I personally feel more drawn to the knight card which is a bit more wild and free and I feel like the page is a bit bored or if the page is somebody else may be a bit pretentious and corporate, I would prefer to be in the energy of knight.
So that could be a thing that he's working on right now is going between something that's a bit more structured or limited versus being able to explore something more free and open and wild and sexy even
This could even be a sense of freedom that he's feeling where he went from the page to the knight where he felt a lot more boxed in and restricted and now he's able to be more independent. But it's weird because it's like it's the same persona but not as restricted. So what I would say is that his next work wouldn't be completely different from anything that he's done before. It would still be similar but only the slightest bit different, like a little bit more experimentation
But yeah, what can I say a lot of earth energy coming through for this Virgo, with a hint of air and a bit of fire
Jin, I forgot to take a picture for rm and I'm too lazy to find the cards
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Well, this is a bit interesting, we have moon and at the back is death and the chariot. We also have eight of pentacles, which is clarified by a 10 of wands
This this is surprising to me because I see him as being quite optimistic so let's try to figure this one out. Back of the deck, definitely makes me feel pushing toward a transformation. I don't see any indication of being like attached to the past, but since we have the moon and we have Scorpio, unless he has a moon in Scorpio, that represents a lot of subconscious energy. The moon represents phases, death also represents transformative phases, so he is in the energy of what he definitely acknowledges as a rather huge phase maybe coming to an end for him. The 10 of Wands, is usually a card about being somewhat burdened or stressed out, bearing some type of responsibility and being close to letting it go. It's attached to a card that represents work and learning skills.
So, very obviously it seems like a big transformative phase that is revolving around work or learning skills and it's kind of reached its peak of being close to a point of letting it all go. I don't know if I want to look at the moon and death and feel like this person is kind of mourning it in a way as almost a literal death, but it doesn't have to be looked at very negatively. I could see this person as thinking it's quite natural for death whether literal or figurative to be part of life and they're like okay that's life and now we're moving on. But the 10 of Wands certainly indicates that it was tough work. It was stressful for this person
I feel like it's the energy of somebody that pushed and pushed and pushed until the end. And do I want to say that they feel relief? I don't really feel that I feel that there is a bit of sadness but it's buried. It's buried in the subconscious but there might be lots of conscious things correcting this as in telling himself that you know it's part of life it's natural but deeper down, there is some sense of whether it's a relief to be done or an acknowledgment that it was hard work and that's it. And it's done. Like very black and white, very factual. Did this thing for a long time and it was tough and now it's over. And now there's a new phase.
What's interesting is that two cards sitting at the back of the deck which would be the chariot and the Queen of pentacles both indicate a situation that's either an older sibling and younger sibling or maybe a mom and a child or older sister and a child, so I'm not sure if this is related to siblings or something going on with the members. But, it's strange because the death card shows a girl about to be hit by a moving vehicle, when I think of the chariot, I also think of moving vehicles and on it is this older brother with his younger sister. Again, the queen of pentacles almost represents for me an older sister with the younger sister and those characters somewhat represent the character on the moon
These things don't happen for a reason and I don't know his personal life, so even the character on the death card about to be hit by the car looks like some of the figures here but why there's this feeling of sibling and sadness and death and transformation. You could look at BTS as a family and be like well you know but it doesn't really feel like that to me.
What it could be in the most general way I can say without knowing his personal business like his personal relationships with his family, would be that this is somebody rocketing forward to the next phase almost to a weird degree. Like I know it would sound really healthy to be like I'm so okay with you know going into the next phase, I welcome it, I totally go with the flow. There are some people who are probably that okay with it but then sometimes I think it's kind of like a overcompensation for something. You know people who act very cheery and you know that they're like riddled with anxiety
For example, I worked at this one university and there was the super cheerful woman who worked upstairs in admissions and I forget what she did but maybe it was admin duties and she always acted like you know she was super personable, what she was but it was like you could tell that, it was kind of like an act as well. And I've known several people like that that act like they're very cheerful, but then you know that they're hiding something
And the Moon death both kind of have that unconscious subconscious stuff going on, so there could be more going on with him than we will ever see on the surface. There are things that are being hidden, but I don't know what. It could be if it is related to a sibling, I would think that it would read as perhaps a sibling having financial difficulties or this death card really worries me because literally this woman is well she's a girl and she's about to get hit by a car and it's a very sudden impact and the chariot is very similar and the moon represents sadness sometimes or lack of clarity.
But this shows clear directions so I don't think clarity is the issue other than it could be a surprise of some sort. The chariot is very fast-moving, this vehicle in the death card looks fast moving so it could be that there is some type of shock or surprise or accident that may arise for somebody in his family. If it hasn't happened already, it could be happening soon and maybe it will involve a traffic incident or maybe it's like a figurative accident. But when I see the death and the chariot together, I would have to definitely bring up a traffic incident. Or some type of public transportation, anything that moves.
But what's behind the chariot is the queen of pentacles, so it just makes me think of work again. This is a very work and money focused reading with some burden and some subconscious stuff going on.
I love this moon card, she looks like asuka from eva though I'm sure if I opened the guide book it would tell me specifically who it is supposed to be like but she looks like she has the white suit on. And that moon is interesting actually you know what it looks like a moon and a sun combined. And of course he has that song Moon. Which I love because every time I hear it when I am driving, I have to dance because it has that cute little part that you just like can't not move to but anyway
I was going to say that somehow the moon almost looks like a scythe behind her, which again you know it reminds me of the death card and the reaper. So on the one hand, it could be you know I would just say be careful while you're driving right now or to any of his family, lol but it just seems more about a harvest or reaping what you sow, it there's a lot of energy here about phases and transformation. The moon, farming, the fields, times or periods of life that pass and go and just seeing that as part of life. I wouldn't be surprised well I think he's religious but I was almost about to say I wouldn't be surprised if he's an atheist because this feels like somebody who would be very like we only have one life so we might as well enjoy it but I'm pretty sure that he isn't an atheist but I guess you could be Christian or whatever and still have this mentality of YOLO. But I still feel like under all of it it's a bit of an overcompensation for something. I don't know him personally so I don't know for sure what that would be
But yeah I just see it as he might view the BTS break or whatever is going on is simply an end to a phase that was a lot of work. I guess I feel very clinical when I look at this but then all I know is that there's something deeper going on. There's something very fast moving and a bit harsh and a bit clinical here as well. So, it may be harder for this person than they are willing to admit to close this particular chapter and so they might rationalize it as that's life
Because I do think there is sadness here. It could be a person who is just a sad person and tries to show that they're not sad. But I feel sadness. I feel somebody again who is very pentacles driven which is odd. He's a Sagittarius which doesn't have to mean anything but I'm feeling like somebody very numbers and having a particular way of thinking that feels a bit rigid but again it's a rigidness that comes from overcompensating about something. Sometimes people like structure because it makes them feel in control but then you project this attitude of being very carefree. But like if you're projecting that type of attitude but then on the other side you know you have all of these interests in financial stuff or financial details, you aren't completely carefree. There's a level of calculation going on here
That doesn't have to be anything negative, or anything hypocritical, a person could simply be a mix of both. I guess you can be carefree but also you know be an investment banker lol and that's kind of what he feels like but like I said that carefree part feels very calculated in a sense. I'm not saying it's fake, it just feels calculated
I feel like I want to point out the energy again and say we have Scorpio, cancer, and if you want to recognize the moon as just the moon or cancer again, or even Pisces
So there could be that double cancer energy happening here, perhaps he could have a Scorpio or cancer moon, I'm not sure what he has I guess I could look it up and see, or this could really be a family situation because when I think of fourth house or cancer, I think of family situations. It could even specifically be a relationship with a mother because the moon can also represent mother, the fourth house tends to focus on mother, so there could be something going on with family or a mother on top of everything else. I also feel somebody that's very self-made. I don't know how to describe that because when you work as a group that's not really being self-made but there is energy here of somebody who takes care of themselves but that could just mean he does his own financial investments
It's definitely somebody who's very comfortable taking care of themselves and being by themselves and making their own worth or making their own wealth. I don't see a person who is very codependent at all in fact they are quite as you would expect for a Sagittarius
There's probably more I could go into because I'm really drawn to the 10 of Wands card and on it, these all look like literal fairy wands or magic wands, so on the one hand I could read this as something about magic or wishes or a fairy godmother or something. So maybe it's more like the magic is over or if somebody had a certain amount of magic in a game to complete a spell or an action and it's like okay I spent it on that one move and now it's over and I'm satisfied with just that.
I couldn't tell you by looking at this whether I think that he's working on new projects. Eight of pentacles but certainly indicate they're still work being done and things being learned, but when it's clarified by the ten of Wands there is a sense of something ending. Same with Scorpio being here in the death card, also endings and beginnings. So you could say okay well this one big thing is ending and perhaps something else is beginning but all I can say for sure is this would be somebody who's very okay with and has said you know that's just part of life, move on to the next phase, things begin and end all of the time, nothing special about any of that.
Maybe I will look at the numbers for him because we have eight, nine, 10 so again toward the end of a cycle we also have the four with the death card and obviously a seven with Chariot which it's pretty normal to get a seven card with any BTS reading
So there is some structure and stability themes as well as philanthropy or spirituality, confidence or empowerment and independence and then ending is to cycles. I think there are components here I would need more information to understand specifically what these cards are about because I see it as I don't have enough information. It seems more like it's related to a personal matter.
And I don't know why but very specific imagery keeps coming in here about harvests and farms, specifically wheat. Maybe he's investing in some type of farming or is buying some type of land. But like I said there's lots of imagery of scyth's and reapers. Which is interesting because on the one hand it represents death and the grim reaper, but it's also a metaphor for crops and growing things. I don't know what that's about but that's so strong in his energy
Phases, cycles, beginnings and ends that are natural parts of life and very organic
It could just be that this death card is telling me you know this person sees death or the death of things as very natural and part of life and not anything to be attached to because they're so normal. It's interesting. I would want to have a conversation with him about his take on life and death for the end of things because I feel like he would give me a lot of farming references
And I think somebody in his family has a strawberry farm so maybe farming is quite a big thing with his family. So, he could be visiting family on a farm or trying to invest in that or help them by providing money for that kind of stuff but that's what I see right now
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Okay, well before I even finished shuffling, the hermit card came out and I was like okay but let me just add some cards to it in case and got the devil and seven of pentacles
So, so far we have the energy of Capricorn and Virgo. This is kind of weird lol but on the one hand we know what the devil can mean as a card, but it also represents Saturn, wish for me can represent restrictions or some type of discipline or usually would pertain to career. Hermit is also a card where we know the literal meaning can be taking some time to go inward, but it can also be a card of spiritual enlightenment. Because usually you're just going inward and doing some soul searching and spiritual work
Seven of pentacles is long-term investment or patients or working hard over a long period of time. And this could indicate somebody who spends a lot of time locked away and working which could be why the devil is here saying you know you are kind of a workaholic lol
And you have been for a long time
It would make me think of somebody who is introverted to a degree that they could be slightly antisocial. I don't know if I want to say that I feel this person is impatient because sometimes if you had a seven of pentacles and the devil you might look at it and be like okay well you're not patient enough, but since the Herman is here and the hermit gives that feeling of slowing down, I actually see it as somebody who is a little too slow or a little too introverted or a little too antisocial or a little too lock myself away and work
And even the back of the deck which is a card that came up for Jin is eight of pentacles so work work work work work
I think I want to clarify his cards because it's almost like I feel like I'm being messed with in that some of the cards have double meanings. And it's like it doesn't want me to read the literal meaning except that it also applies but not really anyway let's just clarify and we won't have to worry about it
What the heck is going on. Okay let's go through all the different scenarios. The hermit which could also indicate a timing of something happening during Virgo season for him, we have ace of Wands. So something new starting, could be something new starting as in during Virgo season, there is some type of new passion project that he starts and maybe secludes himself to work on or it could also be working with a Virgo like a collaboration of sorts but also perhaps this project would come out at the time. It could be that he's working with RM or JK as a possibility.
But mostly I see this as somebody going inward and inspired to do something. Like they get some type of inspiration that what do I want to say, let's just say it comes from that same spiritual blob where we would get creative inspiration. Suddenly we're just hit with that inspiration when we're watching a movie or it just comes to us, that's kind of what I feel like more of is the ace of Wands. It's that you know okay I certainly have inspiration and now I'm going to lock myself away and work on this until it's done
The hermit card since it's Virgo, can also be about learning or details or health. That doesn't really fit with the ace of Wands but there is creative energy that seems to be around Virgo season or just somebody who locks themself away and feels inspired and works on things That's the first part
Now the devil, I happen to put it down as a six of swords in reverse and six of swords is moving on from the past and potentially travel, the fool also came out, so that's brand new stars or a sense of going with the flu, taking risks. So if the six of swords is reversed that would make me think that there isn't movement going forward which is the exact opposite of what the fool represents
And it's very basic I would just say there is indication of something new needing to happen but it seems to be stuck and it is stuck due to something related to the devil which can be all kinds of vices or codependencies or being stuck in certain behavioral or thinking patterns but there is a sense of being chained but maybe those chains become loose or break by Virgo season although the devil came out after so this could actually be there's inspirational or something will happen with him during Virgo season but by the time Capricorn season comes around, there's something that's stuck
It could also be read with reversals for me Just means that it hasn't happened yet and obviously Capricorn season hasn't happened so there could be some type of travel and some type of new something that happens around Capricorn season, whether it's a project or a tour but it could definitely involve work because like I said Saturn makes me think of career.
But you know even on this card this devil card, there are chains tying the people to the devil or whatever and it's like six of swords definitely indicates that somebody can't seem to move on. Imagine if you were trying to leave on a boat and the anchor was still thrown out. He couldn't go very far. But, there is this fool energy so it's like something wants to or needs to happen. On the one hand it's almost like I guess I should say they want to do this or move on to something but maybe there's some type of contract or something else where they cannot completely break free of something until a certain point whether it's Capricorn season or whatever
I would definitely guess that it would probably pertain to some type of contract and not being free yet but being free in the future and like I said I do feel like the timing would make sense for December or January for you to see something where he breaks a contract or doesn't sign a contract for something.
Why? Because he doesn't want to he feels inspired to do something else and to be free and to start fresh and start something new and maybe even have more control and flexibility
Now let's see what the third part will tell us about this. This is very rebellious energy to me when I think of the fool I also think of Uranus, which is supposed to be that rebellious planet, makes you think of Aquarius energy as well and that's a person who doesn't listen to rules and does what they want to do when they want to do it which I also am getting from this hermit and Ace of Wands. This is a lone wolf you know
The seven of pentacles does make me think of besides BTS because it's a seven card and like I said the sevens tend to pop out for them, this could be the BTS contract something to do with that or a long-term contract that already existed for them because I think they did sign the last one for 7 years didn't they and that was in 2019 so their contract would be up 2026 I don't know or maybe I already was up who knows
But yeah this is like going solo or breaking free. I mean I know that's what they're doing already as a break but it really feels like a legal break
Okay so anyway the seven of pentacles had a lot of cards fall out so there's probably a lot going on we have another ace, ace of cups and we have the empress and we have justice, so we have two cards related to Libra coming out. Although empress can also represent Taurus energy but yet strongly for energy coming through here and three of pentacles which is that collaboration and teamwork, Justice can also be legal proceedings as well and karma or I see it as somebody who is gathering a bunch of factual information in order to make in an informed decision. Which is what the scales and the justice card kind of represent to me You know that which scale weighs more based on the information you have
And based on that, you can make a decision
We also have the two of pentacles
So what does all of this mean. Well we have seven of pentacles which I said is that long-term commitment or waiting a long time for somebody to get their investment but again BTS is weird and the seven usually also stands for BTS as the group
Okay so with that in mind as our overarching theme, what's explaining it would be the empress card which is potentially about aesthetics or money or creativity, love. The Justice card like I said can be legal matters or a sense of destiny. We have collaboration. And we have two of pentacles can be prioritizing or having to juggle multiple things at once and trying to keep everything in balance which also matches with that Libra card because it's also about balance
So there's some sense of BTS as the group and balance, perhaps even literal legal issues, collaboration, creativity, money
If I'm honest with you, one thing that came to mind was perhaps legal proceedings to get certain rights to belong more to BTS than anybody else like buying the rights for songs or something like that. But the ace of cups kind of throws that off and makes it feel more like a project because Ace of cups is love but it's creativity or you know the birth of a project a creative project and the empress is also bringing in that creative energy. It's weird because it's a mix of love and creativity. I don't really feel like it's one or the other, there's a reason that it's all together. And there is destiny here so I guess what I want to say is basically for some reason the seven of pentacles wants to talk about BTS being related to the other cards.
To me it's kind of like an overall what's going on with them anyway we have the energy of somebody creatively going solo to work on stuff and to detach from something that for a long time they have been attached to and weren't able to move on and take risks and do their own thing. It reminds me just a bit of what I was talking about with RM when I was saying you know one person is in that suit and corporate world and then the other card maintains that sort of formal appearance but at the same time has started to go a bit wild by writing a bike and has a sexier outfit
I still think there is something legal going on here as well and it's related to BTS as a group. I don't know what's going on behind the scenes but my guess is it has to do with detaching from a long-term contract and even if not that it would just be somebody that probably felt like they were being held back for a while and weren't able to work on projects the way they wanted or specifically for themselves
I mean it's pretty harsh lol like when I look at the devil card I'm like is this really what he thought like he felt changed to something. It didn't have to be that deep but there is like an interesting vibe to it. Like imagine somebody who is very blunt. They're not a bad person, but they never hold back with what they feel because I don't know if they feel they need to be honest or it's just their personality so it's almost like you know you would ask one person okay what did it feel like to be in a group for x amount of time. You would get one answer from RM would be very diplomatic in the way that he would respond and then you would have somebody like Yoongi and he would be like sometimes it was tough and I felt claustrophobic and now I can do my own thing. I mean he wouldn't say that many words but it's the same topic and you can answer it diplomatically or you can answer it bluntly. Anybody can say whatever they want at any time they want but there are reasons that we don't. This person is saying something in a way that is rather blunt in energy because they are making an illusion to feeling chained down and not moving. You know it's like hyperbole of energy
But that's how they feel so.
The hermit is very interesting I think it's a great card for him. I think she's also got headphones on. That's awesome. That or she has horns but they look like headphones underneath her hood and there's a little thing on the ground that looks like pizza. So I wonder if he's the type of person when he works on music that he just like orders pizza and there's garbage everywhere that he doesn't take out because he's so busy working
So what I would say is I don't know specifically what's going on and take everything with the grain of salt, I'm just putting the components together. But there would be something interesting to look out with him during Virgo season as well as Capricorn season or a collaboration with a Virgo and/or Capricorn as well but we have justice energy, so JM too.
He could be assisting any of those members with production work. There is a sense of love and destiny that he has put around this BTS part of the reading. There's the Ace of cups and empress you know that's love, Justice is destiny, three of pentacles is collaboration and yeah
So that's all I can say is keep an eye out for Virgo season with him but it could just be a time that he gets inspired or it could be a time where he releases something. And then again something big might come during Capricorn season, some type of announcement that has to do with legalities or contracts related to BTS I think or hybe
And there is a sense of juggling something that has to do with BTS, juggling and choices but maybe it could be like working on my stuff versus working on group stuff and that's just going on or that was a burden or something some type of mix of that. It feels like you know it's not a super deep reading that I'm getting from him, it's kind of like obvious stuff superficially that's going on besides the feeling chained and stuck which could be how he felt in the past or it could be a specific legal event coming up in December or January or decision that would have to be made about a moving on from something, and it would be risky. Or would involve risk and really I keep getting the impression it's legal stuff
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You know what's funny is I started to feel anxious as I shuffled his cards and then when they came out, I was really uncertain because they just sort of fell out clumsly as I was shuffling. So I was like wait do I want to keep these cards or do I not want to, should I reshuffle them and then I looked at those picture and I was like why would you reshuffle them you didn't do that for any of the other cards. And then I started looking at his car that's and I was like five of pentacles is somebody in search of something or lacking something and six of Wands is kind of public validation or recognition
So I was like oh that's exactly what I'm thinking and when I'm talking about being uncertain and having anxiety so to me it's somebody searching for something especially around work that it looks like they are seeking something that they're lacking and what comes to mind is some type of validation especially with six of Wands at the back
Somebody seeking maybe probably validation or recognition for their work because there's something uncertain maybe on the inside. I think that it's obvious with Lollapalooza he was already trying to prove himself. I don't think he was necessarily trying to prove himself to others but to himself. Like their felt like there was a strong anxiousness to do it really quickly. And I thought that was probably a test for himself. Which makes sense if you're really anxious about something it's better to just rip the Band-Aid off right which is what he did
Yet the energy is still there of searching for something. Even the knight here which is a card that RM also got, this person looks like they are in search of something and they are doing it through work or they're searching for something within work. That has to do with a six of Wands situation, which is success or notoriety or fame.
But like I said we have five of pentacles here and that's somebody who is lacking in something. You could look at it and be like well this person is lacking money and work but that's not the case so it's something else. And what keeps screaming to me is somebody in search of validation. It does have a material feel to it. There is some level of validation through how much stuff they have or how much money they make or how many physical awards or statistics go on with records
And I do think that this person would look at that stuff and find that to be more of a validation than how they feel internally about something. I think he could feel proud but at the same time I think he doesn't listen to himself for that and seeks validation externally and like I said it seems to be through physical things like charts or money or stuff
Of all of them, fame seems to be somewhat significant to him. Public fame, material possessions, money. These things do matter to him. And he sees them as a way to measure his worth or success. I'm not judging this, because some people operate this way. It's very difficult for people who are uncertain about themselves to just not be able to feel good about anything but they do. Like they might think it's good but what really tells them is good is how other people react to it and how well it does. This kind of fits with him I think based on what I've viewed of his social media compared to the others
And he has said it himself you know he likes to look good. They were talking about phones and if there was a crack in the screen would they just keep the phone or would they get a new one and he was like oh I would get a new one right away because I wouldn't like the way it looks. He might have some type of Libra in his chart where he's very concerned with aesthetics and don't get me wrong I love him but I can tell through these cards this is somebody who is probably going to be materialistic. They are going to care about their status and wealth and the things that they have and how well their music does on charts. That doesn't mean he's only in it for that, but it's part of a validation process for him
Either I didn't shuffle well or back of deck is also showing me some similar energy to Yoongi. I think some of it has to do with shuffling so I'll just focus on these cards.
The Knight does have their back to the five of pentacles, so this could actually have been worse in the past. It could be that he's getting over it or in the future, he will no longer feel like he has to use those things as validation.
But, definitely a big sense of somebody searching for something that they're missing. I think this would make sense of any artist kind of out on their own and trying to figure out who they are or I don't really think he doesn't know himself as a person, I think it has to do with figuring out his brand? Like as a solo act? That's more of what I feel. Because we have two pentacle cards so it is work and it is material and it is superficial so that's what he seems to be focused on.
He already has traveled but the knight in this particular deck gives the vibe of travel because she's on a motorcycle. Although even though I felt that more for RM that there was travel as well I'm really focused on the fact that she has the breakdown so she's actually stopped. You know it's weird is this is supposed to be about a very slow moving type of character but a motorcycle is pretty fast although it's not very fast when you have the breakdown lol
So in this instance I will say it feels like something has stopped or slowed. The person is very focused on the coin, they even stopped what they were doing to focus on it. But what they are focused on has to do with something that's missing or something that is lacking or a loss of some kind. Whether it's financial or material or spiritual in nature. Five of pentacles can also indicate somebody who is wanting help or in the area where they could ask for help or receive help but they are choosing to walk past it or ignore it.
That doesn't really resonate for anything that I know of him so I just see this as somebody who's really trying to fill a void that has to do with validation on a material and career level probably
My impression is that they will have success because he's got six of Wands at the back. But it still feels like somebody who's always like okay did this do well or did this do enough or will this be taken well. I think he makes very stylish music and is very stylish in general and I think he's very creative driven, but there is just this other thing of money matters and charts matter and things matter.
But maybe he will be on a path where he may discover that that stuff doesn't really mean anything in the end. In theory, maybe some altruistic person would be like true happiness is about sharing art and blah blah blah blah which is great and you should do art for the sake of joy because you like to produce it but there's no reason not to be able to monetize it because this is literally what they do for a living. But when I look at the five of pentacles and these look like coins but there are holes in them. It's like well once they have holes in them, they're worthless they don't mean anything. And it could also be that maybe you know however much money or however much material fame or things he receives, it's never going to be enough to fill those holes that probably have more to do with just self worth issues
But like I said this could be in the past but she is holding a complete pentacle with no hole in it and then you have five pentacles with holes in them.
And she's very focused on that whole pentacle whereas there are five pentacles behind with holes in them. I guess they also kind of look like records or CDs
So I might say something like maybe before he's done making music, he might put out five CDs more or something he does has five tracks. But the number five seems significant to albums or songs or collaborations. Or could indicate the 5th of the month or May. Oh and they are gold so it makes me think of when a record goes gold or platinum, so again there's this focus on charts and gold albums or whatever
So that might be a prediction about gold records or I guess it's possible he could get nominated for a Grammy or is hoping to be nominated for a Grammy because those gramophones are gold
So no I wouldn't be surprised if perhaps Jack in the box gets nominated for a Grammy. As it should, it's really interesting and the music is also
It could also be that maybe this is Grammy selection time. Would it be that soon, don't they do it later in the year that would make more sense because it's only like August.
Anyway you heard it here, Grammy, j Hope but why the number 5, I don't know. It wins five awards? It gets five nominations? It's in a category with five artists? I have no idea.
Okay that's that That's that I like that lol
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I absolutely love when he shoots out to death card which happens often. So it's the number 13 card, it represents Scorpio, which he has Venus in Scorpio as well as Mars. But because it's the 13 card, of course it's going to come out and I should mention that he has 310 cards, wait no he has two and I thought that the tower said 10 for some reason even though I know that it doesn't lol. But his birthday is on 10:13
Anyway, if you have ever read for Jimin which I recommend everyone to do not to be nosy but because he is so fascinating in the type of energy he projects because we know he is all about numerology and I don't know if they are superstitions or just beliefs but they translate in his actual energy through Tarot. You will get those numbers and he will get things associated with his birth chart but anyway
So first I got the death card and six of cups. This is interesting. We have one card with the death that is about transformation or the subconscious, life cycles, beginnings and endings, change. What you have with the six of cups has to do with it can be family, specifically siblings. Which is interesting because I was picking up on some of that with Jin. But, it can also be sentimentality, it can be the inner child, it can be things that you have been working on a sense a child, it can be receiving something as well sort of like a gift and it can be what else, the past or someone from the past
It's kind of a weird combo but what I can say for sure what I think it is has to do with change and I'm more drawn to the idea of inner child stuff I guess. Of course I clarified because it's kind of just weird to me. And in the image of the death card, we have a girl that looks like she's about to be hit by a truck. I think I want to look at the guidebook because I feel like there will be something creepy in there that will make things very clear
Not really unless some of the anime that's listed as related to the trope of characters getting killed by a truck and then transported to like a life after death situations or video game. They list a few but the one I'm drawn to is death note. Although yu yu Hakusho is a good show that he probably watched
On the most basic level it would definitely represent somebody who's been doing something since they were very young and now it's ended. That could be how he's perceiving this break with BTS which they call a break. Feels kind of like a end with the occasional get together performance
Let's just talk about the clarification because I feel like those cards are super abstract. It would be really simple to say and end to a childhood phase of life that has been going on for a while. Yes they've been doing this since they were teenagers. We know that, that's obvious thanks
I mean other things that could indicate that I don't necessarily think apply could be transformation that has to do with family, it could be a projection of BTS's family and those are his siblings and so there's just a phase that's beginning and ending. I am getting the feeling though that you know it's a bit like being hit by a truck though for him. Like it's a bit painful for him. A bit sudden. And for him a very big change.
So the death card, is connected to the knight of swords, which isn't surprising because he's Libra. He also has an air moon. So, we have Scorpio and air energy which we already know he has, it's weird because it would make me think of somebody with a water moon or water Mercury or Scorpio related to like mercury in Scorpio. I don't know what his Mercury is in. I don't remember It doesn't matter
But we have somebody's unconscious feelings, we also have change and cycles. This is being clarified by a court sword card, so unconscious thoughts related to family or inner child or beliefs or thoughts that have been going on since he was very young. The ten of swords, clearly tough endings as well. This could just be somebody going through working through something that he's been attached to since a child and now it's ended or at least in his mind has ended or changed in a really big way and it's kind of being dramatic about it lol like comparing it to being hit by a truck you know. I don't know how much he will show it outwardly but at least subconsciously, there's a lot being processed here. Actually consciously as well. What is subconsciously on the mind is definitely somebody thinking about or acting toward or speaking about endings, difficult endings. Related to ends in his life.
Also death and having a 10 card strongly indicate cycles or phases in life, phases that could result in things that feel like death and rebirth. There's more of a focus here on the end as opposed to the birth or rebirth part though. I'm very curious though because this felt heavily to come up with Jin too so maybe they are processing this phase of their life similarly but not at all similarly because I think Jin had a very technical or calculated or black and white approach to an end whereas JM seems to be processing it more analytically and emotionally. Like it would have to be absorbed before he could go through the cycle whereas Jin doesn't need to absorb any of that sentimentality or feelings, like he just mentally deals with it an entirely different way than jimin
And yet they both see it as something that has to do with phases and life cycles it's just that JM is really associating it in a more spiritual way. But it's strongly related to the scariness of death or the impact, how can I put this. In the spiritual community, we would look at the death card and you would just get a feeling of what death means in terms of cycles and change and spiritual growth. You just have that feeling about it. And that's what JM Jin might be somebody who has nothing to do with the spiritual community and thinks it's silly and processing the same experience but processing it in that clinical type of way
And yet they both seem to have it in their minds as being cycles but seeing it different ways. Like one sees it as natural and like a harvest of crops that grow and then they die and then they grow and then they die whereas Jimin seems to have a tougher time compartmentalizing or categorizing the experience to a smaller level where he could handle it as something small. I don't know how else to talk about that but anyway it's fascinating because it's the same thing handled a different way and yet somehow the imagery for them is similar but completely different. Just like it's interesting how obsessed JM is with the moon, and then you have Jin who has a song about the Moon but it's like very childlike and a beat. They both have a thing for the moon but they've interpreted it in different ways. One bigger and abstract and the other is you know a fun song lol
Why those two are coming up as being connected I don't know. Maybe they had a conversation about it or maybe something in their chart makes them similar but different
Anyway, so death clearly about endings and cycles and transformation and somebody who is thinking a lot about it and maybe writing or journaling about it, he might have songs that will talk about these kinds of things that have to do with endings or phases. It doesn't matter It just seems to me that somebody's got their mind on and end of something and it's a little bit of a struggle
With the six of cups, the first time several cards came out and I was like that's too many I'm not going to take that and then nothing would come out and I was like okay you can have as many cards as you want so four came out lol
And we have the tower which again is that huge massive dramatic change moment of something that's been a foundation probably since he was very young has crumbled, we have the wheel of Fortune again yet another card about change. So change is just huge but we also know he loves the moon so change and transformation and phases, he's all about it
Also an indication of probably travel and good fortune, better things coming his way.
We have the nine of pentacles, which is somebody learning to or being independent, especially somebody who can be financially successful and financially independent, night of cups is somebody who is creative, a bit of a romantic, a good listener or somebody who would give great advice, somebody a bit dreamy or idealistic
The other energies we now have coming through because of clarification besides a lot of air, is Sagittarius and Aries energy.
So I think this is pretty straightforward in that somebody is looking at it as a huge change in transformation and old foundations crumbling, and there is an understanding that it's necessary but it feels very dramatic.
I should say that the knight of swords would also indicate you know there's movement even though there's change, somebody's not necessarily going to be stuck. The 10 of swords are not reversed and the court card here would indicate quick movement. That death truck would also indicate quick movement lol. It might be that he wasn't really expecting this to happen the way that it did and maybe it came upon him rather quickly and unexpectedly. Maybe the other members were more interested in this than he was in terms of going solo. Like I said the sex of cups is showing you know that something that's been going on since he's a kid but I also feel like this is inner child stuff which is the same thing if you have somebody who's kind of sentimental and sensitive like the knight of cups
Imagine a knight of cups character who has been a part of some family for a long time and then that changes and everybody goes their separate ways, he's going to be a bit oversensitive and take it in a different way than let's say a... Idk knight of p
So a big change happened and then somebody is going solo or doing things that are more independent, especially in terms of creativity.
It's a kind of complicated spread because there are a lot of different energies happening. There's also a expansion maybe around education, like I said travel. So there will be traveling for him, there will be travel related to working on his own projects, they will be creative projects, with the tower even though that can be such a change or destructive energy, I'm also reading it as an Aries energy in that I think he's taking advantage of stuff right now because Aries is that very bold and take action, so this feels very good. I think maybe what's happening is that this stuff that has come as the result of this end which he might have seen as quite hard
It's really going to enable him to transform into something really powerful now. There are things that he'll probably learn spiritually and professionally by working on his own stuff that I think is part of his destiny. Because it's going to teach him to be more independent, it's going to teach him to take control, it's going to expand some things for him, whether that's his skills or the creative process or anything related to being independent, I feel like that's the big thing that he gets to take away even though there's this ending behind him that was a bit sad and and his eyes, maybe a bit destructive
Gosh there's so much you could probably read in the spread in my battery is dying
There's such a fascination in his energy with death cycles and I would have to ask him you know why are you so obsessed with the moon and maybe that would allow me to understand why these cards are showing up. That have to do with phases and obsession with endings
It's very dark for somebody who projects such a nice and sunny personality. And then I think of his song lie or even filter, and you know there's a darkness inside him. When I look at the tower, this character is very dark. It reminds me of the screen characters that jikook dressed up as when they were in Tokyo for Halloween.
So there's still a bit of darkness inside him I think but honestly I think he can use that to create some really amazing creative works which I knew all along but I'm reading this part as it's not really something he's projecting, I think this is more his guides telling me how it really is. Which is this cycle whatever you want to call it but this opportunity for him to work on solo stuff is going to be huge for him
In terms of growth I mean growth and change, like huge huge huge
I don't know why it's so huge and if it's this huge, it's probably not just about him and his growth but it will have some type of collective consequences. You know light workers, I think he's a light worker I don't even know if he knows what a light worker is and I don't know if I always believe in light workers but this guy is a light worker. Absolutely there are things that he is destined to do that have to connect with other people and will serve some type of purpose. Whether that's like inspiring other people or some type of message that gets out to people through his music that he's going to release
I mean when you have cards as big as the tower and death and wheel of Fortune popping out, there's just something really big and special about this person and their destiny
As for anything specific.. like I said there's just travel. Although I'm a little bit worried that with the tower appearing around travel, maybe something funky could happen. But I don't know what that would be. Like not a scandal but there could be some bother some things or people for him. It could be people who are jealous. But I think when people have a certain purpose and they have a higher frequency, is easy for others to try to tear them down or be jealous.
I read once that this can happen because of negative entities or negative energy that gets released and tries to hurt or attack light workers to keep them from whatever purpose they have even if they don't consciously know that they have some type of purpose on the good side or the light side or whatever you want to call it. So that dark energy can work through people and take advantage of their jealousy or whatever and control them and use them to hurt people who can create good change or can evolve the collective
So it's almost like there could be people out there that I like that that are after him or try to hurt him but it clearly comes from a place of jealousy and very low vibration, real petty
But at the same time I almost feel like he has a bit of a darker soul, like if he had a samurai soul is kind of how I feel but if the samurai was a bit wild and dark. It's really fascinating that there's a bit of darkness to him where I could see him as a character that like when they go super Saiyan or something they almost get to a point where they could turn into a demon. I guess I should say like with Naruto when he uses too much of his power and then he starts to go full on kyuubi in a bad way. Even though he does all of this justice work, there's this potential for darkness
Anyway, there's probably a lot I could say about him because I think he's fascinating as an individual and I pick up energy pretty well and I think that he has the type of energy of a very spiritually powerful or aware person or somebody who could do spiritual work if he really wanted to. Like he could totally do tarot cards or fortune telling or be some part of that
I don't think he realizes how much big stuff is in store for him or maybe he does I don't really know but what he is doing right now whatever energy or things he's working on now, I think it will be huge. I don't even know how to quantify that because BTS has already been big and each of the members is amazing and talented, but something about him his future or what he is capable of is tied to a spiritual path I think. And something, some type of purpose that he has on this planet that is a bigger mission even outside of BTS. Like as if his mission has only started now that he's separated from BTS. I don't know what it will lead to because how much bigger can you get, but it's at least a big on a collective level. Whatever codes or energy his music or he sends out, will have a significant impact
He probably doesn't even realize it, so that's interesting. It will be interesting to see what impact his first mixtape has on everybody and what kind of songs he writes. Because I think it will be a bit dark and a lot about just like the rest of his songs that have to do with the darkness in life, the endings in life, the struggles, the idea of self and ego and who are we and what we project
It'll be good. Like I think it will be better than I expected but, strong stuff here for Jimin
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Transparency, I had other cards come out before this lineup but they felt more like a shuffling issue than his cards but I usually don't second guess too much. Still, I reshuffled and concentrated and this is what we get
First is eight of pentacles, that's come out for several members already, this is studying or working or gaining skills, usually having to do with career, etc.
Next, we have the hanged man, or Pisces energy. Pisces for me is very creative or intuitive energy, it's also going with the flow of life, although I kept turning it around because the image was confusing me so I was like is this upright or what lol so maybe that's how he feels right now. What is up or down who knows very Alice in wonderland
Following an eight of pentacles, it could be about creative work or it could be about not feeling too rushed to do anything in particular. This card can also be a bit about perspective, or a bit of spiritual reflection. Seeing something from a broader point of view or a different point of view.
It might be that given some time to himself, he is gaining perspective about what kind of work he wants to do whether it's music or acting, I think both of those fields fit well under the Pisces energy, although I tend to think more of music when I think of Pisces.
Then we have three of pentacles and the star. A couple of ways to read this, it could be literal collaboration with an Aquarius. It could be the hope of wanting to build something with another person or other people, or even to build some kind of connection or build up some platform online especially that has to do with the collective or a group of people who are online or whatever community
Altogether, it does certainly read like someone collaborating or at least building something and creating something maybe music-wise or art wise that could be accessed online. Or building a specific community or joining a specific community that probably online or involve large groups of people.
So my guess would actually be working on something that could be distributed to large groups of people. However, I don't feel like there's a lot of rush here. But he is working on it, if he were to put out a mixtape or something like that there may be collaborative things on there, whether it's actual singers or production-wise but that should be obvious. I mean for all I know he could be hanging out with JHope since he's the Aquarius I know
Back of the deck is King of swords so for that I could definitely sense somebody is doing a lot of thinking or writing or making decisions, trying to gain some clarity on something which is definitely something you could do if you were thinking and trying to gain perspective on anything. He could be trying to do this in terms of his career or an album or life
I will clarify. It seems to have more to do with work because I have pentacles and I have a feeling of collaboration as well as this being exposed online or to groups of people
So I guess I'm most curious about what will clarify the hanged man. And behind to the king of swords is the five of swords, which can be a conflict card, it can be competition, it can be an argument. Behind that is the seven of cups, which is typical to find again a seven card and a BTS reading. This card goes well with the idea of Pisces because it's like a fantasy a dream world, it can denote maybe like delusion or lack of clarity. So there could be something he has to work through to I keep saying gain perspective but it's like I don't think he would be doing it purposely like I'm going to sit down and see things from a different point of view, it's almost like maybe this is an element that is missing, that is a bit more difficult for him to do. Or it could be that something about the way he thought in the past is quite different from what he's understanding now and there's a bit of a negative connotation to it because if maybe I was supposed to take the hanged man reversed, this would definitely be somebody who is either taking things too casually or having issues going with the flow and changing. That doesn't really sound like him, so I would think it would be more, especially with a conflict card and the lack of clarity or whatever around a king of swords could be that, there is some perspective that still needs to be gained or changed
Okay, so clarifiers. Eight of pentacles is clarified by the seven of cups that happened to come out for sure. Could be representative of BTS, or it could be that he has lots of options to choose from in terms of work. It could also be that there is some type of fantasy or daydream going on with work. This could be his individual personal perception about his vision for work. You know like how you see yourself or how you see your work and it's like a feeling, and abstraction. I say this because of the Neptune Pisces energy that's coming through that's very dreamy and kind of like not really grounded in anything
But the hanged man is clarified by the night of swords. So, it is indicative of some type of thinking going on, about perspective or perceptions that he may have of something that is on his mind or what's going on now or what he wants to do for the future. It's also possible that it's taking the creativity from the Pisces energy and with this swords energy, it's about creative writing, which could be songwriting or it could be acting as well since that's art and it has words although I mean that could be the verbal part of it but swords are generally writing and communication. There is something I think that is here about the way he thinks, which is very different
I mean people know this about him already but I can see it in the cards that somebody just has a very unique way of thinking because we have the hanged man which is about basically seeing things from the upside down and we have a card that's indicating the way we talk and the way we think. Even when it comes to work, the seven of cups could indicate somebody who has kind of a child like way of looking at things, a sort of fantasy about how life is as opposed to the way it actually is. It would definitely represent somebody with a unique point of view. It doesn't have to be problematic, but certainly some people might not be able to grasp the way the person is thinking
And this person may even struggle to communicate the way that they see something in their mind to someone else because they have such a unique way of thinking about stuff. Like it could be anything, say you were like hey describe a bird. And maybe somebody would be like a small animal with feathers, but this person might say something like freedom. Because it flies. It's a totally different way to describe something because they thought of a feeling or something more symbolic
And of course this way of thinking is likely to be applied to their work whether it's writing songs or the way they type or write in general or speak, they would have a very different way of doing that.
What's interesting is the hanged man, would insist on moving quite slowly but the knight swords would want to move pretty quickly
I'm trying to understand if it's got anything to do with when you could expect a music from him, but it's hard to say with the hanged man. I even see that thing at the bottom of the card is a clock, which I think it is and it's just like time doesn't really move for this person in the same way it might move for others so, but it still seems like some action has been taken on doing this at all. And it could also be that he has multiple projects in the work or multiple offers going on in regard to work and he also has multiple types of skills to use
So, moving on to the three of pentacles and the star which came out together. The three of pentacles is clarified by a page of Wands and an ace of pentacles. So this feels like a new opportunity, we have a page and an ace, so it's a new collaboration or something new is being built here. As an opportunity, it would definitely seem like an opportunity to collaborate or to create something physical. It would likely be creative since we have wands and for this person, it would be exciting and inspiring. I suppose this could even indicate potential travel but it would be travel with other people
Then we have the star. So it could be a collaboration with an Aquarius or travel with an Aquarius or a mix of both
But, so the star is clarified by 8 of Wands, which is interesting because eight of Wands is the other card about communication, especially quick moving online communication through texts or any online social media platform or the news I guess
So that does feel very collective or putting information online, it does give a sense of quickness if it's 8 of Wands but it could just be reiterating that hey this is something that will be available online to a lot of people, and then we get another three card because we also get the three of Wands came out after that and I let him have all of these cards since I put his cards away before lol, and I have the higher fit and the two of Wands, I left them in the reversed position because they happen to be like that when they fell out but I'm iffy on if I want to leave them that way
So, the three of Wands is the start of some type of new journey, or it can be waiting for assistance or help to come in, you've usually already done the planning and the decision making, so this is the next step along that journey towards something. The hierophant if we leave it upright, can be about family or institutions or a lack of convention or going against convention. Two of Wands, is the planning and choice making stage that comes before three of Wands and since I left it in the reverse, this could indicate that could be issues with the development or setbacks or somebody is still waiting for the other part of the collaboration to come through. Since we have the three of pentacles it would be like okay I've done my part so I'm waiting on the other person or vice versa
But mostly, I think he probably has multiple projects are offers that he could work on. That there is probably some type of collaboration going on whether it's on the album or with those projects that will be probably available fairly quickly they will be something that's distributed online toward masses of people so it would make me think music
It could also indicate a goal of his to create this project to show people. It could just be I'm working on my mixtape the end.
It could be a collaboration or a work that's unconventional and it could be unconventional because how it was created is based around his very unique perspective on how he goes through the creative process or how he views things. That could be the reversed hierophant
It could also indicate part of the collaboration, because of the hierophant being a spiritual type of advisor or somebody who could give advice, it could even be his fortune teller. But he could either be working with somebody he admires that's kind of guiding him along the path about this or it could be the type of message that he wants to convey through this project or collaboration that do I want to say like a doctrine but that doesn't really make sense It could just be delivering a message like somebody would deliver a religious message but keep in mind that it came reversed, so it would be unconventional. It would be like a belief system of some kind that is being shared and expressed in order to build something or create something. It could be creating a body of work
There's lots of ways to take it. Now if I flip everything and I just keep everything upright and don't think too much about it, we would have a goal or desire to release something online that would build something or is already a collaboration and that this person has already pretty much started on it, but it would be still in the initial steps. How would I read the hierophant? Well again it could be about what gets released and given to the public is that set of beliefs in the form of a song or album. Like this is my motto no what do they say in anime My nindo
So it kind of makes me feel like trying to show people how you see the world through your art or work
But I still think that there is somebody involved that's kind of helping him and guiding him along the way, it could be j hope. J-Hope could be his sort of advisor when it comes to doing work but it could be anybody.
The hierophant could also be a stand-in for Taurus energy which is about well it could be being stubborn, it could be about aesthetic, it could be about a comfort zone and related to conventionality. It could be related to the perspective issue and someone is feeling very comfortable with the way that they see things or do things and don't really want to expand upon that, they only want to do it how they see it
I don't see anywhere where that is being some type of obstacle. I know we have reversals but for me the reversals are related to the same energy as the hanged man and that this is about unconventionality and unique perspectives. The only other thing I can think of would have to do with institutions and government. But the only thing that would make sense for that is if you were doing a project in conjunction with the government, which could be the Busan stuff but I don't know why it's coming up strong here certainly that will be online and is a collaboration and involves the government
I don't see anything that's like maybe he won't participate or something like that. I don't know why that would be lol
We can definitely say that there are lots of eights and threes coming out for him
Eight to me is about empowerment and strength of will, confidence. It's kind of like Leo energy to me in a number, it can be about infinity. It could be about the 8th month or the 8th day of a month. Same for three and then three is also abundance, creativity, social situations or maybe relationships
So the focus for him seems to be empowerment around creativity probably which would be expressing oneself through maybe creative endeavors, there could be abundance available to him if he chooses to pursue that path right now and there is probably also an indication of that energy and those projects being a social in nature, I don't know if he would have a lot of collaborations on his mixtape or he would just be working with a lot of people on it or also it could be that he's just working on multiple things at once in different areas as long as they are creative fields. Whether it's acting and writing and fashion or something like that or even more than that
It's almost like there are multiple opportunities for him to grow his brand and gain more exposure. And part of those projects will have a very unique perspective related to the already unique way in which he tends to envision things or approach things. His work eventually should be like what you would expect from him in terms of conveying his inner image about life and how he feels in his lyrics or whatever he chooses to do
I'm curious if maybe the fortune teller he talks about isn't one that he actually went to but is one that he approached online. You know you could anonymously get fortune tellings from anybody online, so it makes me think of somebody who could be going to a spiritual advisor online.
I guess I also too imagined that maybe he went in person but this makes it seem like, he could just be like asking a random person on Etsy lol
But more than likely what that section is about is that he could be being guided by somebody who he would look at as a more spiritual advisor or somebody providing moral guidance of some kind that's assisting him on a project. That would make sense with the three of pentacles and the three of Wands because collaboration as well as waiting for somebody to come in and assist and guide in a spiritual or moral capacity. Kind of like a moral cheerleader as well
Or I guess specifically like I said they could be an Aquarius or Taurus that he's working with but I don't really think that matters and I can't say. I suppose the hierophant could maybe even be the internet to some degree because you could kind of see the internet as an institution so we would have several cards that indicate putting stuff out on Spotify or SoundCloud
These could be cards about timing as well like if you said okay when. Well we have Aquarius Pisces and Taurus so maybe early next year into April. I know that seems kind of far but I'm just saying those are the timing cards that are coming up. They all seem to be at a certain time of year so that's kind of interesting
Since I already did his full reading, I don't think I need to go into any personality stuff but that's kind of here. Also when I look at the hierophant it reminds me of the outfits they wore in his drama, so it could be a desire to go back into acting, and I think I said this in his other reading that there could be somebody who connects him to another historical drama or maybe it's working with somebody who was already apart of the drama he was in
And you know if there's any confusion on his part because there is this sort of native perspective and a seven of cups energy that he could be going to a fortune teller in need of guidance for things to do or if not fortune teller then there may be somebody that's a role model to him in life that he looks to for guidance. I'm not really sure who that is because I don't really feel like it is a BTS member unless it would be J-Hope.
I don't really see him as a spiritual advisor though so again this could be a regular fortune teller that he goes to but so what I don't know. I guess it could indicate that he might be too reliant on something that fortune tellers tell him. To the point where maybe he could have issues making certain decisions so he goes to such and such person for advice on what to do. If it's not a fortune teller then it's just this person advising him through work
Other than that, 3/8 or 83 seems significant and that does fall under Pisces time so maybe something will happen on March 8th. Or if you look back on August 3rd and see if he posted anything cryptic about something
Yeah so that's about all I see even though I could probably go on more but I just did his full reading so this is good and I'm getting tired
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Using this photo
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I probably shouldn't have used photos because I swear sometimes it will just be like I'm going to read that it's a photo
Unlike other members which I didn't always talk about the energy of the shuffling but with his they came out really fast I actually thought I had a lot more cards than I did and it was only these three although I'm looking around trying to see if I dropped some, so could be pretty strong energy coming through, decisive energy
I wasn't really expecting this because usually he has major arcana, but we have three wands cards. And Leo at the back so he for sure has a lot of Leo energy with his moon or could be a Leo rising. Usually if anything comes up it's somebody's moon sign I think and he is a split between Leo and Virgo moon behind that is the king of Wands lol so no matter what this is somebody who really embodies King of Wands energy because I get King of Wands for him all the time there's a 10 of Wands behind that, so I wonder if that's somebody who takes on a lot, but somebody who chooses to take on a lot of responsibility
So I'm not surprised that Leo came out especially because that photo is part of a photo book and is supposed to encapsulate the idea of powerful lol
But let's just talk about the tarot and then maybe I'll clarify. Eight of Wands is fast moving energy which is how the cards came out and can also signify online communication. I mean I was looking at an online photo in a news article so it could have just picked up on the fact that I was doing that but since his cards came out that way as well, we'll consider all of it
Three of Wands can signify the start of a new journey be on the brink of something, it could even be waiting for something as in expectation or waiting for assistance but usually the picture is somebody standing on a cliff and looking out into the distance as ships are coming in. So there could be a sense of expectation about something. About what, well we have a card about fast moving communication which can be texts or emails or anything to do with something online or doing something online
Then we have two of Wands, which is the planning that comes before three of Wands, the decision making, the thoughts about what you want to do in the future. It could be a crossroads of sort as well
It's pretty vague other than it reminds me a bit of Tae's energy and it probably should have knocked on the deck when I started to do JKs because maybe that blood into his but such as life. I'm sure all the members are working on similar things. And he seems to be working on things that would be put out online, that would definitely be put into the public sphere because that's what the Leo energy is
But like it just isn't saying anything right now, what it tells me is somebody doing something online that would get recognition and it's in the initial phases. Okay. Working on what but something that will be put out online maybe quickly because it's eight of Wands but it could just be saying working on a thing to put out there lol.
With this strength card it to me looks like somebody playing the flute even though he's holding a sword. So it's definitely related to music. It's interesting that the image of the person on the strength card if you look closely looks kind of like the photo that I used to connect to his energy. It also has his big ass stomper boots
There's probably something I could read in to that especially with the king of Wands behind, this is just a creative powerhouse of a person. Or at least that's the potential. I mean I would also definitely see somebody who does martial arts but that's already known except I almost wonder if he would take up swordsmanship type martial arts like kendo. I don't think he did kendo, I know Jimin did. But I see a staff and I see a sword so it would be interesting if he picked up martial arts again and used weaponry too.
It could be that we will get another video soon of him boxing or doing some type of sport like that or you would do movement, so boxing or martial arts.
I'm going to clarify though to see what's going on I almost want to redraw but I don't do that so I'll just say that I guess nothing major is going on. He's planning something for the future, he's made some type of decision, he's taking the initial steps beyond that, he could be waiting on a communication or this is simply something that will be online.
It does seem to be creative and value, it feels like there is a lot of authority over this project so it is specifically his project
So, three of Wands is clarified by Knight of cups and nine of cups. Wish fulfillment, creativity, sensitivity, intuition. Definitely beginning stages and moving forward on a goal or wish or desire that seems to be related to creativity granted this could also be emotional or relationships. I am more inclined to think creative projects than relationships
And we're starting to get a lot of fire water energy as well. Which I think is a great combination for a musician, because you have that passion and performance and then you have that creativity and sensitivity to back it up. But it might be moving kind of slow. This is a slower moving element with the water, so he obviously doesn't move too quickly but there's a lot of passion here.
There's something very charming to the energy. It could be a persona but the knight of cups is very charming and like a poet, sensitive. So somebody like that is proceeding with a goal but it's really just begun I guess
Weird. Okay so the eight of Wands is clarified by death and maybe Ace of cups reversed. I will try to interpret it both ways if it wasn't reversed and then as it is. So eight of Wands can be travel as well as that online communication or quick moving communication. This death card is transformation or change and a subcups upright would be love or overflowing emotion or intuition or again back to a new creative or emotional opportunity. It's also Scorpio energy, I said that right. He does have a Scorpio Mars. And Mars tends to be the area of what we do especially around career or how our process works for what we do or our talents
I don't know how to deep to go I guess because on the one hand it could be quite deep and there's somebody internalizing a really big change that might have happened quickly, or it could be travel that takes place during Scorpio season and the ace of cups is reversed because it hasn't happened yet. So if this were October, we might be able to flip it because then it would have happened so this could be preparation for the performance in Busan. Because that takes place around then and it will be online and you would just be starting preparation for that probably
I mean it could involve a Scorpio or someone with significant Scorpio energy. It's weird maybe we need to go to the next part before I try to put them all together
For the two of Wands we have the tower which I clarify because a lot of these cards are coming out and also came out for jimin
But maybe the two of them are working on something related to the Busan stuff. Maybe they have to do something special since they're the ones from there in relation to the concert I don't really know
So right to clarify the two of Wands we have the tower and the tower clarified by the high priestess and two of swords. My first inclination was like spirit guys are saying don't delve too much into figuring something out because sometimes when I get too of swords with them which happens often especially JK, I see it as like a block like a spiritual block. I don't know if that's true but I was like okay the high priestess who is maybe his spirit guide came out and like put the swords like that and were like do not enter
That doesn't really make sense because the two of Wands is a pretty innocuous card, it also like the two of swords indicates decision making.
The tower is usually some type of foundation crumbling away because it wasn't very sound and needs to be destroyed to be rebuilt to be stronger. It also represent Aries energy. Which is very strong and powerful energy like Leo. It's the energy of making things happen and taking action. So that would make sense to be around decision making cards because to take action you have to make decisions and he seems to make decisions based on intuition or instinct. Like whatever feels right.
I don't know if it means at some point there could be some second guessing of his instinct or gut. I don't really see that but the tower can indicate some type of destruction or something falling away.
But when I do readings, I look at the conflict cards and the reversals to understand you know what could be getting in the way like why are we getting things like the tower, why are we getting an ace of cups reversed.
That doesn't have to be a bad thing, it can mean that the energy is being turned inward. Although that's kind of weird with an eight of Wands because what it really feels like would be a communication one would receive that might announce the end of something. Like a breakup message for example would fit this eight of Wands and death and Ace of cups reversed. The thing is that the eight of Wands even though it's quick energy can be something that's usually external
The tower is also usually something that's external so I guess these two sections are kind of similar in that both are talking about something being destroyed, a phase is ending, something has been broken down. And there is some type of choice that's happening for this person, decisions that need to be made about it or what direction do I need to go. And the ace of cups if it were upright, it would be great because it would be like a death and rebirth but that it's reversed as saying that the rebirth hasn't happened and we're still stuck in the death phase
But again it could just be because this event takes place in October or early November. And it's a creative project or a potential opportunity that he hasn't received yet but would receive soon. Granted it could be a relationship opportunity that comes during Scorpio season or that doesn't really fit with eight of Wands. That's not even super fast right because I guess we're almost into Virgo season. I suppose fast is relative but to me eight of Wands is you know I would expect that within days or weeks but it could be travel during that time
Anyway so let's put it together like a story we know we start with the three of Wands which is on the brink of something about to happen that is a desire or goal or passion project, it could be an emotional journey or it could be about a creative project. There does seem to be some waiting involved or expectation for this thing to happen
Then we have potential travel or online happenings around Scorpio season perhaps that could be involved with this creative or passion project. I think it hasn't happened yet so that's the only reason this cup is reversed but it also is telling us that it's something that JK cares about and it could be personal or internalized to some degree. If it were to be about the content of some type of song, I would think it would be about dealing with ending something or cycles. I don't think that really fits here though.
I'm just going to leave that one up to timing I think that one is about timing and then I think it will be something that can be accessed online or put online
And the two of Wands choice or crossroads, decisions. Using your intuition to make decisions. It could be feeling like a decision or wrong decision could lead to disaster or it could simply be that there is some type of pressure to make a decision in order to take a strong action here. It's interesting that it is a Mars card since it's Aries and we have the Scorpio and literally he has a Scorpio Mars, so that makes sense for the fire water that we keep getting as well
So what does that mean, it just means that his Mars seems to be really activated, his masculine energy is activated, I would think that this is related to work focused things because that's where our Mars stuff lies like I said and in our talents or abilities and how we approach those things.
There could be something he just hasn't made a decision about or something didn't work out to plan. But it could just be that if he makes the decision then it will all work out fine but there does seem to be a block around choosing a path or deciding and that could be related to the ace of cups reversed
I guess I could try to clarify the ace of cups told them
Okay well I first got Queen of pentacles and then I got the moon, which are the cards Jin earlier on too. And it's interesting to get the moon and Scorpio as both represent the unconscious, or it could be some type of sadness or lack of clarity around a new beginning or change or something like that
But anyway to talk about the ace of cups reversed being clarified by these two cards. So Ace of cups with a queen of pentacles would make me think of somebody working solo on a passion project. Like this would definitely be somebody who publishes their own books for example and then to have the cup reversed, I would think that it hasn't been published yet but you're working on it. There's no way to read it other than that because why would you participate in something that you didn't care about. So the only way you could do that is if you are contractually obligated to do an event but you didn't really want to do it
I don't see that here because in the first part there is passion for something like a project but it's like a decision still need to be made before the event or decisions need to be made to take part in it but there's definitely care here about the project or whatever it is or event. And then to have the moon here again, it's another card about being intuitive like with the two of sorts and high priestess
First of all he should have crazy psychic spiritual intuitive abilities. Could totally read people based on their energy or just see right through them or just have really good gut feelings about stuff. Totally understand why he is sometimes able to predict things because he just has some level of spiritual and psychic abilities whether he believes in that stuff or not. I always get high priestess and very spiritual cards for him, death is also very spiritual card
I don't know if I want to take any from the moon that has to do with sadness or lack of clarity but a lack of clarity could definitely be involved in decision making if you don't have all of the information you can't make decisions or you're not sure how you're feeling about something yet, so you haven't decided
It could be even something like okay he has something to put out there and the goal is to put it out there by Scorpio season but he's not sure lol like he keeps going back and forth about the date or could be going back and forth about the project itself and is like well I'm set to put it out then but I still have things that I'm not happy with so it could be iffy on the date
Could I read anything outside of work stuff since there are so many cups. Well I don't know why I would lol but sure if you were being objective, I still don't see it because it doesn't really fit the three of Wands and the nine of cups. It would be like the start of a new relationship or stage of a relationship, there's desire and love and then the person could be Scorpio but it could be one-sided since the ace of cups is a reversed and no I just don't see that sorry
Like the other members, there's a bit of independent energy coming through for projects as opposed to group stuff. But what seems to be for sure is that passion project, beginning stages of preparation, still some decisions to make, sketchy on the timetable. Could be about the performance during October or some type of release. But it hasn't happened yet or the details haven't been completely figured out for whatever is going on with this but that seems to be what he's focused on right now
It does seem to be more performance driven so I would think that it's an event but that doesn't mean that he couldn't be working on a video for his own stuff or choreography
There is a bit of indecisiveness even if there's passion.
But you know if it's the beginning part of something whether it's the event or something he's working on, it would make sense for the details not to be completely ironed out. So the only thing we can say is it's something that has to do with a thing that will happen in mid October to early November and seems to involve performance and creativity probably music, something that is being created or worked on yet still has some details to be worked out before it can happen and it's also possible that the timing is fluid and could change
Okay. Maybe this is why he has been on the DL because there's not a lot happening for him right now. He's working on like putting something together. So there's nothing to show yet for sure. Although I think his photo book part comes out on his birthday. But still the timing well it doesn't have to be timing because it's probably talking about his Mars more than anything but the only timing here for me is Scorpio season, I mean there's Leo here as well and the moon tends to be cancer for me You can call it Pisces if you want as well or it's just the moon
I still don't really know what to make of the middle part with the aid of Wands because the cards indicate working on the self like a... There's a lot here about the unconscious right, there's stuff here about intuition maybe but mostly it's the unconscious or the inner self especially with that ace of cups turned upside down it would be focused on the inner self on inner emotions and it's all water, so that for sure makes you think about some inner things that are going on and the queen of pentacles being with it is like independence or building something up or self-work or health could be mental health
That's why it's weird because when you pair all of that with an eight of Wands, what do you make of it? Like I'm asking. Feel free to chime in. Because it almost could read like downloads. Say the eight of Wands isn't going to be a literal communication or online performance whatever but there are some type of downloads that are hitting him and they would hit him unconsciously and then maybe he would apply that to the project or something
It does again remind me of Tae's stuff so I should have shuffled harder. Because for him I also felt like there was a message that he wanted to convey through his projects and I think JK does as well but it's almost like there's a disconnect. Like how I am seeing it is if you have a bunch of wires at the back of your TV with your PS5 and your whatever else is connected back there and for some reason one plug gets plugged into the wrong thing and then you spend all of this time trying to figure out which wire is in the wrong spot. So it's like something isn't connecting. He should be receiving these downloads but it's maybe not processing or you know he could have guides that are trying to direct him to something but
That could be a whole separate issue so I don't know what to do with that or it could be receiving those downloads and focusing more on the self now that he has more time alone maybe that wasn't something he could do before. I see there could be sadness there or loneliness
I think it still has to do with an event happening in Scorpio season but I think it's also related to some type of internalized growth or soul searching. It could be related to disconnecting from social media. Because eight of Wands would be social media you know and like I said there's a disconnect here lol, the moon is about hiding or secrets you know something in the dark.
Anyway so we could just be a secret passion project as well but there could be some internalized stuff happening with him that might be a bit dark or related to not being online so much or so active. It could just be that he's busy working out the details of this thing or emotional reasons to not be making a lot of noise online
I would venture to say that there is some conscious decisions to stay away from online stuff to protect his energy. I'm sure that if you are monitoring stuff and you're famous and you read pretty much everything that people say, it can probably suck your creative energy so you would choose to avoid it in order to protect that
So yeah he's working on something, it's a bit hidden or he said in a way to work on it, and it's not ready yet lol. There seems to be some reflection going on but it feels okay. It feels like something maybe you would use to push yourself toward more independence. But I feel a bit of loneliness
And I don't know maybe loneliness and a bit of feeling stuck in some way. Just being uncertain about something but that something could be the project and just you know doubting yourself or doubting some aspects of it
But to go back to the original three cards it's definitely like okay You're on the brink of something and you could be waiting or expecting something to come in which could be a communication for sure and then we have the aid of Wands which well okay it's coming in. It will come in fairly quickly and you're waiting on it right and quickly is relative because it could be next week or it could be in October. And then once the information comes in, you have a choice
That is the most basic take on those cards. Waiting on some info, you get it, okay now what do you do with it lol
I wonder if it's a big decision because when I look at the tower it almost feels like you know gosh if I make the wrong choice then everything falls apart but you would feel that way if you were putting out a CD and you were like okay what if it's a disaster or what if it's not perfect or blah blah blah blah blah and so you just kind of live in this indecisive energy or perfectionist energy
So that's why I think the timetable is meant to be for Scorpio season but it's all indicative of choices he makes and how he feels about it and if he's ready to put it out there or make it happen
And like I said it seems to be moving kind of slow so maybe the whole process is very slow or he himself is rather slow in the process even though I would guess that there's also a bit of an urgency to make something happen but it's like I don't want to just push it out there quickly if it's not exactly how I imagined
So it's a bit confusing because the cards are so simple and yet then the clarifiers are quite complicated and JK is pretty complicated. And I would guess that you know nothing major is going on He's just working and trying to figure stuff out and plan things and make decisions.
But I still think he's lonely. But I think probably everybody's a bit lonely all the time so.
Also putting everything away, another slight prediction seems to be related to travel. He might be having to go back and forth between some areas at the moment like geographically speaking. If he's going back and forth as far as different cities or something in South Korea or there just seems to be a back and forth back and forth.
There's also the possibility of a specific trip later on where he only travels with one person. But it's almost like okay maybe traveling with three people first and then two. That doesn't really seem right, I just get the impression that there's also going to be a trip later on with at least one person. It doesn't matter. I could only really guess that stuff like that and that's because when I look at the two of Wands it kind of looks like a pair You know what I mean
But at the same time it kind of reads like if you traveled with three people and then suddenly one of them left and it was just the two of you but I don't really care to read into that so
The end. Maybe he just didn't want to talk to me properly like the rest of them because he's so internalized lol which makes sense I'm sure he gets in his head a lot and he definitely has that perfectionist energy when it comes to his creative work stuff
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