#issue 36
barrenclan · 29 days
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"The Death of BarrenClan: Part Two"
So good to see you again.
The cover art is inspired by medieval illuminated manuscripts and marginalia, if you're not familiar with the style. I highly encourage you all to look it up, there are many delightful drawings.
Cypressfoot marks the second blood of BarrenClan. Oh, darling, I'm so sorry to lose you.
But we do seem to have a returning member.
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dailydccomics · 2 years
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lmao Robin’s like ??? why are you here??? 
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johannepetereric · 2 months
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sanriocollection · 1 year
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Totally magazine - issue 36 (2022)
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grrlmusic · 25 days
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PIN-UP Magazine
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More of Gaiman's Being Weird About Asians and also She's Trying While Still Misgendering UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH
The Comics canonically call Morph "Murphy" lmfao
I see it's ANOTHER thing that isn't just fandom-only!
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thegoldenreport · 2 years
There’s been a break in
at the corner of Elmherst and Rocadia
Three ghosts: Spiral, Scathe, and Singe
entered the home of the man
who killed them.
No one knows their real names
as no one can remember them.
They climbed up from the coast
a slick mudslide that threatened
to send them back to the void
if they fell.
Some sick game they were playing.
It remains unclear.
Each retained a certain skill.
Scathe could interact with the real world.
Spiral could confuse and distort the senses.
Singe could reveal what was hidden.
It was imperative to keep quiet.
They entered the house through a closed window.
Found themselves locked in a room they couldn’t leave.
Tampered with a VCR player,
but didn’t know the code.
Or that the door was now open by a different source.
There were footsteps, shuffled and soft.
They didn’t move.
So they couldn’t be seen.
Only the tangled nests of black tape.
It was the Ward, the man who killed them.
Spiral was the first to move.
Leapt from the corner and into his mind.
He dropped to his knees, while the others fled.
Spiral held him there for a full minute.
Before she was ripped out.
Singe and Scathe came to a hallway of many rooms.
Passsages through which they could not pass.
They resolved to stick together.
This was impossible.
“Would you like to see the koi fish?”
A woman popped out from the newly opened door.
Dressed in a flared peach skirt and cream top.
She beckoned to Scathe.
Singe was too far behind.
She closed the door.
Inside Singe sat at a computer screen.
But there was something different about him.
Scathe could tell, a faint sheen on the bridge of his nose.
And hands that almost looked like plastic.
They were bound in red yarn.
The mother stood still.
At least, Scathe thought she was the mother.
Her auburn hair looked like a cheap wig.
Her gaze fixed on the bathroom door.
The false Singe slowly shaking his head.
Was this a puzzle or a warning?
Scathe didn’t know which.
But she knew she couldn’t stay.
She resolved to open the door.
The false Singe screamed.
The mother smiled, content.
Inside the bathroom door, she stood still.
Scathe found that she could not open the door again.
The mother held onto a roll of toilet paper.
Unraveling it as she began her interrogation.
Why have you returned?
What impacts your smell in the physical world?
How do you manage to live with the dwellers?
Where is your friend?
Who do you intend to steal this time?
Flying strips of paper swallowed the space they occupied.
Scathe, stricken by shock, unable to move.
Her vision tuned into a different channel.
She saw the real Singe.
Wrapped head to toe in white rope.
And so began her own unraveling.
Why did you punish us in this way?
What have you done to my friend?
How can you live, when you know the consequences?
Where is the Ward?
Who are you anyway?
The mother did not answer her questions.
But she did open the door.
There was Singe on the other side.
The real Singe. They embraced.
Scathe knew this was real.
She could smell the smoke.
They left the house at 4:33 am,
having spent almost the whole night.
Spiral was no where to be seen.
They were free.
But they were none the wiser.
The mother and the ward
stood together on the balcony.
Watching them descend the mudslide. 
Arms folded close to their chests.
Bound by their terrible secrets.
The ward was crying.
Authorities were not called to the scene.
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officialtokyosan · 2 years
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skywarp says the n word
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0vergrowngraveyard · 5 months
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"you decide: a couple hundred tons of snow falling on those innocent heads...or tails?"
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forseties · 4 months
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been obsessed with dq11 lately. im puttign them in my mouth
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tealclover · 4 months
This Way Out
So, Tails slipped up. Not only did he manage to get himself snagged, but he dragged Belle into this with him. To make matters worse, Starline was unbearably smug about the whole thing. Yeah, yeah, he got the Sonic the Hedgehog’s sidekick. Whoop-de-friggin-doo.
Just when Tails was starting to prove himself again. Ugh. How embarrassing. 
Well, enough of that. He promised Sonic he’d be fine, and he intended to keep his word. All he had to do was find a way to get Belle and himself out safely. … But who exactly were those two Mobians hanging around the facility?
(Alternate ending to Sonic IDW Issue #36, featuring a snarky fox. Some angst, some crack.)
Even before fully regaining consciousness, Tails knew he was in for a headache. And not just literally, though the pulsing in his temple was certainly noteworthy.
For starters, before even opening his eyes, he was lying stiffly on his back of all places. Tails never slept on his back if he could help it – his namesakes made resting much more reasonable on his side or belly. Sleeping on his tails was both uncomfortable and impractical. Impractical because it left his belly and other more vulnerable parts exposed. Uncomfortable due to the cold and the fact that his namesakes trapped underneath him, occasionally numb from lack of bloodflow. Which they were. But so were his arms and his legs, and, oh, he couldn’t move at all actually. 
It was probably too much to hope that that beeping indicated that he’d spent the last fifteen hours on a stone-hard hospital bed, seeing how his last waking recollection involved him and Belle separating, tons of snow, and…
Starline. Who wanted to kidnap him. For supposedly scientific purposes.
With no small amount of trepidation, the fox bleerily opened his eyes. He was immediately rewarded for his efforts with too much light why couldn’t he live like the nocturnal creatures foxes were meant to be and a sinister chuckle that grated on his nerves.
“Ah, Young Master Prower. I see you are awake.”
Yup. And he wished he wasn’t.
“Starline.” Oof. Voice crack. That wasn’t doing his credibility any favors. How long had he been out? He coughed, trying to get his voice back before roughly continuing: “I hope you’ve got a five star meal on the way; otherwise I’m going to have to give this stay a poor review. Don’t tell me this is a hospital bed,” he grimaced at the surface he was strapped to, arms, tails, and all. He was trapped for the time being, but appeared to be intact, at least. If the bindings were ignored, he could have passed for a patient – the presence of the finger pulse oximeter amongst other diagnostic tools were certainly intriguing, if not concerning. Were those vials of blood his? “Or do. Cause I’m not sure there’s much I can do for you if you think it’s acceptable to let your guests sleep on tables.”
The platypus stared at him for a few seconds, like he hadn’t expected the witty response. It was actually kind of funny to watch him visibly reboot and reassess the fox. Finally, he sighed. “I suppose you were raised by Sonic. It makes sense that you would share his poor taste in humor.”
“It clearly beats your taste in decor,” Tails sniped back. Starline hummed at that.
“Public perception of you paints you to be a polite boy genius. It seems that isn’t entirely true.”
Tails shrugged. Or tried to, anyway. “The general population wouldn’t consider strapping me to an examination table. Care to explain that, by the way?”
Starline smiled a sweet-sick smile. “Oh, you’re curious, are you? To be quite frank, I want to see if you can find out. Why don’t you and Miss Belle take a moment to catch up?”
Tails froze. “Belle?”
“I'm here, Tails…” the voice came from his left. He peered over as far as he could to see the robotic marionette on a second table a short distance away. She wouldn’t meet his eyes, but from what he could see of her… she looked distraught. Not fearful, necessarily, but despairing, which was somehow even more worrisome. 
“Belle, are you okay?” He asked gently. She sniffled, ducking her head into her chest as best as she could. Were those… tear tracks on her cheeks? She could cry? Why was she crying? He took a second to shoot a gleeful Starline a sharp glare before refocusing on his newest companion. “Belle, are you hurt?” 
“... No,” she whispered.
Tails didn’t know if he believed that, but he didn’t know how to press the issue with the correct amount of sensitivity, especially with Starline hovering over them. What a creep. Couldn’t he leave? “Okay… okay. It’s going to be alright, I promise.” He waited for Belle’s tiny nod before continuing. “How long have you been active?”
“About… twenty minutes. I’ve been offline s-since the avalanche. I… I’m sorry, Tails. You came back for me and now-”
“I’m not worried about that, Belle,” he told her, firmly but not unkindly. “We’ll figure it out. Can you tell me what you remember?”
“I…” She made a strangled sound, but forced herself to continue. “My d-d… my creator was Mr. Tinker.” Tails gut sank. He wasn’t surprised, not with their matching attire, but it was still a sad confirmation to hear. “That… that jerk figured it out. He, he told me-” she hiccuped again. “It’s his fault Mr. Tinker is gone. He changed him into Eggman.”
“... I’m sorry, Belle.” What could he say to that? This wasn’t something he could fix with a wrench and a bit of mechanical know-how. Belle was a robot, but her feelings were hardly artificial. After Emerl, Gamma, and their successors, Tails was very well aware of that. She was just as much of a person as anyone organic; something that was clear to him from the moment they met. He couldn’t just reprogram her to feel better. Or, well, maybe he could, but that wouldn’t be right. To do so would likely be robbing her memories and cheapening her experiences, changing who she was in the process. It wouldn’t truly fix anything; frankly, it would likely lead to an identity crisis later on.
And so, all he had to offer her was kindness, and time to recover once they escaped.
“I… don’t know how to help with Mr. Tinker, but my friends and I would be happy to have you, if you want. I have space for you back at my workshop, and the Restoration accepts anyone who wants to to have a part of it. If you want a home, we’ll give you one. We can try to figure out the rest in time.”
Belle was quiet. Finally, she tearfully confessed, “That would be nice.”
He offered her a smile even though she still wasn’t looking. “I’m glad you think so. We’ll do our best to make it worth your while.” He hesitantly continued. “Did Starline do anything else?”
She shook her head. “He just… listened to me talk a-about Dad. About home, Windmill Village, and how the villagers kicked me out after the Metal Virus cleared up. I got so mad, but it didn’t matter. He didn’t care. He doesn’t care at all about what he did. He only wanted the code.”
“Code…?” At that, Tails shot another glance in their captor’s direction, though the platypus had since turned his attention to the monitor at Tails’ side, turned so that the fox couldn’t read any of the details. Were Belle’s readings stashed away in that device? … No. At least, it wasn’t just her information. Starline was gathering his vitals as well. But why? From the sounds of things, he was trying to get a reaction out of Belle earlier, and now, he was… testing Tails? Did he truly want him to uncover the motivations behind their kidnappings or was he simply fishing for another set of reactions from a different subject? He wouldn’t put it past Starline to have something of a sadistic streak – most villains lately did – but not one without purpose. If that was all he did, there had to have been some sort of incentive, something to be gained…
Why him? Why Belle? Her thoughts and feelings, and his-
Was he trying to record them both?
Was Starline in his head right now? 
A delighted laugh at his side told him that yes, he probably was.
“Positively remarkable, young Master Prower! You are truly one of a kind.” The platypus’ hands clapped together. “It is no wonder Sonic has prevailed for so long! He is powerful on his own, but you, you can keep pace with him, you adapt to his spontaneity and can plan in the heat of the moment so that he is successful in his every endeavor, no matter how foolish or impossible.  It is little wonder that the two of you alone keep Doctor Eggman on his toes, despite his armies, his keen intellect, and his prowess…” He stood to approach Tails again, looking down upon him with glee. “You truly are the greatest of combinations.”
That would have been a heart-warming compliment, had it not come from the mouth of a madman. As it stood, the fox had to resist the urge to squirm under that predatory gaze. He would not give Belle another reason to be afraid. 
“And, in spite of knowing all of that,” Tails mildly remarked, “you brought me straight to your base.”
Starline was likely to overestimate himself. In his eyes, he had a useful enemy at his mercy. He was less likely to seriously consider the fact that, in the process, he had invited that very foe into his base, to say nothing of the others that would come knocking down his door later.
… Let him read those thoughts.
“Is that a threat?” The doctor mockingly inquired, unfazed and clearly quite confident. “You hardly have the advantage, fox.”
“I've gotten out of stickier situations.” This wasn't even the first time somebody thought to make a labrat of him, his first encounter with the Deadly Six coming to mind. … Hopefully, this wasn't going to become a trend. 
“Perhaps, but I've taken precautions. Escape won't come easily for you.” The villain adjusted his glove with a self-assured smirk. “You are now quite the valuable asset to my plans.”
“Which are…?” Tails pressed, earning him a condescending pat on the head that made his skin crawl.
“All in due time, little specimen. As it stands, I've already shared too much with you, and I really must get back to work. You have such fascinating insights; it’s a pity we won’t be discussing this further, seeing how you will have no recollection of this conversation,” he coolly lamented, hand shifting from his bangs to his eyes.
“Now, it is time for you to go back to sleep.”
So... yup! Here's a glimpse of a brainworm I've had for a little while regarding Issue #36. It's a little rough and is absolutely a WIP (the end is particularly prone to change), but I felt like sharing a bit of it! Hope whoever finds it likes it! :)
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barrenclan · 10 days
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I Just found the ACTUAL ending of the most recent issue... (100% REAL!!!)
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dailydccomics · 1 year
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he’s just like me fr
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dragon-ascent · 24 days
Who's your main in genshin?
C6 Zhongli my pride, my joy, my beloved! Doesn't matter to me that he's not technically a DPS, his meteor clears mobs faster than I can say "tian dong wan xiang." And also pairing him with my C2 Xianyun is a blast as well :]
I swear he's not left my team since getting him; not having him in the party for open-world shenanigans is like going out without pants on haha.
Other than him I also enjoy playing Navia and C1R1 Arlecchino, so I'd say they're my sub-mains~
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kiwibirdbitch · 2 months
Why is issue #39 of the invader zim comic so ripe with pfp material?
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Plus matching pfps
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playertwotails · 2 years
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This scene from issue 36 lives rent free in my head at all times. Sonic is really put between a rock and a hard place cause either take care of avalanche and save a building full of people (including some of his friends) or his save his little brother.
But can we talk about how loaded that “you’d better” is. Or at least my interpretation of it. Cause I think that’s not just directed at Tails but everyone there within earshot and means something different to everyone.
Starting with Tails - Sonic is reluctant to leave and doesn’t do so till he has confirmation from Tails that he’ll be okay. He trusts Tails judgement and is why he’s okay immediately leaving to stop the avalanche and not taking any extra time to try and save him. But that doesn’t mean he’s not worried about Tails. That “you’d better” is him telling Tails that - yeah I trust your call on this but if anything happens to you I’m gonna be upset with you (not mad like actually angry but that anger that comes from worry).
To Starline - that line is a threat. That’s Sonic saying “fuck around and find out” to Starline. If anything happens to Tails, Sonic will be coming after him so he’d better watch it. 
For Shadow and Rouge - he’s basically telling them “ya’ll better take care of my little brother or we will be having some problems” He’s telling them he’s leaving Tails in their hands so they’d better watch out for him and save him cause Sonic’s trusting them with this.
And to himself - Sonic is basically saying that if something happens to Tails because he left him there to go save everyone else he will never forgive himself for it. Sonic’s saying “you’d better be okay cause I don’t know what I’ll do if you aren’t.”
Idk just thinking about this again and just how worried Sonic looks in that last panel. Also how Tails pretty much reassures him here that going to save those people is what Sonic needs to go do and go do NOW, but Tails also understands how conflicted this would make Sonic so he let’s him know it’ll be okay even if he leaves. Tails knows that if something happens him, Rouge or those people even if Sonic was put an in impossible situation, if something goes wrong Sonic will 100% blame himself. He’s trying to negate some of that guilt so if something does happen he’s the one that told Sonic to go, Sonic didn’t just leave him. (plus Tails is his own little badass, he has Rouge who’s just as cunning as him and Shadow is right there and pissed at Starline so odds are in their favor) But this is all just how I read it.
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