#isla de las munecas
fiercerthanyou · 1 year
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Eerie Xochimilco island,
Better known as Isla de las Muñecas, or the Island of Dolls - is just south of Mexico City. But no humans live here anymore - only dolls. 
Thousands of mutilated toys hang from ceilings, trees, and boats moored on the shore. Some are huge, others are tiny, a few are decapitated heads
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anxious-ace · 1 year
Real-life setting inspo:
Ego island:
Ghost family home (the one in the first CBF/Cardboard friend mod video)- Kehoe house in Savannah Georgia
PMA square prison (Katrina's resting place)- Eastern state penitentiary, Philadelphia
Jameson's pub- Ancient Ram Inn, England
Somewhere, Rook island (I just know it exists)- Isla de las Munecas (Island of the dolls), Mexico
Magic circle base- Burg Wolfsegg, Germany
Anetalsma- Iceland (more specifically Gunnuhver)
Zaleria's lair- Catacombs of Paris, France
All-seeing cruise (boat to Zaleria's lair)- The Queen Mary
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aimeepadilla · 2 months
Por Aimée Padilla La leyenda de esta isla se ha propagado de boca en boca por los habitantes y visitantes, convirtiéndose en un atractivo turístico más de CDMX. Como suele suceder con este tipo de narraciones existen diversas variantes de la historia, aunque la esencia permanece. Se dice que un comerciante de esta zona, conocido como “Don Julián” en uno de los recorridos en su chinampa se percató de que en la orilla del lago yacía el cuerpo de una niña. Desesperado, trató de reanimarla en múltiples intentos que resultaron inservibles, pues la pequeña ya había perdido la vida. Luego de este suceso, Don Julián se sentía constantemente intranquilo y atormentado, lo que lo hacía asegurar que el espíritu de la niña se encontraba atrapado en su chinampa. Preocupado por encontrar una solución, al hombre se le ocurrió colgar un par de muñecas para intentar ahuyentar las energías. Conforme pasaba el tiempo, Don Julián comenzó a recoger todas las muñecas que encontraba a su paso y recorridos, mismas que colgaba en la isla , hasta convertirla en el sitio que hoy en día conocemos. Es decir, una pequeña chinampa que en teoría podría recorrerse en 10 minutos, pero que se encuentra repleta de cientos de muñecas con aspecto tétrico; la mayoría están rotas, sucias o despeinadas. Como consecuencia de la preocupación que le causaba la idea de que cada muñeca estaba poseída por un espíritu diferente, el hombre fue perdiendo contacto con el mundo exterior, hasta que decidió habitar la isla de manera permanente. Se transformó en una persona solitaria y ermitaña, lo que dio paso a otro rumor entre quienes lo conocían: quien realmente estaba poseído era él, lo que provocó que en definitiva todos se mantuvieran alejados de la isla y dejaran de intentar tener contacto con el hombre. No se sabe exactamente cuántos años Don Julián vivió así, y solo se volvió a tener noticias del habitante de la isla hasta que su cuerpo fue hallado justamente en el mismo lugar donde tiempo atrás había descubierto el cuerpo de la niña. Algunos dicen que la culpa por no haber podido salvar a la pequeña lo hizo enloquecer, y como modo de ofrenda le regalaba esas muñecas . Mientras que un relato de la página de Xochimilco cuenta que estos artículos eran más bien para mejorar las cosechas. Tras el trágico final del comerciante, la isla comenzó a ser concurrida por curiosos que deseaban ver cómo era que vivía “el señor de las muñecas”, y progresivamente se convirtió en un destino muy popular, al que acuden diariamente turistas nacionales y extranjeros que quieren conocer la leyenda de la famosa Isla de las Muñecas . Hoy en día se pueden contar 2 mil 500 muñecas, y los turistas siguen trayendo donaciones propias. “Agustina” era la favorita de don Julián; tiene un pequeño altar con una mini trajinera como adorno. A veces la gente deja regalitos, como pequeñas pulseras, con la intención de dejar las malas energías ahí. Referencias: https://www.eluniversal.com.mx/destinos/cual-es-la-leyenda-de-la-isla-de-las-munecas-de-xochimilco
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kids-learning-channel · 11 months
Isla de las Munecas A doll island filled with ghosts.SCARIEST PLACE ON EARTH The lovely floating gardens of Isla de las Munecas in Mexico have become the stuff of horrible dreams due to a tragic tragedy.A girl is said to have drowned in the Xochimilco canals outside of Mexico City many years ago, according to local lore. Dolls started washing up on the coast of a small island in the canal where…
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danieljuan1k24 · 1 year
Week 3| Urban Legend Exploration...
UL #1.) La Isla De Las Munecas
The island of the dolls is known in Mexico because of it's tourist attraction it offers because of it's interesting background story, and personal experiences it has. Dolls, ghosts, stranded island, are some of the many characteristics this Urban Legend has which makes it unique. Don Julian Santana left his family and moved onto an island on Teshuilo Lake in the Xochimilco canals. Some locals say that a young girl actually drowned in the lake a long time ago. Don Julian Santana devoted his life to honoring this lost girl in a unique way by collecting and hanging up dolls throughout the island. In 2001 Don Julian Santana died. He was found drowned in the same area in which people and locals believed the little girl that originally died had died. This Urban Legend has stayed original and hasn't changed throughout time.
UL#2.) Troquero y La Muerta
This following Legend is popular in the trucking industry and in Mexico. Semi truck drivers traveling on the roads of Mexico especially in the states of Nuevo Leon and Coahuila know this legend as a little girl was spotted on the side of the road and a trucker stopped to help her and gave the young girl a ride to where she was heading to her house. This happened on a Federal highway that runs though the mountains of Nuevo Leon and Coahuila. The young girl and the trucker talked and the trucker agreed to take the young girl to her house as it was in the same direction that the trucker was heading towards. Once the trucker had dropped of the girl she has asked him when he was going to return to the city he came from as she was also heading back. The trucker told her that in 4 days he would return. So the trucker told the young girl he would take her back to the city in which the say came and the trucker waited for the young girl to come out of her home. Nobody came out until the trucker went and knocked on the door in which a old man came out asking if he can help the trucker. The trucker explained and the old man collapses in tears and said that her daughter had passed away in the sharp turns up on the mountains in a car accident a long time ago, every year on her anniversary she try's to come back and visit her dad once again as she wasn't able to get home that one night. Some of the important characteristics to keep in mind are the jacket that the trucker gave to the young girl, the old man (girl's father), trucker, the road in which they traveled on, and last but not least the tomb stone of the young girl that had the jacket of the trucker on top. This Urban Legend has been recognized and received attention throughout songs that famous artistic and story's that locals have created in memory of the trucker that helped the young girl.
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ponlots-blog · 1 year
Amor no Se si estoy equibocada
pero Me parese esta Chica la
Mujer de Rassiel si es sierto afirmalo
Tremenda FICHITA ya Comentaremos para mi No me
Importa JUSGARLA me da Pena
Es una pobrecita Demonio por precaicion me comentaras
Empezare una Palabra ERES Mi
A TI Sin importar Algien Se meta en
mi vida Soy Muy Firme En Deseciones SinImportar Si Me
lleva EL DIABLO por mis Desiciones
he Sido muy Feliz Nunca Miento loQue he dicho aTI fue una Confesion sin Penzar El Resultado
de mi ENTTRGA y contarte lo que quisas no te interesaria pero Esa Soy YO muy Sincera con la persona
Que Siento un llamado de mi Corazon ySin saber quie Eres me Entregue A TI Sverneticamente
SinSaber elOLOR y SABOR
DE TU PIEL y Lo Obscuro o
Claro de Tu MENTE nunca me Dio Miedo A LO DESCONOCIDO
Por que ?Solo Mi DIOS LOSABE
No Me Quites De Aqui Tengo k
Lmorzar sin poder de Dejar Decirte
ERES MI AMOR Ahunque Nunca
sepa Quien Eres Tu 🥰 te busco
mi Vida ha sido Dificil Pero Siempre
Elpese A Los 16 cuando me Casaron
y me Fui A la ISLA fui Reyna rica Con todo lo Que una Chica Hubiera Sonado El Tenia 45 lo Demas
dibujalo En tu Mente Hermosa Modelo Que viajaba al compaz de los Negocios Disfrutando Lo No
No SONADO yAprendi A no ver
El futuro Solo El Presente
Cuando entre al Futuro Empezo a
Verse Mi Calvario al Que no Sabia SUFRIR desde Mi Padre hasta Hoy
Me Han tratado Con todo o demaciado AMOR como Nina
Mimada hasta el Dia De HOY
Hice A mis Ninos a mi Manera
Fueron Mis Hermanitos Con MAR
mi Primera Muneca Asi FueroTodos mis Propiedades A PURO DOLOR
pero muy Mios Los Hijitos de Ellos
Soy La Abuela PORNO pero el nombre Es porno Tratarlos Con Tabues nada mas Con la Verdad de La VIDA AMOR Ahunque te Estes
MURIENDO Ve Las Cosas Con Amor porque ES La Vida que Excigiste sin Saber Onsecuecias Pero Seguir Con Amor a Tu Manera
y Tu Esperanza Siempre Verde y
Agarrada A la FE DE UN DIOS
De Misericordia Que te AMA Por
Ser SUS HIJOS yese fue mi Secreto De Amor A ELLOS sin golpes pero
Con energia cuando era necesario
y A Pescar y no Comprar el Pescado
Y Asi para Si Quieren Vivir bien Es Con Esfurzo de Trabajar PARA
COMER y Asi Crecieron Sin Careser De Nada Nos Encargamos de queELLOS ERAN PRIORIDAD
Encaminados los Tres viaje Al pais d los Suenos A Trabajar Como Mulia Para Vivir como gente Bien a los
Tiempos Con 35 El divircio en Puerta Regrezando a mi Raiz a
otro Mundo Diferente y Siguiendo
Bendecida Dios me mando un Angel Que cuido de MibY Mis
DIOS EnTidos Esos ANOS
Estudie de Todo me Queria Comer El Mundo Empese Con Medicina
yDietista para Hospital Infantil
Sicologia y un poco De Pediatria
Solo Lo Maximo Sin GRADUARME
Por No Tener Titulo De Secundaria
y papeles Para Lo DEMAS pero Asi
Sgui Con mis Aprendisajes
Veterinaria Y fue para los Animales De RIO Luego Mala Racha
producto De Mala Administracion de Fondos Bancarios de los Jefes Grandes y Duro cinco ANOS
Donde Termine En LLANO GRANDE con un Puesto de
Antojitos vendiendo Sabados Y
Domingos sacando a Flote A Mi
Fam.Con la Gran AYUDA DE MI
ANGEL ycmi Frente Muy En ALTO
Asi Vieron Todos yGane El Respeto
no me cortes amorcito
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mil perdones no Quise cortar pero Se Presento una Bendicion de mi Fe
Este Fue el ecuentro de Mi Hijo Herry no puedo Creer Tenido en mis brzzos ySu Cabecita en mi
Corazon ha sido una felicidad en mi Alma pero Quiero Mas No Creo Olvidado Pero Me Faltas TU y los Milagros Son Verdaderos Si Es bien
Para los Dos Yo he Pedido Orado y lo inposible Por Que Estuvieras En Mi VIDA y Digo Me Haces Falta Solamente Para Darnos A M O R
Todo Es Incondicional lo mio es No
Verte Con problemas Solo Hacerte Feliz Para Yo Estar Duper Contenta Sabiendo que Sonries y los Momentos que te Puedo dar un poquito De alagria
Solo Qiciera Saber Si SihoOrando Por Fe Y Veo El Milagro Que tanto He Deseaso Afirmando Al Universo
no Era Milagro Solo wun Soplo del
Corazon deAmor
etare Ratitos como Ahora todavia falta el Pastel pero etan entrtnidos pisina y jugando Billar
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affordableworld · 2 years
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We’ve all been there—you’re wandering the streets at night, or sitting in your car late at night, and you hear it... that strange noise that makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up on end. You look around and realize you’re all alone, with just the dim lights of the street lamps to illuminate your surroundings. Suddenly, the spooky stories you heard as a child come rushing back into your mind... with Halloween coming up, we thought we'd give you a slight chill with a peek into some of the most haunted places in the world.
Aokigahara Forest If you are feeling adventurous, it is worth checking out Japan's Aokigahara Forest. This forest near Mount Fuji is said to be one of the most haunted places in the world, so if you're a wimp, this might not be the best place for you. In 1948, this forest was designated as a forbidden zone where those without legal clearance or wishing not to be found would go. It became popular in recent years due to a documentary that highlighted its eerie and desolate scenery. 
The Winchester Mystery House Built in 1884 by Sarah Winchester, the widow of William Winchester, the owner of the Winchester Rifle Company, Mrs. Winchester believed that she was being haunted by her victims who had been killed by her husband's rifle. A medium told Mrs. Winchester that if she continuously built rooms on her house, then the spirits would not be able to find their way inside. The Winchester Mystery House has 160 rooms including 40 bedrooms, 40 staircases, 13 bathrooms, 6 kitchens, 10,000 window panes, 2,000 doors, 52 skylights, 47 fireplaces, three elevators, two basements and just one shower.
Chateau du Malinbois In the late 1800s, a castle called Chateau du Malinbois was built in France. Some say that it was built on top of an ancient prison, and as a result, the site is said to be haunted. Others say that during WWII, Nazis occupied the castle and tortured prisoners there. Either way, it's one of Europe's most haunted places, with more than 200 ghosts roaming its halls.
Island of Dolls Along the southeastern coast of Mexico, there is an island called Isla de las Munecas. This island is said to be home to hundreds of dolls that were created by a man named Julian Santana Barrera. The legend behind the island says that Julian once loved a woman but she never returned his love. One day, he found out that she was dying and decided to make her a gift one last time.  He carved her face into a doll and began to give them away as gifts. He soon realized that this act would not bring back his love, so he started putting all of these dolls on the island for others to enjoy instead. His hope was for people who came across these dolls to think about their own lost loves and find peace again like he did with hers.
Hanging Coffins at Yungang Grottoes The Hanging Coffins at Yungang Grottoes in China, a place with more than 2,000 wooden coffins dangling from the cliffs of a mountain. The coffins were hung up as a burial ground when there was no room left on the ground below.  While some people say that it is impossible to see anything or anyone in these pictures, others insist they've seen children wearing traditional Han Chinese clothing looking out from inside the coffins. Whatever you believe, it's worth checking out for yourself!
Paris Catacombs The underground catacombs are located about 50 meters (164 feet) below street level and stretch for more than 4 kilometers (2.5 miles).  Hundreds of thousands of skulls and bones belonging to some six million Parisians, who died between the 18th century and the early 20th century, line the walls. It’s said that if you go down into these tunnels alone at night, you will hear human-like voices coming from the walls.
Leap Castle (Ireland) Leap Castle is one of the most famous haunted places in Ireland. Located on a hilltop in County Offaly, it has long been the subject of stories about ghosts and spirits, tales that have intensified with the castle's recent restoration. Built by the O'Bannon family in the 15th century, Leap Castle is said to be home to a White Lady who wanders its halls during stormy nights.
La Casa Loma (Canada) One of the most haunted places in the world is La Casa Loma, which is located in Toronto, Canada. La Casa Loma was built in 1911 and served as a residence for Sir Henry Pellatt, an industrialist and a millionaire. In 1919, Pellatt was arrested for fraud and the house became abandoned. During its days as a residential home, there were many reports of paranormal activities such as sightings of ghostly figures roaming the halls.
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deadlinecom · 2 years
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marigoldwitch · 6 years
Who wants to go with me to Isla de las Muñecas? My boyfriend is not a fan of dolls so either I go alone or I take a stranger from the internet with me :D What could go wrong lol..
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marzipanandminutiae · 2 years
Edith/Lucille, Buzzfeed Unsolved Supernatural AU, where they make videos of investigating spooky areas and discussing spooky things. Edith believes in the things they look into and is wary of it all, Lucille does not and is cynical/flippant about everything.
That's not even hard to fit into canon, honestly. That's just what would happen (per interviews with JChas, Lucille does not believe in ghosts).
It would be even better if Edith was just like. Objectively right. Like, they've gotten significant proof of the supernatural on film, but Lucille keeps saying they can't possibly post that because it's just [a bug on the lens/dust floating in the air/a car going by with its radio volume all the way up/etc].
(Also, fun fact: I absolutely despise BFU, because the hosts remind me of my middle school bullies to a degree that makes me want to punch them. I actually have the tag blacklisted.)
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alpha-beta-gamer · 4 years
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PAVOR is a creepy Mexican horror game set on a real-life island filled with mutilated dolls (La Isla de la Munecas).
Read More & Play The Kickstarter Demo, Free (Windows)
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Island of Dolls
Just south of Mexico City, between the canals of Xochimico you can find a small island with a sad background which never intended to be a tourist destination. The island is known as Isla de las Munecas (Island of Dolls)
It is dedicated to the lost soul of a poor girl who met her fate too soon in strange circumstances. It is said that a girl was found drowned in mysterious circumstances many years ago on this island and that the dolls are possessed by her spirit. Local legend says that the dolls move their heads and arms and even opened their eyes. Some witnesses claim they had heard the dolls whispering to each other, while others who were on a boat near the island said the dolls lured them to come down to the island. 
Don Julian Santana Barrera was the caretaker of the island. The story goes that Julian found a little girl drowned in mysterious circumstances while he was not able to save her life. Shortly thereafter, Julian saw a floating doll near the canals. Most probably, the doll belonged to the girl. He picked up the doll and hung it to a tree, as a way of showing respect and support the spirit of the girl. 
Julian was apparently haunted by the spirit of the girl and started hanging more dolls in an attempt to please her spirit. He soon realized the dolls themselves were possessed by the spirits of dead girls, and continued to collect creepy dolls hanging them over the entire island. According to those close to him, it was as if Julian was driven by some unseen force that completely changed him. Apparently he was very marked by the fact that he was not able to save the little girl’s life. 
After 50 years of collecting dolls and hanging them on the island, Julian was found dead, drowned in the same spot where the girl did.
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myhauntedsalem · 4 years
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Island of the Dolls
Just south of Mexico City, between the canals of Xochimico you can find a small island with a sad background which never intended to be a tourist destination.
The island is known as Isla de las Munecas – Island of the Dolls.
It is dedicated to the lost soul of a poor girl who met her fate too soon in strange circumstances.
It is said that a girl was found drowned in mysterious circumstances many years ago on this island and that the dolls are possessed by her spirit.
Local legend says that the dolls move their heads and arms and even opened their eyes.
Some witnesses claim they had heard the dolls whispering to each other, while others who were on a boat near the island said the dolls lured them to come down to the island.
Of course these witnesses are exaggerating and the island is in no way possessed but the truth is that the Isla de las Munecas is a very creepy place that marks the casual visitor.
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ancientoriginses · 3 years
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If the Organization could go to any of these places, what would their favorite haunted location be?
Masterlist 1/Masterlist 2/Masterlist 3
Buy me a coffee here!
Xemnas - Corvin Castle, Hunedoara, Transylvania - Tourists are told that it was the place where Vlad the Impaler was held prisoner by John Hunyadi, Hungary’s military leader and regent during the King’s minority. The Castle is sometimes mentioned as a source of inspiration for Castle Dracula in Bram Stoker’s 1897 horror novel Dracula.
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Xigbar - Winchester Mystery House, San Jose, California - After the death of her husband, rifle magnate William Winchester, Sarah Winchester commissioned this dizzying labyrinth of a house in order to keep safe from vengeful spirits killed by her husband’s guns. The home has four stories, 160 rooms, 10,000 window panes, and 47 stairways — some of which go to nowhere at all.
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Xaldin - Tao Dan Park, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam - Over 24 acres of gardens make Tao Dan Park look like a paradise, but at night, locals have reported that the park takes on a different feel. Rumors say that the ghost of a young man who was killed in an attack still wanders the park, looking for his lost love.
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Vexen - Poveglia Island, Venice, Italy - A short trip from Venice, the beautiful island of Poveglia has scars from being a quarantine zone for people suffering from the plague. In addition, the island was used in the early 20th century as an insane asylum.
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Lexaeus - La Recoleta Cemetery, Buenos Aires, Argentina - thousands of statues, mausoleums, fairytale grottoes, and intricate tombstones, as well as the remains of Argentina’s most iconic figure—Eva Perón.
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Zexion - Bhangarh Fort, India - Two hundred miles from Delhi, this abandoned fortress sticks out in the middle of the desert. Legend has it that a sorcerer cast a curse on the area after being rejected by a local princess.
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Saix - The Myrtle’s Plantation, St. Francisville, Louisiana - historic home and former antebellum plantation built in 1796 by General David Bradford, it is touted as one of America’s most haunted homes. The house is reputedly built over an Indian burial ground, and the ghost of a young Native American woman has been reported.
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Axel - Catacombs of Paris, France - After a prolonged bout of heavy rains flooded and unearthed the overcrowded Les Innocents cemetery in the spring of 1780, a wave of rotting corpses tumbled onto the property next door.
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Demyx - The Queen Mary, Long Beach, California - a retired British ocean liner that sailed primarily on the North Atlantic Ocean from 1936 to 1967 for the Cunard Line that is now permanently docked in Long Beach. A horrific series of events involving more than 50 deaths makes it one of the most haunted ships in the world.
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Luxord - The Tower of London, London, England - Many famous people have called the Tower of London their final resting place. The infamous fortress has been steeped in tragedy for over 900 years and home to many ghostly sightings of English royalty, including Anne Boleyn and Mary, Queen of Scots.
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Marluxia -  Hoia Baciu Forest, Cluj-Napoca, Romania - This forest is considered the most haunted in the world. Visitors often report intense feelings of anxiety and the feeling of being watched while traveling through the forest, and some of the most common sightings include ghosts, unexplained apparitions, faces appearing in photographs that were not visible with the naked eye, and even some UFOs.
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Larxene - Château de Brissac, Brissac-Quincé, France - One of the tallest castles in all of France, the seven-story Château is known as the home of “The Green Lady,” aka the ghost of Charlotte of France, who was killed by her husband after he discovered her having an affair.
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Roxas - Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum, Weston, West Virginia - Built as a sanctuary for 250 patients afflicted with psychiatric illnesses, the asylum became so crowded that it held 2,600 people at its peak. No one knows all that happened under its roof, but apparitions, unexplained noises and strange shadows suggest that the spirits of those who lived there might have unfinished business.
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Xion - Isla de las Munecas (Island of the Dolls), Mexico - While it might look more like a horror movie set, the chinampa (akin to an artificial island) used to be the residence of a now-deceased man named Julian Santa Barrera. After finding a dead girl’s body in a nearby canal, Barrera collected and displayed the toys in the hopes of warding off evil spirits.
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tinaaja · 4 years
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