#im really sorry for the delay :(
paluding · 11 months
Updating... The Tattooer (ver. 3.4)!
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Finally! Took me a while, huh. This is the updated version of the Tattooer project. It skips some steps, making the workflow much, much faster! Huge thanks to @applewatersugar for his suggestion on how to bake textures while preserving the transparency. This is kind of a repost of the original Tattooer post, but it actually has some new stuff and a few changes here and there, so please take a look if you want to learn how to use this new version.
This is a series of Blender template files already set up to quickly bake textures from The Sims 4 to The Sims 2. The different Blender files will allow you to: -Bake body textures from TS4 to TS2 (Female) -Bake body textures from TS4 to TS2 (Male) -Bake body textures from TS4 (Female) to TS2 (Male) -Bake body textures from TS2 (Female) to TS2 (Male) [Bonus!] -New! Bake face textures from TS4 to TS2 (Unisex) [Bonus!] -Bake head textures from TS4 to TS2 (Face + Scalp) (Unisex) [Still experimental] Check the file names to see which one is which, and the resolution of the baked texture it will give. Everything you see in the render above was 100% converted using those Blender files.
Download here! SFS / GD
Update: Version 3.4.1 (27/08/2023) Fixed some issues on the shoulders for the AF-body-4t2-1024 and AF-body-4t2-2048 templates. Now the top straps on most converted underwear/swimwear should look right.
Update: Same version (13/12/2023) As requested, added a new spanish version of the included pdf guide!
These templates were made mainly to bake and convert tattoos, but there’s more you can do with them if you get creative. I have to say, these are NOT perfect. Results may vary depending on what you are trying to convert, so! With that in mind, this is all the stuff you will be able to convert almost seamlessly from TS4 to TS2: -Tattoos. -Other body details such as body hair, scars, freckles, supernatural/occult details… -Body painted underwear and swimwear, as well as some other clothing that’s mostly painted on the body. -Socks, stockings and maybe leggings. -Even skintones! In some areas they will look weird, so I recommend editing and blending them with other existing TS2 skins. -Makeup, eyebrows and beards. In the old version this was just a proof of concept, but now I’ve added a new Face file template which gives some pretty decent results! -Hair scalps. Very useful when converting some hairs! Although keep in mind part of that texture might also need to be baked on the face mesh, you know, that hairline makeup stuff.
Got your attention? Nice! Editing some of the textures from TS4 to match the UV mapping in TS2 using a 2D editing program can be incredibly hard. That’s where texture baking in Blender comes to the rescue!
You will need to download Blender, at least version 3.4, but you could always use a newer version. It is only incompatible with versions older than 3.4. -You can download Blender for free here. -You will also need Sims 4 Studio to extract the original Sims 4 CC textures you want. In the first version of these Blender files, there was a necessary step using Photoshop, but that’s no longer needed. However, there’s still a tiny extra step which requires resizing the newly baked texture on some of the high resolution templates, so you might need a 2D editing program like Photoshop. More on that later.
So, before we begin, let’s clear out some questions you might have. What the heck is this texture baking thing and what does it do? Well, let’s imagine you have a video projector and point an image into a blank wall. Then you pick up some brushes and start painting and copying that projected image in that wall. Texture baking is kinda like that when it comes to 3D models. You align two models and match them as closely as you can in shape and form, and once you adjust some parameters and values, Blender does the rest for you: it will give you a new texture for a new model with a different UV map. These files I’m sharing have everything already set up, so it’s a matter of plopping in that Sims 4 texture and you will get that new texture for TS2 in just a few clicks.
This tutorial assumes you know literally nothing about how to use Blender, so if you feel uncomfortable with it, worry no more! This will guide you with pictures showing where you need to click and explaining what is happening. For Sims 4 Studio and Photoshop the process might be a bit less detailed, but still this should be pretty beginner friendly. For this tutorial, I will use some tattoos as an example (properly credited at the end of the post). Alright, enough with the rambling. Let’s get started!
·EXTRACTING TEXTURES IN SIMS 4 STUDIO: First things first, you will need to extract as pngs all the textures you want to convert from TS4 using Sims 4 Studio. It should be pretty straightforward. Just open the packages and export the Diffuse textures. Keep them organized in a folder for easy access.
·BAKING THE TEXTURES IN BLENDER: PRELIMINARY STEP 1: CONFIGURING BLENDER’S GRAPHICS SETTINGS: Open your preferred Blender file depending on what you’re going to bake and the desired resolution (in this example I’m going to use the AF-body-4t2-1024 file). Before we start messing around in Blender, there’s one thing you should set up. It is a onetime step, and once it’s done, you won’t need to do it again. So, does your computer have a dedicated graphics card? If you don’t know or you’re not sure, just skip to the next step. Configuring Blender so it uses your graphics card instead of your CPU will make the baking render much faster, so it is recommended you set it up correctly. If your computer has a dedicated graphics card, click File (1) > Preferences (2) > and on the window that pops up click System (3) > and select CUDA and make sure your graphics card is there and tick it (4). I have an Nvidia Graphics card but your case may vary. Once you’re done, click on the tiny button on the bottom left corner and Save Preferences (5).
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PRELIMINARY STEP 2: CHOOSING THE RENDERING DEVICE: Click on the tiny camera button on the right, called Render Properties (1), and on Device (2) select GPU Compute if it’s not already selected. If you’re not sure if you have a graphics card or not, just select CPU. Then select the Material Properties tab (3) and Save your changes, either by pressing Ctrl + S, or clicking File (4) > Save (5). You might need to do this second step with the other Blender files, but once you have it done and saved, you won’t need to do this again. Okay, time to get into the good stuff!
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·STEP 1: LOADING YOUR TS4 BASE TEXTURE: In the Material Properties tab, click the folder icon that says Open (1) and on the window that pops up, navigate through your folders and select your first texture. To navigate easily, the 3 buttons on the top right (2) are for the display mode. They will show your files in list mode, vertical and horizontal, and the one on the right will display the file thumbnails, pretty useful if you want to easily preview your textures here. The icons on the left side (3) will let you go one folder back and forward, go to the parent directory, and refresh the folder in case you just dropped something new in there. Double click on the image you need and that will load the texture into the Sims 4 body model, named “ts4 body”.
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·STEP 2: SETTING UP YOUR SELECTION AND BAKING THE TEXTURE: On the top right of the screen, you will see the names of the 2 models in the scene. Hold the Ctrl key in your keyboard and left click on the “ts2 body” model (1). If you did it correctly, you should see “ts2 body” in a yellowish orange color, and right down below, “ts4 body” should look more like a red orange. If not, try again by clicking first on ts4 body, and then while holding Ctrl click again on ts2 body. Then switch to the Render Properties tab by clicking the tiny camera icon (2) and click Bake (3). Depending on your screen resolution, you might need to scroll down a bit with your mouse to see the Bake button. Wait a few seconds for it to finish. You will see the progress percentage down on the bottom of your screen. Don’t panic if you notice your computer fans start ramping up, that’s completely normal! As I said in the beginning, using your GPU will bake the textures much faster than the CPU.
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·STEP 3: SAVING YOUR NEW TS2 TEXTURE: Once it’s finished, switch to the UV Editing Mode by clicking “UV Editing” on the top of your screen. And there it is: your new texture! You might have to scroll up your mouse wheel a bit to zoom in and see it in all its glory on the left side of the screen. We’re still not done yet though. You need to save it to yet another new folder (always try to keep your stuff organized!).
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You can save it by pressing Shift + Alt + S, or clicking on Image* (1) and then Save As… (2). That will pop a window where you’ll need to navigate again and save it somewhere. Give it a proper name (3) and hit Enter to save it… well, Enter doesn’t always work for me for some reason, so if that happens just click Save As Image (4). And that’s it! You’ve successfully converted your baked texture. Congrats!
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·STEP 4: GOING BACK TO STEP 1: Alright! If you’re done with your textures, you can close Blender without saving and call it a day. But let’s say you want to keep baking other swatches. In order to go back to step 1 and start the process once again, click Layout (1), go back to the Material Properties tab (2), select “ts4 body” (3) and click on the folder icon (4) to open and load your next swatch.
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Then it’s just a matter of repeating the process from step 2. When you’re ready to move on, close Blender without saving. If you see a small check telling you it will save some images, make sure you uncheck it, so you will be able to use it again in the future from the starting point with no issues. I don’t think it really matters if you accidentally save your progress in these files, but I like to keep it clean and fresh so I can do the process where I left it from the beginning next time I open it. And in case you mess up and save somewhere, you can always just delete the .blend file and download the template files again.
In case you’d like a video tutorial on how to use these files, the amazing @platinumaspiration recorded this fantastic video showcasing the process! You can watch it here.
One final note: some of the baking .blend files save the textures with a resolution of 2048x2048 pixels, as clearly stated at the end of their file name. That’s way too overkill, because TS2 only properly supports up to 1024x1024 for most of its textures and you should always resize your final product to that max resolution (or lower if needed). I just made those 2048 versions because there might be some really tiny and slim details on some tattoos that might look a little too blurry when baked into a 1024 resolution texture, so for those cases use that if you want and then resize them using your 2D editing software of choice. In Photoshop, in the Resample mode of the Image Size menu, there are a few options to choose. For the fine details, I like the Nearest Neighbor (hard edges) option, which, even if it looks a bit pixelated, it still preserves most of the texture and quality.
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For anything else, I would just directly bake them using the 1024 versions in Blender (512 for the face and scalp).
And for the folks who feel comfortable playing around in Blender, this is just the beginning! Texture baking opens a LOT of possibilities, so feel free to move stuff around and edit the models to your liking! If you notice the baked textures look warped or stretched somewhere, or don’t like where some textures are placed in the S2 body, poke around that area moving stuff and then give it another try. The main objective of the baking process is keeping both overlapping models as close in shape as possible. You may also edit and save new copies of the templates, or make new ones from scratch using mine as a reference (keep a close look on those Baking settings and values, I think they work pretty well) and share them if you want to. Go ham, do whatever you want with them! I still have plans on making templates to convert body textures from Sims 3 to Sims 2, but for now it’s not on my priorities, so we’ll see when that happens.
Whew! Hope none of this was too confusing. Need help or have any issues with these? Please ask/message me here and I’ll be glad to help when I’m able to!
Credits for the CC used in the render demonstration: -Skin by Sims3Melancholic. -Eyes by Northern Siberia Winds. -Eyebrows by PeachyFaerie. -Tattoos by xtc. -Top by SerenityCC. And the Tattoo I used for the tutorial can be found here, by ValhallanSim.
Last but not least, a huge thanks to all the people who somehow contributed to make this project and update possible, either by doing initial testing, finding issues to fix, or teaching me new Blender tricks to make the workflow way faster and easier. So thanks again to @elvisgrace @moyokeansimblr and @applewatersugar on Tumblr! <3
And thank you for reading! Hope you have fun playing with this (not so) new toy hehe.
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64-jungle-planks · 2 months
Night at the Museum: Redesigning Characters (Bonus)
Character profile: Napoléon "Le Petit Caporal" Bonaparte
This character is based off of and takes inspiration from the historical Napoleon Bonaparte.
Real Name: Napoléon Bonaparte
Nickname and Meaning: Le Petit Caporal - A term of affection from his soldiers
Age: 40-41 (Late 1809, early 1810)
Time Period: Napoléonic era frace
Family: Josephine de Beauharnais (ex-wife), Marie Louise (wife)+ seven siblings none of which were brought back besides Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte- his nephew
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(Headcanons under the cut)
Based on/taken from History:
Very overly confident.
Egotistical. He hasn’t seen his own downfall yet and feels he can win more.
On December 2, 1805, in his greatest victory, he defeated the combined Austrian and Russian armies in the Battle of Austerlitz.
signed treaties that created the Grand Duchy of Warsaw
Late 1809, early 1810, Napoléon’s roughly around 40-41
Still loves Josephine, but planning to divorce.
Upset she wasn’t remade alongside him
From Napoléon's memory, Joseph Bonaparte is king of Spain, but isn’t doing well.
Stupidly cute smile
+ Sensitive + Honest + Intelligent - Nepotist - Aggressive - Forgets other people have feelings
My own silly headcanons:
Has put on weight, he’s not used to fighting with it.
Napoléon likes to steal pop-it’s and water wigglers from the gift shop. He always has to have something in his hands to fidget with- normally it’s his gloves or a snuff box or taking apart and cleaning his pistol. Now that he has access to modern fidgets, he likes to taking the green ones.
He also really likes clicking mechanical pencils
He loves inventions that make life better in little ways. Canning food was invented in his life (he’s actually the one who offered a prize of 12,000 francs to improve the food preservation methods that existed at the time which led to canned food being invented) but there was no simple way to open the cans. He loves can openers- taking them with the promise of returning them to just take apart and put back together.
If your gossiping, he obviously eavesdrops. Napoléon cans and will butt into your conversation about someone and listen like you’re saying the most interesting thing in the world. If he can’t come over to you, he will do the lead paint stare at you.
Still acts like he’s emperor.
Originally thought the average height of humans gained a lot of height. He was envious up until he learned whoever created his mold got his height wrong and he’s 5’2”, not 5’7”, then, Napoléon was just pisssed off.
He loves to infodump about his victories and will call over his men to help act them out, sneaking small fibs in to make himself look even better than he already does. If you ask him about his losses, you’ll only get a stare in return and a quick “Non”. (Credit @frombottlealleytotheharbor)
“Hey, do you remember [insert battle he lost]? What was it like?” “…Non.” “But… weren’t you there?” He starts walking away. “Non.” “But—“ “NON!”
He gets into fights with Al because Al is someone who clearly doesn’t respect him. The Capone trio love to tease him - especially Frank and Al. Ralph watches with a grin, which is somehow even more infuriating to Napoléon.
Sometimes getting out of his box, he looks like a well-loved stuffed animal. It takes him a moment to get himself together.
Loves watching true crime and reality TV shows. Isn’t the biggest fan of Horror movies.
Somehow got his hands on a cigarette, absolutely died after one puff. Napoléon threw it onto the ground and stomped off coughing, vowing to never do it again.
He’s so very envious that Al and Ralph had even a bit of time with their sons while they were alive. François Charles was born after the time he was made, and it makes Napoléon feel so homesick and want his kid- one that he doesn’t even know. He absolutely adores Louis Napoleon, who he only met a few times.
Loves ABBA, originally he disliked, but he's grown to like it now that he knows the meaning
I gave him his Laurel wreath just because I thought they were cool and also to show that he's still very pompous and full of himself.
Unfortunately no doodles, I haven't had time!
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Étienne Champenois belongs to @lidensword and Gustave Bréant belongs to @all-yn-oween
Frank, Al, Ralph
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wedontdeservethestars · 3 months
Johnny Cage x Edenian Royalty reader who gives up their title and moves to Earthrealm just to be with him?
I might continue this in a later series because I like their dynamic a lot!! So in this one the reader doesn't COMPLETELY forgive up on the crown yet....but the seeds are certainly planted
Content: gn!reader, fluff, some mentions of nsfw subjects but really not a lot, alcohol, kinda just a silly little feel good fic!
(AO3 link here!)
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Earthrealm was a mystery. After spending your whole life learning the ways of Outworld and studying the intricate relations between clans and kingdoms, the other plane was unknown to you in a way that you could only describe as strange. But that was okay. You liked strange. Maybe that’s what drew you to Johnny. 
You had only been to Earthrealm briefly before in the days of Shinnok’s terror, and by proxy had met Johnny during that time. Almost immediately, he annoyed you. It seemed to be a common phenomenon. He was brash, rude, vain, and unapologetic about all of it–and all of that bothered you to no end. But he was strong, too, and surprisingly resilient. Even more surprising, he had saved your life on multiple occasions. Each time he pushed you out of the way of some projectile, or ran out into a battle to get ahead of you, or even just checked up on your wounds after a particularly bad fight (which, you noticed, he never did to anyone else), you started to see other things about him beyond his Hollywood-boy persona. Above all, he seemed to have a particular fascination with you. 
It made you sick to your stomach. Even more than that, it made you blush, which in turn only made you feel sicker. 
After everyone had returned home, bruised but victorious, you found your thoughts turning back to Johnny more often than you’d like to admit. You knew your place was here. You felt like you belonged in Edenia, and in Outworld as a whole. Your whole life so far had been spent to one day take the crown and become ruler of the kingdom. Until your travels to Earthrealm, you had never wanted anything else. But now, you found yourself drifting into your mind during important meetings, doodling on scrap paper the alien types of plants you’d encountered there, and missing the feeling of seeing your reflection in the lenses of a certain pair of sunglasses.
Your state worsened. You were chastised for being so distracted all the time and your parents, worried, even referred you to one of the doctors to see if anything was wrong with you. Of course, any unwellness you felt could be easily explained…just not to the Edenians around you. 
Desperate for a cure, you made up your mind one night. Packing only a few things (you planned to return, anyways…eventually…), you snuck out in the middle of the night to one of the sacred grounds in the kingdom. This one, carved out in a cave, was home to a portal. It led to Earthrealm. You heard your father talking about the possibility of sealing it off in the future, citing that “nothing good comes from that wretched place!” You didn’t entirely agree.
After a nauseating travel across realms, trying to navigate a confusing city and an even more confusing transportation system, you wound up at the most gaudy mansion you had ever seen. You looked down at the little slip of paper in your hand–across it was scrawled Johnny’s signature, number, and address. It was something he’d given you right before you parted. You had promised to burn it the second you had time to. You had kept it in your vanity drawer ever since, though you hadn’t ever expected to use it. 
Muffled, strange music met your ears as you stood on the doorstep. Beside the door was a gold plaque that read “Johnny’s Cage.” Well, this was certainly the right place. You raised your hand to knock on the heavy wooden doors, but suddenly there was some kind of barrier. What would you even say to him? You really hadn’t thought that far ahead. You only knew you wanted to see him again. Your arm slowly lowered to your side. Maybe this was a mistake. You were better off forgetting all of this, forgetting him. But…this time, you lifted your knuckles to the door. They rapped politely. You had come this far already. May as well see it through.
The door cracked open and the strange music grew louder. Tinny drums and a horn that sounded like it was underwater filled your ears along with the anxiety welling up in your throat. And, unceremoniously, there was Johnny dressed in nothing but a silk robe and a pair of brightly colored swim trunks. The second he laid eyes on you, his air of curiosity and confusion turned to one of bemused smugness.
“Oh, tell me I’m dreaming,” he chuckled as the opened the door wide. You could see the rest of his home behind him, marble walls and floors and expensive-looking art on the walls and a massive pool right in the center of his living room. 
“No,” you replied, feeling more like you were the one in the dream. “I’m real.”
“And to what do I owe the pleasure, your Highness?” Johnny twirled his hand and gave a little bow. He had never really taken your royal status seriously, only ever acknowledging it in moments of tomfoolery like this. Somehow, at this moment at least, you found it endearing.
“Well…” You took a breath as you tried to decide on your angle. “You gave me your address.”
“I did!” He grinned, and then paused. “You kept it?”
“I did,” you echoed, showing him the slip of paper still clutched in your hand. “I figured it would be rude not to use it.”
“Good thing you had all those Edenian manners lessons.” He laughed at his own joke and turned with an unintentional flourish of his robe. “C’mon in. You want something to drink?”
Not wanting to embarrass yourself with guessing what little foodstuffs Outworld and Earthrealm had in common, you shook your head. “No. Thank you.”
“Suit yourself.” Johnny made a beeline for a bar set-up he had near the pool and started to mix himself something. Getting a better look at the inside of the mansion as you followed him inside, you could see that several of the art hangings were paintings of Johnny himself in various styles. In one, he was posing with a tiger. Vases and statues and weapons lined the corners of the rooms, almost as if the home was afraid to have a single square foot that wasn’t glimmering with something or other. Despite the organized clutter and the loud music that seemed to come from everywhere, you couldn’t help but notice that there only seemed to be only one inhabitant of the place.
“Do you live here alone?” you called out as you examined a series of trophies on a shelf. 
“No! I mean, well, there’s the maids and stuff. And that little guy.” You followed his pointed finger to a little disc-shaped robot trekking across the spotless floors. 
“Oh.” With a polite smile, you approached and crouched beside it. It seemed to pay you no mind, but you continued anyway. “Hello, there.” 
You could hear Johnny stifle a laugh and a snort, but when you looked over at him he was faced away from you, still working on his drink. “He, uh, he doesn’t exactly talk back. But if he could I bet he’d be charmed.”
“Ah.” Trying to force a blush away from your cheeks, you stood up and watched the little thing scoot away, unbothered. 
“You like it here?” Johnny asked, coming up behind you. In a strangely shaped glass was a drink so colorful it looked like it might hurt to swallow, but it seemed to refresh him nonetheless. 
“It’s, uh…it’s very ‘you,’” you smiled a little, motioning to the tiger painting. Johnny laughed. 
“Oh, that’s one of my favorites! Took forever to get that tiger to sit still. Fuckin’ sweet, though.” You turned to get a better look at it again, and when you looked back Johnny had inched closer to you. “So, tell me: what are you really doing here?”
“What do you mean?” you asked. That familiar irritation you often felt with him was slowly making its way back. You didn’t really mind.
“It’s just that I don’t exactly believe that you hopped dimensions on a whim.” A beat as he sipped. “Like, I know I’m irresistible, but come on.”
“Well, that’s sort of what happened,” you laughed softly. “I don’t have a big reason. I just…wanted to see you again.”
“Ohhh.” Johnny flashed you a grin. “Got the Cagester on the brain, huh? A pretty serious infection, I know.”
“You have a very…uh, memorable presence,” you decided on.
“Well, I can’t promise a cure, but I’m here to provide in any way your little royal ass wants,” he murmured, leaning in close to you. That blush you thought you’d taken care of came back with a vengeance. 
“What?” was all you could muster.
“Anywhere you want,” he was grinning. “Could give you a tour of the bedroom. The couch over there is pretty comfy. Or, we could get a little freaky and head into the pool if you’re into that…”
“Johnny,” you laughed nervously. “No, I…I didn’t come here for that.”
“Oh. Really?” He frowned into his drink and then looked up at you again, incredulous. “Really?”
“Yes, really. I came because I missed you. Not your body, just you.” 
“Oh,” he said again. He only seemed more confused. “Huh. That’s…that’s a new one.”
“Is that so hard to believe?” You cocked your head.
“It’s just that, uh, y’know. People don’t usually come over just to hang out or talk or whatever. They don’t usually…stay afterwards.”
“Would you like that?” you asked, guiding his cheek so he was looking at you.
“Yeah,” he breathed with a nod. His eyes, usually hidden by whatever shades he had chosen for that day, suddenly looked so full of longing. For the first time, you understood just how lonely this man was. 
“Okay,” was all you said. You pulled him into a hug. His robe was soft, and so was his skin. At first, Johnny remained frozen. He didn’t seem to know how to react to such a genuine gesture. But he hugged you back, letting out a sigh that rivaled one of Atlas.
“I really, really needed this,” he muttered, chuckling tiredly.
“I can tell.”
“Eugh. Guess I don’t deserve all those Oscar’s, then.”
You didn’t know what in the world he was talking about, but before you could ask, he was already talking again. 
“Y’know, I…I thought you hated me.” 
“No,” you shook your head. “Not at all.”
“At all?” He cocked an eyebrow.
“Well…” You huffed, smiling in spite of yourself. “You can be irritating. And loud. And arrogant.”
“But…?” He pursed his lips, waiting for you to go on.
“I don’t know,” was all you could think to say. 
“Not exactly the confidence-booster I was looking for.”
“You have enough confidence,” you teased. 
“It is one of my strong suits.” He grinned and downed a little more of his drink. “I guess it should be telling enough that you trekked all the way out here just to see me. You must like something about me.”
“I like plenty about you. It’s just hard to name.” You tilted your head as you watched him. He looked so pretty in the dim lighting of his lavish, yet warm home. Then again, he usually did. 
“We’ve got plenty of time to rectify that,” he smirked, his voice dropping down to a sultry hum. “Unless you were planning on making this trip a short one. But…”
You followed his gaze to your bag, still slung over your shoulder.
“I sort of assumed you’d let me stay.” You paused and corrected yourself. “That you’d want me to stay.”
“Forever?” He seemed a little too excited about the prospect, if a little caught off-guard.
“No,” you laughed at his likeness to a puppy. “Just for a little. I still have responsibilities, you know.”
“Right, right. The whole heir to the throne thing.” Johnny seemed utterly bored by the position. “That’s a shame. I know some of the guest rooms could use some love.”
“I just wanted to visit. See where this goes,” you said carefully, unsure exactly what ‘this’ even meant. Johnny, however, didn’t seem to care. He hooked an arm around your waist and pulled you a little closer. The look in his eyes that usually came off as cockiness now seemed to give way to a genuine enthrallment with you. It gave you flutters in your stomach. You didn’t hate the feeling.
“I’m down for that,” he murmured. A large hand caressed your cheek. “Y’know, now that I’m thinkin’ about it, my master bedroom is the loneliest one of all. And its owner wouldn’t mind a companion.”
“Someone to bed-warm?” you chuckled. Johnny’s eyebrows shot straight up.
“I thought you didn’t want to–I mean, listen I would love that, but I was just talking about, y’know, uh…sharing a bed tonight.” 
You frowned, searching his face for any sign of what the confusion was. “I was, too. You know what bed-warming is, right?”
“I know what a bed-warmer is!” Suddenly, realization came across his eyes in a wave. “Oh. Oh. Is this–this is some weird Edenian culture shock thing for me, isn’t it?”
“Maybe?” You shrugged as the thought crossed your mind. “For us, bed-warming is like…it’s hugging. Spending the night curled up to one another. Especially on cold nights. Y’know, because another body makes the bed warm.”
Johnny looked like he’d been slapped. “Yes! Yeah. Okay. That…that makes sense. Uh, that would be really nice. I’d like that.”
“What does bed-warming mean in Earthrealm?” you questioned as he turned to the bar again to clean up his glass. 
“Uh…” Johnny’s cheeks went pink. For once, he didn’t seem to want to delve into what you assumed had to be some sort of innuendo. “Y’know what? Forget it. You look tired. You came a long way, I bet. Let’s just go up to bed. I’ll show you my room! It’s really cool in there, I’ve got this statue that…”
As he started up the stairs, rambling half-nervously and half-excitedly, you couldn’t stop a smile from creeping onto your face. For the first time that night, you felt completely secure in your decision to escape from home for a bit.
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oshiawaseni · 1 year
Do you think if Izuku was a girl Bakudeku would have been seen cannon from day one? I mean Bakugo seems to also have all the tropes of a female romantic love interest in Shonen and the reason why many don't think Bakugo's feelings towards Deku are of a romantic nature is because Deku is a boy. Here's to Bakudeku becoming cannon <3
If the story managed to miraculously stay the exact same story with the only difference being Katsuki is a girl (coz let’s face it, he was the princess being abducted by LOV and held so protectively by Izuku in the Vol 37 cover), then yes. Everyone would be bkdk and all other ships would seem delusional, the way Izuochas/other fans think we are. It’s just ‘cause it’s happening between two guys that people stop caring about the moments that develop or hint at their romance. And this is something Hori wants to change.
I don’t know if you’ve noticed this but Hori represents BkDk in a super wholesome way without many traces of sexual desire. Because he wanted shounen readers to see their love as something real and beautiful, and not being made just for the sake of BL or fetish.
Though tbf, he has occasionally depicted Kacchan as ikemen, maybe to help us imagine Izuku’s struggle to hold back his feelings for him.
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Kacchan is gorgeous, and yet his combative personality has scared away girls his whole life. And here we have Izuku always having accepted him for who he is and never distancing himself from him despite the many attempts by Kacchan to reject and send him away!
But anyway, Hori focussed so heavily on the emotions they feel towards each other because he wants readers to look at pure romantic love between a boy and another boy and understand it has no difference whatsoever with the love between a girl and a boy.
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This also might be another reason why baby Decchan memories come up sometimes with Kacchan’s POV, or why Noguchi drew so many pictures of their childhood.
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Because Katsuki and Izuku seem to be each other’s first love, and while feelings grew rotten for a while, the deep love they have for each other now comes from an incredibly sweet and pure origin.
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How Hori is gonna pull this off really has my interest now because he has written bkdk so beautifully up until this point, so I have high expectations for his future plans to bring them together.
Update: I just wanted to add that my heart is so full right now from the KiriMina/BkDk parallels in ch.383. Canon BkDk really is coming right at us and it feels like Hori is going to bombard doubters with reminders of their love until they practically beg Hori to end their misery, and just draw what he has been waiting to draw for so many years, lol. 😊
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shardkn1ght · 10 months
Thank you! I'm so glad people are enjoying it!
Honestly I was in a similar boat before I made it. Looking for papa Hueso content.
And I was like. Bro? Where is the content?
Then I was like
Fuck it
I'll do it myself
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moeblob · 1 year
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@natakesgamingcorner aaaaaah thank you hello! This is many days late but I wanted to say thank you so much for sending this ! ;w; I got it after work during a rough day and it means a whole lot to me to hear this so I wanted to doodle a little more for you?? but uh when I was planning to doodle Hiruma on stream everyone in chat was like "WHY DOES HE HAVE A GUN IT'S ABOUT FOOTBALL" and. I didn't want to waste the entire time trying to draw a gun so I just did a bust up on stream.
But! I wanted to draw him with a gun because I realized people that follow me/know me for FE that don't know about the series don't know he just casually has a lot of guns. So. Yeah. Thank you again for the ask it means a lot that someone else knows both topics!
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olivewormz · 1 month
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ELLO!!!! GUESS WHO REDID HIS METAL SLUG DESIGNS!!!! i guess you could call it that uuhm
but YEA!! i've been thinking a lot about metal slug lately and i just... couldnt resist redrawing my versions, hopefully i do more in the future for more characters n all, i really want to post more metal slug stuff, i love LOVE these silly guys
im not writing anything at the moment cause i really didnt change my headcanons and im kind of tired to write proper paragraphs (i should stop staying up until 3 am to finish drawings? maybe).
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alaricseer · 8 months
crown of midnight (because I am always weak for a masquerade)
crown of midnight. sender dances with the receiver at a masquerade.
There were pros and cons to an event like a masquerade. The dress code calling for elaborate, eye catching attire was, to Alaric, a pro. The downside came in the intentional obscuring of identity, a hindrance for one who liked direct credit for his looks.
The dancing though, that made up for everything else. Ala stopped only long enough for a new partner, rarely for drink. If he wanted for the intrigue or debauchery, both established features of an event based in anonymity, well, he'd found both still achievable on the floor to those with experience.
That didn't leave him completely without wants, however. He'd tried all evening to catch the eye of a certain dancer, but poor timing and the man's clear talent had made the match impossible. Ala had nearly given up, settled for watching with discreet envy when close enough. Ala didn't lack for partners himself, but quantity was not quality.
When finally, and by chance, Alaric found the chance to cut in, he was grateful for the mask that hid his expression; excitement, and for a mere offer to dance, was embarrassing- especially for a stranger.
"I was beginning to believe there was some form of registration I'd missed, for the honor of your time." His tone was light, as was his touch, when they moved together.
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astrallar · 2 months
I want to kiss your Halsin art so bad help me I'm obsessed he's so pretty and your art is so fabulous I can't handle it I'm going to explode into hundreds of tiny ducks
You are so correct he is such a handsom man, im glad we are on the same wavelength
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bigshotmot · 6 months
its like wild to me how many people on youtube and here and twitter are like “its not gonna but hl2 but-“ “its totally gonna be a fakeout lol” “theres no way this is hlvrai2 its gonna be (insert other game here)” and like. people always saying like “IF they do hlvrai 2-“ and “theyre never gonna do it” like. ???? why do you its not exactly what it looks like. why do you think its not gonna happen. why do you guys think theyre tricking us. were you not conscious the like nine times wayne has looked into the camera and said it was definitely going to happen at some point. and he said now the gnome finale was wrapped up it was time to finally move on to the next big project (that was dependent on the gnome series being done so its pretty clearly related) like i heard that and when a big secret december project was brought up i thought “well that could be hlvrai2. ill be fine if its not because im sure ill enjoy any project they do but something abt it feels like it might just be time” and yesterday i saw the teaser and was like holy shit its happening!! and half the people are like nah its clearly hl2 but theres no way theyd ever do that so whatever. like ??? are these people all being sarcastic.
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misssophiespice · 14 days
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feeling-artsick · 3 months
Thank you for sharing how you did the head sculpt! If youd be able to go into more detail I'd truly appreciate it!
Started typing and then before I knew it tips turned into a tutorial so I reformatted the whole thing into a loose step-by-step of how to make them.
This is a tutorial on how to add details to heads like Isahla's neck detail, so not quite how to make everything from scratch but 90% of it at least.
This tutorial will teach you how to bake details on to a head's normal map. I'm using a scar in this tutorial as an example but you can paint any details you like this way. The things to be aware of are:
this tutorial assumes you've got some basic knowledge of Blender and sculpting in Blender. It also assumes you know how to navigate tools like Photoshop or GIMP.
this tutorial won't explain how to make diffuse/other maps match the normal map. That's kind of a whole separate thing with a lot of different methods that can go with or against this one.
this tutorial can be applied to the body as well as the head.
this tutorial won't explain how to blend details across seams (wrist, neck, ankles).
this tutorial can't be applied to… mostly everything else. Skyrim normal maps are special like that, and that's why I love 'em.
And so I don't overwhelm you before going in, here's a quick rundown of the entire process: We're taking the player's head and preparing it for sculpting. We'll sculpt in the details we want. Then we bake out that sculpted detail into a normal map. Then we edit the player's existing normal map to include the new detail. And that's all.
Also, everything can be done with freeware so you have no excuses. Let's go.
1 Preparing the head.
Exporting your character's head from the game isn't always necessary, but it is encouraged. The closer the head in Blender is to the shape of the head in the game, the more accurate your details will be to their head shape. If you don't wish to use a specific head, feel free to use any other head you like, whether thats the vanilla head, High Poly Head, ECE's head, etc. There is a difference between these heads that should be noted, typically in the UV space, but for individual cases it's not too important. Exporting is done with RaceMenu, and the resulting nif file can be imported into Blender using the PyNifly plugin available here. If you struggle with this plugin, converting the nif file to another format through Outfit Studio is also possible. When the head is in Blender, remove any clutter. We don't need anything except the head model for this so we can remove scar and eyebrow masks, eyes, hair, and so on. Now, duplicate the head model so you have two copies of the same head, and for clarity, label your heads low and high poly. I'll be distinguishing between my heads with a _low/_high suffix. We don't need the low poly for now so you can hide it. Your scene should look something like this:
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I'm going to sidebar a little bit here to mention that there are two ways to prepare the head for sculpting. One is by "cleaning" the model which I've detailed below. Another (and the method I prefer) is to use Blender's Human Base Meshes bundle (available here) and just scaling and contorting the sculpt-ready model they have to the shape of your character's head. If you feel confident doing that unguided, skip the rest of this step.
Right-click the model and choose Shade Smooth. Enter into edit mode, tap 1 to enter vertex selection, A to highlight everything, and M to merge vertices (choose By Distance). The distance will need to be tweaked depending on the scale the model was imported at but you'll want to merge enough that model isn't splitting when you sculpt later. It should look indistinguishable from before, but there should be no aggressive seam lines like on the back of the head. In Edit mode, go into Edge selection and Alt-Left Click the border of the neck. Alt-F to Fill. Get inside the head and repeat the process for the back of the lips like you see below.
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The head should now be prepared for sculpting. You can verify this by attempting to Remesh it, and if it bugs out, there's probably a hole somewhere.
2 Sculpting the head.
This guide isn't going to have a tutorial for sculpting in it as there's plenty online. The techniques you use are up to you. Personally, I'm a large-detail-to-fine-detail kind of person. That said, Dyntopo is far more intuitive and was how I made Isahla's neck details way back when. You do not need to sculpt every detail on the head although there's nothing stopping you; just do your best to keep the head as close to its original shape as possible. Also, if you have a computer that's struggling with higher poly counts—you can absolutely remove entire parts of the model that you aren't going to use later.
For this example, I've haphazardly cut two scars into a head I had previously sculpted for a different mod. Again, you do not have to sculpt the entire head.
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3 Baking.
Once you're done, you'll need to export the two heads as .obj files. Remember to name them in a way that you can recognise them as either high or low poly. You can see my export settings below. You may need to tweak these depending on how the bake goes.
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For baking, I'll be using xNormal (available here). It's the shadiest looking site on the modern web but it is what it is. Feel free to use another if you find yourself with a better alternative. If you aren't familiar with baking or what it is, it's a process where we take all the detail from the sculpt, compare it with the low poly in a software like xNormal, and it outputs a texture that can be used to mimic the sculpt's detail.
In xNormal, click 'High definition meshes' in the top-right. Right-click, 'Add meshes'. Locate your high poly obj file and select it. Repeat the same steps for the 'Low definition meshes' tab, then move on to the 'Baking options' tab. In 'Baking options', start by defining a location for the output texture in the 'Output File' field. Name it whatever you like--it'll automatically slap a "_normals" suffix on the end. Bitmap is fine but it's up to you. Set the size to the same size as the normal map you're currently using. For most skin textures these days, your normal map will be 4096x4096. Under 'Maps to render' is a large list of maps you can output but for this we want to only have Normal map checked. Click the three dots beside it. Change the settings to match what I have below.
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These changes are important because Skyrim bodies use model space normal maps instead of tangent space, and their world Z direction is inverted. Just don't ask me why. You can now 'Generate Maps' in the lower-right. This process can take a little while and if done correctly, the resulting window should look something like this:
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If it's looking like a complete mess and nothing like this, I'm sorry to say you may have a bit of troubleshooting to do. Make sure both meshes are set to use exported normals, and make sure your normals are oriented properly in Blender (see guides on face orientation). It may also help to choose the triangulate option on the high poly model on export.
If yours looks mostly the same but maybe the colours are in different orientations, you can try inverting the "swizzle coordinates" and regenerate the map or invert the colour channels in Photoshop/GIMP. You want Red on the left, Green on the top, Blue at the front.
If yours has all sorts of odd marks around the lips, eyes and ears like mine, that's to be expected. Fixing those spots is outside of the scope of this tutorial.
4 Finishing the texture.
For this next step, I'll be using Photoshop. Feel free to use GIMP or Paint.NET, even. You should be able to follow along mostly fine. If you have never edited Skyrim textures before, this may be difficult to follow, and it's not really the space for a tutorial on it. So, I'll quickly address the following:
GIMP 2.10.10+ should have DDS support already.
Paint.NET has DDS support already.
Photoshop requires a plugin. There are two. Hell, I think there's three. I don't know why. I'm using Intel's plugin available here.
If for whatever reason things aren't working out in one program, you can always switch to one of the others.
LE users should export their normal maps uncompressed.
SE users should export theirs at BC7 (Fast, Linear with Intel but don't quote me on that).
I don't know if any of the non-Photoshop ones support BC7 compression or not. If it doesn't, go uncompressed.
First, load your character's current normal map into the program. Then load your new normal map you got from xNormal into the program on top of the first. Name the two layers however you like, or don't, but for clarity's sake, I'll be referring to the original map as Base and the new map as Scar. Attach a layer mask to Scar (if you aren't familiar with layer masks and how they work, pause now, look it up. Super simple; very useful.) and start to subtract all the stuff that you don't need. You should see the Base layer showing up behind it, filling in all the areas you're erasing.
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You'll notice very quickly that the Scar layer will be much smoother than the Base layer, and probably has some differences in hue. Use a really soft brush if you need to blend out the skin. Minor differences in colour value go a LONG way here, so if you see noticeable lines or contours where your new map meets the old one, those will also show up in the game. Do your best to eliminate them if you can. Also, don't be afraid to erase some of the details you're trying to add. Making sure it blends in is the key.
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Here's a gif showing the texture I started with, and how it looks with the scar. Note that other than the scar itself, there's nothing new that's been added to the image. This is to keep things as consistent with the original work as possible.
When that's done, you can export it as a .dds file. Make sure not to export with the Alpha channel, as it's unused and will add significantly to the size of the file.
Aaaaand, finally, that's it. Sort of. There's still a lot more you can do but it's all easy tweaking from here on.
Here's how mine turned out:
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Even without changes to the diffuse or specular maps, the depth still stands out a lot and if you're willing to keep going and adding details to all three maps, you can really make it stand out.
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MAG 83 - Drawing A Blank
doodle 83/200; days left 15/110
Let's write all of the tests before Croatia they said. So we don't have to write any after that they said. LIARS!! >:(((
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vethbrenatto · 1 year
i’m not a vaxleth fan so i haven’t really given it any thought but it’s kind of weird that they haven’t addressed the “you know i’m in love with you, right?” after putting it in season 1 dfgfkjdlgkjdf
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luaspersona · 1 year
friends, my life's been a complete hell these past weeks and that's why i'm absent and not reviewing. basically everything i'm rebloggin rn is queued, but... yeah, i'll be back eventually, and i'm seeing stuff overall but interacting has been hard y'all, i'm sorry
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myonmukyuu · 2 years
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I've kept this a bit of a secret but: during the ordering period, my comic ended up hiting 100+ physical sales! This is waaay more than I initially thought! (At the start, I expected to be printing 30 😂)
To show my thanks, everyone who has purchased a physical item from me will also receive a free A5 gold-foiled print!
The reason for the packing delays is because I've been scrambling to get this print done. Again, I'm really sorry for delaying so much for something that's a bit selfish on my part. I'm really happy that so many people bought my book, so I wanted to put my all into something extra. I think the print came out beautifully so I hope everyone enjoys it 🥺
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