#isn't that a little unfair for the creatives who choose to do this all for free
ujunxverse · 11 months
ngl the 2023 writerblr/ficblr climate is so bad....
#ujutxt#lol there's barely a community on here anymore#nobody is also actively reading fics#like there's a reason why so many of your favorite writers from the covid nctblr renaissance era are gone#it's because y'all decided to get lazier and lazier and stop reading fics#no hate to smaus or drabbles they're great#it's just that with the current gen z atmosphere there are too many consumers with the attention span of a worm#that nobody is willing to leave comments/feedback or put effort into consuming quality content#i've complained about this so many times but like for consumers to be so demanding yet do the bare minimum in return#isn't that a little unfair for the creatives who choose to do this all for free#just a food for thought#also with how rampant plagiarism is i get the want to be skeptical#i just hate that content farming has come to this...#all because y'all are so desperate for attention instead of writing for the sake of writing#or becoming a creative to produce art not want niche microcelebrity fame tf...#on god there's something wrong with children these days#it seems that virality is what drives people to do things instead of idk#actual interest in the hobby or topic#in the end i don't really care what you read because it's not like i can control that#people come here for escapism and although i won't judge you for reading filth on this platform just don't expect me to write it#there's just something in me that can't write it because every time i see the word cock i just laugh and can't take my work seriously
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thefudge · 4 months
i need thoughts on saltburn -- even if you didn't like it!!! <3
sorry for taking so long to answer this, but i only finally watched the movie this week. i kind of wanted the hype and polarization to die down a bit so i could form my own opinion.
so, i enjoyed it! it has issues, but it was a fun and clever romp. any movie that ends with a "murder on the dancefloor" dance sequence will earn a smile from me because that is one of my favorite songs of all time and i don't know how emerald fennell knew that about me, but there were constant little moments in the script that made me go "ahh, we'd be friends in real life". i felt that way about promising young woman too, even if i ultimately disagreed with quite a few of her creative choices there. but her style & humor and the way she frames sexual content is similar to my own palate/writing. i especially appreciate the way she makes arousal and desire interesting, how she explores abjection but also intellectual stimulation. what makes the character of oliver irresistible to the entire household in the film is the way he can tap into people's desires in a very unexpected and creative way. he constantly surprises them by giving them what they didn't know they wanted. it's interesting that, from oliver's skewed perspective, it's felix who is supposed to be the object of desire, the person everyone wants to be around. but we the viewers can see oliver is the true loathsome subject and object of desire for those around him (and for the audience too, as we sort of can't look away from him).
i agree with people who say felix cared more about oliver than the reverse. in fact, the cleverest thing this movie does, imo, is show that oliver could be happy, but actively chooses not to. this isn't to say the posh oxbridge types fennell makes fun of in this movie do not ring true or that the social satire and snobbery isn't accurate. but it's more that oliver doesn't need to fall into their sphere of influence, doesn't need to measure himself using their standards. yes, the environment is classist and unfair, there are big structural issues that oliver cannot control, but oxford doesn't have to be his whole life, it's only a couple of years. the fact that he is there already gives him a leg up in the world. given his smarts and his magnetism, oliver could have done very well for himself after university without needing to latch onto saltburn. the clever twist for me is that oliver is also privileged, and not just because we see he's comfortably middle-class with a supportive family, but because he has options, he has choices, but he actively chooses to be miserable and hateful, because he hates and looks down on the ppl around him. yes, the saltburn entourage is filled with bitter, toxic people, but some of those people would've probably done anything for him, and would have genuinely loved him. but the truth at the core of oliver is that he prefers a room to be empty, he prefers to have saltburn all to himself as this pure luxurious space that is devoid of humanity.
at the end, oliver is both wonderfully effective and deeply unimaginative. don't get me wrong, i really liked his character and the gremlin freak energy he conveyed, i rooted for him along the way, i mean barry keoghan plays it too well not to, but despite his victory dance at the end, it's sort of drab that oliver's greatest achievement is saltburn. despite being the brilliant predator who hunted down all competition, he is not brilliant enough to see his prize is empty. he's not smart enough to see, that at the end of the day, he is just like the cattons. he loves and hates felix because he loves and hates himself. there are many moments in the movie where oliver stares into mirrors or his reflection is doubled in reflective surfaces, and i don't think it's just to signal his duplicity or multiplicity, but rather the fact that....it's all olivers, all the way down. he thinks he's such an outsider, but he is saltburn, he comes to embody it physically in the very last dance. and even his predatory cleverness is overrated; most of the cattons fall easily, they want to go, there's an emptiness at the heart of their lives and at the heart of saltburn that oliver wants to embrace.
and i do think that emerald fennell had some of this in mind; i don't think my interpretation is necessarily the right one, but you can see she's doing more with this than directing a satirical romp. i think we're actively invited to see beyond oliver's seduction and into the emptiness of his dreams. that's why some of the deaths in the end come off as slightly ridiculous and excessive, because it's not about his cleverness anymore, he's just the last person left when the party is over. he's still a character you can root for and have fun with (and be drawn to), but the film encourages you to question his narrative from the start, not just his literal narration to rosamund pike, but the overarching idea he has of himself.
anyway, this is all to say, i rather liked it! i didn't love it, but i appreciate what it was trying to do, and i think it's more clever in that regard than people give it credit for. i do think it's a more mature effort than promising young woman. i am kind of hoping emerald directs a nonconventional romcom next, because i like her approach to certain intimate moments, mixing tenderness with violence. i'd love to see a punch-drunk love-esque love story from her.
(i do also want to give props to barry keoghan again, because i think the movie wouldn't work half as well without him. he elevates a lot of moments and he is so compelling to watch)
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practicingbushiho · 11 months
Artists vs Audience Entitlement (or in other words, Internal vs External validation in art).
So before I start preparing for stream today, I just wanted to visit some thoughts I had about a twitter thread I made quite recently-- a thread about the presently spiking discourse surrounding artist vs audience interactions and how that plays into external vs internal motivation.
It is a little long, but if you are an artist who feels their audience isn't connecting with them, or you an audience member feeling pressured to force yourself into interacting with artists when you aren't ready or comfortable...you should read this. It's stern and a bit critical; but I think it's an important perspective that I haven't seen particularly discussed with any real introspection.
So recently, there seems to be a lot of debate between artists and the most 'ideal' way for an audience to support them, and I've been seeing some pretty concerning sentiments from artists that I wanted to address as an artist who has been practicing for about 20 years now.
One of the more prevailing sentiments I've seen recently insists upon the idea that audience members should try harder to reach out of their shell and 'tell artists you like their work or they might quit!!'. This was intended to encourage people who are typically shy about sharing opinions to artists about their work, but I actually find it deeply concerning for a multitude of reasons-- the strongest being the idea that an audience would be responsible for an artist quitting a project or their artistic life overall.
Bluntly, I don't know how to get other artists to understand that making their viewers responsible for the future of their work is unhealthy. Not just for them, but for their viewers too. As an artist who writes comics and prose, I absolutely understand the desire to want someone to gush about your work. It's very validating to your existence, and it is a good reminder that you are doing things 'right'. It has happened to me, and it is a lovely experience.
But I have to be honest and tell you that it does not sustain or have long-term positive results on your work overall-- speaking as someone who hit a career-killing level of burnout even WITH encouragement from others. This is because art as a form of expression was MEANT to be very internal. And when most people insist that art should be internal vs external, it's easy to mis-read that as 'don't care at all about what people have to say about your work' or 'you shouldn't want to have people compliment your work because you are doing it for you!!' -- these are both shallow sentiments, and it stands to reason that feedback DOES provide some level of motivation! But trying to control the enthusiasm level of your audience is deeply unfair to them.
Some audience members are nervous or anxious about interacting with us; that is true. Others choose not to for their own sanity or mental health. Some keep up with too many artists outside of their work and personal lives to make remarks or give feedback. Most audience members are content to NOT respond! and that is OKAY.
So the idea of a person quitting art because they aren't getting the audience engagement that they feel they deserve in order to continue-- and saying as much openly and brazenly to your social media followers as if it is a threat or a consequence of their actions...is manipulative. Even if you don't mean it to be. Holding your audience responsible for your continued work is unfair to them, and unfair to you more so.
If you are an artist who wants to quit because people aren't enthusiastically supportive, to me that tells me that you are not working at making a community around your work in ways that actually benefit you and your audience mutually. Or more darkly, you fantasize more about the end 'result' of being successful rather than embracing the journey it takes to get there. And it is difficult for artists of ANY level to keep up some days. Being a creative can be exhausting, because art is a form of expression also intended to be a story told to others! It's normal to want feedback on something that you drew from your soul!
BUT; AND THIS IS IMPORTANT: It doesn't matter how big or small you are. It does not matter how often or how little you struggle to keep up-- nobody is entitled to an audience response. Nobody inherently deserves fans that interact with our work in the ways we would prefer most. Most audience interactions I have ever had were the result of me encouraging them by ACTUALLY TALKING TO THEM, not sharing or making posts about how they can 'be more supportive'. It's a big world out there. There's a LOT of media to choose from.
Expecting that someone who has already chosen to engage with YOUR work (of the MILLIONS of other pieces out there they could have chosen by the way!) should put in more effort into validating your desire to make art is to me, unacceptable, and will often put the audience in a position where they have to be compulsively parasocial to support your continued artistic existence. In some cases, I'd even argue that it could stem into a case for co-dependency.
It is difficult to fight the bitterness you feel when you get trapped in the numbers game. In the comparisons to other artists, who in public seem to have an easy time connecting to their fans. I say seem, because that level of interaction doesn't come easily. Most 'successful' artists work TONS of hours engaging with their audience on social media, and it isn't just to grow their career, it is because they want to have genuine connections with the lives, they feel they may have touched with their work!
It's not a bad thing to want eyes on your work; but a moment of weakness shouldn't make you want to quit unless you were already seeking reasons to do so. You need to reconnect with yourself before insisting that others merely react more strongly to your existence. I am a massive believer in the creative spirit. I believe in art being used as a way of soul searching and understanding yourself. If you are lucky others will see it too; and your work will have made someone's life actively better.
In conclusion, I do believe that there is room for both pointless frivolity and intense deepness in your work. In fact, I think a good artist does both. But at the end of it the only one responsible for continuing to make your work... is You. And you are the only one who can make it. So interactions be damned, work on self-reinforcing your creative identity and your belief that if you don't make it that nobody will. That self-reinforcement makes others stronger too.
So, hang in there. When you feel like you aren't getting any bites, when you feel like nobody cares about what you are making...try to remind yourself that YOU care about it. The people close to you, even if they aren't deeply connected to it, care about it. They know how difficult it is to make art. They know how brave you are for trying to. Hold onto that. And then your audience will feel more supportive whether they drop a like or a keyboard smash or a five-mile essay in all caps. There is room for all kinds of audience members. So, let's stop trying to control how they interact with us and start trying to better control our own emotional reactions to that.
Peace. <3
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pens-swords-stuff · 2 years
One of the things that I get told by a lot of people is that the writeblr community is ignoring them. They are putting out their posts and original works, but because they are not getting the notes and responses they were hoping to receive, they think that they are being ignored.
This is such a deeply damaging and painful mindset for you to have, and it's also really unfair to the people around you.
I get it. It hurts when we don't get the validation, response, and encouragement we were hoping to have. It really, really sucks, and I'm so sorry that you're feeling lost and alone and confused about why people aren't reading your writing. Your writing is wonderful, and deserves more love than you feel like you're receiving right now. You're definitely not the only person feeling that way, and most of the people here can empathize with you. We're all struggling to get noticed.
But here's the thing: most people here aren't ignoring you.
*This post isn't talking about any malicious acts of bullying that might be happening which unfortunately does exist on Tumblr. This is talking more generally about the content and engagement on this website.
Here's the definition of the word ignore:
refuse to take notice of or acknowledge; disregard intentionally.
Ignoring someone means that we see someone, and we pretend not to see them. It means going out of our way to exclude someone because we don't like them.
I promise, most people in the writeblr community aren't seeing your URL and your posts and saying "Oh ew, it's this person again. I hate them and I think they suck, so I'm not going to interact with them."
The Writeblr Community is massive. There are easily hundreds and thousands of writeblr blogs that use the tag. With the wonky tagging system, and the tumblr algorithm, it is so, so easy for posts to fall through the crack. There are thousands and thousands of posts with the #writeblr tag that you are competing against for attention.
When you scroll through your dash, do you like and/or reblog every single post you see? Do you remember every single blog that pops up on it? Do you follow every single writeblr blog you see? How many times are you actively choosing to ignore posts? I would guess not very often. You're just scrolling on through, and sometimes a posts catches your eye, and sometimes it doesn't and you forget about it by the time you're two posts down.
Even with DMs and asks — people have a lot on their plates. Tumblr isn't always a priority for people, and maybe they don't have the time and energy to respond. Maybe they never receive it because it got lost. Maybe they intend to reply and forgot to, and now it's too late to respond and they feel super awkward and bad about it. There are a lot of reasons why you might not get a response, and as much as it sucks, chances are, it's not done maliciously.
You have a lot of love and support to give, and some amazing creativity and writing to offer. It's really unfortunate that it's not being noticed, and it can really hurt to see something you've put a lot of effort into and have it not get the response that you're hoping for. Tumblr is a fickle place, and with engagement dropping lower, it can be really hard to get the community that we're all hoping to find here.
That being said, I can't help but feel like people who say that they are being ignored are carrying a lot more hurt than they need to. Feeling like you are being ignored or excluded can hurt your self-esteem, or build up a lot of anger and it's a really awful feeling.
Chances are, most people aren't ignoring you. Most people are not out to get you, and they are not trying to exclude you specifically from the community because they don't like you. It's much more likely that you're just getting a little lost in the shuffle because there is a lot going on in tumblr at any given moment.
This isn't your fault, and this isn't anyone else's fault either.
It hurts so much to feel like you're not being seen, and that's absolutely valid. I'm sorry that you're feeling that way, it's a terrible, awful way to feel. I can reassure you however, that most people would love to get to know you; they just might not have noticed you yet. I can reassure you that most people are not purposefully excluding you either.
The community doesn't hate you. People don't hate you. You are wonderful, your presence here should be cherished, you have so much to offer to the community, I think that you absolutely belong here, and I'm sure that other people would agree too.
I hope you find the friends and the interaction that you're hoping for someday soon! It might take some persistence, luck, and some shaking of your fists at the tumblr algorithm, but I know that your people are out here somewhere.
Until then, try to remind yourself that people are most likely not ignoring you. They're just missing a lot of the cool stuff you're doing because it's really easy to miss things on this website. Someday, someone will notice and will appreciate it as much as you do. You just need to keep trying until then.
Good luck! I'm rooting for you.
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tarotwitchy · 3 years
{pick-a-card readings}
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For this PAC, I want to do something really colorful and loud since it was my birthday on the 8th! I received a lot of Macarons since everybody knows they're my favorite sweets.
I know it's been a long time since I posted anything Tarot related on this blog. But I thought I'd give a birthday surprise to my followers with something FS related. And it's my first time doing a 6-pile reading, so I hope you enjoy! 🥰
Pick the pile that you feel drawn to, or is standing out to you the most in this selection. You can choose your favorite color; but using your intuition when choosing is the best method.
❌ Please do not plagiarize my work, or post it elsewhere without my permission and credits. Thank you! ❌
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Pile 1: Pistachio Green
8 of Cups • Death • 4 of Cups • Elephany
Note: This PAC does not describe the whole rundown of your Future Spouse's personality. These are just the little things about them that you should know outside of their main personalities.
Right off the bat, your Future Spouse is someone who isn't afraid of deviating from the tried and tested methods of society. If a certain norm isn't working out for them, they can immediately turn their back against those close-minded people who keep on insisting that there is only one way of doing things. For example, this type of attitude can reflect in their workplace. Your Future Spouse is someone who isn't afraid to voice out their opinions on things they deem wrong. If the workplace hierarchy is unjust and unfair, they would most likely be the first person to report these unfair treatments to the HR — or the higher-ups.
It is because of this that most people tend to dislike and avoid your Future Spouse. Most people are afraid of the new and the novel because they don't like going off the beaten path. Majority of the people that surrounds them are those who are wary of fresh ideas, or spearheading new methods of development. However, your Future Spouse is someone bold, outspoken, creative, and very open-minded towards contemporary thinking. If something sparks their interest, they'll most likely explore that idea without hesitation.
On the other hand, your Future Spouse is someone who can be hampered down by negativity every now and then. Don't get me wrong; they are strong-willed and can hold their own against those who doubt them. It's not easy to rile them up. But they have the tendency to bottle up their feelings until it eats them from the inside without anyone else knowing about how they truly feel. And for that, they'd hope that the partner they'll get is someone who can understand what they're going through without the need for too much words. I believe that those who picked this pile are those who are sensitive to emotional disturbances around them, and can help this person to cope with their negative feelings in a healthy way. You'll be their safety net and their safe space.
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Pile 2: Wisteria Purple
9 of Pentacles • Ace of Cups • King of Wands • Wolf
Note: This PAC does not describe the whole rundown of your Future Spouse's personality. These are just the little things about them that you should know outside of their main personalities.
Your Future Spouse is someone who is very self-assured in their position in life. They know their own power, their capabilities, the strength of their words, their confidence, and their survival skills. Just like the previous pile, they aren't afraid to go off the beaten path. They know that in order for you to rise above the challenges, you have to let go of the systems and people who no longer help you reach your full potential. Now, this might sound cutthroat and harsh; but your Future Spouse isn't afraid of sacrificing some things in order to make way for the greater good. They can even compromise their own comforts for a little while if they see that this will have a fruitful outcome.
Furthermore, your Future Spouse is someone who isn't greedy. They aren't afraid of sharing the resources they can afford to give. They've been in the position of helplessness in the past. And they can feel for those who can't help themselves. They give opportunities to those who seek it. I feel like this will inspire you to become a greater version of yourself as well. Your Future Spouse will inspire you to rise to the greediness and injustices that this society does to each other. They are also someone who won't hold you indebted if they helped you financially. If you needed a little assistance, they will give you more than you need; and they won't hold it against you. Just seeing you thrive and achieve your goals will make them feel very proud of you.
And because of this, your Future Spouse is financially capable and stable. They've earned their riches, their material wealth, and all the things they have in their possession. They've worked hard on it, and they know the hardships that most people go through. This makes them empathize with others easily. If they own a company, you won't see them being unfair and cruel to their workers. They pay and treat their employees right because they know how it feels to be in their position. They know how cruel and cunning some business owners are in order to secure extra income. They won't be like that, and I know that as their partner, you'll be proud of your Future Spouse for being just. And you'll sleep well at night knowing that the money is earned in the right way.
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Pile 3: Red Velvet
5 of Wands • 8 of Wands • King of Swords • Black Egg
Note: This PAC does not describe the whole rundown of your Future Spouse's personality. These are just the little things about them that you should know outside of their main personalities.
As I am typing this, the time is exactly 11:11AM. When these cards showed up, I already know that your Future Spouse is someone who has a touch of destiny in them. When someone gets the King of Swords as a descriptive card, you get someone who is outspoken and decisive. Coupled with the Black Egg card, your Future Spouse is someone who won't allow other people to pressure them into doing something they don't want to do. They are never afraid to say "no" in the face of the best persuasive salesperson. This isn't to say that they are rude or uncouth; they're just protective of their boundaries and their limitations, and that no one is allowed to cross them with the use of sweet-talking or under-the-table schemes of other people around them.
With the combination of 5 and 8 of Wands, your Future Spouse is someone who worked for literally every single thing they owned from the ground up. They may have even come from an impoverished background during their childhood. Their household may not have been stable, and their family may have fostered the behavior of competing against each other's siblings for material resources. It is with this childhood upbringing that made them the person they are today — someone who will do everything in their power to get what they need in order to achieve the life of comfort, and not left wanting. There's a theme of healing childhood wounds here.
In relationships, your Future Spouse may not be the most romantic partner. They may have a hard time expressing their emotions to you because this isn't what they grew up with in their household. They weren't allowed to voice out their feelings. So, I believe that their love language could be Giving Gifts or Acts of Service. They express their devotion through demonstrations, not words. They will also expect the same from you as they are very much a give-and-take kind of person. Also, they would most likely appreciate it if you would sit them down and talk about your issues with them in a clear, logical way than emotional displays of distress. (They don't know what to do with tears, reader. 😅)
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Pile 4: Aqua Blue
King of Wands • 10 of Cups • 8 of Swords • King Cobra
Note: This PAC does not describe the whole rundown of your Future Spouse's personality. These are just the little things about them that you should know outside of their main personalities.
Immediately, I got the sense that your Future Spouse is someone that is very responsible — almost to a fault. But they are someone that a lot of people depend on! They are someone experienced when it comes to taking on huge roles in their workplace, or that they are prominent figures in their communities. For some of you, they may even be a politician or someone who works in the government. That's how important their role is. People who know them will tell you that your Future Spouse is someone trustworthy and reliable when it comes to handling important business that others are counting on. They may even be regional managers, executive project handlers, soldiers, military officers, or chief executive officers. (Regardless of sexual and gender orientation!)
The flip-side to this is that deep inside, they feel really restricted by the obligations and responsibilities they have. The fact that a lot of people look up to them for progression and development is a huge pressure on their shoulders that they keep bottled up all this time. Your Future Spouse may have the idea that in order to live "properly," one has to have immense duties make yourself useful. Now, that isn't necessarily wrong, per se. But there's a distinction between being an active part of your community, and martyrdom. At this point, your Future Spouse is doing their duties at the expense of their comfort, safety, and sanity.
I believe that your role to them as their partner is to remind them that we are only human; and that we aren't responsible for every single person that we come across with. There is the value of helping people who are in need of a lending hand. But you know what they say, "teach a man how to fish, and he'll eat for a lifetime." And in your partnership, your Future Spouse may also teach you the value of being lenient towards community service. This is a connection of teaching each other the instilled values from one another, and balancing each other out.
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Pile 5: Citrus Orange
6 of Pentacles • 7 of Wands • 4 of Wands • Camel
Note: This PAC does not describe the whole rundown of your Future Spouse's personality. These are just the little things about them that you should know outside of their main personalities.
Your Future Spouse can be described as someone whose focus in life is on the well-being and security of their family. Just like Pile 3, they might not have been born with a silver spoon in their mouths. For some, they might even have to stop schooling for a year or two just to make ends meet for the family's financial situation. But in spite of the hardships, your Future Spouse does not harbour ill-will towards their family for these challenges. Instead, they want to make things better for everyone else so their siblings, parents, grandparents, and even their relatives won't have to experience financial lack in this lifetime ever again. They work not just for themselves but for those who need their help. Maybe they have a younger sibling who's still in school. Your Future Spouse may be the one who pays the tuition fee, or provides materials for them to finish their education because they experienced how it feels to halt their own education — and they don't want their siblings to experience that.
This is just a general hunch... but for some of you, your Future Spouse belongs to the marginalized group of people who really have no choice but to pull themselves up with whatever scraps of resources are thrown their way. Perhaps, they experienced evictions throughout their childhood and experienced homelessness, and that really made them extremely determined to have a stable and secure home for themselves and their loved ones. This type of outlook in life runs deep for your Future Spouse.
There will be two types of people who will choose this particular pile — those who had the same type of childhood experiences as your Future Spouse, and those who are relatively privileged enough to afford the comforts and security in life. For those who knows how it feels like to live in less than desirable situations, you will be able to understand your Future Spouse in an entirely deep level. You will share this vulnerability with them, and will understand where they're coming from. You won't be one of those people who'll tell them that their worries are exaggerated because you know how it feels like to lose everything you have. For those people who lived their childhoods comfortably, even if you can't completely empathize with your Future Spouse, the best thing you can do is to hear them out. Do not belittle or invalidate their traumas and fears even if they sounds ridiculous to you at times. They'll thank you for that, and you'll be their most trusted and valued confidante.
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Pile 6: Galaxy Swirl
The Lovers • The Magician • The Tower • Raccoon
Note: This PAC does not describe the whole rundown of your Future Spouse's personality. These are just the little things about them that you should know outside of their main personalities.
This is, by far, the most intense pile out of all. And I didn't do it on purpose to put this spread on the fancy looking macarons; it just fell like this. All Major Arcana cards with three contrasting meanings speak loudly about the type of person your Future Spouse is. The Lovers card in this scenario makes me feel like they are someone who's been through different types of relationships in the past. They've experienced a wide array of relationship dynamics with different people, which makes them quite well-versed when it comes to handling emotional matters with romantic partners. They know how to woo someone based on emotional displays of the person they're trying to win over. I'd also like to add that they're someone who is really decisive about who they want to be with, their conviction over the partnership when other people around them aren't approving of the relationship, and their overall grounded nature of sureness.
The Magician may signify you Future Spouse's ability to be like a jack-of-all-trades. They know a whole lot about specific things that most people would not know about, or only experts would understand. The gas pipe in the kitchen is leaking? They can surely fix that immediately. Your phone's speakers aren't working? Give them a few minutes, and it's back in top shape. Writing a paper about Mesopotamian literature? They can tell you all about it and more, you're guaranteed to get a perfect score. Think of the character MacGyver — and mix Aladdin in the picture, and you get the perfect smooth talker plus smooth operator person.
However, The Tower card is telling me something else. There's the tendency for this person to crash and burn, if you know what I mean. Sure, they really know how to pull themselves out of a negative situation. But it's through their own impulsive actions that will be their own undoing. It's like stepping on the gas going on a hundred miles per hour without slowing down on curved roads. As their partner, the best thing you could do for them is to ground them back to reality. Grounding is a good way to slow them down, take a moment to assess the situation instead of rushing in like a raging bull, head first. You have the ability to calm them, and make them see another way of doing things with the least amount of damage. It's like you'll be their "emergency stop button" for when things get out of hand, and beyond their expertise. Overall, there's a give and take symbiosis between you and your Future Spouse. 🙂
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Copyright © 2021 by TarotWitchy
[Don't repost, copy, or reword]
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luvring · 2 years
Hi bestie it's me again!!!!!!!!!! after finishing chap 13 and locking myself in the shed in fear of punching a hole through my wall again, i would like to humbly ask for some rime angst bec i am in pain and misery and i dont know how to cope without hitting my head on rhe wall and screaming about roadkill 😎
note from nia: omg...hey :smirk: i see we did not choose happiness,, only violence . the pacing is. funky to say the least ...guh
Rime didn't lose everything with his death.
He kept his wit, his skills, his memories, his name. And maybe he was only a ghost, a messy copy of who he used to be that lost the feelings that made him human. But the ones that he could never seem to get rid of were those for the man who sat diagonal to him, laying against the chest of someone else.
He remembers when that was his place, his lover that laughed against his skin while holding his hand. But that was all a long, long time ago, even if he hated to admit it. So Rime stands up, garnering the attention of the others in the room. "I just need some air," he rolls his eyes coolly. He doesn't note how Felix stares at his figure walking away or the way MC nudges him with a look of concern.
And he almost laughs at the overcast weather and the way the wind nipped at his skin. It was only fitting, really, with the way he stood alone, watching as leaves fell and were swept away just as quickly.
He isn't outside for long before he hears an oh-so-familiar voice behind him, "Are you alright?"
Rime doesn't need to turn around to recognize the concern in Felix's question. "As alright as I ever am," he breathes out. "Shouldn't you be inside with the others, lover boy?"
Felix looks down at the leaves he crunches as he walks, situating himself a few feet away, "Very creative. You came out here and MC agreed it'd be best if I was the one to check on you."
Them again. It was always them, wasn't it?
"Well, tell them that I'm no cause for concern. I just couldn't stand all the noise," Rime responds.
Felix quirks a brow, realizing that Rime was hiding something, but chooses to stay silent. There was no need to push him, not yet, at least. He can't remember the last time it was silent of all things with them together—there was always some sort of teasing or banter. And while Felix was a fan of quietly, peacefully existing with someone else, something felt wrong this time, he notes.
For a while, the only sounds are leaves rustling, the occasional muffled laugh from inside, and Felix shuffling to get comfortable. "Are you happy?"
Felix blinks before scrunching his brows as he turns, "What?"
"Are you happy?" Rime repeats. "With...them."
"I—" Felix hesitates. He wasn't stupid. He knew what Rime was really asking. And maybe it was the way Rime seemed so...vulnerable looking at him. But in the span of a few seconds, the years they spent together flash before Felix's eyes. The way his body was always warmer, how Rime would hold him when it was cold. How he'd wake up with a blanket covering him, knowing that he had fallen asleep without it on.
But just as quickly, they're overtaken by the times he had spent with MC. The way they dragged him in front of the fire and wrapped him up "like a burrito," with a grin on their face. How they would blow on his tea and bring it to his lips when he was too tired to do it himself.
He couldn't seem to find the right words, or any words, really. It was still a little too much sometimes, just seeing them in the same room. But taking a deep breath, Felix finally nods, "Yes, I am."
Rime clenches his jaw. He wasn't sure what he expected to hear—what he wanted to hear. It wouldn't be fair to wish Felix wasn't happy. Deep inside Rime knew that it wasn't his fault, that he deserved happiness (especially more than he thought himself worthy). But wasn't it just as unfair that Felix was happy while he had to suffer? Why did he have to come back only to be thrown away? Wasn't death enough?
A gust of wind blows, sending a chill down his spine before he manages to speak again, "I never stopped loving you, you know." There's a deep, heavy silence that follows Rime's voice. It sits on his chest, making it hard to breathe. Not fair, not fair, not fair. It wasn't fair—though he wasn't sure for whom.
"Well, neither did I," Felix replies softly. Evading as always, Rime notes.
They both stare ahead, and Rime wonders what Felix would do if he could read his mind. If he'd feel any regret or remorse. In a voice quieter, weaker than any he had used in a long time, he smiles pitifully, "It's not the same way, though."
And it feels like a millennia before Felix speaks again, and part of Rime wishes he hadn't, "No...not the same way."
"...Then that's all there is to it, Felix."
Felix purses his lips and is about to speak again when the door behind them opens. "Felix! Rime! We're about to go out for food before Sage starts moping even more and breaking things." Both of them shoot their heads towards MC's voice. They hear Sage yell something from inside that makes them playfully roll their eyes.
Felix offers a small smile, "Be right there, love."
Rime glances at him after the term of endearment, his stomach twisting as he turns away. MC hums in acknowledgment, frowning when Felix motions for them to leave Rime be. He holds up his hand—5 minutes and he'd be done. They nod, and Rime can feel Felix's gaze after they walk back inside.
But he's fast, he speaks before Felix has a chance, "Go...please."
"Please" wasn't a word common from Rime. He never had a reason to use it, Rime would smirk. It felt foreign now.
So despite the itch to stay, Felix complies. He stares at Rime's back for a moment before turning and finally walking away. Before he walks inside, Felix speaks softly once more, "I'm sorry, Rime."
Rime only continues to silently stand in the same spot, thinking of the life he'd never get back. That life was for someone else now. And he thinks to himself, then, with no company but silence, maybe he was always meant to be alone.
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cozycottagetarot · 3 years
Pick A Pile: How Can You Take Better Care of Yourself?
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I did this reading a bit different from my others. It’s mainly based on impressions as I’m only using the images and any text on the cards at face value along with whatever else comes to me. So feedback would be appreciated. Another thing is the piles all have intertwining messages so if you feel drawn to two piles, then by all means I encourage you to check them both out.
Paid Readings (I’ll be updating them again)
Disclaimer: All readings and tarot/blog games are for fun and entertainment purposes only. It is in no way meant to act as or replace professional advice of any kind. You know yourself and what’s going on in your life best so I asks that you trust yourself above all else. Finally please take only what resonates from the reading which may be some of it, all of it, or none at all.
Tarot Cards: 7 of Cups, 8 of Wands, The Sun
Pile 1, the way you can take better care of yourself is by making a decision. With the 7 of Cups I see that you have all these opportunities being presented in front of you but you have no idea which one to go with. I get the impression from the cards that from postponing making a decision or choice, you’re starting to feel the brightness in other areas of your life dim. With the 8 of Wands and The Sun following however, I feel like once you make a decision, results and positive things will happen quickly, bringing you happiness. The Sun has a faint face depicted in it, so I feel like you don’t have to worry too much about unintended consequences. I see this as a sign you are being protected from unintended or unpleasant consequences as a result of your decision. Also, connecting with your inner child may be a way to help you make this decision.
The next cards that came out are: Protection (Call back your power. Cut the cords. Soul retrieval.) Soul Family (Call in your tribe. You don’t have to do it alone.) Anna, Grandmother of Jesus (Seeding the light, laying foundations. Divine plan.) The Ever-Unfolding Rose (Cracked open. It’s happening for you, not to you.)
With these cards I think some of you could be going through a 'dark night of the soul' (read: a very difficult time in your life). You may be feeling like somewhere along the line you’ve lost yourself or your direction as to where you’re heading next in life or what it is you truly desire (any Lucifer fans here because I hear Tom Ellis’s voice in my head haha). You may be asking yourself questions such as 'Why is this the way life is happening? Why me? Who am I even?' But even though it might seem unfair or lacking sense right now, keep in mind that whatever is going on is helping you in some format. Situations within reason of course, using your discernment here is best. It’s truly all about how you tell your story. Another thing is you don’t have to make these decisions on your own. Turn to your family and your friends for help/advice. If necessary, maybe you can seek professional help. If either or those things isn't really an option, you could always try taking some time to nurture yourself and journey inside to help you remember or figure out what’s important to you. When you make that effort to find/listen to yourself outside of the noise of everything else, I think that’s when you’ll find the information necessary to help make your decision.
Remaining Cards: The Hourglass Dolphin (46) — your achievement is only a matter of time. The Three Rhine Maidens (15) — love is a virtue that endure eternally.
The Hourglass Dolphin is all about finding balance between two aspects of your life, typically work and play. Dividing your time and remembering to put EXTRA care into taking care of your basic needs is another thing that’s going to help you find success. I feel like you are in a transitory phase and it really is only a matter of time before whatever darkness that may be clouding your life right now disappears.
The Three Rhine Mermaids talks about a phase in your life coming full circle, and once that happens your hearts desires are going to start materialising in your physical/the 3D.
The North Witch (23) — This card just kind of confirms or reiterates that with patience this dark phase is going to fade.
The Toad Witch (7) —This card talks about gaining wisdom from adversity. Also a secret admirer as well. There were messages of love laced through out the cards but they weren’t clear until now. Similarly, I think this will reflect in your life that after you’ve found stability once things have cleared up, you will find love as well.. or better yet, love will find you. Do keep in mind it might not be super quick… maybe Spring or Summer (depending on when you're reading this).
Self Care Activities Ideas (Homemade deck): Look good; feel good (put effort into looking the way you want), Believe In Yourself, Have a fruit (incorporate more fruits into your diet).
Hello Pile 2. The way for you to take better care of yourself right now is through doing what makes you happy.
Tarot Cards: Ace of Swords, The Sun, The Devil
I actually pulled the Ace of Swords last. Also before I started focusing on your pile while shuffling, the Four of Swords reversed came out.
Thinking of these two cards together, I think you need to pull back and ask yourself if what you’re doing is really the best thing for you. I feel like you guys could be in a really good place right now— at least at face value. The cards have darker backgrounds, except The Sun. I feel like whatever you are doing isn’t really sparking joy inside. Maybe it’s familial or peer pressure related? The life path you’re on right now seems ideal and fulfilling to everyone else, but somehow I feel like deep down inside it doesn’t feel that way. You may feel chained or held back as shown by The Devil. Looking at The Sun and The Devil, they came out together side by side. I feel like this is more family related meaning parents, parental figures or mentors. They may be trying to look out for you by telling you to study a certain topic or take a certain job because it’s safe, when what you truly want to do may be a little bit more risky. So even though you’re playing it safe right now and have things to celebrate, you may not be able to shake the that unsatisfied feeling inside.
The next cards that came out are: Warrior Woman (Have you answered your deepest calling?) Play (Have fun. Celebrate. Don’t be so serious.) Break The Chain (Ancestral patterns. Healing. Rewriting the future.) Transformation (Things are changing at a cellular level. Deep healing.)
All the figures in these cards look like they’re in their power. It makes me think you may be ignoring or avoiding stepping into the energy of your higher self. I kind of had the though fear of backlash pop into my head, and while it is a valid fear, I don’t feel like it’s something you have to worry about a lot. I feel like you need to schedule more time for yourself in general as well. You can’t ‘fight’ for other people all the time, you also have to ‘fight’ for you.
I’m just noticing something about the placement of the cards. Warrior Woman has a sword and is placed right next the the Ace of Swords. Break The Chain is right next to The Devil, and the sun is shining in Transformation and Play, in the same position as the one in The Sun… As I was saying, I feel like you need to just take a moment to connect with yourself. Ask yourself what is it you truly want and begin rewriting your future*.
*This is the part where I let it be known I need people to practice life coaching with so if you’re interested you can message me. 18 years and up only though.
Remaining Cards: The Siren (14) — In the treasure of a day, light is thrown on what could be tomorrow. The Stripped Dolphin (30) Good news, flowing through the ether waves will answer your prayers.
The Siren Is mostly about observation and not forcing connections. The Stripped Dolphin is about good things happening for you, especially by surprise. It’s also about new beginnings in any area of your life. However there’s also a message about not getting caught up in many opportunities, so if you were drawn to pile 1 as well, I see this as a sign to check out the pile as well.
The Silver Moon Witch (2) has a message of being able to see progress by the next full or new moon. However this card advises you to choose carefully when it’s the right time to go with the flow versus ‘swimming’ against the tide. Relating to above, journey inside yourself to figure out if you are taking the right course if action by choosing to stick with the path you’re on versus yelling plot twist and doing something different.
The Full Moon Witch (18) has two sides to it. On one hand you can expect ‘heartfelt’ plans coming to fruition, but on the other hand emotions may be running high and words that aren’t meant may be said. This another one of the moon phases cards, so you may find during the full moon you may have disagreements with your loved ones but once it starts to wane, disagreements may also reach a resolution. I think this relates to the The Silver Moon Witch card as well, so maybe before or during a full moon may not be the best time to bring up anything that may cause a disagreement?
Self Care Activities Ideas (Homemade deck): Journal, Get Creative, Listen To Music (there may be messages in songs for you)
Pile 3, you guys have been giving me hell from the moment I sat down to pull cards for your reading. From focusing and interpreting to editing. Everything was a mess and I’m assuming you a significant part of your life maybe as well? Or your headspace at least.
Aside from my struggles with your reading, based on the cards, I see you need to focus on yourself.
Tarot Cards: The Chariot, The High Priestess, Queen of Wands reversed.
Starting with your Tarot in no particular order, you have The Chariot, The High Priestess and Queen of Wands reversed. The Queen of Wands is my ideal (you) card. When it’s reversed, I see it as a sign [you] are not embodying the energy of your highest self and/or something in your life is out of balance. Both The Chariot and The High Priestess have black and white polarities, so I see it more as you needing to put yourself back into balance. Something may feel hidden from you, though you’re not really sure what and you want to push forward but it’s just not really happening? On the bottom of the deck is the 9 of Swords which notes to fear, depression, anxiety, etc and is needing to release those emotions. Obviously it can be more complex than it sounds, but I’m hoping you get the idea. Brain-dump came to me. Maybe you need to do a brain-dump and survey/assess your ‘kingdom’ so you can flip that Queen of Wands energy around and allow your chariot to race onward. The next cards that came out are:
The Crumbling (What are you clinging on to?) —> Do you need to release anything? Material items, a goal, a belief, way of life, or maybe just the act of trying to have it all together?
Boundaries (Where do you need to establish better boundaries?) —> Do you need better boundaries with yourself? Habits? People? Enviroment? School/Career?
Share Your Voice (Come out of the cave. Persecution. Expression.) It’s time to step into the limelight, because the world is your stage. Maybe you’ve been hanging back and suppressing who you truly are, but now it’s time to step forward into a new role… a you role. You don’t have to go from stand in actor to lead role over night, but do brainstorm and take baby steps daily to get there.
Keepers Of The Earth (You are not alone. Ancient ancestors stand beside you.) Take the meaning as you will, but I see it as a message to look for support in unexpected places. Maybe it’s an online community of people who can relate to you. Maybe it’s a book, article or video. Who knows, it could even be a friend or family member you didn’t think could relate or help you out. Remaining Cards: The Kraken (38) — Your success and happiness lie within you. The Great Sea Monster (37) — To accomplish you dream plan and believe.
The main theme of The Kraken is release. Good fortune/luck will come to you by delving into your subconscious mind to free the conscious. Returning to nature and the things that bring you inner joy. Good fortune coming in small waves which eventually grow into big ones.
The Great Sea Monster is about taking action and again, freeing your conscious mind by looking into your unconscious mind. Also there is more than one way to solve a dilemma, you just have to search the right way. The Immortal Witch (4) — new beginnings are happening for you, and your desires are on their way to you although it might not appear so currently. (Kind of like planting a seed. It’s growing though we can’t see it until it burst through the soil). The Fairy Ring Witch (9) — mental and physical communication. Connecting with or making friends with similar skills or talents. Self Care Activities Ideas (Homemade deck): Tend to yourself, Slow and steady, Get creative, Read a book (maybe a self help book relevant to what you're going through).
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Big thanks to wonderful Brazilian friend, Isa for helping me to translate. Here's full translation from interview last night or early this morning.
Fabio: Hello guys, today i brought an interview with the author Luke Arnold, who wrote The Last Smile in Sunder City. Hello Mr. Arnold. Thank you so much for accepting answering this interview. I normally start asking the interviewed introduce themselves. Could you speak to us a little about you?
LA: Hello Fabio and everyone in Brazil! Until some years ago, my main profession was acting. always balanced that with writing and movie production, but I officially became an author last year. The Last Smile in Sunder City is my first romance of a detective series ongoing that follows Fetch Phillips, a [i really forgot this word but i'll edit in a sec] in a fantasy world where magic has died.
Fabio (Q1): I imagine that many authors influenced you during a long time, right? Could you tell us if there was an specific author that "caught" you to the fantasy world and influenced [your] writing?
LA: Most of what i "digested"[?] as kid came more from movies and video games, than books. i think i had some mismatches [?] with fantasy stories that seemed unreachable [?], until i found Terry Pratchett. The book series "Discworld" were a perfect mix of comedy, adventure and heart to invite me to the gender and made me search for me.
Fabio (Q3): The majority of people that I know here in Brazil, know you especially for your role in Black Sails (an excellent TV show). Besides actor, director, script writer, now you are an author. Do you believe that this previous jobs made easier when to write "The Last Smile in Sunder City?" (in the sense of world-building, creativity, script, etc)?
LA: There's many abilities that you need to be an actor, but a comprehension of the story and the character is essential, be you working in a quite easy job or a great epic like Black Sails, you need to know how tear apart a script, understand its place in history and make clear and specific choices. I worked in many excellent and terrible projects and read thousands of incredible and terrible scripts, in which probably helped me to prepare to write my own stories.
Fabio (Q4): And speaking of Black Sails, it's impossible to not make some connections when reading. Fetch is an ironic character, with a past that torments him, and others characteristics. When reading, i constantly compared him to Long John Silver. So the question is... had Long John Silver an influence in the creation of Fetch Phillips?
LA: I started to write "The Last Smile in Sunder City" when I was working on Black Sails, so I'm sure there was some elements that appeared [not voluntarily?]. Naturally, there'll be a little of me in both characters. People certainly will find some parallels, even thought it isn't intentional. To me, Silver knew the world he lived was unfair, so he was capable of not being guilty and do what needed to save himself. he put his past by side with the objective of going ahead. fetch is linked to his past - obsessed by it- and being smashed by the weight of his own fault. I think Fetch could learn a little from Silver.
Fabio (Q5): One of the main characteristics of this first book is the world-building. You created a fantastic world. It was hard to imagine it, or there was parts more difficult to create?
LA: Having ideas is the easy part, but to choose the scenario that better adapts to the characters and themes can be more difficult. I can always imagine Fetch wandering on Sunder's streets, finding in various ex-magical creatures, but I try to present him to the enemies and allies that will bring up his internal conflict. Sometimes, I have to resist in rushing some new creation, if that isn't going to add nothing to add to Fetch's journey at that moment.
Fabio (Q6:) Despite being a world with magical creatures, much can be associated with human problems. Do you believe that we can associate the end of magic with what human beings are doing to the earth itself in real life?
LA: There are definite parallels with climate change, but I have always seen the death of magic as something more personal and internal. I think the world (our world) is a really magical place. We all see this when we're younger, but then we make certain choices, we're led down certain paths, and we're often removed from that magic in adulthood. There is more than one theme at stake in these books, but Fetch's struggle to open up, forgive himself, be part of his community and find happiness is reflected in the world without magic more than any comment on industrialization.
Fabio (Q7): Another association I couldn't stop to do was imagine a book adaptation, with you playing Fetch. There's any possibility of having the book being adapted in the future?
LA: I would love to see these stories adapted in the movies and TV. At the moment, I'm focusing more in the books, trying to put the maximum of story on the paper before that happens, but would be a dream to see Sunder City come to life in the screen.
Fabio (Q8): This is your first book here in Brazil, but the sequel was already released. What we can expect from this sequel?
LA: In the first part, Fetch is fight to survive every day, oppressed by guilty, addiction and lack of hope. In "Dead Man a Ditch", Fetch is hired to investigate a murder that seemed to happen with magic. knowing that magic disappeared six years ago, he's forced to question himself if this darkness could have some secrets.
Fabio (Q9): Another thing I would like to ask is about the future works. Recently I saw that you were finishing the third book of Fetch's series, right? For what I searched before, it would be two books, but this third book appeared. It was already planned, or it appeared with time? Do you have other works, Fetch's or different others in mind?
LA: These are the histories of a detective, instead of parts of a traditional fantasy series. Each book is built around a case which Fetch is hired to investigate. I always planned to write a lot of books, each one like a auto-contained [translation: CSI episodes?], built in search of a final epic fantasy that will come when the time comes.
Fabio (Q10): To end, I would like to thank you again for accepting to answer, congratulate you for the book and I would like to know if you could leave a word to all your readers and fans from Brazil?
LA: Thank you for your fantastic questions, Fabio. I thank all my fans from Brazil. Thanks from supporting my career so much and my first book! i was planning to go to Brazil before COVID-19 changed everything. But i'm hoping for the that I'll finally can visit your beautiful country.
Source: Fabio Pedreira
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what do u think of how shows like 'lovecraft country' & the new show 'them' use their 1950s setting? obv it's trying to subvert the idea of 'the good old days' wrt the blatant vicious racism the characters suffer through, but i worry the period setting detracts from the message a little ('oh we're so much less racist than we were in the '50s') while also coming across as not super grounded in reality? idk i think they portray a very important pov and timely message...but idk, they feel more like "message" movies (which isn't bad!) that utilize its '50s setting in order to show the harm of blatant racism rather than being realistic/fair to the decade? not to downplay the very real racism of the decade *at all*, i mean just that it's hard to believe that real black people who lived in the '50s were just suffering relentlessly. maybe that's an unfair criticism as i know showcasing the horrors of racism is the point, but...idk. it'd be nice if we got more period pieces w/ black characters that wasn't heavily centered around the racism they face (and who were actually written as black instead of just colorblind casted)
oh it’s actually so funny you send this just as i was drafting another post about lovecraft country, a show i love very dearly. i think its great actually that shows are exploring the 50s! lovecraft does its period elements very well. them to me just comes off as a knockoff. but lovecraft country is not really a “message” show, it’s a show about family, about heritage, community, and sacrifice. they dont just suffer in it either; its a complex and dynamic story about black life, black pasts, and black futures. and really thats why discourse like this is unfair to me. because first of all, these two shows are not the same (although them is clearly derivative, it more so seems to copy from us) and it’s not accurate or fair to put them in one box. second, black creators have a right to make the art they want, and deserve the same consideration we give white people without question - why is it that both of these shows are distilled down to nothing but what they “teach” the audience, rather than being regarded as works that contemplate certain themes and make certain critiques but are first and foremost works of fiction, works of art. also, both shows appear to, and in the case of lovecraft designed to, criticize contemporary race struggles through the lens of the past. i mean, them seems to literally be racial horror. but both are also not entirely grounded in reality on purpose. lovecraft country is genrebending, it’s fantasy, horror, and science fiction all in on. like i said, them seems to be racial horror a la us dir. jordan peele. the creators take certain liberties to tell the story they want. the mere inclusion of racism as a part of a story does not inherently mean the story is about suffering and i would find a period piece about black people that did not acknowledge the reality of the time in SOME way to actually be childish and entirely ungrounded in reality, to borrow from your phrasing. and this in my opinion is part of a larger problem in which everything black people create is supposed to be everything to everyone all the time, and is supposed to be a vessel for someone else. its either that the black creators are marionettes controlled by studios or networks with no vision or creative input or that black fiction is actually a textbook to “teach” antiracism (see: all the fucking movie and book and tv lists people made during the summer). white people make misery movies all the time. maybe some black creators want to explore black misery in a way that isn’t hokey or overly theatrical. maybe they want to process their own traumas and pain through their art. maybe they’re interested in how black people in the 50s lived (i am!!). maybe they just like the costuming, production design, and world building of period pieces (i do!!!). maybe they like black history (i do!!!). why they choose to focus on what they inevitably create is as complicated as any other creator’s and they deserve the same consideration. i mean, how many period pieces about black people BY black people that treat racism seriously do we actually have? we didn’t even make roots (save one lone writer). 12 years a slave is about the only damn slavery movie thats any good and its the only one by US for US. there has not been and there is not enough space for black people to create things on their own terms, and every time a visionary work like lovecraft country or judas and the black messiah or 12 years a slave or small axe (and so on) get the recognition they deserve, theres always a backlash that tries to limit the scope of possibility for black art. and i think it’s unfortunate. for decades we have had to endure white people cheapening our lives on screen and relegating us to the background. i want to see our actual reality on screen. that reality includes lynching and slavery and incarceration and poverty and struggle. that reality includes sharecroppers and maids and porters and freedom fighters. and that reality is one of resilience, community, and love. i want to see it all
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This game isn't fun.
First off, if you enjoy FR for what it currently is: great! I'm so glad you can have fun with it, and don't let the opinions of me, some stranger on DR, make you feel bad for that :) 
Anyways, I joined in 2015 and fell in love with the game for a long time. I never understood those people with dead, empty accounts or those who had went inactive. But now I do. The game just... Isn't fun.
1. Coliseum. Coliseum is the main way to profit in FR. Most of the 'well-off' people in the FR community grind Coli. It's one of the only places you can find rare items, and yet, it is nothing but pain. Coliseum is meant to be fun, and it can be in moderation, but i don't know a single person who genuinely enjoys grinding it. We shouldn't have to strain our wrists performing ultra-repetitive actions of "scratch, scratch, scratch, elim, elim, elim," in order to accumulate wealth and rare items in the game. It's time consuming, boring, has a broken and set meta (magic-using dragons and 90% of the battle stones in the game are worthless), and everyone seems to give it a pass. I see so many forum posts that go "haha, tfw your wrist is broken after grinding coli for an hour!" It's terrible that one of the main/only ways to 'succeed' in the game is to participate in a terrible and broken minigame. 
2. A lot of the main fun to be found in the game is dragons. As a petsite, collecting dragons is the objective. Unfortunately, the main purpose of the game is limited behind lair expansions with huge paywalls. If you don't grind Coli, better be prepared to play Fairgrounds for a hours each day in order to get enough treasure. 
3. Festivals. They're repetitive. Gather or, again, grind the broken Coliseum to find special currency to buy 2 unique items, 1 flight variant standard item, and the damn emblems that have been in there for eternity. There should be more to do on festivals. The only enjoyment I get out of them is user-made events on the forums. People who participate in those are great, but truly, you shouldn't have to pick up all the slack staff leaves when it comes to events. 
4. Coli again. Dominance, festivals, genes, special items, dragons, succeeding financially in the game--they're all dependent on this broken coliseum system. If you have wrist issues like I do (this sounds stupid but I genuinely can't grind Coliseum because I have a joint disorder in my wrist. Even when I use keyboard controls it hurts), or have a job or school or other commitment, or are simply a sane human being who doesn't want to do repetitive button-pushing like a monkey for hours on end, Coli isn't for you. And therefore, you're barred from training up fodder, from accumulating exterior wealth during festivals, from finding rare items and genes, from being able to buy lair space and other dragon-specific upgrades, etc. Coli is broken and needs to be fixed because all actual-fun features rely on it.
5. Staff. Staff is unresponsive. The suggestions forums never get looked at, and all serious suggestions are deleted. I suggested better, fairer wording on the gem purchasing screen. (Changing "Gem Packages are instantly applied" to "directly applied." I bought gems a while back and it took ~2 days for them to be delivered. Since it said 'instantly,' I thought I made a mistake and bought more gems. They refused to refund me and, despite tons of support on my forum post, deleted it. They said to email the suggestion instead, which I did, but to no response. I spent actual money under the promise of 'instantly' [wanted to buy something from an auction] and although i'd expect maybe 20 minutes of delay, 2 entire days isn't okay.) But anyways, the only suggestions on the suggestions forum that get left up are people's fan-breeds that staff, of course, will never implement because they're community-made. Also, some of the staff members are just plain rude and tyrannical. They regularly delete posts that make them look bad and respond terribly to all criticism, no matter how kindly it's worded. 
6. There's no rarity. In most pet games, there are things to aspire for. Rare breeds, mutations, ultra-rare items, etc. The only items that can be called rare are the sprites, early apparel and Kickstarter stuff, but those are so expensive that it's pretty much impossible to get old sprites and stuff. There needs to be more modern rare items imo. They've gotten better w/ rare eye types and ancient breeds, but there's still very few rarities to aim to collect.
7. Fairgrounds. The games are fun, but everyone tries to choose the highest-paying game as quickly as possible in order to get treasure out of it, instead of playing games leisurely that they actually enjoy. Games are meant to be enjoyed! Staff should make all the games pay generally the same, and maybe add drops specific to each game--for example, special water-themed apparel in the bubble game, or cool electric-y familiars in the shock game. Then, people would have incentive to try out other games and have fun doing so, without making FG another chore like Coli.
8. Flight equality. Some flights are over-represented, like shadow getting basically two shadow-themed holidays. Some flights are under-represented, like Nature not really getting their own breed (wildclaws are plague-based too according to the lore) or Plague being stripped of its gorey, creepy aesthetic. Also, small flights like Earth have unfair dominance advantage, while big flights like shadow have unfair burden in dom. There needs to be greater representation for all flights, and a balanced-out playing field for dom battles.
9. Unfair moderation. Touching on the M from earth thing, what they said was really stupid, unfunny and a tasteless joke. But they're 15. I was an edgy idiot at 15, too. Staff should have more leeway, since many of those who play FR are (no offense) unwise teens and edgy minors. A temporary ban, ability to appeal, or alternate punishment would've made more sense instead of banning a kid for a dumb joke and making all of their customers lose out on the gems they paid real money for, and treasure they spent hours earning. 
10. All of trading post, actually. You've got Roundsy's, with odds so unlikely that you'll probably get struck by lightning before winning. You've got Baldwins, a tedious task where you have to check in every 30 minutes and load their ads to boil down garbage you get from gathering. Crim's, you sell the garbage you get from gathering for a measly 500 each, and at Tomo's, you answer questions you've seen a billion times for very little payoff. At Swipp's, you ask RNG for the one trade you want, and at Pinkerton's, you typically get even more garbage that you'll either hoardsell or melt down at Baldwin's because 95% of the game's items are useless or dirt-cheap. 
11. .......yeah that's it this was long lmao. I'm gonna quit FR for good, I think. Maybe I'll rejoin if they fix coli or add adventure mode like they promised to do years ago. Or if they ever continue the storyline they set up with the water flight that they seemingly are ignoring. Thank you, the FR community, for making everything I've enjoyed about the game. Truthfully, my best and funnest experiences on FR have been on the forums admiring all of your creativity, kindness, and fun events like secret Santa, Trick-or-Treat or Tarot readings. Thank you! :)
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