leeisacat · 4 years
Birthday Sex | A Kuroo/Bokuto/Akaashi/Kenma/f! Reader
A/N: Literally the most self indulgent one-shot I’ve ever written in my life, for God’s sake like this was straight out of a fantasy I had. Tags/Warnings: Smut, spanking, pet play, creampie, dom/sub roles, anal, role play, gangbang (?)
“Tetsu-kun, I’m home!”
(Name) slipped off her tennis shoes at the door, pushing them neatly in line with an assortment of men’s and women’s shoes. She peered down the hall, looking for a sign of her boyfriend.
To celebrate Kuroo’s birthday, the couple had invited over their closest friends for dinner. But, for how soon they should be arriving, it concerned her that her boyfriend didn’t seem to be home.
“Tetsu? Are you home?” she called out, still receiving no reply.
Narrowing her eyes, she hung up her coat and set down her bags— which, included the present she had picked out for her boyfriend. She walked down the hallway and turned into the kitchen.
It had been obvious he had started preparing dinner, and a pink sticky note was stuck to their usual barren fridge.
‘Ran to the store—
Something in the bedroom for you ;)’
She quirked an eyebrow, taking the note off while walking to the bedroom. It was his birthday, so why was he getting her things?
Pushing open the slightly ajar door, it was pitch black, the light from the hall shining in enough for her to make something out on the bed. She reached for the light switch, flipping it before emitting a small gasp. Her face turned beet-red.
Neatly laid out on the bed, there was a maid’s outfit that left little for the imagination. On top of it were matching black lace stockings, a simple red collar with a bell on it, and black cat ears. She noticed a small notecard placed on top of it, and immediately recognized her boyfriend’s writing.
‘Hi Kitten,
I hope you remembered our little talk a few days ago. It’s okay if you change your mind, but I definitely would like you to put a little show on for us tonight. Mostly me, of course.
P.S. remember my name, or else ;*’
Her eyes widened, recalling what their recent conversation was about. He’d asked her how she felt about trusted people watching them do their thing, and even possibly bringing them into their intimate moments. She agreed, as long as they both trusted whoever it was coming into their private space. But, it occurred to her that it was three other  people coming tonight— Bokuto, Akaashi, and Kenma. The thought of them also getting in on the action riled her up, causing her to press her thighs together.
She sighed, realizing that Kuroo would never force her into anything she was uncomfortable with, and the moment she said the safe word it would be stopped. Plus, the idea of being a cute little kitten maid for all her master’s  friends enticed her.
This was going to be an interesting night.
Changing into the maid costume with Kuroo’s favorite lingerie set underneath, she realized it  left nothing for the imagination. The fluffy skirt of the dress just barely sat beneath the curve of her ass, threatening to flash her lacy panties with one wrong move. The front dipped down enough for her cleavage to be on full display, daring to expose her bra underneath. She glanced in the mirror, her face flushing as she saw how scandalous it was. She sat down on the edge of the bed to pull on the stockings, and afterwards clipped each ear onto either side of her hair. Lastly, she had to put on the color.
Her fingers grazed over the nice leather, when she realized there was something engraved into it. It said ‘Property of Kuroo Testsurou’ , causing her face to flush more. But, she heard the front door open, and quickly fumbled to get the collar around her neck.
“Oh, where is my kitten~? I was expecting her waiting for me, is she hiding?”
She peeked her head out the bedroom door to see Kuroo standing at the entryway, seemingly waiting for her. Slowly, she stepped out into the light and walked towards him, twiddling her thumbs in front of her while keeping her eyes trained to the ground. He could hear the bell on her collar quietly jingle as she approached which caused him to chuckle.
“Ah, are you being shy? There’s no need, it’s just me,” he said, bring his hand up to brush her cheek, “You look very beautiful, by the way.”
“Th— Thank you, master,” she said, remembering his instructions, “And, happy birthday, of course.”
She finally brought her eyes up to meet his, gazing into them as they crinkled lightly with his smile. On the other hand, she was staring at him wide-eyed, an obvious blush not leaving her cheeks. He gently brought her in for a quick peck on the lips before breaking away.
“Thank you, kitten. Now, could you bring the groceries to the kitchen for me? I’m going to change, and then we can finish preparing dinner together,” he said smoothly, holding the two paper bags out for her to take.
She nodded, grabbing them and letting a small grunt out when she realized one was significantly heavier than the other. He smiled at her, brushing past her to the bedroom as she moved the bags to the kitchen. Peering into the heavy one, she realized it weight was due to its contents of alcohol.
As she was finishing putting away the groceries, she felt Kuroo wrapping her arms around her from behind and resting his chin on her shoulder.
“You’re very tense, (Nickname), are you that nervous? Or, are you just that turned on~,” he said, dropping to a seductive whisper for the last sentence.
“Oh, you,” she said, playfully poking his cheek, “Yes, I’m nervous, Tetsu. Not only am I wearing a skimpy maid costume, but I’m about to be presented to our high school friends like this. You told them about this, right?”
His fingers brushed her thigh before his hand quickly came down hard on her ass cheek, causing her to yelp in pain.
“That’s my first and final warning for not addressing me properly. And yes, they know what they’re in for. Well, mostly. The maid costume is a bit of a surprise,” he chuckled darkly.
She spun around in his grasp, pushing him away before crossing her arms. Furrowing her eyebrows, she looked up at him.
“My color is red . Kuroo Tetsurou, you invited three of our friends over without explaining to them about this ?” she said, motioning to her maid outfit, “You are going to scare them . They are going to be so flustered—!”
“ Hey ,” he said, placing his hand behind her neck to silence her with a kiss, “It’ll be alright. Kenma actually helped me pick out the dress for you. I was just teasing, they know, they know.”
“Can’t I just, like, change into this afterwards? How am I supposed to even address them? Should I also call them master?”
“ No. That name is reserved for me and only me,” he said, narrowing his eyes slightly, “And, just refer to them by their names. Use formal honorifics, of course. Do this for me, pretty please ? You’re so cute when you give me puppy dog eyes when you’re begging for my—”
“Tetsu!” she exclaimed, “Fine. My light is green.”
With that, they continued prepping dinner together, an occasional teasing remark being slung at (Name). She would only roll her eyes in response (with her eyes closed, of course, couldn’t risk punishment this early into the night). She set the dining room table for the night, and set out glasses for the booze. Eventually, (Name) shooed Kuroo out of the kitchen to finish cooking dinner on her own, surprisingly with no protest from him. Soon, everything was ready, and she was nervously sitting on the couch next to Kuroo, legs neatly tucked under her as she focused on playing with her thumbs again.
He must’ve noticed that her nerves hadn’t gone, so he brought his hand up to her back, rubbing soft circles into her shoulders. She seemed to ease into his touch, looking a bit calmer than before.
The doorbell suddenly rang, causing her to jump slightly and look up to Kuroo with big eyes.
“Go on and greet our guests, kitten. I’ll be right behind you,” he said, motioning for her to walk to the door.
He quite literally was right behind her, hands on her hips slightly under her dress. She was already flustered enough as it was, but Kuroo has to dig his thumb under the band of her panties and snap it. She let out a soft whine before finally unlocking the door and swinging it open.
“Hey, hey... Hey?!” Bokuto exclaimed, eyes landing on (Name), “Oh, wow .”
“Kou, stop ogling his girlfriend. (Surname)-san, don’t mind him too much,” Akaashi said, lightly swatting the back of his boyfriend’s head with an envelope, “Anyway, happy birthday Kuroo-san. We got this for you.”
He held the envelope out towards Kuroo, but he made no motion to grab it. Quickly, (Name) got the gist and grabbed it for him. She clutched it to her chest, bowing deeply.
“C— Come in, Bokuto-san and Akaashi-san. Make yourself at home,” she said, stuttering while a deep blush flooded her cheeks.
Kuroo wrapped an arm around her waist as they stepped to the side to let the couple in. They shed their shoes and coats, before (Name) stepped forward.
“I can hang your coats for you,” she said softly, holding out an arm.
The two exchanged a look of sorts before obliging, draping the coats over her arm. She left to go hang them in the closet across the hall, leaving the three boys alone momentarily.
“Kuroo... you have her referring to us so formally . I was... not expecting this,” Bokuto said, looking over to his raven-haired friend, “Is she comfortable with all this?”
“If she wasn’t, she’d tell us. (Name)’s just playing shy, that’s all. Come on, let’s wait for Kenma in the living room,” he replied cooly.
His friends followed him, and soon (Name) entered the living room. She was about to sit next to Kuroo on the couch before he gently grabbed her hand, pulling her into his lap. She softly gasped in surprise, but situated herself on his knee while folding her hands in her lap. Akaashi sat on the chair adjacent to the couch while Bokuto sat in opposite corner of the couch.
They soon fell into small talk, and Kuroo thankfully felt (Name) relax further. He was mindlessly stroking her thigh, occasionally squeezing it. She sat there though, letting the tension flee from her body. She only spoke when addressed, following the normal rules the Kuroo had set for her in this state. It was easy, and Bokuto nor Akaashi was acting phased by it in any way.
“So, is this a regular occurrence between you two, or what? Keiji never let’s me do this type of stuff with him, although he occasionally will dress up and wear a skirt for me,” Bokuto asked, looking curiously at Kuroo and (Name) before smirking as his boyfriend.
“Well, yes and no. This is the first time she’s ever dressed up for me like this, and it’s the first time we’ve allowed other people to see. But, we regularly use the names in the bedroom, even punishment if she’s being a little brat ,” he said, lightly smacking her thigh, “Which, to no surprise, she’s usually like that. I honestly think she gets off on it.”
“Do not!” she suddenly squeaked, blushing a furious shade of red.
“Ah, is that talking back I hear?” Kuroo mumbled darkly, using his hand to turn her head towards him.
She widened her eyes, nervously glancing to the other men in the room. They were only watching curiously as the scene unfold before them. Kuroo tapped into her cheek with his fingers to redirect her attention back to him.
“Look at me when I’m talking to you. Did you just now talk back to me?” he repeated himself.
“N— No, master,” she mumbled, barely audible.
“I can’t hear you kitten,” he said, a smirk now on his lips.
“No, master!” she said loud enough for everyone to hear, using all her strength to not tear her gaze away and bury her face in her hands.
To her avail, the doorbell rang.
“I’ll get it!” she blurted out, standing up and straightening her dress as best as possible.
Kuroo chuckled as she scurried away with her bell jingling, looking over to Bokuto and Akaashi. They two looked astonished at what had unfolded before them, definitely turned on . God, how were they expecting to last through dinner if the two were gonna act like that ?
(Name) greeted Kenma at the door, bowing deeply and addressing him in the same formal way.
“Kuro put you up to this, didn’t he? Ugh, if you’re gonna call me anything, just call me Kenma-san,” he said, finally looking up from his phone and giving (Name) a once over, “Oh, the dress does looks very... nice on you.”
She muttered a small ‘thank you’ while bowing slightly, taking his jacket and hanging it up with the others. Kenma joined the other boys in the room with a small blush dusting his cheeks, waving and giving his greetings.
Dinner went by fairly uneventful, (Name) engaging in small talk but still extremely embarrassed from what had happened before.  Kuroo would not ease up on the playful jabs here and there, thus not giving her even a moment to cool down. Her usual sassy demeanor was very subdued for the fact she was not sure what Kuroo would do as a punishment if she jabbed back. He seemed to enjoy the attention she was receiving from his friends a little more than her, almost prideful of flaunting his girlfriend.
While they were eating cake, that’s when Kuroo decided to make (Name) put on a show.
“Kitten,” he cooed, swiping some frosting from his slice onto his fingers, “Why don’t you clean my fingers?”
He waved his point and middle finger in front of her face, which were globbed over with the creamy frosting. She nervously glanced around before she felt his fingers pressed to her lips.
“Don’t keep me waiting,” he said lowly, the words almost rumbling in his chest.
She tentatively gave his fingers a few kitten licks (staying true to her pet name) before wrapping her mouth around them. Slowly, she took them in to the knuckle, sucking and swirling her tongue around the appendages. Once she felt they were thoroughly cleaned, she opened her mouth and pulled away, a line of drool still connecting her tongue and his fingers.
Kuroo barely held back his groans, because damn . His girlfriend was hot.
“We should probably clean up the table. (Nickname)-chan, can you start gathering the dishes? I’m going to take care of the leftovers,” he said as nonchalantly as he could for the growing erection in his jeans.
She muttered a quick ‘yes, master’ before gathering dishes off the table. Kenma stood up though, grabbing his own bowl and plate.
“I’ll help her,” he said, trailing behind her to the kitchen.
She started rinsing dishes and placing them in the dishwasher while Kenma brought them to her. While she was cleaning though, Kuroo brushed past her and flicked up the back of her skirt, causing her to yelp in surprise. A furious blush found its way back onto her cheeks as she tried to focus on finishing with the dishes.
Kenma watched the ordeal with a soft blush on his own face before turning to (Name). He was leaning against the counter, arms crossed over his chest as he looked to her.
“Kuro has not let up on you the whole night, has he?” he asked, looking at her curiously.
She gently closed the dishwasher, looking back to see Akaashi walked into the kitchen as she nodded in response to Kenma.
“This is... very embarrassing and,” she glanced over to the dining room, seeing Kuroo and Bokuto laughing loudly in their own conversation, “he’s not helping, no.”
“It’s because we’re just watching, isn’t it? Of course, I would also be shy if I was on full display like Pain-in-the-ass Kuroo-san is putting you on. We think it’s adorable though, don’t worry,” Akaashi said, mentioning a nickname from their high school days.
He brushed up to (Name), closing the distance rather quickly. She backed up into the counter, now pinned between it and Akaashi. Staring wide-eyes up at him, he lightly pinched her cheeks.
“Don’t worry, tonight is going to be enough to forget about all your embarrassment. Also, Kuroo filled us all in on your safe words, so if it’s ever too much, don’t hesitate to tell us.”
She nodded, before glancing over to see Bokuto and Kuroo staring at them. She became flustered again, bringing up her hands to her face to hide her blush.
“Hey, hey, Akaashi! You tryna start without us?” he exclaimed, a pout on his lips, “Not fair!”
“No,” he smirked back, “I’m just giving a pep-talk from one bottom to another. She’s so nervous, and you two aren’t helping.”
She let out a squeak of embarrassment, hiding her face in Akaashi’s chest. He casually wrapped an arm around her, placing a hand on the small of her back as he pulled her away from the counter.
“Who, me?!” Bokuto said, pointing a finger towards Kuroo, “It’s been her boyfriend the whole night!”
Akaashi chuckled at his boyfriend’s antics and started whisking (Name) away to the bedroom.
“Alright, but I’m getting first dibs on her. You two would destroy her in one fell sweep,” he called out, hearing they’re footsteps behind him.
The boys fighting over her caused her arousal to pool rather quickly, and in attempt to quell her desires she began rubbing her thighs together. Akaashi’s hands found themselves resting on her hips, and he narrowed his eyes as he dug his fingers into them.
“Are you trying to please yourself? No, no, none of that. You have to last for Kuroo-san.”
She whined, but obliged and stopped creating friction for herself. Bokuto soon was besides Akaashi, side-eying his boyfriend.
“So, what? You get first dibs?” he said, a hint of annoyance in his voice.
“Boys, boys, settle down. I’m sure she’d be happy to take both of you at once,” Kuroo said, popping his head between them with a smirk on his face, “Kitten, be sure to listen to them. You’ll get the same punishment as you’d get with me if you disobey them.”
“Yes, master,” she said breathlessly, pressing herself back into Akaashi’s chest, “What would you like, sir?”
“Kneel,” Akaashi said before placing a hand on her shoulder and helping push her to her knees.
She let herself fall with a soft thump as her knees hit the ground. Her hands reached for Akaashi’s jeans first, but were redirected when he side stepped in order for Bokuto to stand in front of her. She slowly began undoing his pants, him watching her with a hungry gaze. Once the zipper was undone, she hooked her fingers through his belt loops and gently tugged them to his knees. His erection was very visible through his tight briefs, causing her to blush furiously. He was rather large, a bit more girth to his compared to Kuroo’s. She gulped, bringing her fingers to gently fiddle with his waistband.
“Well, what’re you waiting for, cutie? You scared ?” Bokuto said, staring her down with a cocky grin and his huge golden eyes.
She brought one of her hands to cup his erection through the frantic, running her hand slowly across it. A low rumble came from him, and he took the liberty of shoving his briefs off, his erection springing free in front of her face. Her eyes widened as she retreated her hands, looking up at him with big puppy eyes.
“Cat got your tongue? I though Kuroo would’ve taught you to respond when spoken to,” he purred, settling his hand in the back of her hair.
She gulped again, eyes traveling down and landing on his dick.
“It’s— it’s big,” she whispered, coaxing a small laugh from Bokuto.
“You’ll get used to it,” Akaashi shrugged, unzipping his own jeans.
Boluto prodded his member at her lips, and she began to experimentally lick along his shaft. She sucked on the tip and tasted his precum, causing him to groan and dig his fingers into his scalp. He took the opportunity to push slowly into her mouth, getting halfway before stopping.
“You okay, princess?” he said, half moaning while gripping her hair.
Her jaw was already aching from the stretch, but she nodded as much as she could. Bokuto pushed the rest of the way in, her nose brushing the wiry hairs at the base of his shaft. She was gagging slightly, tears forming in the corners of her eyes. She tapped on his thigh, signifying she was running out of air. He released her, causing her to gasp for breath, but it was short lived as he reentered her mouth. Luckily for her, he set a slow and steady pace, allowing her to bob up and down his length comfortably.
“Bokuto, there’s no need to hold back. She can handle it,” Kuroo suddenly piped up from across the room, strewn across the chair in the corner.
She glanced over with worry, seeing her boyfriend sitting there lazily stroking his own erection, a smirk across his face. Bokuto suddenly slammed into her throat, causing her to gag and slobber all over his dick. He set a grueling pace, grunting with each thrust into her mouth. Her hands found the back of his thighs, nails digging into his skin as she tried to steady herself. Tears flowed freely down her cheeks as he ruthlessly fucked her mouth, makeup smudging along with it.
“Don’t— Don’t spill a drop,” he said between grunts, signifying her of his upcoming orgasm.
He slammed one last time as deep as he could into her mouth, hot spurts of cum shooting down her throat. It filled her mouth quickly, but she forced herself to swallow as much as possible. Some dribbled out onto her chin, but she was quick to lick it off, and opened her mouth wide to show Bokuto for good measure.
“Good girl,” he smirked, panting hard and brushing a strand of hair behind her ear.
It wasn’t long before another dick was prodding at her mouth. This time, she looked up to see Akaashi.
He was thankfully not as girthy as Bokuto was, allowing her to easily maneuver around it. She swirled her tongue around his tip and began to suck up and down his length, taking note that he was slightly sweeter tasting than Bokuto. More tears streamed down her face as she deep throated Akaashi, causing him to moan loudly.
“F— Fuck,” he said breathlessly, “You’re good at this.”
She went back to focusing on his tip, stroking the rest of his slicked length with her hand. Her sucking coaxed grunts and moans from him as he rocked his hips with her movements. She looked up to see Bokuto kissing up his neck slowly before biting down harshly, causing him to groan aloud.
“You think you can swallow my cum too? I’d hate to ruin your dress,” Akaashi asked, petting her head.
In response, she sucked even harder before resuming deep throating him, causing him to twitch in her mouth. He was groaning between pants before pressing himself into her mouth and emptying his load into it. She tried to swallow as much as possible, but she couldn’t, and more than a few drops dribbled out down her chin.
She quickly tried to scoop it back into her mouth with her fingers, but Bokuto grabbed her hand to stop it, crouching down to her level and staring at the white substance. He took the liberty of licking the substance off slowly, before kissing her harshly and shoving the remains into her mouth.
“Hmm, what should we do with you? You didn’t swallow it all,” he said, a mischievous look in his eyes.
Fear filled her eyes before she pressed her forehead to the floor, in a apologetic way. But, with how short her dress was, her ass was now on full display.
“Please! It— It was an accident! I’m sorry, it won’t ever happen a—again!” she exclaimed.
Bokuto looked at Kuroo, before shrugging.
“It’s your call on this one,” he said, folding his arms, “Your her boyfriend.”
“Stand up,” Kuroo called out, standing up as well while pulling his boxers and pants back on.
She slowly pushed herself up off the floor, eyes trained on Kuroo. He coaxed her to come to him with his fingers, staring at her intensely. Looking around the room, she realized that all eyes were on her. She hadn’t even noticed Kenma in the doorway, probably had been standing there for the whole ordeal.
“Yes master?” she said before yelping as Kuroo yanked the front of her dress up.
His thumb slid her panties to the side as he swiped two fingers against her slit, causing her to shudder as he gathered her fluids. He brought them up in front of his face, staring dully at the his now slightly shiny fingers.
“This doesn’t look very sorry to me. I’ve let too many things slide since we have guests over,” he said, eyes boring into her, “What’s your color?”
She knew exactly where this was headed, and couldn’t help but press her thighs together in excitement. Her face was completely flushed as she stared doe-eyed up at him, shifting her weight from foot to foot.
“It’s... green,” she quietly said, looking at the floor.
Kuroo suddenly fell back into the chair, patting his lap. She gulped hard, stepping towards.
“Bend over my lap. Don’t make me wait,” he said lowly, looking at her with half lidded eyes.
She whines softly, but ultimately obliged. Her perky ass was in the air, skirt pushed up to expose the lace of her panties.
“God, you’ve soaked through,” he said, staring at the thin fabric covering her core, “Such a little slut, getting off on sucking other men’s dicks in front of your master. You want to be spanked, huh? You like the attention?”
He was softly rubbing her ass cheeks, squeezing every so often. She kept her eyes trained on the floor, avoiding the other men’s gazes.
“N— no,” she stuttered out, before yelping with the hard slap to her ass that followed.
“Wasn’t a question for you to answer, kitten. Now, be a good girl and count to ten.”
She prematurely winced as she awaited the first hit, squinting her eyes shut. It hit her harder than the previous one, causing her to bite down hard on her lip as she whimpered.
“One,” she whined, clenching her fists until her knuckles were white.
“What do we say?” he said teasingly, lightly pinching her burning ass cheek.
It caused her to yelp, a flush of red flooding into her cheeks.
“Thank you, master,” she quietly mumbled.
He ran his fingertips gently across her exposed thighs before once again harshly snapping her cheek.
“Two! Thank you, master,” she quickly said, a little louder than the previous.
Bokuto was watching her carefully from a distance, before turning to Akaashi.
“Why don’t you do that for me, huh?” he said, playfully swatting his partner’s ass.
Akaashi only side-eyed him, before they heard another harsh slap and a gasp from (Name).
“Three! Ah, thank you master!”
“She didn’t even do anything relatively that bad, Kuro,” Kenma butted in, walking further into the room while watching his friend give another harsh slap to her ass, “Don’t you think this is a bit harsh?”
“Are you saying you’d like to take her place?” he said, smiling coyly while enunciating his word with yet another harsh slap to her ass, “I mean, she is getting significantly wet from this. I don’t think it’s as much as a punishment as she leads us to believe.”
“F— five, thank you, m— master,” she stuttered, biting her lips hard from the burning of her cheeks (face and bottom).
Kenma has a thoughtful look before he shrugged leisurely.
“Just thought we could get to the main event sooner, that’s all.”
Kuroo quirked his eyebrows before a devious grin spread across his face, and he decided to give the last five spankings sequentially, causing her to squeak and whimper from the intensity.
“Six— Ah, seven, m— master. Eight! N— nine! Ten! Thank— thank you, master,” she stuttered out with each slap, whimpering incessantly.
“There, happy? So impatient with my kitten. You did good, cutie pie,” he said, flipping over (Name) and cradling her in his arms, “Now, were gonna treat you real well.”
Kuroo carried her effortlessly to the large bed, setting her down on her back. He gave her small pecks from her mouth trailing down her neck, sucking harshly at her collarbone. Small moans and whimpers escaped her lips as his hands slid up the dress, flipping the front up onto her stomach.
“So naughty, wearing my favorite color lingerie,” he cooed, pressing two fingers to her clothed entrance, “And you’ve even soaked through them more? My, my, such a slutty kitten. Getting off on having so many men watch her get manhandled by her master.”
Being so focused on Kuroo, she didn’t even notice that Bokuto had slipped onto the bed. She felt his arms push her torso up to sit behind her, and his hands got to work on massaging her chest through her dress. It was certainly hard to keep her composure like this. The feeling of his re-hardened member grinding into her back only intensified the heat traveling directly to her core. Kuroo finally dug his fingers under the band of her panties and dragged them down her legs, tossing them onto the floor. He removed his own shirt with it, then lowering himself back down to kiss her.
Akaashi was only in his boxers when he moved to help Bokuto push the sleeves of her dress of her shoulder to exposed her bra-clad chest. He pinched and prodded at her nipples through the lacy garment, causing a slew of moans to escape her mouth. Kuroo was teasing her lower regions with his mouth, nibbling at her thighs only to ghost over the part she wanted his mouth the most. It was frustrating, but with Bokuto’s arms holding back her own, she couldn’t grab his hair and pull him to the desired spot.
“P— Please,” she gasped, “Tetsu please .”
Akaashi dug under her bra and pinched both her nipples hard, seemingly retaliating for using Kuroo’s name. She whimpered with each tug and pull while Bokuto unclasped her bra, taking the sleeves of her dress off fully before flinging it to the floor. Her chest was now fully exposed, and Akaashi brought one of the buds into his mouth. Bokuto’s lips were attacking her neck with licks and soft bites, and she swore she was about to lose it if one of them didn’t fuck her in that moment.
“Oh~?,” Kuroo purred while looking up at her, fanning his breath over her throbbing pussy, “Use your words, kitten. I’m no mind reader.”
“Please, Tetsurou , please fuck me!” she cried out, balling her fists up into the sheets.
He chuckled lowly before ridding himself of his remaining clothes, his cock springing free from it’s confines. She was so focused on her lover, she yelped at the slick finger prodding her back entrance.
“I’m gonna wreck your back door, princess,” Bokuto whispered lowly into her ear before nibbling on it, finger circle around the tight hole.
Kenma finally got in on the action when he pushed two fingers past her plush lips, pressing down lightly on her tongue.
“You didn’t forget about me, did you?” he said, palming himself as he watched her close her lips around his fingers.
She couldn’t help but gasp when Bokuto finally slipped a finger into her hole, whining quietly at the unfamiliar sensation. At this point, with all the different sensations on her body happening at once, she couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed.
“Tetsu, I— I— This, it’s, ah~! ”
She was taken away from the other men by Kuroo suddenly, flipping on top of him to press her bare chest to his. His dick was pressed against her thigh, a copious amount of precum glistening on the tip. Their lips locked in a hot kiss, and he didn’t seem to mind her calling him by his given name.
Bokuto stuck another finger in her hole, her moan being swallowed up by Kuroo’s mouth. He was scissoring and stretching it with lube to prep her for his own length. Kuroo placed both hands on her hips, maneuvering her to just the tip of his member. She was panting when she broke from the kiss, whining quietly as he rubbed against her slit.
Slowly, Kuroo lowered her onto him, whimpers escaping her lips as his hips pressed flush against hers.
“Good kitten,” he cooed, running his hand through her hair, “You’re taking me so well. Look at you, so pretty when you’re stuffed full of my cock.”
He let her sit for a minute, watching Bokuto as he pulled his lubed fingers from her hole. Akaashi handed him a condom, to which he quickly tore open and began rolling on his length.
Although his wasn’t as long as Kuroo’s, he made up for the loss with his impressive girth. He’d probably leave (Name) unable to walk for days if he was too rough. She wasn’t used to it the way Akaashi was.
“If you get too rough with my kitten Bokuto, I will bite your dick off,” Kuroo snapped, playfully but with a glimmer of seriousness in his eyes.
“Okay, okay! Got it,” he said whilst raising his arms in defense.
Akaashi moved to where her head was with Kenma, the two stripping away their own clothes and tossing them to the floor. She squeezed in delight seeing their cocks being pushed in front of her face, causing Kuroo to groan lowly underneath her.
“Kitten, if you squeeze like that again I might get a bit impatient and fuck you til you see stars,” he growled, causing her to smirk.
“I think that’s what you intend to do any— Ohhh fuck! ”
It slipped out of her mouth unintentionally as Bokuto sank his length into her hole, causing her to moan out the curse words. Which, in return, caused Kuroo to snap a hand at her already tender ass cheek.
He began to move his length inside her, thrusting up while Bokuto sank in. It started slow and steady, but soon the pace quickly became relentless. Kenna’s head prodded at her lips, which she happily accept, sucking and licking at his length. Her moans were muffled by his dick, and soon Akaashi was prodding his own at her lips too.
“Take them both, like the good kitten you are,” Kuroo said seeing as she hesitated.
She switched between sucking off Akaashi and Kenma while being rammed relentlessly from both Kuroo and Bokuto. It was hard to keep her attention on anything as so much was happening to her body at once. It didn’t help when Kuroo snakes his hand between their bodies, finding her clit and rubbing it in circles with her thumb. It caused her to spasm around him, and Kuroo realized she was finally edging onto her orgasm.
Bokuto was the first to cum, purely because he was still sensitive from the first time he came and it didn’t help how god damn tight (Name) was. He emptied his load into the condom and pulled out, slumping backwards onto the plush of the bed. She whined at the loss of contact, but immediately Kuroo picked up his pace in thrusting into her from underneath to reach their climaxes together. Unable to focus on anything but her boyfriend’s relentless pounding, she released Kenma’s member with a pop and leaving him to finish himself off, along with Akaashi but neither of them minded. The sight laid out before them was more than enough to bring them to their own ends.
Finally, (Name) clenched hard around Kuroo’s lenght as his thrusts became sloppier, his thumb still working relentlessly on her clit. With a loud cry, she came around him, and he wasn’t far behind. He pulled her flush against his hips, digging his finger into her own as he came deep inside her, letting out a deep groan of his own.
She let her weight collapse on top of him out of exhaustion, his softening member still deep inside her. Kuroo gently rolled her off him, pulling out to see their mixed fluids running down her thighs. The two of them were still panting as she cuddled into his side, wrapping her arms around his chest. He sighed in content, pulling her closer and turning to kiss her softly on the lips.
“You did so well, baby. God, I love you so much,” he said, peppering soft kisses all over her face, “How are you feeling? Do you need anything, kitten?”
“Happy birthday, Tetsu,” she mumbled, burying her face into his chest.
“I’ll run a bath for you two,” Akaashi said, sauntering to the bathroom already dressed in his boxers, “I know she’s sore at least from this one.”
He jabbed a thumb in the direction of Bokuto. His partner laughed softly as he stood up from the bed, finding his own discarded clothes on the floor.
“She took me like a champ though. Actually, all of us! Thanks for sharing her, Kuroo-kun,” he said, pulling on his jeans.
“It was her decision, ultimately. I sprung this unto her very last second,” he replied, gently scooping her up, “Now, if you’ll excuse us, I’m going to make sweet love to my girlfriend in the bath.”
Bokuto only laughed at this, Kenma rolling his eyes as he pulled on his shirt.
“Oh, and you all are free to stay the night. The couch pulls out and the guest bedroom is just down the hall,” he called out over his shoulder, brushing past Akaashi as he entered the bathroom.
Once the other men had sauntered off to do their own things, Kuroo locked the bedroom door and saw how peaceful his girlfriend looked surrounded by bubbles and the scent of lavender. He carefully stepped into the tub, pulling her into his lap as the warm water sloshed lightly around them.
“How you holding up, (Nickname)?” he said softly, carefully massaging some shampoo into her hair, “You feeling alright?”
“I feel like I should be the one doing this for you,” she giggled, leaning back into him.
“Oh, no no no. You’ve done enough for me tonight. Thank you, by the way. For riding along with my crazy idea,” Kuroo replied while scooping some water onto her head, “Here, tilt your head back for me.”
She obliged, him rinsing out the shampoo before gently running his fingers through her hair with some conditioner. Sighing in content, she turned her head to the side to give gentle kisses along his jaw.
“Now, if you keep doing that, I’m really gonna plow you into the tub.”
“Testurou!” she mumbled against his neck, laughing, “Just let me love on you a bit, just right now.”
(Name) turned her body around in the water, her lips finding Kuroo’s.
“I love you, baby,” she mumbled against his lips, smiling.
“I love you too, kitten,” he mumbled back, squeezing her gently, “But, since it’s my birthday can you give me one more present?”
“What is it, love?”
“Can I please actually plow you into the bath?”
“Fiiine,” she laughed gently, entangling her hand in the back of his wet hair, “Just be gentle, okay? My ass really hurts.”
“Damn Bokuto, told the guy to be gentle or I’d bite his dick.”
“You’d what?!” she exclaimed, widening her eyes.
Before she could reply, he silenced her with a kiss, and soon enough, they were making sweet love in the tub.
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ao3feed-haikyuu · 4 years
Haikyuu! One Shot Paradise
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2YZqOq2
by insankan
Haikyuu! one shots because my love for these volleyball nerds is too much to bear on my own. Summaries will be in each chapter.
I do take requests (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ
Words: 7199, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Relationships: Kuroo Tetsurou/Reader, Bokuto Koutarou/Reader, Akaashi Keiji/Reader, Kozume Kenma/Reader
Additional Tags: sweet high school love, Mutual Pining, One Shot Collection
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2YZqOq2
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by insankan
As a hero-in-training in the 3-A class at U.A. High School, she sure is the shy type. She was moved into the class during her second year, as she showed phenomenal strength and control over her quirk in the U.A. Sports Festival that same year. She always stayed in the background though, making no friends nor enemies due to her chronic anxiety inherited from her father. But one sleepless night during her 3rd, she befriends a boy in the common room of their dorms who ends up taking a great interest in her when he finds out she floats when she sleeps. That girl’s name is Watashi (Y/N), and that boy’s name is Todoroki Shouto.
Basically this is just a sappy love story between two heroes in their third year. I haven’t seen enough fanfics that are x-reader about Icy-Hot AND that aren’t one-shots, so I decided to create my own. Your family is loosely based off my own, so I’m sorry if it’s sometimes really detailed. Your quirk and backstory is REALLY family-driven, so the details are very important.
Also I really appreciate feedback! It’s what drives me to write :)
Words: 3350, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia)
Relationships: Todoroki Shouto/Reader, Todoroki Shouto/You
Additional Tags: sappy love story, Ive only written dark stories so this is a first, So sweet it’ll make your teeth rot, Class 1-A Shenanigans (My Hero Academia), Class 1-A is now 3rd years, Todoroki might be a little OOC but that’s because he’s grown up, mineta doesn’t exist, Eventual Smut, Maybe - Freeform, Depends on if the people want it, adding tags as I go
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isa-ah · 9 years
ohmygod mines dec 13 SOO CLOSE THOUGH!!
yA :D
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iamzero · 9 years
Heyo! I LOOOOVE your art style and I'm currently writing a fanfiction about Twenty One Pilots on Wattpad. I wanted to know if I could use some of your art for references (because I do not believe there are any real photos of Tyler with glowing eyes and a black aura around him. haha) for my story. I wasn't sure if you were okay with people using your artwork for things, so I came here to ask you! I totally understand if you don't want me using your artwork, but it would be rad if I could. Thanks!
Sure thing, thank you so much for asking! I really appreciate that!
My only request is that if you post the images themselves, please give credit! That's all :)
Thank you! Good luck with your fic!
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leeisacat · 4 years
Ayo friends I have risen from the dead.
After, like, years of inactivity I’m gonna start posting my writing and fanfics on here because? Why the fuck not. I’ve been writing for five years now, and I don’t really like how hard it is to interact with the readers on Ao3. So, here I am. If you’d like to check out some of my works, go ahead :)
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ao3feed-haikyuu · 4 years
Chronicles of the Dragon
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3hLynIi
by insankan
Born and raised as a fourth generation hitman, (Surname) (Name) was a renowned hit-woman in the underground workings of Japan. For not being associated with one of the multiple mafias scattered throughout the country, she was the number one go-to for hits not involving the mafia. She had a strict policy of not getting involved with any mafia, as she worked for herself. But, what happens when she unknowingly accepts a hit on the Nekoma Godfather? A whole lot of bullshit, as she would put it.
Words: 2642, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!, mafia AU - Fandom
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M
Relationships: Kuroo Tetsurou/Reader, Akaashi Keiji/Reader, Bokuto Koutarou/Reader, Sugawara Koushi/Reader, Sawamura Daichi/Reader, Azumane Asahi/Reader, Iwaizumi Hajime/Reader, Oikawa Tooru/Reader, Ushijima Wakatoshi/Reader, Tendou Satori/Reader, Semi Eita/Reader, Terushima Yuuji/Reader
Additional Tags: mafia, Hitman! Reader, Reader-Insert, Basically every team in Haikyuu!! is it's own mafia in Japan, Aged-Up Character(s), LOTS of violence, I love the idea of Haikyuu!! mafia AU lmfao that's why I wrote this, Haikyuu!! Mafia AU, I haven't decided who the main love interests will be so it's like an x everyone rn, it's probably gonna be Kuroo ngl, I love the Nekoma captain too much
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3hLynIi
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isa-ah · 9 years
dec 16th :O!!! 
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isa-ah · 9 years
HEYO UM I DUNNO IF YOU STILL NEED THAT HAIR REF OR WHATEVER BUT I IMMEDIATELY THOUGHT OF JOSH DUN WHEN YOU DESCRIBED THAT HAIR STYLE YOU WANTED FOR YOUR OC sadly i cant include links in questions bUT just like search up him or something if you um want to i hope this helps or that im not too late on telling you...
thats kinda what im going for lol someone else actually just messaged me ;0 undercut was the word i was looking 4
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