#it’s just weird. cause like. HE gave me HIS number. and we see each other at swing dance every week
dinosnaurnuggets · 1 year
Uggggggh this was NOT the time to catch feelings!!!
0 notes
ayabeanworks · 7 months
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Title: Hold me tighter
Synopsis: You knew Suguru wasn't well, and you did everything within your power to be there for him, including inviting yourself on a certain mission where two young girls were rescued.
Character: Geto Suguru x reader
Series: Let's Meet in the Spring (SaShiSu x reader)
Notes: Fluff, angst, swearing, feral!reader who probably hung out with Gojo too much, Geto pining, mentions of death and alludes to depression. AU where Geto doesn't defect.
Somewhat of a prequel to this AU.
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You were amazing. You were strong. You were also terrifying.
That's how Geto Suguru saw you during a certain mission.
He and you had been assigned on the mission in a small town inhabiting only more of 100 people, with weird things like deaths and disappearances of the villagers.
You begged the higher ups to go because you were worried about Suguru's health, and you didn't want to leave him alone. You had noticed a downward spiral from him, and these days, it seemed to be getting worse. You also had a very bad feeling about this mission, and you were going to do whatever you could to make sure Suguru's sanity remained intact.
Even if the elders said no, you were going to go anyway. And that's exactly what you did.
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"What exactly is this?"
Suguru had an expression of exasperation as he saw the young girls locked up in the wooden cage, bloodied and bruised, holding onto each other for support.
You could smell the thick scent of blood in the air, as well as see the dried, old patches of blood here and there when you eyes darted around the room. Apart from blood, there were other smells, similar to an abandoned alleyway where the homeless would reside.
Your jaw clenched and your eyes, widened with the need to see every and anything in the room, hoped they were lying when they landed on the girls. You counted the number of bruises on their limbs, the blood on their clothes, the blood on their face, the eye injuries each of them had.
It made your blood run cold. They looked to be just around 6-7 years old, only just old enough to understand and learn more complicated math in a school setting.
Not here.
Not here, bloodied and bruised.
It was like something inside you snapped, and all inhibitions went out the window. Like boiling water, it started to simmer, and you slowly turned to the two villagers as they conversed with Suguru, holding down your anger as your fists clenched and released.
"What do you mean? They're the cause of this, right?" One of the two who accompanied you both raised a hairy brow, his arm raising and trying to make a point.
"No." You could feel Suguru trying to continue being polite, but the slight edge in his voice was obvious.
"But those two strange ones are using their strange powers to attack the villagers!"
"I've already determined the cause of the incidents." Suguru gave a statement, one that he determined after being in the village for 5 days with you.
"My grandson was killed by these two." The older lady chipped in, a terrible frown on her wrinkly features.
Your shoulders relaxed and a light exhale released from your lips. You took a couple of steps forward to stand by Suguru, placing a hand on his shoulder softly, patting it a couple of times.
So they want to die?
Suguru glanced at you, his hand still up, about to summon a curse as he battled with his inner demons.
You gave him a little smile, one you'd give him all the time, but the underlying feeling made him tense. It was much darker, much more sinister.
"He's the one who-!" The girls from the cage exclaimed, but was shut down by the shouting of the male villager.
"Shut up, you monster!!! Your parents were exactly the same! We should have killed you when you were babies!"
"Shut the fuck up."
A loud thump from your fist embued with cursed energy, as well as a resounding crack from the same area tore a bloodhurdling scream from the middle aged male villager.
Suguru's eyes widened as his tensed hand lowered to his side, lips parting in shock at your actions.
That was the first time Suguru has ever seen you so angry you snapped. It sent chills down his spine and the hairs on his body to raise. His body tensed from the accumulation of cursed energy around you.
"Does having a broken rib hurt?" Your words were laced with worry, but with the unyielding mocking tilt in it, it was hardly convincing. "Do you want me to break your arm as well? That'll numb the pain a little."
You strode forward a couple of steps, coming in closer to the older male, crouching down slightly as you grabbed his arm roughly, pulling him in as your foot landed on the shoulder of the arm you pulled, about to dislocate his arm with a rough pull.
A strangled cry for you to stop made you raise your brow as a scowl adorned your face. Your eyes narrowed at the man below you. He was breathing heavily as he grabbed your ankle, trying to pry you off weakly, but to no avail. His grip was painfully weak, and he was struggling to breathe. You wondered if the broken rib pierced his lungs or any other organ?
"Oh? You want me to stop?" You taunted, an amused chuckle resonating through your chest. "Did you stop when you and the village were tormenting those poor kids? Beating them up and locking them up in here?" You dug your heel into his shoulder as you pushed him into the concrete wall, twisting it a couple of times for good measure. He writhed in pain as his grip on your ankle tightened, but you pulled at his arm, making him scream out.
The older lady on the side, who had been trembling the whole time in shock, suddenly let out a screech and flung herself at you, her arms flailing to hit you to let go of her fellow villager.
You grit your teeth as you grab the village man's arm with your left arm, using your elbow as an anchor point to throw a perfectly timed slap to the woman's face, causing her to hit the wall next to him after spinning in the air a couple of times.
"Wow, didn't know a human could spin so much. Especially for an old lady!" You light up into a smile. The smile didn't reach your eyes and was instead habouring a deep hatred for the types of people you were fighting, ready to rip off their arms and limbs if necessary.
"You can join you grandson now. I'm sure he's waiting for you."
What a sorry excuse for a human being.
"[name]..." Suguru called our your name hesitantly, glancing at the two girls in the wooden cage. They were trembling, hugging each other as they watched you. However, it didn't seem like they were scared. Their eyes showed admiration, and were widened in a surprise that could be interpreted as positive.
His eyes once again landed on you. You didn't even react to him saying your name - it was like you were in a state of mania, with such a fluctation in temperament and emotions, it felt like a different person. It didn't feel like you.
Did he even know you?
Who was the person in front of him?
He looked back at the girls, walking a couple of steps closer before trying to shield what you were doing with his body.
"Answer my question. Did you or did you not stop when you were tormenting those kids?" You looked to the wall where the woman hit, seeing her barely unconscious on the ground after the smack made her life flash before her very eyes.
The villager man screamed, "I-AAHHh-hah, you...you'RE THE DEVIL!"
"Oh, wow, you think I'm the devil?" You didn't even miss a beat at responding, giving him a doe eyed look to vouch for your innocence. Your expression shifted to a crazed grin, a laughter erupting in your throat as you pulled roughly at his arm, a loud pop ringing in the air as you dislocated it. You let him scream, collapsing over as you let go of his arm, allowing it to drop to his side as he cried, streaks of tears staining his shirt as drool flowed out of his mouth at the pain. You lean in, a smile on your lips as you coo at his current state, "Honey, if I'm the devil, then what are you and the other villagers? I think you're all devil's incarnate, so we should be the same, no? Why the scared face? Just like you said, I'm a devil. No, we're both devils."
You watch as his expression contorts to one where he wanted to scream something in your face, anger taking hold of him as the fear takes a seat. He was sweating, and the colour was draining from his face from the pain you inflicted.
You could only chuckle at his sorry state, clicking your tongue at him a couple of times. "But there's one thing you got wrong, darling. I'm not the devil, I'm your grim reaper."
You pull your foot back as the man's consciousness finally breaks, and he slumps over to join his fellow unconscious villager after enduring the pain.
"Didn't even answer the fucking question." You muttered, clicking your tongue once more. You fished your phone from your pocket and gave a call to the Windows nearby to alert them of what happened.
As you did so, Suguru watched you. He was frozen in his spot, unable to move. He was in shock at the way you handled the two just now. It was different to when you sparred together, and it made him realise you always unconsciously held back.
While he watched you release your anger at them, he had calmed down. His mind and heart less cloudy than before as he watched everything unfold before him. It gave him a rationality of thought, juxtaposed with your outburst. It almost made thinking a lot easier, with you by his side in such a state.
It reminded him of his best friend Satoru, and he wondered how much time you spent with him to become like this. After all, that mocking tone and speech was actually quite similar that it scared him - or, did you have this side hidden the whole time, but had control over yourself that you didn't break until the situation called for it?
By no means did he condone what you did, but if you didn't handle it the way you did, he didn't know what he would've done. He was so close to breaking that it was almost a miracle he didn't.
"[name]." Suguru repeated your name again after you finished your phone call, taking a couple of steps towards you.
"Hm, yes, Sugu?" You questioned him with a genuine smile. Your usual smile was on your lips as you tilt your head slightly at him, wondering what he wanted to ask.
He paused, wondering which was the real you. The switch was so fast, and oh so sudden. Your cursed energy had dissipated and wasn't so condensed, and your calm temperament was back. It confused him, and he wondered if he was in the wrong for thinking of such horrible things before you literally broke a person's rib.
He grabbed the hand you used to hit the man in the stomach and slap the other, seeing no injuries. Gliding his thumb over the areas that made contact, he closed his eyes for a moment, heaving a light sigh, before making eye contact with you again.
"We should get the girls to safety." You nod to the girls in the cage, placing a hand on Suguru's hand as you pat it a couple of times before releasing from his grip.
Suguru watched as you broke the lock of the cage, taking the girls out carefully. They latched onto you and murmured quiet thank yous as they cried in your arms. It hurt his heart to see such young children suffer from the hands of horrible adults. They didn't deserve this.
He walked over and leaned down slightly, placing his large hands on the girls' heads, gently ruffling their hair. He also ruffled your one too since you were crouched down to their level, a funny noise coming from your throat at the unexpected affection. Seeing your reaction, the girls glanced at each other and did the same, placing their hands gently on your head as they pet it like they did a small animal.
You laughed lightly, a sound so delightful to Suguru's ears at this current moment that it slowly wedged its way into his darker thoughts.
"The Windows should be here soon," You looked from Suguru to the girls, "We'll be taking you back with us. You'll be provided shelter and food, and life will be much better than here." You grabbed a hand from each girl, thumb caressing the back of their hand.
They fervently nodded their heads, ready to depart from the wretched village they used to call home.
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The minute the four of you arrived back at Jujutsu High, you were pulled over by an angry Yaga, who began berating you for going on the mission regardless of what the elders have said, and that you were to see them immediately.
"This is unlike you, [name]! Suguru could have handled it on his own." Yaga pinched his nose bridge, obviously frustrated at your handling of the situation.
You crossed your arms, quickly glancing over at Suguru, the girls and the Window accompanying them. They were watching you, and the girls were getting tugged to go to Shoko for their injuries, but they didn't want to leave since you were getting yelled at.
You met Geto's eyes, which held yours for a moment, before you looked back at Yaga with a heavy exhale. "Well, yes." You said simply. Yaga stared at you like you'd grown another head, wondering why what you said was different from your actions.
"Since you understand that, then why--"
"So do the elders want to see me now?" You interrupted. You didn't want to hear it from him nor did you want to elaborate. It wasn't like they were going to understand what you were doing anyway.
Yaga made an expression he normally did when dealing with Satoru, before sighing. "They'll see you now. You're probably not going to get out of this unscathed."
"So what are they going to do? Kill me? The villagers are still alive and well, just a little bit in pain." You waved at the girls and Suguru as you left with Yaga.
"I'll be back in a bit. Gonna get ripped a new one." You joked light-heartedly. It was the elders, after all. They're going to rip into any and every material and weakness they had on you so they could bring you under their control.
But you weren't going to succumb.
No fucking way.
Suguru watched as you left, his waving hand falling to his side. He felt little hands grab his pants as you left, each one belonging to the little girls saved.
"Is [name] going to get in trouble for saving us?" Their worried tone of voice was so sweet, so young, it hurt Geto.
He shook his head, "Only a little bit. But they'll be ok." He placed his large hands on each of their heads and ruffled their hair gently, careful not to get any healing areas.
"I think [name] will be happy if you go to Shoko and get healed up." Suguru nodded at the Window, who tried to get the little girls with them.
The girls stared up at him for a moment, then let go and nodded, trusting his words. They each grabbed the Window's hands and asked them to lead the way.
And, Geto Suguru was alone once again with his thoughts, the whole fiasco weighing on his mind as his feet took him to your room.
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Geto Suguru wandered why he sat in your room all the time. He practically lived in there now, with how often he was there instead of his own room or house.
You often dragged him when you saw him alone, to your room so he could keep you company, citing 'loneliness', but really, later down the track he realised he was the one needing your company instead, and he looked forward to when he was able to be around you. He also knew you weren't really 'lonely', but rather wanted him to know someone was willing to be there for him.
Could you read minds?
Sure, his other best friend Satoru wasn't around as often due to taking more solo missions, and Shoko was in the morgue, but at least he was able to see her. But out of the three, he saw you the most, and he was glad he did.
When did it start?
He wondered when he started coming to yours, now considered normal without any asking, without any hesitation.
He thinks it was right after the mission with Riko, the star plasma vessel. That was when you started inviting him to things way more often, trying whatever you could to fill up his time and space whenever Satoru and Shoko weren't there. So he was never alone.
The compliments, the time, attention, and love he was showered was almost too much for him when he realised it after this specific mission, and he had to lean forward and hold his head in his hands as the burden of his own thoughts made his eyes glassy.
The one who had reached out their hand, unwavering and steady, was you.
It was always you.
And since it started, the others did their best to support whenever they could, and that would've been an effort on your behalf, most likely you letting them know what you were doing.
Geto let out a choked sob as he let the tears fall in silence. Even though it tore him inside with which side he wanted to take when it came to protecting or not protecting non-sorcerers, he thought of you, he thought of Satoru, and he thought of Shoko. He thought of the girls you and him rescued, and the lives of the other sorcerers he went to school with. He thought of the non-sorcerers who didn't understand what it meant to live as a shaman, and he thought of the ones who cried and thanked him gratefully.
He hated the Jujutsu society and how it was structured. He hated how non-sorcerers were the bane and root of their existence, and the discrimination that comes with being a Jujutsu sorcerer as a minority.
Even though he was combating the very notion of accepting either side of the war raging inside him, he wondered how you were able to be as you are. How you were able to continue on your missions, how you were able to continue on the marathon race called shamantism? Did it not affect you?
But he knew it did, but how deeply he did not know.
He had heard you crying your heart out for Haibara, who was easily one of your favourite underclassmen, alone, when you woke up in the middle of the night before and during the mission you both came back from. But, even though he heard your sobs and cries, he couldn't say anything. All he could do was pretend to sleep and move so one of his arms was draping over you stomach, his forehead touching your shoulder as a way of saying 'I'm here for you'.
He would notice the way you calmed down when he did so, and it was something he noted for next time.
In his mind, he could recognise your smile and your voice, every one of your words drilled into his head as the tears fell onto the floorboards.
He was originally doing this for himself and wanted a solid foundation to base his beliefs off. Before, it was strong, but after the Riko mission, it faltered, and he wasn't sure if he wanted to continue down the same path.
And now, he was at a crossroad.
He wanted to trust in those who had faith in him, and the good in the people who were not the bad kind of non-sorcerers. Because the world had both. If his noble cause was just to protect the weak, those who weren't able to protect themselves and were good people, then so be it. Those who were corrupt, there will be another punishment waiting for them.
And so, he made up his mind.
"Sugu! Those elders put me under house arrest! For disobeying orders!" You opened the door to your room, half exclaiming and half grinning at the punishment given.
You gave a momentary pause when you saw Suguru with his head in his hands, hunched over where he normally sat at the foot of your bed.
With your arrival, he looked up, his loose hair slightly covering his face. But you could tell, he looked like he'd been crying, or was he still crying?
You took off your shoes, shut the door and immediately made a beeline to him, standing between his legs and cupping his cheeks with both your hands as you stared at him, searching his eyes for answers, for reasons, for everything. He stared up at you, sniffing every couple of seconds as his tears dried.
"Sugu." Your voice was a whisper, "What are you thinking?"
The softness of your voice didn't go unnoticed. Suguru always noticed. His hands hesitantly held your wrist, fingers wrapped around loosely so if you wanted to get out of his grip, you could.
The silence was palpable. It was heavy, and it tasted thick. He could only feel the warmth of your hands on his face and the warmth radiating off the close proximity of your body.
Since you didn't get an answer straight away, you gently swiped your thumb in the area just under his eyes like he did for you, on both sides, one at a time. He blinked a couple of times, the grip on your wrists loosening further as it fell down between his legs.
When you ran your fingers through his hair as a makeshift comb, he closed his eyes, basking in the affection you gave him, calming his tumultuous heart.
"Thank you..." His words were quiet, all too quiet that it seemed like you were the only one who he spoke to, in the bubble of the two of you, "For coming with me on that mission."
You hummed lightly as you continued to thread your hands through his hair, giving him a light head massage here and there as he struggled to find the words to convey his thoughts to you.
"I wavered." It was a statement, a statement that had many emotions in it, spoken to himself more than to you. It made you pause your movements, the raw feeling of his words sinking into you as you waited for him to continue, along with your massage.
"After Riko's death, those non-sorcerers, those monkeys, I can still hear them clapping, applauding her death." Suguru lets out a breathy sigh at the end, finally letting out his thoughts. "I used to believe the strong exists to protect the weak. But now...what about the strong? The strong are dying because of these non-sorcerers, because they aren't able to control their cursed energy, and they create curses that cause our deaths. There's no end."
"Being a Jujutsu sorcerer is a marathon race. What if...at the end, it's just a pile of our corpses? Our friends' corpses?" Suguru opened his eyes again, holding a sadness in his eyes he wasn't able to show until now.
You put your hands back on his cheeks. "Do you still believe the strong exists to protect the weak?"
You weren't able to answer this marathon race question. It was impossible to. Whatever answer you had, it would be negative. And you didn't want to dampen his spirits with something he already knew, deep inside him.
It was silent before he finally replied, "I don't know."
"The strong protect the weak. That was your philosophy, wasn't it?" A pause, "It's also what makes the strong, strong. You know, if there weren't any 'weak' people, you wouldn't even be considered 'strong', you know."
"As someone who's been saved by the strong and now becoming stronger because of them, I will hold that in my heart forever. Those non-sorcerers and sorcerers you've saved, Sugu, will remember you as their saviour."
Suguru's lips parted, but he closed them again, waiting for you to continue. He didn't know what to say.
"If you decide you don't want to protect non-sorcerers anymore and you look down on them, and it's the alternative to saving non-sorcerers because they're weak, then..." Your forehead presses on his as you close your eyes, "I'll let you go."
Suguru's throat became dry. He wanted to badly to say that he wasn't going to leave, but he couldn't deny the feelings he had when it came to whichever road he would pick.
"But, if you do end up hating non-sorcerers, you'll become one of those corpses you didn't want to see. And as a fellow sorcerer, I'd hate for that to happen." You lean down and move to hug him to your smaller body, pressing his face into the crook of your neck.
"Non-sorcerers are weak, yes, but they can also be strong. Not strong enough to kill curses, but strong in other aspects. Strength is not equal to pulverising curses." You gently pet the back of his head, "Riko was strong, wasn't she? She's not a bad non-sorcerer. She was almost like a friend to you, wasn't she?"
Suguru's arms wrap around your mid section, grabbing onto the back of your shirt like life support. "...yes." He managed to whisper.
"There's good and bad in everyone, Sugu, regardless of if they're sorcerers or not. If you're worried about the sorcerers in the world, wouldn't it be best to fix it at its core rather than to to just kill them all?"
Suguru didn't respond. He already had his answer.
You felt a wetness on your neck as his body shook, sobs ripping through his body as relief filled his veins at your words. You hummed, gently patting his back as he cried.
You knew, Suguru was a soft person inside. No matter how troublesome he and Satoru can become when they're together, Suguru was undoubtedly the softer one. Satoru also had a soft heart, but he had walls and walls around so it wasn't easily penetrated. Whereas for Suguru, the environment he's in affects him easier, and the suffering of others will easily shake him. Especially with his job as a sorcerer, it was even harder since it was a job with an abundance of negative energy.
You must've stayed like this for a while, and you felt him move to face you, his face still in your neck. You could feel his exhales on your skin, a soft hum from him as he murmured an apology to you into your skin.
"You okay there, Sugu?" You leaned your head on his, nuzzling a little.
He let go of the back of your shirt, and instead grabbed your waist and under your legs, bringing you to his lap as you yelped in surprise at the sudden lightweightedness.
"Sorry, it's easier this way." He adjusted you so you were directly in front of him, your legs to the side on the bed. His arms encased you as he hugged you tighter than before, not wanting to let go. He wanted to feel your pulse and heartbeat, to know you're present and there with him.
He buried his face into the crook of your neck again, his eyes closing as he tried to burrow impossibly closer, just like you're his lifeline.
You didn't mind since occasionally he would do this, but as of now, this was the most intimate he had become with you, and it was making your heartbeat speed up.
You tried to calm yourself as you continued to pat his back and smooth the back of his hair, chin on his shoulder as you leaned your head on his.
"Your heart's racing." You felt his lips curl into a smile, "You like this?"
Slightly annoyed by his teasing during such a tender moment, especially for him, the next pat was a lot harsher than the rest of them. You pouted as he chuckled into your skin, loosening his grip. He kept one arm around you as he wiped any tears with his sleeve, gently patting the areas on you he made damp.
You noticed he looked a lot better. A lot lighter, even. Even though he was crying, whatever was weighing him down seemed to have lessened or disappeared, like it was never there in the first place. It was like the Suguru pre star plasma vessel mission had returned.
You unknowingly held your breath, wondering if the Suguru in front of you would go back to the one who was conflicted.
"Do I have something on my face?" Suguru could feel your intense gaze on him the whole time, and he felt like he was under a microscope at how strong your gaze was.
He suddenly became self-conscious; did he look that bad after crying?
"You're back." You stated, almost incredulously.
At the tip of his tongue, he wanted to ask 'I'm back?', but he realised, you meant him. You meant the him from before Riko, the him before he started spiralling. The him who had a strong resolve and foundation.
"I've always been here." He gave you a little smile, the smile sincerely reaching his eyes as he gave you a little forehead bump.
You felt a blush rise to your cheeks at such a gentle motion, not unnoticed by him.
"You blush at this but not the hugging before?" He stared at you like you were the strangest thing on this earth, but the mirth was clearly dancing around his purple eyes, making you hit him lightly in the chest, giving him an unimpressed look.
"Welcome back, I guess." You rolled your eyes playfully at him, but you were glad he was back.
"So what's this about a house arrest for you?" Suddenly, you remembered you'd come to deliver the news to him after your meeting with the elders.
"Ah, yeah, so I'm under house arrest! For 1 week! They told me to not leave the school and if I do, they're gonna do something." You tried to recall the information, but all you had in your head was Suguru, Suguru and more Suguru.
You blinked once, twice, thrice, but you couldn't remember shit all. "Maybe I should get 'toru to bail me out if I get in trouble. He can threaten them easily."
"...why not me?" Suguru gave his best attempt at puppy dog eyes, making your brows raise at him for the effort.
"Nice try," You pinch his cheeks, trying to stop the smile from pulling your lips upwards, "I don't want you going alone, so go with 'toru if you want to. Double trouble from the two strongest sorcerers, right?" You finally give him a grin as he held a baffled look.
Then, he laughed.
The sound was like a melody to your ears, one which was so genuine and heartfelt, one you hadn't heard in so long. It moved you.
"I'll do that, then. Does that mean you have to stay here the whole time?"
"Nah, as long as I'm in Tengen's barrier."
"That's a pretty good holiday for you."
"I know right?"
"You've worked hard enough so I think you deserve some rest."
The chatter continued until the night, until you fell asleep on him from how tiring the whole day was. Geto cradled you close, like you were made of glass (not that he wasn't hugging you like his lifeline before). Instead of caressing your cheek like he was used to, this time, he mustered up some courage, gave a quick peck on your cheek, then nuzzled your cheeks together as he stood up and got you into your bed.
As he tucked you in, he gently pushed the stray hairs out of your face, his finger caressing your cheek ever so gently.
"...thank you, [name]." He spoke so, so softly he barely heard his own voice, a calm and gentle smile on his face as he reluctantly left. He was going to hop into bed next to you to sleep as well, but he figured he should clean up first before doing so.
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Turns out, Suguru didn't have any missions in the same week you were under house arrest.
You were still sleeping even after Suguru tried to wake you up in the morning, so he just left you there so you could rest. After all, you probably needed some extra time since you worked so hard for him.
"I'm surprised I don't have any missions this week." The martial artist sat down with a cup of tea.
"Wonder why that is?" Shoko had shrugged off the question, eating together with the curse manipulation user in the common area.
She already knew why that was, since she heard it all from you, but she wasn't going to tell Suguru so easily.
"[name] probably complained to the elders." Suguru stated with a laugh. He could see it happening, with you giving them attitude until you got what you want. Almost like a kid trowing a tantrum.
Shoko let out a hum as she agreed. There was a little more to the story, but he didn't need to know yet.
They were so worried about you they actually begged the elders this time. Probably the first time they've begged them, so they allowed it with one condition: [name] had to do whatever they wanted for a week after their house arrest.
But Suguru didn't need to know that, at least, until [name] told him, which they probably didn't want to do.
Seeing Shoko's nonchalant personality was normal, but for Suguru he felt like there was definitely something she knew. After all, [name] was at Shoko's before they came back to their room yesterday. And knowing the elders and from what [name]'s said about them, Suguru assumed there would be some form of condition.
Seeing he wasn't convinced, Shoko decided she was going to allude to it a little, since [name] probably wasn't going to say anything.
To speed up the process, was Shoko's determining factor.
"I think they're going to be quite busy after their week off. My spider senses are telling me this." She joked, leaning back on the chair.
Suguru thought for a moment, "So the elders are going to force [name] to go on difficult missions."
Shoko shrugged, taking out a cigarette and placing it between her lips. She didn't light it inside, but it didn't feel right without it. "Aren't they already doing that?"
Geto didn't give a response, thinking what the elders would do especially since [name] was involved. From his observations, they were much more strict on you than they were on anybody else. Satoru could get away with things because he was one of the strongest and could actually end them and everything else, but you on the other hand, were not able to do that and effectively just danced in the palm of their hands trying to bite your way out.
He let out a low hum in thought. If he was granted no missions during this time and you were under house arrest, but Shoko alluded to you being busy the next week even after knowing you'll be taking up missions just like usual, that effectively means something was up. Was there another variable he wasn't sure about? Did you have something to do with him having no missions right now?
"Shoko, why not just tell me [name] had a deal with the elders?" He let out a sigh at the roundabout way of getting to the answer. "I'm guessing they agreed to do whatever the elders asked for, for 1 week, right? In exchange for giving me a break and going on that mission even after getting told not to."
"Bingo." Shoko made finger guns at his correct answer. She definitely didn't tell him, he just figured it out on his own, she tells herself.
Suguru's lips pressed into a thin line, wondering what the elders had planned. After all, you were a semi grade-1 sorcerer, but you kept getting pushed into missions which were grade 1 or higher, somehow managing to always come back alive even after facing a grade 1 curse.
Which is why the elders were always assigning you to go on difficult missions.
"You know, the girls you brought back, Mimiko and Nanako, are doing well. They've been put into a foster home associated with Jujutsu High, so you'll be able to see them if you want." Shoko forgot to give him this piece of information.
"That's good to hear." He smiled, now knowing the girls were doing well. It brought him back to the day prior, where he was so, so close to losing it and choosing another path. "I'm sure [name] would like to see them too."
Shoko shifted in her seat when she heard your name from his lips this time, finding it was different to earlier. It was softer? She couldn't quite put her finger to it, but it was like his soft spot for you was even softer than before, if that could even be a thing.
"You sound like a lovesick fool." Shoko commented with a non-commited laugh. She was just teasing, but she was also curious.
Suguru rolled his eyes at her, taking a sip of his tea. "They saved them too. Of course they'd want to see them."
He didn't agree nor deny, making Shoko raise her brows in surprise.
"I heard my name." You yawned as you entered the common area, still in the clothes you wore yesterday.
"Looks like you slept well." Geto examined your hair, which stuck up in some places, a smile on his face at the scene.
You hummed in response, giving a wave to both of them before sauntering over to the kitchenette to make yourself a glass of warm water, uncaring of the eyes trailing after you.
Shoko's gaze landed on Suguru, watching him watch you.
His gaze on you was definitely different. She definitely wasn't seeing things. She swore it was softer than before. The way his expression changed to a more relaxed one the minute you came into the picture, the way his shoulders relaxed when he talked to you, the tone of his voice shifting spectacularly to include an affectionate tilt, all of it was presented right in from of Shoko, who had known Suguru for a while, so she could tell these differences easily.
Wow, damn. He's down bad.
She smirked to herself, wanting so badly to tell Satoru of Suguru's little crush.
Except, both of them would probably deny it to the ends of the earth.
You slip into the seat next to Geto, eyes half open as you slowly blinked away your sleepiness, drinking the water here and there. Suguru laughed lightly at your state, scooting a little closer to detangle your hair with his fingers, running his hands through your hair to fix it.
Shoko's eyes nearly bulged out of her head, watching this blatant public display of affection. She was used to Suguru being a little touchy with [name] and expressing it here and there, but this was a new high. It made her sip the coffee she'd forgotten she had on the side, not sure if she should be there to experience such a thing.
You hummed in content, "Thanks Sugu."
"Should've brushed your hair before coming out." He gently chided, taking a sip of his tea.
"Probably should've changed, too..." You yawn again, taking another sip of water. "But yeah, I'd like to see the kids too, Shoko, when they're ready and all healed up."
Shoko, having been distracted for a moment, returned to her nonchalant self as she grinned, promising to let both of you know when that was possible.
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The week of house arrest was a blessing for you, especially before the files for the missions you were undertaking were handed to you by a Window.
There were 2 missions you were asked to undertake - a grade 1 solo mission, and then a special grade one with Satoru.
A special grade with Satoru? If you didn't already feel alarmed, you were definitely feeling alarmed now. Hell, if Satoru is on any missions, it meant that there was serious harm that could be done.
You flipped through the papers wordlessly, your expression changing here and there before going back to normal.
These were the two missions asked by the elders, the ones who you were to obey for the week.
There can't be anything good here, you thought, going through the documents a second time to remember the information.
"Are you going on a mission soon?" Suguru suddenly appeared out of nowhere, nearly making you jump in surprise. His face was right next to yours, overlooking your shoulders to peer at the documents.
"Yeah, these two are for next week. One solo, one with 'toru." You showed him the front pages of each and the basic information.
He let out a low hum in response and pulled back, plucking the papers with him to sift through them.
He already knew they were missions the elders specifically picked out for you, but for one with Satoru? He was sure something was up there.
Of course, you didn't know he knew about your little deal with the elders, and he didn't plan on telling you he knew. Instead, he just showed up wherever you were because he wanted to be near you. And, who knows, the elders might have something planned so he wanted to know you were safe.
"It's too bad I have my own missions to go to. Otherwise I'd have gone with you." He handed you back the papers, seeing your confused expression.
"I'm sure the elders would love that." You spoke sarcastically, but laughed all the same. It would've been great to go on missions with Suguru, just like not too long ago. "Maybe we'll go on missions together soon!"
"I'd like that."
He'll pretend he didn't see the big red words on the special grade mission with Satoru, one which spelled out '2 special grades'.
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"So, apparently there are 2 special grades." Satoru ate a crepe filled to the brim with toppings, walking side by side with you as you both headed to the site of the mission.
He'd come back a day or so ago and didn't even bother looking through the documents, leaving it to you since you had them before him. Also because he was strong and he didn't care enough; he would've beaten them regardless.
"Which is why I have no idea why I'm here." You muttered, sighing. You snack on your on crepe, much more simple than his, wondering why in the earth the elders wanted to put you on such a mission. You were semi grade 1, for fuck's sake! Just because you survived a special grade and grade 1 mission before doesn't necessarily mean you'll survive the next ones?!
Satoru glanced at you and took a large chomp of his crepe, munching gleefully. Once he finished that bite, he said, "They should've sent Suguru with me if anything."
"I know right? Special grades against special grades, not special grade and semi grade 1 versus 2 special grades. Are they telling me to die?" You let out an exasperated sigh.
"They're probably planning something." Satoru and you both knew how much they were assholes, but cunning was also a word that could be used to describe them.
He left out the part about how he knew you did this for Suguru, and all the nitty gritty details Shoko filled him in about after he came back from the mission prior. He also left out the information only he has access to, one which was more in line with the ability you had, that the elders were convinced you were able to awaken at a later stage.
After all, if you could unlock your cursed energy output channels so abruptly and have so much CE, there was bound to be some locked potential there, right?
Which is why you were put onto this mission to assist Satoru.
"Let's just get this over and done with." You finished the rest of your crepe, downing some bitter green tea before heading to the Windows waiting at the site.
Satoru followed you, feeling the CE ooze strongly from the site.
This will be interesting.
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A couple of nights after you and Satoru went on the mission, Suguru began to get worried. He shouldn't be worried about you since you were with the Gojo heir, but he couldn't shake the feeling something happened to you.
It was when he woke up from a nightmare of you dying in his arms that he feels his stomach drop, and cold sweat run down his face and body.
The feeling was unmistakenably so humane, so real that it fucked his head in. He sat up in bed for a moment, feeling your side of the bed before finding it cold and empty. He started to panic, wondering if the dream was indeed real, but then he realised you were still on a mission, and it's been a couple of days since you went. He sighed to himself, slipping out of the covers to go cool down.
When he opened the door, he saw the light at the end of the hallway was open, the one belonging to the common room.
He didn't know what time it was, but it definitely wasn't a time to be up. But, he still went, curious about who was up this late.
"Satoru?" He questioned, seeing the white haired man in question sprawled out on the couch. "You two finished the mission?"
"Yeah." Gojo leaned back, turning his head to meet Suguru's tired ones. "Can't sleep?"
"Had a nightmare."
"Where's [name]?"
"Getting examined by Shoko."
"What happened to them?" Suguru didn't want to sound too panicked, but Satoru could see through him right away.
"[name]'s fine. Maybe super tired now since they activated their curse technique for the first time."
"Cursed technique?" Suguru echoed. From what he knew, you didn't have a CT.
"Yeah." Satoru leaned on one side, crossing his legs as he faced Suguru. "Nullfication. Can cancel anything with cursed energy within a radius of 2 metres. Curses die just being in contact with it, but depends on grade."
"Isn't that an extremely rare ability?" Geto had to get himself something to drink, he was parched. He also made one for Satoru as well, knowing he'd want one too after the mission.
"Yeah. It bypassed my infinity." Satoru made an expression as he clicked his tongue, "But then my infinity worked again. Was the first time something like this happened."
Suguru couldn't help but let his jaw drop. "Is that even possible?"
Satoru frowned, taking the cup from Suguru and taking a drink. "I don't know, but the CT uses CE to maintain it. Still trying to figure out how it works."
Suguru breathed out in relief, "Wow."
"Not a moment to be celebrating, Suguru." Satoru clicked his tongue at him again, "I think this was exactly what the elders wanted."
Suguru backtracked for a moment - he knew the elders wanted something, but this? He didn't expect them to look at [name] and go 'this one will have a CT manifested'. Usually CT are manifested at an earlier age, so for you to awaken one so much later was a miracle in itself.
"Back then, and now, too." Gojo let out an exasperated sigh. "Those old bastards."
Suguru finished off his drink, "I'm going to go see them."
"Oh, ok." Satoru saw Suguru's expression, it did hold worry, but it was more contemplative due to the situation around it. He quickly finished off his drink and followed his best friend.
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Suguru breathed a sigh of relief he didn't know he was holding when he saw you getting a check up from Shoko. You looked tired, but you were still alive and kicking.
"Sugu? Why are you awake? It's 3am." You raise a brow, then quickly realised Shoko was up too because of you and apologised with a little bow.
"I couldn't sleep." He strode to where you were. The tension in his body was replaced with relief as he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a hug. He nuzzled into your hair, even if it was dirty from the mission.
"Sugu? I haven't cleaned up, you know." You let out a laugh as you let him do his thing, giving him a light hug back and some pats on the back.
Satoru made an expression, almost pouty, before he also came over and enveloped both you and Suguru into a hug. "I don't know what's going on but I'll hug you too. Shoko, come!" He dragged her by the arm so everyone was in a hug, much to your delight.
It's been a while since there was a group hug.
"If the elders say anything, drop my name and I'll come kill them." Satoru murmured, ready to throw hands. He nuzzled his face into the top of your head, ignoring how his hair tickled Suguru and Shoko's noses.
"If you do that, let me examine their dead bodies." Shoko joked.
"If there are any difficult missions, bring me or Satoru along." Suguru scrunched his nose as he delved deeper, leaning his body weight on you ever so slightly.
"Guys, I think I'll pass out..." You tapped at their arms, not having enough strength to pull them off.
Not even a minute passed and you were tucked into your bed, the other three shoved into your bed with you, hugging at least one part of your body as they drifted off into sleep.
You were facing Suguru, who hadn't slept yet, but was waiting for you to close your eyes and rest.
"Sugu, let's visit the kids soon, ok?" You yawned, closing your eyes, "Goodnight."
He moved slightly to bump his forehead to yours, moving back when a small smile curled your lips. He was ready to sleep now, and he didn't think he'd have anymore nightmares.
"Let's do that. Goodnight."
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A/N: This is almost a little prequel to this angsty one, but can be a fluffy-ish angsty-ish standalone as well!
Fun fact, after Suguru cried his eyes out, his eyes were puffy for the first day of this break, and you and Shoko gave him so much shit for it.
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mountttmase · 1 year
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Cherry Earrings
Note - okay before we start I need you to listen to this song first, or have it on it the background cause this fic is heavily based on it. Thank you to the anons I spoke to about this a while back as it got me back into writing when I was struggling. I really hope you all enjoy and feedback is appreciated as always ❤️
Pairing - Mason Mount × Reader
Word count - 3.3K
Warnings - fluff and some suggestive content
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There was something about England in the sun that always picked your mood up drastically. After months of grey skies and wind so forceful it nearly knocked you over most mornings, waking up to blue skies and the heat of the sun on your face made you happier than you ever thought it could.
It was one of those rare days that you and Mason had to yourselves. No where to be and no one to answer to but yourselves so when Mason suggested the idea of a picnic in the park near by that afternoon you were happy to agree.
You were currently in the small Sainsbury’s near your house, basket filled high with snacks and drinks for your afternoon of soaking up the sun when you realised how much crap you’d both picked up so you dragged him back to the front of the shop.
‘I think we should get some fruit Mase. What do you fancy?’ You asked, hearing him groan at the thought of something healthy.
His eyes scanned over the shelves, seemingly disinterested until his eyes lit up when they landed on what he wanted. A cheeky smirk on his face as he bought his lips to your ear and his hand that was perched on your shoulder suddenly moved down carefully to the back of your arm.
‘How about some cherries?’ He whispered, a shiver rolling down your spine at his words as his thumb lightly stroked over one particular spot. Sometimes you thought he could point out where the tiny drawing was in the dark but you suppose it helped with him having the same thing in the same place on his own body.
You laughed, picking up the box before turning to him. You knew you were blushing by the way he was looking at you and even though you were in a public place where people knew exactly who he was, you let him dip his head down to kiss you sweetly.
Matching tattoos was something you’d never thought about until that fateful night in Portland a few years ago. You hadn’t been seeing Mason that long in the grand scheme of things, the pair of you meeting when he’d accidentally stolen your taxi but since you were both going the same way you decided to share. it was very unlike you but you gave him your number when you’d both arrived at your destination, him asking to see you again and you were too blinded by his smile to disagree.
You both told each other you weren’t looking for anything too serious, but that was out the window by day three. Not able to keep away from each other for too long and you loved getting to know every inch of him. You weren’t official but you knew it was coming soon, so when he invited you away for a long weekend with some of his friends and their girlfriends you jumped at the chance.
You figured Portland was an odd choice, but after Mason explained it was out the way and hopefully they could keep a low profile you understood why and couldn’t wait to go. You’d never done anything this exciting before and the fact you got to do it with Mason made the whole trip even better.
You and Mason were sharing the loft room of the huge house you’d all rented and were using the fact that no one could hear you from all there way up their to your advantage. You couldn’t keep your hands off of each other and most nights it felt like you barely slept but on the last night things had taken a weird turn when you’d gone out for some some celebratory drinks before heading home the next afternoon.
Reece’s idea of going to bar for ‘a few’ had turned into a mini bar crawl and whilst on your way to your fourth at nearly 3am, Ben had spotted a tattoo shop tucked away in a alley next to where you were just about to enter.
‘We should so get tattoos together’ he exclaimed, throwing an arm around Masons shoulder as he pulled his date along by the hand.
‘Is that not a bit weird?’ Mason laughed, dragging you through the door and into a small booth at the back. The bar wasn’t overly loud or crowded but the boys always liked the space since they never knew who was around and you liked how they could just be themselves for a bit without constantly watching over their shoulder.
‘They don’t have to be matching, just something to remember the weekend by’ he told you all and even though everyone else seemed on board, Mason looked at you with curious eyes. Unsure of if it was something you’d be up for but you just smiled at him before giving your drink order to Ben who’s round it was.
You never seen Mason this drunk before. Not that he was hammered by any stretch of the imagination, but his little tipsy smile and soft bleary eyes were pulling at your heart strings and you couldn’t help but lean over and kiss him.
‘You two need to learn to keep your hands off each other’ Ben laughed as he made his way back, drinks for everyone and a shot as extra but Mason just pushed his shot to you.
‘Mase? Don’t you want it?’
‘I’ve had enough. You have it’ he smiled
‘Why won’t you drink with me?’ You pouted and even though you’d just been told off for not keeping your lips to yourself he lent back in to kiss you quickly.
‘It doesn’t matter. you’re having a good time right?’ He asked and you nodded at him enthusiastically. ‘Look I would, I just know there’s a long walk home. I want at least one of us to have their wits about them and I’d never forgive myself if something happened to you just because I didn’t know my limit’ he told you softly, feeling your heart thump at sweet words. Thinking about your safety when it had completely gone over the top of your head to think about anything else but what was happening in the moment.
The others had abandoned you at the table now, Mason pulling you in closer so he could kiss you again and you let him. Cupping his jaw to keep him close as his kisses were more addictive tonight and you didn’t want to be away from him. You weren’t too sure of it was the alcohol making the pair of you a bit more carefree but it’s like you didn’t care who could be watching you, you just wanted to be close.
His kisses were slow and sexy, pulling a content hum from you as he continually brushed he tongue against yours. His hands were planted on your waist as he carefully skimmed his thumbs across your skin, feeling his gentle touches through your clothes and you shivered at the intimacy of it all. You’d never kissed anyone how Mason kissed you, real kisses that made your head spin and when he bit your lip you had to stop yourself from moaning too loud. You could of kissed him forever but the sound of Reece’s laugh pulled you apart from each other.
‘You two coming?’ You suddenly heard behind you, turning to see Reece and his girlfriend looking at you with giant smiles. You’d wondered if time had suddenly passed by really quickly but a short glance at the clock behind the bar showed you’d only been here around 15 minutes or so.
‘Where?’ Mason asked as Reece began to walk away but he quickly stepped back so you could hear him.
‘Bens convinced us to get tattoos so we’re heading out. You coming?’
‘We’ll meet you in there’ Mason told him before they swayed out, holding onto each other for dear life as their legs struggled to carry them away. ‘We don’t have to, not if you don’t want to’ he said seriously.
‘Fuck it’ you laughed, downing the rest of your drink and pecking his lips again before grabbing your bag. ‘Whatever, let’s do it’
‘Promise me you’re sure’ he laughed, turning your face to him and you gave him what you thought was a reassuring smile but the alcohol pumping through you right now meant it could of looked like anything.
‘Promise. Now come on, they’re waiting’
You followed him inside the tattoo shop, noticing Ben already getting ready for his whilst Reece stood looking at the wall, trying to pick something to add to his collection. You were all going small, something silly and random but all the designs were starting to overwhelm you and you were glad you had Mason behind you for support.
‘What you thinking?’ Mason asked after a while, his chin resting in your shoulder as he held you by your waist.
‘I’m not sure, I don’t want it to be too random’ you told him, but he wasn’t listening fully. His lips on your neck placing wet open mouthed kisses that were making your tummy flutter. ‘Come on Mase, help’ you laughed, tapping his hand and he smiled into your neck before his eyes glanced back up at the wall. ‘What are you getting?’
‘I was thinking the little cherries’ he told you, nodding to the small drawing and you fell in love with them instantly.
‘Why the cherries?’
‘Cause it reminds me of the cherry earrings you’ve got in. I think they’re my favourite’ he whispered in your ear, referencing the small cherry shaped studs you’d bought in duty free on the way over and you followed his eye line to the tiny cherry symbol on the wall so you could take another look. ‘Why don’t you get it too?’
‘What, like matching with you?’
‘Yeah, I don’t see why not?’ he told you, turning your head to look up at him and he was looking back at you with a wide grin, pulling you closer to his body as he let out a little chuckle.
‘Are you sure you’re okay with the same though?’
‘Of course’
‘But what if…’ you started to ask, gulping down a nervous lump as your words trailed off. You looked down at his chest but his lips on your forehead settled you as he began to sway you from side to side softly.
‘Not gonna happen’ he spoke against your hairline quietly, making you smile that he seemed you know what you were thinking before you’d even said it. ‘And even if it does, then we’ll always be connected’ he laughed before making you look at him. ‘How I feel about you, I could never feel this way about anyone else. Known if from the moment I saw you naked’ he teased and you tapped his chest playfully. ‘If it’s too much or too soon I can pick something else’
‘No’ you smiled, shaking your before kissing him softly. ‘I think it’s cute. Let’s do it’ you told him, letting him know you were happy with your choices before you changed your mind. You knew it was crazy, you weren’t even his girlfriend officially but the thought of having tiny matching tattoos with him was an offer you couldn’t pass up.
Mason did all the talking, even offering to go first as you weren’t quite comfortable yet and you held his hand as the artist started, choosing to get it done on the back of his arm so it would be less seen. He didn’t need to as he was wearing a short sleeved top but you didn’t complain when he took it off, letting you stand and look over his perfect torso as he looked at you cheekily.
Mason eventually pulled you in between his legs so he could kiss you after a minute or so and the tattoo didn’t take much longer than that with with being so small. He hadn’t even flinched the whole time and you weren’t sure if it was the alcohol or if he just had a high pain threshold but it was sexy as hell and you knew you were giving him your come to bed eyes. You were just hoping he could see it through all the alcohol clouding your vision.
‘Last chance to back out’ he laughed as the man wrapped him up but you shook your head, determined to go through with it just as Mason had. Mason carefully helped you up onto seat where he had just been and he held onto your thigh with one hand whilst linking your fingers with the others.
‘Where would you like it?’ The artist asked and you pointed to the same place Mason had his, feeling Masons chest rumble before he placed a kiss to your cheek.
‘You guys are cute’ your artist laughed, getting settled behind you and you felt Mason squeeze your hand. ‘How long have you been together?’
‘Its funny you should ask that, It’s our four year anniversary tomorrow’ Mason chirped and you almost choked on your own breath as Mason winked at you. ‘Think it’s about time I popped the question soon huh?’
‘I mean I think I’ve waited long enough’ you replied, watching his face lighten at the fact you were going along with his silly drunken joke.
‘We pretty much know how we want the wedding to be though, don’t we babe’ he smiled and your tummy flipped at the pet name, not one he’d used on you before.
‘We sure do. Private ceremony with all our family and closest friends’
‘And then a massive party afterwards for everyone with an open bar’
‘And I’ve love a chocolate fountain’
‘And personalised cocktails. One for each of us’
‘In the evenings we’ll let everyone set off a lantern just like in tangled’
‘I definitely want our dog to be the ring barer and wear a little suit’
‘And Summer can be my bridesmaid, Mila too if she’s old enough by then’ you laughed and his whole face changed into the most loving look you’d ever seen him give you.
‘I’d love that so much’ he whispered, his drunken eyes getting a little glassy and you reached up with you free hand to cup his jaw. Kissing the tip of his nose to hopefully make him smile and lucky for you it worked.
‘Right, you’re all done’ you suddenly heard, not feeling a thing as Mason had distracted you the whole way through and you laughed as you caught sight of it in the mirror before you were all wrapped up.
Mason refused to let you pay for yours, calling it an early engagement present which no one else seemed to understand but you didn’t care. You were in your own little bubble with him and the fact you had this weird private joke going on now made you even happier.
You all compared tattoos on the way home, the others going for smiley faces or stars and they were all pretty shocked when you revealed that yours and Masons were matching but the six of you ended up in a fit of giggles when it finally hit you what you’d all done.
By the time your head hit the pillow, you were too far gone to be intimate in anyway with the man next to you so you curled up into his chest and fell asleep to the soft feeling of his fingers dancing over your back.
The next morning you didn’t want to move in fear of your brain possibly falling out of your head as it was thumping so hard. You turned to look at Mason though, still asleep beside you but he was turned with his back facing you and the first thing you saw was the two little cherries that now sat proudly on the back of his arm.
You couldn’t help but laugh, the realisation that the pair of you were now bound by a piece of fruit that was permanently etched onto your skin was funnier than it should of been and Mason eventually turned to give you a confused look.
‘You alright there?’ He smiked, pulling you flush against him and you nodded into his neck, trying to calm yourself so you could form a coherent sentence. ‘Hey, what’s so funny?’
‘Why the fuck did we get matching cherry tattoos last night?’
‘It seemed romantic at the time’ he shrugged, the smile in his voice evident but you felt it against your skin when he kissed your forehead. ‘Why, do you regret it?’
‘Not even a little bit’ you whispered, kissing his chest as you felt him relax.
‘Well thank god for that. Would of been difficult to explain to my dad that I need a tattoo removal booked in for me and my girlfriend’
‘What?’ You breathed, pulling back to look at him properly and he was giving you shy smile.
‘Well, I don’t know about you but I don’t get matching tattoos with just anybody. Figured the girl i love could do with an updated title’
‘Are you love bombing me?’ You laughed, shuffling up carefully so you were now eye level and even in his hungover state you could of sworn you’d never seen anyway look better.
‘I’m just letting you know how I feel’ he smiled but you saw his face faulted ever so slightly. ‘Thought it might of been the alcohol making me feel things last night but I still feel the same now. Why is it too much?’
‘Not at all. For the record I was hoping the boy I loved might ask me to be his girlfriend soon’
‘Oh yeah?’ He laughed, hiding his face in the pillow before peering back at you through one eye. ‘You should tell him to hurry up’
‘Nah, I’ve got you now. He can wait’ you teased, both laughing as you held onto each other. ‘Although if you make me wait four years before you propose I’m off’ you winked before leaning down to kiss him gently. ‘I mean it though, I love you’
‘I love you, too’ he smiled, pushing your head down lightly so you’d kiss him again and you shivered as you felt him lightly brush over the small tattoo as he smiled into your mouth. ‘Maybe that can be my name for you. My little cherry’ he laughed before his hand travelled down to your bum to give it a gentle squeeze.
‘I guess it’s lucky I didn’t get the banana earrings. I don’t think that would work the same’ you told him and he laughed loudly as he pulled you on top of his body.
‘No but you can call me that if you like’ he winked, tickling your sides as you buried your head in his neck. ‘It’s not little though’
‘No, Mase. You have a very big banana’ you reassured him with a roll of your eyes and he tickled your sides gently as you felt him press his hips up into you.
‘You don’t sound convinced, maybe I should remind you’ he whispered in your ear before rolling you onto your back, your finger absentmindedly tracing the new tattoo on his arm as a warm feeling rushed throughout your body. Mason was yours, and in your gut you knew this could be a forever thing. Your matching tattoos only making everything feel more real.
Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed :) I’d love to know what you thought so please feel free to comment or drop me an ask, l'd really appreciate it, much love 💕
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gremlingottoosilly · 8 months
krueger mentioned!! i was so excited to see his name in IYNTBM! do you have any silly/dark hcs or plans to write about him?
Yes!! Krueger my beloved!! I feel like the only reason he isn't as popular as Konig is because he has a canon height that is shorter than 180, so people literally don't see him hehe. Hc and my plans under the cut!
I imagine him like a childhood best friend of Konig - probably around the same age, maybe Krueger is 2 years younger. He is a lieutenant in rank(idk about the mercenary ranks bear with me here, Konig is a colonel) and he wasn't promoted as much specifically because of his violent tendencies. PMC doesn't really care about war crimes as long as it's not a public spectacle, but even the companies he was working in were quite weirded out by the shit he was pulling. yes, he is the best man if you want to torture someone - and then again, he is the best torturer out here, and he sleeps next to you, drinks next to you, hits on the same girls as you etc... He is a nasty, nasty gremlin. The type to hit on the waitresses in a very sleazy manner, the type to say "Hey guys, let's protect this one" in a creepy manner if he sees a woman agreeing with him on his very controversial statements. Currently, in the timeline of IfYouNeedToBeMean, he is sitting home because of his arm injury(got stuck in the burning car, and had to break his arms to get out) and is very angsty and bored about it. Like Konig, he can't really enjoy civilian life, medical discharge is literally his worst days, and he actually has a history of depressive episodes. He DOES NOT cope well with civilian life, and his preferred hobby at home is drinking and ignoring his therapist's messages. Konig helped him quite a bit in his habit - gave the number of his therapist, bless this poor human, trying to support him as much as he can. Konig asks him to babysit his darling because he knows that more than one month at home would probably make Krueger consider killing himself, and he also trusts the man with his life - and his wife. Sebastian has a very perverted sense of morality, but he recognizes the reader as Konig's girl, and he would not touch the stuff that belongs to him. Yeah, we are "Konig's stuff" for him. If I was writing a different story and if Konig and Krueger met the reader at the same time, I would actually see them sharing her - they are not attracted to each other, but they feel like brothers sometimes and could have this mentality of sharing everything between them. Darling stuck with two nasty perverts...yeah, not the best scenario. Unlike Korangi x Reader, Konig and Krueger wouldn't sleep with each other - so you'd have to be their release every time, each time, giving him equal attention because Konig is insecure and Krueger just loves causing problems on purpose.
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riizewrtr · 4 months
hi! can i req riize reaction meeting/talking to their idol crush backstage for the first time?
of course! thank you for requesting! <3 i'm assuming you mean you're an idol as well? so i write it that way, but if it's wrong please let me know!
content: fluff, idol!riize x idol!reader
riize talking to their crush backstage during a stage
Shotaro would be so giddy, his eye smiling lighting up the whole room as you spoke to him. "thank you, your new comeback song is just amazing!" you'd say to shotaro. the butterflies to flew around in his stomach would cause him to slightly stutter. "Thank you, you looked really good in your music video.. o-oh and the song i-is really good!"
Eunseok wouldn't look phased on the outside, but trust he is on top of the world when you came up to him. "Eunseok-ah! Your stage was so cool, you looked really good!" The smile you gave him would make him a bit cocky actually. "Thank you, you're also really cool."
Sungchan is a social butterfly so when he went up to you, you already knew who he was. Your comebacks always seem to lineup, so you both got to know each other. He couldn't help but gain a new crush on you. "Hey y/n! How have you been? It's been a while since we saw each other!"
Wonbin was extremely shy when it came to you. So he always looked at you from afar. "You guys did a great job out there!!" You'd say to the whole group. You made eye contact with Wonbin, but he had quickly looked away. Today was NOT the day for him to be brave, so I can see him trying again another day.
Seunghan is another person who is very friendly, but can be shy especially when it comes to the person he likes. So when he saw you backstage since it was Riize's turn to go on stage, he can't help but blush and smile your way. A small waving exchange between you both. "good job out there, Y/N!"
Sohee gained his crush after MCing with you multiple times, and becoming friends. So it wasn't weird when you two exchanged numbers or just talked in general. Nobody thought much of it. He would easily start talking to you. "Hey, how's it going? You did awesome out there!"
Anton, he would not be able to go up to you. When your group had to go say hi to all the senior groups, when you had walked into Riize's dressing room, Anton instantly turned red. He couldn't help but stare at your beauty from the back of the room. You bowed to all the members, but Anton was smiling awkwardly, while also bowing back at his crush, AKA you.
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svnaaaaaa · 8 months
Monte Carlo : Charles Leclerc AU (Part Five)
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pairing : charles leclerc x fem reader
summary : the damage has done and y/n felt crushed.
warning(s) : google-translated french, angry charles, angst
previous : part four
next : part six
author's note : i felt unmotivated so i decided to post this early. enjoy!
tagging : (if you want to be tagged in, let me know)
recap :
"thank you." was all y/n said and left out the car, leaving charles speechless. didn't wait any longer charles drove away back to his apartment in confuse.
as y/n entered the hotel suite that she shared with grace, grace saw her friend and her eyes got sadden up. she opened up her arms and in quick time, y/n wrapped her arms around grace and with that, she was bawling out her tears. grace rubbed y/n's back, sighing that she knew that eventually, this thing will come out sooner or later but she couldn't dare to say about it.
"you want to talk about it?" grace asked in hushed voice. y/n shooked her head no and grace understood of it by nodding her head, continued on rubbing her back. "you know y/n, you already know this but, now you're heartbroken about it aren't you?" grace asked once again and slowly, y/n nodded her head yes. "he thought i am amélie but he enjoyed hanging out with me." y/n told grace, where she just nodded her head while continued on rubbing y/n's back.
the next day came by and y/n decided not to go to the race day where she doesn't want to burden charles with her explanation. instead, she decided to make a phone call with amélie which she knew that her sister is with their brother at the moment. "wait what?" y/n asked as she couldn't believe what amélie just told her. "i told you, we met granddad, or so he said so himself that." amélie replied as she was standing outside of joseph's town house, watching people passing by. "anyways, are you going to the race today?" amélie asked as she was wandering around the neighbourhood. "no, i'm not." y/n sighed, slumped onto her bed back. "what, whyy?!" amélie asked as she looked around and found that people were staring weirdly at her. "it's complicated but, i don't think i can go on with this anymore ames. i don't want to be someone i am not." y/n told her. y/n heard amélie sighed through the phone. "you like him, don't you?" amélie asked as y/n leaned her head back into her pillow, nodding her head yes. "you know i couldn't see you but i assuming you're nodding your head yes." amélie said annoyingly, making y/n chuckled. amélie joined in. "you know, this is the first time i've known you to know that you like a guy." amélie told her.
in all their life living together until the age of 19, this is the first time amélie realized her twin sister liking a guy. while amélie, has been liking guys after guys ever since she realizes that she can like guys after her father and brother. her first boyfriend was a guy from a summer camp in 6th grade, charlie edwards. it was just a short term because each other was missing their families. right after the summer camp ended, the relationship ended too. ended up charlie went up crying to his mother back home.
then, amélie's phone had an incoming call, from an unknown number. "hey y/n, i call you later cause i have an incoming call." amélie told her. weird enough, amélie never gave her personal number to her clients because the phone that have amélie's business number's phone is left in her monte carlo office, where she left it for y/n. both of them said their good bye before amélie ended the call and answered the incoming call. "bonjour, c'est amélie thomas qui parle. (hello, this is amélie thomas speaking.)" amélie answered. "bonjour, c'est charles leclerc. (hello, this is charles leclerc.)" charles informed as amélie was confused, was she ever encountered with charles leclerc before? if yes, which company was he that amélie felt brave enough to leave her personal number to him? amélie have no recollection memories of him at all. "qui? (who?)" amélie asked which makes charles confused as how she was acting when she was with him the night before, and since when she was so fluent in speaking french?
"it's charles, from ferrari?" charles said feeling unsure with amélie's façade, was it something he did? "oh!" charles heard amélie said. "you see here charles, there has been a mistake." amélie told him, making charles even confuse. "i, i don't understand amélie. what do you mean by that?" charles asked her back, making amélie sighed silently, thinking 'this is why i hate french guys'. "meaning this is you're calling right now is the real amélie, the one you met before you make this call was my twin sister, y/n." amélie started, making charles stumbled, wanting a chair to sit down before he could faint, not because of passing out but because of a shock.
"what?" was all charles could say.
'this for you sis.' amélie thought to herself as she exhaled.
the office phone rang and y/n picked it up. "bonjour, c'est y/n thomas qui parle. (hello, this is y/n thomas speaking.)" y/n answered as she looked through the reports that needed to attend to. "y/n, this is mother." marie informed and y/n sighed. "what is it?" y/n asked lazily as it shooked marie. usually ever since y/n was a little girl, she always corrected by saying marie's name and not calling her as her mother.
"y/n, go to your mother." beau directed little girl y/n. y/n glared at beau. "marie." she told him. "fine, go to marie." beau sighed.
"i was wondering if the necklace i gave before has arrived to you yet?" marie asked. y/n's eyes couldn't get any larger than a normal human can, as she opened her table drawers left to right, top to bottom. "let me ask grace first, i'll let you know later." y/n informed marie as she ended the call without letting marie said anything. she stood up and walked out of her office room as she went to grace's office room and knock on it. "come in!" y/n entered the room and closed it on her way. "'sup." grace greeted as she saw y/n sat on chair in front of her. "where's the necklace gave by marie?" y/n asked and this time, grace's eyes widen up.
slamming her hands onto the office table, grace looked at y/n. "help me." grace whispered. "what?! don't tell me you lost it?" y/n asked as she stood up and walked over grace's table, opening every drawer of the table. "where did you put it grace?" y/n asked again.
then there was a knock on grace's office door. "miss thomas, there is someone here to meet you but he doesn't made any reservation." the assistant of monte carlo's branch, francesca, informed. y/n looked at grace weirdly as grace also have a weird face on, who is this guy? "uh yea sure, send him in." y/n told francesca as she nodded her head yes and went out of grace's office room. "you keep on looking for the necklace." y/n told grace next and went out of grace's room and entered her office room, which she faced the back of a brown haired guy.
"charles?" the brown haired guy turned around and yes, it happen to be charles leclerc, in her office, with a neutral face on. "w-what are you doing here?" y/n asked as she neared him but charles didn't flinched even a bit. "don't you have another story to tell amélie?" charles asked with a monotone, which confused y/n even more. "what do you mean? i don't understand." y/n told him as she heard charles scoffed at her statement. "let me rephrase that, don't you have another story to tell, y/n?" charles asked once again but this time, it fills with hatred. y/n's eyes got widen up once again and as she tried to recompose herself, her office door was opened wide with grace entering. "y/n, i found the necklace!" grace yelled and as soon she saw charles in the room, she stood silent. "oh." was all grace said.
charles looked at y/n with disappointment on his facial expression, making y/n looked at the floor. "i can explain this, please give me time." y/n begged, charles shooked his head no. "i've got no time with you, this situation is giving enough of explanation, besides the real amélie has given me enough explanation." charles informed as y/n looked at charles with shock face. "amélie? w-what do you mean by that?" y/n asked, charles walked towards the door. "i don't know who you are but if you're here to play with my feelings, you're wrong. to think that i started to feel comfortable around you, i knew something was wrong." charles told y/n and then he left the office room, making y/n slumped onto her knees. grace ran towards y/n, grabbing by her shoulders. "shh, you're okay y/n." grace whispered as she pulled y/n into a hug while y/n started to cry her eyes out.
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vettelinyourarea · 1 year
ohhh can i get one arthuro request with just a friend to you by meghan trainor? arthuro got friend-zoned by his teammate will be a good pathetic one💀👍🏻
just a friend to you - arthur leclerc
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genre: angst
word count: 863
inspired by just a friend to you by meghan trainor
warning: english is not my first language, one or two curse words
thank you so much anon for the request! i really hope you like this one and sorry for taking a long time to finish it!
I've been pretty busy with uni and will be busy with uni until May, that's why I'm not posting as frequently. Also, my requests will be closed until I finished all of the requests I have currently!
feel free to send me any feedback 🫶
Why you gotta hug me like that every time you see me?
Why you always making me laugh
Swear you're catching feelings
I loved you from the start
“Arthur! I missed you,” you said, pulling him into a hug. It’s kind of like a routine for you and Arthur, hugging each other every time you saw one another. And frankly, it’s quite funny for the young man, seeing you doing all those things with him while saying that the two of you are strictly just friends. Everyone else doesn’t believe you, not even Arthur himself. 
“We just hang out last night chérie,” he replied with a chuckle, returning the tight hug you have him. 
“I guess I just love you too much that even a night seems too long.”
Arthur knew it was supposed to be a joke coming from you, yet still, he can’t help but wonder, do you really love him just as friends?
So it breaks my heart
When you say I'm just a friend to you
“Seriously, what is it between you two?” Dennis asked. Currently, you and Arthur are preparing for a race, joined by other drivers who always wonder what is going on between you and your beloved teammate. 
“What? Never seen a girl and a guy being friends?” you said, trying to look annoyed and Dennis but failed eventually. 
Arthur watched you silently as you laugh at Dennis and Paul, trying his best to stop his heart from breaking as the word ‘friends’ keeps replaying in his head over and over again.
Cause friends don't do the things we do
Everybody knows you love me too
Tryna be careful with the words I use
I say it cause I'm dying to
I'm so much more than just a friend to you
Just friends my ass, that’s what Arthur want to say to you when you woke up. It was 2 AM, and you are sleeping beside him which is a tradition for the two of you. After every race weekend, both of you would have a sleepover. Nothing really happened though, besides the occasional cuddles, hugs, and kisses on the cheek. But still, Arthur wonders what are you really up to? There’s no way nothing is going on between you two. The number of kisses you pressed on his cheeks, the number of cuddles, hugs. Everything you do makes Arthur question your intentions.
Because, there is no way the two of you are just friends, right?
When there's other people around
You never wanna kiss me
You tell me it's too late to hang out
It was in July when everything changed. At first, Arthur noticed that you gave him fewer kisses, which transformed into no hugs, then you never initiated any physical contact with him anymore, and it all wrapped up with you declining his invitation to hang out. 
Arthur is frustrated about it and he doesn’t even try to cover it. He keeps questioning everything, did he do something wrong? Did he hurt you and he doesn’t realize it? Because it seems to him, you are trying your best to avoid him at all costs, and Arthur can’t help his heart anymore from breaking more and more each day.
And you say you miss me
And I loved you from the start
So it breaks my heart
When you say I'm just a friend to you
It was during a Christmas party held by Juan when Arthur finally got his answers. It was a chilly afternoon in Italy, every driver in Formula 2 are invited, and you are standing there alone, waiting for your drink when Arthur got the courage to approach you. “Can I talk to you?”
It was weird for you two now, standing all alone together in close proximity when it used to be so normal. “Why are you avoiding me?” He finally breaks the silence.
“I’m not avoiding you,” you replied, avoiding his gaze.
“Yes, you are and don’t lie about it.”
It was a few seconds before you finally answered, a few seconds too long for Arthur. “I have a boyfriend now,” you said looking down at the glass you are holding. You knew what you did to him was wrong, you knew all along that Arthur likes you more than a friend, you knew what you have done to him the past 2 years you become his teammate, yet, you still lead him on all those years.
“Who?” he finally asked with bitterness evident in his tone.
“Oliver,” you answered. You already knew it was wrong to lead him on for 2 years, and you knew it would be even worse if you date his close friend. Yet, you did both of those anyway.
“Congratulations, you don’t fucking deserve him,” he replied, clearly disgusted at you and he left you alone.
And that would be the last time you talked to him because not even two weeks later, news broke the Formula 2 community.
Arthur Leclerc is to leave Prema and race for DAMS this season
And maybe, you knew that it was what you deserve. Losing a friend, and a teammate because you want to have fun. 
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gnrbitch · 1 year
Does she have alcohol? pt2
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warnings: None!
(Contraband is the name of Y/ns band btw!)
a/n: Album name (choose whichever album you want!)
Los Angeles, California
Y/n and her band mates never kept the promise of hanging out with Slash, being too busy doing shows around the US and promoting their record.
Contrabands album, a/n had exploded in the months after its release. So that means Slash was seeing Y/ns face everywhere he went, making quite difficult for the guitarist to shake her off his mind.
And Slash was annoyed, not at the fact that Y/ns band got famous, he frankly didn’t care. He was annoyed at the fact that everyone else was able to come across her, except for him.
I mean how was that even possible? He thought to himself as he looked at a magazine with a photo of Lars and Y/n. Had she forgotten about him? Or did she just think he was weird? Slash thought. Maybe he just wasn’t as lucky, or maybe, he should’ve just asked Lenny for her phone number when they were at the studio.
The club was dark, Slash didn’t even know why he was here to be honest. Well he did, Duff had offered to pay for his drinks if he went out with them. So there they were Slash, Duff, Matt and Gilby sitting in a booth drinking. Obviously the other boys had some girl under their arms, but not Slash, he had just broken up with Renee in hopes that he would come across Y/n and finally be able to take her out. And he really didn’t have any interest in another girl if it wasn’t Y/n.
“Look who it is!” A male voice called out. Slash looked up from his drink to see James standing there along with all the other guys from Metallica… and the guys from Contraband. “Hey man!” Duff said “…Hey aren’t you the guys from Contraband?” he continued drunkly pointing at Sydney, Sammi, Benny and Mikey. “Yea man, we are” Sammi said, also pretty drunk. “Well shit! I love the record guys” He laughed.
“Sit down man” Slash spoke to the guys, now internally panicking at the fact Y/n might be here. Do I smell bad? Do I look good? Is my hair greasy? When was the last time I showered?
“Yea man let me just- hold on” “Y/N OVER HERE!” Sammi yelled to the bar. Slash had never turned his head so fast in his life.
And there she was, drink in her hand, flared leather pants, and a muscle shirt on. And the closer she got to them, he noticed she didn’t have a bra on. And he felt hot.
“Hey guys, i’m Y/n” she said, giving that pretty smile that had been in Slash’s head. She walked over to Slash’s side of the booth and sat next to him.
“Hey Slash” she said, putting the same emphasis on his name like she did the last time. “How have you been?” She said, leaning over so he can hear over the music. Slash smiled, letting his eyes roam her face before answering. “I’ve been good”, his eyes landing on Y/ns lips. “Even better since i’ve been seeing your face everywhere”
This made Y/n smile, which made Slash smile, cause god he loved to see her smile. “So seeing me on a magazine is better than the real thing? i’ve got to say im offended Slash.” Y/n said, giving him an overly exaggerated offended look on her face, obviously trying to hide her smile. Slash licked his lips before responding “See i didn’t say all that, maybe if I knew where to find you I could’ve seen ‘the real thing’.”
“um… do you guys know each other?” Gilby asked suspiciously looking at the pair, this was the preppiest he’s seen Slash in months.
“Oh yea we go wayyyyyy back” Y/n said with a teasing smile, looking over at Slash. “No way! how come i’ve never heard of this lady then man?” Duff said with a drunkly look on his face.
“She’s just fucking with you Duff” Slash responded, “We met when I went to New York to work with Lenny.” Duff and Gilby gave them a little “ohh” , and Slash’s attention was right back on Y/n.
“Where to find me? I’m every where baby” Y/n purred, answering his response from before. “Comon Y/nn, don’t make this hard on me” Slash said giving her a pleading look. Y/n smiled “Fine. Just for you though”. She took out a lip liner from her bag and grabbed a napkin, writing her number on it.
“Call me tomorrow morning” she said handing Slash the paper. “Why tomorrow morning?” He asked, finding it weird that she wants him to call her at such a specific time.
Y/n smiled, “Cause I wanna talk to you, obviously”
Slash looked over her face again, happy with her response.
Here’s part 2!!! hope you guys liked it 💟
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blues-valentine · 1 year
S&B SEASON 2: THOUGHTS *a long ride*
I have conflicting emotions about that ending and overall how the whole season was handled for both SOC/S&B respectivelly.
First, I knew that I was going to be disappointed because they would mix S&S and R&R but this was a lot messier than I gave them the credit for. It left little room to develop Alina’s story line beyond the superficial. It felt to me like they were just trying to develop Nikolai for the KOS spin off and this seems unfair for Alina. She deserved her own time and it felt like they were just rushing to get her plot done.
I get TGT is not the most interesting and that the other books have been superior but it’s the start of the grishaverse and it sustains a lot of important things they just skipped over. Alina and her crew (Mal, Genya, Zoya, David, etc) deserved the time to breathe and their own exploration. Alina’s need/greed for power, the political aspect and her religious influence was glossed over and not developed further. Season 2 should’ve ended with Alina’s failed attempt to fully take down Darkling and being taken by the Apparat and therefore forced to become a religious pawn because this was an interesting aspect to Alina but also Tolya and Tamar, who ultimately were just there to fill the space in Nikolai’s story line and didn't get to explore that side.
Another thing about this season is that everything happened in such an anticlimatic way. Mal's amplifier reveal, Genya's backstory about the royal family and just so much that was more impactful in the books. David was killed off too soon. He didn't even get to marry Genya. Zoya deserved so much more and i'll hate it if I don't ever see her get to rule Ravka. Tolya and Tamar weren't given the level of depth I was expecting with their devotion to Alina. It was just too messy for me. I do think the season managed to improve some stuff. I think she Shu Han aspect was an interesting thing to add.
Don't even get me started with SOC because I feel like they have included basically everything so when the spin off does end up happening (we need good numbers for season 2 first) so many plots are not even going to happen. They took so many CK moments but without the right context so that didn't make it feel as impactful as it should've been. The actors truly did everything with those scenes especially with the Kanej scenes but it would've been so much better to have the full implications of what it means for their development. I wasn't too happy with how Inej's plot was handled. Literally we had CK before we even got SOC. And can we speak about the ableism with Kaz and his cane? Please.
Now, with that ending. I get what they had to change it. If they were to go with the R&R ending then there won't be actual story line for Alina and Mal. I’m still trying to understand why they couldn’t just use 3 seasons for the 3 books and wait to do the spins off, but I get that business is a whole different thing. So, that ending, like the whole season, it was rushed. You couldn't even feel sad because everything was happening so fast. The fact that Tolya and Tamar weren't the ones trying to bring Mal back to life was a shame because the friendship between Mal and Tolya was everything in the books. Alina clearly took part of Darkling's merzost powers to bring Mal back to life and this will cause her power corruption. But, the whole poison thing was so weird? This is a way to link the SOC characters and the KOS plot together but it's just so weird. About Malina’s ending, they did this to extend their arc in the show (x). I don't dislike the idea of them parting for a while until they get back to each other I just hated the way it felt too strange for both of them. I would have taken Mal asking Alina for time to be on it's own but not that weird excuse about his powers. And then, Alina had a whole struggle on R&R because she did not want to be a queen, because she wanted to be married for love and not for alliance. That Alina felt like a fanfic, not the real one. I have my own thoughts on where her story line will go for Season 3 (if there's one) and it could be interesting if executed right but I'm not too sure about that.
The season was far from perfect. It was messy and rushed. From both sides they skipped vital moments and interactions that could've made so many of the scenes have more sense and feel impactful. But I still would want a Season 3 and for those spin offs to be green lighted because those actors are too talented to lose for this.
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mongoose-bite · 4 months
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I have found the best NPC. I love kobolds. Look at this stylish little guy! He's still got the weird dog nose they gave them for 5th edition but I am still delighted with him. I miss my kobold sorcerer. This is like seeing him for reals. Also, while I try to remain vague, there are spoilers unavoidable below. Shulkie don't read this.
So we finally get some answers regarding the prism. Now I know why it was confusing; there were multiple things inside. The only mystery now is why the Sharrans were after it. I tried very hard to kill the Emperor twice. Faye feels like eating the tadpole was the worst decision of her life, but eventually I took the hint and we still remain on its side.
Faye hates that manipulative thing, but I on the other hand am now pretty curious about a squid run. Ngl I always thought illithids were kind of hot, but my inner lorebeard was always 'no it would never make sense for them to fuck.' Thank you, Larian, for suggesting a way to reconcile these things. They're in that sweet spot between 'humans with a coat of paint' and 'what would even count as sex with a sentient rock half a mile across' where it's an interesting challenge, but you've got some places to start.
I, and Faye, still don't really believe its story, but there's no point accusing it of lying. So she humours it, but burned inspiration to keep herself from tadpoling further, and did not offer to hold its hand.
We arrive in Riverton and immediately I feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of NPCs chattering. I often don't like city areas in games. Too much going on. I got used to it after half an hour of mindlessly running around and eavesdropping.
Once we arrived in the city Faye started spending money like it was water; to be fair, I needed to gear up Jahira a bit, but a lot of it went on fucking around, metaphorically and literally, because while Faye would never have the nerve to take up the twins' offer by herself, Halsin had invited her out to the woods the night before, and he makes her adventurous, as long as he's with her. That did escalate quickly though, and then again when we went to the circus and aced the dryad quiz. Quicksave unnecessary. She has zero fashion sense and he doesn't see the need for clothes at all; they're fucking perfect for each other. They both project noble gravitas in public and are horny dorks in private. I am pleased with my pick.
What I think is interesting is the story Halsin tells you about his previous experiences with drow. Faye was just 'oh that's awful,' but Dyce would know the feeling. He's enthusiastically consented to things because his other options weren't that great. He'd get it, and probably reevaluate some things himself, which is frankly an impressive feat, because he doesn't do introspection much; these characters are so well-written. That experience might have been formative for Halsin, and feeds into how he approaches relationships, as much as he doesn't like the word. His 'feel free to make other people happy too,' would have Dyce all 'same hat!' as well, which was not something I expected from this character. Sluts with layers.
Speaking of bad options, I spent a good five minutes back and forthing on Raphael's offer before realising he'd told me where he kept Grabthar's Hammer, and luckily Faye was on the same wavelength. Have I also mentioned how much I love Laz'ael? Her 'why you make this difficult? But I think that's admirable' is adorable. Exchanging a queen for a prince feels like a sideways step rather than a forward one, but it proves she can move.
At the time it didn't occur to me that Raphael was talking about somewhere in the Hells, cause I am dumb, but I'm guessing one of his neighbours will sell him out, although who knows what she'll want in exchange.
Next stop, lower city.
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bohemian-nights · 6 months
i feel like alysmond is sooo much more problematic than dettles. alys is aemond's prisoner! netty is a dragonrider and has much more power in the relationship than alys. the age gap is literally the same. i'm so sick of the hypocrisy in this fandom.
Uh as much as I love Dettles and think it’s the best ship in F&B and the people who rag on it are haters, I would say Dettles and Alysmond are pretty much equally yoked in terms of problematic elements.
Alys doesn’t have squat to her name, but a prisoner she was not(I only say she’s a concubine to point out how hypocritical people are being because you are right, she can literally be looked at as a concubine).
Even though Aemond basically killed her entire family(man the men of F&B really are special 🤣) I doubt she actually cared about any of them like that. Her father and later demented half-brother had her working for them as a servant.
In the show the Strongs are classist(see how they treat Ser Criston who they see only as the son of a steward), so odds are Alys wasn’t treated with respect.
And yeah Nettles has a dragon, but so does Daemon. He’s a prince and besides her dragon(and the gifts he gave her) she has nothing else to her name(she wasn’t even rewarded like the dragonseeds with a title or land; I believe that is why Daemon gave her those etiquette lessons and the gifts, but if he wasn’t in love with her she would’ve been screwed).
You can also make the argument that both Aemond and Daemon were using Alys and Nettles respectively. Alys because she was a witch and so Aemond used her for her prophetic powers, while Daemon only kept Nettles close because he didn’t trust the dragonseeds.
Although those arguments would be pretty shaky given how Aemond was shown to be affectionate with Alys and if Daemon really thought the dragonseeds were a threat separating Ulf and Hugh and bringing one with him would’ve been the better choice instead of taking Netty with him.
There is also no way Daemon I have no problem murking my own blood Targaryen was willing to risk his life to save her if he didn’t love Netty.
The age thing yeah they are equally yoked on that one. A 19-year-old (who is only 16 in the show which is still an adult in the ASOIAF universe before anyone says anything) getting with a 40-year-old is weird.
As is a 17-year-old (they are probably going to age up Nettles in the show and give her Laena’s book age so she’ll be in her early 20s) getting with a 49-year-old.
Most of the time when people get with someone that much younger/older the relationship is transactional However, there are rare instances where age(as long as everyone is a legally consenting adult) is just a number. The couple just genuinely enjoys each other’s company and I believe that is the cause with both Dettles and Alysmond.
Of course, Dettles is the most romantic ship in F&B(hey don’t argue with me, argue with GRRM because he’s the one who wrote this):
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No wonder why the haters try to say that scream had nothing to do with Netty. Literally name me a more romantic moment than that in this book🤷🏽‍♀️
But these ships are basically identical. We can have our preferences(I like both, but obviously Dettles is S tier for me), but they are equally iffy(like most ASOIAF ships).
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timmyscomputer · 6 months
Hey here's chapter 1 to my Chris x fem!reader
Sorry it's late my dad got me sick when your parents tell you it's cheaper to live with. Them rather than go to a dorm stay in a dorm lol
Warnings~strong language I think
Summary~really just some background info nothing crazy yet
Word count~750
I'm going to stay with my friend for the summer in Boston.We are long distance friends I'm so excited to meet.I arrived at the airport in Boston nervous finally I spot my friend Millie and run to hug her but I noticed a handful of other girls so I asked who they were and Millie said “oh that's Salish,Zoe, and Kiara”my other friends staying with us she explained that those were girls she went to school with ‘great they know each other and I only know Millie I'm gonna be the odd one out’ i thought I pull out my hand to shakes theirs and we introduced ourselves and got to know each other a bit on the way to Millie’s House.Once we got there I unpacked my stuff in the guest bedroom and met up with them in the living room.We all decided we wanted to make cookies so we pulled up a recipe and started gathering ingredients once we got everything ready we preheated the oven and started making the dough then we put them in the oven and started talking about random things and laughing after Zoe said something stupid.Soon the oven beeped and we pulled out the cookies and let them cool then we made popcorn and started a movie night around 1am I passed out.the next morning I woke up and the couch next to Kiara but everyone else was gone.We looked around and finally we texted asking were they were.They said out getting breakfast and the would be back in 10 minutes.When they got back we decided to go out to do something.Once we reached the mall we got out and went inside.Kiara and Zoe went to bath and body works,Salish and Millie went to a clothes store while I went to find food cause I was hungry.This mall is weird but I finally found the food court,and as i was walking by a table a guy pushed his chair into me on accident.He apologized and said “I'm so sorry I didn't see you”I explained it was okay it was just an accident I noticed his brother staring but just ignored him,and went to go get my food.On my way back to the table area they noticed I was alone and they walked up and asked were I was from cause they hadn't seen me before I explained I'm from (y/s) and was staying here for the summer with my friends finally the introduced themselves and the one that hit me with the chair was Justin and the others name was matt.I said my name was y/n and it was nice to meet them.They sat down and we started talking and matt explained he was a triplet which I thought was cool.once we got to know each other a bit we kinda hung out at the mall and finally I found a couple of my original friends I came with and before I left to go with them matt asked for my number.
After I gave him my number I ran over to Salish and we started talking.When I felt my phone vibrate I looked at it a text from a random number hi:) I replied hey;) and went back to talking to Salish soon we found everybody and we left the mall and headed home.Once we got home we doordashed some dinner and ate,then we went to bed.When I woke up I had a text.
Good morning
Good morning what you up to¿
Hanging out with my brothers you?
Hanging with friends probs.
Nice ttyl
I go down stairs and see everyone getting ready “were we going” I ask “sushi”Zoe replied “I think I'll do something else”I reply “why”Millie asks
“I don't like sushi remember”I say “oh yah” she replies “bye-bye”I say as I walk back upstairs to my room and I start getting ready once I'm ready I pull out my phone and text Matt.
Hey matt do you mind if I tag along my friends are doing stuff I don't want to do totally okay if not lol
No it's fine text me the address and I'll be there asap
Great (address) there see you soon
It's gonna be like 15-20 mins
It's okay 🤣
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~so I know this is kinda bad but it's my first fic if you have suggestions or pointers I would love to here them my request are currently open anyways love you guys good night 😴
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tikitsune · 2 years
Blood dripped from your neck as you allowed your lover to feast. Slightly woozy but it gave you pleasure. Pleasure of knowing that your lover won't die anytime soon.
"Shit! I'm so sorry sweetheart. I drank too much." Your lover looked at you with such sadness in his eyes. Through your hazy vision, you saw your hand cup his cheek.
A smile came to your face before replying. "It's alright, my love. Drink as much as you want. That's what I'm here for."
Now you, unlike normal people had your blood cells regenerating faster then normal people. For the first half of your life, you couldn't go anywhere but the hospital because of the constant need to take blood out of your veins or you would die.
Fed up from being locked up, you travelled to the swamp about 10 m away from the hospital that kept you captive. It was a foggy area that no one dared to go to in fear of dying.
You were already dying anyways and refused to become an experiment or test subject for this new condition.
That is how you met him. Your lover. He noticed that soon after you walked in that you had blood dripping down your forearm. (Before leaving, you ripped the tube-needle-thing out of your skin, giving you a bit of room to travel without passing out from to many blood cells.) Never had he smelled so sweet, so pure undefiled blood. (He refuses to go for children because he has his morals set right.) Just as he was about to ask you, you started to tumble to the floor. He caught you, bringing the sweet smell closer to him. As he looked over you to see if you were still alive, he felt that one or two of you capillary veins were bursting.
Without a second thought, he started to drink blood from your arm. (Effectively leaving a hickey on your arm but that don't matter.)
Eventually, when you woke up and told him about your condition, he offered to help you by drinking your blood.
It wasn't until about a year later of you two living together that he finally came to terms that he had feelings for you. He could wait an eternity for you to like him just the same and he would. Or so he thought. Another year of you being dense to have him kissing you.
It's been like that ever since. He would feast on you blood every week but apologize for having too much. It was sweet of him.
As you lie down on the bed after your little drinking session, you looked at your lover of 5 years. He still had a bit of a worried face, but he relished in the presence of you and his love. "Darling. Look at me."
You turn his face towards you. "You can take as much as you need. Remember you are helping me just as much as I am helping you. We need each other for the other's survival."
He give you his little smile that you adored before snuggling back up to you and finally allowing sleep to take him for the night.
You quickly followed, tired from your session and relishing in the warmth of your lover.
Little brainworm that I had when reading a fan fiction about Wilbur Soot. (It was a wrong number story, I like those.) Weird cause it has nothing to do with what I just written but there are no specific characters for it. It simply just is.
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Benefit of Experiencing His Glory
I was completely disheartened. Unsure what my next would be when I found my ex-husband with his new wife in our master bedroom. My lack of knowledge of who God truly was kept me in a posture of being on my face and knees crying out the skies of heaven searching for my earthly Dad to send me a sign, anything to help me get a hold of my uncontrolled emotions causing me to go back into the homeland e with the hope I need to make a decision. As I reversed out of the driveway, my heart well it never returns to a place where I'm no longer wanted, nor needed. Face filled with simultaneous tears in frustration driving in circles, in pain, heartbroken and confused. I could have gone to jail and ended everything just to remove the pain my heart felt, I screamed at the very tippy top of my lungs, help! After hours of crying and driving in circles, it became very hard to see pulled over into bus access on a road on the side of the home as I continued to say, Daddy, “why is this happening”. Asking Daddy for help, and why did my ex-husband decide to do all of these hurtful things to me. Gently placing my forehead on the stirring wheel of my truck I was giving up and thought if I just killed myself everything would go away. Immediately I heard the audio voice of the Lord, “if you call on me I will answer”. The voice was strong and if I'm honestly scared me. Even so much I pooped my head up and bucked my eyes open remained very still as I examined my surrounding using my peripheral  vision. The sun was shining outside and no one was in sight, not even a sound made a sharp right turn to look over my shoulder to determine if any passengers entered by vehicle, as I was stiractilly crying. Surely someone was in my truck speaking to me. Yet, I saw no one. Turning back around slightly, as I'm convinced a man was possibly in my third row near the truck I wasn't turning my back fully toward the front. Tears have completely dried up and I'm straggling and strategizing what my next move will be to escape. Immediately I exit the vehicle opening all four of the doors and the back to find no one. My earthly mind couldn't understand in all I desired was to see the Lord, but He simply wanted to hear from me. Often we reply to the voice of those who conceive us to encourage us rather they're among the living or removed from earth but once you've gained the grasp of His love and understanding of who created us we then understand that Father God knew us in our mother's womb (Isiah 49:1-2) established us on earth. Hearing the Lord's voice gave me the comfort to know I wasn't alone, He is with me on my journey to find me. I had gotten lost in the standards the world placed on what a family, marriage, and a black should look like, I had no clue of my identity in Christ.
At sixteen I remember going to the congregation and raising my hand to submit my life over to Christ they gave me a card and told me to meet with them after the altar call I know I wanted to love Christ but they gave me a membership number, prayer card, and more stuff. Yes, stuff I didn't understand anything the elders of the congregation were truly conveying to us. As I and two of my friends who followed me to the altar listened to these people began to pray over us, my only thought was I probably should call my mom for her consent those people were serious and I had a weird feeling I was committing to their church without permission but it was too late. My friends and I looked at each other under our breathers in laughter thinking utmost ourselves what did we just do? We smiled and bowed our heads for prayer. We continued with our lives we never went back to church together but I would go periodically as it was a requirement for the youth organizations I joined. Moreover, we still partied and hung out often I remember one night my friends wanted to go to a kickback, and I was committed to no longer attending to house parties or kickbacks after my friend was killed during a drive-by shooting. So, we headed to the Famous Las Vegas Strip to a hotel called Silver Sevens we entered the parking lot and my friend calls this guy and he tells us to pull around back and park and he’ll come out to get us. My sixteen old mind thought that was very sweet and a great gentleman to exaquart us in but umitmelity he was up to NO GOOD! This older gentle comes out and shows us to the room, it wasn't odd that he was the only male and 5-8 other men I figured we were early to the party but shortly my friends reveal we are changing and then headed to the actual party with him. I couldn't understand two things 1. Why my friends were changing clothes and 2. Why did we need to ride in his car when I had my own? I trusted my friends so off we went into his old-school brown Cadillac with dark-tinted windows........
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Okay but dreams are the weirdest freaking thing. Like I had a dream last night about this dude right, and I think I've had dreams about him before cause it felt like I knew him you know? Like I could tell we'd interacted before?? And he was my neighbor, which is weird cause I've never even spoken to either of my neighbors. And it started with me and my little sister dancing around our backyard and he was out sweeping by his pool, and he said something about I didn't hear him so I went to ask him to repeat it and he said "your dancing is cute" and I don't remember what happened after that but the next this I do remember he's in my backyard and we're fixing something (?) And we're talking to each other about something And I'm thinking about weather or not to mention a note he'd given me previously(?) Where he asked me to meet him or gave me him number text him and I just never did(?)I never did mention the note and I think we either became really close friends or started dating idk but we both very obviously had crushes on each other, The next thing I remember it's clearly been a few days/weeks and we're in his pool cage cause one of the two dogs, got into some kind of silver glitter flakes and they were every where so the both of us are like panicking to clean them up before his parents notice and once we do and he checks on both dogs he says something like 'oh thank god maybe they'll keep me' which is weird but makes sense with the last part of the dream, But about a few hours after the glitter thing I had to go to my dads house (My dad moved half way across the country about 2-3 years ago and I haven't had to 'go to his house for a weekend' in forever so I have so idea where that came from) bit I had to go there for a week and by the time I came back the dude (I don't remember his name, just that it started with a D(maybe) and was around 4 letters so I've been referring to him as dude) was gone and their was some new blond kid with a slightly grown out buzz cut(my dude had shaggy brown hair it wasn't very long but it definitely isn't this kid) and I went over (with my 3y/o sister in my arms) and started interrogating who I thought was my dudes mom and we go in the house and she just starts ordering me to do things (get her water, sit down etc) idk she was terrifying tho and when she gave me this half amused look for actually listening to her I told her she was scary, and next thing I know I'm sitting on her couch and asking her where my dude is and why he isn't here and she didn't answer me but I just knew like I could feel it in my heart that I would never see him again and then I woke up. And now I'm sitting here crying over this boy that probably doesn't even exist, and that I'll never meet/see just because of a dream. And we never got each other's phone numbers because we lived next to each other and if we wanted to talk we'd literally just go and talk (weird part about this is I'm pretty sure interrogating his mom was the first time I ever met one of his parents.) But idk I'm laying in bed feeling heartbroken of a dream romance. Like heartbroken over this boy who's name I don't even remember.
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e-dollly · 2 years
Ok Cher! So a lot has happened! Did I tell you Lukas started texting me again right before Halloween then dipped? So basically a day after I told RJ I liked him Lukas texted me! But he stopped on Friday, and on Monday RJ told me he likes me (and I still like RJ)
and so we’ve both admitted we like each other but barely anything’s happened! Sooooo last night I gave his number to my bsf and she told him to start making moves before I lose feelings! And he said ‘alright, I’ll try. Problem is I suck at that kind of thing’ and Isa (my bsf) told him to try talking to me more, and maybe all me. She also roasted him like twice so there’s that too 😭
But yeah that’s been happening! How’s your looooooove life been going?
Ooohh so maybe Lukas stopped talking to you cause he knew RJ liked you ?
Please tell me you guys are gonna date, I need this ! Please please please, one of you make a move !
Please I love this Isa !
That's quite a lot !
I kinda flirted with Jules lately ? I guess ? Like the whole conversation was just weird but it still warmed my heart cause I kinda thought he didn't like talking to me. And then he said that seeing me made him smile. But we were joking around while telling this, so I don't really know...
And we were saying things like
Jules ( J ) : Wait, I have something to do ! See ya in 10min.
Me ( E ) : Kay
J : If you see what I'm talking about 😏
J : It's gonna be so cool
E : I think so too !
J : You don't even know
E : Yep
J : Delicious
E : Magic ?
J : Drippy
E : Warm ?
J : A little
E : Nice
J : Very big too
E : Lol
J : What do you think it is ?
E : I don't know, a hot chocolate ? ( I absolutely knew what he wanted me to say, just so he could call me gross )
J : Haha tell me the truth
E : I swear I don't know !
J : I have one when I see you
E : A smile 😁
J : Yes, and something else
E : Oooh so you smile when you see me 😁😁
E : I don't know
J : Very big
J : So do you !
E : Yes :)
J : So ?
E : The urge to punch me ?
J : No, like first degree, really big
E : I don't knowwwwww
J : 😂ah yeah, well enormous eyes I'd you ever think about it, warm, big, delicious, the urge to punch you isn't is it ar all.
J : Lol, I'm joking of course
E : I think I figured it out 😂
[ Fast forward, mostly us joking around and all]
And it was already weird, and he asked me if I was naughty too, and then I told him it was hot, and he said hot ? And I said we eat hot at home.
And then we finished talking.
So here we go :)))
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