#it will dry in the pattern of white foam
herearedragons · 11 months
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Ritual Pool + The Guardian Lady of the Manor
This is a battle map for tomorrow's D&D session; a subterranean chamber under an abandoned manor, where the vengeful spirit of the former Lady (ritually drowned in the very pool where she now resides) guards a secret even deeper underneath the earth.
The floor pieces are made from foam board, the rest is various foam packing pieces. The pools are sculpted from hot glue, and everything is painted with acrylic paint. I considered lining the central pool's border with stones as well, but decided I don't want to cut up and individually paint the pieces of more packing peanuts.
(banshee mini from paperforge btw)
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doodlebethel · 4 months
Hello! I love your Loth cat designs! And wanted to make my own since Disney hasn’t renewed its loth/Tooka cat products and are sold out (Plus I like your designs waaaay better). My biggest issue is figuring out how to made the head of your cute Loth cats 😅 I’m not on and unable to get onto Instagram could you post the story on how you designed it on here or give me some tips on how to make one? -thank you so much :)
Also, I’m designing the pattern of this one after a cheetah, I also love how you did the striped tail so I’m going to do that with black and white longer fur at the end. (I’ll need to trim it some though.) but any tips you could give would be much appreciated! 😄
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Hi there! Thank you for reaching out, I will post roughly how I made the heads. However it's all the same techniques of making an art doll. There are great youtube tutorials out there which I watched to learn how to make my loth cats.
Long Post! Also heads up, they look really creepy until you put fur on them!
I used a styrofoam base for the head to keep it really light, loth cats have huge heads so it's important to keep the head light on the doll so it doesn't fall on it's face right away. Craft stores usually sell half spheres that I carved down to more of an oval shape to start.
I bought resin eyes on etsy and glued them on with hot glue. There are so many color options so have fun with them! I then used foam clay to add more shape to the face and make the eyes more natural looking. You can also probably use paper mache or another light air drying clay. But again keep the weight in mind.
I never worry about adding too many details as it will all be covered by faux fur, but having those shapes helps it look more realistic.
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Next you enter what I call the creepy monkey phase. I usually paint the face a natural skin tone or the color of the fur so you can't see any gray.
I then attach the head to the body fur using glue. Next I cover the face in masking tape and draw the fur patterns I want onto it. This is a common fursuit head making technique. I recommend looking that up for more details on how to do that, but the photo below shows the steps I did.
*Note! Pay attention to the fur direction, on my tape pattern you can see the arrows showing which way the fur lays, use real animals as reference.
I then glued it on the face using fabric glue or hot glue. The more you cover at this point the less you have to flock later.
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Once you have most of the face covered, you can cover any little gaps using a flocking technique. Basically laying down a layer of glue and then taking very short hairs of faux fur and pressing it into the glue. Again there are some great youtube tutorials on how to do it if you google "flocking art doll".
Below is my first loth cat showing how weird it looks. Trust the process! It will look silly and kinda bad right until the end.
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Trim up any extra hairs that get in the way of the face, and next comes my favorite part, making them look like loth cats and not nightmare creatures!
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I use sharpie fabric markers for the blacks and go around the eyes and mouth. This give them instant personality. You can also use some paints to add extra markings and color.
For the tail. I don't have any photos of the tail specifically, but here is the pieces of the pattern for the blue cat. The tail is basically just a rounded tube!
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Good luck with your build! I would love to see the final project!
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somediyprojects · 8 months
DIY Pressed Flowers
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Project by Jessica Marquez:
Whenever I have fresh flowers in my house, I’m just a little bit happier. A wild bouquet of colorful blooms brightens my mood and makes my space feel (and smell) great. Although, I rarely have fresh flowers out, because my cats love to munch on them. This DIY is all about preserving your flowers in an artful and creative way, or in my case, protecting them from the destructive mouths of small beasts. Whether it’s a special bouquet you’d like to keep forever, or a way to have flowers around even when your allergies or pets won’t cooperate, this project will keep your home forever in bloom. —Jessica
Pressing flowers is an easy way to preserve their beauty. You can use heavy books (remember using phone books? Those work well for pressing flowers), or you can go pro by making your own press. In our wall art, we’ll use pins to float our pressed flowers, creating depth and dimension much like in the artwork of Anne Ten Donkelaar, who uses pressed and paper flower cutouts for her layered and fantastical 3d botanical collages. Check out Anne’s work for a heavy dose of floral inspiration.
I visited my favorite local flower and skate shop (yep, best combo ever), Park Deli, for this stunning collection of bold yet delicate and brightly colored flowers. I think the best part of this project is the excuse to get some beautiful fresh flowers. You’ll be able to enjoy them for a very long time with this DIY.
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– Pressed flowers – Floral scissors – Parchment paper – Heavy books or flower Press – Glue – Shadow box frame (I used an IKEA Ribba frame) – Craft foam sheet – Colored paper – Pins (I used specimen pins, because I love the gold tops and matte black stems) – Tweezers
NOTE: Specimen pins measure about 1.5″ long, which extends beyond the shadow box frame’s glass. If you’d like to keep your final piece under the glass, you can use another type of shorter pin or cut your specimen pins down with jewelry wire cutters.
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1. Cut the flowers close to the base. I experimented with a lot of different flowers, and found that small, thinner flowers that could lay flat worked best for pressing. Thicker, larger flowers took a lot of pressure to flatten and dry. Line a book with parchment paper and place cut flowers on the page without overlapping. Press for two to four weeks until they are completely dry.
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Above is a collection of Chamomile, Thistle, pink Astrantia, orange Asclepia, white Veronica, and yellow Kangaroo paw. I have to say that the Astrantia, with their bold gradation of color and symmetrical starburst pattern, are my favorite.
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Tip: Try to press your flowers when they are in full bloom to help get the best shape and colors. The colors will fade, but pressing them in the height of their bloom helps. Make sure they are completely dry, too, or they can mold.
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2. Cut the paper and foam to frame size using the mat as a guide. Adhere foam to the back of the paper and frame. I used two layers of foam.
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3. Compose an arrangement of pressed flowers. Once you decide on your layout, pin flowers in place starting with the bottom layer and working up. Use tweezers to easily pick up the pressed flowers.
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Tip: Some of the dried flowers were so delicate that they cracked when pierced with the pins. Layering a small piece of foam just behind the flower as you pin helps avoid cracking and can also aid in adjusting the flowers at different heights on the pins.
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Performance and Character: Head Painting and Costume Completion
In this final stage I painted the character head. First applying a few coats of white primer miniature paint. Then a few coats of acrylic metallic paint over that once dried.
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While these coats were drying, I worked on the pants for my characters costume.
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With armature measurements in hand, I began to make the pants. I later adjusted the measurements on the pants crotch, as it was too narrow on original pattern.
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Having sewn together the pants, drilled a hole into bottom of the head (for armature neck) and drilled eyeholes (for button eyes), I put the character together.
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Dressing the puppet was difficult due to foam body and thickness of pants fabric.
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nerosdayinanime · 8 months
A gust of wind blew across him, ruffling soft fabric against his skin and loose strands of hair along his face. His eyebrows scrunched- Freezing -something landed above his eye- Snow? He blinked his eyes open to the open sky above, clouded but not dark, empty branches swaying around the edges in an echo of the harsh winds above their reach. Serene. He laid there watching their gentle dance, blithe and enchanted. Feeling the stray gusts wash over him every once in a while, taking away the curls of his warm breath against the cold and throwing the specks of white into a wild dance above him. He could feel, the cold wind and snow of winter, the slow rise and fall of his chest with each breath. He could hear, the whistle of wind and quiet clacking of branches bumping together, his own steady heartbeat through his neck.
He tried to catch a snowflake on his tongue, slack and heavy in his mouth instead, he grunted. Letting his head fall to the side trying to recollect his thoughts, breath mixing with the low fog surrounding the little clearing. A massive gray... boulder. Struck in half... a thick rope, ends frayed with time after being cut the same time as the rock. It was so familiar. Almost nostalgic.
Another snowflake landed on his cheek, he closed his eyes as he sat up, feeling each muscle slowly wake up as he rocked upright. He hazily blinked again, looking down at his hands. So rough, I should take better care of them.. Something ticked in his mind, he lifted his head to look around the empty gray clearing he found himself in- Behind me. He whirled around- stopping abruptly at bright pink. A little girl, looking at him from her place between the trees. Kind sea-foam green eyes and a serene smile, gone with a blink. Her presence he picked up on, gone as the rest of her- What? Where'd she go? He reached the direction she was standing- hesitated, rubbed at his icy dry eyes, Where am I?- He finally took in the clearing around him- dirt pressed and well-trodden in the center and around the boulder, yet so.. uninhabited. No one's been here for years.. But he could feel in his bones the song and dance and laughter and arguments had here, everything so familiar yet so- wrong. Everything was missing. What did they do here?
Why don't I remember anything? echoed in his head, feeling lost and alone in the foggy clearing that rang of home. He looked down at his rough hands again, Home... home is other people. Where are my people? Hands tightened to fists, Who are my people!? He shakily stood up, quickly finding balance on sturdy legs. Hn. He looked around the clearing for the girl, finding a path just to the side of where she was standing. She must know something. She looked like she knew me. Walking through the gentle snowfall, trying not to lose his thoughts to the atmosphere again- Winter... everything is dead. Nn. he grimaced at the thought, Too harsh... asleep. That sounds better. Nature was on pause for the cold, waiting out the harshest winds to rest and regroup. Shells of woody plants no longer in bloom trailed alongside the worn path, little of anything to provide any protection from the wind. His hand fiddled with the edge of his kimono, worn thin from use. Despite it he wasn't overly cold, aside from the occasional prick of ice landing on his skin. Off-white haori, black hakama and undershirt, flashy looking geometric pattern shared with his leg wraps, Pretty neat.. the red accent looks nice too. A blur of deep blue came to mind, vivid and striking. Blue? No.. that wouldn't fit me, besides- blue's not my color.
He stops in his tracks.
Whose color is it? He tries to think- of the pretty royal blue, a face, a silhouette, anything- ..nothing but blanks. He growled in frustration, Why can't I remember anything?
A crow's call startles him out of his thoughts, he looks up just in time to see a haggard looking crow flying right past him along the path. "Oi, crow, have you seen the girl wearing pink around here?" To his surprise, the crow landed on a branch and looked down at him, "Caw! Girl with pink?" It can actually talk? "Yeah! Did you see where she went?" "Caw! She's this way!" The bird started up and continued flying down the path, he quickly moved to follow. Is this thing really leading me to her? Handy. The trail from the clearing leads down a mountain, his sense of home expanding the further from the clearing he walks. Everything's desolate and quiet now, but he can feel the echoes of excited chatter and pleasant conversations as they walked under swaying leaves, the dappled light of the sun leaking through to the ground they walked, like liquid gold. He felt so warm at the sensation he couldn't fully picture, he tried to imagine the girl from the clearing by his side, smiling as he chattered about nothing- it felt wrong. The warmth and hazy brightness turned cold and dim, a sudden image- of her looking up at him with that same serene smile from his place atop the broken stone, smiling fox mask glowing in the diffused light. He blinked at the clarity of it, the flash of melancholy that accompanied it. He shook his head and watched for the bird, making sure he's still following.
A flat stream ahead in the path caught his attention, instinctively looking left through the barren trees he could see a great waterfall in the distance. He could feel the wash of freezing water crashing over him, teeth chattering as he laughed at something said. He turned back to watching the path pass below his feet, the more of these hazy flashes of memories the more fond he felt of the place, more like home, the more he felt a deep unease. A deep sense of absence in his core, I forgot something important. Someone important. All these little glimpses and hints of memories... I'll figure it out eventually. He gave a glance at a cabin towards the base of the mountain, slowing at the sudden hit of nostalgia.
"Caw! Meeting!" He whipped back towards the bird flying ahead of him, not waiting for his wandering mind. He jogged to catch up as it sped its pace in the air, "Right." Snow drifted and swirled around him, the incoordination from when he first woke up completely gone, replaced with a sense of strength and confidence. He sped to a full sprint, testing the bounds- legs pounding forward, a twitch as a branch snapped below his feet, Mistake, steps turning silent as thick forest faded to woods. He didn't feel a hint of exertion, This is going easy. He slows to a regular pace again, watching for the bird to change direction as they came up to a small village.
Everyone's inside, cozy and protected from the cold.. Cool. makes it easier for us, don't have to talk to anyone. He jogged down the main road, instinctively looking towards the empty road where vendors usually set up during the warmer months- someone's quiet voice mumbling and him repeating it louder for them. The earlier thought finally registered, They don't like talking to other people. Blue. Willingly hung out with me under a waterfall. ...Quite an odd character, ne?
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clakistan · 2 months
Living waters (part 1/ TRANSLATION)
The islet rose like a gigantic, misshapen column of stone whose edges were caressed by the foam of the waves. At some points of the rock there were green splashes of grass, or white floral dots, but nothing bigger than that. The seagulls gathered on its crest and from there launched desperate trills before flying over the surface of the waters in search of fish.
Among the white explosions, skirting the sharp rocks on which several shipwrecks lay, the end of a gap could be seen. Most of it was submerged. Something swam with the current and seeped through the opening into a huge cavern. It was cone-shaped, with a small island in the center surrounded by waters teeming with fish and sharks whose black silhouettes could be seen through the surface.
From the high walls sprouted stone balconies occupied by various objects: the skull of a whale, an almost intact ship, chests full of ostentatious treasures that shone under the light that filtered through the holes that served as windows. Ships' sails with different patterns and colors hung like tapestries, cannons and bullets, fishing nets, the shell of a turtle as big as a ship. The most frightening piece of all, the jaws of a shark capable of devouring said turtle.
A column of water rose as if thrown by the wrath of a volcano and remained suspended for several seconds near the small island. It gained shape, splitting into a torso, two arms and a head. The water lost its liquid appearance until it became a trembling jelly. Its murky appearance gave way to a more serene one to the point that it became almost transparent. Colored spots began to sprout on its surface and spread over it as it gained more and more density. The water ceased to be water and instead became skin, hair and scales.
The human part was that of a young woman with a bob cut of blonde hair framing a delicate chinned face. Large eyes so gray and gleaming they looked like polished silver and thin eyebrows that gave her face a touch of elegance. From her neck thick scales of a dark violet formed a sleeveless dress that ran down to the water to get lost in it. It could be seen curled under the water of the cave in a long tail. Its end peeked out from the other side of the small island, like two long, oval, crystal-clear caudal fins.
Along its tail sprouted other fins similar to those of a betta fish, the same color as the dress but red at the tips. They swayed in the water like the folds of a dress. There were more in her back, and smaller ones went from the shoulders to the elbows. The latter, however, were almost transparent and gave the impression of a shawl so thin that it floated around her in the breeze coming in through the windows. 
Of all her features, however, the most striking was her size. The human half appeared to be about fifty feet. Its tail was over thirty and around it swam sharks with silvery bodies and monstrous heads. They did not dare to attack her, but neither did they show fear of her presence. In the same way, to her they were nothing more than other inhabitants of the deep. What she held in her hands, however, was the object of all her attention and fascination.
A strange creature such as she had never seen in all her life at sea slept between her fingers.
It was similar to her with the notable difference that it had no tail, but two long things she could not name. His skin was tanned by the sun, and his hair was such a light brown that it bordered on orange.He wore the same clothes she had sometimes seen among the shipwrecks. She remembered the skeletons she had on more than one occasion discovered in the deep, among the wreckage of ships.  "What strange fish?" she had thought at first, but soon connected the dots and understood that this was what skeletons should look like if they retained their flesh. Therefore, that which she held in her hands was a human, a dweller of the Dry Border. One beign of legends, guilty in the past of performing the most terrible deeds along with the most surreal wonders.
She had found him before dawn, as she swam over the waves beneath that pale darkness that precedes the rising of the star. A sudden glow caught her attention and as she headed towards it, she came upon a ship that was being consumed by flames at great speed as it sank. It was a pity, the fire destroyed everything and left nothing to add to her collection. She was about to leave when she saw the small boat slowly moving away from the destruction.
She reached for him with a couple of flaps and hovered over it to see its contents. It was there that she came upon the creature. Unconscious, but to the naked eye intact. She had never taken anything alive into her cavern before, but this was a novelty. She wrapped it carefully in her hands before diving backwards into the water, raising large waves. It was there that she turned to water to travel faster and keep her new acquisition safe, inside a bubble made from the air of her giant body.
She deposited it in the place of honor in her cavern. The little island that rose about five meters out of the water.On the shore of it, coral trees with numerous slender branches grew; their roots spilled down into the water, forming a thick and colorful jungle that served as a sanctuary for small fish.The center was occupied by a gigantic clam, open and displaying its reddish flesh.On this she placed the human, that would be a soft bed and more importantly safe, because the animal was dead. It only avoided decomposition thanks to an ointment that she had applied the day she added it to her collection. The pearl was waiting on one of the balconies, she liked to play with it between her fingers when she felt tense or needed to meditate on some matter.
It would have been best to let the creature rest, but her curiosity got the better of her.
She did not know the mainland, but she knew that this being came from there.That is why her first inquiry was about the appendages that should serve him to move on land. She gently took each end of these and manipulated them delicately. At the sides mobility was limited, but as she brought them forward she found they were much more flexible.
“Like this, or like this? No, like this.”
She began to make faster and faster movements, fascinated by the way this creature moved.Of course, it was too hypothetical an advance and she would need real proof of what it could do.For the moment she could only say that it did not move sideways like the crabs even though its appendages were similar in some details. So much was her curiosity that she forgot the fragility of that little body, shaking it in a kind of wild and unpredictable game.  If she had exerted a little more pressure, the feet would have turned into red spots on her fingertips. Nor did she realize that the sudden rush was reviving the creature.
He woke up, shuddered and reflexively looked up at the sky.
His narrowed eyes soon opened. A terrified expression came over his face as he let out a few screams that indicated to her that she had awakened him.
“Oh no, did I hurt him?”
She said as she let go of his legs and looked at the human with concern. He half sat up and began to crawl on his back in an attempt to get away from her. When he began to bend his knees so that he could use his legs in that battered advance, she raised her eyebrows in surprise and threw her huge face at him. 
“I hadn't expected this was how you moved.”
Having that face so close all of a sudden was bad in itself, but seeing the movements of her mouth when she spoke was worse. He saw the powerful teeth that were capable of tearing his small body apart and he immediately remembered the old sailors' stories about the living waters. If they wanted to eat you and succeeded in catching you there was nothing left to do but ask for the least painful death.
Tears spilled from his eyes to run down his pale cheeks as he cursed the moment he decided to become a cabin boy. That was a quick way out of the vagabond life.Surrendering to an orphanage at his age and in those times meant being bought by some company in need of cheap labor for the mines. The sea offered him an alternative and a future where he would not end up with lungs full of toxic dust. The chances of encountering living waters were not much in the common routes. But a storm had taken them beyond the safety of their territory.
One of the creature's fingers was placed next to his cheek collecting several tears. She brought them up to one of her eyes and examined them carefully. He took advantage of the oversight to quickly look around for an escape route. Soon he understood his reality.
“I didn't know you were made of water.”
“Why was I born with this luck?!”
His desperate cry made her form an almost perfect circle with her mouth.
“Can you speak? Do you understand what I'm saying?”
“If you're going to eat me, do it at once and stop playing with me like this. I only ask you not to devour me alive.”
He dropped down on the little island and closed his eyes tightly so as not to see what would happen. He had decided to surrender to his fate without further resistance.
“I don't ask much of you. In exchange for that little mercy you can feast on my flesh, creature.”
He felt fingers grabbing him by the shoulder of his shirt and lifting him into the air.There, suspended only by the whims of a being as terrible as that one, he realized how small all the humans of Avarquia were. The living waters could not be common beings, perhaps those eastern cults were right and being devoured by them was only a way to transcend to a state of divinity. To be assimilated and become one more part of a multitude of consciousnesses that traveled the oceans of their world without fear of anything. No pilgrim had returned from their ritual ships to corroborate this.
“Do you want to be devoured?”
He opened his eyes and gazed at the face that watched him calmly, slightly sideways and with the shadow of a smile.
“Why would you want that?”
“It's what you're going to do. I know. It's what you do.”
“I don't...”
There was a boiling in the cave so sudden that it forced the giantess to turn in its direction. She sensed what was happening and reflexively closed her hand around the human. She felt it shudder between her fingers even though she didn't use much force.The poor little thing must have been scared to death and she could imagine the reason.Unfortunately she didn't have time to hide it on the balconies, it would be safer near her. She brought the fist from which his little head was sticking out to her left shoulder and spoke to him as gently as she could.
“Don't say anything. I will keep you safe. And you have my word that I won't eat you. I never would.”
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strelles-universe · 1 year
Clan Names - Water Based
Brook, Creek: Primarily a RiverClan name. A blue furred cat, tranquil and rational, one who thinks before acting.
Bubble(ling): Primarily a RiverClan name. A blue, white or silver cat, excitable and happy, someone with kit-like behavior.
Dew: Used by all clans equally. A white or blue furred cat, cheerful or possessing high energy.
Drizzle: Primarily a RiverClan name. A dark blue cat, calm or even tempered, one who is hard to anger.
Drought: Primarily a RiverClan name. A brown or cream furred cat, someone with a dry sense of humor, born in a drought.
Foam: Primarily a RiverClan name. A white or pale cat, soothing and kind, difficult to upset.
Flood: Primarily a RiverClan name. A blue or brown cat, rambunctious and chaotic, one who is intense or skilled in battle.
Hurricane, Typhoon: Primarily a RiverClan name. Explosive or intense, a cat who is deeply passionate; alternative to storm.
Mist(y), Fog(gy), Steam(y): A ShadowClan or a RiverClan name. A pale furred or a cat with faded markings, someone dense or hard to understand.
Pool, Puddle: Primarily a RiverClan name. A blue cat, gentle or wise.
Rain(y): Used by all clans equally. A long furred cat with a rough pattern, one who is calm and thoughtful; means “blessing.”
River: Used by all clans but RiverClan. A blue cat, one who is persistent and adaptable. Evokes Riverstar.
Ripple: A RiverClan or a ShadowClan name. A blue cat, a cat who is excitable, a good hunter.
Splash: Primarily a RiverClan name. A friendly or outgoing cat, someone who is sweet or naive.
Storm: A RiverClan or a ThunderClan name. A dark furred cat, someone skilled or intimidating.
Stream: Primarily a ThunderClan or a RiverClan name. A blue cat, someone who is determined or aggressive, sometimes considered a gentler variant of -River.
Tide: A RiverClan or a ShadowClan name. A cat who is forceful and intimidating, someone intense or flippant
Wave: Primarily a RiverClan or a ShadowClan name. A silver or pale gray cat, one who is strong and loyal
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christineorbancosplay · 10 months
DIY- Arwen Butterfly Crown part 1.
Arwen- Lord of the Rings. Basic DIY for the base of the crown.
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I printed out templates for Arwen's crown.
Crown Pattern (alleycatscratch.com)
Cut out the pattern pieces and I used EVA foam for the base of the crown. I simply cut out the pattern on the crown. Afterwards, I used a dremel and sandpaper on the foam before painting.
EVA foam-
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I used hot glue to put the pieces together. I used mod podge as a base coat first before using acrylic paint. Let each layer dry for continuing.
First, I used a base of white acrylic paint on the inside and the outside of the crown.
Second, I simply mixed together black and white to get a light grey.
Third, I used a sponge (for painting) and added some white all over the crown. That is where I am right now for the Arwen butterfly crown.
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bitterpainting · 2 years
[A collection of 30 beautifully rendered landscapes, each one depicting something different. An abandoned apartment complex, the two story building just out of frame, a small park at it's center looking unseasonably red for summer... there are broken bottles that reflect colourful light in patches on dead grass littered among the trees, large feathers scattered about that nearly blend in among the fallen leaves. A beach with cerulean waters, clear and foaming at the shoreline... the shine of smooth shells can be seen glinting in the sunlight, the edge of an elaborately detailed textile at the bottom of the painting, partially in shadow. A seemingly endless field of bluebonnets, the landscape warped in a way that makes it seem the area is hilly... the skies are a smooth blend of light blue and deep, watery hues, spotted with thin, wispy clouds. A city street darkened by overcast, the sun illuminating clouds from behind and a single godray shining down to reflect off the still wet asphalt... reflections of lit storefronts and traffic lights can be seen in the various puddles. A forest, presumably, sunlight filtering through bright green leaves, shadows in all sorts of patterns surrounding the thick, brown trunks of trees far older than the painter... an old, rusted, blue car sits long abandoned among them, now overtaken with plantlife that seeks to reclaim it. A horizon line, perfectly straight, the bottom half of the painting a deep cerulean, the colour broken only by small waves that glint white in the sun that hangs overhead... the top half a blue that's nearly as bright, not a cloud in sight. Another painting that's nearly all blue... strange swirling patterns at the top fade off into the distance, the blue tint fading away towards the bottom where a sandy surface can be seen... fish of various species can be seen in the middle and far distance, and several shells are half-buried. A backyard, sun beginning to set in view, the outside world a mystery beyond a white picket fence... the backyard is full of various native plants, and strung up from one side to the other is a line that holds several white cloths all hung up to dry. Other paintings depict various forests or city streets... others more views of the sea, both above and below the water line... a few depict animals as the main focus of the piece... all paintings are devoid of humans or mutations.]
((Julia's largely a landscape painter. I am not. Thereby, I've decided it's not unsavory of me to post like this.))
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joey-dragon · 1 year
Here is my CowGirl Cosplay! 🐮
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I used McCall's M8108 size 18
And Pop!'s Orange Cow Print Jersey Fabric: 3 yards
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It was the only "brown cow" esque pattern fabric that I found that didn't look like poop 😅
I lined each pattern piece with white muslin fabric before I sew them together and then hemmed with two packets of white double folded bias tape
The wig, gloves and belt I got off SHEIN. The button up shirt, the hoop earrings and the necklace I already had.
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The yellow cow tags were made by getting a yellow cardstock writing the numbers covering that with clear masking tape and then completely covering the entire earring in hot glue and putting a earring hook through the top
The matching mask was made in the same way as the pattern pieces for the dress
The ears were made using the same cow print pattern fabric and a old faux fur Christmas tree skirt a piece of cardstock so they stay upright and eyeshadow for dimension
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The horns were made using a ramune plastic bottle top and then using masking tape and hot glue to create the base and then using air dry foam clay to craft the horn and then making the grooves using a pen
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It was so much fun to prance around in this and I had a blast!
I felt so cute and it was very 1940s esque and it made me smile so much
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charmsandtealeaves · 2 years
Dry cleaning/stain removal guide things that may also be useful to know for fic writing:
Blood will foam when it comes into contact with hydrogen peroxide (wash after). Helpful as stains that look similar will not e.g. red wine, juice, berries etc.
Fresh oil stains are see through, while old ones will show up is a cross pattern as it will creep into the lines of the fabric. Use a tiny amount of dish soap to treat oil or grease stains.
Most food/drink stains will show up with a hard ring around the edge.
If you try scratching a stain and it turns white it's probably food or a body related stain (makeup, oil and ink etc. won't scratch).
Permanent discolorations of fabrics usually happen at the neck and under arm due to sweat and deodorant bleaching the fabric overtime. You can't undo this.
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Meadow Spittlebug - Philaenus spumarius
The young Spittlebugs spend most of their lives hidden away in plant recesses covered in a frothy, foamy mass. In there, they can consume plant juices at their leisure, stay hidden from predators and avoid drying out. It’s their best choice to make since outside the foam they’re rather soft-bodied, lack defenses and aren’t too quick (as they lack the ability to hop and jump). But of course, they can’t stay young forever and eventually leave the foam after one final molt into adulthood, leaping off into the green beyond. That’s what this post is here to showcase: the fully grown adult Meadow Spittlebug, solid and fully developed, leaping around on (or around) the plants it once called home. Typically, I’ve found the nymphs nestled in goldenrod, but they apparently have a WIDE range of plants that they call food, and thus many hosts to froth up. Without goldenrod in our yards anymore, I’ve only see the occasional nymph, but year after year there have been many Meadow Spittlebugs to see, each one more unique than the last! As a quick search on Bugguide will show you, P. spumarius has a variable appearance in adulthood, 
While researching this insect, I’ve found an illustration on Bugguide that effectively displays the variability of patterns (from a dorsal view) one could expect if searching for specimens. With their great range of body patterns featuring combinations of brown, white and black, I’m particularly fond of the more intricate ones or those whose wings are solid colors. So many patterns and colors, and yet they are all considered the same specie! It’s like the Asian Ladybug all over again. However, just like the Asian Ladybug, there must be some commonalities across most of the patterns that allows for effective identification. According to Bugguide, this specie has prominent wing veins (the ones closer to the body) and has either a predominantly black-colored body, or two small spots on the tip of their head, like two tiny nostrils. Being perfectly honest, I didn’t look for spots at first but after learning what to look for, I’m absolutely astonished! Such a small detail and the code was cracked! It’s not that simple for a photographer though, as the little hoppers don’t like to look at you directly and would rather zip away by hoping from plant to plant. Keep an eye out for them throughout the summer, and a second eye on any fruiting plants you may have for signs of damage.
Pictures were taken on August 26, 2017 and July 7, 2019 with a Samsaung Galaxy S4, and on June 16, 2021 with a Google Pixel 4. 
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eufiemoon · 1 year
Making Of: Caitlyn Kiramman (Arcane) Hat
Hi there!! I'm finally trying to use Tumblr properly after people said on my IG story vote that I should post my cosplay tutorials here!! I'm starting off with the hat I made for my Caitlyn Kiramman cosplay from the League of Legends series, Arcane. mainly because it was the first part of the cosplay I made!
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I used MellowmindCosplay's Officer Hat template, which has sadly been taken down from their Etsy but this pattern from them could likely be altered for the hat! I may also try to repattern the hat myself if people would be interested.
5mm 45* Eva Foam from https://www.tyges.co.uk
2mm 45* EVA Foam from https://www.tyges.co.uk
Drill Poly Cotton Fabric in Navy from https://fabricland.co.uk
100% Cotton Drill Fabric in White from https://fabricland.co.uk
IMPACT Contact cement adhesive from Amazon
Woodglue from Amazon
Gold Acrylic paint from Amazon
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Hat Base Construction
I decided to make Caitlyn's hat with a base structure of EVA Foam. A lot of cosplay companies tend to just use fabric and interfacing but I knew going into the build that I wanted to have the hat fully structured with the ability to keep its shape whilst still being lightweight, considering it would be on my head for hours.
For those familiar with EVA foam patterns, they're fairly self-explanatory, and usually, the pattern creators include instructions on how to construct them. The pattern I used mainly just required me to attach numbered sides to each other and then reflect that for the other side. I ended up needing to alter the pattern slightly to fit my head with a wig on and I also slightly changed the height to be more proportionate to the original.
just remember when using contact cement to use it in a well-ventilated area!! and to always wait for the glue to be nearly dry on both sides you're trying to connect before putting them together!
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Patterning the Fabric
now, full transparency, the way I drafted my pattern for the first part (the white top) was absolutely not the most efficient or cleanest method, it actually didn't occur to me that I should use the EVA pattern as the fabric pattern until I got to the main body of the hat, so please feel free to ignore how I did the white part, it was primarily pattern drafting, similar to how you would do it on a mannequin for clothes... if the mannequin was a foam hat.
It was incredibly fiddly and needed lots of careful pleating to get the fabric to fit the weird shapes but once I had it fitted, I tacked the pleats down with some small hand stitches and ran around the white edges with some very messy hand sewing, it ended up being covered by the blue fabric and then the gold decal.
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After Struggling with that part I switched over to using the EVA patterns as fabric patterns, I just made sure to add seam/hem allowance to it all. the final Navy Drill parts were all sewn together on my sewing machine and then slipped around the hat and handsewn down to the foam.
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the same technique was used for the hat brim, though I sewed the top edge of the brim and bottom edge of the main hat body fabrics together on my machine and sewed them on as one piece. the edges were just folded under and glued down. If I were to go in and improve any pieces of the cosplay it would definitely be adding a lining even if just to the brim to make everything a little cleaner looking under the hat.
after this I eyeballed the general shape for the gold decal, reflecting it to make the symmetrical pattern, and then extended the 'legs' to wrap around the hat. I then popped the pattern onto my 2mm foam, primed with wood glue, painted with gold acrylic paint, and then contact cemented onto the hat!
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Special Touches¬
By this point I had a fully made hat that looked fairly similar to the hat Caitlyn has in Arcane, with a few exceptions, but I wanted to add some pizazz and had some very lovely gold braided trim that I was gifted last year by a very lovely lady at Fantasy Forest, sadly meaning I can't actually say where to get this specific trim from, though I'm sure places like ebay or etsy have similar types!
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With that...the hat was entirely finished! this was a super fun project to start off this cosplay build with and the results definitely helped with my motivation to finish the rest of the costume before the con I was wearing it for!
I do hope this tutorial is helpful or at least interesting for someone! I really enjoyed writing this all out and seeing my process written down so please prepare for more! I'm going to write the guides for the other parts of this cosplay and then hopefully I'll have started my Kindred build and can start updating people on that!
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waajidah · 2 years
i love my natural hair <3
fair warning this is a long post, so im putting a read more. feel free to just move on lol. i love my natural hair. keep scrolling !
ive been really settling into a routine with my hair. i wash it twice a week n diffuse blow dry it, and then i clarify every 6wk or so. my biggest advice to anyone new to their natural hair journey is to get okay with shrinkage. get okay with not doing length checks. get okay with how ur hair looks when its not stretched out. get okay with it in its naturalest state. so much of our world is trying to tear our hair down(ive been denied jobs bc of my hair, for example) so its important to have full confidence in it.
another piece of advice is i would say dont put things like castor oil or shea butter in ur hair. i know the 30 day hair detox is a bigger thing on youtube than it is here, but ive been doing this since i first went natural years ago, and the reason for it is bc it is much, much harder to wash out than we think it is.
also wash n gos are a bit of a scam, if u dont have styling product in ur hair like gel or foam mousse you will be ok :) i personally dont use gel at all and i only use mousse when i need my hair to dry really fast or im doing a style besides just wearing my hair out. i dont do twist outs or braid outs (i tried both once and never again; im too lazy for all of that, and i look like a bowl of rotini in a twist out lol) i literally just wear my hair shrunken with no product. and it brings me a lot of joy. i think that we believe that we are free from eurocentrism bc we stopped relaxing our hair. but that is not true. having a negative attitude abt ur hair or constantly manipulating it to make it seem to have a looser texture than it has is still eurocentric ideals rearing their ugly head.
i'll tell u the products/tools that i use: so for my typical wash day, i use the mielle pomegranate and honey moisturising shampoo. it gives me a lot of lather and helps me release tangles. then, i use the kinky curly knot today leave in, as a conditioner. (i dont use leave ins bc they make my hair feel oddly mushy) after rinsing that out i blow dry it w my remington dryer and the diffuser attachment. and thats it:)
and then for a clarifying day i use the kinky curly come clean shampoo to clarify(it says its a moisturising shampoo but it leaves my hair squeaking lol), then the kinky curly leave in, and then i condition my hair again with the mielle white peony leave in. i dont like this product as much, so once i finish my current bottle, i'll get a different conditioner to double condition with. then i blow dry my hair and thats it:)
i want to get some sectioning clips and the felicia leatherwood brush to detangle my hair. i would get a plastic set of sectioning clips for detangling usage and then a metal set for styling purposes. i want to do those little bobby pin things like this:
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but i cant use actual bobby pins bc my hair is way too thick and i keep breaking them. ok thats everything, have a nice day
i dont know what hair type i have; i dont use the andre walker or LOIS systems at all. i dont really care what my hair type is tbh. im not posting a pic bc i dont want u lads in my comments trying to tell me what my curl pattern is. my decision to not know is a deliberate choice :)
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anjalisinghh12 · 3 days
Revolutionize Your Bedroom with Cool Bedding: A Comprehensive Guide
Welcome to the ultimate guide to cool bedding, where comfort meets style and innovation. In the realm of interior design, the bedroom is a sanctuary for relaxation and rejuvenation, and the right bedding can make all the difference. From luxurious fabrics to innovative technologies, we explore the world of cool bedding and how it can transform your sleep experience.
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Understanding Cool Bedding: Beyond Aesthetics
Cool bedding goes beyond mere aesthetics; it encompasses a range of features designed to enhance your sleeping environment. From moisture-wicking fabrics to temperature-regulating properties, cool bedding is engineered to keep you comfortable and cozy throughout the night. Whether you're a hot sleeper or simply crave a more refreshing sleep experience, cool bedding offers the perfect solution.
Fabric Matters: The Importance of Breathable Materials
At the heart of cool bedding lies the choice of fabric. Breathable materials such as cotton, bamboo, and linen are favored for their ability to promote airflow and wick away moisture, keeping you cool and dry even on the warmest nights. These natural fibers are not only gentle on the skin but also environmentally friendly, making them a sustainable choice for eco-conscious consumers.
Cool Technologies: Innovations in Sleep Comfort
Innovative technologies play a crucial role in the design of cool bedding, offering advanced features to enhance your sleep quality. From phase change materials that actively regulate body temperature to cooling gel-infused memory foam that molds to your body's contours, there's no shortage of options to suit your specific needs and preferences. With cool bedding, you can enjoy the benefits of cutting-edge technology while indulging in a blissful night's sleep.
Style Meets Function: Design Trends in Cool Bedding
Beyond its functional benefits, cool bedding also embraces the latest design trends to elevate your bedroom decor. From modern geometric prints to timeless minimalist designs, there's a style to suit every taste and aesthetic preference. Whether you prefer crisp white linens for a classic look or bold patterns for a pop of personality, cool bedding allows you to express your unique sense of style while prioritizing comfort and functionality.
Choosing the Right Bedding: Factors to Consider
When selecting cool bedding, it's essential to consider factors such as fabric type, thread count, and design features. Opt for breathable materials with a high thread count for optimal comfort and durability. Look for additional features such as moisture-wicking properties and temperature regulation to ensure a restful night's sleep, regardless of the season or climate.
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Conclusion: Transform Your Sleep Experience with Cool Bedding
In conclusion, cool bedding offers a perfect blend of comfort, style, and functionality, revolutionizing the way we sleep. With a focus on breathable fabrics, innovative technologies, and stylish design trends, cool bedding provides the ultimate sleep experience for the modern consumer. Elevate your bedroom decor, improve your sleep quality, and awaken feeling refreshed and rejuvenated with cool bedding that's as stylish as it is comfortable.
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kingjain · 28 days
Giraffe Just A Girl Who Loves Crocs Crocband Clog
The Giraffe Just A Girl Who Loves Crocs Crocband Clog is a unique and trendy footwear option that has gained popularity among men and women of all ages. This versatile clog is not only comfortable to wear but also makes for a great gift for anyone who loves fashion and functionality. One of the standout features of the Giraffe Just A Girl Who Loves Crocs Crocband Clog is its bold and eye-catching design. With a vibrant and quirky giraffe pattern, these clogs are sure to turn heads wherever you go. Whether you're wearing them to the beach, running errands, or just lounging around the house, this stylish footwear will definitely make a fashion statement. Apart from its attractive appearance, the Giraffe Just A Girl Who Loves Crocs Crocband Clog is also highly comfortable. Made from Croslite foam cushioning, which is renowned for its lightweight and supportive properties, these clogs provide all-day comfort and are perfect for people who are always on their feet. The adjustable heel straps allow for a secure fit, ensuring that your feet stay snug and supported throughout the day. Furthermore, the Giraffe Just A Girl Who Loves Crocs Crocband Clog is designed to be versatile and suitable for a variety of activities. Whether you're going for a hike, strolling around the city, or even gardening, these clogs are designed to handle it all. The slip-resistant outsole provides excellent traction, reducing the risk of slips and falls, while the ventilated design allows for breathability, keeping your feet cool and dry even during the hot summer months. In terms of gifting, the Giraffe Just A Girl Who Loves Crocs Crocband Clog is a great option for both men and women. Its unisex design ensures that it can be enjoyed by anyone, regardless of their gender. Whether you're buying it for a family member, friend, or colleague, this gift is guaranteed to put a smile on their face. Its unique giraffe print also adds a touch of fun and personality, making it a standout gift option. Additionally, the Giraffe Just A Girl Who Loves Crocs Crocband Clog can be worn year-round, making it suitable for any occasion. Its durable construction ensures that it can withstand daily wear and tear, and its easy-to-clean material makes it a practical choice for those who value low-maintenance footwear. Overall, the Giraffe Just A Girl Who Loves Crocs Crocband Clog is a fashionable and comfortable footwear option that makes an excellent gift for everyone. With its eye-catching design, all-day comfort, and versatile nature, these clogs are sure to become a favorite in anyone's shoe collection. So, whether you're treating yourself or looking for the perfect gift, consider adding these unique clogs to your shopping list.
Get it here : Giraffe Just A Girl Who Loves Crocs Crocband Clog
Home Page : tshirtslowprice.com
Related : https://kingjain.tumblr.com/post/722614502264307712/personalized-tigger-tiger-winnie-the-pooh-white
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