#it's 3am and I dont know what I am doing
moenmomentsthemoe-en · 3 months
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istanbulite · 11 months
my vision of Astoria MC is this sweet young charming woman in vintage expensive clothes who s hardworking and bakes for her coworkers and is always there 15 minutes before her shift starts but also does 'experimental drugs' in the bathroom as 'medicine' and is a complete complete mess, has been admitted to a mental hospital more than once bc she kept claiming suffering great pains the titan poisoning ofc it was kept from her, killed an ancient creature in a fit of rage - she doesn't remember, fucked her boss' lover just because (Ares) to say Alex was crestfallen is an understatement but they still stopped Aphrodite from demolishing her oof (couldn't stop the cursing tho)
this pretty much
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jrueships · 11 months
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i have actually never seen hello kitty BUT!!! i did play some Nintendo ds game of hello kitty where this stupid fuck kept challenging me to a race and i dusted his bitchass everytime until i hit a tree. i think it was a deer or something
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i really need a hug i feel so scared and alone
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Finally got around to redressing my Ginger doll and putting her hair back in pigtails, i love her sm she is now displayed on some random stand i had up. Also got around to redressing my double of Zooey that i had gotten idk how long ago, i had to wash her hair, and i decided to give her diff shoes and Harley's jeans. Idk i just wasnt to big of a fan of her skirt matching her skin tone. And now she sits near me.
Also did dishes, and am back to trying to do some hw.
I feel slightly productive today.
Damn i wonder if i'll have time to wash a diff doll.
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Why is coming up for the title of a story LITERALLY the hardest part of posting a fanfic?
Ideas? Fine. Putting the words together to make it happen in a satisying way? Do-able. Adding in little details and scenes that you never planned but make it work out so much more? DOWN FOR THAT SHIT!
But omg it kills me that I just struggle with a name for that shit. I even GET using lyrics now as titles for a vibe, but even that fails me a lot because sometimes I can't even think of anything that fits.
I just want to post my stuff GO!
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rawr-frog · 19 days
Me at 3am in the morning:
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*sigh* fun right?
*credit to makeitmeme.com for helping me make this*
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mountalodiel · 2 months
i have GOT to rewatch rope the hit movie rope. NOW!
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hyperexplosion · 8 months
#been so depressed im so tired#vent dont dm or reply#today might be the only somewhat good day i had minus the times a friend dragged me into calls to play sims#but besides that i been sleeping nonstop#i didnt even know halloween was next week i have no xostume i dont hsve the money#best friend cant go anyways so i didnt rly care#i tried mske myself talk to more than two people but so hard#its so so hard when j feel like a bother#i also get rwndom moods of sggression and i fucking hate it#i set my phone down when i get in them though so doing better with rhat#anywyas its almost 3am i should try snd sleeo before 5am again#why do i stay up late anyways#im alone#why dont i hst sleel#probably cause i sleep durjnf the day LOL#my family memebr is in jail for 19 years#i miss my cat that died two years ago im so pathetic#fankly member in jail i dont even xare for them and i dont even know if i believe them or what idk#cant rly talk about it here but idk how to feel#like am i sad? am i mad? do i not care? i jsut feel numb#and i get going people isnt botherinf them but everyone else has soemthing foing on so its like i stsy seay#and i deleted hellopet i thought it would help me change my ciews on someone but it hasnt#i cancelled halloween plans#i fell so behind on my etsy and resin im so sad#but i csnt even do that i struggle making more or keeping the ones i already have so LOL#im also tired of people lying ro me im so fucking tired of it#i wish it was actually easy to ask someone hang out with me#but i think of the times it went to shit when i try streamin a gamand get ditched#also i wish i wasnt so fucking nervous to stream stuff or watch yourube videos with people like obly person im bot is my best friend but he#idk he always just ask me also to strean games so i know he enjos it and hsving fun
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flaynbestgirl · 8 months
ive seen a few times in previous years that a lot of fans of translated japanese media would like more direct translations with fewer edits made and "no localisation" and to an extent this could be seen as professional translators being out of touch with what it is their audience wants from their translations
but in my experience its actually more likely to be fans who dont speak japanese and/or have no idea about translation theory or practice and who are just talking out of their asses without understanding the full implications of what theyre asking for
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faroresson · 1 year
The age old connundrum of "Am I procrastinating this project because I've suddenly decided I dont want to do it or are one of my basic needs not currently met"
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if nobody got me i know autoheart got me
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kittyhazelnut · 1 year
my clinical location for this week (which is different than most weeks) is 38 minutes away according to google maps but it's also in orange which means it's less than that when it's not snowing but it won't tell me what it is on a normal day so how early do I have to wake up because if I actually have to leave my house at 5:30 in the fucking morning I'm gonna kms
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kjclfaller · 2 years
he's so immature somebody stop him somebody deck him
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kuiinncedes · 2 years
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My real name…
It is time that I reveal my true name.
it is…
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