#it is a silly tought but I still... hope
bluxb3rry · 5 months
❝𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞!❞↳෴੭˚ ༘♡·˚₊˚ˑ༄ؘ 💜
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Medusa AU! Lee Minho x Blind! male reader! he/him pronouns! English is not my first language! hehe angst and fluff Also, HAPPY NEW YEAR [Not yet but you know] would you like to see me as another fruit or blueberry forever?
── ⋅⋅⋅ ────꒰ ୨ ♡ ୧ ꒱───────
Lee minho was a handsome man, everytime he walked he made at least made one person fall in love at frist sight. He didn't care, he just wanted to be with his cats in his lovely home, him and his toughts.
In some way, he didn't liked being like this, people only looking at him with lust in their eyes, talking to him with only one thougt in their head. He wished that someone could touch his hair, his lips, his neck, his body, with pure love, and the soft words "i love you" being murmured in his ear. That someone could kiss him with passion and that could build a fire inside him.
He oh so wanted to be loved, that he believed in the men that told him those words, he ignored everything because he was told "i love you" he ignored the warnings in his head and kissed him with passion, feeling loved.
But love isn't real, it's fake, and he learned that with pain, he was punished. He didn't know why, he was loved, he felt safe in that man arms, but he heard an angry scream before that his body changed.
Lee minho was a handsome man, so as a punishment, he was made to a monster. He didn't really looked like one, the snakes that were his new hair didn't damage anything, he would look like a beautiful creature, but, everyone that looked at him would became stone. That made him a monster.
People wanted to kill him, people wanted to take his head as a trophy, but that wasn't even close to what he felt, he felt betrayed because of love. Because of love, he lost his life.
He wished that someone would look at him and tell him "you're still handsome" "you're still are perfect" please, stop calling him a monster, please let him leave that cage of rocks inside a muntain, where only the planst and the rocks can hear his screams and tears. Ignoring the beautiful flowers that grow from the grass, ignoring those snakes that oh tried so hard to help him.
Please someone tell him, tell him that you love him.
Huh, a voice?
-Hello? Is anybody here? im lost!-the voice started to be more close
-a human?-he whispered, a snake answering him with a hiss
He started to get up from the rock, his snake like body transferring him. He looked behind one of the rocks, the human was walking quite dumb in his opinion, he would step on some rocks and hiss, still looking anywhere confused as ever.
-Hello?-the man said again, until he crashed into a big rock and fell to the floor.
-you are one silly human-minho finally talked, getting close to him.
There were a lot of statues around him, men that tried to kill him, men tried to hide but failed. Yet, this guy decided to just walk like nothing, and even ask for help, his help.
-Hello? Who are you?-the men asked looking at him.
Minho was suprised when the men looked but didn't became stone.
-my question is, who are you? i want to know the stupid men that came here-minho talked with a hint of anger in his voice
-oh, um, im sorry mister, im Y/N, as you can see im blind and i don't know how i got lost and, well, here i am-Y/N said with a small smile, his cheeks becoming quite red
-huh, that makes sense-minho walked far away, slapping his snake tail to the mens face-that explains why you aren't stone right now
-stone?-Y/N looked at bit more suprise now-so, you are the snake man that the town talks about-
-something like that, and you don't look so afraid-minho said while playing with one of his snakes.
-well, if you were a really monster, you would have killed me by now, yet you didn't-Y/N said with a smile in his face, looking where he was hoping the men was.
-you are lost, where did you wanted to go anyways that you ended here?-minho sat, kinda, in front of him.
-i was following some people, they said that they were going to look for food but never came back-he laughed a bit-i think they didn't wanted me in the group anymore
Minho just looked at him, not saying a word.
-Lee minho-
-Lee minho, thats my name-
── ⋅⋅⋅ ────꒰ ୨ ♡ ୧ ꒱───────
Minho showed him the town, hiding behind some trees, far away from his cave, yet, Y/N followed him back. He heard him quite easly, since he crashed again into some trees.
"why are you still here" he asked
"well, you didn't pushed me away" Y/N answered
So, time passed, and here they are, beside the small lake that was in the cave. Minho looking at Y/n making some crown flowers with the few that grow there.
-you know how to make those, you look like a professional-he said getting closer to him
-yeah, well my mom used to teach me, it was hard since i only could use my hands but, i learned and i made a lot of them for her and for me-Y/N said finally finishing the two crown flowers, putting one in his own head
-and your father?-minho asked, fixing a bit of the flower crown in Y/N's head
-he, was never there, i didn't mind, i didn't met him but i wish i could hugged him at least one time-Y/N's voice was a bit sad
-men are like that, some of us don't deserve that, i was once a handsome man, but, someone betrayed me-minho said, anger being obvious in his voice
-was?-Y/N asked
-well, if you could see me right now, you would see a monster-
Y/N raised his hands a bit, withouth warning he started to touch Minho face. Minho was suprised but he stay still, now knowing what the other one was doing.
Then he felt his fingers in his lips, touching his cheecks, softly touching his nose and even touched some of the snakes. Y/N touched his neck a bit, then rested his hands in his shoulders, Y/N smiled.
-i think your handsome and kind, if you weren't like that, i would have been dead by now but you helped me and even let me live here-Y/N said-though i do feel sad that i can't see you, dying by seeing you must be a beautiful way to die.
Minho felt tairs falling from his cheecks, oh he waited so long for those words to be said, even before that he became like that. Someone has finally treated him with kind and love, told him how he was.
His heart felt like fire, he didn't know when but he kissed him, he kissed him with passion and you accepted that. The two men in that room knew so little abouth the other, but they felt safe in each others arms.
When they separated, they hugged, Minho face being in withing the shoulder and neck of Y/N.
-i... i think i love you-minho whispered
-i love you too-
Minho felt happy, and with his snakes looking at him and at his new lover, he didn't care, he wasn't a monster.
── ⋅⋅⋅ ────꒰ ୨ ♡ ୧ ꒱───────
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airbendertendou · 9 months
NOTHING TO SEE! ♥︎ saiki kusuo
synopsis : you need to meet your tutor-of-sorts, but bring along your babysitting duties
cw : soichi , knowing junji ito lore isnt needed! , possibly ooc , mention of eating scorpions! , lowercase intended , name used instead of yn
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“get down from there right now!” a clatter is heard as a bundle of nails fall to the floor. letting out a sigh, you pinch the bridge of your nose before looking up. “i don’t have time for this today, soichi. are you coming with me or not?”
pink hair is easy enough to spot as your grip on the eleven year old’s wrist tightens. soichi giggles to himself, muttering things you’re glad you don’t hear. you grit your teeth, smiling tensely at your classmate. “i’m so sorry about this.”
as always, saiki kusuo stays silent. he looks from you to the child attached to your arm and blinks. you make soichi sit beside the wall, scooting into the booth beside him as you place your bag on the floor.
you clear your throat, “last minute babysitting duties. his brother is studying for college, so i’m their last resort.” you watch soichi from the corner of your eye — he’s making faces on the window at everyone who passes by. “he listens… fairly well.”
the table goes silent as you bring your school books out. saiki glances at the child again, blinking at soichi's glare. a waitress stops by your table, flinching at every gag soichi releases — he's not a fan of sweets. you smile awkwardly again, letting out a small laugh and apologizing profousely.
"why do i go out in public with you."
as always, you tend to speak your thoughts. saiki flinches at the echo, watching as you scowl at soichi. the kid grins, mouth full of nails as he wiggles in his seat. you sigh, looking back to saiki, "i'm surprised your other friends aren't here. they usually go wherever you go."
"i managed to ditch them." saiki reads through his text book, not meeting your gaze. "for now. they'll probably show up soon."
a squeaking sound interrupts the silence. soichi is taking his pointer finger and dragging it harshly down the window. when he sees both of your eyes on him, he grins. "hehehehe—"
"soichi," you frown, but keep your voice soft, "remember your promise?"
the boy's smile falls, eyes squinting as he pouts. "behave and i'll get a treat."
"not just a treat!" you dig through your bag again, the crinkle of a wrapper hitting saiki's ears. soichi sits up straight, eyes widening and brightening. "your favorite treat."
a lollipop is in your hand, the orange color gleaming in the lights. saiki doesn't hide his disgust at the sight of it ; soichi can't hide his excitement. there's a scorpion in the candy, seemingly still twitching around the stick.
saiki takes a sip of his drink, "disgusting."
soichi hisses at the pink haired boy, “i’ll curse you! may you always find watermelon seeds in your soup!” curling against you cutely, he bats his widened eyes, looking at the lollipop before back at you. "how nice of you to bring me a treat, name!"
"an hour or two of quiet, that's all i ask."
the eleven year old agrees, seemingly purring as he lays his head on your shoulder. you let out a sigh, relaxing at his subdued state. you grin saiki's way, "it's safe to study now! so, i'm confused on this part—"
saiki is in disbelief of what he hears. the child may be calm, but his mind is running and yelling, going in circles with topics. you pop up sometimes — soichi's nicest thoughts are always about you. soichi narrows his eyes at the pink boy — there's a slew of threats and curses heading his way.
"he listens to me the most," you speak up. saiki looks to you and your gentle, caring smile. "that's why his family hired me. i just think i'm nice and he appreciates it."
that could be true. it was shown in your toughts and soichi's. your kindess and the way you listened to the boy ; the way he melted into your side and trusted you.
it made saiki kusuo feel a little warmer than usual.
——♥︎—— soichi is so so silly <3 i hope i got his character close to what it is ]: based on me watching my nephew <<3
airbendertendou © do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate my content on any platform. if you see my content under any other name than my own, let me know. i only have this tumblr and an ao3 account under the same name.
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mxalexis · 1 month
Behold !
I am bringing you a masterpiece featuring :
💭 a walk down memory lane
👬 friendship
⏱️ a race against time
💢 a domineering father
🏳️‍🌈 queer folks
💗 hope
Yes, I am talking about The Lost Cases, The Private Diary of John Watson, The Vanishing Heiress by Sage Boscombe.
This novella is the 3rd chapter in a serie featuring John Watson & Sherlock Holmes, with a focus on their personal relationship.
In case you didn't know, let me be clear : they are in love! With each other! In a very gay way!
(Just tought I would clear that up)
Now, onto the story :
➡️ Sherlock and John find themselves *cough* interrupted *wink* with a message from a rich man whose daughter has been missing for a month, and who desperately needs their help finding her and bringing her back.
He's not a sympathetic man, his temper seems to flare up quite easily, and he's clearly not used to not getting his way.
But he is obviously very distraught by his daughter's disappearance, and the police are of no help. So our favorite duo decides to investigate the matter.
They end up going to Barts, Watson's old university, to interview a good friend of the missing young woman, who might or might not know what happened to her.
In the previous chapters, I was enchanted by the silliness, cuteness, and romantic aspects of John & Sherlock's story.
And those are still there ! Very much so !
The scene involving Mrs Hudson (you'll know wich one when you read it), in particular, has me roaring with laughter every time I re-read it !
The "aaaaaww" dimension is also very much present on several occasions.
⚠️ The reason I'm explaining all this is to make sure you keep that in mind as you move on with the rest of my comment, because it's not all sweet and roses.
I have to say, very rarely have I read a story that gut-wrenching, and yet hopefull & wholesome at the same time.
Here we start seeing more concretely what it meant at that time to be qu33r in London. And while it would have been easy to focus it all on misery, despair, or ostracism, the author beautifully showed hope, resilience, solidarity, and acceptance.
Not only is it very well-written, it's also a lovely continuation of the previous chapters, absolutely believable in terms of characters' development, & a great way to explore these 2 sweet men's universe some more.
Thank you so much, Sage Boscombe, for creating these precious stories 💙
I can never recomend these novellas enough.
Please consider giving them a go!
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hacked-by-jake · 27 days
Hello, hello hjb 🐢
I just wanna to share a headcanon (or theory? I don't know) of Jake have photographic memory. It's a silly thing because in the first time I think about it I was looking more reasons of why Jake think so much in MC (and why him so completly in love), soooo.... hehe 😅
Well, the thing is: having a photographic memory, Jake's have the ability to recall pages of text, numbers, photos, or others, in great details. And this is pretty good for who has been on the run from goverment. Or at least, that's what Jake tought.
After all, when he meets MC, this change completly. His mind always come back to all of the conversations and the photos on MC's profile can to go out of his mind neither. And with more his feelings grow up for MC, more your mind becomes him own downfall.
Sometimes he can draw in his note paper some of the photos of MC or even whisper one of the messages when he's working (and Jake will doing all of these unintentionally 🤭)
So, that's it. Sorry if this is somehow confused, english isn't my first language. I still learning 😬
And I just wanna thank you for share your toughts about Jake, they're incredible nice and I feel very happy to read all of them 💙
Hey Ho, wonderful anon! 💚
Ohhh, this is a very, very interesting theory and a lovely headcanon.
I'm not much educated in this field so I can only use the cliché the media has shown us.
At first I thought "Hmm, does this fit? I mean, Jake definitely forget a loooot of things during the game. Or he misses points etc. It doesn't happen that open but a couple of times". And also, that it took him so long to remember why he felt like he was at the Hanson house before. But then you mentioned the thing with MC and this makes it very interesting.
Maybe it sounds strange to say it this way but I love the idea of his brain being completely shut down since he met MC. Like, as you said, he keeps remembering this about MC out of nowhere and even whispers some of their texts while working. It's sounds very much like MC became his calming mantra.
Out of topic and maybe not really fitting but my mind immediately went like: Imagine Jake is in a fight or someone is stressing and messing with him. Others would probably whisper to themselves "Keep calm, everything is okay, don't let them provoke you"
But Jake would be like "MC. Think about MC. Everything is okay. MC is close to me, right in my phone. Just one message and they're there. MC. MC. MC."
And everyone would be like "Wtf is he talking about?", but he wouldn't even realise it himself. Hehe.
And I like the idea of him maybe writing down in his notes etc some messages MC wrote to him. Like completely normal messages, not even flirting ones or everything. Maybe he would write down some of their jokes and compliments they made him.
Like "Who needs the police when you have a hacker"
I'm absolutely he sure after MC said this, he was the proudest person on earth. His heart probably exploded after that. 🤭
I really like this headcanon of your, dear Anon. And I thank you for sharing it with us. I think some people thought about this possibility as well.
And please don't worry about your ask or your English. It's absolutely okay and I can understand everything you say. Maybe you don't know but it might calm you or anything, English isn't my native language either so I'm pretty sure I make mistakes myself. 💚
And thank you so much for the lovely compliment. It's a huge honour for me that you enjoy reading my thoughts about Jake. It really means everything to me. And I have to thank you all for sharing your thoughts so I can share mine. I always enjoy it incredibly. 💚 I hope you're going to have a wonderful day/evening/night. Take care of yourself and stay healthy and safe. 💚
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midnightanxietytm · 2 months
I read your blurb about the reader helping Mabel feel comfortable about her experiences with kissing so far. It was such a sweet and funny blurb and you captured Mabel’s personality so well! That combination of hopeful, nervous, brave, and a bit self deprecating for Mabel can be difficult. I’m also excited to learn more about the reader. I found the commentary for land before swine to connect the dots for myself. The background and the blurb were such a good fit!
I really like the reader and how she feels comfortable expressing her silly side with Mabel. I’m curious how Dipper would interact with her. I think the reader humanizing Stan or Ford with stories from their youth or being a person for Dipper to talk about his theories would be fun.
It would even be interesting if the reader told a story about Stan that he didn’t remember. I don’t recall if the reader and Stan got along or knew each other when they were younger.
I think having a window into Stan and ford’s pasts would be such a interesting dynamic to see with the other characters. I think Wendy would readily accept and encourage the chaos.
Bruh I self insert sooo bad in my Reader x cannon stuff im glad to hear that its still likable. When I wrote "He takes his whiskey neat" I had it in my head that Reader met Ford in College, moved to Gravity Falls with him and After the portal incident they stuck around to help Stan rebuild the portal. For the "kissy faces" I tought that they could have met in the last year of high school and gone to college together.
I haven't given much tought to a reader and Stan relationship but i think they would be the scammers of the century honestly, I think my reader has a lot of charisma aand charm to them, and they’re also real smart, so yeah sufice to say they are a dangerous combination
As for Reader and Dipper I have another Blurb for ya!
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Academic weapon
“It’s looking great, Dipper!” You compliment the boy with a smile; “You have some minor formatting issues with your sources, but otherwise you've got the oxford model down to a T!” He beamed up at you, his latest summer essay in your hands, complete with formatting and research, got him a lot of teasing comments from his sister and Stan, but Dipper didn’t give up, and you agreed to give him a small summer course on scientific method. It was safe to say you believe Dipper would be way ahead of his peers the next school period, not to toot your own horn.
“It’s funny, honestly. Your grunkle Ford’s essays were such a mess and yours are so neat! Guess the apple does fall far From the tree sometimes.” You say while affectionately messing his hair. Dipper laughs in turn.
“Yeah even his journals are a mess, I guess they look cool tho, Mabel says it adds to his ‘aesthetic’...” He says, fixing Up his hat.
“Oh it’s totally for the aesthetic of the journal!” You agree with a grin. “But with his thesis? There he was just being stubborn…” And you tilt your head down to whisper in a conspiratorial tone. “Wanna know a secret?”
Dipper leaned in, nodding vigorously. “Ford paid me and Fidds more than once to format and rewrite entire papers for him.”
“IT WAS ONE TIME DAMMIT!” Yelled Ford suddenly from the doorway. Dang, you should have whispered lower. Ford does have a talent to walk in whenever you gossip about him.
Dipper bursts out laughing, and you follow.
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ticklish-n-stuff · 2 years
Hello! Could you write Lee!Tomioka switch!Tanjiro and Ler!Nezuko?? Obv when u got the time :3
You're late!
I originally was gonna decline this request as I'm not sure how I would write a fic within the Demon Slayer universe but then it hit me. There's the Academy spin off that's much more wholesome and goofy and more my taste. I did read the first 3 chapters of the manga when it came out and I really liked it so I thought why not make this fic within that universe instead. There's no dead people or people missing any limbs (I'm still coping after a certain train incident LMAO), it's just them doing silly stuff. I do apologize if you don't end up liking the approach I went with. Depending how well this fic does I might write more for them in the future.
Also I changed the prompt up a bit. Hope you enjoy~
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Giyuu x Tanjiro x Nezuko DS academy (platonic)
Lees: Giyuu, Tanjiro
Lers: Giyuu, Tanjiro, Nezuko
Warnings: Tickles!
School was about to start at any moment. Tanjiro and Nezuko were rushing with all their might over to the school gate before they got in trouble. If they were even a tad late they'd be met with Giyuu's wrath and that's no fun. Just when they tought they were in the clear, they were welcomed by an angry Giyuu, his infamous bamboo stick in hand. "You two are late" he said sternly "I assume neither of you have an excuse at hand".
Tanjiro quickly tried to come up with an excuse to get out of that mess "W-we uhh... NEZUKO RUN!" he suddenly yelled out as he wrapped himself around the teacher's waist to prevent him from moving. If atleast Nezuko could get to class then that was good enough for him, he would gladly sacrifice himself.
"What are you doing you braHAT?!" a strangled laugh escaped Giyuu when Tajiro accidentally squeezed at his hips. He quickly caught onto what happened and started squeezing with purpose.
"Nezuko I've got him distracted! Go run now!".
The demon girl quickly bolted on out of there, but couldn't help but feel guilty for leaving her brother behind. She stopped in her tracks and turned around to see a cackling Giyuu with Tanjiro clinging onto him for dear life. It was actually kinda funny to witness the stoic hashira laughing so wildly. "GYAHAHAHA! ST-STAHAHAP IT!" he tried smacking Tanjiro with his stick but his skull was too thick to even budge.
"Never!" Tanjiro kept on squeezing at the ticklish hips as if his life depended on it, which it did.
"THAHAT'S IT! YOU'RE SOHO DEHEAD!" Giyuu decided to play dirty and gave Tanjiro a taste of his own medicine by squeezing at his sides.
"GAH-! WAHAIT!" he squealed as he instantly folded on himself. Wrapping his arms around his sensitive torso. But Giyuu managed to keep squeezing at the tickle spot with ease.
"Not so tough now" he said with his usual stoic expression, as if he wasn't just laughing his head off a moment ago.
"AHAHAHAHA! WAHAHAIT! I'M SAHAHARRY!!!" Tanjiro screeched in laughter as he crumbled down onto the floor, Giyuu following him with ease.
"Consider this your punishment for being late" the water hashira proceeded to scribble along the younger one's tummy, making him squeal and shriek in ticklish glee.
Hearing her brother's ticklish screams, she quickly rushed over to help him. She snuck behind Giyuu and scribbled her long nails up and down his sides.
"PFFT! AHAHAHAHA!" he screeched in surprise laughter as he quickly clamped his arms down his sides.
"Y-yeheah Nezuko get him!" Tanjiro encouraged as she scribbled all over the hashira's ribs and armpits, sending Giyuu into hysterics.
"NAHAHAHA! STAHAHAP IT!" I wouldn't be surprised if the entire school heard Giyuu's obnoxious laugh. He fell to the side as he tried his best to curl up on himself, he was too ticklish for this. Once he saw an opening, Tanjiro grabbed Nezuko by her hand and they both quickly went to their class. Leaving a tickled out Giyuu laying limp over at the school gate.
"You're the best Nezuko!" he praised her as he rubbed her head affectionately before entering the classroom. They had math class with Sanemi, hopefully he won't scold them as well... or force them to do math homework outside.
Later that day, Rengoku happened to walk by the school gates, where he noticed Giyuu laying all limp on the floor. Panting as if he had ran a marathon. "What happened to you?".
"I don't wanna talk about it..." Giyuu's face softly flushed as he curled on himself once again, remembering the embarrassing situation.
"Y'know, earlier today I heard someone laughing all weird and obnoxious. Apparently that young Kamado and his sister were tormenting a teacher...".
"Gahh don't remind me!" Giyuu bursted out as he quickly got up, trying to do anything else in that moment.
"Awe come on, I was just teasing!" Rengoku snickered as he happily followed behind him, he definitely wasn't gonna let him live it down.
Ngl this was a lot of fun to write. I can't sleep so decided why not write it now. I think I will write more for demon slayer in the future ^^
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Random Malorie headcanon's ;
(because its so close to her bday and thats all i got for now 🫣)
- some of her close friends call her "mels" short for Malorie.
She prefers Malorie but she is ok with the nickname as long as only her close friend's call her that. other wise she gets kinda irritated.
- Do y'all remember when i said that this girl is half french? well you should because she flexes on this so much to the point where people get annoyed.
And the fact that she can't even speak french for shit makes it even funnier because all of her social media username's are literally "moncheriemelss"
she actually wanted to do "moncheriemalorie" but Instagram's shitty username restriction didnt let that pass so she went with "moncheriemelss" since its more short and she tought it looks more cute and unique that way (💀)
- she can't and doesn't like drinking too much carbonated drinks because it makes her stomach ache and she literally hates burping after drinking them
- she sets alarm's for almost everything but the ringtone for the alarm is annoying to her so she snooze's the alarm's and as soon as she snooze's them, she forgots their existence 😭
- she is a die-hard twilight fan and cries whenever she rewatches the movies
she also tried to convince kanato to be Edward on halloween but he refused (obviously) but she is still trying!! and she is going to make hime come in her way eventually😏 (well she hopes so...😭)
- she is a fan of horror movies. its something that people get really surprised when they hear because she doesn't seem like the type to enjoy them
- she is also really invested in watching crime cases and how to solve them. every sunday morning, she opens a true crime case video and watches while she eats her silly unicorn shaped cereals.
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hoobins · 2 years
Ok so I finally have some time to actually make the post I’ve been trying to make I had to make the impulse choice of coming back in the middle of the exams because I have no self control what so ever 
Strap in, it’s going to be a long-sh ride post
So yeah I am back here :D not even because of the twitter mess (but can’t lie that I am there as well), hi hi and hello kiddos So, where have I been?
As some of you may know I had a major burnout, meltdown and depressive episode, I literally shutted down for years because I couldn’t do anything, my drawings were terrible, my mind was worse, I was falling into downwards spirals, thankfully I didn’t do anything bad, but I was scared and worst of all I tought that the best way to deal with it was to isolate myself. 
And it helped, sorta, but not really, I wasn’t even talking to irl friends, barrely spoke to familiar faces, friendly people becuase I had this (and still am sorting this idea out) that I had to deal with all my problems alone, that I couldn’t rely on even talking to people about the stuff I was dealing with, because, well, bad habit I had most of my life. I was always pretty dumb when it came to that... Am trying to do better
In that time I didn’t drew, didn’t create anything at all, was scared to even take a pen and try and make a silly little doodle, too afraid I was going to go back and ... be happy? The brain is wierd when it comes to this.
This changed around a year ago, when I maneged to get out of the house, am now living in a new place away from my family, that, while aren’t bad people, they are pretty toxic to me, we are just too different in principle, I still talk to them and go visit on vacations, but even they know that my mental health is better when I am away, and that’s coming from parents that would NEVER admit that out loud (mother in special) I am still mostly closed off to them, but the space helped me, and I slowly was trying to take a step at the time, still afraid to hold a pencil and do what really makes me the happiest, still, I was at least trying to see stuff, trying to watch things I like, trying to dare a little more, but I was too closed off to those around me, never knowing what to do, say, interact, awkward but hey, I was never around people like me in real life, literally didn’t knew anyone.
Slowly but surely I was going to thing, having my fun again, working on AUs of fandoms, making ocs for said fandom, still too scared to drawing, but that was the first drop, still too scared to come back, too scared of making it official.
It was a small ride on that, maybe half a year, when things really happened was because of one small morbid thing that made me realise that I wanted to draw, and I took the step to that, scared but at that point, I had nothing to loose anymore, I was taking more risks with it, at the time I was talkig to a friend that also gave me the advice to be a little more reckless.
And so I did, and was a rush for me, to come back to everything, to remember the joy, I was overhelmed and then I kept going and well
I am here now, making stuff, and will post stuff right after too, because I missed this, I missed here and I missed being a part of me, even if it hurts again, is what I know I love to do, and to know that people still remember me and open their arms to welcome me back I just ... It’s unbelievable to me on a certain way, I can’t even begin to describe the joy that is to see you all and to be here again.
I hope things go well, I hope things go better, and I hope that I don’t leave this time, even if I am sad, angry, overwhelmed, underwhelmed, and every other emotion that comes with it.
Thank you all for everything and I can only hope I will do the same to you guys
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shinkimarbles · 1 year
Mountain's solitude
COD Modern Warfare fanfic 🌹
OC (Doe Sullivan) x Canon (141 &not a ship)
It's just a harmless short story, please don't eat me :( I assure you I own the games, I played the games and just have big ass luv for the world.
Warnings: OC stuff, mentions of violence/Gore, bad jokes, timeline alternation (AU), guns, mentions of body scars, should be safe otherwise ❤️
I am replaying MW2 remaster And I was simply too in love to not write about this (And also to take a load off of my friend's shoulder cause She had to listen to this for days)
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After Doe returned from war, there wasn't much to do.
At first, she sat at the hotel, wondering what to do next. Since most of her adulthood was spent in the ranks of modern world's warriors, childhood in afterschool activities and teenagehood was just a feign memory of highschool - what was there to do for her now, that her contract ended? Idly sitting by the window in Manchester's all inclusive hotel, she sulked quietly. For the first time, there wasn't any urge to run, yell nor fire a gun - she had actual time to relax, be normal. "Gosh! I'll go crazy if I don't do something..." Doe stood up, her eyes lazily giving a judgemental look to her small portion of wardrobe. First thing she should do is definitely shopping. Having finally time to go back to civil life, she realized how much of daily life necessities she missed. For example a house - or an apartment. Yet Doe was falling short in terms of where to live. She came down to the front desk, to give the attendant her keycard. "What's the plan for today, miss Sullivan?" He asked her as he neatly slid the card across to her shelf.
"I don't know, any recommendations?" She smirked at him. Her hair was in these months much darker, framing her softly lined eyes with that strange, yet enigmatic look in them. Around people, she wore a mask that covered her nose and cheeks, pretending it was just a fancy way to dress these days. "You know, miss Sullivan, i tought you're a nurse." He mentioned briefly, trying to figure out her backstory like it was sort of detective case. The attendant didn't know, that this simple guess out of silliness meant Doe regained sense of direction. Her eyes fell on a prospect of a cabin in the woods.
....Cabin in the woods....
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Four years later
Doe got up early in the morning - usually. Today she slept in, to give her feet and muscles a rest after yesterday's climbing session in snowfall. Getting out of her bed, her feet getting shocker with cold floor as Doe yawned. Stretching her limbs out towards the ceiling, she begun walking leisurely to the staircase.
Spiral staircase, all lined up in the same wooden color as the rest of the cabin. Her movement around the house became automatic - as she exits the staircase, her finger automatically goes for the voicemail. Hoping she has free day out today, she listened to the sweet dial sound as voice she didn't hear since she went to battle in Caldera came thru. Doe paused, her body frozen in motion as her shoulders tensed. Of course it was John Price, asking for her advice in matters of current world's problems. She didn't find it perhaps that strange, since she did ocassionally work with CIA - however thru that, her superior would of course delegate all the necessities to her. Going around the kitchen desk, her eyes averted towards the voicemail, her hands stuck in air, watching nothing at all - face in disbelief. "Now how did he find me..." She murmured, deciding to pay it no mind. Whatever it was that he had to call her at midnight, it probably got resolved by now.
She had been living in mountains above city of Aspen for 4 years now. She moved up the hill after finishing her nursing course with honors, granting her the eligible skill to help out with search and rescue and of course, in local hospital when they called her in because of being severely understaffed. Ocassionally still helping CIA with whatever they needed her for at a time - consultations or singular recon missions. That kept Doe occupied most of the time, granting her no time to feel lonely and desperate - and if by any chance she had a free time, she'd go take her snow scooter for a spin. Loving the mountains, loving the snow and freedom it gave her as she played tag with the wind riding downhill from her cabin. This made her feel less lonely, reminding her of why she choose this direction in her life. She'd be lying if she said that beautiful interior was her handywork - on the contrary, she bought it because of how large it was. Small spaces made her feel anxious - now a soldier with phobia of tight spaces is a strange choice, but it was manageable as long as it was her work. The lady, or madam, that sold the cabin to her was already retired mother of four, thus the children bedrooms on the ground level floor. Doe never went there, if she doesn't count the ocassional moments of opening the ventilation to let the dust blow out. Turning her head, she looked out of the window. It stopped snowing. After constant grayness of the sky above, this was pleasantly welcome. No work was scheduled for today, allowing her to eat in peace. Playing with the ammount of cereals getting poured into ornamented bowl with Japanese art on it's side, she paused. Ear ripping sound of halo flying right overhead made her groan angrily. "Can't have moment..." She whispered, listening tightly. In the aerial zone of the mountains creating awful acoustic, it pained her greatly to be there to hear choppers or planes fly by. It was rare, and within a while it was gone. Yet today, the heli didn't seem to go away, rather sit down as an eagle registering presence of it's prey. Thinking it's search and rescue, she decided to go outside right away, instead of thinking about life over a bowl or cereal. Tossing on pair of leggins and camo printed jacket, Doe left the house. Alarm switched on at all times. Listening in on the sound of sudden silence, she realized the heli couldn't just land anywhere, nearest H was down in the valley. However the sound of it was stagnant for period long enough to let someone deploy. Starting her beloved scooter that purred in synthetic rhytm with her heart, she took a deep breath, pulling her goggles down so she can see where she's riding to. Used to pious loneliness, too much was happening at once and She needed to clear her head before her marbles get loose.
She loved the wind, combing thru her unbound hair. It was like she grew pair of wings, and for a moment the extasy of belonging hit her body - making her feel all okay. That was for a moment a man crossed her path, she'd almost have a first civil kill hasn't it been for her fast reflex of hitting the brakes before she could hit him. "Woah!" He yelped, almost falling down to his ass. "Woah? I almost killed you!" Doe hissed back, pulling her goggles out of her face. Not even then she realized that her face is all uncovered, showing her nasty scars framing her cheeks. Only when he stared her in the face, did Doe realize why. "What are you doing here?" She asked, voice lowering down briskly. It was simple question, altought she figured by his armor plate that he's one of the task force guys. Just stranded far away. "You're Sullivan right?" He answered with another question, his relaxed smile and teeth showing grin was offputting. Smothering.
"Gentleman doesn't ask, lady doesn't tell." She replied. He stood silly and dumbfounded. "Mactavish, was it?" That killed his childlike wonder, He probably wondered if he died so this unreal situation didn't happen. "How do you know?" He asked quietly. "I can read seargeant." He gazed down to his uniform and let out a desperate sight. "You got a point, lass." Slightly hunching his shoulders. Of course Doe realized who it was right away, she was there when he got that scar, Price was afraid he hit his head too hard that day. "What are you doing here anyway?" He asked in return, making Doe sigh slightly, getting quite confused by everything he does in his life. "I live here, sergeant." His lips did a little ,,Oh,,. He didn't know her personally, but He heard thing or two from Price. "So, I know I am different ward, but what's So urgent you're coming up the hill in full gear?" He was like a puppy, not even much younger than her yet he had so much life in him. Maybe staying with rangers, soundly, was much more healing than Caldera's burning warflames. "I am here to pick off the rookies. They got stuck in some cavern again." Explanation was enough to satisfy her. "Let me guess, Price?" Tilting her head, they both laughed at it. "Ey, sorry to tell you serg, but your rookies are probably still asleep down in the hotel." Doe explained. She wanted to wiggle out of this as soon as possible, but seeing his clueless face And the fact he never been to Aspen before, she sighed. "I'll give you a ride downtown, they came into the valley after doing whatever the poor squad of four was doing." Motioning for him to hop in, He eventually did. Probably wanting to also get back home to his family instead of freezing his bum out there. It took just few minutes before she parked at the tail end of the mountain. "Straight And then right on second row." She gave out the instructions. "Thank a lot, Sullivan." He yawned at her, showing thumbs up. At that she just nodded, pulling her goggles down again.
As she came back into her cabin, she didn't even notice the alarm wasn't turned on. Doe kicked off her shoes into the corner and walked towards the stairs right away to take shower. Humming melodies she used to listen to in the jeep's radio, she took her clothes off, folding them neatly on the laundry basket, never bothered to walk around like that - she lived alone afterall. The water rushing down created perfect ambience, shutting off the real world for few good minutes. When she got out, she walked back to her downstairs living room, putting in her music, finally enjoying the peace.
First new snowflakes fell down, signalizing the returnal of winter's grasp. She smiled to herself, resting her head on the couch's back when she heard someone knock on her door. Thinking she'll drift out without this disturbance, she coughed a little, forcing herself to get up and open the door to poor lost soul that happened to come across her doorstep.
However when she did, she stood there shocked.
"What Are you doing here?"
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Dumplings! Pyzy! Pampuchy!
so here i am,trying to rediscover what food i used to eat,
(yes it's like in the middle of the night, i woudn't do it normally)
and i wondered about pyzy.
now after googling, pyzy are made of potatoes. And kinda small. Which is what i tought they were but also not. So i started wondering what the other thing is. And after a bit of gooling.
It's pampuchy. Parowańce. or something like that. But most importantly. It's a dumpling. which makes me howl with laughter coz i tought it was just a steemed bun, but no, this is Poland, so ofc we will have dumplings. Big as fuck, but dumplings.
It also makes me giggle that english wikipedia uses name with polish letters but polish wiki doesen't :
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^ that is from eng wiki
and this, below, is polish
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oh my fucking god i just realised it's also called ruchańce. Which it makes it look like it's deriviated from ruchać. and ruchać means to fuck.
Also english wiki says it's also a dessert. Which. We just add sugar/cream/fruits to stuff whenever we like. You could try and make meat very sweet. (there is a meat dish with plums inside but it's still a dinner thing).
Also pyzy are:
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As you can see, the right picture is the same as pampuchy XDD. But from my experience pampuchy get just some interesting souce, not really a filling.
Pyzy also don't have to have a filling
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Man i love our dumpling culture and the fact that us making them sweet makes other people shrivel away. It's so funny coz sweet dumplings are SO GOOD.
Alright! All photos are taken from wikipedia cos i can't cook for shit and it's also middle of the night. I hope to learn that we have even more types of dumplings.
For any wierd wording, typos etc. i apologise (i mostly lurk and read in english, so i'm not very used to writng)
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so kluski are just fucked up dumplings, that's alright, we still love them
(i also deleted like a paragraph of yelling coz i can't read to save my life. The kluski are the wierd dumplings, not pierogi. uff)
If you can guess, im writing it as i read (or think lmao) i hope to laugh at this post more that i will cringe at it when i wake up.
To explain myself with kluski. It's what i called like the pasta in soup right. Kluski. On polish wiki sort of also shown like that:
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(pasta, noodles and anthing else like that is called makaron in polish.)
I wanted to say that we have our dumplings figured out but i just got more confused the more i looked.
I wanted to say i learned a lot today, but now i just know for sure that i'm tierd. And may have wrote absolute silliness. WEll. whatever. had fun. Still sorry for any typos etc.
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sam-nochncs · 1 year
Alo Sam! Hope your day is going nicely :3
I'm just here to say that I love you! I don't particularly celebrate valentines day but I like giving people that are important to me nice messages on this day
Your art is amazing I love seeing it whenever you do put it out there it makes my day so much better to see your nice colors and the silly dudes you decide to draw
I also love when you write, even if it's just your thoughts answering my stuff I love reading and I get a little excited thrill on seeing you on my notify's.
Your an amazing person an absolute sweetheart an honest jewel of a person!!
I love you <3 and I hope you have a nice day
(Many (yes btw you can call me Many sjsjsjshsjksks I'm still gonna answer to your comments on my drawing 🥺 just haven't had the time))
Hello hello Many <3333 seeing you in my notificstions made my day BRIGHTER AND BETTER🥹🥹🥹
I LOVE YOU TOOOO ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
and like you i dont particulary celebrate valentines day too :D I AM GLAD THAT YOU THINK IM IMPORTANT TO GIVE NICE MESSAGES IM CRYING!!
YOUR WORDS ARE SO KIND and im so glad to hear that you like my art and toughts 😭😭😭😭😭
I absolutly adore your art it is so soft and cute and squisable i hold everyone of them they are sooo precious i love your colour usage they aşways go well together so muchh and your style i melt my heart yours frfr and your writings!! I LOVE YOUR THOUGHTS THEY ARE AMAZING I AGREE WITH THEM ALL THE TIME FRFR YOU SPEAK FACTSYOU SLAYYYY I LOVEEEEE SEEING YOU ON MY NOTIFS TOO it makes me soooo happy seeing you post reblog or write or even like stuff makes my day! Im so glad to get to know you and my heart is so happy to hear(more like see eyyy) your words (you generally 🤭🤭🤭)
You are the amazing one here smh smh
You are my star that i am orbiting around mhm mhm 🥳🤭👽🌍🪐🌞🌞🌞☀☀☀
my reactions that i couldnt put into words v
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aaaaand lastly take your time! you dont have to worry about answering them 😋 Ill wait till the heat death of the universe 🤭🤭 so take much as you need 🥳😘😘😘😘
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yukimini · 6 years
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Underswap! Chara with a crush on Paps?! One of my role model artists (@natukusa-mikan) ship this and I wanted to contribute xD I don't know if Paps would like them back, but a child can have some hope right?
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sakurashell · 3 years
just aot characters reacting to when the reader blasts out of her house just to pluck a bunch of flowers for them from her neighbours garden (basically stealing) in the middle of reassuring her insecure bf ✊😭
lmaooo okay okay I like this and I can also see myself doing something similar so let's get started ;) Lots of fluff here
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Eren is an attention whore and if he doesn't get the right amount from you, he would start feeling insecure and wonder if you're giving your attention to someone else. You would notice he's being quiter than usual and avoiding your attempts to cuddle, and when you confront him about his weird attitute he would say some shit like "oh now you wanna cuddle? Tought you forgot about me." and he would sound very childish but you know he's just being insecure but too proud to admit it. So you leave him in your bedroom, alone, in the middle of the conversation and pluck some flowers from your shitty neighbour's garden, and then go back inside with a boquet of violets in your hand. "Here, take this. For you." you say to him, and he's floored at the beginning but still take it, brows furrowed as he tries to piece the puzzle together. "Wait, did you take these from that old man garden?" and you don't want to say it but you shyly nod your head anyway. "That's not important, it's my way to apologize for not giving you enough attention." you start, and he's already smiling. "You know I love you, right?" and he knows you do, or else you wouldn't steal flowers from the neighbour that hates you just to make him feel better. "Love you too baby"
Jean is usually the one who brings you flowers and spoils you, cause he likes to treat his baby well, but he can also get super insecure due to the fact he's always been the second choice, and now that he gets to be the first it just feels too good to be true. You notice when he does, cause he would suddenly start to buy you even more stuff and never think it's enough cause he's so afraid you're going to leave him, and then he would get jealous over the stupidest thing and you'd know as soon as he starts to argue with you that you have to do something and make his bad thoughts disappear, so you flash out of the room and leave him there and he thinks you left him for good, until you show up with a little bouquet of red roses and give it to him. "I had to..well, take some of them from my neighbour's garden cause there's not a flower shop near enough here, but take them, please?" you hope he doesn't think you're crazy cause he's looking at you completely astonished. He just asks "why?" and you answer with a "cause you deserve it." and give him a soft kiss on the lips. Next thing you know he's taking your clothes off
Connie's my favorite, cause you've always been a dynamic duo and your relationship has always been funny, but you also know he's super insecure about himself and tries to mask it by doing stupid things and making silly jokes. You're his girlfriend, you know him and you see right through him, so one day -when he seems particularly off and can't even properly play his game because his mind seems elsewhere- you test the waters and tell him you're going to hang with your friends later. He's always considered himself the luckiest motherfucker alive cause you're so beautiful sometimes he doesn't think it's real that he gets to be with you, and he's aware every guy would want to be in his place and he also knows you could find someone better just by snapping your fingers. Sometimes these thoughts overwhelm him, and now he's nodding his head and smiling at you but the smile doesn't reach his eyes. "Sure babes, go out and have fun." he says, but you know he's going to wait for you until you're home and destroy himself with shitty thoughts about how he's not good enough for you. You tilt your head to the side and think for a moment, before getting up and exiting the house without a word, and he wonders if he's done something wrong. Minutes later you're back with a little boquet of daises -cause there was literally nothing else in that fucking garden- and you're grabbing his hand and forcing him to take them. "What are these for?" he asks, and he's genuinely confused. "Did you really think I was going to leave you alone on our horror movie night? I'd never do that." you smile, and then hug him cause he looks so cute realizing what you just did for him. "The neighbour had just daises, sorry." and now he's laughing cause he's thinking about you stealing daises from the old man garden, trying not to make him notice. He leaves a kiss on your head and strokes your hair tenderly and god, he loves you so much.
You love Armin so much for constantly putting up with your bullshit and taking such good care of you, he's literally the best boyfriend you could ever ask for but he's also the most insecure person on earth if that's possible, and not just towards your relationship but towards himself. He doesn't think he's pretty, doesn't think he's funny or smart or overall exciting to be around, and you have to remind him even if he never asks you to, cause he's afraid he'll sound pathetic. He's also always pretty rational, and you think an authentic, and maybe stupid gift could make him smile cause you love to see him smile. One day he's helping you study at your house, but you can't focus because you're thinking more than usual about how you hate the fact that he's not confident when he's literally the smartest, priettiest guy alive and you want him to know how much you appreciate him cause sometimes you're not sure you do enough for him. So you abruptly get up and tell him you'll be back in a few minutes, before storming out. And you're true to your words, entering the room again with a boquet of pretty sunflowers that remind you of him. You say nothing as you handle them to him, you just smile at him and hope he doesn't ask questions. He takes them immediately, even if he already knows you stole them cause there aren't flowers shops near your house, and the only garden with sunflowers is that of your neighbour. "They're pretty like you." you tell him, and then he's kissing you on the lips to show you his gratitude. "Thank you for always helping me, don't know what I'd do without you." you say again, because you want to make sure he knows how grateful you are and how special he is. "I love you." he states, and then "I know you stole them."
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Hope you liked it, I did my best! I just figured I'd do the scouts, so let me know if you want me to add Levi and Erwin too. :)
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papswife-1 · 2 years
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A Little Tought part 4 FINAL
Happy Valentines Day!!!
I just wanted to post something silly for take up the moral on all single peoplke out there. Touch the photo for more quality and hope you’ll like this little idea of mine. I have another I will post soon, I’m sorry for some errors and differences. As you could see I am still elaborating my way for drawing Sunny...well...my way for draw in general :’)
This comic was a brush experiment too. Just for see what is better to work with. Have a nice day!
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An idea: one of the whumpers purposely hiding Bonnie and making blue think she’s lost to mess with him
Anon 👀👀👀
Cw: Dehumanization; conditioning; gaslight; emotional abuse; pet whump; toying with comfort object; creepy whumper
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“Blue, Darling, can you pick some rice in the pantry for me, please?”
“Yes Master W-warren” Blue nodded immediately, always so eager to please, and ran to get food. Warren noticed Blue had left Bonnie on the kitchen’s table.
This woke a morbid curiosity on him. Warren cleaned his hands on the jeans and got the plush, looking around for a second and deciding to hide it on the bottom of a cabinet. Then, he return to chopping vegetables, pretending nothing happened.
Blue handed him the package with a smile, so happy to be useful, even on this small way… It returned to washing the dishes. It was a bit slow, but could do it, and was very meticulous. But it also didn’t take long for him to hear a distressed whine.
Hiding his smile, Warren turned to the pet, watching it nervously look around the kitchen. From a side to the other and often glancing at over the table… where the plush should be.
He turned to the pet, watching as it desperately looked around from one side to the other, especially over the table, where it had actually left the plush. It seemed so lost, so certain that… Bonnie should be there.
“Blue, dear? Everything is fine?”
“M-Master” gasped, pulling his mangled little hands to his chest “I-I thought Bonnie was… She was t-t-there… B-but… I c-can’t f—find her…”
“Oh?” Warren Asked, faking concern “Are you sure? Maybe you left her on the bedroom resting?”
The pet’s face lit up at this.
“M-May I…?” he asked, and Warren nodded. The pet darted to the bedroom and he waited hearing the ruffling sounds of the blankets. After a while, another little distressed whine.
The scarred little face peeked from behind the door.
“Did you find her dear?” He smiled, and Blue shook its head.
“N-no M-Master…” it frowned, as if thinking too much hurt it “I-I tought I had b-brought it to the kitchen w-w-with me….””
“Well she isn’t here is she?” he smiled and blue squeaked an answer.
“N-n-no she…” he looked around, again paying extra attention to the table, as if it would just materialize there at any second.
“Maybe you lost her?”
He stared, wide eyed.
“M-Master I-It’d never lose Bonnie”
Master smiled at his silly pet, finding this very amusing.
“…Well dear, then why is it that you can’t find her?”
“I-It…. She…”Blue stared at its hands after cleaning a tear  “M-Master c-can Blue l-look for her?”
“…After we finish dinner, dear” Master approached and kissed its forehead, rubbing gently the back of Blue’s neck “Don’t worry we will find her, okay?”
Blue nods miserably and goes back to the task. It puts the food on the table and goes to its spot besides Master’s leg, while trying to keep the sobbing to a minimum. It hold the bowl up for Master.
Warren always makes sure to cut the food in little pieces before giving it to Blue. He knows how much trouble it has chewing, and besides, it’s fun to do it slowly, watching the excitement grow on the pet’s eyes, while it tries to be a well behaved pet and wait patiently.
Today, it is more interested on the lost bunny than on the food, hands trembling in anxiety. He cuts the food even slower than usual, watching as its pet twitches and shivers, so anxious, so desperate to search for the beloved plush.
Warren places the bowl on the floor and Blue obediently ate it, swallowing the food as fast as it can and looking around all the time, as if hoping to find Bonnie somewhere on the floor.
Blue licks the bowl clean.          
“M-mM-m-master please can Blue look for for Bonnie now?”
“…Sure” He smiles, still finishing his meal while watching Blue crawl out of his view. He eats calmly while hearing the pet get more and more distressed on the other rooms, calling out of the plush as if it was capable of answering.
Warren finishes the dishes and goes into the living room’s couch, amused at the way the pet searched the same places over and over again, the frantic despair turning into a slow cry of exhaustion.
Finally, with a heartbreaking cry the pet gives up and moves closer to his Master, putting its head on Master’s tight.
“You didn’t find it darling?”
It sobbed.
“N-n-no… M-m-master… I-Ii I icant find her”
Master smiled tenderly, giving him a behind the ear scratch. It always eased its fear a little bit.
“I’ll help you look for it okay?
The pet perked up, nodding.
“O-o-okay… t-t-h-ankyou”
So, he got up and walked around the house a little bit, pretending to be looking for the plush, before getting it from the cupboard. Blue was back on the bedroom, searching under the wardrobe for the tenth time.
Blue looks up, eyes sparkling.
“B-b-bonnie? W—w-where?”
“…In the kitchen, silly Blue. Right where you left it” Master says, handling it to Blue’s trembling hands.
It has a frown again, trying to understand how could it look on the same place over and over and miss it… It shakes that off, than hugs it tight, frantically sobbing.
“Be more careful from now on, will you?” Warren scold, and the pet nods, desperate.
“Yes Master It will…It will never take eyes of her again”
“Good” He sat back on couch, and Blue curled up on his feet, whispering apologies to the plush bunny over and over.
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tag: @whumpzone @whumpropaganda @freefallingup13 @lave-whump  @nitrous-vinyl
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peakascum · 4 years
Lean On Me
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this is terrible im so sorry 
A slight breeze trickled its way in caressing Y/N’s cheeks. A silent whisper, an invisible touch so soft that she could've imagined it. The grass seemed duller than ever before, yet it was the only place she could find comfort. The chirp of the Blackbird swooped her in a limbo and made her hands clutch the greenery before her. The grass that usually soothed her and held traces of a once happy day seemed to cut her now, leaving behind traces of agony and invisible cuts that penetrated their way into her heart. It happened, what she had been avoiding and fought way too hard for, had happened. 
Tears escaped her eyes as her lips parted, yet no sound came out of them. They stuck to her throat creating a heaving sound that only heartbroken mothers would make. She had pleaded with her husband’s family to keep her children safe, to protect them fiercely when the time came. They failed, as did everything else in her life. 
She lay down on her side to hear the earth mumble its condolences and whisper reassurances to her baby boy, letting him know how loved and cared for he truly was. How long she had waited for his arrival, how happy the family was to see him grow up, and how much they cherished his blue-colored eyes that looked just like his father’s. His bloody father.
“Y/N!” John screamed making his way up the hill. More tears escaped her eyes in anger and frustration. “Y/N, please darling. Let’s- let’s just go home.” He pleaded, blue eyes staring right back to her almost lifeless ones. He pleaded just as he did every afternoon hoping this would finally be the day she would return home.
“Where is home, John?” She croaked. “Want me to go home to what, eh? To what?”
His knees gave in beside her in defeat and lay on the ground beside his wife, if he still could call her that. They stared at each other as if trying to rope in every single thing that made them come together in the first place. Tears streamed down his face, outlining every dimple, every crease, and every freckle that kissed his cheeks. He sucked in a breath and slowly extended one of his hands towards her. The hand crawled its way through the grass and enveloped her small ones, making her break out into a sob. 
“I can’t undo everything. I can’t bring him back. But-“ he sucked in a breath, “I promised to stand by you and love you and do my best to protect you.” His hand left hers and wiped her tears, leaving his fingers to linger on her cheek. “M-my love,” he called out to her affectionately, “I promised you chickens and blue skies and love and I-“ once again his voice betrayed him. Broken promises unable to be redeemed. 
“The kids keep asking about where their mum is and if you've gone with Will, and I just don’t know what to fuckin’ tell them.” Her eyes sprung back with a bit of shimmer at the mention of their kids. The ones she and John created out of pure love. Words can't seem to be enough as the grief sets in between them. The long nights they shared waking up to take care of their first born. All of his firsts shared in their little house on Watery Lane. The first scare, the first fever, first words, first day of school, all shared between the couple as new parents. All their firsts, including the one they shared currently, one they wished with all their hearts that they wouldn't be able to. 
“Tell me about them,” she whispered, “what have they been up to?”
And so John rambled on about their mischievous children and their silly, little occurrences. He told her how Polly had been staying in their home taking care of them while you both grieved. His eyes lit up at the mention of Tommy dropping by with Charlie every few days, just happy at seeing his big brother being there for him. How Arthur took them to the park and Finn took them for spins in the car. His face lit up as he heard her giggle making his insides warm at the tought of her finding joy in his words. 
“We both lost him, Y/N. We both lost everything, but we have more kids to live for.” He gripped her crying face in his rough hands and brought her closer to his. “Don’t push me away. I fuckin’ need you too and I refuse to do this without you.” 
His tone desperate, hands shaking and eyes broken.
Her face tired and eyes equally, but a newfound hope sprang in her wilting heart. She twisted her head and placed kisses on the palm of his hand. 
With a slight push they rose to their feet in unison. John looped his arm through hers and slowly descended the hill that stood near their house. From the window Polly stood watching in hopes that she would spring into herself once again. Always fond of the girl that stole her nephew’s heart and cared for like a daughter of her own. But Polly knew all too well the feeling of losing a child. The guilt, the loneliness, the madness that came with the empty rooms and ear, shattering silence. Yet, knew it was a matter of time before Y/N managed to pull herself out of the spell. Because, as much as she knew how these things clawed their way into your lives, nothing could destroy the love and determination she and John held for them and their family. 
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