#it just might be a hot minute
sad-leon · 11 months
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i really like the ninpo/mindscape idea, if it wasn't obvious
angst under the cut :)
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o0kawaii0o · 3 months
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Nami on the brain!
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phleb0tomist · 8 months
did you grow up with chronic pain? did you get called sensitive as a kid/teen with chronic pain? were you bombarded with wisecracks from adults who said you won’t know real pain till you get older? join my initiative to ban this vile practice from planet earth!
i had chronic pain as a kid. (still do now.) my physical ability was best in childhood, like, i could do cartwheels then, meanwhile i can’t walk now. but istg my pain was regularly at this very same level back in childhood. ok i have extra symptoms now which make things harder, but if we’re JUST focusing on the pain part, it’s often the same. this blows my mind. the level of pain that i have now, bedbound and with opioids and a million accommodations, is the same level i had when i was 10 when i was just walkin around all day, asking my teachers nicely if i could sit indoors during playtime. (they said no btw.) back then, every time i tried to tell people how much everything hurt, adults said i was “sensitive”.
was i sensitive? is that what i was?
I think i must have been insanely powerful as a 10 year old to be out and about with a level of pain that makes me nonfunctional as an adult. I wonder how many kids and teens are in that amount of pain right now and are being dismissed because of their age. i think the way adults treat children with long term pain is evil. “you don’t know real pain! it only gets worse as you get older! wait till you grow up!!”
okay i waited.
i’m closer to 30 now than i am to 10, and the more hindsight i gain, the more i realise what a horrific violation it is that my pain was ignored when i was the most vulnerable to the trauma of unmanaged pain and had the least frame of reference for what level of agony is normal to experience while climbing stairs
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jer-artspat · 1 month
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... no goddamn way are these designs over a DECADE old? 💀💀💀
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siixkiing · 8 months
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Someone has probably already done these with the Sun Wukong and Macaque, but Tem asked me to draw them and I couldn't resist. They are angy monkeys, hear them hiss
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illusidy · 2 months
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It's doooooone! Hello, I HAD to do the Shikimori meme 👀
I've got a personal headcanon that Qi's demi-sexual, so I also made an alternate version to fit it. 😂
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slingbats · 16 days
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guy who did his hair and makeup to sit around in his robe
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sketchy-tour · 6 months
NEW COMPUTER OBTAINED!!!! Sai is redownloaded!!!! Drivers reinstalled!!!!!!!
Maybe I'll host a whiteboard after work to celebrate! 😈
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mimicmockingbirds · 1 year
OK, but hear me out
Say Ride the Cyclone were to be adapted into a film; imagine how much fun it would be to see it animated.
Because for the main plot, like the intro song and the mostly dialogue scenes in limbo, you could easily do a stylistic, but still grounded in realism style that a lot of modern animated projects are doing right now (think Arcane or Into the Spider Verse). But once each of the kids go into their respective songs/fantasies for what their life could have been? What if those were done in completely different styles?? Imagine the additional, visual storytelling that would tell about who they are as characters?
Like say, for Ocean's number, WTWN, everything became more simplified, and the characters (especially Ocean herself) turned into a more rounded, chibi-like style to enhance just how cutesy and likeable she's trying to portray herself throughout that number.
Or for Noel's Lament, everything goes black and white, and the characters become even more 2D stylized, and the film scales down to a smaller millimeter frame, more reminiscent of cartoons from the early 20's, when animation was just starting out, to enhance his idealization of "the olden days" (as Ocean puts it).
Mischa's song, This Song is Awesome could be animated with a more choppy frame rate, and the character designs turn a little more jagged around the edges, kind of like animated music videos (I'm thinking a Gorillaz band vibe). But as he transitions into singing about Talia, the colors start to bleed out over their lineart, and become more paint-like and Talia herself moves like a rotoscoped character (think Loving, Vincent that came out a few years ago) to enhance the sense that she's somewhere between a real person and a fantasy Mischa's built in his mind.
Ricky's song would, of course, be stylized after those sci-fi cartoons from the 90's, like X-Men or Captain Planet.
For the Ballad of Jane Doe, I would love to see something like what Wolfwalkers did back in 2020, where most of the characters (in this case, the other kids) are for the most part, animated like traditional, 2D characters with very clean lines and neat movements, whereas Jane herself stands out for having messier, sketchy line art, and looks more and more unfinished in her animation as the song goes on, because she can feel more and more of her own identity being lost.
Constance's Sugar Cloud I could see done in the classic 2D Disney style (i.e., the Renaissance era of Disney, like the Lion King or Little Mermaid days) because not only is it really smooth and colorful and just all around nice to look at, but it reminds the average moviegoer of their childhood growing up with those movies (among others, obviously), which ties in nicely with Constance's preceding monologue about remembering her own life, and the good that came with the bad.
I'm even tempted to envision the first half of the finale song in a different style, when the stage production would show a quick projection of Jane/Penny's life after she returned to the world of the living. Imagine watching this animated film, and for that segment alone, it becomes that really hyper-realistic, almost uncanny valley CGI animation style, to show that she really has joined the world of the living, i.e. our world, among us, the living breathing movie goers watching this, and watching the other kids still in limbo fade back to that main art style for the final number.
I don't know; it just feels like something that would be so engaging to see from an already compelling storyline and characters. Especially with more experimental animation projects on the rise right now
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domi091 · 3 months
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stardestroyer81 · 11 months
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You ever wonder how Mike is going to keep seven foot tall animatronics out of his office with a flimsy door in place of the ones we're used to?
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Let her grieve
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dreamlandsandwich · 17 days
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redraw of this post from a couple of years ago
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lloyd-007 · 2 months
Firebound au
I love these kinds of aus so much, like the whole idea that one of the ninja can be lost to there elements is so interesting to me but heartbreaking for everyone around them. Like just imagine one day there here and the next they’re gone well technically they’re still there but not at the same time.
In my au so far it’s more focused on the aftermath, how the ninja handles what happened to there brother and filling what I feel the show missed out after what happened in seabound like we barely got to see how the rest of the ninja handled it like all we had was a time skip to a whole year later when they had mostly accepted what happened ( well not Jay). How would it had been if it was someone else and not Nya? What if it was Kai instead, how would this affect the team? Most importantly Nya and Lloyd? What about Kai and Nyas own parents?? And can’t forget about Skylor , how would this affect the team and overall what about Kai?
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In my opinion Nya wouldn’t waste the chance to get kai back like that’s her brother, the one that literally raised her. He’s isn’t  just a brother he’s literally a parent to her and Same with Lloyd. The ninja would probably go down a different state of grief, Lloyd without a doubt would be depression, Nya would be denial, it takes them longer to accept what happened to Kai and Lloyd starts to lose control of his powers a little. They both lash out at people who want to help, but just as Nya starts to accept what happened to her brother something happens to Lloyd ( no spoilers).
And kai is there to help them but he’s mad at them he doesn’t understand why he’s even mad at them, he doesn’t even know them. Lloyd argues back, and something snaps in kai causing him to somewhat come back but he’s still stuck as his element, his minds is half gone half foggy he’s sometimes unsure of what’s happening around him but at least it can’t get any worse.. right.
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slavhew · 1 year
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Duwang gang
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queseresere · 10 months
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Zed is my baby and I think he deserves to be a lil’ silly-goofy amethyst :D Ft. Tango from @chrisrin gemcyt AU.
(Edited cause the credit @ messed up)
There are a few closeups below the cut.
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