#im not sure i will. honestly even if i do i may call in sick anyway bc this fatigue is unreal
steampoweredskeleton · 4 months
. Ignore
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AITA for telling my brother his wife is using him?
This may be long but I want to make sure there is enough info for you to give an accurate judgment. TLDR at the end but I encourage reading the full post
I (25f) have an older brother, J (28m). I also have a younger brother (22m), L. J and I were always close when we were younger then grew apart as we got older, the boys always were close. The year J graduated high school we became close again.
J met his gf A (29-31f, I dont even know how old she is but she's older then J) during college. I remember the first time A came home with him, and she was very sweet but very nervous. We clicked and had a good conversation that lasted hours (we all were at our parents house and us girls had to share a room and the boys did too). Anytime there were holidays we stayed at our parents and did this (big holidays that colleges had off like Christmas and Thanksgiving)
We met up a couple of times and all was fine. It was hard as they lived far away from where we grew up (2-4 hours depending on traffic and routes). Then I moved to the country, about 20 minutes away from them. We met up more often, but only maybe about once every 3 months. No big deal, I was busy working. Then J and A got engaged and it felt like everything changed.
I would invite them to hang out or get dinner, but J and A would make excuses. J would be like "A can't come so we won't make it" even when I said "okay but what if only you came? You're my brother?" He would make excuses. The days they agreed to meet up, suddenly day of couldn't go. He was tired after work, she wasn't feeling good, the car wasn't working. Anything and everything you could think of. I did notice whenever L came to visit me and stay, J and A would always be available to meet up, even if it was last minute.
So I figured...it somehow must be me? And then they got married. And it was beautiful.
Or so im told as it was a private ceremony and I wasn't invited :) I actually was originally told the date, which I asked off of work for, but then I got a text a week prior saying "guess what happened tonight" and then was told they got married. L was there. Our parents and myself were not. A did tell me she didn't feel right inviting our parents if her parents weren't there...but why not me? I was told it was a private ceremony and only L was there as a witness, but one of their friend's posted pictures and it had over 5 different people in them
I tried to let it go but honestly it hurt me and pissed me off and everything kept adding onto it. I have zero clue what the hell i did. I have texted J and asked him point blank if he is mad at me, he would deny. I asked for A's number cause he mentioned she was lonely and had lost friends, I said we could go get our nails done since that's something she likes (I dont but I figured I'd extend an olive branch) he refused to give it to me. It seems its me but again I have zero clue why.
It worsened after me and J got into an argument. They canceled again, and I do know A was having a bought of depression at this time. I understood, as someone diagnosed with depression and anxiety. But J told me I never would understand (A was still going out to places and hanging out with friends, meanwhile there were days I couldn't get out of bed and called into work sick. I know we shouldn't compare mental illness but it seemed like an excuse to me. A also would do things that she has said makes her mental health worse, like reading and watching things that triggers her). The whole reason I wanted to hang out is because I had Christmas gifts from our parents and a few of our childhood friends for them (L was out of the country at this time and had mailed a gift to them). They kept bailing and I tried for TWO MONTHS, I finally delivered the items the week after Valentines.
One of our friends was a baker and TOLD THEM she baked them a cake, special for them because A has dietary restrictions due to a chronic disease. They knew this and it spoiled. So I was upset for my friend, and I lied and said they got it to save her the hurt.
But when J finally told me to drop off the items I blew up at him. We stood outside his house and yelled at each other. He flat out told me to stop being so emotional and that I was letting hormones get in the way of thinking, and that I should understand A being depressed. I did! I yelled at him he should get his head out of his ass and that he is letting down not just me but our friends, especially the baker who has a waitlist and made stuff SPECIAL for them. He didn't thank me for my gift, but texted each individual person for theirs.
That was in 2022. A month after I apologized and he said he forgave me. But nothing has changed. Since then they didn't wish me happy birthday (they called L on his, he is now living with me temporarily, but when I pointed out I didn't get a happy birthday from anyone *literally only one friend wished me a happy birthday and L, even my own parents forgot* A told me I needed to get over myself and that birthdays weren't that important to them so I shouldn't take any offense. I didnt expect them to wish me a happy birthday this year because of that, but my true friends and my parents did remember this year),. They didn't come to my college graduation. I stopped texting J and I hadn't heard a response since. We did see each other this past Christmas coincidentally, not planned as they didn't come to our parents. J was pleasant, A said nothing but watched me the whole time, and I made excuses to leave this Christmas party as I didnt even know they knew the person throwing the party.
I came home early from work this past week and J was visiting L (something J claims he can't do during weekdays cause he works 9-5 during the week...allegedly). J gave me a hug and we all chatted for about an hour, it felt like old times, but then his wife called. It was a smooth conversation then I got brought up, and suddenly A needed J back home immediately. He bailed on dinner plans he and L had (L had spent all day cooking a roast, it was delicious btw and yes L was upset J didn't stay).
I had enough. I called J during his "work hours" on his cell. J answered and I chewed him out. I said our brother was hurt and whatever the issue with me is HAS to stop. If he doesn't tell me whats wrong, I CANT fix it. J told me there was nothing wrong with me and I was reading too into it. I pointed out some of the same instances I listed and he told me I was reading into it. He then accidentally let slip that A didn't want us talking. Which I figured. I blew up and told him A was using him. A was turning him against me and our parents *i am too lazy to go back but he stopped talking to our parents the same time he stopped talking to me but he always talked to L*. I mentioned how she is an adult and if she has an issue with me she needs to tell me, but instead she's a fucking coward. J yelled at me that she has anxiety and I yelled back "bitch I do too! I'm on fucking meds for it" which i know she isnt. J hung up on me.
Not only is everything above an issue, A also: doesn't have a job and only J has the income. Claims its because of her illness, the one that causes dietary restrictions, yet EATS said things even though she knows makes her sick. She won't let J meet up with our childhood friends. A also has stsrted getting J to take edibles with her. If J is tested, it will get him fired from his job. But then she complains he's being a loser if he doesn't do edibles with her.
The kicker is this: A solely used to date women. J is NOT a woman, nor does he want to identify as one. J knows A used to date women, and again tells me I should be more considerate seeing as how I am openly bisexual. However, and I havent told J this, one of the conversations I did have with A after they got married, she told me TO MY FACE "yeah, I never imagined marrying a guy yet here I am." Laughed and I kind of was like oh haha, isnt it crazy how things work out, to which she said "I dont even like men!" Slapped my thigh laughing and continued laughing. I was bewildered and when J had returned and asked what we were talking about we both changed the subject.
I did tell L when that happened and he thought it was weird but we couldn't change anything as they were married. I dont know if I should tell J.
But really I do feel as though A is using J, but now im wondering if I should lay it out more clearly WHY. Or if I should stay out of it. They already seem to hate me, so part of me is like why not go for it. But L is talking me off that bridge (my therapist is also testing me for something that isnt solely anxiety and depression) . I know J is hurt as he told L such, and part of me feels bad I yelled, but also the rest of me wants to key his fucking car and tell him to shove it up his ass and ban him from seeing L at my house as it is MY house even though L is living there
TLDR: I yelled at my brother his wife is using him as she doesn't have a job, always falls back on her mental and physical illness yet does things to make them worse, and has also told me she doesn't like men (she used to exclusively date women prior to my brother).
What are these acronyms?
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arxxq · 1 year
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Reo and Sae waiting outside/inside of the delivery room for you :)
To the person who sent me a request. @iamsimp13 I'm sorry for the delay. I don't know much abt how pregnancy works..and I don't think this was what you meant so this won't be accurate. I forgot the characters you chose so I ended up doing the ones I remembered...or not.
Itoshi Sae
Sae may look calm, but he's honestly panicking
He couldn't bear see you in pain so he told you abt it
So Instead he told a nurse to be there to hold your hand on his behalf
You didn't mind cause you understand
He was worried sick sitting down on the chair, biting his nails which he doesn't do so often
When the doctor had called him in, he was so relieved to see you smiling holding the baby
And it seems like luck was on his side because it was a boy just like he wanted.
"hey sae he looks just like you!"
"he does, doesn't he..now dear you should rest, let me hold the baby while you sleep okay?"
Mikage Reo
Reo hired a labor couch for you, one of the best ones
He couldn't bear doing it on his own afraid he won't do much
So when the baby was finally there he was overjoyed
He knew how much pregnancy hurts so of course he knew you were exhausted
After they did some inspections on the baby he was happy to be the first one to hold his child
He also noticed so features of the baby and it looked similar to him
He just now that his daughter will be spoiled and would spoil his mother just like him
His baby girl, he's sure that he will spoil his daughter just as much as he spoils his wife
To him right now, that this was definitely one of his best moments in his life
He'll be sure to cherish it
"shh...now your mother there is currently sleeping so for now it's just you and me alright,"
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Im so so sorry...I knew there was other characters but I couldn't remember and I don't think I could write about them...sorry :(
I do still except other requests tho just pls don't be about pregnancy cause I have little knowledge about that...
My ask box is free to be spammed don't be afraid of so.
You can sent me ideas, request or even just talking to me :)
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salvatwh0re · 29 days
Hey girl! you explained really well why you think affirming for others won’t help but i honestly think that if you were to affirm for me/your followers, i personally would enter regardless
also you did say that you are now wanting to help others enter the void so, that’s going to happen but if i just may add in a lil bit of suggestion, maybe you could ask us to do a couple of things like a routine and affirm that “who ever follows this routine will enter the void regardless of everything in all realities”
i think it could be fun and a nice experience/experiment cause a blogger had done this before and had many success stories! like girl if you come up with something today i’m down to do it and share my success story with you right after cause i’m that confident it would work you know?
if you enter the void easily and instantly and could be down for this, i’d be so grateful for you giving this a chance, it’s worth a try imo
(as for others who can’t enter just yet cause of their mindset or something, we know you’ve got their backs too, cause you are starting a challenge soon right so they can work on their mindset and tap in the void then!)
i know mostly everyone presses on this individualist approach that you should be the one entering on your own account but i think we all go to help when it’s required, we go to the doc when we are sick, we go to tarot readers when we need a bit guidance and etc
tldr: we go to certain experts for their advice/help when it’s required! we live in a society and we rely on others for a bit of support every now and then!
and as for me i know that you entering the void and affirming for us would be a boost that could help me enter and be done with my terrible 3D circumstances once and for all so why not try!! i’m sure many people could relate w this and be so grateful for your help too
i have been trying for the void since years atp so i just know your help could seriously change this not just for me but a lot of people who are in the same boat pretty much. Could try it as a lil experiment and then go back to your challenge of course and what you have been planning! I really hope you give this a thought! Thank you!
(also you’re really really pretty btw!!!!) and i wanna go to machu picchu too!!!
Hii! omg this was a whole persuasive essay 😱
I must say you’re very good at writing lol. I actually didn’t want to mention this just yet but since you brought it up, i have seen that blogger and was very much inspired by it (hence why i’m starting a challenge). Also my subliminals too are a part of the experience.
I know it’s not my place to decide for yall, but i know that you will very much appreciate entering on your own. I’m always here to help, and i know it’s frustrating not seeing any movement after years of trying (trust me i’ve been there). But believe me when i tell you you’re gonna be so mad at yourself when you realize just how easy tapping into the void state is. Like genuinely im not even saying this because i do it all the time now. When i first tapped in and manifested everything, I got out and felt like the biggest dummy ever (not calling yall dumb btw 😭).
The point is, yall are simply just over complicating it and i’m actually so upset that it took me so many years to realize just how easy it is cause i could’ve had my dream life a long time ago and I wouldn’t have had to go through what i went through.
With my challenge (i promise it’s coming out sooner than you expect just bear with me 🙏🏽) you’ll definitely start realizing that on your own, with a little help on my end of course. What i don’t want to do, and will not do is all the work for you. Even though it doesn’t require much work on your end, the eye opening and truly awakening experience of finally pushing through was honestly the most humbling and beautiful experience ever. Like i will honestly never take anything for granted again because i’m just so grateful that i have the ability to manifest anything I want now.
When you’re first starting out you always think about it as an escape or like “I can have anything I want”. But once you actually do and you’re able to go about life and actually enjoy it with no worries whatsoever it’s just so amazing, I have no words for it.
But like i said in one of my other posts, some things in life are worth working/fighting for, and although the void state is truly the simplest thing ever (i blame tumblr and shiftok for overcomplicating it), i believe it’s one of those things that you need to experience and go through on your own cause it truly is such a personal and intimate journey with yourself. I’ve learned so much about myself on a spiritual level like honestly i cannot even express it in words.
I know some of you guys have been trying for months and even years (i was in your shoes once too, before i tapped in i was 2.5 years in) but follow through with my challenge, don’t give up on yourself and i promise you every thing will change for the better!
So again to answer your question, yes I am absolutely doing that, just in my own way. It might be frustrating to hear (i would know i hated when people would say this when i was struggling but in the end im grateful for it), but you honestly need to do this for yourself. I don’t know any of you personally and no matter how much you tell me about yourself and your circumstances i will never truly understand you or have your same perspective on life, so in reality you the only person who can truly help you is yourself. Look within first before you go outside of you for help. For some of you, you’ve already tried everything and I understand your frustration but also have some patience with yourself.
I promise you won’t be disappointed with my challenge ( it is being very carefully crafted, also i’m just having so much fun making it!)
I hope this answer was satisfactory for you! if there’s anything else you wanna suggest that i add to my challenge go right ahead! But again in short; my answer is yes :)
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gaspshichat · 2 months
hi chat. pearl made me cry at 9:30 in the morning so y'all know what time is it. warning there will be swears [i say the f word ☹️] bc i haven't slept but i'm somehow not sick rn which. hasn't happened in weeks
[and a quick health update: pretty sure i have narrowed down what's making me sick to three possible things. i'm hopefully seeing my doctor soon bc the refill on my meds expires in june. we're so close and i haven't been able to breathe]
pearl is funny and kind and caring. there is a reason i gave her 10k bits the other day. she deserves the entire world and more. i don't know what the world did to her that made her so kind
i'm not the only one who has a message though !! here are a few messages from people but i've seen so many in reblogs and tweets and whatnot
from my lovely partner tay aka twitter user PandoraRxse: I can’t catch streams very often but your videos always make me smile and I always look forward to a new upload. Keep doing what you’re doing, you’re amazing Pearl
from lovely twitter user SKYBL1NGS: shes like genuinely super funny and has great content that everyone can get into and shes really pretty and i loce pearlecentmoon
from a lovely anonymous twitter user: she is genuinly such an amazing artist, both in minecraft and in real life, all of her art is so lively in a way that i'm not sure how to describe best. also she is such a kind human being :))
from lovely tumblr user sapphicwhimsy: pearl is such a lovely and sweet person. shes SO kind to everyone in chat, new or old, and creates such a lovely environment to hang around in. her streams are the only ones i can sit through fully, and she has SUCH a lovely voice! i could listen to her read the dictionary, because im sure she would make it interesting. she has such a way to make everything interesting! even things like sitting still for thirty minutes can be something interesting in a pearl stream, because shes always got such amazing things to say. shes absolutely beautiful, inside and out, with a kind soul that matches her through and through. the fact that she always tries to read everyone out personally, and tries to pronounce their names correctly - and accepts corrections wholeheartedly - is so nice. and shes so wonderfully accepting to all of her community, and always has well wishes for everyone. shes truly a very wonderful and accepting person, who deserves the world! honestly the sweetest person ive ever came across.
anyway onto the next part of why i made this post
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featuring other GORGEOUS women. my god. i am so
anyway :)) it took me an hour and a half to write this bc i kept getting distracted. in short. pearl is so amazing and wonderful. it's weird how she remembers things about me and actually cares ???
[bc yes. i'm okay with anyone, including streamers, calling me vyren. you know me better than my dad does. it's okay to call me vy, vyren, gasp, or gasps]
sleepy brain wrote this post and i want to say so much more but i can't. i had a better message when i did my 10k bits message but that thing is long gone. the only way pearl knows about those bits is if she sees this
and to her community: i love y'all. y'all are lovely. thanks for helping make my shitty life a little brighter. the world may not be kind to me, but y'all are. thank y'all for that. y'all are so lovely
pearl, if you see this, sending all the love to you and your three cats. and yes. karn is the third cat
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rafeandonlyrafe · 6 months
Depending on who’s account you go on I think people have proof that she’s a Zionist but also I’m not positive on that
assuming this is about odessa so i decided to dig into this a bit because i am very much an anti zionist and support the liberation of palestine and the IMMEDIATE ceasefire and end to the genocide
it seems like the main reason people are saying she is a zionist is because she attended a party (carter gregorys friendsgiving party on nov 9th) that had other celebrities there that are zionists. i don't think the person who hosted the party is a zionist (from what i can tell) but obviously if you still choose to hang out with zionists it's pretty telling. odessa may have been unaware who all was attending, it's impossible to tell.
odessa reposted the below pics (i got them off twitter) which clearly and openly says free palestine but please note i could NOT find this post when searching the profile
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so if it was just this i could probably overlook the party, but i found another thing on twitter that she follows and liked amy schumers post
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i did my own search of this and she definitely still follows amy schumer but i couldn't see that she liked the post (i followed her to make sure i could see because it appears that instagram isn't letting you search the likes) so either instagram isn't showing it or she unliked
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then to continue she posted this (again taken from twitter) from an israeli whose entire account is dedicated to zionism. they even called free palestine protests a call for violence against jews which is obviously bullshit. again, i couldn't find this specific post but i also couldn't spend too much time on the page, it started to make me feel literally sick
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that is all i could find in terms of her being a zionist but i dont think reposting one free palestine post from what seems to be a mostly meme account with no real direct help (such as ways to donate or more information on what is happening) reverses all the other things she has done
i also found other things about odessa but it's nothing i can confirm without another deep dive and honestly im tired of this 😭 but for full transparency she is said to support people who have committed sa (which i do believe because she follows amy schumer who has openly admitted to assaulting her younger sister), that she is a drunk driver and that she is xenophobic
also one last thing:
do not look up to any celebrity. to go off on a little tangent i used to write fanfiction for footballers, and then a whole slew of them came out and supported a rapist. i was so disappointed but it really taught me a lot about supporting celebrities. im not saying you can't be a fan of someone but just remember that they definitely have viewpoints you disagree with and are bound to disappoint you.
it's the main reason why this is a rafe blog and not a drew blog. rafe is fictional. when drew does something wrong i can very easily separate myself from that. i couldn't with my football blog because it was directly about the real people.
im not sure what to say to sum this all up so i will leave you with this:
free palestine ❤️
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ensn4r3d-d0ve · 1 year
« Better Than He Ever Could.
Pairings: Older! Leon Kennedy x F! Reader
Genre: Smut w plot || Word Count: 9.5K
Sypnosis: You break up with your now ex-boyfriend and get together with someone who is a couple years older than you and he treats you better than anyone ever could, like a princess. He works as a officer or a federal agent. He is desperate to let him make you his in order to plan for a honeymoon to get married! :)
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It’s been months since you broke up with boyfriend and found someone new to replace him but every time you look at that manila folder full of papers, it brings back the memories. You were seeing someone who was a bit older than you, but what was his name again? Leon. Leon Kennedy, a officer probably a federal agent due to his looks. You weren’t entirely sure when this all started or where your relationship ended. It wasn’t like you had a problem with his job.
The fact was he did more for you than some other men ever would more than youd ex-boyfriend. But, there was definitely a age difference by couple years between the two of you. While your current relationship may have been good at times, you always felt a little bit out of place with Leon being an older man although it didn’t matter since he treated you well.
When you first met, he was one of those type of guys to spoil you and show you off, and even though he was an FBI agent, he never got too bossy. He knew you needed space and time away from work to think about how you feel about his life choices. He knew enough not to pressure you or pry into your thoughts too deeply so you could get things off your chest and process things.
The one thing that pissed you off all the time is the fact he calls you princess. He calls you “my darling” whenever you’re out in public with other people.
Why am I so uptight about this name?
Why is it that im easily wrapped around his finger?
Why do I want to be around a guy who will treat me better and give me the love I deserve?
And why does this stupid feeling keep popping up everytime i remember? It’s just a name. I can live without it. I’m over it anyways.
So why is my heart aching with so many emotions?
“Something bothering you, princess?” Leon said leaning against your door frame as you stared down the folder of paper in front of you, reading through every single one of them until you finally got sick of looking at it and threw the file on the floor behind you. Leon sighed and made his way over to where you sat. He leaned forward and rested his chin on your shoulder, “Take a break and don’t overwork yourself.” He murmured before planting a kiss on your cheek. His stubble tickled you as he moved back and rubbed your shoulders.
He was always trying to take care of you, always wanting to make sure you’re okay.
It was a little embarrassing honestly, you’ didn’t mind it though. In truth, you really liked it. “Just relax and let the paperwork sort itself out on its own.” he added.
“Yeah yeah.” You chuckled lightly. Leon smiled. He loved making you laugh and you loved seeing the happy smile appear on his face. It meant so much to see him happy. It always helped put a grin on your own face.
Leon walked over to your bedroom and came back after a minute with a bottle of water. He tossed it to you, “Here sweetheart, drink. It’ll help calm your nerves.”
“Thanks, babe.” You mumbled taking the bottle and drinking from the bottom before putting it aside. You turned towards him as you rested your head on his shoulder, “Did something happen today?” he asked softly running his fingers through your hair.
You shook your head, “Nothing big.” You shrugged and took another sip from your water bottle before laying your head back onto his shoulder. Your breath hovered over his collar bone as you looked up at him with your lips parted slightly.
Leon’s arms wrapped tightly around you and he pulled you closer to him. You sighed happily as your eyes closed, “Mmm..your arms are nice.” You said in a sleepy voice before letting your eyes fall shut.
Leon smirked, “My hands, they’re pretty cool too.” That earned you a giggle which sent a shiver down his spine. The sound of your laugh, it was music to his ears. “Hey…” Leon’s voice brought you out of your light doze, “What if we went on a vacation? Maybe somewhere warm?”
You looked at him with glistening eyes “Like a honeymoon…?” you whispered softly. Leon grinned and kissed the top of your head before resting it on your shoulder once more, “Yeah, like a honeymoon. We could get married on our next trip. What do you say?”
Your face lit up at the idea and Leon couldn’t help but chuckle at how adorable you acted. “Yes, please~” you whined playfully wrapping your arms around his waist. Leon chuckled again pulling you closer. “Now, now princess, no need for such dramatics. If you want to go on a honeymoon, we can start planning right now.” Leon said with finality, pressing his forehead to yours with his hand resting on the back of your neck.
“Let me take you…please let me make you mine.” He said desperately. You giggled lightly before nodding your head and kissing his cheek. “Of course.” You whispered before leaning up to steal a quick kiss. Leon grabbed your hand as soon as you pulled back.
Your fingers intertwined together and Leon lead you to the bed where he laid down so you straddled him. You rested your head on his shoulder and Leon gently stroked your hair. “This is my first time…” you murmured as the two of you began to undress each other. “Oh baby, I know. I’m gonna go slow okay, so we both can enjoy this experience?” Leon said reassuringly while rubbing circles into your hipbone as you removed your shirt and his.
He was holding you close to his bare chest, “I’ve wanted to have you since we first met. I want to savor this moment.” He whispered against your temple. “We won’t rush into anything, okay? Just...let us love each other. Let this last as long as possible.” You smiled lightly into his skin and nodded your head. ‘Yes, that sounds great…’ your mind echoed in reply.
Leon gently pushed himself up on his elbows and kissed your forehead tenderly before settling you in his lap.“Ready?” Leon questioned and you nodded your head smiling brightly at him. “Okay, hold tight then.” Leon said softly kissing your lips slowly. “I love you, Princess.” He said between kisses. “Always will.”
He slowly lifted you down onto his cock and moaned as soon as your slick pussy touched his throbbing shaft. Your head fell onto his shoulder as you tried to suppress a moan. You were already dripping wet, your juices soaking into Leon’s cock as you gripped his sides firmly. “God— your so fucking tight…” Leon groaned as his big hands held your hips. “….is it good to move now?” He questioned breathlessly. You smiled at him before nodding your head in response. Leon thrust forward pace quickening, he was going to fuck you dumb on his cock. “Fuck….fucking hell— I’m gonna cum inside ya…” he moaned.
“Le— Leon ah—!” You moaned his name, while gripping his shoulders as your hands went to his back your nails leaving scratches. “Thats right, princess. Keep moaning my name like that…” Leon continued to fuck you roughly against his hard length. You bit down on his shoulder and started moving faster on his cock, “Fuckkk… I’m coming, baby…” As your legs started to shake aggressively, your back arched up as your muscles spasmed around Leon’s cock.
“Oh fuck…I’m close.” Leon groaned as the last of his climax hit him deep inside you. He buried his face in your neck and kissed it before releasing himself in you one final time. “Fuckkk--I love you so damn much.” He said panting heavily and holding you tight as he tried to catch his breath.
“And haaah— I love you too…” You mumbled softly closing your eyes and nuzzling your nose into his neck before sighing contentedly. Leon kissed the side of your head and ran his fingers through your hair. “Are you tired?” he asked quietly. You nodded your head and yawned, “A little.”
“Alright, well, I think it’s time for bed, princess.” Leon said lifting you up and carrying you to the bathroom getting you cleaned up, then taken back to the bedroom where you changed into some comfortable clothes.
Once you were done, you crawled back into the large bed with Leon. He pulled you close to him spooning you with his arm draped lazily across you. His breathing had calmed significantly, you could tell because you felt his chest rising and falling beneath yours, and his heartbeat was calming. “Goodnight, babe.” Leon muttered drowsily. You hummed an acknowledgment in response and snuggled further into his chest, “Love you.” You said sleepily. “I love you too, sweetheart.” Leon replied with a soft smile. He pressed a gentle kiss against your forehead, “Sweet dreams.” He whispered and you let out a small sigh as you settled deeper into him.
The next morning
“Honey? Are you awake?” Leon questioned, poking your side lightly. You groaned a little but remained silent otherwise. “Y/n?” he spoke a little louder still poking your side, “Baby. Wake up.” You rolled over in his embrace and opened your eyes slowly. “Hm…” you hummed looking at him with half lidded eyes. “Can’t seem to remember what day it is anymore huh?” Leon laughed as he brushed your hair out of your face, “It’s Monday.”
He chuckled when you made a face, “Don’t worry baby, I don’t mind staying home today.” He leaned down and kissed your forehead, “Go back to sleep, alright?” He asked placing a soft kiss on your lips. “Promise me you'll stay here with me?” You pouted up at him with puppy dog eyes and his heart melted, “Of course I will, princess. No matter what happens I'll always stay.” You smiled at him happily before curling yourself closer to him and falling asleep. Leon watched your figure disappear behind the curtains of the door. He smiled as he turned over and placed a gentle kiss on top of your head, “I promise, sweetheart.”
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marygodwin-bsd · 1 year
Rating members of the Guild based on nothing but my own vibes (I haven't seen all of season 3)
there is a part 1 and 2 of this and ill probably make a part 4
Lucy M. Montgomery
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10/10 for the fact once she showed up the show stopped treating kyouka like a possible ship for atsushi. 3/10 for the fact they gave her braces but when they needed her to be attractive they got rid of them ??? her design is 7/10, i like all her colors and shes very distinct, but she has the same issue as kunikida does with those big flyaway spikes that ernd up changing the entire hairstyle? just braids would have been fine. 9/10 for that incredibly cool but confusing power, also I just love her so much overall imma give her an 8/10
Nathaniel Hawthorne
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im totally biased bc I liked the scarlett letter except for how much this man loved commas ANYWAYS this guys power is 10/10 freaking SICK I LOVE IT. 6/10 for the design its not bad but its very uhh .. monochromatic?? still cool and i get it might be because the red stands out but like give him one more red piece on his person. 10/10 for secretly being hoplessly in love with margaret?? I love it??? it reminds me so much of the book because of how hester and whatever his name was are super comfortable and sweet with one another in the forest and no one knows about them its peaceful and its fantastic ily nate overall 8/10 he seems like the kind of priest who would give free hugs at a pride parade
Margaret Mitchell
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10/10 for the literal interpretation of Gone With The Wind but i wanna see her make a tornado. 10/10 for being in love with Hawthorne i love a secret romance. 7/10 for that accent in the english VA. 4/10 for seeming like shed be a little... a little phobic idk why i just get that vibe and this is about vibes love the fit 7/10 im just wondering how she can stand to possibly get her skirt wet 7/10 overall i just dont know enough about her to comment on anything else
John Steinbeck
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8/10 for that power being cool but looking so viscerally gross. 7/10 for looking like Baldroy and Finny smashed together, 5/10 for that backstory bc i get it but dude youre going the wrong way. 9/10 for growing grapes for me <3. but 3/10 for putting the girls in danger cmon man be a gentleman overall 7/10
James L.
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(I cannot find a Gif.) uh 6/10 for being there but then he dipped i didnt even know who this was
Mark Twain
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GIMME MORE 5/10 for how i dont understand his ability at all did they just not know what to do and so they gave him his own tiny characters???? 8/10 because hes so cute but uh all the redheads in this show look related bc they are the Same Shade of RedHeaded cmon hony you know how to move a slider towards yellow just make his hair a little lighter. Theres not much about him and im not sure why hes a sniper 6/10 for not getting it, but hes cute! overall 7/10
H.P. Lovecraft
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10/10 the best way they couldve represented him- honestly i was SO WORRIED bc you know you know what IRL lovecraft was like(0/10 for his racism) im just glad they didnt make him like his IRL counterpart instead they just made him like one of his own monsters 9/10! Fantastic idea! I like how just plain weird he is? he has no ability. hes just Like That. the guild just decided they wanted him. team pet. let him nap. 9/10 on that design, hes monochromatic but his hair and face and all that are distinct. oh also 10/10 because in that one fight he uh kunikida uh uh uh 9/10 overall really well done
Herman Melville
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dont know much about him at this moment um 4/10 i hate his beard whats going on there uh 8/10 for the fact he and Moby Dick can talk to eachother and also have arguments apparently??? way to be one with thyself dude 6/10 because i know very little about him
Louisa May Alcott
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baby 7/10 but i feel like shes lonely also how on earth does her ability have anything to do with Little Women?? is time slowing down like, a knock on the book? are they calling it slow?? i'll never know. 8/10 design i like it a lot i mean shes not super distinct but shes cute. overal 8/10
Edgar Allen Poe
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POE!!!! i heard about poe before i watched the show uh 4/10 for how dirty they did him giving him a pet raccoon i love Karl but that is foul (RIP irl Poe rabies mustve sucked) 8/10 for his dynamic with rampo, though i havent gotten far enough to find true ship material beyond that one episode? 7/10 for the design its cool but a bit impractical and i feel like hes doing it for show but honestly its a stylistic choice overall 8/10 for his everything love him
F. Scott Fitzgerald
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Money monehy money, must be funny, in a rich mans world 10/10 for how much he loves his wife i know irl FSG was a dbag to his so great improvement i also think its so funny that his power is Money like how did you learn that so 9/10 for that. 7/10 for that design i can get on board with most of it but his bangs look too much like kunikidas and what is that tie pattern??other than that hes fantastic. the backstory is sad and i wish he could save his daughter. 8/10 overall bc he still beat up atsushi
Part 1 here Part 2 here Part 4 here
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glaivegirl · 4 months
sometimes, if you tell someone you thought they had a van, theyll squint their eyes and nod a slow, solid, groovy yes at you
watch the mere concept of being a van owner wash over them, see the moment when they feel it get groovy, then you can see how groovy the idea of being a loser stoner with a van can elevate a loser stoner with an open mind and a sweaty cock
you cant just choose anyone, you need to find the right stinky loser, maybe she thinks the weed smell covers her hair odor and thinks that maybe the stinks combine into something boho-grunge-something she forgot that finishes the style combo shes going for. she sounds like a fuckin idiot right? wrong, that boho shit? many do it, but some do it so well, no one would dare utter the boho part. because its almost an insult, to her, she says she hated that word and what she made doesnt have some stupid appropriated foreign language all over it, i cant stand the twine, it get rougher and less stable every year i hate boohoo.
shes fucking perfect, this is what gets even the most experienced van-seeders: you have to check, double check, triple check, and im not kidding quadruple check, does she already own a van. just look around or ask her if she has any sick wheels. sick wheels is something you should only use if you need to make absolutely sure. most prime van stoner stock, will be delighted by such a cool, antiquated, and pleasant word to the tongue. And they may begin imagining cars that they'd imagine if you said sick wheels.
im so sorry, she does have a van, and she wants you to come inside the smell is more than you have ever experienced, youre not sure what it is besides weed, cigarettes, and just sex, just the smell of sex like a sweaty dick is cumming a fat load into an even sweatier pussy and now shes squirting
the smell is descriptive, you hop in and get the dicking of a lifetime, youll never forget her, you start brushing as a hobbby, then you get better, some van guys you made make for steady work. youre in demand. you finally buy that van, just because this is your life's blood. youre not better than them, why should you not embrace being 34 and let the van cradle you into your human years. its your van, itll be the best youve ever done. something generic, but something magical, someone who cheats at cards with arcane elementals and lies her way out of hell with a demon's cock ring in her palm. summons the demon, didnt have to be a cock ring, love her for that. ha, my wizard, god its coming together so well.
you finished it months ago and all your friends loved watching it come together, you take a trip, a good, solid, american highway road trip. youre at a taco bell where the people keep trying to do customer service at you, weird at a taco bell. "over there, haha" on that low, moss covered cliff. and you smell something familiar but thick and less clean somehow than even the dirtiest van bro youve had to smell in the shop. but you get, crazy horny, and you look at the wizard on your van. she appears behinid you, the rural white taco bell employee cant handle a category 12 wizard penis. it beaches onto the taco bell, kiling a senator who was only there for a photo op. yall start fuckin again, she says she felt her image, her visage being tugged from somewhere. You fall in love, she says shes 900 but she says when i was a kid a lot and usually shes going to like a mcdonalds before they removed the playplalces, so like 60, shes so hot for 60, i never thought id think of the age of 60 and want to fuck it so fucking much. and you do. at first your friends are upset at having to leave the van, but she kicks them out really aggressively and its kinda hot. theyre all weak willed stoner dudes, so you kind feel bad until you realize how its like the horniest you ever seen them. you all fuck all the way to some place called the mormon epicenter. which was honestly better than the san antonio pier thank god. you saw a demon kind in a thousand robes being offered children from every nation, and you have too ask at this point, why is this mormon, she says she said that as a joke which is extremely comforting since you like like 4 hours from salt lake.
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buckysred · 2 years
Steve Harrington x F!Reader
Summary: Takes place during season 3 after Steve, Robin, and yourself are drugged and interrogated by the Russians, you and Steve have a moment alone in the Starcourt Malls bathroom.
WARNINGS: talk of getting sick, mentions of being drugged, cursing, reader is very clueless, stuttery!steve makes some appearances, horrible writing and editing
Word Count: 1.6k
A/N: I hope someone enjoys this. I had this idea and wrote this down really quick. Maybe a part 2? idk. Im not really happy with the ending but i didn’t want them kissing considering… well you’ll see😭
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You never imagined your life to turn out this way. You never imagined that you’d be tortured by Russians with Steve Harrington and Robin Buckley by your side. Never could you have even attempted to conjure even the slightest of ideas about being drugged by said Russians. Then later, because of those drugs, be getting sick in a mall toilet.
Steve groaned from the stall next to you. “Do you think we puked it all up?”
You pulled back from hugging the bottom of the toilet. “Dear God, I hope so.”
“I’ve had many, and I mean many, hangovers in my life, but never has one felt like this.”
You groaned in agreement. “I think I may have thrown up a lung or two.”
A breathy laugh echoed from Steve’s stall to yours. “Where do you think Robin ran off to?”
“I dunno. We should definitely go look for her soon though considering we just got sick at the exact same time, she’s probably there or headed in that same direction.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right. I’m gonna need a minute though. There’s no way I’m standing or walking after that.”
You slumped further into the side of your cubicle. “Agreed.”
A few moments passed before you broke the silence. “I’m honestly not sure what I’m more shocked by: that actual Russians have infiltrated Hawkins or by the fact you and I just got sick in a mall restroom together.” Despite your stomach’s unease, a small smile pulled across your face.
“Hey! You and I have been….better recently.”
You rolled your eyes at Steve even though he couldn’t see you. “Yeah, better as in you and I don’t scream at each other every day anymore.”
Steve dead panned. “That’s what I call progress, Y/l/n”
You hummed at him in response.
A few more stilted moments passed were all that was breaking the air was each inhale and exhale you both let out. It was oddly comforting being here with Steve. A sickly sweet feeling crawled through you. A feeling you denied yourself of actually acknowledging aloud.
You heard Steve start fidgeting against the stall wall. The cheap plastic letting out slight creaks as he moved.
You knew Steve better than most because of how much time you’ve (been forced to) endured with him. The pitch silence was bothering him, the fidgeting a clear sign of it.
“You O.D. over there, Harrington?”
The squeaking noise paused. “No. I think I’m good, actually. You?”
“Oh yes, I’m golden.”
You didn’t need to see Steve to know he was shaking his head at you. You could imagine that one front piece of hair that always fell across his forehead bobbing away as his head moved. “Ya know every time we talk you never gimme a straight answer.”
Your eyebrows knitted together in confusion. “What do you mean, “straight answer”?”
“Your sarcasm. That’s like all I ever hear come from that mouth of yours.”
“Think about my mouth that much, huh?”
“See! That’s exactly what I’m talking about.”
It was your turn to start fidgeting. Your voice took on a defensive tone, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Steves’s response was almost immediate. His panic palpably warming through his chest and spilling out his lips. “It’s- shit. It’s not a bad thing. I like that. I mean I like how you speak. or- wait, I like how your brain works. No, No, that’s not what I’m trying to say either. I mean I do like how your brain works but-”
Steve’s rambling made a goofy grin slice across your lips. You swiftly intervened in his monologue. “I get it, Harrington. I understand what you’re trying to say.”
Steves’s breath whooshed out of him in immediate relief. But you weren’t finished.
“If you like me that much, you can just say it. It’s okay. I know I’m great.”
It was so easy falling into this rhythm. You teasing him, him teasing you. It was purely Y/n and Steve. You loved every second of it. And because of the familiarity, you thought you knew that his response would be a quick scoff with a “you wish” attached to the end of it but what you got was more silence.
You didn’t let it last more than a few breaths. “Now I really am worried. Should I call time of death?”
A sharp intake of breath from the stall next to yours, then some odd low-voice mumbling. Then Steves’s shifting starts up again. “I- ya know, there’s been some advice I’ve been meaning to ask you for.”
Your nose scrunched at his blatant change of subject. “Um, alright. What advice do you need exactly?”
“There’s- there’s this girl. And she’s unlike anyone I’ve ever met before. She’s fucking hilarious. I swear, I’ve never laughed more than when I’m with her. And I- I like her laugh. I know I’m a fun typa guy but when I can make her laugh…. I actually feel funny.”
Steve paused for a moment. “Wait- not like funny feeling like feeling. More like she makes me more confident in what I say.”
“I understood what you meant, Steve.”
“Oh. Okay, then good. Well, I wanna ask her to go out with me. Ya know this fantastic girl I like. But how do you think I should go about doing that?”
Your stomach twisted as you spoke. “You’re right about this girl. She does sound fantastic, but I’m not sure I’m the right person to be asking about this. I’m not exactly Miss. Love Doctor or anything.”
You waited for Steve’s response, but none came. What did come was his hands reaching underneath the stall and pulling so he could slide under his stall into yours.
You cocked an eyebrow at him. “You know these floors are like filled with germs and you just slid your whole body across it.”
Steve didn’t rise to the bait. His voice was suddenly strong as he continued on the previous topic. “I can’t get advice from someone else. I need it from you.”
“That’s ridiculous. You can get it from someone else. In fact, I know Dustin would be more than happy to-”
You were interrupted by Steve’s hands reaching out and cupping both your shoulders. His thumbs started making small circles there. And suddenly, like his hands were the secret solution to your tense stature (when did you get so tense without your knowledge?), you relaxed under his touch.
Steve had to shift forward in order to reach you, so now he’s much closer to you than before. Your heart picked up pace instantly. Shit, must be the damn drugs.
“No, clueless, I really need that advice from you.”
You swallowed hard. God, you couldn’t think straight. How the hell were his hands so warm? It was a lot easier putting on your bravado with these stalls separating him from you. Your normally confident demeanor was faltering by the second.
“Well- if I had to take a crack at it I’d say to just- um ask her to go do something. Something you both like to do.”
Steve’s hands, which were still resting on top of your shoulders, gently slid up to your neck. His thumbs swiping over your pulse points. “You think so? What do you think I should ask her to go do?”
Your eyes were locked on his, but his eyes were concentrated on his thumbs, on your neck. “I- I dunno. I’m not her or you.”
Steve’s eyes now snapped up, zeroing in on you. “Sweetheart…”
Your eyes were desperately searching his for confirmation. Jesus, you were clueless, not plain dumb. There was no way in hell you were going to risk making a fool out of yourself by suggesting something possibly so off base. This was you and Steve’s relationship you were talking about. You enjoyed seeing each other wound up. So maybe that’s what the touching was? Maybe it was his way of trying to get the best answer out of you. For this girl’s benefit. Even your worst doubts had trouble believing that lie.
Steve’s eyes seemed to find what they were looking for in yours. “Cmon, you gotta cut me some slack here. If you’re gonna make me work this hard, I better be getting a kiss at the end of all this.”
Okay, now you were for sure.
Confidence slowly crawled back into you, you brought your hand up to the back of Steve’s neck letting your fingers card through the hair there. “Ya know, I actually don’t hate your hair?” A teasing smile made its way back onto your face.
His eyes winded in false surprise. “No?”
You shook your head, the movement causing yours and Steve’s noses to brush. “Nuh-uh. Not even a little bit.”
Steve inched his face that much closer. “I really wanna kiss you.”
You parroted, “I really want you to kiss me.”
Steve’s mouth was just millimeters from yours, you could feel his warmth buzzing into you.
It was at this moment Dustin chose to fly into the bathroom, slamming the door into the tile wall.
Steve jumped back away from you in surprise.
Dustin’s eyes were wide as they shot between Steve and yourself. “Okay, what the hell?!”
You slinked your eyes away from Dustin to latch onto Steves. That was all it took for both of you to double over with laughter.
In the middle of both of your hysteria, Erica stumbled into the bathroom with a still drugged Robin.
Robins’s slurred words broke the laughter between the two of you, “Wait- what’d I miss?”
Two beats passed then more erupted laughter from you and Steve. Robins giggling joined the chorus close after.
Dustin just sighed, shaking his head irritably. He looked over to Erica with slipping patience. “You’re never going to believe what I almost just witnessed.”
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ebonysplendor · 3 months
I'm a Copycat Review 👯‍♀️
TL;DR: Declan is fucking nuts, and if you thinks that's fucking nuts, wait until you figure out the MC's back story because it's also, you guessed it, fucking nuts ... fuck.
Game Link: https://drcllemlon.itch.io/im-a-copycat
Notable Features: Side-image sprites, named MC, she/her MC, Yandere LI Spiciness: 1/5 -- Pretty wholesome, for the most part. A sex scene was implied and there's a suggestive-ish cg, but...meh, super tame LI Red Flags: 3.5/5 -- Gaslighter, animal abuse, stuck in the past, physically abusive
Want to know more? Well, let's get into it!
Yeah, I don't know why I dropped the "f" bomb so many times...? Well, anyways...
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Okay, so, excitingly enough, this was actually a requested game! Not only was it requested, but it was requested by the dev themselves. Allow me to flex for a singular second or two.
No, like, deadass, can everyone just forget about the game for two seconds and focus on me? Like, I'm actually hype about this! I didn't have to go game hunting! The game hunted for me. THE DEV hunted for ME. I'm just mad excited about that. That being said, if you didn't know you could send me requests, now you know lol.
Anywho, so, the game!
Admittedly, this game was a lot better than initially expected? If you've read my reviews before, you know I'm conceited and want to be absolutely immersed and live out my sick, twisted fantasy by self-inserting. Unfortunately, this game isn't a self-insert, and the start was a lil' slow, not gonna lie, but like once shit started rolling? I no longer cared about the lack of self-insert because lmaooooo it got kinda wild.
There really is something so lit about a game that you're like "...Yeah, I don't think I'm feeling this" or "I don't think I'm going to vibe with this" but then you're suddenly super invested, and you're just sitting there like "What the hell is going on?!". I can honestly say that that was exactly what happened, and gods damn it, am I glad that I stuck around for the madness.
That all being said, I think the intro is long enough. Let's get into the game, because lowkey excited to tell you guys about it. As always, I will give you as much information as possible without actually spoiling it because you just may have to gotta, really, totally play this for yourself
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So, boom.
We do the generic wake up in the morning feelin' like PDiddy thing and welcome the day with positivity. After admiring the sky for a little, we notice that there is that good breakfast smell in the air and rush into the kitchen, but not before putting on the glasses that our loving boyfriend always reminds us to wear -- don't wanna trip over any steps or anything like that haha ha... ANYWAYS!
Before we see the breakfast, though, we see the absolute snack that's in front of us. The snack is bae, and the bae's name is Declan. Look at this little cinnamon roll.
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To go off topic for a bit, I've seen cuter/more hot LI's but this one got the "adorkably cute" aesthetic pretty good, because he is lol. He's a dorky cute, and frankly, it's fitting.
Anywho, so we exchange our good mornings, eat our breakfast, and help Declan clean, even though he's adamant that we don't have to. I mean, sure, we could've not helped, but what kind of partner doesn't help with household chores?! Nah, we're gonna help the bae! So, we do, and...we get hurt in the process. It hurts, and Declan's freaking out a bit, but we get patched up -- even though we're not bleeding or anything -- and life is all good again.
We get dressed, making sure to wear our super cozy jacket to make sure we don't get cold -- even though, we're never cold but Declan always insists that we are -- and get our day with Declan officially started, but not before this weird little quip happens.
See, Declan gets a call from work, right, and he's trying to explain to them that we still aren't well after our car accident. Apparently, it was pretty bad, and we got some kind of amnesia from it, so Declan took some time off work to get us reacclimated to...well, life, but corporate ain't trying to hear that and told him to bring his ass back into work, like, yesterday. So, Declan somewhat finesses it and is able to get an extra day, but he's super sad that he has to leave us, and the feeling is definitely mutual. No worries though! Why? Because we've still got two days, so why not just make the most of it while he's here with us! Until...he falls ill, that is.
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So, us being the amazing girlfriend that we is, we take care of Declan like he's been taking care of us. After a little while, Declan just opts for sleep, and we let him do so. Sleep does help a lot when you're sick, after all!
Tending to ourselves, we try to make ourselves a fat bowl of totally not Lucky Charms, but Luck Jewels -- totally different, and not at all the same, so don't argue with or "@" me. Whether we're eating knock off Lucky Charms or a totally different cereal doesn't matter though because there's not really any of it left except the dust, not to mention we totally wrecked the shelf while trying to find something else to eat.
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This is a bit of a problem because we don't have a screwdriver to fix the shelf, and we're still damned hungry! We don't really have any choice but to go to the store, but for some reason, Declan's really weird about us leaving the house since we're still struggling with amnesia and remembering how certain things work, let alone how to actually do it properly or so he tells us. So, we put on a brave face, get dressed, take some money from his wallet, and head on out!
While scoping out the supermarket, we make note of these really bomb cupcakes in the window of a bakery and make a note to visit another day, but right now, we're on a mission, and we must stay focused, my bois! As planned, we get in there, get our cereal and a screwdriver. Okay! So far so good! Well, our plan kind've diverged when we run into this girl, and...huh...
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She damn sure looks...
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...a lot like us. More than a lot, actually. She's pretty much an exact copy. Well, that's...slightly uncomfortable and extremely confusing.
Clearly, she's thinking the same thing about us because she kind've rushes out before we can think any more about it or even say anything to her about it. We decide to follow suit and rush home ourselves to fix the shelf and finally eat something! We messed up a little though because we had gotten hurt -- again -- and Declan isn't exactly wearing glasses for no reason; he immediately noticed. We handle it pretty well though through some innocence and tears, and Declan drops the topic as soon as it comes up. Everything is gucci, again, and we're able to move on with our day and go to bed like normal.
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The next day rolls around, Declan goes to work, and we officially have the house to ourself and our trusted stuffed companion, Bruce. After some debate, we decide that today is the day we could go to that Bakery that we saw and get some of those cupcakes that we saw in the window. When we get there, something really odd happens.
The guy who works in the bakery is talking to us like he knows us, even going as far as to mention our dad. He starts trying to follow up with us and mentioned stuff about a break up, and this evil man, and someone named Mittens and...what the hell is this guy talking about?
So, of course, we're just standing there, because we came in for cupcakes, and this man just comes out of the woodwork with all this...information, and we don't know how to respond to any of it, but here's the even wilder part. Remember that doppelgänger we had saw yesterday? She's ends up coming into the bakery during all of this, and immediately, the man takes note of his mistake and allows us to go on our way. Like...what the hell was that?
Whatever though, we eat some of our cupcakes, hide the rest when Declan comes home, skip dinner (for obvious reasons), and get to bed. Fast forwarding a bit, we end up leaving out again, and we're feeling a bit adventurous and decide to buy some hair dye to color our hair like the girl that we saw because...well, we thought it was super pretty, and we wanted to be pretty, too, so it felt like the right thing to do lol. It...didn't come out well.
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Like, at all. Aside from the absolute disaster that our hair came out to be, we have an even bigger worry: How is Declan going to react when he sees us?
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Yeah, that's...what I thought.
Well, now...this is damned embarrassing, but still, Declan is our sweet and loving boyfriend! He loves us! Surely he wouldn't think it silly of us to want to dye our hair. Surely he wouldn't make fun of us for failing so miserably. Surely he wouldn't get angry that we snuck out to buy the hair dye. Surely he wouldn't get angry when he figures out that this wasn't our first time sneaking out. Surely he wouldn't lash out and turn into someone he isn't...
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Surely not.
And that's all I'm going to tell you! Aht, aht! Don't make that face! You know that I (usually) never tell you about how a visual novel ends! You gots to play it for yourself if you want to know how it ends, and trust me, you're going to want to know. Just a tip, this isn't even the "true" ending, and believe me when I say...
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It gets pretty wild.
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Okay, so this game is actually pretty good!
Y'all know I wouldn't lie to you, even if a dev specifically asks me to review their game, and let me tell you, I was not feeling it at first. I honestly truly wasn't. The start was kinda slow, there was a side-sprite of the MC, and there wasn't an option to put your own name in. I was pretty bummed because one of the main things for me is the option to self-insert, so for me, the game was kinda doomed from the start, and I probably wouldn't have downloaded it if I was just scrolling along and saw this game on my own, but listeeeeeen.
The plot itself, while it's nothing super innovative or anything, it was pretty damn solid. I really want to tell you the specifics but it would literally ruin the game as a whole. Honestly, from the title and just what I told you, you can probably gather what's going on, but how everything goes down and the information that we find out and ultimately how it all ends is a bit wild.
It's not a super choice heavy game, but the choices that are available -- and pay attention because this is about to be a "pro not really pro but something I think would be helpful to point out" tip! -- are essentially options that dictate how the second half of the story goes and what points you to the "bad" ending, the "good" ending, and the "true" ending, so keep that in mind.
The only gripe I have about the game is that the title is kind've a dead giveaway as to what's going on, especially when you play through like the first couple "scenes" or so of the game. Other than that, it's a pretty good read! It definitely kept me interested despite it being more "novely" (if you read my other review, that's a word I use to describe visual novels that have a more linear story line). Not to mention, the art style was pretty damn adorbs, and I liked that there was a lot of different CGs. I haven't run across a visual novel yet that's had as many CGs as this one has, so that was definitely a welcomed change because...well, I like art/drawings lol. Like, look at some of these images!
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Ugh, the amount of CGs just scratched my brain so correctly. I am a visual novel CG slut, I tell ya. Anytime there's a CG in a visual novel? I'm all over that shit. I love CGs. CGs for life. CGs forever.
Okay, that's enough gushing about the CGs...
ANYWAYS! That is my review of the game! Again, I thought it was a pretty solid read, and I recommend! It's free, so, what have you got to waste other than time? As per usual, I provide a link at the top, bottom, and within the review, and it is right here. Don't be shy! Go ahead click it, download it, play it, and share your thoughts on the dev's game page! Send them those lovely words of reassurance to let them know "Hey you! I liked your game, and I think you should make more!". As always, donations are super helpful as well, and if you want to be extra fancy, here is a link to the dev's tumblr page!
All righty! That's all from me this time around! Drink water, don't be dumb, and hope to see you around~!
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I'm a Copycat
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richardsphere · 3 months
Leverage Redemption Log: The Card Game Job
Ok, time for the show to try and justify its use of playing-cards in the leader i guess? (still waiting for the timebomb) --- Ah, a beautiful establishing shot of a riverside, then a shot of a toppled tree. Nice to see a place get shown rather then hidden behind infinity-point font.
Kids dad is running out of money for their medication, its gotten to the point they need to sell their truck. (Fuck) kid dies within 1 minute of taking the medicine. --- Look I know this guy is scum, but lets not use the "he's pleading the fifth and listening to his lawyer and therefore must be evil" propaganda bullshit, allright? He's evil because he's holding sick childrens lives hostage, not because he's pleading the fifth.
hedge fund primarily made up of his own money? That sounds like a lie. --- Poor Lucy, Not only did she get fucking kidnapped, not only does she have to watch workplace harassment seminar videos but also IT looked into her browsing history? Poor Lucy.
Coffee and Beignets delivered (place your bets for poison?), button-cam in place.
Suck-up is gonna be the achiles heel. (Suck up is also the true mastermind behind the price-gauging) Breanna is placing office bugs.
Guy got second in a TCG once years ago and is still pissed about it. Initial prediction: Sell him a Black Lotus? --- Back from commercials, Breanna is loredumping. Apparently there is a rare and unique card in the castle somewhere. (no one knows what the finder gets outside the card. Im betting its Willy Wonka rules and the finder gets the company) --- They've taken the bait and now legitimately think the company might be for sale.
redirected his e-mail server. Honestly a lot more we could be doing with that. (you know what happens when a hedgefund CEO type doesnt have access to his own e-mail for a day? What can happen if you can send e-mails from his server in his name? I sure as heck dont know but am afraid of the answer)
Ok, either he is actually selling or we're getting counter-conned. (yeah, number 2 is definitly the real power here. We're scamming the wrong mark) --- and we're doing a national-treasure cluehunt. (its gonna suck, cause all the riddles are gonna be clueless riddles about a fictional cardgame we as an audience cant solve.)
Why the slo-mo on the walkout of the theatre? This scene does not ask for that. --- Sad Breanna is sad that Parker wont accept their help. (Parker is acting a bit OOC here, she knows better then to refuse a booklet of passwords)
Harry is here to unionise the securityguards.
Breanna has bought Parker time by attacking his pride and re-focussing him into "proving himself" by playing the actual game (he knows he cant lie about the riddles) Big Thug is off to find Sophie (dont worry, Elliot is with her)
Elliot is not happy that he's being volunteered for a Joust. (weird, i know he likes horses) --- Cordozar is wearing secret Clark Kent glasses to cheat. (When is team leverage gonna catch on that they're conning the wrong mark) --- And "Rage" has killed Elliot's dragon. Ah the classic "its all part of the show" fightscene. Love myself one of those.
Ok its the lake-pond. Nice little thing with harry signing to take the earbuds out for a private talk. --- "you have to be a killer" breanna says one thing he doesnt like and he imediatly calls for a time-out. Look for anyone who wasnt paying attention, obviously this all ends with Mr. Poet not selling his company because his passion has been re-ignited, and may even end with him getting his castle back. But I just want to note how charming it is to see Sophie con a man, not because she is after anything he owns but because she just needs him to be happy and distracted for a bit. --- What do you mean it took Breanna this long to realise she could hack his glasses/earbud thingy or his assistants cardgame-supercomputer... I guess she is new at this like Harry is so it sort of makes sense for her to miss that... --- Climatic "place to belong" community-speech is a bit on the nose and overdone but its a cliche that is overdone for a reason. (guess what, most cliche's are cliche because they work. saying something is cliche is a statement of fact not an insult)
"guess im not that good", nice line. 8.9/10 --- "lets just say the new owners are happy, and even happier to avoid a class action lawsuit". Game night at the theatre. --- Unfortunately this episode did not assist in justifying the sequel series bond-based trailer.
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dmbakura · 2 years
i beat sonic frontiers and i have many thoughts so imma just compile them here. overall im really happy with the game and i’d love see sega build off of this going forward. spoilers ofc
the good:
-open world (or ‘open zone’ as they called it) works surprisingly well for sonic. i hate open world games so the fact i like what they did here certainly means they got something right lmao
-sonic controls really well. it’s not perfect and i wish they’d refine some physics but i was so worried about this game because of the early footage making it look automated and stiff. im really happy to say it didnt feel like that at all. blasting through the islands and stringing together rails and platforming and just doing sonic stuff feels amazing and like it justifies the space being used. this and elden ring are both unironically amazing examples of how to do open world well.
-the combat and expanding sonic’s moveset was long overdue honestly. there’s only so much you can accomplish with homing attacks. the cyloop and various other attacks added were fun additions even if overall it’s quite simplistic (definitely no devil may cry lol). im not sure how other people like this change? i found it snappy and satisfying but ive seen some say it slows the game down for them? good thing about it is you can automate it if you dont want to deal with it at all.
-the story is actually engaging and taking itself seriously. it also expands on established series lore (so many callbacks to adventure 1) and it’s very nice to see. the plot isnt all that unique or original but it’s been so long since it felt like the game’s were trying to tell a story that wasn’t some bullshit meta nonsense or complete half assed shit like forces.
-the characters are the narrative highlight, same as above, they’re written like actual people and not mouthpieces for stupid jokes. it made me remember why i like these characters. the new addition, sage, was also handled well i think, even though she’s pretty annoyingly vague at the start. she has good development and her relationship with eggman is pretty heartwarming.
-the BOSSES are the definite highlight of the game. the fourth titan and final boss is an interesting, though kind of underwhelming fight, but the other 3 are absolute PEAK. holy shit. best bosses sonic has ever had for sure
-banger music. see above, the bosses have the best tracks in the game but i also found myself really enjoying the overworld themes and cyberspace tracks. sonic games usually have amazing osts and this one is no exception.
-the last island’s cyberspace stages were very solid and i enjoyed them
-i can take or leave the baby mode puzzles scattered around tbh. some of the puzzles were satisfying to do but others were just like... walk over and tap a button. not obtrusive but also not really engaging
-i actually did end up liking the overworlds despite initially thinking they looked like awful generic botw inspired crap, but i still think i’d like to see more stylized worlds that are characteristic of sonic going forward. it might have made sense in this game given the lore of the koco/ancients and how desolate and isolated they are but yeah, they’re not the most visually appealing at times- especially the third island which is quite barren for large stretches of it. so i guess this is more a future note?
the bad:
-the cyberspace stages. like i said above, i felt the last island ones were the strongest, but most are just kind of... there. they use themes and aesthetics pulled from green hill, chem plant and sky sanct (as well as an ambiguous city stage) and this is the one area of the game that made it obvious to me sega doesnt want to move on completely. i would have preferred they make new original stages but if they HAVE to use past ones, wouldnt it make sense to use adventure stages or something, given the story relevance? man im just so sick of green hill lmao. 
-on top of this, the physics in these stages are pretty bad. so many times ive just blasted off the side for no reason. it feels like these were slapped in last minute or something, like they’re not compatible with the engine. they break up the gameplay pretty awkwardly and i found myself leaving them until i absolutely had to do them
-there’s unfortunately a lot of polish missing from the animations. it’s serviceable and definitely not the worst sonic has had but i noticed quite a lot of snapping/popping. even some of the cutscenes look dull in the character animation
-polish missing from the game performance as well. most egregious were the various pop-ins that people have been pointing out from the very first gameplay footage. it’s pretty ugly sometimes and can make navigation a little awkward. the game functions perfectly fine but i really hope they can get more people/time to add finishing touches like this in their next game. i didn’t get frame drops or anything, but it still didn’t feel quite optimized. it would be really nice to have a sonic game that you can say is all around polished and amazing for once
SO YEAH it’s got jank. it’s a bit experimental and weird. but it also does so much right and its flaws didnt take away from the fact i was having so much fun while playing it. i was immersed, i wanted to see where the story went, i loved how sonic controlled. i loved that there was a clear direction for this game and that it actually felt like it was trying to be something. im just so happy that for the first time in what. 10 years? i came away from a sonic game feeling satisfied and optimistic about where they can go from here ^w^
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jaydangan · 1 year
i saw someone call him narcissistic for trying to kill teruko and betray her
I'm seeing this A LOT in the fandom, and I am SO SO SICK of people trying to paint David as a worst person than he really is. Maybe I'll eat my own words in the future, but I can promise you honey, David is NOT a purely evil person! (at least from what is already public)
Is it a two-faced liar? Yes, yes he is. I mean.....if my job was to constantly tell ppl that things will be okay, I guess that would also make me a liar as well (as optimistic as a person can be, the most ideal way is not always a reality). Did he tell Xander to kill Teruko? We do not know that yet! I see lots of people saying that "Xander trusted David right off the bat, of course he would trust whatever David said!" but honestly? I don't suspect David as much as anyone else (maybe except Ace, Arei, or Arturo). Xander is genuinely someone that wanted to be friends with everyone, and yes, he looked up to David. But we do not know for sure if David told him to kill Teruko. And even so, like......Teruko is kinda sus, ngl. It's very briefly touched upon in chapter 1's trial, but THE SIGNS ARE THERE, in chapter 2. I even saw a comment in one of chapter's 2 episodes where someone said "No wonder Xander tried to kill you Teruko, you sus!"
Chapter 1, I admit, David is pretty sus. But after watching the screentime he had (so far) in chapter 2, he's not......he's not horrible! He was someone that constantly needed to be perfect, put up a happy go lucky persona, and try to maintain a positive attitude, even if he was depressed himself. He couldn't be sad, he needed to be the 'happy' one. Xander, who fell for David's on stage persona, became what David genuinely wanted to be. Which is why David said "technically *YOU* are my rolemodel, Xander". His friendship with Xander seems 100% geunine
I see people even going as far as saying "David was secretly rude to Xander and was glad that he died cause David hated his fans" and I was like ".......Did you watch drdt with your eyes closed?!"
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk, and sorry for the spam, but TDLR: David Chiem is best boy
Again, I may eat my own words in the future, but so far, he's.....not evil. Just a guy that's secretly depressed, but has to be happy cause it's his job
Okay, i have to say chiem was looking pretty sus to me. I was suspecting him to be the Mastermind even. But honestly, finishing chapter 1, i think not. I think david is just... A tired guy. Hes tired of being optimistic, and i understand him! I truly believe he is a optimistic and loving guy but- he reached his limit yknow? His sanity is slowlyng getting lower. I truly believe chiem is a cool dude, he's just... Tired.
And also, i think david telling xander that xander is his "rolemodel" is a genuine feeling towards matthews.
Well, i didnt get to chapter 2 but i got kinda.... Mad at teruko... As both a paranoid and a overly- betrayed-person the scene of min hugging teruko hit me HARD in the heart. Cause i understand both of them.
I like teruko, but sometimes she makes me... Sad? I dunno- like- all her hatred towards matthews was absolutly comprehenseble, but at the same time- it made me so... Sad?
I was really dissapointed with xander. I been backstabbed and that shit HURTS. I definetly got really mad at xander for what he did to teruko but-
THATS THE PROBLEM! WHY DO I UNDERSTAND TERUKO BUT- i still find her kinda... Harsh...? I dunno....
But back to chiem, hes cool, i like him, and im hoping to see more of him in the future!
(lets hope he dont turn out to be the Mastermind, that works for xander too, if matthews is revealed as the Mastermind (fake death) i'll be so PISSED)
And btw, please spam my inbox, i love it :)/gen/nf
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menalez · 1 year
Im so happy for you and your butchlet! so lucky!
And omg... i dont know thatd be funny though, the tiniest butch. I mean honestly I just want to be tall in general im sick of being so smaall it makes me feel so gross. So like maybe a taller Butch would be fine it just feels inauthentic!!!
But anyways i do fit all the criteria! im just scared ahahah... I think either way I'll wait though bc rn its gotten more attention thanks to that one guy and like idk 0.0
Also i keep being scared im going to accidentally post something off anon so if i do... ignore it.... okay thanks bye mena <3 (idk what to call you but that sounds cute so?? sure i guess)
well if ur 5’0 u may find a butch ur size as well bc my gf is 5’0 😭😭 but tall butches are great too. i don’t have any dating experience w them tho.. just butches my height or shorter. wasn’t intentional it’s just so many are not tall 😩
yeah it’s fine to be waiting around <3 a lot of new people joined since yesterday. i can understand being wary. the server will still be around when the hype dies down so feel free to join then!! love that that guy basically advertised a lesbian-only server for me and helped it pop even more. turns out a lot of normie and crypto lesbians follow him hehe.
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saadwriteer · 9 months
I have always craved for a gentler type of love. But why do I always end up being with someone who will always hurt me at the end?
During that moment, there were 4 people hitting up on me, but I chose you... honestly, idk why? but maybe because of the theory of proximity? we we're just always together due to having mutual friends. and there i became so attached with u.
I always thought u were going to be a green flag, kasi everytime nagkekwento ka sakin about sa mga past experiences mo, u always say how it felt like being unappreciated and nog acknowledged so i did everything to make u feel appreciated and loved when we had our thing.
Lahat ng first time mo, ako yung kasama mo. Cause I've always wanted you to experience things you've never experienced before. I know di mo naman inask for sakin yun, but know that i AUTOMATICALLY gave them cause thats just HOW I AM. kasi when I love? i give my hundred percent. I give everything I could give you para lang maramdaman mong special ka, na you are so important to me..
You used to tell me how lucky you are to have me but everytime we have a fight, u always make me feel like na ang malas malas mo for having me + comparing me to your exes na never manlang pinahalagahan yung family mo or never manlang niregaluhan ka. Not saying na they didn't love u enough but rather they were not able to give the type of love I was able to gave you.
Sadly, I'm experiencing again what I went through with my ex. Yung hahayaan lang ako magalit hahahaha tapos di ako susuyuin hanggat di ako magrereach out, then papalipasin yung ilang days na di okay dahil lang di ako yung nag iinitiate and nagfifirst move para lang maging okay tayo... i always told myself na ayoko na uli mangyari yun sakin, but here I am again, suffering with your love...
yes, u gave me princess treatment, u gave me special efforts but those are nothing when u are mentally abusing me. calling me things and names na hindi naman dapat, and even using my academic awards to backfire me? you're a fucking red flag.
dun pa lang sa part na nagsisinungaling ka during our early months, I should've left to save myself but I risked kasi baka magbago ka pa hahahaha but i decided to stay kasi attached na rin ako eh. I was hoping na mabibigay mo ung treatment na gusto ko kasi inaalagaan mo naman ako hahahaha but not taking caring of me mentally and emotionally.
u always take a toll on my mental health everytime we fight. i never get the assurance from you. never did i ever felt na nagsissisi ka na unless ako mauna magsisi sa kung ano mang nangyayari satin. u always prioritize your pride and ego rather than my feelings.
u always make me feel like im asking for too much when I'm just asking the bare minimum..and my last straw was you, calling me "walang utak" just because i told your sister about what we went through and what we're having. you're close-minded ass sucks.
what i hate the most was when u keep on insisting to bring back the things I gave you just because we're no longer together (unofficially), and probably 100% sure na ibabadmouth mo lang ako sa ibang tao after this thing, kasi ganun naman gawain mo sa ex mo hahaha na para bang di ka minahal kahit papano.
But i knew for sure, i was the best lover u ever had. I gave you all your first, and even spoiled you, mga bagay na u never thought ur going to experience. But you lost me already. and im so sick of you.
but yeah, im still going to root for u, i hope maging successful ka in the future and may u find the right person for u na suitable sa personality na meron ka.
dahil napapagod na ako sayo, at nakakaubos ka na mahalin.
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