#in the airport
oh-obrien · 1 year
Im a bad bitch i don’t get sick
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c-rowlesdraws · 1 year
Did You Know: if you get to the airport early enough in the morning, you can look through the big windows and watch them shovel oats and alfalfa into big troughs for the planes
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columban-von-iona · 6 months
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A man called Dad walks by then another one does. Dad, you say and he turns, forever turning, forever being called. Dad, he turns, and looks at you, bewildered, his face a moving wreck of skin, a gravity-bound question mark, a fruit ripped in two, an animal that can't escape the field.
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notwithoutloveee · 6 months
At the top of this year I quit my job
and lived my life every day since, fully alive
2023 mission is complete (cheat code confirmed)
I walked through the portal
& even in hell, my heart remained open
I'm almost home
Thank you god
I don't know what's next + I know I'm safe
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wichita public library has the most delightful short story dispenser at the airport!
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ciao2-bambi · 3 months
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Around season 3
Jon knows he's changed a lot.
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dwoodledip · 10 months
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Pink bitch named Breakfast
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cinary · 10 months
I'm curious how many times an avarage person (or as close as a tumblr user can get to being one) has been on a plane so tell me
A trip one way counts as 1 time, so if you flew somewhere and then came back (for example to and from a different country on a holiday) then that counts as two trips because you boarded the plane twice. I have decided to do it this way because I have traveled one way by plane and came back by train a few times and I guess some of you probably did that too.
Also! If you can tell me in the tags how many times you traveled by plane and which country you're from I'd be very grateful! I'm curious if there is any difference depending on a size of a country/continent you're from.
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reasonsforhope · 10 months
"This week, the Department of Transportation (DOT) announced a new rule requiring airlines to make bathrooms more accessible for disabled people. All new single-aisle aircraft will be fitted with fully-accessible lavatories.
Most flights inside the United States are single-aisle and as technology has improved, they are used more frequently for long flights, including coast-to-coast trips that can last as long as six hours. Double-aisle plans are already subject to the regulation but are primarily used for international flights.
Out Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg announced the new regulations, saying, “Traveling can be stressful enough without worrying about being able to access a restroom; yet today, millions of wheelchair users are forced to choose between dehydrating themselves before boarding a plane or avoiding air travel altogether.” ...
The secretary has made it a priority to improve service on airlines during his tenure. In 2022, six airlines were forced to pay millions of dollars in refunds to hundreds of thousands of customers and were also fined millions for causing the issues. The department’s firm stance on the side of customers has continued through this year after multiple companies have had meltdowns, stranding thousands of travelers.
All planes delivered to airlines starting in 2026 must include several upgrades. Planes already in service will not need to be retrofitted unless the plane is renovated.
“These aircraft must have at least one lavatory of sufficient size to permit a passenger with a disability (with the help of an assistant, if necessary) to approach, enter, and maneuver within the aircraft lavatory, to use all lavatory facilities, and leave by means of the aircraft’s onboard wheelchair if necessary,” the DOT said in a statement.
Accessible faucets and controls, grab bars, accessible call buttons and door locks, minimum obstruction to the passage of an onboard wheelchair, and an available visual barrier for privacy are also required upgrades."
-via LGBTQ Nation, July 28, 2023
Wayyyyyyy fucking overdue but I'll take it!! Also, very nice curb cut effect: We all get to be less miserable on airplanes, and older people don't have to worry as much about airplane bathroom fall risks.
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skradio · 7 months
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hydro dragon, hydro dragon, don't cry
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Oh wow I didnt know chapter 249 already leaked lol
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qhughes43 · 1 year
everywhere i go someone is wearing something related to the leafs help
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taiistired · 2 months
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real life winner
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bribinart · 9 months
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nat 20!!!!!!
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deklo · 2 months
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some tsc jeremy :-)
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