#im simping for this vampire dont @ me
cestacruz · 4 months
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Anyway since i dont think i actually posted these, have this
Bitches from a Monster AU theyre all gay
Uhh more in the tags cuz i dont wanna type here
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alucardsathomewife · 9 months
You should watch Hellsing
Tw red liquid
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Alucard as a character is pretty op in itself, but even towards the ending of part 8 ultimate, he still has humanity for Alexander to be human. In a way, it's wholesome but sad, and he shows a side that is not really seen much.
It's another feeling entirely when Alucard is being shown as genuinely anger / upset / or facing trauma. How he even interacts with others is like a line built-up string for how he'll eventually fight with said each character is awesome.
To end my short off, I thank Kouta Hirano every single day he gave Alucard a long tongue.
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rielzero · 10 months
Baldur’s Gate and why Europeans should do all our RPGs
Europeans aren’t shy of fruity stuff, but one thing that’s really annoyed me out of fantasy and rpg games, is that at times you feel like you can’t customize your character’s sexuality. I want to be able to play a gay dude and capable of rejecting the women, its really peeving when a character flirts with me and I have no way of saying no thank you I’m not into you.
Or that I can’t romance the men, that too. Like this is a fantasy world?? Lemme have my good time. Most game publishers are too shy, them AAA game studios can’t have our satanic fun time. Nope everything has to be boring, and romance stale. LET SOME HOT DUDE FLIRT WITH MY TWINK CHARACTER. PLEASE. EAT ME UP IN THEIR EYES.
Ugh and so much bad writing too, like sometimes its just too easy.
I’m so fucking hyped for this game that I can finally just play a character that's gay as hell. Thanks game. I cannot stop thinking about you and it ain’t 3rd of august yet. LET ME HAVE MY VAMPIRE BOYFRIEND PLEASE.
No more puritan or crap stale badly written romance, give me the good shit that AAA’s won’t do.
Friendly reminder that Straight-Locking is a thing in games, and it happens. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Straight-Locking
I am going to be so gay in baldur’s gate 3.
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give me
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chambers003 · 2 months
im reading venom in your blood by paranoid pug and i think i hauve covid real bad
everyone should read this
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the-kipsabian · 1 year
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pr33tylul · 2 years
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Mother nature
(Just an imagine i had about harry)
Hp x fem!reader
Warnings: fluff, mentions of smut. Swearing
Y/n buried herself deeply into the covers.
Saturday morning, meaning no school she closed her eyes again getting comfortable, finally finding the perfect spot to fall asleep into.
"Oh seriously" she groaned, pulling the covers off of her walking to her bathroom.
"SERIOUSLY!" She shouted this time, seems like mother nature decided to visit early.
Y/n stormed to her bed after her doing her business. She stayed in her pyjamas and watched the vampire diaries.
● ● ●
It was about 11:30. I was to lazy to get up and grab something to eat.
"Darling, you in there?" Her boyfriend called out. Opening the door and closing it behind him. "Whats wrong, you never stay in your dorm unless..."
"Her period" he thought to himself.
The the worst thing he hated.
"Why now, fuck sake" harry walked up to her spooning her from behind, taking a quick look at her screen. "Well at least im not pregnant, thats a good thing" y/n looked at harry as he looked back at her.
"You really gotta watch this for the 100th time?"
"Yes, if you dont like it fuck off" harry rolled his eyes at his girlfriend. Pausing the show and turning her on her back.
"What are you doing?" She asked curiously.
Harry bent down lifting up her shirt as he began laying little kisses on her lower stomach. "I really hate when your on your period" he said between kisses.
Y/n relaxed a little. "Why?" She said softly
"Well for one, i cant fuck you. Two, your always moody. Three, all you do is watch the vampire diaries and simp over men who are wayyy older than you"
I look down at harry and burst out laughing.
Harry gives me a look. "Hey its not funny!" He sits up crossing his arms. "Aww harrys jealous. " y/n giggles more. "I am not!" He looks at her again.
He shuts her up by kissing her lips. "OK maybe I am a little jealous" he admits as
y/n snuggles into him. "Well you dont need to be, im all yours"
"Yes, your mine. You'll always will be"
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sweetheart-ashy · 1 month
These are MY opinions, the “what I expected” was written before I listened to the audio.
Slight spoilers below <3
Gavin - what I expected: utter whiplash.
What I got- a love for Gavin. Seriously if you told me on April 1st that “you're gonna love Gavin” I would have said, “Haha april foolssss, you're insane.” BUT NO. MAN WAS SEXY?! Do I just love submissive men? Lasko Moore effect ig
James - what I expected: Huxley but higher and maybe cuddles
What I got- ???? The need to piss?? Why the fuck did he talk about water so much? Mans has a smooth brain. However, I did get i love for telepaths (fuck cutie tho) tbh I was half asleep when I listened to it. I have never listened to a James audio
Milo - what I expected: spoiled whiny 10-year-old at Sephero, and an ick
Anton - what i expected: asher the remake but softer??
What I got- SINCE WHEN THE FUCK WAS THERE A RUSSIAN CHARACTER??? (Or French?) SRSLY. Never touched Anton with a 10-foot pole, the man sounds like DR.hilbert from Wolf 359, also quite literally ashers audio I'm sorry
David - what i expected: pushover, down on his knees begging for kisses and being whiny, and also a bit of shifting cus the “this is omega shit” line in his shifting audio
What I got- NO DADDY ISSUES??? NO CAR TRAUMA?!?!? WHIMPERING?! I mean I predicted the whiny one… and begging for kisses… (beg harder oo oo~) ASHER AND DAVID STILL BEING BESTIES IS MY ROMAN EMPIRE. Swear to god its the lasko moore effect… genuinely forcing this man onto his knees jkjk unless I dont want the whimpers, BUT THE PARASITES- “however you want it… however you want me..” DAVEY GOD LEAVE SOME FOR THE BEDROOMMMMMM
Special mentions!
GUY?: omg guy in the anton audio O///o HE WAS SO UNETHASTIC! YES, GUY!! GIVE US NOTHING!!!!!!!
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just-a-floofy-catt · 5 months
My Starlo and Corn yaoi obsession continues to grow
I couldnt sleep so i was up until 6am drawing them 👍
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Easier than i thought lmao
(Also dont mind Star simping in the corner)
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This is how they get engaged.
You cannot convince me otherwise.
It aint corn yaoi without the corn, after all XD
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I have no context for this its just cute lmao
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Ive seen people drawing Dalv in Starlos hat and so i just had to hop on the headcanon XD
Just Star giving him his hat for a while whilst theyre in the Wild East cus too much sun makes Dalv burn really easily because of being a lil vampire <3
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La full page
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Theyre on a date hanging out and Starlos bragging about being "the best gosh darned gunslinger the Wild East ever did see" because hes proud that he managed to do a shooting practice perfectly in front of his boyfriend crush friend.
Dalv is just happy hes happy and finds it kinda dorky and cute XD
Also im literally obsessed with the headcanon that he has a parasol
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Silly smol doodles
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Theyre so cute oml
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Whiteboard Star doodle :3
I couldnt get a good picture of it in class tho 🥲
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HELLO BELOVED CKB!! I have been restraining myself for months (hypothetical since I have no sense of time) on the topic of fictional characters that remind people of Yves. Because Oh Boy do I have a big one.
Have you seen Vil Schoenheit from Twisted Wonderland? There are so many parallels it makes me go absolutely bonkers. I might get his character wrong but oh well.
- Vil is insanely rich & a model/actor. Very influential and worked his way to that spot. His skincare and makeup routine is fucking impertinent to him; he must look flawless at all times. He makes sure that he is in prime condition and pushes to make sure that the people in his dorm are of similar regimens.
- Vil is based off of the evil queen (he’s not related to her in any sense btw.) He, by nature, is very nitpicky and motherly towards the people that he cares about even though it can be seen by them as smothering and overwhelming sometimes.
- He specializes in making potions and specifically poisons.
- Oh My God he is so mother and honestly one of my favorite characters and so is Yves which honestly says a lot about me. I need help. Canonically calls his right hand man “dear/darling.”
If I had to relate Yves to another TWST character it would be Malleus Draconia but only looks and obsessiveness and the whole “I want to be with you for eternity” thing.
- 🌷
Oh hell yeah i know Twisted wonderland, I follow a couple of blogs who specialized in making Yandere Fics about them, my favourite is Malleus Fuckin Draconia my man. Im pretty sure you can see my type (Long black hair, green eyes, calm, lithe and vampiric types)
I didn't know shit about twisted wonderland at first, I fr thought it was a yandere dating sim, but I had to learn everything bit by bit from the bits and bobs of canon those authors would sometimes post about, so it was like learning a language from scratch.
I was partially interested in Vil Schoenheit, but I guess most of the fics wrote him as mainly focused on his fanbase and not the reader- like he needs the world to have their eyes on him or he will throw up and die. So that kinda killed my yearning boner off for him because reader's attention is not enough and he requires love from the masses too.
Like fr i appreciate the maternalness of Vil, but it just feels... surface level since I doubt he would be interested in personally wiping reader's ass when they're incapable or cleaning up your puke on himself with a straight face without making a big deal out of it.
and IMO i think he's a little too loud, a little too naggy and his nitpicky comes from a place of self service, not really in the reader's best interest. Like Yves would listen to you and observe 100%, whereas its the other way round for Vil, where you gotta drink the yappuchino he serves. Dont come for me Vil simps i think he is swell despite this </3 I just don't think he would be the parallel of Yves </333
but for MALLEUS tho,,, mans a quiet, antisocial loner from what I saw, only yearning for the attention of the reader (or "yuu"), he's super calm, a recluse, and has like 4 friends. I have read fics that painted him in a maternal light that tickled my heartussy, and I guess thas why i like him more. Because to me, I headcannon he would take care of you himself as if you're paralyzed from the head neck down without complaints or feeling icky when he gotta handle with human bodily fluids. He would mostly listen and observe, maybe infodump about gargoyles but I think he would be a closer match to Yves than Vil in vibes and looks.
Though might wanna consider Jamil Viper from Scarabia, he hates standing out and mans was always depicted as the caretaker to Kalim. And I would like always have the biggest crush on him because,,, hehe caretaker
But he does so begrudgingly and like has a deep hatred for Kalim, I was like damn what if he loves caretaking for me,,, that isn't gonna happen because Jamil comes from a background of injustice and he isn't going to like being subjected to the role forced upon him since birth,,, aha ... unless...
and he's hella smart, but he's moving in silence just like Yves, gritting his teeth but keep on trucking no matter how angery he is. He is calm and quiet, and he listens because he need that information to succeed in his goals, but my delulu ass would be like omg he is so attentive
but theres that spite in Jamil that do be present in Yves though, ironically I would say that Yves is closer in character to Malleus and Jamil than Vil, but i could be just biased and say that because of both appearances are similar to that of Yves rn (Malleus and Jamil has like long, straightish dark hair and them sharp eyes)
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nixotinix · 9 months
Soso!! me and my best friend @brovotics-art recently finished watching every Monster High movie from generation one to three. In total, we watched 16 movies across three nights. And, me being the amazing best friend i am, made them give each movie a rank out of 10 and tell me their thoughts. We also came up with "morals" for each movie that we thought were neat. I'll go in chronological order, so here are our rankings!
Movie 1: New Ghoul At School
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My ranking: 4/10
Their ranking: 5/10
Moral of the story: Don't be a tryhard.
"I love Frankie but BITCH wtf were u doing here." - Brovotics
Movie 2: Fright On!
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My ranking: 6/10
Their ranking: 6/10
Moral of the story: frankie stein ends racism
"Finally, someone as bitchy as Cleo....." - Brovotics
Movie 3: Why do Ghouls Fall in Love?
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My ranking: 9/10
Their ranking: 6.5/10
Moral of the story: Basketball is the key to true happiness
"I dont stereotype but that is a GAY MAN." - Brovotics
Movie 4: Escape from Skull Shores
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My ranking: 6/10
Their ranking: 6.7/10
Moral of the story: be a simp
"I have a soft spot for purple himbos what can I say" - Brovotics
Movie 5: Ghouls Rule
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My ranking: 10/10
Their ranking: 10/10
Moral of the story: ACAB
"Jackson." - Brovotics
Movie 6: Friday Night Frights
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My ranking: 9/10
Their ranking: 8/10
Moral of the story: robecca steam ends sexism
"Robecca's hot." - Brovotics
Movie 7: Scaris, City of Frights
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My ranking: 7/10
Their ranking: 5/10
Moral of the story: Don't be a corporate sell-out and don't trust books
"French people." - Brovotics
Movie 8: 13 Wishes
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My ranking: 8/10
Their ranking: 7/10
Moral of the story: Don't be a cult leader
"Yea they had no business making gigi hot but ms fawn lady was SO CUTE" - Brovotics
Movie 9: Frights, Camera, Action
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My ranking: 6/10
Their ranking: 6/10
Moral of the story: vampires are white supremacists
"Plot twist was spotted from a mile away." - Brovotics
Movie 10: Freaky Fusion
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My ranking: 8/10
Their ranking: 6.9/10
Moral of the story: jackson should be in more movies
"Would've been a 9 had Jackson been in it." - Brovotics (we both really like jackson ok)
Movie 11: Haunted
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My ranking: 7.2/10
Their ranking: 7/10
Moral of the story: fuck around and find out
"Im a sucker for ghost pirates + the whole 'rebel bad boy falls in love' shit" - Brovotics
Movie 12: Boo York, Boo York
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My ranking: 10/10
Their ranking: 8/10
Moral of the story: rap music
"Yo Seth gets fucking SLEPT ON frfr" - Brovotics
Movie 13: Great Scarrier Reef
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My ranking: 2/10 (zzzzz)
Their ranking: 3/10
Moral of the story: that movie was fucking horrible just go watch boo york again
"worst,,,, cool designs but it was so BORING" - Brovotics
Movie 14: Welcome to Monster High (G2)
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My ranking: 4/10
Their ranking: 4.5/10
Moral of the story: Celebrities aren't human
"I,,, have mixed feelings. They made Dracula a DILF tho so thats cool." - Brovotics
Movie 15: Electrified (G2)
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My ranking: 4.5/10
Their ranking: 3.2/10
Moral of the story: normies are dumb
"Look G2 is simply..... incorrect in a lot of ways. and the main reason is the fucking sentient lint balls in this god forsaken movie" - Brovotics (they hate znap)
Movie 16: Monster High: The Movie (G3)
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My ranking: 6/10
Their ranking: 4.2/10
Moral of the story: something something jackson should've been the MC
and instead of putting a quote im just gonna share this screenshot
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chokkito · 9 months
NAWWWW I CANT RATE THEM I LOVE THEM ALL A LOT 💔💔💔 anyways here we go (if any of you guys see this thats just a joke ok i love yall a lot <3)
Hiyori - 0/10 (10/10 actually love you mwah)
Hate this bastard rat, made me want to bang a uglyass soldier from a game i never played 💔💔 also stinks a lot!!!!
Hiatus - 9/10
Love it a lot as well but its french so had to take a point down sorry 💔
Thy - 5/10
I love them a lot as well BUT they main embalmer so i cant really trust them and had to take 5 points down 😔💔
Mitty - 1/10
Only gets one point because i dont want to put her in the same spot as Hiyori, a bastard as well
Tae - 10/10
My dearest of my dear friends 💞 love becoming the stepparent of random askblogs of them!! Also accepts my insanity 😇
Sam - 10/10
My other dearest friend love them a lot as well + accepts my insanity 💞 also supports me in my quest to look for my wives even if they are a bit insane and want to kill me
Orange - 8/10
Kory - 3/10
Simps too much + thinks im too insane so i took points out 🙄/j
Klai - 8/10
Also a simp but i respect her so!!!!
Pins - 10/10
Love pins a lot, my dearest friend who draws very well mwah mwah
Beth - 10/10
Absolutely love Beth because she's a sweetheart (even if she likes aesop 🙄/j)
Yami - 10/10
Yami also sees me being insane sometimes and still accepts me so 😇😇 friend
Joe - 0/10
Doesn't let me kiss the cute vampire 💔
Emma - 10/10
Love Emma with all my heart!!!! Grrgrrrrrr!!!!!
Al - 10/10
Fifi - 10/10
We dont talk a lot but fifi is very nice so im putting them in here as well <3
Boris - 9/10
Fren :] love logan so much aueeueueueueueeueue
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streaminn · 11 months
hello its me again the anon pushing for Enid x JOC polycule
what if Enid rants about her love for each of them to Yoko but also her worries and fears abt it and how she cant decide between them
but like Wednesday, Tara and Phoebe overhear the conversation and theyre like over the moon like 'Enid loves me!!!' but then they look at each other like 'and you too >:(((('
so then they start fighting over who would be the better choice for Enid (insert cyndaquil's confrontation dialogue here)
and while theyre trying to tear each other's throats out (fight to the death for the hand of the maiden kinda thing), Yoko comes in like 'um wtf is happening'
Wednesday's like 'gtfo vampire' but Phoebe and Tara are like 'Yoko tell them that I'm clearly the better choice for Enid, you would know cuz ur her bestie'
and then they fight again but Yoko's like 'ok homosexuals shut the FUCK up'
then goes on and talks abt how each is good for Enid but also talks about how theyve hurt her too
and then is like 'My girl deserves nothing but the best love this world can offer, because she's been lacking it her whole goddamned life cuz of her stupid family! Even though she can settle for less (like wayyyy less) than the bare minimum, I won't! You three better get your shit together or else you can say bye-bye to your blood.'
and theyre like 'yes ofc we know Enid deserves the best and more which is why I should be her partner'
but then Yoko's like 'since my girl deserves all the love possible, why don't you just like... go into a polyamorous relationship? That way, you can all have her and she gets to be showered in all the love and adoration everyday, you fucking simps'
im not sure what exactly the initial reaction would be, just that they would think it over and agree bc they want Enid to be happy and maybe she'll be happy if she gets love x3
i think Wednesday would at first be like 'thats stupid' but then she thinks more on it and is like 'ok fine anything for my sun'
as for Phoebe and Tara umm idk i've never seen the movies theyre in so i dont know how to write them or what the personality is outside of what ive read on ur blog but they'll agree
and then they all get together and live happily evr after the end
i was gonna say that getting into such a relationship isn't that easy but like
it lowkey is from experience 😭making it work is harder though so i wish them luck
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vamps-hmu · 9 months
U simp ass. Ofc it’s the porcelain looking vampire twink you’re obsessing over. I’m not angry just disappointed. Unbelievable.
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SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE DONT BE MEAN TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM JUST A LITTLE GUY OKAY……….. :((((
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The big bros competition || in which big brother competitor how well they know their lil brothers HC pt1(?)
Context: Reader is known as MC. This is a crack fiction. Probably the only one with other unit in it.
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MC: welcome to the compilation of who's the best bro.
MC: for today we have those four contestants.
Camera then show Hinata
Hinata: HIHI! 💕 💕
camera then pulled to look at the rude person grabbing the lense from the camera man to the said rude person-- Rinne.
Rinne: I'm supposed to be first one! LIKE IM GOING TO BE THE WINNER AHAHA.
MC: there's no money in this.
Rinne: it's still a game. >:)
MC:... Ok then.
Camera then went to a coffin. Smoke appear everywhere and soon a zombie-- I mean vampire arise from the coffin.
Rei: my old bones cannot handle this.
MC: sir your like not even on your fifty 😶
Rei: oh~~ how young people those days are quick to judge.
MC:... Ok. Next one.
MC then stare at the paper in front of her: next person is very spoiler warning.
Light turnt to HiMERU
HiMERU: HiMERU greets you.
MC, slowly dies from seggsy voice: tbh, for me the winner would be him already.
MC, who manage to recover from HiMERU SEGGSY voice attack: don't worry your in tie with that guy *point at Rinne. Or your in second place Already.
Hinata; woah. I won over rei senpai? Noice but your still biased >:u
MC after thinking about stuff: probably tie if not for HiMERU case of identity thief.
HiMERU who appear beside MC: I don't think it's nice to say crimes without proof.
MC receive a major damage and now in Verge of life and death. (Dramatic is MC last name/jk)
MC, seeing the light: Hinata... I can see the light. His too seggsy.
rinne: ahahaha. I won't approve of this as there's no quiz bee yet.
HiMERU: HiMERU think so too. Shall we began to the quiz?
Rei:... (Probably asleep back to his coffin)
Hinata: sorry I think we need to postpone. The host is ded. 😭💦
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mint-yooxgi · 1 year
Im screaming, crying, kicking the air and then screaming some more
Written in the stars is written by a star who we call jackie
Its perfect, its awesome, breathtaking, indescribably good, and so much more
I dont have enough knowledge to describe how wonderful it was like after some point i was pretty schoked my neighbors havent knocked on my door cuz i was screaming at top of my lungs
The way they all are reading oc's books and a fan of her, jongho being the biggest simp are the cutest things ive ever seen
Then there is yeosang who somehow subtly obsess over reading but i found it oddly cute and endearing cuz its not harmful in the slightest (yet?)
And jongho trying to murder yunho by choking him had me IDNFORNORMFOEMKRMFKEN probably my fave scene so far but i feel like everytime i reread it i will swoon over different scenes
Thank you so much for this, this was what i needed the most at the moment because im still stressing over the exams ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ
i am still giggling like a fool and dont know what i have written but i hope it makes sense to you, wish you a day as lovely as you(⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥
And i forget to add it in the first ask but have you thought about writing for seventeen?
After reading your mention about jeonghan i wanted to ask you cuz im secretly hoping you will one day
But no pressure or any sort of thing like that, just curious if you are interested in them
Awww, you're so sweet omg thank you so much!!!
Well, it'll be revealed who's read her books and hasn't fully lmaoo, not all of the Ateez members have. It's sort of a key plot point for later ;)
but oh yeah, I had WAY too much fun writing Jongho simping for oc and her writing lmaoo
I mean, we're not there YET, but he's gonna start leading that way next chapter for sure!
And lmaooo I feel like Jongho choking the members is an almost daily occurrence at this point
I'm glad the first chapter could offer you a break from your exams, even if only for a little while!! Study hard, I'm sure you'll do great!! Best of luck!
And I have!! I have a few drabbles for them already, and a Yan!Vampire!Cheol fic planned at some point, I just don't know when that will happen cause it's been years since I got the idea. They will be making an appearance next chapter though!! ;))
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wlwhq · 8 months
hey all!! under the cut are some wanted plots for each of my muses, shoot me an im or like this if any of these are calling your name and id be happy to plot something out with ya! <3
(ps everyone's a sapphic below so give me all your sapphics plz)
soleil. late 20s. baker. jasm.in savoy brown fc. switch.
fwb where your muse is getting attached and soleil is being distantly distant as per usual
someone else in the baking/cooking/restaurant industry where they could work together??
mikayla. mid/late 20s. interior designer. saman.tha logan fc. top.
little sister's best friend ship for the angst of a secret relationship
rich well off milf for mick to work for in designing a new mansion
nora. mid 50s/early 60s. lawyer. julia lou.is dreyfus fc. top.
law student/maybe a law professor if we lean into the collegiate territory (insert crazy eyes here)
anywhere where she can be a sug.ar mommy please !!
mariana. late 30s. er doctor. americ.a ferrera fc. switch.
someone to help her lighten tf up
samantha. late 30s. defense attorney. sara.h snook fc. switch.
fellow older woman who can take her on a sexual Journey of discovery
another lawyer at her firm, so there can be Late Nights Working...
maggie. early 30s. dancer. ari.ana deb.ose fc. bottom.
i have a spider-woman verse pls dont let it go to waste...give me your super villains and your drastically angsty anti-heroes she will love them
also a verse with her as a backup dancer for a famous performer, touring together....it could get ga.y
rowan. early 30s. paramedic. er fi.ghtmaster fc. top.
older sibling's wife. imagine the side eyes emoji here
old ex from college that can't resist the Energy!! & hooking up
darcy. late 30s. restaurant owner. katie mc.grath fc. switch.
regular at her restaurant that's always trying to be flirty and darcy finally giving in
food blogger/food critic that's always hanging around or stopping by bc can't get enough of the food or of darce
violet. early/mid 30s. speech language pathologist. tat.iana mas.lany fc. switch.
bc vi works with a lot of kids, maybe give me your single moms??? please???
older friend of her dads who she thinks is hot pfft
georgia. late 30s. executive chef. nata.sia demetriou fc. switch.
another chef at her restaurant who she has a love/hate relationship with and refuses to give the time of day
former therapist who worked georgia through all of her shit a decade ago and now they're friends/casual??
destiny. early 30s. therapist. quin.ta bruns.on fc. bottom.
give her someone to simp over my god she's probably the softest out of my muses
grad school bestie that maybe they would occasionally hook up? and don't talk about it so they don't ruin the friendship?
syd. mid 20s. tattoo artist. kehla.ni fc. top.
tattoo clients/fwb!! she'll accept payment in head
someone they used to cam for regularly
cole. early 20s. barista. liv hewson fc. switch.
someone they look up to (professor, coworker, counselor) that understands the they/them experience
current girlfriend who goes on a cross-country road trip with them in a bid to get out of their small town and start Living
evie. mid 30s. florist. taylo.r swif.t fc. bottom.
acquantaince of her mom that she's seeing on the low low
someone who doesn't give a shit that she comes from money and doesn't care who she is (that would make her so !!!)
aurora. early 50s. tech ceo. hann.ah wadd.ingham fc. top.
i cannot stress enough how much of a sugar mom.my she is. please.
fellow mil.fs to form a mil.f alliance with
nadja. 500+. vampire badass. nat.asia deme.triou fc. switch. canon character from wwdits
also if any of y'all write as the guide i will cry
disclaimer that nadja is just a test muse of mine and i might be bad at her so PLZ
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