#inukag positivity
the-risen-tide · 1 year
So a couple of posts ago I put up a rather gushing review of the sequel to my favorite anime. x3  Since then, my writing muse has been nonstop flooding my brain with fanfiction ideas, mostly little fluffy romantic thoughts and missing moment stuff featuring Sesshomaru and Rin and their family...and as I take any excuse to grab the fickle and rare jewel that is motivation to write, a small but growing collection of short stories has come to fruition. x3
I wanted to share it here as I share all my fanfics (if not directly, there’s still a link to my FF.net if anyone would like to peruse x3), but as I lurk around the fanworks, I still see a lot of by-now ridiculous hate towards what is a very beautiful (and very canon) love story, that I was hesitant to do so.
Then I thought, “Wait...if I don’t post, that means I’m letting the haters win.
Can’t have that, can we?!”
The Sun, the Moon and the Ages
So there’s a link on my AO3 to my Inuyasha/Yashahime inspired short story collection for my fellow like-mindeds.  It’s also on my FF.net!  Both collections are updated at the same time, whenever I do, which has been lately roughly five to seven days or so between stories. x3  I hope you all find it and enjoy. ^.^
Letting my fellow fans know that I’m not easily intimidated by toxicity. :3
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inukag · 2 years
I actually think the poetic moment of Inuyasha going to hell for Kagome was done on purpose. Inuyasha believing he doesn’t deserve to live at the beginning, and then deciding he wants to live so he ends up going to hell, is very on brand for RT. Just like RT’s puns, I’ve seen plot twists like that in some of RT’s earlier works like Ranma or Madison Ikkoku. Unfortunately, Inuyasha dragged on for so long these comparative moments lost their focus. A victim of its own success, if you will. Imagine if Inuyasha wasn’t a weekly monster-of-the-week and had proper breaks between arcs or seasons like modern webtoons.
I keep going back and forth between "Rumiko explicitly said that her works aren't deep so it's probably coincidental" and "that parallel/symbolism/subtext is way too good to not be done on purpose" lmao!
Honestly I think we as a fandom deserve a remaster (?) of the Inuyasha manga. You know how some people re-edit movies or tv shows so they make more sense? We should do that and also fix all the translation issues. I would cut 90% of the Moryomaru arc so the story can start wrapping up after the band of seven / Mt Hakurei arc. I volunteer to do the editing, I need someone to help me figure out the fixes for the narrative and tell me where I could upload that without getting into trouble, lol.
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sailorstarr-chan4 · 2 years
Y'all, I literally finished and posted THREE fics for THREE different fandoms IN ONE DAY, and now working on a gift fic for my bestie that I've been stuck on for 2 years????
THIS. This is why reviews are so important!! Because one person bombarded my AO3 inbox with comments on nearly every chapter in a few of my fics, suddenly a fire was lit under my ass and I'm writing up a storm!!
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mustardyellowsunshine · 5 months
In today's episode of Shut Up Robin, Nobody Cares:
I finished Maison Ikkoku back in February, and I had a lot of feelings about the series. (It's good, do yourself a favor and go read it if you haven't.) As I read through it, I couldn't shake the thought: this is the caliber of romantic development Rumiko Takahashi can bring to the table?? We could've had this kind of relationship development in InuYasha??? 😭😭
The other thought I couldn't shake: InuYasha fans who still question the sincerity and depth of InuYasha's feelings for Kagome might benefit from reading Maison Ikkoku all the way to the end. They should read the final chapters of Maison Ikkoku, think for awhile about the blatant parallel themes found in InuYasha, and then try reevaluating InuKag's dynamic.
Now, I should clarify: I think the InuYasha series already makes it abundantly self-evident that the Inu/Kag/Kik "triangle" (🙄) is a complex situation that puts InuYasha in an extremely difficult position. (Well, it puts all of them in a difficult position, but you get the idea.) You just have to read the series with your brain on to see that. To review: teenage boy is tricked and terrorized by a demonic murderer; that demon successfully murders the boy's ex while masquerading as him; later his ex is revived from the dead against her will, wanders the earth as a vengeful spirit for awhile (who wouldn't be pissed about being brought back into that bullshit?), and is actively stalked by the demon who already murdered her once; teenage boy is falling in love with someone else when this happens, but he still wants to save his ex from being re-victimized by the demon who already brutally murdered her once. Anyone who sees that situation and describes it with a straight face as "InuYasha needs to make up his mind already" is probably never going to reconsider their assessment of InuYasha's character. They've already formed an opinion in defiance of the evidence. That ship done sailed.
But for some folks, I think experiencing the way Maison Ikkoku explores the same relationship themes—and particularly how it resolves those themes in the final chapters—could help them re-evaluate the emotional nuances in InuKag's relationship, and maybe help to re-contextualize the Inu/Kag/Kik conflict.
The parallels between Godai/Kyoko and InuYasha/Kagome are pretty obvious—Rumiko Takahashi consistently revisits this relationship dynamic in her work (it's present in Mao to a lesser extent). But I think Maison Ikkoku more directly confronts the emotional complexity of that dynamic. You can feel the difference in how RT more directly explores the messiness, complications, and pain of a) grieving a former relationship even while falling in love with someone else, and b) loving someone who is still tangled up in grieving their past. The InuYasha series obviously deals with those themes too, but Maison Ikkoku brings more focus and resolution to its exploration.
This may be for two reasons: 1) Maison Ikkoku had an older audience, as it was published in a seinen magazine geared for adult men between 18 - 40 years old, and 2) the relationship tension between Godai/Kyoko pretty much constitutes the main story of Maison Ikkoku; in InuYasha, the plot (such as it is) revolves around a vengeance quest and the monster of the week, and the relationship tensions between InuKag are second to that. Maybe that's why RT was more willing to get into the weeds with Godai/Kyoko and to more directly resolve the tension.
InuYasha does have some standout chapters where it explicitly deals with the tension of InuKag's situation (e.g., chapter 78, chapter 124, chapter 176, chapter 286, chapter 458, etc.), but there's this distinct hesitance in the narrative to resolve that tension in a substantive way. That's one of my beefs with the InuYasha series: it gives us moments of standout, concrete relationship development which then doesn't impact the future narrative all that much. The same relationship conflicts play out over and over again, well past their narrative expiration dates. See: Miroku flirting with women right in front of Sango after they've acknowledged feelings for each other; also the entire Kaō arc, which just... I do not understand the narrative purpose of that arc when it just exacerbates tensions that already existed and resolves none of them. Anyway. I digress.
You could argue this hesitance to permanently resolve relationship conflict comes from the episodic nature of InuYasha's storytelling. There's some truth to that, but that's not a satisfying explanation for why the main couple's relational status quo remains inert for the latter half of the series. Maison Ikkoku also does this to an extent—the "will they, won't they?" tension is strung along for as long as possible—but in general Maison Ikkoku does a better job of allowing relationship development to actually affect the narrative. Moments of emotional revelation and growth do change the relational status quo between Godai and Kyoko. They don't stay in quite the same relationship limbo that InuYasha and Kagome get stuck in for the latter half of the series. (It probably also helps that Maison Ikkoku is significantly shorter than InuYasha.)
All that to say: I think Godai/Kyoko is actually a useful mirror for examining InuKag, because they share the same themes and relationship dynamics without sharing the same narrative failings.
Okay, so: big time major spoilers ahead for Maison Ikkoku. Stop here if you don't want to see the conclusion of that series.
I want to look at how Maison Ikkoku's conclusion simultaneously revisits and resolves the main conflict between Godai/Kyoko.
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Ahhhhhh my feelings!!! Man I love this series.
Okay, let's review the major takeaways from this scene:
• Notice how the tension between Godai and Kyoko—Godai's struggle with insecurity and Kyoko's feelings for her deceased husband—mirrors the tension between InuKag. And notice that the reader is encouraged to sympathize with both Godai and Kyoko. Godai is not "at fault" for struggling with insecurity and feelings of jealousy. That's a natural human feeling to have, especially in a relationship that hasn't been anywhere near secure until very recently. And despite whatever jealousy or inadequacy he may be feeling, Godai tries to see things from Kyoko's perspective. Part of Godai's struggle—the heartache of it—is his understanding that Kyoko is also not at fault. It's not her fault that she married before she ever met Godai, it's not her fault her husband died, and it's not her fault that she's struggling with the grief of that tragedy. She's trying to reorient herself to her new life after loss; she's falling in love with Godai, but she's also scared of betraying her husband's memory. (Let's hold that mirror up to InuYasha now, shall we? SHALL WE?) Moving on from Soichiro emotionally represents to Kyoko a breach of duty to a loved one.
• To reiterate: neither Godai nor Kyoko are "at fault" in this situation. That's precisely why it's a tragedy. They both have to process painful, messy feelings; both their feelings are valid and understandable. (Hold that mirror up to InuKag, girl. HOLD IT UP.)
• Notice how Godai explicitly acknowledges that loving Kyoko means loving the Kyoko who once loved Soichiro. "On the day I met Kyoko, you were already within her. That's the Kyoko I fell in love with." It's impossible to divorce Kyoko from her feelings for her former husband: that part of her life significantly shaped her into who she is. And I just love that Godai is hashing out his feelings at Soichiro's grave: it shows a sort of respect for Soichiro's memory, but more importantly it also shows that Godai knows his negative feelings can't ultimately be "fixed" by Kyoko. If she could fix them, he'd be having this conversation with her. (And by this point in the series they have had this conversation.) But Godai knows he's the only one who can truly work through/resolve his insecurity—especially now, when Kyoko has already assured him that she loves him—and I love how the scene's setting subtly demonstrates that. Soichiro's ghost is haunting Godai's feelings, not Kyoko's, and Godai is trying to work through that with Soichiro himself. There's no love triangle to resolve here: what needs resolving is Godai's own feelings of inadequacy which no amount of assurance from Kyoko can ultimately "fix." This is his ghost to fight. (We get an echo of this kind of inner conflict in chapter 458 of InuYasha: Kagome directly wrestles with the "ghost" of Kikyo and struggles toward some resolution of her own insecurities.... Only for the Kaō arc to come along later and materially damage that resolution and character growth for no clear reason, BUT I DIGRESS.) And this scene shows that Godai wins that fight: he comes to understand that loving Kyoko has to include accepting her past. Kagome reaches a very similar understanding in chapters 175 and 176 of InuYasha.
• To reiterate: Maison Ikkoku's conclusion is not the resolution of a "love triangle." It's the resolution of a series-long conflict, which is completely different. In order for love triangles to work—to actually function as love triangles—two competing love interests have to be viable options. This is quite evidently not the case in Maison Ikkoku: Soichiro is dead at the start of the series. It's literally impossible for Kyoko to choose him in any meaningful way. RT blatantly acknowledges this early in the series when Kyoko's father-in-law tells her she has to live her life. I cannot stress enough how self-consciously the series is not about a love triangle between Godai/Kyoko/Soichiro. (Mitaka is another matter entirely, for a different post.) Rather, the series is about the damaging power of grief in our lives, the rocky and painfully non-linear journey to healing from that grief, and how messy, fraught, and ultimately profoundly beautiful it is to love another person for exactly who they are — past pain/trauma and all. (Please for the love of heaven hold that mirror up to InuKag.)
• No, you know what? I'm not leaving that at a parenthetical. I'm just gonna say it: exactly as Maison Ikkoku is not about a love triangle, InuYasha isn't either. For the same reasons as stated above, the Inu/Kag/Kik dynamic is not ultimately a love triangle because Kikyo is dead at the start of the series. And while her spirit is magically revived—in an altered/diminished form—she is still not truly alive. The story conspicuously communicates this: her body is literally created from decomposing bones and cannot sustain itself (she needs to consume souls—other deceased spirits—to remain animated), symbolically suggesting she is of the dead even as she walks among the living. This is a facsimile of life. RT is not subtle about this. Kikyo is a tragic and complex character whose arc can be interpreted in many ways, but I think it's fair to say that the series self-consciously represents her as a past which can't be recovered. The damage has been done. She is dead, time continues to move forward, and there's no reversing that. (That's, again, why it's a tragedy.) Even her resurrected body symbolically represents this reality via death imagery. Ergo, from the very start of the series—just as we see in Maison Ikkoku—Kikyo is not a truly viable option for InuYasha. He can't choose her in any meaningful way. To "choose" her would be to essentially choose death—abandonment of life—just as Kyoko choosing Soichiro would make her "a wife who hadn't died yet." Kikyo represents an irrecoverable past just as Soichiro does. And the main thematic trajectory of each series does not suggest that Kyoko/InuYasha should give up on life by choosing death — it suggests they should choose life. Godai and Kagome conspicuously represent life, the possibility of living into the future. (Kagome is literally from the future, that's how unsubtle RT is about this.)
(A quick aside while we're here: no, Kikyo's not being a viable option does nothing to diminish the sincerity of InuYasha's feelings for Kagome. Kagome is not a "second choice," for the love of God the series blatantly addresses that very thing many, many times—like it's right there y'all—and I have already written a long ass post about why Kagome's insecurity over InuYasha's feelings for her shouldn't be taken as gospel truth.)
So, rather than being an actual love triangle, I think the Inu/Kag/Kik dynamic is a complicated emotional landscape that explores the same themes Maison Ikkoku does: how grief and trauma affect our lives, how painful and messy it can be to heal from that grief, and that loving someone—choosing to take that mutual risk with them—means trusting that they mean it when they tell/show us they love us, and choosing to trust them more than our own insecurities.
It's just that Maison Ikkoku explores those themes a little better. 😅 Which is why I think it makes a good mirror for re-examining InuKag: all the same themes without all the narrative failings and missed opportunities. ✌🏼
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dawnrider · 4 months
I have a prompt request! Can you do Inukag for “it was an accident” “it definitely wasn’t” ? Thank you!!
So I finally got around to this! I heard the call that fluff was needed and I aim to provide! Look what you did @brain-rot-hour...
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Some post-canon domestic angst (barely) to
fluffy mc fluff!
1020 words || Post-canon || Married InuKag
  The door covering of the hut flapped behind her as she stomped into the doma, removing her shoes just before stepping up onto the raised floor. She was stripping out of her clothes as she went, her mood less than sunny. There were decidedly wet plops on the flooring as each piece hit the wood.
The hanyou that followed her had his ears laid flat to his head as he peeked around the reed mat after his very stormy wife. He knew better than to say anything yet, opting to slip in silently and wait. He too was soaking wet, but he could wait it out.
Inuyasha held his tongue until she was in dry clothes, a towel in hand to dry her hair. She made no overtures to give him a towel and that was probably fair. He slowly peeled out of his suikan, hanging it up on the hook by the door. The spot he was supposed to hang it, but usually forgot. He made a point to wipe his feet before stepping any further in.
“It was an accident,” he murmured finally, ears still flat to his head as he stood and watched her dry her hair while pointedly not looking at him. He could see the increase of tension in her shoulders and neck as she heard his words.
“It definitely wasn’t,” she replied in a hushed growl. He opened his mouth to respond, then thought better of it. He peeled off his hakama instead, hanging those by the suikan so they would drip dry for now. In nothing but his kosode and fundoshi, he felt pretty vulnerable as he knelt down across from her. But he noticed that his change in attire and position had definitely lessened her intensity. “You know better than to swing Tetsusaiga around like that. We’re not fifteen anymore.” He bit his lip. She was right, of course. But she wasn’t taking everything into account.
“That beetle was huge, Kagome, it could have stepped on you. It’s different when regular animals get infested with a youkai. They get real big, but not much smarter.”
She pounded her fist with the towel down against the floor in a show of frustration. “You act like I don’t know that! Like I haven’t been doing this with you for more than five years now! I’m not a naive little teenager anymore, Inuyasha.”
“I know that,” he whispered. “I just… You could have been hurt. The pup could have been hurt.”
Inuyasha felt the nausea that had gripped him when the beetle the size of a house came out of the woods upon them, behind Kagome’s back and much more silently than its size would imply. He’d just reacted. Tetsusaiga was in hand, transformed, and swinging in a wide arc before he even had time to think about it. The rush of viscera had been wholly unpleasant and the only thing that had kept him from passing out from the noxious smell was knowing he needed to get Kagome clear and cleaned off.
She had been too stunned from what had happened to protest the dunk in the lake, squealing at the cold once it registered. Inuyasha tried to help her get clean, but she was too upset. So he let her do it herself, got himself clean, and then carried her home in this angry state. He wanted to bluster and yell back at her, but he was too worried about what it might do to her and their pup. Kaede and Sango had been very clear with him that he was not to upset her, especially in the later stages, as she could go into labor before it was time. So he had been holding his tongue a lot lately.
“I am pregnant, not an idiot. If you had moved us out of the way like you usually do and given me time to react, I could have gotten out of the way. As it is, you swinging that giant sword around could have been more dangerous than the beetle!”
He flinched when she did, her hand going to her belly.
A kick.
She wasn’t so far along that they needed to worry, but that didn’t mean he didn’t anyway. Inuyasha growled, standing. “I was protecting you. That’s what I do!”
“We protect each other, Inuyasha. I’m not a damsel in distress!”
“No, but you are my Mate and you are the mother of my unborn pup! I’m not going to apologize for protecting you both!”
It was Kagome’s turn to bite her tongue. Clenching her jaw, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath through her nose. “I am not upset at you for protecting me, Inuyasha. Or the baby. Of course I want us to be safe. I just need you to think first.”
Despite his irritation, he could see her point now. And he had been feeling guilty all along for accidentally covering her in bug guts…
“I will do my best to think first, then react.”
“Thank you. That’s all I ask.”
“That’s all?” he asked a little teasingly.
“And to help me get these tabi off. I can’t reach and they’re soaked and I hate them.”
He chuckled a little. “Give em here, princess.”
“Excuse you,” she protested.
“You’re lucky it’s me down here. There’s squishy bits between the toes.”
“Inuyasha! Gross!” she cried, lightly kicking at him. He laughed, tossing the tabi aside and catching her feet. He grabbed her towel and rubbed her feet dry. Then he held them in his lap and warmed them, lightly rubbing along the arches like he knew she needed. “Hm… Better.”
“The best, and you know it.”
“You’re lucky I can’t reach you from here right now.” He pressed his thumb a little more firmly into that spot he knew always hurt until he stretched it out. “Oh… Alright, fine. You’re forgiven,” she groaned, falling onto her elbows and letting her head fall back.
“Damn right.” She gave him a look. “Damn right, you’re beautiful?”
“Uh huh. Love you too, Dog Boy.”
Inuyasha’s face split into a grin. “Keh.”
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heynikkiyousofine · 3 months
Happy Birthday @jeremymarsh💕🎂 I hope you've had the best day! Enjoy a little InuKag fluff that goes along with @clearwillow's amazing art that you can see here.
Springtime Naps
She had forgotten how much she enjoyed sitting in the grass, appreciating the earth around her. Spring was in full bloom, with flowers coloring the fields and the cloudless sky giving her a perfect view of the village, of her home. Sighing happily, Kagome leaned back on her hands, aware of soft footsteps approaching behind her, his aura caressing hers in a loving way.
“Whatcha doin’ up here by yourself, wife?”
“Just admiring the view.” 
He didn’t say anything, just merely collapsed to the ground beside her and snuggled his way into her, his head perched on her thigh. While this particular position wasn’t new to them, Inuyasha having done so outside of their home was. Running her fingers through his silver locks, she thought back on the last year, the year she returned to the place she now considered home.
It was late into last spring when the well reopened and she was married to Inuyasha by the end of the summer, taking the time to build a home together. The image of her husband cursing up a storm when he clipped his finger as he hammered down the roof, made her giggle.
“Oi, what’s so funny?” His deep voice pulled her from the memory, Inuyasha pulling her fingers from his hair to intertwine his own with hers.
“I was just thinking about the past year, particularly when we built our home and you being on the roof.”
“You were laughing because I kept hurting myself with that damned hammer.” he wasn’t angry at her, but the faint blush of his cheek told her he was still slightly embarrassed at reacting the way he did by the time the roof was finished. He all but flung the hammer into the woods and somehow managed to hit Miroku as he was walking down the path towards their home. Sango almost beheaded Inuyasha for knocking her husband out when he was supposed to be helping her deep clean their home. That had been a day to remember.
“It’s amazing how many hits Miroku has gotten over the years and he’s still the same, just like my favorite hanyou.” She teased him, leaning down to place a quick peck to his warm cheek.
“Favorite? You only know two other hanyou. I don’t think that’s a good enough title.”
“How about my favorite husband?”
“Now you’re gonna get it.” Using his youkai speed, he managed to flip their positions, so her head now settled in his lap and his fingers danced along her side, making Kagome squeal. Begging for him to stop, he repeated her action from earlier and placed a kiss to her cheek, his happiness contagious. Her yawn snuck up on her, causing Inuyasha to chuckle as he shifted his leg once more, making her as comfortable as possible. 
Closing her eyes, basking in the sun's warmth, she felt him recline his body, their hands somehow still intertwined as if it were their lifeline.
The last thing Kagome thought before she fell into a light doze was the quick prayer to whatever kami was listening that they would have peaceful springtime naps together for the rest of their lives.
@blairex ; @mamabearcat ; @enchantedink-ag ; @splendentgoddess ; @mandirox89 ; @sailorlolo ; @mustardyellowsunshine ; @knittingknots ; @yukinon-writes ; @clearwillow ; @keichanz ; @serial-doubters-club ; @malditamigs ; @zelink-inukag ; @shinidamachu ; @banksdelivers ; @that-one-nerdy-gal ; @sarahk21 ; @dchelyst ; @anisaanisa ; @lavendertwilight89 ; @otaku-108 ; @sailorbabydoll92 ; @queerkagome ; @chit-a-to ; @liz8080 ; @lightmidnight ; @shikonstar ; @soliska ; @inukagbot ; @brain-rot-hour ; @xanthippe-writes ; @hahaalaine ; @moonkissedart ; @lostinfantasyworlds ; 
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moonandwind · 3 months
This is a post about Rumiko Takahashi's personal collection of Inuyasha figurines where we can see that she placed Sesshomaru and Kagura next to each other. And here I wanted to show you a detailed analysis showing you how the figurines are absolutely NOT placed randomly. We see that Inuyasha is always placed either next to Kagome, or next to Kikyo, and Shippo is always placed near InuKag. Miroku and Sango are always placed close together and Sesshomaru is placed either next to Kagura or next to Rin. 👀
This is the full view of her collection :
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And here we can see Sesshomaru and Kagura figurines. We can see the detail that these 2 are the ONLY 2 figurines from which Rumiko removed the weapons! Here we can also see chibi InuKag with Shippo.
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We can see how the figurines are all placed in a precise sense. InuKik, MirSan, SessKagu and chibi InuKag.
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And where is the sword that Rumiko Takahashi removed from Sesshomaru's hand when he's next to Kagura? Here it is!!! 👀
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This series of figurines is also completely positioned in a precise sense. In front we can see chibi InuKag with Shippo and MirSan, next Bankotsu and Jakotsu. In the row behind InuKag are fighting Naraku and next InuKik.
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Another set of figurines placed completely with a sense. Chibi InuKag, Inuyasha with Shippo, Sesshomaru with Rin and InuKag with InuKik. I can't see if the figurine next to Sango is Miroku but it's very likely that it is.
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Another set of figurines placed completely with a sense. We can see InuKag, MirSan, again 2 pairs of figurines of InuKag and MirSan.
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The row of chibi figurines above is the only one positioned somewhat randomly. But below we can see MirSan and InuKik again.
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*Someone* (you know who...) tried to justify this by saying that Sesshomaru and Kagura are fighting... it wouldn't even make sense because the 2 of them never fought! But this justification is even more absurd considering that these 2 figurines are the only ones whose weapons Rumiko Takahashi removed from their hands! And this is an extremely significant detail, it means that she absolutely doesn't see them as enemies but they are together because she sees a connection between the 2 of them. A romantic connection? Not necessarily because she also placed Bankotsu and Jakotsu next to each other but, as a SessKagu shipper, further reinforces in me the belief that SessKagu is the ship with Sesshomaru that makes the most sense. Of course, she also placed Sesshomaru next to a figurine of child Rin... but it's interesting to see how she placed them, he holds the sword in front of her as a gesture of protection. So, at least here, they seem to be paired because Sesshomaru is Rin's protector.
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inukag-archive · 2 months
Do you have any suggestions for arranged marriage/arranged engagement inukag fan fics where they may not necessarily be in love at the start but they learn more about each other and eventually fall in love? ☺️
Hi there, anon! We previously posted an arranged marriage list, but were able to find a few more for you below.
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Jewel of my Heart by MomsDarkSecret (T)
Kagome inherits the Shikon Jewel, but circumstances lead her mother to offer Kagome’s hand in marriage to the highest bidder. Trouble ensues and Kagome finds herself facing the prospect of an alternate suitor: Inuyasha.
Completely Yours by KikyoHater4L (M)
Kagome’s life was perfect. She was a daughter of a respected Earl, living a comfortable life. She was supposed to marry a Duke she had took liking of, until her farther decided a different life for her.
Now Kagome was living as a concubine of a Prince. She hated herself and the new tittle she had to live with, but what happens when she falls in love with her owner?
Meant To Be by Enjeru's Light (T)
Sango is a princess and its time for her to go meet her husband to be. Sango, however, has other plans. She forces Kagome her lady in waiting to switch places with her. Now Kagome is forced to meet Sango's foulmouthwouldbe fiancee...Or is he...?
Another's Name But My Heart by Lady of the Ink (K+)
Pretending to be Kikyo, Kagome marries Inuyasha to prevent a war. They soon grow close, but will their love last through her lie and the real Kikyo's attempts to reclaim what is hers?
Terms and Conditions by @heynikkiyousofine (M)
After the disastrous day I had, there were two things I was certain of. One, Inuyasha Taisho, the country’s most eligible bachelor, was going to be my fiancé, and eventual husband. Two, we might kill each other before we ever make it to the altar.
There's Only Ever Been You by @neutronstarchild (T)
Nothing could possibly be worse for Inuyasha than standing there, on his wedding day, waiting for whoever it was that his parents had decided he would marry. Didn’t they know that he had been in love since he was small? Well… the dream of seeing her again has died, replaced with whoever this stranger is. That is, until his bride raises her veil…
Arranged Hearts by greyeyedrune (T)
Inuyasha is a rich lord's son, and Kagome is a nobleman's daughter. Because of their positions, they are forced to participate in a festival designed to help the wealthy find matches. Think Feudal speed-dating. Neither one is happy about it, but it may end up being an experience that they'll both remember.
The Thorn Flower by Marishaten (M)
Forced to marry by circumstances, can love blossom between the two?
Feel free to add your own recs in the comments or reblogs!
Check our Masterlist of previous lists to see which topics we've covered. 
After reviewing our submission guidelines, send us an ask (here).
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serial-doubters-club · 4 months
🎉Happy New Year!🎉
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For a hot minute, I really didn't think I'd post before my one-year without an update was up, but looks like I made it just in time!
This fic has haunted me for just a little over 2 years and I figured it was time to finish it up and send it off into the world. This story was inspired by Episode 89: "Nursing Battle of the Rival Lovers," specifically that scene in which Inuyasha looks through Kagome's photo album and gets a glimpse into some of the most important moments of her life. I was always fascinated by his expression, and this story was born out of my ideas about what that expression might mean and the thoughts and feelings running through Inuyasha's mind and heart.
Thank you to all my lovely Discord peeps in FC who kept this little dumpster fire going. Without you, I would have sat on this fic for another 2 years! 💙🧡💜
Born For Each Other
InuKag | Rating: G | Words: 2925 |
Tags: Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Modern Era, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Feels, Angst with a Happy Ending, Found Family, Romance, Falling In Love, Love
Summary: They say a picture's worth 1000 words, but Inuyasha worries he won't find the words he's dying to hear in between the pages of Kagome's photo album.
Inspired by the last scene in Episode 89, "Nursing Battle of the Rival Lovers"
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Preview below the cut:
Inuyasha was afraid.
No, he thought, shaking his head. That can’t be right.
But there was no mistaking it. There it was again after all this time, that old, familiar apprehension like a heavy fog expanding in his chest, desperately making him want to rip it open to find relief.
Inuyasha never imagined that he could feel this way ever again. Up until now, he’d foolishly believed that he’d been cured of all fear, that nothing could ever scare him again. He’d forced himself to earn that courage, purposefully pinning himself against the vilest of youkai, each one more atrocious than the last. With every one he slayed, Inuyasha felt another drop of fear dissipate until there was none left to feel and he’d finally reached a level of recklessness, one that made looking for fights and endangering his life feel as natural as breathing. 
No prior battle could have prepared him to face this enemy. This time he wasn't standing on a battlefield. His body wasn’t positioned in its usual offensive stance with Tessaiga drawn and pointed at the enemy. For the first time in his life, he was up against an enemy he couldn't fight with physical force or whose next move he could predict. This time, he found himself standing on unfamiliar ground in unfamiliar territory.
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inu-mothership · 5 months
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Inu-Mothership Spotlight Saturday: Holiday Edition! Week 3: Sharing Traditions
Hi everyone! We here at the @inu-mothership are pleased to be back with another week of holiday fic recs! This week's theme is "Sharing Traditions," and we have 11 stories this week that we hope will put you in the holiday spirit!
As always, fics are listed below the cut in alphabetical order, with ships, ratings, and status (complete or ongoing) in the parentheses. Please enjoy, and maybe you will find a new favorite!
The Best Present (InuKag; T; complete) by @fawn-eyed-girl
Inuyasha helps Kagome bring a Christmas tree home to the Higurashi shrine. Kagome tells Inuyasha about the traditions of Christmas Eve, and he gives her a special gift.
Christmas Traditions (InuKag; T; complete) by LiaSango (Ao3)
It's Christmas time and Kagome is eager to start sharing with her daughter the Christmas traditions she used to do with her mother. She only hopes Moroha would like to be as involved as Kagome wants her to be. Inuyasha is helping in his own way. 
Family Traditions (InuKag; SessKagu; MirSan; G; complete) by @heynikkiyousofine
Moroha's favorite holiday.
Helpless When She Smiles (SessKag; E; complete) by @sereia1313
Her smile had affected him from the beginning, though Sesshoumaru never truly wondered why. Until they crossed paths again.
Magic (InuKag; T; complete) by @lavendertwilight89
Kagome is put in an awkward position when her five-year asks in Santa is real.
A Midnight Gift (InuKag, MirSan; G; complete) by @eternalnight8806-3
Modern AU Christmas themed fluff.
Midnight Kiss (SessKag; M; complete)  by @mynightshining
Only ten minutes to midnight and a new year would start. Only ten more minutes then she could drag herself to her empty, cold, and companionless bed. Kagome completely resigned herself to living out the rest of her life single and hopelessly in love with the one person who would never reciprocate.
Mistletoe (MirSan; G; complete) by ceruleangrace (Ao3)
On Christmas Eve, Sango is still getting used to all the traditions of the new holiday Kagome has brought from the future.
Sneakin’ a Kiss (InuKag; M; complete) by @clearwillow/BrigidtheFae (Ao3)
Christmas traditions take a wild turn for Kagome when Inuyasha's youkai decides to take matters into his own hands. A short little fic inspired by a secret santa gift for arcprz by nartista in the IYFF Book Club Secret Santa Exchange
The Things That Couples Do (InuKag; T; complete) by @fawn-eyed-girl
Inuyasha is really annoyed at the thing Kagome wants him to wear from her time. Why does he have to wear a stupid hat, anyway? It’s ugly, and itches, and looks ridiculous.
But then, Kagome confesses the real reason she wants Inuyasha to wear the hat, and maybe the hat’s not such a bad idea, after all.
Through the Years We All Will Be Together (InuKag; T; complete) by emmyyasha (Ao3)
It's Kagome's first Christmas in the Feudal Era and Inuyasha knows how much she is missing her family. It's up to him to bring a little bit of the holiday cheer that she showed him all those years ago back to her and help her feel just a little more at home.
And he's going to need lots of help to do it.
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kstewdeux · 11 months
@inukag-week 2023 | May 30 | Prompt: “Possession”
Summary: Inuyasha smokes some demon grade weed.
Read here or on Ao3
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"This is bullshit," Inuyasha mumbled under his breath as he slid down the tree bark and glared at the well in the distance. Yet again Kagome had run off without actually telling him what was wrong. Why that woman thought he'd just inherently know what he did wrong he'd never understand but what he did know was that her reaction was definitely an overreaction. Nothing would ever get accomplished if she didn't talk to him and use words. Not that he was better at it or nothing but that was beside the point. This non-fight was the absolutely last thing he needed too. Between Naraku coming up with increasingly creative ways to kill people and Kikyo popping up earlier in the week for the specific purpose of trying to alienate him, Inuyasha was tired. He was burnt out. He just wanted one god damn afternoon where he didn't have to-
Blinking a few times, Inuyasha got an idea. A wonderful idea. A wonderful, awful idea. He hadn’t ventured that way for a little, uh, relaxation technique since he’d gotten sealed to a tree but given recent interactions, Inuyasha was 99.9% positive that Tōtōsai had kept up the habit and was very confident that the old offer to join at any time still stood.
The first time he'd ventured out that way he'd gone to try to seek shelter during his human night when he was much, much younger. Too young and far too inexperienced with life to properly care for himself. A demon had been hunting him for weeks and he'd barely eaten, barely slept, barely survived. Myoga, in a rare moment of usefulness, somehow tracked his tiny self down and told him where to go. Totosai did indeed offer protection from both the demon and the death by starvation but upon seeing the sight of the tiny boy, he’d also immediately offered his pipe. Looking back Inuyasha had many thoughts and harbored lots of well-deserved judgment on the age front but he couldn't bring himself to be mad over it. When he finally came back to his senses after those first choking drags, he'd felt full and well rested. He'd gone back at least once a year until the whole tree thing and now seemed as good a time as any to pick the ritual back up.
Best of all, a little trip to Totosai wouldn't be too suspicious and he could probably go with no questions asked. Even if someone did question it, it'd be so, so easy to come up with a plausible excuse now that he had his sword and an actual reason to go. The biggest obstacle had gone home to her world so there'd be no real interrogation and what Kagome didn't know wouldn’t hurt him.  Besides, it wasn't like they'd be doing anything or going anywhere. He could just "sulk" in the tree and no one would bother him. For once, once, he could get his mind off things and maybe feel like an actual person again instead of whatever anxiety riddled gremlin he'd been recently. 
This was the best idea he'd ever had.
"I'm going to repair my weapon," Inuyasha announced calmly to the others who offered to join him. He politely, suspiciously so, declined citing Kagome's possible return as the reason before taking off.
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Kagome gasped as a sudden surge of youkai woke her up from a dead sleep. It would be more alarming if it was unfamiliar but she knew instantly who it was. Sitting up, she rubbed one eye with her hand before throwing off the covers and looking around in the dark. Her window was open but there was no Inuyasha. The sound of clinking coming from downstairs told her where he'd gone to and she groaned as she slowly made her way to see what trouble Inuyasha was getting into.
Honestly, Inuyasha’s random visit pissed her off. It was only three days into her week long stay. It was past midnight. He was being so inconsiderate it wasn’t even funny.
"InuYasha? What are you doing here?" Kagome yawned irritably as she entered the kitchen and stretched her arms above her head, "Do you even know what time-“
Something invisible and putrid smacked her in the face before she could finish her sentence.
“Oh my god, what is that?”
She gagged. Her hand flew up to pinch her nose and she began heavily breathing through her mouth. Inuyasha - the ever sensitive Inuyasha - did not seem bothered. Why was this disgusting stench familiar?  It was getting worse the longer she stood here too. Her eyes darted to the trash can and a little vomit pooled in the back of her throat. Something had to be rotting in there. Had to be. Except it didn't really smell like rot. It smelled like Inuyasha got sprayed by something which would explain why he didn't seem to notice. Probably knocked his butt out until he got used to it.
Inuyasha giggled and Kagome's mind momentarily glitched.
"Ramen. It's ramen. Put it in the microwave," Inuyasha mumbled as he gave her a dopey smile and pointed at what he obviously believed to be the microwave. Hand still covering her face, Kagome looked endlessly confused and utterly over whatever was happening. Inching over to grab the room spray her mom kept on the counter, Kagome let out a few puffs before finally removing her hand. God, did Inuyasha get sprayed by something? What type of demon did that? She’d have to admit a deterrent like that would work on her.
"The microwave?" Kagome coughed lightly as she came to stand beside him and gave him a concerned glance, "Don't get me wrong. I mean I'm proud of you for knowing what a microwave does but, uh, I don't think you know what a microwave...is."
"Yeah. Duh," he replied a little defensively as he gestured at the damn thing, "I pressed the button. Damn things busted."
Kagome slowly opened the door and removed the small cup of instant ramen from the shelf before looking down at the half a dozen ice cubes on the floor. Yeah, he'd pressed a button alright. The small puddle of water also implied he pressed multiple buttons.
"So, uh, this is a refrigerator," Kagome explained cautiously and Inuyasha blinked at her, “It keeps things cold. It, um, doesn't cook. Why don’t I boil you some water and you can go take a shower or-“
Out of nowhere, a noise echoed in the quiet kitchen. A cross between a stifled snort and drunken giggles. A strange sound that had Kagome freezing after she set down the now useless ramen and picked up a towel to clean up his mess. Sapphire eyes widened in shock and she took a step back when InuYasha doubled over and the noise increased in volume.
"I'm so stupid," he cackled, “Cold doesn’t hot.”
Setting down the cup, Kagome grimaced as she awkwardly made her way to pick up the ice cubes and wipe up the small puddle. His frightening laughter subsided slowly into a sigh before he began sniffing madly.
"Where do you keep the fucking potatoes?" he groaned as he stumbled, actually stumbled, towards the pantry before holding himself up in a clear attempt to act like nothing out of the ordinary was happening.
"Yeah," Inuyasha huffed softly as his eyes darted around and he pouted, "You know. Po-tay-toes."
"Um, we don't have any potatoes and even if we did, you shouldn’t eat them raw," Kagome mumbled worriedly, "Are you...are you okay? Did you get attacked or something?"
"S’not the point. Potatoes. Now," InuYashya whined in frustration as he slowly turned to face her, "You know where they are. Help me.”
Kagome blinked rapidly at him as her concern rocketed into full blown panic before startling when he suddenly spun and grinned at the cabinet above the stove.
"AH. There. C’mere you bastards," he snickered before sniffing madly and obviously following something's scent until he came to stand in front of the stove. And then just kinda stood there swaying lightly. 
"That has fire in it," he giggled stupidly - pointing at the oven like it was the funniest thing he'd ever seen. Kagome froze. What the hell was happening? Since when did InuYasha giggle or act so...so dumb? When he glanced over his shoulder at her with red tinged eyes, something clicked.
"Wait, are you high?" Kagome snorted when Inuyasha suddenly looked like a child with his hand caught in the candy jar.
"Mayyybe," he replied after a moment as he gave her a playful yet challenging glare before huffing and sniffing once more, "Where are the fucking potatoes?"
It finally clicked in Kagome's mind what he was really after. Chips. He was looking for potato chips.
"Sit down before you hurt yourself," Kagome sighed bemusedly at his obvious desire for munchies, "Wait a minute and I'll get you some potato chips."
InuYasha glared.
"Don't need you to help me. I'm not weak like you dumb humans," he protested as he turned his attention back to the cupboard above the stove, "The chips are up there. I can do it."
"Yeah, you can get the chips," Kagome snorted as she tried and failed to hide her amusement, "So are you, uh, going to do that? You know, open the door?"
"Oh right," he giggled softly as he did just that and quickly found what he wanted. The poor bag of potato chips never stood a chance and soon he was hovering over Kagome's shoulder anxiously awaiting his next snack.
"So, um, what did you, uh, take?" Kagome asked before blushing when he suddenly rested his chin on her shoulder and wrapped his arms around her waist.
"Went to visit Totosai," he hummed happily as he buried his nose into her neck and tightened his hold, "Fuck you smell amazing."
"What does Totosai have to..." Kagome managed time breathe before her eyes widened in realization. The old demon wasn't senile. He was just a stoner. There was weed in that pipe he was always puffing on. The world made sense again. Well sorta. It surprised her that Inuyasha had, uh, partaken.
"I could stay here forever. You smell like a blanket. I love blankets,” he breathed as his nose pressed into skin. Kagome blushed and angled her neck slightly away.
"Well, um, it’s good that at least one of us smells nice,” Kagome chuckled awkwardly before clearing her throat and focusing on the slowly boiling water. Inuyasha hummed again and began to sway taking her along with him.
"So you went to see Totosai?" Kagome continued as her cheeks flamed crimson. Part of her was mortified. Part of her was pleased. Part of her was already wondering whether traditional laundry detergent would work to get weed smell out of clothes or if she needed to go buy something stronger.
"Yeah," he replied quietly as he pressed a soft kiss against her neck. Kagome’s eyes nearly bugged out of her head and every muscle in her body tensed. The whistling of the kettle was the most welcome thing she'd ever heard.
"Let go of me. I need to make your ramen," Kagome coughed lightly and Inuyasha giggled softly as he tightened his hold.
"Go make it then," he challenged playfully before he gently nibbled on her ear lobe. Kagome shuddered and groaned.
"Inuyasha, stop. This isn’t like you," she breathed as she writhed slightly under the attention.
"I am me," he countered as he buried his nose into her neck, "I love ramen.”
He paused before giggling, "Almost as much as I love you."
Kagome froze before rolling her eyes and reaching for the thankfully nearby cup of noodles. Inuyasha was just high as hell. He didn’t mean it. If the bastard was here, he probably would've told Naraku he loved him too. 
Awkwardly pouring the water into the cup, which was a struggle when a snickering half-demon refused to let her go, she waited the necessary seconds before damn near thrusting the cup under his nose. He released her instantly as he took the ramen in both hands and stared at it like he'd was seeing god.
"You are the best thing that has ever happened to me," he cooed at the tiny cup before his mouth fell open in mild confusion. Kagome rolled her eyes before presenting him with chopsticks. He grinned at those too then wiggled happily.
Quickly devouring the cup like eating was going out of style, his bites slowed and dilated yet confused amber eyes suddenly honed in on her face.
"You're pretty. I'll give you that," he muttered before taking another bite and narrowing his eyes in silent accusation, "But I'm spoken for."
Kagome couldn't help the way that broke her heart. Tears began selling in the corners of her eyes, and she began to head back up towards her bedroom. Of course, he was spoken for. Kikyo was Kikyo was Kikyo and she would just never...
"See my bitch makes the ramen," he continued as though nothing happened and he took another bite before tossing the now empty cup onto the floor, "All you did was give me chopsticks. So you can smell aroused all you want little girl. I'm taken. My bitch'll probably be back soon and I'd like to keep my balls intact. Thanks but no thanks."
Kagome blinked once before slowly turning around. If he was this far gone that he didn't realize who he was speaking to...
What the hell had he smoked?
"So…you have a, um, girlfriend then?”
Inuyasha clumsily looked up and scowled.
“She’s prettier than you.”
Kagome choked on a laugh but otherwise managed to keep her composure.
”Tell me about her," she asked quietly as she slowly sat down at the kitchen table. Inuyasha blinked a few times then his irritated face went blank.
"I’m so fucking hungry. What the shit,” he muttered suddenly as he headed back towards the pantry and Kagome sighed.
Whatever Totosai had given him packed a punch, didn't it? Aside from the munchies, he was acting a little too out of it for the drug of choice to just be weed. Not that she was experienced with that or anything but Inuyasha seemed a little too out of it.  The weed had to be laced with something. Or maybe it was just demon grade? And how long would this last? The journey from Totosai's home took at least a day. Had he just been wandering around all that time or was his craving for ramen that bad? It was a miracle he hadn't died.
Inuyasha came back moments later with literally all the chips and began tearing into the first bag before he seemed to realize she was still there.
"There you are. I wondered where you went. Can't just leave me like that," he cooed happily before he began forcing handfuls of chips down his throat. Those red tinted amber eyes staring at her with nothing short of pure adoration. Like she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen in his entire life. He blinked a few times before looking around.
"Where the hell did that other bitch go?" InuYasha asked in a confused tone as he glanced around the kitchen.
"It's just you and me, InuYasha," Kagome snorted softly - deciding to ignore the continued semi-insult in favor of  enjoying Inuyasha's semi-adorable babbling, "There was no one else."
"Whatever. Some girl comes in to steal me then that’s what you get for leaving," he huffed as he sent her a smug dopey grin, "Women love me. I am pretty."
A hand flew up to her mouth and Kagome shook with the effort of not laughing so hard she cried. 
”That so?” she managed to counter in between stifled giggles. Inuyasha looked crestfallen and cocked his head to the side.
”Am I not pretty?”
Aw. He looked so sad.
”You are the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen,” she hummed - her cheeks were starting to hurt from holding back her grin. Inuyasha preened a little and popped more chips into his mouth.
"You  don't smell pretty though. I think you need a shower," Kagome pointed out affectionately as she rested her chin on her hand.
"Why? I’m pretty," Inuyasha mumbled as he continued munching and absently looking around. Kagome rolled her eyes. She might have to just deal with the smell. After all, he was so blazed it was entirely possible he’d drown himself.
The things we tolerate for love.
Speaking of love...
Inuyasha began to hum a song and lightly sway his head, Kagome plucked up her courage.
"Inuyasha," she sing-songed and his dopey grin was back full force, "I love my pretty boy."
"Obviously," he giggled once before ripping open yet another bag of unsuspecting junk food.
"Does my pretty boy love me?" she sing-songed again trying to fight down the anxiety that followed. The look of love shining in his slightly altered eyes grew exponentially. Kagome held her breath and waited for him to say it. Just once. Even if it wasn’t true.
But then his face abruptly fell and he glared down at the chips in his hand.
"Fuck. I knew this wasn't ramen," he scoffed in disgust before continuing to eat the poor defenseless food items.
Kagome rolled her eyes but felt satisfied with his answer. Whether it the weed talking or him, the look said it all. And that was enough to heal some of her broken heart. At least for a little while.
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Groaning, Kagome tiredly batted away the fly tickling her nose and tried to roll away from the sensation. Five hours. It took Inuyasha five entire hours of being a bottom pit and an absolute idiot before he finally passed out. Part of her was glad that he’d come here because the list of worst case scenarios were endless. He could barely walk straight. Ran into several walls. Ate literally everything he could get his hands on.
“Pretty girl it’s time to wake up,” Inuyasha’s voice suddenly hummed happily into her hair - his nose gently brushing against her temple, “I let you sleep all day.”
Something warm and wet pressed against her temple. The bed shifted and a weight settled. Gentle claws began carding through her hair.
Once her mind registered what was happening, Kagome went from groggy to fully awake in less than three seconds. She stiffly rolled onto her back and sat up to look at a very pleased Inuyasha perched at the edge of her bed.
“I was saying that it’s time to wake up,” he repeated but there was a playful look in his eyes, “You need to study, right?”
Kagome opened then closed her mouth several times before glancing down at her alarm clock. Two. It was two. Thank god it was Sunday.
“I, um, cleaned up the kitchen,” he continued in that same soft and happy tone - his hand moving to lightly stroke her thigh, “And took a shower. And sorry about, um, last night.”
Kagome looked back up at him - concerned that he was still high because since when did Inuyasha talk to her like this. Before she could find the right thing to ask, he pulled his hand back and averted his gaze.
“Did you…” he blurted nervously, “What you said. You meant it, right?”
It didn’t take a genius to know what he was referring to. Still-
After what he put her through last night, she was feeling a little salty. Might as well play with him a bit.
“Yes, you are the prettiest boy I’ve ever met,” Kagome offered with a playful confidence. Inuyasha’s ear flicked in annoyance. His cheeks, though, turned pink.
“Gee. Thanks,” he mumbled and she watched his Adam’s apple bob. His knee started bouncing and his ears pinned back against his skull.
“Oh. Oh you meant the other thing?” Kagome playfully threw him a bone and Inuyasha nodded faintly For some reason, his insecurity gave her confidence.
“Yeah. Meant the other thing I said too.”
Inuyasha glanced at her with hope in his eyes. He also looked a little irritated.
“Which other thing? You said a lot of things.”
“Ah. But so did you. Told me all your secrets,” Kagome teased and Inuyasha’s blush turned his ears pink but his face did something beautiful.
A flicker of fear and then, he seemed to accept there was no reason to worry. Shortly thereafter, he turned the color of his robes and let out a shaky laugh.
“Worth it though. I…” Inuyasha paused and scratched at his nose, “I liked when you called me pretty.”
The mumbled words were spoken so quickly it was a miracle Kagome understood him.
"Technically speaking, you said it first and I just played along," she teased before paling slightly at the knowing smirk he gave her in response.
"That so?" he hummed - amber taking on a pleased and mischievous glint, "Did you just happen to forget I have excellent hearing?"
A red blush began creeping into Kagome's cheeks.
"I mean you typically say something about how good I look at least once a week," he continued playfully, "That was just the first time you said it to my face."
Kagome pursed her lips and thought about denying it but saw no point in doing so. So she simply sighed and offered a guilty smile.
“Well, i mean, you are my pretty boy,” Kagome hummed as her smile widened, “My good boy.”
Inuyasha's face darkened instantly.
“I don’t like that one.”
“Noted,” Kagome acquiesced happily. Sitting up more fully, she crawled over to him and positioned her face in just the right place should he feel the urge to kiss her, “So, do I just get to assume or-“
Inuyasha took the hint and dipped forward while his hands quickly settled her body on his lap. Pulling her close, he took a break for air and gave her the most beautiful little grin.
“Fine, fine, yeah, I love you too.”
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anisaanisa · 11 months
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Kagome’s time between worlds. Drabble collection for @inukag-week 2023 ☆ Chapter 7/7 – Smile: Kagome comes home. Tags: The One with the Chapter/Episode Retelling Word Count: 700 (Heptadrabble) 《 Previous〡Next 》 A/N below the cut ☆
Kagome’s fingers slipped away, and with her last leap of faith came her final wish – that she’d look like her mother when she was older.
Her heart crept up her throat while her stomach stayed behind. Time cushioned her fall, bathed her in shimmering light and slowly, gravity returned. Stone and packed earth became corporeal again, and Kagome was left standing at the bottom of the bone-eaters well, five-hundred years in the past.
She grinned and looked up. The climb was tough, that much she remembered, and she positioned her feet to pull herself up and leave the world she’d been born into behind.
One year for every day spent inside the jewel was long enough to know that while her prospects were bright, she felt enormously bleak, and her family knew, from the lack of what comes next. They’d flowed around her like a stone in a river, hoping the passage of time would dislodge her; she could be polished like her lacquer but still preferred the remnants of dirt under her nails.
There would be no right time. There was only time, and what she chose to do with it.
She’d wanted both, so asked for neither and accepted where she’d been assigned to; where fear of the unknown kept her hostage. She lathered and rinsed, but Kagome was stuck on repeat, taunted by dreams of choosing the wrong path, and she should've known where she belonged when she sought where life had taken them, and couldn’t bear to know if she wasn’t there to witness it.
The thought that Inuyasha might not be there occurred, but she crushed it as assuredly as she climbed because they were cut from the same cloth, and she knew he’d stubbornly rebuild the village Naraku had so callously destroyed. It was impossible to know what waited for her, but she raced towards it like it was the only finish line worth crossing.
Too much went unsaid, and she’d be damned if she didn’t get the chance to tell him.
He’d taught her so much. That she didn’t have to smile just to please others, to trust her intuition. That she was powerful enough to fight anything coming her way. To stand up for those who couldn’t do it for themselves. What true strength and kindness is.
That sometimes, choosing your heart – human, demon or otherwise – was the most courageous path a person could take.
Was it so selfish to want to see a man like that again?
That question, she decided, was only hers to determine, and she wasn’t afraid of the answer anymore.
Slippery vines aided and hindered her ascent, and her legs started to shake the closer she came to cerulean skies. A hand appeared in front of her face, and her eyes crossed. Calloused, claw-tipped fingers flexed, she grabbed on, and in a blink, she was hauled from its mouth to come face to face with the man she needed to see again.
"Inuyasha! I’m so sorry," she said, tears springing to her eyes, "were you waiting for me?"
"Kagome…" He looked the same, yet entirely different, and he gave her no time to admire that before he yanked and she flew forward, straight into his arms. "You idiot," he said, shrouding her in his sleeves, "what took you so long?"
She had so much to say, no idea where to start, and from the glint in his eyes, he felt the same.
How silly of her, to think destiny had been fulfilled, that she’d have to settle, be grateful, and condemn herself to a life of what-ifs.
Voices rang from afar, drawing her attention. Sango, Miroku, Shippo, and three little faces she didn’t know but would recognise anywhere appeared, and she looked back at Inuyasha, smiling as brightly as the gold staring back.
Her duty to the past had been fulfilled. She wound back the clock, brought back the jewel, destroyed it, then mended it, all so she could say she’d destroyed it again and lived to tell the tale.
Miraculously, despite all that, and in the face of it, she even managed to graduate.
But she had a different purpose now.
And his name was Inuyasha.
Read it on AO3 ▶
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Of course, she chose him! Kagome’s the main character! And the story’s called Inuyasha!
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For those interested, this chapter falls loosely between Chapters 3 & 4 of Homecoming, which starts with Inuyasha’s POV during the 3-year separation ❤
Thanks again to @inukag-week for reviving this universe!
ttyl bbs 🤸
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feudalconnection · 1 year
Get Ready...!!
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It’s the start of the 1st Term 2023 Inuyasha Fandom Awards!!
We hope everyone has had a fantastic holiday season! A huge shout-out to everyone who participated last quarter and made it such a huge success! We look forward to all of the amazing new fanfiction and fanart to be nominated and shared with this beautiful community!
As noted during last quarter, @elevenharbor has joined on as our wonderful banner creator! We welcome her and all her beautiful talent that has produced amazing banners for you lovely people! (If you have not received your award banner for last quarter, please reach out to one of the mods asap!)
The major change coming to these awards starting this term is that they will no longer be hosted four times per year. Up until this point, the moderators have only had short breaks in between quarters and it has put a strain on the mod-team. Not only that, but the mod-team believes spacing out the terms will allow more creations to be nominated and allow you as nominees to enjoy more works of fiction and art. So moving forward, these awards will be held in January, May, and September! We hope this change will assist in making these awards more enjoyable for all. 
There have been some changes to the categories as well that may effect you as nominators. Every category has been reviewed by the mod-team in detail, so we encourage you to re-read every category to see if there are any changes. Mostly it was to better clarify the definitions. However, some major changes included the following: 
The Fanfiction Roulette Category for this term will be Best Mental Illness/Disability Depiction. This is defined as: Stories that accurately depict, and explore, some sort of mental or physical disability or struggle. 
The Best Kiss Fanart category’s definition has now changed to include platonic kisses. It is now defined as: Fanart depiction of the best kiss between two romantic characters or an endearing kiss between platonic characters. 
Best Traditional Artwork is being pulled as a category due to low levels of nominations in the past. It is still in the running to come back as a roulette category in the future. However, with this category being pulled, we are now opening up a Roulette Category for Artwork. This term, the artwork Roulette category will be Best Fluff Artwork. This is defined as: Artwork depicting a positive and happy moment. Generally includes cheerful themes.
The Best Romance Artwork categories are also getting an overhaul to reflect closer to fanfiction categories. This was in part due to participation levels as well as the kind of artwork seen being nominated. We now have the three following categories for artwork: 
- Best InuKag Romance Artwork - Any romantic depiction of Inuyasha and Kagome.  - Best SessKag Romance Artwork - Any romantic depiction of Sesshomaru and Kagome.  - Best Romance Artwork - Any romantic depiction of two of the characters of Inuyasha (excluding InuKag and SessKag)
If it was not mentioned above, chances are it hasn’t changed. Please be aware that the moderators always take suggestions regarding how the awards are run and category changes into consideration, and each term may bring about new changes. You can read up on the most recent FAQs, Rules of Eligibility, and Categories for more information [these links are only available on desktop]
As nominators, please make sure that each term you take a peek at our list of creators who can’t be nominated to make sure you are staying current with who is eligible to be nominated. 
The 1st Term 2023 nomination period will begin January 1st and go until the end of the day January 15th. Please send your nominations in through the submit button! If you have any other questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to send in an ask or reach out to one of the mods! We are also frequently available on the FC Discord. 
Mods: @classysassy9791 @ruddcatha @umacaking @yukinon-writes​
Please reblog to spread the word of the start of the new quarter!
Mobile-friendly version of this term’s current nominations can be found here
[Below the cut we’ve posted the mobile-friendly FAQs, Rules of Eligibility, and Categories]
                                                                    What is The Feudal Connection?
The Feudal Connection is a place where amazing fanart and fanfiction in the Inuyasha fandom is recognized, admired, and offered the chance to be nominated for an award! In addition, it also gives lesser known authors and artists an opportunity to have their work shared to a broader extent and receive the admiration and recognition they deserve!
How do you determine which fanfictions and fanarts are nominated?
The Feudal Connection is fueled by nominations submitted by the Inuyasha community. Once someone sends in a nomination, the moderators review the nomination to verify that it complies with the rules in place. None of the pieces nominated are by “suggestions”. They are specific pieces of work nominated by members of the community.
How do I nominate?
You can send us a submission in one of our nomination formats. Your submission will not be posted and therefore remain anonymous, only to be seen by the moderators. You can send multiple nominations in one submission, as long as the nomination formats are used for each nomination. Please select your fiction nominations carefully; spelling and grammar are important parts of being an author. Anything deemed unacceptable by the moderator team will be disqualified. Once nominations are complete, we’ll post the list of accepted nominations so you can read and view them before voting.
Can I nominate my own art/fiction?
You cannot nominate yourself. Doing so will result in the nomination not being accepted and a warning from the award moderators.
How long do I have to nominate?
You will have 2 weeks from the start of the nominating quarter to send in nominations. These dates will be posted at the beginning of each quarter.
Can I nominate anonymously?
No. This is due to the fact that no one is allowed to nominate their own work. Also, if a nomination is disqualified, the moderators will be reaching out to the person who nominated to allow them another opportunity to nominate.
Can I promote my own works of fiction/art to be nominated for a quarter?
No. You are not allowed to self-promote your own work during the nomination period. This includes not being allowed to request others to nominate your work in specific categories. However, you are allowed to promote the nomination period of the awards by stating something similar to “go nominate your favorites” or the like, as long as you don’t promote your own work to being nominated. Violation of this rule will result in a warning. If there is a second offense, your work will be banned from being nominated in any future quarters.
How many fanfics/fanarts can I nominate?
Only one fiction or artwork can be chosen for each category per person. Meaning, a story or artwork can only be nominated by one person per category. Therefore, any secondary nominations will be disregarded and the duplicate nominator will be allowed to submit another story or artwork in its place.
Is there a limit to how many works can be nominated per category?
Yes. Only 10 fictions or artwork can be nominated per category. Once that category has reached its nomination limit, no more nominations will be accepted into that category for the current quarter.
What fanfiction/fanart is eligible to be nominated?
Please see Rules of Eligibility.
What is the nominating format for fanfics? For fanart?
Nominating format for fanfiction:
Category: (List the name of the category you’ve chosen)
Nominated by: (List YOUR screen name)
Rating: (The fiction’s rating)
Title: (Title of the fiction)
Author: (List the name of the person who wrote the story)
Website(s): (Add the link where the story can be seen)
(For Best “In-Character” list the character’s name): (For Best “Plot Twist” list the plot twist and the chapter it happens in):
Nominating format for fanart:
Category: (List the name of the category you’ve chosen)
Nominated by: (List YOUR screen name)
Title: (Title of the artwork)
Artist: (List the name of the person that drew the piece)
Website(s): (Add the link where the art can be seen)
Can I nominate a fanfic/fanart for more than one category?
Yes. The same story or artwork may be nominated by the same person in up to two different categories.  
Are there any restrictions in regards to romantic pairings being nominated?
Due to the harmful nature of incest, these awards do not recognize InuSess as a pairing that is allowed to be nominated. Please see the Yashahime tab for information regarding the SessRin pairing.
What are the categories?
The categories for both fanart and fanfiction can be found in the Categories link.
Can I nominate a fanart/fanfic that includes Original Characters or Crossover Characters?
Yes. For Fanfics, 80% of the story needs to be focused on Inuyasha characters and the development of the story. OC’s can be in a story, but the main focus needs to be on the Inuyasha characters. Artwork can contain Non-IY characters where specified, but NO art may contain only OC’s or Non-IY characters. (i.e. Artwork of Inuyasha and Kagome’s “OC children” are unacceptable without other genuine IY characters present in the piece)
How do I nominate a piece that has multiple authors or creators?
If multiple people are listed as the author or creators, please verify who created the piece, as some may simply be listed because it was a gift to that person; and please include this verification in your nomination (ie: simply state that you verified that these contributors all had a hand in creating the piece).
If it is a true collaborations between multiple people, they all would go in as one creator. This means that each person would be listed as the creator and the nomination would count toward each creator’s nomination limit.
For example, if a creator was nominated for a collaboration and two other separate works, only the collaboration and one of the other works would be accepted for that creator, depending on which nominations came in first.
I don’t want my fanart/fanfic nominated. Can I opt out? How?
Once a nomination has been approved by the moderators, the author/artist will be made aware of the nomination. Every author/artist retains the right to have their work be removed from the nomination list and can opt out of future nominations.
If you do allow your fanart to be nominated, you are also allowing the moderators to save your work in order to use it strictly during the voting period of the quarter. Once the quarter is completed, the artwork is then removed from the moderators’ personal use.
How many quarters are there?
There will be 4 quarters total per year. Each quarter will be broken down by dates prior to the quarter starting.
How long is each quarter?
Each quarter will be approximately 8 weeks.
How long is the voting period?
The voting period will last for 2 weeks.
How do I vote?
Once the voting period begins, the moderators will post a link to the voting form that will list all of the nominations and which categories they have been nominated for. You can click on the link to be taken to the voting poll, however, you must sign in as you will be allowed only one vote per category.
When are the winners announced?
At the end of each quarter.
What happens if my fanfic/fanart wins? Do I need to do anything?
Please send one of the moderators or the FeudalConnection ask box your preferred email address so that we may send you your award(s) as soon as possible. Afterward, just kick back, relax, and enjoy the feeling of being recognized for your hard work!
I want to nominate an artist/author who has won in the past. Are they still eligible to be nominated?
There is a Winner Ban in place. Once any piece of artwork or fanfiction has won a First Place award for a category, it automatically becomes ineligible and cannot be nominated again for that category. However, it can be nominated for other categories after three consecutive quarters have passed (ie: one year since that piece won) as long as it fits within that definition. We currently do not have a rule against nominating an author/artist back into the category they won for in the past, as long as it is a different piece of work that is being nominated.
The Winner Ban does not apply to works that have won Second or Third place in any category.
Why are the nomination/voting lists not in alphabetical order?
This is inherently due to keeping FeudalConnection as highly functional as possible. Spending more time on this takes away time from other necessary things that make FC run.
People may choose the first option of each category just to say they voted. During the entire of FC’s existence, the collected data has never shown the support for the first listed nomination of a category to be favorited simply for being the first listed. The moderators have kept a very close eye on this during the three years FC has been running. The voting poll never demands an answer for every single category, giving people the freedom to simply skip that category if they don’t want to vote.
But its easy to place them in alphabetical order on an excel sheet. We use Google Sheets, and this is possible, however, it would not do this unless we highlighted each category individually. This process would take more time, and leave less time for shifting through nominations.
Why not split up the nominations per moderator? Splitting the nominations by mods seems ideal, but is not realistic. The moderators each live a life outside of FC, as well as have their own creative endeavors. The moderators are not always 100% available for every part of FC’s current quarter, and other mods may need to pick up the slack.
I have a question that’s not listed.
Please feel free to send an ask or a direct message to one of our mods and we will get back to you as soon as possible! :)
Rules of Eligibility
                                                                  Fiction and Fanart published on any public or free site can be submitted for an award provided they meet all of the requirements of the nominations. These sites include but are not limited to Tumblr, Fanfiction.net, AO3, Deviantart, ect. If the validity of a site is uncertain, reach out to a moderator.
Multi-chapter fics must have been updated within the past 3 years of the nomination quarter. Fanart must have been created within the past 3 years of the nomination quarter. One-shots and drabbles must have been posted within the past 3 years of the nomination quarter.
If the work was posted onto several different locations, the earliest date and time stamp will be taken and checked against the quarter’s period of eligibility. Stamps posted within reviews can be used to date a work and/or its chapters. Also, authors and artists can be contacted to verify timeframes.
You cannot nominate yourself. Doing so will result in the nomination not being accepted and a warning from the award moderators.
You are only allowed to nominate one fic/fanart per category.
Each piece of Art or Fanfiction is allowed to be nominated into a maximum of two different categories per quarter. The nominations will be taken on a first come first serve basis, meaning that once a piece of Art or Fanfiction is nominated into two categories, it will not be allowed to be nominated into other categories, and each subsequent nomination will be rejected.
Each author/artist is allowed to be nominated twice per quarter. Meaning, an author/artist can only have a max of two of their creations be nominated per quarter. So be sure and pick your favorites carefully!
The work must be in compliance with the definition of the category into which it was nominated.
Both adult and non-adult artwork are acceptable for nominations; however, any adult artwork showing explicit sexual nature will only be allowed to be nominated into the NSFW categories.
Pieces of artwork or fanfiction that depicts an underage character romantically involved with an older adult, as well as any incestual relationships, will not be accepted as a nomination.
                                                                     *Please keep in mind that these are subject to change pending participation and suggestions.
There are 36 categories in all - 18 for Fanfiction and 18 for Fanart. Please adhere to each categories’ definition when nominating. If a nomination does not fit within the definition, it will be disqualified.
There is a “Roulette” category for Fanfiction that will change each quarter.
Fanfiction Categories
Best Action/Adventure Fiction
Action: “actual engagement in fighting an enemy; military or naval combat” Adventure: “participation in exciting undertakings or enterprises.”
Does it make you sit on the edge of your seat? Do the characters battle adversity on a daily basis? Have the characters embarked on an epic quest?
Best Alternate Universe/Reality Fiction
Anything that walks outside Takahashi’s vision. Anything that moves the characters outside of Takahashi’s setting within the original Feudal Era Japan or Modern Day Japan is AU/AR. Anything that changes the main characters beyond the basic core attributes Takahashi granted them. Anything that includes a separate world and series of events.
Best Canon Universe Fiction
“The works of an author that have been accepted as authentic.”
If the story is set in Takahashi’s universe (Modern Japan or Feudal Japan) and keeps the character origins, events, and motivations for character development that she created, then it is canon. This also includes anything that walks outside of Takahashi’s original vision, but incorporates some key defining moments from the original canon universe. Anything that starts in the World created by Takahashi and is taken to a different outcome. This also includes anything that takes place Post-Manga/Post-Anime.
Best Angst Fiction
“Any situation or series of events having/giving a feeling of dread, anxiety, or anguish. An acute but nonspecific sense of anxiety or remorse.”
Stories that delve into the lives of the characters and pit them against odds that create angst. Typically plays off of dramatic characteristics that focuses heavily on making the reader anxious, worried, or feeling a sense of dread for the coming story.
Best Dark Fiction
Anything that brings the reader into a world of pain and suffering through abuse of the characters at the hands of the antagonist or internal strife. If it includes graphic rape, murder, abuse (mental or emotional), a character that is suicidal or possessed of depressing thoughts/outlook on life that colors the majority of the story in glum tones it can be considered a dark!fic. Can also be aimed to cause an overwhelming and painful feeling due to something frightfully shocking, terrifying, or revolting; fear. Aimed to frighten or ‘gross out’ the reader.
Best Drama Fiction
“Any situation or series of events having vivid, emotional, conflicting, or striking interest or results.”
Stories that delve into the lives of the characters and take the readers with them on a journey through the gambit of emotive expression. Typically defined as using characters to tell a story involving conflicts and emotions with or without resolution. Usually has a lot of different conflicts and are incredibly plot-driven. Also includes emotionally-driven stories that typically portray real-life situations.
Best Humor/Parody Fiction
Did it make you laugh? Did it deliberately spoof the anime/manga?
Best NSFW Fiction
Sexual content/smut with plot. Both oneshots and specific chapters from multi-chapter fics are accepted in this category. Must include content depicting an act of the sexual nature; i.e,. sex, masturbation, heavy petting/touching, ect.
Best Oneshot Fiction
Any fiction that spans the length of one chapter and specifically deemed a “oneshot” by the author.  
Best Character Portrayal
Did the author create an in-depth characterization that, while it may diverge from Takahashi’s vision for them, managed to attract the reader?
*Nomination must include the specific character*
Best InuKag Romance Fiction
“Ardent emotional attachment or involvement between people; love”
Stories that have developed a believable romance between Inuyasha and Kagome. “Believable” is subjective, and it is up to those nominating/voting to draw their own line on that quantifier and vote their “Best.” This includes canon universe and AU/AR settings.
Best SessKag Romance Fiction
“Ardent emotional attachment or involvement between people; love”
Stories that have developed a believable romance between Sesshomaru and Kagome. “Believable” is subjective, and it is up to those nominating/voting to draw their own line on that quantifier and vote their “Best.” This includes canon universe and AU/AR settings.
Best Romance Fiction
“Ardent emotional attachment or involvement between people; love”
Stories that have developed a believable romance between two or more Inuyasha characters, excluding InuKag and SessKag. “Believable” is subjective, and it is up to those nominating/voting to draw their own line on that quantifier and vote their “Best.” This includes canon universe and AU/AR settings. If there is a Best LGBTQ+ Romance category, this category will only accept heterosexual pairings.
Best Fluff Fiction
Stories that generally have a positive plot and happy ending. These stories focus on cheerful themes and “feel good” moments. Includes a happy sequence of events between characters who have a strong, sometimes romantic, bond.
Best Serial Fiction
A collection of drabbles or oneshots or a combination of both that makes up one larger story; part of the same universe or encompasses the same theme.
Best Ficlet
For drabbles and poetry - of any genre or pairing - consisting of 1,000 words or less.
Best Mental Illness/Disability Depiction
Stories that accurately depict, and explore, some sort of mental or physical disability or struggle.
Best Completed Fiction
A story with multiple chapters that will no longer be updated and should be listed as ‘complete.’
                                                                  Fanart Categories
Best Action/Adventure Artwork
Any fanart depicting adventures, engagement in fighting an enemy, or battles.
Best Alternate Universe/Alternate Reality Artwork
Any fanart depicting the characters in an alternate reality or universe setting.
Best Canon Artwork
Any art featuring the characters in a canon universe setting.
Best Angst Artwork
Any art depicting a scene having/giving a feeling of dread, anxiety or anguish.
Best Dark Artwork
Any art that brings the viewer pain and suffering through the abuse of the characters either at the hands of the antagonist or internal strife. This can include murder, abuse (mental or emotional), a character possessing depressing thoughts/outlook on life that colors the piece in glum tones. Nominations in this category can also be aimed to cause painful emotions due to something frightfully shocking, terrifying, or revolting; fear. This is art that looks to frighten or ‘gross out’ the viewer.
Best Humor/Parody Artwork
Any artwork which evokes a feeling of amusement in the viewer.
Best Kiss Artwork
Fanart depiction of the best kiss between two romantic characters, or an endearing kiss between platonic characters.
Best Character Artwork
Any artwork that is a ‘still life’ of one or two characters. It may be bust only, bust and torso, or full body. The portrait should seem more ‘professional’ than a snapshot in its form and presentation, and should successfully convey a sense of the character’s canon personality to the viewer.
Best Duo/Pairing Artwork
Any art that features two characters be it a comic, doujinshi, painting, drawing, sketch, etc. If other characters are included in the picture it is only allowed as a background. The focus MUST be on the pairing. The art can reflect either a platonic relationship or a romantic relationship between the two characters.
Best Doujinshi Artwork
Fanbased and fan made manga based on Inuyasha; art and story combined in manga form.
Best Redraw Artwork
Any art that is a redraw of a scene from the Manga or Anime.
Best NSFW Artwork
Any artwork portraying the characters of Inuyasha engaged in a sex scene or a scene hinting at a sexual relationship. Can be one character, heterosexual pairings, or LGBTQ+ pairings.
Best InuKag Romance Artwork
Any romantic depiction of Inuyasha and Kagome.
Best SessKag Romance Artwork
Any romantic depiction of Sesshomaru and Kagome.
Best Romance Artwork
Any romantic depiction of two or more of the characters of Inuyasha (excluding InuKag and SessKag)
Best Group Depiction Artwork
This artwork must feature 3 or more of the Inuyasha cast to be eligible.
Best Fluff Artwork
Artwork depicting a positive and happy moment. Generally includes cheerful themes.
Best Overall Artwork
The quality, time, thought, and emotion that went into this piece is what would make it worthy of this nomination. Please take note: The general idea is not the “best of what’s nominated” or “best of show.” It is a category created specifically for art appreciation. That means that even if the characters are OOC, AU, or not drawn in anime style, etc., the ART itself is worthy of praise.
78 notes · View notes
ssukidesu · 4 months
Inextricably Knotted (an Inukag + Jane Eyre AU) [Chapter 2]
Summary: Kagome Higurashi was orphaned as a baby and raised by her cruel aunt until the age of ten, after which she went to school and learned the art of service and self-suppression. Now eighteen, Kagome takes a job as the governess of Shippo, the young ward of the great and mysterious Lord Inuyasha Taisho.
But as Kagome gets to know her bemusing master, a ghost seems to haunt his estate, hinting that there is a long-lost secret hiding on the third floor.
(Read on AO3)
tag list: @heynikkiyousofine @xanthippe-writes
Chapter 2: Encounter
Kagome awoke with the sun, as her many years at school had trained her. Not knowing what sort of day lay in front of her, she dawned one of her nicer dresses and secured a brooch above her breast. She secured dark curls in a simple braided bun. She knew she would not meet the master today, but she would meet her pupil: a young boy named Shippo. Other than his name, she knew nothing about him. 
Kagome entered the hallway and tried not to look lost. Morning light crawled in through the windows, bathing the corridor in a soft blue hue. She tried to recall from which direction she had come the previous night, but after a few turns, the daylight bathed the furniture in unfamiliarity. She strained her young ears to hear any sounds of silverware or talking. Her feet were soft on the carpet runners as she managed to follow the distant voices of those whom she could only assume were servants.
She went down one set of steps. (Had she gone up steps last night? She couldn’t recall.) There below, two women were chattering about daily tasks. They turned and looked at Kagome, whose timid appearance cut their discussion short. 
One of the women—a young girl of about fourteen—smiled brightly. “Good morning! You must be Miss Higurashi, little Shippo’s new governess!”
“I am,” Kagome confirmed sweetly, grateful for the girl’s welcoming demeanor. “You can just call me Kagome, if you’d like. What’s your name?”
“I am Anne, and this is my mother, Harriet.”
Harriet, a spitting image of her daughter with two decades of age added, nodded her head in kind acknowledgment. “Are you looking for Lady Kaede this morning? I believe I saw her last in the dining room breakfasting.”
“Thank you very much,” Kagome grinned. She then brought a shy finger to scratch her temple. “Forgive me, but—where is the dining room?”
The two women giggled at her estrangement and gave her simple instructions. A moment later, Kagome was approaching the dining room, the sound of Lady Kaede’s voice permeating the air. 
Upon her entrance, Kagome was greeted instantly and told to grab a plate of food from the adjacent kitchen. She did so, grabbing two biscuits, some jam, and bacon. She listened patiently at the table as Kaede provided a mental blueprint of the house. There were three floors; most of the bedrooms were on the second floor, though there were a few on the third also (which otherwise contained storage rooms). The first floor contained the kitchen, the dining room, the drawing rooms (there were three), the library, and multiple offices of varying purposes.
“Is there a particular office in which I’m meant to work with Shippo?” asked Kagome.
“I was not given so specific of instructions by the master—all he’d told me was to advertise and hire a teacher for the boy. The largest office is where Lord Inuyasha works during the rare instances he is home, so that is likely the only place that you cannot use. The other offices are certainly available, as well as the library, if you prefer it.”
“Thank you. I will allow Shippo to pick which place of the three he prefers.”
Kaede surprised her by laughing. “Oh, my dear—there’s no need for that. You are a governess in a great house; you ought to grasp your rights in the position and settle wherever you see fit. Modesty is a virtue, but in a lonely place like this, such humility does not provide anyone else with a benefit they would notice or appreciate.”
Kagome blushed at the habituality with which she sought to avoid overbearance at all costs. “Thank you, lady Kaede.”
After Kagome finished her food and tea, Kaede rang the bell and asked for Shippo to be awakened and chaperoned to the dining room. About ten minutes later, a female servant walked in with a small boy close behind. 
Kagome’s eyes widened. The boy looked normal enough; he seemed about six years old. His pale skin was littered with freckles, and his red hair fell in shags over his forehead. But the boy’s ears, instead of sloping like a normal human’s, were tall and pointed, and—most alarming—a fluffy red fox tail waggled freely behind him. He was a demon—the very first one she’d ever seen.
His eyes were glued to her, and excitement was written all over his boyish features. “Hello! Are you going to be my teacher?” he asked, coming to stand squarely in front of her.
Kagome schooled her features and smiled back. “That’s right, Shippo. I am Miss Higurashi. It’s nice to meet you.” She held out her right hand for a shake, but he only stared at it in confusion. Did he not know what such a greeting was? “You shake it,” she explained patiently. Relieved, he stuck out his little hand and grasped hers. She guided the movement, a short up and down, and then released his hand.
Lady Kaede spoke, “If you leave through the main door, you’ll pass by the offices and end at the library. Look at them all and decide where you would like to work.”
“Yes, ma’am. Thank you.” Kagome turned to the boy and continued, “Let’s go, Shippo.”
He trailed behind her happily, and Kagome had to keep her mind from wandering to her feelings about his demonic blood. This information was not stated in the advertisement. For many, such a surprise would result in their immediate resignation. 
But how did she feel? Her school had taught her that demons were the most dangerous members of society; they were powerful and cruel, and often filthy immoralists. There was a reason why the previous two kings had fought so hard to take demons out of their positions as feudal lords. But, Kagome mused, some time had passed since then, and this particular demon was merely a child. A sweet child, too, from what she could tell. Glancing back at him, she saw him smiling up at her in unabashed glee. 
She could not find it in herself to fear or hate him; on the contrary, she felt affection bubbling up within her breast. Indeed, Kagome was grateful she was the one whom Kaede hired. The thought of a stranger in her stead responding to the boy with disgust and abandonment broke her heart for him.
Back to reality, Kagome poked her head into the two available offices as she passed them. They were much alike; a large desk stocked with paper and quills sat in the center affront a large window, and a couple small accent chairs rested elsewhere. She continued on to the library. 
It was seemingly one of the larger rooms in the house; the ceiling was a few feet higher, and the space grander. Oak bookshelves covered every inch of the walls and housed more books than she knew existed. The massive carpet contained a beautiful red pattern that she guessed was middle-eastern. The desk was smaller than those in the offices, but Kagome decided she did not mind. She didn’t see herself sitting at a desk, anyway; if anything, Shippo might use it more than her. 
The windows provided the only break from bookshelves, and their broad reach framed a breathtaking view of the property. A couple of trees that hovered closely to the house offered their branches for keen observation. Though they were half naked now that it was autumn, she knew that they could observe firsthand the budding leaves in spring. 
Kagome turned to Shippo with an excited grin of her own. “We will work in here most days,” she declared. “I would like to start working with you today, if you’ll have me.”
The boy nodded happily. “Yes, Miss Higurashi.”
“You may call me Kagome,” she said smiling. “We will begin with a small pre-examination, then. I need to know what you have already learned.”
And at this point on, the two were off to work. 
In the subsequent weeks, Kagome came to know her pupil well. He had very few skills; he could not read or write, and he had little knowledge of things beyond the events of his own life before and during his residence at Jidai-Ju. 
“Mother and father were killed soon after I was born, around fifteen years ago,” said he one morning while he practiced writing the alphabet with a clumsy quill. Kagome sat in a chair beside him, carefully watching his strokes for error.
This information should not have shocked Kagome; she had already learned that demons age much slower than humans. Though he was developmentally far younger than her, she was actually only three years his senior. She tried not to dwell on this and instead offered her condolences. “I’m sorry, Shippo. I understand how you feel. I am also an orphan.” 
He paused his penmanship to look up at her. His look was surprised, and deeply sad. “Really?”
“Yes. Both of my parents died of illness when I was very young.”
The boy’s eyes spilled over with tears, and he dropped his pen to cling to her in a sweet hug. “Where did you go after they died?” he asked.
She patted his head with a mournful smile. “I was raised by my aunt until I was ten, and then she sent me off to a school called Shikon. I gained my education and became a teacher there at sixteen. This is my first job out in the world.”
“I’m glad that you’re my teacher,” he said.
It was a simple compliment, but it was the kindest thing anyone had ever said to her. 
Weeks passed slowly, and autumn’s end approached. Kagome had no complaints about her job—it was truly the most rewarding post she could ask for—but the companionship of a child could only satisfy so much. In truth, she felt lonely often. Lady Kaede ate meals with her every day, but she remained a relatively simple friend whose company hardly varied beyond logistical conversation. Kagome found herself staring longingly out of the windows and escaping frequently into books from the library. Shikon school did not carry fictional books; for this reason, her world was opened by the dozens of novels housed by the lovely shelves at Jidai-Ju. But her actual world felt like it was shrinking more every day.
With the isolation of the house came also a trepidation for what lay outside it. In the nights specifically, Kagome would sometimes hear distant—and sometimes not so distant—croons, caws, and creaks. She heard servants whisper in the mornings of bright lights they saw past the woods from their windows, and while Kagome had not witnessed any herself, she knew better than to write off their concerns as the idle chatter of servant girls.
It was about these stories, and her general melancholy, that Kagome was musing one night when Kaede interrupted her thoughts.
“Are you alright, my dear?” she asked after supper. Kagome had been staring mindlessly into the flames of the fireplace, the teacup in her hands growing cold.
She turned her head to meet the old woman’s concerned gaze and sighed. “Yes, I’m quite alright. Only…” she stopped, worried that revealing her feelings would hurt Kaede’s, as she had tried very hard to make Kagome feel welcome and comfortable. “It’s silly. I just feel the beginnings of some seasonal depression, is all. I miss being able to enjoy the sun.”
“I see,” said Lady Kaede. “I imagine it must be hard, being in a quiet place like this. When I was your age, it was far livelier. There were three masters all at home, and my own mother was here as my companion. Now, even I feel the isolation seeping into my heart. For a young woman, I can imagine it instills a feeling of slow doom.”
“I don’t wish to water any seeds of ungratefulness within me.”
“I know you don’t, child. And you are wise to protect your heart this way. But there is grace for such feelings.”
Kagome returned her sights to the flickering flames. “Thank you.”
Kaede’s look lingered. “Perhaps you could use some fresh air. They say it is balm to troubled minds. I’ve a letter to post—why don’t you take it? The weather is not unbearable now.”
Kagome did not particularly want to walk thirty minutes to town—there was likely only an hour of sunlight left, anyway. But she wanted to submit to Kaede’s advice out of respect for her concern—and any fear she had for those woods would be tempered by an uneventful experience walking through them. “I’ll take it,” she decided with a small smile.
With her coat and satchel, Kagome left the house and began her walk. The cold air stung her face, but she did find it refreshing. Patches of ice littered the road; her eyes surveyed the ground to ensure she did not slip. The sunset was cloudless.
When she was about ten minutes away, and the sun was behind the tree line, she began to pay closer attention to noises.
The birds had not yet retired for the night, and squirrels still rushed the ground for acorns. Every movement along the road was accented by the sound of ruffling leaves, as the trees had balded almost entirely.
After she had finally managed to calm her nerves, the sound of heavy steps—far heavier and more numerous than a person’s—reached her ears from around the road’s distant bend ahead and sent her heart rate wild once again. She slowed her steps as she waited for whatever approached to make itself visible beyond the trees. 
The steps became louder and louder, but the accompanying sound of a horse’s neighing brought ease to her mind. It was no monster, at least. When it finally revealed itself, she saw a black Clydesdale with a man riding upon it. He was traveling in the opposite direction as her, and when their paths intersected, Kagome lifted her head to investigate him. She held her breath. His own head was so downcast that the rim of his hat protected the upper half of his face, and the high collar of his black riding cloak hid all below his cheeks.
The rider did not spare her a backward glance after he passed, his mission supposedly dominant in his mind. But a few seconds after he disappeared behind, Kagome heard the scratching of hooves over ice, a violent curse, and a crash. 
She turned around to chase the commotion, and when she found him, he and his horse both were downed. The beast did not need her assistance to rise, its whinnies and snorts vigorous in its slow but successful rise. The rider, on the other hand, clutched his leg (cursing all the while) and stayed grounded. With his hat now gone, she could see from behind that he was a demon—his long silver hair and pointed ears, which sat on the top of his head, informed her as much.
She approached him carefully. “Sir? Are you alright?”
He craned his neck to see her and huffed (in relief or anger, she didn’t know) before pushing himself up to a waddled stance, facing her. Kagome stared transfixed at his golden irises, which proved the most vibrant thing about him. His skin was darker than what the winter would lead one to expect, and his overall appearance struck Kagome as harsh. Leaves clung to his coat, and his tophat stayed half-buried in the frozen dirt. In human terms, he appeared around thirty—but she had learned that with demons, appearances meant very little. “I’ll be fine enough,” was his gruff response. His voice was like the clashing of swords, or the crash of thunder. It was deep, and very sharp. She noted that his canine teeth were larger and longer than a normal man’s. What kind of demon was he? She mourned her own ignorance.
“Do you need any help?” Kagome asked. If she was being honest, she didn’t want him to say yes. His presence put her on edge; every moving muscle and glance was charged with energy, and she could not guess his next move. Kagome had never been this close to a young man—much less a full-grown demon. 
He seemed pained by her inquiry. “Do you have a cane, or an umbrella? I just need to reach my horse.”
“I don’t.”
He sighed, then seemed to consider her for the first time. “Where did you come from? Who are you? There aren’t many estates out this way.”
“My name is Kagome Higurashi. I work at Jidai-Ju.”
His head tilted so slightly she almost didn’t notice. “Do you know the master there? Inuyasha Taisho, I believe?”
“I’ve never met the man.”
“I see. And your position there—you are…?” He inspected her simple dress and bonnet, which led him to no clear conclusion.
“I am the governess there.”
“Ah—the governess!” he assented, agitation still lacing underneath.
Kagome felt the night’s chill wrack her frame, and she grew impatient. “Sir, forgive me, but is there anything I can do for you?”
“If you’ve no tool to assist me, you can do it yourself. Lend me your shoulder.”
She hesitated. What if he was dangerous? Could she trust an adult demon? All her education had told her no—they were nothing but trouble. 
But they’d said the same about her, hadn’t they?
He must have seen this conflict on her face, for he chuckled in annoyance, “Let me guess—afraid to approach a half-demon? Are you worried I’ll turn savage the moment you get too close?”
A half-demon? How could she have possibly known the difference between full and half, when he was the first one she’d ever seen? Her master apparently carried the same characteristic; how many half-demons were there in these lands? Gulping, she stated firmly, “My concerns do not regard what I know about you from your appearance, but rather what I can’t know from it—mainly, your character.”
His golden eyes widened initially at her words, then narrowed sternly. He grimaced, “You would be a fool to not fear a demon with whom you are alone. I saw the tremble of your steps and the fear in your eyes when you approached.” His expression changed, and he gained the look of a person who sought to tease angrily. (She’d seen the look on her cousin’s face many times; this bristled her even further.) “Admit it—you thought you’d stumbled upon a Gytrash when you first beheld me.”
“I confess nothing but having the anxiety any lady would have at meeting a stranger in the woods near dusk.”
He seemed unsatisfied, but he allowed the argument to end there. He grabbed his hat from the ground beside him.  “Well, then, the sooner you send me on my way, the sooner you can be free of this anxiety. Now, won’t you help me to my horse?”
Not wanting to delay the end of their encounter, Kagome approached him, each step revealing to her the immensity of his greater size. Her own stature proved smaller than average, and his height certainly exceeded that of any man she’d ever known (though she’d only known those who were beyond their prime). He held his right arm from his body—a place for her to wedge herself beneath—and waited expectantly for her arrival. She avoided his glowing eyes as she wrapped his heavy arm behind her neck. He smelled of the forest. He limped the whole way to his horse, his forsaken weight transferred to her as only a slight burden.
He grabbed the horse’s bridle the moment he was close enough, placed his good ankle in the stirrup, and hoisted himself up with a grunt.
Once settled, he prepared to leave. “Well, miss governess, thank you for your assistance. Be sure to get back home quickly. The forest is more alive than you know.”
She watched him ride away, and turning to retrace her lost ground, continued her own trek to town. Though the interaction was unique to her, she did not allow herself to dwell on the novelty. There was truly nothing to romanticize; his features were striking—bordering on ghastly, she guessed, according to the delicate sensibilities of the age; he was not ugly by her own terms, but he certainly did not fit the conventional definition of handsome. Even more notable was his brash attitude. Even if all this hadn’t been so, if he had been a handsome man of sweet composure, she was sure there was nothing interesting enough about her plain person to warrant his own lingering consideration.
About an hour hence, Kagome was walking up the paved steps of Jidai-Ju. The night had fully waxed; its pale, glowing iris cast a foggy whiteness over the thicket and stone architecture, but heaven and earth were otherwise shrouded in a ghostly vale of shadow. 
Kaede met her at the top of the steps, out of breath from her apparent rush to meet her there.
“Lady Kaede? What’s the matter?”
“It’s the master—“ she began, huffing. “Mr. Taisho has come home unannounced.”
Kagome was unsure how to process the unforeseen news. 
Before she could respond, the old woman continued: “His horse fell on the road, and he’s broken his ankle. A doctor is seeing him now.”
Kagome’s blood froze. “He fell only just now, on his way?”
“Indeed. Now come, I need help preparing the drawing room and his bedroom. If you so please.”
Kagome had only been in the drawing room a couple of times, but by the time they were finished preparing it, it looked like a different room altogether. The curtains were drawn, furniture polished, candles added and lit. Tea and wine were prepared and later out on a tray, though the apparent beneficiary was still absent. She did not end up entering his bedroom; that chore fell to some other. 
Kaede told her to fetch Shippo from his quarters. When she had returned with him in the drawing room, the leather chair had been moved to face the fireplace, and it was occupied. 
Mr. Taisho’s silver hair and triangular ears confirmed her suspicions. She had only just met her master, and already she decided she did not like him very much at all. How could he deceive her like that? Was he laughing at her? Mocking her?
She seethed inwardly but kept her expression neutral. Shippo seemed elated to see him; he was almost vibrating at her side.
The man spoke without turning, his voice an agitated growl. “What—will you just stand and stare at me? Take a seat, Miss Higurashi. You’ll be able to study me better in the firelight.”
Oh, he was infuriating . 
Clenching her teeth, Kagome obeyed with Shippo at her side. She sat down slowly, waiting for his striking face to point itself at her. He had a cigar in his fingers, every once in a while bringing it up to his lips for a puff. The smoke smelled like spice and pine, and she found that what she had smelled on Mr. Taisho while assisting him to his horse was the smell of this cigar. 
“So you did want to study me, then?” he inquired after a moment of her silence, finally meeting her stare. “Do you think me handsome?”
Her response was quick, too quick for reconsideration. “No. I’m only waiting to see for what purpose you’ve summoned me.”
His brows raised at this, and he turned his head in full attention. Kagome’s color rose at her blunder and his consequent focus. Should she correct herself? Would it even matter? Surely she was all but begging to be dismissed for insubordination.
Instead of addressing her insult, the master directed his attention to Shippo for the first time. He pulled a small bag from his pocket, uncinched its string, and handed it to the child. He seemed to know what it was on first glance. He squealed a thanks to him and took his prize to a small table behind them. Kagome watched him empty its contents onto a plate. It was candy.
Their eyes met again. Mr. Taisho tilted his head in judgment. “You seem less afraid of me now.”
“I was not afraid before,” she argued in a more collected tone, relieved at the absence of his anger.
“Oh? You would be wrong to assume I’m not dangerous.”
"No doubt. But—" she stopped herself, unsure. 
Her shoulders stiffened. “Dangerous as you may be, I don’t believe you’re evil.”
“And you perceive these things as different from one another?
“Of course. God Himself is dangerous, but He is not evil.”
His look was mysterious. The question lying beneath it was as palpable as the heat coming from the fire: What could a little girl like you know about evil? Changing the subject, he gripped something on the ground from beside his chair and pulled it up for her observation. It was her portfolio. 
She wanted to demand an explanation for how he acquired it, but a quick glance at a guilty-faced Kaede confirmed the only reasonable explanation there could have been. 
“Oh, leave the old woman alone. She meant no harm in boasting your apparent skills. You did indeed sketch all of these?” he asked, flipping open the folder.
Her eyes landed first on her latest piece, which was still only half colored. It was a picture of her parents’ shrine—or at least, a chimeric rendition of it from splintered memories and hazy dreams. 
The second piece he pulled was of a pond in the garden of her aunt’s estate. The dark colors of the water implied a depth incongruent with its width; as a child, her cousin threatened to toss her into the pond whenever she annoyed him, and her youthful imagination turned it into a place of magic and fearful mystique. 
The final piece he revealed was a clouded sky; the sun descended in the bottom left, and the night bled into the scene from the East. One cloud, however—which was curling an arm around sun—stood out as a dark contrast to the other still-bright clouds in that part of the page. It went against nature; it was swallowing the sun.
Chewing on her lip, she confirmed, “Yes.”
“They show a raw talent. But even more than this, they show… a mind haunted. Tell me, Miss Higurashi, what have you to be haunted by?” His voice mimicked tenderness, but the gleam in his eyes could only be described as hateful. 
Kagome did not reply; instead, she watched him with a discomforted frown.
He sighed and returned his eyes to the fire, anger waning. “Forgive me. I don’t know a thing about you. I’ve no right to ask such things.”
She remained quiet and watched Shippo eat his treats from a distance. 
He spoke again. “I meant it; these are very skilled.”
“Thank you.”
“This one in particular,” he began, pulling out the drawing of the shrine, “conjures images of myths and fables. This should be no surprise to me, fairy that you are.”
“Sir?” she questioned. One glance at his face told her that he was teasing.
“It was you, after all, who felled my horse and caused this,” he explained, gesturing to his raised foot. 
Though his offense was done in jest, her defense was not. “I did no such thing. Your horse slipped on the ice, and you know it.”
“Ice that should not have been there, as the temperature had not yet fallen enough to freeze.”
“I assure you that the cold has been consistent enough in this last week to prevent any ice from melting.”
“If you insist, Ka-Go-Me.”
His smirk brought a fierce and angry blush to her face. “Is there anything else you need from me tonight, sir?”
“No, that’s quite enough. In fact, what are you thinking in keeping Shippo up so late? It’s past his bedtime.”
He was unbelievable. She called to the child and started to leave. He offered her a “Goodnight” as she passed by, which she returned with less than half of his enthusiasm.
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mustardyellowsunshine · 2 months
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A little snippet from an InuKag one-shot I'm working on.
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Fever gripped Kagome’s body that night, sending her mind drifting like a minnow caught in the current of a stream. Flashes of memory—braiding her mother’s hair, bathing together at the river—mixed with the vague impressions of her surroundings until they tangled together. She saw her mother with hair made of gnarled twigs, skin like charred wood flaking into ash, dark hollows where her eyes should be. A blink, a blur of meaningless shapes and images, and then Kagome found herself cradled in the foliage of the tree tops, watching the stars above; their brightness began to spin and spiral with a stomach-curdling speed, and she realized that she was plummeting down to the ground. She fell into ice cold water that daggered through her lungs. She coughed and ash plumed from her mouth.
“Mama,” she croaked through chapped lips. The sound of her own voice startled her, puncturing the haze in her mind, and for a moment she knew herself again. She was alone in the night, shivering and sweating on a bed of pine needles. The wind whispered through the trees and chilled the sweat on her face. She didn’t understand how she could be sweating when she felt so cold.
“Mama,” she said again, this time a choked sob, as though the word alone could conjure her mother. Pressing her hands against her burning temples, Kagome could almost believe it was her mother’s fingers brushing through her bangs, her mother’s palms smoothing over her face.
Get up. The thought was quick as the glint of silver trout in dark water. Get up. Get to the river.
Kagome took a shuddering breath and closed her eyes. Hugging her arms to her body, she curled up on her side and felt herself begin to drift again.
Get up, returned the thought with greater urgency. Now. Before you can’t.
Her eyes blinked open again. It was pitch dark. The overcast sky gave her no moonlight to see by.
Get water, said the inner voice. Get to the river. Bring down your temperature. 
Slowly, Kagome eased herself into a sitting position. The world spun for a moment, and she almost collapsed back down. She sat there for a long while, trying to orient herself. She couldn’t see anything in the night, but she heard the wind stirring the branches above her, and… there. The roaring rush of water in the distance. The river.
She didn’t trust herself to walk, so she got onto her hands and knees and crawled forward. Blindly reaching her hands out in the dark, feeling each inch of ground under her fingers—pebbles, moss, scattered points of pine needles—she made for the sound of the water.
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dawnrider · 5 months
Inukag (duh) and 69 😁
So the 69th song on my list is Death of Communication by Company of Thieves. Fantastic song to rock out to!
"You gotta stop letting them tell you what to do all the time." "Huh?" Inuyasha sighed and beckoned his wife over to where he was sitting by their campfire. “The villagers in every town we go into. They aren’t going to like us more just because you’re nice to them.” Kagome hesitated, then sighed as well and slumped into a little heap in his lap. “I just want… I want you to be welcome.” The inuhanyou smiled sadly at the side of her head, placing a kiss there a moment later. “You can want that all day long, you can bend over backwards to be nice to them. That’s not gonna make them like me any more than they have to. And they still won’t like that you’re married to me. You might as well have sold your soul.” “But that isn’t true.” “Course it isn’t. But they’re ignorant and you still having your miko ability after marrying someone like me confuses them. Let ‘em talk, Kagome. They don’t matter in the long run.” She snuggled in tighter to his chest, her tension melting out of her as he held her close. “You’re right.” “Keh. I’m always right.” “Say that again, I dare you,” she jokingly threatened. Then dissolved into giggles when her husband decided to take advantage of her position and nibble her neck and shoulder in reprimand.
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