#integrative biological research
techninja · 17 days
How Wetware Computers Are Being Used in Advanced Diagnostics
Wetware Computers: Pioneering the Next Era of Computing
As technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace, wetware computers stand out as a revolutionary innovation that blends biological elements with traditional computing. These cutting-edge systems promise to transform the landscape of computing, offering unparalleled efficiency and capabilities. This article delves deep into the realm of wetware computers, exploring their principles, current advancements, and future implications.
What Are Wetware Computers?
Wetware computers, also referred to as biocomputers or organic computers, incorporate biological materials with conventional hardware. Unlike traditional computers that depend on silicon-based semiconductors, wetware computers use living cells and tissues to execute computational tasks. This synergy of biology and technology unlocks new potential, leveraging the innate complexity and efficiency of biological systems.
Core Components of Wetware Computers
Wetware computers feature several distinct components that set them apart from conventional systems:
Living Cells: The foundation of wetware computers consists of living cells, such as neurons or engineered bacteria, which process information via biochemical reactions.
Biological Circuits: These circuits mimic the functions of electronic circuits, utilizing biological materials to transmit signals and perform logical operations.
Interface Technologies: Advanced interfaces are developed to facilitate communication between biological components and electronic hardware, ensuring smooth integration.
The Mechanisms of Wetware Computing
Biological Processing Units (BPUs)
At the core of wetware computing are biological processing units (BPUs), akin to central processing units (CPUs) in traditional computers. BPUs exploit the natural processing abilities of biological cells to perform complex computations. For instance, neurons can form intricate networks that process information simultaneously, offering significant advantages in speed and efficiency over traditional silicon-based processors.
Biochemical Logic Gates
Biochemical logic gates are crucial elements of wetware computers, operating similarly to electronic logic gates. These gates employ biochemical reactions to execute logical operations such as AND, OR, and NOT. By harnessing these reactions, wetware computers achieve highly efficient and parallel processing capabilities.
Synthetic Biology and Genetic Modification
Progress in synthetic biology and genetic modification has been instrumental in advancing wetware computers. Scientists can now engineer cells to exhibit specific behaviors and responses, tailoring them for particular computational tasks. This customization is essential for creating dependable and scalable wetware systems.
Potential Applications of Wetware Computers
Wetware computers have immense potential across a variety of fields, including:
Medical Research and Healthcare
In medical research, wetware computers can simulate complex biological processes, providing insights into disease mechanisms and potential treatments. In healthcare, these systems could lead to the development of advanced diagnostic tools and personalized medicine, where treatments are tailored to the individual’s unique biological profile.
Environmental Monitoring
Wetware computers can be deployed for environmental monitoring, using genetically engineered organisms to detect and respond to pollutants. These biocomputers can offer real-time data on environmental conditions, aiding in pollution management and mitigation.
Neuroscience and Brain-Computer Interfaces
The fusion of biological components with computing paves the way for significant advancements in neuroscience and brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). Wetware computers can help develop sophisticated BCIs, enabling direct communication between the human brain and external devices. This technology holds great promise for medical rehabilitation, enhancing the quality of life for individuals with neurological conditions.
Current Progress and Challenges
Advancements in Wetware Computing
Recent advancements in wetware computing have shown the feasibility of integrating biological components with electronic systems. Researchers have successfully created basic biocomputers capable of performing fundamental logical operations and processing information. These milestones highlight the potential of wetware computers to complement and eventually surpass traditional computing technologies.
Challenges and Obstacles
Despite promising progress, wetware computing faces several challenges:
Stability and Reliability: Biological systems are inherently complex and can be unstable. Ensuring the stability and reliability of biocomputers remains a significant challenge.
Scalability: Scaling wetware computing systems to handle more complex and large-scale computations is a critical hurdle.
Ethical Considerations: The use of living organisms in computing raises ethical questions regarding the manipulation of life forms for technological purposes.
The Future Prospects of Wetware Computers
The future of wetware computers is promising, with ongoing research and development aimed at overcoming current limitations and unlocking their full potential. As technology advances, we anticipate several key trends:
Hybrid Computing Models
Wetware computers are likely to complement traditional computing systems, creating hybrid models that leverage the strengths of both. This integration could lead to more efficient and powerful computing solutions, addressing complex problems that are currently beyond our reach.
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Advancements in Synthetic Biology
Continued advancements in synthetic biology will enable the creation of more sophisticated biological components for wetware computers. Improved genetic engineering techniques will allow for greater precision and control, enhancing the performance and reliability of these systems.
Ethical and Regulatory Frameworks
As wetware computing technology advances, the development of robust ethical and regulatory frameworks will be essential. These frameworks will ensure that the use of biological components in computing is conducted responsibly and ethically, addressing concerns related to the manipulation of life forms.
Wetware computers represent a transformative leap in the field of computing, merging the biological and technological worlds in unprecedented ways. The potential applications of this technology are vast, from medical research and healthcare to environmental monitoring and neuroscience. While challenges remain, the continued progress in this area promises to revolutionize the way we approach computation, offering new possibilities and efficiencies.
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ecrivainsolitaire · 4 months
Humans have the capability of perceiving when they're being stared at, even if they can't see it.
Dr. T'Chem was staring at Lieutenant /θkɡɾɑːˈŋæ/ (or as his current fling affectionately nicknamed her, "Tucker-Annie"), whose dorsal spikes were still rattling after the incident at the holodeck. It was his first time at the witness stand, and he didn't want to ruin a young star sailor's life.
Lieutenant Tucker-Annie was the combat specialist in charge of the training dojo of Federation Vessel TSN457, named after the Terra-Saturn-Ceres coalition where Dr. T'Chem currently served as the xenoanthropologist charged with facilitating human integration to the local Federation of Fraternal Planets and Satellites. The FFPS had the goal of finding planets with intelligent life to trade resources and technology, and due to their recent incorporation, local research vessels were fitted with diverse crews to acclimate everyone to each other's cultures and biological needs. Dr. T'Chem was the human expert in the ship, and was tasked with helping smooth over interpersonal relations among the crew.
The relations were, at that moment, as bumpy as Lt. Tucker-Annie's dorsal spike line.
An incident had occurred during a training exercise. The squad consisted of a Venusian, two Saturnians, three Ceresians, two monks from the Transcorporeal Temple of Robotic Ascension, and five Terrans (two humans, two dogs and a cybernetically enhanced cat). The exercise consisted of getting through a generic jungle scenario and, unbeknownst to the squad, avoiding a team of ninjas lead by Lt. Tucker-Annie trying to take them out one by one. It was supposed to test the way they would react to a surprise attack.
It was not supposed to reveal that humans could sense when they were being stalked.
Of course, any trained sailor would have an ingrained knowledge of potential threats and how to spot them. Look for the shadows that are too dark, listen for the spot air isn't blowing from, things like that. Basic things most people don't think about but that can be identified if you think about them.
This was not that.
"Something's watching us," said Crew Johnson, in that sloppy way only creatures with lips spoke.
"What do you mean? There's cameras everywhere, of course they're watching us," responded Crew Hessikh, slithering over the vines on a tree branch to cross a river. She grabbed the axe in Crew Johnson's belt with her telekinesis and took down a small tree to serve as a bridge.
"Crew Flufflepaws, could you please take a look?" Asked Crew Johnson, nervously looking around. Crew Flufflepaws got on the tree as well and scanned the terrain from above.
"I can't see anything, or smell anything. And my hearing isn't what it used to be. I'll stay on the lookout for—" a horrendous hiss interrupted the automatic translator's feed. Crew Flufflepaws' comm line cut off.
Hessikh and Johnson looked at each other. That was the strongest fighter of their team, gone. They knew it was a simulation, but it still gave them chills.
The rest of their crew mates were split into two different teams further along the path. Crew Fanning's voice came from the comm line.
"Johnson, Hessikh, are you okay? What happened to Flufflepaws?"
"We don't know, Johnson said something was watching us and it went to check, then we lost comms."
"I felt it too. I know this isn't that kind of exercise but I think— AAAHHH!"
Two blaster shots were heard, then a thud.
Lieutenant Tucker-Annie, who was watching Hessikh and Johnson from the mud pit behind the latter, had her tranquilizer dart ready. She got ready to shoot down Hessikh, but then heard a voice over the comm line.
"Code Lithium, we have a Code Lithium, we have to end the simulation, I just took down- I can't-" the breathing was sounding heavier and faster, too fast for a human.
"Fanning, calm down, remember your sutras. We need you focused, what happened?"
"I felt like I was being watched, so I turned around and saw this thing and it scared me and I jumped and I thought it was on stun mode and-"
"It's alright, we're calling it off. Captain, we have a Code Lithium! End the simulation now or- fuck, there it is again. Hessikh, do you see any heat sources?"
"Nothing out of the ordinary- why haven't they shot it down alre-"
The next thing Lieutenant Tucker-Annie remembered was the sound of a heel turn over the mud, followed by darkness.
Lt. Tucker-Annie woke up in the hospital bay, getting her tail regenerated by a robot nurse. She looked over and found her underling on the next bed, with a huge bandage on the side of his neck and a wing in a cast. Thankfully, he would be alright as soon as the stem cell bank was reprogrammed after her treatment.
The disciplinary board was called, an investigation was open, and both Crew Fanning and their captain were put on paid leave while the investigation was ongoing. Dr. T'Chem was called in as an expert after a review of the holodeck footage revealed there was no way Crew Fanning could have heard, seen or smelled the hidden sailor.
It was the first time in a while he hadn't helped himself to a glass of Venusian whiskey for breakfast. He really didn't want to mess this up.
"And would you care to explain how this is possible, Doctor?" Asked the prosecution, staring him down with an unnerving amount of eyes.
"I am as astounded as this court; our firm has been looking into Terran medical literature and we're still trying to figure out how it works; they don't even know, but they know it does happen, it's been documented for thousands of years. I have a hypothesis, but I don't know if it's even testable."
There was a murmur in the court. The judge asked him to elaborate.
"The way eyesight works is the light bounces off of opaque bodies and in its way it collides with the lenses in our corneas, which send it to the brain as electrical signals to be interpreted. The light that doesn't go into our eyes just bounces off our bodies and other opaque objects as well, the photons go everywhere and anywhere. This is the same for most species in this constellation, including humans. But even other Terran species don't have these abilities, as Crew Flufflepaws has testified."
A begrudging meow was heard from the audience.
"Order in the court, please. Dr. T'Chem, what do you suggest is the origin of this mysterious sense?"
The camera drones all hoovered around him. Dr. T'Chem straightened his fins and got close to the microphone.
"I believe it's possible that humans have a sense of touch so sensitive that they can feel the photons that don't bounce back. The ones that go into an eye instead of an opaque body. I think humans can actually feel in their skin when they are being watched."
There was an uproar in the crowd. His paramour, a dark skinned young human from the human settlement known as "Colombia", grabbed the religious symbol on her necklace and made a gesture with it he hadn't quite figured out yet.
The trial had to go on recess.
The implications were incalculable. Three dozen biologists from six different planets, including Terra, had emailed him before the end of the day to ask him to justify himself. Multiple human religious leaders took the chance to link it to demonic possession or moral evils. By the end of the week, four different labs were trying to figure out a way to double blind test shooting a photon cannon on a human's back and trying to get them to sense it.
But most importantly, the news made it outside of the Federation. The rumours about this new species that couldn't be stalked got so far, it ended up affecting the outcome of a border conflict with the Betelgeuse Libertarian Army on the Federation's favour.
Humans were terrifying.
If this is what they evolved to be, what was their planet like?
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typhlonectes · 1 year
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Kansas Research Shows Reintroducing Bison on Tallgrass Prairie Doubles Plant Diversity
Findings from decades of data also point to resistance to extreme drought.
Decades of research led by scientists at Kansas State University offered evidence reintroducing bison to roam the tallgrass prairie gradually doubled plant diversity and improved resilience to extreme drought.
Gains documented in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Science were among the largest recorded globally in terms of species richness on grazing grasslands. The research involved more than 30 years of data collected at the Konza Prairie Biological Station near Manhattan.
Zak Ratajczak, lead researcher and assistant professor of biology at Kansas State, said removal of nearly all bison from the prairie occurred before establishment of quantitative records. That meant effects of removing the dominant grazer were largely unknown, he said.
“Bison were an integral part of North American grasslands before they were abruptly removed from over 99% of the Great Plains,” Ratajczak said...
Read more: https://www.agriculture.com/news/business/kansas-research-shows-reintroducing-bison-on-tallgrass-prairie-doubles-plant-diversity
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halfagone · 5 months
Kryptonians and Ectoplasm
I have... SuperPham thoughts. I mentioned this on Discord the other day, and it went somewhere along the lines of this:
In an AU where Danny is biologically Lois and Clark's son, that means the radiation of the portal turning on, killing him, and bringing him back to life is likely a concentrated version of how Clark came back to life due to exposure to enough ultraviolet rays or ion radiation. He essentially has the ability to photosynthesize like a flower, and in this essay I will-
And well, that's all I had at the time. So here's the essay:
The Ghost Zone could very easily be translated to the Phantom Zone in the crossover. However, in many main forms of DC media, Kryptonians such as Dru-Zod and his allies were sent to the Phantom Zone as a punishment for their crimes, effectively cutting them off from their powers. Which means it's likely not ectoplasm that's substituting for the ultraviolet rays of a yellow star, but the process of opening the portal.
Even if looking beyond a half-Kryptonian Danny AU, there can be a lot of applications to this. And taking a look at Superman lore gives some clues to how we can further integrate this into DPxDC.
FULL DISCLOSURE: I am not a scientist, be it physicist or biologist. This brain child was born from pure imagination and unlimited access to scientific articles.
For those that might be less familiar with this timeline, the period in which Superman dies and is seen replaced by four other Superman (one of which is Superboy, or Kon-El, the clone to Kal-El and Lex Luthor) is known as "Reign of the Supermen" and consists of a number of comics.
I won't get into the specifics of all these Supermen, but Clark comes back to life after roughly six months. [Taken from the DCAMU movie "Reign of the Supermen", in which the prologue reveals that the battle to the death between Superman and Doomsday was 6 months ago.]
So it took roughly 6 months for Clark to fully recover. Yet for Danny it took, probably, 5 seconds for the whole thing to be said and done. Which could possibly explain why he's so powerful, beyond the mixture of ectoplasm in his system for this AU.
On the other, other hand, there are many headcanons surrounding how ectoplasm functions on a more scientific standpoint. One of my personal headcanons is that ectoplasm feeds on the electromagnetic waves that humans emit through emotions. The stronger the emotion, the more ectoplasm pools together. Hence, when a person dies, all that ectoplasm pooling together and imprinting on said ectoplasm creates a ghost. [This headcanon is first discussed in chapter 28 of LL's Ascent.]
But we've already established that Kryptonians can be revived through ion radiation. So what is ion radiation? In simple terms, ion radiation is "a type of energy released by atoms that travels in the form of electromagnetic waves (gamma or X-rays) or particles (neutrons, beta or alpha)." But... didn't we just say that ectoplasm likely isn't the reason Superman came back to life? Especially since the Phantom Zone hampers Kryptonians' powers?
That is very true, and if you think about it, this would mean ectoplasm and Kryptonian biology exhibit a lot of the same characteristics. What would be the difference then? Ectoplasm retains the electromagnetic waves, hence how it maintains ghosts' personalities and memories.
However, hampering with these electromagnetic waves could explain why ghosts lose themselves over time, and might give headway to how anti-ecto weapons harm ghosts. But that is a topic that requires more research, and will have to be left for another day.
So ectoplasm retains electromagnetic waves, what about Kryptonians? They can't do the same. Once they are cut off from sunlight, or any form of ultraviolet rays, their powers go with it. Common headcanons for ghosts determine that they can go for some time without continually feeding on ectoplasm, although they gradually grow weaker the longer they go without a source.
But ectoplasm does not emit electromagnetic waves of their own. Perhaps ghosts could filter their ectoplasm and make this possible, maybe that's how they give people the creeps when they intrude on their territory. But otherwise, plain old ectoplasm won't do this. But do you know who does emit electromagnetic waves, according to this logic?
Kryptonians do.
Their emotions emit these waves, and when traveling to the Phantom/Ghost Zone, that would mean all the ectoplasm around them would feed on their emotions. Unfortunately, there is no source of sunlight in the Ghost Zone, which means not only are they cut off from a main source of nutrition, they are constantly being leeched off on from ectoplasm.
This could mean that going to the Ghost Zone, for a Kryptonian, might just be a death sentence. Which makes Dru-Zod's exile to the Phantom/Ghost Zone that much more grim and cruel. We know from the Flashpoint Paradox timeline that Kryptonians will slowly wither away and quite possibly die without any source of ultraviolet rays.
So what would this mean for a half-Kryptonian Danny AU? Well for one, it would explain why Danny is so powerful. His dual nature as half-Kryptonian and a halfa means that all the weaknesses he has from his Kryptonian biology is canceled out by his nature as a halfa, and vice versa.
This wouldn't entirely strip Danny of weaknesses. In some ways it could even compound his weaknesses depending on what's used against him.
Yet it's still something very interesting and tasty to think about. And provides a lot of possibilities for future plot points or alternate universes.
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p-landy · 3 months
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It is called stargazer.
Pale blue dot's (PBD for short) messenger Slugcat. Although it is a "messenger", it is actually more like the assistant of PBD's biological research - its two gills are mechanical antennas, which automatically transmit information and store it in the brain as it moves and encounters organisms. When back in the PBD, PBD will retrieve the stored information via the messenger's antenna.
It can make electric spears, but at the cost of passing out for 5-10 seconds after making them.
It cannot eat dead animals, but it is possible to obtain satiety by biting them (half of the satiety that the animal would have provided). Other values are comparable to those of survivors. The scars are sometimes cracked and may bleed blue.
Due to its special construction (semi-mechanized, and cannot speak slugcat language -- like"waa" I don't know), it is often marginalized by some slugcats, and it is difficult to integrate into the slug cat community/tribe. Therefore, in this situation, not relying on the group to survive becomes the first problem it faces. Because of this, it is harder for stargazer to trust others.
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sophieinwonderland · 1 month
So, singlet here, been on tumblr for a while but only started to join plural spaces when a friend told me they were plural and now I am trying to learn more. Sadly, the first plural creator I found was Aspen and now I’m trying to unlearn all the endo hate I’ve learned in the past month. If you don’t mind, could you tell me what an endo actually is? Whenever I asked them they just told me what I now know to be lies.
Sure! Thanks for reaching out and being open-minded!
In its most simple form, an endogenic system is a system who is plural for reasons other than trauma.
These include created systems, systems who have been plural as long as they can remember, and spontaneous systems who become plural without explanation. And any of these can have spiritual or psychological views on their system. The plural umbrella is inclusive to any plurals regardless of origin.
Here is what we know:
Plurality is old and everywhere: Throughout history, in cultures around the globe, plurality has existed in the form of possession states or communing with spirits or similar phenomena.
Many of the above experiences have been studied, and psychiatrists agree that they generally aren't aversive and shouldn't be considered a mental disorder. There are specific exceptions carved out stating that non-aversive plurality shouldn't be diagnosed as a disorder.
The invention of the internet and ability to connect with other plurals without fear of persecution led to the creation of the first inclusive plural communities online, shared by anyone who was multiple in one body for any reason.
At the time, the term "natural multiples" was used to refer to what we now call endogenic systems. The community replaced the term with "endogenic" around 2014.
Most of the resources used by the modern plural community came out of the inclusive side of the community. "Headmate" was a non-medical alternative to "alter." "Plural" was coined as a non-medical alternative to "multiple" which was associated with "multiple personality disorder" at the time. Fictives and factives both date back to the soulbonder community. And resources like Pluralkit and Simply Plural were made by endos.
What we don't know:
Scientific research into endogenic systems is still in its infancy. And though it indisputably exists, we don't know exactly what causes it... but we also don't know what causes someone to be a singlet...
Our brain is estimated to have 86 billion neurons with over 100 trillion synapses. We don’t understand what make all of these create one single personality.
The theory of structural dissociation suggests that children start with a less integrated personality that integrates over time. But that opens the door to ask, does this integration occur naturally due to biological factors, or is it from sociological and environmental pressure?
It seems possible to me that different environments or genetic factors could lead to certain humans just integrating into multiple people instead of one. This would explain systems who report being plural since birth.
For created systems, one hypothesis could be that it might involve a form of hypnosis. Some doctors have long believed hypnosis might involve dissociated parts, and Dr Samuel Veisseire and Michael Lifshitz, who have studied tulpamancy closely, believe the practices tulpamancers use to create tulpas might be inherently hypnotic.
Stanford University is doing a neurological study into tulpamancers, and I'm excited to see the results of that, but we aren't sure when that study is going to be complete. And that's likely just the first of many, and though it will be another piece of the puzzle, it certainly won't answer our most pressing questions for how this works. But I, for one, can't wait to learn more! 😁
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vorecaptions · 3 months
Metamorphosis part 1
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Aaron's father have been grumpy about his age, how his body was getting weaker and not doing as good as before. 
God, that was so fucking annoying having to hear him nagging all day long of how incredible he was at his best. I had no patience to hear anymore of that shit, so I proposed a really absurd idea, he could become one of the subjects of my PhD research on pred's genetics. My family bloodline had not a single predator gene in it so I started making papers to understand how a pred could become one or pass it to their offspring. My research showed that preds genes were highly volatile, making their bodies capable of the most absurd adaptations and, because of it, in need of humongous amount of nutrients to fuel it. Because of this insane genetic adaptability I pondered to be possible to introduce it via transplant of a few cells into a standard man and, in theory, the cells to be able to entangle the genetic structure from host and donor much alike some preds absorb their prey instead of digestion. To do a test however I need a subject willing to risk everything, even this days genetic engineering was a shot in the dark. His father didn't need to be told twice to agree head on.
The treatment was not so much complex as one would think. All he need to do was getting a sample of preds cells and inject them in the hosts body. Aaron explained that since the risk of unforeseen shenanigans was high they would need to pick an "expendable bit" of his body, one that wouldn't involve too much structural muscle skeletal changes. The locale has been obvious, they would need to use his penis. His dad was reluctant, but agreed saying he didn't use that "shriveled piece of meat in years". The preds cells were from a young donor, a teen yet to have his first feeding. This characteristic was crucial, everything a pred would feed he would also assimilate bits of his preys dna, making his own genetic makeup more unstable in long runs, making them feed more and more to stabilize it as they get older. A small prick on his dad meat and one in each of his small nuts was enough to finish the operation. Now was the waiting game. Two weeks past it, and constant checkups indicated a good integration on both the genetic makeups. Aaron noticed the skin of his dad cock wad getting darker, he recalled the donor was a black teen, perhaps it has influenced throughout the dna intermingle of host and donor cells. The tissues of the genital area did look more tender and firm, the testicles were more round and scans confirmed their changes, they soon demanded nourishment... The rate of development was way quicker than Aaron would've predicted, and it did scare him. He soon realized the quimeric cells made from his experiment would propagate to the rest of the host body. A month later and his dad had been different already, he had way less wrinkles and would talk about how his nuts were churning seminal fluid nonstop. This last bit was expected, the treatment made his cells unstable as a pred, albeit as much as an inexperienced one after his first meals. His father would need constant new genetic mass to surplus his own degrading dna. The problem however was obvious, his dad was not a pred, he did not have their innate biological capacity of swallowing or directly absorbing his preys. That came with yet another conundrum. How in the actual fuck would he solve this problem? Getting dna for him would become a problem, if he gave another genetic makeup it would desistabilize his matrix even more and larges quantities would be required. This situation Aaron resolved fairly easy, he would donor his own dna to his father, since he was made from his seed his genetic makeups were more similar than any. The first "meal" wad quite weird. Aaron could've had done it with any bit of himself, hair, skin, blood. He decided to make his donation with his seed as well, it made sense to him since the central point of the transformation his father had came directly from his genitals, the sperm cells would be much easier recognized.
With a syringe without needle filled with his cum, he inserted in the urethra of his dad eager cock. The thing was hard as steel and Aaron could just see the slit gaping as if it was trying swallow the upper point of the syringe. Slowly he injected the stuff down the schlong, it really looked like gulping its contents, he could see the small bulge following the underside of his dad dick all to the base.
-please son, it was so fucking good, don't more...
His dad looked like a dumb gooner during a edge session, his face in ectasy and his tongue out like a fucking perv.
His administration of dna did wonders to his dad. He looked way livier and showed improved health on his exams. It did however show something unexpected. His father celular degradation slowed down considerably, but by just one exposition to new dna shouldn't have this effect. Only about weeks later would he actually discover what was happening.
By accident would Aaron have checked one of the ip cams he had on his home, the thing malfunction made him have to reinstall the necessary apps for it to work. Curiosity called him to check how weird he'd sound while snoring, that's when he witnessed something that would change everything about his experiment.
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His father entered the room while Aaron was passed out snoring. Gently his old man unfurled him from his blankets. His dad would often stay still, frozen when he moved a bit, he was trying really hard to not wake him. When he saw it was safe enough he slowly put his hand inside his sons boxers and took the soft penis out. He took his time looking at the meat. Weighing it in his large hand before he would take his own schlong from his underwear. Through the cam Aaron was astonished about what was happening but the next thing was way off the scale. His dad dick was fattening, engorging as it got hard. It didn't look full hard though, as if a half mast, still flexible. Dad studied his own dick for a bit before he got closer to Aaron. He proceeded to rub his fat gland against his son soft cockhead. It was then that he bit his own hand, like trying to block any sound coming from his mouth and leaning a bit to the side that Aaron could see what he was doing. The fat cock was even more fat, thick, because it was engulfing his own, it was like a snake swallowing another! It was way beyond mere docking with their foreskin, his dick was being devoured by his dad own schlong! God, it was so absurd, and he could even see the thing making sucking, slurping motions as if trying to get more of his meat. Aaron did not know what was happening, but he could see it was affecting his dad, his face strained, eyes closed and his mouth still locked bitting his hand. Few minutes later he saw his cock, now hard, getting even harder against the other engulfing it, his balls retracted and he ejaculated. A soft moan was heard, his dad couldn't control it anymore, the seed his son spurt was injected directly into him through his urethra, his cock was slurping all the contents his balls churned that night, his own testicles were so hungry and he needed something to fill their emptiness.
His dad would not leave until every spurt was drained by his cock, until his victim deflated and dislodged from his pisslit. He would massage his balls and put a face as if tasting something delicious.
Aaron was beyond shocked, but confused as well. He was a heavy sleeper but not enough to have his meat raped and not waking up. Reviewing the records he realized his dad had been doing it for a week.
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narrans · 22 days
My Borrowed Son | 22 | Choices and Change
Chapter Twenty-Two | Choices and Change
Amanda knew she had messed up, but was now even the time to discuss it? Every expert she read about was saying the same thing. Every article and book indicated the same thing.
And yet Amanda couldn’t bring herself to do it.
Every adoption parenting book and article she researched said that integrating the fact that the child was adopted as soon and as early as possible would be the healthiest thing for them. Practically every study said that integrating this information as a part of every day life would keep a sense of normalcy and a sense of belonging for the child.
It helped in showing the child that even if they didn’t come from you, it didn’t mean they were loved or cared for any less. Sharing this information allowed open communication and questions in a “safe space.”
The only problem for Amanda was that she didn’t have the answers.
She didn’t tell Parker early on that she didn’t give birth to him.
She didn’t tell Parker that she found him at a children’s playground under a bench scared and alone after several powerful thunderstorms days prior.
She didn’t know what he was if he wasn’t a human with some kind of weird genetic disorder.
She didn’t even know if his real, biological parents were even alive.
No answers.
No hope of turning back the clock.
No way she could proceed delicately if she wanted to tell Parker anything about his origins.
So, when his fourteenth birthday came and went, Amanda realized that she could only prepare herself for when his questions would inevitably come. Everything was further complicated when Parker finally confessed that he thought he had feelings for his fellow classmate, Lyn.
Amanda had suspected Parker’s feelings for months now, but it wasn’t until he actually confessed that he thought he had a crush that it seemed real to her. It was obvious to Amanda, but Parker was a bit more reserved when it came to his confessions of puppy love for his friend.
No talk about being boyfriend and girlfriend was mentioned, but Amanda knew it was only a matter of time before any of this happened. It was an exciting and nerve wracking time, but Amanda couldn’t help but feel dread for what might lay on the horizon.
The thoughts about a discussion with Parker about him being adopted were also taking a back burner in her mind.
Recently, Amanda’s work had given her a promotion and wanted her to start coming into the office regularly rather than being virtual. She trusted her son in being alone in the apartment because she had done it before dozens of times when she needed to go out and couldn’t bring or hide Parker.
More than that was the fact Amanda wanted to move into a real home. A beautiful house in a nearby neighborhood had just become available and, after a lot of consideration, Amanda decided to talk to Parker about possibly moving from an apartment to a house.
“Nothing will change. You’ll still have your normal classes, but we wouldn’t be in a condo attached to other apartments anymore. We would have more space and could really made something special out of it,” explained Amanda.
Of course, Parker didn’t have to be sold hard on the idea. He had lived in the same place all his life and wanted his mom to be happy. She had talked about buying a house for years and Parker had always wanted to experience a move. All of his other friends seemed to experience it after all.
The promise of a new adventure was thrilling, so Parker agreed.
“Yeah! Is it a big place? Are there lots of rooms? Is it far away? Or is it close?” asked Parker.
“It’s a bit close actually. It’s just a few neighborhoods over, which might seem silly to move if it’s not a whole new area. It’s a fairly big place. There’s a big basement, a big living room, and three bedrooms,” explained Amanda.
“Woah! I can’t wait to tell Lyn,” beamed Parker as he continued to help clear his dishes after dinner. At this, he paused and glanced nervously up at his mom. “Do… you think… umm… well… do you think I could invite my friends over? Once we get all moved in and everything? Like… in time for my fifteenth birthday?”
Amanda’s stomach dropped as she considered Parker’s words.
Many of his friends had been around for four or five years. His really close friends seemed to be good kids and developing into decent teens.
The real question, however, was could they be trusted in handling Parker with care? Also, how would they react to seeing their friend in person? What would their reactions be to him being so small?
“I… Maybe. We’ll get settled first and then see if we can host something with some of your friends,” said Amanda.
Parker’s demeanor shifted from nervous to excited as he gave an excited shimmy and washed his dishes and then headed back to his room to finish a paper for his class.
Amanda knew she had an opportunity right then and there to possibly talk to Parker about why she had been so cautious, but diminishing that excitement in Parker’s eyes would break her heart.
She decided that this new move with new beginnings may be the best time to talk to her son about how he came into her life. Just as soon as they were settled, Amanda decided that she needed to talk to Parker about everything. Not knowing the answers wasn’t a good excuse anymore. Not wanting to hurt Parker wasn’t an option.
This was going to hurt both of them, but Amanda knew deep down that, as sick as it made her, she needed to address the truth regardless of consequences.
It would happen with the move and as soon as they were settled.
Kers heard the word “move” and knew he had a critical decision to make – stay in the apartment complex with the other humans he could borrow from or go with Amanda and Parker to watch over the Borrower child.
It wasn’t a difficult decision, but the logistics was the thing Kers was mainly concerned about. Moving as a Borrower was a tricky thing. There were too many things that could go wrong and twice as many things to worry about.
Kers could be seen, both by Amanda and by Parker.
Kers could be crushed by boxes or furniture pieces.
Kers could experience malnutrition and have a harder time finding food because humans became very particular about their food when moving.
Kers would have to start from scratch when moving to a new place if Borrowers didn’t occupy the home before he moved in.
The prospect of starting from scratch wasn’t an appealing one, but there was little else he could do. He made a silent promise to keep Parker safe, and that was what he intended to do.
So, with precision and care, Kers began packing all of his essentials in a go backpack. For his other essentials and items he had borrowed and wanted to take with him, Kers made the bold decision to put the items back into the human’s possession in the hopes he could borrow them back once they had finished the move.
Some of the things were blankets and kitchen supplies that were too heavy for him to carry with him. Other items he was able to deconstruct and slip into small boxes of miscellaneous nick knacks that the human, Amanda, never really bothered with.
It helped that Amanda had a big calendar countdown in the kitchen letting herself and Parker know how many days they had until the big move. It let Kers slip down into the kitchen and place his valuables into places Amanda might not look or grow suspicious of while she collected everything to move.
When the big day came, Kers felt his heart pounding in his throat. He had managed to collect nearly everything in his home and place it back into Amanda’s care temporarily. When Amanda began moving her boxes, the Borrower seized his opportunity.
Palms sweaty. Heart pounding distinctively slow in sync with every time his foot connected with the ground. Kers knew he had mere seconds to spare, but it didn’t stop his calmness of hand as he wrenched his hook from his hip and snagged it on the edge of the box.
Kers’ sprint was not half as taxing as the lightning fast climb he made into a nearby cluttered box of odds and ends. He just managed to get his hook free and found a hiding place, trusting his skills and praying he wasn’t noticed, before he felt the box begin to shift. He closed his eyes and hoped that nothing would reveal his hiding place.
The box jostled vigorously before being hoisted into the air at a nauseating speed. From where he was, Kers could see Amanda’s fingers poking through the box at the handholds. Kers held onto his gut and pinched his thumbs into his clenches fists as his breakfast threatened to make an appearance.
“Hang on, mom! Are my chargers in that box? Or in the other one?” asked Parker, whose voice was alarmingly close. Kers dared to glance up at the small gap of light at the top of the box as he wriggled further down into his hiding space beside some pen cups. From where he was, Kers could clearly see the charging cables Parker was referring to.
“Um… I think so,” Amanda replied, her much louder voice shaking the Borrower to his core.
“Is it okay if I check? I’ll be quick,” asked Parker. The question made Kers’ blood run cold.
You mean in the box?
Oh no…
Kers could do nothing as he listened to the sound of tiny feet pitter pad across the cardboard roof above him and watch as a small shadow filled the gap above him. He could only hope his Borrower skills had camouflaged him well enough so that Parker and his keen eyes wouldn’t notice him.
The small shadow of a fellow Borrower eclipsed the little bit of light at the top of the box before Kers heard a soft thump followed by an “ooff.” The disguised Borrower leaned back further and made sure he was braced for if the box was dropped suddenly. He knew the cardboard was too thick to cut through, but Kers had a clear path to those handholds Amanda was using now.
If he needed to, he could make a mad dash as long as that path wasn’t blocked.
No reassuring thoughts could quiet his relentlessly thumping heart. Each beat made his entire chest throb. Clenching his jaw and leaning back a little further, Kers could clearly see the little sandy haired Borrower teen rummaging through a few odds and ends at the opposite end of the box.
Seeing him up close really showed Parker’s form. He looked healthy and tall, which was a tribute to Amanda’s care. Amazing what good nutrition can do for you. He’s taller than the average Borrower, and he’s only going to get taller.
Parker suddenly turned around and, for a moment, Kers felt his heart skip a beat. Parker’s eyes widened and then squinted in rapid succession.
Kers held his breath.
Everything – time itself – stood still before Kers saw a smile curl Parker’s lips.
“Found them! They’re over there in the corner,” called Parker as he spun back around toward the light and jumped, catching the edge of the cardboard with his fingertips and hoisting himself up and out of the box.
Kers wanted to shout to release all of the pent-up energy his body was charged with in those tense moments, but instead he forced himself to breathe calmly and nodded slowly.
That was close.
That was too close.
One of us needs to talk to Parker sooner or later.
Kers could only imagine what kind of interaction that would have been had Parker actually spotted him hiding there under the various wires and contraptions in the box. It only ended poorly for everyone no matter how Kers thought about it.
It only reaffirmed the fact that Parker needed to know the truth whether or not he was asking the right questions.
It was time.
At least, it was nearing time.
Kers realized that he needed to get to the new house and settled in, relatively speaking, before addressing Parker. It occurred to Kers that possibly addressing Amanda first might be a better alternative to talking to Parker first, but the thought of talking to a human and willingly revealing Borrower-kind made him sick.
Sadly, it was probably the best way to go about it. Revealing himself directly to Parker would bring about trust issues between him and his mother and possibly make Parker resent his mother. If Kers talked to Amanda and answered her questions first, perhaps when she talked to Parker she would have those answers and then be able to refer to Kers, their friendly neighborhood wall walker, for further explanation.
It would show that Amanda wanted to talk to Parker about everything and wasn’t trying to hide information while also telling him the truth.
Parker deserved it.
He was a good kid.
He was going to be a man before long.
It wasn’t going to be easy or pretty, but just mulling over the concepts and ideas of addressing everything to Parker and Amanda helped keep the Borrower’s mind off of the overall trip. He didn’t even notice the roar of the car engine or the jostling all around him as the boxes around him.
The car finally came to a halt and after what felt like an hour of waiting in the darkness of the vehicle trunk the jostling came to his box as it was carried into the house. The whole thing felt like tumbling down a bumpy hill or a knotted line, every step making his insides lurch. Kers could only guess that Amanda was more careful when she was carrying around Parker; he hoped so at least.
When the world finally stopped moving, Kers remained completely still for another twenty minutes. His heart pounded uncomfortably as the thought that Parker could come climbing down into the box for his various belongings interrupted any and all of Kers’ strategic plans to escape his current environment.
It wasn’t until he was certain he was going to be alone for the next few minutes that Kers dared to push himself up, grab his pack, and climb up to the handhold to get a better view of his surroundings.
The living area was hard wood, which would make any movement very audible if he wasn’t light on his toes, and from where Kers was he could spot the kitchen and a set of stairs leading to an upstairs.
The vastness of the room and complete lack of cover made his instincts feel electrified, but all he needed was one clear shot to get into the walls. The sensation and difficulty of the task made his head swirl, but Kers took a few deep breaths to calm himself.
Go. Now!
That instinct in his mind screamed just as he began wiggling his way through the handhold on the box. Every hair stood on end. Every sound seemed amplified. The tremor in the ground felt like an earthquake.
Amanda was on her way back.
Kers knew he had only seconds to react, and he took full advantage of it.
Slinging his pack onto his back, Kers dared to drop from one box to the next without a security line all the way to the ground where he fell instantly into a crouch. His body seemed to move on its own as he rounded the corner just as Amanda passed right behind and headed toward the kitchen with a box of supplies in her arms.
One glance told Kers that Parker was riding on Amanda’s shoulder and seeing them both towering above him was crippling. Heart palpitating, Kers took his chance as he spotted an electrical outlet at the far end of the living room. He was sure he was making noise. It sounded like he was running around crashing into everything he could, which was not the case.
He had just made it to the electrical cover and unscrewed the faceplate when he heard Amanda and Parker talking about how they wanted to set up Parker’s room. It made Kers’ heart hurt hearing the excitement in the young teen’s voice.
There was such zeal and innocence there.
It took a couple of good tugs, but Kers finally managed to yank free the cover as he practically threw himself into the walls and covered the hole once more.
As Kers slipped into the comfort of the walls, he let himself breathe his first true sigh of relief all day. Though he knew borrowing back the things he mixed into Amanda’s belongings would be a trick, he knew he was once again safe within reason.
The Borrower sank to the ground, sliding down the wall slowly, and sat there against the stud of a load bearing wall. Something in his heart refused to quiet. It was either fate or pure dumb luck that Parker hadn’t seen him earlier.
Kers chuckled to himself quietly as the irony hit him. Here he was worried that Parker – a fellow Borrower – saw him as if Parker were a human.
Well… I suppose he kind of is all things considering.
Once he gathered himself, Kers hoisted himself and his pack onto his back. There was a lot to do and there was never enough time to do it.
First things first was to find a nice place to sleep and set up a temporary base of operations. There was nothing worse during a move than trying to fun from one side of the house to the othe when there was a decent middle ground that reached all of the essential spots.
For Kers, that usually was at or around the kitchen, so that’s where he headed. The pack on his back felt like it weighed a whole pound, but he refused to leave these things behind. It honestly showed him what living a sedentary life felt like, especially when collecting things with sentimental value.
It was a new experience, and something about it felt oddly good. Borrowers, after all, didn’t usually get to keep many trinkets and bobbles and knick-knacks that amused them. They needed to be able to move at the drop of a hat. They lived everywhere and nowhere.
What was on their backs was already too much to carry. It didn’t stop Kers from collecting what he did and bringing it with him.
Despite the aching it caused his bones and muscles, Kers trekked through the walls with steady confidence. He had moved many times before, carrying those same things with him everywhere ever since he was a child.
Now was no different.
He would start from scratch and work his way back up to having a home, but he wouldn’t part with these things. It would be difficult. He knew it. But it wasn’t different than anything else he had ever done.
He also knew, as he turned his hip lamp and held it to the ground, that there wasn’t hardly enough dust in between the walls and beams. There were holes from thumb tacks in weird places. It was his next discovery that truly solidified Kers’ suspicions. There was even a small pencil drawing that looked like a simple house with an arrow heading further into the walls.
Excitement and nervousness instantly churned his insides.
I haven’t even been here twenty minutes and already I think there might be someone else living here in the walls.
Kers’ suspicions were confirmed when he wiggled his way through a narrow board that looked like it had been purposefully cut and smoothed over and saw Christmas and fairy lights twinkling around the next corner.
The Borrower swallowed dryly as every possible scenario clouded his mind. This was both the best thing and the worst thing possible.
Best because he didn’t need to start from scratch and had others he could potentially rely on if they were friendly.
Worst because they could see Kers as an enemy. What was worse still was that they didn’t know about Amanda, Parker, and the circumstances surrounding this human mother and Borrower child duo.
Kers had decided over four years ago to help and protect Parker. If that had to be from other Borrowers before Parker was ready for the truth, so be it.
No sooner had Kers made this decision did he hear voices coming from around the corner. They sounded like a mix of ages and genders, but Kers guessed it was a dad and at least three kids, two boys and a girl.
Kers didn’t want to scare them and did the only polite thing to do.
“Hello?” he called, no plan and every prayer to his name.
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mindblowingscience · 17 days
A team of chemists at the University of Münster has developed a synthesis method for the site-selective integration of the biologically relevant difluoromethyl group into pyridines. The difluoromethyl group often determines the properties of bioactive molecules and is therefore particularly interesting for drug research. This atomic group consists of carbon, two fluorine atoms and a hydrogen atom. Derivatives of the chemical compound pyridine are particularly suited for inclusion in difluoromethyl groups. If a hydrogen atom in pyridines is replaced by such a group, difluoromethylated ring structures can be obtained in an uncomplicated way, which are potential candidates for new drugs and agrochemicals. In terms of efficacy, the position of the difluoromethyl group within the molecule plays a vital role.
Continue Reading.
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es46 · 1 month
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I really, really hope one day we get a bombardier beetle monster. - BOMBORO Title - Explosion beetle Monster class - Neopteran Known locales - Nigh any environment Element/ailment - Blast + Hellfire Elemental weakness - Water (3), Ice (2), Thunder (1), Dragon (1), Fire (1) Ailment weakness - Poison (3), Paralysis (2), Sleep (2), Stun (0), Blast (0) Bomboro is a neopteran found roaming across many different environments. It is distinguished by the heavily armoured spiky carapace and its purplish-golden sheen. As its appearance indicates, Bomboro is incredibly durable, with its second and third pair of limbs boasting reinforced scutes to withstand impact and explosive force, whilst the first pair can act as cudgels as well as handling. Notably, the abdomen can extend a mace-like tip that exudes reactive chemicals. Though imposing, Bomboro is a fungivore, dedicated to travelling far and wide to sample all types of fungi. It can extend its head from the armoured covering to dig for mycelium or reach sheltered mushrooms, often using its heavyset limbs to dig out food where it can. Supremely confident in its defences, Bomboro is notably very docile, perfectly tolerant of humans and other monsters alike in its proximity. It takes a lot to aggravate the neopteran, so field workers can operate safely in its presence. In fact, Bomboro can be a beneficial presence since the possibility of angering it usually deters most predators. Bomboro's strength lies not only in its defensive integrity but also its ability to produce explosive chemicals from its abdomen. A combination of biological components produced by symbiotic bacteria mixed in the neopteran's abdomen results in its abdomen's tip launching blasts of volatile residue. This makes for excellent projectiles, often launching it in large globs or concentrating the reaction into a stream. If particularly enraged, Bomboro adds new components to its mixtures alongside gaseous byproducts of its diet. This new reaction discharges burning purple flames that near perfectly emulate the Hellfire used by the fanged wyvern Magnamalo. Much like Magnamalo, Bomboro can also use its explosive bursts to propel itself, either avoiding attack or using its armoured body as a battering ram. While Bomboro can fly, it is too heavy for its wings to sustain flight for long, and so often it travels by explosive propulsion. It never stops roaming, always searching for new pastures of fungi to feed on. Males and females have no notion of reproductive cycles; they will simply mate as soon as they cross paths and then go their separate ways. The mother lays her eggs close to a large supply of fungi and then leaves them to their fate. The young shelter in the undergrowth until they are large and bulky enough to survive in the open wild. Interestingly, Bomboro can at times be altruistic to other species. It has been known to attack predators that it witnesses attempting to prey on other monsters, and otherwise reacts violently to acts of aggression. Researchers do not yet know why Bomboro seems so protective of weaker creatures, though perhaps it is a luxury afforded by its impressive defences. Bomboro can prove challenging on account of its ailments and armour (Low Rank - 3, High/Master Rank - 3), but overall proves too predictable to be a genuinely threatening monster. Pitfall traps work well against its bulk, and water weapons can reduce the effectiveness of its explosive residue. While supremely armoured, Bomboro is not invincible; hunters could aim for the comparitively fragile underside and abdomen. Between its armour and explosive bursts, Bomboro is too troublesome for most predators to deal with. It rarely competes and is usually content to feed alongside other fungivores. However, even Bomboro must fear spectacular predators such as Deviljho or Bazelgeuse. In addition, its nemesis is the bird wyvern Valefirir Zevir, who possesses numerous tools to overcome Bomboro. At any hint of Valefirir Zevir's presence, any Bomboro in the area immediately flee. - Thank you for reading and take care.
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mbari-blog · 1 year
Researchers have long recognized how the ocean responds to seasonal changes in wind and weather. Now, data from MBARI’s long-term monitoring of ocean ecosystems is filling in the gaps in our understanding of the impacts of coastal upwelling from the surface to the abyssal seafloor. 
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A new publication integrates data from three MBARI time series that have monitored the ocean’s surface, the midwater, and the deep seafloor to reveal how the signal of coastal upwelling persists throughout the water column. Upwelling brings a flood of nutrients and marine life responds quickly to the bounty of food. That impact on the biological community lasts for a long time, sometimes for years. Read more on our website.
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science-lover33 · 9 months
The Human Microbiome: Your Body's Little Ecosystem
Within each of us exists a fantastic and complex microscopic universe known as the human microbiome. This ecosystem of microorganisms that inhabits our body plays a fundamental role in health and homeostasis. Today, we will fully explore this fascinating microbial world and its influence on our physiology.
What is the Human Microbiome?
The human microbiome is a profoundly intricate biological system integral to our health and well-being. This term, "the human microbiome," encompasses a diverse consortium of microorganisms that have firmly established themselves within and upon our bodies. This assemblage comprises a wide array of microorganisms, encompassing bacteria, viruses, fungi, and various other microbes, each with their specialized ecological niches within our anatomy.
Upon a deeper examination of the human microbiome, we uncover a meticulously organized distribution of these microorganisms. They do not merely coexist haphazardly within us; instead, they strategically colonize specific regions of our body. For instance, they form robust communities within the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in the gut harboring a densely populated microcosm. Similarly, they stake their claim on our skin, and even the respiratory tract serves as a habitat for these microbial entities.
The human microbiome's remarkable aspect lies in the intricate and dynamic interactions it maintains with our own organism. These microorganisms are not passive bystanders; they are active participants in the intricate orchestra of physiological processes. They exert influence over our digestion, bolster our immune system, and wield the potential to affect our mental and cognitive faculties. This complex web of symbiotic relationships between our human cells and these microorganisms constitutes an ever-evolving interplay that exerts a profound impact on our overall health.
The human microbiome is not a mere collection of microbes; it is an entire ecosystem nestled within us, a thriving and dynamic world with the potential to significantly modulate our health. Comprehending the intricacies and subtleties of this microscopic community represents an ongoing and critical pursuit in the realms of scientific and medical research, with profound implications for the fields of medicine and biology.
Solid Scientific Evidence
To support the importance of the human microbiome, here are three relevant scientific references:
Title: "The Human Microbiome: A Key Contributor to Health." Autores: Sender, R., Fuchs, S., & Milo, R. Revista: Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 2016. Abstract: This article reviews the role of the human microbiome in health and disease, highlighting its influence on digestion, immunity, and nutrient synthesis. It also emphasizes its contribution to metabolic and autoimmune diseases.
Títle: "The Human Microbiome: Gut Microbiota and Health." Autores: Marchesi, J. R., Adams, D. H., Fava, F., Hermes, G. D., Hirschfield, G. M., Hold, G., ... & Rook, G. A. Revista: The Journal of Infection, 2016. Abstract: This study focuses on the intestinal microbiota and its relationship with human health. Explore how alterations in the microbiome can contribute to gastrointestinal, inflammatory, and metabolic disorders.
Títle"The Skin Microbiome: Impact of Modern Environments on Skin Ecology, Barrier Integrity, and Systemic Immune Programming." Autores: Kong, H. H., Andersson, B., & Clavel, T. Revista: World Allergy Organization Journal, 2016. Summary: This article examines the skin microbiome's influence on skin health and immune response. It highlights how modern environmental factors can upset the microbial balance and affect the skin's health.
Future perspectives
Studying the human microbiome is a constantly evolving field that promises new therapeutic strategies and a deeper understanding of human health. As we continue to investigate this small ecosystem, doors are opening to personalized interventions to promote health and prevent disease.
Would you like to learn more about this fascinating subject? Share your thoughts and questions in the comments!
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accord-vn · 8 months
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Proto-Archon Achamoth
After five years of research and design guided by the initial discoveries of Amirani, Pearson et al, we believe that we have produced a unique interface between the biological and the mechanical, vastly exceeding the capabilities of even integrated syntra, that should prove capable to achieve a nymphic status between hylikos and ██████
With the usage of existing supply lines, we expect to be able to produce a suitable prototype within the next two years. Sophia se kathodigei.
-- Correspondence from █████████ to ██████, retrieved from Dir. Pearson's communications log by ██████
Archons represent the true heights that man can achieve in nearly every discipline touched by them: not just computer science, materials science, and engineering, but psychology, biology, applied theoretical physics, and chemistry. No single person can truly understand the functions of an Archon- it is a construct that requires the unity of man to function. To pilot an Archon unit is to become one with a monster: a robot with synthetic muscle netting, a circulatory system. A spongy mass of ganglia, gold wire and pale nerves intermingling under a ceramic-chitin plate of armor, thrumming with impulse and sensory data.
To pilot an Archon, is to transcend your humanity.
-- Dir. Pearson, onboarding speech to new candidates of the Archon Program
A concept sketch of Proto-Archon Achamoth by @himecommunism !
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defeat-project2025 · 3 months
In case you were wondering where Project 2025 stands on abortion and LGBTQ+ Rights
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To quote pp. 284 from Project 2025:
....What’s more, NIH has long “been at the forefront in pushing junk gender science.” The next HHS secretary should immediately put an end to the department’s foray into woke transgender activism. HHS also pushes abortion as a form of “health care,”...Severino writes that the “FDA should…reverse its approval of chemical abortion drugs because the politicized approval process was illegal from the start." ..."Secretary should pursue a robust agenda to protect the fundamental right to life, protect conscience rights, and uphold bodily integrity rooted in biological realities, not ideology.” ..."The next secretary should also reverse the Biden Administration’s focus on “‘LGBTQ+ equity,'"...
Project 2025 plans to ban abortion. Given how pregnancies and miscarriages have been treated already in red states, its easy to see this leading to deaths, even with so-called 'exceptions'.
Project 2025 also seeks to reverse all policies protecting LBGTQ+ couples and marriages. Gay marriage will be banned entirely. Transgender research and care would be upended and stopped, as Severino dubs it 'junk gender science'.
for the sake of your fellow Americans, get everyone you can to vote blue.
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naturalrights-retard · 3 months
Editor’s note: This is the second in a series of articles covering Monday’s U.S. Senate roundtable discussion, “Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel: What Are They Hiding?” hosted by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.). Read earlier coverage here.
Government officials covered up the origins of COVID-19 and “forced” the vaccination of millions of people worldwide to “protect the integrity of the bioweapons industry,” according to a senior research scientist in epidemiology specializing in chronic diseases at the Yale University School of Public Health.
Harvey Risch, M.D., Ph.D., who also is a professor emeritus at Yale, on Monday provided compelling testimony on what he believes accounts for the “crushingly obsessive push to COVID-vaccinate every living person on the planet.”
Risch was among the medical experts, scientists, lawyers, elected officials, journalists, vaccine safety advocates and whistleblowers who participated in Monday’s Senate roundtable discussion on “Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel: What Are They Hiding?”
The roundtable, hosted by Sen. Ron Johnson, focused on vaccine safety, corruption of public health agencies and world governments, and censorship by the media and Big Tech.
Evidence ‘overwhelmingly’ points to Wuhan lab as source of virus
Risch highlighted circumstantial evidence that COVID-19 “leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology” (WIV) in China in fall 2019.
He told the panel Risch there is evidence the virus contains a unique genetic sequence “that also exists in Moderna patents from 2017,” while intelligence has “overwhelmingly” indicated the WIV as the source of the virus.
According to Risch, “This work and the WIV leak was what I consider to be the fruit of our bioweapons industry that has been performing secretive and nefarious biological weapons development for the last 70 years.”
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songsandscreens · 1 year
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Scenes from Metroid: Fusion (2002) recreated in Metroid: Dread (2021)
I'd been assigned to watch over Biologic's research team, so I once again found myself on the surface of SR388. It was there that I was attacked by a life-form I had never encountered before. It was only later that I learned the identity of my attacker: the parasitic organism we now know as X. Unaware of my condition, I was returning to the station when disaster struck.
Once the X had infested my central nervous system, I lost consciousness and my ship drifted into an asteroid belt. The ship's emergency systems automatically ejected the escape pod before impact. Biologic's vessel recovered it and transported me to Galactic Federation HQ. However, during the journey, the X multiplied within me, corrupting large areas of my Power Suit.
It then came to light that the organic components of my Power Suit had become so integrated with my system that it could not be removed while I was unconscious. Large portions of my suit had to be surgically removed, dramatically altering my physical appearance. However, the X in my central nervous system were too embedded to be removed safely. I was given a minimal chance of survival.
Then, someone found a cure.
They proposed using a Metroid cell to make an anti-X vaccine. It seems that the Federation had managed to preserve a cell culture from the last infant Metroid SR388. The serum was prepared and injected without delay.
The X parasites were immediately and completely destroyed.
As for me, one life ended... yet I survived, reborn as something different.
Pondering this fact, I realize... I owe the Metroid hatchling my life twice over.
Some unknown agent is at work. Something very powerful... certainly not human. I'll report when I know more.
I have learned the identity of our mystery saboteur... Samus, it's an X mimicking you.
I have named it the SA-X. I believe the SA-X came from the capsule containing your infected suit parts. It used a Power Bomb to escape the Quarrantine Bay. That explosion breached the capsules containing all the X that started this disaster. But the SA-X is definitely our biggest worry right now.
The SA-X is mimicking you at full power. You can't face it. If you see the SA-X, just run. Don't think about fighting... You are still very vulnerable to cold, an unexpected side-effect of the Metroid vaccine. Like Metroids, you can be frozen by an Ice Beam. Of course, the SA-X is armed with the Ice Beam.
Stay away. If you see it, just run.
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