#interview with ron b
ano07 · 2 years
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specialsituationsgroup · 11 months
Lego Discworld - Pseudopolis Yard
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Ankh-Morpork "B model" - Pseudopolis Yard interior during the events of The Truth: - Angua doing "chemical analisys" for Cheery in the forensics lab. - Foul ole Ron revealing Wuffles to Sam Vimes in Sam's office. - Carrot chatting to Otto while doing paperwork in the lobby / filing room. - Scharissa interviewing Igor about Vetinari's condition in the bullpit / break room. - Vetinari "sleeping" in one cell and Drumknott fretting in the next. - Detritus equipping a recruit in the armory.
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Pseudopolis Yard exterior with lilac bushes and ivy. Playing around with the wooden frame on the attic.
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bfpnola · 8 months
image description by @swosheep
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ID 1: all images are screenshots of an Instagram post by j3wess, and are on a light green background with an even lighter green grid pattern. The first image is a title written in dark green text. It reads: "Evangelicals are the primary supporters of Israel in the US, not Jews". There is two Stars of David beside the words 'not Jews'. A wavy green line underlines everything.
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ID 2: the second image is titled "why?". The title is separated from the body by a wavy white line. The body text reads: "the protestant fundamentalist theory of dispensationalism views history as a series of seven events. so far, six have already occurred." An ordered list, in white text, reads: "1 the era of innocence: before adam's fall. 2 the era of conscience: from adam to noah. 3 the era of government: from noah to abraham. 4 the era of patriarchy: from abraham to moses. 5 the era of mosaic law: from moses to jesus. 6 the era of grace: from jesus to today." The green body text continues: "and the seventh and final dispensation will be millennium, an earthly paradise. and millennium requires gods chosen people, the jews, to all be living together in israel. it is there, supposedly, that they will rebuild the temple. then, as described in the book of revelation, armageddon will take place and in the process 2/3 of jews will die and the other 1/3 will accept jesus as the messiah. jesus will then return to earth and will institute a millennium, beginning a thousand year reign over earth as king."
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ID 3: the third image is titled "the statistics". a white wavy line separates the title from the body text. The body text reads: "results from a 2017 research study on evangelical supporters of israel indicate that of the 67% of evangelicals with a 'positive perception of israel':" Below, there is a bar graph. The first bar is captioned: "the bible says g-d gave the land of israel to the jewish people". The bar is at 63 percent. THe second bar is captioned: "israel is the historic jewish homeland". The bar is at 60 percent. The third bar is captioned: "israel is important for fulfilling biblical prophecy". The bar is at 52 percent. The fourth bar is captioned: "the creation of israel shows that we are getting closer to the return of jesus christ". The bar is at 80 percent.
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ID 4: The fourth image is titled "what's scary about this?" A white wavy line separates the title from the body text. The body text reads: "a majority of christian support for zionism and israel is because it will supposedly trigger the return of christ. in order for this to happen requires for a) all diasporic jews to return to the land, therefore displacing palestinians and b) jews to be either proselytized and abandon their own religion for christ or die." Below this text, a second title reads: "what's even scarier?". Body text reads: "despite israel claiming to represent and protect all jews, it prioritizes the support of evangelicals."
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ID 5: the fifth image is untitled. It has a screenshot from an article which reads: "Former Israeli ambassador to the US Ron Dermer suggested Sunday that Israel should prioritize the 'passionate and unequivocal' support of evangelical Christians over that of American Jews, who he said are 'disproportionately among our critics.' 'People have to understand that the backbone of Israel's support in the United States is the evangelical Christians. It's true because of numbers and also because of their passionate and unequivocal support for Israel,' Dermer said in an onstage interview at a conference organized by Makor Rishon, a news outlet affiliated with the national religious community". Green text below it says: "this represents not just the goals of dermer but of israel. he just ended a seven year term in january as the ambassador of israel in washington. he was known as the ears and brain of netanyahu. his words are representing much more than just his thoughts." There is a white arrow pointing from the green text up to the article screenshot.
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ID 6: the sixth image is titled "sources". There is a wavy white line separating the title from the body text. The body text consists of four sources, which are as follows: "times of israel: dermer suggests israel should prioritize support of evangelicals over us jews. lifeway research: evangelical attitudes toward israel research study. city journal: why don't jews like the christians who like them? america magazine: understanding the evangelical obsession with israel."
working links include:
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eurothug4000 · 6 months
As I was researching the Japan exclusive PS2 game Phase Paradox (sequel to Philosoma on the PS1), I quickly realised there's very little information available on this sci-fi horror game. Thankfully, the director of Phase Paradox responded to me and I was able to learn more about this obscure title which I'd like to share!
Takayuki: First, let me introduce myself. I started my career as a game developer at Sega, then at SCE (now SIE) and Microsoft. After that, I started my own small studio and am still making games. This time I developed PHASEPARADOX, which was originally a survival horror game for PS1, but changed to an adventure game for PS2.
You mentioned to me that the game was difficult work, what parts of development were challenging? How many years did development take?
The most important thing is that it was an early PS2 title. There was a lack of development equipment, and it was difficult to tell whether bugs were caused by the program or the development equipment, and PS2 development itself was difficult. We also had to handle a large amount of CG, which was very difficult because it was still the 1990s and the CG tools and techniques were not yet up to scratch.
As for the development period, I was in charge for 4 years, but I heard that it took about 2 years before that. (I heard that the game had already been playable on PS1.)
In contrast, what parts of development were the most enjoyable for you?
Game development is always fun. Creating assets using 3DCG, which was the state-of-the-art at that time, building a worldview in accordance with science fiction research, setting scenarios and characters, etc., all of it was both painful and enjoyable.
I was inspired to try new things.
Were there any movies or video games that were a big influence for Phase Paradox? For example, Massimo's character reminded me a lot of Ron Perlman and Arnold Schwarzenegger!
The original idea was to create a "Resident Evil" game based on the world of the "ALIEN" movie. I incorporated a lot of my knowledge of game design and movies into the project.
As you said, the character of Massimo is Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Jude Sutcliffe is Michael Pare. All the other characters have Hollywood star models. I think it was allowed because it was then, but it is not now, lol. The game part was based on Movie Adventure.
The cast for the game is very impressive! Since the voices are in English, was the game planned for worldwide release?
Yes, it was supposed to be a big seller all over the world. However, it was cancelled due to the short playing time and the lack of gameplay. The voice recording was done in L.A.
The presidential election was taking place at the time of recording, and I remember the staff saying to me, "You are in the U.S. on a historic day”.
I love the design of the environments. There are many rooms (like the arcade) that have a very unique and detailed appearance. Did a lot of work go into creating the interior of the Gallant? What were some of the inspirations behind the designs?
The artwork was done by Matsushima-san, continuing from Philosoma. This person has experience working on costumes for the Ultraman series at Bandai, and he drew the foundation of the world, the art settings, and all the original drawings.
Phase Paradox is a sequel to Philosoma. Was it difficult to make a game with a fictional world and characters that were already established? Or did this make work easier?
As I mentioned in 5, it was not difficult for me to continue with Mr. Matsushima. Rather, I enjoyed it very much because I was allowed to add my favorite SF essence to Philosoma.
Do you remember any features that you and the team wanted to include in the game, but maybe couldn't because of time or cost?
Action game elements, mini-games, more options. I am very disappointed. But I think if we had included these elements, we would still be making them, lol. How many more years would have been needed?
At the time, we abandoned the idea of calculating or thinking about that number. We concentrated only on completing it.
What did you and the team want to achieve with Phase Paradox? It feels like a very "cinematic" game, was this rare with games at the time?
The result was a common movie game, but rather than a cinematic part of the game, we were aiming for an innovative adventure game where the situation changes depending on the choices you make.
I was aiming for something like "Detroit: Become Human", if I may say so now in the 21st century. Every time I play that game, I feel strongly about it.
As a final product, what are your personal thoughts on Phase Paradox?
It was a lousy performance, is all I can say. I have always regretted that it was worth it to spend so much money and market value to bring a game with only graphics to the world.
Is there anything else you'd like to share about working on the game? Any strong memories or interesting facts?
As I wrote in #8, I was aiming for a groundbreaking, new game, but I have nothing but regrets about developing on new hardware, not being able to devote the effort to gameplay due to my focus on graphics, and being buried and truncated in various ways by a large amount of work.
More than 20 years have passed and I have sealed my memory, but when I recall it like this, I feel more proud than ashamed, feeling that I was young and ambitious.
Thank you very much.
What are you working on currently?
I am currently making a soccer game at GADE inc.
One is a blockchain game. The other is a 3D action soccer game. I am working on both of them to get rid of my dissatisfaction and regret of the action soccer game I made in Sega.
I am proud to say that I still have new initiatives and high aspirations, so please look forward to them. Both are for the whole world. However, we are having a hard time because we don't have the money for promotion. We would be very happy if someone could help us. We are also planning to launch a new innovative adventure game service on the Web and an action game with an elaborate world view.
If anyone is interested or willing to support us, please contact us.
Thank you to Takayuki for taking the time to provide his insight into Phase Paradox's development! I've made a video on the game which you can watch here: https://youtu.be/bTSFY5M08BU
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upnorthtrips · 6 months
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Do Remember! The Golden Era of NYC Hip-Hop Mixtapes is the first comprehensive deep-dive oral and visual history of the golden era of hip-hop mixtape culture in New York City. From street corners to corner offices, mixtapes made a huge impact on the music industry and hip-hop culture in New York City during the late ’80s, ’90s, and early 2000s. Mixtapes helped dictate what rap songs were hot in the clubs, on the radio, and in the streets, and they influenced which artists would get signed to record deals. Mixtapes also showcased which DJs had the most skills and creativity, and who had the juice to pull the illest exclusives. Do Remember! combines the best elements of oral and pictorial histories to explore the evolution of mixtapes as a crucial component of New York City hip-hop culture. Featuring a comprehensive collection of rare mixtape cover art, never-before-seen images, vintage tracklists, and exclusive interviews with Kid Capri, Brucie B, Mister Cee, Ron G, S&S, Doo Wop, Green Lantern, Lord Finesse, Clark Kent, Bobbito, Cipha Sounds, Havoc of Mobb Deep, the late, great DJ Kay Slay, and many more, including a special foreword by Fab 5 Freddy, Do Remember! captures an era in New York City that went on to inspire future hip-hop generations all over the world.
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anartisticdreamer0 · 8 months
i feel like i should make clear despite my earlier liveblogs: i don’t think qq is bad for what he did and i too don’t trust fred.
do i feel bad that tubbo got caught in the crossfire? yes.
do i feel q is making this way worse for himself? yes.
do i think fred was a little justified in saying what he said from his perspective? yes.
hear me out
so obviously we think fred was fucked up for saying he hoped the feds torture q again right? but in his pov leading up to that q has threatened his life, threatened tubbo’s life, and is keeping him hostage. i too would not think too positively of the guy given the circumstances. however of course, we don’t know fred’s own role in q’s kidnapping, though it did look pretty cucurucho run if you know what i mean.
as for q making it worse for himself? they sent fred around to look for ron who was a B level worker. who the fuck are they going to send to look for an A level worker? especially with this being the second worker to go missing? yeah no q that ain’t gonna work out. especially with tubbo being not only suspicious that q is responsible but i’m pretty sure he realized exactly what happened at the end there. if the feds do interviews? well…. i think tubbo might end up proving q a little right.
as for tubbo? poor dude just wanted to go on a date man. pobrecito. bro got accidentally stood up then accused of being a traitor which honestly at this rate might turn him into one.
all in all not a great deal for anyone
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greensparty · 22 days
Remembering Roger Corman 1926-2024
This one hurts! One of the giants of indie film Roger Corman has died at 98. While he might have been known for B movies, his influence is immeasurable to all movies (A-Z).
If there was some sort of an It's a Wonderful Life scenario where we could see what life would be like if Corman hadn't been born, the entire history of film would look very different. As a producer / director / writer, he discovered and gave early career breaks to Jack Nicholson, Francis Ford Coppola, Peter Bogdanovich, Martin Scorsese, Robert De Niro, Sylvester Stallone, Joe Dante, Ron Howard, Alan Arkush, John Sayles, James Cameron, Gale Ann Hurd and countless others. In 2010 when Corman received an honorary Academy Award, Quentin Tarantino did the tribute. Afterwards QT posed for a photo with many of Corman's proteges and made reference to feeling like he was an honorary member of the Corman Film School!
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Demme directing Corman in Silence of the Lambs. The student became the master!
But most notably for me is that he discovered one of my favorite filmmakers of all time Jonathan Demme. Early Corman-produced films that Demme worked on included Angels Hard as They Come, and The Hot Box. Then the first three features Demme directed were for Corman's New World Pictures: Caged Heat, Crazy Mama, and Fighting Mad. Once he moved on to bigger films, Demme never forgot Corman as he cast him in small roles in Swing Shift, The Silence of the Lambs, Philadelphia, The Manchurian Candidate, and Rachel Getting Married. One of the things Demme talked about quite often that Corman taught him was that you need to keep the eye engaged in a film, because if the eye gets bored, the brain (and the viewer) will too, and also that the picture will only be as strong as the hero and antagonist. In 2010 when Demme received an award from Coolidge Corner Theatre, Corman was in attendance and spoke as well. My friend Jake Mulligan taught a class about Corman at the Coolidge a few years ago and had a section about Demme and Corman as well.
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Bucket of Blood movie poster
In all of this praise about Corman as a producer and the "Corman Film School" of directors he gave early opportunities to, it's easy to overlook his own directing. My favorite of his own films are the underrated A Bucket of Blood (having a lot to say about beatniks and the art world) and The Little Shop of Horrors (featuring Jack Nicholson in an early role as an eager patient).
In my own directing class in college, my professor would often make reference to Corman, not just the themes and ideas in his films but his approach to low-budget filmmaking. If you've ever seen Corman in an interview you can't help but absorb his bits of wisdom.
I'd highly recommend checking out the 2011 documentary Corman's World: Exploits of a Hollywood Rebel for more about the man himself. I included it in my Best Documentaries of the 2010s list.
The link above is the obit from Hollywood Reporter.
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Additional thoughts on Justice Alito’s display of Stop the Steal flag after January 6 insurrection
The righteous indignation over Justice Alito’s display of the Stop the Steal flag days after the January 6 insurrection is increasing. Two additional pieces of information that compounded Alito’s traitorous behavior emerged on Friday.
First, Alito contacted Shannon Bream of Fox News to offer a more detailed “defense” of the display of the Stop the Steal flag. That defense amounts to “a neighbor posted a “F*** Trump yardsign, so we posted a flag supporting insurrection after the bloody assault on the US Capitol.” The explanation is offensive and absurd. But even if it were not ludicrous, Justice Alito is bound by the Supreme Court Code of Ethics that prohibits any political display by justices—much less a call for insurrection.
Moreover, Alito’s expanded explanation did not attempt to disassociate himself from the message conveyed by the Stop the Steal flag. He did not condemn the Stop the Steal movement. He did not apologize to the American people.
Finally, Shannon Bream is a social friend of Mrs. Alito (see picture) and is a news host for a network that supported the overthrow of the US Constitution. See NPR (2/28/23) Under oath, Murdoch concedes Fox stars 'endorsed' lies about 2020 election. If Justice Alito was genuinely interested in clearing up the matter, he should not have given his exclusive interview to a co-conspirator in the insurrection.
More ominously, a 2021 interview with former Trump attorney Sidney Powell explains that the coup plotters planned to delay the count of the electoral ballots and then file an emergency motion for a stay with Justice Alito. See Ron Filipkowski on Twitter and embedded video.
If Alito was an active supporter of the “Stop the Steal movement” in January 2021—as his display of the Stop the Steal flag indicates—the coup plotters came within hours of having Justice Alito issue a temporary injunction against counting the electoral ballots. As Sidney Powell explained, the coup plotters’ plan was foiled only because Nancy Pelosi insisted that the House go back into session immediately upon the restoration of order in the Capitol.
The facts create a strong inference that Justice Alito was an integral part of the coup attempt—witting or unwitting. He must recuse himself from Trump-related matters. Failing that, Justice Roberts must refer Alito’s conduct to the Judicial Conference for investigation. Justice Roberts must issue a public statement calling on Justice Alito to recuse himself. And Congress should begin an impeachment inquiry.
Justice Alito could clear up this matter if wanted. He could offer to testify before Congress. He could sit for an interview with the FBI. But giving an exclusive interview to a family friend who reports for Fox news isn’t the way to restore the faith of the American people in a Court that appears to have been “in” on the plot to throw the election to Trump—at least with respect to Alito and Thomas.
Justice Alito created the appearance of impropriety; if neither he nor John Roberts will remove the stain from the Court, Congress should act.
[Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter]
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brokehorrorfan · 11 months
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Night of the Comet will be released on 4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray on September 12 via Scream Factory. Catherine Mary Stewart and Kelli Maroney star in the 1984 sci-fi horror comedy.
Thom Eberhardt (Captain Ron, Honey, I Blew Up the Kid) writes and directs.Robert Beltran, Sharon Farrell, Mary Woronov, and Geoffrey Lewis round out the cast.
Shout Factory offers an exclusive set with a second slipcover designed by Joel Robinson and two 18x24 posters with the theatrical art and Robson's art. Pictured below, it costs $44.98.
Night of the Comet has been newly scanned in 4K from the original camera negative with Dolby Vision (HDR 10 compatible). Special features are listed below.
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Disc 1 - 4K UHD:
Audio commentary by actors Catherine Mary Stewart and Kelli Maroney
Audio commentary by director Thom Eberhardt
Audio commentary by production designer John Muto
Disc 2 - Blu-ray:
Audio commentary by actors Catherine Mary Stewart and Kelli Maroney
Audio commentary by director Thom Eberhardt
Audio commentary by production designer John Muto
Interview with actors Catherine Mary Stewart and Kelli Maroney
Interview with actor Robert Beltran
Interview with makeup effects creator David B. Miller
Theatrical trailer
Galleries - movie stills and behind-the-scenes photos
It's the first comet to buzz the planet in 65 million years, and everyone seems to be celebrating its imminent arrival. Everyone, that is, except Regina Belmont (Catherine Mary Stewart) and her younger sister Samantha (Kelli Maroney), two women who care more about fashion trends than the celestial phenomenon. Upon daybreak, when they discover that they're the only residents of Los Angeles whom the comet hasn't vaporized or turned into a zombie, they do what all good Valley Girls do… they go shopping! But when their day of malling threatens to become a day of mauling, they flee with killer zombies and blood-seeking scientists in hot pursuit!
Pre-order Night of the Comet.
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trolledu · 23 days
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ano07 · 6 hours
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yr-obedt-cicero · 1 year
The “orphan” boy Hamilton spent his last night with
After Hamilton completed his valedictory note to Eliza in his upstairs study at 54 Cedar Street, he went downstairs and entered a bedroom where a boy was reading a book. This must have been the orphaned boy who had attended the recent out-door party at the Grange. In an unpublished fragment that may have embroidered the truth, John Church Hamilton reveals that his father entered the room, gazed pensively at the boy, and asked if he would share his bed that night. Hamilton “soon retired, and placing [the boy’s] little hands on his own, he repeated with him the Lord’s Prayer.” The child then fell asleep in his arms. This image of Hamilton sleeping with his arms wrapped around an orphaned youth during his last night on earth is inexpressibly poignant and makes one think that his own tormented boy-hood weighed on his mind that night. At three o’clock in the morning, Hamilton awoke one of his sons and asked the drowsy boy to light a candle.
Source — Alexander Hamilton, by Ron Chernow, page 699
Chernow paints this sentimental scene of Hamilton - who was once an unloved orphan in his boyhood - spending his last night before the mortal duel with a young orphan, just like him. But is this actually true? The story John Church Hamilton tells that Chernow is referring to is page 827 of Life of Alexander Hamilton, where he says;
He then descended from his study, entered a parlour, and looking pensively, a few moments, upon one of his sons, then a child, as he leaned over his book, he smiling asked him if he would sleep with him. He soon retired, and placing his little hands in his own, he repeated with him the Lord's prayer. His child fell asleep in his arms.
Source — Life of Alexander Hamilton, by John Church Hamilton
The additional details after the night are sourced by Four letters on the death of Alexander Hamilton, 1804, by David B. Ogden. The letter describing such was written by Governor Morris's nephew, David Ogden. Apparently it was passed down in his family until finally being printed in 1980. Inside details;
On the Evening before the Duel Genl. Hamilton went to bed uncommonly early. He slept soundly until about three O’Clock in the morning, when he awoke his son who slept with him and asked him to light a candle, his son asked him what was the matter he replied that one of his little sisters was taken ill out of town and his mother had sent for him & that he was going out with Doctor Hosack. After the candle was lighted he sat down & wrote a beautiful hymn which he had but just finished when his second & the Surgeon called for him, this hymn he put in his Will where it was found.
Source — Four letters on the death of Alexander Hamilton, 1804, by David B. Ogden
A common pattern here being this unnamed boy. Ogden and John both say it was one of Hamilton's sons, but Chernow claims him to be an adopted orphan. Chernow gives no sources in regards to the “out-door party at the Grange” he mentions, and neither John, nor Ogden ever mention it about being an adopted child. So, who actually was this child? It is John Church himself. He was eleven years old at the time, but years later he was interviewed at the age of 85, and described this exact incident;
I recall a single incident about it with full clearness. [...] The day before the duel I was sitting in a room, when, at a slight noise, I turned around and saw my father in the doorway, standing silently there and looking at me with a most sweet and beautiful expression of countenance. It was full of tenderness, and without any of the business pre-occupation he sometimes had. “John,” he said, when I had discovered him, “won't you come and sleep with me to-night?” His voice was frank as if he had been my brother instead of my father. That night I went to his bed, and in the morning very early he awakened me, and taking my hands in his palms, all four hands extended, he said and told me to repeat the Lord's Prayer. Seventy-five years have since passed over my head, and I have forgotten many things, but not that tender expression when he stood looking at me in the door nor the prayer we made together the morning before the duel. I do not so well recollect seeing him lie upon his deathbed, though I was there.
Source — Interview with John Church Hamilton, reminiscences about his father
Alexander Hamilton Jr even supports this later in an interview where he mentions how his “youngest brother” and him went with their father to his office (Quotations are necessary, since Alexander is likely not referring to Little Phil, but rather William or John. As he mistakes himself for being older than Philip earlier in the interview); “On the day of my father's duel with Burr my youngest brother and I were in his office in Pearl street, having come earlier in the day from the family seat,” [x]
So, if it was John, why would he alienate himself from the event and talk in third person as if he were not the boy himself? John C. dissociated the biography from himself throughout the whole of it, he never mentions himself, or even brings up anything in familia context or manner. John went with the approach of erasing his connection to Hamilton in the volumes to avoid criticisms of biasness. As such, he refers to himself as nothing but just one of Hamilton's sons, and nothing I have found actually significantly proves the existence of this so-called “orphan boy” Chernow brings up.
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beardedmrbean · 11 months
Dr. William B. Allen chided critics who are too quick to malign the curriculum, saying, 'It’s only those who don’t take the time to read it who will misstate it'
An academic who helped craft Florida’s African American history curriculum called out Vice President Kamala Harris for mischaracterizing the course material in interview footage ABC News left on the cutting room floor. 
The Florida Board of Education recently approved a new curriculum for African American history, with a section on how "slaves developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit" drawing heavy criticism.
Harris condemned this line in a recent speech, declaring that "they decided middle school students will be taught that enslaved people benefited from slavery. They insult us in an attempt to gaslight us, and we will not stand for it."
The former chairman of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights and Florida’s African American History Standards Workgroup member, Dr. William Allen, told ABC News Harris completely mischaracterized the curriculum with a "categorically false" assessment. 
However, the network didn't air those comments on Saturday's "ABC World News Tonight." Only a small segment from Allen's interview aired, when he defended the controversial line, "It is the case that Africans proved resourceful, resilient and adaptive, and were able to develop skills and aptitudes which served to their benefit both while enslaved and after enslavement."
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ press secretary Jeremy Redfern shared several more minutes from Allen's interview with ABC News in a series of tweets, highlighting Allen's response to Harris.
"Yesterday, @abcnews aired a very small section of their interview with a member of Florida’s African American History Standards Workgroup, Dr. William B. Allen. Here’s more of the interview, where Dr. Allen debunks @VP’s narrative and calls her criticism 'categorically false,'" he said.
"The only criticism I’ve encountered so far is a single one that was articulated by the vice president and which was an error," Allen told ABC News according to the audio Redfern released. "As I stated in my response to the vice president, it was categorically false."
He then went on to claim the course is not portraying slavery as beneficial in itself, but rather how African Americans managed to prove themselves adaptable and resilient in a time of crisis.
"It was never said that slavery was beneficial to Africans," he noted. "What was said, and anyone who reads this will see this with clarity, it is the case that Africans proved resourceful, resilient and adaptive and were able to develop skills and aptitudes which served to their benefit, both while enslaved and after enslavement."
When the interviewer asked if the wording should be amended amid all the controversy and confusion, Allen cited his own ancestry and firmly said it should not be changed.
"I do not. No. I think it would be effectively to erase people’s history. Let me illustrate that for you, if I may," Allen said. "My great-grandfather is someone who came from the islands and who was enslaved here and whose own resourcefulness, resilience, and adaptiveness was certainly instrumental in producing for his family, his descendants, the ability to prosper here in this country."
He then emphasized his point by calling back the wording of the curriculum, "Hence, from his resourcefulness, we derive benefits. I think anyone who would try to change that language would be denying that great-grandfather Cidipus made any contribution. I certainly could not endorse doing that."
He later restated his assertion that the course material focuses on resilience and adaptability in the face of oppression, rather than submission to it.
"We’re talking about the experience of oppression and how people respond to the experience of oppression, and we want people to recognize that there’s an opposite to Stockholm Syndrome. People don’t necessarily simply embrace their oppressors when they’re oppressed. They also react adaptively and they find ways to make pathways for themselves even in the presence of oppression," he said. "That’s what calls upon their resourcefulness, their resilience and their adaptability."
As the interview came to a close, he took another swipe at Harris for making such claims while purportedly not having read the actual course materials.
"I just want to foster and encourage everyone to take the time to read, or as I said in my response to the vice president, I think every intellect can understand the language written there if people only take the time to read it," he said. "It’s only those who don’t take the time to read it who will misstate it."
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winderlylandchime · 5 months
1/3 So I was 100% sure I sent the ATX updates as well and now while going through your blog for preparation for tomorrow, I saw that I didnt. I must’ve missed it by accident because we watched this right after Gale’s interview so i was sure I sent both, my bad and I apologize in advance for the incoming spam, also hi!:
*the video starts with them walking to the building* ‘AH! BLONDIE! ITS BRI- fuck no, Gale, right? Damn it, oh damn the beard and the glasses look good!’ And the cast is now walking towards the stage ‘THATS RIGHT MY MAN GALE WAS A STAR! BLONDIEEEE! He looks the same as he did in the show. The fuck?’ Tell me why this man from a shot that lasted a second clocked that Gale probably has a cigarette pack in his front pocket and I teasingly asked what was he looking at to notice it and he goes ‘i mean….he’s just..well..mind your business’ and immediately afterwards he goes ‘he’s kinda dressed how Brian would be dressed.. but i think Brian would rather die than to have his glasses hanging around his neck..he’d have them perfectly tucked in his jean pocket so everyone knew they were expensive…i miss Brian’ He then sat back and very quietly went ‘im so happy Blondie and B-Gale are sitting together’ The lady who was hosting mentioned how QAF had a big impact on her life and he went ‘tell me about it, girl..i cant even remember what the fuck was i doing before this’ I think it’s worth mentioning that he had to rewind 3 times because he kept staring at Gale and Randy. The camera moved to show them all together and he went ‘what a time, huh? I bet they never thought they’d have their own little gay comic con moment’ ‘who is this old man? (Me: dan, he helped write the show with the other guy Ron) oh so THEY are the reason for that shit finale? You’re telling me two old white men made me sob? Well fuck both of you two! I don’t like them’ (this was said with his arms crossed like a toddler btw). There’s this moment where Dan mentions how they exceeded graphic content and Peter and Gale have a tiny moment and he pointed to them and went ‘I was robbed of their friendship!’ Every time the camera zoomed out or showed Gale/Randy, he just softly gasped and went ‘look at them’ or ‘ah my boys’ while Ron was talking about casting Randy, peter leans to gale and my brother points to that and goes ‘ohhhh theyre talking shit! I just know it’ He now learned how they cast Gale and Dan goes “and there was mr harold” and he goes ‘Look at him getting shy! Wait, he almost didnt go because he was striking? Youre telling me I got him as Brian by pure fucking luck?!’ ‘I fucking love Peter. He’s funny, (gale said something to peter while he talked about casting and he points to them and yells) THEY ARE FRIENDS! I WAS ROBBED OF THEM! *long pause* damn the beard looks good on him here’ after this Randy picked up the mic to talk about his casting and my brother just yelled ‘HE SPEAKS!’ And then the attention went on Gale and under his breath he goes ‘finally’. And immediately his reaction was ‘wow…he’s shy no matter where he is, huh? He looks as if he expected to be quiet the whole time. He’s so pretty’ Gale here mentions his ex girlfriend showing him the VHS and he goes ‘ah yes, heterosexual..forgot about that’ (Gale says he tested and thought “this will be funny”) *starts giggling like a teenage girl* ‘he’s funny..i like him a lot. He’s got like a dry humor type of thing going on, huh? Look at Blondie’s smile. Gale looks so fucking relieved to be done talking. Its okay baby, i know youre shy, this was your Vietnam (Gale goes to pick up the mic again) oh maybe I’m wrong.’ AND THIS IS WHERE GALE SAYS THE ICONIC LINE ABOUT DIVING IN WITH RANDY.. ‘i bet you did. It was deep for sure.. WAIT THE SEX SCENE WAS THEIR FIRST SCENE?! So it kinda was life imitating art.’ Peter here threw a little shade at the costumes designer ‘oh please spill on the designer. Give me the dirt about behind the scenes! I deserve to know everything after that finale’ (Peter imitates Gale) ‘LOOK AT BLONDIE! LOOK AT THAT ARM SHOVE! THATS LOVE!’ And then Randy says that it was a traumatic time for him and it shows Gale ‘look at him dying at that! Please tell me there is more of them in interviews. I need more, not to be greedy but this isnt enough’
Hello dear sweet anon! I am so sorry that traveling and being with my in-laws has taken me away from tumblr and your messages. I hope you had a good Christmas! Right now I’m wearing a mask and pulling down to take sips of my beer because my SIL has covid but we’re all staying at her place anyway.
The ATX panel is iconic. I’m dying over your brother’s anger that two old white men made him cry. AND YES I love Gale and Peter’s friendship and we were ROBBED of KinneyCutt content.
I love Gale and Randy and Peter and your brother’s reactions are so real and relatable.
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First Broadcast: January 3rd 1999
Lee Jordan: Good day wizarding world, and welcome to Potterwatch, the Harry Potter fan show voted ‘most obnoxious’ by Ginny Weasley for the second year in the row. My name is River, and with me as always is my lovable scallywag of a cohost, Rapier.
George Weasley: Good morrow fair River.
Lee: a pleasure to see you Rapier. Do we have some news today.
George: Boy howdy do we River. First, we go live to our man in the field, and famed Dolores Umbridge hater, Roonil.
Harry Potter: What up my dudes.
George: Roonil, I hear you have some breaking news for us.
Harry: That’s right Rapier. I’m outside the home of world renowned handsome man, Bill Weasley, trying to gain an interview with the newest addition to the Weasley clan, Victoire.
Bill Weasley: Oi Potter, either feed that baby or bog off.
Harry: Miss Weasley, before I give you your bottle, do you have anything to say to the listeners at home?
Victoire Weasley: Mik.
Harry: No, no milk until you talk to the listeners.
Victoire: MIK
Bill: Oh god she’s doing that weird Veela thing. Give her the milk Harry!
Harry: I don’t know how babies work! Kreacher, come and feed this baby!
Kreacher: Kreacher will not touch the half breed blood traitor.
Harry: Now isn’t really the time for your rubbish Kreacher. Here Victoire, look at the nice toy owl. Oh god why does she have fangs. Did she have teeth when I arrived…she’s mauling me..Kreacher, help.
George: Hello, Roonil? You still there.
Lee: Well that was a disaster. Why are there so many maulings on this show.
George: No idea. Anyway back to news. As the millennium approaches, Minister Shacklebolt has announced measures to ensure the upmost secrecy for wizard celebrations. These include the use of the Quidditch World Cup stadium as an official party venue. Fireworks supplied by Weasleys Wizard Wheezes.
Lee: Nice Plug.
George: Cheers. And finally from news. Ronald B Weasley, professional sidekick and unprofessional ginger, assisted in the capture of a death eater today in Andorra. The identity of said death eater is unknown, but is believed to be Antonin Dolohov.
Lee: Not a fan of Dolohov. He tried to curse me like three times.
George: What a git. Ron Weasley was engaged in a duel on the slopes of an Andorran mountain alongside several representatives from the Spanish ministry. It is believed Dolohov chose to hide in Andorra due to the tiny wizarding population, and was only found by Weasley when he accidentally skied into him.
Lee: I didn’t know Ron could ski.
George: He can’t. Hence he skied into Dolohov. After a duel of over an hour, it is reported Weasley swore loudly, tripped over a rock and managed to curse Dolohov while the Death Eater was laughing.
Lee: Truly he deserves his order of Merlin. Such bravery. Thank you Rapier. And now we have a special guest. Please join me in welcoming Robespierre.
Fleur Delacour: Salut mes amis. I am worried now that Harry, pardon, Roonil is being hurt my…a bay.
Lee: No worries Robespierre, Roonil has survived more vicious maulings than that.
Fleur: That is not helping.
Lee: So Robespierre, you know Harry Potter very well. Is he as dreamy as everyone say?
Fleur: Harry is a nice young man, mais he is not really my type. Ma soeur, Gabrielle, now she is a big fan of Harry’s. She has threatened to duel miss weasley for his heart, but I am not thinking this is a good idea. It would be making Christmas dinner tres difficult at the Weasley house.
Lee: Potter to date a Veela? You heard it first hear folks. Sensational news.
Fleur: Merde.
Lee: Now Robespierre, since moving to the UK, you have gotten married, fought in a major war, and learnt how to knit. Which achievement are you most proud of.
Fleur: oh the knitting. In France we defeat dark wizards, how you say, on the reg.
Lee: Are there many dark wizards in France? I can’t think of one off the top of my head.
Fleur: No, because we do our jobs en France. We defeat ze evil wizards before they get too powerful. Not like en Angleterre where you let Voldemort rise. Is silly.
Lee: Didn’t one of Grindlewald’s top lieutenants come from France? And he recruited his first army in Paris?
Fleur: No I do not think this is true.
George: I’m pretty sure he’s right. What was her name. Raisin, Rosé, Rosia. I wish I’d listened in history of magic.
Fleur: Non non you are mistaken.
Lee: Rosier. That was it.
Fleur: oh yes her. Well zis was fun. Aurevoir.
Lee: Thank you Robespierre. Well Witches and Wizards, this was excellent as always. I was magnificent.
George: As was I. Next episode the password will be ‘Sock’ in honour of Dobby the Great, true king of the house elves, breaker of chains, whooper of ass. I’ve been Rapier.
Lee: and I’ve been River. Goodnight.
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This day in history
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Tomorrow (May 22), I’m keynoting Public Knowledge’s Emerging Tech conference in DC.
On Tuesday (May 23), I’ll be in TORONTO for a book launch for Red Team Blues that’s part of WEPFest, a benefit for the West End Phoenix, onstage with Dave Bidini (The Rheostatics), Ron Diebert (Citizen Lab) and the whistleblower Dr Nancy Olivieri.
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#15yrsago EFF forces Lockheed to withdraw trademark claim on B-24 bomber https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2008/05/b-24-liberated
#15yrsago Open Source Embroidery and the “gendered gift economy” https://web.archive.org/web/20080525221524/http://speakdiapsalmata.blogspot.com/2008/05/open-source-embroidery-interview-with.html
#15yrsago RIP, Robert Asprin https://web.archive.org/web/20080723110304/http://www.mythadventures.net/
#15yrsago Structures of Participation in Digital Culture — free download scholarly essay https://web.archive.org/web/20080517105428/https://www.ssrc.org/blogs/books/2007/12/31/structures-of-participation-in-digital-culture/
#10yrsago Privacy, public health and the moral hazard of surveillance https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2013/may/21/privacy-public-health-surveillance
#10yrsago Perils of smart cities https://web.archive.org/web/20130607204221/https://www.bostonglobe.com/ideas/2013/05/18/the-too-smart-city/q87J17qCLwrN90amZ5CoLI/story.html
#10yrsago Chronology of the Canadian Conservative government’s war on science https://scienceblogs.com/confessions/2013/05/20/the-canadian-war-on-science-a-long-unexaggerated-devastating-chronological-indictment
#5yrsago Two sitting Senators were among the people whose identities were stolen in FCC comments from anti-Net Neutrality bots https://www.vice.com/en/article/8xeqqz/two-senators-say-their-identities-were-stolen-during-net-neutrality-repeal
#5yrsago The military sysadmins in charge of Trump’s cellphones can’t get him to give up wildly insecure practices https://www.politico.com/story/2018/05/21/trump-phone-security-risk-hackers-601903
#5yrsago Amazon has been quietly selling its facial recognition system to US police forces, marketing it for bodycam use https://web.archive.org/web/20180522231513/https://www.aclu.org/blog/privacy-technology/surveillance-technologies/amazon-teams-law-enforcement-deploy-dangerous-new?redirect=blog/amazon-teams-law-enforcement-deploy-dangerous-new-facial-recognition-technology
#5yrsago Mur Lafferty wrote a science fiction story about the DMCA to help EFF’s fair use for vidders campaign https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2018/05/eff-presents-mur-laffertys-science-fiction-story-about-our-fair-use-petition
#5yrsago The paperback of Walkaway is out today, along with reissues of all my adult novels in matching covers! https://memex.craphound.com/2018/05/22/the-paperback-of-walkaway-is-out-today-along-with-reissues-of-all-my-adult-novels-in-matching-covers/
#5yrsago The emerging split in modern trustbusting: Alexander Hamilton’s Fully Automated Luxury Communism vs Thomas Jefferson’s Redecentralization https://memex.craphound.com/2018/05/22/the-emerging-split-in-modern-trustbusting-alexander-hamiltons-fully-automated-luxury-communism-vs-thomas-jeffersons-redecentralization/
#5yrsago 84K: A grim meathook future novel of exterminism, with a theory of change and a glimmer of hope in its centre https://memex.craphound.com/2018/05/22/84k-a-grim-meathook-future-novel-of-exterminism-with-a-theory-of-change-and-a-glimmer-of-hope-in-its-centre/
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Catch me on tour with Red Team Blues in DC, Toronto, Hay, Oxford, Manchester, Nottingham, London, and Berlin!
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