#investigator anon
the-post-crow · 2 years
Hello, Eda.
- Investigator anon
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"Oh, an anon! Hello there!"
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"So, do you need any assistance getting back home?"
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"Yes... we do..."
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"Alright, let's get going then!" *and in an instant, both dark cacao and hollyberry were on front of red velvet cookie*
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Uh oh. This is not good.
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Experiment??? What on earth are you even talking about
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t0bey · 1 month
im eating your florian art he's so pretty urghrkrn
ty anon here’s another doodle from that same canvas cuz it was fun deciding how I think his burn scars look 🫶 as well as his body type
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nightwonder7 · 2 months
Thoughts on the new survivor?
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I think he is silly. I really like his disposition and his backstory in relation to his profession. Someone who rescues people from fires who is also an arsonist is very intriguing to say the least. Hope to see his story intertwine with some of the other characters. And his voice in the trailer was so good! Design-wise he's pretty alright; it fits his character. His in-game ability is very goofy and I'm looking forward to see more of it. The expression on his model makes him look mighty uncanny though ghjdsjfd
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volumniafox · 11 months
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Since the only way our fresh government managed to get rid of a literal nazi as a minister was when foreign press started taking notice... It would be a shame if some recent developments gained international attention :-)
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What are your thoughts on fabian and riz's friendship dynamic? I love them sm :')
oh man they’re so fun
Fabian does consider Riz to be his best friend but isn’t as good at articulating that as all his other friends are so he doesn’t really say it. But the rare occasions he does mean a lot to Riz.
As much as the Hangman openly hates when Riz rides on him, I think Fabian goes out of his way to drive past Riz’s office on the way to school and gives himself enough time to go in and drag Riz out if he sees the light is still on. Because he knows Riz hates missing school despite how close he comes to it almost daily.
Since everything that happened on Leviathan, Riz will most often attack an enemy that Fabian is in melee with. He’s still dealing with the guilt of not being there to help Fabian when he needed help the most so he unconsciously (or consciously, I’m not sure) attempts to do that every chance he gets.
They do still use the chat that’s just them and Gorgug that they made for the first time in Boys’ Night. Mostly it’s Fabian saying “Riz could you please explain to me what the fuck Adaine is talking about when you get a chance. I stopped listening for a second and now I’m baffled.” But they do have an insane meme “competition” going where they will send memes (usually edited to be about their specific situations) back and forth and whichever ones Gorgug interacts with are winners. Gorgug is unaware of this rule.
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merakiui · 7 months
Oh, to be able to fuck incubus Jade silly after everything he's put you through ❤️
Maybe you weren't that immune to his charms after all, but since he's been so very hungry as he claimed, he should have no problem with this of course! He should thank you for the tasty meal.
Let's hope Floyd doesn't know about this because he's never gonna live it down. (He'll either need to fuck your brains out in revenge or he'll just be sulking in a corner for a week straight)
Pulling him back onto your strap/dick by the tail if he tries to crawl away because he was not expecting you'd hate-fuck him this hard and rough!!! >:) but then this is exactly where he wants to be. He's so immensely pleased with himself even when you're making an absolute mess out of him. Truly the soggiest, most pathetic incubus of all time, but he's only like this with you. <3 anyone else is subjected to the fearsome, demonic terror that he is. But for you? For you, he's something of a bashful maiden in love hehe.
It takes a lot to catch Jade off guard, and he plays these silly games to win, determined that with enough prodding you'll eventually give him. But you manage to take him by surprise when you finally decide to give him what he's been lusting after and hungering for all these months. It likely happens on the one day Floyd has to report back to his superiors in heaven, and normally he could care less about following procedure and whatnot. But if he doesn't at least put in the bare minimum of effort they might assign him elsewhere and he'll never see his shrimpy again! D: he can't have that.
Jade's notorious for never being satisfied after feasting no matter how much he has sex, so this is the one time he genuinely feels full. You are a very special human indeed; he's very obsessed and very well-fed after your little tryst. He probably returns to the underworld to brag about his success to Azul LOL.
And Floyd!!!! Aaaaa poor Floyd. >_< maybe he gets his revenge by fondling you while you're sleeping or when you're making breakfast. You slept with a devil, so now sleep with an angel and let him purify you. He's your guardian angel and you're his human shrimpy, after all. It's his job to look after you, so just let him do his thing and you'll feel good. <3
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fatuismooches · 3 months
It would be so funny if the one dish that Dottore could cook only healed reader. What it does to other playable characters is...questionable, to say the least. It always turns into his signature dish, possibly a small dessert (for the sake of the drabble below + I could imagine reader teaching Dottore to make some cookies), so imagine:
"Affection": Dottore's signature dish. It's a simple plate of cookies, nothing more and nothing less. While you're a bit skeptical of the slightly charred edges, [Name] looks proud of their lover's work, and the piercing red gaze of the Doctor convinces you to try at least one...
...you end up choking immediately. Before you can question what Dottore put in those cookies, [Name] tries one for themselves, muttering something about how they were just fine and that you were being mean. Perhaps it was for the best that you let [Name] devour his cooking, for everyone else's sake.
(Sorry if this reads weird, it's the first time I've sent a full imagine thing in someone's ask box. Also, do you do emoji anons? Can I be 🪷 or ♦? Whichever one isn't taken if you do!)
(x) OHHHH THAT'S GENIUS... AHHH I LOVE THIS!! This is so in character for the sillies omg...
For the food's effect, there would be two: "When consumed by [Name], restores 28% of Max HP and regenerates 620 HP every 5s for the next 30s" and "Upon use, immediately causes a target ally other than [Name] to lose HP equal to 99% of their Max HP"
The cookies would look really amateurish, especially compared to what [Name] can make, there's not even a glass of milk with it, not to mention how he had to throw out a few because the bottom was burnt to oblivion... Also, it seems that there are way more chocolate chips in them than there should be...? But that doesn't matter, [Name] reassures you! They love these cookies and have tried them many times! Looks are just deceiving!
The contrast between [Name]'s bright, hopeful expression and Dottore's less-than-amiable one is enough to convince (force?) you into taking a bite of a mysterious cookie. Unfortunately, it does not live up to [Name]'s hype. Far, far, from it... Thankfully, your will to live another day overcomes the sensation of nearly succumbing to the cookie.
Meanwhile, [Name] snatches the plate from you and huffs as they bite into another cookie with no hesitation, then kisses the Harbinger on the cheek, complimenting him on how far he's come on his cooking journey. Perhaps [Name] can only taste the sweet love from their beloved imbued within these cookies rather than the actual taste.
They seem to be a couple that you should stay away from...
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rochenn · 6 months
hallo guten abend moin servus. i questioned the culture and went to the source and asked why the Glühwein is so sweet this year. the bavarians are spiking theirs with ananassaft. because ananassaft improves the taste of-
servus zusammen dear bavarians of tumblr, do you guys suck each other through your lederhosen on christmas markets? be honest xoxo
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moonshynecybin · 4 months
are marc's hands bigger then vale's?
great question drives me nuts
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its kinda hard to tell from their handshakes :/ they both just have like. disproportionately huge hands. i WOULD guess vale wins out here just cause hes taller/bigger and i think his fingers are a lil longer. ive seen some beloved mutuals call him "shovel hands" and they are nawt wrong... marc's hands are also huge on his lil twink body
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anyways here's some pics of them with their hands close together for perusal and judgment:
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BUT ironically i DO think the choking pics are the best comparisons i could find lol:
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ultimately i think vale comes out on top here (no pun intended) bc his fingers are longer, but their palm size looks pretty similar! and its MUCH closer that it should be based on marc's lil short ass
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the-post-crow · 2 years
Well... At least I gave you guys information on the Boiling isles already- But I didn't give them that information. O h n o -
-Investigator anon
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"Oh god-"
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The frustrating thing is that I can confirm that the man exists, but there's NO information about him whatsoever. He didn't seem to own anything, none of the orders from the building seem to have his name attached, there's no one who would fit his description anywhere in missing persons reports. As far as I know, this man appeared simply to develop a freakishly powerful piece of technology, use it only to develop ONE videogame, and vanished off the face of the earth.
The police couldn't locate him after Abigail disappeared, either. That was the last time we saw him as well. However, no one but Abigail new anything really about him, any leads on the man vanished with her.
I can at least confirm he was a California resident who owned(or used?) a black 2000 Ford Focus, seemed to have a commute into the property (so he didn't, like, live there), and that he was maybe romantically involved with my sister Abigail. That's all the additional information I really know about him.
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allastoredeer · 1 month
I am STILL scouring the internet for a crossover of Hazbin Hotel and Criminal Minds, where the team decides to kill time by solving the mystery of Alastor's storied serial killing career. Assuming his death was written off a tragic accident, because he'd already disposed of the body of course.
Obviously there's plenty of cases where the killer was never caught, and I think it would be hilarious if the only thing immediately found out about Alastor after his death in the 30's was that he ran moonshine.
I've never seen "Criminal Minds," but I know the gist, and DAMN that would be so cool to read about them investigating Alastor's death and the rumored stories that he was a serial killer.
And them only finding out that he ran moonshine is hilarious, oh my gosh 🤣 You know, if I actually watched Criminal Minds, I might be tempted to actually give it a try. The idea is so appealing.
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solchle · 13 days
every dhmis character is trans, shall we talk about it over tea and crackers?
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great wise anon, you are correct, it would be wonderful to have a tea party along the other blogs you've visited time to time
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theoddest1 · 1 month
I saw you reblogged a post about that new thread on Viv and opened my eyes on how much ayylmao/Iox got wrong or just straight up lied about. I’m wondering if Viv has ayylmao and/or Iox on payroll to defend her.
Wouldn't surprise me! I've had this same suspicion surrounding Cartoon Base, who isn't even a group and given awards that don't exist.
Someone seriously needs to look into Cartoon Base and crack down on who they really are. They are also very biased towards HH and HB content, which Viv gladly indulges in.
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hellsite-hall-of-fame · 11 months
You know, when I first came accross your blog, I thought it's someone from the tumblr management. It's like how in a school the vice principal manages such things, I used to think it's just like that. That you are here to declare the best post award. I know it sounds dumb but anyways.
And now I found @veryspecificanon and the interactions via asks with your blog. It made me follow that blog in an instant. (Specially when you both decided to have a blog with that url, via ask, again) It felt like two people are coming into a partnership for a specifc purpose.
Idk where I'm going with all this. But....idk.
That's it.
oooh really?? that is actually a really cool way to think of it (and lowkey I wish lol), but unfortunately- nope, not tumblr management-
just a ✨mystery✨ who joined tumblr after years of seeing posts on pinterest and wanted to find said famous posts at the actual source, but no such blog really existed at the time, so I made one! ….and then many others did as well lol
and yessss the interactions with @veryspecificanon are so very fun and lovely lol and everyone should follow that blog !!!
although i’m not actually a part/member on their blog, it does lowkey feel like a weird partnership and it’s so fun lmao
and thank you so very much for your thoughts, I really legitimately enjoyed reading them :)
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