#is regulus coming back to james
sophsicle · 1 month
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lovefromremus · 8 days
there is just something about regulus going into absolute shock after harry comes crying to him about breaking something or spilling a glass over and regulus having calmed him down, reassured him and helping him clean up and then staring into space realising maybe he was never his mother's child after all
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musicoftheheart · 5 months
That Time of the Month
inspired by @accio-sriracha’s post
A/N: it’s shorter than id planned and i might one day expand on this idea, but here we go! enjoy <3
“Who the fuck ate my fucking chocolate?”
Sirius and James exchanged a look of pure, unbridled terror. James’ wide eyes and quivering jaw seemed to imply it hadn’t been him, and Sirius was trying to communicate the same with his own expressions. Neither of them were daft enough to touch Moony’s chocolate these days; they’d learned that lesson the hard way.
A voice spoke up in the silence. “Sorry Rem,” Regulus mumbled from where he’d buried himself in James’ chest. “I’ve got some in my dorm — I’ll replace yours, I promise. I just really didn’t feel like getting up. Sorry.”
Something in Remus’ harsh expression softened — as it usually seemed to do for Regulus (something Sirius was often quite dramatic about, barring this one week of each month).
It had been dubbed ‘hell week’ by all those who had to experience it — both Remus and Regulus described it as such quite openly amongst friends, but Sirius and James were careful only to complain to one another, and not to their boyfriends — because it was quite frankly, hell. It was bad enough back in their early years of Hogwarts when it was only Remus they’d had to dance around near the full moon, but ever since Regulus had started his period in his third year (an unfortunate consequence of his being trans, and something that — as of yet — had no potion to fix) it had only gotten worse.
By some unfortunate sort of fate, Regulus’ time of the month had synced up almost perfectly to Remus’. The pair would wander around Hogwarts snapping at anyone who even slightly grated on their nerves, complaining about their aches and pains, demanding this, that and the other from their boyfriends. But as much as this caused Sirius and James a great number of headaches trying to please not one, but both of them at the same time, it seemed to have brought the pair together in an odd bond that could almost never have otherwise been created.
For a start—
“Oh, that’s fine Reg,” Remus brushed off, if still a little pouty. “You know you can just help yourself.”
Remus never let other people eat his chocolate. Regulus seemed to be the only exception to his rule.
“No, no,” Regulus grumbled, dragging himself upright. “I’ll get it.”
Sirius knew just from the tone of his voice that Regulus really didn’t want to go all the way down to Slytherin for more chocolate, and a glance at James told him he knew the same.
So James — in a valiant effort to make up for ‘breathing too loudly’ around Regulus earlier — quickly piped up, “No love, it’s okay! I can get it for you. You just stay right there, all comfy and cozy. I’ve got it.”
Smiling smugly and clearly pleased with himself, Regulus settled back into James’ bed while his boyfriend tucked him up with blankets and his hot water bottle. “Thank you, baby.”
Oh Merlin, his little brother really had James wrapped around his finger.
“Padfoot,” Remus whined, laying himself gingerly face down on his bed. Sirius snapped to attention like a soldier called to duty. “Will you be my weighted blanket again?”
Without a moment’s hesitation, Sirius shifted into his animagus form and gently laid himself down over Remus until he heard a contented sigh. He let himself snuggle into his boyfriend’s warmth happily.
Perhaps hell week wasn’t entirely hellish.
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hey gorgeous…wanna read?
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thestarsarehome · 7 days
Is anyone going to talk about how sad it is to read a LONG and i mean LONG LONG fic thats have A LOT of angst in it and yk you are in this moment when its so fucking sad to read bcs everyone is traumatized everyone went through something really really bad and EVERYONE IS JUST SAD and STILL THE WAR IS NOT OVER.
And theres this fucking moment
you are bearly even reading it because if something is happening its ANOTHER trauma and this whole reading is making u so depressed
happy ending guys.
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alltoounwellll · 2 months
I just watched a video in class that called tumblr a “2010s relic”
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calc1fers · 8 months
fic ideas i have but don't have time to write rn:
jegulus how to train your dragon au
regulus is hiccup he's just a little guy (until the 2nd arc when he gets lowk buff and intimidating)
i will not expand on this one for now apart from that euphemia potter is that one milf from httyd 2. thank you
dorlene amnesia fic
set about 5 years after hogwarts (NO VOLDY bc he sucks)
marlene gets temporary amnesia from a curse and dorcas is a healer
enemies to lovers. they're beefing but also pining ok
dorlene magic apocalypse au
voldemort finds a way to drain magic and leave the wizarding world as muggles
marlene becomes a death eater against her will (IT SOUNDS WEIRD BUT IT MAKES SENSE WITH CONTEXT)
lots of chaos, magical theory, gangs, crime and coming of age??
been thinking about this one the longest tbh
rosekiller teotfw au
barty & evan meet in detention and things kind of spiral from there
they're both troubled, emotionally constipated and lowkey homicidal so it's gonna be a bit of a wild ride!!
already have the first chapter written
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starchaserdreams · 1 month
My Marauders trajectory updated April 2024:
Regulus Black
...I should have known this was coming. Wolfstar's never really gone, are they? I think jegulus will be back next.
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chrhnchynoodles · 4 months
I need to stop reposting so much fucking shit because then I can never find the funny ass posts I make to laugh at and show no one because I’ll be exiled for having tumblr:/
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regscupid · 9 months
8/28 prompt: injury - EMT regulus, james is concussed (712 words) - @jegulus-microfic
James has done many, many stupid things in his life. When he was twelve, he broke his elbow throwing himself through a window during a very intense game of indoor football. When he was sixteen, he tried to stand up on the back of Sirius’ motorcycle as it was moving– leaving him with road rash and his parents banning both of them from standing within twenty feet of the bike for a month. At nineteen he drunkenly fell off a roof at a party, though the tequila made the stitches fairly painless.
Where he always excelled in school for being naturally book-smart, he could be right stupid about his physical wellbeing. A skateboard he’d never once attempted to ride in his life and a metal railing along a concrete staircase he decided he was skilled enough to ride on later, that fact is only further drilled into his head– along with a deep ache and some ringing.
Sirius frets over James, crying heavily when the ambulance arrives. As soon as it’s stopped moving, he flies up to tell one of the EMTs what happened, while the other EMT dashes forward with a bag in hand before dropping to his knees beside him.
James feels the breath in his chest catch when his eyes meet the most beautiful ones he’s ever seen. Grey and piercing, a bit familiar but captivating in a way he didn’t know possible. Then, he takes in a stuttered gasp when his eyes flicker over the rest of the man and realizes it's not just his eyes, all of him is like that. Severe cheekbones, an angled jawline, sharp, narrow shoulders. His eyes reach their final destination and James wonders if he could soften the hard set of his mouth. He doesn’t know if it’s the head trauma speaking but he decides immediately that he needs to get injured more often if it means this man will come rescue him.
“Can you tell me your full name?”
“James Fleamont Potter,” Even in his current state, he can hear how breathless he sounds.
The beautiful man gets a crease between his eyebrows when he brings out a little flashlight and shines it briefly in both of James’ eyes.
“Alright James, do you know where you are?”
“Uh, the ground,” James knows it’s the wrong answer when he narrows his eyes and opens his pretty mouth to say something so he rushes to correct himself, “The stairs in front of the university library.”
“Alright, good. That’s good.” James practically beams. “What’s today’s date?”
“The twenty-eighth? I think?”
“That’s correct. Are you able to recall what happened here?”
James grimaces, not keen on recounting his stupidity to the man he’d decided might be his soulmate for all he knows. God, he hopes so.
“I was uh, trying to ride down the railing on that skateboard. But I don’t know how to skateboard. So I… fell. Like, halfway down.”
The man rapidly blinks three times in succession. Takes a frankly well-concealed deep breath, and nods his head once. A stretcher shows up beside them and James realizes the other EMT rolled it out and Sirius was standing next to the ambulance on the phone, likely speaking to Euphemia or Remus.
“I see. Well I don’t think it’s anything serious but we’ll have you at the hospital soon where a doctor can get a better idea. Sound good?”
“I’ll go wherever if you’re there.” James says without a moment’s hesitation and almost regrets it until his pale complexion allows an obvious blush to spread across his cheeks and ears.
The other EMT snorts loudly. James doesn’t know what the guy looks like, his eyes don’t leave the man’s face.
“Alright, James, up you go.” The man doesn’t meet his eyes as both EMTs move him to the stretcher. James almost, almost pouts.
“I’ll drive, Reg.” The other EMT slaps Reg on the shoulder, causing his blush to return in full-force.
“Evan I swear to-” He hisses.
James is making the delightful realization that that means he’ll be in the back of the ambulance with him the whole ride, before his train of thought is interrupted by the sudden paling of Reg’s face. He follows his line of sight to an equally pale Sirius.
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klarolinexluv · 5 months
Every time I listen to ‘Come Back… Be Here’ I get flashbacks of this fic that I read where Regulus was basically Taylor Swift and James sang that song to a sold out show for the Marauders and Regulus saw on FaceTime because he was in New York! And James changes the lyrics from
In New York, be here
But you're in London, and I break down
'Cause it's not fair that you're not around
In London, be here
But you're in New York, and I break down
'Cause it's not fair that you're not around
And I cannot for the life of me remember what it’s called. So… please someone help me
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James Potter is so Hozier coded you guys just don't get it
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bartyslut · 10 months
guys when zar came back on ao3, the word count of crimson rivers changed to 865, 000 from 864,930?? can someone tell me what has been changed?
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shadyblacklin · 11 months
sirius: please, not slytherin
sorting hat: not slytherin, er? well... GRYFFINDOR!
james: that's my man!!!
remus: i don't really care, maybe I'm not even a wizard
sorting hat: hmm... SLYTHERIN!
sirius: wHAT? I changed my mind, replace me to slytherin!!!
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ratwiththetats · 5 months
James Potter as a secret faerie prince and Regulus Black as a folklore researcher.
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emryyyyyss09 · 5 months
regulus "crush culture, memories" black &
james potter "footnote, the cut that always bleeds" potter
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