#it’s not the exact scent
milf-propaganda · 1 year
i smell like my girlfriend i smell like my girlfriend i smell like my girlfriend
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willowser · 7 months
another thing about the assistant angle is like. being there when bakugou reaches the hero top 40 and branches off with kirishima and sero and denki for their own agency. it's a bit of a mess bc they're barely twenty years old but—you're his only employee. he can barely afford to pay you and he doesn't even really know what you're supposed to do besides answer the phone and he's so emotionally unavailable but you're there, every single day. friendly with his friends. sometimes you bring lunch in for all of them and it's out of your own paycheck and it's not the best but you do it, for them. he lets you make the schedule for two weeks and you fuck it up so bad, but eventually you get it right and you try to be so fair—and that's hard to do, in the pro-hero world. there's nothing fair about a twenty year old man with trauma up to his ears risking his life every night because he doesn't know how to live with just himself, as just a man and not a hero, but goddamn it if you don't try to keep it fair, for every single one of them. you're one of his emergency contacts. you pick them up in the middle of the night when they're all the way across town, in another district police department bc that's where they caught the guy and where they have to turn him in. sometimes you bring their clothes or costumes home and wash them bc they don't get the chance. like it's everything.
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sageofthestarz · 12 days
Some sad kinda fucked Ifrit thoughts because I woke up and they came
Cw; Substance Abuse, Sex as a coping mechanism, and just kinda general sads.
Nothing graphic said but still putting those ^
Big, Strong, oh so stupid Ifrit.
That's what was thought of him. A muscle head who fucked hard, partied hard, and got fucked up without a care.
An easy fuck and go without connections, without having to stick around after sorta thing
That isn't who he was though.
This was all learned behavior because it's what got him the attention he craved, any sense of being useful, cared about even if it was only because his body was useful
He loved and hated every single second of every single hookup, high, and any other thing that got him out of his head
If he wasn't happy he wasn't useful, if he didn't stay the persona they all knew he wouldn't be liked, if she showed just how broken inside he truly was he'd lose everything and everyone he had, no matter how superficial he needed the attention
It didn't matter if it was a vicious cycle of regrets, and horrible sleepless night, bad highs and.. thoughts he shouldn't have. Couldn't have
It was all he had now
His pack was broken.
His pack hated him after he left.
He never bothered to try and reconnect, why would he.
Aether, Mountain, and Dew stayed with the band, Zephyr never spoke to him, Mist was long gone to be with the lake.
He couldn't bother any of them with this.
With him.
He left the pack, he left the band, that was his choice. He left the only people who cared about him and for what? To go and be whatever he was now?
Even when he knew he could possibly rekindle something he didn't. Shoved those feelings down and shoved more substance down his throat.
He didn't deserve it.
Didn't deserve to have that happiness.
That comfort.
Ifrit used to be the most caring, lovable golden retriever there was.
Always following someone's trail, loving on them, and doing every favor he could
His pack loved him
He loved his pack
Now a days he's nothing more then an old dog owned by a family long since grown.
One that's waiting for the first excuse to be put down despite all the love it has left to give.
He thinks it's what he deserves.
A life of misery, and pain without comfort.
He watches his old pack in longing, the only happiness coming from seeing how happy and healthy they are
He'd do anything for them even now
He's so happy to see them thrive and love each other
Even if it also breaks his heart.
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sqlmn · 1 month
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by the power of modern day AU, I am delighted to announce that Fulj can have a girlfriend ! I haven't named her yet but have a few in mind so ... soon (TM). She is the one that she loved in canon before the whole memory wipe and as you can see, penchant for black, black hair, brown eyes, and prone to weird statements. Perfect balance to Deacon's weird questions.
HOWEVER ! I mentioned the problem of Deacon still having facial blindness to someone and how there is no glow from the deities for him to identify them. And her solution is the funniest thing ever so I have to do it. He identifies people by smell. So when he is in the same room as Ymber and Oh when they first cross paths, he doesn't really think about it. But later when he sees Ymber alone and gets the same kinda scent, same cologne or something, he knows that's not the taller guy therefore that's his scent ! Perfect!
So... unfortunately.... Deacon really can't beat the weirdness allegations in AUs...... he's stuck like that. Fulj has referred to him as a guard dog in canon and now he's a tracking dog. RIP to him.
(and because Deacon gets my facial blindness I am giving Fulj's girlfriend ANOTHER trait of mine I wouldn't wish on anyone because it's also really funny. She can't smell. She can taste ! She just can't smell. So she loves talking to Deacon because he explains smells as foods for her to get the vibe across. Which are REALLY weird conversations no one else wants to hear.)
#the daily life of a deity sucks#modern deities and their weird lives#im gonna actually make that the tag#also The Girlfriends live together and so they have the same kinda scent to Deacon but even if he only has one around#he can pick them out which weirds Fulj out even more until hes like#but if I smell you and there is no greeting its you and if I do get a greeting its the other#and Fulj is just baffled that THATs the tell ... flipping greetings#also since Oh is just one person in the AU since they were never split to two#they are delighted by the funny scent tracking and is just SO happy to tell Deacon and Ymber#Hey Ym I need to borrow your boyfriend so he can pick out a nice cologne for me so he knows its me#and Ymber is like weird but okay whatever you want if hes ok with it#and Deacon is too ??? over being referred to as Ymbers boyfriend and not having it outright denied so he agrees in a daze#to go help pick out their cologne and just question his life at this point#because he cant not be weird he has to go above and beyond while explaining how a cherry smell tastes#and everyone except the girlfriend who hears it is just... kinda.... weirded out by how he describes things#while the gf is absolutely delighted to have such descriptions#Fulj is just ... i love you babe but hes so weird how do you do it#and everyone else except deacon is just whispering to each other about who has to break it to Fulj#that her gf and Deacon are basically the exact same levels of weird and no one wants to because she will get so defensive#the gf just wants to dress deacon up like a goth or emo and he doesnt really know how to interpret the interest in his clothing#and just they are so precious and never woulda met in canon even if Fulj didnt have her wiped from her memory#she was alive centuries ago
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handweavers · 6 months
i've been wanting to try le labo santal 33 because that kind of scent is sooo up my alley, i love warm sweet spicy sandalwood type fragrances but it's stupid expensive i could never afford $300 for a bottle so i got the far more affordable dossier dupe for it and my first impression is that it's lovely
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philhoffman · 4 months
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Q: Paul Thomas Anderson has said he knew he needed to work with you after he saw you make a single gesture in Scent of a Woman. True story?
PSH: Yeah. In Scent of a Woman, they set up that mock court there at the school. My father grabs my arm and I pull it away from him. That's what [PTA's] talking about. You have to see it to see what it was and you'll see what he means. It's an act of oppression and anger toward the father. He liked it. He's told me that story, so I think it's true. [Interview with Stop Smiling, 2003]
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juriyuna · 16 days
"is shii or kei the one getting cucked?" - the greatest thread in the history of forums, locked by a moderator after 12,239 pages of heated debate,
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pollenallergie · 7 months
I had the thought of Tom or Billy sniffing their new babies and I thought of you for some reason.
-cj aka @cheesewritings
no bc billy loves the new baby smell. like from the minute you bring your baby girl home (he’s a girl dad, first and foremost, fight me. maybe he’ll have a son later on, but his first kid? a girl, the girliest of girls.) and she stops smelling like hospital (probably after her first bath… which was somehow both a chaotic scene and a warm, wholesome bonding moment for the three of you), he’s got his nose to her dome like all the time, just breathing in the newborn baby smell mixed with the lavender nighttime baby shampoo you two had cleaned her fluffy, downy hair with. at first, billy tries to be discreet about it, because he thinks it’s weird. however, when he catches you sniffing her too one night as you rock her to sleep, he realizes that maybe he’s not so weird after all… or maybe you two are just equally weird… but, billy thinks, if he’s weird in the same ways that you’re weird, then that truly wouldn’t be so bad after all because at least your brand of weird isn’t off-putting (in his opinion… you disagree on the grounds that 1) you don’t think his brand of weird is off-putting because you don’t think anything about him is off-putting and 2) you think you can be at least a little off-putting sometimes).
as for tom, i hc tom (at least the version of him from my older!tom au) as not ever having kids (simply because he doesn’t want to have them), but you can bet that anytime he meets one of his newborn nieces or nephews (he has quite a few siblings… which means he also quite a few nieces and nephews) for the first time, he’s always quick to cuddle up to them, cradling them gently in his arms (now that’s been through this whole thing a dozen or so times, he’s a pro at holding newborns), and luxuriating in their soft skin and sweet newborn baby scent.
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radio-ghost-cooks · 23 days
hey guys what if opening day of The Bear Richie wears cologne
not friends & family night, i mean the honest to god opening
what if it clearly smells cheap and unrefined and of teakwood and lemon
what if after that everyone winds up getting him a more refined, expensive cologne as a gift, assuming he's wearing it just because it was all he could really afford to get
what if everyone but Carmy pitches in
what if Carmy has to spend a good few minutes outside opening night because he nearly said Mikey instead of Richie because he could swear to god he smells that stupid cheap cologne Mikey wore in high school to cover up the smell of cigarettes
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emmaspolaroid · 5 months
Honestly though you dont wanna open that can of worms cuz i dont wanna have to explain to you that i kept a chocolate scented candle in my bedroom for a solid year and just kspt eating chunks of it at random intervals and telling everyone who asked that it was chocolate but gatekeeping it by claiming it was ""spicy"" and then after eating at least a solid 3/4 of it found out it was toxic but nothing ever hapened to me which is why i have reason to believe i may be the second coming of christ
respectfully i need to study you in a lab
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hide-in-imagination · 6 months
I can be just minding my own business and then all of a sudden ideas for an Omegaverse Simbar AU strike my head. Ugghh, I would love to write that so baaddddd 😩😩😩
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sysig · 6 months
Can we see the Charm bear please
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Look at her! She's so cute!
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It's a little hard to see, but her fur has that swirl-pattern to it that looks like subtle flowers, or in Charm's case, cotton candy :D She also smells like cotton candy!!
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poliodeuces · 11 months
i want (need?) to read more gendice fics i actually REALLY miss them. even when i draw them sometimes im like.........oh i miss them........but what it really means, im sure of it, is "i miss this artist/writer" bc i get attached way too easily to other people's art
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amiharana · 1 year
this is weird but hear me out.. what do you hc revali and link smelling like. like heavier and musky, or lighter and more fruity? irl scents like sandalwood and strawberries, or in game things like cool safflina and armoranth?
this ask is so fucking funny everyone give it up for user crow cryiling for sending me some of the most interesting asks of my life
my in-game go-to scent for link lately has been wildberries, courser bee honey, woodsmoke, and sunlight :) wildberries and courser bee honey because he's out there getting ingredients for the things he's cooking and baking, woodsmoke because he's always at the cooking pot, and sunlight because link is the second sun 🫶 ofc then his analogous modern au/real world scent would be like. strawberries, honey, etc as well. that's his omega slick scent or whatever idk fr ☝️😭
revali's scent is hard to pin down, but i think it would be pinesap, freshly fallen snow, and a hint of spicy peppers :> all because of the surrounding hebra mountains' cold temperatures, esp if revali is training at the flight range. modern au revali would be mostly the same and i would probably add some sort of minty/fresh smell in there too. he's very particular about his hygiene and also wears a very clean, fresh cologne that link goes bonkers over every single time
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waitinginthecorner · 11 months
My heart is full and heavy. Like a cloud full of precipitation I need to let it out somehow, and my posts are how. I'm not religious and I never will be but I enjoy with connecting to qnd relating to things I will never know beyond my perception, so that analogy makes me feel closer to god than ever bc I think the weather is like how he feels. I mean if u were a supposedly omnipresent being wouldn't you cry through the clouds, so that others can experience that sadness with you? Anyway...I feel lovely and kind
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dive-into-u · 1 year
Ok but there's one thing I really wanna say after this comeback
There's no doubt that Ravn left a big gap when he left the group - obviously I think it's right that they threw him out but his voice and style are very unique and vocally he definitely played a big part in shaping Oneus' sound. And the way the other members are now each showing us new sides of them/sides they've rarely gotten the chance to show in the past to close that gap almost perfectly just shows what an amazing and talented group they are. To me they still sound very much like the Oneus they were before, and not every group who loses a member can pull that off. So I'm really very in awe right now of the way they managed that.
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