#in korea not here but w/e
cordiallyfuturedwight · 6 months
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missing jin hours (20/??) plaid edition (cr. 0613data, dwellingsouls)
548 notes · View notes
mesperyiandevotee · 5 months
🦄unihorns4salenotscam follow
can the nation-people rpf shippers STOP posting their headcanons and fic in the main tag????? People use the main tag for REAL information and news about the reps!
🚬fruityfag follow
says the person wiht a link to their scotnor fics in their pinned
🦄unihorns4salenotscam follow
did I say anything about NOT writing nation-people rpf AT ALL?? No?? I said to keep it out of the 👏MAIN👏 TAG. piss on the poor ass website I swear.
🌋hallgrimskirkjafucksnotredame follow
Yo guys? I think one of the nation-people found this post. Mr France literally posted this an hour ago:
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🥑anavocadothaaaaaaaanks follow
9123 Notes
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Hey uh........... did anyone tell the US rep that those panera bred lemonades are hella caffeinated??
how. how many did he drink?
🐗40to50wildhogs follow
He's literally immortal he's fine.
🦬alfredfjoneshater follow
FUCKING 12????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
👻givemeblueflowers follow
He was in the middle of drinking lemonade 13 when he kicked the bucket. Some tiktoker was recording him on a Live
apparently he was with m. Denmark. who. kept drinking more lemonades until the manager cut him off...
🥀valentinorose follow
P sure dude said once he ate hellebore like salad. Not surprised.
i thought he only said that to make historians leave him alone
No no, I believe it
869 Notes
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OK. Let's settle this.
3 Notes
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🎪thenightcircusstolemylunchmoney follow
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Anyone else notice he does this when some senator or w/e pisses him off?
🏒ruscanhockeyrpf follow
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the fbi got him
#war thunder #nation people bs
10.8K Notes
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❄️snowmiserbottomsurgery follow
not the swifties acting racist af after mr. korea called taylor "that one a-pop artist" 💀💀💀
❄️snowmiserbottomsurgery follow
me looking at the notes ONE FUCKING HOUR after i hit post:
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I'm convinced tswifts has mind control powers like how england sees fairies or miss belarus sees ghosts
🥐iaminlepain follow
Everyone needs to stop spreading around that the nation people have magic powers it's been proven again and again that it's fake.
☕blackcoffeegayweexist follow
realzombiedavie why'd you use an honorific for Miss Belarus but not Mr. England?
Cuz I actually respect Miss Belarus lmao
#RIP to OPs notes #turning off my asks in case england stans come after me again
14.2K Notes
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📰nationrep-rpf-confessions follow
Dear god wtf is up with all the colonizer/colony (or ex-colony) ships lately??! I know RPF is already a gray area morally, but can we at least not be gross about it?!
This is some of the most low effort bait I've ever seen.
12 Notes
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📎cl1ppyrev1val follow
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Thanks for using my correct pronouns tho ig?
📍geoguessr-lowscore follow
the "schrodinger's country person" is sending me
🗡️teutonicsword follow
#negative tag #nation people mention #doesn't op write liechtenstein x reader? why's anon salty about the pruliech?
if anon's the person i'm thinking of, they selfship with Miss Liechtenstein and harrass anyone else that selfships with her or ships her with another cuntry-person
#oh god i'm p sure i know who anon is #hasn't staff termed them like 6 times? #how many accounts have they made?
593 Notes
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🐻‍❄️hibernatingkumaku follow
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🐻‍❄️hibernatingkumaku follow
@ everyone asking me for the link here it is enjoy.
225 notes · View notes
wooahaes · 1 year
taste of love
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pairing: non-idol!jun x gn!reader
genre: fluff! very slight angst via mentions of homesickness + jun & reader working a lot, but it’s very minor. [jun runs a restaurant. reader is coworkers w vocal unit.]
word count: 7.0k~
warnings: reader is a foreigner, but its left completely ambiguous where they’re from. depictions of illness (w jun caring for reader). many food mentions (the topic is just food as a love language). usage of terms of endearment (honey, baby, love), primarily by jun.
daisy’s notes:
food is my favorite love language between ppl.
han voice you eat you EAT!!!
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The first time you met Wen Junhui was through a friend while you were feeling homesick.
Your coworkers knew a few things about you. The most glaring fact was that you were a foreigner (your Korean gave you away with ease every single time, although your coworker, Joshua, told you that you were improving well). And with that fact came the next one: you were always homesick when it came to major holidays. Both ones from your home country and in Korea, because it meant you sometimes got to witness firsthand the cozy joy of being with one’s family again. While you did make the occasional trip home, you mainly missed out on things. Sure, you sometimes celebrated on your own, but overall...
You missed home. No matter what dish you made, it couldn’t fully replace the feeling of community. The closest you’d ever come to it was when Joshua, missing the U.S. and his mom a little more than usual, came over and shared a meal with you. It wouldn’t be the same as sitting down with your family at their home, but it was a meal shared nonetheless.
So when Joshua, acutely aware of your recent bout of homesickness, told you to come with him... You weren’t really going to say no. He’d invited Jeonghan along, too, while the rest of your coworkers were too busy with their own lives to tag along. Joshua hadn’t told you where exactly you were going--only asking if you wanted to go out to dinner with him and Jeonghan--but you trusted him. He wouldn’t screw you over with anything... plus the idea of a meal with the two of them also felt nice.
He’d brought you to a little Chinese restaurant that still looked new. And when you said little, you meant it. There were only a few tables inside and outside, all crammed together in a situation that made you glad you weren’t claustrophobic. A thin young man who Jeonghan warmly greeted brought the three of you to a table closest to the kitchen, handed a single menu over to Joshua (who had offered to pay ahead of time as a treat to you... and Jeonghan, who had teased him about it on the bus ride over since Joshua was the one who invited you both). Joshua had leaned over a little to let you look as he rattled off various foods, your server (Minghao, you soon learned) jotting each one down.
“And, uh,” Joshua looked up, smiling that pretty smile at Minghao, “if Jun’s here... Let him know we’re here.”
Minghao had looked over to you for barely a second before disappearing into the back, paper in hand and menu tucked underneath his arm. The next time you saw him, he’d been heading past with a tray in one hand, calling over his shoulder that the three of you would have to wait until things quieted down a bit more.
“Which means after our food is done,” Jeonghan said after taking a glance around the restaurant. There were a few other people around--two young men sitting outside, another pair of three inside at another table. For a moment, you swore you recognized one of those three as Seungkwan.
And, Jeonghan being Jeonghan, raised his voice, “Seungkwan-ah!”
Which immediately made him nearly drop his chopsticks, turning around to see the three of you. You only had to wonder if Jeonghan would have done that had there been more people in the restaurant. You, and Seungkwan most likely, would hope not... but Jeonghan found entertainment in one way or another.
Seungkwan had merely nodded to the three of you politely before turning back to his conversation, ears bright red from embarrassment. You could see Minghao hiding a smile as he set dish after dish onto their table, before disappearing out the open front door for a moment. You could understand why when you saw him looking around for a moment, adjusting his collar and taking a deep breath: you’d started sweltering in your thick jacket within minutes of walking in.
Not that you were complaining: it was cold outside. If the restaurant itself was this warm and cozy, you could only hope that the food brought the same feeling.
“So... Who’s Jun?” You finally asked, breaking into the conversation that Joshua and Jeonghan had been having.
Jeonghan had merely smiled, and you realized that he, too, must know this mystery man Joshua wanted you to meet. “The owner,” he said. “He opened up a few months ago. Joshua and I came here after Seokmin was spreading the news about it. He’s Minghao’s roommate,” he said with a nod toward the server, who was already heading back into the kitchen. 
“Jihoon actually came here and said the food was good, so we decided to check it out,” Joshua said, rolling his sleeves up. “It’s usually this quiet during the week. The weekends are way busier, apparently.”
You nodded along, listening as Jeonghan brought up the time they met Jun--the last time they came, just the week before. Technically, they’d met him a few times before, but last time was the first time they had had a proper conversation with him.
“And you think I should meet him because...?”
“I never said that,” Joshua had said, but it was clear you’d caught him in whatever he was planning. “You’ll like him.”
When your food was brought out, it wasn’t Minghao who did it. Instead was the man himself, Wen Junhui, who stood tall over your table as he carefully set dish after dish upon your table. He’d introduced himself to you after politely greeting Joshua and Jeonghan.
“This is the person we wanted you to meet,” Jeonghan said, clearly not caring a bit about keeping that a secret. “The one from abroad?”
Jun had met your gaze a moment later, nodding--as if everything about you didn’t scream foreigner (again, your lackluster Korean alone seemed to be the biggest sign that you didn’t belong). “It’s nice to meet you,” he said. “Joshua said you’ve cooked for him before?”
Something about the genuine way he lit up at the idea made your face warm. “Once,” you said. “I was feeling homesick so we had a meal together.”
He had smiled at you, and it did nothing but make your cheeks burn hotter. “I understand,” he said, glancing up for a moment to make sure no one was coming. Minghao had gone to deal with the two men outside. Jun pulled over an empty chair, sitting down for a moment. “Food can help with the homesickness,” he had sounded a little wistful. “I used to cook meals for my housemates when I first came here. When I met Minghao, I invited him to meals, too.”
“Is that why you opened this restaurant?”
Jun had smiled, gaze not quite meeting your eyes for a moment as he nodded. “It helps me feel at home,” he said, “and it makes me happy when people are enjoying a good meal.”
Something about the sentiment resonated with you. It was like calling food its own love language. “I see,” you hummed. “It’s your way of taking care of people.” It’s your way of loving people, too, isn’t it? But that felt too bold to say, so you swallowed your words.
Jun had smiled warmly at you before thanking the three of you for coming, which had made you smile in return, and he soon returned to the kitchens. You almost didn’t notice the shared look between Jeonghan and Joshua before the three of you began to eat.
Sure enough, everyone had been right: everything you ate was beyond delicious. At first, you had wondered if you were that hungry that everything was even better than it tasted... but then you realized it. Jun cooked with love, and knowing about that passion made everything better than you could ever dream. Every flavor seemed amplified through the love of one man (and whatever staff he had back there, because you were sure you could hear other people working as well), and it left you speechless.
“Is it good?” Joshua had teased you with this smile, as if he knew something you didn’t. “We’ll have to come back sometime.”
You would. Maybe on your own one day, or maybe with a few other friends if you had the free time.
Yet you’d heard your name when the three of you were leaving, meal paid for and stomachs full. You’d stopped along with the others, turning back with the worry that you had left something behind. Instead it was Jun, clutching an order ticket that he held out to you.
“You should call me sometime,” he said, eyes twinkling as he smiled at you. “Maybe... We could eat together sometime.”
You’d cracked a smile at how cute he was, accepting the paper with a nod. “Okay,” you could feel your heart racing now, giddiness taking over the nerves you’d had moments before. “I’ll call you, then.”
Joshua and Jeonghan had lingered back for a moment as you continued ahead once Jun took a few steps back, before retreating to his restaurant. And while you were staring down at his number, the two high-fived quietly behind you over their success.
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The second time you had a meal at the courtesy of one Wen Junhui, it wasn’t his own cooking. He’d apologized to you for that, but it was Monday, and the restaurant was closed... and he’d been really, really cute when he asked if you wanted to get dinner with him. He’d waited for you outside your office building, sitting on a bench while dressed warmly. You’d ignored the knowing look that Joshua had sent your way while he was reminding you to thank him at your wedding one day, and hurried off to meet Jun.
“There’s a small place not far from here that has nice noodles,” he told you, tugging his coat closer to himself. “They’re good when it’s cold out.”
Spicy noodles sounded like heaven. You swore your fingers were already going numb, your pair of gloves lost somewhere inside your apartment. Jun had glanced down to see the way you were rubbing your hands together.
“Can I...?” He grew flustered, looking away from you for a moment. “Ah, nevermind--”
“You can,” you said, hoping you understood what he wanted to ask. He looked up, a small smile crossing his lips, hope in his eyes. “If you want.”
Jun had carefully taken your bare hand in his gloved one, enclosing it around to keep it warm. With a gentle tug, he started off in the direction of the restaurant. You tucked your other hand into your coat pocket, and smiled a little at how he held onto your hand. He had tethered you to him through the crowd, and something about the entire ordeal made you feel... safer. You’d only texted (and called once or twice) with Jun up until now, a week after your meal at his restaurant, and yet he seemed to ooze this energy that said, loud and clear, that you would be safe with him.
(You also attributed that to Joshua and Jeonghan: you were sure they wouldn’t introduce you to someone who would harm you. Not intentionally, at least, but Jun seemed kind in every message he sent to you.)
The older man who owned the shop seemed to recognize Jun immediately, speaking kindly to him. Jun introduced you as a friend (although your still connected hands likely implied something more could be coming), and the two of you took the corner table of the tiny restaurant. You put your faith in Jun to pick something delicious for the two of you to eat, and soon enough you were greeted with two bowls of spicy rice noodles.
“I came here to study,” he had told you while you ate. “I’ve wanted to travel for a while, but I wasn’t sure about studying until I met a few friends online when I was younger. They pushed me to study abroad, actually.”
You looked up from your noodles. “What about your family?”
“My parents supported me,” he said. “My mom and I call a lot even now. Sometimes they come visit. The last time they came was when I opened the restaurant, actually.”
With a nod, you continued to eat your food after murmuring a quiet “They sound lovely.”
He’d smiled at that, and it warmed you far more than the spices did.”They do. It was hard being away from them, but my friends helped. Soonyoung actually brought me here when I was homesick once, and it’s become one of my favorite places to come. The owner is nice, too,” he said, smiling at the man as he caught his eye. “I like how people show care for one another through food.”
The sentiment made you smile: it comforted you, too. “I get what you mean,” you had said. “It’s like asking if someone had eaten yet and making a meal for them if they hadn’t.”
“Taking someone out to eat for a date is, too,” his eyes lit up, “you can bond over a nice meal.”
So you decided to be a little bold where you’d shied away before, during your first meeting. “Is this a date?”
He nearly dropped his chopsticks at the sudden question, as if he hadn’t hinted at it himself. His eyes went wide, face growing warmer and redder at your question. “Do you want it to be?”
You nodded, voice lost in your own nerves at how endearing one man could be. Was this what it was like to have someone understand you? You hoped it was.
“Good,” he said with this bashful smile, and he looked as though he felt just as fluttery as you did. “I was hoping it was.” The sentiment of I already like you interlaced every word, and it only made your heart race a little more.
Good, you had thought to yourself. I already like you, too.
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The next several meals were things you shared together as your relationship began to root itself deeper and deeper. Food became your go-to with Jun when he wasn’t busy with his own work, and you were happy for it. Sometimes the two of you would just explore the city aimlessly when you were free, and try a new place together. It wasn’t all good, unfortunately, but the two of you could appreciate a shared experience. It wasn’t long after that that you pushed Jun to become your workout buddy, just to keep each other motivated (and maybe it was cute to see him flustered whenever he helped you stretch). Sometimes the two of you would only meet up to grab dessert together after his busy work days, other times you’d be able to meet up for dinner. Rarely lunches, but those were smaller dates between the two of you.
Two months into taking things slow with him (technically only a month of officially dating), you’d invited him to your place for nothing but a meal together. This time, you wanted to cook him something that you used to eat at home. It’d been a little frustrating to track down certain ingredients, but showing Jun more of yourself and the things that made you you was worth it. If nothing else, it was worth it to see the stars in his eyes.
Except you ended up having to work a little later than you usually did, and then realized you’d forgotten a pretty major ingredient so you ran back to the store. And now Jun was standing inside your apartment, minutes after you came back home, taking in the sight of it as he was removing his coat.
“I’m really, really sorry,” you had apologized a thousand times over. “I meant to be mostly done by now, and I haven’t even started, and--”
“It’s okay,” Jun said to you, coat carefully folded over your couch. “Life happens. You don’t have to apologize for that.”
Sometimes you wondered if he was secretly an angel in disguise. “Okay,” you said after taking a deep breath, centering yourself with the long exhale. “Just... sit down and let me cook for you this time, okay?”
Jun had nodded, making himself comfortable on your couch. It wasn’t until after you’d washed the necessary ingredients and begun chopping that he drifted back into your kitchen, watching you for a moment.
“Can I help?”
You shook your head. He was your guest. He didn’t need to worry about this. The fact he was asking almost made you apologize again: you weren’t as adept a chef as he was, and you were probably taking too long, and--
“Please?” He asked, pushing a little bit more. “I want to understand this more because it’s important to you. If you don’t want me to help, that’s okay, but... Can you tell me more about it?”
Oh. You’d floundered a little at how... genuine Jun was, and, instead of answering him, started looking for the spare apron you kept around. He’d let you tie the back for him, and looked at you with a smile as you found the spare cutting board. Maybe later you’d tell him you only had extra things because you used to cook with Joshua--sometimes things he grew up with, sometimes things you did--just to combat the homesickness a little and that it used to comfort you a lot. He wouldn’t be jealous (if anything, you could see Jun thanking Joshua for taking care of you as your friend--he was warm like that), but you’d rather focus on the new memories you’d be creating with Jun.
So you set something in front of him, told him how to cut it, and started talking about your childhood. This dish was something that your dad used to make for you when you were tiny, and it used to be your favorite thing in the entire world. You’d grown a lot since then, but there was something so comforting about revisiting this as an adult.
“It’s like... I can appreciate it better,” you said, “now that I know the hard work that goes into it.” Your voice had wavered a little, “it makes me miss home sometimes, but that’s okay. It just reminds me that I was loved.”
Jun had paused for a moment, just watching you with this fond smile. It made you realize that... for one reason or another, you hadn’t kissed Jun.
All you had asked him for was to take things slow, and he had happily agreed for your comfort without asking why (although you later heard from Joshua that Jun put a thousand hearts after your name because Jun apparently was that kind of person). Cheek kisses and forehead kisses were definitely okay with you (you liked the little smile Jun gave you after he did either), but lips felt... a little intimate for someone you were still so new to. This felt intimate, too: cooking together in your home, talking about home. And Jun could see the way you were looking at him, the way your eyes dripped down to his lips for barely a second. You began to lean in, and he met you there, lips soft against your own.
It was slow and gentle, and you could feel the curve of his smile. Kissing Jun, you decided, felt like a dream you didn’t want to wake up from. But he pulled away after what felt like a sugary sweet eternity, and you could see those pretty stars in his eyes as you were certain he felt what you did: that the two of you were falling a little more, a little harder, for one another.
And now this dish held a little more meaning. You felt your face grow warmer as you drew away, an apology dying on your lips as his love-filled look sent you spiraling into a warm whirlpool of emotions that you were certain you’d be okay with drowning in. If it meant Jun would kiss you again to bring you back, then maybe you would. 
The fond look on his face almost made you go in for another kiss. But your stomach growled, and he laughed so warmly as he gently scolded you when you admitted you’d barely eaten lunch today... so you decided you could always just kiss him again later.
(And you did. You walked him to the bus stop and kissed him before he left. It was that night that he started to sign off his texts with a red heart and a love-filled request for you to dream of him.)
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Four months into your official relationship, you came down with a stomach bug. Normally, you’d power through it after taking whatever over-the-counter medicine you needed to, but this time you’d been sick enough to take off work for the rest of the week. Joshua had been kind enough to come by at lunch to drop off a bag of things that you’d asked for, only signaling to you that he was there with a few loud knocks at your door (bless him: he was an angel for doing that). He’d waved at you from a safe distance down your hall, lingering back just to make sure that you got the delivery, and called out for you to rest well and let him know if you needed anything else. You’d downed some medicine, put away the things you needed to, and collapsed back onto your couch to sleep things off.
It was Friday (day three of shitty sickness) when you relented and gave Jun the code to your apartment. You’d already seen a doctor and were on proper medicine starting yesterday (thank you to Joshua, again, who’d gone with you while Jun was busy with work... and because you hadn’t told Jun how sick you were), but Jun had insisted on coming to check in you. Maybe you were starting to be thankful for it: you’d collapsed back onto the couch, stomach cramping again. You thought you were feeling fine, truly, and that you’d be okay enough to make some scrambled eggs instead of reheating the last of the soup Joshua had brought you. Yet you hadn’t gotten that far, instead shoving the carton of eggs back into the fridge before retreating back to your couch. You’d curled up and drifted in and out of sleep for several hours until the sound of your apartment door getting unlocked, the melodic chime only making your head hurt a little more, woke you up. Jun had set down the bag of groceries he had in your kitchen before returning to you, slowly kneeling down to check on you.
He pulled down his mask for a moment, a look of pity on his face. “Oh, love...” Then he leaned forward, lips pressing to your forehead for a gentle kiss. Yet he lingered there, gauging your temperature. You were still running a slight fever and you knew it. He drew back, fixing his mask back into place as he watched you with concern. “Why didn’t you call me?”
“Didn’t wanna--” You shifted a little, pushing at your blanket as suddenly you felt warmer than before. “Didn’t wanna bother you, Junnie...”
You knew what he was going to say. He cupped your cheek, “I’m your boyfriend,” he said gently. “It’s okay to call on me.”
As much as you loved him, you could only let out a whine. You buried your face back into your sleeve. It was too bright here, too. “Didn’t wanna get you sick.”
“I’ll be okay,” he said, pulling his hand away. “Have you eaten?”
You shook your head, face still buried in your sleeve. “Too weak.”
“Do I need to take you to the doctor again?” And when you shook your head, he frowned. “Have you taken medicine?”
“Makes me sick...”
Another frown, and Jun gently reached out to pat you on the head. “Where’s your medicine, honey?”
With your face still covered, you vaguely pointed toward your kitchen where you’d left the bottle yesterday night. You’d grabbed a glass of water to down the pills with and left them by the sink, and Jun found them with ease. He turned the bottle over in his fingers, reading the label. It didn’t say anything about having to take it with food, but Jun did a little searching online to see something about how sometimes that could lead to an upset stomach.
He sighed, breathing out a sad “ah, baby...” before noticing the little makeshift calendar on your refrigerator. It had the dates you were supposed to take your medicine, all with a little box to make sure you’d been taking it at 12:30 pm. Jun could recognize Joshua’s handwriting. He’d have to thank him again later for going with you yesterday. Joshua had called to say he walked you into your apartment and took care of a few things to lessen the load on you, but Jun didn’t know how far it went.
At least you had other people who could care for you when Jun couldn’t be there. A tiny blessing in life.
Jun nodded to himself as he checked the time: he had plenty of time to cook for you. He found a clean glass, filling it with ice and water before he returned to you. You’d pouted when he managed to get you to sit back up, coaxing you into taking a couple sips (which you would only do after you waved him back a few steps).
“Just rest, honey. It’s okay. I’ll take care of you,” he had said, reassuring you with a warm smile.
“But you have work--”
He chuckled a little at your pout. “I’m not the only one who cooks, honey. You know that.”
“But... I’m stealing you away...” You set the glass back down onto your coffee table (Jun would slip one of those kitty coasters he’d bought you under it once you dozed off), and curled back up. “Everyone should get to taste my Junnie’s food...”
Oh, how cute you could be without realizing it. Jun was sure it was the fever that made you not think so straight (even though he knows the healthy version of you swore his cooking was better than anyone else’s). He chuckled warmly, giving you a gentle pat on the head as he passed behind the couch to one of the windows of your apartment. The curtains were still drawn, but he pushed them aside long enough to unlatch them and open them to let some fresh air into the room. He shut the blinds of your little balcony doors, too, to darken the living room before he went to put himself to work. His parents had a soup recipe they taught him that he was certain would help you get better soon, and he could make plenty so that it’d last you a few days.
Even if he had to call his mom to make sure he was doing it right, just to be sure. She had called him out on the fact he’d made it plenty of times before, but it was different now: he needed it to be perfect for you.
(She told him he’d have to introduce you the next time she came in person. He promised her that he would.)
The soup had been done for a while when half past twelve finally came, and Jun had sat around to ensure that you rested more. He set a place for you at your dining table with care, and then woke you up. Despite your insistence, he guided you to your chair with a hand gently placed at the middle of your back. You’d insisted you were fine, even going so far as to scowling when he tried to feed you himself, that you weren’t that sick... yet the moment your hand shook a little, Jun was there to steady you.
He helped you back to bed once you’d finished your soup and taken your medicine, leaving you with another chaste kiss on the forehead. He could hear a complaint dying on your lips as he tucked you into bed, saying he’d be right there if you needed him and to just call out. He shut the door to your bedroom, and let out a long sigh.
Now he had to make arrangements. Whatever extra pay he could give to someone covering his shifts over the weekend, he’d figure it out for sure later but kept the promise in tact. He needed to be there for you to help you recover, he decided. When that was done, he turned his attention to making himself a bowl of soup while he reached out to Joshua. He asked if he (or anyone else who knew your address) could bring some vitamins for you, since he didn’t want to leave you in case you needed him. He said he’d arrange for something, and Jun was later met with the face of someone he recognized (Seungkwan--the one who always came to his restaurant with his two roommates). He’d said something about how he was the one who helped bring you home after a night of drinking, and that he always had extra vitamins in case of emergencies before realizing he was rambling. Seungkwan had passed the bag to him and wished you well before bowing and running off.
(Jun would pack his to-go container extra full next time he ordered something, free of charge. Just as thanks for helping him.)
Jun did the icky chores for you in the meantime: doing the dishes quietly so as to not disturb you, cleaning up the building up trash that you’d likely been too tired to do yourself, wiping down counters, doing the laundry... You’d probably whine at him later for going so far for you, but he’d humbly remind you that you would do the same (and more) if he was the one sick. This, in his mind, was the least he could do to ensure your focus stayed on resting and recovering. And at the end of the day, after he managed to get some broth into you since you didn’t feel like getting out of bed, Jun tucked himself into bed on your couch.
It was the next morning that you actually looked better. He could feel a warmth in his chest when you told him you were actually able to fully keep his soup down when other things hadn’t fully agreed with you. He liked to think it was the love that helped you heal.
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It was ten months into your relationship that Jun officially moved in with you. His roommate, Kwon Soonyoung, had made the decision to move in with his girlfriend since the two had been together for a little over a year and their lease was ending. He’d been stressing to you a bit while spending the night at your apartment that he wasn’t sure about finding a new roommate... so you’d shrugged and told him to come live with you, if he wanted. He had perked up, a little taken aback by the bold offer, and it led to you apologizing for bringing it up so soon.
“No, it’s okay,” he said. “I just don’t want you to feel rushed. If you’re ready and you want me to... I would love to.”
Which led into the moving process. Goodbye, just a drawer you reserved for him: you happily shifted things around so that Jun now shared both your dresser and your closet with you. You’d spent all of yesterday unpacking his things with him, and now you awoke with a giddy feeling when you turned over to see his sleeping face.
So you decided you’d celebrate this step in your relationship with breakfast for the two of you. Only for Jun to wake up halfway through, and finally come into the room. He’d been half-asleep as he drifted toward you, arms wrapping warmly around you as he pressed kiss after kiss into your neck and shoulders and jaw. It was distracting, sure, but you’d accept this kind of distraction any day.
His eyes fluttered shut, and you could feel the curve of his smile as he planted one last kiss against your neck. “I like this.”
“Me making you breakfast?” You had teased, shifting just enough that Jun could settle into your further.
“This,” he squeezed you a little. “Waking up with you. Seeing you in the morning...”
It wasn’t the first time he’d done that--both of you knew that--but... It did feel nicer now knowing that you’d come home to him, too. You gently patted one of his hands before going back to whisking eggs, casually running through your plans for the day. Grocery shopping, since you were running low on several things (these were the last of the eggs, you casually noted). He offered to go with you since he had time before he had to go into his restaurant and start prepping for the day, and you already liked the sound of that. The idea of doing domestic things with Jun made you happier already, even if plenty of them were things you’d done before.
The breakfast you shared together was the first of many in this new page of your lives, now thoroughly intertwined the same way that the two of you would be at the end of each day. Jun would happily kiss you with the sweet taste of grapefruit juice still lingering after breakfast, and wordlessly end up pushing a shirt toward you when you followed him to change (you insisted on putting the dishes up: he’d be doing the heavy lifting of the groceries, after all). Two white shirts and black jeans, just to ensure the two of you clearly matched.
You thought to yourself that you’d fallen in love with one of the cheesiest men... but you wouldn’t trade that for anything else. Wen Junhui was yours, through and through, just as much as you were his. 
Love would be stored in the snacks that you wordlessly bought because you knew he loved them. In the drinks that he placed into your cart without dropping the conversation, the flavors matching your own liking. In the way that the two of you already seemed to have dinner figured out (you would cook tonight, you told him, because you wanted to spoil him a little) and Jun casually picked your brain over ingredients. He would carry the bags home with you, and you would find places for each thing and take note of the things Jun had brought into your home. The cute mug with a cat painted onto it, the measuring spoons shaped like little whales that a friend had bought him...
There was an intimacy in Jun calling these things ‘ours’ now and you embraced it wholeheartedly, just as you would him every day if it meant living a happy life together.
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“Honey? It’s late...”
It felt rare for you to fall asleep before Jun climbed into bed with you, but maybe it made sense this time. A little past midnight, you’d found Jun standing in the kitchen with cooking chopsticks in hand. From the moment you opened the door, you could smell the spices from the packet, and the sight of a tired Jun wasn’t exactly foreign to you. He’d extended restaurant hours a little later into the night a month ago (a few weeks after your first anniversary of dating), and with that came him coming home more worn out. Yet there he stood as he cooked.
He looked up with a hum, and then turned back to the pot on the stove. “Sorry,” he said. “Did I wake you up coming in?”
You shook your head and made your way over to him, and he wordlessly wrapped an arm around you as you hugged his side. “Just felt sad,” you sighed, head resting against him. “I had leftovers in the fridge.”
“Oh, you did?” He paused, frowning. “I didn’t see them...”
“That’s okay,” you leaned forward to steal a quick peck. “Are you hungry? I can take over.”
“Ah--It’s okay,” he shook his head. “I’m not starving, just...”
Needed a little extra after today. You understood: he worked a lot. He was looking for new hires, too, to help take a little of the burden off of him. The restaurant was starting to get more popular, and he’d considered expanding a bit since the store next door had long since closed...
“Do you want some?” He asked after a moment. “I don’t think I can eat all of this alone.”
You nodded, and then settled back into him. Then a thought occurred to you. “Should I fry an egg? I don’t mind.”
“Do you want to?”
You had already moved toward the fridge to get the eggs out. Wordlessly, you stood side-by-side with Jun as you hummed to yourself. Jun had cut off the eye he was using and instead watched you as you fried a few eggs--enough the both of you would be happy and full once you had finished your shared meal. Soon enough, the two of you sat at the dinner table across from one another, the pot between you.
Jun had dipped his chopsticks into the pot before you could, cupping his hand under the noodles as he offered you the first bite. Even instant noodles seemed to taste better when they were made by him.
“How are things going?” You asked afterward, picking up your own set of chopsticks.
“Busy,” he sighed. “But that’s good.”
Busy was definitely good, at least. Some huge celebrity had promoted his restaurant for no reason other than to be kind, and, despite how busy it made your boyfriend, it was nice for the extra money to be coming in. The good reviews since have definitely helped a lot, too. Even still, you hated seeing Jun like this: wore out because he spent hours upon hours working.
He looked up after a moment. “How are you?” It feels like we don’t get to talk much now.
“I’m okay,” you shrugged. “I’ll probably be staying late this week with Joshua and the others. We’ve got something big coming up. It’s a secret, though.”
Jun paused as he was about to take a bite. “If you want me to send something for all of you--”
“You don’t have to,” you said. “I know it gets busy with the dinner rush.”
Jun laid a hand over your own. “I mean it,” he said. “Seokmin doesn’t mind making an extra delivery for you and the others.” Let me take care of you still.
You intertwined your fingers with his. “Okay. If I can bring you anything during work, just let me know and I’ll come to the back door, okay?” Only if I can take care of you, too.
He smiled. “Okay,” he affirmed. “I will.” Then a pause, his hand withdrawing to reach for the nearby paper towel you’d brought over. “Does it bother you? Us being like this?”
“What? Working?” You rested your head in your hand. “It’s only temporary, right?”
“Right, but--”
“I’d be okay with it even if it wasn’t,” you reassured him. “Your following your dream, Jun.”
“You’re my dream, too,” he said outright, and then paused as he realized what he’d spoken aloud. Even in the low light, you could see how his face must be burning hot. “I mean--”
“You’re my dream as well, Junnie,” you giggled. “We’re working on it, though. It’s okay if you’re busy right now: take care of the restaurant and yourself. I’ll be right here, cheering you on. That’s what we do for each other, right?”
“I love you.”
Something about the weight of it felt... different. He’d said it to you before, and yet it felt heavier now. A firm statement, a declaration, instead of just a loving phrase shared between the two of you. Jun would say it against your lips in sleepy kisses, or against your skin in intimate moments, and yet... This felt as though it was bigger than all of those times. He just sat across from you, looking far more awake than he did earlier, as if something about needing to say it now was enough to rouse him again. 
“I mean it,” he said, gentler this time. “I love you. I think... I want to spend the rest of my life loving you.”
You were careful as you leaned over the table, the lingering heat from the pot near nothing to you as you kissed him gently. “I love you, too,” you told him, words holding a newfound weight to them. One that you were happy to carry.
A pause. He stared at you for a moment, and then you could hear him softly laugh.
“We’re so sappy, aren’t we?” He watched as you settled back into your chair. “I mean it, though. Soonyoung used to talk about how he thought he met his soulmate in his girlfriend, and... I think I understand it now, too.” He reached for your hand after he pushed the pot aside, ramen only half-eaten at this point. “I think... There’s a string that connects me to you,” he said. “And I’m happy I found you.”
“Technically Joshua introduced us to each other,” you teased. “He told me to thank him at our wedding.”
Another laugh, oh-so-warm and full of nothing but love for you and your friends. “I guess I will,” he smiled. His gaze fell to the pot of ramen, to which he pulled back over. “Let’s finish this and go to bed, okay? I want to sleep in with you tomorrow.”
Thank god for lazy Saturdays. Even if Jun still had to go to work, you could stay in bed, cuddled up with him as long as the two of you wanted before he had to leave. 
The two of you finished off the ramen before leaving it in the sink to soak, a loose promise for one of you to wash it properly in the morning. With teeth brushed and faces washed, you and Jun curled back up into bed together, stealing sleepy kisses from one another as you found a cozy position to sleep in. His legs were intertwined with your own, your head cradled onto his chest so you could hear his heart beating, an arm securely wrapped around you...
Wen Junhui had become your home so easily. And you, happily, were his.
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taglist: @twancingyunhao​ @wonuziex​ @synthetickitsune​ @wonderfulshinee​
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akgaereporter · 4 months
nct: sunflowers attacking dream over recent haechan live ☠
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tldr: during haechan’s recent welive he said he permed his hair & dream "thought something was wrong" with it so he got it straightened again. some sfs/hc solos started losing their damn minds over that🤕 he also talked a lot abt music he wants to release and highkey called sm out, and all of this got the sunflower girlies real mad i guess..
so earlier haechan went live on weverse and was talking about dream's reaction to him perming his hair:
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some sfs went kinda insane over this☠
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like woah..? how did we go from 1 to 100☠ i cant even tell whos a solo, a unitzen, or a dream anti thats how bad it is..
and when dreamzens started ratioing these folk, this person said its hypocritical for them to say psychoanalyzing is weird when drmzens did the same to 127 with their constant coworker allegations
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idk what they were tryna say here like okay..?? then yall both freaks☠
☆ my opinion
icl and say i’ve been keeping up w this 284828483 year old unitzen drama but i do remember the coworker allegations the last person was talking about, it got really bad at one point, however that doesnt excuse the INSANITY that is going on here. inserting urself into this big ole grown man’s relationships and acting like hes some kind of poor bullied people pleaser who can’t make any choices for himself is so crazy PLEASE wake up. if any of yall lewsers read past the first line of those translations youd see he agreed and said he also didn’t like the way the perm came out (bc the back was all curly and his bangs weren’t)☠️ imagine getting ur hair done and looking crazy, so u listen to ur homeboys and get it fixed but ur deranged 70 hour sceentime having ass fans start acting like they punched u unconscious, strapped u to a chair and straightened it themselves.. id smoke a pack the size of both koreas too if my stans were so insufferable like dont embarass me.. all y’all doing is exposing u have absolutely zero friends bc ive never seen a more normal interaction between groupmates☠️
but all this lowkey feels like a reaction to some of the things hc said concerning music/solo scheds during the live. its obvious that sm is in fact sabotaging him bc ur telling me 8 years in, as one of nct's strongest vocalists and a popular member, he hasn't released any proper solo music despite wanting to..??? and is still getting micromanaged this far into his career? if 2+2 is 4 um...
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like i thought after a certain amount of time idols start having more of their own creative/appearance direction like with bts, seventeen etc. i guess it might be bc those groups make a lot self written music but still..? doesnt hyuck write music too? to have a star on ur hands like this and fumble is so crazy to me, theres no other explanation than they want him to stay local and not get too big for the brand since hes one of the centers in nct.
but girl bye.. if they let his fame grow, all they'd have to do is treat him properly and he wouldn't want to leave they wack ass company. they just dont want him to have a choice☠ now they got him on lock bc they dont know how to act right. im not condoning anything but i really do understand why so many haechan/nct solos in general exist.. it all starts & ends with sm's fuckassery cause if my biases got steady treated like garbage id get hostile towards ANYONE in and out of the group too like..
anyways had to wake this tea up🤕 haechan deserves better everything i fear. better company, better fans, but NOT a better group. he loves those boys down and all of them are highkey in the same boat but saying that on unitzentwt will get you SHOT. stay strapped in these streets..
[c l o s e t a b ?] ◀ ⇨ akgaepop.com
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maeumin · 2 years
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dan [she/her] | '02
namkookmin biased !
jikook centric
twt | ao3
𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤
✧ Shades of Wrong | 122k | E - completed
enemies to lovers - CEO! JK, lawyer! JM - office au
When CEO Jeon Jeongguk is offered a deal he can't turn down, he requires the assistance of a right-hand man to assure everything goes according to plan.
What a shame the perfect candidate is no other than Park Jimin, the best lawyer in Seoul and Jeongguk's sworn enemy.
✧ How to Fall in Love with Park Jimin | 106k | E - completed
exes to lovers - idol! JM, journalist! JK - angst with a happy ending
Following the release of JIMIN's new EP, 'hate & regret', rumors of an alleged romance with journalist Jeon Jeongguk have surfaced after the publication of his newest article, "How to Fall in Love with Park Jimin: a ten-step guide written by his biggest mistake."
Jeon reportedly accuses the idol of lying about their former relationship and, with his career now overshadowed by his past, Jimin is forced to figure out how to put the pieces of his life back together- and if, despite it all, one of those pieces still has Jeongguk's name on it.
✧ to the moon | 55k | E - completed
childhood friends to enemies to lovers - tattoo artist! jk, fashion student! jm - coming of age, lgbtq themes
"I promise one day I'll go to the moon with you, Jeongguk."
Matching tattoos of the moon, lakes and first loves. That's all Jimin sees when he stumbles into Jeon Jeongguk one spring day in New York, exactly four years after breaking his heart.
or; Jimin and Jeongguk promise each other the moon as kids. Time, crueler than ever, puts an ocean between them.
✧ it always leads to you (and my hometown) | 27k | E - completed
fake dating - friends to lovers - christmas fluff
“Jeon Jeongguk, are you asking me to be your fake boyfriend for Christmas?” Jimin says, bringing a hand to his chest. “Are we having a moment right now?”
Jeongguk nods solemnly, ignoring how loud his heart is thrumming inside of his ribcage. “I think we are. So, hyung, will you be my extremely platonic and fake boyfriend for the timespan of one dreadful week?”
Jimin looks up grinning like the devil. “I can’t wait, babe.”
(or; in which jimin and jeongguk have always been best friends, but it takes them one week in jeongguk’s hometown to discover all the feelings that lie underneath their ‘platonic’ bond.)
✧ say yes to heaven (say yes to me) | 3.5k | T - completed
academic rivals to lovers - valentine's day fluff - bickering
Park Jimin, master of Always Being Right, gets into an argument with his self-proclaimed nemesis, Jeon Jeongguk, about love during a lecture. Jimin claims it's a social construct built by capitalism, and Jeongguk thinks he can fix him.
(or: Jeongguk dares Jimin to go on a date with him and he agrees just to prove a point.)
✧ a portrait of you | 10k | E - ongoing (1/8 ch.)
arranged marriage - modern royalty au, prince! JK, artist! JM - seemingly unrequited love - angst w/ a happy ending
"No one can rewrite the stars, my prince."
"There is no such thing as destiny, Park Jimin, but even if there is, I'll make sure to defeat it."
Jimin has painted portraits of Jeongguk over the past ten years, secret confessions of his love for the prince of Korea. Now, as he stands in the middle of the throne room, his ears ring. He's going to marry Jeongguk in the spring— Jeongguk, the one he wants the most, the one who will never want him— and it leaves him with no choice but to set fire to his paintings in hopes that his love for the prince, too, burns down to ashes.
✧ Wasteland, baby! | 26k | E - ongoing (1/2)
enemies to lovers - religious! JK, queer activist! JM - coming of age
"Did you want something, or are you here to waste my time?”
“Here to waste your time,” Jimin replies with no hesitation. There’s a playful glisten behind his dark eyes that forces Jeongguk look away. “You know what they say. Summer doesn’t start until you bother the hot son of a priest.”
Jeongguk has always lead a quiet life. He prays, studies and remains in the shadows, keeping the truth about his sexuality away from prying eyes. But when Park Jimin— the town's LGBTQ+ activist and Jeongguk's self-declared enemy since middle school— invites him to a Pride party, he begins to discover the joy of loud, fierce and unapologetic queerness.
✧ heaven is a fire-lit room | 15k | T - completed (vminkook)
soulmates! au - seemingly unrequited love - yearning
There is a certain eerie beauty to the concept of soulmates. It may be the fact that there’s no such thing as an answer to why they exist, why the universe decided we must share the same stardust with another person.
Taehyung should be thrilled, really- he finally can feel his soulmate. There’s not a single reason for which he shouldn’t be buzzing with excitement at all times.
Except for the fact that he’s in love with someone else. Two boys. His best friends, Park Jimin and Jeon Jeongguk. He tries to forget about it, but he’s the most selfish boy in the world. He doesn’t want to let go.
✧ palo santo | 41k | M - completed
soulmates - gang member! JM, singer! JK - hurt/comfort - angst w/ a happy ending
A world where the words that make you realize you're in love with your soulmate are tattoed in your body; a world where love brings hope. A world Jimin stopped belonging to a long time ago.
(or; in which Jeongguk shows Jimin the stars still shine.)
✧ finding old places anew | 10k | G - completed
80s! au - slice of life - established relationship - LGBTQ+ themes
Moving into their first house, Jungkook and Jimin find a journal full of photographs of places around Seoul in the 60s. Many of the places have since changed, but the couple decides to take a trip around the town to find each of these treasured locations and take new pictures to add to the collection, in hopes of returning it to its original owners.
(or; in which time passes, the world changes, but jimin stays.)
✧ can you feel (my heartbeat?) | 5k | T - completed
christmas fluff - inspired by GCF in Tokyo - mutual pining - confessions
Jimin needs a Christmas present for Jeongguk, but he can't think of one good enough to pay back for everything he's done for him. What Jimin fails to realize is that Jeongguk only needs his love.
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remyfire · 2 months
It definitely is! I always love some AUs, but I have so much trouble coming up with them for this show because so few things can match the energy of being at war together. The small space and the trauma and everything else combine to create some really interesting character dynamics, and they're so hard to replicate in a place with lower stakes or more space or just anything where one of the variables is changed. I have so much respect for someone who can write it well (and will definitely read that fic) and wish I could do the same! But hey, making things far more complicated than they need to be is the life of a writer 😂
I completely understand how you feel with the canoe ship though, I am the Queen of Canoes in a couple of my other fandoms 😂 I literally originated a ship tag for one on Ao3, so I'm right there with you on the tiny ships I would go to war for lmao. But yes BJ is so husband coded all the time! BJ Papa San showed it most explicitly, but even just the little things he does in camp are him trying to connect to the husband and father part of himself he left behind when he got sent over to Korea. He's a good person, but he also so genuinely enjoys that role, and it's so obvious to see if you're looking for it. We love a man that's respectful and kind 😤
Mulcahy is so interesting, and I look forward to that episode mentioned! Due to several literature and art classes over the course of my schooling I have become very good at using my Catholic upbringing to completely overanalyze Catholic media, and I am absolutely delighted to be able to pull it in here. It's clear that Mulcahy is genuinely kind and believes in goodness, and I think if he ever comes to the realization that religion isn't always the way to show that it'll tear him apart. He's devoted so much of his life to his religion (hell the man is named after three saints, he was practically BORN to be a priest) so anything that can dismantle that would hit him really hard. And unfortunately, I love throwing my favorite characters into difficult situations, so sorry in advance Father. I loved the glimpse into his head in Dear Sis, and I genuinely had to rewind a few times to watch Hawkeye talking to him over again. It's just so a u g h (affectionate)
I also just finished C*A*V*E and oh boy oh boy I could probably write half a novel on this already but I'll try to keep it short for now. The Hawkeye and Margaret connection! The deeper peek into who Hawkeye is as a person rather than just a doctor, and what actually makes him tick! Margaret sharing her own fears and offering to sit with him to make him feel better! BJ staying close to Hawkeye when he had to come check on his patient in the cave so Hawk knows he has someone safe nearby! Margaret and Hawkeye facing their fears together! Hawk playing a dumb little game with her in the OR to take her mind off things!! This episode is truly making me Feral oh my god, I don't think it will ever leave my brain, it's just gonna live there now.
It is SUCH a good show! I knew it was before but now that I'm actually watching it through I'm getting the full weight of it and god it's a masterpiece. You can talk about the cultural impact all day, but it's hard to truly understand w h y it had such an impact until you're watching it yourself and picking up on all these little intricacies. I've been keeping a list of good episodes for myself, just for Personal Reasons I can't really explain, and there are f a r too many episodes on that list already. So many are just so good, I want to remember them and rewatch them and frankly just roll around in them like a dog that's found a particularly nice patch of grass. This show already shaped me when I watched it with my parents when I was younger but genuinely I don't think I will be the same after watching it all the way through. Just, what a show.
Weeping. After reading this, I had to go check my Canoe status. In this fandom, I have originated 5 ship tags (Trap/Peg, BJ/Leo, BJ/Klinger, Margie/Klinger, Sam/Sid/Hawk) and I have been between the 2nd and 5th story in 10 more ship tags (Sid/Beej, Marg/Beej, Trap/Mulcahy, Trap/Margie, Hawk/Klinger, Marg/Beej/Hawk, Trap/Klinger, Sid/Beej/Hawk, Sid/Sam, BJ/Charles). Why did I do this to myself. It's a lonely life isn't it hfksdfds
But it also makes perfect sense that this fandom is ripe for rare ships because though they are in the center of a situation that demands order, there is very little sense of actual social order as they might experience back home. I think even if I wasn't The Way I Am with multishipping, I'd still be compelled to go, "Yeah, you know what, everything is pretty permissible here. The line between friendship and lover blurs often. There's not much demand for monogamy among denizens of this camp. They're seeking comfort and love where they can find it and they're all very good at giving it." It compels me idk
I'm really enjoying hearing your thoughts about Mulcahy!! I feel the same way about him as well, how he's ripe for a thunderbolt realization or two that his faith isn't going to be the Way and, in fact, is often dealing the damage in a lot of situations. I love you mentioning his three names, though. It immediately takes my mind right back to Trapper and his own long series of very Catholic names. Trap, I am putting you in a jar and staring very hard at you. Tell me your Catholic past. Did you really consider becoming a priest. Why didn't you and Mulcahy get more screen time together.
CAVE MY BELOVED. CAVE, my Margaret/Hawk/BJ thesis (yes, even in a platonic sense, I promise, no one come for me). I think the first time I heard BJ say, "Thank heavens none of us has to stand it alone," I had to pause and fold my hands and stare at the wall. The support all three of them give each other. BJ bringing a cup of comfort and it being passed to Margaret because Hawkeye knows she needs it too. It always makes me sad when people read that as a jealousy moment from BJ when he snuggles down just as close to her and isn't being snippy or annoyed at her presence. He cares them! He cares them both! And such a really lovely way for Hawk and Margaret to continue sinking into each other, to carve out even more level ground between them, ugh. I'm unwell about it. It's so delightful.
It really is so fascinating, returning to this show as adults, huh? It's a completely different experience. There's some grief there because we can still relate to so much of what they're talking or snipping or griping about in our modern, continuously-war-waging era, but also it's absolutely remarkable how timeless it has become. And being able to analyze it now with such depth due to the easy streaming access and the online fan communities, it's incredible. Chef's kiss.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
Yeonmi Park, who defected from North Korea on a quest for self-preservation and freedom, told Fox News Digital that she is worried freedoms are being lost in America amid what she describes as the left-wing indoctrination in K-12 schools.
"This is exactly the dictator's handbook. I mean, it's [Adolf] Hitler's youth, Mao's youth and Kim Il-Sung's youth. They always go for young children because they have [not] lived their life enough to... have critical thinking skills. Their brains are very plastic, very malleable, and easy to observe information and believe it and [they're] innocent," she said. "And... big killers [who] want to seize power from the people, they always mobilize the youth. And that is the truth that [worries me that], as a parent myself, that I cannot protect my child right now in America."
Park was born in Hyesan and said that the people are so oppressed in North Korea that they do not have the ability to describe it – the words were stolen in Orwellian fashion. 
"So the thing about North Korea is that is so oppressed to the point we don't even have the word for oppression… There's actually even the control of the language in words. And this is why it concerns me where there's such a something called a speech code, the things that we cannot talk about in America right now," she added.
Park said she is worried about what she calls the "massive indoctrination coming from the left" that is also introducing socialism to children. 
"I'm willing to move anywhere it takes for me to protect my child from this brainwashing," she said. "So when one more person convert[s] every day like that, we are going to end up like North Korea eventually. So I think it's our personal responsibility to protect as many people… [and] children as we can from this massive indoctrination coming from the left."
Park escaped in 2007 when she was 13; it was a long and treacherous journey to China, Mongolia, South Korea and then to the United States in 2014. "I escaped North Korea when I was 13 years old... And that journey led me to become trafficked in China and sold as a child sex wife…  Currently, I'm right now actually fighting for freedom even in America."
"A lot of people in America who are born into freedom, they never had to fight for their freedom… I had to fight for freedom… I fought for it… So I think it gives me unique perspective and unique appreciation for what I have here," she said. 
Park is raising her 4-year-old son in Chicago and says she is concerned about the indoctrination in the daycare she sends him to. "It's really worrisome because… I cannot afford not to work and… do homeschooling. I have to have him [in the] public education system."
The indoctrination includes tenets such as "White privilege" and "White guilt" and, she said, is exactly what North Korea did in the name of "equity."
"[In America,] it's all about this hierarchy of victimhood. And I see that my son... [is] learning their school, who is privileged, who is guilty," she said. 
Park added that Ibram X. Kendi's antiracist socialism, whose concepts are taught in many U.S. schools, terrifies her. She recalls how North Koreans gave up their land and rights for the sake of equality and e
"This is where it keeps me up at night. I never knew that I was going to be waking up at night and terrified being in America. I did that tons of nights in North Korea and China," she said. 
"The definition of socialism means giving all the power to the government – they decide the means of production. They despise every aspect of our lives… In North Korea, they say, 'Okay, we're going to make sure everybody is equal... So give us all your land.' So we gave the regime all the land, so they abolish[ed] private property. Nobody could own anything. State owns it. And that is when they took everything, did not give anything back to us. And then when we gave all our rights, they didn't give anything back… That's a reality of socialism," she said. 
Park added that those who promote the ideology fail to study history. 
"That's why we keep repeating it. We have seen how this plays a role, a playbook for dictators. There is a playbook for this elite… to seize power from people. And this brainwashing is a seed of that like making sure that everybody [is]… brainwash[ed] to believe this is a way to get to that paradise. And the paradise doesn't exist," she said. 
Park is currently working on a book, which will be released in 2023, called "While Time Remains: A North Korean Defector's Search for Freedom in America" that explores the parallels between some trends in the U.S. and North Korea, such as speech censorship and demonizing groups of people for the purpose of exploiting power.
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menalez · 1 year
ngl i understand what that anon meant by western radfems and asian radfems being completely opposite mindsets, however i do take the side of asian radfems and think they are doing superior activism lol many radfems on here will accuse others of being blackpilled (whatever that means don't know don't care) if they say they anything negative about women being in relationships with men, we get told that if we don't include those women's actions into our feminism then it's not radical and we're just raging misogynists who want all women and their boyfriends to die, which isn't true - we mainly just want their boyfriend to die lol i'm probably biased because i'm originally from indonesia and was treated like dogshit by the men in that country, was beaten daily and forced to cover my entire body despite not even being muslim, but i think asian radfems from places like south korea, taiwan and china, while they are called more extreme than western radfems, are definitely are getting things done in a way we might not ever be able to here in the west simply because most are or are forced to be too dang nice to everyone and don't want to upset or alienate other women. there's a reason radical feminism is considered the only feminism of those countries and why liberal feminism is the main feminism of the west, because even in radical feminism we're being told by others we have to accept women into our movement that are not doing anything radical. there's nothing radical about being with your oppressor (a man) or having their child, women who are upset by asian radfems sound a lot like they're insecure or projecting or hate feeling guilt. i look up to asian radfems a lot and i'm incredibly happy to see more of them coming on here and posting, even if their words might upset many women on radblr i find their words very comforting and relatable *shrug*
pretty sure the blackpilled accusation comes when the person being called that starts saying vile things like calling women misogynistic slurs, saying women deserve to be raped, laughing at women for being abused, etc and acting like women are inferior + patriarchy is somehow biologically innate or w/e. if people are throwing it at separatists then they simply do not seem to understand the words bc a lot of separatists ive come across are of the belief that its NOT inescapable and think that separatism is a potential route to pushing men to see our importance & change accordingly. to some that may be too radical, but im not seeing any smarter alternatives. there's little to no radical feminist action to be found in the west whereas in the east, even in the worst countries for women youll see women finding ways to practice separatism.
i wish ppl would understand that "its not feminist to wear makeup" does also apply to other things too. its not feminist to have kids or marry men or date men etc. do u deserve to be abused, berated, put down, harassed, etc if u do such things? no. is it feminist? also no. not everything has to be a feminist action. no one is a perfect feminist and is feminist 24/7. the exhausting aspect of it is these women cannot accept that, they have to whine and hate on separatism overall and act like there's its just impossible despite the fact that women in the east show us otherwise.
also same! and im sorry for what u went thru in indonesia <3 i faced abuse almost daily from boys in bahrain growing up myself but it sounds like ur situation was extremely dire. i hope ur out and safe now
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lgcgaram · 2 years
━━━━━━━━ 𝖂hat's up ? first off, i'm excited to be here w/ you all and i can't wait to get to know your muses ! you can call me nio. i use h/h pronouns, i'm 19+, and i'm here to introduce you to a muse of mine that's fresh outta the oven. as he's so new to me, i'm learning more and more about him as i go, and i'm pumped that all of your muses will become apart of his journey. anyway, his name's chu garam. he's from honolulu, hi, but relocated to korea to train at lgc in the summer of 2021. he's that one punk-ass e-boy/emo kid you remember from middle/high school. y'know, the one who just graduated, paints his nails black, and sketches on the white-parts of his converse? he's also a double scorpio (sun/moon) mess: an overly passionate and emotional soul with rich sensitivity, and equipped with a wicked sense of humor, as well as a gruesome temper. his mom always tells him that he needs a haircut, but he doesn't care. he's not one for following the rules, per se, but he's learning to manage in the company. to learn more, take a peek under the cut. gimme a heart and i'll message you for plots as soon as possible ! 🤘🏼
alright, here's an obligatory link to his profile ! when i finally get around to writing more blurbs on him, i'll reblog this with additional links. i'm a flop, i know. 💀
mom's an ob/gyn, dad's an oncologist. they're very respected in their fields and worked incredibly hard to be as successful as they are. their parents (garam's grandparents, both sides) were extremely hard on them, so they adopted a strong work ethic, but not a lot of emotional intelligence. so, when garam entered their lives, they had no fucking idea what to do. from the jump, he was highly sensitive and reactive. his moods were immense. he was expressive, and wild, and wasn't afraid to argue with them or tell them "no!" when he didn't want to do something. he challenged them in many, many ways, and his attitude carried on (in some form) for the rest of his life. they saw—and still see—a lot of themselves in him, shockingly enough, but the parts that they learned to suppress with all of their might. they're easier on him than their parents were on them, and while they feel a modicum of disappointment and resentment because of this, they're glad to see that he's independent and able to make his own choices.
garam was definitely seen as someone odd or quirky in school. the weather is beautiful in honolulu, but he never took advantage of the sun and the waves. not much, at least. in school, he preferred to hole himself up in the corner of a room and either read a book, or read/study people. on the surface, he was quiet; reticent; seemingly intelligent; calculating; mysterious. his teachers always told his parents that they wish he spoke up in class more, but they understood that that wasn't his personality. when he began to express himself more in adolescence, it definitely got him sideways glances. in a superficial sense, kids around him thought of him as the quintessential e-boy/emo-scene kid. his style was eccentric, his hair was messy on purpose, he listened to a lot of alternative styles of music, and he seemed unapologetic about it. he never cared if his self-expression or sexual orientation, etc. upset/bothered people, and to be honest, he still doesn't care. anyway, his friends from back home—the theatre kids tbh—all remember him as a charming, idiosyncratic, protective individual; a person with a fearlessness about him that they all still admire. sure, he gets in his feelings a lot and he can be explosive when he's angry, but that only tells them that he really cares and has immense passion zooming through his veins.
garam occasionally wonders if he's a bad person, and he still hasn't come up with an answer. he knows that he likes chaos, and that he can be a lot to handle for some people—when he opens up to them, that is—and he knows that it's not fair that he wants to know everyone's deep dark secrets but would never tell them his own. he's also well-aware that his jealousy, possessiveness, and his bad attitude can sometimes get him into trouble, but he doesn't make many strides to alter those "negative" personality traits of his. in a nutshell, he identifies with them and accepts them; able to admit how he is and never apologizing for it. he's stubborn in that sense; fixed in his ways. because he's so introspective, he spends a lot of time psychoanalyzing himself, as well as others. he likes to think he's gotten incredible at reading people and their true motives; like a detective or private investigator with how he studies them. his eyes are intense and fierce, and when they land on someone, his gaze is piercing; somehow a collision both sensitive and sensual. he has a natural magnetism, and he knows it. he uses it to his advantage. however, despite all of the problematic parts of his soul, he's able to recognize that he's a loving person, even if he loves too hard. if you're someone he cares about, he will kill/die for you. though, he views life in a rather black and white way, so if he doesn't love you, he hates you, and similarly to how he goes all out with his loved ones, he'll have no problem doing the same in a detrimental light to those he hates. you slight him, he'll aim to ruin your life. he can hold a mean grudge and believes in getting even instead of forgiving and forgetting. this makes him a troublesome enemy. for the most part, he likes who he is, even if he can be bad. sure, like every human, he has his moments of insecurity and self-doubt—and those often cause him to lash out, unfortunately—but he's living and learning and doesn't want to be/expect to be perfect. all he can hope is that he can make good friends, meet interesting people, and maybe become a singer if he works hard enough at it and doesn't succumb to laziness.
i'm someone who values really deep connections. i love layers, and figuring out what makes them work/not work together, and what makes them tick. those often are my priority when it comes to laying down a good foundation for my muse, and because of that, i prefer to brainstorm instead of explore preset options. if you have any wanted connections that you'd like taken, i have no problem looking through them, of course, but above all, i want us to come up with the best plot possible for our muses. i'm open to any and all ideas, and adore getting into the nitty gritty of everything. platonic relationships, bitter enemies, romances, ex-lovers, friends-turned-enemies, friends-with-benefits... i want it all, so sign me up and don't be afraid to mention anything you have in mind. if you're interested, let me know !
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marley-manson · 2 years
@elakki said in response to this post: Would you consider hawkeye telling BJ in 4x02 that he’s “closer to these people than i’ve ever been to anybody else in my life, or ever expect to” one of those missteps? I found that line super jarring coming from hawkeye, even tho i appreciated the sentiment as a shipper lol
ooh good question, that’s a tough one lol. I did actually think about Hawkeye’s speech in Chief Surgeon Who about how they’re all probably closer to each other than anyone else except their families when writing that, but I forgot that bit in WtK.
And like... lol it feels pretty damn nitpicky to criticize it, but honestly yeah if I was writing it I’d def at least phrase it a little differently. I don’t mind the Chief Surgeon Who line because Hawkeye says their closeness is a result of the “cruddy situation” and is just heartfeltly acknowledging it, whereas in Welcome to Korea the line is “Crazy thing is, hell though it is, I think I feel closer to the people in this hospital... than I've ever been to anybody else in my life... or ever expect to.”
Which frames their closeness as more of a silver lining of hell and even arguably a bit of a selling point lol, like sure the war sucks but I made the best relationships of my life here soooo. So I guess yeah I’d say it’s a misstep in that vein, but like, tbf it’s pretty minor all things considered. And in a sitcom about a bunch of friends in hell it’s probably a pretty tricky line not to cross, to celebrate those friendships while never incidentally referring to them as a ‘well at least we got this out of the war’ kinda thing. The fact that the show doesn’t do it more often and more directly is legit pretty impressive imo.
Honestly I’m not even sure where that line necessarily falls, like it’s kind of hard phrasing all this lol. I mean it’s true and fair and realistic that the friendships are a positive aspect of their being there, but imo they shouldn’t be something that justifies it or makes it feel worth it or that they’d value more than going home or that gives them mixed feelings about the war ending or something that makes them miss the war afterwards. It’s like, BJ missing Hawkeye and going to Maine? I’m cool with that. BJ thinking that he’s glad he got drafted because it brought him and Hawkeye together? Too far for me, at least if it’s meant to be positive or heartwarming or romantic or whatever. The 4077 getting super close in large part because of trauma bonding and trying to find ways to keep sane in the middle of horror? Great! The 4077 getting super close framed as a way the war enriched their lives? Not so great! Like, I know it’s basically the same sentiment, but it’s just about what aspect the narrative (of the show or fanfic or w/e) chooses to emphasize, I guess, for me.
But also I guess this is why I personally like to read negative stuff into the show’s relationships sometimes too lol, especially the later seasons when defying the army is less of a bonding activity. That’s just a me thing, not something I think everyone should do ofc.
And to that line in WtK’s credit (and a few others, like Hawkeye’s “there’s nothing here I’m gonna miss except you” in GFA) they are always pretty consistent about emphasizing how much being there sucks while acknowledging the friendships, so at least that’s something they never lose sight of and tend to add in juxtaposition.
ALSO all that aside I agree with you that it’s kind of a jarring line lol, imo it’s a very exaggerated statement. I mean he’s closer to them than his dad? Than he was with Carlye? But considering Trapper just vanished on him and Henry died I guess it’s a pretty understandable exaggeration. Plus I do kind of think/headcanon that Hawkeye has a tendency to overemphasize his immediate feelings with hyperbole. Like it’s what I thought when he told Carlye that everyone since her has been a pale imitation eg lol, like I truly don't think he's been sadly pining ever since and comparing everyone else he dates to her, but I think it feels that way when he's right in front of her again. And same when he’s reflecting on his war friendships after losing the two closest, maybe.
Like idt that’s necessarily a strong interpretatation of the text lol but as a headcanon it helps it work for me.
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reinahwanggg · 1 year
I Met You At Sunrise • CBG Profile 1
Profile 1 - Daily Dose of Slay
(detailed description below cause i like those)
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•Y/N (beachcocktails)
part time college student, full time server at Marcus; a beautiful kind of high end restaurant in the Grand Hyatt area of Baha Mar. she and shakyla have been friends since 1st grade, and contrary to popular belief, they love each other very much. y/n has also been friends with jake sim for years, ultimately meeting his friend group in the process. she's a media journalism major. she and shakyla fight on twitter all the time💀✋🏽 but if someone was to ever say something about kyla (and vice versa) then there was gonna be a problem. doesn't believe in soulmates, but does believe in love at first sight. hehe :)) '02 liner !! (mmmh.bitch) is her priv where she has all of enha, keeho, jen and kyla. ik that's only ten i haven't thought of the other two yet.
•Keeho (stephenyoon)
full time music performance major at hybe university. (yes i put him in hybe u and what about it) he met shakyla and y/n while on vacation in 2019, and although many miles apart, they are still the best of friends. social butterfly of the group, and avid follower of Hybe's In The Scoop drama page. oldest of the group, yet sometimes acts like the youngest. practically the reason (although he didn't realize) why beomgyu and the BHS Trip Boys got there in the first place, so if you think about it ... technically Keeho is the reason this will all happen (keep that in mind) '01 liner
•Yunjin (huh.jennifer)
full time music composition major and part time barista at the hybe o'clock cafe close to the park chanwon school of music. she loves y/n with all of her heart and she makes sure everyone knows. met y/n through shakyla in 2017 since kyla and yunjin were internet friends before meeting. the three girls are practically inseparable. sometimes she feels left out of the group, but she knows she isn't and that they wouldn't do her like that ... but keeho hogs the girls okay, i said it ! she's planning on introducing her friend group in south korea to kyla and y/n in person soon, but not now. eunchae's still a growing gurl. '01 liner
•Shakyla (KaylaKai)
part time fashion design major, full time clerk at Marcus! you can't mention y/n without mentioning kyla, since they've been friends for so long. didn't really believe y/n when she said she was friends with jake until jake interacted with her tweet somehow. she also vlogs sometimes and has about 200k subscribers. '02 liner !! her name is Shakyla, but everyone calls her Kayla because her full name is (get this guys lol) Shakyla Kaiva Le'Kayla Jones. so the Kayla is from her middle name, as she was called such my her family and close friends. she decided to make it her brand. avid sade listener and won't hesitate to smack someone for her friends. (shakayla.02) is her priv. she has yunjin in there don't worry i just added yunjin in at the very last minute please excuse all of that.
masterlist | profile 2
y'all 💀💀 typing with nails is so hard sometimes like ... bruh i pressed e not w stop playin with me i know what i pressed ! anyways here are the first profiles for IMYAS. i totally added yunjin in today so she won't be in the first daily dose of slay messages, but imma add her, don't worry.
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 1 year
i love that some jikookers and solos were full-on defending jimin’s virtue or w/e yesterday saying How Dare You Imply He Would Give A Hickey To Another Member/Anyone Other Than Jungkook only for him to plant a smooch on hoseok’s neck first thing today 😭😭😭😭😭 he cracks me up
(to be clear i know it’s a sore subject and i also dislike the image this fandom has of him but those jokes were all pretty innocuous imo)
people are insufferable. jimin can't even kiss hobi on the neck a little bit without people complaining that jikook is hated and treated like brothers when we all know jikookers only defend jimin in their ship's honor. tiring. let the man kiss whomever he wants to. along with people saying that jk and jm are now omitting the full truth with what they say to their audience, jimin can't even do things without shippers explaining his thought process for him. we're in the trenches.
The second ask is pretty much what I was thinking about the whole thing.
First of all, I admit I'm not that much into army_twitter but I honestly didn't even see the joke tweets. I only saw people complaining about it, and that's how I found out what was going on.
Secondly, I can't take jikookers seriously on that. I just can't because I see right through them. I've been here all of these years and taekookers, blinks, "antis", have been calling Jimin the things they call him for years. Since 2019 taekookers have been saying that Jimin was in Paris picking up minors, hooking up and drinking with escorts, all sorts of things, that he was lying about being in Korea for Jungkook's bday. The thing jikookers defended the most? Jimin traveling back to Korea for Jungkook's birthday. To hell with everything else they were saying about Jimin, but thinking that he wasn't at JK's birthday party was the biggest crime.
After the vminkook live in 2021 I said I didn't care that they called Jimin a thirdwheeler and there were some people who got mad at me because it's so offensive!!! How can they call Jimin a THIRDWHEEL???!!! I kept saying, it's a joke that the fandom makes about literally all the members, it's a word middle schoolers use. There's nothing to be upset about, why are you not worried about all the other things they call him?
Now, again, they're only speaking up because they don't want the "Jimin gives hickeys to all the members" thing to spread. And that's okay, that's magnific. I also don't like when people spread lies, whatever the type. But they're not fooling me, they're only fighting back because of the ship and not Jimin particularly. Otherwise, we would see their outrage more often.
For all the years since 2018, I could literally count on one hand the jikookers I've seen actually upset and "fighting" back against the things people call Jimin on a daily basis, and not only when it's about defending the idea of a romantic relationship. I only ever see pjms engaging with taekookers and calling them out for their lies about Jimin.
Blinks are another issue, too. They're not going to stop. It's a "what came first, the egg or the chicken?" kind of situation because armys also say the nastiest, most horrible, dehumanizing things about the blackpink members as well. Most blinks are taekookers, by the way. They really are.
This is also the curse of the fandom being so big, like... things spread quickly, and there are thousands different opinions about the same thing, and debates can be fun, but also they can turn into this. Jokes that are taken out of proportion and are taken too seriously by some people. Then there's the people who can absolutely not understand a joke, and to them everything they read is the truth. What are we gonna do about it? We can't joke because people might not get it?
Also, most armys probably have an eye on Jimin because of his suspicious sexuality, so they do these jokes that they probably wouldn't do about other members because they're not actually gay enough.
I personally don't think jokes are the problem. We should be allowed to joke, and some people will like them and others won't. I've talked plenty about jokes before actually, and right now I keep thinking about it again. It was the time Jungkook got that question on IG if they could kidnap Jimin and Jungkook said #ofcourse. Literally no jikooker liked that. Everyone was uncomfortable with his answer. But in the end, it was just a joke.
This is actually the reason why solos hate when BTS members themselves make jokes about each other (Jimin, in this case). Because they're also hand-feeding punchlines and insults. To this day people still use clips of Jungkook calling Jimin the ugliest member, or "singing" like him. I use jikook examples because they're the ones I've been most interested in, the ones I have the most memories of.
I've talked about this before too, but when pjms started joking about Jimin and Eunwoo being "real", jikookers got angry. I said back then why weren't they angry about the hopekook boyfriends jokes, or the Jungkook and his boyfriends jokes. Armys were seriously having a blast with Jungkook and his six boyfriends jokes after Las Vegas concerts. Now that I think about it, Hoseok even posted a couple of IG stories with JK being really close to his face. Not to mention that JK has kissed Hoseok's neck before. I guess the difference is that they never had to "gatekeep" anything like that about jikook if JK did it with other members because he still has never put himself that close to Jimin's face. Like, if we're talking about fandom widespread narratives that downplay jikook's interactions, then it's a lost cause because that's already been done. Armys will always prioritize ot7 because it's what they've been mass-taught to do.
I think it has never been common to see Jimin being like this with anyone else other than Jungkook. Contrary to the popular narrative, Jimin is not a flirt and he's not a tease. He's just affectionate (and gay). He's actually very selective about the people he loves and cares about, and it was never a habit or regular ocurrence for him to get so close to members that weren't Jungkook (except vmin a few times), much less actually kiss them on the neck/face. But well, it is happening now.
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uppereastrp · 1 year
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hello, followers. gossip girl here. your one and only source for the truth behind the scandalous lies of seoul's elite. been a minute. did you miss me? i know i've missed you and all your uniqueness. i can see you. not the you you've oh-so-carefully curated for fans and the eyes of the public. the real you. the one hiding just outside the edge of frame. well, it's time to reframe that picture. you've hidden yourselves away for too long. now that i'm back i'm going to make sure that you can be your true, authentic self. don’t worry about hiding anymore. you never could. xoxo, gossip girl. 
welcome to the “upper east side” of south korea or as people normally call it, seoul. the home of the country's elite. here what you see isn't always exactly what you get. ever wondered what your f e l l o w idols get up to in their free time? what scandalous occurrences are going on behind closed doors? why not join us and find out?
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slimethought · 5 months
Is this a video about Breadtube? Is it a reaction video to Philosophy Tube / Abigail Thorn and her video about coming out as trans? Is it a reaction video to myself? Is there such a thing as objectivity? Is there hope for joy in the wake of postmodernism? Can YouTubers really fill the role of educators? If not, can I still join in the party of making fun of conservative nonsense from Ben Shapiro and PragerU? Please?
Watch to find out! Then tell us because we have no idea.
The Leftist Cooks are Neil Farrell and Sarah Oeffler
I’m on PATREON! Join the community ►►   / theleftistcooks   SUBSCRIBE why not! ►► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC358... One time payment in my tip jar? ►► https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/neilf...
↓↓↓Vegan Scones with Jam↓↓↓
500g (4 cups) of self raising flour 100g (1/2 cup) coconut oil 100g (1/2 cup) of sugar 200ml (7/8 cup) cashew milk Add 125gms (1 cup) dark chocolate
Bake for 15 - 20 minutes at 180°C (350°F)
Heat 250g (1 1/2 cups) frozen berries 100g sugar (1/2 cup) on a low setting on your hob
Rozenblit, L., & Keil, F. (2002). The misunderstood limits of folk science: An illusion of explanatory depth. Cognitive science, 26(5), 521-562.
Fernbach, P. M., Rogers, T., Fox, C. R., & Sloman, S. A. (2013). Political extremism is supported by an illusion of understanding. Psychological science, 24(6), 939-946.
Kruger, J., & Dunning, D. (1999). Unskilled and unaware of it: how difficulties in recognizing one's own incompetence lead to inflated self-assessments. Journal of personality and social psychology, 77(6), 1121.
Drescher, J. (2015). Out of DSM: Depathologizing homosexuality. Behavioral sciences, 5(4), 565-575.
Lindholm, C. (1997). ‘The Swat Pukhtum family as a political training ground’, in R.J. Casstillo (ed.) The Meaning of Madness. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.
Heine, S. J., Kitayama, S., Lehman, D. R., Takata, T., Ide, E., Leung, C., & Matsumoto, H. (2001). Divergent consequences of success and failure in japan and north america: an investigation of self-improving motivations and malleable selves. Journal of personality and social psychology, 81(4), 599.
Park, S. W., Tignor, S. M., Joo, M. J., & Heo, Y. H. (2016). Accuracy and bias in self-perception of performance: Narcissism matters in Korea as well. Korean Social Science Journal, 43(2), 29-43.
ESO/spaceengine.org/L.Calçada RoyaltyFreeTube
Link to Philosophy Tube / Abigail Thorne's little public statement:    • Coming Out As Trans - A Little Public...   (I'm aware that this isn't actually the coming out video but it was the one she gave express permission to play with and use for making art and spreading positive messages)
↓↓↓ LYRICS↓↓↓ (and highly recommend all of these YouTubers)
Tom Scott, Adam Neely, Lonerbox and Michael Stephens T1J, Folding Ideas, Nerdwriter, Kevin Lieber Legal Eagle, Lindsay Ellis, Jay Foreman, Rowan Ellis David Bennet Piano, Innuendo Studios Every Frame a Painting, Lessons from the Screenplay, Matt Gray, Patrick Willems, We’re in Hell, Khadija Mbowe PBS Eons, Veritasium, Hank Green Animalogic, Numberphile and… John Green It’s Okay to Be Smart, & Today I Found Out Langfocus, Tom Nicholas, Jake Roper (opted out) Thought Slime, Jessica Kellgren Fozzard, Jessie Gender and Cogito, Ordinary Things and Hbomber...man Big Joel, Little Joel, Medium-sized Joel Plenty of others -- (YaadPikni, Verilybitchie, Flavorlab, Paul Morrin, Renegade Cut, Zoe Bee...) but how was I supposed to know? Some of these people might be absolutely full of sh*t And it’s an English-speaking young white guy list Edutaintment isn’t bad Nobody’s a perfect Dad Some of them are really smart And some of them just make Art Some of them created a whole new art form Like Natalie Wynn and Abigail Thorn.
And check out our special guest Matthew Tallon here:   / tallonmatthew   He's the funniest person on the Internet.
Thanks to All My Patrons: Lacey Eberl Unoriginal Junglist Lou Grath Misfit Unicorn Melinda Hristo Kolev Finola Mohan
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xrskunkrx · 5 months
Yo’s & Ho’s galore! It’s the Santan Slayer Sled dashin’ red over the snowy blanket oh joy! Cuttin’ edge through fashion like Swiss cheese shooting Vatican out of U.S. !
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Gnarly, my dude. Almost forgot to fanboy Nintendo card game from the 1800s but I won’t. F it bro. They fkn boycotted it out of casino’s mfs. Wtf dude. Cmon man, fo real. Rig it all up like Fort Knox!?
W/e here it is.
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After Korea, Anime!? You all just stop caring huh? You know they never fired a shot? If they didn’t, war would have kept goin’ on. Merica..
Moving on.
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Ok I had this one in my portfolio, quick shill out. It’s coo, from your fav lesbos island bro! J/k
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Check this red mf out! You know it went straight red after the noise!? Whoa! Looks mad, nomad panda says you’re to blame. I just facilitate peace n’ sht. Can’t help it if I can fly, in my geno. Laws keep me from a lot so you’re fine until nearest fire tornado, sulfur rain storm.. I know, a lot firing, it’s called a corporate turn over rate. Kinda busted atm right now but I clean up piles at a time my dude. You be next episode they never get over…
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Now we gives thanks to the Turkey the middle!?
You let them die!
Sick… bought aimless drills, over genocide!?
You killed Turkey.
Green eggs n’ Ham !?
Now they hostage anti regime side JaKo U.K. rian dumbo yongsan lard slurgants completely killing all humans. Why you all like this?
So, now we see ronin. Right hand gets burned up recently too!?
Hawaiian is gone but no one bats an eye!?
The hands, humanity let down by copy writing pedo star badazzling f…
Fury wild fiery elf shots, black man! Racist…
Kk, k where da feds at? Lulz they tried blaming COVID on me!!! Who am I?
Jonb, that’s me. You’ll never believe what complete disregard one has to go through once you see it through just one eye of mine homie. Yo a pile of child bones, yet finding them had everyone goes epidemics with outsourcing, imports oh & Walmarts off the chain. Equality!? You also killed mom n’ pops bro
Fo real w. T.. f…
Is the race over!? Na, but ya’ all on yo seconds. Eat it, you’re fryin’ beneath the ashes, gettin’ washed down. Check the label, dust it off. Poor ya down the world’s toilet bowl.
PS: whole wide world man made recipe. Ya folks go broke before you choke is a SYN you dug. Call me the gravedigger.
PPS: let me have your things, I need it. I live in a communist trash heap called Muskogee Oklahoma. I’m an American with no thin’ but a bunch of fiery twigs, AKA U.S. Gov slobs.
Oh! For warned they may kill ya, enslave ya or take ya grapes from ya. No joke homie. For what it’s worth, I give ya the grace of god. Figure that enough, you’re in for a surprise & theres something in there for ya if you know what I’m sayin’ bro I don’t fall, I leap. I can’t fear, I raise it out of no where. Exercising in a gym is for loosers ho ma yo to close, 6 feet or courts closed! Uhhhhh where every one go? First home buyers schism everyone that badly aye? Ddddddddd
….fin until then t(‘.’t)
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hospitalterrorizer · 9 months
i did see a movie today,
i got to go watch fallen angels, about halfway through the movie i was always at tears, even the funny stuff made me want to cry. it's insane how that movie gets you into every character's head, the extremity of how it presents itself is just a kind of expressionism made to communicate/connect to that speed of life and distance between oneself and others, and the yearning to close the gap always, the long shots of the movie are really incredible too. i need to see his other movies, i think.
i also met someone new, someone my gf talks about a lot, a new person at school/work, they're nice but i basically know nothing about them still. they're flirting with a friend of ours though, which is funny.
anyways, my friend got back to me about the idea i had, he said it'd be cool to try out, so we're gonna do that. i need to go ahead and export a bunch of guitar tracks w/o any (or maybe only a few) effects on them to get that to work well. and then, i think i'm gonna have him listen to what i've got and get opinions on what sounds good and what doesn't.
i just listened to a bunch of my music and shocker: i like it a lot more now. wow!! crazy what taking a break can do. only 3 songs where i think i've really failed to get the guitars right, and one where there's one part that's way off but the guitars work in literally every other part. curious and difficult. hopefully these new sounds i have can really help out here.
i did work on a new guitar tone today, i'm really excited about maybe actually writing new stuff soon. short grindy shit, i need to get some shit going. just fucked up spastic songs, i want to go crazyyyy soon.
with the 4 songs that i think are way fucked, i at least know where to start w/ what riffs to export out. and there's another i know i might want some real distortion on a riff. so there's 5 things that are for sure.
tomorrow i need to get them exported, and i need to get all the bpms down for these songs so i can do them in ableton right.
and that's about all i can put about my day and my future here.
i guess now i'm going to make a fucked up short song because i want to use this one guitar i made and see if it works in songwriting.
it does, that's fun. it sounds good too i think.
i keep thinking about how my friend told me when he saw fallen angels he thought it was set in korea.
i still need to get a more perfect low guitar tone. something that actually sits in the register like, the low e string hits. or is convincingly situated around there. it's been the hardest thing i think to nail.
my friend told me about these other friends of his thinking about making an irc. something about that is so lame to me, when people are like, let's bring back something old because it's actually better than what we have now (ignore me posting on my tumblr blog again (please (lol))). it's just such a thing people do, especially with internet stuff. like, let's simulate a bbs, let's do another imageboard, let's do things and act like they're for security but really it's about giving ourselves the illusion of community/a scene when there is really nothing at all, surely if we put the work in to hallucinate it, it'll really be there. #snore.
there's such strange complaints i see people come up with for new chat platforms, outside of complaints that this stuff ends up as bloatware and it is often the case that huge communities are totally awful which are normal and make sense, i've seen people talk about how avatars and various other personalized features invite a kind of narcissism and self obsession, and other psycho stuff.
anyways here's the song i'm listening to right now:
i love this record a ton, the organs/synths are so so cool.
anyways, byebye!!
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